Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MAY 13 , 1808 ,
Try , Moore's stock food.
Dr. Green , office 512 Fourth street
Henry Sharp of Wcston was In the city
Dr. A. O. Mudge , the dentist , removed
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
J. A. Cook and F. D. Leigh of Shelby , It. ,
were Council Bluffs visitors yesterday.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In flno
work both for color and finish. C20 Pearl
trrct. Phone 290.
Andrew Johnson , who has been visiting
friends here , returned yesterday to his
homo In Spokane , Wash.
Mrs. Charles 0. Fitch and two children
have gone on a three weeks' visit to rela
tives In Missouri and Kansas.
K. S. Pusey of Denver , Colo. , Is In the
city visiting relatives. Ho has but recently
recovered from a serious illness.
H. McCartney and T. M. Ambler of Thur-
man , la. , were In the city yesterday on
business with the wholesale houses.
John P. Norton of this city and Miss Hat-
tlo Codner of Whltten , la. , were married
yesterday. Justice Fcrrler officiating.
The trial of Fred Stone , colored , charged
with assault with Intent to commit murder ,
wilt bo taken up in the district court this
County Superintendent Sawyer yesterday
completed a tour of inspection of the schools
in Garner , Lewis , Hardln and Keg Creek
Herbert J. Adams and P. J. Hoagland of
this city have passed the examination be
fore the supreme court and been admitted
to the bar.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
The city ticket and freight office of the
Port Arthur Route on Pearl street was
closed yesterday and the furniture removed
to the depot office.
At the meeting tonight of the Men's club
of the First Presbyterian church Judge J.
It. Reed will address the members on "Tho
Rights of Capital. "
County Treasurer Arnd yesterday turned
over to City Treasurer Hcced $12,671.97 ,
being the city's proportion of the taxes
collected during April.
Mrs. S. M. Perkins , wife of the pastor
of the First Christian church , gave a very
interesting elocutionary entertainment at
the Tabernacle last night.
Rev. Yost of Cedar Rapids , Neb. , was In
the city yesterday and performed the mar
riage ceremony uniting his brother , Frank
E. Yost , and Miss Maud Lamb.
The Apollo Musical club will glvo Its
second annual concert this evening , assisted
by Prof. Sutorlus and Mr. Hlueman of
Omaha and Mrs. Ida Wels-Seybcrt of this
A leaflet prepared by R. C. Barrett , state
superintendent of public instruction , con
taining patriotic exercises for use on Me
morial day , was distributed In the city
schools yesterday.
Island No. 10 , command No. 14 , Union
Veteran Union , will meet nt 8 o'clock sharp
this evening in the Grand Army hall. All
comrades arc urged to bo present as im
portant business must bo transacted. Bring
your records.
In police court yesterday morning John
Murphy , claiming to be n molder from
Omaha , and Henry Warren , who said ho
was a railroad agent out west , were each
fined $5 and costs for Imbibing too much
Council Bluffs whisky.
All members of Council camp , No. 14 ,
Woodmen of the World , are requested to
bo present tonight to take final action on
the question relating to the war1 clause In
their policies. There will also bo work In
the protection degree.
A woman giving the name of Mrs. Har
per , carrying a 3-months-old baby and
claiming to * have come from Blanchard ,
Mo. , called on the police yesterday to as-
slt her in finding her husband , who she
eald had deserted her.
The funeral of Mrs. Maud Hansen , wife
of Hans Hansen , will be held tomorrow aft
ernoon from the residence , 2C10 South
Tenth street , at 2 o'clock. Services will beheld
held at the German Lutheran church on
Seventh avenue at 2:30 : o'clock.
The trial of Charles Cooney of Washing
ton township , charged with seduction , was
completed in the district court yesterday
afternoon and the Jury returned a verdict
of guilty. Sentence was deferred and
Cooney will probably apply for a new trial.
City Ticket Agent Elwcll of the Rock
Island announced yesterday that bis road
would run another cheap excursion Sunday
to Des Molnes. As the Iowa soldiers are
llekly to bo soon ordered to the front this
will probably be the last chance for Council
Bluffs people to visit the boys at Camp
P. N. Chase of Cedar Falls , secretary of
the Iowa Exposition commission , arrived
In the city yesterday and today will open
headquarters at the Grand hotel. He Is ac
companied by his assistant , R. H. Snow-
den of Cedar Falls , and Mrs. F. McCaus-
land of Washington , stenographer. Guy E.
Thode , bookkeeeper , is expected here to
Plays llko "Vlrglnlus , " In which Freder
ick Wardo will be seen at the Dohany next
Tuesday , do make men and women better.
It Is Impossible to witness the devoted af
fection of the sturdy centurion for his
motherless daughter , the filial piety of Vir
ginia , with the light of a new love dawnIng -
Ing In her pure young heart , and the pa
ternal blessing on the betrothal of the
youthful lovers , without feeling the tear of
tender sympathy rising to the eyes , and the
weet recollection springing to the mind.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , fcmalo remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished.
32C-327-328 Mer-
rlam block.
Money to loan on city property. Klnne.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Irving hotel , 2759 B'd'y ; rates. $1.50.
Sanitary Aid Conimlmilon.
At the meeting of the Council Bluffs
Women's Sanitary Aid commission yesterday
afternoon it was decided to secure perma
nent headquarters and Mrs. P. M. Compton
was appointed a committee to take the mat
ter In charge. If satisfactory arrangements
can bo made the armory of the Dodge Light
Guards In the Masonic building , where the
commission has so far held Us meetings ,
will bo secured.
The weekly box to the boys at Des Molnes
was not sent yesterday , the greater part of
the packages having been enclosed with the
ticks shipped Wednesday. The usual box ,
however , will be sent next Thursday after
noon , at which time the commission will
hold Its regular meeting. Mrs. C. D. Wal
ters was added to the membership yester
L'artol A Miller have best home-made
Cvlrhrntliii ; Dcwcy'ii Victory- .
The members of the different committees
to whom was entrusted the arrangements
for the mass meeting tomorrow night at the
opera houce in celebration of the victory
of Admiral Dewey over the Spanish at Ma
nila have been hard at work and all the
preliminary details have been completed ,
The speakers who have been selected are :
Judge J. R. Reed , Judge George Carson ,
County Attorney C. G. Saunders. C. M. Carl ,
Hon. William Gronowcg , City Attorney S. B.
Wadsworth , V. E. Bender and Emmet Tin-
ley. The Appolo club will assist In the musi
cal program , as well as some of the best
talent In the city.
FOK SALB flood econd-h Dd bicycle t
* * bargain. Call at The Bee office , Council
Hoffnaayr'a fancy patent flour makes the
het and moat bread. Aik your grocer ( or It.
Mandamus Case Will Be Appealed to the
Supreme Oourt at Once.
Iniercatu Involved In the Contrac
tion of the New Larr Are Mnny
anil the Tent U to lie Made
Without Delar.
The city warrant mandamus case will bo
appealed and the necessary papers arc now
being prepared. Attorney A. S. Hazclton re
turned yesterday from DCS Molncs , where
at a conference with Chief Justice Deemcr
he received an assurance that the case , in
the event of it being appealed , would bo
advanced so that Immediate bearing and de
cision could be obtained. This being the case
the city authorities at once empowered Mr.
Hazelton to appeal the case. The suit In
the district court hero Is the first to test
the constitutionality of the new law , but a
number of other cities arc In the same pre
dicament as Council Bluffs and will bo
equally affected by the decision of the supreme
premo court.
The Injunction suit brought by J. J. Shea
to restrain the city from Issuing and paying
any further city warrants except for cur
rent expenses , and then only when the
money with which to pay such warrants
Is In the city treasury and attacking the
validity of outstanding warrants on the
ground that the city had exceeded Its con
stitutional limit of Indebtedness has been
set for hearing in the district court on
Wednesday , Juno 22. The case will prob
ably be heard before Judge Towner of CornIng -
Ing , RS Judge Smith has declined to pre
side on account of bis residence hero and
his personal Interest In the matters to be
determined. Ho also has preconceived opin
ions concerning the case.
WHttht HoNlcry and Under-
won r.
Ladles' heavy ribbed black cotton hose
at lOc , three for 23c.
Ladles' fine Esty patent fast black hose ,
full regular made , 25c value , nt 15c pair.
Ladles' very fine gauge fast black hose
at 19c.
Flno quality black hose , with white Mace
foot , only 12c.
Ladles' andchildren's fancy plaid hose
at 2fic.
Children's fine ribbed cotton hose , all
sizes , nt 12c pair.
Boys' heavy bicycle hose , fast black , at
19c pair.
MiEses' very fine ribbed cotton hose In
tan and black , at 25o pair.
Ladles' medium weight vests and pants
at 2. * > c each.
Ladles' pure white underwear , very light
summer weight , long slcevo vests , at 23c
Ladles' fine Swiss ribbed vests , extra
qualities , at lOc , 12' c , IGc and 25c each.
Our stock of men's underwear , ranging
In price from 25c to $1 each , Includes some
extra values that you will find only at the
Boston store.
Extra quality fancy striped gauze at 23c.
Flno , French balbrlggan at GOc , 62c and
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Council mart * Would Ride Clear to
the 1MB Show' , , Oaten.
At the regular weekly meeting of the
executive committee of the Council Bluffs
Exposition association held last night the
matter of securing direct transportation
from this city to the exposition grounds was
discussed. Secretary. Judson was Instructed
to write In the name of the association to
Manager J. R. Webster of the Omaha Bridge
and Terminal Railway company requesting
that his company provide a service from the
center of the city direct to .tho exposition
The committee on exhibits reported that
David Bradley & Co. had leased 380 feet of
space on the ground floor of the wigwam and
that the Grape Julco Manufacturing com
pany and the Monarch Manufacturing com
pany had also arranged for space for ex
hibits. Many other applications for space ,
In fact more than will be disposed of , were
reported as pending. Stewart Edgar of
Mynster street applied for space to make an
exhibit of a collection of old and rare books
and curios.
A vote of thanks to the Insurance com
panies which had made donations to the
wigwam fund was passed.
President Graham reported that the wig
wam was in rapid course of completion and
the pay roll for the week , amounting to
1217.55 , was allowed and ordered paid.
The association having had the use of the
ordinary at the Grand hotel for thirty-
seven meetings a committee , consisting of
M. F. Rohrer , O. P. Wlckhara and E. H.
Walters , was appointed to wait on Pro
prietor Clark and offer-film suitable recom
pense for the accommodation.
C. F. P. Froom was elected a member of
the executlvo committee.
President Graham was instructed to have
made for the convenience of visitors to the
exposition grounds a large sign reading ,
"This wigwam erected by Council Bluffs
and Pottawattamlo county , Iowa. "
The matter of commutation tickets to the
exposition was brought up and a resolution
was passed that It was the sense of the as
sociation that the books of fifty commuta
tion tickets sold at 112.50 by the exposition
management should bo made available for
any purchaser and his wife , instead of for
the purchaser alone.
Mayor Jritnlitun linn a Plan and Will
Auk the Council to Decide.
Mayor Jennings yesterday Issued a call
for a special meeting of the city council
for this evening. Although not so publicly
announced it is believed that the object of
the meeting Is to take the preliminary steps
toward getting matters In such shape that
the outstanding Indebtedness of the city
prior to the present fiscal year can bo funded
and the existing situation so relieved that
the city can continue to meet its.obligations
for current expenses. There are several
other Important matters to come up among
them being the repairs to the bridges over
Indian creek , several of which require im
mediate attention.
Church Anniversary.
The congregation of St. John's English
Lutheran church gave a public reception and
social last night to celebrate the anniver
sary of the completion of its handsome
church building at tbo corner of Seventh
street and Willow avenue. During the
evening a One musical program was ren
dered and short addresses were made by
Revs. L. Or oh and Luther Kuhna of Omaha.
The Ladles' Aid society had on exhibition its
Transmlsslsslppl Exposition quilt. Sunday
evening the children of the Sunday school
will hold anniversary services.
How Over Cow.
Peter Donnelly , living at 3430 Avenue B ,
rents several vacant lots , which he farms
on a small scale. A cow belonging to Mrs.
Mary Muehlenweg , a neighbor , trespassed
and Donnelly promptly corralled it. Mrs.
Muehleuwcc went before Justice Burke and
secured A tenrch warrant and with the aid
of Constable Balrd recovered her cow. Jo-
icph Waldman , another neighbor , also ha'd
cow which Donnelly claimed trespassed ,
Waldman and Mrs ; Donnelly had words and
the latter bad Waldman arrested for dis
turbing the peace. In this case Justice Vlcn
was called upon to arbitrate and Wnldman
will have a hearing In his court next Mon
day. Ho gave ball for his appearance.
Ball * of Several Hard Commenced and
Other * Further Complicated.
In the superior court yesterday the H , F.
Cady Lumber company commenced suit
against the Jarvls Manufacturing company
to recover $5,000. To secure four promis
sory notes of $500 each the plaintiff held
n chattel mortgage on the vinegar plant
operated by the defendant. As a cause of
action the plaintiff alleges that the Jarvls
company foiled to pay the Insurance on tha
plant , which the plaintiff was compelled toile
ilo ; also that the defendant failed to pity
the rent and the property was sold to sat
isfy the landlord's Hen.
Ida Casady commenced suit against J. J.
Stcadman and wife to have a sheriff's deed
to certain property set nsldo nnJ declined
null and void. The property , which con
sists of lots 11 and 12 , In Mount Lincoln ,
In Elder's addition , and the west forty feet
of lot 7 , In block 17 , In Glnes' addition , was
Sold under execution March 11 , 1S97 , by the
sheriff , J. J. Stcndmnn being the purchaser
for $487.95. The plaintiff's petition alleges
that she had no notice of such sole and Unit
the value of the property was between
$1,200 and $1,500 and was consequently sold
far below Its actual value. As another reu-
BOH for setting aside the sale the plaintiff
alleges that the pioperty should have been
sold In separate lots , as each was a distinct
parcel of land , and not en masse , as bhc
alleges It was.
Jacob Konlgmacher and W. K. Seltzer , os
executors of the estate of Samuel Royer ,
commenced proceedings against Emma and
Clinton Reed to foreclose a mortgage for
$000 on lot 3 , block 10 , Jackson's addition.
Harry W. Lewis commenced suit against
A. W. Darling and others to quiet title to
certain real estate.
In the district court yesterday a motion
for a now trial was filed In the damage
suit of Jennie F. Kasstng against the Chicago
cage , Rock Island & Pacific Hallway com
pany. This is the suit in which the Jury
on last Tuesday returned a verdict for the
railway company.
In the case of Frank Crawford against tlio
Athletic association of the University of
Nebraska the Intcrvcnor yesterday filed an
amendment to the motion in arrest of Judg
ment and for new trial.
In the matter of the guardianship of the
minor children of the late Thomas A. Pill
ing , Judge Smith yesterday Issued nn order
to the guardian to permit the stepmother ,
Mrs. Jennlo V. Pilling , to occupy all the
real estate belonging to the wards until
March 1 , 1S99 , on condition that she provide
for the children and keep the property in
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. P
Bee office , Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Knowles of Keg
Creek township bought a beautiful up
right Grand piano. It Is a fine black wal
nut case , of superior tone and quality , and
a magnificent sample of the art of piano
building. It was purchased at Bourlclus *
music house , 325 Broadway.
Where the organ stands on the building ,
that's Bourlclus , whore they sell good pi
anos cheap. No. 325 Broadway.
Miirrluue LIcciiMt-N. ,
Marriage licenses were Issued to the fol
lowing persons yesterday :
Name and Address. Age
P. E. Yost , Council Bluffs 24
Maud M. Limb , Council Bluffs 21
John P. Norton , Council Bluffs 2D
Hullle Codner , Whltten , la 24
Roy Dewitt Suit , Council Bluffs. . 21
Margaret Kllbans , Council Bluffs 17
Dance at K. P. hall Saturday night.
Clara Wycoff has purchased a League
bicycle from Cole & Cole.
Town PrUonerH Encai > c.
ANAMOSA , May 12. ( Special. ) Two prisoners
oners escaped from the penitentiary hero
yesterday. A gang of convicts were picking
over potatoes In the cellar of the female
department. While the attention of the
guard was directed elsewhere they clamb
ered overhead , where the clothing was kept.
They discarded their convicts' dress and ,
clad in citizens' clothes , made their way
to the clerks' office , where the unsuspecting
typewriter let them out. Their escape was
discovered by a boy , who quickly called the
attention of the guards. Pursuit was imme
diate and the fellows were recaptured at
the river bank , where they were preparing
to swim across
Attempted Suicide.
DBS MOINES , May 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Frank Christy , a prisoner confined
In the county Jail , tried to commit sulcido
today by butting his brains out against the
steel bars of his cell. The sheriff heard the
nolso and ran in in time to save Christy.
He was covered with blood from the awful
wounds ho had Inflicted upon his head and
face and would have been dead In a few
minutes If be had not been stopped. Ilo
fought llko a demon and It took four guards
to subdue him. Ho was sent to the State
Insane asylum tonight.
the IlcuJmciitn.
DBS MOINES , May 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Governor Shaw today decided to
number the four regiments Forty-ninth ,
Fiftieth , Fifty-first and Fifty-second Iowa
Instead of the First , Second , Third and
Fourth. Iowa had forty-eight regiments in
the civil war and in order to preserve the
Identity of the veteran regiments the now
ones will be numbered from where they left
off in the civil war.
Vntimtloii of a Growing City.
WEBSTER CITY. la. . May 12. ( Special. )
Assessor Hyde has figured out the total
valuation of Webster City at about $785,000.
In addition to this the new buildings which
are this year personal property and other
personal matters will foot up about $27,000 ,
making the grand total over $800,000.
IMirirlnrx nt liaone.
BOONE , la. , May 12. ( Special Telegram. )
B. Aries' bottling works were entered by
burglars early this morning and the safe
blown open with dynamite , but no money
, vo3 secured. Some money belonging to the
: lty was overlooked.
lown Pvraoitnl Note * .
J. P. Dolllver will deliver the Fourth of
July address at the Chautauqua assembly
In Waterloo.
Oeorge Clcland of Sioux City has been
Invited to accept a commission in a regi
ment young Logan is raising.
Harry Ankeny , son of Captain II. C. An-
ktny of Corning , died in Dodge City , ICnn. ,
last week and was burled at Corning.
W. B. Allison , Jr. , who has been appointed
ipslt.tant adjutant general by President Me-
Klnley , is a nephew of Senator Allison.
J , B. Burton has been elected honorary
superintendent for Ufa of the Christian Sun-
Jay school In Grlnnell , because he had been
superintendent for twenty years.
Prof. Jay Ewlng , son of Rev. T. D. Ewlns
at Corning will be united In marriage
to Miss Caroline Steele of Portland , Ore. ,
tbout June 1. They are to arrive In Corn-
lug June 4 , After remaining a week they
will go to Lelpslc , Germany , where Mr.
Ewlng will take a two yean * course of
Welcomed Heartily bySfc Follow. Citizens a
Bedford , -Iowa.
Grnnd Army 1'ontiMad it Band Tarn
Oat to MerttHX. Orlcc and
Several Speeches Are
Bin tie.
BEDFORD , la. , May 12. ( Special. ) Aftc
months of anxiety , days and nights of cease
less toll , Consul A. C. Brlco is among hi
friends once more.
On the arrival of the train a vast throni
eagerly sought to grasp the hand of th
returning consul and again welcome hlti
back to the scenes of former days. Th
Grand Army of the Republic post and i
number of old soldiers marched to th
depot , not only to welcome him , but als
to escort him to the opera house , where
largo crowd awaited hla arrival. A num
her of short speeches were made by Severn
citizens , which was followed by a gcnern
hand shaking.
Conl In "Northern Iowa.
FORT DODGE , May 12. ( Special. ) Th
town of Clare Is very much excited over th
find of a six-foot vein of coal that has bcei
located In the heart of the town at a deptl
-stimatod to be between 230 and 250 fc ° '
The vein was discovered by the contractor
who arc engaged in drilling a well for th
town. The f > t now of water struc !
wan not considered sufficient to supply th
needs of the town and the contractors wer
ordered to keep on drilling. Last wee'
while drilling nt a depth of 230 feet th
drill struck the vein and pieces brought u
showed it to be of excellent quality. Th
drill was kept at work and upon Investlga
tlon it was found that the vein was betwee
six and seven feet In thickness. Several ex
pert miners have examined the specimen
and pronounce them as being of the best.
Trnvrllnir ' > ' GnMollne Motor.
MARSHALL/TOWN. la. , May 12. ( Spe
clal. ) E. H. HartEook arrived In the cit
Sunday In a queer looking wagon , whlc
traveled at a good speed without the aid c
horses. Mr. Hartsook has invented a schcm
for traveling by means of gasoline , and wn
out on a trial trip with his machine. ,
heavy wagon equipped for hauling twelv
passengers , has been fitted with a gasolln
engine , which Is connected with a gearln
Blllmlar to that on a bicycle , but muc
larger. Ho Is able to travel over ordlnar
country roads at a speed of six miles n
hour , and slight cost of fuel. While croaa
ing the tracks cast of the city a small gear
Ing'broke and Mr. Ha'rtEook had to ship hi
wagon to Bonduraut'Iil8 ' home , on the can
Advert IKI-M tor Illiln.
ATLANTIC , la. , May 12. ( Special. ) Th
building committee df' the Methodist Epls
copal church has advertised for sealed bid
on u One two-story parfconage to bo com
pletcd by September. ) It'
-S. J. Glllett & Sonv dry goods merchant
of Stuart , have Icaced 'the W. W. Parke
building and expect to occupy it about Au
gust 1. ' < 1 ii
* York Hoy'TMcN lit Alnnkn.
YORK , Neb. , May ib.-HSpeclal Telegram.
A telegram 'Was ' 'received- ' here this after
noon announcing tho-'iileath of 'Ephralm Mor
gan at Lake Llnderman , Alaska. Morgan i
a York boy who with his brother left her
this spring for the Klondike. The tclcgrnt
says death was due to' overwork. The bed
will bo sent from Seattle to York. Th
brother of the deceased has probably gen
on to the Klondike. The boys were bcln
grub staked by York parties.
Mm. Crcliilitoti Morrln.
HUMBOLDT. Neb. , May 12. ( Speclal.- )
Mrs. Crcighton Morris of this city die
Tuesday evening after a lingering Illnesi
She was a member of the Knights and La
dies of Security and Degree of Honor an
a prominent Woman's Christian Temperanc
union worker and each of these organlza
tlons was represented at the funeral serv
Ice , which occurred today.
AVI Ilia in C. Hnntx.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , May 12. ( Speclal.- )
Postmaster 0. L. Bantz received word th
first of the week of the death of his fathci
William C. Bantz of Ncmaha City , wb
died at the age of CO years. The decease
had lived in Ncmaha county ever since th
close of the war.
AVllllnui Scott.
REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb. , May 12.-
( Special. ) William Scott died at his resl
dence In this city at 10:30 : o'clock Tuesda
night , aged 75 years. Mr. Scott moved t
this place from California , Mo. , In 1S91.
Mm. Florence Illnliop.
REPUBLICAN CITY , Neb. , May 12.-
( Spcclal. ) Mrs. Florence Bishop , wife o
Robert N. Bishop , died nt her homo In thl
city Tuesday night at 10:30 : o'clock of con
sumption ; aged 27 years.
Old Soldier.
ORAFTON , Neb. , May 12. ( Speclal.- )
Toblas Moats , an old soldier , died Tuesda :
night after a long illness of Brlght's die
case. Ho leaves a numerous family.
Several Olliorn Injured llluiie Start
In n Tlirci Story
CHICAGO , May 12. Two persons wor
Wiled and four lujurH In n fire vthlch de
strayed a thrce-BtoryJioardlng house at 22
LaSalle avenue , at pathU morning. Th
dead are :
, ( t
JOHN CONNELL. fpynd on third floor
burned to a crisp. l.j | )
WILLIAM COLLlKS' roora mate of Con
ncll , badly burned , yb.V il li : a few mln
utes after being taken , out.
" ' '
The Injured : . [
Captain O'Connor , Habus and face burned
J. M' ' . Reed , hands'ftnd face burned.
Walter Tike , Junlityd from the seconi
story window , back sprained , badly burned
Dr. J. W. Cox , bands and face burned ,
Several other perriWs1 in the boardtni
houao had narrow
Iloat front HU-n'iuj-.r Clara Xevnili
Found on the Count
of Alawka.
VICTORIA , D. C. , May 12. A startllm
discovery has Just been made on the shore :
of Lynn canal by the steamer J. M , Cole
man. A rowboat bearing the name of the
unfortunate steamer Clara Nevada wui
found high and dry on the beach neai
Eoward City , opposite where the dlsastei
occurred. The boat contained a couple 01
coats , two mlncru' bags of clothing and a few
provisions , while a few feet away were the
embers of a campflre. All this tends tc
show that at least ono man escaped tha fate
of the lost fifty , and should ho be founO
alive the details of the tragedy will cease
to be a mystery.
Proceeds of Kntertnlnment Go to the
Nnrr Kand.
MADHID , May 12. It Rccmetl this After
noon n If the entire population of Madrid
g thronging to the bull ring. At the pa
triotic bull fight to rnlse funds for the navy ,
08 nt the recent c la performance nt the
Royal theater , there was a great patriotic
turnout , hut the latter was nu expression
of patriotism on the part or the aristocracy
and today It was the people who expressed
the patriotic feeling. The scats. Bold at
fabulous price ? , all the receipts being de
voted to the navy fund. Every available
vehicle was requisitioned and thousands on
foot formed a long procession the length of
the Cnllo Alcnla , awaiting admission and
all wearing the national colon , the women
having the yellow and red of Spain In their
hair and on their breasts , the men displayIng -
Ing the colors at their buttonholes or In their
cravats , whtlo all the trappings of the horses
were bedecked with the Spanish colors.
The stores were closed and the cafes were
packed with people heatedly discussing the
probabilities of the war. Nobody dares
speak of peace.
TcinorHrlo llenrd from Attain ,
DUDNOS AYIIES , May 12. The Spanish
torpedo gunboat Temernrlo has arrived at
San Nicolas on the Parana , fifty miles be
low Kosarlo. 11 Is said it Is on its way to
No Dcolnrntlon
BUDA-PESTH , May 12. H was announced
In the Uutcrhaus today that Austria-
Hungary does not think It Accessary to issue
u formal declaration of neutrality In the
war between Spain and the United States.
KENESAW. Neb. , Muy 12. ( Special. )
Miss Stella Kent and Mr. 0. Epplns were
married at S o'clock last evening at the
homo of the bride's parents , Rev. Brouilcttl
officiating. Both the bride and groom are
very popular and highly esteemed young
people , the bride having resided here for
a number of years.
At 1229 South Eleventh street , Omaha ,
Holla C. Smith and Elizabeth G. Hayes
were united in marriage by Rev. C. N. Dawson -
son at 7:30 : p. m. May 11 , 1898.
EIi-l--KHilN < roiu.
At 210 South Twenty-eighth avenue ,
Omaha , at 8:30 : p. m. , May 11 , 1898 , Gcorgo
B. Elsely and Anna "M. Klhlstrom were
Joined In marriage by Rev. C. N. Dawson.
Iicndvlllc ami ANIICII Mine * .
DENVER , May 12. ( Speclal.T-LeadvlIlc
Is shipping big tonnage and new efforts
are making In n number of old properties
to increase the output of the camp. At the
present time mining affairs there are In the
best of shape. A new company of local
men has been organized to reopen the
Triumph property on Breeco Hill. The new
company will begin by pushing the drift
at the 740-foot level a distance of 100 feet ,
In the hope of finding the ore body believed
to lie In that territory. The Dolllo B. mine ,
which was almost drowned out Just after
a big ore chute was discovered , Is about
ready to resume shipments , the new pumpIng -
Ing plant having drained the mine. The
Mahala people , who were stopped by reason
of a cave-In In the old workings a few weeks
ngo , are driving a winze to reach the ore
body which they had to abandon so sud
denly. Concentration of ores Is revolution
izing Aspen. The Joint mill of the Mollle
Gibson and the A. J. will be In operation by
next week. The entire product of both
mines will bo run through the mill regard
less of grade of ore. The old Holden llxlvla-
tlon works has been remodelled Into n con
centrator , and Is now working upon Aspen
dres. , A new mill to handle the ores of the
Farwcll group nt Independence is nearly
ready to start.
Spotted Klk WnutH IIIB FlilK.
KANSAS. CITV , May 12. ( Special. ) Ma
jor Warner Is wondering where he can get
a flag that Is sixty feet long so as to be able
to satisfy the ambition of Spotted Elk , a
young Sioux chief of the Pine Ridge agency.
The major received a letter from Spotted
Elk in which the writer says he wants a
big flag , and to show how long it should be
ho inclosed a siring some sixty feet in
length. Spotted Elk Is the chief who offered
the government the services of 2,000 of the
young warriors to go to Cuba to act as scouts
In tbo war with Spain.
Rcnily with Warrant * .
PIERRE , S. D. , May 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) On account of defective vouchers
coming In State Auditor Mayhew will to
morrow go to Sioux Falls to remain until
the troops leave , where ho will bo on the
ground and will Issue warrants direct for
any expenses incurred in the camp. State
Treasurer Phillips , who came in yesterday ,
has been quite sick at his rooms with
throat trouble , but is reported slightly im
proved this evening.
Sonth Ilnkotn Troaim.
FORT MEADE , S. X ) . , May 12. ( Special
Telegram. ) Troop K of the Eighth cavalry
has received orders to proceed to the Tongue
River agency , Montana , to put down an
expected Indian outbreak. Troop B left to
day for Fort Washakle , Wyo. The Black
Hills cowboy companies are drilling every
day at the post.
SontU Ditkotn NewH Note * .
Two Aberdeen visitors were fined for
catching bass out of Big Stone lake.
The new telephone line being built from
Aberdeen Is being pushed with vigor.
Editor M. L. Fox of the Sioux Falls Press
has gone to Washington on a visit.
to continued III health. Profs. Slagle and
McLaury were retained for another year.
Work on rebuilding the two elevators re
cently burned at Ipswich will soon be be
The county commissioners have purchased
n twcnty-four-fcot flag for the court house
In Planklnton.
About fifty Immigrants direct from Rus-
rla reached the big Russian colony near
Kureka last week.
The First Congregational church of Lead
has extended Rev. J. W. Woodcock of Chicago
cage a call , which has been accepted.
The State Board of Regents granted Prof.
Lucius Boyd , acting dean of the State
School of Mines , a leave of absence , owing
Hamilton Mitchell , during the war a
member of company M. Seventeenth Illinois
cavalry , died at the Soldiers' home last week
of cnncer. Ho was burled with military
\ > WMotrx. .
E. H. Ralston , formerly a banker at Elmo ,
has purchased the Bllby bank at Quitman.
Work on a telephone line that will con
nect Tarklo and Hamburg Is being pushed
E. W. Stephens of Columbia Is In New
York nrianglng for an editorial excursion
to Europe In 1900.
The republicans of the Fourth stnls son-
atotlnl district will hold their convention in
Chllllcotho on Juno 1.
Three new Rio Grande & Western cars
of the latest pattern made by the Pullman
Allen's Foot-Ease , n powder for the feet.
It cures painful , swollen , smurtlnir , nervous
feet and Instantly takes the Htlns out of
cornn uncl buiilotm. H'H the greatest com
fort discovery of the age. Allen'8 Foot-
KUHO make : ! tleht or new shoes feel easy.
It It ) n certain cure for sweating , callous
and hot , tired , aching feet. Try It today.
Bold by nil druggist ! ) and shoe stores , liy
mall for 23c In stamps. Trial package' '
KHEE. Address Alen 8. Olmsted , Le Hey ,
N. Y.
WOODBURY'S Freckle * , 1
company patted through Oranht this morn-
IDE on the Burlington.
The bond proposition carried In Andrew
county and a new $50,000 court house will
bo erected at Savannah ,
It lit the practice of mnyorn of ( Inllatln
to take out of the notaries and \vagrs of the
employes of the city the amounts due from
them for delinquent taxes.
In the Missouri conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal church there are 2it ! Sun
day schools and they are attended by 2&-
005 scholars , who ara Instructed by 3,499
The WnrrenslmrR Iinlly and Weekly Jour-
nnl-Ucmocrnt has been eold to Messrs.
Knnpp and SchoollnR of Hlgglnsvlllc. Major
Ilrcd , the retiring proprietor , has organized
n rompany of volunteers In this city and
will join the Fourth regiment at St. Louts.
A wealthy resident of Rock I'ort named
Valentine Livingston has placed with the
trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church
} 8.iOO. For five years the Interest Is to ap
ply on the pastor's salary. After that term
the principal Is to be disposed of as the
trustees sea fit ,
Tii fij-
' tKCB j
Health is Wealtr
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Wvrd tliousnndi of Ihc * and | irovrntril niuchilck-
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Gas and
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Call oe ui or write for price * nml description *
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land * for ul or nnt. Day * HIM , H Petit
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The Crooked
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These things we all ought to know in th3se troublous times
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The Bee Coupon Map The of Omaha Cuba Coupon. Bee
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The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha.
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Tlie reason mifroren are not cured by Doctors li hccnuse nlnoty pr cent arc tronbloil with
Pro.tittllli. CUI'IDKNKIi the only Known renwl/ to euro tvlihout mi opi ration. OOUUlcsilmnnU
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Jobbers of
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