Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1898, Image 4

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13. IlOSBWATnU , Editor.
Daily Hoc ( Without Sunday ) , One Ycnr.lJ 00
Dally Ileo nnd Sunday , Ono Year 8.OT
8lx Months J.jw
Three Months JJ {
Hunday Hee , Ono Year f-jr >
Hatunfay Hoc , Ono Year . . . . i-yi
Weekly Bee , Ono Ycnr
Omnhn : The Bco nulldlnc.
South Omnhn : Slnccr Block , Corner N
nd 21th Streets. .
Counch UlufH : 10 Pearl Street.
Chlcmro onice : 602 Chamber of Com-
Now York : Temple Court.
Wnshlnslon : Ml Fourteenth Street.
All communications relating to news and
dltnrlnl mnttcr should bo addressed : To
the Editor.
All buslncid letters nnd remittances
Bhould bo nddrcssed to The Tlco Publishing
Company , Omnhn. Drafts , checks , rxprcss
nnd postofilco money orders to bo mndo
payable to the order of the company.
Btatc of Nebraska , Douglas county , ea. :
Ocorgo B. T/schuck , ( secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , being duly eworn , says
that the actual number of full and complete
copies of The Dally , Morning , Evening and
Bundny Bee , printed during the month of
April , 183S , was as follono :
i si,2rs 16 na.ito
2 aviiM n aisoa
3 Si,0H : ( IS. . . . . ' . ! M,747
4 Ui-H : 19 2B.U30
6 21 . 25,270
7 at.onii 22 . 25,1.12
8 sis7i : : 23 . a , iu :
9 21,01)0 ) 24 . 2IK10 !
10 a inor 23 . 2S , 02
11 noire 26 . ss.inu
12 as.soj ) 27 . 20,017
13 2-1,247 2. ? . 20,511
14 2-UIIO 2J . 20,441
15 28,015 30 . 20,0ii : :
Total .7s ,
Ltas returns and unsold copies. . 17,42(1
Net total sales 709,107
Net daily uvurago 25,639
Sworn to before mo and aubsorlbed In my
presence this 30th day of April , 1898.
( Seal. ) N. P. PEIL. Notary Public.
Ktiiporor William Is all right when ho
n-callH the fact that there are n u-ly 3-
000,000 acrninn.s In the United States
nnJ every one n good American now.
The Husslim method of acquiring1 ter
ritory by taking a nlnety-n'.nc year leaao
on a port for a coaling station has not
yet Ijcen adopted by the United States.
The United States Is quite big enough
to carry on n vigorous war with Spain
without treirchlng on the claim of the
Transmlsslsslnpl Kxposltlou to public
The announcement of Mary Kll/.nlieth
I/oaso that "this is a time for silent
thought" naturally generates the silent
hope tha'tthe ' time may extend In
definitely. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The success'of any nation In war'de
pends upon tin patriotism and loyalty
of both combatants ) and noncombataivts.
Compare the condition of affairs In Spain
with the feeling In the United Suites.
One of thir first things that might bo
done in the Philippines would bo to
liavo the Islands counted and mapped.
Spanish ofllclah seem iM > t to be sure
whether there arc -100 or 1,200 of them.
Was all that haste to get Into a now
police headquarters and city Jail before
Juno 1 simply buncombe ? If not , how
much longer Is the city to continue to
pay rent whllo owning Its own Jail
building ?
The Bee Invites comparison of its war
news service with that of any and all
other papers published In this vicinity.
I'or promptness , completeness and accu
racy , The llco'H reports are unexcelled.
The Hoe alms nt reliability and not sen
sational fakclsm.
Colorado has been Indulging In 'the
luxury of a May snowstorm which has
< loue no harm nnd ninth good. Colorado
furnished the spectacle of a snowstorm
Fourth of July last , but that docs not
prevent 'the state from being right nt
the front cither for mining or farming.
And now we are told 'that the Increas
ing dally accumulation of filth on * the
streets Is ascrllmble to Increasing tratllc ,
duo to more prosperous business condi
tions. The explanation is certainly
plausible. If correct the city should bo
glad to have its street cleaning force
kept busy.
What hns happened to the report of
the governor's substitute on Uio Iin-
ipeachmont charges preferred against
the trio of bogus polio ? board reformers ,
Ilordman , I'eabody and Gregory ? Why
keep the Impcachablcs la such suspense
wen If they wore assured In advance
of a complete nnd artistic Vhltowash ?
The discovery that maps of Missouri
nro offered for sale In St. Joseph which
do not show that St. Joseph exists has
aroused Indignation in the tine old city
ut lilacksnake bend. The people of St.
Joseph will have a Jubilee this \vok
that will show to the world that It Is
a live city even If It Is not on the map.
Seven state governors have expressed
a desire to lead personally their state
troops against the Spaniards , but not
one has y t taken the first stop In that
direction , namely , resignation as gov
ernor. However , it Is Just as easy to
find men competent to lead 'troops as to
find men who will make good governors.
The drouth in California Is causing
great activity among those who believe
( hat Irrigation Is a good thing In any
country and' It is demonstrating the ad
vantages of an irrigated region over one
where under ordinary circumstances
Irrigation Is not resorted to. Seasons
of drouth vomo occasionally 'to ' the best
agricultural country.
The street Illuminations should bo
made- one of the str.klug features of the
entertainment of exposition visitors. By
artistic use of gas and electric" lights
Iho fairyland at the exposition grounds
cau be extended to Include the greater
part of the business center of the city.
Omaha should be a blaze of light by
night u well as a blase of glory by day.
Not the question of vanquishing Spain ,
which no American and probably Tory
few Europeans outsldo of Spain doubt
our ability to do , but what shall be the
policy of 'this ' republic after vktory Is
the more serious problem already con
fronting the American piople. We
shall triumph over the enemy , but will
wo bo able to repress and hold In sub
jection the ( ioslro for territorial aggran
dizement that Is being manifested
among ourselves nnd which there Is
reason to apprehend Is more dangerous
than over before ? In the glamor of
victory , with Its tendency to stluiulalo
national ambition and greed of power ,
will wo depart from the traditional pol
icy of the republic or continue on the
lines laid down by the founders of the
government , the faithful adherence to
which thus far has been so fruitful in
benefits ?
Passion for territorial expansion Is
easily aroused , as Is evidenced by the
demand that the United States
shall appropriate the Philippines nnd
Porto IMco. A conquering people arc
most sure to feel that thpy should enJoy -
Joy itho fruits of conquest. The ad
vocates of this policy are resourceful In
reasons for It more or less plausible.
Permanent possession of the Philippines ,
they urge , is essential to the protection
of our commercial Interests In the far
cast. In order to safeguard these inter
ests , it Is said , ngalnst the possible ag
gression of European powers , we must
retain tiiese Islands or part , of them.
Ilesldes , they are rich In resources , pcr-
liaps the richest among the tropical
stands of the world , and American cap
ital would find most profitable Invest
ment In developing their resources. It
Is declared that the Islands , under good
government .and modern commercial
methods , ought to export annually In
stead of SL'O.OOO.OOO nearer SiMO.OOO.OOO.
The acquisition of Porto Hlco is urged
on the ground that we need a naval sta
tion in that quarter , the same argument
that Is put forward In advocacy of the
annexation of Hawaii and which has
no more real soundness or force in the
one case 'than In the other.
The advocates of territorial expansion
declare that we are to become a great
naval power and therefore must have
coaling stations , supply depots outposts
for the protection of our possessions. Of
course If wo adopt the policy of terri
torial expansion we shall be compelled
Lo"become a great naval power , but not
otherwise. If we adhere to our tradi
tional policy and keep within the pres
ent boundaries we shall not require a
navy very much larger than wo liavo
that Is , a navy snlllcicnt for defense and
for the protection of our commerce , re
quirements that do not call for an im
mense naval force. But th grave
phase of this matter Is that If the spirit
of aggrandizement Is to bo allowed full
swing it must Inevitably lead this coun
try into entanglements and complica
tions that would involve us In endless
trouble and subject our political system
to a dangerous test. After a most sat
isfactory experience of more than a cen
tury ! n keeping aloof from the political
affairs of the old world , it is manifestly
the dictate of wisdom to continue In
this course.
The conservative Judgment of the
country , which has respect for the pre
cept nnd example of the founders of the
republic nnd the wise statesmen who
succeeded them , must make itself heard
nt this juncture In vigorous opposition
to the desire for territorial extension.
It Is placing the country in a false posi
tion before the world and It Is pregnant
with danger to our future peace and
One of the leading democratic papers
of Nebraska , the Schuyler Herald ,
makes the following pathetic appeal to
the allied forces of reform :
Tbo members of tbo populist party who
cannot conceive of the propriety of democ
racy's claim to anything but the attorney
generalship , should bear In mind that their
mrty Is In no better position to dictate
than Is the democratic organization..Neither
party can succeed without the help of the
other and the frco silver republicans. With
the reform forces , an unselfishness In the
distribution of the offices will be the most
potent factor in uniting the kindred forces.
Let tbo members of the populist party con
cede to democracy the right to ask for that
which Its members think It entitled , leav
ing It to the united wisdom of the allied
forces to determine the Justness of our
claim. This method would bo more condu
cive to a continuance of that union of the
working forces necessary to success.
This vandid presentation of the main
spring that propels the Nebraska reform
forces has the ring of true unselfish
ness and self-sacrificing patriotism. The
assurance that the reform forces are
held itogcther. only l y the prospective
distribution of the offices must make
every true reformer point with prldo
to the practical methods by which prin
ciples have been subordinated to patron
age and plunder.
When the reform movement first be
gan It appealed to the sympathy and
support of the toilers on the farm and
in 'tho ' workshop because it claimed to
be lighting against corporate monopoly
and organized Jobbery and robbery.
This paramount issue was soon subor
dinated to the free coinage crusade be
gotten In the Interest of the silver mine
bulllonalres under the . delusion that
Wheat and sliver were linked Insepa
rably and that by booming silver above
its market price tlii farmer and the la
borer would profit equally with the
millionaires who own the silver mines.
Now that silver nnd wheat have long
parted company and the laborer nnd the
farmer have had their eyeteeth cut , the
anti-monopoly mask is no \ Hung aside
and the reform forces who have been
seamlallin'J by the shameless , betrayal
of platform pledges by their railroad
commissioners , equalisation board and
the whole free pass gang of sfntehonse
ofllclals , nro summoned to battle solely
for tlm unselfish division of the salaried
otlk-os and the perquisites that attach
to them. With a brazenness that would
hnvo shamed even old Ross Tweed , "tho
united wisdom of the allied forces" Is
Invoked to * k U > rmne ! the ratio which
shall obtain In the frco and unlimited
coinage of democratic , populist nnd sil
ver republican candidates on the reform
state ticket of 1808.
In this appeal for sagacious harmony
1he populists nro duly warned against
displaying too much unselfish ihogglslu
ness and Implored In the name of reform
to let tbo democratic porkers get some *
thing more than a unicll at the 'trough. '
"This method , " wo arc frankly assured ,
"would be more conducive to a continu
ance of that union of the working forces
so necessary to success. "
It goes without snylng that the popu
lists know a good dish when they taste
It and the fleshpots are too tempting to
be relinquished without another desper
ate struggle under the spurious banner
of reform.
TO BE PUSHED irm ; noo/t.
The country will hear with profound
satisfaction of the decision of the mili
tary authorities to push operations with
all possible vigor. A great < lal of en
ergy has been shown and doubtless all
lias been accomplished that could be ,
but the work of preparation is now so
well advanced as to warrant n reason
able expectation that operations will
liercaftcr be conducted with Increased
There appears to bo n very urgent
demand for a movement on Cuba , not
only for the relief of the reconcentrados ,
If there arc any left , but also lu order
: o give assistance to the Insurgents , whet
t is said ne > ed food as well as arms and
ammunition. Congress lias passed the bill
uithorlzlng the army to feed Cubans
nnd arm the people In Cuba and It Is
to bo presumed that the president , who
Ls keenly alive to the conditions in the
Island , will make all possible haste to
carry this resolution into effect. A great
deal will depend , however , upon the re
sult of the operations of Hear Admiral
Sampson's fleet , which nro understood to
bo dJrected ngalnst Porto lllco. Until
that fleet returns to Cuban waters It Is
not probable that an attempt will be
m.ulo to land troops in Cuba. Ktirly
information from Sampson Is eagerly
There is no good reason for impa
tience. The task of the government Is
a very large one and takes lime for its
proper execution. Mobilizing un army
cannot bo accomplished in a day nnd we
cannot light battles on the sen until we
find the enemy , n not easy matter with
one whoso movements nro so mysterious
is those of the Spanish navy.
The message of the president recom
mending that the thanks of congress bo
given to Hear Admiral Dewey and tin
officers nnd men under him is In accord
with the feeling of the American people ,
who will with one * voice approve tlio
prompt and unanimous action of con
gress in both complying with the presi
dent's recommendation nnd in providing
for the promotion of the gallant com
mander of the Asiatic squadron. About
everything that can bo said in praise
nnd admiration of line great achievement
In Manila bay has been said , but per-
: iaps enough consideration has not been
given , In the comment upon the event ,
to tile splendid courage and the perfect
discipline of the subordinate otlicers and
the men of the squadron. To these , as
well as to Dewey , us President McKln-
ley says , the country owes an Incalcula
ble debt nnd they are properly recog
nized in the resolutions that will be a
permanent record of the nation's grati
The battle at Manila settled all ques
tion or doubt iln regard to the discipline
as well as the skill of the men of the
American navy ; there never was nny
doubt respecting their bravery. The
Spanish taunt , widely believed In Eu
rope to be well founded , that there was
no discipline on our war ships , was re
futed with terrible emphasis at Manila
and the lesson , there taught hns con
vinced the world that the American navy
is equal to nny In discipline and inferior
to none in the skill and courage of its
officers and men.
Great changes have taken place In
fifty years , not only In methodsof warfare
fare , but also in methods of disseminat
ing the news. The Baltimore Sun Is
taking pleasure In telling how it beat all
its contemporaries In giving the news
of the bombardment of Vera Cruz ,
March 2.1-2G , 1847 , the report having
been carried to Washington by pony ex
press across the continent , and from
Washington sent to Baltimore 'on
the only telegraph llnu fn the world.
And here we have been impatient for
details of a battle which took place on
it ha other sldo of the world but a week
ago , and we are already In possession of
facts sufficient to satisfy.
The exposition sandbagger pretends
that the exposition. Is not securing the
publicity It deserves. , while nil the time
he Is moving heaven nnd earth to close
the columns of the country press to all
exposition advertising. He is also com
plaining that the advance sale of com
mutation tickets Is not progressing as
rapidly ns It should , when he Is trying
his best to head off purchasers by "tell
ing them they can do bettor by waiting.
That this kind of sandbagging will bo
discounted by the public goes as a mat
ter of course.
If our British friends , famous for
seizing islands , retain their attitude of
friendship for America after they have
had time to digest that story from Ma
nila and realize fully how easily Com
modore. Dewey took In a hunch of l.UOO
islands no further test need be applied.
The Anglo-American treaty of mutual
admiration might us well be signed
right away. _
Although Sir Julian Pannccfote has
l > e-en recalled from Washington , the
British government takes care -to send
Sir Thomas II. Sanderson , ns ambas
sador to the Um'ted States , thus showIng -
Ing that the Washington diplomatic
station Is ivgardid as of first Importance.
TlK > new ambassador Is chosen because
ho Is a diplomat of experleirce and great
There' * , the Huh.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Before we have that great naval battle
In the Atlantic wo must 'first catch the Span-
lab fleet.
Don't Worry , Senor.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Castelar says ho "hates to see the United
States , hl Ideal government , go to pieces. "
Wo earnestly advise Scnor Castelar not to
lie awake at nlgbt worrying about that.
A Modern Cole u .
Philadelphia Record.
It U quite a straddle from the West Indlei
to t y > East Indies. Is Vnclo Sam equal to
the utraln It wilt , put upon his physical
capabilities , * Ubipnp foot planted In Mm *
nlla nnd the otty-r Mi Havana ?
KnnjfjfClty Star.
It Is a curious fact that when Franco was
n monarchy It wns ho friend of the United
States nnd has brmmo Its enemy only since
It adopted a rcpuMlcgn form of government
Feeble ni il.'lpfrrlnr fnklm ,
Utter Idiocy Is chjirqctorlstlo of most of the
"Spanish spy" sf'orf j that wo are getting
from down cast. Th tale of the three Span
iards who sought ' [ p r/ipturo / or blow up Fort
Adams , It. I. , l | 'a . .companion piece to the
narrative of the nstjllan who swam to the
Brooklyn navy ya d dock with the Idea of
overpowering some j undrcds of sailors and
marines and taking possession of the prem
ises. A very feeble and Inferior crowd of
fakirs Is at work In Now York end vicinity
The experts are at the front or as close to
the front as Is codslstent with safety.
\Vli.-nfm I.of'ty
Cltlcncu Tribune.
The farmers are In clover. They had a
hard tlmo of It n few years ago , but they
nro having good times now nnd there. Is no
likelihood of a change In the situation. The
Brynnltcs view this prosperity with sour
faces. Agricultural adversity has been their
stock In trmlo for some years and now they
nro deprived of ft. One of their pot argu
ments for a frco silver debasement of the
currency hns been taken violently from them
by the advance lu th ? prlco of wheat and
other farm products.
Iluiiltnck NIMV nnil Then.
St. 1'aul 1'lonecr Press.
The "hardtack" which Is being supplied
to our volunteers some of It , at least Is a
different article from the great round
wheatcn slabs which fed our armies during
the war of the rebellion. That supplied to
the regiments now In camp 'Is made In
little oblong bits about the size of nn oyster
cracker , but square cornered. Thus the
soldier Is not obliged to Imperil his teeth as
of yore In biting from the "slab , " or , If his
teeth nro poor , to dip It In his coffee before
getting a mouthful. Baked in this modern
\\ay It Is more friable and easier to chew.
But It will no longer serve as a platter on
which It was the prldo of the old campaigner
to bo able to cut his meat with his jackknife -
knife without demolishing tbo dish. It la
sweet nnd wholesome and Is put up In pound
packages of shape convenient for the haver
The silence maintained at Manila for four
dreary days does not approach the noiseless
record of Sobral , De Lome and Du Base.
Ere the country declared Its readiness to
have It out these hair-trigger triplets vo
ciferated copiously and sent along the tele
graph wires broadside after broadside uf
super-heated wind. Where are the distin
guished wlndles now ? Their country's
honor Is In the tureen and native pride Is
accumulating barnacles beneath the waters
of Manila bay. oYet they yell not as of
yore. Doubtless they are too full for utter
ance. " 1
In the early holirs Jt the war the country
was on the verge7of nervous prostration
about the fate of our navy should U en
counter those terrible torpedo boat de
stroyers. Spain has a licet of them , Undo
Sam , none ; consegue.n'tly' tbo timid Jumped
to the conclusion"wo would not bo In the
game a little bit 'when the fighting begau.
But the country jumped In , nevertheless ,
trusting to American genius to devise some
means of diminishing the risk. The trust
was not In vain. . The counter-irritant Is a
gun of treraemtous , .peaking power nnd
execution. At n .Vflceut test U developed a
cpcecl-of 200 shotsiavmlnute , has a range of
one mile and a penetration of half an inch
of steel , twenty Inches of wood backing and
tno sides of 'duch pipe as Is nsed In a steam
cell , Five such guns would In a minute
convert a torpedo boat or destroyer Into a
sieve and furnish free lunch packages for
th fish. Let' the timid be calm" and sleep on.
"There Is one thing about Dewey , " said a
naval officer at Washington the other day.
"He has always Insisted that his ship should
bo as well dressed as he. And we must alt
acknowledge that Dewey's boat was In
variably the spick nnd span of the squadron ,
his sailors the cleanest and his drills the
smartest. Ho makes It an unbreakable rule
that everything on bis vessel can only be
done one way. " The way he cleaned out
the Spanish fleet shows what training
will do.
Yale college did not bother about punch
bowls and silver service for Its namessake ,
formerly the Paris. The students sent In
stead two hot Maxim guns very appropriate
and handy pieces of furniture for a row at
The largest gun on the Iowa and Indiana ,
the most powerful of Admiral Sampson's
fleet , Is the thlrteen-lnch , effective at eight
miles. Such a gun weighs sixty tons , U
forty feet long , takes a charge of CEO
pounds of powder and throws a projectile
weighing 1,100 pounds with an energy , nt
the muzzle , BUlTlclent to perforate twenty-
six Inches of steel.
Bethany Presbyterian church , Phila
delphia , has flung out a flag which will not
bo taken down until the war Is over. When
it was raised on Wednesday evening John
Wanamaker , who Is a member of the church ,
made the following prayer : "O , God , our
Father , wo call upon Thee tonight and ask
Thee to quiet our Hearts. As wo como to
raise the dear old flag bought for us with
the -blood of our fathers , we thank Thee
for every star and stripe and pray Thee to
bless our land and nation. We mourn that
It Is a necessity that blood must be shed.
Be near , O , God , to all who suffer. Let It
be a short war , but , 0 , God , let tbo right
win , and win speedily. "
Navigators around the harbor of New York
have shown such contempt for the mines
planted there that tjicro Is a disposition to
; Ive them a 8aliiiot.of lead from tbo forts.
Several mines and'torpedoes ' have been cut
m\ay from their connections , tossed about by
irop < .ller screws anA'afichors , The fact that
none of them exploded started reports that
.he mines were useless. But a trial proved
otherwise. One ofithc stray mines found on
the beach at Sandy 'Hook was taken in
charge by an nrm/j'officer and towed out
some distance froin shore. A wire was at
tached and the p'u rent turned on. Tbo
explosion sent a monster column of water
200 feet Into thojlCj. Skippers who wit
nessed the test cdnciaded to give tbo tor
pedoes a wldo berth icreaftor.
"Tho United States/ ' says the Cleveland
Plain Dealer , "Becpia-.U ) take as naturally to
water as a cat takfp o cream. Six months
ago we didn't knopr a cruiser from a gun
boat , and now wo are nautical to the top
notch. We talk boats , we think boats. We
have pictures of boats all over our dally
papers ; boats decorate our magazines , boats
cover our bill boards. We fight naval battles
with gravy boats and sail cracker boats In
wastes of steamy soup. The mere pigmies
ot the land , the crawling Infantry , the hop-
plty-ktckity cavalry , the trundling artillery ,
are for tbo moment set aside. It Is the
sailor lad , with his rolling gait , the bully of
the after deck , the captain In bis conning
tower , who hold our hearts' affection. The
gorgeous galaxy generals may bedizen
themselves as they will ; It Is the admiral on
tbo bridge .who catches the admiring j of
an adoring public. "
Chicago Tribune : The Manila triumph not
only avenge * the Main * and tnnkea Cuba
ree , but It also establishes the place ot the
United States nmoug the great naval pow
ers ot the * orld.
Chicago Inter Ocean : nar Admiral
) owcy's report IB the finest plcco of KnR-
Uh composition printed In this country
since the close ot the civil war. Ho is not
only a great sen captain , but one ot the
> est news condensers ot the age.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Dowry bc-
ongs to the same race ns Paul Jones , Barry ,
Perry , McDonough , Decatur , Balnbrldge ,
'arrngut and the other accomplished and
ntrcpld sen warriors whoso deeds have shed
an undying glory on tbo American name.
Chicago Post : Ono fact Btands out lu
gratifying relief In the dispatch from Ad
miral Dowcy thcroas not a single fatal
ly on board the American fleet. This will
jrtng joy to thousands of anxious hearts.
\ great victory achieved without a Jenth
roll for the victors as well ns the van
St. Louts Republic : The victory ndtnon-
shos Spain to sue for peace. It also ad
monishes all of Europe to think twlco bcforo
irovoklng this nation to conflict. A mon'.h
> cforo this war begun wo had oidy n thin
Inc of Iron armor with which to protect
our shores. Wo have to used our po.vcr
that , having soothed alarm nlong our const ,
wo have struck a crushing blpw In the Ta-
Chicago News : Nothing llko It Is re
corded In the annals of history. U Is co
overwhelming ns to bo nltnost Incredible ,
nnd In the face of such a crowning victory
of the American fleet nil apprehensions ns
to Commodore Dewey and his gallant men
vanish. A squadron capabla of such nn uu-
> rcccdented feat as this can bu trusted to
take care of Itself In nny part of the \\orld.
Cleveland Plain Dealer : Admiral Dewey
ms well earned the honors he Is to receive.
\s long as histories of bravo deeds com-
iiand attention the exploit of Dewey ut
Manila will be read with admiration and
wonder. So brilliant an aclilc\cnitUt ! ac
complished with So small loss , prastknlly
with no loss at nil , has never befoieicin \
known. It Is doubtful If Us equal in all
respects will bo recorded for gciioratlons.
\n admiring country salutes you , Adralral
St. Paul Pioneer Press : The ntrangest part
of the story of Dowey'u victory Is that ho
accomplished the complete annihilation of
the Spanish fleet and
the silencing and cap-
ure of their forts and batteries without the
oss of n ship or a man , nnd with only eight
nen slightly wounded. This was not only
due to the superior power nnd accuracy of
his guns , but to the unhesitating audacity
of his onset. The Spaniards fought bravely
o the last , hut they were stunned nnd dazed
> y the suddenness and boldness of Dewey's
terrible swoop.
Minneapolis Times : To what was this
amazing victory due ? Was It the great
llsparlty between the ships and guns of
ho two fleets , or to the abbolutu Inelllclency
of the Spanish marines and gunners ? The
jpanlsh have always made the poorest sea
fighters in Europe. Their naval victories
over nrmnments at all equal to their own
mvo been very rare. On the contrary ,
heir biggest ships have often succumbed
o greatly inferior antagonists. But not
oven Spain , in all her long record of dis
astrous battles at sea , has ever suffered
so total and Ignominious a defeat ns the
one she has Just sustained at Manila. Noth-
ng like It 1ms over happened before In the
world's history of naval fighting.
Minneapolis Tribune : In commenting
jpon the battle a week ago wo character-
zed It as the modern Trafalgar. With the
duller Information before us wo are forced
.o abandon that
comparison. Nelson won
a great victory , but ho won It at the cost
of many lives , Including his own , and of
; reat havoc among his ships. The battle
of Manila was won only nt the cost of havoc
among the ships and men of the enemy.
3ur own were untouched. In this respect
: ho American victory stands out solitary ,
alone , matchless , Incomparable. It Is the
jattlo of Manila the only ono of Its kind
since the beginning of the world.
Charles Oewey , brother of the now famous
commodore , Is president of a life Insurance
company at Montpelier , Vt. Ho and his wife
repently celebrated their golden wedding an
Of the { en soldier presidents of the United
States whose services in that ofllco cover
> ractlcally forty years of the existence of
he republic , William McKlnlcy Is the first
to call the nation to arms.
Emperor William has established a now
medal In memory of his grandfather , Wll-
lam the Great. This Is called the Emperor
William centennial medal , and will bo dis
tributed to 800,000 veterans.
Captain Grldloy , of the Olyrapla , Captain
Coghlnn , of the Helelgh nnd Captain Wll-
dcs of the Boston , who fought together
at Manila , were classmates at the Naval
academy , graduating in 1863 , and Grldley
and Wildes were room-mates.
This was John Adams' Idea of the mission
of America : "I always consider the settle
ment of America with reverence and won
der , as the opening of a grand scene and
design In Providence for the Illumination of
the Ignorant and the emancipation of the
slavish part of mankind all over the earth. "
Commodore Dewey's only son 'lives in New
York and IB In the commission business ,
having graduated from Princeton In 1896. A
irother of the commodore , Charles'Dewey , of
Montpelier , Vt. , executive head of the Na-
lonal Llfo Insurance company , celebrated
ils fiftieth wedding anniversary and the
Manila victory at the same time.
No canteen Is allowed at Camp Black ,
where the New York troops have been mob-
lized , it being believed that such an estab
lishment would promote drunkenness. Only
a few days have been required to demon
strate that Its absence has promoted sur
reptitious drinking and fights between the
provost guard and men who have run the
The suicide of Lieutenant Rowland O. Hill
of Company G , Twentieth infantry , In camp
near Mobile , the first of the week , is at
tributed to temporary insanity Induced by
recurrent attacks of fever contracted In Cen
tral America. He was ono of the most
promising olllcers In the army and would
lave received his captain's commission this
week. His father was killed at the head of a
brigade at the battle of Nashville in 1804.
The Royal li the highest grade baking powder
known. Actual te t > ( how It goes o * -
ttlrd further ttaa aay other broad.
Scope and I'ronticrtu 1'rncf Ololirn-
tlnn nn tin * Urnnnil * .
Chicago Chrpnlclo.
The Transmlssldslppl nnd International
Exposition which will open at Omaha Juno
1 and remain open until November 1 , will
be an Important Industrial and commercial
event In the history of the country. Its
scope will bo greater than that ot the At
lanta and Nashville fairs nnd preparations
are made to secure n degree of success In
accordance with the extent ot the enterprise.
In many respects It will resemble the mag-
nlficence of the World's fair In Chicago five
years ago , though , of course , the display will
not bo n * great as that , which cost $35,000-
000 to create In this city.
Yet the great work will bo worthy of re
membrance among the most comprehensive
enterprises Illustrating the Industries , trade ,
wealth , prosperity , arts nnd productions of
the world. Liberal appropriations have been
made by the United States , by many ot the
states and by foreign governments for build
ings nnd displays. The appropriation of con
gress wns $200,000 nnd Its building wilt re-
cemblo soniDwhat In appearance the govern
ment building nt the World's fair. Further
government recognition hns been given to
the TransmlsslBslppI exposition by the Is.iuo
of n series of postage stamps similar to the
Columbian stamps of 1S93.
The stnte of Illinois has done very well
In providing for a representation ot its
commerce nnd products. The legislature ap
propriated 115,000 for a building nnd ex
hibits. About $20,000 will bo the cost of
the building , leaving the balance to pay ex
penses. The manufacturers and merchants
of Chicago and all parts of the state , nil
producers of whatever will display the evi
dences of the progress and civilization ot
our Illinois people , should take nn Interest
In the exposition and contribute ns far as
po-islblo to secure Its success.
Other western states have done much for
the enterprise. Wisconsin gave $ ir,000 ! to
prepare exhibits ; Iowa , which Is west of
the Mississippi nnd hns a nearer neighbor
hood Interest In the exposition , gives $35-
000 ; the Dakotas , Wyoming , Colorado and
coast stntcs contribute liberal amounts nnd
will have buildings nnd exhibits. Southern
end eastern states will nlso bo represented
by buildings and exhibits. Several foreign
governments have appointed commissioners
and will have dlsplnys of products.
It Is possible that the war may not bo
closed before opening day of the peaceful
exhibition nt Omaha. For that reason the
exposition may at first excite less general
Interest than It would If a great war was
not In progress. But It Is to bo hoped that
pence will como before midsummer , nnd In
that case the most enthusiastic nntionnl
celebration of Its coming should bo on the
Omaha- exposition grounds.
Ilecollcetlou of < lic Illlulit of Avnrlcc
lu the Civil AVnr.
Washington Post.
War is a powerful stimulant alike of tbo
good and the bad faculties and propensities
of mankind. It presents the strongest ap
peals to patriotism as well as the most al
luring temptations to nvnrlce. When the
nation asks citizens to Icavo their homes
and business nnd become soldiers , love of
country Impels the genuine manhood of the
icpubllc to respond to the call with such
promptness nnd zeal that only a small pro
portion of those who volunteer can bo ac
cepted. But , simultaneously with this grand
and Inspiring uprising of patriots , there Is
another movement , as the history of all
wars proves , that Is prompted by greed nnd
Wo have only to turn back the pages of
our history thirty-seven years In order to
study n lesson that should be kept In mind
nt this time by all who have nny thing to do
with the outfitting of volunteers or the
purchase of supplies for the army. When
the pntrlots of ' 61 were rallying to the sup
port of the government the cormorants of >
that time were laying the foundations of
some of the great fortunes that thelr-hclrs
ore now enjoying. State after state sent Its
quota Into the field .clothed and otherwise
equipped with worse than worthless wares ,
lints , warranted to shed water , offered no
serious resistance to a .gentle shower. Shoes ,
tbo best material
made on contracts calling for
terial , were found to have but n veneering (
of leather on the soles to hide brown/paper. /
Shoddy took the place of wool In all the
clothing nnd cast-Iron guns , made In Bel-
glum nnd supplied by American contractors ,
were n fitting nnd altogether harmonious
addition to the grand aggregate of Infamous
fraud. For all this the states paid what
would have been good prices for the best
articles nnd the national treasury eventually
paid the states.
The stealing wns the work of contractors ,
many of whom were eminently respectable
"tho mildest mannered men that over cut
a throat or scutted a ship. " In some In
stances officials ot states were In collusion
with the rascally contractors , and , of course ,
Bharcd the profits of their worse than steal
ing. It would bo base flattery to call these
men scoundrels. In an occasion that ap
pealed as no otber ever had or , In all proba
bility , ever will appeal to the manhood of
the ppople , these creatures saw only n chance
for plunder. If they had robbed the treas
ury or disbursing officers , taking the cash
directly , they would have been simply
thieves. Robbing the treasury by fraud nnd
sending soldiers Into the field with an equip
ment that caused the death of thousands ,
they added murder and treason to the crime
of robbery. Had It been practicable to
shoot to death a few of the authors of this
Infamy In 1861 Justice and mercy would
have smiled on their taking off. The ghouls
who went over the battlefields at night plun
dering the dead were men of honor In com
parison with these plunderers. Not even the
bounty Jumpers matched them In Infamy.
In this month of May , 1898 , there are
many more volunteers being fitted out than
there were In May , 1801. We do not know
that any rascals nro now repeating the
diabolism of that time. Ilut human nature
does not greatly change In thirty-seven
years. Fortunately , we have In places of
authority In nttlonal ind stnte nffnln mea
who romomb r the frauds thnt flourished
In our great war. Should they bo repented
during this war , the nation will not hnve
profited so much ns U ought to have don *
by the costly lesson of n sad oxcpcrlcnco.
ApixtllltiK Miirtnlltjr Atnanu : flimnlih
Soldier * nil Ilin Inland ,
Hnrpcr's Weekly hns obtnlncd from nn of
ficial source , which It IB not nt liberty to ilU-
closc , the following statistics :
lietween March 1 , 1895 , nnd March 1 , 1817 ,
Spnln sent to Cuba ten generals , Gin field
nnd 6,222 subaltern officers , nnd 180,435 sol
diers. To these must bo nddcd the 12,000
officers nnd mou forming the regular Cuban
establishment nt the outbreak of the Insur
rection , making n total of nearly 200.000.
Of these ono general , seven field nnd fifty-
three subnltcrn officers nnd 1,131 men were
killed In battle , ono general , six field and
fifty-five subaltern officers and 701 men died
of wounds , whllo 463 officers and 8,614 men
were wounded nnd presumably recovered.
The losses caused by the enemy nro then
small , being but lUtlo moro than C > per cent
of the total present for duty. The case Is
altered , however , In the matter of disease :
Three hundred and eighteen officers and
13.000 men died of yellow fever , whllo 127
officers nnd about 40,000 men succumbed to
other maladies.
A writer In the Uovtio Sck-ntlfique of Octo
ber 16 , 1897 , gives the following rates of loss
per 1,000 :
Killed or died of wounds "iO.7
Died of yellow fever 66.0
Died of other diseases , . 201.S
Sent homo ( sick nnd wounded ) 113.0
As all the sick nnd wounded , however ,
luuc been sent back to Spain , the number
of these left behind must bo taken Into
account In estimating the total losses of the
Spaniards. Whllo this number cannot bo
accurately determined , yet there Is reason
for believing that It cannot fall far short ot
20,000. Accepting this estimate , wo hnvo a
total rate of loss of f > 21 pur 1,000 for the two
years considered ; or , of the 200,000 consti
tuting the regular Spanish forces In Cuba ,
but 96,000 , lu round numbers , were left to
bear arms on March 1 , 1897 ,
These numbers hnvo moro than academic
interest for us Just at present ; for If wo
uiny nssumo the foregoing rntlo of loss to
hold good from March 1 , 1S97. to March 1 ,
1S9S , then , after adding the ro-cnforccmcnts
sent out during the yenr ended March 25 ,
1898 , there cannot bo In Cuba today moro
than 100.000 regular Spanish troops able to
bear arms. It Is probable that the number
is somewhat less than this , but the assump
tion of 100,000 gives us a small factor ot
safety In estimating the number of nicu we
shall need In order to overcome Spanish re
sistance on land In the island.
It must be recollected that the foregoing
figures are only approximately correct , as
there Is ground for the belief that the Span
ish medical returns have purposely mis
stated , if not understated , the losses of the
Spanish nrmy In Cuba. But for thnt very
reason \\c may feel tolerably sure thnt the
results hero given nro not In excess of th
Chicago Tribune : Friend How about
Hint patent trapdojr scheme you were
jfoini ; to _ et rich on ?
StrUKKlInK Inventor It fell through , old
mun. It fell through.
Detroit Journal : The Proud Father Oh !
come , now ! You were a boy yourself once.
Tliu Irate Neighbor Mny bo I wns : but I
didn't have nn Idiot of a futliur to cncour-
nso mo to make myaolf un. Infernal nuls-
nncc !
Chlcngn Post : "Do you belong to a
'Don't Worry' club ? "
"I do ; and I don't mind saying that the
rules nnd i emulations nnd theories nnd
plans worry mo nearly to death. "
Washington Stnr : "Some men. " said
Untie Kben , "la mighty proud ob dull an
cestors. Hut of do ol' folks wus nllve I
has my iloubtH 'bout whethuli do feelln *
would bo reclprosslfled. "
Brooklyn Llfo : She You shouldn't
blame a jirl ; for being thoughtless.
He Why not ?
She Bemuse even the first woman was
an afterthought.
ChlcnRO Tribune : "These letters , " s.ild
the editor of the Daily Bread , looking
through the communications Unit had come
n that morning finding fault with his po
sition on the Cuban war question , "seem
to be mostly nnonymons. "
"Anonymous ! " exclaimed his Indignant
assistant. "That's no nnmo for. it ! "
Cleveland Plain Dealer : "I see thnt Com
modore Dewey Is nccused of firing petro
leum bombs into Manila. "
"Is he ? Well , I thought the Standard Oil
company would try nnd pet some free ad
vertising out of that Job If It could. "
PlttsburR Chronicle : "I tell you , sir. "
declared the patriotic citizen , "the Ameri
can people are a resolute people. "
"Yes , " replied the other patriotic citizens ,
"nnd senators of the United States nro mou
of many resolutions. "
Phllndelohla Times.
The bos'n wns a-slttln * by the ralltn' , near
the bow ,
A-talkln' to his shipmates an' a-sayln * to
'em how
AVe needed just a Fnrrngut In this her *
Bloody row ,
An' the gunner's mnto paid : "Dewey I
What cher think ? "
Then the bos'n rnls'd his trousers an'
chnnR'd his quid to port.
lie wns un old-tlmo bos'n , an' the old-tlmt
llKhtln' sort ;
An' ho said we wnnt a fighter for to taka
this Morrer fort.
And the gun crow answered : "DowoyI
8'pose wo do. "
"Yes , " the bos'n said , quite hearty ; "he' *
like the IlKhtln' Turk.
Whnt I've rend nbout fn story books , who
didn't never shirk.
But we only need nn ndm'rnl to finish up
the work. "
An' the whole crew answered : "Deweyl
GUCH.I wo do. "
An' the people down In congress nro a-goln'
to take the tip ,
For they know about the commodore an *
how ho runs n ship ;
An * ho runs n fleet Just llko It , an' ho nlwnyt
makes his trip.
So the people wnnt him , Dewoyt
Yes , wo do.
"Truth may speak in
simplest phrase. Wliittier.
Almost any other house in the country , having occasion to
offer new spring goods at a considerable reduction from the usu
al prices , would seize the ocasion to make a flamboyant an
We are content to let the facts speak for themselves. The
reason for our present sale of Spring Clothing is well known ,
having been announced already. It is a business consideration
entirely that constrains us to mark these goods down in order to
move them quickly in the effort to settle the estate of the late Mr.
King at once.
Meantime while these suits last they will be , sold at lower
prices than we have ever before offered.
The prices ranging from $6.00 to $15.00.
8 * W. CoiI6tfi and Douglmm 8t . ;