Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    II nrtr
Carrie * Large Supplies of Ammnnition t
Admiral Dowey.
Cltr of Pekln with Further Suppllc
nit IlclnrorcemvatM Will Prob
ably Overhaul th
( 'rulncr.
WASHINGTON , May 11. The Navy do
partmcnt has decided to have the cruise
Charleston iitnrt Immediately on Its relic
mission to Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila
The orders Issued anticipate the dcpartur
cf the Charleston from San Francisco toda ;
If It Is nosnlnlo to get the ammunition am
stores aboard and It will leave wlthou
waiting to convoy the City of 1'ekln and th
other ships loaded with supplies. The or
dcrs to the commandant of the navy ynn
at Marc Island arc to put on board th
Charleston all the ammunition It will carry
BO long as Its steaming capacity Is not re
tarded. It Is the understanding hero tha
at least 150 tons of ammunition can bo pu
on board , lly extraordinary efforts on th
part of the authorities hero nil the powder
shot and shell requisite for this relict ex
pcditlon have been assembled at San Fran
cisco already , though It was thought a
first It would toke until the 15th to get thes
supplies from various other points. Th
ammunition , Including 600 rounds o
the big projectiles for the elght-lnc !
guns of the Olympla , about liO.OOO slx-lnc
.shells and 10,000 five-Inch shells , as all c
the cruisers of Admiral Dowoy'a Heel mouu
five-Inch and six-Inch guns. There Is nla
an ample supply of the smaller sizes of she
nnd shell for the machine and rapid fir
guns. The stock of powder will bu In thrc
lots aggregating over 170,000 pounds.
Owing , to the hurried departure of th
Charleston , It la not to be expected th.i
it will wait , for any considerable number <
troopjt , as these will follow later on tli
relief ships. It has ti crow of 300 men , an
this will bo augmented by a marina guat
of 200 mcu.
MiiNt Snll Slowly.
. The Charleston Is a protected cruiser (
3,370 tons displacement , built of steel an
mounts eight guns In Its main battery. :
has twin screws and an Indicated hon
power of 7,666. The authorities hardly w
poet It to make more than thirteen knot
'with ' Its heavy stock of coal , ammunition an
supplies. Its coal bunkers arc rather lln
Ited , so that It probably will have tostc
at Honolulu to rccoal. The trip to Manll
will take about two weeks.
The City of I'ekln , to follow It , Is a vei
fast merchantman , capable of being puslu
to eighteen knots or more , so that even wll
the handicap It has of starting several da ;
ftler the Charleston , there Is a prospect tin
It may overhaul It In the race across tt
Pacific and reach Manila first. This wl
depend , however , on how soon the City <
Pekln can bo made ready for a start. Sa
urday Is the earliest date mentioned.
The Charleston Is commanded by Capta
Henry Glass. Aside from carrying ammi
nltlon and supplies to Admiral Dewey , tl
Charleston will prove n valuable adjunct
Ills squadron. It will come next to 11
'Olympla In point of size and cffcctlvenca
In determining upon this speedy departu
of the Charleston , , the authorities here ha
had ItT.thlnd . not only the need of glvli
cry | relief to'iAdwlral Dewcy , but also ha
t > en somewhat apprehensive of the-attltu
of the Philippine Insurgents. The news r
ports reaching hcroYrom the Philippines ti
idlcntlng that trie 'insurgentsV-Jforco mlg !
resort to massacre arc rccelvftilywlth. scrlo'
attention by the officials , as they recognt
that our present position in controllng Mai
lla bay imposes a certain degree of respone
blllty In seeing that civilized methods pr
vail and that the Insurrectionists do not r
ort , to lawless and Incendiary measures.
VALLEJO , Cal. , May 11. Orders wei
.received . from Washington for 'he crulsi
'Charleston ' to proceed Immediately tc Maul
"Without waiting for the transport fleet. f >
Actual date was set for the sailing of tt
Charleston , but It , will undoubtedly leai
for the Philippines before Saturday.
Captain Glass , when asked about the r
port from Washington that the Chariest *
would sail today , said that ho was expectli
'Balling ' orders , but had not yet recelvi
Th Charleston has already been load' '
\vlth ammunition and today was haul
'from the dock out into the stream. The
it Is being coaled .from , lighters. It cann
{ possibly' get away today , and probably w
not sail until Thursday evening or Frldi
mornlpg. , *
CHICAGO , May 11. A special to the Po
from Washington says :
The orders to Urn commandant of t1
navy yards at Mnro Island are to put i
board the Charleston ail the auimuultli
It will carry , so long as Its steaming c
paclty Is not retarded.
Uy extraordinary efforts on the part
HIP authorities here all the powder , sh
anil shell requisite for this relief expct
tlon has been assembled at San Francis
already , though It was thought at 'lint
YouM laUe until after the 15th to Or
thc'io wipi-IU's from various other ,
The riimiunlllon Includes 500 bi ; > rajc
tilts for the b-luch guns of the Olymit
end nV.out 'Jrt.OOO C Inch shells and 1)000
inch'lls , as all of the cruisers of Admit
Dowpy'B ileut r.inunt 5-Inch anil fi In
guns. There Is also an ample supply of t
smaller E/-M of shot and will
over lOO.CMO
PuNltloit Created During the Cli
Wnr In Ilcvlvi-il.
- WASHINGTON , May 11. Brigadier Cc
rnl John I. Roilgcrs , senior officer of t
artillery branch of the army , today was r
pointed chief of artillery of the army a
placed In charge of the heavy artillery of
tUo coast defenses. Until recently h > > \ >
In command of the Fifth artillery , station
nt Governor's Island , New York.
The olTico of chief of artillery was creal
during the civil war , but was nbollshnd
Its conclusion. It was so successful In opi
ntlon , however , during that crisis , ihat
lias been deemed advisable to re-crrato
for the present war. As sush officer G <
oral Rodgera will have Immediate supi
vision of all the land defenses along I
I'eu Will HP Keot iiuil Presented
the Admiral.
WASHINGTON. May 11. President J
Kluley has signed the resolutions passed
the senate and house extending the thai
of congress to Commodore Dcwey. At '
president's suggestion Secretary Porter ti
charge of the pen used and will keep
until Commodore Dewcy's return to t
country ; then it will bo presented to bin ;
The Omaha Bee
Map of Cuba Coupon
Present this Coupon with
JOc for
A Map of Cuba.
'A Map of the West Indies.
And a Map of the World ,
By Mall 14 cents.
til * ComlonnerN Hnrr Tint Y * Starve
unit Hie Prnhlem flcconteii
Rrrlon * .
KKY WEST. Fla. , May 11. H to said hei
that If the report that the SpAnlfth fleet bi
returned to Spain proves to bo coi'cct 11
active increment against Cuba may occi
In forty-eight hours. It Is possible till
Hear Admiral Sampson at Porto lllco nti
Commodore Watson hero may strike nlmu
tancously. If It were decided to land trooj
at Bnhla Honda , Matanzoa or any oth <
point the vessels here , together with th
ships on the blockading station , would Inn
no difficulty In covering n landing with tt
aid of the heavy armored fighting ship
The monitors , with their heavy guns , coul
stand close In and with Impunity proceed I
the demolition of the fortifications , v.h !
the gunboats and lighter vessels pour I
their shots from off shore. . Naval office ]
believe the defenses at any point excel
Havana could be reduced by the ships no
hero and on the Cuban station In "holt o
hour. There Is no definite Information i
to when the troops nt Tampa will bo en
The water problem is getting serious i
this place. Naval officers recognize It , ar
they are looking anxiously for the smol
from the stack of the big government cot
denser which is promised to supply 40,01
gallons dally per contract. The plant shou
hnvc started April 25 , but it Is not yet i
operation. The officers In charge of th
station arc skeptical of the condenser's abl
Ity to produce 20,000 gallons. Kty West
water resources am most primitive. Tl
shallow wells In town arc all more or le
brackish and under suspicion of surfai
drainage. Two companies at various tlni
have driven nrtcslan wells 1,800 and 2,3
feet deep , but they have never secure
fresh water. The town lives by cisterns ai
rain barrels nnd the later are only a shai
less In sanitary than the wells. The cl
terns , filled during the rainy season , usual
run very low by tlw close of the dry sci
son , which is now duo. This year , In ni
dltlon to the rains coming very late , tl
town has had its population doubled by tl
presence of troops , ships and war vcsac
and the army of newspaper corresponden
nnd their tugs , which vessels take water 1
the thousand gallons , not only for thin
selves , but for their boilers. Of course tl
war vessels and sonic of the hospital at
other craft have condensers , but the dra
on the town's supply is still abnormal. Tl
torpedo boats are without condensing a ]
paratus and they have been scouting f
fresh water as keenly as buccaneers aft
Spanish galllons. Every discovery of a frei
cistern Is hailed like a strike In the Kloi
dike , and every gallon of water has tlfr
purchasers , all with money and anxious
outbid each other.
In these circumstances it is not astonlsl
Ing that water has advanced from % cei
to C cents a gallon in the last month. A
who can afford It , that is to say , the new
paper correspondents nnd the officers , drlr
bottled water , but n dearth of this supp
Is approaching.
Most of the pretentious brands of bottli
water arc $1 a gallon , and "llvo" water
1C cents a pint by the 100 bottles. To mal
matters worse the drug stores let the
supply of water run out before telegrapl
ing for more , and there Is a corner on wat
between the grocery store , hotel and Cub :
The government reservoir at the nav
station , from which the engine room is su ;
piled , has less than 2,000 gallons of watc
and It Is reported among the dispatch boa
that there are less than 1,000 gallons
[ rain .water available in town , n'nd this of
very poor quality.
There In Or cat Activity Amonw Wi
OlltetiilK nt Sun FruuclNCO.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 11. The quota
California volunteers is now complete. T
two battalions were mustered into scrvl
this morning and'aro now stationed at t
Presidio and the artillery battalion we
into camp near Fort Mason. The work
supplying the soldiers with army clothl :
Is progressing as rapidly as possible , b
owing to the largo number , of men to
ouUUtii 'his work will not bq complet
tor tome da-i , but it is evident by the ru
or > le.-s rerel-.ed today from Washington th
the government Is anxious to have the m
ready for service at a moment's notice.
The order from Washington dlrectl
that the Charleston proceed to sea at on
has changed the plans regarding the d
parturo of the troops for Manila. Instead
being convoyed by the Charleston the Clef
of Peking and the Australia will procoi
unprotected by a war ship , but It Is stat
unofficially that the City of Sydney a
other transports , which are to sail lati
will be looked after by the Phlladclph
which is being prepared for service as ra
idly as possible. Tbo transports will c
at Honolulu to coal and take on fresh su
The government inspector spent much
today in going over the steamers Ohio a
Concmaugh in anticipation of their charl
by the government. , The vessels are own
by the International Steamship company
Philadelphia and negotiations for their ch :
tcr are proceeding in , the cast. Nothl
can bo learned as to the intentions of t
government , whether the vessels will
used for transporting mcu or supplies 1
the fleet at Manila.
The City of Pekln went into dry dc
this afternoon and will bo thorougl
scraped before tomorrow afternoon , when
will be ready to take supplies on at Mi
Island. The City of Sydney will bo ren
to be turned over to the government by '
morrow night .and the Australia is bel
prepared for service.
The commandant of the Mare Island ns
yard has been directed to have the stca
era China , St. Paul , Queen and Senator <
amlned , with a view of taking a record
their qualities In case the governm <
should dccldo to add these vessels to I
auxiliary fleet now on this coast.
The steamers Ohio and Connctnau
which arrived from the east a fdw days i
for the Klondike trade , have been chartoi
by the government and will carry Bold I
and stores to Manila. The Ohio can eas
bo fitted out for troops , but the Connemai
will probably be used as a store ship. B <
these vessels may be ready to go Into co
mission tomorrow.
The Australia was taken to the Un
Iron Works today and put on the dry do
A gang of carpenters are at work on
putting up bunks and fitting it up for
trip to the Philippines. It will como off
dry dock tomorrow , and the work of co
lug will begin as soon as it Is docked.
Admiral Miller raised his flag on
Monterey today. Until a cruiser arrives
port the coast defense steamer will act
the flagship.
The Unadllla , the Mare Island navy y
dispatch boat , has completed the work
placing torpedoes In the harbor of S
Iicrily AiipoliitH Volunteer Officer
TOPEKA , Kan. , May 11. Governor Lc
today appointed the following officers of
Kansas volunteers : Thomas G. Fitch , cc
ncl Second regiment ; H. C. Lindsay , '
pcka , colonel Third regiment ; Charles 1
Cruin of flarnett , lieutenant colonel Sec >
regiment ; Colonel Wllders Metcalf , L ;
rence , Junior major Third regiment ; John
Little , Columbus , quartermaster Second r
Imont. When mustered Into service F1U
regiment will b the Twenty-first and LI
say's the Twenty-second. Taylor Rid' '
chairman of the populist state commit
who has been elected a captain of one c <
pany , baa been rejected on account of h <
Entire Fighting Strength of trie Nat
Concentrated tt that Point.
London Olobc Given n Lint of th
Mqunilron United State * IVnvnl
Authorities In Uunbt * to
CorrectitcuM of Itcnorti
LONDON , May 11. The Globe publish ;
Ms afternoon a dispatch from Cadiz , date
Saturday last , which said the followln
hips , which were all ready for sea wit
ho exception of the Pelayo , were at thi
-ort - : Pclayb , Vltorla , Carlos V , Almlraul
Oqucndo , Vlzcnyn , Maria Teresa , Crlstobi
Colon , Alfonso XIII , Pluton , Proserplui
Osndo , Audaz , Furor nnd Terror ; also BC
ral torpedo boats , transports and the Xoi
manna and Columbia , formerly of the Han
burg-American line , which have been ri
named Patrlota nnd Rapldo respectively.
The Globe's correspondent added that t
relieved the sqquadron would sail on Wei
nesday ( today ) , and said a number of trooi
ivould leave for the Canary Islands on Mo
5 , while three battalions of marines wci
quartered at San Feinando , ready for en
Lieutenant Commander Col well , the nav ;
attache of the United States embassy , sa !
oday that ho was by no means convince
hat the Spanish Capo Verde squadron
really at Cadiz.
Inquiries made on board ships which ha\
recently arrived hero from the Canary Is
ands , Island of Maderla , TcnerltTc and Cll
raltar. show that , nothing has been seen t
the Spanish licet. The British steamer G :
ecia , from Spain , which left Clyde on Apr
29 , reports that only the Spanish war VPS
scls there were the auxiliary cruise :
Normanha and Columbia , two torpedo ban
and an armed yacht , possibly the QI raid
The British steamer Tctuan , which arrlvt
licro today from Gibraltar , after leaving L ;
Palmas on April 29 , Te lie rifle on April 3
and Maderla on May 2 , saw no signs of tl
Spanish fleet.
On the Stock exchange here today the n
port that the Spanish Capo Verde squadrc
had returned to Cadiz wes generally dli
credited , thougTi the opinion was freely c :
pressed that If the rumor was true It 'nd
catcd the Intention of Spain to throw up tl
sponge nnd leave the West Indus to the
fate , thus opening the way to an early tieac
This is understood to be strongly dusln
In certain quarters' , and the off-cl of tl
seeming backdown of Spain w < ts bcnefici ;
Potmlnr Opinion Will Compel Hpiil
to Cilve Ilattle.
NEW YORK , May 11. Hilary A. Hei
bert , secretary of the navy during Preside !
Cleveland's last term , was seen last nlgl
by a World correspondent In Washlngto
who asked him what , In his opinion , * vou
be the general destination of the Cape Vcrc
squadron. He replied : "I have been i :
ormcd that the Spanish fleet has gone '
: adlz. If this is so , I think the Spanlar.
propose to consolidate their fleet before a
tempting to cross the Atlantic. They wl !
n my opinion , get together as strong a flv
as possible , and will then sail for Amortc
I do not think it will ever bo necessary f <
our vessels to attack the Span'sh ' coast.
'If wo capture the Philippines , Per
Rico and Cuba , wo-'wlll piactlcally end tl
wai , and I believe the Spanish n.ivwill 1
forced to come here and give battto. ?
dynasty could live in Spain that shuuM n
fuse to do this. "
StntcM Report that Their Quota
Troop * Are Hemly to Receive Or-
dcri from Wnr Department.
WASHINGTON , May 11. Reports r
celvcd at 'tho War department show contl
uatton of the rapid progress being made
the mustering in of the volunteers. Amo :
the advices received under yesterday's da
are the following :
Colorado One regiment mustered.
Iowa Twelve regimental surgeons tnu
Minnesota Complete the muster of t
quota of the state , its strength being 1
officers and 2,250 men. *
New York Seventy-first regiment exai
Ined and mustered. Strength forty-two c
fleers and 064 men. The regiment awa
Rhode Island Twelve companies report
complete , forty-three officers and 840 m <
Colorado Regiment will report wherev
and whenever It may be ordered.
Wyoming Four companies of elghty-o
men each , with a full complomcnt of c
Massachusetts Rcelment designated i
Tamna has been uniformed , armed a
equipped and Is ready to go.
Ohio Two rcEimcnts armed and equlpp
ready to move at once ; another will be pi
pared today.
Georgia About 1,600 men are cncampi
Illinois Third and Fifth regiments r
ready for service.
Minnesota Twelfth regiment has been f
lectcd for the first service.
Now Hampshire First regiment is fu
armed and equipped.
Emperor Fraud ! JoHcph Exprem
Hope tlie War Will Soon lie
DUDA PESTH , May 11. Emperor Fram
Joseph , replying to the addresses of t
members of the delegations , who were i
celvcd in audience by his majesty todi
declared that Austria's relations with
the powers , especially with the nelghborl
statea , were of the very best. The empei
also referred with regret to the hostlllt
between the United' States and Spain .1
said that while ho had resolved to malntc
strict neutrality' ho hoped "tho distress !
struggle will soon bo ended. "
Stock on Hand to Oe Exempt fr <
Oiierntlonn of Act.
WASHINGTON , May 11. The sem
committee on finance decided at 1U meetl
today to Increase the tax on manufactui
I tobacco in the war revenue bill from
n ' cents , the house rates , to 16 cents per poui
nnd to exempt the stock on hand from I
operations of the act.
The finance committee also decided
recommend a reduction of the tax on clg ;
from | 4 to J3.50 per thousand nnd on clgi
ettes from $2 to $1.55. $ The Item of bulldl
I nnd loan associations was under consldoi
tlon during the forenoon , but no dccls
was reached.
Action Under the Law Ileceui
1'r.uMcil. *
WASHINGTON. May 11. Commodi
George Dewey has been made a rear i
Receive Their CouimUloun.
May 11. Colonels J. C. Dates , A. K. /
Hold and I ) . M. Young received their co
missions as brigadiers today and -will :
port nt Waihlngton to aid in the prepai
tlon of the volunteers for the field. Cole
Surnner received his commission also
brigadier and left in charge of the Pi
cavalry brigade today.
Second Lieutenant D. Rockenbacb nt I
Tenth cavalry bu been ordered to rep
to General Henry for duty as aldo on '
Nlne r t'rr C t of Thone Who V *
the 1'nKr.r. Kft > e Fnll to 1'im *
af' Examination.
WASHINOTQV 11. The large mim
bcr of rcJcctloflSiot volunteers has cause- -
much commenijp he army medical corps
However , the JjhMlclans who have con
ducted the examinations say that outside o
he ranks of cigarette smokers there nr
even fewer rejection ! than there were litho
the days of the blVft war. Among bnbitua
users of the cigarette ! the rejections ar
about DO per cent. Dr. Benjamin King o
Philadelphia , who acted as an cxamlnln
surgeon during 1801-63 In New York Penn
sylvanla , Ohio arid Indiana , Bays that th
average rejections during those years dl
not exceed 13 per cent. Ho attributes th
largo Increase almost entirely to th
cigarette habit. " 1 have bocn Inspectln
.ho papers In a number of cases under th
> resent recruiting act , " said Dr. King , "an
observe that most of the men who fal
o pass the medical examination have wca
hearts or lack the vitality necessary t
make a good soldier.
"I had expected that the pcrccntngo e
rejections would bo greater now than i
8G1 , but I did not tlrenm that it would b
almost three times as great. The examtn
ng physicians with whom I have talke
: mvo generally told mo that the excess c
rejections is duo to the largo number c
oung men applying for enlistment wh
have become victims of the cigarette habit.
UppoiientN of llnwnlliui Aiinexntlo
OppoKiMl ( o llolillnir Them.
NEW YORK , May 11. A special to th
World from Washington says :
There Is considerable difference of oplnlo
n .congress on the question of holding th
'hlllpplne islands. Every one concedes the
hey are a valuable possession , but it I
bought by some they would be n source c
ftcakness. The opponents of Hawaiian on
it-xatlon are almost to n man In favor c
disposing of the Islands , while on the othc
hand the friends of annexation believe th
United States should hold the Islands pei
mancntly. One thing seems certain. If
s concluded that the islands are to t
knocked down to the highest bidder , a coal
ng station will be held by the United State :
enator Stewart of Nevada said In an inter
low that certain death is in store for an
political party which attempts to dispose <
he Islands. This feeling Is quite provalet
n congressional circles.
The members of the senate foreign rein
Ions committee , excepting Clark and Gra ;
are understood to bo in favor of holding tt
stands. The house committee is divide
on the same lines as on the question <
Hawaiian annexation four member
Messrs. Clark , Howard , Williams and Din :
more , being against the plan. .
A senator whorls'In ' the confidence of tt
adminlstratlon > Isaldl : "Tho president is I
'avor ' of holding the islands tcmporarll
and looks to their permanent acquisition , a
though ho is i ot 'Settled in the convlctic
that this would' bfa advantageous to tt
United States. ' * ! ' rr |
The Monroe ' -doctrine will play n consldei
able part In. the' final settlement of tt
Philippine question ! There are those wl
contend that ttie holding of the Islands wou
bo a departure 'from ' 'the ' true meaning of tl
Monroe doctrine. It is generally undo !
stood that 'if the United States are to hai
permanent Jurisdiction over the islands , ot
navy will have jtq be materially increased I
order to defend them .against foreign a
, tack. , . Anj atswpcnit. advanced by those I
favor of holdingtho .Islands Is that tl
United States would incur the displeasure i
other great powers It .the Islands are sold
some one of them. England , they say , wou' '
oppose their said to France. France wou'
object. to their disposal to England , ar
Japan would not favor the sale of tl
Asiatic sea possessions to either. German
too , might have a hand in the matter , at
ask the United States to bold the islands , i
cede them to Spain In consideration ot
money indemnity.
Senator William E. Chandler of .Ne
Hampshire said : "I would not favor hoi. .
Ing the Islands permanently. We should g
indemnity for them , but it would be a d
parture from the Monroe doctrine to set i
a permanent form ot government in tl
Asiatic sea. It would bo well , however , f
the United States to hold a coaling statio
This we need , not only In the Asiatic , b
in all parts of. . the world. Where cou
Dewey have rested his foot had bo be <
unable to take the Philippine Islands ? Th
is an object lesson. "
SpaitlNU Resident * Will Not Be A
lowed to Make Trouble.
WASHINGTpN , May 11. Some weeks ai
the papers ot the United States published
telegram from'exas stating that Spanli
subjects residing In Mexico near the frontl
of the United States , availing themselves
the opportunity due to the fact that a larj
portion of the United States army garrison' '
on the frontier bad been withdrawn , we
preparing a filibustering expedition to li
vado Texas. The Mexican minister
Washington , having called the attention
the Mexican government to that subject ,
In rc'cclpt ot an official communnlcatlon fro
the Mexican government , dated at the Clef
of Mexico on the 29th ult. , in which lie
Informed that such a statAncnt was alt
getber groundless , but that the Mexlci
government , anticipating such danger , hi
beforehand reinforced considerably tl
troops garrisoning the frontier ot tl
United Statea and had Issued nccessa
Instructions to keep a careful wati
with a view to avoid any troubl
however remote it might be , arising on t !
part of any Spaniards living in Mexico.
Senatorial Revolution Ordering ait I
Uiilry Iiito tinSulijert. .
WASHINGTON May ll. When the sei
ate convened today the national quarantii
bill was dsplade"d ! < as the unfinished bus
ness and the bill' ' ijo provide for taking tl
twelfth and subsequent censuses subst
tuted. Tbo census bill will be pressi
vigorously. * i |
A house Joint declaration declaring tl
land within the former Mllle Lac reserv
tlon In Minnesota to be subject to-entry u :
der the land lows of the United States w. .
agreed to. j , ,
Mr. Chandler ( N. H. ) offered the foliowli
resolution , whichwas adopted :
That the cdmmHteo on naval affairs
directed to make inquiry concerning the e
pcdlency ot sccurjng and establishing f
the United Sta sadditional , coaling statio
at certain polity Jn | foreign waters , and
to each coaling station which may
doomed necessary , to ascertain what shou
bo Its dimensions , the conditions and e
uenaes of occupancy and maintenance , ni
the best method of securing the right
maintain such station and report by b
or otherwise.
Iloonevi'lt Anxloua to Ho O1T.
WASHINGTON , May 11. Charles
Allen took up bis duties as assistant sect
tary of the navy today. Colonel Rooaev <
will leave for San Antonio tomorrow eve
Ing. He tls burning up with eagurucsa
got bin Rangers to Cuba as soon ai n
troops. In this ho will bo disappointed , b
ho says his regiment will be ruahed to t
JHHU will Make Loan.
YOKOHAMA. May 12. The government ,
is expected , will resort to a foreign loan
$75,000,000 for the redemption of domes !
loons and to remedy the financial depre
War Becomes t Secondary Topic Among th
PopnUoo of Spain.
Clenr-SlBhted People See the Onl
Rational Solution In n Speed ?
Peace Shifting the Ke-
pen lullltr >
NEW YORK. May 11. A dispatch to th
lernld from Madrid says : It Is only tnll
rcctly that attention Is. paid to the progrcs
of the war by the people hero. For th
time being every one U engrossed with con
sldcratlon of the ministerial crisis. Upo
Is solution depends the Immediate nctlo
of Spain. If the cabinet weathers th
storm It will emerge from it either In
structcd to prosecute the war vigorously e
else empowered to take stopa for the re
establishment ot peace with th'j Itust pussl
blc delay.
From careful conaldorntloa ot fie mln
stry's action It Is moro than probublo thn
the latter solution will e more in nc
cordanco with the member's personal < leslrei
The question Is , Will they bo able to fol
ow their desires ? Their position is a filfll
cult one. They know only ti.o veil thf
the- longer the war IB projiecutod the mot
severe will be the lo of Spain. It I
manifest that the government Is trying t
throw the responsibility for the continuant
of the war on Parliament. Jt Is also manl
test that the opposition Is trying to cm
ban-ass the government by refusing to ne
cept that responsibility without nt the sum
tlmo giving the ministry any grounds fc
saying later that peace was concluded b
the will of the nation's representatives an
not by that of the government's party inn
jorlty. The opposition will not help th
government to secure peace , as later
may overthrow the liberals upon thl
ground. Which of the two parties minis
tcrlal or the opposition will bo tt
stronger Is the one subject of Interest i
MndneHH to Go Ahead.
There Is growing n current feeling that \
pursue this disastrous war , now that it lu
been proved that while Spain's courage !
always equal to any test , its financial , mil !
tnry and naval resources arc Inadequate I
cope with an adversary so vastly 1
superior as America , amounts simply t
madness. One of the most promlnci
bankers here said that to escape from toti
ruin is becoming moro and more dlfncu
every day if the war is prolonged. Tl
worktngman finds himself confronted wll
tangible proof of what war means. He
already paying about twice as much as foi
mcrly for the loaf of bread that plays sue
an important role in his nourishment , ar.
ho is beginning to get desperate. Thei
you have the explanation of the risings tbi
have been and are still taking place ovi
the country.
The laborer , mechanic and small trade !
man knows that life Is becoming Imposs
ble for him , and it may bo that It is cvc
now very near > that point when the c :
porter Of every bag of grain becomes h
enemy and the speculator who Is storli :
breadstuffs in the hope of a further rise
man to bo dealt with as a noxious rcptll
Some of the disorders amounted to lltt
more than noisy demonstrations , but all it
dlcato tbo spirit of desperation duo to tl
dcarness of 'bread and the consequent wldi
spread misery.
With -the people In this excited state
Is a comparatively easy task for the Carll
and republican political agitators to gal
the acceptance of the most absurd tbeorle
Tbcso agitators have naturally not bee
lacking , but the political aspect ot the dli
turbanccs is only a minor ono. Their re
cause Is the stern suffering , and the go-
ernment with a united majority could brli
the war to an end and be applauded.
WJll a majority be obtained ? Most pei
plo doubt it. If It 'cannot there is sco ]
for the widest conjecture as to what will 1
the result to the country at large.
Roller of Spaiilnh Torpedo Boat D <
troycr Explode * Completely
Wrecking the Ship.
LONDON , May 11. A dispatch to t )
Globe from Gibraltar says a British steam
which has Just arrived there , reports off !
tally that it passed yesterday evening
Spanish torpedo boat destroyer which w
guarding Algeclras bay and straits. Short
after the steamer passed it all the llgb
of the destroyer weru suddenly extlngulshe
a terrific explosion followed immediate
and the destroyer disappeared. The dlsa
ter , ( the dispatch adds , was apparent
caused by the explosion of the boilers
the torpedo boat destroyer. It is feari
that all on board ot it have perished.
The Spanish torpedo1 boat destroyer r
ported to bo blown up near Gibraltar pro
ably Is the Destructor.
The Destructor is classed as a torpei
gunboat. It was built of steel at Clydebai
in 18S8 , and was 192 feet G Inches long , ai
was estimated to have a speed of nbo
twenty-two and one-half knots. Ha arm
ment consisted of ono 3.5-lnch gun , four si
pounder quick-firers and four Maxim gur
It had three torpedo tubes and a crew
fifty-five men.
SpunUh Cortcn Remove * DIITcrcutl. .
IlatU-i on F relun ShlpN.
LONDON , May 12. The Madrid corr
spondont of the Times says :
"At the beginning of today's sitting tl
Chamber passed bills for the tempera
abolition of the Import duty on raw cotti
an'l the abolition of differential duties i
foreign ships trading between Spain and I
colonies. The former will help the Cat
Ionian manufacturers nnd the latter w
tend to encourage blockade running.
"Tho Indemnity bill was next passed , a
most unopposed , the Carlists alone votti
against it.
"Tho remainder of the session was d
voted to a continuation of yesterday's or
torical tournament. The chief feature w
a crushing reply to Senor Sllvela , lead
ot the dissident conservatives , to Sen
Salmeron's oration. Scnor Sllvela calm
and with perfect parliamentary proprle
shot many poisoned darts in the form
allusions to Incidents In Salmeron's form
political career , producing applause and t
"Senor Sllvela declared confidently th
the monarchy bad nothing to fear from r
publicans under a leader who divided i
stead of uniting bis followers. He said t !
beat thing Scnor Salmeron could do w
to make himself forgotten.
"Even the Carlists , who had been coquc
ting with the republicans , applauded Sen
Sllvela , ono of them speaking In almc
the name sense. "
Germany' * Trade I * Injured.
LONDON , May 11. German export house
says a dispatch from Dorlin to tbo Time
are suffering severely In consequence ot tl
absence of withdrawals of orders from tl
United States. Already tbo loss to Ge
many is estimated at many millions
Con I Arrive * at Ht. Thoma * .
ST. THOMAS , W. L. May 11. Two thoi
sand Bovcn hundred tons ot coal baa a
rlvud here from Philadelphia for speculi
tlon. According to reports from Porto Rli
the people are panic stricken at the pro
pecU of the hooibrdm at of Sa Juan ,
Commodore Sehlejr Compliment * th' '
Valor and Skill of III * Rrother
OBIrer la the Far Kal.
Fort Monroe ) , May 11. Commodore Win
field Schley , commanding the flying squad
ran , today for tha first time consented ti
give his vlown upon the victory won b :
Admiral Dewey at Manila. Ho snld :
Admiral Dewcy's victory at Manila mus
deservedly take Its place Bide by side will
the greatest naval vlctorlea of the world'
U has been urged that the results nho\
such decided Inferiority In resistance a
compared with the order of attack tha
there Is a dlnmunltlon of the glory , bu
that Is untrue , for It must first be remctn
bored that the greatness of Dewey's succes
lies in the calm courage nnd daring dls
played In his decision to enter n strang
harbor nt dark under the guns of man
forts and braving the perhaps hidden tor
pcdo or mine.
U strikes mo that with several advnn
tageous forttiled positions the preppnder
nnco of advantage was certainly with th
enemy , and that with the great daring dls
played by Dewcy thcro must fall upon hi
shoulders the mantle of Perry and Fnrrn
From the meager accounts that have bee
received of the battle It Is evident that , do
splto the great risk every olllccr nnd ma
know was being taken , there was not
faint heart In nil that squadron , but nn en
thuslasm nnd esprit do corps that woul
not but win with such a leader.
I would note , too , that superior educa
tlon , which brings Intelligence , coupled wit
perfection In marksmanship , aided greatl
In wlnulug the day , nnd will , I believe , con
tribute to future victories.
Admiral Dewey and every man In hi
squadron deserves every recognition that
grateful people nnd a nation ran bestow.
The definite news of the return of th
Spanish fleet to Cadiz put now life Into th
squadron officers today. While they hav
recognized that the strategy board has mad
them a splendid factor In the war , by the en
forced stay here , and realize that thel
presence on the coast has been the dlrcc
cause of the return of the Spanish squndroi
to Its own ports , they have chafed at thcl
Idleness nnd the possible termination of th
war before they moved.
Today the general belief Is that the his
tory of Nelson will be repeated , nnd as th
battle of Manila parallels the victory o
Nelson on the Nile , so Spanish Indignation
as In the day of Nelson , may force the Span
ish fleet to sea , nnd Trafalgar be repented.
Every officer Is now encouraged to bo
Hove that Commodore Schley will bo al
lowed to display his acknowledged skill an
daring in active battle.
The New Orleans finished coaling toda >
nnd is ready for sea.
An assistant passed engineer and tw
cadet engineers arrived here today an
Joined the Brooklyn , and It Is believed tha
these are significant facts Indicating a
early movement of the squadron.
Captain Hlgglnson ot the Mnssachusett
tried his new automatic Maxim ono
pounders today with great success.
On all the ships today tire and colllslo
drills nnd general call to quarters , prac
tlcally a battle drill , occurred. Commodor
Schley watched all the ships carefully , an
expressed himsclt as well satisfied.
The New Orleans , tried its big guns to
day , and its officers reported to Commodor
Schley that they were well pleased with th
working of them.
Senate Finance Committee Strike
the Ifaiid Feature Out of the
_ 'War Revenue Mennurc.
WASHINGTON , May 11. With the ex
ceptlon of n few administrative feature
the war revenue bill Is ready for report t
the senate. This report will probably b
made tomorrow , though consideration of th
measure will not begin before Monday.
With the assistance , ot Senator Jones c
Nevada the democrats had control of th
finance committee , and adopted their amend
mcnts , which include a corporation tax cone
ono quarter of 1 per cent , a provision fc
the coinage of the selgnoragc , nnd the Is
suance of $160,000,000 of greenbacks. Th
bond provision Is eliminated.
It required a little more than an hour fc
the committee to dispose of the democrat !
amendments. It was soon made eridet
that Senator Jones would vote with the derr
ocrats on all amendments , and as his vol
turned the scale against the republican !
they did not enter Into a stubborn struggl
to prevent this'consummation.
The vote to strlko out the bond fcatui
stood 6 to 5 as follows : Jones , White , Tui
pie , Daniel and Chllton , democrats , an
Jones ( sll-rep. , Nov. ) for It , and Alllaoi
Aldrlch , Platt ( Conn. ) , Wolcott and Bur
rows , all republicans , against It.
Senators Morrlll and Vest were palrec
Vest for the motion , and Morrlll against i
The amendments for the Issuance of greet
backs , the coinage of the silver selgloragi
and the taxation of corporations , were a
Incorporated by the same vote.
The democrats changed their rate on coi
poratlons at the last minute , reducing
from one-half to one-quarter of 1 per ccn
They mode this reduction because of the un
certainty as to the amount of revenue tt
amendment will produce.
Ponelu-r * Arrented.
, Four poachers were interrupted nt 2 o'cloc
this morning engaged In securing a mess (
German carp at the pond In Hanscom par !
They had met with excellent luck nnd ha
n sack full of fish was taken to the pollc
station along with the prisoners. The me
were charged with vagrancy nnd gave tl
names of Larry Hefron , Jnko Neff , Fran
McGee and George Cody.
Movement * of Ocenn VeMNel * , May F
At Now York Arrived Frcdcrlch d (
Gross , from Bremen ; Majestic , from Llvci
pool ; Ems , from Naples. Sailed Noorcl
land , for Antwerp ; Britannic , for Llverpoo
At Queenstown Sailed Auranla , for No
York ; Catalonia , for Boston.
At Movilo Arrived Anchorla , from No
At Cherbourg Arrived Havel , from No
At Liverpool Sailed Catalonia , for Bos
ton ; Nomadic , for New York. Arrlved-
Teutonlc , from New York.
Easy to say , but MAM
how shall I do it ? WW All
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In the only com-
mon sense way keep your hood cool ,
your feet warm and your blood rich
and pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla.
. Then nil your nerves ,
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and organs will bo
ft n * i n Pf properly nourished.
O TI n
p g ilood/ Sarsapnrilla
builda up the system , creates .an ap
petite , tones the stomach and gives
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Mediduo , has a larger sale and ef
fects more cures than all others.
tine. 0. I. Hqgp fc Co. , Lowell. Mm.
' * " < * of
'e Dlla
S Plllf | ttertto , MMIS * -
Bnoh ia the Opinion of the Oormpondonta
Located at Bomo.
ChniiKe Would In All Prohabllttr Sep
nrate llalr from the llrelbnnd , ,
AVhloh Wonld IMemo
LONDON , May 11. The correspondents tt
Rome ot the newspapers ot this city alt
affirm n revolution In Italy Is Imminent and
that the popular rising throughout thu
country will not long bo delayed. The news )
causes great satisfaction hero , w'icro n re
publican Italy Is regarded as the natural
friend of Franco , and as an cnomy ot tha
MESSINA , Italy , May 11. Quiet hna been
restored hero.
LUVINO. Italy , May 11. In the rlotliiff
hero yesterday eight persons were killed anil
thirty were wounded.
HOME , May 11. Martini Inw has botn
proclaimed In the province of Como. There
was rioting yesterday nt Navarlna In 1'lod-
mont. A mob stoned the troops , who flrcd
on the rioters , wounding five of them. An
olllcer and some soldiers were Injured.
IJKKNK , Switzerland , May tl. Thu rail
road service with Milan has boui
It In Ili-iiorlfd thnt Six Hundred IV-o-
] i ! ' lime lloou Killed.
LONDON , May 12. The Vienna corre
spondent of the Dally Telegraph , describing
the riots nt Milan , Hays :
"Ono thousand persons were arrested , CCO
killed and 2,000 wounded. In one Instance
twenty students were killed at the main
station of the VIclnl railway lino. Three
hundred strikers set . ( Ire to nil the railway
carriages and the military hurrying up un
fortunately fired on the firemen , who were
trying to disperse the rioters with n hoso.
Many of the firemen were killed.
"As nil the printing houses In Milan re
fused to print the manifesto the military
government was proclaimed by drums ami
the roar of cannon. "
Now Free to Accomtillnh Iln Tank la
the I'm-Hlc.
ST. PETETHSIJUHO , May 11. The Gav * "
zetto today publishes the protocol signed at \
Toklo , on April 25 , by which Russia and
Japan pledge themselves to abstain from
Interference In the Internal affairs of Corea.
The Gazette remarks that the agreement
"leaves Russia free to accomplish Its his
torical task on the shores of the Pacific. "
Rrttirtin n linloiilni.
LONDON , May 11. The result of the bye-
clectlon In the west division ot Stafford-
sill re yesterday for a successor In Parlia
ment to the late Hamar A. Bass , liberal
unionist , Is the return ot the unionist can
didate , Mr. Henderson , by a majority ot
S03 in a total vote of 8,7S9. Mr. Bass was
elected without opposition.
LONDON , May 11. Viscount Newark ,
oldest son of Earl Mnnvors. has been elected
member of Parliament for Newark In the
conservative Interest nnd without opposi
tion In succession to Hon. lit Flnch-Hat-
ton , conservative , retired.
A tape worm eighteen feet long al
least came on thn scene after my taking two
CASCAKETd. This I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years. I am still
taking Cascurets , the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people. "
GEO. w. BOWLES , Balrd , Mass.
Pleasant. Palatable , Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good , NororSicken , Weaken.or GripelOc , 250.60 *
tlrrll.l Rtntd ; C.m l r , ChlM | > , Mulrrtl , H.w I.r * . SU
HA Tfl BIP Sold and gnnrnnlped br all druf-
HU * I U'BAb gisu to CVKK Tobacco Habit.
The Creighton | ES
O. U. Woodward , Amusement Director ,
Specialties Munlcal Dale , Clifford an *
Specialties Huujell Bros , nnd Dlograph.
* BIJOU THEATER . * anil Capitol Arc. '
Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:50. : Admission lOo.
I. N Gulll , Prop , ana Manager.
So 11 tli runt Cor. lllth anil Davenport.
Attractions week commencing May 0.
Lynwood 3 Flammo Sisters 3 Ada and
Gussle in their original Turklsl > and Whirl
wind dances. Lalo Frances Josephine
Flammo In songs and dances. Carroll and
Bates. Sisters Dayton. Marie Staudford ,
songs and dances. PlamonJon. Dally mati
nees except Monday.
Corner lath and Hiirner Street * .
Henry Lleven. Prop.
South Side Jefferson Hquttre.
A. NVI1KHC , Prop.
13th nnd Douglas Sts. , Omaha.
J , E. MAHKEL A SON , Prop * .
Eltctrio can direct to espoltlou ground * .
KKK , c hitr