10 THE OMAHA DAILY 1H3J3 : T1RTHSDAY , MAY 12 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES Ai1vrrflii < MiinlH for lic c roluntnn rrlll bt * tnkrii tintll 12 in , for < lie ermine nnit until H p. nt. for the iniirnltiK nnil Hnnilnr cilUlnnn. Advertise , liy rc | iipMlii n mim- bcrcil check , can lt vr niiuMfrii nil-- drpMHpil lo n numlicri'il Ictli-r In cnrc of The Bee. AnmTcr no nililrcum-il frill ! Delivered on itrcM-ntiitlon of the olieok only. Itnti-n , 1 J-ac n ward firs ! Insertion ) le a want Iherenfti-r. ifnthlnir tnl. n for ICKI. than S5c for the nrnl Innor- tlim. TIicue nilvcrtlnententN must lie run WASTUP SITUATIONS. ADVERTISING man of 10 years' experi ence would Ilko position with paper or advertising company ; will work on com- mission. U 14 , Bee. A-319 11 * WA.VrHU-MAl.n HBlYpT CANVASSERS to take orders ; new line of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary ot commission , C. F. Adams Co. , 5.1 beiutn Sixteenth street. B 838 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to 'dealers ; 1100 per month salary and expenses ; ex perience unnecessary. Loyls Ernst Co. , fat. Louis. Mo. B-837 "SCHEMES nnd Fakes ; " war ttma money makers ; 23 cents. Money refunded If not satisfactory. Monroe & Co. , Box 511. Krn- porla , Kansas. B-M1SI 12 * MEN ! Learn the barber trade. Better do- iniiml this season than for years. Begin now and take advantage e > f the summers wages. Eight weeks completes. Send for fre- catalogue Moler System Barber Schools. Chicago , St. Louis o- " ' Us. GOOD all round handy man , capable ; of erecting nil kinds of farm machinery and repairing same. Good wages paid the right man. Address O 9 , Bee. WANTED , a carriage smith's helper. A. J. Simpson , 1111 Dodge. B-3C7-11 * GARDENER wanted ; must know his busl- ncss. 3D02 Danvenport St. B M3S } 12 SIDE LINE MEN WANTED FOR NEbraska - braska , Iowa and Dakotas. Call or ad dress COG Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. B M3S5 13 WANTED Good house painter nt once ; steady Job for right man. G. L. Nelberg , West Point , Neb. B-390 13 WANTED An upholsterer. 2111 Cumlng. B-302 12 SALESMEN Wanted to sell by sample at wholesale at retail ; goods sell on sight ; salary and commission. Address Centen nial Mfg. Co. , 495 8th Ave. , New York City. B-M405 12 * A. SALESMEN To sell cigars to dealers ; salary , JGO.OO to J200.00 per month nnd ex penses ; experience unnecessary ; perma nent position. The Dei Mora Cigar Co. , Springfield. O. 11-MlOl 12 * WANTED , salesmen In every county : gooel pay weekly ; write for terms. Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs.B B M-100 12 * SALESMEN. J100 a month and expenses guiiranteeel , selling to merchants anil fam ilies our machines fe > r cooling refriger ators ; guaranteed 73 per cent cheaper th in Ire. For full particulars aelilreaa Arctic Refrigerating Co. , Cincinnati. O. 11-M.1M 12 * WA.NTI2D KI2MALI3 IIHLP. 100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to f , weesk. Canadian Otilcc. 1322 Douglas. C S35 WANTED First class girl for genera : housework. Inquire 1309 South 20th St. C-9S5 WANTED Female help. Good stenog rapher for Remington machine. State ; experience and salary. O 10 , Bee. C-M310 11 * WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 3G15 No. 21th St. . C-M3I7 12 * WOMAN to do general housework ; must be a good cook ; $5 per week. 2002 Ames Ave C M372 12 * FOIl BEST HOUSES. CHOICE houses nnrt cottages all over city IS to $75. Fidelity , 1st Boor , N. Y > Life. D 839 HOUSES. Bcnewa. & Co. . 10S N. 15th St. D S40 HOUSES , stores. Bcmlu. Paxton block. D-841 MOVING household goods and pianos Om. Van & Storage Co. , ISll'.i , Farnam Tel. 1569. D 843 VUOVO81TION8 for the place , 3451 N. 24U St. , Including house , barn nnd three acre : of ground. Apply to W. F. Holden , cart of Brennan-Lovo Co. . 219 3. IGth St. D-M773 _ FURNITURE and leasehold of n 13-roon modern flat for sale nt a bargain. Goo < location , rent low. BcmUs , Pu-xton blk. D-M511 COTTAGE of 8 rooms ; city water ; newer 2205 N. 25th St. . - -D-362- FOR RENT , Six-room cottage , 937 N. 2511 St. Inquire at 843 8. 18th St. D M375 II HEJIT FUHMSHRD HOOMH BCOM8 by the Cny or week at the Centra hotel , 12th and Dodge Sts. E-M323 M14 _ ROOM Transients. 1708 Douglas St. E M440 M1G _ FURNISHED rooms. 521 S. 2Gth ave. E-M451 M29 * _ MOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge E-M351 M2I * _ _ _ PRIVATE family. 513 X. SXd. E-M190 12 * _ _ HOOMS opposite Shrlner , 2581 Hnrney. E-M1S9 12 * _ NEATLV furnlshca room for lady only 1904 So. 10th St. E SCO 11 HOOMS AN1 > If AHH. HIE Merriam. first-class family hotel 25th nnd Dudgo Sts. F-847 NEW ALBANY , 211G Blnncy ; elognn rooms , tlrst-class board ; terms reason able ; transient trade solicited. F M32 > J7 * Foil lu-.XT-DXFintxisnr.o UOOMS. FOR Rent , nice south front unfurnlshei rooms , with bath ; WlthttPlI block , F. W Carmlchacl , No. G , Wlthnell block. block.O O S48 UQOM Flat. 1013 Lcavenworth St. G 337-12 * FOUIlRVr STOUEH AMI OFFICES FOR trackage , transferring nnd desk roor apply to'the Aultman & Taylor Machln cry Co. , N. E. corno 9th. & Jackson SU , 1-SI9 FOR RENT. Part of a Millinery store fo Jnwolry , Ladles' Furnishings or Fane Novelties ; best location In Omaha. N 4 ! "PC. I-M194 19 FOR rent , the 4-story brick , building a 916 Farnam St. This building has u fire proof cement basement , water on a floors , gas , eta , Apply at the office o The Bee. 1 910 AGENTS WAJITKD. WANTED , agents to sell Acetylene ga generators ; must bo men of ability an some means. Acetylene , the light of th future for towns , cities , stores , churcliei hulls , factories , hotels and private res uences. Address Omaha Acetylene Ga Co. , 118 and 120 N. 15th St. , Omaha , Nel J-M31B M14 WANTED , good bright ladyor men agent In every town to taku orders for nu now book , just coming from press , "Th Grnat American-Spanish War 8rcnei ; 590 full page hulf-tonn pictures ; the bee book ; lowest price ; best terms to agentr solicitors' outfit free to any one sendln two references nnd 10 cents In stamii to cover postage ; credit allowed If necdeel canecal agencies to those who can shoi ucccisful records. W. B. Conkey Co M1-K1 Dearborn it reel , Chicago. J-M3SJ 12 * WASTED. ( CVntlnunl. ) AGENTS wantcil. Mural llnUtead's Great War Book. "Our Country In War. " All about Arinlen , Navies , Const Defenses , Mnlno Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain , nnd relations with Foreign Nations. Nearly COO panes. All written slncn Mnlno Disaster. Magnificent colored Illuslrn- tlonn. AKents making $10 to K3 per day. No experience neccn ! ary. , Most liberal terms guaranteed , 2D days' credjt , | .rlco lnw , freight paid. Handsome outfit free , fend 9 two-cent stamp * to pay postage. Educational Union , 324 Dearborn St. , Chi cago. J MISoJunoS * AGENTS wanted for "Our Naval War with Spain ; " splendidly Illustrated : only au thentic Work to be published ; free outllt now ready : act quick. National Pub , Co. , Lakeside Bldg. . Chicago. J-M331 IS * AGENTS WANTED. We want one shrewd careful man In every town to make a few thousand dollars for himself quietly at homo nnd not work hard ; private Instruc tions and valuable outfit of new poods sent free. Address Immediately , P. O. Box 6308 , Boston , Moss. J M40I 12 * \OENTS , Quick men to visit stores and sell machines for printing signs on fences , bridges , rocks , etc. ; steady work nil sum mer. Arc Co. , 77 Arc St. , Racine. Win.I * * WAATED TO HKXT. WANTED , FurnUhed room with board or near board In private family for man and wife ; give price nnd location. Address O G , Bee. K-339-11 OR ! > room cottage ; permanent tenant. O 12 , Bee. K 3G9-12 * AFTER June 1st. In private family , 2 room1) and board by gentleman , wife nnd 3 children ; western part of city preferred. O B , Bee. K 311 16 * OR 4 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping near Lcavenworth St. or South Omaha car line. Address O 17 , Bee. K-M403 13 * STOHAGK. 'AC1FIC ' Storage and Wnrehoiiho Co. , 908- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M S50 OM. Van & Storage , 1511V4 Farn'm. Tel. 1539. M-S51 BEST trackage and storage building In Omaha , U. S. gov. bonded ; household goods stored ant ! cared for ; lowest rates ; two show cases for sale , suitable for ex position. 1013 ana 1015 Lcavenworth. W. Si. Bushman. M-M965 31 WANTKD TO niTV. SECOND-HAND books bought for cash at the Antliiuarlnn book store , 151 ! ) Farnam. . N M775 M28 * A PAIR , of well matched liven' horses ; must bo cheap. N 50 , Bco. N-M193 12 * WANTED , horse , 800 to 800 pounds , fair driver ; state prices. Address O 2 , Bee. N-312-11 * - - FOR SU.M-FUKNITUIIG. SELLING out at 131 South 25th strc'et , household furniture , carpets , ranges , cooklns stoves , gas stove , etc. May bo seen from 2 to G p. m. O 11G FOIl SALE HOIISRS ANH WAOO.\S. FOR SALE , Cheap , family horse ? , sound , good speed ; canopy-topped road wagon and harness. American Fuel Co.P3GO P-3GO 12 FOR SAL12-MIHCiiIAM : : < ) IIS. IOO nnd poultry fence ; better than wire netting. Fine sawdust for lloors. Tel. 458. 901 Douglas. Q S52 IORSE clipping machines , knives nnd re pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv ice. A. L. Undeland. Q S53 CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences ; all wlro ; Is best. Wlro Works , 11th and H'arnoy , Q-851M18 * FOR SALE Ten .T.P.A.K.S. for 5 cents at druggists ; one gives relief. Q M781 FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers ; SO-horse power each. Apply to the super intendent , 105 Bee building. Q SS5 JERSEY cow ; young ; a pet ; fresh In couplt of days ; large spring delivery wagon. 201 Francis Street. Q-3G8-11 * FOR SALE , Two fresh Jersey cows , with calves bv side , for saleor trade for dry cows. 718 S. 28th St. Q-371-16 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Billiard table am ! one good sot Ivory balls. J. J. Vreeland 3916 N. 20th. „ Q-M3T4 17 * FOR SALE , . Brand now , never used , Gx ! 3 feet , wide refrigerator , suitable for hotel restaurant or bar. 2623" Sherman Ave. Q M398 15 * SIISCELLANEOCS. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 16. Tel 1779 R 354 M15 * SHRUBBERY and trees at 1717 Douglas F. B. Martin'residence ; ' 4822 Boulevard ave R M431 M1G * NEW .BRICK at Wlthnell Bros. & Smith1 ! yard , 22d andHickory. . Telephone 425. R-M608 ANYONE seeking safe Investment of sav ings In sums of $100 and upward should Investigate what we have to offer , which Is as good as government , siato or mu nicipal bonds and pays G per cent per an num In quarterly payment ! . THE COLUMBIAN INVESTMENT CO. , JOHN A. McSHANE , President II. G. CANDEK , S-jcrotary. Room 411 , First Nat'l Bunk Building. R M1C3 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. MISS MAYER Chiropodist , manicure scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted , stu dents. 400 Paxton Blk. T 312 M13 LAURA Ellison , 119 N. ICth ( upstairs ) room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths massage. T M5S3 M13 * ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles nm ! gents. 107 So. 14th. , tel. 1S9I. Open nl night. T M20G JG MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par lors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T M332 15 * MME. Smith , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring ant vapor baths. T 33f-lG * MME. AMES. 607 So. 13th. Room 10. Massage sago baths. T 199 12 * 1'KHSO.VAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316-8 Bui bldg ; physician consultation or hcaltl book free. U S55 BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 219H , S. 15th U-836 SUPERFLUOUS hair , face blemishes re moved with electricity at Mmo. G Payne's hnlrdresslng and manicure par lors , 312-313 Karbach block.UM542 U-M542 M19 * 130. RUPTURE cure for 130. No detention from business ; ' 6 years In Omaha. Cal or write for circulars. Empire Ruptur Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha Neb. U 943 8KND lOc for latest --ar novelty , Uncli Sam bound for Cuba. Agents wanted Jos. F. Bllz. 322 So. IGth St. , Omaha , Neb U-201 12 * PERSONS sufficiently educated graduatei Immediately In medicine or dentistry Lock box 194 , Chicago. U M333 19 THE Pnntorlum. clothes cleaned , pressei and repaired , day or night ; special car given ladlea' tailor made gowns : dres suits for hire. N. E. corner llth nm Farnam. Tel. 9C3. U 857 B10NKV TO I.OAV-REAI , KSTATB. WANTED , choice farm ami city loans , n C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bankbldg. . W-S59 J100.00il.00 special fund to loan on flrst-clas Improved Omaha property , or for build Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W-SGO LOAN on Improved & unimproved city clt property. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , 132 Farnam. W 562 6 PER cent city anil farm loan * . Garvli Broa. , 161 ] Farnam Bt. W 863 MO.M-.V TO I.OAX nt\i , n ( CVn tinned. ) ANTHONY Lonn & Trust Co. . 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for rholco farm lands In town , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W SGI E'/i PER cent money. Bcmls , Paxton blk. W SC.\ MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Ixive Co. , 219 S. Ifith. EASTERN money for western Invest ments : send for circular. Investors Di rectory Co. , New York. W 290 J7 * BtOXBY TO I.OA5C CHATTELS. f 10 TO J10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND HAR- RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removnl of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3M South inth St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IIT- CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 865 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security : easy payments. Tolman , It. 706 , N. Y. L. bldg. X-572 IIL'SINESS UUAXCKS. FOR sain , a bargain , my entire drug stock * show cases , soda fountain nnd counters ; also will rent store at reason able rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P. and Burlington depots. Ernest Stunt , proprietor. Y 479 A FEW more privileges to rent In the street of Cairo. Apply to Iclllo Nlncl , AsAt. Manager Street of Cairo , Expotdtlon Grounds. Y 303 15 * FOR SALE , Bicycle repair shop ; free rent , tools furnished , good location. 114 So. 13th , Object , some one to stay In store. Y-3G1 12 TO GET In or out of business go to J. J. Gibson. 511 Flrjt Nnfl bank. Y 8G7 ELEVATORS for sale , a line o six ele vators on the Republican Vnlley branch of the U. P. It. R. , extending south from Lincoln , Neb. , through an excellent grain producing region. Will be sold together or separately , ns desired. In good repair nnd line working order. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. Bea trice , Neb. Y M824J30 MEAT market : cash trade ; will average J3 > per dnv. Price $700 cash. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Bank , Y 177 It FOR SALE , A complete stock of paints , oil nnd wall paper , the only general stock In a city of G.OOO Inhabitants , situated on Puget Sound , Washington. Will give a bargain for cash ; no tr.ale. Address A. M. Lord , Everett , Wash. Y-230-17 * JOB PRINTING , quickest , best and clean est. Hcnrsey , the Printer , 1501 Farnnm ; phone , 2060. Y M309 14 * RESTAURANT doing line business for sale clicip : sickness cause for selllnsr. Ad dress B 17. Fremont. Neb. Y 341-14 * YOU can make money by petting a booth with selling privileges In German village. The gaiety resort of the exposition. Best concession on the ground.4. Have also shooting gallery and bowling alley privi lege to let. Olllce 222'fc South 13th St. Y M377 15 WANTED , Partner In Irrigation enterprise ; canal already built and In operation In finest valley In the-state : excellent oppor tunity. Address O 15 , Bee office. Y-MI07 21 * WANTED. Party with JG.OOO or $7,000 to take up 5-year 7 per cent bonds first mortgage on a $40,000 enterprise ; also chance for same party to become part owner , with prospect of active position and opportu nity for a nice profit on the Investment ; In answering please state experience and glvo reference. Address O 10. Bee office. Y 31408 21 * FOR SALE , good bread and cake bakery , the leading bakery In college town of 4.000 Inhabitants. Address Flelschman & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y M.13U 11 * WANTED , partner' wlht' sbm6''rrfe'ans ' In rooming house and lunch counter. l S N. Kith. Y M395 14 * FOll EXCHANGE. VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise : Ad dress L 42 , Bee , Z MSC3 WILL exchange good antlaue oak ward robe costing $50 far good second-hand wheel. Address N 4 , Bet , stating kind of wheeU Z 3X7 1B FOR EXCHANGE , $10,000 or $20,000 worth of Omaha business property , clear. , for desirable residence or farm property. W. T. Graham , agent , 606 Bee building. 2-M39T15 : FOR SALE RBAt , ESTATK. KOUNTZE Place bargains , ' $2,600. $3,750 to $6,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 , First Nat'l bank bldg. RE-SG9 FOLLOWING deslrabl property : Business lot corner , 60x150 ft. . In So. Omaha , paved , Business lot , 60x150 ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3Gth St. * Tract (20 lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE 870 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.RE871 RE-871 IF YOU have real estate for sale and want It sold list It with me and I will' sell II ( If I can ) . If you' ' wish to purchase and want a big bargain , look over my list , J. H. Sherwood , 422 New York Life. RE-MS72 FARNAM St. , near 42d St. , lot 4SX12S ft. , price $ SOC.OO. J. N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O , RE-M110 THE Columbian Investment company will sell you n choice .lot. on monthly pay ments at low rnto of Interest ; why not start a home ? See them at roam 4U , First Nat. bk. bldg. RE-M1G2 HOMES For sale snaps Delightful homo. Went Farnnm. Six pleasant homes In Han.scom Place ; sec them. Four north part of city. Only bargains advertised. M. J. Kennanl & Son , Solu Agents. 310 and 311 Brown block. RE 218 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OH SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Buy and save sent. Never before In the history of Omaha have there been sucl opportunities offered to acquire lots 01 homes nt your own prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' domnudt must be satisfied. I glvo out no lists. If you want to buy 1 will match any prices made by any one Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lot : everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. House : and lots and acre tracts In Douglas county. Any reasonable after will be favorably con sldercd. Tell wo what you want and 1 will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer I will pay regulai commissions , I have no agents. New 7 per cent loans , $1,000 to $1,500 , foi sale on Improved property. THOS. II. M'CAGUE. Receiver. 100 N. Uth St. RE-M505 A SACRIFICE unknown , 8 room house am 5 room house In rear , lot corner 50xl5 ( one block Hanscom park. . Gco. Ave. , large line shade trees , will rent $45.00 ; lot wort ! $2.SOO ; $1.500 buys all. Lyman Waterman 822 N. Y. L. Bldg. RE 370-11 * FARMS The foundation of wealth. S40-acro stock farm In Harrison county Iowa , $15.00 per acre , will take some trade 220 In Monona county , Iowa , for Omalu property and cash ; SO , finely Improved , It Harrison county , Iowa , want hardware or grocery stock. Fine Nebraska wliea lands $2.00 per acre. Sarpy county farn $20.00. For farms or city property see Lyman Waterman , 822 N. Y. Llfo hieing RE-38811 * nnicK. WITHNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d am Hickory streets. Tel. 423. KO 1 000.000 new brick. Wlthnell Bros. I Smith's. M 607 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 163 I'arnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. 8SO SHORTHAND AM ) TTPKWRITI.1G. A. C. VAN Snnt's School of Shorthand nnd Typewriting , 717 N Y. Life , offers tha following ndvnntngira : Individual In- Htrurtlnn * by experienced teachers nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-d < jte meth ods ; touch system of typewriting If pre ferred ; participation In actual work , for which student * receive pay ; monthly pay ments. 871 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. 873 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boyles * School , 403-6-7 Bee bldg. STO PRIVATE Instruction given In shorthand , Legible avFtiim. i/Terms reasonable' . Ad- dresa N 63 , Scon 220 14 * DRESSMAKING M families. 23M Daven . -M310 J7 * port.n t , - MRS. L. A. ARNARD , formerly ol Omaha , after m visit to New York anel Boston , has < returned nnd will resume her dressmaking * business again. Rooms 20U 203 , 206 Douglas block , IGth St. , oppo site Hnydon nrMiers.M3SG 12 * LADIES ! Chlcnt'sttlr's English Pennyroyal Pills ( DlamorWl-bHind ) arc tha best ; safe , reliable : tuke-lnh ( ilher ; send 4c stamps foi particulars , 'tjXBljef for Ladles , " In lettei by return mall/it ) / druggists. Chlchestei Chemical Co. , rhtiadelphla , Pa. Mention Bee. 6 ' . . M402 12 * MACKS' AND COUPES. HACKS and coupes promptly furnished at all hours , day or night , by Hackmen'a union. A. D. T. , tel. 177 , 863 ami 770. M391 Jll * PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROW1TZ loans money. 413 N. IGth , S79 FURNITURE PACKED. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 878 JUSTICE OF THE i'UACE. D. B. IIOUCK. justice of the peace , 30 < Karbach block. 9GS LOST. STRAYED from 208 N. 44th , cherry baj mare pony , 750 Ibs. , strap around neck Write J. F. Coates , above address. Lost M339 12 * JUMv HOUSES. ALPIRN , Omaha , Junk house , K'l So. 10th paying best price for all kinds of Junk. .STK.VOCHAIMIKHS. WE SOLICIT nnd furnish positions foi stenographers free. The Sinltb.-Pre.mlei Typewriter Co. Telephone. 12SI. S ! > 2 HOUSE PASTURE. ALFALFA pasture , board fences. A. W Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1034 61S I22 * EXPOSITION FRONTAGE ! ) I'Oll RENT GROUND leases fronting exposition Bemis , Paxton block. SSI BALL BEARING DENSMORC Used exclu sively by th < exposition. Wo sell overi thirifr truly good in type writers nnd supplies. U.MTEI > .TYHEWHITER & SUPPLIES C ( 1UIZ FIIPH I St , Oiiinliu. * > GOVKH MfiNT JTOTICE9. PROPOSALS FtiR-J INDIAN Department of the Interior , Office ot Inijlai Affairs , Washington. ' . C. , Milrch 30. 189S.- Scaled proposaUn will b * received , by th Commtreloiver off Indian Affairs at Nos. 77 fur _ . - . . - - - . . suirni tea , rice , baklnxt pt > wdr , soap , grocerli- blankets , woolentsiifclcottcin gooda , 'dothlnj notions , hatJ ana caps , bcots and ahoes crockery and sdltop , books. BMs 'must b madeon govfntr/ttrfti'blanks. ' Schdues ! glv ing all necessary .Information for hldder will be furnUheel , ah application at th * In dlan .Office , Washington , D. C. . Nos. 77-7 Wooater street. l York City ; No. State street , ChlcttKtf.illl. ; the Commlssarle of Subtlstence , ITJ'Sli'A. at Cheyenne , Leav enworth , Omaha'"fi ' [ { . Louis , St. Paul an flan Francisco * frhilijioatmasters at Slou City , Yankton , ArUansas tClty , CaMwell , To peka , Wichita and > Tue.'on , Blda will b opened at the hour and days above stated nnd bd5crs ! are Invited to be present a the opening.W. W. A. , JONE3 , Commissioner. A-27-May-13 POSTOFFICE MOTICK. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interestci ns changes may occur at any time ) Foreign malls for the week endln ? Ma' 14 , 1898 , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases' at the General Postafllca as follows : PAH CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlle than closing time shown below. Trnnn-Atliiiitlc Mall * . THURSDAY At S a. m. 'for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. a. Edam , via Am sterelam ( letters must be directed "DC Edam" ) . SATURDAY At fi:30 : n. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND , ITALY. TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , ner s. H La Touralnc , via Havre ( letters for othe parts of Europe ( except.Spain ) must b < directed "per La Touralne" ) ; ut 6:30 : a m. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. t Etrurla , via Queenstown ( letters fo France , Switzerland , Italy , Turkey , Egyp anel British India must bo directed " e > Etrurla" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotter . dam ( letturj must bo directed "per Rot B-tmlam" ) ; at 8 a. m. for ITALY , per s. TCEms , via Naples ( letters must bu ellrcctei " : > er-13mH' ' ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAN1 direct , per s. H. Furneasl.i , via Gla o\ ( letters must be directed "per Fumes sla" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct . per s. s. Norgo ( letters muH bo directei "per Norgo" ) . After the closing of the Supplementar Transatlantic Malls named above , addl tional supplementary malls arc opened o the piers of the American , English , Frenc and German steamers , anel remain ope until within Ten Minutes of the hour o sailing of steamer. MullM for South miil Central America Writ Indlt M , Kto. THURSDAY At 8 a. , m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Trinidad. SATURDAY At 2 p. m. for BARBADO direct and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para an Manaos , per s. . Hubert ; at 8:30 : p. ir for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steame ' from North Sydney ; at 8:30 : p. m. for SI PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer fror North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Hallfiu and thence by steamer , close at this attic dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlquulon , b rail to Boston and thcnco bystoamei close nt this' ottlco dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mall for Mexico City , overland , unless special ! addressed for dispatch by steamer , clos at this office dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:2 : p. m. "Registered mall closes at U p. in previous day , ( TrnnH-Puollta Mall * . Malls for China anel Japan , per s. s. Co lumblu ( from Tacoma ) , close hero dully ute to May SatGiSi.p.an. Malls for Australli ( except those for West Australia , whlc are forwarelod via Europe , New Zealand Hawaii , FIJI and ftitnoan Islands , per i . Marlposa ( from- San Francisco ) , clos hero dally up to May * * 13 ut 7 a. m. . 1 a. m. and 6:30 : p : .m. . ( or on arrival at No York of s. s. Campania with British mall for Australia ) . -Malls for China , Japa nnd Hawaii , per. . s. Doric ( from Sa Francisco ) , close ; hero dally up to May 2 at 6:30 : p , m. Mails for China and Japa : ( specially addrensfHi only ) , per , s. a. Km press of India ifrom Vancouver ) clos hero dally up to May * * 33 at 0:30 : p. m Malls for the Society Islands , per shl Galileo ( from San .Francisco ) , close her dally up to May 25 nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls fo Hawaii , per s. B. Xealandla ( from Sa : Franclncn ) , clone hero dally ; up to May S at 6:30 : p. m. Mulls for Australia ( axcep West Australia ) , New Zealand. Haural and FIJI Inlands , per s. a. Aorangi ( froc none n. ( CuntlnuyJ , ) Vancouver ) , close here dally after M | " 13 nnel up to May 2fi nt 0:30 : p. in. Transpacific malls arc forwarded to port ol sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing U arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. "Registered mail flexes nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , May C , 1S98. I1AILWAY TI.1II5 CAIIII. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The ; Burlington Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street , Telephone 250. Depot. Tent ! anel Mason Streets. Tele phone 128 , Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbule-d Express * 5:05 : pm * 8:10 : an Chicago Express . . 9:48 : am * 1:15 : pn Chicago & St. Louis Express . . . 7:45 : pm , 8:10 : an Pacific Junction Local " 11:50 : am 5:40 pn Fl\st \ Mall * 2:50 : pn Chicago Special . . . * 12:05 : am * 11:50 : pn " Dally. Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl Rlvur Railroad "The Burlington Route" Gen eral OIHees N. W. Cornet Tenth and Farnam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnntr Street. Telephone 230. Do- Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tclcphom Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings nnd McCe > ok . . . . . 8:33 : am * 9:33 : nn Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound 4:33 : pm 4:05 : pn Lincoln Local 7:00 : pm 7:10 pn Lincoln Fast Mull. 2:53 : pm 11:40 mi Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and PuijetSound _ * 11:53 pm llSi : pn Dally. "Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Rail' Burlington roael "The Burllngtor Route" Ticket Olllce , 1501 Route Fnrnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth and Ma son Streets. Telephone ; ] 23 Leave. Arrive. Kansa s City Day Express * 9:05 : nm * 5:40 : pn Kansas City Night Express * 10:00 : pm 1 C:30 : an Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST ern Railway City Tlcke Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , 561. Depot Tenth anil Mason Streets Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Special 6:10 : am 11:30 : pr Mo. Valle > y , Sioux Minneapolis * 5:53-am : 10:45 : pn City. St. Paul & Mo. Valley , Sioux City * 7:40 : am 9:05 : pr Dennlson. Carroll. Wall Lake and Council Bluffs . . . . * * 8:10 : nm 9:13 : ar Eastern Ex. , DCS Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids and Chicago. , * 10:30 : am 4:33 : pr Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage and East. . . . * 4:43 : pm 4:35 : pr Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 pr , Me ) . Vullev , Sioux City. St. Paul and Minneapolis Llm'el 1:3) : pm 1 8:30 : an Om.-Chicago Spe cial 6:15 : pm ' 1 3:50 : an Dally. * * Dally oxcep't Sunday. FREMONT , ELKHORN i Missouri Valley Railway- General Offices , Unltci States National Bank Bid * ; Southwest Corner Twelftl nnd Farnam Stree-ts. Ticket Ofllee , 111) ) Farnam Street. Telephone. 3G1. Depot Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone : 1.45S. Leave. Arrive ; Black Hills , Deadwood - wood , Ifeit Sprl'gs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pr Wyoming , Casper and Douglas 3:00 : pm * * * 5:00 : pn Hastings , York , Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Scward 1 3:00 : pm 1 5:00 : pn Norfolk. W. Point unel Fremont * 7:50 : am * * 10:23 : ar Lincoln. Wnhoo & Fremont v * 7:50 : nm 10:23 : an Fremont Local . . . . * * * 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunelay , * * Sun day only. * * * Dally except Saturday * Dally except Monday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MIN rncnpolla & Omaha Rallwa- General Offices , . Nebraski Division , Fifteenth an Webster Streets. Clt Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 581. Depot , Fifteenth and Webste Streets. Telephone , ,1,458.Leave. Leave. Arrive Sioux City Accom. . 8:50 : am * * 8:20 : pr Sioux : City Accom. . 9:30 : am * 8:20 : pi Blair , Emerson. Sioux City , ifOnca , Hurtlngton and Bloomlleld 1:00 : pm 11:55 : ar Sioux City , Man- kato , St. . Paul & Minneapolis * 5:55 : pm 8:20 : ar Emerson Passenger * 5:10 : pm * 8:4T : ar Dally. Dally except Sunday. * Sun day only. * This train stops at station Florence to South Blair , Inclusive , Sun days only ; on week days , South Blair enl > SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Railroad General Offices United States Natlona Bank Building S. W. Cor ner Twelfth and Farnan treet. Ticket Office. 1401 Furnnm Street Telephone 661. Depot , 15th and Webste Streets. Telephone 145S. Leave. Arrive Sioux City , Man- kato , St. . P.aul , Minneapolis . . . . . . 5:55 : pm 8:20 : ar * D.-.lly. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANI & Pacific Railroad "Th Great Rock Island Rout ' City- Ticket Olllce , 132 Farnam Street. Telephom 42 . Depot , Tenth nm Mason Streets. Telcphon i.23. Leave. Arrive Rocky Mountain Limited , east . . . . * 1:30 : am l:2j : nr Rocky Mountain . Limited , west . . . - . * 5:20 : am 5lj : fir Chicago & St. Paul Vestlbuled E x- press ' 5:00 : pm * l:23pr : Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Detnvor and wojt , . ' 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pr C h 1 c a g e > , D o H Meilnes & Rock Island - . . . . 1 7:00 : pm * ll:25 : ar Atlantic Express , for DCS Molnes and eastern points * 7:00 : am 1 ! > :30 : pr Flyer 7:00 : pm ' 8:50 : arKansas Colorado * i J * ! - - I- * Dally. " Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL roael General Olllees nni Ticket Otlicej , Merchant National Bank Bulldlnir , 122 Farnam St. Telephone 101 Depot , 15th nnd Webster St * Teleuhono 1458. Leave. Arrive Kansas nnd Neb. Limited 3:05 : pm 12:53 : pr Kunsa * Cltv & St. Louis Express . . . fl:10 : pm 6:00 : ar Nebraska Loral 1:30 pm * 9:43 : an Dally. " Dally except Sunday. . MILWAUKEE S St. Paul Railway Cltj Ticket Olllce ? , 1501 Farnan Ureot. Telephone SSI. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 128. Luavo. , Arrive Chicago Limited Express . 5:45 pm 8:03 an Omaha & Chicago „ Express . 11.00 am 1:50 : pn Dully. .OMAHA . & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha , Kansas City S Kustern Railroad "Tho Per Arthur Route" Ticket Office " 15 Farnam Street. Tele phonn 322 , Depot , Tenth am Mason Streets. Telephone. 128. Luuvc. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Ball Express 4:35 : pro * 11:30 an Kansas City & Qulncy Local . . . . 7:40 : am 9:05 : pn Dullv. W A B A H H RATLROAD- Tlcket Ofllce. 1415 Fnrnan Street. Telephone S92. Depo Tenth and Mm on Streets Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive St : 'LoulH "Canon Ball" Kxprcau 4:30 : pm 11:30 an Dally. , NOW FOIl I ffSTANCB. I . "Of course I know lie's an awfully straight-laced uort of Johnnie ; but ) f It's rather a tall order to say ho never uses strong language , Isn't It ? / I "I don't know. I mot him the other day , and he said It was opprea- alvely warm. Mr. . Babble I wonder , , now , Miss Pearce , If you happen to know how much I'm worth. , Miss Pearce Well , I know that grease are selling at eight cents a pound , , hut then , of. course , L can only maker the roughest sort of guess at your' ' 1 weight. DANCING FOIl S WKET CHAIIITV. „ Lieutenant Isn't this beautiful. Just think , every step wo dance iean I r another spoonful of soup for some hungry orphan- IIAI1YWAV TI.MII UAIII ) . UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Itouto" General Of fices , N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket OH'ce. J3U2 Farnam Slrceit. Telephone 2lfi. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:15 : pm The Coloradei Spe cial , for Denver it all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 pm 6:10 : a m Fast Mall Train for Salt Lake , Pacific coast nnd all westejrn points . . . 4:35 : pm 6:10 : am Lincoln , Beatrice ) & Stromsburg Ex. . 5:00 : pm ' 12:20 : pm Fremont , Colum- bm , Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney 4:3 : > pm " 12:20 : pm . E , Ql'fl 12:20 : pm Grand Island J A. . Jim Dally. " Dally except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 6lfi : a. m. ; 7:00 a. m. ; 9:15 : u. in. ; 3:10 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:15 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 0:00 : p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:55 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 u. m. ; 8:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a. .TT.w - . . ? _ _ . c.-r . . . . . .O.Qft Kxplnliu'il. Harper's Bazar : "Are you a native of this town ? " asked a traveler of a resident of a filcepy llttlu southern hamlet. "Am I a what ? " "Aro you a native of the town ? " "Hey ? " "I asked If you were a native of thla place ? " At that moment his wife , tall and callow and gaunt , appeared at the open door of the cabin , and , taking her plpu from between her teeth , said , acridly : " 'Ain't ye got no sense , Jim ? He meant wuz ye llvln' hero when you was born , or wuz yo born before you begun llvln' here. Now answer him. " Motive. Detroit Journal : Anybody could see that the hired girl had committed sulcldo , for there was a letter written by homelf con fessing that Bha had not. "Why , " mused the coroner , "did sue da- part this life : " Tint mini uho nwued the benne In fee simple and took some of his meals there had n tueory. "I think , " he remarked modestly , "that she probably wanted eight afternoons off a week. " However , an Inquest wan worth enough to the coroner to tnako it uucemry.