COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL liquidation and Short Selling Oaiuse S Decline MAY AND JULY WHEAT EACH CLOSE LOWER ( rnvlwlnn * Follow trllh Mntrrlnl De- ) ' dine * In All Linen nnil Corn ntul Onto Ilo li Slutu- a Lou * . CHICAGO , May 11 Liquidation and short ( Jelling ( odny caused a general decline on the IJoard of Trade. May wheat closed at a low of 15c , July 4c and September 21-Sc. Provisions followed wheat with decline * of 4Jc In July pork and 15c pur 100 Iba. In lard nnd rlbii. yelling was by packer * and longs generally. Corn and oats suffered u loss of 5-8c euch on liquidation. Wheat opened weak at from lft3Ue lower for July than it cloned yesterday , opening trades In that delivery being over u range of from (1.05 to { 1.004. May opened weak at { 1.50 , a decline of 15c over night. Sep tember dropped from } 4flc a bu. nt the hturt first traniactlons being from SS'.ifp ' SS'/ic. Before from the / any recovery openIng - Ing bu.irlHlmess was perceivable July sold 'down to $1.0IH nnd September to KS7-8c. , Thc Liverpool market was remarkably steady , showing only about Id loss at the Btarl , In the face of ycsterday'B brenk In this market. Argentine shipments ! of only fcZI.OO ) bu. , against 1,392.001) bu. the week be fore , was considered u bull rnrd. but fulled of effect , owing to heavy domestic receipts. , Thc latter aggregated 131,000 bu. . compared With 3 nCTO bu. the year before. Chicago received 213 curs , against seven a year ago. 2tllnnenrolls and Duliith reported 315 cart ) , compared with 310 last year. Seaboard clearances footed up 316,000 bu. wheat and Hour. Shorts were extremely nervous. 1'lt trading was small , and although profes sionals ventured modest "llyers" on the flhorl side , they ran to cover on the slight est sign of returning strength In the kct. July , after touching $1.01 % , rallied BpaHtnodlcally to $1.07 , but slid off easily again when the demand from shorts failed. Closing cables showed Increased bull weari ness abroad , with declines of 2'Mj3',4d nt Liverpool , 1V4Q2HC at i'nrlii and l < ic at Antwerp. Ileports of harvesting from Texas and a probable early cut further tnorth , reassured short scllem. July dropped HslleMtly to $1.04. closing nt tl.OUi bid , a net loss of 4c. May , which started at $1.50. rallied to $1.D5 , on Lelter support , but eased ofl near the end to $1.43 , and closed at $1.50 nellerH a net loss of 15c. Exporters ro- Iiorted no pales. September Htarted ? Mjlc ewer nt 89U&k9V4c ( , Bold off to 87 7-Sc , clos ing 2 1-Sc net lower nt 88 1-Ec sellers. Corn was for sale In largo chunks from Btarl to finish. Concessions were made at the opening of He. A slight rally followed , but renewed liquidation forced the price oft again. Foreigners were reported as re- Hellers of corn for forward shipment. The Liverpool market was weakened by freer oflerlngs of corn from Argentine. The de cline nt Liverpool was Hd for spot nnd from jygi3-Sd for futures. Reports from the country were numerous to the effect that replanting had to bu resorted to exten sively on account of seed having rotted In the ground. I ocal receipts were 04t ! cars. Atlantic port clearances were 829,000 bu. Argentine exports for the week were 312,000 1m. , ngalnst 160,000 bu. the week before. The opening business In July was at from 85 1-Sc down to 36c , as ngalnst 36o sellers nt the cloi < e yesterday. Considerable was wanted at the reduction , and the July price rallied to MVi36 3-8c , but on the continu ance of sales of long corn it dropped to 3 > ? i5J 33 7-8c and closed at 357-8c sellers , a net loss of 5-8c. Only a moderate business was transacted In the oats market. An easier feeling pre vailed with May longs anxious to sell. The favorable weather was responsible for the easiness of the more distant futures. From the seaboard 196,000 bu. were cleared. Re ceipts hero were 2G9 cars. May closed with a total loss of 1'ic. July started nt 27fi 27 < 4c , sold nt 2718c , and declined to 206-Sc ut the close , a net loss of 5-8c. The disposition of provision traders waste to take profits on strong spots In the mar ket. The lowest prices were prevailing nt the * close. The opening was weak nt nboul J020c decline In pork , 2V4tCc } in lard and from 517Hc In July ribs. That was suc ceeded by a considerable upward reaction But the upturn wan met by heavy selllnp on the part of packers , and prices qulcklj receded , closing at the lowest point of the Hay. Outside trade was considerably llghtci than yesterday and profit taking was gen- cial. Total hog receipts at western points were C3.000 head. Lard nt Liverpool was quoted Cd higher nnd bacon 1Q23 over yes terday , but even this failed to sustain price ; Jiere. July pork ranged $11.65812.17 , closln ? 45c net lower at $11,65 ; July lard , fG.40ffC.70 closing 15c net lower at $4.50 ; July ribs $6.1 ( to $6.3906.32 , closing 15c net I6wer at-$6.12. Kstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat 90 cars ; corn , C30 cars ; oats , 350 cars ; hogs 20.000 head. Lending futures ran go as follows : trtlcltm. . ! Opoa. I High. | Low. I CloM. | Y ' Mny. . . 1 50 1 SS 1 43 1 05 July. . . 1 05-OH 1 U7K 1 Ul 1 04H 1 OS * ! , Sci't. . . 8'Jfc 87M 8H Dec. . 8U > Com Mia. . . 35 * July. . . 3A S5 Sppt. . . 30M SU Oats- 31H 30H July. . . 27 27M JOH 26M 27 * , Sow. . . 24W 24W Jt 24)4 ) 24) ) , Fc.rk , Mny. . . 11 95 II 05 II 43 11 45 11 92)- ) .July. . . 11 80 I'17M II OS 11 US 12 10 Lunl Mny. . . 0 17H 0 62 July. . . 0 00 0 70 U 40 0 SU U (15 Sent 0 70 U HO 0 O-iV 0 00 U 76 Sh'thlb * May. . . fl 35 0 35 0 10 U 10 0 25 July. , . . II lid 0 W .0 10 : 0 ! . ! B 27V Sept 0J7W 0 40 0 20' 0 2U 0 SS No. 2. * Cash'quotations were as follows : FLOUR Weak and 50c lower on absenc Of both local and foreign demands. - WHEAT No. 2 spring. { 1.15 ; No. 3 sprlne I1.12JH.15 ; No. 2 red , 11.4 1.47. CORN No. 2. 35 i < ij3Cc. OATS-NO. 2 , sos-sc ; NO. a white , 545 B4Hc : No. 3 white , 32 Q33c. t UYE No. 2 , 6Sc. BARLEY No. 2 , 43V2t53c. ? FLAXSEED-No. 1. $1.39. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. $2.6052.63. PROVISIONS-Mosa pork , per bbl. . I1I.E -Cill.eo. Lurd , per 100 Ibs. . Jtt.60aC.6i. Shot ribs sides ( loose ) , Jo.Wii6.40. Dry aalte shoulders ( boxed ) , J5.004f5.25. Short clea Bides ( boxed ) . J0.400C.DO. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pe gal , $1.23. SUUAllS-Cut loaf , $5.SS ; granulated , $5. Btandnrd A , $5.25. On the Produce exchange the butter mai Sect wua steady ; creameries , 13tlCc ; dulrle 12O14c. Eggs , frcah , 8 4c. Cheese , ur changed. Live poultry , steady and In goo demand ; turkeys , | 9c ; chickens , $ < 3S > < ducks , CQ'c. NKW YOIIK GK.\mtAL , MAIIKKT Quotittloit * for the Day on Gener Comniodltlpi. NEW YORK. May 13.-FLOUR-Recclpt XO.9 3 bbls. ; exports , 10,511 bbls. ; easier an a shade off on choice spring and wlnti wheat flour ; Minnesota putentu , $7.00f > 7.5 winter patents , J6.75Q7.25 ; winter straight } 6.3Mi . * . Rye Hour , steady at J3.75W4.20. CORNMEAL Quiet : yellow western , 80 RYE Dull : No. 2 western , 72c. HARLEY Nomlmil : feeding , 42c. HAULEY MALT Dull : western. 6S070 WHEAT Receipts , 165,575 bu. ; export 147.060 bu. : spot weak ; No. 2 red. $1.50 f. o. b. afloat to arrive , nominal ; f. o. t BSVtC. September 9th to 15th. Options openc weak with Liverpool ami continued no a day. Additional depre.-ulng lnttuencen wei heavy spring wheat receipts , bearish crc news , reported big Indian shipments ur July liquidation : May closed i : > * c lowe July 5c off and other months 1 l-S&Zc lowe No. 2 red. May. Jl.W5rl.GO ; closed , J1.50V July. Jl.124ftl.15 1-8 : closed , $1.12H. CORN Receipts. 1S7.200 bu. ; exports. 201 COO bu. : spot weak : No. 2. 42 1-Sc. Optloi were affected by wheat's break and dost D-SJ-\c off. Lower cables also exercU < nome Influence. Crop news was less satl factory : May , 40 3-040lic : closed. 40 3-8 July. 40 7-&O41 5-lCo : closed. 41a OATS Receipts. 259,200 bu , : exports , 171 G02 bu. ; spot weaker : No. 2 , SS > 4w3Sc ; No. white. JSVic- Options declined with t ! other cereals nnd clo ed dull at Ic net los Slay rioted , 3l'4c. HAY-Qulet : shipping , 350iOc. HOPS Steady ; state , common to choli 1S95 crop. 3tf4c : 1896 crop. 6ff7c : 1S97 cro 13915C : Pacific coast , 1S 6 crop , 3ff4.c ; 1 ! ciop. Uf7c ; 1S37 crop , UJ15c. HIMKH-Qiilot : Oalvestnn. 15',4c ; Texi flry. 12Hc ; California , 17ijfrl8c , LEATHER llrm ; hi.mlock sole , Ruen WOOU-Qulet ; f.wc , l 2c : Texas. I ! Jlc. Jlc.i'ROVISIONSBeef. i'ROVISIONS-Beef. strong ; family , 111 , o.ilrn input , H4.WKHl.nOj Iwf Imms , _ J. ( > 0. packet $11 OOTM2.W. f'tlt mriiH. _ Llidy ; pltllltMl bellies. Jrt.UJfJ7.iV ) ; plrkle < t Ktumldcrs. $4 TSti-J.W ; . pickled hams , $7.73fl ( 1.0J. Uird. quiet , western steamed , $0 " 0 ; SO. Lard , quIM ; wisstrrn stonmed. $6. ! < 5 , refined , quiet Pork , rnl < r. "IMS. $1I.2M ( 11 70 , short clear $1UO' RM ; family. $13 " " ll.oi ) . Tallow , dull , city , 30-Sc , country ? (3v4r. tin to quality. OILS Petroleum , llrm ; reflnod New York , $0 : riilladulphln und Baltimore , JS.W , Phil- Bdr-lphlit ami Baltimore. In bulk. S3 $0. P.ciiln. strained , common to good , $1 42IMJI 43. Tur pentine1 , quiet nt W-ic. Cottonseed , firm : prlmu crude , f o. b. mill * , KiM7'/c : prime summer yellow , K/iK\c. Butler oil , 27' , * ® SVieS prime winter yellow , 29' fl30e. METALS Third wax nothing startling In the metal market of today The feeling was generally steady , with business , how ever , conducted on a smalt scale. At the close pig Iron warrants were officially called Mendy with K65 bid and $5.90 asked ; lake copper was unchanged , with $12 00 bid and $12.15 nskedj tin quiet , with $11.50 the flat quolHtlon ; spelter Mendy. with $1.15 bid nnd J4.2 > nuked ; lend steady , with $3.63 bid nnd $3.67'.4 asked. Tlie firm fixing the settling price for western miners nnd smel- tera continues to quote lead nt $3.30. BCTTER-Recelpts. 4,223 pkgs. : weak ; western creamery , 14Q16H < . ' ; Elglns , ! C',4c ; factory. HHHc. CHEESE Receipts , 1.C35 pkgs. ; quiet ; old rl'tcse , large fancy , Si'Jc ; small fancy , Wftfc' new light skims , G S c ; full skims , 2i3c. EGGS Receipts , 23,200 pkgi . ; steady ; state end Pennsylvania , 10\Qllc ; southern , lOc. OMAHA GKMrJHAI. MARKETS. Condition of Trailinml ( Imitation * on Slnulo nnd Knncr Produce. EGGS Good stock. 9c. BUTTER Common to fair , 95illc ; sep arator , 17c ; gathered creamery , Iiyi3c. VEAL Choice fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , quoted at Sj9L' ; large nnd coarse , 6'fr7c. ' LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 7'ri7'4 : old roosters , I'ji5Hc : youns roosters , 6ftCVfcc ; spring chickens , 20fr22c. PIGEONS Live , $1,1301.23 ; dead pigeons lot wanted. HAY-Uplnnd , $7.00 ; midland , $0.00 ; low- und , $3.00 ; rye straw , $1.00 ; color makes the irlce on hay ; light bales sell the best ; only on grades bring top prices. VEGETABLES. ONIONS Per bu. , 90cgl ; new southern , icr Ib. , ic. BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.23. SWEET POTATOES-Kansas , 10-peck ibl * . . J3.EO : Kefd sweet potatoes , $2.tW. CABBAGE New. Florida , per crate , $2.25 ; itisslsslppl , per crate , $2.30. POTATOES-Home grown , C0fl55c : Colorado rado stock , 70onorthern : fancy early Ohio stcd potatoes , S3c ; new potatoes , per bbl. , $4. Sofa 5.00. TOMATOnS Per crate , $ l.X ( > f3.23. NEW UEETS-Per dor. bunches 43i50c. RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 3j't33c. LUTTUCE Per doz. bunches. 3jfi40o. GREEN ONIONS Per doz. , 12f15c WATERCRESS Per 16-qt. case. $1.60. fUCUMBintS-Ppr doz. , $1.2531.50. WAX BEANS 1-3 bu. box , 75c. PEAS Per bu. , funcv Mississippi , $1.23. basket. Jl. PIEPLANT Homo giown , per Ib. , 2c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas , 24-qt. case , $2.50. APPLES Winter stock. $3.0053.50. CRANBERRIES Fancy Jersey , per bbl. , $10.00. UKAPKS Malagas , $3.00116.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Cnllforfila navels , $2.7503.00 ; seedlings. $2.23. LKMONS Calforrtla fancy , $3.00 : choice , iJ.50fi2.7S : fancy Mesflnn , $ . ! .00ff3.50. BANAN"AS Choice , ' large stock , per bunch , $2.K > Q2.25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.73'tf2.00.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds' , per Ib. . large size. 128 I3c : iinall , lie ; Brnzilj , per Ib. , 9010c : Eng lish walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , 110 lie ; standards , 8fJ9c ; filberts , per Ib. , lOc' liecarts , pollshPd , 'medium , Rif7c ; extru large , &S9o ; larRC hickory nuts , $1.0001.11 per bu. ; small , $1.2jJjl.Si per bu. ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , DtfS'/Jc ; roasted , MAPLK SYRUP Five-gal , can , each 12.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal canj , J3.2. > ; quart cans , $3.50. FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb boxes , lOc : 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb boxes. 22B23C per box ; California , 10-lb box , Jl. HONKY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado am ber. lOffllc. } KRAUT-i-Per _ bbl. , $3.50 ; per half bbl. "DATES Hallo ree , 60 to 70-lb. boxes c ; Balr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3 ; ' bbl. , $3. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No. 2 greei hides , 5c ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc ; No. 2 greei Failed hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs , 9c : No. 7 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow , N J 1 , 3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 2 c : rough tallow. l'c white .grease , 2Vi1f2Jic ; yellow and browi gjease. lV4ft2V4c. | SHEEP PKLTS Green salted , each , 13.1 75c ; green salted shearings ( short woolei early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings , ( shor wooled early skins ) , 'No. 1 , each. 5c ; dr ; flint , Kansas and. Nebraska butcher woe pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4i5c dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murral ivool pelts , per llj. , actual weight , 3tf4c ; dr ; flint , Colorado butcher wool pults , per Ib actual weight. 405c ; dry flint , Colorado mut rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , © 4c. 4c.FURSB ac ( black or brown ) . $5.00020.00 otter. $1.6S8.00 : mink. ISgeOc ; beaver. $ ! . ( ff6.00 ; skunk. 15c. 25c , 50c ; muskrat. 3c , 5 < 7c ; raccoon , 15-liOOc ; red fox , 25cfi$1.25 ; grn fox. 25 < 350c ; wol.iUmbcr ) . > ' 25c < 0$2.50 : wol ( prairie coyote ) . 10$30c : wildcat. 10&25C badger , &B40c ; sllv ii < < or < ' $ o.0 875.00. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED BEEF-2o6d' * ' 'native ' steers , 7 per lb. ; good forequarters , s.teers , 6c ; goo hindquarters steers , 'jc. Western stoerB , 6it native heifers , 6 c ; wes.tern , heifers , 6V4t good forequarters heifers , 5\4c ; good hind quarters heifers. SKc ; nntjvo cows , 6V c western cows , 6Hc ; fnlr cows , Cc ; cow fort quarters. . Oc : cow hindquarters , 8c ; bacl halves. & 36ttc : triangles. VAc. BEEKQUJS Tenderloins , fresh , 18 ( fiozeri , ' 15c ; boneless strips , fresh. 10 < froren .gc , ; stxp [ loins , fresh. 8V4c ; frozei 6'.7c ; rolls , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , 10 < rolls. Speoqer , cuts , , frozen , 9c ; fresh , 1K ( sirloin butts , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , 10 < shoulder clods , boneless. 6Uc ; rump butt boneless , 5 c ; No. 1 chucks , SUc : No. uhucks , 44c : No. 3 chucks. 4c : boneles cftucks , frozen , 4c ; fresh. 5Uc ; cow plate 3Hc ; steer plates , 4c : flank steak , 7c ; loin No. 1. frozen. 12c ; fresh , 14c ; loins , No. frozen , lOc : fresh , 12c ; loins. No. 3 , frozei Sc ; fresh , lOc ; short loins , market style , I above loins ; hotel style , 4c above loins ; co loin ends , SVjc ; steer loin ends , 9Vic ; ham Ing tenderloins , IVjc : ribs. No. 1. frozei lOc ; fresh , 12c ; ribs. No. 2 , frozen , Sc ; fresl lOc ; ribs. No. 3 frozen , 6c : fresh , 8c ; No. rounds , 7c ; .No. 2 rounds , Cic ; No. 3 round C'.Cc : beef rounds , shank' off. 'Sic addltlona beef rounds shank and rump off , IVic add tlonal ; trimmings. 4V c ; beef shanks , 3 > brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per It fiozcn , lOc ; fresh , 12 c ; sweetbreac ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3S ox tails , each. 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 2He ; heart per It ) . , 2Vic ; tongues , per tb. , 12c ; calf liver each , 35c : calves , whole carcass or side lOVic ; calf neadtftnd feet , scalded , per se 75c. f - MUTTON Fancy Iambs , 9c per tb. : regi lar lambs , Sc ; sheep , me : market racl ( Icng ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( short ) . He ; loins , 9 saddles , c : legs , 9c ; lamb legs. lOc : breas i , I nnd stews , 3 jc ; tongues , each , 3c ; forequa itcrs , 5Hc. - , PORK Dressed pigs , 5Uc per Ib. ; dressi hogs , 5c ; tenderloins , 15c ; loins , small , 6i < large , 6Vic ; spare ribs , 4V c : ham sausai butts , 5Hc ; Boston butts. 5Vic : shoulder 9. rough , 4ic ; shoulders , skinned. 5c : trlr mlngs , 4Hc ; leaf lard , not rendered. 5H heads , cleaned , 3c : snouts nnd ears , 3 fresh hams , 16 to 13 Ibs. , 7',4c ; fresh ham short clears. 5ic ; cheek meats , 4c ; necl bones , 2c ; pigs' tails. 3c ; plucks , each. 5 chitterlings , 5c ; hocks. 4c ; hearts , per do ; 2f c ; stomachs , each , Sc ; tongues , each , 7 kidneys , per doz. . lOc : brains , per doz. , 15 pips' feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3 hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , 5c. llnltlnii > re BALTIMORE , May 13. FLOUR-Easle western superfine , $3.75fi4.00 : western extr $4.60 > ii5.23 ; western family , $3.85 < n6.33 ; wlnti i. . i wheat patents. $6.50J6.S5 | ; spring wheat pa d ents. $ .75f)7.2j ; spring wheat straights , $6 " iji6.7S ; receipts , 19,339 bbls. ; exports , 3.6 bbU. WHEAT . Unsettled. Spot and mont Jl.3Un.31U ; July. J1.09 asked : steamer. N 2 red , $1.27 bid : receipts , 71.212 bu. : export none ; southern wheat , by sample , J1.2S 1.32 : southern , on grade. JlJTr' < ( il.31H. CORN-rDull , easy. Spot , 41fillUc : Jul 40ift41c ; steamer mixed. 40i40V4c ; receipt 233,741 bu. ; exports , 179,307 bu. ; southei white corn , 42c ; southern yellow , 4271421&C. OATS Quiet : No. i white. 39e , nomlna No. 2 mixed. 33HQ36c ; receipts. 55,643 bu exports , none , RYE Dull and lower ; N.O. 2 nearby , 72 72V-c ; No. 2 western , 74c ; receipts , 5S,569 bu exixirts , none. HAY Firm : choice timothy. $13. GRAIN FREIGHTS-Very dull ; steam Liverpool , per bu. . 4 d. June ; Cork f orders , per quarter , 4sMay ; 4s. June. : o UUTTER-SteSdy ; fanc > ' creamery. 19 , , creamery Imitation. 17M18c ; creamery ladl M 15c : good ladle. 137 > 14c ; store packed , IdSil ! CHEESE-Stcady ; fancy New Yor large , 9V fl9Hc ; fancy New York , mwdlui c ; fanc > ; Newjfork. small , " Knnim City Uraln n l Provision * * KANSAS CITY , "Slay 'is.-WHEA.T-So KflOc lower : Increaswj offerings ; hanl a eraged Sc lower ; active ; No. 1 hard. | X 1.23 ; No. 2 , $1.11471.22 ; No. 3. J1.11'J1.13H : tin. 1 rrd , $1 2 * . Nn. 2 , JKimil 23. No. 3. $1 lill 21 CORN-Huthrr weak and lower ; No. 2 It.lxtnl , 3IMJ23V. I ATSHigher. . No. 2 while , 3Jfl32Hc. RYELower - , No. 2. Cfo HAY * Heavy , choice timothy , $11 ; choice P'nlrle , $9.30. BUTTER Unchanged ; creamery , 13ff 14'ir ; dairy , 1liffl3c. l-.aas Rtmilv i fresh , Sc. HKCKIPT8 Wheat , 70.SOO bu. ; corn. 52- V bu. ; oats , 3,100 bu. SHIPMENTS-Whent. 29.0W bu. ; corn , IS- COO bu. ; oftts , 8,000 bu. St. l.otiU ( ioiu-rnl .Market * , ST. LOUIS. May 13. KLOUR-Qulet nnd lower ; patents , JS.IPfj6.C5 : straight * , fjg1 . ti.15 : clrnr. io.OJli3.tQ : medium , $4.25TJl.7S. WHEAT Weak , closing near the bottom , i with May 3c , July 5c , September , 2 7-8c and I December 3'ic ' lower than yesterday. Spot , I lower : No. 2 red. cash , cli-vntor , $1.21 ; track. I $1.2011.21 ; May. $1.20 ; July , tu tc asked ; Sep- ! tembcr , 833-Sc asked ; December , S3&c asked ; No. 2 hard , cash , $1.23. CORN Futures cluccd fractionally lower I tl nn yesterday. Spot easy : No. - , cash , I 3l'c ; May. 313-Sc ; July , 31U&3l3-Sc ; Sep tember. 31 7-5c bid. 1 OATS Weak In sympathy with wheat I nnd fractionally lower ; No. 2 , cash , 22ic : I track. 32 > ie : May , 32 ic a'sked ; July , 26'4c | asked ; September , 2lo asked ; No , 2 white , " RYE Lower at 63c. SEEDS Flaxsccd , higher at $1.35. Prlmu timothy seed , $2 60JJ2.C5. CORNMEAL-Strong nt $1.SOT1.S3. ! BRAN Dull nnd scarce ; sacked , east tiack. 70o. HAY-Unchangod ; prnlrle , $8.00310.00 ; tim othy. .OOTil2.00. BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 15Q17c ; dairy , KGGS-FIrm at S'4c. WHISKY $1.23. COTTONTIES-70C. BAGGING-5 7-S)6 3-Sc. METALS-Lend. llrm nt J3.52 Q3.53. Spel ter , dull nt $1.02H. PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess , Jobbing , $11.63. Lard , lower ; prime steam , $6.20 : choice , $6.30. Bacon ( boxed ) , .shoulders. $5.62'extra : short clear , $ C.62iA : rib * , $6.75 ; shorts , $6.S7'-4. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , Ji.l2'i ; extra short clear , $6.12 > ,4 : ribs. $6.23 ; shorts. $6.37' . RECEIPTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 4S- 000 bu. ; corn , 9'J.noO bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.000 bbls. : wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , 163,000 bu , ; onts , 7,000 bu. Liverpool Slnrket. LIVERPOOL , May 13. WHEAT-Spot. lls 4V4d ; No. 1 red northern spring , 10s Sd ; May. lls 2d ; July , 10s 9'id ; December , 7s S 3-Sd. CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , 3s Will ! Mnj3s lid ; July , 3s 101-Sd ; Septem ber , S.M 11V1. FLOUR St. Louts fancy winter , firm , lls Sd. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , firm , PROVISIONS-Beef , firm ; extra India mess , 76s 3d ; prime mess , 68s 9d. Pork , firm ; prime mess , line western. 55s ; prime mess , medium western , 51s 3d. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 37s. Bacon , dull. 35s ; short ribs , 35s ; long clear middles , light , 35s ; long clear middles , heavy , 31s 6d : short clear backs , 34s ; clear bellies. 35s 6d ; shoulders , square , dull , 27s Cd. Lard , dull ; prime west ern. 30s 6d. Tallow , prime city , firm , 20s M. CHEESE American finest white , 43s 2d ; American finest colored , 44s. OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined , steady , 16s 6d. Turpentine spirits , steady , 26s 6d. Rosin , common strongf 53 ( M. New OrleniiM ' 31 NEW ORLEANS , May 13. HOG PROD UCTS Strong nnd higher. Pork , standard mess , $12.23. Lard , refined tierce. $1.23 ® ,37'A ; pure lard , $6.7506.57 % . Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders. $5.37 > 4 < fi5.50 ; sides. $ G.37 < 4 J6.50. Bacon , clear rib sides , $7.37H&T-60. ilams. choice sugar cured , $8.7589.75 , COFFEE Steady ; Rio , ordinary tb fair , 8 l-Sifr9 5-8c. RICE Firm ; ordinary to good , 45"-S05Vfcc. FLOUR Firmer ; extra fancy , $6.23 ; pat ents. $6.50S0.75. CORNMEAL-$2.00S2.03. _ BRAN 26iQ2Sc. ' ' HAY-Prlme. $15.0001,6. ( qhol.ce , $10.50 ® 17.50. CORN No. 2 white , sapked , 43'49c ' ; No. 2 mixed nnd yellow , 47045'c. OATS No. 2 western , sacked , 33Vi'Q39c. ' Cincinnati Mnrkrt , CINCINNATI. May 13. FLOUR Firm and higher : fancy. $5 03.75famlly ; , , $5.K { > U1 'WHEAT-Steady ; No. 2 red , $1.2331.30. CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 3Sc. OATS Easy : No. 2 mixed , 34c. RYE Easy : No. 2 , 70c. PROVISIONS Lard , quiet , $5.35. Bulk meats , easy , $6.27HBacon , quiet , $7. WHISKY-Steady , $1.23. BUTTER Dull and lower ; fancy Elgin , 17c : Ohio , 12fI16c : dairy , lOHc. SUGAR Firm : hard reHned , $ l.476.10. ( EGGSQulet at 9c. CHEESI5 Steady ; good to prime Ohio flat , Grain Receipt * nt Principal Market * . ST. LOUIS. May 13. Receipts : Wheat , 165 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , May 13. Receipts : Wheat. 309 cars. CHICAGO. May 13. Receipts today : Wheat , 255 ears ; corn , 640 cars ; oats , 369 cars. Estimated cars tomorrow : Wheat , 2)0 ; corn. 650 ; oats , 330. DULUTH. May 13. Receipts : Wheat , 200 cars. Toledo Slnrket. TOLEDO , O. , May 13. WHEAT Lower and weak ; No. 2 cash , $1.38 ; May , $1.33. , , CORN Active and lower ; No. 2 mixed , * OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , . RYE Dull and easy ; No. 2 cash , 36 asked. ' ' " - = CLOVERSEED Dull and steady ; prim ' " ' ' " fc . cash , $3.03. Cincinnati Live Stock. CINCINNATI. May 13.-HOGS-Actlve higher , $3.0504.55. ' CATTLE Steady. $2.7&iI4.75. SHEEP-Strong. $2.75T4.00. LAMBS-Steady. $ ? .75fl4.75. Detroit Market. DETROIT. May 13. A\T I EAT-NO. white. $1.20 ; No. 2 red cash and May , $1.24 , CORN-NO. 2 mixed. 'ssy-c. " " ' OATS No. 2 white , 36c. RYE-NO. 2 , 64c. PEORIA. May 13. qORN-Marke lower ; No. 2 , 36c. * ' " OATS Market lower , ; No. 2.whUetJlc. { WHISKY-122V4. Sun Frnnct co'hrat MnrfTrt. SAN FRANCISCO. May.J3.-rWHEAT- Closed weak : December , $1.69 7-8. OARLEY Weak ; December , $1-30& . STOCKS AM ) IIONDS. i- Srnantlonnl Rumor * Concprnlnv thf HpntiUU Fleet Darrens Price * . NEW YORK. May 13. Today's" stock market continued In much the sarao unset tled state as was the case yesterday. Earlj depression was reflected front London where the professionals were , selling Ajpe'r- lean stocks on a rumor that the Spanish fleet was off Sandy Hook. The- improbable character of this report gives an explana tion to a decline which was obviously due to bear pressure. Apparently there was r disposition on the part of the leaders of tin bull element to stand by and see a test ol the market's strength. The recent larg < and sustained advance , It was thought , hat Invited large buying on light margins bj the purely speculative element. This clasi of holdings Is a weakness for a bull move uctlons of Huttlclent dimension to force the liquidation of such accounts 'are therefore considered healthful In any bull movement The day's market did not indicate that the volume of such accounts was very large In spite of n vigorous drive by the bears apparently acquiesced In by the bulls which resulted at one time In declines run ning .from 1 to 3 points , there was no VTJ large volume of stock dislodged and 'the bears hastened to cover. Some large finan cial Interests are credited ' -with havlnf taken profits on the , recent rlse > and wltt being willing to see a reactlonfoc the pur pose of getting a gain. Commission housi buying In the tarty dealings was large am was quite effective In offsetting the largi selling for long account. But offerings wen no more than absorbed without carryItu prices above yesterday's level. After th < market had thus been tested business fcl Into dullness and assumed a waiting attl tude. Confidence that the Spanish fleet hai been finally located off Martinique and tha an engagement with the United Statei forces was Imminent also begot a dlspost tlon to await 'the result of that engage ment. As a consequence net changes 01 the day arc extremely narrow and are foi the most part losses. Metropolitan Stree Railway and Manhattan developed lati strength , which was attributed to thi course of negotiations with the rapli transit commission. The course of thi money market demonstrates effectual ! ; that all apprehension bt stringency frdn the requirements of the government nr past. Rates for time money on' call w'a 3fi3t per cent for periods up to six months This movement Is said to be' due "to a re nttwal of acumulatlons nf exchange fron Investment due to the higher money rate prevailing abroad. The bond market wa quiet outside a few speculative Issues an ft.v . the tone was rather heavy. Total sales v- S2.600.000 , United States new 4s decline S-S , the old is , registered , H In the bl iirlcc. There were ivilr * of the old 4 * . rcg- Utcrcd , nt n gain of H yvcr the last snlc. Tin- Evening * P < ut s London financial lays : Ilia stock markets lirro npcned flat today on thn news spreading of Irfint Salisbury's Klpumy report regarding the South African situation , rpported to have been made by him In a speech at a lirlvate banquet of bahKcrs. Subsequently irlces milled on the" good tone of the Paris Ixiurso. the reported American victories nnd the belief that the ik'iv Spanish cabinet h more peacefully lltclln'Ml. Americans closed dull nrnln , howtver , Knfllrs were j dull nn President Knlk ir"ii Inauguration. I Money win easier on the release of about .C5f > 0OoO In Japanese indnev. More will bo released oon. The following closing quotations it the leading slocks on the Now York mar ket today : i t i Atrhlfton 1-H C. . . . . . . . . 10 - . li.illlmoro i Ohio. . 1SH tto nfd . . . l.0 t. 1 . M. AM . ia4 Cnn.iilaoutnHni. em'so. ' IMclOn . lO entrnlPAcinc. . . . . I JS So. . .1 . 8' < lien.Onio Hallway pM 2UH 1 Texin \ Pacltta. . . . 11 a.H. AQ H3V Union IMclde . 8H C.iE. I S" IT. P. coalman . 1U1 * C.O. \SUL Hl'l Wnbash . 7K Uoufil fl' WnbwhpM . 1WH tKl..VHndian. lU'J 'Whorl. ' It u F ! . 'JH ) ol. L. AV 13H , Wlicol..k L. K-pM 11 Drit.nioU II lAilinm P.r . 1 < 9 tlopfa 40tilAmcrlraii Kx . l'-U Crlulnowi . 1-U Unltnl Str.te Ex. . . 40 Krialstpfd . SMiUVMliFnrffo Kx..llf > Ft. Wnrna . 1BH lAm. Cot. Oil . ! , nrcalNorthsrnpfJ.ldm A. Cot.Oll pM . T- tocKinr Vnltev. . . . OUiAm. Srlnn . ll'I lllnolnCanirU. . . l0.1HAm. , Sntrlts pM. . . . . . U74 UikeKrloA W. . . . lulUAm. ToDacco . linii do pM . 7U I ilo pM LakHShoro 1'ooplo's Oa O'l < LotiiHvllloANinti. 34V4 Com. ( 1U1H Manhattan L HUH ' ' ' " ' ' Met. Si. Itr. . . . 151 rior.'V.\frou. . . . . -'in Mlchlrnii Central..lom do utc uu Mlmi.AiSl. L , 2tl Oon. KliH-tne ! W * < dolHtnM 84 Illlnol * Stocl CU Mo.Pncltlc : i. < H IJXCl"dO Oa 411 Mobile & Ohio'H i Lead 3'J < i Mo. K. .t T 11 I uo DM 10A Mo.K. AT pfdS " N.It. Ut ) . Oil IS : hl.Iiul. iL 84.Orciton IniD. Co " 'J flopfil i7h Pnclrtc v n 'JH _ f. J. Ul 'I'uiliiinn IS"1 * K. Y.Contral 113K SllvrrCertltlcatiw. . OilJi N.Y.Cht. A.SI. L. . l'J < Stanil.Hopo AT. . . . ft dolat pM tiA jSuenr 1.11H do'JilpM 3'J iio pW Ill Norfolk & \Veitsrn 14 IT. C. A iron 'JSV S'o. Amor. Co SH U. 3. Leather 7U No.Pocinc H'lH do pM 0is : do Ufa OH U. 3. Uiibbcr : 1HH Ontario\ IS do pfd 70)4 Orcson Nnv imu Western Union. . . . 89X Ore. Shorl LinoJl ) Chi , Ot. West 14H 1'lttBburr 10s Nortlnvestcrn IV4' , Readinir 18H do pfd 170 Itnck Island Oil It. G. fcVf 12S S. L.AS. F 7Lt K. O. A W. pfd OS do IslpM CO St L. AS. W 4 St. j'aul OU do. pfd OH do pfd 144 ItcadlW Istpfd. . . . 44H Total sales of stocks today 317,600 , Includ- ng : Atchlson preferred , 17,040 ; Chicago , tUirllngton & Qulncy , 16.325 ; Louisville & Nashville , 14,320 ; Manhattan. 13.1S3 : Metro politan , 9.1S1 : Missouri Paclflc. 5.645 ; New York Central , 4.2S3 ; Northern Pacific , 5.79G ; Northern Pacific preferred , 6,320 ; St. Paul , 37,434 : Union Pacific preferred , 25,925 ; Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf , 14,875 ; Tobacco , 33- 752 ; Chicago Great Western , 8,190 ; People's Gas. 13,630 ; General Electric , 3,030 ; Sugar , 23,77 $ . \ < -Tr York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK , May 11. MONEY ON CALL Nominally 2H5J3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-GHti6 % ncr cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S5ft 4.S3',4 for demand and J4.SHifl4.S2 for 8lxt > - days ; posted rates , $ I.S2H&4.S6 ; commercial bills , $4.80 4.81. SILVER CERTIFICATES-G7fioSc. RA.n SILVER-56 7-Sc. MEXICAN DOLLAR8-45C. GOVERNMENT UONDS-Irregulnr ; new 4s. registered , 122 1"coupon ; , 122 7-8 : 4s reg istered , 108H : coupon , 109 % ; 2s. 95 ; 61 , regis tered und coupon , 11094 : Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 103. ' Closing quotatlons''on bonds were as fol- ows : . ' . Th clearings for 1397 were $749,203.22 , and th balances , J71.61S.S3. Increase In clearing ! $ :41.9S2.fti. ' CHICAGO , May 13-i-ClMrlngs. $1S,287,70C balances , $2,370,600 ; New-York exchange , 20 discount ; sterling exchange , posted rate : $4.8204.85Vi ; actual rates ? $4.814 4.i > 5V4 : slxt days , $4.8uw4.M. Stocks" ruled Talrly stead today despite heavy Belling to secure profit ) lilscult , 27 : Rlscult preferred , 87H : Diamon Mutch. 136 ; North Chicago. 1 ! ; Went Chi cago. 93'-i : Straw-board. Zi'A. CINCINNATI. May 13. Money , 3V4f p cent. New York exchange , par ; clearing ! $2,273,300. ST. LOUIS , May 13. Clearings. $1.915.36 : balances , $583,240 ; money , Mf8 per cent ; Nei Ycrk exchange , 25c premium bid , 50c prc tnlum naked. NEW YORK. May 13. Clearings , $111,482 641 : balances. $9,586.243. ItOSTON. May 13. Clearings , $17.611,041 balances , 11,610.142. NEW ORLEANS. May 13.-Clearlngi JllS iC01 ; New York exchange , bank , $1 pe $1,000 premium ; commercial , $1.25 per $1,01 premium. RALTIMORE. May 13.-ClearIngs. $3.101 774 : balances , $591,647. MEMPHIS , May , 13. Clearings , $33t.OH balances , $69,077 ; New York exchange , $1.5 PHILADELPHIA , May. 13. Clearing $12,903,210 ; balances , $1,956.075. Mapa of Cuba at The Dee office Omaha- Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut coupon from page 2. Address Cuban ma dtot. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bun Fair , Demand Good and Prices Generally Higher , CATTLE AND HOGS BOTH ARE GOING UP OlOrltttm of Alt SnrlH Tint ! Ucnd > - Tnl < pr nt I.lbprnl Inert-lino Over Tliurxilnj'4 I'lKtirr * Clone n l.lttlr I' SOUTH OMAHA. May W.-Uecclpts for the days Indicated wore : Totnl receipts 63 102 7 2 The illspoHltlon of the ( lay's receipts was s follows , each buyer purchasing the num- er of head Indicated : Uuycra. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co -H G. H. Hammond Co 331 1.47S ISO Swift and Company . . . . 190 1,261 237 Cudahy Packing Co 374 1,6. $ 267 P. D. Armour , Chicago. 114 1,175 . . . . W. 1. Stephens 20 "luston & Co 21 > ivlngston & Schaler . . 7 I. Hamilton 23 Cudahy , from Sioux C. . . 26 Hammond , from K. C 931 . . . . Swift nnd Co. . country E07 Cudahy P. Co. , country 218 Planklnton P. Co. . Mil 348 Chi. P. t * . P. Co. Neb. C 75S Other buyers 75 . . . . 116 Left over 150 . . . . Totals * li2Tl Z727 1 561 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were larger han yesterday , but still It Was a very moderate run and not sufficiently luree to stay the upward movement of prices which i > et In on Thursday. Sellers to some ex tent had things their own way and with the aid of a very good buying demand were able to secure an advance of 5010c. The advance was the most marked on the low nnd medium priced beef cattle , which were In especially good demand. Offerings of all kinds met with ready takers and supplies were soon exhausted , everything being sold and weighed up nt nn early hour. It would be wafe to say that fat cattle were at the very least 10 ® 15c higher than on Wednesday and back about where they were on Monday. In other words , the decline of the early part of the week has been practically all made up during the two days past. Cows und heifers were In active demand , but very light supply , and as n result commanded very firm prices. The few on sale Hold-varly ami-buyers complained that there were noi enough to go the rounds. Infact that hnsbeen'the complaint for some time. Either the cows are not In the country , as some say , or else they are being held back , as very few are coming forward , and tnero Is seldom a day when the supply Is fully up to the demand. Stock cattle were also a very scarce article and such as were to be had com manded very satisfactory prices. Repre sentative sales : The total receipts of cattle , hogs and sheep today numbered 172 cars , as ngalnst 139 yesterday. 261 n week ago nnd 209 two weeks ago. It was rather a small run for this time of the week , In fact the smallest received on n Friday since the first week In April. The falling off was In cattle principally , there being a good run of hogs. The markets as n whole were exceptionally favorable to the selling Interests , prac tically everything being higher and In ac tive demand at the advanced prices. STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 12..1111 $3 50 ,2..530 , $3 60 2. . 905 $3 75 10. . 7SO 3 SO 1. . 870 4 00 7. . 884 4 00 23..1265 400 72..1153 410 20. . 926 410 33..1346 4 20 7..1425 4 20 16..1482 48. . 993 420 , A. . 843 420 3.113 ! 12..1016 4 22& 7..1154 4 22' 22..1217 18..1337 425 3..1036 425 22..1213 44..1012 4 25 9..1062 4 25 19..12SO 25.J46S- 23 17.1117 4.30 29. . 1220 30 20..1414 430 24..1041 430 18..12S6 35 IS. . 1150 425 44..1150 435 2. . 520 433 6..1203 440 19..1116 440 25..1403 440 21.,1382 .4.45 * 42.wl202 445 1S..1252 445 39..1364 4 bO -.COWS , L. 600 175 L. 810 225 1..1000 300 L. 94t > 3 00 L. 830 300 L. 910 3 00 1..1230 5 00 1..1170 3 10 2. . 9SO 3 25 L,1060-3,25 < r 3..1056 330 3..1160 330 1..1130 335 4.1022 350 1..1000 350 2. . K5 360 - - . 1..1000 .3 . 50 2. . 980 3 55 4..1060 , 3 50 1..1300 355 1..1220 360 9..1005 360 .1..1150 360 9..1192 365 7..1231 370 6. . 785 370 L. 870 370 1..13SO 375 1..1270 375 68. . N > 6 375 3..1020 375 BS..1000 380 2S. . S97 380 1..1390 380 2..1130 385 7..1112 385 12. . 992 3 85 1..1110 3 95 1..1350 4 00 4..1465 400 HEIFERS. C. . 950 390 1..1330 403 1..1410 403 S. . 974 4 10 2. . 720 4 10 16. . 906 4 20 1..GSO 4 20 L. 970 4 25 L. 810 4 23 CALVES-HEIFERS AND STEERS. 6. . 3S3 4 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 6. . 620 4 23 BULLS. 1..1010 280 ! „ 970 300 1..1170 325 1..1430 325 1..1060 333 1..1130 340 1..1CSO 350 1..1030 350 1..1030 350 1..1030 3 60 1..1640 3 60 L. 970 3 S3 CALVES. L. 3 * ) 4 65 L. 290 550 2. . 170 600 2. . 175 623 2. . 155 6 23 STAGS. L. 970 300 2..1335 360 2..1400 383 2..1355 4 00 4. . 960 4 20 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. L. 450 3 75 23. . 816 3 75 4. . SCO 4 10 3. . 680 410 14. . 752 4 > 15 4. . 925 425 2. . 533 4 30 21. . 787 4 40 HOGS Today's hog market opened un evenly higher at an average advance o 10ifl5c. As was the * case yesterday , th market was very uneven nnd hogs of th same kind and quality sold nt all kinds o prices. It was just as n seller could catcl on he might get $4.40 for a load and thei find It hard work to Bet $4.35 for anothe just like It. The most of the hoes sold at $4.3034.4 ! with $4.35 a popular price. The buyers evl dently wanted the hogs and the marke was active at the advance , but they dl not want them quite so badly at the las as they did earlier and the close was i little easier. Everything was sold In gooi season and the trade came to a close at ai early hour for the want of more stuff t < sell. > sell.Today's advance carries the hog marke to the highest point touched since Septem ber 3 , 1S-95 , when the average of all the sale was the same as today. Thursday of thl week was the first day since Suptembei H97 , that the average price touched Jl an there were very few days last year whe even $4 was reached. The hogs sold today 70c higher than on year ago , $1.15 higher than two years ag nnd only lOc lower than three years agi In other word * , hogs sold today at the high est point touched In the month of May sine i 1S95. Representative sales : No. Av. Hi ) . IT. No. Av. Bh. Pr. 11 290 SO $4 30 57 254 80 $1 30 70 220 . . . 430 74 211 . . . 430 67 239 160 4 30 61 230 . . . 430 69 2 7 . . . 430 fc2 il ! 200 4 20 62 253 80 4 30 70 218 240 4 30 89 222 120 4 30 21 243 SO 4 30 13 S30 . . . 43) 87 232 . . . 430 87 2 < B 160 4 30 57 278 240 4 30 74 226 . . . 430 43 229 40 4 30 81 214 80 4 30 72 236 SO 4 30 60 232 . . . 430 61 257 SO 4 32' ' S3 243 200 4 32',4 71 24J M 4 32' ' 62 256'SO 4 32V-I 79 230 200 432 90 232 40 432V , 66 266 . . . 432' ' 72 261 120 4 3iV { 80 244 80 4 35 74 265 160 4 33 Cl 278 160 4 35 K 251 . . . 435 62 271 . . . 435 67 231 60 4 35 63 275 120 4 33 72 217 . . . 4 35 C3 214 80 4 35 71 277 200 433. 60 253 120 435 60 293 2JO 4 35 50 27.2 . . . 4 35 62 256 40 4 35 75 210 40 4 35 71 260 40 4 33 6 270 SO 4 35 66 302 40 4 33 60 27 40 4 35 63 264 . . . 4 35 78 259 . . . 4 33 62 260 80 4 35 74 2It . . . 4 33 84 235 SO 4 33 77 239 40 4 33 37 332 80 4 35 67 223 80 4 33 71 266 . . . 4'35 " 26 311 . . . 433 86 231 120 4 33 C6 240 . . . 433 CO 2C9 . . . 435 7 231 80 4 35 44 2S4 80 435 52 278 M 4 SHKKI' The arrivals of nheep were very light today , only seven fresh loads being re ported In the yurds. Of that number three were sold to arrive , 10 In reality only four loads were offered for sale. The demand for desirable mutton sheep wns active nnd the buyers took the few offered without question. The market on good grndcs of mutton sheep rtnild safely be quoted active and at least lOc higher. Lambs were Just nbout ntp.uly , nothing very good being among the offerings. Representative sales : No. AVt. Pr. 237 western wnthcrs 10i ! $4 23 KG western wethers 1W 4 25 S4 western sheep 71 4 35 111 western liimbt l' > 5 4 75 260 Colorado lambs . ' . . SO 5 00 201 Colorado Intnhfl ST B HO 2tW Colorado lamlH $2 GOO 2CO Colorado lambs 79 6 00 CHICAGO 1.1 VM STOCK MA11KKT. Cnttlc An * In Giioil Demand nt n Mntrrlnt Ailvnni-r. CHICAGO , Mny 13.-Cattlc were In good demand today at nn advance of 6fflOc. Beef cattle brought J3.90Jj5.23. mostly $ I.30IT4.75 ; exporters , $1.60ft4.S5 ; stockers and feeders. $3.90f4.S3 ; cows nnd heifers , $2.7561.63 ; calves , $630-76.7u. Hogs advanced 5JTJOC on contlnubd good demand. I'rlme heavy sold at $1.65 , the highest price since 1S93. Hogs sold at $1.20 CT4.C5 , the bulk going at $4.35ff4.60 ; best light weights , $1.43 : common to good , $1.10 fN.GQ ; good to choice , $ l.33ffl.45. Sheep ruled steady on fairly active de mand. Shorn sheep sold at $3.2394.23 : yearl- ngs. $4.3594.50 ; clipped lambs brought $3.70 * 4.75 : wooled , J5.OOJf3.23. RECEIPTS-Cattlo. 2,000 head ; hogs. 22- 00 head ; sheep , 3,000 head. St. LotilH Llvf Stork. ST. LOUIS. May 13.-CATTLE Receipts. .700 head , Including 400 head Texas : ship ments. BOO head ; market steady ; fair to ancy native shipping and export steers , 4.50T)6.23 ; bulk of sales ! $ l.65tf500 : dressed eef and butcher steers , $3.90' 4.90 : bulk of ales. $ l.23Ti4.C3 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. . $1.73 i4.SO ; bulk of sales , $4.13ff4.50 ; stackers and eedcrs. $3.5Mi4.75 { bulk of sales. $3.701il.55 ; ows nnd heifers" . $2.00fl4.75 ; Texas nnd In- lan steers , $3.70fll.53 : bulk of sales , $3.701 ? .25 ; cowa and heifers. $2.7MI3.50. HOGS Receipts , 7,500 head ; shipments , ,100 head ; market , I5fi23c higher ; yorkers , 4.2Vff4.35 ( ; packers , $ ! .10tj4.50 ; butchers , $4.40 04.60. SHEEP Receipts. 3,300 head ? shipments .000 head : market steady ; native muttons. 4.0034.75 ; spring lambs , $ > 06.00 ; Texas muttons , $3.50. Knnmm City MVP Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY , May 13. CATTLE Re- -elpts , 2,100 head ; market active ; desirable lock & { T10c higher ; native steers , $4.25ft .85 , mainly $4.3004.65 ; stockers and feed- rs. $3.SO@5.60 ; cows. $3.2304.00 ; heifers , 3.75 4.65 ; calves. $3.00fiS.50 ; bulls. $3.008 .00 ; Texas steers , $ .1.95 4.22 4. HOGS Receipts , 15,600 head ; market ac- Ive , nbout lOc higher on majority of sales ; close about 6c lower ; bulkof _ stiles , $4.00 $ .55 : pigs. $3.OOjrr.Bd'meillu'm "weights , prlint fits , $4.33 ; heavy , $4J5 < i4,53 ? ; packers , $4.K ( S4.35 ; lights. $3.90iM.10 ; yorkers. $ i.03 4.10. SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; markft ac- l\"e and steady : C6lorado wool lamb'J3.K Ig5.23 ; clipped , $4.50ffl.63 ; natives , $1.000 " .00 ; muttons , $ t.00i4.50. \ < -v - York I.Ive Stuck. NEW YORK , May 13. BEEVES Re ceipts , 3.321 head : market plow ; steers. $ l.6i .02 > ? ; bulls , $3.33fi4,23 ; cables quote cattli ifllc , dressed weight ; live sheep. S" Iressed weight ; refrigerator beef , ier Ib. ; shipments today , none ; tomorrow 1,026 cattle , 1.490 quarters of beefi CALVES Receipts , 6&5 head ; opened firm : losed quiet ; advance lost ; veuls , $4.00 > .SO. .SO.SHEEP SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt * . 6,411 head ; sheep weak ; lambs lOc lower , HOGS Receipts , 1,840 head : higher , $4.3i < tT4.65 ; good western pigs , $4.50. Stock In SljjlU. Record of receipts of live stock at thi four principal markets for May 13 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha 1.466 7.747 1,44 "hlcago . - . : 2.000 22,000 3,00 Kansas City 2,100 15,600 1,00 St. Louis 1,700 7,500 3,30 Totals 7,266 52,847 8,74 COTTON 'MARKETS. * > Speculation In Pbtnre * Hpiii'tnted 01 \Vr.r Dc-volopinelltn. NEW YORK , May 13.-Speculatlon In cot ton futures continued to- show heiltatloi today , largely under fears of sensatlonn developments from .the threatened conflict : on sea and land between the forces of thl : country and Spain. The volume of buslnesi today reached only 60,000 bales In futures The general movement .was , In .buyers favor , with the utmost decline n matter o 8 points. The direct preisure , was .the dls appointing character of the English cables Another bearing Influence , was .thorathe better purport of the crop advices. Bellini was without much confidence , hnvvnver. a the financial situation and the low price a which cotton Is selling led. to caution. Th market was finally quiet at a net declln of 3f(5 points on the active option * , Spot quiet ; middling 63-Sc ; "net receipts , 47 bales ; gross , 2.51S bales : e-xportti to tne con tlnent , 1,330 balei ; forwarded , none ; sale * 1,591 bales ; spinners , 2 baJfs ; stock , JS0.55 baits. Weekly : Net receipts , 2,790 bales gross. 15,985 bales ; exports to Great Britain 5,991 bales : to France. KM bales ; to the con tlnent , 7.919 bales ; forwarded , 30 bales sales , 7,720 bales ; jplnncrs. 554 bale * . Tola today : Net receipts , 7,102 bales : exports t Great Britain , 3,079 bales ; to France , 8,63 hales : to the continent.10.432 balpj ; stock 576.40S hales. Consolidated : Net receipts 35.040 b : les ; exports to Great Britain , Sn , 931 bales : to France , 9,815 bales ; to the con tlnent , 26,216 bales. Total since Scptcmbe 1 : Net receipt * . 8,265,833 bales ; exports t Great Britain. 3,200,642 bales : to France TTt.352 bales : to the continent. 2.739,055 balei NEW ORLEANS , May IJ. COTTON- Futurcs , quiet : sales , 6.SOO bales : May , nom Inal ; June , $5.77 bid ; July. $5.S72S.fcS ; Auguai $5.h5.S9 ; September , $5.WI5.91 : O'-tobei $5.9085.91 ; November. $5.92'D5.93 ' : Deccmbei $5.93'i5.96 : January , $5.99f(6.01. ( Spot , quiet sales , 1,550 bales ; ordinary , 4'/&c ; good M dinar4 ; 7-Sc ; low middling. 6Vic ; mlddlliu 511-lfc : good middling Sl-ifr * ; mlddlm fair. 67-16c ; receipts , 2'jJtf tuluj ; stock , 112 , S6H bales. LIVERPOOL , May 13.-COTTON-Spo moderate demand , price } unchanged ; Kilr today , 3,000 bales , of which 500 baled WP ; for speculation and export , and Include 7.600 bales American ; receipts , nom Future , quiet : American middling , L. M. C May. 331-64d , buyers ; May and Juni 3 31-61d , buyers ; Juno nnd July , 3 31-61' ' 332-64d , buyers ; July and August , 332-U' 333-64d , sellers ; August and Septembc 3 32-6403 33-6ld , sellers ; September and Oc tober , 331-64'i332-64d ' ! , buyers ; October an November , 333-Cld , sellers ; December , 331-1 ft331-6ld. sellers ; January and Fcbruar : 330-64fl331-64d , sellers. The Cotton exchange will bo closed Ma 23 and 30. Whitsuntide holiday. Wool JlnrketH. BOSTON , May 13. The following are tl quotations for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces , X nr above , 26c ; XX and XX above and delnli No. 1 and No. 2 combing , 29&30c. Mlchlga Wisconsin , etc. : X Michigan. 22&23c ; N 2 Michigan and Illinois combing , 2762S X New York , New Hampshire and Vc mont , 22f/23c : delaine Michigan , 2Sc ; ui washed medium Kentucky and Indlar quarter blood combing und three-eight ! blood combing , 22fJ23c ; Missouri quart blood combing , 22(23c'braid ( : combing , 20 lake and Georgia , 19020c. Texas wool Spring medium (12 ( months ) , ICjilSc ; scoure 4v@12c ; spring line (12 ( months ) . 1G&1S scoured. 43frl5c. Territory wools ; Montai fine medium and fine , ISWICc ; scoured , 43 staple , 48o ; Utah , Wyoming etc. , line m ( Hum and fine , HplSc ; scoured , 43fi45 staple , 4Sc. Australian , wools : Scoun basis , combing superfine , QU"2c ; combln good , C5it-ic ; combing , average , 62ft65 Queensland combing , 65c. Coffee Market * . NEW YORK. May 13.-COFFEE-Optloi opened steady , 6&10 points decline und weak European news and Increased r celpts at Rio and Santo * , steadied on liber cattnlnR i < oino ills- i n let tovcr eil utraily , prlco * MC hixvrr Bnlon , J,1V ) lnig < , Iticliidlnu July , JS7J. Heptrmher , $17J , Drcembor.l5.SC CI1.W , January , $5.Wi April. $8. Bi > ot roITPO , III i , dull .N . 7 Ilivoli o A So ; Nn. 7 Job * blnir. 7 1-V Mild , quiet. Cordova. sm/1 Mt < J. Ituw , linn nt ndviincoi fair rrilnlng , .Tic ; centrifugal , ' test , 4Ur > Itellnod , strong , temllnc upwnrtl. HANTOH. May U.--COFFii---Opont-l quiet , good nverngo Santos. 10.2W ) rcl ; re- iplptn. U l baps ; itock , OZiOOO b.'igs. IIA.MIU'IIO. May 13.-t'OI-'FKi-OpellP < l , c lower , nt 2.30 p in. , Ufi'4 pfg. net loworj ale12txiO bnitrt. RIO DH JANEIRO. May 13.-COFFEE "Inn : No. 7 Hlo , 10,330 rels ; exchanse , i21-33d ; recMpls. S.OOO bags ; cleared for the 'ultra Stales , ll.ftiO bnci ; cleared for Uiropp , LOW bags , stock. 137.CKX ) bnjp . IIAVHE. May U.-COKKKK-Clotwl tin- hangcil to Uf net lower , "ulcf" , 10.UX ) hags. I'orrliiii V'liinitclnl. LONDON. May 13. The market for Amer ican securities opened dull and sluggish , but the feeling Improved later on. Tha market fluctuated somewhat nnd after a slight decline was belter nt the close. le > av Ing off steady. The demand was generally Ight. Amount nf bullion taken Into tin lank of England on balance today , 162- AO. Spanish 4i closed nt 3IVi. a net gain f U. American eagles arc quoted nt 6s C > d , open market , nnd by the Bank of England , 76s Sd. Thorn was a rally em the Stock exchnnqu hero toelny owing to the imposed changes In the composition of ho Spanish cabinet. The rceirgunlzatlon of he mlnNtry Is considered to IIP In the na- uro of n step toward po.u-e. Gold la quoted t Buenos Ayres nt 157.SO. PARIS. May 12.-Spanlsh 4s closed 31 3-8. i net gain of 6-16. Three per cent rentes , ( Cf , 72'4c. Business wnM ttiuleclded on the * loiirse today until near the close nml irlces were generally better. International ecurllle. * , led by Italians , were stronger m the reported subsidence nf riots In Italy. Spanish securities were well supported nnd Intshed llrm. BERLIN , Mny 13. Prices were firm em ho bourse today as a result of the action nt Porto Rico , but Inter they wrnkencel n sympathy with London and closed tinner on the Improvement In Paris , Spanish In rallying. Oil Mnrkcl * . OIL CITY , Mny 13. Credit balance * . SJ ; _ ertlllcati' eipened ! > l bid , closed S2 bid for nsh : no sales ; shipments , 73,221 bbH. ; runs , 57.260 bhN. SAVANNAH , Ga. . May ll.-OILS-Splr- ts turpentine , firm ut 27c. Rosin , firm and unchanged. CHARLESTON , S. C. , Mny 13. OILS Turpentine , llrm at 26c. Rosin , quiet and unchanged. WILMINGTON , N. C. , May 13.-OILS Spirits turpentine.llrm at 27i27'4c. Rosin , lull nt 93cfi$1.00 ; crude turpentine , llrm at $1.23 , $ l.i > 0ai.)0. Tar , Him nt $1.10. .MnrkelH. NEW ORLEANS , May 13.-SUOAR-Mnr- kct strong : open kettle , 2 ! > i' < Mc : Centrifugal , granulated. 4 7-Sc : whites , 4Wi4 r.-Su ; yel- ows. 4 3-16ftlfec ! : uPcundB. 2YM3 7-Sc. Mo lasses. dull ; centrifugal , fiQlIti- . NEW YOIIK. Mny 13.-SUGAR-Raw , strong : held higher ; fair refining , Slic ; centrifugal , 96 test , 4Uc ; refined , strong ; mold A , 5 5-Sc ; standard A , 5Vic ; confec tioners' A , 6V4c : cut Innf , 5 7-Sc ; crushed , 5 7-bc ; ixiwdered , 6 5-Sc ; granulated , 5 3c ! ; cubes , 6 7-Se. Now York Dry Cioniln Alnrkct. NEW YORK , May 13. There havt been no variations In the demand for cotton goods. The demand for export sheetings nnd drills shows some expansions. Hlenched cottons nre still weak and subject to Irreg ular demand. Duck.s are well sold up. Dress fabrics show un Improved demand at generally horizontal prices. Staple calicos are quiet without feature. Ginghams am strong , with n well sustained demand noted In many quarters. Mrm1u - lrr TciHIr Fnlirlen. MANCHESTER , May 13.-Cloths and yarns quiet , with a moderate Inquiry. Send The Weekly Hoc to eastern friends during the exposition ; clx months for 35 cents. Degln with the Exposition number this week. CATTLE TO BE INSPECTED ArrniiBPiuviitn * Avolil Coiitnwloii In SliliunentH Sent Knut from Cnllfornln. DENVER , Colo. , May 13. William 1'cnn Anderson , special agent of the Union Stock Yards and Transit company of Chicago , has reported to the recording secretary of the National Live Stock association that Gov ernor Holcomb of Nebraska has decided to send a man to Inspect train loads of Cali fornia cattle billed to nnd through Ne braska from Denver until complete arrange ments can be perfected to avoid the en tanglements arising from one state mak ing a quarantine ground of another. Dy concentrating the whole force of Inspection at points of origin absolute safety Is se cured , thus removing by clean ork the suspicion of possible contagion. Mr. An derson says Sacramento , Cal. , seems to bo the most strategic point for the purpose. Such on arrangement will privilege the owner to both railway and market compe tition as well as avoid the probability tt detention which might bo caused either by accident or unforaecn division ot ship ment. Macs of Cuba at The Uce oillce Omaha- Council Bluffs or SontU Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. Address Cuban map dent. Advance In Iron Worker * ' Scale. CINCINNATI , May 13. A general ad vance In prices will bo Incorporated In tbo scale to be drawn up at the annual con vention of the Amalgamated Association of Iron , Steel and Tin Workers , which opens here next Tuesday. This will bo based on the better conditions now prevailing. The tin plato scale , which will also bo con sidered at this convention , will call for a considerable advance In the scale. Presl- _ dent Shatter of 'the Amalgamated nssocl- I tlon eays the condition of the market justifies an advance of about 10 per cent. TlK HKAI.TY .MAUKUT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , May 13 , 18KS : Wnrrmify Deed * . K. A. Bryson to J. C. Ranb. lot 2 , block 13J , South Omaha $ 700 Patrick Kclley to Fannie Kelley , seU 23-15-11 - . S lure Cahoon to W. V. Marlon , lot 1C , block 3 , Exchange Place 1,000 David Anderson and wlfn to M. G. Goddard. lots 9 and 10 , block 2 , 1st add. to South Omaha New England Loan and Trust Co. to M. C. Callahan. lot 27. block 11 , Brlgg's Place 2,000 South Omaha Land Co. to Enn Hen derson , lot 8 , block 50. South Omaha. ' 00 Lyman Richardson and wife to T. H. O'Neill , lots 13 and 14. bock | 9 , West End add 20 Alfred Mlllard , executor , et nt to Theodore Warnsstedt & Son , lots 1 to C. block 29 , Mlllard 1 F. A. Buck to Daniel Harmon , n',4 lot 4. block 75 , South Omaha 1,500 Christ Gerock to H. M. James , lot 7 , block 10 , Hitchcock's 1st add 1 i'llt Claim Drivtu. Vermont Sampson to New England Loan nnd Trust Co. , lot 27 , block 11 , Drlggs' Placet 1 John Faust , administrator , to J , F. Burkley , und.a lot 20. block 4. Hoppe's Bonanza sub. , nnd other property Special master to D. C. John , lot 2 , block 7 , Bedford Place ISO Special master to Andrew Murphy , a tract In xw > 4 swVi 23-15-13 92S Sheriff to Geeirgn Glucomlnl , e 52 feet nf s ICO feet lot 8 , block 6 , Park Place Samu to C. O. Lobcck. executor , lot 6. block 10. Hitchcock's ' 1st add 200 Same to same , lot 7 , same 209 Total amount of transfers 18,417 Removal II , R. Vrnny A Co. ( Buccrmorii ( ChrUtle-Strvet Com. Co. ) liiivc reraor. ed to room ! . New York Lite llullilluK. JAMES E BOYD & CO. , Telephone 1030. Omaha , N b COMMISSION. GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD OF TRADB. Dlren wire * to Chicago jnd N w Tortj. C rre puul BUi Jobs A. Warrco A OB >