Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1898, Image 6

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Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Green , office 012 Fourlh street.
Call nt The tlec office for Cuban maps , lOc
Or. J. W. Hcmpstead of Carson was In Ihe
city ytstiTday.
Dr. A. O. Mudgc , Ihe dentist , rcjumil
from 319 to .138 Droadway ,
Miss Laura Fllcklngcr has gone to Red
Oak to act as court reporter for Judge Macy.
Taylor Wooltey wenl lo Phclps , Mo. , yes
terday uhero ho Joins I. Odcll for a few
dnjB1 fishing.
Theron Jossclyn , formerly of Ihls clly ,
Imt now a resident of Kansas City , Is visit
ing relatives here.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color and finish. 620 Pearl
Blicct. Phone 290.
The Knlhnslastlc club will meet tomor
row afternoon at Iho residence of Mrs.
Backctt , 1116 Third avenue.
The Rebckah Relief society will mett
tli In afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock at the homo
cf the president , 111C Third avenue.
The regular weekly meeting of the execu
tive committee of the Council tlluffs Kx po
sition aesHclatlon will be held tomorrow
Don't you think It must bo n prctly good
laundry llml can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
Chief of Polllcc Ilrennan and Police Judge
WK. . Uubcock of South Ona'ia wcro In the
city yesterday , having been called as wlt-
mbses before the district court grand Jury.
Several members of Ihe Council Illtiffs
chapter of the Daughlcrs of Iho American
Revolution have signified their Intention of
Joining the Women's Sanitary Relief com
Andrew Knstner , formerly In the banking
business In Council niuffs , now clly re
corder of Walnut , la. , was In Iho clly yes-
t < rday on business connecled wllh the dis
trict court.
The Detroit gas machine will light your
residence or store , costing 1 cent to run a
tilxty-four candle power lamp four hours. J.
( ' . Illxby , heating , plumbing , lighting , 202
Main and 203 Pearl St. , Council Dluffs. la.
William Llndsley , against whom n charge
of vagrancy under the state law had been
filed In Justice Ilurkc's court , had a hear
ing yesterday afternoon and was sentenced
to ten days In the county jail.
Thomas P. Trcyiior has resigned his po
sition with the Union Transfer company In
this clly to accept ono with the Cudahy
company In South Omaha. He will continue
to make his residence In Council Bluffs for
the present.
, County Atlorncy Saunders received word
yeslcrday lhat the supreme court had de
cided Iho case of Frank Nugo Salvador
against Mr. and Mrs. M. Fceley of Under
wood against the plaintiff and lu fuvor of
his clients , the appellants.
The case of Mrs. Hulda Wells against
Wheeler & Hereld , in which Iho plalnltft
sues for damages for Iho benefit of Ihe
county school fund , alleging that the de
fendants sold her minor son Intoxicating
liquors , Is set for hearing loday In the dis
trict court.
Charles Converse , a railroad man out of
work , was given lodging at the city jail
last night. Ho fs suffering from a badly
rnralned foot , which ho said he received by
bolng thrown off a train near Pacific Junc
tion. Ho will probably bo sent lo Ihe hos
pital this morning.
.Mrs. . N. C. Phillips , wife of Clly Clerk
Ithllllpa , received word yesterday that her
cpusln. John Ilraden , a lad of 1C years ,
bad enlisted at Knox , Ind. , and had gene
with Ihcj troops to Chtckamauga. Young
Braden's father served during the war of
Ihe , rebellion when he was bul 15 years of
The Council Bluffs Women's Sanllary Re
lief commission will Hold Its regular meetIng -
Ing tomorrow afternoon at the armory In
the Masonic building. A box will bo packed
and sent lo the soldier boys at Camp Mc-
Klnloy , and all persons having packages are
requested to have them at the armory be
fore 3:30 : o'clock that afternoon.
. .Superintendent Dlmmock of the Omaha
& Council Qluffs Railway and Bridge com
pany has written Abe Lincoln post , Grand
Army of the Republic , thai Ihe company
will be glad to furnish a free motor Sunday
evening to convey the veterans lo the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church , where the post
will bold memorial services. Afler Ihe
rervlcea Iho car will b In walling lo con
vey the old soldiers hack to Ihe hall. The
car will bo at Iho corner of Pearl street
and Broadway at 7.30 o'clock.
C. B. Vlavl Co.'female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 32C-327-328 Mer-
rlam block.
Money to loan on city property. Klnne.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Storage , Wlnn & Konlgmucher , 336 Bwy.
Sutirrlor Court Nate * .
; In the superior court yesterday Charles
Dlcklnton , executor of John Dickinson , com
menced proceedings against W. A. McMlllen
and others lo foreclose a mortgage for $700
on lol 1 , block 17 , In Beer's addition.
, .In the case of the Omaha National bank
RCalnst J. W. Squlro to quiet title to an
eighty-acre farm In Silver Creek township ,
the plaintiff yesterday filed an amendment
to tbo petition In the district court , staling
that It desired to have the defendant an-
iwer the following Interrogatories : Who
kppcared at tax sale In 188S and bid In prop
erty In controversy under the name of
Howard ; to whom was the certificate of tax
lalo delivered and at what date was the
purchase price paid to the treasurer of Pot-
tawattamlo county ?
Irving hotel. 2759 B'd'y ; rales , $1.50.
Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World
fct The Bee office , lOc each.
I'ollet Court.
In police court yesterday morning Joe
Armstrong , n vendor of fake Jewelry ar
rested Monday as a suspicious character , was
given the alternative of thirty days on bread
and water In the city Jail or to leave the
city within two hours. Ho accepted the
latter proposition and left.
George Montgomery was given thirty days
In the county Jail for vagrancy ,
James Ryan , n cripple , who claimed to
have lost part of a limb In a railway nccl-
Sent at Des Molnes and who has been beg-
lng on the strecls , was arrested yesterday
morning for being drunk. His pockctbook
ihowcd thai ho had succeeded In collecllng
leveral dollars from a sympathetic public.
Ho will be ordered oul of lown.
Souvenir Council Bluffs , the grcal exposi
tion number , published by J. C. Small , Is
now on sale at all the book stores In Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha. U Is a beautiful
fc-ork and reflects crcdll upon Council Bluffs
and Iho publisher. The work will doubt
less have an enormous sale.
Store your stoves at Cole & Colo's now
I1t > nl
The following transfers have been filed
In the title , abstract and loan olllco of J , W.
Bqulre , 101 I'earl street :
C. B. Lefferts and wlfo to John T.
Hedlck , 4SO lots In Potter & Uvorgo
company's addition , q. c. tl . . . . . . $ 2
Burah A. Uradshaw and husband to
George W. Llpe , part n U suU S-,5-
, and lot 24. block 26. Central sub
division , q. c. d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hannah Doyle to Michael Doyle ct
nl. vtW nwVi nwU 21-70-41. s. w. d.
P. w. IJrown nnd wlfo to II. K.
Drown , lots 153 and 151 and lot 2 In
subdivision of lot 149 , O. P. , Council
Bluffs , w. U . . V
Wrs. Kittle DownlnB to Hannah
Doyle , wtt uwW and nwU nwtt 21-.0-
41 , q. c. d .
Jflvt transfer * , total . .ii.j.i n I'
Supervisor Jackson Talks of tbo Work as Now
Carried 0m
Unworthy Api'l'miit ' * 'Weeded Ont
u iid Tram ill n w run porn IllNcour-
to the Great Advantage
of the Lociil Tnxpnjcr.
"Tho poor and needy we ever have with
us , " says T. C. Jackson , the supervisor of
Iho poor of Knns township , but with the
assistance of Chairman Baker of Ihe Board
of County Supuervlsors the work of caring for
the pauper element has been systematized
nnd the expense reduced us far as practica
ble nnd materially In comparison with for
mer years. Council Bluffs has been hereto
fore a popular station for Ihe tramp pauper
element. Under Supervisor Jackson's man
agement this has to a great extent been
remedied. Tramp paupers arc no longer
permitted lo slop here ; their Immediate
necessities arc provided for and Ihey are
then ordered to "move on. " In no evenl
are Ihey fuinlshcd wllh rroney , bul If In
need of food are given orders on a chop
house. This system has been found to work
to good advantage and reduce the number
of applications for relief from transient
At this time last year Ihe number of
families In recelpl of regular relief from
Iho counly was close upon 300. This year
Ihls number has been very greatly reduced
nnd not over 180 families are under Super
visor Jackson's care. Even this number Is
lessening every day , as work grows more
plentiful. An established rule of the su
pervisor's office Is that all parties able to
work cannot get orders on the county. There
nro , however , exceptional cases where this
rule has to be deviated from , but they are
not many. The cost of caring for the poor
In Council Bluffs at present amounts to
close upon $200 , but this docs nol Include
Ihe expense of caring for Ihe pauper pa
tients at Iho hospitals. For Iho month of
April the cost of groceries supplied to the
poor was J317.70 nnd coal $40.50. This
month the cost of coal will not amount to
Supervisor Jackson has at the present
tlmo some fifteen families whom ho has lo
utipply with shelter. Houses , the ronls of
which range from $3 lo $4 per rnonlh , nro
provided for Ihcm.
In the hospitals at present there are
twenty county patients , ten al the Woman's
Christian association hospital and a like
number al St. Barnard's. The weekly ex
pense to , Ihe counly of these patients Is $5
each. Many of these hospital patients como
from outsldo townships , as the cost of carIng -
Ing for them Is less In Ihe hospitals than
If the township trustees furnished attend
ance nt the homes of the sick persons ,
which would have to bo done If not sent
hero to the hospital.
Wherever practicable paupers thai would
become a charge to the county are provided
with transportation to their homes out of
the stale. This month already Supervisor
Jackson has sent one young woman to San
Francisco at a cost of $40 and on old man
to Spokane , Wash. The yatter's transporta
tion cost $25 , but the old man was grate
ful and honest besides. At the end of his
journey ho secured a rebate of $12.20 on his
ticket which he promptly returned to Mr.
L'artel A Miller have best home-made
Hoffmayr's TTancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
.FOR SALE < 3ood second-hand bicycle at.
a. bargain. Cell at The Bee office. Council
Suit of Dodicc Aunilnnt Currle Given
to the Jury Other Cannon.
The trial fn the suit of N. P. Dodge
against J. L. Currlo and Fisher & Aney was
completed In the district court yesterday
afternoon and the case was given to the
Jury. The Jury having failed to reach a
verdict before adjournment of court It was
by consent of the parties to Iho suit In
structed to return a sealed verdict.
In the case of O. F. Boardman and wife
against L. Douglas , the motion Died by the
defendant for a new trial was argued yes
terday and taken under advisement by Judge
In the case of Selz Schwab & Co. , against
A. H. Hisey & Co. , the demurrer to the pe-
tltion was sustained.
In the Injunction suit of J. J. Shea against
Max Burmelster , the motion for a more spe
cific stalemenl In Ihe pclltlon was overruled.
In the case of Adolph Kastner against
C. A. Fox , ct al. , the motion to strike out
part of answer of E. A. WIckham was over
In the case of W. F. Sledentopf against
S. Fnrnsworth the inollon for more specific
statement was sustained.
In the matler of the estate of the late
Thomas A. Pilling , of Quick. Judge Smith
has made an order authorizing nnd directing
the ndmlnlstralor lo sell either by public or
prlvnle solo all
non-exempt personal prop
erty of the deceased except such as had been
lurned over lo Iho widow. The widow in
lieu of allowance la to have the use until
March 1. 1899. of the work teams , wagons
nnd harness owned by her decased husband.
The foreign will of the late Samuel E.
Hughes , admitted to probate in Luzerne
county , Pennsylvania , was filed by the ad-
mlnlstrntor , Hnllowell Oliver , nnd admitted
to probate in this state , the bond of Ad
ministrator Oliver being fixed by Judge
Smith nt $5,000. Part of the estate consisted
of property In this county.
Where the organ stands on the building ,
lhats Bouriclus , where they sell good manes -
anos cheap. No. 325 Broadway.
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W ' F "
Bco office. Council Blurts.
ItiiniiuiiIndn. .
Six lads whoso ages range from 12 to 15
years were taken Into custody nt the Union
Pacific transfer yesterday evening. The boys
have run away from home , four claiming to
hall from Tennessee and two from Lincoln ,
Neb. , nnd have been hanging around the
transfer yard for a couple of days. They
gave the names of Orvar Carver , Elmer
Green , Tom Batshaw , Frank Barnctt , Jim
Wilson nnd Dick Cross.
New Htornite Warelioime.
Cole & Cole ha * just about completed , jn
Seventh street , a first-class warehouse 50
by 30 fcr storing sieves , tic. This will fill
a Ion , ; fell want In Ihe rlty for clean , iy
ctorage that U easily accessible and pri
Stoie your stoves at Cole's new wuro-
IletnriiH vrltu Itccrultii.
Captain W. O. Pryor of the Dodge Light
Guards returned to Des Molnes yesterday
morning. While here he enlisted as re
cruits for company L , to be called on as
vac acle arise ; Herbert I'ardey , Wood
Sllverthorn , W. E. Hesse , W. H. . Moore ,
George Tlnley , Joe Boync and the Donaldson
brothers. Bliss Ruffcorn and George Jud-
lon of the Dodge Light Guards came In from
Des Molnes yesterday morning , having se
cured a forty-elgH hour furlough. They
returned to Camp McKlnley last night. They
said the impression prevailed at Des Molnes
that the Third regiment would be ordered
south early next week.
Synce Seen rod Nest to Nclirnmkn In
Agricultural IlnlldltiK.
Ex-Governor S. B. Packard of Marshall-
town , a member of the Iowa Exposition
commission , Is In the city and In company
with Secretary F. N. Chase visited the ex
position grounds yesterday afternoon , where
he held a conference with J. B. Dlnsmorc ,
manager of Ihe live stock , dairy nnd poultry
department. Mr. Packard's mission here Is
for the purpose of arranging for the live
stock and dairy exhibit that Iowa will make
at the exposition. Secretary Chase and Mr.
Packard arranged for space In the Agricul
tural building for Iowa's agricultural ex
hibit. They secured 1,200 square feet atone
ono of the four corners In Iho center of the
building next to the space allotted to Ne
All the members of the Iowa commission
are expected to bo here June 1 for the open
ing of the exposition and will then make
arrangements for the dedication of the Iowa
building for some day toward the end of
that month.
Mr. Packard said that few people In Iowa
were aware of Ihe scope of Ibo exposition
or the magnificence of Ihe dlffercnl buildIngs -
Ings , some of which In his opinion excelled
Ihose of Ihe World's fair.
See Iho new Hygralnc Herrlck rcfrlgera-
lor al Cole & Cole's. Mills poisoning with
this refrigerator Is Impossible. The largest
toed capacity ol any box made. Adopted by
all state InstlUtlous , Including the School
for the ricuf.
Dairyman Held for Annault.
A F. Klpflngcr , a dairyman living near the
motor bridge , was arrested yesterday on an
Information filed before Justice Burke by
Charles Hlntz , charging him with assault
and battery. According to Hlntz's story ho
had been working for-Klpflnged and lhat
when ho asked him for $1 thai he said was
due him for wages , Klpflngcr knocked him
down and otherwise assaulted htm. Klp-
flnger gave ball and will have a hearing
tomorrow morning.
Augusta grove , No. 1 , Women of the
vVorld , and Council camp , No. 14 , Woodmen
of the World , will give n benefit ball for
the Woman's Christian Association hospl-
la Wednesday evening , May 18 , nt Wood
men of the World hall. Admission 25 cents
See Ihe Jet Flame gasoline stoves , with
safety tanks , nt CoJe & Cole's. Thlrty-lhreo
lets on each buiner.
Miss R. liurle has purchased a League bl-
cvtie of Cole & Cole.
AnnunoIlN Graduate Formerly from
South Dakota WIIH ivlth Dewey.
SIOUX CITY , la. , May 17. ( Special. ) A
young man who Is a resldenl of Sioux City
when ho Is at home was with Dewcy al
Manila , holding a postlton on Iho Concord.
His name Is Joseph H. Davidson and his
father has been a resident of this clly sev
eral years. Ensign Davidson was visiting
here lasl summer , having Just completed his
two years' cruise which followed his work
at Annapolis. He was appointed to a ca-
dctshlp In Iho naval school on recommenda
tion of Congressman James H. Plckler of
South Dakota , his home then being at Breck-
enrldge , S. D. He graduated in 1895 , be
ing third in rank in a class of forty-five.
He Immediately joined the crew of the
Olympla for his two years cruise as re
quired by the rules of the naval
school , as a non-commlasloned ensign , and
last Ettmmer he return * ! to Annapolis and
received hl < ) commission. While on the
Olympla he was in charge of the electric
apparatus , as he had msJp a specialty of
the study of electricity and was especially
competent in the handling of the compass
and other Instruments. While on the
Olympla he conducted the vessel safely
from San Francisco to Honolulu , thence to
Yokohama and back again to San Fran
cisco. He Is an accomplished scholar al
though young and while In Yokohama and
other ports of the Asiatic station he made
several journeys lo Ihe Interior which he
described In tellers home which were pub
lished. After ho received his commission
ho was appointed to a position on the Con
cord , which he now holds.
Small Attendance nnd Little BuMlneim
to Transact.
DUBUQUE , la. , May 17. The Iowa Stale
Federation of Labor met in this city this
njornlng with a small atlendance of dele-
gales. The first session was presided over
by President Joseph Byrne of Otlumwa , and
was devoled lo preliminary work of the con
vention. There Is little of Importance to
come before the convention. A lively con
test is expected over the election of presi
dent. Joseph Byrne , the present Incumbent ,
Is meeting with strong opposition in Gus
Kelhm of Des Molnes. Among the promi
nent labor leaders present is Stale Labor
Commissioner O'BIenness.
Mlnncxntn Volunteer * PUN * ThronRh.
SIOUX CITY , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Thirteenth regiment of Min
nesota volunteers passed through Sioux
City this morning en route for San Fran
cisco , from which port they will embark for
Manila , Philippine islands , to join Com
modore Dewey. The train arrived In four
sections and was made up of twenty-nine
tourist cars , four standard sleeps , four bag
gage cars and one horse car. From Sioux
City the train went to Norfolk , Neb. , where
It was transferred to the Union Pacific road
to Ogdcn and thence U will go to San Fran
cisco by way of the Southern Pacific. The
train stopped In this city only long enough
to change engines nnd train crews. The
men nro very comfortably fixed In the cars
and appear lo bo enjoying Ihe * lrlp. Ono
man was laken off Iho train en route. He
had an atlack of measles.
ConuroHxIonnl Convention.
SIOUX CITY , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The congressional convention
for the Eleventh district of Iowa will beheld
held Wednesday , June 22 , at LeMars. The
convention will be cabled to order at 11 a.
m. by a temporary chairman who will bo
named by Ihe central committee as soon as
the delegates have been chosen. The repub-
llcan central committee for Ihe district held ,
a meeting this afternoon In Sioux City for
the purpose of arranging for the call of the
ClirlHtlaii Union Convention.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May -17. ( Special
Telegram. ) The annual convention of the
Young People's Christian union of the
United Brethren church of Iowa convened
at Lisbon this evening with a large number
present from ull parts of the stale. The
annual address was given by Rev. R. E.
Williams of Gladbrook. Tbo convention will
close tomorrow night , the closing address
being made by Dr. M. R. Drury of Toledo.
Ten Coniunulm Mnntered In.
DES MOINES , la. , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ten companies of the Second regi
ment were mustered Into the service today
and the remaining companies and the staff
officer * will be mustered tomorrow , Cap-
tain Olmstcd , the mufcfcrlng officer , notified
the government that The regiment would be
ready to move on Saturday. The governor
decided to pay the tfoops twenty days' pay
tomorrow. They wUl be paid the same as
regular army troops ! They will be paid in
gold , so that their rriorily wilt bo good In
any foreign country _ lo.jfthlch they may be
CnttBht by n Bnneo Steercr.
CEDAR. RAPlDSna" . " May 17. ( Special
Telegram. ) Harlsell Judy , en roule from
California to BushncUiIll. , was caught by
a bunco man this a/jUtrnoon for $35. The
bunco man had some , baggage In the Kirn-
ball building up town nnd asked Judy for a
loan of the money until they could return
to the depot. He got the money , disap
peared upstairs and that was the last seen
of him. The sharper made good his es
Plenneil with the Kxi > ontlon.
MANNING , la. , May 17. ( Special. ) A.
T. Dennett nnd wlfo have recently returned
from a several days' visit to the Transmls-
slsstppl exposition. In speaking of the ex
position Mr. Bennett says that It Is no less
grand both in proportions and In architect
ure lhan has been claimed for U.
I.oien Two Finite .
NEOLA , la. , May 17. ( Special. ) Nel
son Clausen , n well known and weallhy
farmer near here , while shelling corn placed
his hand in the hopper , when suddenly it
was caught and badly riddled by tbo wheels.
The two front fingers had to bo amputated
at the second joint.
Gold Medal Content.
RIVERTON , la. , May 17. ( Special. ) At
the gold medal conlcst held here Saturday
night the medal was won by Miss Bessie
Baker. The proceeds were $45.
The Rlverlon public schools will hold a
picnic in Ihe clly park Friday nexl.
low- Political Note * .
The republican judicial convention for the
Fourth district Is to be held Juno 14 at
Le Mars.
The Creston Advertiser Is booming Con
sul Brlco of Bedford for the democratic
nomination for congress In the Eighth
district. He Is now nt home and Is not
likely to return to Malanzas soon.
The republicans of Wnshlnglon counly
have decided to push the candidacy of
Colonel W. B. Bell for congress lo suc
ceed Sam Clark of Keokuk. He has been
postmaster al Washington and for two
terms a member of the Iowa legislature.
The blucgrass corner of the slale , says
the Keokuk Gate City , already has the gov
ernor , lieutenant governor , n supreme
judge , the elate treasurer nnd a railroad
commissioner , and -is now asking for Iho
attorney generalship. It Is a good corner
and contains lots of good men , but there
aren't stale offices enough lo go all around.
H. G. Curtis of Atlantic , who Is a candi
date for the republican nomination for con
gress In the Ninth district. In his announce
ment says : "I would like to have the sup
port of a full delegation , bul I shall not
embarrass any other iCqss county man If
he Is the cholco ofii the convention , nnd
my candidacy will thcii be at an end , but
wish the choice of the ° < Cass county re
publicans to bo fully and fairly expressed
at the forthcoming convention. "
Admiral Detvcy Think * All Arc Not
Ileyond Ilepnlr.
CHICAGO , May & A special to the
Journal from Washington says : It Is staled
that In his last cable AUmlral Dewcy said
that if wrecking apparatus ' .vtrc sent him
he would be able to raise u number of ( he
Spanish war ships 'slink' ' during the battle.
The admiral thinkstner , nro several oMhe
gunboats which can"Ibooasily raised , * re
paired -tfnd 'made Useful ! ' In vle-w"offcths !
the War department has been hastening the
preparations to dispatch the transports now
on the Pacific coast to Manila , and they are
expected lo leave San Francisco by Thurs
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / .
Many Predict the Dlfflonltle * Are Too
Great to Surmount.
MADRID , May 17. Many of Ihe news
papers today assert that Senor Sagosta und
Senor Gamaza will reach an agreement at a
conference this afternoon to form a coalition
cabinet , while others express tha opinion
that Senor Sagasta will encounter so many
difficulties that he will be compelled to
abandon the task.
Provide * Work for Thonimnil * .
SAN FRANCISCO , May 17. Major Long ,
quartermaster of the Department of the
Colorado , said last night : "At least 10,000
worklngmen and women In San Francisco
are today occupied on government contracts.
We have ordered 8,000 uniforms , identical In
color with the ordinary fatigue uniform , but
lighter In weight. We have also ordered
12,000 canvas uniforms for wear in Manila ,
all to be delivered in a few days. "
Last night the ordnance department of the
First Infantry received 200,000 rounds of
ammunition. There are now 400,000 rounds
at the camp.
Lieutenant Delamore Skerrett , recruiting
officer of the Third artillery , U. S. A. , has
already enlisted ' 600 of Ihe 800 recruits
wanted for lhat regiment.
Pern Hun a New Ciililiiet.
LIMA , Peru ( via Qalveslon , Tex. ) , May
17. The new cabinet is composed as fol
lows :
President of the council and minister of
justice , Dr. Loaylca.
Minister of foreign affairs , Senor Melllon
F. Porras.
Minister of finance , Senor Ignaclo Rey.
Minister for home affairs , Senor Jose W.
La Puento.
Minister of public works. Dr. Flore's.
Minister for war , Senor Rosaglll.
Ship Amcrlenn Armit to Slam.
TACOMA , May 17. According to a recent
Issue of the Bangkok Times 3,000 carbines
of American make have been taken Into
Slam surreptitiously and sold , together
with a quantity of ammunition. A portion
of the carbines were taken up Ihe river
far Into the Interior of Slam. It Is un
known at Bangkok just who purchased these
arms or what purpose. they are Intended
for , but trouble Is expected In consequence
of Ihelr Inlroducllonl '
New THxtiopH for "M. E. Church South.
BALTIMORE , May J7. ' The elecllon of
bishops by the gen raj , , conference of the
Methodist Episcopal rfiurch south today re
sulted In Ibe choice pn ihe second ballot of
Rev. Dr. H. C. Morrison of Nashville , Tenn , ,
nnd Rev. ' Dr. W. A. Candler of Oxford , Ga.
Dr. Morrison received , 440 voles and Dr.
Candler 148 on the tynaj , ballot.
Kit ProtedtVlJIIed Ye't.
THE HAGUE , May 17. Up to this afternoon -
ornoon no protests happ/been received from
Washington regarding- coaling and pro
visioning of the SpantKln war ships at Cura-
coa , Dutch West Indus' ' '
Cauea obstruction to thu ( tow of urine ,
partial closing of the pMunge , ( irottatlc
Irritation and enlargement , bearing down
nnd ccftUllneof mine mid loan of power.
permanently and uoe < a\\ny with the Sur
iteon's Knife and diluting Instrument * .
Sufferers fioin Strldtirt , Ealrgtmtat of
ProtUte Olfod , lafammMitoa Mud Chronic
Macau * DlfcltMrgti , br tlila new nclentlQc
method ran bo iiullcnlly
Write at onru to the Empln Medial Co. ,
tOi Smith Building. Boiloa , MM. , tor
tlivlr free book cnlIi'U < 'So/v nrt o . "
It telli what the remedy It luaclo of , ao < l
how nd wliy U muit cure. If afflicted ,
It will im v ton toli vf ll te.
Had Been Sent Out of Havana in Hopes oJ
Damaging American Ships.
John F. Jon Return * from n Vlult to
Gomra * Cnmp llc | > or n the
Cnlmna to lie In Good
( Copyright , 1S9S , by the Associated Tress. )
KEY WEST , Flu. , May 17. The United
States cruiser Wilmington , Commander C.
C. Todd , when about thirty miles cast ol
Havana yesterday fired five shells Into a
Spanish trap In the shape of a derelict ,
sinking U , nnd thus doing away with an
other piece of Spanish trickery.
The commander of the Wilmington had
been warned by dispatch boats that some
dangerous wreckage was drifting about the
spot mentioned , nnd th cruiser steamed
In lhat direction to Investigate the reporls.
An old Spanish schooner \vltti its deck
loaded to the rails with rusty Iron , car
wheels , etc. , closely packed together , was
found floating In Ihe Irack of lorpcdo boats
and dispatch boats. The Iron laden
schooner had evidently been sent out of
Havana harbor In the hope that a torpedo
boat or small craft of the blockading force
would crash Into It and be so damaged as
to cause It to sink. As wires were noticed
around the Iron rails on the schooner , Com
mander Todd believed the Spanish trap
might also contain explosives , and there
fore , lying off a considerable distance from
It , his guns promptly scut It to the bottom.
Another commission from General Maximo
Gomez , the Insurgent comraander-ln-chlcf ,
arrived nt Key West loday. John F. Jova ,
Ihe former Untied States vice consul at
Sagua la Grande , who was landed by an
American gunboat on Iho coast of Cuba
about ten days ago , was picked up yester
day afternoon after an exciting experience
with a Spanish gunboat , which the American
gunboat chased Into Its harbor. Mr. Jova
succeeded lu reaching the camp of General
Gomez and has brought back dispatches
from the latter to Commodore Watson. Ho
reports lhal General Gomez and the several
thousand troops with him are In the best
of spirits and hopeful of a speedy ending
of the situation. Mr. Jova also reporls lhat
Spanish troops are moving westward , keep
ing In the cities. He made part of the
journey along Iho coast In a small boat and
was being chased by a Spanish gunboat
when the American gunboat hove In sight.
The Spaniard , though several miles off ,
fired a number of shots at the American ves
sel. The latter proceeded to pick up Mr.
Jova and two companions of the former
consul and then chased Iho Spanish gun
boat , which promptly scudded for safety Into
i Premier KxplnliiH Ttcnnoii for
Ttiklnir Wel-llHl-AVel.
LONDON , May 17. In Ihe House of Lords
loday the liberal leader , the carl of Klm-
berley , questioning the government as to Its
Intention In regard to Wel-Hal-Wel , re
ferred to Ihe recent speech of the secretary
of stale for the colonies , Mr. Joseph Cham
berlain , saying of the alliance mentioned by
Ihe laller , "It Is only an alliance for mu
tual defense against Russia and that the
rumor was so advanced that wo may soon
hear of a great alliance with a European
power. " Ho explained that he could not
conceive of an alliance with the Untied
States because 11 would bo conlrary to the
policy the laller has always pursued , adding
thai unless the government had made such
approaches In the direction of an alliance
lhat ere long the House may hear of Us con
clusion , bul nothing was more likely to pre
vent Its conclusion than Mr. Chamberlain's
speech. "
The marquis of Salisbury In reply declined
to discuss Mr. Chamberlain's speech on the
plea that ho did not have it In bis hands !
Referring to Wel-Hal-Wel , the premier
declared that port had been occupied "To
encourage Chinese reform and to show
Japan and Corea our naval power. " Con-
tlnlulug , Ihe marquis of Salisbury said the
government's policy was the development
of commerce and friendly relations with all
niar Contract for Army Sn.tpllr * .
ST. LOUIS , May 17. Captain Duval of the
United States commissary department has
made a contract with local bakers for 610-
000 pounds of army crackers. This Is equiv
alent to 30,000 barrels of flour. On each will
be printed the words , "Remember the
Maine. " Besides the big contract for bard
bread Captain Duval lei a contract in this
city for 28,000 gallons of vinegar.
A Stubborn Disease
Eaully Cored With Gloria Tonic A
Xew nnd Wonderful Itemed y.
An astonishing number of men and women
well along In years have been surod of
rheumatism by the new remedy , Gloilu
Tonic. Most of these cases liavo lasted
many years , twenty , and In ? ome Instances
forty years marking tbe period In which
rheumatism has clung to their systems with
awful tenacity. One of these cases Is Il
lustrated by the following letter recently
received : "Your fa\or received nnd would
say your Gloria Tonic cured me after suf
fering for 22 years , for which I am very
thankful. I would have written about this
sooner , but wanted to wait nnd see If my
rheumatism would return , but have not
been troubled with It since , and can recom
mend It to everybody with a clear con
science. Julius Ueltln , Lanonn , N , D. ,
Oct. 20. 1R96. "
Gloria Tonic Is compounded for rheuma
tism only und cures all cases whether milder
or severe , driving out nil poisonous acids
from the. system , making the cure com
plete. Prepared by John A. Smith , 212
Bummerlleld Church HulIdlnR , Milwaukee ,
\Vts. . and Is for sale by all druggists In
Mr. Hmlth finds thai by flrsl sending a
sample or trial package of Gloria Tonic as
a test thai he Invariably gets an order for
more of the remi'dy. I5y Fending your name
nnd address he will mall you a trial pack-
n o free , nnd you can get jnoro of It at your
The republican electors of the Second
congrehBlonal district of Nebraska are re-
( iiicHtf-d to send delegates from their re
spective counties to meet In convention In
Omaha. Neb. , on the ffith day of May , 1S9S ,
at t o'clock p. m. . the delegates therefor In
the several counties composing the Second
congressional district to bo selected on or
after May 21 , lb9S. Bald congressional con-
vc > nllon will place In nomination ono candi
date for representative In congreas , pro
vide for the selection of a congressional
committee and transact any other business
which may prqperly come before It.
'Iho several counties are entitled to rep
resentation In the convention as follows :
Douglas county , 12S delegates ; S.irpy'
county , 8 delegates ; Washington county ,
II delegates.
The basis of representation Is the vote for Hon. David II. Mercer , representa
tive In congress In 1x96 , giving ono dele
gate nt Inree ta each county and one for
each 100 votes nnd major fraction thereof ,
A qualified elector under the provisions of
this cull is a known republican elector who
believes In republican principles and will
vote the republican ticket at the coming
election. . . . ,
It Is recommended lhat no proxies be
admitted to the convention , but that the
Jelegates present bo authorized to cast the
Cull vote of their respectlvo delt-galona.
T. W. HLACKBUUN , Chairman.
JOHN L. CARBON , Bcretary.
_ MaylQ d E O D-6t
( Irnrrnl McrrUt Xtrer Rrfnunl to Go
to thp l > lilllitlnpn Will He
Gl cn Wlmt lie Wnntii.
NEW YOHK , May 17. A special to the
Times from Washington says : The atten
tion of Adjutant General Corbln was called
to a dispatch from New York stating that
Oencrnl Merrill "refused" to go to the
Philippines with lees than 5,000 regulars ,
and that ho said he would not leave with u
lot of recruits only.
"That cannot bo true. " said the adjutant
general. "General Merrill never said ho
would refuse to go anywhere his orders car
ried him. He Is not that port of a man.
However , you may Bay thai the department
Is now arranging to give General Merrltt
the regulars ho wants. Before he sails for
Manila he will have n strong force of sea
soned soldiers to take with htm. "
General Corbln declined to say where the
regiment to accompany the Manila expedi
tion Is to come from , bul as practically the
entire regular army , with the exception of
a few companies , scattered through the In
dian country , which It would bo unwise to
withdraw from there , Is mobilized at Tampa ,
It IB considered certain that some of the
troops now at the Floridaport will bo sent
across the continent to Snn Francisco for
General Merrill's command.
Colonel H. I' . Hughes , Inspector general ,
with headquarters at New York City , was nt
the War department today oil n mission
from General Merrltt In connection with the
assignment of regular troops to accompany
the Philippine expedition soon to Blart from
San Francisco. General Merrill's preference
for a larger number of regulars than It was
proposed by the department to give him has
been known here for sonic time , and his
views on that subject are shared by many of
the army ofllclnts. They realize lhat Gen
eral Merrill will have n delicate and Impor-
lanl duly lo perform as military governor
of the Philippines , and they agree In ex
pressing the opinion that the general should
have an adequate and well disciplined force
at his command to maintain order In a city
that will bo filled with discordant elements.
There nro not enough regulars In Iho west
to furnlHh the number that General Merrltt
thinks should bo sent on the expedition , and
conbcquently General Algcr and the depart
ment officials have been considering the de
sirability of withdrawing about three of the
Infantry regiments from Tampa , where a
large number are now rendezvoused , and of
dispatching them posl-haslo to Iho Pacific
coasl. These men arc well seasoned and
thoroughly disciplined and arc Just Iho kind
General Merrill believes should bescut on
the transpacific trip.
Captain Jesse M. Leo of the Ninth In
fantry , who has been stationed at Tampa ,
recently reported at army headquarters to
day la response to telegraphic Instructions
and 11 may bo ho Is hero wllh reference lethe
the sending of some of the troops now thcro
to the Philippines. General Grcelcy , chief
signal officer , Is making arrangements lo
send a dclachmenl of six officers and fifly-
flvo men , made up largely of telegraph oper
ators and electricians , lo accompany Iho
Philippine expedition.
Secrelary Alger Ihls oflernoon received
Ihe following telegram from General Wesley
Merrill :
"GOVERNOR'S ISLAND , N. Y. , May 17.
I desire you lo know lhal Iho Inlcrvlews
published in Ibe Now York papers Ihls
morning are In every way Incorrect and
unauthorized. I bad Intended to take no no-
llco of Ihcm , bul I ( understand the articles
are taken seriously In Washington.
wr i * MroriK ton loin building u ifflioweai
and debilitated. 11 cures acute or niun.ulur rheuma
tism In from 0:10 : to live days. Bharp , ( hooting pulns
In any part of the body Mopped In a fo * do * * A
prompt , complete and ucrroiiuynt euro for lameness
aprenr s.ktlir bark and all iralng In l.l-s | mul loins
Chronic rhcuniatlsm. Bclntfca. luii'bug'i or pain li
the bark are tpccillly ciirwl. iltclUom fulls to flvo
relief from one to twocloi > rs , and almost ln\urlably
curesljfore onebottluliasbcrn iscd. : TlioMunyon
Hemrdy Cpnipuiiy propnro a reparatn cure for each
liSS1 * ! .W Jrure'sis-ISMDtio ' viol. If you need
medlrat Hvlce write Prof. Mnnyon. 1W5 Arch
Street. Philadelphia. It la abgoluuir free. *
Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
ii th'o original and only FRENCH ,
lafo and reliable euro on tha mar.
ket. Frioo. $1.00 ; sent by mail.
Genuine soH only by
Myer Dillon Drnv Co. . 9. E. Corner
ICIth nnd Furnuni S ( . , Omaha , Neb.
Women Who Worry
An Easy Matter to Give
Advice to Her.
Advice la the cheapest thine wo can
offer : It rarely costs the giver anything nn4
yet It Is the very thing which meet women
pay money for and Mill they worry. Writ
ers on hralth subjects for women say , don t
worry , cultivate a happy frame of tnlnil ,
avoid fatigue , cat nutritious food and tnko
open air exercise. What woman doc not
do all this ? And In addition she tries vail-
oua patent bottled remedlce. face lotions ana
physician's prescriptions and yet eho doe *
not get well. The Idea of spoonfuls of dop
to euro diseases that direct the vagina la ab
surd and this fnct Is clearly phown when
women sufter from ten to forty years with
painful monthly sleknofs , falling of the
nomb , Inflammation and other uterine illu-
eaix * and never obtain nny permanent bone-
flt from the advice , prescriptions and bottled
tled remedies. The nystem Is all wrong. To
euro nny womb trouble the medicine must
bo applied direct to the parts. This la w
true that any other method must be and
always 1ms been a failure. There Is a rem
edy called Ha/i'llno that cures nil forma
of womb trouble and Is applied direct 'to the
parts. It la perfectly harmless and yet Is
remarkably effective In a eurprlslnKly short
time. It la so'd ' by druggist ? In Omaha at
1B13 Dodge fitrcclj 134 South 15th street ; and
1523 Karnam street. The price Is one dollar
lar a box or will bo mailed prepaid by the
Huzcllno Co. , South Demi , Ind. , on receipt
of prlco. It la elated on the hlghret au
thority that this Is the only njmeily that
will euro female dUeaaca and It will cer
tainly'tin worth ono dollar to try It since It
promises absolute relief and cure from the
pains of womb diseases. Write to the Hazel-
inn Co. for their book which tells why
Hazellno cures. It to very Instructive.
My llttlo book. "Three Classes of Men , "
sent to men only It tells of my 30 years' '
experience as a specialist In all nervoui
disorders resulting from youthful IndUcru.
tlons Lame Uack , etc. and tcll why
cures With my Invention , the Dr. SAndct
Electric Uelt. known and used the world
over , I restored hint year 5,000 men , youn.
and old Bewuro of cheap Imitations Abovi
book explains all ; sent sealed Wrlle today ,
Dr. A , R. Sandeti ,
No. 1S3 S. Clark St. . Chicago. 111.
itrr1. Enjttlih Diamond Tirana.
Original and Onlj Oennlne.
ill. lUlTI t DIC .
Dr < ir > > * > for (1lc .l r ritgNA / > la i
notij Jlrandla It d toil GoMntrtiilllcX
Iboi. . . 1.111 . ltb Hue rttboa. Talm >
nootker.teundangtrovtivt > ttitu.
tltnu and Imitation ! . Al Drofji.n , or M 4 la.
la Itkmin for n rtlenUn. tnttmoaltls aaA
7 r > r r.adlr- Mur. bj rrtmrm
1O.OOO jr < Mu ftptr.
* ! . emlcalVo.Mn
Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Wm. Welch. Blurt a 'pbonc , 128 ; Omaha
'phone , 780. RATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagnn , call at No. 8 North Mala
streol or above telephones.
> Ai
land * ( or tale or rant. Day A Hci * . M I'earl
Preparatory to making extensive alterations in our fix
tures we offer our entire stock of Carpets , Curtains ,
Rugs , Mattings. Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Etc. , at
unheard of prices .
For Cash , this Week Only.
Successors to
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Pretty as a Picture-
and easy and comfortablu "as n snug bug
In n rug" Is our easy rlilliig , light runabout ! .
For speedy driving they arc Iho only vehklo
outsldo of n EUliiy whnu vtclght Is reduced
lo a minimum. Look al our superb stock ot
handsome buggies , phacloiis , Irapa , surreys
and buckboards for summer driving.
Broadway and Pearl Streets , COUNCIL BLtfFS , IA.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents