Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY iffc * : SUNDAY , MAY 8 , 1808.
Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Hoc , dentist , Mcrrlam block.
Dr. Green , office 612 Fourth street. .
Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301 Mcrrlam blk.
Oscar Kcellnc returned yesterday from bis
ranch In Wyoming. *
Dr. A. 0. Mudge , the dentist , removed
from 319 to 238 Broadway.
George A. Culver of Olcnwood was In the
city yesterday visiting frlcnda ,
Fred Miller , n prominent stockman of Keg
Creek , was In tlio city yesterday.
P. n. Johnson , the banker of Walnut. la. ,
was In the city yesterday on business.
Mrs. Warren L. Farrlngton has Just re
turned from a visit to her husband at Onawa ,
Mrs. Wade Carey has been called to St.
Joseph. Mo. , by the serious Illness of her
M. A. Hills and C. T. Dcezley. two well
known Insurance men of Dos Molncs , are
In the city.
The Hvans laundry Is the leader In line
work both for color and finish. E20 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
Soren Sorcnscn , ordered committed to the
Insane asylum , was taken to Clnrlnda yes
terday by Sheriff Morgan.
There will bo n meeting this afternoon nt
2:30 : o'clock In the hall at HO Broadway for
the study of spiritual culture.
Councilman J. D. Johnson , \sho has been
on the sick list , was able to be out yester
day for the first time In flvo weeks.
Dr. Hnrchapcc , father of Mrs. S. D. Cochran -
ran , who lived In this city for a number
of years , Is reported to be .dangerously 111
In Chicago.
Dr. Charles E. Woodbury of this city has
been appointed one of the corps of demon
strators of the new college of dentistry at
Den Molncs.
Don't vou think It must bo a pretty good
laundry that can please so ninny hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle ,
724 Broadway.
Captain Leo B. Cousins , the district court
bailiff , yesterday afternoon decorated the
canopy over the Judge's bench In the dis
trict court room with a handsome ( lag.
Reports from William Moore , who Is In
Excelsior Springs , Mo. , are that his health
Is much Improved and that he expects to
return homo the early part of the coming
All members of Hazel camp , Modern
Woodmen of America , are requested to meet
at the hall this evening at 7 o'clock to
go In a body to the Central Christian church
In Hughes' hall.
Charles Gcrbcr , the aged German who
pleaded guilty to passing forged checks on
L. C. Brackctt and McPherson & Heed , was
sentenced yesterday by Judge Smith to six
months In the county Jail.
Mrs. It. N. Wyckoff has been elected treas
urer of the Council Bluffs district of the
Women's Foreign Missionary society of the
Methodist church. The district comprises
twcnty-cevcn auxiliary societies.
Emll Hornsteln. a bootblack , was arrested
yesterday afternoon charged by Bob Mitch
ell , a newsboy , with assault and battery. Ho
gave ball and the cose was set for hearing
before Justice Vein tomorrow morning.
Hugh McCarger has returned from DCS
Molncs and will resume his position with
the Motor company. The office of ordnance
ncrgeant for the Third regiment , Iowa Na
tional Guard , which ho held , has been abel
City Clerk Phillips had up to yesterday
evening Issued 201 dog tags , which Is some
what In excess of the number Issued up
to the same date last year. Poundniaster
Dobson will begin catching untaggcd canines
In a few days. .
Mrs. Anna Sanderson , who was sent to
St. Bernard's hospital a few weeks ago on
an order of the commlsloners of Insanity ,
was yesterday turned over to the care of
her husband , Lewis Sanderson. Mrs. San
derson's condition U much Improved.
Ed Benton , of the firm of Bcnton & Under-
wood , returned yesterday from California ,
where he bad been for the last three weeks
buying cattle. Ho secured 1,800 head , which
he unloaded at North Platte , Neb. , where
be will graze them during the summer.
The funeral of the late John W. McCoy
will bo held this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock
from the family residence , 726 Washington
avenue. Rev. Caudle , pastor of the Central' '
Christian church , will conduct the services
and Interment will be In Walnut Hill ceme
tery. (
Al the recent general conference of the
Latter Day Saints' church Elder T. W. Wil
liams of this city was transferred to the
Pacific coast mission. Ho expects to leave
for Los Angeles about June 1. He will
preach at the church on Pierce street this
morning and evening.
Two young women riding bicycles ran
Into a small boy at the corner of Pearl
street and First avenue yesterday afternoon.
The young women both took headers , but
escaped with nothing worse than a few
bruises , but the small boy received a cut
on his head.
Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , Grand Army of
the Republic , lit Its meeting last night , ap
pointed a committee consisting of J. C.
DcHavcn. D. Maltby and J. S. Grctzer to wait
on Mayor Jennings tomorrow to request htm
to call a public meeting to celebrate the
victory of Commodore Dewey ,
Two runaway boys , John Woods of 2209
Ntrth Twentieth street , and John Duscn-
berry of 2223 North Twenty-second street ,
Omaha , were detained at the city Jail Fri
day night. Yesterday morning young Woods
was turned over to his mother , who came for
him , and the other boy consented It let go
to return homo.
A. R. Long , charged with being a fugitive
from Justice , Is In custody at the city Jail.
He was arrested yesterday afternoon by
Detective Weir on Information from the
authorities at Urbana , 111. , where he ll
wanted to answer to the charge of em
bezzlement. He will be held until the ar
rival of an officer from Urbana.
A scene of special Interest In "O'Brien ,
the Contractor , " which will bo presented by
Dan Sully at the Dohany theater next Thurs
day , May 12 , will bo a touch of nature Intro
duced between O'Brien and the children.
The little daughter of a wealthy lady meets
O'Brien and with a child's IntuTUveness rec
ognizes the diamond In the rough , and
through her friendliness Is the cause of her
mother becoming the wife of O'Brien , when
he attains the fortune for which he has
been working.
"Vtrglnlus" was originally produced at
Covent Garden theater , London , In May ,
1820. The first representative of the char
acter of Vlrglnlus was the great English
tragedian , W. C. Macready , to whom the
author acknowledged his indebtedness for
his assistance In the production of the play.
The men who have made Vlrglnlus famous
in this country were Thomas Abtborpo
Cooper , originally , and In the order named ,
Edwin Forrest. John McCullough and Fred
erick Warde. At the Dohany theater Tues
day , May 17.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnished.
328-327-328 Mer-
rlarn block.
Money to loan on city property. KInne.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Silver twupoon * etlll go with Dometic
Boa p.
FOR SALE Good econd-h nd bicycle at
* bargain. Call at The Bee office , Council
Bluff * .
Irving hotel. 27J.9 B'd'y ; rate * , 1.60.
Hoffmayr'a fancy patent flour makes the
belt and most bread. Aik your grocer for It.
Domestic Soap make * and kcepi clean
I have a few thousand dollars to be
loaned in small amount * on good Improved
( arm * or upon the better class of city prop
erty. D. W. Oti * , 133 Pearl street , Council
bluff * .
Recovers His Claim Against the University of
Nebraska Athletic Association !
Conch Collect * Pay for Service * Ren
dered Two Yearn AKO Other
Matter * In Dlntrlct and
Snperlor Court * .
The trial of the suit of Frank Crawford of
Omaha against the Athletic association of
the University of Nebraska was completed
In the district court yesterday morning and
the case given to the Jury shortly before
noon. Following the conclusion of the case
Judge Smith adjourned court until Monday
morning and instructed the Jury to bring In
a scaled verdict , which It did after being
out about three hours. Although the ver
dict was a scaled one , the Jurors announced
that It was for the plaintiff In the sum of
$221.67. Crawford sued for $226 , which ho
claimed was due him for services as coach
to the University Athletic association sev
eral years ago. The case turned largely on
the question whether the present athletic
association of the university Is a new or
ganization or whether It Is a reorganization
of the former one when Crawford was coach.
The university' share of the gate receipts ,
amounting to $250 , at the Interstate foot ball
game played here last Thanksgiving day ,
was attached by Crawford.
The personal damage suit of Mrs. Jennie
Knsslug against the Rock Island railway
was set for trial Monday morning.
The suit of Andrew C. Graham against
George W. Gorham and others to quiet title
to certain property on Madison street was
transcrtptcd yesterday from the superior
court to the district court.
Judge Aylcsworth yesterday adjourned the
superior court until May 23 , when the May
term opens. In the case of the Bclknap
Savings Bank against A. M. Stevenson and
others Judge Aylesvvorth yesterday ap
pointed II. W. Binder receiver of the prop
erty sought to be foreclosed. The property
Involved Is lot 3 and the south half of lot 2 ,
In block 1 , Oak Grove addition.
In the district court yesterday Judge
Smith and County Attorney Saunders made
the following assignment of the cases
on the criminal calendar : Tuesday ,
May 10 , State against Charles Cooney ,
State against Fred Stone , appeal
cases , State against H. H. Martin ,
State against Mike Kcmpls et al ; city ap
peal cases , City against P. D. Burke , City
against John Bell , City against W. W. Cox.
Friday , May 13 , State against Dan McKen-
zlc. The cases of the State against Edward
Troutman and George G. Bell are set to fol
low the civil assignment.
One of the neatest bars in the city has
Just been opened by George Hansscn at No.
9 South Main street. Only high class drinks
will bo kept and the old reliable Schlltz ,
the best beer on earth , will bo on tap. The
familiar face of George Smith will greet
customers behind the bar.
Cordwood for sale cheap. Addrei * W. F. ,
Bee office. Council Bluffs.
Storage , WInn & Konlgmacher , 33C Broad
Domestic Soap Is the beet for the laundry.
Monday Manlcnl Club'o Meeting One
of the Pleannnt Affair * .
The Monday Musical club gave Its regular
weekly musical last Monday at St. John's
English Lutheran church parlor * . The com
poser * studied were Henselt and Shuman.
Mcsdame * Cory , Cole , Mullis , Misses Gerner ,
Witter , Beebe , Dyar and Travis took part
in the program. An open meeting will be
heldMonday _ , May 23 , at which the officer *
for the ensuing year will be * elected. Owing
to the perseverance of Mrs. Don Macrae the
club has doubled Us membership during the
last year.
Miss Conkltn of Austin , 111. , who has been
the guest of Mrs. Foley , left for her homo
Friday night.
The Cotillon club'gave a dancing party at
Hondo's hall Wednesday night which proved ,
as usual , a very pleasant affair.
The May party given at Hondo's dancing
academy Friday night was largely attended ,
the younger members of the society set pre
Mrs. Aldcn of Austin , 111. , formerly Miss
Maude Kclley of this city , and her son ar
rived last Tuesday from California , accom
panied by her father , Dr. Kelley. After
spending several days hero visiting friends
they will go to Chicago tomorrow. Miss
Hattlo Stead gave a dinner last Thursday in
honor of Mrs. Alden. Those present were
Mesdames Aldcn , Cook , Compton and Misses
Nellie Green and Scahlll.
Miss N. Green entertained at dinner last
Tuesday Messrs. and Mesdames P. 8. DeVol ,
C. H. Hudson , Dr. Kelley , Mrs. Alden ,
Misses Mamo DeVol and Hattlo Slead.
The Misses Carnahan , Lunkley , Wlckham
and Smith , chaperoned by Mrs. Stork , will
go to Dea Molnes today to visit the Guards
at Camp McKlnley.
In honor of Mrs. Kelley-Alden , who was
a member of the High school class In ISS.'i ,
Mrs. Jacob Sims and Miss Hattle entertained
Friday evening at the home of the former.
The Invited guests were the member * of
"The Diligent Dozen , " a club that existed
In the High school at the time Mr * . Alden
was a pupil and to which she belonged.
Myrtle lodge , Degree of Honor , will en
tertain their friends at a dance next Friday
evening In the Knights of Pythias hall.
Mrs. W. J. Leverett entertained a com
pany of friends at a most enjoyable musical
party last Thursday evening.
The ball given Thursday night by Hazel
camp , Modern Woodmen of America , at the
Armory in the Masonic building for the
benefit of the Dodge Light Guard was one
of the social features of the week. Over COO
persons were present and an excellent pro
gram of twenty-four numbers and several
extras wo * danced. The camp Forester * in
full uniform acted as floor committee.
The entertainment given by the women of
Unity Guild of Grace Episcopal church at
tracted a largo and faahlonable audience to
Hughes' hall Thursday evening and the "Old
Maids' Convention , " in which a number of
spinster * of uncertain age were rejuvenated ,
proved an Immense hit. A pleasing feature
of the evening was the reciting by Mr * .
Harry Brookes of a patriotic poem entitled
"Two Kinds of Heroes , " written by Mrs.
G. H. Jackson , and the singing of "Don't
Forget the Maine , " composed by the lame
woman , by Miss Florence Wright. The en
tertainment concluded with a dance.
Mrs. William H. Herron of 1200 Avenue F
is visiting friend * In Boono. la.
Miss Edna Bonbam ha * returned home
from an enjoyable visit with friend * in DCS
Steve Cook , who ha * been seriously tick
at Sioux City , .1 * visiting his parent * , Mr.
and Mr * . S. Cook , of 620 Seventh avenue.
Mr. and Mr * . Charles Denny , who have
been visiting friend * here , have returned
to their home In Evanston , Wyo.
Mr. and Mr * . Henry Swan returned
Thursday from an extended louthern trip ,
during which several months were spent
with their son at Btloxl , Miss.
C. II. II. 8. KIHM ) DAY ENTHIH.H. * of the Horn Who Will Content
the Different Invent * .
The annual field day of the High school ,
postponed Friday on account of the wet
weather , will be held Wednesday afternoon.
The track at the driving park Is not In as
bad condition as would bo expected and yes
terday's sun went far to putting It in good
shape. Unless the weather should again In
terfere the track will be in first-class condi
tion by Wednesday. The boys , until the rain
stopped them , were hard at work on the
track nnd most of those who have entered In
the different events were at the park yes
terday afternoon practicing. The entries
listed with Manager Wilfred Barnard for
the different events up to last evening fol
low :
100-yard dash : Henry Sounders , Archer
Barnard , Walter Sounders , Arthur Wil
liams , Edgar Dyar.
220-yard dash : Henry Sounders , Archer
Barnard , Walter Saunders , Edgar Dyar.
440-yard dash : Edgar Graham , Walter
Sounders. Shuman Dcltrlch , Archer Bar
nard , Joe Bone , Edgar Dyar.
One-half mlle run : Howard Alnsworth ,
Will Ayiesworth , Harry Ball , Maurice De-
kay , Will Richmond , Charles Galncs , Leo
Baldwin , Shuman Dietrich.
One mlle run : George Dalley , Shuman
Dietrich , Maurice Dekay , Forrest Ruther
ford , Harry Ball , Will Aylcsworth , Leo
120-yard hurdle : Wilfred Barnard , Edgar
220-yard hurdle : Wilfred Barnard , Henry
Saunders , Earl Beardsley , Walter Bullion" .
One mlle walk : Walter Kynett , Earl
Bcardsley , Mac Hanchett.
Shot put : Tom Welch , Erie Miller , Ed
gar Dyar , Walter Sulhoff , Herbert Pardey.
Hammer throw : Thomas r Welch , Erie
Half-mile bicycle : O. O. Butts , Gcorgo
Crane , George Walker , Forrest Rutherford ,
George Chllcls , A. Peterson.
Two-mllo bicycle : O. O. Butts , Gcorgo
Crane. Forrest Rutherford , George Walker.
Polo vault : Walter Sulhoff , Ross Abdlll ,
Leo Baldwin , Herbert Pardey , Lewis
Dwlnell , Charles Reynolds , Earl Beardslcy ,
Arthur Sanford.
Running high Jump : Wilfred Barnard ,
Ross Abdlll , Walter Sulhoff , Edgar Dyar ,
Leo Baldwin. Lewis Dwlnell , Oscar Wahl-
gren , Edgar Graham , Herbert Pardey , How
ard Alnsworth , George Dalley.
Running broad Jump : Henry Saunders ,
Archer Barnard , Edgar Dyar , Thomas
At the close of the track program there
will be a company and individual competi
tive drill by the cadets.
Grand May Sale.
New seasonable merchandise at special
sale prices.
Fine corded ginghams , new stripes , 15c
value , at lOc a yard.
Double fold Irish lawns , full 40 In. wide ,
15c value , special at 6c a yard.
Beautiful line of French cambrics , dyed
and printed , all the new blues in plaids
and checks , 19c value , at 12&c ; i2V c fig
ured satlnes at 8 l-3c a yard.
Big assortment of 36-ln. percales at 9c
and 12',4c.
Fancy fringed sashes , 3 % yards long , In
all colors , only $1.33 each.
No. 40 fancy striped ribbon , worth 25c ,
at 15c a yard.
See bargains we offer In flowers and mil
linery trimmings , special at 6c , 12V4c , lOc ,
39c and 69c.
Ladles' sailor hots , worth $1.CO , at 99c
An odd lot of ladles' embroidered hand
kerchiefs , worth 25c and 39c , special , 6 for
$1.00. 19c each.
New line of ladles' shirt waists , ties ,
belts , etc. , at special prices.
New Val laces at 3c , EC , 7c , 9c , lOc a yard ,
special prices by the piece.
New Torchon laces In all widths , special
Council Bluffs , la.
Save your Domestic Soap wrappers.
Read premium offers inside Domestic Soao
wrapper * .
Church Service * .
Service * will bo held in the different
churches of the city today as follow * :
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church ,
Rev. J. H. Senseney , Pastor Preaching at
10:30 : a. m. , class meeting ot 12 m. , Sunday
school at 12 m. , Junior league at 4 p. m. ,
Epworth league at 7 p. m. , preaching at 8
p. m. The public is cordially Invited to attend - '
tend these services.
St. John's English Lutheran Church , Cor
ner of Willow Avenue and Seventh Street ,
Rev. G. W. Snyder , Pastor Services at 10:30 :
a. m. and _ 8 p. m. ; sermons by the pastor ;
morning subject. "True Teachings ; " evenIng -
Ing subject , "God's Knowledge ; " Sunday
school at 12 m.
First Baptist Church , Corner First Ave
nue and Sixth Street , Rev. R. Venting ,
Pastor Morning service at 10:30 : ; subject of
sermon , "Fraternal Ties ; " Sunday school at
12 m. , Baptist Young People's Union society
meeting in lecture room at 7 p. m. , evening
service at 8 p. m. ; subject of sermon , "The
Boy With the Little Head. " The public is
cordially invited to attend the services.
St. Paul's Church , Rev. L. P. McDonald ,
Rector Holy communion at 8 a. m. ; mornIng -
Ing Bcrylce at 11 ; subject of sermon ,
"Walking Worthily ; " evening service at
7:30 : ; subject of sermon , "Go For
ward. " At the morning service the choir
will sing an offertory anthem and in the
evening Mr. I. M. Treynor will sing a solo.
All seats are free and the public I * cordially
Invited to the services.
First Congregational Church , Corner of
Sixth Street and Seventh Avenue Preaching
by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. ; subject , "The
Best Use of the Sabbath ; " Sunday school al
12 m. ; Young People' * Society of Christian
Endeavor at 7:15 : p. m. ; gospel praise service
at 8 p. m. , followed by a brief patriotic ad
dress ; subject , "A Nation Perishing by the ,
Sword. " The music for the day will be In
charge of Miss Swerlngen of Omaha.
First Presbyterian Church At the mornIng -
Ing service "Maine memorial day" will be
observed with appropriate music and ser
mon on the EUbJect , "Our National Spirit
Tested. " The offerings will go toward the
erection of the proposed national Majno
monument. Evening service at 8 o'clock ,
with sermon on "What Advantage in Being
a Church Member. " Other services as usual.
Seats free. All welcome. W. S. Barnes ,
Christian Tabernacle , Corner Scott and
Mynster Streets , S. M. Perkins , Pastor ; Miss
Gertrude B. Kennedy , Musical Director-
Subject at 10:45 : a. m. , "Wanted A Con
fession of Faith Comprehensive Enough to
Include All Christian People ; Must Bo Di
vinely Recommended. " Subject at 8 p. m. ,
"The Second Coming of Christ. " Everybody
invited. Special music at all services.
Central Christian Church , All Service * In
Hughes' Hall , Corner Broadway and Park
Avenue Today 1 * the first anniversary of
the organization of this congregation and
will be celebrated by a fitting program. The
pastor , A. R. Caudle , will preach at 11 a. m.
on the subject of "American and Home Mis
sion * . " Bible school at 10 a. m. At 8 p. m.
the pastor Will address Hazel camp , Modern
Woodmen of America , which will attend in
a body. All are invited.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Church Service *
at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; morning subject ,
"The Right of Power , the Christian' *
Need ; " evening , "Grieving , the Spirit and
the Consequence ; " Sunday school at IS m. ,
Junior league at 3 p. m. , Epworth league at
7 p. a. Rev. O. P. Fry , pastor.
Second Presbyterian Church , Frank and
tJ Hi1
Harmony Streets , 'ReV , Alexander Llthcr-
land , Pastor At th& morning service Rev.
R. E. Blackman of ffiftca. will preach. Evening
ing services as usual' . .All are welcome.
enr"'Th'entrlcnl .
Ainn < *
The young asptranfcPfor histrionic fame
who presented "OiiVrJofuntry Cousin" at the
Dohany theater ye jijroAy afternoon played
to one ot the largestauulences ever gathered
within the house. ' 'The cast Included :
Frank Hall , Cora Hitchcock , Nellie Bcas-
more , Pearl Williams , Aggie Bcacom , Mabel
Walters , Emma Kuhn , Anita Brackett ,
Hazel Wiley , Dick Hitchcock , Roy Bloom ,
Alvln Bloom , Jack Kissel , Gilbert Brackctt ,
Glen Kerns , D. Williams and Robert Kuhn.
Out of 10,000 samples of Hyomel , the new
euro for catarrh. Davis , the druggist , gave
out over 1,400 bottles yesterday. The free
distribution will last all this week.
The glass In the Iowa state building at
the exposition Is being furnished by George
S. Davis of Council Bluffs.
IlenI Entntc Trannfcrn.
The following transfers were placed on
nic nt the title and lonn ofllco of J. W.
Squire. 101 Pearl street :
Edward D. Hooker nnd wife to J. W.
Evcrson , lots 9 and 10 , Railroad add
to Carson , w d $ 700
J. W. Evcrson nnd wife to Hooker
Bros. , lot 19 , block 3 , Carson , w d. . . . 500
Eliza J. Hough to It. A. Ferry , lot 6 ,
block 183 , Crescent City , w il 25
Heirs of Ewnld Nlssen to A. II. Brown ,
s 4 sotf Kett nw',4 9-77-33 , w d 2,500
Anna M. Taes nnd hUHb.tnd to C. H.
Stuhr. uncltv 1-14 of lot 8 , block 7 ,
Mlnden , w d 33
Executors of Dora Peterson to same ,
undtv 1-7 of same , w d 71
John F. Peterson to same , lot 8 , block
7 , Mlnden , q c d 1
Herman F. Peterson to same , undlv
1-7 of lot 8 , block 7 , Mlnden , a c d. . . 71
John P. Stuhr and wife et al to C. H.
Stuhr , undlv 6-7 of same , w d 423
Nine transfers , total $4,333
Abend of All Otliern.
You can talk about paints , but Dcvoe's
arc the recognized leaders. They have been
tried year after year and have stood the
test. Paint your house before the exposi
tion opens and make the city look Inviting
to the thousands of strangers who will be
here. But don't forget to buy the best
paints. That's Dcvoe's. Morgan's drug
stores. 142 and 742 Broadway.
AVomnn'n Club ( luartcrn.
The Council Bluffs , Woman's club has
rented the hall In the Brown block. The
following leaders In the various departments
have been elected : Literature , Mrs. Sarah
Key ; social and mental science , Mrs. Clem
Ktmball ; philanthropies , Mrs. George T.
Phelps ; art , Miss Caroline Dodge. The de
partment of current events will be In charge
of the Cosmos club and that of general his
tory under the charge of the Central Uni
versity Extension , club.
A nice line of icfrlgerators , lawn mow
ers and seasonable-goods at Cole & Colo's.
If you want a nlcoi mess of fresh fish
Just call up 161 by telephone nnd Sullivan
will fill your order for anything In that
line you desire. f ,
Sullivan handles more fish than any other
merchant In Council Bluffs. He makes that
a specialty and that Is the reason you will
always be suited by giving him your order.
Stop at Klein's Oandj try his summer
drinks. Nothing better'in town.
No Need to Kick.
You will always bo-"kicking - " if you con
tinue to buy poor paints. Remember that
Harrison's paint I * pure and will last lon
ger than any ot r , ( Jcorge S. Davis , 200
Broadway. ( l , , ' . , Ju" - ,
Good flour , $1.35. Cartel & Miller.
Hcen Cleanluar Honne.
The Mueller Piano and Organ company
ha * not had its opening , but ha * been house
cleaning and everything about the place
looks as bright as a new sliver dollar. Mr.
Mueller soys he has been making' such
heavy sale * during the early spring that it
has been hard work to keep a supply of In
struments on hand , but he has been equal
to the emergency and every customer has
been satisfied.
Chamber * ' May party'for adults , Friday
evening , May 10. Orchestra of five pieces.
Refreshment * ; $1.00 per couple.
Mis * Mabel Benncr ha * purchased a
League bicycle from Cole & Cole.
A good place to buy a fine piano is
Bourlclus' Music House , 325 Broadway ,
where they give ' premium .stamps and
premium sfara.
Ono of the greatest sights on Broadway
fo be seen dally Is the fish' exhibit In front
of Sullivan's grocery store at 343 Broad
way. Everything to ( be found In the fish
market is there.
The Degree Team of Council camp , No.
14 , Woodmen of the World , will give a
May party dance on Wednesday evening ,
May 11 , which will be the last of the sea
son. A pleasant time.for all.
Did you ever see a machine for scaling
fish ? If not , go to Sullivan's store , 343
Broadway , and gee It work. He Is prepared
now to clean all the fish ordered and do
the work nicely without extra cost.
If you want fruit of any kind you will
find it at Klein's. 112 Broadway.
Death from Parnlynln.
NEOLA , la. , May 7. ( Special. ) The
death of Mrs. John Slngeman of this county ,
due to a stroke of paralysis , is deeply re
gretted by all. She had been living with
her daughter , Mrs. Louis Mlcbeler , on the
old farm south of town. She was 66 years
of age. She leaves to mourn her loss , Mrs.
Louis Mlcholer , Mr * . Adam Young , living
In this vicinity , and Mr * . Charles Maurer ,
residing at Council Bluff * .
Trniiinn Under Arrent.
' BOONS , la. , May 7. ( Special Telegram. )
A gang of fifteen tramps was arrested
here lost night , supposed to hove been Impli
cated in the Ogden postofflce robbery. A
quantity ot dynamite caps , drills and
punches was found'upon them. They will
be held for Identification.
Iowa NcwOftper Note * .
Frank C. Summer's has bought the Oil
man Dispatch. t'f i
3. J. Klrby baa become city editor of the
Boone Dolly News , ( , < -a
Editor Barrows hqf 3 the loweglan has
moved into a handsome new residence.
Johnson BrlghanV'eflltor of the Midland
Monthly , has assumed/ duties as state
librarian. A ic
S. B. Barnard , formerly of the Sac Sun ,
ha * become business'm'&nager of the Brook
lyn Chronicle.J , '
Henry Jones ha * . "become managing editor
of the Des MolnefjLe der and Gel * Bots-
ford city editor. , j , |
The nomination iofj. S. Morgan , one of
the proprietors of-.the Dubuque Times , a *
postmaster , has betqconfirmed.
Editor Welllver ha * made a great change
for the better in the Corning Union since
taking charge of it the first of last month.
Howard A. Burrell , the veteran of the
Washington Press , recently completed his
thirty-second year of continuous service on
that paper.
Frank Q. Stuart of the Chariton Demo
crat has been selected a * temporary chair
man of the Iowa democratic state conven
tion , which meet * in Marshalltown.
Mis * Margaret Gorman , one of the editors
\ and publishers ot ' the. Nashua Reporter ,
\ was 'married at St. Paul last week to J. A.
i Bishop , editor of the New Hampton Tribune
I and county superintendent of Cblckasaw
county. .
The Dention Review will continue to be
published by F. W. Myers , son of the late
J. Fred Myers , who had been editor for a
great many year * . P. W. Myer * was chief
clerk to Governor * Jacluon and Drake and
la an able newspaper maa.
Discovery Which May Make Marshalltowu
Important Manufacturing Center.
Scheme on Foot < o Mnnnfnctnrc Crtulo
ItubbcrWhich Will He Mnilc
lute Illocle Tire niul
Other Article * .
MARSHALLTOWN , la. , May 7. ( Special. )
The discovery of a way to make a superior
quality of rubber by vulcanizing corn oil
.made by chemists at the Chicago plant of
the glucose trust promises to glvo Iowa an
other Important industry. The largest works
belonging to the trust ore 'located in this
city and If the experiments now being made
to test the now discovery prove satisfactory
the manufacture of rubber on a largo scale
will be at once commenced at the factory
In Marshalltown. Not only will the crude
rubber be made , but this in turn will be
manufactured Into bicycle tires and other
articles. It Is claimed by the company that
the new discovery will glvo them control of
the rubber market of this country.
ma ciiown CO.MINO TO ms MOINUS.
Ten to Twelve Tlmuiinnil People. L2x-
pecteil nt Ilcvlew *
DBS M01NES , la. , May 7. The railroads
today schedule 206 coaches to arrive In to
morrow's excursions. Arrangements are be
ing made for the accommodation of 10,000 to
12,000 visitors. The camp officers have
agreed to arrange a dress parade from 4 p.
m. to 6:30 : p. in.
Attempted Jiill
OSKALOOSA , la. , May C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Dr. Desmond , In Jail at Montczuma
under.Indictment for assaulting two little
girls at Searsboro last winter , made a bold
attempt to escape last night , but was stopped
by the heroic work of Mrs. Blnegar , wife
of the sheriff of Powcshlck county. With a
largo stove poker , which he secured In some
mysterious manner , ho succeeded In making
n hole through the wall of his cell. Sheriff
Blnegar was away from the house during
the evening and his wife , hearing a otrango
noise , went to Investigate. As she opened
the door leading to the cells , Desmond
Jumped at the open door. Mrs. Blnegar wan
too quick for him and slammed the door
shut and locked It on the outside. She then
secured n largo club and ran around the
building to glvo the alarm. Noticing the
strange hole she stopped. Just then Des
mond's head appeared through the hole and
he would have made good his escape , but ,
she called to htm to halt. She told htm
she would kill htm If ho did not go back ,
and raised the club to put her threat Into
execution. Desmond weakened and drew
himself back into his cell. Mrs. Blnegar
saw two men In a buggy nearby , who dis
appeared when she gave the alarm. The
dirt had been dug away and part of the
hole In the wall made from the outside ,
which leads to the conclusion that the men
were assisting Desmond to escape. A clew
has been found to the strangers and the
sheriff and posse are now after them.
Note * of the Mllltln.
DBS MOINES. May 7. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Governor Shaw today received a
call from the government for a hospital
corps to consist of flvo hospital stewards ,
five acting hospital stewards and 108 pri
Captain Jerauld A. Olmsted , United States
muster officer detailed to muster In the Iowa
troops , today received Instructions from
Washington to accept all officers recom
mended by Governor Shaw whether they
pass the physical examination or not. Of
ficers are to be examined , however , and rec
ords kept to protect the government. In
case an officer doesn't pass the examination
he can go to the front in command of bis
men , but he is ineligible for a pension. This
ends what promised to be a big disturbance ,
many officers having been turned down be
cause of underweight.
Grocery CloBed Up.
( Special. ) The store of J. Rhodes , cash
grocer , was closed up late last night under
the attachment of a number of creditors ,
whose-several claims will amount to about
$1,000. These claims will more than cover
the value of the stock and there arc a largo
number of small accounts standing out
around town not figured in the above total.
Several Omaha firms are supposed to be
heavy losers , as it Is' * known that Rhodes
dealt largely with them , while the largest
attachment Is made by an Ohio party for
borrowed money. Rhodes himself left town
nearly a week ago and has not been heard
from since.
In the Ratter Indnitry.
SIOUX CITY , May 7. ( Special. ) DeWitt
Goodrich , a Woodbury county farmer and
owner of a creamery , has been commissioned
by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to man
ufacture twenty-one square boxes of butter ,
each box to contain fifty-seven pounds. This
butter will be sent to England to Dhow the
people of that country what kind of butter
can be made in Iowa and also to find out
the grade of goods desired. A close record
of how the butter is made will be kept for
use in the Agricultural department. Mr
Goodrich Is an expert butter maker , navlng
been In the great dairy contest at the
World's fair.
Attacked by a Hull Doff.
WATERLOO , la. , May 7. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mrs. Jeannette Ireland , living near
here , was attacked by a largo bull dog last
night and so terribly mangled that she will
die. The dog has been a pet in the family
and thought to be gentle. He made an un
provoked attack , springing at her throat.
She threw up her arms and warded off tbo
brute. She fought for her life and after
terribly mangling her arms , breast and
shoulders the brute left. She dragged her
self to a neighbor's farm and then swooned.
New School Home for Manning.
MANNING , la. , May 7. ( Special. ) At an
election held on Tuesday , the school bouse
proposition was carried by three votes , only
103 being the total number cast. Immedi
ately following the closing of the school this
spring , $3,000 will be expended In building
onto and repairing the building. Although
having eight apartments , the old structure
U inadequate , the attendance having stead
ily Increased with each succeeding year until
now the enrollment is over 400.
Mliilouarx Society Meeting.
AUDUBON , la. , May 7. ( Special. ) The
district convention of the Women's Foreign
Missionary society of the Methodist church
meet * here May 11 and 12. Miss Baker , sec
retary of the missionary society of the De
troit conference , will be present and a large
number of delegates from this part of Iowa.
Candidate for Ite-Electlon.
DBS MOINES , la. , May 7. ( Special. ) At
the meeting of the grand lodge of Iowa ,
Ancient Order of United Workmen , at
Waterloo beginning Tuesday of next week.
B. F. Rehkopf , present grand recorder , will
be a candidate for re-election to the office
be ha * filled for several year * .
low * 'War Comment.
Dei Moine * Leader : Camp McKlnley
thlnka a rainy icaion In warm Cuba cannot
Dosslbty bo worse than a rainy neuron In
chilly Iowa.
Dtibuquc Telegraph : The volunteer col-
( Hern of Iowa may imoko the enervating ,
body and mlnd-dcstroylng cigarette , but
they miy not nmokc It in camp. An order
to this effect ha * been Issued and It wilt
be rigidly enforced.
DCS Molucs Register : In Iowa the office
seekers must look out. When the veterans
of the Spanish war return , say in August ,
the state conventions may not do a thing
but pick out men with their arms shot oft
for the high office s That Is a way wu have
of doing In this country. It's a taking \\ay
Sioux City Journal : If the war
should close before the rallttla boys move
out of the various state capitals It would
bo a , disappointment that wo all could en
dure pretty well. The soldiers would have
at least shown their patriotic willingness
to servo their country and would be Joy
fully welcomed home.
.Nc1 > rn 1ta DclcKntloit Heiiiient n Ilcro-
cntloii of Order I'rulilliKltiK Mn-
rlnp llnnd Coming : tu Oninlin.
WASHINGTON , May 7. ( Special Tclo-
gram. ) The Nebraska delegation htul n con-
ifercnco with President McKlnloy at noon to
urge that he revoke his order prohibiting the
Marino band from accepting an engagement
to play at the TransmlsslsRlppl Exposition.
It Is urged that the band Is extensively ad
vertised as an attraction for the opening
weeks , and that there will bo great disap
pointment If It Is not permitted to go. The
president Eald ho would tal.o the mutter
under advisement and communicate his deci
sion later. Ho gave serious consideration to
the suggestions of the delegation , but seemed
to bo opposed to letting the uand go for to
long a period as five weeks.
Snrvlvorn of Lute Wnr Hemeinbered
bv General Government.
WASHINGTON , May 7. ( Special. ) Pen
sions have been Issued as follows :
Issue of April 26 :
Nebraska : Original Oliver W. Cole ,
Grcsham , $8 ; Joseph M. Plcrsol , Strang. $ S ;
John Wagoner , Central City , $12. Increase
Jonathan Dorvis , Hebron , $24 to $30 ;
Ttu.mas Crosby. Soldiers' home , Hall , $12
to $17 ; Charles A. Smith , Nlobrara , $6 to
$8 ; Lewis Bally Marshall , Beatrice , $ C to
$ S. Reissue Ebln J. Hardy , Eagle , $16 ;
Johnathau Merlca. Alnsnorth , $14 ; James
E. Simpson , Norfolk , $12. Original widows ,
etc. Margaret R. Klpllngcr , Hay Springs , "
iowa : Original Henry J. Flint , Davcn-
poit , $6 ; Joseph Kaiser , Ceres , $12 ; Charles
Olson , Clcrmont , $6 ; Charles S. Miller ,
Musiatlnc , $8. Additional George W.
Brlghtwell , Charlton , $4 to $8 ; William M.
Preston , Lamonl. $6 to $8. Restoration and
Reissue James S. Grler ( deceased ) , Perry ,
$12 ; Wald Ford ( deceased ) . Cedar Falls ,
$17. Renewal William White , Council
Bluffs , $8. Renewal and Increase Samuel
P. Reed , Toddvllle , $2 to $6. Increase Al
bert Dcnnln. Crescent , $10 to $12 ; Orrcn
W. Buttcrfleld , Crocker , $6 to $8 ; John Q.
Adams , Maplcton , $6 to $8. Reissue James
W. Coburn. Bromley. $22 to $25 ; ( special ,
April 27) ) Philip Schallcr , Sac City. $14.
Original widows , etc. Miranda M. Orler ,
Perry , $12 ; Mary A. Ford , Cedar Falls , $8 ;
Martha M. Conrad , Prescott , $8 ; Julia E.
ArboKast , Forsythe , $8 ; Ann Cooper , Cory-
don , $8 ; Cordelia M. Smith , Storm Lake , $8 ;
Catherine Shelhamer , Elkader , $8.
Colorado : Original James Walker , La
Junta , $ S ; George A. Bruce , Denver , $ C.
Original widows , etc. Alum A. Welch ,
Denver. $8.
Montana : Original Oliver P. Gregg ,
Grantsdale , $16.
Ilnlly Trenmiry Statement.
WASHINGTON , May 7. Today's state
ment of the treasury shows : Available cash
balances , $213,402,893 ; gold reserve , $180 ,
Killed br Coal Gn .
WATEUTOWN , N. Y. , May 7. H. N.
Martin and his wife were killed In their
home here last night by breathing escaping
coal Baa. Five other people narrowly es
Commlnilon Firm Cnuarht by Iliac.
KANSAS CITY. May 7. Another small
grain commission company , that of 8. L.
Mills , assigned today , caught by the sudden
rise In wheat.
CIIKWAM ) PAMKKCinitN A 1113 I.O/IT / , IHenmer Wrecked nnd
1C IB lit People Ilrnwned.
SYDNBY , N. S. W. , May 7. The British
steamer Maltland , Captain Nelson , from
Sydney for Newcastle , I * believed to b
ashore at Brooken bay. Its crow nnd passengers -
sengers , numbering sixty-eight souls , are
believed to have been lost.
Later In the day It became definitely
known that the steamer ashore nt Broker
bny Is the Maltland , but only six of UK pas
sengers have been drowned , whereas th
first reports had It that all the passenger *
and crew , numbering sixty-eight person * ,
had been lost ,
Three residence lots on Oakland Avo.
This Is the most beautiful residence prop
erty In the city.
One lot on Fourth street , nearly opposlto
the Carrlgg flats.
Three choice business lots on Broadway.
In Strcctvillc.
One entire block in Railroad Addition ,
below U. P. transfer yards.
A live-acre tract of tine garden land thrco
mllps cast of city on Garner road.
All the above property will bo sold very
cheap and on easy terms.
J. U. DcllAVK.V.
Dohtiny Theatre.
America's Favorite lilsh Actor ,
And his metropolitan company , presenting
his latest suc-cost
o'iiuinTIII : co.vni.vcTou.
A play of today , elaborately staged and
costumed. Prices 25c , 35c , OOc and 76c.
Scats now on sale.
" "
I Runs between Council Bluffs nnd Omnha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Wm. Welch. BlufM 'phone , 12S ; Omaha
'phone , ISO. RATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagnn. call at No. S North Main
street or above telephones.
Undi for iM or nnt. Day * Utu. Si Pearl
tr * t.
Notice Is hereby given thnt sealed btila
will be received at the ofllce of County
Clerk of Cumlng County , Nebraska , at
West Point , up to 1 o'clock P. M , , Tuesday ,
May 24th. 1M8. for building a 200-fo3t span
steel bridge on tubular piers , across the
Elkhorn river at West Point , Neb. , nccord-
Ini ; to plans and specifications on file at
ofllce of Clerk of Cum I UK county. Completa
plr.ns anil specifications will be on fllu with
county clerk after May 1st , 1S9S. A certi \ ,
fied check of live per cent of the cost of
construction will be required with each bid.
Ttie board reserves the right to reject any ;
or all bids. D. W. BUHKE.
Chairman Bridge Committee.
Scaled proposals will be received nt th
ofllce of the chancellor of the University ot
Nebraska , In Lincoln , until noon on Jicm-
clay , the 2.1d day of May , 1898 , for furnluh-
Ing all materials and labor and causing to
bo constructed and put In place a complete
Htt-am heating apparatus for the wing of
the new Mechanic Arts bulldlnf ? upon tho.
university grounds In Lincoln. All of uald
work to be done , and all materials furnished
therufor , to be according to plans and sped *
ficatlons on file Inthe office of the assistant
superintendent of grounds nnd buildings o (
State unUerslty , and now subject to ln
spvctlon. Bidders must accompany thelf
propositions with certified checks In th
sum of ono hundred dollars upon some b.uiH
in the city of Lincoln. Tbo successful bl < l <
tier will be required to furnish a security
company bond in the sum of two thousand
dollars conditioned for the faithful per *
formancc of said contract and In addition
thereto conditioned as provided by an net
of the legislature approved March 21 , 1889 ,
for the protection of mechanics and labor *
ers' wages whcro the Hen laws do not
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids. t
J. 8. DALES , Secretary.
May 7-B-m
§ Look Around
Get Prices , Look at Styles ,
Then Examine Ours.
Then buy them
where you
can get
the most for
Sargent ASKS
Look for the BEAK.
If giving options in the equipment of bicycles means
building bicycles to order , then we are strictly in it , for there
is not a bicycle house in the city that gives more options than ,
we. But if you want a bicycle built to order we will build it
for you in our shop at 106 South Main street , where you can
step in and see the work in progress and see the completed
wheel before it is enameled and know that it was built for
you. We also carry a
Large Stock of Bicycles and Sundries.
S. M. WILLIAMSON , | 06 S. Miln Strut.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
lOo Clgarm. Bo