10 THE OMAHA. DAILY 3KKi SATURDAY , MAY 14 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrtlnrtiirniN for llu-nc roltiintift will tip tnkrit milII 12 in. fur < lie rrrnlnir mill until H p , m. for tlir in or n I ii u ftml Sntulny cilltlonw. AilvrrtlnrrN , liy roqm-MIliK it lliim- lirrril rlirck , cnn Imto uinmurn ud- ilrcnne < l to n iinmlivrcit Idler In euro * of 'J'In > lice. .AiiHirers no ntldremi-il will l > r Delivered on Jirenrntntloii nf tlio cheek onlr. KM ten , 1 l-2o n vronl fir at ln rrlliin | Ic word thereafter. NothliiK Inkcn fur Ion til mi 2.-c for the llrnt Inner- tlon. Tlimc ail vert Inemeiitii mnlit be run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTii > . WANTED , Position by sober , Industrious young man , 20 years of age. with first- class business education : last typewriter on Remington machine ; can furnish good reference. Addrem O 23 , Bee. A 43J 13 * POSITION wanted First-class man , expert - pert solicitor mid salesman ; furnish bust reference nnd bonds. Address O 23 , lice. A-.M4U in * WA\TII > MALE CANVASSERS to tnko orders ; nowltno of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; Hillary or commission. C' . F. Adams Co. , 521 South Sixteenth street. B-Wii SALESMEN to Bell toilet soap to dealers ; J100 per mouth nalary and expcnxeHJ ex perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co. , Ht. Louis , Mo. ll37 ! _ MEN ! nenrn the barber trade. Better < le- nmnd tills HeuHon than for years. Begin now and take advantage of tlio sumnicr'n wages. Eight weeks completes. Send for free catalogue Moler System liaibur Schools. Chicago , St. Louis or Minneapo lis. B-M351 14 * GOOD all round handy man , capable of erecting el ! kinds of farm machinery nnd repairing samo. Oood vi ; ; > " paid the rluht man. Address O 9 , liec. B-M1IS ll WANTED Good holise painter nt once ; steady Job for right man. G. L. Nclberg , West Point , Neb. B-390 13 V ANTED , an experienced cupola man for work In nn Iron bed factory. Address Western Mattress Co. , Lincoln , Neb. B-411-13 WANTED , BrlRht young man , thoroughly experienced In retail glassware and crockery business. O 27 , Bee. II 111 15 WANTED , salesmen In every district ; now HCMUOH : wimples * free ; salary or commls- Hlon , with expenses from start. Luke Bros. Co. , Chicago , III. B-M44G 14 * WANTED , salesmen In every county ; good pay weekly ; write for terms. Hawks Nur sery Co. , Milwaukee , Wis , B MII7 11 * WANTED , for fall trade , n good salesman to soil our specialties In dry goods on the road , on commission. Schuylklll Mills , Box 1192 , Philadelphia. B-M413 14 * MAN or lady of good address to travel and appoint agents ; (40 per month and ex penses. P. W. Ztegler & Co. , 320 Deurborn St. . Chicago. B-M4I9 14 * > WAXTKn FKMAI.I2 HUM" . 100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to 17 week. Canadian Office. 1D22 Douglas. C S3S WANTED First class clrl for general housework. Inquire 1309 South 20tn St. C-935 COMPETENT GIRL FOP. GENERAL housework. Mrs. D. H. Goodrich. 1117 Park ave. C M42S 15 WANTED. Girl for general housework. 115 So. 31st St. C 433 15 * EMPLOYMENT Bureau , 1524 Dodge : relia ble male or female help furnished. Tel. 876 C 437 J12 GIRL for general housework. 417 N. 25th St. C M445 15 * FOR HUNT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages nil over city ; $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st Jloor , N. Y. Life. D-S39 HOUSES. Bcnewa & Co. , 103 N. 15th St. D-S40 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-S41 MOVING household goods nnd pianos. Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1511 % Furnum. Tel. 1553. D-813 PROPOSITIONS for the place , 31il N. 24th St. , Including house , barn and three acres of ground. Apply to W. F. Holden , care of Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th St. * D-M773 FURNITURE nnd leasehold "of a 13-room modern flat for sale at a bargain. Good location , rent low. Bemls , Paxton blk. D-M511 FOR RENT 614 S. 29th. 9-room modern. 1320 S. 28th , 9-room modern , large lot. Oarvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam st. D M421 15 COTTAGE. G rooms ; city water ; sewer. 2205 N. 25th St. ' D-430 15 l''OH IlKNT FUHNISIIEIJ ROOMS TftCOMfl by the Cay or week at the Central hotel , 15th and Dodge Sts.EM323 E-M323 M14 ROOM Transients. 1708 Douglas St. E-M440 M16 FURNISHED rooms. 521 8. 26th ave. E-M451 M29 HOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge. E-M151 M24 * _ ROOMS , opposite Shriner , 25S4 Harney. E 415-18 * _ FOR RENT. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping ; modern. Alss other rooms. 1552 N. 20th St. E M425 15 * 1HE Merrlam , first-class family hotel. 25th and Dodge Sts. F-847 NEW ALBANY. 2116 BInncy ; elegant rooms , llrst-class board ; terms reason able : transient trade solicited. F-M323 J7 * _ _ PLEASANT rooms , modern , strictly first- class board : reasonable rates ; transients taken. B N. l th st. F M423-J12 * FOH KtaST UNFUUNISHKD HOOMS. FOR Rent , nlco south front unfurnished rooms , with bath ; Wlthnell block. F. W Carmlchael , No. , Wlthnell block. _ _ _ G 848 FOH 11KNT STOHKS ANR OFK1CKS FOR trackage , transferring nnd desk room apply to the Aoltman & Taylor Machin ery Co. , N. E. corne 9th & Jackson Sts 1-819 _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , Part of a Millinery store foi Jewelry , Ladles' Furnishing * or Fancjr Novelties ; beat location In Omaha. N 49 Bee. 1-.M191 19 _ FOR rent , tl' 4-story brick building a 916 Farnam Ht. This building has a tire proof cement basement , . water on nl floors , gas , etc. Apply at the office o The Bee. 1 810 FINE STORE ROOM ON 24TH ST. , NEAI exposition , with living rooms In rear am cemented basement. See Fidelltv Trus Co. at once , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life. 'I-MI24 5T. - . - - - " _ _ t AGUNTS WANTED. M'ANTED , agents to sell Acetylene ga generators : must bo men of ability am some means. Acetylene , the light of th future for towns , cltlea , stores , churches halls , factories , hotels and private rest dences. Address Omaha Acetylene Ga Co. , 118 ana 120 N. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb J-Millb M14 AGENTS wanted. Murat Halateed'e Ore * War Book. "Our Country In War. " Al about Armies , Navies , Const Defenses Maine Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain and relations with Foreign Nntloni Nearly COO pages. All written since Main Dlttaitcr , Magnificent colored Illustra tions. Agento making 110 to 133 per day No experience necessary. Most llbera terms guaranteed , 10 days' credit , prlci low , freight paid. Handsome outfit free Send 9 two-cent Btnmys to pay postage Educational Union. 324 Dearborn St ; , Chi J MISS June 5 * AGENTS wanted for "OurNaval War will " Spain ; " splendidly Illustrated ; "only au thentlc work to be published ; free otatll now ready : act quick. National Pub Co. Ike lde Bid * . , ChlcMO. J-MS4 16 > ft AKTHlf Juno lBt. Jr""prlvaln frttnKs rootnn nnd board by gentlemani wlfp nnd 3 children ; western part of cltynref < irfd , , O 5. lice. K 311 16 i HTOHACir . 'ACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , DCS- 910 Jones , grjicral ftorago and forxvnrdlncr , OM. Van & Storageistl i Farn'm. Tel. 1350. , M & 5t ] IKST trurkagp and nloragp building In Omaha , U. 8. gov. bonded : household goods stored and cnrcd for : lowest rates ; | two show cases for sale , suitable for ex position. 1013 nnd 1015 Lciwenworth. W. M. Bushman. M-M ! 5 31 WANTKD TO I1HV. SECOND-HAND books bought for cash nt the Antiquarian book store , 1511 Farnam. N-M776 M26 * FOIl SAI.K Fim.MTtJHK. SELLING out nt 131 South 23th street , household furniture , carpets , ranges , cooking FlovcK , gas atove , etc. May bo scon from 2 to 6 p. m. O 116 KOII SAI.i : HOHSKH AMI WACO.VI. 'OH SALE , a good Klmbnll make Hiirrcy and harnesH. lS34 ! Sewnrd f > t. , or He gent Shoo Co. , 205. S. 15lh St. l'-M 117 13 FOH SAM : Miscm.i.\.NF.OUS. IOO nnd poultry fcnco : better than wlro netting. Fine sawdust for IloorH. Tel. 438. 01 Douglas. Q-SS2 JOIISE clipping machines , knives and re pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv ice. A. L. Undeland. Q-SD3 CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Hurnuy. Q-S54M16 * FOR SALE Ten /i.I.P.A.N.S. for 6 cents at druggists ; one 'gives relief. Q M7SO "OR SALE Three return Tubular hollers ; SO-horse power e-ich. Apply to the super intendent , 105 Bee building. Q bS3 FOR SALE , Two fresh Jersey cows , with calves by nldn , for sulo or trade for dry cows. 718 S. 2Sth St. Q-371-15 FOR BALE OR TRADE. Billiard table nnd one good set Ivory balls. J. J. Vreeland , 3916 N. 20th. Q-M374 17 * TOR SALE , Brand new , never used , 6xS 3 feet wide refrigerator , suitable for hotel , restaurant or bar. ' 2C23 Sherman Ave. Q-M19S 13 * BICYCLE. GENTS1 $73 WHEEL , VJ model , perfect order , highest grade made- ; will sell for less than one-third. Address O 21 , Bco Q--MI26 14 * "OR SALE. Three-chair barber shop doing good business. W. Emmons , 2C21 N St. , South Omaha. Q 135 15 IALL'8 Safes new and second-hand ; safes repaired and rented. 1116 Farnam. Q-7U444 J1S MISCEM.AMCOUS. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 16. Tel 1779. R-354-M15- SHRUBBERY nnd trees at 1717 Douglas. F. B. Martin ; residence 4S22 Boulevard ave. R M431-M16 * NEW BRICK ut Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's yard , 22d and Hickory. Telephone 425. R-MCOO PHYSICIAN , Experienced , speaks German and thoroughly understands drug trade , wants location In Nebraska In German neighborhood , , not too far from Omaha. Address O 23. Bee. 11 131 15 * MASSAGE , OATHS , ETC. MISS MAYER Chiropodist , manicure , scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted , stu dents. 400 Paxton Blk. T 312 M13 LAURA Ellison , 1'9 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , massaga T MSM M19 * ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles nnd gents. 107 So. 14th. , tel. 1S94. Open all nlRht. T M20S J6 * iIRSiDr. Leon , electric massage bath par lors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth. up- Btairs. T M332 15 MME , Smith , US N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. T 33S-16 * MADAME AMES , 507 S. 13 , room 10 : mas sage baths. . T 430 19 * ' " " " PERSONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316-8 Bee bldg ; physician consultation or. health book free. U-355 BATHS , massage. Mmc. Post , 219' S. 15th. - . < - U 856 SUPERFLUOUSalrc'face blemishes re moved with electricity at Mine. G. Payne's halrdresslng and manicure par lors , 312-313 Karbach block. U-M542 M10 * J30. ' RUPTURE euro for 30. No detention , from business : 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-933 New York Life bids. , Omaha , Neb.k ' U-843 PERSONS 'sufficiently-educated graduated Immediately In medicine or dentistry. Lock--box 198 , Chicago. U-M335 19 * THE Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , day or night ; special euro given ladles' tailor made gowns ; dress HUlts for hire. N. E. corner 14th and Farnam.Tel. . 963. U 857 MO.-VKY TO LOAN HEAL KSTATE. WANTED , choice farm aim city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg. W 859 JIOO.OW.OO Kpoclc.1 fund to loan on flrt-class Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng - Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W-60 LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 862 6 PER cent city amV > farm loans. Garvln Bros. . 161S Farnam St. W S63 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. "B. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W 861 &Vi PER cent money. Bemls , Paxton blk. W-865 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 8. 16th. W-i6l EASTERN money for western Invest ments : send for circular. Inventors Di rectory Co. , New York. W 'J90 J7 * MONRY TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. J10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowest rates In Omnho. South Omaha and Council Bluffs , No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time ot in nnv amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 303 South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED - CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-SC5 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , wlthoul security : easy payments. Tolman , R , 70C. N. Y. L. bldg. X572 SHORTHAND AM ) TYPbWHITIXG. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. TIu Hcliuol whoso students get employment Conducted by an experienced reporter. -M418 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas , 875 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by courl reporters. Boyles-School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg S70 PRIVATE Instruction given In shorthand Legible system. Terms reasonable. Ad dress N 53 , Bee. 220 14 * OMAHA Shorthand nnd Typewriting col lege , Boyd'B theater. M4SJ J12 * FOR nnli , barmiln , my t-nllro drug Htorlt. wimw tniM KO.III ftniiitnln nn-l counter * , nlm > will lent ntoro nt reason able rent , lorntrd I'nlon Ik-pot hotel , ono hid ! k from 1' l > nii-1 ll'irilnstun depots. Ernest Stuht , proprietor Y 179 A FEW inoro privileges to rent In thn street ( i I Cairo. Apply to lelllu Nlncl , Ainu Manager Street of Cnlro , Grounds. Y-3.3 . 13 * TO GET In or out of buslne * * go to J. J. Olb-on. 511 First Nnt'l bank. Y S67 KljEVATORS for wile , n line of nix ele vators on the Republican Valley brnnrh of th > ) U. P , It. R. , extending south front Llneoln , Neb. , through nn excellent grain producing region. Will bo sold together or separately , as desired. In good repair and line working order. Will bo sold on easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. Ben- trice , Neb. Y M82IJ30 MEAT market : cash trade ; will average $35 per day. Price $700 cash. J. .1. Gibson , 514 Flrnt Nnt'l Bank. Y 177 II FOR SALIC , A complete stock of paints , oil nnd wall paper , the only general stock In n city of n,0"0 Inhabitant- ! , situated on Puget Sound , Wnnhlngtoi. AV11I give n bargain for cash : no traJe. Address A. M. Lord , Everett , Wash , Y 250-17 * JOH PRINTING , quickest , best ami clean" cut. Hear.xey , the Printer , 1503 Farnam ; 'phone , SOCO. Y M3W 14 * RESTAURANT doing line business for nao ! rhunp ; sIckueiM cause for Bellini ; . Ad dress n 47. Fremont. Neb. Y-341-14 * YOU cnn make money by getting ti booth with selling privileges In Gorman village. The gaiety rexort of thn exposition. Best concession on the grounds , Have ale shooting gallerv and bowling alley privi lege to let. Office 222& South 13th St. Y-M377 15 WANTED. Partner In Irrigation enterprise ; { anal already built nnd In operation In finest valley in the state : cxcclle'nt oppor tunity. Address O 15 , Bee oltlco. Y MI07 21 * WANTED. Party with $0,000 or $7,000 to tnko up 5-year 7 per cent bonds first mortgage on n $40,000 enterprise : also chance for name party to become part owner , with prospect of active position nnd opportu nity for a nlco profit on the Investment ; In answering please state experience and glvo reference. Address O 16. Bee office. Y M406 21 * FOR BALE , good breml and cake bakery , the leading bakery In college town of 4.000 inhabitants. Address Flclsehmnn & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y M330 14 * WANTED , partner wlht some menus In rooming house nnd lunch counter. 1545 N. Ifith. Y M395 14 * DRUG store , location second to none , doing a good business ; will sell whole or half interest. J. J. Gibson , 511 First Nat. bank bldg. Y MI30 21 WANTED , a party with $500 to $1,000 to tnko an Interest In n clean , legitimate business In which there Is good money. Don't want you unless , you arc a hustler and can nee money In It. Address O 30. Bee. Y-MI51 14 * FOTl KXCHAN'CiU. VARIOUS pieces of p'roperty nnd 'farms In Nebraska to trndq for merchandise. Ad dress L 42 , Bee. Z MS63 WILL exchange good antique oak ward robe costing $50 for , good seco.nd-hatid ' " ladles' wheel. Address N 4 , 'Bee , stating kind of wheel , , ,2r-337 15 * FOR EXCHANGE , $10,000 pr $20,000 worth of Omaha business' property , clear , lor desirable residence or farm property. W. T. Graham , "agent,1 600 Bt'e building. Z M397 15 CLEAR Iowa farm for stock ranch. Voor- hees-Manhnttali ! TJes Molnes ; fii' . Z M419 26 * FOH SALK REAI , ESTATE. KOUNTZE PhiCf. bargains , $2,500 , $3,750 to $6,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank bldg. " - - RE 869 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.RE RE 871 FOLLOWING desirable property : Business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , in So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , 60x150 ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RARNAM St. , near 42d St. , lot 48x128 ft. , price $ SOC.OO. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. . RE MHO HOMES For aale-Mmaps Delightful home , West Fnrnam. Six pleasant homes-In-Hanscom Place ; sec them. Four north part ofcity. . Only bargains advertised. M. J. Kenna.nl & Son , Sole Agents. 310 and 311 Brown block. RE 218 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR rRENT IN.OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUYr Uuy nnd save rent. Never before In the history of Omaha have there been such opportunities offered to acquire lots or homes at your- own prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors'-demands must bo satisfied. I give out no lists'If : you want "to buy I will match any prices made by any one. Lots In South'Omaha , lots In1 Omaha , lots everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Houses and lots and acre 'tracts ' In " Douglas county. Any reasonable ofler will bo favorably con sidered. Tell wo what you want and ] will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer Iwill pay regular commissions. I have no agents. ' New 7 per cent loans , $1,000 to $1,500 , for ale on Improved property ! THOS. H. M'CAGUE. Receiver , 106'N. 15th St. RE-M505 MISSOURI Stock Farm. 2,900 acres In one body ; there are twenty houses' on this land , each 14x24 , plenty good stock water and grazing land ; this goes at $2.00 per acre. Some fine Douglas nnd Saroy Co. farms. I have Iowa farms foi1 Omaha property. Lyman Waterman , N. Y. Life BUg. ' .RE-431 13 * LOST. LOST , Black and white bull terrlor. Re turn to 823 Pine street. Lost 440 13 * HACKS AM ) COUPGS , HACKS nnd coupes promptly furnished nt all hours , day or night , by Hackmcn's union. A. D. . T. , tel. 177 , 863 nnd .770. ' M3DI JU STKNOGRAPIIUIlf. WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Cp. Telephone , 12SI , 8S2 TYPEWHITKHS. TYPEWRITERS 'for rent. $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G23 I'nrnam St. ; Telephone 1284. 850 UUESSMAIvIXG. DRESSMAKING In families. 2504 Daven port. M310 J7 * 1IRICK. WITHNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer , building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d ami Hickory streets. Tel. 423. E20 ' 1,000,000 new brick. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's. M 607 PAWMIHOKKHS. IL MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16th. 879 FUHXITCRE PARKED. M. B. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 871 HHOEMAKKHS. LYON.1 & BERGQUEST Moved 307 S. 17 , Pattean block. 43 * J12 * TAii.oiuvt : ; , MAX FOGEL make * , cleans and repairs clothes. 307 S. 17. 4M J12 JUHTICK OF TIIF. l-KACK. D. B. HOUCK , justice of the peace , 30 ! Karbach block. K8 1IAUUA1NH In Wdr and ureond-lmml bl- t-yclwi , cany t'cijni ' ? . The Snfo Blore , 1119 Farnnm. Mm Jn VLITRN. Omatm. junk house , W So , loth , paying host prlc < for all klnda of junk. pAsTtmn. " ALFALFA pasture ! , board fences. A. W , Phclps & Son , : u7 N. Y. L. bldtf. Tel. 1031. 618 122 * HKSTAl'HAVrS. HOME meals ; nil hours. 1619 Dodge. ' 401-J.-11 EXPOSITION rHOMMOKS iron RKNT. GROUND lenses fronting exposition. Bonils. Paxton block. SSI NOTICE TO COMTHACTOHS. The Trnnsnilsalislppl nnd International Exposition will receive bids up to noon May 16th , 1MW , ut olllco of William N. Babcock. Paxton block. Omaha , Neb. , upon the plumbing for the.exposition bulldtngH. Plans nnd specifications on flic at office of William Bellamy , superintendent , 1C1G Cup- Itol nvcnuc , Omaha. Owner rcaervca the right to reject any or all proposals. W. N. BABCOCK , Acting Alanager. POSTOFFICH NOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested an changes may occur ut any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending May 14 , l J , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) ut the General Postotllce as follows : PAR CELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing tlmq shown below. Trauii-Attiuitlf Mnlln. SATURDAY At (5:20 ( : a. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY , TURKEY , EGYPT nnd BRITISH INDIA , nor B. a. La TouraliiL1 , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europu ( except Spain ) must bo dlrceted "per La Tournlne" ) ; at 0:30 : a. m. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per H. H. Etrurln , via Qticenstown ( letters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Turkey , Egypt -nnd British Intlln must be directed "per Etrurla" ) ; at S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. B. Rotterdam , via Rotter dam ( letter- ) must be directed "per Rot terdam" ) ; at 8 u. m. for ITALY , per H. s. Ems , via Naples ( letters must be directed "iier Kms" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. H. Furnessln , via Glasgow ( leltersi must bo directed "per Fumes- Hia" ) ; ut 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Norgo ( letters must be directed "per Norce" ) . After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English , French and German steamers , nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mfilln for South mill Central Amerlea , Wt-Nt Indira , Etc. SATURDAY At' 2 p. m. for BARBADOS direct und NORTH ZJP.A55IL , via Para nnd Mnnnnu m > r . H. Hubert ; at 8:30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for ST. I'lWHHW-MlQlJKLON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by sictamer. close nt this office dully at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Miquclon , by rail to Boston , and thcnco by steamer , close nt this office dally nt 8:30 : p. m. Mulls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steumcr , close at this office' dally at 2:30 : a. in. and 2:30 : p. m. "lleglsterud mall closes at p. m. previous day , ' Mnlln. Malls for Chlfta'-and Japan , per s. s. Co- itimbiu ( fronv'lttcAma ) , close here dally up to May * * S at ? ; S3 p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia , which are forwarder ! , vlu Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fljl-und.Samoan Islands , per s. s. Marlposa Xfrom Sun Francisco ) , close here tlallv up to Mny * * 13 at 7 n. m. . 11 a. m. and CIM : p : m. ( or on arrival nt Now York of s. s.jCa'mpanla with British malls for Australia. ) : ! Mulls for China , Japan nnd " .Hawul ! , , iqr s. s. Dijrlc ( from San Francisco ) , dlOBOfhere dallyu ( > 'to May 22 at 6:30 : p. in. ' Malls for China , and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. s. Em press of India ( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to May " 21 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from Sun Francisco ) , close here dally up to May 25 nt 6:30 : p. m. Mails for Hawaii , per s. s. Zonlandla ( from Sun Francisco ) , close here dally up to May 26 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except AVest Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per e. a. AorangI ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after May 11 and up to May 26 at 8:30 : p. m. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their un- tnterrunted ovcrlngd transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 pm. . previous day. CORNELIUS "VAN COTT , Postmaster , Postofflce. New York. N. Y. , May 6 , 1S98. RAILWAY TIME CARD. 2HICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuled Express > . . . . 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Express . . * 9:4S : am 4:15 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Express . . . 7:45 pm 8:10 : am Pacific Junction Local , ' " 11:50 am 5:40 : pm Fast Mull . . . . ' . 2:50pm : Chicago Special . . . * 12:0 : > am 11:50 : pm Dully. Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 230. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook * 8:35 : am 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound * 4:33 : pm 4:05 pm Lincoln Local 7:00 pm 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mall. . 2:53 : pm * 11:40 am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound * 11:55 pm * U:55 pm Dally. * * DdlIy except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Rail Burlington road "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Route Farnam Street , Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth npd Ma- ston. Streets. Telephone Ii8. ' " * Leave. Arrive. Ivunsa s City I'Daf Express I./ 9:05 : am 540 ; pm Kansas City Night Express . . . .T.-T.-.TV 10:00 : pm 6:30 nm Dally. tii- ' TIN'lON PACIFIC "THE OV6rlaVid Route" General Of- ( Ices , N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofl'r > . 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 210. Depot. Tenth nnd iMason Streets. Tvlcnhone t t * > t ( Lcava. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for1 Den ver , Salt I < uko ; and western i > Ms8:50 : am 4:45 : pm The Colorado j Spe-t * clal , for Denver ; ) * ! all Coloradopt | - ' 11:55 pm 6:40 : a m Fust Mall Train , for , Salt Lake , P ptljle- coast and Jw ij'li ' western point's 4:55 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice & StromsburK Ex. . * 5:00 : pm 1Z:20 : pm Fremont , Colum- bui , Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney 4J5 : pm 12:20 : pm Grand Island Ex. . . 5:00 : pm 12:20 pra Dally. Dally except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves. 6:15 : a , m. ; 7:00 : n. m. : 9:15 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:13 : u. m. : 3:10 : p. m. ; 6:00 n. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:55 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 a. m. ; 8:40 : a. m. : 10:30 : a. m. ; 2:15 : p. m.4:35 ; p. m. ; 5:55 p. m.8:20 ; : p. m. ; 10:05 : p. m , . Arrlven. 6:35 a. m. ; 7:20 a. m. ; 8:35 a. m. ; 11:30 : u. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:40 p. in. ; CM : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 10:45 : p. m. W A B A S H RAILROAD- Tlcket Office , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone 892. Depot Tenth and Maion Streets. Telephone 12 $ . Leave. Arrive. St. "Louis "Canon Ball" Express 430 pra 11:30 : am Dally. NAVY DEPAttMEft All AGOG Exciting Times Are Boon Exited In tlio West Indies. SAMPSON WILL GO AFTER THE FLOTILLA nf KM Preneneo nl Mnrihtlitnc Ic llcf tluit fc'renrh Hnve IJc- Inycil CnMc Mo iiire from There. WASHINGTON , Mny 13. The Navy de partment was nil excitement this morning ipon the receipt of ttio news that Admiral Sampson's squadron hail begun ( ho bom- mrdmcnt of San Juan do Porto Illco , and uel was added to tha flames when the news camp later that the Spanish flying squadron md been sighted oft Martinique , giving iromlso of heavy fighting to coma. The fact hat the admiral gave notice of his Intention o bombard San Juan , as Is reported from St. Thomas , Is an Indication that the move- nent upon San Juan was not a suddenly con ceived project , but a well matured plan. Whether or not the orders to the admiral In cluded n bombardment Is not disclosed at ho Navy department. Indeed there Is noth- ng In Sampson's report to Indicate that ho really did bombard the place. He merely at- : ackcd the forts nt the entrance of the har bor , and If any shells struck within the town Itself , they were stray shots. It Is surmised that Admiral Sampson's object In making the attack In this fashion , without a andlnR force of troops In reserve to occupy .ho town if It was captured , was to destroy ; ho fortifications and make the harbor use- ess to the Spanish Hying squadron Is n place of refuge. The reports so far received show that ho did not complete that undertaking yesterday and the question now Is whether lie will resume hts work today or will bo di verted from It by the report of the presence of the Spanish squadron In the neighborhood of Martinique. It Is learned that the Spanish fleet was first sighted on the morning of the day be fore yesterday off the north coast of Martinique , and was again sighted yester day morning 'on the west coasl , hull down , and the Indications arc It Is taking a full supply of coal at Martinique to replenish the bunkers exhausted by the trip from Capo Verde. , Sampson already knows of Its move ments , for the United States scout , Harvaid , which put Into Martinique yesterday. Is said to have found there ono of the torpedo RAILWAY TIME CAIID. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Railway-City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. ' 'Telvphone , 601. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago - Special 6:40 : am 11:50 pm Mo. Valley , Sioux Minneapolis * 5:55 : am * 10:45 : pm City , St. Paul & Mo. Valley , Sioux City 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm Dcnnlson , Carroll , Wall take and Council Uluffs . . . . 8:40 : am 9:13 : am Eastern Ex. , DCS Molncs , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids and Chicago. . * 10:30 : am * 4:3 : ? pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage and East. . . . 4:45 : pm 4:35 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha * 3:10 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis Llm'd 4:33 : pm 8:50 : am Om.Chicago Spe cial 6:45 : pm 8:50 : am * Dally. Daily except Sunday. FREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rallwny- Generul Offices. United States National Hank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 501. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood - wood , Hot Sprl'gs * 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas * 3:00 : pm * 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Sewnrd . . . .t. . . . , , . 3:00 pm 5:00 : pir Norfolk' . W. Point and Fremont * * 7:50 : nm * * 10:23 : air Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont 7:50 : nm * * 10:25 : am Fremont Local . . . . * 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. * " Dally except Saturday , Dally jpxcopf Monday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MIN- ncapolls & Omaha Rallwuj General Offices , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth nni - - _ _ . Webster Streeta. Cltj Ticket "Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Wcbstci Streets. Telephone , 1,453. „ „ . , , . . .Leave. Arrive Stoux City Accom. . * 8:60 : nm 8:20 : pn Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am 8:20 : pn Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Poncn , „ . Hartlngtou and nioomlleld 1:00 pm " 11:55 : an Sioux City , Man- koto , , , St. . Paul , & Minneapolis * 5:55 : pm 8:20 : an Emerson Passenger * 5:10 : pm- * * 8:45 : an Dally. Dally except Sunday. Bun day only. * * This train stops at station : Florence to South Blair , Inclusive , Sun days only ; on week days. South Blair only SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General Offices United States Nationa Bank Building S. W. Corner - _ ner Twelfth and Farnair treet. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone 561. Depot , 15th and Webstei Streets ) . Telephone 1458.Leave. Leave. Arrive Sioux City , Man- kr'o , St.- Paul , M iineapolla . 5:55 : pm 8:20 : an CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Routn" City Ticket Office. 132 ; Farnam Street. Telephone 42t. Depot , Tenth ant ! Mason Streets. Telephom C23. > Leave. Arrive Rocky Mountain Limited , east . . . . 1:30 : am * 1:25 air Rocky Mountain Limited , wen . . . . . 5:20 : am 5:15 : an Chicago & St , Paul Vestlbuled E x- press . * 5:00 : pm 1:25 pn Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Denver nnd weU. . . 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pn Chicago , DOM Molnes & Rock Island . i . 7:00 : pm 11:25 : an Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes and eastern points 7:00 : am 8:50 pn Colorado Flyer . 7:00 : pm 8:50 : an Dally. Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- rend General Offices and Ticket Office , 'Merchant ! National Bank IlullclinL' , 12J- Farnam St. Telephone 101. Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts .Teletihone 143S. Leave. Arrive , Kansas " and Neb. Limited . 3:05 : pm 12:55 : pnr ICHiiBiK CHv & St. Louis Express . . . 9:30 : pm B:00 : am Nebraska Local . . . 4:30 : pm 9:45 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A St. Paul Railway City In , . , : . . „ / / - ? > Ticket Office , 1604 Farnnm iMlLWAUKEEl Hrect. Telephone 2SI. Depot. ' Tenth nnd Musou Streeta. Telephone 118. Leave. Arrive , . . . . ' " :00am 1:50 : pm Dally. OMAHA Ik ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha. Kaunas City It Eastern Railroad "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Office , 1215 Farnam Street. Tele- pnone 322. Depot. Tenth ami Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive , St. Louis Cannon B.U1 Expres * * 4:33 pm * H:30 : am Kan nun City & Qulncy Local . . . . * 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm Daily. drMrnyern rompoalng thq Spanish Itrct , ninl oortnlnly would report the fact to S.inip'on by wny ot St. Thhmnit , If possible to do no. Martinique la i Kronen Inland lying KOO miles rn t of Porto Itlco nnd 700 mlln from the eastern cnnut of Culm. It Is Iho nnturnf point nt which the Spanish fieri coming from Cope Verde would first make n landing. U tmirt now pn a thn French Island of Uundalupo tu the nest , the Uanlili Island of St. Thotnns , n little further went , and then Its course In open to Porto Hlco , unless Admiral Sampcon's fleet engages It > cforo that move Is made. . As they land now thn two Meets nrc about COO miles npart , which , by hard Balling , both fleets would cover In one day , or by thn sailing of ono of the fieots would bring them to gether In two days. StreitKth of Flotilla. The Spanish squadron Is mndc up of sovcn Irst-clasn ships ; of which four are armored cruisers nnd three destroyers. This Is as near the exact strength ns can bo learned , ns the reports from Cape Verde nnd Cadiz iavc caused much doubt on to the exact strength of the Spanish squadron. But allowing for the torpedo boata and other craft which returned to Cadiz , thcro Is little loubt that the Spanish squadron off itartlnlquo has nt least seven war ships of ormldnblo dimensions. These are : Armored cruiser Vlzcayn , built with double screws , two turrets , two funnels and two nllltary masts with tops ; length 364 feet , llsplaccment 6,830 tons , maximum speed 20.2 < nots. It has nn armor belt of steel five cot six Inches broad , .115 feet long and ten or twelve Inches thick. Its turrets ha\o line-Inch steel armor ; conning towers . \\elvc-Inch armor. Us protected deck Is rom two to three Inches of steel. Its arma ment Is two eleven-Inch Hontorla guns nountcd singly In turrets , one forward and ono aft ; ten G.l-lnch guns , ten H.5-Inch guns , Ivo on each side ; eight six-pounders , ten three-pounders , eight Nordcnfcldt machine guns , two Maxim machine guns , six torpedo .ubcs nnd two submerged torpedo tubes. It carries 484 men. Armored cruiser Almlranto Oquemlo , built of steel , double screw , two turrets , etc. Its tonnage , armor and armament In every respect Is similar to that of the Vlzcaya. Armored cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa , built of steel , C.S'JO tons displacement. This cruiser Is also Identical to the Vlzcaya. Armored cruiser Cristobal Colon , built of steel , twin screws , two covered barbettes , [ ore nnd aft , two funnels , one military mast. Length , 328 feet ; displacement , 0,840 tons ; speed , twenty knots. Its armor consists ot a complete nickel steel belt eight feet three Inches wide , eight Inches thick. The nrmof of the barbettes Is six Inches thick. The protected deck Is from two to eight Inches thick , con ning tower six inches . All the guns have shields. Its armament la two 10-Inch , ten 6-lnch , six 4.7-Inch , ten six-pounders , ten one-pounders , two Maxim machlno'guns nnd four torpedo tubes. It has a complement of COO men. The Terror and Furore are torpedo boat destroyers lately added to the Spanish navy , having been built at Clyde bank In 1S96. They are ot steel , with three funnels and one mast ; length , 220 feet ; displacement , 320 tons ; speed , twenty knots ; armament , t\vo fourteen-poundcr quick-firing guns , two slx- poundcr quick-firing guns , .two one-pound quick fire. Each destroyer mounts two 14- Inch torpedo tubes on deck and carries 167 men. The Plutro is another formidable modern destroyer , but its exact dimensions and arnament arc not available at the Navy de partment. Strength of American Kloet. The flghtlng strength of the American fleet Is as follows : Armored cruiser New York , 'flagship , Cap tain F. E. Chadwlck ; tonnage , 8,200 ; speed , twenty-one knots ; officers and men , 56C ; armament , six 8-inch breech loading rifles , twelve 4-Inch rapid fire guns , eight G- poundcr and four 1-poundcr rapid fire guns , four Catlings ; torpedo tubes , three ; armor , 4-inch sides , 5.5-Inch turrets , 10-inch bar bettes , 6-Inch deck ; weight of one discharge of projectiles from the thirty guns , 1,908 pounds. * - First-class battleship Indiana , Captain H. C. Taylor ; tonnage , 10.288 ; .speed , 15.54 knots ; officers and men , 465 ; armament , four l.Vlttcli , elRltt S-lneh nnil four ( Much brcocb loading rllloK , twenty 0poundcr nnd nix ! potindcr rapid ( Ire guns , four Hatting * , tor pedo tubed , nix ; armor , IS-lnch sides , 15- Inch turrets , 8 mill 17-Inch bnrbeltcs , 2H- Inch ilrckj weight ot ono discharge of pro- . Joctlles from Hie forty-two guns , 8,028 4 pounds. j FlMt-elnss battleship Iowa , Captain 11. D. Uvans ; toniiago , 11,410 ; speed , sixteen knots ; officers and men , GOO ; armament , four 12-Inch , eight 8-Inch and six 4-Inch brecrh loading rifles , twenty G-poumlcr nnd four 1-poundcr rapid flro guns , four Galling * : torpedo tubes , six ; armor , 14-Inch sides , 15- Inch turrets , G nnd 15-Inch barbettes , 2i- Inch deck ; weight of ono discharge of pro jectiles from the thlrly-olght guns , G.71T pOllmlil. v Doublo-turroted monitor Terror , Captain \ S. N. Ludlow ; tonnage , 3,990 ; speed , twclvo knots ; officers and men , 151 ; armament , four 10-Inch breech loading rifles , two G- pounder nnd two 3-poumlcr rapid flro guns , two Catlings , two 37-mm. Hotchklss re volving cannon ; armor , 7-Inch sides. 11-Inch turrets , 1-luch deck ; welnht of ono dis charge of projectiles from the ten nuns , 2,028 pounds , Doublc-ltirrctcd monitor Amphllrlte , Captain - tain C. J. Barclay ; tonnage , 3'J90 ; speed , twelve knots ; officers nnd men , 171 ; arma ment , four 10-Inch breech loading rifles , two 1-Inch rapid flro guns , two G-pounder nnd two 3-potmder rapid lire guns , two 37-mm. Hotchkls.s revolving cannon , two 1-poumler rapid fire cannon ; armor , 9-Inch sides , 7-lnch turrets , 11-Inch barbettes , 1-lnch deck ; weight of one discharge of projectiles from the fourteen guns , 2,096 pounds , Double-turreted monitor Puritan , Captain P. F. Harrington ; tonnage , 6,060 ; speed , 12.1 knots ; officers and men , 227 ; armament , four 12-Inch breech loading rifles , two 4-Inch rapid fire guns , six G-pounder inpld flro guns , four Catlings , two 37-mm. Ilotchltlss revolving cannon ; armor , 14-Inch nldes , 8- Inch turrets , 14-Inch barbettes , 2-Inch deck ; weight of one discharge of projectiles from fourteen guns , 3,012 pounds. Cruiser Montgomery , Captain J. II. Dayton - ton ; tonnage , 2.089 ; speed , 1S.7 knots ; offi cers and men , 277 ; armament , nine G-lnch rapid fire guns , six 6-pounder rapid flro guns , two 1-Dounder rapid flro cannon , one Oat- ling ; torpedo tubes , three ; armor , 7-lnch deck ; hull , steel ; weight of ono dtschargo of projectiles from the seventeen guns , 183 pounds. Auxiliary torpedo gunboat Mayflower , Commander M. H. S. MacICcnzIo ; tonnage , > . 1,800 ; speed , nineteen knots ; officers and \ men , 139 ; armament , two G-lnch nnd two J G-lnch rapid fire guns , twelve G-poundor rapid flre guns , two Colt automatic guns ; torpedo tubes , two ; armored sides and decks ; weight of one discharge of projectiles from the sixteen guns , 372 pounds. Identity of Demi nnil Wouiiilcil. . The men killed and wounded during Samp-'v [ son's bombardment of Sun Juan yesterday are designated as follows on the muster rolls of the Navy department : Frank Wldemark , seaman on cruiser New York , killed. Born In Finland. Ho had declared his Intentions of becoming a citizen. Length of service , about eight months. Samuel Feltman , ordinary seaman on cruiser New York , leg broken , born In New York City ; next of kin , Joseph Alexander , 91 Wlllet street , New York ; native born citizen ; service , about ono year and five months. Raymond C. Hill , apprentice , second class , on battleship Iowa , slightly wounded ; born In Coventry , Eng , ; naturalized Citizen ; service , about ono year and ten months. John Mitchell , seaman on battleship Iowa ; slightly wounded ; born In Constantinople , Turkey ; has no relatives ; alien , but Inten tions declared ; service , about two years and eight months. These names are taken from press dispatches , as the Navy department has not given out an official list of names. M. G. Markle Is a marine and Is not borne on the naval roll. Late to bed ar.d early to rise prepares n man for his homo In the skies. Earyl to bed and a Little Harly Riser , the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Map ; of Cuba nt The Bee office Omaha- Council Blufla or South Omaha. Cut coupon Ircra page 2. Address Cuban map deot. C * ORGANDIE GOWN WITH BLACK VELVET FROM HARPER'S BAZAR Black and white costumes In organdie , batiste , India munlln and other sheer fab rics , trimmed with frills and Insertions of lace , promise to bo very popular during the summer season. A simple example of black and white combination Is an organdie gown with a charming little corsage made with a deep-pointed ruffle , back and front alike , which falls very full from a double row of shirring , and finishes In Jabot effect at the point. ThU frill continues over the sleeves , producing a graceful breadth acrois the shoulder. The front and back ot the corsage are slightly full at the wulat line. The high collar Is draped , and the square yoke of fulled muslin Is framed at the nhoulderi by band * of black velvet ribbon , with butterfly , bows at the ends. An additional touch of black Is given by the girdle and velvet baby ribbons that border tha entire ruffle In several row * and edge the frills of the sleeves , which are shirred from shoulder to wrist , with a tiny ruflle in each seam. The skirt , a six-gored model , Is trimmed with Insertions , banded with black vclvcl ribbon , which forms points in front and pass round about the skirt behind. The lowest band forms the heading of a flounce , which , deep In front and growing gradually narrow In the back. Is trimmed with rows of the'narrow velvet. The skirt , three and three-quarters yards wide , U made over a foundation of the same form. The backs of bqth are cloudy gathered. The proper cut of the gown can be only obtained from the cut paper patterns , published by Harper's Bazar , where It appears. Approximate quantity ot material uiusllu , twelve yard * ; InBcrtlou , ten yardy narrow velvet ribbon , five plecci. ' . .