THE OMAHA DAILY MAY 10 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrtlnenipntn fur thrne column * be lieUrn until 12 m. for tit * nuil nnlll H p. in. for the niornliiK nnil Hnndnr rdltlon * . by rriinrxlliiR n niim- rlirok , run linvc nimwerH n l- lre * ed to n numbered letter In care of The lire. Anmver * no nildreimrd will bo IlrlUcrril on prcHentBtlon nf tlic i-lire-k only. llntcH , 1 l-'Jc n word llml ln ertlem | Ic n trord thereafter. NntliliiK tnkcn for le thnn 2c for the IIrut limer- tlon. TliLxiudiertlNetiieutH niuxt lie run SIT ! ATIO.\S WA.NTEIl. POSITION wanted rirst-tlass man , ex pert solicitor and salesman , furnish host refeienco and bonds. Address O'.9 , B 'e. A-M4I2 Is' \\ANTiD-Slttintlon In Hour mill by first ( lass milling expert , 20 jcars experience. Box22'j , Little Sioux , Iowa. A M574 13 * HELP. CANVASSERS to take orders ; new line of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary ot commission. C. r. Adams Co , 521 South Sixteenth street. B h3G SALESMEN to sell toilet soup to dealers ; $100 per month salary and expenses ; ex- porluneu unnecessary. Luuls Ernst Co. , St. Louis. Mo. B-837 ONE No. 1 carriage painter. 2121 N. 24th St. H CT-IG \\ANTED-rivu wide awaUo mc'ii to manage ago Hulcsmcn. Capable lollcltois pro' fi'ired. The How land Nursery Co. Lo' Angeles , Cul. B-M174-21 * WANTED , harness makers on light work ; good men , steady work and good pay. Saddliry Co. , Fremont , Neb. I3-M5IO 19 WANTHD , An oxperlenced serial mngarlne deliverer ; must be n good binding can vasser. Address O 13 , Bee. B JI5IC 17 WANTED rrcsco-p'ilnler ; como prepaied for work. M. A. Singer , decorator. Man- tiructurers' Bldg. , Exposition gioumls. B-M57G lb i PEMAM : HEM * . 100 GIRLS for nil k'lnds of work ; $3 to $ week. Canadian Olllce. 152Douglas. . O ST3 WANTED First cluss girl for genera housework. Inquire 1309 South "Ctn St. - C-9S3 EMPLOYMENT Bureau , 1521 Dodge ; relia ble male or femalu help furnished. Tcl. S7G C 437 J12 LADIES to do needlework at homo : good p iv : steady work. Room 33 , Barker Hljlc. C MISO 10 * WANTKD , n lady wishing a position a ( ommcrcial traveler to cngago with wholesale house. Address O 41 , Bee C M6JO 16 GIRL wanted for general housework : apply at 718 So. 30th Ht. C-M571 lu roii iiE.vr HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st door , N. Y. Llfo. D-839 DOUSES. Benuwa & Co. , 10S N. 15th St. D-S40 HOUSES , stores. Bomls , Paxton block. D-S41 AMOVING household goods and piano Om. Van & Htoiaga Co. , 1511 Farnam Tol. 1559. D-813 PROPOSITIONS for the place. 34:4 N. 24th fit , Including house , barn and thrco acre of ground. Apply to W. F. Holdon , car of Brcnnan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th St. D-M773 FOR RENT. 9-room house , with barn , 22 < St. , near California ; all conveniences ; no "for exposition roomers ; to responslbl party. Inquire Room 500 N. Y. Life bldg D-M533 FURNITURE And leasehold of a 7 and 13 room modern fiat for sale ; bargain : goo location , i ent low. Bcmls , Paxton Blk. D-M511 KOU niOST KUItlVISIIElI 11OOMS ROO1I Transients. 'HOS Douglas St. E-M41G M16 FURNISHED rooms. 524 S. 20th nve E-M451 M29 MOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge. E-M331 M24 KOOMb , oppoflf-e Shrlner , 2531 Itarncy. E 115-18 * HOOMS Furnlslied or unfurnished , single or e'nsulte , with use of kitchen stove If deslicd : modern conveniences ; 3 blocks from High school. Address O 33. Bco. E-M435 16 * EXPOSITION VI&ITORS-1.000 furnished rooms. VWt to Exposition Rooming Co. , Douglas block , 161 'i vid Dodge. E-M4MJM * IIOHMS AND HOAR1J. THE Merrlum , fiist-class family hotel. 23th i\Tid Do.lgo Sts. F-S47 NEW ALBrtNY , 2UG Blnney ; elegant rooms , tirst-rluss board ; terms reason able : transient trade solicited F-M322 J7 * PLEASANT rooms , modern , strictly first- class boatd. reasonable- lutes ; transients tnkon. 522 N. 19th.St. . . F M42J J12 * VERY nicely furnished room , with board , liouai ) nil modern , on car line , nerr Han- ncnin park. Address O 40 , Bee. r Mai" 18 UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport St. ; rooms , IlrtU- ihub board ; transients accommodated. F M5J3 21 * PLEASANT Room with boaid : tianslcnts accommodated. 190'J Capitol Ave. P MGfiS 17 * FURNISHED rooms , modern brick resl- denco. every convenience , delightful loca tion , S. W. cor. 17lh and Douglas. P-M55G 17 I'on nr.Mrr ti.M''UHMsnii ; > ROOMS. FOR Rent , nlco south front unfurnished rooms , with bath : Wlthnell block. F. W. Caimlchael , No. G , Wlthnell block. FOIl Hl.vr STORKS AMI OFFICES. I'OIl trackage , transferring and desk room * apply to the A-iltman & Taylor Miichln- f cry Co , N. U. corno 9th it Jackson Sis. roil RENT. Part of a Millinery store for Jewelry , Ladles' Furnishings or Fancy Novelties ; best location In Omaha. N 49. Bre. I M194 19 FOR rent , the 1-ftory brick building at 91 $ Farnam 8t This building has u lire- proof cement basement , water on all tloorn , gus , etc. Apply at the olllce ot The Beo. 1-910 TINE STORE ROOM ON 2ITII ST. , NEAR exposition , with living rooms In rear and cemented basement. S"o Fidelity Trust Co. nt onei > . 1st floor , N. Y. Life. I-M424 LARGE store room. 1402 N. 21th , cornel Hamilton , suitable for grocerv , meat mar ket or other business , 2513 Caldwell. 1-M4SO 16 * AGEM'.H WAITED. AGENTS wanted Murnt Halstead'a Great War Rook. "Our Country In War. " Al about Armies. Navies , Coast Defenses Maine Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain nnd relations with Foreign Notion * Noiirly WO pages. All written since Muln < nhtaxtor. Magnificent colored Illustra tlons. Agents making $10 to $39 pur day No experience necesunry. Most llbera ternia guaranteed , 20 days' credit , prlc < luw. freight paid. Handsome outfit free Rend 9 two-cent Mumps to pay postage Educational Union 224 Dearborn Si , Chi CUKO. J-.M1S5 Juno C * WAR SOUVENIRS : matted pictures of tin Maine , Philadelphia and New York , nlzi 15x2) , $1 per doz. , $6 per 100 ; steel engruv Ings of rttzhugh Leo and Admiral Downy matted , slzo 10H\UVi , same prices ; U. S flags , embossed and matted , size lO j : ISVi. 75 its. per doz. , $3 per 100 ; lots o money In them : they go like wildfire ample * , express paid. 25 cts each. * * ur raln AHUfo , 8li filbert , PhlUdelphU f . J-MiU AI1EJKTS WAXTEH , ( CVntlnuej. ) LADIES and gentlemen ; good hustlers fern n good selling article. 1513V4 Douglas St. Room 2. J M4 0 17 * AGENTS wanted for "Our Navnl War with Spain. " Splendidly Illustrated , only au thentic book to bn published. Free Out fit now ready , net quick. National Pub. Co. , Lakcsldu Bldg. , Chicago. J-M573 22 * _ VANTED Agents male nnd female to sell our remedies. Big pay to good workers. McGraw Medical Co. , Geneva , N. Y. J-M570 1G WA-XTI5I AFTER Juno 1st. lu private family , 2 rooms and board by gentleman , wife and 3 children ; western part of city preferred , O 6 , Bee. K-341 1C * sroiiAm : . ACIPIC Storage and Wnrfhouse Co , 903- 1)10 ) Jones , ( jencral storage and forwarding. M 850 OM. Van & Storage. 15U',4 Farn'm. Tel. 1559. M 851 3FST trackage and ctorngo building In Omaha , U. S. gov. bonded : household goods stored and cared for : lowest rates ; two show cases for sale , suitable for ex position. 1013 and 1015 Leavenworth. W. II. Bushman. M-MDG3 31 \VANTIjn TO I1UY. SnrOND-IIAND books bought for cash at the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam. N-M775 M2G * FOIl HAM2 PUIIMTUnn. SELLING out at 131 South 25th street , hlimehold furnltusc. carpets , ranges , cooking stoves , gas stove , etc. May bo seen from 2 to G p. rr. . O 11G AUCTION : restaurant furniture , etc. : on Wednesday , Mav 18 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , at Pacific Storage Co. , 903 Jones St. , consist ing of light plant ranges , broilers , steam tables , cooking utensils , oak bedsteads , beds and bedding ; a complete outfit for 5 large restaurants. J. II. Mnxoy & Co , auctioneers. O M554 18 FOIl SAI.K HOUSES AM ) WAfiOjVS. PONY for sale cheap. 1323 Leavenworth. P 504 16' roii SALE MiscniiAMous. IIOG and poultry fence ; better than wlro netting. Tine sawdust for floors. Tel 458. 9U1 Douglas. Q S52 HORSE clipping machines , knives and re pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grindIng - Ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv ice. A. L. Undeland. Q-S53 CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences ; nil wlro ; is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harnoy Q-S34M1U * FOR SALE Ten a.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M780 FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers SO-horso power each. Apply to the super Intendent , 105 Bee building. Q-8&5 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Billiard table and ono good set Ivory balls. J. J. Vroeland 3310 N. 20th. Q-M374 17 * HALL'S Safes new and second-hand ; safes repaired and rented. 1116 Farnam Q M44I J13 FOR SALE 12 head fresh cows and spring' era. A. Wcllmaii , 2915 Castcllar St. Q 152 1G FOR SALE Gasoline ferry boat , located a Bcllcvuc , Neb. : first-class condition. In qulro W. S. King , South Omaha. Q-M515 2t ROLLER Top desk and two chairs ; good a now. 30G S. 12th St. Q-532 SHRUBBERY and trees at 1717 Douglns. F. B. Martin ; residence 4G22 Boulevard ave. II M431-M1G * NEW BRICK ut Wlthnell Bros & Smith's yard , 2Jd and Hickory. Telephone 425. R-M60G SEE Om. Van & Storage Co. about hauling to exposition ; no concessiorts to pay : low rates. 1511V4 Farnam. . R-525 31 MASSAGE ; , BATHS , KTC. LAURA Ellison , 1 < 9 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , room 12 , Turko-Russtan and plain baths , massage. T-M5J3 M19 ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles and Bents. 107 So. 14th , tcl. IS ! ) ! . Open all night. T-S1HX5 JG' MME. Smith , US N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. T 33S-16 * MADAME AMES , 607 S. 13 , room 10 ; mas sage baths. AT 438 19 * DEDICATED'baths and massago. Mmo. Brlsson , from Paris. 107 N. Uth St. T M497 J-14 MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par lors ; restful and curative. 417 8. llth , up stairs. T-M572 22' PERSONAL. VIAVI for uterlno troubles. 3IG-8 Bee bldg ; physician consultation or health book froo. U-S55 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post. 21954 S. 15th. U-836 SUPERFLUOUS hair , face blemishes re moved with electricity at Mmc. G. Payne's hatrdresslng and manlcuro par I lors , 312-313 Karbach block. U-M512 M19 130 RUPTURE cuio for $30. No detention , from business : 6 years In Omaha. Caller or vvrlto for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-933 New York Llfo bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-943 PERSONS suttlciently educated graduated Immediately In medlclno or dentistry. Lock box 19G , Chicago. U-M23J 19 THE Pantorlum. clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , day or night : special cnro given ladles' tailor made gowns : dress suits for hire. N. E. corner 14th and rarnam. Tel. 9C3. U S57 MATR1OMNLVL agency. Hend 10 cents for details with methods nnd descriptions ; largest In city ; many wealthy members ; special nttentlcn given to letters. Ad dress Mr . D. J. JlerrPtt. 133 E < 3lh St. , New York , N. Y. U M49S-10 * BIOMV TO LOVN HEAI , ESTATE. WANTED , ( holco farm and city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. H. Nut'l Bunk bldg. W i39 $100,00000 special fund to loan on llrst-closa Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company. LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 132 < Farnnm. W 862 6 PUR cent city nnd farm loans. Garvln Bros. 1613 Farnam St. W 863 quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W 861 BVi PER cent money. Bemls , Paxton blk , W SK5 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. W 864 EASTERN money for western Invest , ments ; send for circular. Investors Di rectory Co , New York W J90 J7 * SIOXUY TO LOAX Cll.\TTELb. $10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PLV NOB. HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc , at lowest rates In Onraha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods ; strictly confidential you can pay the loan oft ut any tlma 01 in any amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3M South Uth St. THE OLPEST. IJVROEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IJ1 OMAHA. X-W5 MONKV loanea salaried people lioldlni permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , wlthou security : eour payment * . Tolmau. R 106. N. Y. UblJi. X-57S SIIOHTHA.XD A.11) TVPKVHITl.tG. . VAN SANT'S School , 717 N. Y. Llfo. The i school whoso students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth & Douglas. 873 IHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Doylcs' School , 403-5-7 Beu bldg. 870 OMAHA Shorthand and Typewriting col lege , Boyd's tht-att-r. M422 J12 ntsisnss "Oil snip , n bargain , my cntlro drug Block , show tns s , soda fountain and counters ! also \\lll rent store at reason able rent : located Union Depot hotel , ono block from U. P. and Burlington depots. Ernest Stunt , proprietor. Y 479 TO GET In or out of business go to J. J. Gibson , 5H First Nat'l bank. Y 5.07 . "ELEVATORS for sale , a line of six elevators - vators on the Hepubllcnn Vnlley branch of the U. P. H. II. , cxtcndlnK south from Lincoln , Neb , through an excellent Rraln producing region. Will be sold together or floparatcly , as desired. In good repair nnd line working order. Will bo sold on easy ttrms. Apply to Ed 8 Millar , Bea trice , Neb. Y MS2IJ30 FOR SALE , A complete stock of paints , oil and nail paper , the only general stock In a city of b.CHiO Inhabitants , situated on I'ltget Sound , AVashlngton. Will give n bargain for rain ; no traJo. Addr * > ss A. M. Lord , Everett , Wash. Y-250-17' WANTED , Partner In Irrigation enterprise : canal already built and In operation In finest valley in the state : excellent oppor tunity. Address O 15 , Bee olllce Y M407 21 * WANTED , Party with JC.OOO or $7,000 to take up 5-year 7 per cent bonds llrst mortgage- on n $10,000 enterprise : also chance for same pnrtv to become p irt owner , w Ith prospect of active position and opportu nity for a nice profit on the Investment ; In answering please stale experience and glvo reference. Address O in Bee olllce. Y M400 21 * DltUG store , location second to none , doing a good business ; will sell whole or Inlf Interest. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. bank bide. Y-M450 21 I WANT to meet party with capital wish ing to engage In or nlreary engaged In u general in ill order supply business In Omaha. 1 control Nebraska .sales of choice goods for-country trade nnd which will bo exhibited at exposition , with busl- nem partially established. Am competent to conduct correspondence , advertising and selling , having had sc\eral j ears' ex perience. Ample references as to ability and Integrity. No schemers wanted , but reliable business party with capital. Ad dress for personal Interview onlv. OH. ! , Bee. Y M5GG 17 WANT to meet business man with smal capital ; legitimate business , lifetime chance ; prefer resident. O 51. Bee. Y-M575 16' MEAT market : cash trade ; will average J15 per day. Prlco $700 cash. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nat'l Bank. Y 177-14 ron VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise Ad dress 1 42 , Bee. / MSWi CLEAR Iowa farm for stock ranch. Veer hees-Munhattnn , Des Molncs , la 55-M419 2G WANTED , to trade $70 wheel , used two months , for good milk cow. Address O 51 , Bee. Z M553 10 * ron SAI.K IIHAI , ESTATE. KOUNT55E Place bargains , $2,500. $3,750 to $6500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank bldB. RE-SG9 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also llro Insurance. Bumls , Paxton block.IIES71 IIE-S71 FOLLOWING desirable propcrty : Buslnet lot corner. 00x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved , Business lot , 60x150 ft , improved. South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) . 3Cth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. UE S70 PARNAM St. , near 42d St. , lot 48xl2S ft , price $ SOC 00. J. N. Trcnzer , opp old P. O , RE-MHO HOMES For sale snap * Delightful home , West Farnam. Six pleasant homes In Hnnscom Place ; them. Four north part of city. Onlv bargains advertised. M. J. Kennard & Son , Solo Agents. RIO and 311 Brown block. RE 218 GERMAN SAVINGS RANK PROPERTY , NOTHING TOR RENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Buy and save rent. Never before In th history of Omaha have there been nucl opportunities offered to acqulro lots o homes at your own prices. You main tha prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands must bo satisfied. I give out no lists. If you want to buy I will match any prices made by any one. Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lots everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Houses and lots and aero tracts in Douglas county. Any reasonable oftcr will bo favorably con sidered. Tell wo what you want and 1 will tell you what I will tako. If you have a customer I will pay regular commissions. I have no agents Now 7 per cent loans , $1,000 to $1,600 , , for sale on improved property. THOS. II. M'CAGUE , Receiver. 100 N. loth St. RE-M505 7-R. house ; corner lot ; cheap. 2114 N. 24th. I RE-500 J14 $2.710 TAKES an 8-room modern house just finished : well located and good neighbor hood. G. M. Nattlnger , Bee bldg HE-M5GI 21 MUSICAL IN8THttMKVr.S. DEEP Cut In pianos ; 150 new pianos at prices that will lose sight of cost ; Ivets &Pom1. Vose , Emerson , Chlrkeilng , Hurel- , Fischer and other standard makes nil Included in this great money saving sale. Bargains In slightly used pianos : Chlckor- Ing , walnut case , $11500 ; Hardman , ebony case , only $ S300 ; new Scale Klmball , $9S > 00 ; organs from $ J3.00 upward ; easy payments If desired : pianos to rent , $100 per month. Tuning , polishing and repairing at lowest prices A. C. Mueller , tuner ; telephone 1623. Schmcicller . Mueller , 1313 Parnam , leading music dealers In the west. 531 21 HACKS AMI COUPES. HACKS and coupes promptly furnished at all hours , day or night , by Hackmcn's union. A. D. T. , tel. 177 , 8C3 and 770 M3D4 Jll STENOGRAPHER ! . WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12SI. SS2 TYPRWRITEIIB. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 larnnm St. ; Telephone 12S4. SSO DRESSMAKING in families. 2504 Daven port. M310 J7 1IRICK. WITH NELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer , building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and Hickory streets. Tel. 423. E20 1,000,000 new brick. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's. M 607 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITZ loans money , 41S N. 16th. S79 SIIOIM\KIUS. & BERGQUEST Mo\cd 307 S. 17 , Putto-non block. 433 J12 JUSTICE OF THE I'KACK. D. . U. HOUCIC. Justice of tha peace , 300 Karbach block. 96S -trflr- BARGAINS 'n ' new-ntnl second-hand hi- cvclcs ; easy terms The Safe Store , 1116 Fnrnam. 2JQ M4I3 J13 MAX rOOEL makM * . "cleans and repairs clothes. 307 S. 17. , . , - ISSJ1J M. \VALKIN. . ZUjcumlng. Tel. 1331.s73 s73 JU > K If DUSKS. ALPIRN. Omaha , Junk house , id So. 10th , paying best price for all kinds of Junk. HORsP. PASTURE. ALFALFA pasture , board fences. A. W. Phclps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1054. 61S 72i HOME meals ; all hours. 1019 Dodge. 401-J.-11 EXPOSITION rnoNTAfics ton GROUND leases fronting exposition. Bcmls , Paxton block. SSI BALL BEARING DENSMORE Used exclu sively by the exposition. \\'o soil every thing truly good in typo- n'itors nnd suppHos. MTEI ) TVPEWllITEIl t MJPPMES CO 1(11riiriDiini M , Oiiiuliu. CITY orriciAi , uTIf ES. 'ROPOSALS TOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE BARN. Sealed proposals will bo iccelved by the nelerslgned until 2 o'clock p m , Wcel- tsday , May is , 1S93 , for thu construction of vv o-story and basement bilck barn on itemises nt southeast corner of llth and Jodgu streets : said proposals will include II excavations , ( tilings and bo for the 'Ulldlng ' complete ( with the exception of ilumblng and steam heating ) , as shown by ilnns and specifications to bu seen In this Mice. The right Is rcseiVcd to reject any or all bids. Omaha , Neb , Mnv 14 , 1E3S. BOARD OP PUBLIC WORKS , ANDKEW ROSEWATER , Chairman. WILLIAM COBURN , Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR REMOVAL OF BUILD INGS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 2 o'clock p. m. Monday , "May 16 , IStS , for the 1removnl of the MX mine buildings now located nt N. E. corner .2th and Mason , nnd returning same o present location after grading t > hull have jeen completed. . Construct foundation walls , piers , etc , rcpali , chlmncjs and dam aged plaster and other jWork , all In u work manlike manner as pai specifications. The right Is reservedto ) reject any or all lds. r BOARD OF.PUnLTC WORKS. ANDHHW ROSEWATER , t i Chairman. WILLIAM COBURN. Secretary. Omaha , Neb. , May IS , 1S9S. M-13d-2t IIAII.WAX T1AIK ( JAHI ) . 2HICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy.i Rillroad "The Burlington Buillngton Route" Ticket Olllco. , 1502 Farnam Street. Route Telephone- . Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone - phone 128Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuled Express * 5:03 : pm 8:10 : nm Chicago Express . . * 0:4 : ! > nm 4:15 : pm Chicago it St. Louis Express . . . 7:45 : pm * 8:10 : nm Pacific Junction Local " 11:50 am 5:40 : pm Fast Mall 2 50 pm Chicago Special . . . * 12.03 am * 11:50 pm * Dally. Dully except Sunday. BURLINGTON & MIS- sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington liurllngton Route" Gen eral Otllces N. W. Corner Route Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. De- pot , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone 12 $ . Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook 8:35 : am * 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denverf Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound * 4:33 : pm 4.03 pm Lincoln Local * 7.oo pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fusl Mall. * 2.53 pm * ni:40 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah. California and Puget Sound 11:53 : pm * 11:55 : pm Dully. "Dally except Sunday. UNION PACITIC "THE Overland Route" General Of fices , N. W. Corner Ninth and Fninam Stroets. City Ticket Olt'ce , 13IJJ r.utmm Street. Tele-phone ) 210 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. 'The Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , nnd western p'ti. . * 8.30 nm 4:43 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Dcnv < r iS : all Colorado p'ts. 11:35 : pm C:40 : a m Fast Mail Train for Salt Lake' , Pacific coast mm all western points . . . * 4:35 : pm C:10 : nm Lincoln , Beatrice & Stromsbuig Ex. . 5:00 : pm ' 12.20 pm Fremont , Colum- bui , Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney 4:33 : pm 12.20pm Grand Island Ex. . . ' 5:00 : pm " 12-20 pm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. South Omaha Local 'Pass. Leaves , 6:13 : a. m. ; 7.00 a. m ; 9:15 : u. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:15 : a. m. ; 1.3Q p. in. ; 6.00 p. m. Council Bluffs Lofrni Leaves , 555 a. m. ; 6.50 u. m.j 7:40 : a. m. ) 8:40 : u. m. ; 10.30 a. m. ; 2:15 p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m.8.20 ; p. m. ; 10.05 p. m. . Arrives , 6:33 : n. in. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; S.35 a. m. ; HW a. m. ; 3:10 : p , m. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m. : 9:05 : p. m , ; 10:4i : p. m. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Rullroud-"Tho GroUttRock Island Routu" Cltr Ticket Office , 13i3 Farnum Street. Telephone ) 42i.t Depot , Tenth nnd Miit > on Streets. Telephone C2J.O f i i Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain . 'l Limited , cust . . . . 1:30 : nm 1:23 nm Rocky Mountain I Limited , we-it . . . . 5:20 : um 5:15 : nm Chicago & St. Paul Vestlbuled E x- prctH 5:00 : pm 1:23 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Denver and well. . 1:30 pm 4:25 : pin C h 1 c a K o , Des Molncs & Rock Island 7.00pm 11:25 : am Atlantic Express , for De-s Molnes und eastern points 7.00 nm 8.50 pin Colorado Flyer 7:00 : pm 8.50 um Dully. Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- roud General Offices unl Ticket Office , Merchants National Bank Rulldinz , l.'J ! Furnum St. Telephone 101 , Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1453. Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Neb. Limited ' 3.03 pm ' 12:53 : pm Kansas Cltv & St. Louis Express . . . 9:30 pm fi.OO am Nebraska Local 4:30 : pm 9:45 : am Dally. Dally cscept Bunday. RAILWAY TIME CARD. ( Continued 1 HCHICAOO & NORTH WEST- urn RullHav-Clty Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Teh-phono , Ml. Depot , _ Tenth ami Mason Streets. telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. ' Daylight Chicago I Special 6:40 : nm ' 11:30 : pm Mo. Valley. Sioux I Minneapolis 6:55 : am * 10lj : pin City , St. Paul & j Mo. Valley , Sioux I City 7:40 : am 9.05pm Dennlson. Carroll , I Wall Lake and Council Bluffs . . . . " 8:40 : am 9:13 : nm Eaxtcrn Ex. , Des Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar Rap ids and Chlt-iiKii. . 10:30 : am 4:35 : pm Atl.mtlc Tljer , Chicago cage nnd East , . . . 4:45 : pm 4:35 : pm Fant Mail , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis Llm'd 4:33 : pm 8:30 : am OmChicago Spc- elal (5:45 ( : pm S.50 nm Dally. " Dally except Sunday , IPREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rullwuy General Offices , United Stutes National Hank Bldg , , . Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd rnrnam Streets. Ticket Olllte , 1101 rarnam Street. Telephone , CM. De-pot , Fifteenth and We > bster Streets. Telephone , 1,418. Leave. At live. Black Hills , Deadwood - wood , Hot Sprl'gs 3 00 pin B:00 : pm Wvomlng , Casper nnd Douglas " 3:00 : pm O.W pm Hastings , York , Da- v Id City , Superior , Geneva , Ext-tcr & Se-wurd " 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , W. Point and Fremont " 7-50 nm " 10.23 um Lincoln , Wuhoo & Fremont 7:50 : am " 10.2311111 Fremont Local . . . . * 7:30 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. Dally except Saturday. * " * * Dally except Monday CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. M1N- noapolls & Omaha Railway General Offices , Nc-biusKa Division , Fifteenth and Webster Sttcets. City Ticket Office. HOI Fnrnam Street. Tele phone , 5C1. Depot , Fifteenth und Webster Stieets. Telephone1 , 1.45SLeave. Leave. At rive Sioux Cltv Ac-corn . h 10 nm S 20 pm Sioux City Aecom. . 9:30 : um " S.20 pm lllnlr , Emeison , Sioux City , Poiua , Hartlngton and Bloomlleld " 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : nm Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul A : Minneapolis * 5 r > r > pm 8 29 am Emerson Passenger 5:10 : pm * * 8.13 nm Dally. " D illy except Sunday. Sun day only. * " This tialn stops ut stations Florence to South Blair , Inclusive' , Sun days only ; on week dais , South Blair only. SIOUX CITY A : PACIFIC Railroad General Offices , United States Nation il Bank Building S W. Coi ner Twelfth and Farnam Strce-TT'Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 5G1. Depot , 13th and Webster Streets. Telephone 1438. Lcav e. Arrive. Slottx City , Man- koto , St. Paul , Minneapolis 5.55 pm S.20 nm Daily. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - P2BI road Omaha , Kansas City .Si Eastern Railroad "Tho Pot I ARTHUR Arthur Route" Ticket Olflce , 1415 Furnam Street , 'lele- - . - phone J . ' . Depot , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. _ . _ , Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express 4:35 : pm 11:30 : am Kansas City & Quliicy Loeal . . . . 7:40 : am 9 03 pm WAR ASH RA1LROAD- Tlcket Ofilco , 1415 Farnum Street. Telephone S92 Depot Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Anlve. St. Louts "Canon Ball" Express 4:30 pm * 11.30 am Dally. DHlCAnO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallvvnv City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam Ureet. Telephone 2SI. Depot , Tenth und Mnbon Stroets. Telephone 12 $ . „ Lcavu. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express 5:45 : pm 8:05 : am Omaha & Chicago Express 11 00 am 1:50 : pm Dully. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI Cloland against Hamilton Loan nnd TruU company. Appeal from Adams county. Affirmed. Sullivan , J. A party seeking relief In equity fiom a Judgment taken against him by default must exhibit a defense to the action , and ulso show that the rendition of such Judg ment vvus not duo to his failure to take such proper steps for his own protection us un adequate foresight of consequences would naturally -tuggust. 2. A Judgment will not be set aslUo on the application of a party who has , by his own laches , fulled to avail himself of un oppor tunity to defend. Stull against Miller. Error from Cass county. Revei sed und remanded. Ryun , C. A Judgment for damages because of an assignment of a cause of action to a resident I of another state , for the purpose of evading the exemption laws of this state , cannot j bo sustained when , on the trial , there was no proof of the contiovertcd fact that the right of exemption existed. Jaeggl ugalnst Gulley. Error from Plattc county. Affirmed. Norval , J. A diiestlon of fact determined on ton- lltetlng evidence ; will not bu disturbed upon rev lew. 2. An assignment "errors of law nt the tilal exceptcd to at the tlma" Is sufficient In a petition In present for rex lew the rulings on thu admission or exclusion of evidence. 3 An alignment In a petition In error for the denial of a motion for u new trial is bad which fulls to specify to whUh ot thu several grounds of the motion the assign ment applies. Uuxtln ugalnst Mlchaclson. Enoi fiom Washington county. Aflliined. Uyiin , C. The fact that u deed of conveyance his been recordc'd affords prlina faclu evidence of Its delivery , which Is u question of fact 2. The mere circumstance that u deed was found umong the papei i of the du- ( eased grantor named In It held to be with out .slsnlllcunco In view of the fact that such grantor , a resident of Nebraska , had since the making of the ilo/d been consti tuted by the grantee , a resident of Now York , his ultoiney. In fail , to bi < jj , mnnagu nnd convey the property described In such deed. Husenctter against Gullckbon , Error from Boone county. Reversed and remanded , Riun , C. Where the promise of a party to pay the debt of another is expieisly contingent upon the happening of u certain event , the happening of such event must bu allet-ed and proved to render the promlnscr liable. Field ugalnst , Mon > o & Co. Error from Douglas county. Reversed and remanded. Narvul , J. To entitle ono to rescind n contract of sale on the ground that ho was Induced to enter Into the same through the falsa rep resentations of the other party , It Is un necessary to eitubllsh that the party mak- Ing-the representations at the tlma knew they were false and untrue. 2. Where goods are sold upon credit ob tained bv the fraudulent representations of the vendee as to a past or existing fact , the vendor may rescind the sale and replevin the goods within a reasonable tlma utter the fraud Is discovered. Omaha National Bank against Fny. Ap peal from Douglas county. DUmlssed. Nor- vnl. J. Proceedings In garnishment after judg ment are ruvlownblo by petition in error , und not by appeal. 2. A proceeding In error must bo com menced In the supreme court within ono year from the date of the Judgment or final order sought to be reviewed , 1 totaling against Tctumseh National Rank. Error from Johnson county. Af- ! irn J. Sullivan , J. Where thu uimwur to a petition for the recovery of damages for a breach of con tract presents an equitable counterclaim which Is traversed by n reply , the I < HULH of fact thus arising are trlablu to tha < ourt vUthout n jury. . . . 2 In an action for damages for n breach of the covenant ugalnst Incumbrunces con tained In n deed , an answer , charging that the deed executed by the grantors does not contain a correct expression of the Inten tion of thn parties In re > gard to the trans action , sufficiently alleges the mutuality of the mistake. 3. Ev Hence examined nnd held to sustain the finding of the trial court that the decdi In question , though absolute In form , were Intended to Indemnify the grantees and others against a contingent liability anil were , therefore , mortuages. Held further that the evidence Justifies the finding thai the Insertion In such deeds of covenant ! of warranty against Incumbrances was the result of u mutual mistake of the parties. Wyatt-Bullurd Lumber Company . . Bourke. Error from Douglas county. Af firmed Rulllviin , J. Ordinarily when one having a mortgage on real estate becomes the owner ot the fee the former estate Is merged In the hitter. 2. But the mortgagee may In such t-uso keep his mortgage alive when It t * essen tial to his security aimlnst nn Intervening title. If there * was no expression of his In tention In relation to the mutter nt the tlmo he iit-qulred thn equity of redumption It will be presumed. In the ubsencjo ot clr- cumstutices Indicating u contrary puriKine- . that he Intended to do that which would prove most ndvantaECOUS to himself. 3 When the equity of redemption Is sold on Judicial process against the owner thereof , the innrtKagi'o may pun huso und hold the sumo either for himself or In tcusl for such o"'ner. 4 Evidence examined and held to sustain n finding of the trial court that the grantee In u deed given m scctirllv , purchased the c-eiiilty of ledemptlon nl un execution sale , In trust for the srnntor. Munto ugalnst Cnlliihnti. Appeal from Douglas county. Atfiimed. Ragiin , C. Neither an action under section l i of the Code of Civil Procedure1 , nor an Independ ent suit In equity will llet to vacate a Judgment after thu teim ut which It was renelereel , on account of the fraud of the successful party , unless mieh fraud oe- eiirietl or WIIH prae-tlce-d In connection with thu trl il of the cime. 2 Equity will not vacute a judgment on account of nn Innocent mistake or want of tecollection on the pint of thu plaintiff or his wltnesM ! * , nor gc-neially on uc'e-ount of the perjury ot othei witnesses In the cnce. 3 But where' It appears that the Judgment depends for Its hiippoit noon the evidence of the successful pariv given ut the trial , that the defeated paitv has u valid d - fe-nso which he was prevented ftoin es tablishing by reason ot such pcrjurv , ami whete he- his been guilty of no negligence and has exhausted till Ills nrdtimrv letjal re mi dies for obtaining u vuiutlon of such judgment then equity III u p.oper pioieril- Ing will vacate such ludgiiu-nt and giant the defeated party u nev.trl U or the notion 4 'Ihe allegations of the petition held to tmppiirt a decree of Ihe dlstilct court vacat ing u Judgment at law procured bv the per jury of the successful puty on the tilal Lewis against Cltv of Lincoln An eul from Lancaster count ) . Afllrmcel Sulli van , J An effectual stattltorv dedication of I mil for use as u public * tteet cannot ic-siilt from the filing ot u plat. In the olllce of the county clcik or regMti ot deeds , bj one who Is not the ovvnei of the fee 2 To establish u hlghwnv b > prescription then- must be a continuous usct bj the publiciindei u claim eif ilcht. dlstmetl ) manifested bv some nppropilateiictlon on the pint of thu public authoi Illes , for a i period equal to that icqulred to bin un action foi the recovery of title to land , ! A it-solution adopted bv a btmul of county commissioners purpottlug to cjfib- llsh a section line load , within the county for which thev are acting. Is valid us a picllnilmny oidet ; but b-fote such mid can be actually opened r.ieio must bo u proceeding upon pioper notlcu to usce-rtaln damages. t Under .section 21 , nrtlc lo I , of the con stitution , which dec-lares "that the ptopertv of no pel son shall bo taken 01 d imaged for public uie- without Just competis itlon there for , " A land owner cannot bo lequhi-d to surrender his land foi public us until his damages uro Hist ascertained and either piild or proper provision made fet their payment. 5 Where a city asserts the existence of a nubile street und ae-eks to hiivn Its titles theieto iiuleted and confiiincd us aijatnst thu general owner of the land It must show affitmitlvely every fact essential to the es- tabllJhr-ent of its claim. X.obcl agalmit Baueisae-hs Terror fiom Ad mis county. Reversed and remanded Sullivan , J. The P.DCO of a negotl-iblo piomlssoiy notu who has sohl and transferred the samu cannot rnaku a valid contract extending the time of pninent of hilc-h note. 2. Ordinarily declarations against Inter ests made by a partv to u suit or by ouu through whom he has deprived title to thu things In controversy aie admissible as cvl- de-neei against him. But one who huu pm- chased property cannot bo uffctted by Htutuments miido In relation thereto bv his vendor after the latter had parted with hlH title and possession. 3 When a verdict In fuvot ot one patty h set asldo by the cllstilct court In the ex ercise of a sound dlseietlon und u Hi-.ond trial results In favor of the other p.nty the lli-st vt-rdlc-t will not bci reInstated stated upon u re-versal by this court of n Judgment based on the second verdlut 4 An objection to n. ileoosltlon env thn ground that the witness did not testify to all the elements of n valid contract Is w Ith- otit merit. Hoyt against Little. Error from Gage county. Affirmed. C , A decree foreclojlna n rral estate mort gage was rendered June 5 for $151. Julv 11 nn order of sale was Issued , July 20 u r. mlttltur of t.0 ! was entcicd In open couit. Thu order of s-alo was then changed so as to leclte that the ) detieo WIIH rendi-reel for $113 and the property nflei-wards ndver- ti.sed und sold. Held , that the change m.ulo In the order of sale was not proludlelal to the owner of the equity of redemption and that the court did not en in refusing to set the sale luldo because ) tberuof. 2. To stay the execution of u decree fore , closing u leal estate mortgage u icquost In wrltltisr therefore- must bn filed with the cleik of the court within twentv clays after th date of the rendition of such decree. The filing of such request within twenty lays ufter the date of u remlttltur entered , lint more than twenty dujs after the date of the decree , will not stay the execution thereof. 3 The court did not err In refusing to Met aside u sale made under a doctuo foreclos ing n. real estate mortgage on the motion of the owner of the equity of redemption based on the ground that , when the sale was made , u motion made by him to the decree was pending In court. t An order of .sulo headed "The state of Nebianka , county of Gage , to the hherllT of said county , " compiles with section 21. article ) vl , of the constitution , provtdln-j that "all pioee. H shall tun In the niimo of the Statu of Ne-buibka. " German Nutloiml Bunk ngulnst Flint Na tional Bank. Error from Adams county. Reversed and lemundoil Irvine , C. An Ii solvent toipotation , merely because It Is u coiporutlon , is not ptohlblted lioin prrfenliiK particular crcdlloiH 2. A coiporation resolved to r inovu Its stock of merchandise to u distant city and eftect a consolidation theru with smother corpoiatlon. Afte-rwuids Its managing of ficers determined , In orilur to avoid tumble with creditors , to letuln u poillon of the goods , sell them und upplv tno proceeds to the pavmcnt of debts. No ttust was created and no provision made for the m inner of the application of tha proceeds Hi-Id , that this airange-ment did not constitute thoM M > ods a trust fund for the pajmcnt of creditors pie lain. 3 Thu president , one elli color und n stock- holdei who wn > not n director , uctlng with out authority from the bo trd of dire dors' , hold all the vtslblo assets of un Insolvent corporation and turned thu proceed ! of the salu over to a nlnglo c re-dltur , u eorporatlon In which two eif the persons HO acting vvi m intoredte-cl and of which the : ' were di rectors Held , that such nets amounted tea a e ( inversion of the eorporatcv prouei I ) fectecl , a com I of equltv lin < no jurisdiction , upon the application of suth officer , to en join action on thn pending churge-s because of prejudice , abuse of discretion und Inegil- larltles In pro ( eclut.- , alleged to about to bo Indulged In by such board In the ; healing contemplated. Statu against Robertson Error from Buf falo countv Alllimed. Ragan , C. Set lion 2V > of the Criminal Code construed nnd held : That the filing of a complaint ti fore nn examining magistrate charging a person with the inmmlpHloii of a tilme. ( auslng him to bo in rested , examined , md bound over to the dl-ttrlct court , does not arrest the running of thu itututn of limita tions , unless thu m.iBlstruto before whom thq complaint was filed had jurisdiction to try and puntxh the accused for thu ofTenso with which ho was charged. 2 On the llth day of August , 1W7. thu county attorney of Buffalo county filed with the countv Judge thereof u complaint charg ing onu It with having In mild county on thn 10th of October , It9l. committed the c-rlmei of obtaining money under fulnn pre tenses ; R WUH arrested and after u pn llm- Inary examination held to ansu.-i toinch charge In the district court. On thu llth of November , 1SS7 , the county attorney tiled In thn district coutt un Information ugalnxt R for H.ild < rlme. Held : That the filing in court during teim time of thu Infoi million , and not thu filing of the complaint with Diet county judge * , WUH the commencement of thu prosecution by the state , nnd that It WIIH bairi'd by the statute of limitations. Boughn against State , 41 Neb , $9 , re affirmed , Farney agnlnut County of Hamilton. Er- lor from Hamilton ruunty. Dismissed. Norval , J. It Is a firmly established rtilo In thU state that all thu parties to u joint judgment must bu made parties to n petition In error us plaintiff.or defendants , und n failure In this respect If M-ubonubly urged Is xnlll- clent grounds for the dlttmhital of thn pro ceeding. 2. A judgment , otherwise joint In foim , Is not rendered several by u finding which of the defendants In thn principal debtor und which urn the mirMleH. 3. The meio acceptance nl service ) by briefs by u defendant to nn ciror proce-cdlng IH not u waiver of the objection that theru is a defect of parties. Jacobson L > nn. Error from Knox county. Revel sed und Jlainlwseil. Norvul , J , An action to recover damages for trespass upon rent estate can bu brought alone In the county where the ) lands are situate. % A district court cannot acquire Jurl - "X. diction of u cause If the court from which the appeal was taken had nit jurisdiction of the subject matter Brown against llnrhm. Appeal from York county Affirmed Irvine1 , C. The evidence In this cusu examined , found to MHlalti the finding of the district court nnd to leave no question of law before the court for decision. Murker ugalnst Potter. Apneal from Douglas county Atllrmeit Rvim , C , Where there wits an uborttw ullnmpt by subsequent legislation to limit the operation of an existing statute such statute mtixt bo deemed to have the forteIt would have I'usscssed If no limitation of It hud bceu attempted. ov > tis : UK Tin : VTIOV\I < i.ivonn. : ( 'liiHttnntl HIIM it Hunt .Toll In llio Ceil o lieIK. . CINCINNATI. May If.-The Reds won an eleven Inning game fiom the Colonels today on Stelnfeldt's double und n sacrifice and u putottt In the final Inning. Thu gunn > wtia reticle with sensational fielding. Attend ance , C.SOO. Score : CINCINNATI. , l.Ot'lhVII.1.11. II 11,1) A.i : I U It O A.K. Mrllrl.lp , cf 0 ! 4 0 0 Clarke , If. . . t I J 0 1 I ! Smith , If 0 2 5 1 0 tnnor.l , rf o 0 e ) 0 i ) Ml U-r. rf. . . 0 2000 lloj. ct . > lifiklej , Hi. 0 0 II 0 0 De-xtc-r , c. . . 1 1 C S e ) M Phec. Sli. 1 I 3 S 1 rn'Rm'n , 'i 1 3 4 7 I St'lifil't , si 1 134 1C ) Sm'li. Jli 0 U 1 4 0 Itulll. 31) . . . n 1 S h 2 ttlle-lu-y , r . 0 1 5 1 1 \utiKlin , c. 0 I ) 5 1 0 Wll-or , lb. . 0 0 U 1 I 11" MT , p . . 0 1 1 4 I ) , p. 0 I 110 TotiU . . 4 10 5.1 19 4 totulu . . . .3 7''J IS 4 T\\o men out when winning lun was sun eel. Clne-lniiatl . . . 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Louisville . 1 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 Two-base hits : Stclnfeldt , Cllmtmun. Thiee-base hits : ClItiKinan Stoli n bases : Mcllilde- . Smith Doublet plavs ; CllnK- li'iili to Wilson , Me-l'hoo to Stelnfelilt to Ilcc-Klev. Fll t base on balls ! Off Dw'e-l , 1. oil Dowllng , 3. lilt by tiltche-d ball : lly Dwver. 1 Struck nut : lly Dvvyer , 2 : by DowlhiK , 3. PnsMfd balls ; Dt-Mer , I. Time : Two hours und ten minutes. I'mpltcs : Cushmati and llc-cller. Clite-iiHii's Kotleil I'le CHICAGO. May 13 The emit eoltimn tells how Cleveland won toda > Onlv four hits wete made oil Isbcll H ilellvoiy , but his support v\its about as bid as ever hap pened Attendance' , 9,101. Score1 ! CIIICAUO . ci.tvii\Ntt : : it ii o v i : u ii o A.I : . Cnllahin , rf 0 1 u 0 lliiricctt. If. 1 1 3 0 cj Limit * , cf W 0 3 1 ( I Mc-Urnn , si 0 0 1 < > > D.diiin , ft n i s i i ciuiii , : ii i i ; T o I.VPiltt. Hi u 1 10 1 'I Wall-lev. 31)1 t 0 0 I ) Uviui , If 13000 llhikirf 1 I - il I MeC'nik , II ) I 2 0 4 0 | , c . . . I ) 0 1 ( I i > I'eiinur. 2li il 0 1 .1 S Jlc-Al c-i , tf 0 0 4 U 0 Diinnline , e0 a S 1 0 Ti lw.ui , tli 0 0 13 I n Hlit-ll , p U 0 0 U 1 VMIrcn , p . 1 0 1 4 u Tutii'n . . - ' 10 21 11 5 4 57 11 1 hleug n n n 1 o o n 0 1 J lev eland . . 002U0030 .1 Katnecl mils. I'hh-as'o - Left on b ises : hlcago. U ; Clcvoliind , 3 Two-base hit : Ivan ' 1 hreol'iiKclilts. . IllaluulrCoiintrk. . ) oiibli > plav. Everltl to Pu.mhin1 Hliutlc ut 1)Isbell ) , t liase on balls- Off Isbcll , ; ofi Wilson , 1 Time ot farae. One hour ml fluv-llve inlnnte s I'mpltn. ' Mi Donald. STANDING OP THE TEAMS. Pill ) eel Won. Lost. P.C. Imlmmtl 21 17 I Sl.o lev eland 2. Ifi ( 7..7 oston 2t U ! > CO.'I Cew York Ill 11 H 7.'l laltlmoro ir 7 6 . .l Irooklvn i It 'i BJ.O 'hllailelphl.i 17 'I 8 & 2.'l Ittsburg 2i 11 U uO,0 hie ago t'l 1 111 I ? t t. Louis 19 C II 2 .l , ollls\Ille > 21 l ! IS 2111 Vushlns-ton 21 I 17 1IV.O Games todiiv : Cleve'laml nt Chltuno : Irooklvn at Boston , Wu'hlneton ut Now 'oik. H.iltlmoiu ut I'hllade ihia , tit. Louis t I'lttsbutg. scout's e p Tun WIMIII : > i.ntfii'i : . lulu NiiiM HieIVIIIINIIS Clt.-Oiunlia JilileIn I'ee Tlilril. ' KANSAS CITY , Muv 11 mluj'j game jetwe'ii Kansas City and Omahii was ulled at thn end of the thlid Inning on ac- ount of rain. The scotu stood 1 to 0 In uvor of Omaha. MILWAUKEE , May 15 Milwaukee hit hu ball today and won In .1 walk. The fc-a- tire of the game w is the batting und iltchlni ; of Taylor. Score : ' Milwaukee . . . .0 1 2 1 0 4 1 0 ' -9 10 * ) ctrolt . . 000100000-1 82 Uitlerles : Milwaukee , Taylor and Spoor ; Detroit. Halm nnd I'liller. ST. PAUL , May 13 Kully 0,000 tieoplo ut- cnded tod.i's game. Cool. , n St. Paul nmn- pur , v\as In thu box foi Minneapolis , pltch- ng cflrttlvo bull , but rucolveel jioor suj- > oit. Stole. * n. n. St Paul * -S 92 tinncapolls . . . 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 U 0 3 3 4 Batturle-s : St. Paul , Phvle und Sile-.s | ; Min neapolis , Cook and Divin. STANDING 01' THE TEAMS. Played. Won , Lgat. Pel Cent. ndlanapolls 19 1C 3 hi 2 St. Paul 21 19 I SJii funsiis City 19 11 H 51.9 'oluinbUH IS 10 h S51 ! Milwaukee 21 S 13 S < I Minneapolis 20 Ii 14 . ' 100 Jetiolt 20 fi 15 250 Omaha 20 G 13 2.1 U Games toihi ) : Iiidliinnpollrt at Columbui ; Dettoit at Milwaukee. InOrNtlltcIeiull : < - . I TOLEDO , O. , Jlay 13-Scoio : Toledo 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 3 New CilHtlu 0-J Diisn hits : Toledo. U ; New Custlc- . Er- IOIM ; Toledo. 2 ; New Castle , 4. Batteries : Toledo , Kergtison und Arthur ; Now Castle , UtiC7. und BaiKley. DAY'lON. U , May W Voro : TI.E. Da > ton 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Hi 2 Youngstown . . 0 .1 5 2 I'atfetlis : Dayton. Duugheity nnd Donu- liuc ; Yoinvstdu n , llrocllu and Xlniatn. FORT \\A\NE , May 13-oieuo : ' * Tort Wayne 1 I JO "i MaiHlleld . . . .001000100-2 d J Itattulcs : PoitVityne , Rclmun iind CiunplinMTiinnlli l'l Hi amunl Bell , riRANU RAPIDS. May 11Todav'H gnniu was ciillid nt the e-nd of the eighth liming to allow thu team to catch thu train. Sooiv : 11. i : . Grand Rnpiil.s . 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 7-11 111 1) ) rllis-Hold 0 1 0 0 0 i ( I 03 9 7 Uuttirlcs : Grand RuphlH Kn tal und Kote ; Spilngll" Id , < 'olc und ( iratllUH. Vi-M'e-rn AHseii'liitloii. ni'RLlNfiTON , I.i , Mity n. Burlliigton- Qiilney gainu postponed : it-Ill. ROCK ISLAND. Ill , M'lH No Hoik Ifland-IVoila Kamu on account ot i iln ST JOSEPH , .Mo. M iv n SI , ljs-'l- , ' Ottumw.i Km.m poHtpoiuil on account ot In COLUMBUS , ( ) , Mav 1Ilumpus Jones WUH Invincible ) In the pltchei'h bos toiluy. Bcoro ; n.n 'ollimblis ' . fl 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -2 10 1 Indianapolis . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 fl 1 Batteries : Columbus , Jonas and iiucKloy ; Ii dlunnpolls , l-' and Kuhoe hontlie-rn MOISILE , May 15 M.jolli9 ; Savan nah , II , N1J\V ORLEANS , Muy ID New Orlfiilis , 3 , Charleston , 1 Uneli > itM. It Vle-t H , O. By brilliant fielding and oppottum * hit ting the Hnyde-iiH Hticterdcd in handing thu Mctzs u tout of vvhltev/nsh yi-Htcrday aft- en noun ut the old Kort Omaha grounds. Kd- die VVe-lch was on the slab fet thu II.o- dens , the BrewrrH only dumiiKlng hl de livery to thu oxte-nt of one single' . He-ore : Hayeli ns , I ; Metzs , 0. I in so hits Mnt/s. 1 ; Ilajili'iis , 8. Butterlt-s : Havdens , Muitln und \Veleh ; Meitin ; , Hugo and COIIIIOIH Um pire ; Eddlo Law lei. Game t ailed nt tha end of sixth Inning on account of lain Original * ( ) nl > Slnt < -il I'll ' , No garni ) orcuireid yestc-rday afternoon between thn Original and thn Omaha llre-w- Ing us ( < oc lutlon b IHO ball teaniH. Tint par tial reason was that the weather wan tin bad und thu grounds we-rei In poor nhu ! > u. 'I ho OiIglnalH weru on hand , but thn other aggregation WIIH appun ntly of the opinion that thei we-ather would not permit n ganu und tht-ioioio not cqulipt ] > d for th frr.y.