Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : FRIDAY , MAY 13. 1898. 11
Provisions Score Another Advance on the
Chicago Market.
Wlirat I * Krrnllc nnil Drollm-n llcnv-
Corn nnil Unix MiilTrr front
Itrnllntr nnil Each Clone
at l.o cr Plicure * .
CHICAGO , May 12. In splto of heavy
filing to secure prollts , provision ! today
scored another good advance on 'Change.
1'ork closed 22V4c over yesterday , while lard
gained lOc , nnd ribs 22c per 100 Ibs.
Closing prices wore a shade under the best.
Wheat was erratic us usual , but at the ex
pense of the price. July closed at a decllnu
of 2Vic , after covering a range of 6V4c. May
was practically nominal , jelling down to
$ LW > , and closing at $1.65 , a nut loss of 14c.
September lost 13-sc. Corn and oats suf
fered from realizing , losing good tarly ad
vances , und closing Vic net lower.
Cubic tulvlccs from Liverpool available at
the opening In the wheat pit were en
couraging to the bulls. Near tutures ill the
English market showed only a trilling de-
vlliie and advances of lKtU'41 In distant fu
tures. In spite of the 4u Uucllne lieiu ye -
teruuy. Oil this news nrsi trades in.juiy
here wore at } 1.12'f4l,12 , an improvement
ot iViiU-o. Conunc-mui cables imu line
{ ft owing weutlier at tne boutnwesl , com
bined with u continuation of neuvy primary
receipts , created u bvurisn leeiing among
the lew who ventured line tnu pit. Mnc-su
bfunsli features ot the cltuuuon , wiiicn
wuic lost sight of In the recent excitement ,
supplied the bears with tne courage to op-
poau tne opening upward trenU ot prices ,
ino stiong party tnut nad idr two weeks
jilayea un the tears of the shorts so adroitly
jiua evmentiy made its turn and was well
KutlHlct/a In leaving the tnurKut to tliu "tun
ers. July , after touching i.ll , and rush
ing up to fl.lZft , cuHeil oil to l.lO. Chicago
rceeiptu were M' curs , ugamu Zl cars lunt
year. Minneapolis unit JJiiluth reporicd
oil ) cars , comparc-d with 277 tiio year butore.
1'rlmary receipw aggregated ii > , WO busliels ,
against 3."Uou < J Du.slu.'id tuu year before , beu-
bnard clearances umouiuui to 730.000 busneis
ot wheat und Hour. July declined steadily
utter tne llrst hour to $ l.ulVi , wnlcii was.tnu .
prevailing price at 12 o'clock. Then thu
iii'i vousnvsi of shorts was clearly Illus
trated. News of the destruction ot un
jumour elevator by lire caused thu scurj
to rush July up to $1.10 In tlicir ellortH ut
covering.v hen It became known tlmt only
IMJ.WU bushels of wheat was destroyed , thu
market slumped again to 51.0K , wltn * i.Ui > , i
tnu prevailing quuiatlon ut the close. iMuy dull turn neglected tluoughout. It
opened 14c lower ut $ l.l < 3 , rallied to $1.1U ,
declined to $1.W ) , and closed with sellers at
$ l.ui , a nut lois ol He. September opened
3-SltHc higher ut 92'U9i I-DC , advanced to
V-u broke to 90 1-Sc , closing ut 9U'/ic , u net
loni of 1 3-Sc.
Trade In corn was active , opening ut un
Improvement of S-vuVsC. July turtuer Im
proved to 373-Sc. Heavy liquidation Bet In ,
causing u decline of In near thu close.
Locul receipts weru 721 curs. Seaboard
clearances aggregated 1IOOUO ! busneis.
Liverpool quc-.ed July Id Higher for tliu
day. July opened 3-Sc higher ut 37 7-Sc , sold
ut 36'i-Sc , und advanced under ucllvu tlu-
miiiid to 313-Sc. At this point thu longs
aliened their Mood gates and during tnu
remainder of thu se'JHion tliuru was po let
up to olicrlngH. July touched 2i > 3-fcc , clos
ing 1-S'oUc net lower at JuVi-c sellers.
Uats trade was small , lluutuatlons follow
ing corn closely. beiibouid clearances
amounted to 113,000.bushels. . Chicago re
ceived 289 curs. Longs sold moderately.
July opened l-SUViu higher at 27C-Sti2i c ,
closing He net lower at 27V c.
A huuvy trade wiu done m provisions and
n further respectable addition was madu to
their value. Trading was chletly for July
delivery , with considerable transactions In
Beptember. The only sellers were people
who had bought when prices were lower ,
and although'.they had u great deal to
dispose of , und In thu doing of It an wirly
bulge wns wiped out , thu buying was so
persistent that prices were again advanced , .
Liverpool reported a rlJe of 2s 3d In price
of lard , a moat extraordinary advance for
ono day. The local run of hogs was 2b,00i.
head , and prices at the yards advanced
15tfj25c for'tho day. Closing quotations were
A trillo under the best , but showed the fol
lowing advances In July futures : Pork ,
22H : lard , lOc ; ribs. 22Vfcc. July pork opened
lit $12.03il 12.10 , sold between $11.90i | 12.20.
closing at $12.10. Lard opened at $6.62J6.iO | ,
ranged between $0.52 and $6.72. doling at
$665. Ribs opened ut $ C.16fi6.2S ( , sold be
tween $0.10 and $6.30 , closing at $6.27.
Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat ,
330 cars ; corn , 740 curs ; oats , 390 cars ; nogs ,
24,000 bead.
Leading futures ranga as follows :
Arliclea. . ropan. I UUh. I I o * ' . | Clo a.TYMt' _
Mny. . . 103 1 70 1 00 1 70
July. . . I ! ' . ' 1 IIM ! 1 07U 1 10(4 (
Sept. . .
Dee : . 87H BU
Mny. . . 37 .10
July. . . 37M 3UK
Sept. . . 37H SOU
Oil- .
OilMuy. . . . 31M SIM
July. . .
H pt. . . 24 *
May. . . 11 92M 11 70
July. . . la 03 J-J ' . ' 0 11 01) rj 10 11 U7H
May. . . 0 01 0 05 0 CO 0 GSH a SUM
July. . . < i m U TJH U C-21 * u us o out *
! < c pt 0 73 0 BU U UK 3 70 0 05
( btlUbK
May. . . 0 15 0 23 ( I 18 II 2S 000
July. . . t ! US 0 ? ll U 111 0 7M 0 US
Sept 0 'Ji tt 371 o m u as a r.
No. 2.
Cash nuolatlons were as follows :
FLOUR Demand moderate , steady.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , $1.20 , nominal ; No.
8 spring , $1.0Sifil.40 ; No. 2 red , $1.61.
CORN-NO. 2 , sec.
OATS No. 2. 31 Ac ; No. t white , 3403oc ;
No. 3 white , 33f31c. |
RYE No. 2 , 7WJ70V4C.
BARLEY 43(5ilc.
KLAXSEED-No. 1 , $1.37'/41.38.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $ U.G !
CT1200 Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $6.6006.65. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) . JROO'ii'6.40 ; dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.75'Q5.00 ; short clear
Bides ( boxed ) , $ C.50t(7.00. (
WHISlvC Dlstlllli-if' llnlshcd goods , per
SUC1ARS Cut loaf , $5.91 ; granulated , $3.31.
On tho'l'roduco cxchango today the butter
market was steady ; creameries , ISOlGa ;
dairies. 12 rl4c. Eggs , weak ; fresh , lOc.
Cheese , unchanged.
NEW v mic ci : A i ,
for tlio liny on General
NEW YORK , May 12. FLOUR-Recclpts ,
25,004 bbls. ; exports , 29.S10 bbls. ; market
quiet and steady for winters , but easle'r on
spring wheat grades ; Minnesota patents ,
$7.2307.00. Rye Hour , quiet at $3.0001.25.
CORNMEAI * Firm ; yellow western , SOc.
RYE-Qulet ; No. 2 western , 73c.
BARLEY Unlit feeding. 42c.
JIAHLKY MALT Dull : western , 6SQ70c.
WHEAT Receipts , 14,650 bu. : exports ,
257,255 bu. Spot , weak : No. 2 red , $1.63 asked ,
t. o. b. . nllout to arrive ; f. o. b. , il.OU',1 ,
afloat to arrive. September 5 to 15. Options
opened llrmer on bullish cables , but through
July liquidation , line crop newn , absence ol
export Inquiry and foreign selling1 developed
pronounced weakness. Tliere was little- re
covery all day and the final prices were liteR
oR on May , 3c on July and 5-Sftl 1-Sc on late
months ; No. 2 red May , $1.5S < U1.77 ; closed ,
$1.G3 ; July , $1.16f/1.2J ; cloned , JI.17V4.
CORN Receipts. 140.400 bu. : exports , 315-
066 bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2. 427-8c. Options
Bold up early on renewed speculative de
mand , big clearances and higher cables. II
subsequently reacted with wheat nnd closed
unchanged. May , 4141 c ; closed , 41c ; July ,
_ il 5-Mf42V4c ; closed , 41&C.
OATS-Recelpts , 249,600 bu. : exports , 105,01
bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2. 35H fJ6c ; No. :
white , nSTjJMic. Options , influenced bj
wheat and luat 1-Sc during the day ; Muj
closed 3oUc.
HAY Quiet : shipping , SSfllOc.
HOI'S Steady ; Htnte. rommon to cholc <
1S35 crop. JR4cj 1S94 crop. 6Si 7o ; 1897 crop
13615u ; 1'ucllle coast , isa5 crop. 3lf4c ; 1S9 <
ciop Cftie ; 1S97 crop , 13@15c. '
IIIUKS Quliit ; tlalveston. 15 ,4c ; Texas
dry. 12Vc : California. 17HM1SC.
LEATHEH-FIrm ; hemlock sole. Bueno ;
Ayrci , U'.jSiiOc.
WOOL Quiet ; ficece , ICQZ'o ; Texas , K
p'ROVISIONS-Beef. strong : family. $ li.5i
O13.00 ; extra mesi , $10 50fl 11.00 ; beef hams
$22.Wi23.oo ; packet. $ ll.00a 12.00. Cut meats
steady ; pickled bellies , $ < ! .2Sf7.50 ; plrkle <
shoulders , I1.7MJ5.00 : pickled hams , $7.7Sf
8.00. Lard , quiet ; western steamed , $ & 9
rollned. quiet. I'ork. easier ; mess , $ U.t3f
11.75 ; short clear. : family. $13.0vf
14.00. Tallow , dull ; city. 3B-8c ; country , 31 ,
V3 ic , as to quality.
OILS-Petroleum. firm ; refined New York
1C ! Philadelphia and Baltimore
ndclphla and Baltimore , In bulk ,
steady. Turpentine , quiet , " " "
tonsoed firm ; sellers ask nn . ,
l.ftio hll ! ! . : prlmo summer yellow , 2.V : ; export - |
port demand light ; prime crude , f. o. li. 11
mills , ISflJ'Hc ; prime summer yellow , 25ff
23Mc. Huttrr oil , Z7',4tf2SHc ; prime winter
yellow , 2S'430c.
MKTALS A much better feeling was
noted In several department * of the mctnl
market today and quotations In pome In-
fitnnccs were higher. The Metal exchange
called pig Iron warrant ! * quiet but steady
at the clone , with $6.65 bid nnd $ .S5 asked.
Lake copper , unchanged , with 112 bid nnd
O2.10 asked. Tin , quiet : quoted , I14.CO.
Spelter , llrmcr , with $4.15 bid and (4.25
asked. Lead , tlrmcr , with $3.G , ' > bid and
$1.67V4 nuked. Lead la "till quoted nt $550
by the firm fixing the settling price for
western mlnora nnd smelters.
BUTTER-ReccIpts , 3.2W pkgs. ; steady ;
western creamery , Hwg\"c ; Klglns , 17cj
factory ,
CIH3KBK Receipt * . 1.729 pkgs.J quiet ; old
cheese , large fancy , 8fi9c ; small fancy ,
SM9c ; new. light skims , 6\i \ < t'c ; part skims ,
5WUc ; full skims , 2 3c.
EOGS Receipts , 8,456 pkgs. ; steady ;
western , 10V&c ; southern , loc ,
Condition f Trndc nnd QootndonB
on Stntile nnd Fancy Produce.
EGGS Oood stock. 9c.
BUTTKR Common to fair , 9811o ; sep
arator , 17c ; gathered creamery , HH3c.
VEAL Choice fat , 80 to 120 Ibs. , quoted at
Sfi9u ; large nnd coarse , 67c.
LIVE POULTRY-Chlckens. 707V4 ! old
roosters , 3WW5l4c ; yoling roosters , GfjfiVic.
PIGEONS-Llvc. $1.15SJL23 ; dead pigeons
not wanted.
HAY Upland , $7.00 ; midland , $0.001 low
land , $3.50 ; rye straw , $4.00 ; color makes the
price on hay ; light bales sell the best ; only
ton grades bring top prices.
ONIONS Per bu. , 90c@l ; new southern ,
per lb. , 214c.
BEANS Hand-pinked navy , per bu. . $1.23.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas , 10-peck
bbls. . $1.50 : seed sweet potatoes , $2.0u.
CABBAGE-New. Florida , per crate , $2.25 ;
Mississippi , per crate , $2.50.
I'OTATOES Hime grown. C-OUSSo ; Colorado
rado stock , 70i- ; northern fancy early Ohio
sttd potatoes , 85c ; new potatoes , per bbl. ,
$4.50(05.00. (
TOMATOES Per crate , $3.0H13.25. ?
NEW UEETS-Per doz. bunches. 45 < ! iSOc.
RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 3ji < 35c.
LETTUCE I'er doz. bunches. 35)140c. )
OREEN ONIONS Per doz. , 12fi.c
WATERCRESS Per 16-qt. case , $ I.CO.
PUCUMHEHS Per dor. . , $1.2W1.50. |
WAX BEANS-1-3 bu. box , 75c.
1'EAS Per bu. , fancy Mississippi , $1.23.
SPlNACH-Per basket , II.
PIEPLANT Homo gtown , per lb. , 2c.
STRAWBERRIES Arkansas , 21-qt. case ,
APPLKS-Wlnter stock. $3.00-i3.50. ?
CRANBERRIES Fancy Jersey , per bbl. ,
oitAPES-Maliitras. $3.00 6.00.
ORANGES-Callfornlu navels , $2.7503.00 ;
sei-dllngs. $2.25 :
LEMONS Cnlfornla fancy , $3.00 : choice ,
$2.50'u2.75 ; fancy Messina. $ J.OOJ3.50.
BANANAS Choice , large stock. per
bunch. $2.0032.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
NUTS Almonds , per lb. large size , 12B
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9'ulOc : Eng
lish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 110
lie ; standards , Sj9e : Illberts , per lb. , lOc-
pecans , polished , medium , R7c : extra
large , 809u ; large hickory nuts , $1.00W1.1U
per bu. ; small , $1.23il.3) per bu. ; cocoanuls ,
per 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , 5j5',4c ; rousted ,
MAPLE SYRUP Flvc-gal. call , each ,
$2.75 ! gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gul.
CUIH , $0.23 ; ciuart cans , $1.50.
FIGS Importenl , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , Kc ! ; 2-lb.
boxes , 22i23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado am
ber. lOfillc.
aiAUT-Per bbl. . $3.50 ; per half bbl. ,
"DATES-Hallo.ree , CO to ,70-lb. boxes ,
S'/tc : Salr , Sc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
CIDER I'er half bbl. , $3 ; bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No. 2 green
hides , 5c ; No. I salted hides. So : No. 2 green
salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
9c : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow , No ,
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'/4c ; rough tallow , P/ic ;
white grease , 2HQ2c ; yellow und brown
gieuse. lV > < H2Vc.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each ,
73c ; green salted shearings ( short woole <
early skins ) , each , I5c ; dry shearings , ( short
wcolcd early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woof
pelts. per It ) . , actual weight , 4Q5c ;
dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts , per fb.actual weight , 3W4c ; dry
Hint , Colorado butcher wool pelts , per II ) .
actual weight , 45c ; dry flint , Colorado mur
rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3
(8 ( 4c. ' < J
FURS-Bear ( black , or brown ) . $5.0020.00
otter. $1.60S .00 : mink , 1560c ; beaver. $1.00
(36.00 ( ; skunk ! ISc , 25c , 60c ; rouskrnt , 3c , 5c
7c ; raccoon , 15090c ; ' red fox , 25c(9$1.25 ( ; gray
fox , 25ft50c ; wolf ( timber ) ; 23cift$2.50 : wolf
( prairie coyote ) , lOSSOc ; wildcat. T"
badger , 5fi40c ; silver fox. $5.00975.00.
DRESSED BEEF Good native steers , 7c
per lb. ; good forequarters steers. 6c ; good
hindquarters steers , 9c ; western steers , 6c ;
native heifers , 6c ; western heifers , 6c ;
good forcquarters heifers , 5c ; good hind
quarters heifers , 8V4c ; native cows , 6&C ;
western cows , 6He ; fair cows , fc ; cow fore-
quarters. 5c ; cow hindquarters. Sc ; back-
halves. &B6Hc ; triangles. 4ic. !
BEEP CUTS Tenderloins , fresh , 18c ;
fiozen , 15c ; bontdess strips , fresh , lOc ;
fi-ozcn , 9o ; strip loins , fresh. 8'/4c ; frozen ,
G',4c ; rolls , boneless , frozen , Oc ; fresh , lOc ;
rolls , Spencer cuts , frozen , 9c ; fresh , lOo ;
sirloin butts > bdneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , lOc ;
shoulder clods , boneless , C'.ic ; rump butts ,
boneless , 5-T4C ; No. 1 chucks , 5ytc ; No. 2
chucks , 454e ; . N , . 3 chucks. 44c } ; boneless
chucks , frozen , TOO ; fresh , 5Mc ; cow plates ,
3V c ; steer plates , 4c ; flank steak , 7c ; loins ,
No. l , frozen. 12c ; fresh , 14c ; loins , No. 2 ,
frozen , lOc : fresh , 12c ; loins. No. 3 , frozen ,
Sc ; fresh , lOc ; short loins , market style , 2c
above loins : hotel style , 4c above loins ; cow
loin ends , SV c ; steer loin ends , 9Hc ; hangIng -
Ing tenderloins , 4' e : ribs. No. 1 , frozen ,
lOc ; fresh , 12c ; ribs , No. 2 , frozen , 8c ; fresh ,
Iflc ; ribs. No. 3 frozen , 60 : fresh , Sc ; No. 1
i omuls , 7o ; No , 2 rounds , 65ic ; No. 3 rounds ,
&UC- beef rounds , shank off. vie additional ;
bfef rounds shank und rump oft. IVSc addi
tional ; trimmings , 4Uc ; beef shanks , 3e ;
bialns , per do . ; 35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. ,
fiozen , 10cjresh. ; ; . 12V4c ; sweetbreads
( calves ) , per It ) . , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , HSc ;
ox tails , each , Sc ; livers , per lb. , 2'.c ; hearts ,
per lb. , 2c ; tongues , per lb. , 12e ; calf livers ,
each , 33c : calves , whole carcass or sides ,
lOJAc ; calf nead nnd feet , scalded , per set ,
MUTTON Fancy lambs , DC per tb. ; regu
lar lambs , Sc ; sheep , TVic ; market racks
( long ) , 9c ; hotel nicks ( short ) , He ; loins , 9o ;
saddles , 9u ; legs , 9c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts
and stews , 3Hc ; tongues , each , 3c ; forequar-
tern , 5V4c.
PORK Dressed pigs. 6VJe per It > . : dressed
hogs , 5c : tenderloins. 15c ; loins , small , 6Jc ;
large , C c ; spare ribs , 4' , c : ham snusago
butts , 5V.-c ; Boston butts , 5 c ; shoulders ,
rough , 4 ic ; Hhoulders , skinned. 5c : trim
mings , 4V4c ; leaf lard , not rendered , ! > Vie ;
heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts nnd ears , 3c ;
fresh hams , 16 to IS ll > s. , 74c ? ; fresh hams ,
short clears , 5 ? c ; cheek meats , 4c ; neck-
bones , 2c ; pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each. 5u ;
chllterllngs. 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
25c ; stomachs , each. 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ;
kidneys , per doz. . lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15o ;
piss" feet , per doz. , SOc ; livers , each , 3o ;
hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones. Be.
* Dnltlmnro Murkrt.
BALTniORK , Jfay 12.-FLOUR-Flrm ;
western supcrtlne , $4.00TJ4.25 ; western extra ,
$4.8&R550 ; western family. $ n.lOI6.50 ; win
ter wheat patents , $6.75 7.10 ; spring pat
ents. $7.0007.50 : spring wheat straights.
$ fi.757.10 ; receipts , 7.C87 bbls. ; exports. 2.47S
WHEAT Dull and lower ; spot and
month , JI.32Jil.3iVt ; July. $1,12 asked ;
steamer No. 2 red. * 1.2Sfil.2S'J ; receipts. 51-
731 bu. ; exports , 9fiOOQ bu. ; southern wheat
by sample. Jl.Sivrri.33 ; southern wheat on
grade. $1.2SV < rei.J3Vi.
CORN-Qulet ; spot. 4UMi41 $ c ; month.
41U41 * c ; July. 41 S-SffHUr : steamer
mixed , 40SWIOo ; receipts , 2S.7G5 bu. ; ex
ports , 2S9.S37 bu. ; southern whlto corn , 420
42'ic : southern yellow , 42ft41c.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 white , : iIJ39c ; No.
2 mixed , 35 0 J receipts , 29,095 bu. ; exports ,
RYE Dull and lower ; No , 2 nearby , 73' , <
(74u ( ; No.2 -western , 7Vjc ; receipts , G0.91S
bu. ; exuartu , nontl.
HAY Firm : choice timothy. I1S.OO bid.
GRAIN FREIQHTS-Qulet ; demand
slow ; rates barely steady : steam to Liver
pool , pur bu. , Gd. June ; Cork , for orders ,
per quarter , 4s Gd. May ; 4s , June.
BUTTER Steady ; fancy creamery , 19c !
creamery Imitation , 175TlSc ; creamery
ladle. 15c ; good hullo , 13He ; store packed ,
CHEESE-Steady ; fancy New York ,
large. SViWAc ; fancy New York , medium ,
PliUlOc ; fancy Now York , small , lOUQlOVio ,
It\erx > ul atnrkct.
11s 4d : No. t red northern spring , IDs Sd.
CORN 8Kt. | quiet : American mixed. 3s
lid ; May , 3s lid ; July , 3s 115-Sd ; September ,
In imd.
FLOUR-St. I ouU fancy winter , firm , Its
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , firm
PUOVISIONS-Bcef , firm ; extra India
mess , "fa Sd ; prime tncss , G ? * M. Pork ,
firm : prime moss , fine western , SSii ; prime
mess , mod Him western , 51 s 3d. limns , short
cut , 14 to IS Ibs. , 3O. Uncoil , dull , 3s ; short
ribs. I 33s Cd ; long clear nilddli-s , llKht. 35 ;
lone clear middles , heavy , 31s Gd ; short
backs I , 3)s ) ; clear bellies , 35s Cd ) shoulders ,
square , dull. 27s. Lard , dull ; prime western ,
30 6d. Tallow , prime city , firm , 20s 6 < l.
CHEESE American llncst white , 45.-1 &l ;
American flnest colored , 44s.
OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool relllied ,
steady , IGs 6d. Turpentine spirits , cteudy ,
2lis M. Rosin , common , strong , 6s Cd.
Ht. I.ntiln Opnvrnl Mnrketo.
ST. LOUIS , May 12.-FLOUR-Easler nnd
lower : patents , < 1.1oy6.T ( > : HtralRhts , $5.900 >
C.15 ; clear , $5.00jG50 ; medium , $4.S5T < 4.75.
WHEAT Unsettled , closing weak with
July 3 1-Sc , September l',4c nnd December
Iftc lower than yesterday ; spot lower : No.
2 red cash , elevator , $1.20 ; track , $1.22 ; May ,
$1.23 asked ; July. $ % bid ; September ,
SSKc ; December , 8CiffS7c ; No. 2 hard cash ,
CORN-Futurcs closed flrm and small
fractions better ; spot lower : No. 2 cash ,
35c : May , 35c ; July , 35o asked ; September ,
35Su asked.
OATS Dull and neglected nnd about
steady ; No. 2 cash , 32c ; track , JBRMttc :
May , 32 c bid : July , 27V4c asked ; Septem
ber. 24Uc asked ; No. 2 white , 3G&36Vic.
RYE Nominal nt 65c.
SEEDS Flnxseed , nominal at $1.35 ; prlmo
timothy seed , 2.COf(2.65. ( - ,
CORNMEAL Strong nt ff.SOfll.S .
BRAN Scarce nnd strong ; sacked , cast
track. 65c. . . . '
HAY-Flrm ; prairie , $5.00010.00 ; . .timothy ,
$9.25 12.50. '
BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , I5flt7c ; dairy ,
EGGS Higher at 8V4c.
AVHISKY-Stendy at $1.22.
BAGGING 5 7-Sti ftc.
, METAL8-Lead , quiet at $151 113.55.
Spelter , nominal at $4.05.
PROVISIONS Pork , higher ; .standard
moss , 'Jobbing , $12.10. Lard , higher ; prime
Hlenm. $ G.30 ; choice , $0.40. Bacon , boxed
shoulders. $5.G2 : extra short clear , $8.62 % ;
ribs , $6.75 ; shorts , $6.8714. Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders , $5.12 < : extra short clear ,
JO 00 ; ribs , JiU2Vi : shorts , $ i > .25.
RECEIPTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 32-
009 bu. : corn , 73.000 bu. ; oats , 44,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
11.000 bu. ; corn , 67,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu ,
CoflTrr Mnrkctn.
NEW YORK , May 12. COFFEB Options
opened steady at unchanged prices. Ruled
Inactive and featureless throughout the ses
sion , selling checked by small receipts at
Rio and Santos nnd large warehouse do ,
liveries In this country. Closed steady , un
changed to 5 points net lower. Sales , 10,000
bags. Including May. $5.95 ; July , $5.80. Spot
coffee , Rio , quiet and steady ; No. 7 Invoice ,
05-Sc ; No. 7 Jobbing. 7 1-Sc. Mild , steady ;
Cordova. S filSVif. Total warehouse de
liveries from the United States , 24,203 bags ,
Including 22 , US bags from New York ; New
York stock today , 332,094 bags ; United
'Statei stock , 4GO.S02 bags ; afloat for the
Jnlted States. COAOOO bags ; total visible for
he United States , 1.0C2.S02 bags , against
' 34.5SS bags last year and 352,379 bags In
S3G.SANTOS. . May 12.-COFFEE Steady ;
; oed average Santos , 10,200 rels ; receipts ,
003 bags : stock , 3'JS.OOO bags.
HAMBURG , May 12. COFFEE-Opened
nchanged ; at 2:30 : p. in. , dull nnd net un
hanged ; sales. n.CoO bacs. , .
rm ; No. 7 Rio , 10,075 reh. Exchange , B id ;
eculpts , 9,000 bags ; cleared for the United
'tales. 8.000 bags : stork , 111,000 bags.
HAVRE , May 12.-COl-"FEE-Closod , % f
.ot lower ; sales , 7,000 bags.
K a n HUH CHy Urnlii mill Provision * .
Ice , averaging Ge lower ; No. 1 hard , 51.21
O1.25 ; No. 2. Jl.22ffl.24 ; No. 3. $1.2001. 2Ui ;
o. 1 red , $1.35 ; No. 2 , J1.2701. 32 : one car
iholce. $1.35 ; ono car mixed , $1.25 ; No. 3 ,
1.2W1.25 ; No. 2 spring. $1.20 ; No.'S , $1.16.
CORN Steady to higher ; active early ,
losing dull ; No. 2 mixed , 33 % < 836'ic.
OATS-Slow ; No. 2 white , Kc.
RYE-Lower ; No. 2. GSc.
HAY Lower ; choice timothy , Jll.OO ;
holce prairie , $9.73010.00 ,
BUTTER Weak ; creamery , 13H5c ; dairy ,
Ifil3c. (
EGGS Weak : fresh , 8c.
RECEIPTS Wheat , GG.400 bu. ; corn , 40-
5W bu. ; oats. 33,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 40,200 bu. ; corn ,
30,200 bu. ; oats. 2,000 bu.
Cliiplnnntt Mnrkrt. ,
> nd higher ; fancy , $5.5035.73 ; family , $5.00 ®
" .25.
.25.AVHEAT Easier ; No. 2 red , $1.30.
CORN-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed. SSTOSSc.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 3l34V4c.
RYE Easier : No. 2. 7Bc.
PROVISIONS Lard , flrm at , $ G.45 , BUlk
meats , firm and higher nt' $0.27io. | Bacon ,
rm and higher nt $7.00.
WHISKY Firm at $1.23.
BUTTER Dull nnd lower ; fancy Elgin ,
7c : Ohio , 12 < 31Gc ; dairy , lOVic.
SUGAR Firm : hard refined , $4.4706.10.
EGGS Quiet at 9c.
CHEESE Steady ; good to prlmo Ohio
flat ,
Grnln Receipt * at Principal Market * .
MINNEAPOLIS , May 12. Receipts :
Vheat , 295 cars. _ . ,
CHICAGO. May 12.-Rec.eljtar :
Wheat , 337 cars ; corn , 721 cartr-oat * , 2 *
carj. Estimated tomorrow ! j3vl w. 330
ais ; corn , 740 cars ; oats , S90cur's , :
'JULUTH , May 12. Receipts ? " Wheat ,
i24 cars. - " ' -
Toledo Market. „ , / - *
TOLEDO. May 12. WHEAT Lower ,
steady ; No. 2 cash , $1.61 ; May , $1.46 bid.
CORN Dull , weak ; No , 2 mixed. SSVtO.
OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 3lc.
RYE Dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , C9c.
CLOVERSEED Dull , unchanged ; prime
cash , $3.00.
Detroit Slarket.
DETROIT , May 12. WHEAT No. 1
white , $1.23 : No. 2 red. $1.42 ; May , $1.40.
TORN No. 2 mixed , 39c.
OATS No. 2 white , 36Vtc.
RYE No. 2 , 8c.
Pvorla Market * .
PEORIA , May 12.-CORN-Strong ; No. 2 ,
OATS Irregular ; No. 2 new. white ,
WHISKY-Flrm ; $1.22' ' . _
Sou Krniiclio Wheat 'Market.
CIoHed weak ; December , $1.72 7-8. L
BARLEY Weak ; December , $ .1.31 B-S.
Price * Generally llnlc lleloiv the
Level ENtnlillNlied on AVedneMday.
NEW YORK , May 12. The natural reac
tion from yesterday's buoyant tendehcy In
Wall street was supplemented today by
some positive elements of depression , us
a consequence of which prices generally
ruled below yesterday's level all day. The
speculative world apparently took a rather
serious view of the affair at Cardenas. In
split ! of all assurance that the loss In
curred was trivial from a military stand
point , the shedding of llrst American blood
had a depressing "Influence which no
amount of reasonlnc could destroy. There
was an unsettling of the conviction felt
yesterday that the Spanish Capo Verde
fleet had certainly returned to home
waters. A reaction In Spanish 4s In Lon
don and Paris also dissipated some. , qf the
oppression that their recent advance fore
shadowed u move toward peace by Spain ,
The absence of authoritative reports from
Admiral Sampson und his fleet Induced
some hesitation nmout ; dealers In stocks.
There was In addition a depressed market
for Americans In London before the open
ing hero nnd there was free selling of the
International stocks for London account
during the early trading , It was not sur
prising , In view of nil these conditions , that
some of the recent buyers of stocks should
luivo been Inclined to tnko profit and the
bears should be encouraged to attack the
marki't. Such a stubborn resistance was
shown , however , to the first dip of price ?
that extreme caution was developed about
putting out short contracts. The market
displayed an equal reluctance to advance
with any degree of vigor. Covering by
shorts In the lute dealings overcame u portion
tion of the losses , but declines are n jnolnl
or over in many prominent stocks. Tfiere
were special stocks scattered through the
list thut maintained n show of strength ,
notably Consolidated Gas , which rose buoy.
nntly at ono tlmo 8 points. Tliu Union Pa
cific. Denver & Gulf securities , Rock Island
Cotton Oil stocks nnd some of the hlgl :
priced Investment stocks were notably flrm
Th volume of business wns much reducot
from yesterday and the market was ex >
tremely feverish nnd Irregular nil day
The bond market also wan ICHH active out'
sldo Denver & Gulf 5s , and with u few ex
ceptions displayed a heavy tone. Tola
sales , 3,5:0,000. United States new 4s uil
vanced 3-8 and the old 4s , registered , U Ir
the bid price. Others were unchanged.
The Evening I'ost's London financial ca <
blesram says : The stock markets hen
were fairly good today , but less active anc
confident. The settlement has been satla
factorlly concluded. Americans were soli
from good quarters , but Now York ap
poured to absorb all the stock offered
Spain Is buying sliver , hence the rise ,
understand the Bank of Paris , which ad
vanced the monny for thu Spanish Jimuar ;
coupons , is financing the July coupons.
must emphaslzo yesterday's dispatch tibau
the views of the bankers hero relative ti
the French political situation In Wen
Africa. Details of thn gold movement fu
tint week show the purchase of 553,000 li
foreign coin , thn receipt of JC55S.OUO fror
Germany , of JL'SS.OOO from Australia , o
90.000 from Austria , of 80,000 fror
Egypt , of 7.000 from Portugal and of 5 ,
000 from Roumanla , and the export of S ,
MO pounds to New York. The firmness of
the London money market Is duo to the
iviutlon of lenders. In view of the Inquiry
tor money In connection with large bor-
rowlns * nt the Hunk of Berlin.
The follnwlrtg are the closing quotations
of the lending stock * on the Now York mar
ket today ;
Atchtson 18VSI. P. * Oin . , . . . . 7fi >
rtopM " 'Hi ' do pf t IN"
UnlllmornA Ohio. . lHV9t. P. M.A M iU :
C.inmla Pncino. . . . HUH .So. 1'nclflo ! > (
CnnndnAomnent. . &t ( So , Railway , SH
CentralPActno. . ! . . . l.'MiSo. Hallwav pfil .10
ChoH..VOiiio..i . . "mlTnxiis * Paclfta , . , . 11
Chlcapo At Alton. . . . 15UH Unioni IMplde.
& . II. & Q 1OD tr.r. D. * o
C.AE.I. . . . 60 J. p. common "tH
C.O.C.A 9LL. . . . Wnbash 7M
( topfd . . . . Wabauli pM ll < Hurt-ton. . . . ,111 , Wliecl. & U R 8M
Del. U & W . 1S-J WHcol.A 1 , . K. pM 13
Den.&RloO . , _ JUUmit Ex. .101
( lopM . 4UH AlufHcnn Kx . 13)
Krle ( nnw ) . IMH [ miltKlRt&toaKx. . . 40
Krlolntpfil VellBF.iriro Ex. . . . 110
Wnvnn . 107 i Am. Cot. Oil .
nrratNorthernnM.ltll A. Cot. Oil pM . 77
r VMlor. , . , HXf-A-tn ; Spirit 11M , . 101n , AMI. l'H < 4
LakoKrlo&W. . . . 1S < 4 Afti. ooncoo ll''tt
do pM Tin HO Ofdooncoo
Lake Shorn IRS
LoutsTllloANaih. r,4 llil
Manhattan L. . . . . . . . caiieCo. , . . .ion
Met. St. Ily K. 4 Iron V2W
Michigan central..11)1 ) om W >
Minn. A St. L 20M Orn. Kleetria SOVi
< toltnrd i. . . 84 llHnolnSle l CM
Mo.Poclllc 3S LtOlodo ij.ii 4IIM
Mobile A Ohio 28
i ' ' ' " ' ' " '
Mo. K. & T It , ( . . . . . . . ! . ! .
Mo.K. AT pfd 3(1 ( i. Oil 17
Chl.In < lr&Ij Hit Imn. Co V9
dopfd 27- - _
K. J. Central O4 > I'B'.lman Pal 1BO
N. Y.Central 110H 57
N.Y. ChLASt t > . . 1U4 Stahd.Hono AT. . . .
dolst pfd US , Smrar ! > * 132K
do I'd pfd 32H do pfd Ill
Norfolk A Western l\H : \ T. C. ft ironJfln
No. Amer. Co n O. S. Leather 7
No.P.-uiiflc I'll ) " ilo pM WK
do DM mi U. 3. Unbber : 11V
Ontario * W 13 ( to pfil 71
OreconNav WH Western Union. . . . 8 W
Ore. Short Line ! :0 : Northwestern 124M
I'iltsbure JU7 do pfd 1711
K.G.AW 34V <
Uocklslatnl Ollif H. O. AW. pftt OSM
S. L.5. P Chi. Gt. Went 14V4
St L. AS. W 4J *
St. fnul 0J' ( ' < do. pfd 11
do nfd 144' ' Heading 1st pfd. . . . 44 < Y
Hawaii C. C 19
Total sales of stocks today , 438,600 shares ,
Including 30,245 Atchlson preferred , 3,505
Chesapeake & Ohio , 23,835 Chicago , Burling
ton & Qulncy. 4,819 JCrl6 preferred , 19.2UO
Louisville & Nashville , 5,170 Manhattan , !
5.360 Reading preferred , 9,410 Missouri Pa- <
clllc. 4,958 Now York Central. 4.640 North '
American , S.76S Northern Paclllc. 16,2 i3
Northern Pacific preferred , 43,8fl2 Rock
Island , 43,965 St. Paul , C,6)S ) Southern pre
ferred , .T5,495 Union Paclllc. 18,305 Union Pa
cific. Denver & Gulf , , 3,369 Wabash
preferred , 26,077 American Tobacco , 9,380
Chicago Great Western , 6.725 People's Ons ,
8.348 Consolidated Go's , 5.395 General Elec
tric , 45,365 Sugar , 44g7Tobacco , Coal &
\c\r York Monry Mnrkrt.
Nominally at 2fi2H ( pi'r c ° nt.
per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills nt Sl.SI'tf
4.85 for demand and $4.SH4 for sixty days ;
posted rates , $4.82 nnd $4.S5V4 ; commercial
bills. $4.SOil.8l.
GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady : now 4s ,
rcg. and coupon , 122V4 ; 4s , rcg. , 10SH ; coupon
pen , 109V4 ; 2s , 95 ; 5i , reg. and coupon , 110i !
Pacific 6s of ' 93 , 101.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
U S.now4s.roz . . . N. O. 4 * . . . . 102
U.S.nw 4s con . . . No. Paclllo
U.S. 4rcir No. Paclno Hs. . . , uo
U.S.18.00111) No. Pacltlc 4 . , . . . . . .
U.S. MB. raj ! l.-i N. Y.C. A St. L.4H..KH
U.S. ? 1101 ( N. AW. Us 117
U. 3. 5a. com. 111 . N. W. Consols 13M
District : l.OJ.s 113 N. W. Dob. 3i 1111 HH A 1IIU Ore. Nav.lnti US' '
Ala..class II ,101) , Ore. Nav. 4a . . . . IT.
Ala. , il.isi > } no O. a l , . ( is. t. r. 124
Alii.Curreney. . . O. S. L. 3s. t. r 10'J
Atchlnon4a O. IniD. tats. t. r. . . . Ill )
AtchiHOnii'il. 4n. . . il)7M ! ) O. Imp. us. t. r .ill
C. AN. P. t.r. us. ' Pacific Gs of'1)5. . .10.1
O.A O. Ss 'nil HH.liltn ? ! 83 !
C.1I.AD. 4 1 . . ,104 < i B.G.Weatlsti H' "
D..VH. n. IHII. . . ,105 St. ! > & ! . M. Oon..1 IIi i
D..VR. ( } . < . . . . . . . St. L.&S. V.Oan.O.
. lllli St. P. Consols
* , eOon. 4s SUP.C.JkP. l ts. . .
* ' . W. &D. 1 . t. r. SUP. C. 4 P. Us
' ' .10. Southern Kv. 5s. . . .
G.H ; S.A.J V' . . S. H. 4.T. Us 03
n.H. AH. A. - ' ( ! . . . ton Tc'itn.newRetHi. . . na
II.iT.Cont.5s ,110 , Tex. Pac. L. G. Ism
H.T.O.eon Ua. . ,105 Tex. Pne. Kf. ld ! . .
Iowa C. Isli Bl ) O.-P. D.&Q. Intl. . R7M . , . .Wnb , lutu.1. , 100U
L..VN. Unl 4 > ' ' ' " "
Missouri tl 10 ! ) Weafshorfli'i' . ! 11)8 )
M. K. AT. Ud * . . . . Vn. ConturlAs. . . . . . . 6BM
M. K. AT.4 . . .r. Virile rnired. . . . . . . . 5
N. Y. C. ISM rJrrton I'.icittc pfd. . SUM
N.J. U. 6a Unoiil > acllto4 . . . U3M
N. C. H . - Tf
Boston Stock Quotations.
BOSTON , May 12r7al ) loans , 3U4 per
cent ; time loans. 5Q-6 'per cent. Closing
prices for stocka , bo.nds and mining slmren :
A.T.A4. P. . . . . . . . I'Jh W * . Cuii
Atuerioan Surar. . 13'i. . hlson pfd. . nm
Ain.aiimr om. . ; . jrjf" itpn t , 01
BBY 3Ut , . . . ) M i. i , . . , ma
ell relepncn * . , . ! 0'J" . Elee. pfd 02
Boston A Alt > nr. 2W" , hlKOn 4s. DO
HoitonAMam * . . . 10 < yo rUn. Slee. 6 100
C..B.AQ 09I ' AUouez Ulnlnr OJ 2H
Pltchourr - - Mtlantlo 27
Uo ton i Monun l 108W
Illinois Stool. . . . . DuttoA Boitca. . . . 2K
Mexican Central. . CnUimelfc HeoU. . 840
N. Y. * N. B 93" . Centennial 1
Ola Colony. 188'
O.S.J. , 3ft rj Occeota 45M
llunoeri CUlnoy 113W
Union Paoltia ( TanianuMt 157
WestBna nj * Wolrnrlnes 31
West Bad DM 1021J Parrotl. ' * > o
W. Kloa. , Old Dominion. . . . . . 27 W
W. Elec.Dfd
San Fran < * lnco Mining Onotntlons.
SAN FRANCISCO : May 12. OfTlclal clos
ing quotations on mining stocks today were
as follows :
Alia „ . . . „ . ' ' ! ! . . 21
AlDlmCoa Halo ittiorcroa'-t. . 81
Atiaes oo Jiiatlco H
Belcher o Mexican , 9
Bent A Beloher. . . . 21) Occidental Con. . . . 00
Bullion to Oplllr u
Caledonia Overman 3
Chnllcmro Con io Potosl 22
Uhollur. Sivago 13
Conndcncn. 4:1 : Sierra Nevada 00
Con.Oal. .V V.v. . , bll Union Con 11
Con. IinpnrUl. . . 1 Utah Con. . . , 0
Con. New Yorit. . . 1 Yullow Jacket. . . . 24
Crown Poinu. . . . . inl Standard ICO
Exchequer , l
Silver bars , 665-Sc : Mexican dollars ,
4Gc ; drafts , Blfilil , 7Hc ; telegraph , lOc.
> -\v York Mlnliiir Qnolntlonn ,
NR\V YORK. May 12.-The following are
the closing mining quotations :
Chollnr. .7. 2ti Out mo . von
Crown I'olut 10 nnnir. . 40
CPII.UIII..Y v.i. . . . no Plymoutti . B
Deudwoou 73 Quicksilver . 100
Gould & Curry ' . ' 0 Oulcksilvar DM. . . 20 1)
HalcANorcroii. . 8.1
UomentaKo 401)0 ) SnnU.-iri 150
lion Silver 45 Union Con 150fi
Mexican 0 Yullow Jacket . 20
London Slock ( luixatioiis.
LONDON , May 12. I p. m.-Closlns :
Consols , in'jr. . 110 13-1(1 ( N Y. . . . . .r ,
Consols , acct 111MI Pennsylvania DDK
Can. Pikclnc HcJH lluadln ; ! > >
Krle Mcx. On. naw 4a. . O.'m
Krle Ibt pfd : 3'ltn AlclilBon 1IIH
111. 1U7K L. AN BliK
Mf.\icunonnnarv. Grand Trunk dH
Hi.panl common. . .
Ux-Ulv. .
BAR SILVER Steady ; 287-lCd per ounce.
MONEY-3 3W per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills and thrco months' bills , 3 %
i > er ceur. ,
Flnniiclul Noten.
OMAHA , Iny 12. The clearings for the
day were > 1,171SM.72 : balances. J1U5.512.C1.
The clearlnss for 1897 Were $721,569.04 , anil
the balances , $140,470.17. Increase In clear
ings. f447.294.U3.
CHICAGO , May 12. Clearings , J12.SS0.100 ;
balances , $2,388.200. New York exchange 15o
discount ; sterling posted , $4.82fi4.t > 5V4 ; ac
tual , J4.81Ufl4.S4 ; posted , t4.S2fH.S5 > ; actual ,
J4.8m 4.S4Vt ; sixty days. J4.8(3- ( > i/4.83'A. (
Stocks ruled lower on realizing ; Biscuit.
271-8 : Biscuit preferred , SS1-S ; Diamond
Match , US ; North Chicago , 193V > ; West Clil-
cueo. Ui ; > i.
NKW YORK , May. 12.-Bank clearings ,
J1TJ,4SS,1W : balances , $7.099,031.
BOSTON. May 12.-liank clearings , $14-
503.2M ; balances , $1,653,821.
CINCINNATI , May J2. Money , 3' 06 per
cent. New York .exchnnno par to 25c
premium. Clearings ; ,41,914,450.
ST. LOUIS. Muy llCleurlngs , $5,400,945
balances , $ GGi,900. loney , &f)8 ) per cent.
New York exchange , 23o premium bid , DOe
premium tuUtd. "
NKW ORLKANS. Stay IS.-Clearlngs , Jl-
050,723. New York exchange , bank $1 per
$1.000 premium ; commercial , 23o per $1,000.
PHILADELPHIA. May 12-Bank clear-
Ings. $11.205.505 : b.iltuit > cs. $1.543,177.
BALTIMOIIE , Mai12. . Bank clearings
$3.147.131 ; balances , feo.blS. '
MEMPHIS , May 12.-ClearIngs , $231,527
bitlunccs , JC9.170. New York exchange , $1.50
Cank of France Ntnlemciit. .
PARIS , May 12.-.Tlfa weekly statement
of the Bank of Franco : shows the following
changes an compared with the previous ac
count : Notes In circulation , dccrcaBo 47 ,
725,000 fruncu ; treasury accounts current
Increase. 41.l50.OCiO frnncn : gold In hand , In
crease , 1,700.000 franca : bills discounted , in
crcaso , 14.200,000 francs ; sliver In band , In
creaae , 2,205,000 franc * .
Prices on Everything Tnko a Bnddon and
Extensive Shoot Upward ,
Tunic OIICIIH II ) CrnlH llllifr nnd
CliiRcn nt tlic Top , Sl > in O Ontn
Aboti * AVrdncmlnr'n Clone
Cntlle Unln a Dime.
SOUTH OMAHA , May 12-Rccelpts for
the days indicated were :
Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. Il'r's.
May 12 910 ,7oJ 1.6TJ 1
May 11 4,309 6,935 4,516 52
May 10 4.797 8.SSH Sl > 40
May 9. , , 2,001 3.G74 10.SSS 33
May 7 l.SGG 9,217 2,574
May 6 2,902 7,551 4,993 3
May G 783 4,3S 1.479
May 4 3,112 7,941 32 7
May 3. . . , 4Rit > S,2oG l.S-'W
May 2 2.9SS 2,3)9 7,133 24 SO ( . . . . 1,592 6,900 1,323 61
April 29. . . . ' 2,093 6Sf 6.S1.1
April 2S 1.6SS 8,759 8,605
April 27 2,972 7.S40 4.3S2 9
April 2(1 ( 3.11S 8,053 3,900 75
April 25 1.SOI 4,257 3.33G U
April 23 1,375 8.257 7,170 . . . .
April 22 . -2.3M G.617 1,318 1
April 21 1,011 8.075 7,401 8
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. I . ny 1
O. & St. U ny 1
Missouri 1'aclllc ny 2
Union 1'aclllc Sjstem. . . 9 25
F. . K. & M. V. K. n. . . . 4 24
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ily. . 6 4
B. & M. n. n. n is si
C. , II. & Q. Ily 2 3
t1. , II. I. & 1' . Hy. , cast. . 1
c. , n. i. & r. ny. , west. 2 i
Totals S9 95 6
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha I'acklng Co 9fi 1 . . . .
O. H. Hammond Co. . . . 313 2,33(1 ( 579
Swift nnd Company . . . . 23(3 ( 1,19' ' ) l'Ji2
Cud.ihy Packing Co 95 1,5.12 44i
I' . V. Armour , Chicago 1,271 1.29J
\V. I. Stephens 2. ) . . . .
Huston .t Co 30
Krebbs & Co 51 . . . .
Livingston & Sclmlcr . 4 . . . .
Swift , from country . . . 42 . . . . 600
I'lniiklnton P. Co. , Mil 314
Other buyers S2
Totals 1,011 0,664 4,771
O ION K HAL All told there were 139 loads
of stock In the yards today , which Is n
considerable falling off as compared with
yesterday and with the usual amount here
on n Thursday. Yesterday there were 307
cars , ono week ago , 98 cars ; two weeks ago ,
221 cars ; three weeks ago , 214 cars ; four
weeks ago , 170 cars , und live weeks ago 20J
CATTLE Receipts were light , only 39
cars , 910 head , received. The market
showed considerable strength In beef
cattle over that of yesterday , anil price *
s u rule were 6ifluc higher , and trade
easonnbly active at the advance. The
utility of the beef steers offered wan rather
omnion , no really good fat steers on sale.
The supply of butchers' stock was rather
mlted , demand only fair and market
tcudy to strong , according to quality of
ho offerings. Veal calves are In good de-
uuid nnd odds and ends of all kinds sold
ullv steady.
The market on stock cattle ruled steady
vlth only a moderate number on sale. Hep-
csentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . SOOJ3BO 1. . 770 $3 60 12..10S7 $3 75
1. . 820 3 S5 1. . 510 390 21..1017 400
1. . GJO 400 1..1170 400 21. .1223 400
. ' . .1259 405 it. . 887 405 17. . 751 410
2..1015 4 10 20. . 948 4 10 1..1140 4 10
2..10S5 4 10 20..1390 4 15 20..1410 4 13
G..1151 415 20. . 9C5 415 2..1103 ! 420
1. . SOU 4 20 13..11C7 4 20 11..119 $ 4 20
1..1533 425 1..I490 425 2S..12.1G 425
4. . 8W 4 30 20..1177 4 30 5. . 804 4 30
9..1251 4 30 21..1162 4 30 32..1243 4 35
2..1269 35 1..1440 4 40 2..12SO 4 45
4..1397 4 45 9..1297 4 45
2. . 9S5 250 1. . 910 250 . 2. . 920 275
1. . 9SO 300 3..103G 305 3. . 950 310
lv.1170 8W" l.f 50 310 1..1150 310
1. . 900' 3 Iff 2. . 750 3 15 4. . 907 3 15
1..1IOO 3 15 11. . 879 3 15 1. . 910 3 15
1. , 870 315 1..1040,3 25 2..119D 335
1..1020 335 3. . 896 340 1..1140 340
1..1150 350 1..1250 350 1. . 910 335
1..1140 350 1..1070 350 1..H90 345
2..IKS 360 2..1100 SCO 1..1650 345
1..1U40 3 65 2..10JO 370 3..12G3 370
1..1220 375 2..1103 375 1. . 870 375
1..1130 375 1..133ff 375 1..1300 373
3..11SO 4 00
1. . 590 325. 1.-440 3 50 9. . BOfl 390
2. . 91S 390 3. . 558 400 20. . 658 410
1..1070 410 B. . , 858' 4 10 29..1056 420
24.104 4 20
1..1140 280 1. . 970 290 1. . 970 300
1..1240 325 1..1710 323 1..1370 335
1..1340 335 2. . 897 340 1..1250 340
1..1650 3 40 1..1410 350
1. . 640 340 17..1155 375 3. . 976 400
2. . 955 400 6..1140 400 5. . 944 410
1. . 920 415 16. . 910 425 C. . 918 425
15. . 710 4 30 1. . 950 4 30 15. . 784 4 30
9. . 88S 4 30 1. . 900 4 30
4..1332 350
IIOQS Thers were 95 cars of hogs In the
yards today , which Is only a fair run for
a Thursday. Yesterday there were 93 cars ,
ono week ago , 61 cars , and two weeks ngo
120 cars.
The market today was the wildest seen
liere in a long time and as a result prices
were more or less uneven , some very good
Hogs gelling along ; the bottom figures and
on the other hand some common stuff sell-
Inc extremely high.
The market opened very early nt prices
anywhere from lXyf20c ( higher , and rapidly
strengthened and closed at the top point
at prices 20JTSOc ( higher than yestreday.
Best heavy hogs sold as high as J4.30 ,
while others sold anywhere from i4.15ff4.25 ,
the general bulk selling around $1.20 , nnd
low point at $105. Yesterday's top sold at
$4.00 nnd practically everything at f3.WH
4.00 , and averaged $3.97. Today's average of
sales was $4 IS 5-8 , or 21 5-So higher than
SHEEP Fresh receipts amounted to 1,572
head , although there were several load a of
Colorado lambs in the yards that arrived
lute yesterday. The Inquiry continues full
and values on all deslrablo mutton tirades
were llrm today.
But tow at tne western lambs were of.
fercd on this market. RepreHentatlvo sales ;
No. AVt. Pr.
li culli n $300
307 western ewe * . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . SB 4 00
12S western Iambi . . , , . , . . . , , , . . . , . , M 4 M
123 western Inmbs , , , , . . . , . , . N > 4 W >
n.1 Mexican ewes < < I M
4.11 Mexican lamlui . . . . . . . . . , . . . * . . . . 4 M
M& Colorado lamb * . . . . . .SI 490
793 Colorado mixed Inmln 7S 500
12J Colorado mixed lambx . . . . . .S3 6 W
Cattle Arc til Good Drinnnil nnil
J'eller 1'rlrrn.
CIIIOAOO. May 12.-Cnttle were In RooJ
demand today , lieslrnlilo stocU sold felloe
hlKhcr. Native steers old ixt W90U5.25 ,
tnnlnly nt $4.3J44.75 : stocktTH nnd focdcra ,
$3.90ni.S3 ; cows and helfern , $2.7&y4.M ;
calvoi , $ I.OOHC.50.
Trade In hoRs was active nnd prices
boomed on the recent ndvnnco In nnlnheu
producti. Quotntlonn today showed 15ti25o
ndvaiicr. Snlos were $4.10H4.55c , chlclly at
JI.2MJ4.43. I'lRS Hold nt $3.50ii.20 : choice
heavies nnd medium weights showed the
best advance , prime lots bringing $4.40 ,
HL'Mnat $4.15 yvsterduy ,
Trndo In < heepVH fairly nctlvo. Prices
weie n trllle easier. Sheep sold nt $3.2T > 1f
4.25. mostly at $4.00K4.2S. Clipped lamba
bruURht H.5Xii4.75 ( ; n-ooled , $ o.OOltG.Z5 ; HprlUK
Inmbt. $7.25.
RKCRll'TS-Onttle. 7.00 head ; hogs , W.OOO
head ; sheep , 16.UOO head.
St. I.nnU UT I Stork.
ST. LOUIS , May 12.-CATTI.K-Rccelpts ,
1,700 hend. Including 300 hond Texiuis ; Hhlp-
inent.t , SOO head ; mnrket nlow and steady ;
fnlr to fancy natives. .ahlnpInK and export
steers. $4.50ti5.25 ; bulk ot sales , $4.05115.00 ;
dressed beef and butcher steers , $3.W/if4.H ! ) |
bulk of sales. $4.35ft 1.75 ; steers under 1,000
Ibs. , $3.75)M.SO ; bulk of sales , $1.15 4.40 ;
stockers nnd feeders. $3.505'4.75 ; bulk of
sales , $3.70514.55 ; cows nnd heifers , $2.lOyi
4.75 ; bulk of cows. $2.751i3.S5 ; Texas and In
dian steers , $3.70jf4.55 ; bulk of sales , 44.15 ®
4.40 ; cows and heifers. $2.75QJ.50.
HOaS Receipts , D.300 head ; shipments ,
2,900 head ; market hlRher , 20c ; yorkers ,
$4.00f4.15 ; packers , $4.00i4.20 ? ; butchers , $1.20
SHKEP-Recelpts , 1,100 head ; shipments ,
1,000 hend ; market steady ; native muttons ,
$ I.WS4.75 ( ; spring lambs , $5.00$6.00.
KIIIIHIIH Clly l.lrp Sloclc.
celpts , 5,000 head ; market ncU\n ; steady
to u shade higher. No choice entile re
ceived. Sales mainly natives , imllt selling
nt $ l.40fl .60 ; Rood heavy. $ l.fi01 4.70 : llRht.
4.201f4.55 ; western steers , $4.00i/4.55 / ; Tcxnns ,
$1.90fi4.30 ; native cows , J3.00U4.00 ; native
heifers , $3.&Ofc4.CO ; btockera and feeders ,
$4.001(563. (
HOGS Receipts , 16,500 head ; market
opened fifilPc hlglior , and closed SSifloc
hluher ; M\les uneven ; hc.\vles , $4.30ii4.50 ;
mfxed. $4.10Jfl.35 ; llKhts , $ T93'N. ( 3 ; pips ,
$3.15ff3.90j yorkers , $4.151(4.20 ; packers , $1.10
' 1.30. .
SHKKP Receipts , 2.000 head ; market
ctlve , strong. Colorado wool lambs , $5.10
[ 5.25 ; clipped lambs. $4.403'4.ia ; natlvo wool
nmbs. $4.s.W5.00 ; clipped , $4.40i4.50 | ; mut-
ons , J4.15Q4.50.
\rir York < ; Stock.
NRW YORK , May i nUlCN'ES-Re-
clpts , 11.311 head ; seven earn on sale ; no
radlng : feellim weak ; cables quote li e
, -attlo nt lOfilli- , dressed weight ; sheep , 9V *
ffltH4c , dressed weight ; j > > frlgcrator beef ,
> i iDc per pound ; shipments , S35 head cat-
le , 2.0S4 quarters of beef. Tomorrow , none.
CALVES Receipt ! * , 350 head ; HI hend oil
ale. : veals , $4.50 ( 5.75.
SII13KP AND L.AMHS Receipts , 3.2S7
.end ; on sale , six cars : sheep , llrm ; lambs ,
, veak and slow : spring lambs , steady ;
lipped sheep , $3.75 4.15 ; few unshorn ,
M.62V4 : clipped lambs , $3.00Q'5.33 ; spring
ambM , $ r.2 > 'i7.00.
HOGS Receipts , 2,011 head ; on sale , 29
cad ; market flrm at $4.25y4.60.
Knot Hudulo l.lvc Stock.
RAST HU1--PAI.O , N. Y. , May 12.-HOOS
Yorkcri , good to choice , $ l.r.0f4.40 ) ; com-
non to choice , $4.00TM.15. Pigs , fair to
holce. $4.00114.15.
LAMRS Choice to extra , $ l.80'ffl.95 ' ; culls
nd common , $4.0ftf4.40.
SHKKP Choice to selected wethers , $1.10
94.20 ; culls to common , $3.23J3.50.
Cincinnati Mvr Stork.
CINCINNATI , May 12. HOGS Active ;
CATTI-E Steady ; $2.75174.73.
SII13BP Steadv. $2.731 < 4.CO.
LiAMUS Steady ; $3.75Ti4.7B.
Slopk in SftfM
Record of receli > t3 of live stock at the
our principal markets for May 12 :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha 910 6,701 1.57Z
Chicago 7,500 26,000 16,000
Kansas City , 5,000 . ,16,500 2,000'
St. Louts . ' . . . 'l.'OO 9,300 1,200
Totals 1M10 58,503 20,772
There ! n Steady nnil' Active Market
for Knturrn.
NEW YORK , May 12. Thcro was a
steady and moderately active market for
cotton futures today. The'first cnll devel
oped an advance of 1@3 points. There was
further advance of 2@3 point * cwlth the
market finally steady at a net gain ot 1@3
points. Total sales futures , WOO" bales.
The average of today's developments indi
cated u better feeling nt Liverpool , as well
as In this country , the basis-of wnlch was
the continued unfaborable character of the
crop news , public nnd private. Spot steady ;
middling. 6 3-Sc ; net receipts , 475 bales ;
gross , 1,69 > bales ; to Great Britain , 600
bales ; to the continent , 64) .bales ; for
warded , 10S bales ; sales , 3S2 boles ; spinners ,
82 bales ; stock , 179,412 bales. Total today :
Net receipts , 2.443 bales ; Qrent Britain , 8-
019 bales ; continent , 1.S75 bales ; stock , 592-
880 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts , 27,938
bales : Great Britain , 3J.S32 balesj France ,
1.156 bales ; continent , 15,782 bales. Since
September lNet : receipts , 8,258,751 bales ;
Great Britain , 3,204,653 bales ; France , 764-
683 bales : continent. 2,278.591 bales.
turCs. quiet ; sales , 9,100 bales ; May , $5.82
bid ; June , $5.SHj3.S2 ; July , . S5.91fii5.92 ; August ,
$5.92 5.93 ; September , $5.9lfi5,1 { 3 ; .October ,
$5.93@5.94 ; November , $3.9305.97 ; December ,
$5.99fr6.01 : January. $6.03 < ff6.04 ; spot , steady ;
sales , 4,600 bales ; ordinary , " 4c ; good ordi
nary , 4 7-8c ; low middling , 6Hc ; middling ,
C ll-16c : good middling. QJL-16c ; middling
fair. 6 7-16c ; receipts , 48i bales ; stock , 218-
6)7 bales.
demand llrm ; prices hardening. The sales
of the day were 12.090 bales , of which 1,000
were for speculation and export und In
cluded 11,300 American ; receipts , 6,000 bales.
Including 1,800 American. Futures opened
quiet with a moderate demand nnd closed
steady ; American middling , L. M. C. , May ,
3 : n-64d ; May and June. 3 3-V64O3 34-fi4d ,
sellers ; Juno nnd July , 3 3-64d , buyers ; July
and August. 3 : ! 3-C4i3 31-Cld. buyrs ; August
nnd September , 3 33-64'i3 ! 34-Mil , buyers ;
September und October , 3 3-6ld ! , value ; No
vember , 3 32-64ip3 33-Cld. seller : November
and December , 3 01-6403 32-G4d. buyers ; De
cember and January , 3 31-61 3 32-6ld , buy
ers ; January and February , 33l-i4ii3 ! 32-Ud ( ,
buyers ; February and March , 3 32-Ckl , buy-
BOSTON , May 12. The following are the
quotations for leading descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces , X nnd
above , 2Cc ; XX nnd XX above and dolalno
No. 1 and No. 2 combing. 23f30c. ? Michigan ,
Wisconsin , etc. : X Michigan. 22ft23c : No.
2 Michigan nnd Illinois combing , 27i7''Sc ;
X New York , New Hampshire and Ver
mont , 22'Ti2c : : dclalno Michigan. 2Sc ; un
washed medium Kentucky nnd IndJana
quarter blond combing nd throe-eighths
blood combing , 22723c ( ! ; Missouri quarter
blood- combing , 22ff23o : brnld combing , 20c ;
lake and Georgia , 10i20c. Texas wools :
Spring medium (12 ( months ) , IfifilKp ; scoured ,
40iT42c ; spring line (12 ( months ) . K/frlSo ;
scoured , 43R45c. Territory wools : Montana
tine medium nnd flno. 15Jil6c ; scoured , 43c ;
staple , 4Se ; Utah , Wyoming etc. , fine me
dium and fine. H'filScj scoured , 41ft45c :
staple , 4Sc. Australian wools ; Scoured
basis , combing supcrllnc , 70fi72c ; combing ,
good , 65fG5e ? ; combing , average , C2Q65c ;
Queensland combing , C5e.
LONDON. May 12. The attendance at the
wool auction sales today was good. The
selection offered Included n line show ol
Geelong , Taomanla nnd New South AVales ,
There was all around competition for these
grades. Flno Capo of Good Hnpo nnd Natal
stock sold well , and medium ruled strong.
The offerings numbered 1,660 bales and
withdrawals were heavy. American repre
sentatives made a fe.w purchases today ,
Following nro the sales In detail : Now
South Wales. 112 bales ; scoured. SfilsGd ;
greasy. &Vias < , td. Queensland , IiOO baloai
scoured , 10'.4d5Jls4'Xjd ; greasy , Gfi9V4d. vic
toria , 1.900 bales ; scoured , 10'X.dflls 2d ;
greasy. 4'4dfls. Tasmania. 1,7'W ' bales ;
scoured , 7 dffils ; greasy , "dfjlalil. Nnv
Xeolnnd , 1.300 bales ; sc/mred , 6iWla5il
greasy , SUjflOd. Capo of Good Hope am
Natal , l.OM bales ; scoured , GU'lQls " \ t\
Bieasy , 5 > idi31s3d.
Sucnr Mnrkrt * .
ket strong ; open kettle. 2JJMc ; centrifugal
granulated. 4 7-8e ; whites , 4 ll-16fl4Uc : ; yel >
lows , 4 3-16ft4 2-8f ; seconds , 2iT/3 7-Sc. Mo
lasses , dull ; centrifugal , 6fil3c.
NKW YORK , May 12.-SUOAR-Row
strong ; held higher : fair refining , 3 5-Sc
centrifugal , 9 < > test , 4 3-lGr ; refined , strong
mold A , 5 6-Re ; standard A , 5Uc ; confer
tloners * A , 5Vic : cut loaf , 5 7-8c : crushed
5 7-Sc ; powdered. 5 5-Sc ; granulated , 5 3-8c
cubes , & 7-8c.
Oil 3lnrkrlT.
OIL CITT. Jlay 12-Credlt balances , S2
certificates opened nt 81'.4 bid for rredl
balance * ; highest , 32Hi closed sales at 81
tfttftt Mien , 9,000 bbl , reuulnr nt SJUc ! S.OM
bbls. cash nt Me , 3.IXX ) bbls , cash at R2 iC !
shlpmentn. 110,231 bbls. ; runs , 93,096 bbls.
Turnonllne , llrm ut 2Cc. Rosin , quiet nnd
SAVANNAH , Un. , Mny 12. Otl.ff- Spirit !
of turpentine , flrm nt 2'c bid. Rosin , linn
nnd tinchnngixl.
WILMtNUT ( . > N. N. C , May IS.-OILH
Spirits turprntlnillrm nt 2ii < vH27c , Uosln ,
llrm nt PJcii < $ l.W. crude turpentine , nrm at
$1.25 , $ l.SUHl.9J. Tnr , llrm nt $110.
LONDON. May 12. The market for Amer
ican securities moved but llttln all nay ,
owing to the Inactivity of operators. The
closing ; was steady nnd the demand gen
erally light. Amount of bullion taken into
the Rank of Kngland on balanro today ,
JCir ow. Gold U quoted at liuenoj Ayres at
16S.SO. Spanish 4s closed nt 34 , a net loss
of 7-8. The llrmness of silver today was
duo to the report that n French ngnncy has
placed large orders In disguise for Hpanlsh
account. Silver advanced 6-16 today. The
closing price yesterday wns 26 1-S.
PARIS , May 12. Business on the bourse
today was irregular. Italian securities
made n good recovery. Spanish 4s fluctu
ated considerable nnd closed ut the lowest
prices. Delleers nnd gold mine shares ro *
ncted on the prediction that President
Kniger's approaching speech will no un
favorable to the mining Interests. Three
per crnt rente * , lC2f S3o for the account ,
Kxchancc on London , 25f 33o for checks.
Spanish 4s closed at 31 1-10 , 1 1-1C lowci
than yesterday's closing quotation.
BERLIN , May 12. International securi
ties and Americans were llrm on the lUnirsi
today In response to the tone of the west-
crn bourses. Italian securities are Improv
FRANKFORT , May 12. Prices were llrm
on the boursii today , nnd buslnesi win
quiet. American securities were higher.
York Dry < li > ort >
NR\V YORK , May 12. There Is m > nen
feature In the dry goods market. The gov-
eminent , bids and the prospective nwardi
for war supplies attract attention In nmnj '
quarters. The print cloth market Is mill
the. subject of much earnest thought It
many quarters and so the legitimate pushIng -
Ing of trade has had to suftcr. Staple cot
tons are quirt. Sales of brown Roods for
export purposes have boon rather heavy.
Coarse colored cottons are llrm , being well
sold up In Homo lines. Print cloths nro
llrm at 1 7-Sc nominal bldi , a largo amount
being refused at that figure.
( -itllfiiriiln. Dried KrullN.
ORIKD FRUITS Applet strong , other
fruits steady. Kvnpornted apples , common ,
tXilSVfee ; prime wire tray. 9c ; wood dried ,
prime , iiQSbu : choice. UyO'fcc ; fancy , 9H1C
lOc. Prunes , 4tiS'4c. Apricots , royal , S ilOc ;
Moor park , 10'nlZc. Peaches , unpeelcd , & 'J
Sc ; peeled , 10fl4c.
Sena The Weekly Uee to eastern friends ;
during the exposition ; vlx months for 35.
cents. IJcKl" with the Exposition number ,
this week. '
LINCOLN , May 3.-C. 13. Kldred of Red
Willow county admitted to practice.
Karr iiKalnst Wood aivl Lincoln Surply
Company against School Disulft of Lin
coln alllrmed. Norfolk lieet Susar Com
pany against Hlght , leave to Illo luieis In-
stanter ; drover agnlnstVnlUup. . lea\e to
withdraw motion : Marshall against doblc ,
leave to appellant to tii.i lirii'M tn lniltcr ;
Carson ngnlnst Huckilatf , leave to defeiul-
ant to relllo briefs ; IrltlUh against Sally ,
appellant to servo and llle tvieu In twenty
days or appeal dlsmlsi' < l North western
Mutual I.Ifo Insunnuo i"ommiy ; : against
llurr , l'\ir \ cases , onnn/llilnlul tw licr slip-
illation * Clark agu'iHt IirKer : , ! e.iv > ! u >
plnlntlfi lo Illo briefs A :
l.uldi nnd Hnrliidi nsfilnsi. Reuse. , ii ji.-l-
hints servo and llle brlef.M In twenty days ;
or appeals dismissed ; Augho ngnlnst War-
brltton , dismissed unless plaintiff nerves
und llles brief In twenty days ; Millet
against Oarlock , dismissed unless nppel-
lants serve and llle briefs In twenty days ;
Ogden iiKalnst Roseiithal , motion to attach
original exhibits overruled , leave to defend
ant to Illo briefs ; Slate ex rel , Savngo
against Letton , leave to amend petition ,
leave to rcsiondent | to llle general demur
rer : Johnson against State , leave to de
fendant to withdraw suggestion of diminu
tion ; T. V. L. Land and Cattle Company
against Hcnedlct , Wisely against Wild ,
Omaha Savings Hank against McCarthy ,
Shetllcld City Company against Rullln ,
Scoutt against Walt and Lackey against
State , atllrmed ; llroatch against Moores ,
leave to respondents to amend answer ;
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Company
against Glisters , appellants nevon day * and
appellees seven days thereafter to serve and
llle briefs ; Ailing against Fisher , leave to
llle briefs tnstantcr ; Wallace against Shel
don , dismissed unless security for costs
given In thirty days ; Parmelo ngnlnst
Schroder , conditional order of rcvlvor ;
Kruse against Norfolk Beet Sugar Com-
pnny , dismissed ; McClavo against McClave ,
motion to dismiss overruled ; Rice against
Curtis , motion to substitute Thomas H.
McCaguo ns appellant sustained ; McDonald
against Farwell , conditional order of re-
\lvor ; Anheuner Uusch Brewing Association
against Hler , advanced.
May 4 H. H. Mauck , Esq. , of Nuckoll *
county admitted to practice.
State against Bank of Commerce , motion
to advance overruled : Cow against Thomp
son. Green against Morse , Provident Ufa
nnd Trust Company against Kingston. Me-
Connughy against McCnrt nnd President
and Directors Insurance Company of North
America against Buckstnff , aHlrmcJ ; Swain
against Savage , advanced ; Interstate Sav
ings and Loan Association against Atllger ,
motion to reconsider motion for rehearing ,
overruled ; Uurr against Reams , nfllrmcd.
May B-Flr t National Bank agalnat
GroBBhnns ( two cases ) , reversed ; motions
for rehearing denied In the following
.causes : Kayers against Nuson , McAllister
against Reymer , Kllpatrlck against British
American Insurance Company , Chicago.
Rock Island & Pacific against Cowles , Bell
against Walker , Oliver Dltson Society
against Kitchen ( three cases ) , Hall against
State ex rel. Renard ; appeal or error pro
ceedings dismissed In following causes : Car
ter against Lclghton , Cardwol 1 against
Hyer. Nebraska & C. R. Company against
Rarkhurst , Simmons against Dunn , Rut
land Savings Bank against Bydalek , Hafer
against Weber ; writ allowed In in ro John
Ponton , returnable May 17.
Court adjourned till Mny 17 , when the fol
lowing cares will be called : Moore against
Tllton. Buffalo ; Nye against Rogers , Buf
falo ; Sylvester against Carpenter Paper
Company , Douglas : King agiilnst Water
man , Douglas ; Crum against Stanley , Doug
las ; Kendall against dnrneiiu , Dnugliis ;
Selby against Muliln , Douglas : Ferrla
against Ferris , Buffalo ; Uolco against Pal
mer , Sarpy ; Wehn against Fall , Hamilton ;
Van Bant against Francisco. Douglas ;
RoHenlleld against liee Publishing Com
pany , Douglas ; Klngsports against Hloan ,
Douglim ; Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
Company against Mockutt , Umcaster : Alls-
man against Richmond , Sallno ; I'axton
against Learn , Douglas ; First National
Bunk , Omaha , against First National Hank.
Mollnc , Douglas ; Hake against Woolner ,
Oloe ; Norfolk Beet Sugar Company ng.ilnst
Burnett , MiulHion : Norfolk Beet Sugar
Company against Preuner , Madison ; Omaha
I .aw Library Association against Cornell ,
Douglas ; Omaha Law Library Association
against Hunt , Douglas ; Omaha Law LI-
btury Association against Webster. Doug ,
las ; Roggow against Flanders , Buffalo ;
Rettcrlun against Texas Land and Cattle
Company , Douglas : Home First Insurance
Company against Decker , Sallno ; Homo
Fire Insurance Company against Bernstein ,
Yc-ik ; Fall banks against Davis & Cowglll ,
Douglas ; Perkins Windmill nnd Ax Com
pany against Tlllman , Lancaster ; Cull
Publishing Company against Kdson , Lan-
rngter ; Oupcn against Bourgeois , Douglas ;
McVey against State. Douglas ; Argabrlght
against State. Nemarm ; Omaha Life Asso
ciation against Kcttt-nbach , Douglas ; Pow
ell against Frahm , Adams ; McFarland
against West Sldo Imorovcment Associa
tion , Lancaster ; Life Insurance Clearing
Company ngnlnst Altschuler , Adams ; Hart
ley against State , Douglas : State ex rel ,
Smyth ngnlnst Moores , Quo Wnrranto ; Lat-
liner against Slate , Btanton ; First National
Ponk against Farmers' and Merchants'
Bank , Plntte ; Swnln against Savage , Gaga ;
State ex rel. Rosewater against Holcomb ,
The attention of attorneys Is called to the
fact that hereafter application for leave to
lllo briefs must bo by motion upon notice as
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sidered must bo fllcil at least two days be
fore It Is to be heard.
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