Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Mystery of the Bacrnmcnt of Communion la
Easily Explained ,
II on I Presence of Clirlut IN Necessary
to the Kntency of the Rite , Other-
wlne It Were Merely
An audience uhlch completely filled St.
I'hllomena's church assembled last evening
to hear Hev. Father Younan discourse upon
"Tho Heal Presence of Christ In the Sacra
ment of the Kucharlst. " The substance of
the argument presented by Father Younan
Is about as follows :
The doctrine of the real presence Is
clearly and distinctly enunciated three times
In St. John. "I am the bread of life thnt
romcth from heaven : he that shall cat this
bread shall live forever. " The same doc
trine Is set forth In absolute , unmlntakablo
form In many Instances and by Matthew ,
Mark and Luke. "Verily , verily. I nay , un
less you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man
and drink His blood , yc shall not live , " nnd
many other explicit commands are , time and
again , enunciated. The doctrine Is not
figurative. For when Christ meant to be
figurative Ho said so ; when He wished to be
taken literally Ho so expressed Himself.
And He mailo no reply to the scornful ques
tioning of the Jews who heard this enun
ciation , and who asked Him If Ho were to
bo taken literally.
St. 1'aul , In I Corinthians x. also ex
pressed the doctrine In unmistakable 1 ali
enage , nnd further In the succeeding chap
ter. The apostles without exception held
the same literal faith and so expressed It.
Hvcn Martin Luther clung to the tenet , for
ho said : "In vain I wish to have denied
the real presence of Christ In the Eucharist
to have vexed the papists , but the words
of Rcrlpturo are BO strongly In favor of
this mystery tliat I could not bring myself
to adopt this expedient. " It Is the cardinal
essence , the foundation stone , the very life
of the church. For adopting the alternative
that the bread Is simply bread and the
wine simply wlna and the rites of the
church arc Idolatrous and reck with cor
ruption and mockery.
Depend * Solely On Faith.
Tint bow shall this transformation of one
substance Into another be accepted and un
derstood ? Iiy faith and faith alone. Just
as the mystery of creation Is accepted , as
the mystery of the formation of myriad
stars and mighty worlds from nothing and
through the word of God alone Is accepted.
As the mystery of life and growth , and
death and eternity must bo accepted by
faith. Ho who created all things can surely
change two substances.
The spiritual significance of the Bucharest
Is the vital point. The Jews supposed
Christ meant that they were to rend Ills
flesh and drink His blood , which to their
minds and religion was to calumniate them
and Him. Hut Christ said the carnal flesh
and blood profltcth nothing , The mystery
held In It the great nnd significant fact of
lovo. which Christ brought to this world
and by which Ho liafl redeemed It.
The reverend father closed with n solemn
exhortation to all to study deeply anil
prayerfully the wonderful mystery , and to so
order their lives that the Spirit of God would
Impart to them the grnco and menus of
understanding and receiving It.
Previous to the sermon the reading and
answering of questions placed In the box
was had. Many of these were of Interest
nnd the answers thereto were made not
only with learning ( fad wisdom but In n
spirit which to the observant listener be
tokens alireadth of charity and n tolerance
of belief which cannot but be Impressing
and satisfying. * * i-
Thoroughly SncccMHfnl.
That may truthfully be sold of Chamber-
laln'e Cough Remedy. U alwajs cures and
cures quickly. "When troubled with a cougher
or cold give It a trial end you are certain to
be more than pleased with the thorough euro
which It will effect.
Held nn Probable Pickpocket ! .
Harry Wheeler and Ike Goldstein were ar
rested at Sixteenth and Davenport streets
last night on the complaint of a citizen
who states that the men made an Ineffectual
attempt to pick his pocket. He said ho
was engaged In watching a passing parade
when ho felt a sharp jerk at his vest
pocket. A watch chain which had been
fastened In the pocket with a scarf holder
had been wrenched loose and hung fiam
the buttonhole. The citizen followed two
men who bad brushed against htm coinci
dent with the attempt upon his watch and
pointed them out to a patrolman. Nothing
was found on the persons of the arrested
men except a confederate $10 bill. They are
held on the charge of suspicious charac
Mans of Cuba at The Bee office Omaha-
Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut a
coupon from page 2. Address Cuban map
Hatnrdnr Offprlnun In Paranoia , Um-
breiln * , lloNlrry nnd Underwear.
Wo never knew the time when so much
beauty and style could bo obtained at so
small a cost positively the biggest bargain
of the paranol season.
Ladles' Fancy Parasols All new shades
with bem stitch borders bought to sell at
$3.00 , special for Saturday only , $1.79 each.
Another beautiful lot In stripes , plaids , I
checks , foullards , bcuht to sell at $2.25 , )
opcclnl for Saturday , oiilll.fii. .
At IBc Ladles' guaranteed fast black and
tan hose , double sole , heel and toe , a very
good quality , Saturday only IGc pair.
At 25c Ladles' extra fine gauge fast black
and tan hose , best mace yarn , regular 33c
quality , Saturday only 2"c pair.
At 35c Ladles' superior fast black lisle
thread hose , COc grade , white heel and toe ,
double sole , special for Saturday only 35c
At COc We have an elegant assortment
of ladles' fancy and plain lisle thread hose ,
Including tan , entire lot for Saturday ,
only COc pair.
At Ific Children's ribbed hose In fast
black nnd tan , double heel and toe , the
ncvor-wcar-out kind , nil sizes , 6 to 10 , Sat
urday only 1'c pair.
At IZ'/ic Ladles' Bullrlggan ribbed vests ,
ecru nnd white , , nicely finished , nil sizes ,
Saturday only 126c } each.
At ISc. 3 for fiOc Ladles' Rlchllcu ribbed
vests , silk tape , low neck , short sleeves , V
or square shaped neck , sold elsewhere at
25c , our price only 18e , 3 for 50c.
La'llcs' lisle thread vests , high neck , longer
or short sleeves , low neck , sleeveless , knee
pants to match , whlto or ccrue .exception
ally good quality , all sizes , Saturday only
Ladles' all silk vests , rlchllcu ribbed In
cream white , pink and sky , crochet neck
and shoulder , special value , all sizes , 3 to 6 ,
Saturday only COc.
At COc Our line of ladles' combination
suits nt COc Is without an exception the best
In the city ; silk finish , perfect fit , high neck ,
long or short sleeves , low neck , sleeveless ,
whlto or ccrue ; you pay elsewhere C5c ; our
price , only fiOc suit. >
Children's fine Egyptian cotton vests , silk
tapes , .well made , Blzes , 16-18-20 , at ICc ;
22-24-2C , at 20c ; 28-30-32 , at 25c ; knee pants
to match.
Misses' fine white ribbed vests , low neck ,
sleeveless , crochet trimmed , all sizes , 18 to
30 , only 12V&C each.
June patterns and publications now ready.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth.
UrndnntcN-Elect of 1808 Afford De
cided Delectation to a Select Au
dience with Their Content.
The senior class of the Omaha High school
gave a very pleasant entertainment yester
day. It was the oratorical contest of the
class of 1898 and Included several Interest
ing literary nnd musical features.
The program was opened with nn over
ture from "William Tell" by Mrs. Levlston
and Prof. Lighten. Mlsi Edith Spencer de
livered an admirable oration on "Music. "
Miss Winifred Everlngham followed with
an equally praiseworthy effort , the subject
of her oration being "A Feature of Modern
Criticism. " Miss Edith * Burgess delivered
a praiseworthy oration on "The Twilight of
the Gods. "
The second part of the program was begun
with a beautiful vocal solo by Miss Sadie
Dowcn. Carl Helnrlch followed with an
oration -"Goethe and Tolstoi. " The oration
tion of John Swenson on "Bosslsm In Poll-
tics" .was a splendid effort. It was fol
lowed by nn oration on "Military Despotism
In Franco" by Elmer Rood , Vj
Thoudgcs of the oratorical contest , Miss
( "
S. n _ Da"vls-anrf Revs. Thomas J. Mackay
and S. Wright Butler , after brief delibera
tion decided that the first two places of
honor belonged to Miss Everlngbam and
Jobn Swcnson.
Did the Iloya Uoodhye.
They leave for San Francisco and Chtck-
amauga early next week. $1.25 for the
round trip to Lincoln Sunday. May 15th , via
Burlington Houte. Train leaves Burling
ton depot at 8:35 : a. m. Returning , leaves
Lincoln at 2:15 : p. m. , 6:00 : p. m. or 10:35 : p.
Get tickets at 1502 Farnam St. or at Bur
lington depot , 10th and Mason Sts.
Hook iHland Excnrxlon.
To Lincoln , Sunday , May 15 , only $1.25
for the round trip. Ticket office , 1323 Far
nam street.
1,000 souvenirs nnd J.OOO perfume samples
given away at our Soda Fountain opening
Saturday. H. B. Graham's Pharmacy , 24th
tnl Farnr.m.
I Get a map of Cuba and get the best and
most complete. The Bee's combination map
of Cuba , the West Indies and of the world.
With a- Bee map coupon , on page 2 , 10
cents , at Bee office , Omaha , South Omaha or
Council Bluffs. By mall , 14 cents. Address
Cuban Map Department.
They leave for San Francisco and
Chickamaugua early next week. . . .
Take the 8:35 : a : m. train , Omaha to
Lincoln > returning on the 2:15 p. m. , the
600 ; p. mor the 1035 ; p. m. train from
Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street.
Depot , 10th and Mason Strettv.
Men'sj Underwear , Hone unit Colored
Shirt * Great Value * for Saturday
Fine quality ribbed balbrlRfcau shirts and
drawers , extra well made , drawers double
gusscttcd , 2Cc.
Superior quality balbrlegan shirts and
drawers , made of pure Egyptian cotton , pa
tent seams , drawers made with double seat ,
Men's One quality drilling drawers with
Instlc ankle , most comfortable and dura
ble , COc.
French balbrlggan shirts and drawers ,
extra flue summer weight , 76c.
Silk and lisle ribbed shirts and drawers
n blue and whlto narrow stripe$1.00. .
Men's ribbed uajbrlggan union suits , pa-
cnt seams , well finished , $1.00.
Men's flno lisle ribbed union suits , $1,60.
Soft shirts , with cuffs to match , made of
lercale and cheviot , to be worn with white
collars , COc.
Fine quality percale shirts , In light and
dark colors , cuffs to match , 75c.
Monarch brand shirts , In fine Scotch chev-
ots and madras , with culls to match fine
> ercalo shirts with two turndown collars ,
Star brand shirts , soft or stiff fronts ,
made of the finest French madras , with col-
ars to match , or without collars , $1.50.
Black and tan stainless hose , double heels
and soles .extra serviceable , 12V4c.
Men's fancy plaid and stripe hose , plain
Dlnck and tan , with double soles and heels
jlack with white soles In medium and light
weight , 2"c.
Men's all wool band made sweaters In
blue , red and tan , unusual value , $1.50.
Men's extra fine all wool hand made
sweater , ln pearl gray , green and blue , laced
front , $3.00.
Boys' all wool hand made sweaters in
grecen , red and blue , with roll collar , $1.00.
Boys' all wool sweaters , In blue , green
and red , with sailor collars and laced fronts ,
Men's all wool Icgglns with fancy tops.
Men's and ladles' fine cl ! wool bicycle
Icgglns , In all colors , with fancy tops to
match sweater. $1.00.
Washable string ties , made of fine quality
gingham , In neat stripes , checks and plain
colors , 3 for 25c.
White pique made ascots , extra long , 25c.
Made ascots In colored silks , whlto pique
and washable ascots. In all colors , COc.
Corner-Farnam and Fifteenth.
VJ.2.1 ! 1(11.25 ( ! 91.25 ! fl.25t
Lincoln mill Ilotnrn.
Train will leave Council Bluffs 8:00 : a. m. ,
Omaha 8:35 : a. m. and Albright 8:60 : a. m.
Returning leave Lincoln 2:18 : p. m. , 6 p. m.
or 11:45 : p. m. This will be the last chance
to see the soldier boys.
Tickets now on sale , 1323 Farnam street ,
and Union Depot ticket ofllcc.
A Trent for UIIHIICMN Men.
The Omaha Business Men's association
will hold a public meeting at Crelgbton hall
Monday evening. May 16. Hon. S. J. Kent ,
commissioner of labor forthis , state , will
address the meeting on the subject , "The
Business Man and the Wage Earner. " Mrs.
Mary G. Andrews will also address the
meeting upon the topic as viewed from a
woman's standpoint.
Every business man In Omaha should
be present to hear this subject discussed by
these able speakers. Organized labor will
be well represented at the meeting and the
business men In general should turn out and
see to It that they are not out numbered In
attendance or Interest manifested.
Members of labor organizations and their
friends , business men > and their , employes
ore especially Invited. Bring your wives.
A special Invitation is given to thq ladles to
attend this meeting. " '
By order of the "executive committee.
By H. O. Beatty , Secretary.
Hayden Bros. ' ad on page 5 will Interest
Sam'l Burns Is selling an English deco
rated Dinner Set , 100 pieces , $7.75 , In three
Sunday , Mny 1.1 ,
Via Burlington Route. Take the 8:35 : a. m.
train , Omaha to Lincoln. Returning leave
Lincoln at 2:15 : p.m. , 6:00 : p. m. or 10:35 : p. m.
This is your last chance to see the Boys
In Blue before they leave for the front.
Get tickets at 1502 Farnam or at Burling
ton dtpot , 10th and Mason Sts.
Attempt Made to Open the Door Rlftht
Under the Glare of the
An attempted burglary occurred at the
cigar store of Charles Tracy at the corner
of Sixteenth and Douglas streets some time
during Thursday night. When the Janitor
arrived to open the store as he usually
does each morning his key would not flt
In the lock and In attempting to unlock
the door broke the key. The services of
a locksmith were required to open the door
and upon examination he said that the
lock had been tampered with. This at
tempted robbery occurred at a point where
It Is almost as light as day , there being
an electric light In the middle of Sixteenth
and Douglas street.
Ilucklin's ) Arulca halve.
THE BEST SALVE In thb world for Cuts ,
Bruises , Soren , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever
Sores. Teticr , Chapped Hand * , Chilblains.
Corns end all Skin Eruptions , and positively
cure * Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar-
tntccd to ftlve perfect satlotacllon or money
refunded. Price 25 eenti per box. For sale
vv Kuhn & Co.
Read what the Big Store bas to say on
page C.
Sunday , Mar IB ,
Via Burlington Route. Take the 8:35 : a. m.
train , Omaha to .Lincoln , Returning leave
Lincoln at 2:15 : p.m. , 6:00 : p. m. or 10:35 : p. m.
This Is your last chance to see the Boys
In Blue before they leave for the front.
Gil tickets at 1502 Farnam or at Burling
ton depot , 10th and Mason Sts.
Short Ilontc Chlcatco to I'renbytcrlan
'General ' Amtenibly
Is the Pennsylvania Line. Dally trains
from Chicago Union Station to entrance
to Wlnona Lake grounds where Assembly
will be In session , Excursion tickets will
be sold May 16 to 21 , Inclusive. For par
ticulars apply to II. R , Derlng , A. G. P.
Agt. , 248 South Clark St. , Chicago.
Don't Karicet.
The new offices of the Missouri Pacific
are at the corner of 14th and Douglas Sts.
Itook Inland Excursion.
To Lincoln , Sunday , May 1C , only $1.25
for the round trip. Ticket office , 1323 Far
nam street.
Three Ticket Audit * .
At three different windows will sell tickets
far the Burlington excursion to Lincoln to
morrow. One window for ladles exclu
Train leaves at 8:35 : a. m. $1.25 for the
round trip.
Haydens have an ad on page 6 , Read II
all through.
nidi for Converting the Jail.
At the meeting of the Board of Public
Works bids for the conversion of the ichool
at Eleventh and Dodge Into a city jail were
opened. A. J. Plereon wo * the lowest bid
der , bis figure being $1,868.CO. The highest
bid was $2,548.
The contractors who have the grading of
Mason street between Eleventh and Thir
teenth streets were Instructed by directions
to clear up , all dirt , rocks , etc. , every Sat
urday night.
After dlnlni come * 8. * H. "Violets"
the real the aristocratic perfunc ( or tbt
BosTojr srrenE
From the Dreflt Auction Rale W. A J.
Blnnnei Kerr York City.
This auction Bale of carpets was the
grratcBt ever hell In the United States , nnd
he carpeti are all the newest designs anil
styles , very best -grades and all absolutely
ound and perfect.
Wo were ono of'the largest purchasers nt
lie rale and secured the choicest bargains
n the whole stock.-i
$1.60 CARPETS , 750 YD.
Hundreds and ihu nil reds of rolls to select
rom ; the very latest and most elegant de
signs , in moquettcs , axmlnsters , Wiltons
velvets , etc. , that are worth up to It.bO a
yard , at 76c yard.
Hundreds of rolls of the latest and no .vest
styles 10-wlro Brussels carpet go at 19c yd.
ICth and Douglas.
Ideal ItellKlon nnd UN Application to
Human Life IN DlnctiNited nt
Some I.cnutli.
The Ideal religion nnd Its application to
human life was discussed by Dr. Franklin
at Temple Israel last night. It was shown
that the spiritual life of each man must be
nourished by food fitted to the case and
.hat what would bo necessary for the wcl-
nro of one would be positively Injurious to
"It Is not only a physical distinction , "
Dr. Franklin said , "of which the terms *
giant and pigmy are connotatlvc. Mental
irowcss and moral superiority merit no lest
him bodily strength those titles of excel-
encc. In all phases of the three-sided un-
'oldlng of life there Is a distinct gradation
n development and as a physician treats
physical Infirmities each with Its different
remedy , so mental and moral Imperfections
must be treated according to their need. It
Is perhaps the first great principle upon
which the modern science of pedagogics
rests to direct mental growth in accordance
with the natural abilities and native in
clinations of the Individual.
"Life Is religion and our Ideas of God are
but the projected Images of our own souls.
Mow life depends on many conditions ; edu
cation , environment , heritage , all play a
part In Its unfolding , and wo can disregard
these Influences as little In the spiritual life
as we can In the physical. So religion must
admit of growth and change to suit condi
tions. If modern preachers would but open
their eyes to these conditions.they would bo
saved the annoyance of explaining those
phases of thalr faiths which are out of har
mony with the spirit and enlarging Ideals of
this century. As truth advances and the In
tensity of spiritual life becomes more mani
fest and better understood the religious
thought of men will center about the high
est truth , with God the Inspiration , god
liness tne-goal and upright Ufa the condition
of victory. "
At the conclusion of the lecture a meeting
of the Council of Jewish Women was held ,
at which an election of officers took place and
other business of the organization
transacted. The subject of the lecture next
week will be "The Dangers Threatening
Childhood" and on May 28 will occur the
annual confirmation exercises.
Rats nnd mice cat Stearns' Electric paste
and die. 25c and $1:00 ; at all dealers.
Sunday , Mny 15 ,
Via Burlington .Route. Take the 8:3 : > a. m.
train , Omaha to Lincoln. Returning leave
Lincoln at 2:15 : p-iu. , 6:00 : p. m. or 10:35 : p. m.
This Is your' last chance to see the Boya
In Hlue before they-leave for the front.
pet tickets at 3602 Farnam or at Burling
ton depot , 10th and Mason Sts.
Vln Rock iHlnnd Route , Sunday ,
Slay IB.
Last chance to see the soldier boys In
Camp McKlnley , Des Motnes. Train will
leave Omaha 6:10 : a. m. , Council Bluffs 6:30 :
a. m. , returning same day. Ticket offlcc
1323 Farnam St.
Public Notice.
The Northwestern Line Daylight Special
now leaves the U. P. depot at 6:40 : a. m. ;
arrives Chicago 8:45 : same evening. No
change in the other trains. The Overland
Limited 4:45 : p. m. and the Omaha Chicago
Special at 6:45 : p. m. arrive at Chicago 7:45 :
and 9:30 : , respectively , next morning. The
most advanced vestlbuled uleopors. diners end
free parlor chair cars of course what else
would the "Northwestern" have ?
1401 Furnam st.
Chiuiicc of Location.
When you want tickets do not forget to
call at the S. E. corner of 14th and Douglas
Sts. The new offices of the Missouri Pa
cific railway are located there.
Send The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during the exposition ; six months for 35
cents. Begin with the Exposition number
th's week.
The Die Store's ad is "on page 5.
Did thcinoyn Goodbye.
They leave for San Francisco and Chlck-
amauga early next week. $1.25 for the
round trjp to Lincoln Sunday , May 15th. , via
Burlington Route. Train leaves Burling
ton depot at 8:35 : a. m. Returning , leaves
LIL'colu at 2:15 : p. m. , 6:00 : p. m. or 10:35 : p.
m.Qet tickets at 1502 Farnam St. or at Bur
lington depot , 10th and Mason Sts.
Two Irnlna nally
to Denver and Colorado point *
via Union Pacific. .
Only line running
two trains dally
to Wyoming , Utah , California
and Pugei Sound points.
Call at City Ticket Offlc . 1302 Farnam et.
Rock Island Excursion.
To Lincoln , Sunday , May 15 , only $1.25
for the round trip. Ticket office , 1323 Far
nam street. _ _
The Missouri Pacific railway offices are
now located at the S. E. corner 14th and
Douglas Sts.
Colorado. I'lnJi. Unllforaia
Reached quickest via
City ticket office. No. 1302 Farnam street
BARRY Joseph ; aged 25 years , at Den
ver , Colo. Remains shipped to Omaha.
Funeral Saturday morning , Mny 14 , at
8:30 : a. m. to St. Phllomena church , from
the family residence , 1017 Chicago streto.
Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
HICKST10IN Fred , May 13 , 1838 , need 63
years , ut his late residence , 3115 Marcy
street , after a long illness. Funeral notice
DR ,
Highest Honors , World's Fair
Mrtal , MklwiaUr Fair
Should the weather be such this after
noon nnd cvcnlnc that COLD Soda Water
cannot bo appreciated , wo shall serve It
hot. Remember this Is the day the ladles
of the Y , AV. C. A. are running our SODA
WATER BUSINESS , and If you don't get
your money's worth It will not bo their
IIuvler'N Ice Cream Soda lOo
Coca-Celery PhoNnhate Re
CriiNh Fruit and Ice Cream . . . . . . lOc
Wild Plum I'homtlinte Be
Did you buy n ticket ?
Bring It In and "cash It" today.
Sherman & McDonnell DrugCo ,
ini.'t Dodire Street.
Middle of Illouk. Omaha , \eh.
We Furnish the Exposition With
and Dccorntlonn. Why Not Yant
Mfgrs. of Tents , Awnings
l.ns. . . 1311 iiuinSt
Usotl exclu
sively by the
Wo sell every
thinjj truly
good in type
writers nnd supplies.
1(111 ! Furuiiui St. , Oinnhn.
, 90c.
Saturday morning when the store opens you will
find on separate tables right by our 15th street en
trance , three grand lines of men's underwear , on sale
nt 50 cents , 70 cents and 90 cents a suit. While this
is not a special sale for one day only or for a few
hours , yet it is possible that by Saturday night some
of the lines will be all sold and the sizes will be BO
badly broken that we cannot duplicate them next
week. For that reason we invite an early response
to this announcement , and in return wo promise val
ues that it will be impossible to duplicate when the
present lots are gone. LoTNo. 1 at 50 cents a suit ,
comprises two lines in natural and silver gray meri
no would be good value at 70 cents a suit. Lot No
2 contains four grand lines of balbriggan in plains
mottled and random effects , silk finished and would
be good value at one dollar a suit. The price will bo
70 cents a suit. Lot No. 3 consists of several lines of
fine balbriggan , Mace and Egyptian yarn and goods
that are usually sold at 75 cents a garment § 1.50 a
suit. The price will be 45 cents a garment 90 cents
a suit. There will be no restriction whatever as to
quantity and you may exchange or have your money
returned at any time desired.
Last Excursion to
To See the Soldier 803-3. .
unday ,
ONLY $1.25
For the Round Trip ,
Train will leave Council Bluffs 8.00 a. m. , Omaha at
835 a. m. , Albright at 8.50 a. m.
Returning trains will leave Lincoln at 2.18 p. m. , 6 p.
m. and 11.45 p. m.
1323 Farnam St. and Union Depot ,
> - < - (
Tou may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at the
Shepard Medical Institute
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
Diseases of the Lunca , Stomach ,
Kidneys. Nerves and nlood. Kefer-
ence , by permission , to 6,000 cured
putlentn. The largest medical cilice.
and practice In the west. The Omaha
Hee , leading dally , says : "The Shep-
urU Medical Institute In entirely rella-
ble In a profebBlonal and business )
way. Dr. Bbepard and his associates
have Rained and fully maintained a
leading reputation In the treatment
of chronla diseases. The public may
safely trust them. "
IA/DITF For testimonials from
V ? M I I L. ministers , teachers , buul-
ncsi men , farmers , etc. , telling how
they were cured at home through the
Wall Bystun.
QOnU "The New Treatment ;
DUUlA How It Cures , " Is sent free
to all who write. It Is a clean medical
work for the wholn family to read
and la of great value to all who ieflc
better health. Book and Consultation
Blanks sent free to all Inquirers.
Medicines sent everywhere. State
your case and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tatlon free , personally or by letter.
facial CllEAM.
The | iioi1 lire Hcrveil ivUh nil HorU
A Great of Punch unit Judy milcx. What
fool * ( lifiii * morlnlN lie Mho livllcvc
Underwear Miit-h rot. An iiuilertvenr nule. Why
a Hitlc ? ITiilpHH , iierliaim to feed
Sale tlioxr n ho love exrlti-mpiit. Con
Ncrvnmc linyem imtrmiUe nlorei
thnt luive no nlon.
IMif < he "fiiiiirnnt.M- . "
Bought at
No ( hi 111 : iloiic In're to nliiise the In
28 Plestas tellect. When nn * nhle to offer
nil nrtlcle nt ICHH tlinii It * Intrliiulo
on the 1 1 tnliic , tlu-ii ue HUV MO. If we ennnot ,
vte * uy MO , too. And hcn we ran
Direct From
tlivrc In plenty to u < a roil ml for
the Wreck length of time. Come when yo *
itmit to.
of San Juan 'I'll IU nboiit nmlcrwonr.
Yon will Hnd u Mocked to the
De Porto Rico rclllnic wUh two klml * of underwear
which we lioiiKut of Illiernlly , be >
CHUNK the mlllit akcd u * to hid.
Our Buyer Otio kind ! composed of a few Tola
of regular made underwear , of Ilifht
Sampson mid me ill um fllier , color * , brown , old
Ifold , urey , mottled brown , mottled
Wires That
Krcy , flesh and other color * , thnt tbe
Nothing More writer of thi * l unfamiliar with.
Remains Than This Kind is 25 Cents Each.
Shirt * or iiaiits , an you like , any
A Few Naked 1st .
Another kind I * an assortment of
Walls varloim color * and nhaden of balbrlic-
KUII , mace , combed cotton , and Kffyii-
lluii flbre. Nearly all with silk Hn-
Uliei ! liottonm and cuff * . Home with
urn I u * llk lirenntliniid * . The pant *
This Kind Is 45 Cents Each.
No More Call It n wren ! underwear Hale II
> ou mint to. We dou't believe la
Underwear that thoiiiih.