THE OMAHA DAILY JVEE : SATURDAY , MAY 14 , 1808. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. Art COUNCIL BLUFFS. SlINOIt MBXTIOX. Try Moore's stock food. Dr. Green , office 512 Fourth street. -E. M. Wlllard of Atlantic , la. , was In th city yesterday. J. n. Bell of Dlllcr , Neb. , Is visiting Coun Cll Bluffs friend ) . Dr. A. O. Mutlge , Ihe denllst , rciuoTi from 31 ! ) to 33S Broadway , John Rohrborg and family of Mlncola wcr guests at the Kiel yesterday. The Evans laundry Is Ihe leader In fin work l/oth for color and finish. 20 Peat street. I'hnnc 2'JO. Ned Wood of Logan , la. , Is in the clt ) the guest of his sister , Mrs. W. 8. Balrd o H15 East Broadway. The Girls' Industrial school will meet thi nftcrnoon at 2:30 : o'clock In the rooms I the Hlsemnn building. Mrs. Ella McKuno is expected home lodn from Clinton , la. , where she has been on vltlt to friends and relatives. Mrs. W. W. Sherman has returned fror Langworthy , la. , where she was called b the illness of Mrs. E. E. Sherman. Mrs. Emily Ekdall died yesterday at th home of her daughter , Mrs. Olof Houge , a 401 Damon street , of heart failure , age 67 years. Don't you think It must bo a prctly goo laundry lhat con please so many hundred of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , ' 724 Broadway. H. J , Adams , who was admitted to the ba .Wednesday In DCS Molnes , has gone to visl Ills mothc'r In Battle Creek , Mich. , befor returning here. Herman and Max Mendel and Boyd Rem ington , all of Neola , arc the guests of Tor I iccy. They came up to attend the concet of the Apollo club last night. Charles Cooney , found guilty In the dls trlct court of seduction , was given ten day In which to file n motion for a new trial He Is at present out on ball. "Vlrglnlus" will be the bill at the Dohati theater next Tuesday night , wllh Frederic .Wnrde In the tlllo role. It is several season since Wardo has been In tills city. The Detroit gas machine will light you residence or store costing 1 cent to run sixty-four candle power lamp four houri J. C. Blxby , heating , plumbing , lighting , 20 Main and 203 I'earl St. , Council Bluffs , la. In Ihe case of Ed Gorman against WI1 Ham Witt and others In the district coui the defendant filed notice yesterday of a Alter to confess Judgment for $ lt and cost nnd the plaintiff was given until May 1 to elect whether to accept the offer or noi Mary B. Llddcll , daughter of Mr. and Mn 'Andrew Llddell , living near Taylor post olllce , died yesterday of typhoid malarli oftcr six months' Illness , aged 23 years. Th funeral will be held this afternoon at o'clock from Falrvlew church In Washing ton township. Ur. J. H. Cleaver and W. E. Haverstoc returned ycslerday morning from Waterlot where they attended the session of th stnto grand lodge of the Ancient Order c United Workmen. Rr. Cleaver was hon orcd by being re-elected state grand medic : examiner for the order. Assistant County Attorney Spencer Smlt ROCS lo Lincoln this morning to be preset ) nt the hearing accorded W. M. Farrlngdo on his protest against the granllng of th requisition papers for his return to thi utato to answer the charge of grand larcen preferred against him by Mcnaray Bros. C. B. Vlavi Co. , female remedy ; consult : ) tlon free. Office hours , 9 to 12 nnd 2 lo I Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Mor rlam block. Money to loan on ciiy property. Klnnc. ( N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. l _ _ _ _ _ I Irving hotel , 2759 B'd'y ; rates , $1.50. I In the DlNtrlct Conrt. The trial of Dan McKenzle of Silver Crcc township , charged with malicious dcslruc tton of certain goods and chattels , the prop crty of J. H. Larlson , was commenced 1 the district court yesterday afternoon. The arrest and Indictment of McKenzle I n sequel to a dispute between the Omah National bank and J. W. Squire of this tit as to the ownership of an clghly-acre fan in Silver Creek township. A suit to quit the bank's title In the properly In eonlro vcrsy is now pending in the district conn McKcnzIo was put in possession of the fan by the bank and Larlson , who held a leas from Squire , sought lo oust him by proceed ings before a local Justice of the peace. Th bank secured a writ of injunction restrain Ing the Justice from acting In the cas < Larlson Ihen went before the ( jrand Jur nnd charged McKenzle with destroying earn ten bushels of corn nnd other properly c his Ibat was in the house on the farm. Fred Slone , colored , was Irlcd yesterda In Ihe district court on the charge of at eaultlng John Lindcr with Intent to coram great bodily Injury. The Jury acquttlcd bin Hoffmnyr's fancy patent flour makes tli best and most bread. Ask your grocer for 1 Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F Bee office , Council Bluffs. Where the organ stands on the bulldlni that's Bouriclus , where they sell good p : nnos cheap. No. 325 Broadway. Uewey Ce1chrittloit\Potnned. \ The mass meeting to have been held tc night in the opera housa lo celebralo 111 vlclory of Admiral Uevey over Ihe Spanls nt Manila has been Indefinitely postpone ) This was decided upon at a meeting yestoi tcrday morning of tie coinmltteu In chaif of the arrangements , in view of the dlsai ter to the Wlnslo.v In Cardenas harlt Wednesday and the killing of Ensign Baj ley and several in'an.l : also becunso tl tommlttee In canvassing the city discovert there was a general feeling that It woul bo better to await the outcome of the et Kageraent that is expected to take place ar day between the licet of Admiral Sampsc nnd the Spanish. L'artcl & Miller have best home-mat tircad. FOIl SALE Good eecond-hand bicycle i n bargain. Call at The Bee office , Counc Bluffs. Dance at K. I' , hall Saturday night. Superior Court. In the superior court yesterday O. V Grow commenced proceedings against tl Skandta Plow company and others to fen close a mortgage for J199.910 on lots 20 nr 21. In block 24 , Ferry addition , The Women's Homeopathic nsroclatton i Pennsylvania instituted proceeding. ! again Joseph Furren and others to forer'oso ' $1.200 mortgage on lot 1 , blocic 4 In Hng First addition. Application Is also mai for the appointment of a receiver. Agnes and Eunice CajaJy brought su against Henry Allen to recover osi a rron Iseory note for $71.25 alleged to be duo at unpaid. KINGSFORD'S SILVER GLOSS Hthe beet starch , for your laundry NEITHER PARTY IS PLEASE ! Judge Macy's Decree in the "Presbjteria Alley" Oose Unsatisfactory ! OBJECTIONS FOR DIFFERING REASON I'lnlnlllT Think * ( he Should He Iloclnrcil n Public Alley mid Defendant * Want It Cloned AltOKCthcr. The decree of Judge N. W. Macy In th Injunction suit of N. P. and S. C. Dodge t restrain Ernest E. Hart and the Citlzcm State bank from closing the alley at th rear of the building at the southwest cot ner of Main street and Broadway was re cclved yesterday ami entered on record 1 the district court. The decree , which 1 In accordance with the opinion rendere April 30 and previously made public , Is a follows : That the equities herein are with th plaintiffs ; that the plaintiffs and othei have used a foot and team passageway eve upon and across the south twelve feet i the east twenty-six feet of lots 1 and 2 , 1 block 8 , Bayllss' first addition to Counc Bluffs , Pottawattamlo county. la. , for tlmo longer than the period of limitation nnfl 'that such Use for said tlmo has bee peaceful , continuous , with the knowlcdg of the defendant and his grantors , unlntci rupted , open and notorious , and under n adverse claim of right , and that the plain tiffs have thereby acquired nn easemer by prescription over , upon and across th said south twelve feet of the east twenty six feet of sold lots for the purposes rf passage and driveway as heretofore main tallied. It Is therefore ordered , adjudge and decreed that the defendant and nil pet sons , companies and corporations clalmtn by , through or under him , be and hereb arc perpetually enjoined from In any mar ner Interfering with the full use aud en Joyment of said easement by the plalntlfl and from closing or in any manner prevcnl Ing the plaintiffs' from using said soul twelve feet of the cast twenty-six feet c said lots as n passage and driveway as heretofore toforo and that the defendant pay the cosl of this action and that execution Issue there for. for.Both Both parties to the suit take exceptlo to the court's ruling , the plaintiff becaue Jt docs not , make the alleyway a public on and the defendants because.tho Judge dc elded It was an alley at all. Papers to at peal the case arc now being prepared by th attorneys for the bank. MEETING of THE CITY COUNCI1 Shen Injunction Mntlcr Come * V A mil 11 for CoiiNlderntloii. As the matter stands , it is unlikely thi the city will take any steps toward fund Ing the outstanding Indebtedness until afu the Shea Injunction suit Is heard , and th question of the validity of the outstandtn warrants disposed of. At the special calle meeting of the city council held last nlgr for the purpose , among other matters , c devising some plan to relieve the financl : stringency , City Solicitor Wadsworth gav it as his opinion that tt would be tmpolltli In view of the pending injunction suit , t even as much as think of funding the out standing warrants. For his reasons he sal that until the Shea suit was decided ! would be practically impossible to markt the bonds , as Intending purchasers could nc bo assured that they were Issued for valid Indebtedness. Also that If the bond were sold and the court decided In favor < Shea and held that the warrants which h sought to enjoin the payment of were ilk gal , inasmuch as they had been Issued I excess , of the constitutional limit of indebi edness/thcn the bonds would be equally it valid. The Injunction suit is to bo heard Jun 27 , but as Attorney Wadsworth stated I might be one or two months longer befoi the court would be prepared to hand dow Its decision in view of the Importance c the question Involved. The papers In the city warrant case can not be prepared for an appeal to the suprem court In less than about twenty days , an Mr. Wadsworth stated that he did nc look for a decision In that case until afu the Shea suit is tried. In the meantime ti hands of the city treasurer are tied , as t can neither pay the outstanding warrants nt the ones Issued for current expenses. Th employes of the city in the meantime mui either hold their warrants or else dlscour them at 75 cents on the dollar , and they ni even finding difficulty In disposing of thei at that figure. The council finally adjournc without taking action. City Engineer Etnyre presented a repoi as to the unsafe condition of the Nort Main street bridge , which has been closci recommending that the worn out piling t replaced with Iron piers , and the clerk we Instructed to advertise for bids for the pier The flooring on the bridge will also have I be renewed and the Iron work painted. In accordance with Instructions Issued i the last meeting , Finance Clerk True Bui milled a list of the property owned by tt city on West Broadway , showing that It cot slsted of 69 lots In Evans' bridge and Pe : ry's second addlllon , quit claim deeds I which had been given lo T. J. Evans. Tli taxes , both special and general , for tt years 1894 to 1897 Inclusive arc still ou ( standing on Iho tax books against th property , and a resolution was passed Ir structlng the city clerk to have the counl auditor cancel all general and special ell taxes and to go before the board of stipe visors and request that the same bo dor with the county taxes. Honl l > tnle TriiiiHforx. The following transfer's have been flic In the title nliHtract nnil loan olllce of J. \ Squire. 101 Pearl street : Thursday , May 12 : dlv. w d A. G. Kinder nnil wife to A. O , Wylnnd , piirt n 4 nott 1G-7G-42 , w il s J. It. Gorf to town of Oakland , part lot 5 , Auditor's Hubdlv He > ,4 nwli 12- 73-40 , w d Four transfers , total ; $3 4 Friday. May 13 : J. 8. Smith mid wife to Josephine Do- Inn. piirt siiulot 4 , Noola , w d $ 2 Sophia WolitbLTKcr to A. II. Wein berger , lots 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , block 3 , Wright's add to Council Dlurfa. w d Hmry Caplo and wife to Frank E. Wright , lots 9 and 10 , block 2 : lots 3 nml 4. block 6. Onklleld add to Council IlluffH , d : Ezra Carter to Emma Cnrtcr. n Si acres c > ,4 wV4 nett seVi 2-77-41 , w tl. . . . I-.zra Carter to Emma Carter , swU sett 2-77-44 , n part of same , w d Kzra Carter to Emma Carter , \v'4 w % nei 1-77-14 , w d Helm of James Flood to Lawrence II. Flood , n . 'j Rei4 2-74-42. w tl 3,2 Carl Drowelelt and wife Emello to Axmust Kudelnt , n 10 feet swtt ncVi ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Jeremiah IMymton'n'mY'wlYo'to'l'iar'ry W. Kuwls , v\t \ , nwtt 5-77-44 , w d g O. Moshcr and wife to C. A. Iloss- mnn. nw > i 2 > > - 763w d 50 Jerome w. Portertleltl and wife to H. Pi.1" 0. ett nett 2 and nwtt nwtt I-lD-JS , W d JfJ ( Eleven transfers , total , . $ n7c Rntertnliitnent far Mtmonlc Woiuri A meeting of the wives and rtaughtrrs i Master Masons was held In .tho parlors < the Grand hotel yesterday afternoon to coi sldcr plans for the entertainment of tin women who will accompany the dcleettes ti the meeting of the grand lodge to bo belt In thin city next month. After talking ovt Iho matter It was found that the local Ma sonic lodges were making arrangement ! ! fo an cnlertalnmcnt for the visitors at thi Broadway Methodlsl church on Tucsda : evening , Juno 7 , and nlio for n cnrrlagi drlvo for all Ihe visiting women on one o the afternoons. The local lodg < j of the Or der of Eastern Star Is gelling up an en'er lalnmcnl , to be followed by a. dance for al the visitors on Wcdnssday evening. Thi will probably bo given either In the Dodgi Light Guard armory or In the Odd Fellows hall. In view of these entertainments al ready planned It was not deemed noeessnt ; to moke other , excepting tha the women would make social calls on th visitors during their utay In Iho city. Apollo dull Concert. Society turned out In full force last nigh at the second annual concert given by th Apollo Musical club and the boys wer given a most enthusiastic reccpllon. Th < program rendered was a meritorious on and well deserved Iho applause accorded th different numbers. One of the most pleaslni features of the concert was the singing o Mrs. Ida Wels-Seybert , who was In excellen voice. Following the program dancing wa Indulged In. Chanced with Wife Ilentlnir. Mrs. John Burlow filed complaint will Justice Burke yesterday afternoon charglm her husband with beating her. She said tha Burlew , who Is an old soldier and to whor she has been married but three weeks , hai been drinking heavily for several days past and wound up yesterday by nearly bcatlni the life oul of hr. Her appearance Indl caled lhat she had been roughly handlei and a warrant was issued for Burlow's ar rest. BISHOP PERRYPASSES AWA1 _ Will He Hurled at Philadelphia lie Idc HI * Lntc Wife Service * to Uc Held There. DUBUQUE , la. , May 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) Bishop Perry died this mornlns His wife died last fall. Ho lenves a niece whom ho had adopted. Ho will be burlei beside his wife at Philadelphia. Service will be held there. Bishop Perry was stricken with paralysl on Wednesday. He was born In Providence R. I. , In 1832 , and was one of the best knowi prelates In America. Bishop Perry was con nected with a number of western Masonl bodies and took great Interest In Masonry. The Interment will be at Philadelphia o ; Monday. , Bishop Perry was dlsttngulsed as a theo loglan , scholar and author. Only a fei hours before his death ho was elected grant chaplain of the Grand Priory of Hospitaler St. John of Jerusalem , of which ho was th only American member. Mail FalU Dead. DBS MOINKS , la. , May 13. ( Special Telo gram. ) An unknown man fell dead In fron of the hospital at Camp McKlnlcy this after noon. He was not a soldier. Ho was seei standing In front of the hospital and after wards noticed prone on the ground. It Mattheus hurried to him and had him con vcyed Into the building. It was then dls covered that ho bad died of apoplexy. Ther was nothing on bis person to Indicate hi Identity. His watch was without a mark A pass dated May 12 , admitting "Bcare and team , " was found In his pocket. Ther was absolutely nothing , else to .Indicate wh he Is. The man was about 40 years of age He had a short , sandybeard..i-He waflv < feet eight Inches tall and weighed abou 150 pounds. He was plainly dressed. lawn Ilntter nnd KICK Denlern. DES MOINES , la. , May 13. ( Special. ) Thi spring meeting of the Iowa Butter and Egi association was held here this week. Som time ago the association-erected a mill a Tama for the manufacture ot what Is termei In the trade as "fillers. " The mill wa constructed because the straw paper firms o the United States had formed a trust am the Iowa association resolved to be Inde pendent. They have decided to hold a gen eral meeting some time In the latter par of June at Tama to look over the mill the ; have In operation , something which thci have not done since It has been constructed Mlllliirry Firm DE3 MOINES , la. , May 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) M. Rlegelman company , wholesal milliner ? , filed a chattel mortgage this after noon amounting to $40140. The first mort gage was to the Des Molnes National ban ! nnd aggregated $29,140. The second was t Lac Sutherland and was for $10,000 and th third was to Granger & Bennett for $1OOC The district court appointed Henry Rlegel man , a member of the firm , as rccelvei The assets amount to $200,000 and the lla bllltles to $100,000 In round numbers. Fonnd Dend. ATLANTIC , la. , May 13. ( Special. ) Mn Margaret Jane Lovejoy , aged about C4 , wa found dead this afternoon about 4 o'cloc at ber homo on Walnut street. She ha /been living alone for several years and wa of a distant disposition. The surrounding show that she had eaten supper and ha expired early In the evening , as the llgti was still burning. She has two brother named Blacklcdge , one living at Cedar Rap Ids and the other at Clinton. Chnnsre ot Venue for Storm * . BURLINGTON. la. , May 13. ( Speclal.- ) A. D. Storms , the self-confessed murdcre of Mrs. Rathbun and her daughter , wll not be tried In Burlington. His attorney secured a change of venue to the Wapell district court , the case being set there fa Monday , September 5 , next. The attempt t the mob to lynch Storms and the state c public feeling were the grounds on whlc judge Wlthrow granted the change. lown. IiiHiiriinec Illinium * . DES MOINES , May 13. ( Special. ) Th flro and casualty Insurance companies did very successful business In-Java during th past year. They wrote-a total Insurance c :24,832,9C5rccclved } $4,300.756.70 In preml jms and paid $1,504,301.11 In losses , Th pcrcentaco of losses paid to premiums re cclved was 37 per cent , a decrease of 1 per cent over the previous year and a slg of profitable business. NorthweNterit lown I'loneer Ilend. LEMARS. la. , May 13. ( Special. ) I. I * Jcffers , a pioneer resident of Plymout county , died at his residence west ot tow on Wednesday i i.-n UK ot stc.nacli troutil The deceased was born In Watertown , ? Y. , sixty-four years ago. When a boy h I I came west to Bcloit , WIs. , and then t Marlon , thia state. He homcsteaded In tb1 county In 18C9 and has since resided here. At-ciiHeil of lllitniiiy. CLINTON , la. , May 13. ( Special. ) Abou two weeks ago Dr. J. J. Kneppler came t Goose Lake , this county , and began practic ing medicine. He is now here under arrei and Is wanted at El Reno , Okl. , for blgam ) It Is alleged he admits having two wlvi and has but little else. Fire nt n Fnrra IIone. OAKLAND , la. , May 13. ( Special. ) Th farm residence of William Zentmlre , nea here , was destroyed by fire with a loss o $2,000 , . Insured for half as much. Grnnd I.odne Adjourn * . WATERLOO. la. , May 13. ( Speclal.- The grand lodge ot the Ancient Order c United Workmen voted to go to Muacatln for the next meeting and also voted to kcc good the policies of any of Its members cr listing In the volufljper army , nsxeusmcn ! to be paid from the .general funds. Tbl latter applies to jfHvitc and non-c-im'nlt " sloncd officers. ItohhrryllCrUe Settled. BOONE , la. , Majf.lS ! ( Special Telegram Smith and Wllkltar on trial In tllgtrh court for complicity In the robbery t ' flioraas Kelclier Ijs't. winter , were ncqull led today , the Jurr being out about thirt hours. Pcrham andi Obambcrlnln , In-Hcu 'or the same crlmojVMf'adod ' guilty and wet sentenced to ten ypars. Rvnmlnntlon Completed. DES MOINES , la. , May 13. ( Special Tclt gram. ) The physical examination of tr Second Iowa regiment , now known as tt Fiftieth Iowa , was completed this aftcrnoc and the work of mustering the companli Into the United States service will con menco tomorrow. The regiment will go I the front Tuesday. Home Thief Mnkrn n Itnld. HASTINGS , la. . May 13. ( Special. ) It formation has been received here that horse , buggy and harness belonging to 1 Stevenson of Stratum and n.doublo liarnci belonging to Cary Katoh have been stolci A reward Is oftered for apprehension of 11 thief. Proponed Mercantile Connolldntloi MARSHALLTOWN , la. , May 13. ( Spei lal. ) P. C. Letts of the Lctts-Flctclx company , wholesale grocers of this city ar Carroll , Is authority for the statement thi the Carroll house will soon bo moved liei and consolidated with the Maishnllton house. Will MnUc It n Unlly. MARSHALLTOWN. la. . May 13. ( Spei lal. ) Henry & Uotson , proprietors of tl Reflector of this city , at present a wcckl publication , arc completing urrangenicn for Issuing tt us a morning dally. lown Military Note * . The sick list at Camp McKlnlcy has bee reduced to an average of about a doze : which is pretty good considering the w < weather. The four Iowa regiments nt Camp M < Klnlcy have about 3,800 men , and the ei llstment of new men In the Second reg mcnt Is proceeding rapidly. When the Second Iowa regiment , whit will be known as the Fiftieth Iowa Infantr ; goes south next week it will go by way < St. Louis and New Orleans. Captain C. H. Sweeney , a lawyer of D ( Molnes , has been offered n position in tl quartermaster's department and has bcc requested to report for duty In New Oi leans. Elbrldgc Sabtn , eldest son of Superlt tendent and Mrs. Henry Sabln , has cnllstc in the Dallas cavalry of Texas , which on duty patrolling the banks of the R Grande. General Byers received a telegram fro Senator Gear Wednesday stating that tl War department absolutely refused i change the aBsigflpienjL of the four lov regiments for active service. This meal that the regiments will not go together ar that the plans for an Iowa brigade undi the command ot an Iowa man cannot t accomplished. 1 Colonel Lincoln , commanding Camp Mi Klnley , has Issued'an order pronouncln against cigarette smoking. He says In herder order : "The greatest precautions ai necessary to protect your health and liv < from being unnecessarily endangered I doing those things which will mlllta against your healtti" " Cigarette amokln nnd the use of Intoxicating drinks arc raoi harmful , and It Is to be hoped that moi care will be taken to , guard your health an lives , so dear to ycujr state , and families.1' lowit Prc * * Comment. 1 Council Bluffs Nonpareil : The man w't used to keep himself bus'y seeing alrshl ] Is now busy hearing heavy firing. Dubuque Tlrae3 : The silver .agitation i Camp McKlnley is growing. The boys ha > been In camp two weeks , in neither ot whic was there a Saturday night. Des Moincs Leader : The noise Job Bull Is making on the bleachers give * n < tlce to the powers trying to peek throug the fence of which team is winning. Des Molnes Register : Borne of the Et ropean nations may encourage us in holt Ing the Philippines on the theory that will permit them to come here and medd with our affairs. Sioux City Times : The departure i Walter Wellman.for the Arctic regions li dlcates that he possesses an unsuspectc confidence In the ability of the America people to manage affairs In his absence. CRUSHES OUTFIVE LIVE _ Wall * of TITO Fire-Story Bnlldlnf Fall , CnrryliiK Twenty-Five Men AVorkliiir Uiian Them. NEW YORK , May 13. Five lives wei crushed out , and several men were terrlb Injured today , by the collapse of two flv story flat buildings In course of erection t East One Hundred and Sixteenth street. Tl rear and side walls fell , carrying son twenty-five or more bricklayers and labore with them. When the work of rescue wi stopped tonight the list of killed and reco1 ered was : ' ERIC LIDDEN , 32 years old , married. FREDERICK DICKELEKE , C8 years ol a German bricklayer. ALBERT KAMINISKI , 26 years old , German bricklayer. PETER SALDOWARIO , 60 years aid , Swedish bricklayer. FREDERICK HARTMAN , 16 years ol He was taken out alive , but died In Harle hospital. The wounded are : Peter Pasqualc , 19 years old , recovei probable. Frank Rlczer , 24 years old , recovery prol able. Sebastian Welsbackcr , 22 years old , rcco ery doubtful. Kllllam Cochrane , 17 years old , a maso recovery doubtful. Paul Muller , 18 years old , recovery poss ble. ble.ELKS ELKS SELECT , A PRESIDEN John Gnlvln of Ol'iielniintl Choxeii I ji lllir Majority on the Thlr'iV ' Vlnllot. NEW ORLEANS/JJny ; 13. John Galvln Cincinnati was elected president of tbo El ! on tbo third ballot today , which resultei Galvln , 154 ; Pnclps , 95 ; Allen , 32. The grand lodgepi , Elks completed. Its 1 bors at C o'clock tnls tuornlng , after an o night session , and elected the following o fleers : Grand exalted ruler , John Galvln Cincinnati ; grand &teemed leading knlgl : C. A. Foote , Minneapolis , Minn. ; grand e teemed loyal knlghJ W. L. Saxon , Now O leans ; grand esteemed lecturing knlgti Henry R. Cozzlns , Des Molnes ; grand seer tary , George A. Reynolds , Saglnaw , MIc ( re-elected ) ; grand' treasurer , Ed S. Orrl Mcadville , Pa. ( re-elected ) ; grand tyle George Meyer , Jr. , Plttsburg , Pa. ; board i grand trustee , B. M. Allen , Blrmlnghac J. H. Fort , Comden , N. J. ; J , O'Shco , Lyn Mass. Grnnd Exalted Rulr Galvln then appoln cd as committee on law and appeals , Cbarli H. Smith , Jackeon , Miss. ; Judge C. A. Cour Upper Sandusky , O. ; William J , O'Brle : Baltimore , Md. , and they were Immediate ! confirmed by the grand lodge. The otbi offices will be filled later. Send The Weekly Bee to eastern frlem during the exposition ; six months for i cents. Begin with the Exposition numbi tbU week. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. I The saloon occupation tax was reduced I 1200 by the cltr council at the ndjournc meeting hcM last night. All members wei In tbclr scats when the mayor rapped ( c order shortly after 8 o'clock. A dozen c more liquor dealers and several members ( the Board of Education were In the lobb and watched the proceedings with Intcres The regular order of business was got through with , the first business of Impoi tnnco being the third reading of It amended gas franchise for the Omaha Or company. The vote on the acceptance < the ordinance was a tie and the mayor di clared the amendment lost. Messrs. Dm rett , Cllngcn , Kelly and Mort voted for U ordinance , while Bennett , Fanforlll Tralnor and Wear cast their volt against It. Before the vote was taken Tralnor mat1 a little speech In which ho stated that t could not SCQ the necessity for granting n entirely new franchise Just because the gr company expressed a dcslro to reduce 11 prlco of gas 15 cents per thousand cub feet. feet.There There was a long Interval after this vol was taken , during which representatives i the breweries and members of the Board i Education talked with the members of U council. After n recess of perhaps half n hour the clerk read a communication froi B. Jettcr , president of the South Omali Brewing company , In which he agreed I withdraw the protests of his twenty-1 wo si loons and use his influence to have tt other breweries take the same action pn vlded the occupation tax was reduced I $200. This communication was referred 1 the license committee. Mayor EiiBor the gave the members of the Board of Educt tlon a chance to make a talk and Colon Lott , president of the board , was called fo Ho stated the necessity for more scho < room and asserted that It now took ovi $5,000 a month to run the schools. Spcci' ' action In the settlement of the different between the council and liquor dealers wi urged In order that the money paid In f < licenses might bo available at once. W. 1 \Vyman , chairman of the flounce comtnltti of the Board of Education , next made speech , In which he stated that fully $25,01 was needed for new buildings this EUinmi In order to accommodate the increased nun ber of pupils. He requested the council hasten the settlement of the difficulty ! order that the school teachers might 1 paid promptly. Councilman Kelly said that on account the condition of the school funds he wi willing to withdraw some of his objectloi and would meet the brewers half way. J the suggestion of Kelly the council wei into a committee of the whole to consldi the proposition of reducing the occupatlc tax to $200. When again called to order Kelly , : chairman of the license committee , report ! that the council had agreed to recousldi the occupation tax and was willing to pai an ordinance reducing the occupation ta provided that all notices of protest filed I the liquor dealers were withdrawn tflda As for the remonstrances filed by hlmsc yesterday Mr. Kelly said that he would a low them to stand until the protests of U saloon keepers were withdrawn. Upon motion of Mort the attorney was It structed to draft an ordinance ropealir certain sections of the ordinance passt previously regarding the occupation tax or reducing the tax to $200. This was doi with little delay and the ordinance was ret the first tlmo , referred to the judiciary con mlttee , reported on and passed under a sui pension of the rules. Next Tuesday night was the time set ti hearing the remonstrances filed against tl granting of licenses to Blum & Sautte George Tleruey. Schlitt and Krug. , Another meeting of the council will 1 held tonight for the purpose of grantln licenses to those who have wlthdri'vn the protests. Clinraed With . Frank Johnson and Ed Charlngton brought up from Plattsmouth yesterda afternoon by Chief Brennan and Office Morrison and charged with burglary. It i stated by the police that these men bui glarlzed the Wordeman boarding house Twenty-fifth and M streets Wednesdo night. As soon as the occurrence was n ported all of the surrounding towns wei notified and the suspicious actions of Johc son and Charlngton attracted the nttcntlo of the marshal at Plattsmouth. The me fitted themselves ou with new clothlm hats , etc. , and were spending money Ilk water. During the afternoon they were ai ralgned before Judge Babcock and wei bound over to the district court for furthe examination. Boy * Keen me Uccklenn. Crows on the street cars operating hei are greatly annoyed by small boys Jurat Ing on and oft trains. Yesterday forcnoo a newsboy came very nearly being klllc while attempting to board a rapidly movln car. The lad bad an arm full of papei and tried to grasp the car railing with tt other. The footboard was wet and as hi feet struck It they slipped and ho fell t the pavement. Fortunately he was throw away Instead of under the car. Mayor EC ser happened to be a passenger on the tral and ho at oiico notified the police to put stop to the practice. All boys caught Jtimi Ing on and off cars within the city llmll will be arrested and taken before JuJf Babcock. Ilnllronil Cromtlnif I < lKhtN. City Attorney Montgomery was engage yesterday In making preparations for con menclng action against the railroads to con pel them to maintain arc lights at groi crossings within the city limits. Over tv months ago the council passed the nccessai ordinance , which gave the railroads slxl days to comply In. Although the manage of the roads Interested were notified of tt passage of such an ordinance no attcntlc has been paid to it. Legal proceedings wl now be commenced to enforce the ordlnanc Drunken Men Make Trimble. Charles Oaust and Amer Peterson ni booked at police headquarters for belli drunk and resisting an ofllcer. onicer Moi Two Weeks' Treatment FREE _ To All I'llUY Alltt UM1 SPECIALISTS ID tha treatmiBt of all Cbroiic , Nervous aud Private Disease ! d all WEAKNESSES UCU and UlSORDiiRS OH MEN CaUrrb. all Dls ai s of the NOM , Throat , Oh g tomacb , Uvcr. Uluod , fckln and Jtldnty Dli MM * . Lost Manhood. Hydrootlt. Vtrlcoctli Oonorrhts. Ole l . Syphilis. Btrtclur * . PIlM , Ft ) tula and Rectal Ulors DlabttM Blight's DU aaaa ourtd. Call on or addrtsa with atamp f < rrt Book and Niw Methods. Treatment by Mull , Couaaltallan fre < Onaba Medical and Surgical Instant I * UH4 Nartt itUi u. ftanssi. Mai DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. rlnon tni-l the pair on the itrcct nnd or tic rod them to go home , nt the enmo thin InforralnK them that If they did not do < he would plnco them under arrest. Tin drunken men did not tnko kindly to this ad vice , nnd believing Ihixt they could whit the officer they mndo the attempt. Ju l when the fight was gcttlnR Interesting Of ficer Mlko Sexton happened along nnd na- elstcd Morrison In placing the disturbers ot the peace under nrrcst. Yesterday Pallet Judge Uabcock released the prisoners on ball pending n hearing on May 19. Tlniilrvnrd CrnalnK Aitnln. Complaints continue to como In about thi carelessness of train crown In passing thi Boulevard cross lug- When the council flrs protested against the running of trains eve this street without signals of nny kind th railroad ofllclals agreed to have brakcmei ( Ing all trains and for n tlmo this order wn obeyed. Of late the train crews have neg lected to do this nnd as a result several per sons have narrowly escaped being run over A \\ntcliman will have to be placed at th crossing , as the councllmcn say they wll not stand this foolishness any longer. City ( lOMHln. The mtcroscoplsts In the govcrnmcn service were paid yesterday. There will be a balloon ascension at Sarp ; Mills park Sunday afternoon. nicbard Dadn < of Silver City , la. , was i business visitor In the city yesterday. The Junior class of the High school spcn yesterday afternoon at Ulvervlew park. Twins a boy and n girl were born yes tcrday to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collins o Alblght. Division No. 3 , Ancient Order of lllber nlnnp , will give a dance at Masonic hal May IP. The hog market went up 16 cents yester day nnd the 8,000 hogs on sale wore quick ! disposed of. All of the banks located hero report large Increase In deposits during the las three months. Mrs. Francis Shepherd Is dangerously II nt the residence of her sister , Mrs. Fonlci Nineteenth and N streets. K < ! V. Mr. Wheeler has tendered his serv Ices to the government and governor n n chaplain of a regiment. Henry C. Murphy has returned froi Forlda , where ho spent some tlmo with hi brother Tom , who has been qulto sick. Ml Murphy reports that his brother Is rapldl recovering his health. BISHOP NEWMAN TO'RETIRI Ill-IIcnltli Glvoii IIN ( tic Ilcnmui fo HIM IlelliuinlHliliitf Active Work. SAN FRANCISCO , May 13. U Is rcportci here that nishop John P. Newman of th < Methodist Episcopal church will soon retlr from active duty because of Ill-health nishop Newman , It Is said , will be sue cecded by Dlshop Hurst , u member of thi Episcopal board. llulliivk CotiflrmiMl. LEAD , S. D. , May 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) It Is learned today that an nt tempt was made by the United States ex amlnlng physician to have Captain Set ! Ilullock rejected from service by making i false report on his physical examlnatlot It Is stated that n son of a Fort Mead ofllcer was n close competitor for Bullock' position. The fraud was exposed , but afte the false report had been sent to Wash Ington the United States examiner , It I stated , was forced to make corrections b wire. Captain Bullock's appointment ha been confirmed. I'lt-rre'n AVntvr mill ( iiiM 1'lnntn. PIEHKB , S. D. , May 13. ( Special Telo gram. ) At a citizens' meeting hold IHTI this afternoon the city council was In structed to close n contract with the St Paul Trust company for the water and ga plants here. They were nt one time Mer rlam Interests and wont to the Trust coin pany on receiver's sale. Ai iraviN 12xM > Nltlon Union. NEW YORK , May 13. The managers o the Joint traffic association have approve ! ot special rates to the Transmlsstssippl nut International Exposition at Omaha. BEST AND PUREST THE ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE STRICTURE Cause * obstruction to tlio flow of urine , nnrtlnl closing of the passage , vrootatlc Irritation mid enlargement , bearing down nnd smldlue of urine anil loss of power. 1ICUT Cnillih tlint cures oOLVcNIfUUNU quickly nnd permanently and docs nwny wltli tlio Sur ccon'a Knife nml dilating Instrument * . Sufferers from Stricture , Ealtrremeat ol Prostate ( Hand , Inflammation aud Chronic Mucou * Discharge * , liv this now Bclenllflc method ran bo radically CURED AT HOME. \Vrlto nt once to tlio Empire Medical Co. , 20S Smith Bultdlnr , Rattan , /Mais. , for " tlielr f rco book culled "Solvent-Alterant. It tolls what thu temedy Is nmdo of , nnd how and why It ntiiitt ruie. If nftUctud , It will nay vou tolnvoMlgnle. jf TflEHCatENCEOFSYBUPOFHQS Is due not only to tins , originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to thu euro nnil nit 111 with which it la manufactured by sclentlfio processes known to thu CAUKOHMA Fie Svitur Co. only , uud wo wish to Impress upon all thu importance of purchasing the true and original rcini'dy. As the genuine Syrup of Figh Is manufactured by the CAUFOUNIA Km Sviun > Co. only , n knowledge of thtit fact will assist one In avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- tics. The high standing of the CAU- KOUN'IA I-'io SvutnCo. . with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction \\hieh the genulno Syrup of Figs has given to * millions of families , makes the name of the Company n guaranty of thu excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of nil other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them , and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN KltANCISCO. Cal. LOUISVILLE , KT. NKW YOIIK. N.T. FOIt IVI'HRVU. AM ) EXTISIIXAL USE. CUIIKS AMI I'HKVK.NTS Coliln , Conic ha , Mori * Throat , Inllnrnxn , IlronuliltlH , I'lirtiiiioiilii , Sn-ellliiR of the .lolntN , l.iiiiihiiKU , I n ( In in inn 11 on * . uiiicu.MATi.sM , Mim.\i.ciA , IIF.AD- ACIII ; , TooTitAciu : , ASTHMA , 1)11- 1'ICUI.r IIUKATHIMl. nndniijn' Itriuly Ilvllef l 11 Sure Cure for liwry 1'nln , Siiriilui , llrul ca , t'nliin In Ihe Illicit , Client or Miubi. It n-iin the Klrnt uud U the Only itKMnnv That Inetontly stops tlie most excruciating pains , atl.i > 3 liulummatlon. and euros connestlons , whether of the Lungs , Btumacli , Dowels or other Kluiiils or oiKons , by 0111 * ui'pllcatlon. ' A half to u tcaspDontul In liulf a tumbler of wuter will In u few minutes cure Cramps , fcipusma. Hour Stomnch , llrartburii. ! > 'er\ou lless , Sleeplensncm. Sick Ilenilnche , Ulorrhoea , Uyten- 1 tery , Colic , Flatulency ami ail Internal paln . There u not a remedial ncent In the world that will cure fever and ngae and all other malarious , billions ami other fevers , aided by KAUWAVS 1'II.US. BO nulckly as HAUWAY'tf RKADY HELIL : . COc a bottle sold by drug- U 'C * 'OU lUTIIKIt BEX OThlH remedy being in. : = = = = Jcctcd directly to the 0fetr -.Ofe Beat of theMe dnen ! e D O or the Ociitto Urinary B nl 101 OruanB , roqulroa no ] UU ana change of diet. Cnro > w < ' iswl gnornntcpd in 1 to 8 duyM. Miuall plain pack- P" YT TO * ° BCb > * B > all > 81.OO. \Jf U Jt * . HflBold only by Mycm Dillon Irne Co. . S. R. Corner 10th nnti Kiirnnui Slit. , Omitlm , Nell. 011. McCREW IB THE ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TBEATS AIX Private Disease ? IfMkiNt ul Ottnttw tl MEN ONLY SO Years Experience. 10 Year * in Omah * . Book Free. Consult * * UonFroo. BoxTW.ol Uth ud Ftrnun BU , OH Alt A. HER. DOHANY THEATER. TUESDAY KVKIVIXO , MAY IT , Engagement of the Distinguished Actor , FREDERICK WARDE Who will present Jnmcs Sheridan Knowlc * * great play , VJ/VG/JVJUS PRICES-$1.00 , 7Bc , GOi ! nnd 25c. Bents now on sale. SCHEDULE EXPRESS Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha * Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on Win. Welch. Bluffs 'phone , 12S ; Omaha 'phone , 780. RATES LOW. For carriage or express wugnn. call at No. 8 North Main treet or above telephones. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL LUFFS WANTS' DWELLINGS. FIIUIT. . "ATtS AND QAIIDEN land * for aal or rtnl. Day * HUM. n Pearl "CUPIDENC * MANHOOD RESTORED i * : FVItultzvr.theprvsurlp- tlon ol a famous French pliylclun , will quickly cure you of all ner. vous or diseases ot tbe generative organs , such ns Ix > st Manhood , Insomnia , I'ulnsIn thoilutU.Seraliml Emissions , Nervous Debility , rimples , UnQtncss to Marry , Kilmustlni : Drnlns , Vnrleooclo and Constipation. It stops nil losici by clav or nlgl't. TrrvrnIs quick * DCL.I ot dlscharcd which It not checked loiuls to Kprrm torrb < ru and . _ all tbohorroraoilrapottncr.tri > miNr.clcau : > caUioUvvrtba Ine-r/inr | BEFORE AND * rrrn kiI10yS | and the urinary orcmisol uU Impurities. CtTPIDRNkl ntronEthcnaond restores smalt wenk 01 sans. . . . . . . . . The reason nurTeri-rs are not curcrt by Doctors It hecnus * ninety per cent arc troubled with ProatattllU. CUWDBN K la Iho only known remuly to euro Rltlioutun operation , ( ouotc-silmonl- nli A written eunrnnti'o dven ami money returned Unix Ixixra does notuiruul u ) > criuuuuutcui k 1.0oiiboi , lxfurJ5.Wby moll. bi-nUforyitEBclrcuIarund testimonials. Address DAVOliMKUICINE O.,1'.O. IloiSOTC.BanFrsiiclsco.Cal. fbrttotela JIVUKS-IHLI.OX IJIIUO CO. . S. K. Cat. 1UU and Kuruiuu , Omulift. mmMmmYmffiM FREE ADVICE I'X ' our I'liyelclnn mid n FREE SAMPLE , of our mculclnu nnil a U > - | > .iu | I'rrc Hook trctitln K ; ill ilcu [ iili M excellent icclpca are toniu of tlu s itanonavliy yuu should n rite si * . Dr , Kay's ' Renovator . , llcndarlic , Liver nnd Cuic > ( the very wor t rnnusof Dyspepsia. Cunnlpnllon Kidney illrenieii. heiitl for jiioof _ ofU. _ AVe iiunruiitco It. Wiltu in about nil t jour symptom * Dr. Kny'a Itunotulnr I * sulil liy orecut nintl tin iccfljit of jirlcc. in n-nli mid 8I.OU. Address Dr. B. J/KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Western Office ) Omaha , Neb. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKtftS , NITS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents FIELD CHA.S. Cigars , Ao Clyurit *