Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA DAILY" HEE : TUESDAY , MAY 10 , 1808.
AilrrrllHrmrnts for ( lime columns
will be taken until la m. for the
CTcnlntr nnd nntll 8 p. m. for the
tnnrnlnK nnd Sunday edition * .
Advertisers ) l r rcqnentlnn n num-
herrd clirek , emn Iinve nnnivrr * ! -
ilrrimril to n nnnihcred letter In citre
f The Hee. Answer * mo nddrc ed
trill be tlellvcred on prencntntlon of
the check onlr.
llnten , 1 l-2c n word nrst Insertion )
le word thereafter. Nothing t k m
for leu * than 2Se for the llrnt Inner-
tlon. Thcue adrertUcnient * most be
ran connecatlrelr.
"WANTED Portion as governess or com
panion by young lady ; 4 yrs. experience
In teaching. Address O 11 , e.
CANVA8SEUS to take orders ; new line ol
work ; no heavy Roods to curry ; salary ot
communion. C. F. Adams Co. , 521 South
Sixteenth street. B-838
SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to Center * !
$100 per month salary ana expenses : ex
perience unnecessary. Louis krnst Co. ,
Bt. Louis. Mo. B-831
"SCHEMES and Fakes ; " war time money
makers ; 25 cents. Money refunded If no !
satisfactory. Monroe & Co. , Box Ml , Km-
porla , Kansas. _ B M184 12 *
\VANTBD-llellable persons In every sec
tion to distribute circulars , samples , anj !
tack signs ; no canvassing ; cash paid
Will A. Molten Co. , Cleveland , Ohio.
WANTED , 3 first class saddle milkers.
CollliiH & Morrison. B M2 < 0 10
WEN ! Learn the barber trade. Better de
mand this season than for years. Beglr
now and take advantage of the summer s
wages. Eight weeks completes. Send foi
free catalogue Moler System Barbel
Schools. Chicago , St. Louis or Minneapo
lis. B M354 11 *
A. SALESMEN to sell cigars to dealers
salary , $60.00 to $200.00 per month and ex.
penses ; experience unnecessary ; perma
nent position. The Do Morn Clear Co. ,
Sprlngllcld. O. H-M352 10 *
WANTED , partner who can give $1,0X (
bond ; no capital required. Address O 7 ,
The Hee. B M331 10 *
WANTED At once , experienced , compet
ent salesman for general dry goods ref
erence address stating particulars. L.
Weisel , Nebraska City. B M3I9 11
GOOD all round handy man , capable of
erecting all kinds of farm machinery and
repairing same. Good wages paid the
right man. Address O 9 , Beo.
100 GIIILS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $1
week. Canadian Oillce. 1522 Douglas.
C 83S
WANTED First class girl for general
housework. Inquire 1309 South 2Cth St.
C 9S5
WANTED Girl for general housework ;
must bo neat nnd capable und good cook ;
no washing. 3I2S Chicago St.C
C 219-9 *
WANTED , Qlrl for general housework In
small ramlly. 3002 Mason St.CM2C9
C-M2C9 10
WANTED , nurse girl to take care of baby.
3G15 N. 2lth St. C 294 10'
WANTED , girl for general housework ;
good wages. 2719 Jackson st. C M313
yoUNG lady stenographer. Apply own
handwriting , stating experience und sal
ary expected. Address O 8 , Bee ,
WANTED Female help. Good stenog
rapher for Remington machine. State
experience and salary. O 10 , Dee.
C M316 11 *
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Apply 3015 No. 21th st.
C-M317 12 *
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city ;
$5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life.
D S39
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bern Is , Paxton block.
B 841
'MOVING household goods and pianos ,
Om. Van & Storage Co. , ISHVi Fnrnam ,
Tel. 1559. D 813
I'UOPOSITIONS for the place. 342J N. 24th
st. , Including house , barn nnd three acres
of ground. Apply to W. F. Ilolden , care
of Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 8. 16th St.
IB'URNITURE and leasehold of a 13-room
modern Hat for sale at a bargain. Good
location , rent low. Bemls , Paxton blk.
D M511
LARGE list. McCaguo , 15th and Dodge.
11IE East Omaha Land Company have n
few desirable cottages for rent. Apply
, to L. 8. lialncs. East Omaha. D 620
6-ROOM cottage. Inquire 2710 Parker st.
D M161 10 *
6-ROOM cottage furnished complete for
housekeeping , with piano , 2912 Seward. J.
E. Van Gilder , 20th and Nicholas ; 'phone ,
1001. D-295 9
COTTAGE of 6 rooms ; city water ; sewer.
2205 N. 25th St. D-224-9 *
E-ROOMS , very nice. 1510 Madison Ave. A
M. Cowle. 211 So. 18th St. D-228-9
KOR RENT Fully furnished , to private
family , ( not for boarding house purposes ) ,
for four or live months or one year from
June 1st , my house nt 709 Georgia avenue ;
ten rooms. C. E. Summer. D 340
BCOMS by the Cay or week at the Central
hotel , 15th and Dodga Sts.EM323
E-M323 M14
HOOM Transients. 170S Douglas St.
E-M446 M16
FURNISHED rooms. 521 S. 2Cth ixve.
E-M451 M29
MOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge.
E-M351 M24'
PRIVATE family. 513 N. I3d.
. E-M190 12 *
ROOMS opposite Shrlner , 25S1 Harney.
E-M1S9 12 *
FOR RENT , Furnished room ; permanent
gentleman ; modern. 1611 Chit-ago street ,
Hat II. K-M357 11 *
THB Morrlam , flrst-claM family hotel.
25th and Dodge SU. F-847
PLEASANT rooms , modern : strictly flrst-
clai * board. 62) ) N. 19th St.
F-M167 U
NICELY furnished rooms , bath , bnnrd
nrst-clnss ; llnnscom park car line : best
neighborhood. 13J3 South 27th. F 303 10'
IN SMALL private family , larpe well fur-
nlrlied alcove room , with board , for one
or fwo gentlemen : location central ; ret-
crcrnces exchanged , N CI , Deo.
> . F 304 9 *
PLEASANT room with board ; transient !
accommodated. 1909 Capitol avo.
FMU27 10 *
NEW ALBANY , 2US Itluney ; decant
rooms , tlrst-class board ; terms reason
able ; transient trad * solicited
Rent , nice south front unfurnished
* room , with bath ; Withnell block. P. W ,
Carmlchac ) , No. 0 , Withnell block.
f- ROOM Flat , 161S Leavcnworth fit.
FOIl trncknKC , transferring nnd desk room
npply to the Aaltmnn & Taylor Machin
ery Co. , N. K. corno 9th & Jackson Sts.
I 8J9
FOIl KKNT. Part of n Millinery stern foi
Jewelry , Ladles' Furnishings or Fnncj
Novel tics ; i best location In Omahn. N 49 ,
Ueo. my- 1-MI9I 19
FOIl rent , the 4-story brick building nl
> 1C Furnnm St. This building has it llro <
proof cement basement , water on nil
floors. Ras , etc. Apply at the ofllcc ol
The nco. 1 910
FINE InrRO storrroom , 1402 N. 21th , corner
Hamilton ; suitable for Krocery. meat
market or restaurant. Apply 251S Cald
well. 1-297 9'
WANTED , agents to sell Acetylene RUJ
generator * ; must bo men of ability am' '
Home means. > Acetylene , the light of the
future for towns , cities , stores , churches ,
halls , factories , hotels and prtvato resi
dences. Address Omaha Acetylene Gat
Co. , 118 and 120 N. 15th St.- , Omaha , Neb ,
J-M315 M14
INOEU8OLTV8 > nnw lecture on "Liberty , ' '
ntsn Thanksgiving lecture ; either mulled
free.for 10 cents ; agents wanted. P. X ,
Marks , 221 Cth ave. , Chicago. J 15110 *
AOICNT9 wanted. Murat Hnlste&d's area !
War llook. ' 'Our Country In War. " All
nbout Armleci , Navies , Coast Defenses
Mnino Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain ,
nnd relations with Foreign Nations
Nearly GOO paues. All written slnco Maine
Disaster. Magnificent colored Illustra
tions. Agents making J10 to 133 per day
No experience necessary. Most liberal
terms guaranteed , 20 days' credit , price
low , freight paid. Handsome outllt free
Send 9 two-cent stamps to pay postage
Educational Union , 324 Dearborn St. , Chl <
cago. J M1S3 Juno 5
AOENTS wanted for "America's Buttle
for Cuba's Freedom. " Contains all about
Spain , Cuba , armies , navies nnd war ,
Graphic description of Dewcy's famous
victory and his full blogrnphy ; big book ;
f OQ large pngci ; tremendous demand ; only
Sl.GO ; commission 50 per cent ; bonanza foi
agents ; 30 days' credit : freight paid ; out
llt free : wrlto quirk. The Dominion Com
pany. Dent. 14. Chicago. J M203 9 *
AGENTS WANTED Lady or Gentlemal
to sell our high grade perfumery on r
new plan ; profits large , sales eaiy. Ad <
dress Dctv-Moineg Perfumery Co. , D
Molnes , Iowa. J-M2JS-11 *
NAVAL War with Spain ; new book ; finely
Illustrated ; only nuthenttc work pub
lished ; send 15 2-ccnt stamps for outfit
act quick. Address National Pub. Co. ,
Lakesidebldg. . . Chicago. J M33t 15'
WANTED , good bright ladyor men ngents
In every town to take orders for out
new book , Just romlng from press , "The
Great American-Spanish War Sccnoj ; "
200 full pns half-tone pictures : the best
book : loivcst price ; best terms to ngentu ;
solicitors' outllt free to nny one sending
two references and 10 cents In stamps
to cover postage ; credit allowed If needed ;
Benerul agencies to these who can show
succeisful records. W. B. Conkoy Co. ,
311-331 Dearborn street , Chicago.
J MI33 12 *
AGENTS Quick men to visit stores nnd
sell machines for printing signs on fences ,
bridges , rocks , etc. ; steady wotk nil sum
mer. Arc Co. , 77 Arc St. , Ilaclne. WIs.
J-M336 10 *
AGENTS WANTED We want one shrewd
careful man In every town to make a few
thousand dollars for himself quietly nl
homo and not work hard : private Instruc
tions nnd'valuable outfit of new goudn
Kent free.1 Address Immediately , P. O
Uox 5303- Boston , Mass. J M353 10'
AFTER June' ' 1st , In private family , by
gentleman , wife and 3 children ; western
part of city preferred. O 5 , Bee.
K-311-14 *
WANTED , Furnished room with board or
near board In iprlvnto family for man nnd
wife ; elve price und location. Address
O 6. Bee. K 3.19-11
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding ,
OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farn'm. Tel. 1539 ,
BEST trackage and storage- building In
Omaha , U. 8. gov. bonded ; household
goods stored and cared for ; lowest rates ;
two show cases for sale , suitable for ex
position. 1013 and 1015 Leavcnworth. W ,
U. Bushman. M M9C5 31
SRCOND-HAND books bought for cash al
the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam ,
N-M775 M2C
CASH for 2ncf-hnnd books. Crane. 207 N ,
16th. , „ N M205
A PAIR of. iyell matched livery horses ;
must be chcap. , N SO. Bee. N-MI93 12 *
WANTED"tb'buy a fresh Jersey cow. In
quire Phil Aarons , Boston Store.
N M320 10
WANTED-horse : , SOO to 900 pounds , fair
driver ; state prices. Address O 2 , Bee.
N-312-11 *
SELLING out at 131 . South 25th atrcot ,
houiehold furniture , carpets , ranges ,
cooking stoves , gas stove , etc. May bo
seen from 2 to & p. m. O 116
FOR SALE Household furniture. Including
gas steve and refrigerator. Call at 2122
Ohio street. O-M338 11
FINE carriage horse for sale , 4 years old ,
at 323 N. 37tli st. ; call after G o'clock p. m.
P 301 10
FOR SALE A good Klmball made surrey
and harness. Call nt 3S5I Seward St. , or
Itegcnt Shoo Store , 205-8. 15th St.P
P 225-9
HOG nnd poultry fence ; better than wire
netting. Fine sawdust for floors. Tel.
45S. 901 Douglas. Q-S52
HORSE clipping machines , knives and re
pairs , nil standard makes on hand ; grindIng -
Ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv-
Ice. A. L. Undeland. Q M3
CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences : all wire ;
Is best. Wire Works , 14th nnd Harney.
Q-35IM16 *
FOR SALE-Tcn R.T.P.A.N.S. for B cents
at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M780
FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers ;
80-horse power each. Apply to the super
intendent , 106 Bco building. Q 885
LADY'S bicycle , guaranteed perfect condi
tion ; cheap for cash. 2500 Davenport st.
Q 2999 *
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans
cesspools & privy vaults. 31 N. 16. Tel 1779.
R-354 MIS'
SHRUBBERY and trees nt 1717 Douglas.
F. B. Martin ; residence 4C22 Boulevard ave.
R-M431 Miq *
NEW BRICK at Withnell Bros. & Smith's
yard , rid and Hickory. Telephone 425.
R M606
HOUSE PAINTING AH Us branches o-
llclted ; practical painter ; will take coun
try Jobs ; prices reasonable. John Howe.
3S31 Franklin Bt. R 114 t *
ANYONE seeking safe Investment of sav
ings In sums ot $100 and upward should
Investigate what wo have to offer , which
Is as good as government , state or mu
nicipal bonds and pays 6 per cunt per an
num In quarterly payment ! .
JOHN A. McSHANE. President !
H. Qi CANDEE , Secretary.
Room 411 , First Nat'l Bank Building.
MISS MAYER-Chlropodlst , manlcurtx
scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted , stu-
dents. 400 Paxton Blk. T 311 M1J
AURA Elllsoni' N. I6th ( upstairs ) ,
room U , Turko-Ruualan and plain baths ,
massago. T M533 Ml *
ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles and
Bents. 107 80. 14th. , tel. 1SOI. Open nil
nlsht. T M200 J6
MME. Smith , llfr N. 15th Bt. , hot spring and
ypor baths. T 117 8 *
MR& Dr. Leon , olectrlo-nuxssage bath par-
Jors ; restful and curative. 417 8 , lltb , up.
stalrt , v < T-M3U15 *
( Continued. )
MME. Smith , 118 N. 14th St. , hot spring nnd
vapor baths. T 3.1S-16 *
MME. AMES , 607 So. 13th. Room 10. Man-
ttigo baths. T 129 12 *
VIAVI for uterlnn troubles. 316-S Urn
bldg ; physician consultation or health
book free. U 835
BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , S19V4 8. 15th
THE Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , pressed
and repaired , day or night ; special cure
given ladles' tailor made gowns ; dress
suits for hire. N. E. corner 14th and
Farnam. Tel. 962. 857
SUPERFLUOUS hnlr , face blemishes removed -
moved with electricity at Mme. O.
Payne s halrdrcsslng and manlcuro par-i
lorn , 312-313 Knrbnch block.
block.UM542 M19
$30. RUPTURE euro for J30. No detention ,
from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. EmpireRuptura
Cure , 932-933 New York Llfo bldg. , Omnha ,
Neb. U-9 3
SEND lOc for latest war novelty , Unclfl
Sam bound for Cuba. Agents wanted.
Jos. F. Bllz. 322 So. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb.
- - -
THE Aetna Llfo Insurance-company Is pre
pared fo Issue life polldcs waiving the
"war clause" during the-.contlnuatlon ot
the war with Spnln. Apply to John D.ile ,
209 N. Y. Llfo building , .General-Agent for
Nebraska. if „ Uf M2S1 n
PERSONS sufficiently educated graduated
Immediately In medlclno or dentistry.
Lock box J90. Chicago. U M3W 19
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg.
$100,000.00 special fund to loatt on first-class
Improved Omaha property , or for hulld-
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company.
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. :
quick money nt low rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East
ern Nebraska. W 861
LOAN on Improved & unimproved city cltv
property. W. Farnum Smith & Co. , 1320
Fnrnam. W Sfi2
0 PER cent city and" farm loans. Oarvln
Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W-S63
5\'j \ PER cent money. Bemls , Paxton blk.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. ICth.
EASTERN money for" western Invest
ments ; send for circular. Inventors Di
rectory Co. , Now York. . W-290 J7
$10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan oft at any time oi"
in any amounts.
"M South 16th St.
MONEY oaned salaried people lioldfng
permanent positions , with responsible
concerns upon their own name , without
security : easy payments. Tolman , U.
70C , N. Y. L. bldg. X 572
TO GET In or out of business go to J. J.
Gibson , 5U First Nat'l bank. Y 867
FOR sale , a bargain , my entire ding
stock , show cases , soda fountain and
counters ; also will rent store at reason
able rent : located Union Depot hotel , ono
block from U. P. and Burlington depots.
Ernest Stunt , prqprleto v „ , Y 479
ELEVATORS for sale , 'a fine oVslx"o"le
valors on the Republican Valley branch
of the U. P. R. R. , extehdlng south from
Lincoln ; Neb. , through an excellent grain
producing region. Will be sold together
or separately , as desired. In good repair
and fine working order. Will be sold on
easy terms. Apply to Ed 8. Miller. Bea-
trlce. Neb. . Y M82IJ30
FOR sale or rent , a complete barber shop ;
a good opening with an established trade ;
for particulars write to Deutsch & Lock-
wood Co. , Rapid City , So. Dak.
Y MHO 10 *
MEAT market : cash trade ; will average
$35 per day. Price $700 cash. J. J ; Gibson ,
514 First Nat'l Bank. Y 177 14
FOR SALE. A complete stock of paints ,
oil nnd wall paper , the only general stock
In a city of 6,000 Inhabitants , situated on
Puget Sound , Washington. Will give a
bargain for cash ; no trade. Address A.
M. Lord , Everett , Wash. Y 250-17 *
JOB PRINTING , quickest , best and clean
est. Hearsey , the Printer , 1505 Farnam :
'phone , 2060. Y M309 14 *
RESTAURANT doing fine business for sale
cheap ; sickness cnuso for selling- . Ad
dress B 47 , Fremont. Neb. Y 344-14 *
RESTAURANT and lunch counter , princi
pal street , doing good business ; estate
llshcd ono vear ; owner called awav. Al
pha , Bee Ofllce , Council Bluffs. Y M339 10
VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In
Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad
dress L 42 , Beo. Z MS68
KOUNT55E Place bargains , $2,500 , $3,750 to
$6,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank
bldg. RE-S69
FOLLOWING desirable property : Business
lot corner , 60x150 ft. . In So. Omaha , paved.
Business lot , 60x150 ft. , improved , South
Omaha , street paved.
Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36th St.
Tract (20 lots ) , 30th St.
For particulars apply 1012 Fnrnam St. x
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , nlso llro
Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.RE
RE 871
IF YOU have real estate for sale and want
It sold list It with me and I will sell It
( It I can ) . If you wish to purchase and
want a big bargain , look over my list.
J. H. Sherwood , 422 Now YorJ : Life.
FARNAM St. , near 42d St. . lot 48x128 ft. ,
price $800.00. J. N , Frenzer. qpp , old P. O.
> ' RE MHO
THE Columbian Investment company will
sell you a choice lot on1) monthly pay
ments at low rate of tnborastvwhy ; not
start n home ? See thwuimU room 411 ,
First Nat , bk. bldg. - . RE M162
EO-FQOT lot , 48 nnd Farnnm. $350.00.
8-room house nnd barn , large lot , Capitol
Ave. near 2Sth St. . 42,100.00.
4-room house nnd CO-foot lot. 2425 Rurdett
St. . $1,200.00. W. II. Gates , CIS N. Y. Life ,
Phone 1294. RE 226-9
HOMES For nao snaps
Delightful home. West Farnam'
Six pleasant homes In Hun scorn Place ; tea
Four north part of city.
Only bargains advertised.
M. J. Kennard & Son , Sole Agents. 310 and
311 Brown block. RE 218
Buy and save rent. Never before In the
history of Omaha have there been' such
opportunities ottered to acquire lots or
homes nt your own prices. You make
the prices. .
Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands
must bo satisfied.
I give out no lists. If you want to buy I
will match any prices made by any one.
Lots In South Omahn. lots In Omaha , lots
everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Houses
and lots and aero tracts In Douglas
Any reasonable after will be favorably con
sidered. Tell wo what you want and t
will tell you what S will take.
If you have a customer I will pay regular
commissions. I have no agents.
New 7 per cent loans , $1.000 to $1,500 , for
sale on Improved property.
THOS. H. M'CAGDE. Receiver.
106 N. 15th St.
HOUSE , acre ground , fruit ; every con
venience : In Calhoun , sale or exchange )
for Omaha house. 73 2 h.A-vo , , North.
A. C. VAN Rant's School of Shorthand and
Typewriting , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the
following advantages : Individual In
structions by experienced teachers and
skillful stenographers ; up-to-dnto meth
ods : touch system of typewriting If pre
ferred ; participation In actual work , for
which students recelvo pay ; monthly pay
ments. 874
AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters. Boylcs' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg.
PRIVATEInstruction , given in shorthand ,
Lesflblo svslfm.rtVfcrms reasonable. Ad
dress N B3.Jfey , } -220 14 *
LOST on STjjTJBN ( Anyone knowing the
small pnp do * nnswor-
injf the narjin if Stumpy , address Mrs ,
Wm. Hnlncffi lUo Fnrnam. and recelvo
reward. , . , „ „ , Lost M203 9
LOST , Satuntjly'iiflernoon ' nrnr 16th and
Farnam , Kold stpcotaclo nkcleton frame ,
larffo lenses , .ruward. Address O 3. Dee.
lil" . Lost-313-3'
S1IIAYKD ftii'itSoa ) N. 4 th. cherry buy
mare pony. JTJ "JOB. , strap around nccki
WrltO J. F..CoStcs , above address.
' '
' . , , , ; LoBt-MK3 12 *
LADIES ! ClilclfostcT'fl English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best. Safe ,
reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps
for particulars , ' "Relief for Ladles , " In
letter by return mall. At druggists. Chl-
chcster Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.
Mention Bee. M35S 10 *
WITHNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer ,
building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and
Hickory streets. Tel. 423. 20
V > 00,000 new brick. Wltlmoll Bros. . &
Smith's. M 607
DUESSMAKINQ In .families. 2301 Daven
port. M310 J7
H. MAROW1TZ 'loans ' money. 41S N. 16th.
M. S. "WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.878
D. n. HOUCKjustice of the peace , BOO
Knrbnch block. 9'jS
TYPE\VnlTEnS for rentCO per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G23
I'arnam St. ; Telephone 1284. SSO
ALPIRN , Omaha , Junk house , ll'l So. 10th ,
paylnif best price for all kinds of junk.
SOLICIT nnd furnish positions for
stenographers frno. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12 > . 882
DON'T fail to attend our blfj sale of furni
ture Tuesday , May 10 , at 10 n. m. 2553
Cumlnff st. M331 10'
ALFALFA pasture , board fences ? A.'AV.
Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1034.
' . 61S T22 *
tJRQUND , 10is ! > ! ' ; , frontingciqsltlon. .
Bemls. Paxton liJocK. , . SSI
Oliver Ames , > 2ndi ot al. . Complainants ,
against The Union Pacific Railway Com
pany , et al. . defendants.
In the matter DC ttrt. Kansas City & Omaha
Railroad compnrty. Order for advertise
ment and fott ilflresontatlon of claims
against said cbmpuny.
Ujpon conaldertngothe receivers' final re
port and the record In this cause It Is by
the court here
Ordered , thatniatt persons who have or
claim to have any -Inieroat in or Hen upon ;
any of the fumls QA property , as creditors-
of the receiver * of ; said company , or as
creditors of said railroad company , or In
any other . .warfllo > yerllled statements of
the naturedat iqryaccrual and.amounU of
their respective claims with William D.
Cornish , special master , at Omaha , in the
state of Nebraska , on or before the first
of June , 1893 , and that if any of the-m
fall to do so they and each of them so fallIng -
Ing shall be barred from sharing in the ben
efits of the distribution of the moneys and
proceeds of the property ot said railroad
company that are now cr hereafter shall be
In the hands of said receivers In this cause.
Any party to this suit and any party who
flics his claim In accordance with this order
may file an answer to the claim of any
other pirty hereundcr with said master
within ten days after June 1 , 1SOS , and may
contest the same. Alt claims against or
upon said funds arc'referred to said special
master , who wl'.l tear them , and report the
amounts justly owing thereon and the order
In which they are lawfully entitled to pay
This order shall be published forthwith
once In each week for four successive
weeks In The. Omnha Bee , which Is pub
lished In the city of Omaha. Ncoraska.
Let a ropy c < this order be eerved within
15 days from this date upon the Kansas
City & Omaha Railroad company , upon the
St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad com
pany , the Unton Pacific Railway company ,
the Central Trust company of New York ,
upon E. C. Benedict and others , complain-1
ants , and upon the. receivers of the anld St.
Joseph & Grand Island Railroad company
and of the Union Pacific Railway company , j
Bach cf these parties may file their claims
or petitions for any relef ( on or before the
23th i'ay of May , 18S8. and the receivers of
the Kansas City & Omaha Railroad com
pany may reply thereto on or bfore the
llrst of June 1K.8. All questions presented
by such petitions , claims or answers not
hereby disposed of are referred to said spe
cial master.
Dated , April 23. 1S93.
Circuit Judge.
-10-17-24 M.
Department of the Interior , Onice of Indian
Affairs , Washington. U. C. . March ft ) . IS'JS.
Seale < l proposals will b receivedby the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Not. 77-
79 Woostcr street , New York City , until 1
o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. May 17,1898 , fcr fur
nishing for the Indian Service , coffee , su nr.
tea , rice , baking i > Jwd < r , soap , groceries ,
blankets , woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing ,
notions , lints and caps , bcots and shoes ,
crockery and school , books. Bids must ba
mad a on government blanks. Schiduies giv
ing nil necessary Information for blddtM-u
will be furnished on tvnylloatlon at the In
dian Omce , Washington. D. C. . Nos. 77-79
Wooiter streoU N < 5Wi York City ; No. 1002
State street , Chicago , III. ; the Commissaries
of Subsistence , U. S. A. nt Cheyenne , Lcav.
enworth. Omaha. St. Louis , St. Paul and
San Francisco ; tha postmasters at Sioux
City , Yankton , Arkansas City , Caldwell , To-
peko. Wichita and 'Tucson. Bids will ba
opened at the hour and days above stated ,
and bidders are Invited to be present at
the opening
JONES. Commissioner.
< A-27-May-13
( Should bo read DAILY by all Interested
as changes mayv occur at any time. )
Foreign mallatror the week ending May
14 , 1893 , will closiMPROMPTLY In all cases )
ut the General Postaiflco as follows : PAR
CELS POST MAU/3 cloio one hour earlier
than closing tlrqe shown below.
Transatlantic MalU.
t l
TUESDA.Y-At 7'a.m. , , for EUROPE ( ex
cept Spain ) , pw it . Servla. via Queens-
town ( letters muirt be directed "per Her-
vla" ) : at 7 a. : > nvfor EUROPE ( except
Spain ) , per o.l.J JCateer "VVllhelra der
Grouse , via Plymouth -and Bremen.
WEDNE8 AYtf9'a rn. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. ) for KUROPE ( except Spain ) ,
ner a. Britannic , via. Cueenitown ; at
10 a , rn. for 'KURQl'B ( except Spain ) ,
per B. . NoorOUnd , ' rl Southampton
( Continued , )
( letters mujt bo directed "per Noord-
lund" ) .
LANDS direct , per s. s. Edam , via Am
sterdam ( letters must be directed "poi
Edam" ) .
SATURDAY At (1:20 n. m. for FRANCE ,
EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s ,
La Tournine , via Havre ( letters for othei
parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must be
directed "per Lu Tout-nine" ) ; at 6:30 : a ,
m , for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. s ,
Etrurln , via Qlleenstown ( letters foi
France , Switzerland , Italy , Turkey , Egypl
nnd British India must bn directed "pot
Etrurla"K nt 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS
direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotter
dam ( letters must be directed "per Rot
terdam" ) ; nt 8 n. m. for ITALY , per s. s ,
Ems , via Naples ( letters must be directed
" : ior Ems" ) ; nt 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND
direct , per s. H. Furnensln , via Glasgow
( letters must bo directed "per Furnjs-
sin" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct ,
per s. s. Norge ( letters mujt bo directed
"per Norse" ) .
After the closing of the Supplemental
Transatlantic- Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened or
the piers of-the American , English , Froncl :
nnd German steamers , and remain open
until within Ten Minutes of the hour ol
sailing of steamer.
MnllS for Sonth mid Central America
Went IiulleN , Etc.
' UESHAY At II a. m. ( supplementary 11:3 : (
10.1 m. for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO
via Curacao , per s. a. Ccdardeno ; nt 12 m
( supplotncntury 1 p. m. ) for CENTRAL
vAMlORJCA ( except Costa Rica ) and
Finance , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala
must be directed "per Finance" ) ! nt 2 p
m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. Hora
tie , via Para , Mnranlinin nnd Ccara ; ul
M p. m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer
from New Orleans ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per steamer from Nortl :
Sydney ; at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , pt-t
stenmor from Philadelphia.
TRINIDAD nnd TOBAGO , per s. 3. Irra-
\\nddy ; at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , pel
-steamer from Baltimore.
THURSDAY-At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA ,
per s. s. Trinidad.
direct nnd NORTH BRAZIL , via I'ara and
Mnnnos , per 8. s. Hubert ; at 8:30 : p. m
for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamei
from North Sydney ; ut 8:30 : p. m , for ST
PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer froir
North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax ,
nnd thence by steamer , close nt this olllce
dally nt 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mtquclon , by
rail to Boston and thcnco by steamer ,
closb at this nttico dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls
for Mexico City , overland , unless specially
addressed for dispatch by steamer , close
at this office dally nt 2:30 : a. rn. and 2:3 : (
p. m. "Registered mall closes at C p. m.
previous day.
TrniiK-Piirlilc MnllN.
Malls for China and Japan , per B. s. Co
lumbia ( from Tncomn ) , close here dally ur
to May "S at G.10 : p. in. Malls for Australia
( except those for West Australia , whlcli
are forwarded via Europe , New Zealand ,
Hawaii , Fiji and Samoan Islands , per s.
s. Marlposa ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero dally up to May * 13 at 7 a. m. , 11
n. m. and 6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New
York ot s. s. Campania with British malls
for Australia ) . Mails for China , Japan
nnd Hawaii , per s. s. Doric ( from San
Francisco ) , close here dally up to May 23
at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Japan
( specially addressed only ) , per 8. s. Em
press of India ( from Vancouver ) close
) i rn dally up to May * 'ZJ nt C:30 : p. m.
Malls for the Society Islands , per ship
Giililce ( from San Francisco ) , close hero
Hnitv up to May 23 tit fiM n. m. Malls for
Hawaii , per s. s. Zcalnndln ( from San
Francisco ) , close here dally up to May 2fl
nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except
West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii
nnd FIJI Islands , per s. s. Aorangl ( from
Vancouver ) , close hero daily after May
* 13 and up to May 26 nt USO p. m.
Transpacific mulls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing la
arranged on the presumption of their un-
Int minted overland transit. Registered
mall closes nt C p. m. previous day.
Postofflce , New York , N. Y. , May 6 , 1S98.
ern Hallway City Tloket Of
fice , 1401 rarnani Street. Tele-
lihone 661. Depot , Tenth nnl
Mason Streets. Telephone 128.
- L av . ArrU e.
Day-.3 . . vhlrago Spe
cial . . 6:10 am 11:50 pm
MlMourl Valley. Sioux
City. St. Paul and
Minneapolis' ' 5:53 : urn 10:45 : pm
MUkourt Valley , aloUx
City 7:40 : am 9:03 : pmS
Dennlspn , Carroll. Wall
Lake , ' Council niufts. 8:40 : am S 15 am
Eartcrn Express. Dea
Molnes ; Marshalttown ,
Cedir Rapids , Chicago 10:30 : am 4:55 : pm
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
and Kant'- . - . . -4:4J : pm 4:35 : pm
Fast Mull , Chicago to
Omat.a 3:10 : pm
Missouri Valley , Bloux
City. St. Paul. Minne-
'apolls Limited 4:33 : pm 8 CO am
Oma'ia-ChlcaRO Special. 6:43 : pm 8:50 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
apolls & Omaha Hallway
General Oftlces , Nebraska Di
vision , Fifteenth and Webster
Streets. City Ticket Office.
1401 Karnam Street. Telephone
561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele-
phana 1158.
Leave. Arrive ,
Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : am * 8:20 : pm
Sioux City Accommoda. 9 50 am 8:20 : pm
Illnlr , Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponca , llartlne-
ton & Oloomfleld. . . . l:00pm : "l SS nm
Sioux City , Mankota , St.
Paul. Minneapolis. . . 5:35 : pm 8:20 : nm
Emeruon Passenger. . . . 5:10 : pm 8:43 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Kunday
only. " This train stops at stations Florence
to South nialr. Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week
d vo. South Ulnlr only.
Mltnourl Valley Railway Oen.
era I Ofllces , United .States Nu-
tlonul Hank llulldlng. South
west Corner Twelfth and Kur-
- - - . , ; " ' > ' . , n"m Streets. Ticket OIH'e ,
HOI Farnam Street. Telephone 5C1. Depot , fif
teenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1438.
Dlack Hill. . Deadwood
and Hot Springs. . . . 3:00 : pin 5 00 pm
Wyomlnc. Caiper and
Dougla . . . . . . . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
Hauling : ) , VorK. David
City , Supetlor , Geneva
Kxetcr and Seward . . 3:00 pm 3:00 nm
Norfolk. West Point and
Fiomont. . . . ! ; , . . . . 7:50 am 10:25 : am
Lincoln. Wahoo and
rremont. . . . . 7:50 : am " 10:23 : am
Fremont I ocal . 7:50 : nm
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday
only. Dally tccpt Saturday. Dally
except Monday.
road General Ofllces. United
States National Dank Iiu'M- '
Ing. B. W. Corner Twelfth and
rarnani Streets. Tlckft OflUe.
- HOI Farnam Street. Telephone
561. Depot 13th and Webster Sts. Telephone 14JS.
Lavc. Arrive.
Sioux , ' Cly , ManKnto
St. Paul , lllnncapoll ) . 5:55 : pm 8:20 : am
Dally , ' °
land Route" General Ofn"ei ? , j > f.
W. Corner Ninth and Karnam
Streets. City Ticket omce , 1303
Karnam Street. Telephone 216.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone 128.
I.'av * . Arrive.
"The Overland I.lmlled
for Denver , Salt Iwikc
Mlern points 8:30 : am 4:45 : ptn
The Colorado Special ,
( or Denver and nil
Colorado points . . . . . . 11S3 pm 6:40 am
Tact mall train for
Salt 1-iUe. Pacific >
coast and all \\estern
palnta 4:33 : pm 8:40 : am
Lincoln , lieatrlco and
Sirom 1iurs Kxpresn , . ! ; 00 pm J0 : pm
Fremont. Colmubiis-
.Vorfolk , Urand Is.
land und Kearney. . . . . 4DT : pm 11:20 : ptn
Grand Island Hxpress. . * 6:00 : nm
Dnlly J' Datly except .Sunday ,
South Omaha Local pa s. Leacxs , 615 ; n ? m
7Ml : CO a. m. : 9:15 : a. in.j 3.10 p. m. Arlve. 10:15 : a !
Ml . : : :3a : p. m. : 8:00 p. m.
Courcll Dluffs\es , 5S'i : a. in. : : M
n. m. ; 7:4i : ) a. m. ; 8 : o u. m. ; 10J : ) a. m , : 2:13 :
E- ' " ' ; .4tt.r : I.5' ! ' " ? mw : . = ra.Viooi
ni. ArrUes. : js , m. : 7o : B. m. : :3i :
m-riolii p.lomp : ! 5:40pm : - ; ' ! JO " I
Paul Hallnray-Clty Ticket Of-
< , 1J04 Fa rim m Street. Telephone -
phone ? 8I. Depot. Tenth and
Matcn Streets. Telephone 1:8.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Kx. . , . BI5 pm 1:05 : am
Omaha and Ch'caco lit. ' 11:00 : am 1:50 : pin
Office , 14IJ l-'arnam Street. Tele.
phone C92. lc | > ot. Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone 128.
St. Louis "Canon Ball"
Kxpr s * , : JOpra UiJOara
A feature of the summer season promises to be the plquo costume In light , m -
dlum and dark colors , as well as In a variety of fancy patterns In plaids and stripes. . * *
In greater demand than any of the others , however. Is the white plquo tailor gown.
A simple model for this fabric has a close-fitting skirt , cut In flvo gores , measur
ing at the hem three yards and a half. It lias close gathers at the back , and Is severely -
verely plain. The waist , with an cosy fullness In front , Is made plain In the back.
The fronts arc cut in one with two broad tabs buttoning diagonally across the vest
with small ' Ivory buttons a distinctive feature. A touch of bright color Is given by
the ger'nanlum-rod yost or undor-bodlco , from which rolls gracefully n broad sailor '
collar bordered with a iplquo tailor braid. The brnld also decorates the tabs mid the
pointed cuiTs of the small glgot sleeves. The proper cut of the gown can bo only ob
tained from the cut-paper patterns published by Harper's IJazar , where It appears.
Quantity of material nlno yards of pique.
Solicitous Solicitor It appears , my friend , that you nave inherited | 100
000. What immediate advance will you have ?
Happy 'Legatee ( with hesitation ) Can I have half a dollar ?
1 Dally.
lllver Railroad "The Ilur-
llngton Uoutu" Qenernl Of
fices N.V. . Corner Tenth ami
Farnam h'trects. Ticket Of
fice , 1302 Karnam Street. Tele ,
phone 250. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Ptr et . Telephone 128.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook 8:33 am 9:33 am
Lincoln , Denver. Cole
rado. Utah , California ,
Illnck Hills .Montana
and 1'uuet Sound * 4:33 : pm 4:0 : ! pm
LJncoln I-ocul 7:00 pm 7:40 : pm
Jncoln Pant Mall 2:53 : pm 11W : am
Demer , Colorado , Utah ,
California and Fugei
Sound * 113 : pm 11:55 : pm
Burlington & Council IllutTs Railroad
"The Uurllngton Iloute"
Ticket Ottlce , UO ! Karnara
Route Street. Telephone 230. Depot ,
Tenth and Mason Streeti.
Telephone m.
Kansas City Day Ex. . 9:0.1 : nm 3:40 : pm
Kansas City Night Ex. 10:00 : pm :30 : am
Pacllic Railroad "Tho Great
Hock Island Houte" city
Ticket office. 13M Fainam
Street. Telephone 43. Depot.
Tenth and Mu on Stteets.
Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
llocky "Mountain Urn-
Ited , ran . . . . I : am 1:3 am
Hocky ilountaln Ltm-
Ited , west Eo : am 5:13 : am
Ch'caxo and Bt. Paul '
Veutltmled ixprr * . . . . 6:00 : pm 1:23 : pm
Lincoln , Colorado Sp'io ,
IMieblo , Denver nnd
west 1:30 : prn 4:13 : pm
CMcato , Dei Molnes &
Hock Island 7:00 pm Hrt5 am
Atlantic Hxprcsi , fur
Des Molnea nnd eaa-
ern points 7:9) : ) am 8:30 : pm
Colorado flyer 7no pm SW : am
Dally. Dallw except Hunday ,
( lentrnl Olltcex and Ticket
Ollke. Mercharas National Hank
llulldlnic. 1:21 l-'arnam Ktroet.
Ttl'phone. 104 Depot , Fifteenth
and Webxter Street/ . Telephone
1138. , ,
Lrave. Arrive.
Kanias and Nebraska i ,
Limited , , , * 3:53 : pm 12:15 : pm
Kansas City and St ' '
1-ouis Express * 4'.SOpm t:0) : am
Nebraska Local 4:3' ) pm 9:43 : am
Dally. Da'ly exc < pt Sunday.
Omaha. Kanias City & Hast-
ern Railroad "Thu I'ort Arthur
"Jtoui TlcUot .Office. 1415 Far
nam Streets Telephone , 122. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason Htreols.
I'elephone , 123.
Leave. ArHve.
Bt. Lr > uls Cannon Dall
Express 4:35 : pro nfJ am
Kanias City A Qulncy
Lnral , . T : < 9 M M pm
"Late again , Nathalie ; you'll matt *
mo late. "
"What nonsense , John , you haven't
to go to the offlco. "
"I mean you'll be the death of mo ,
and then I shall be your late husband. "
From Punch.
Mother Haven't you got you ?
jsloves , Alexander.
Alexander Ni > toother , but mjr
jband * ar tjulte clew * .