THE OMAIIA DAILY 331 3E : S T UHDAY , MAY 7 , 1808. DEWEY'S ' FEAT BOOMS TRADE Coming of War Hnrta Less Than Ita Tin Apprehension. VICTORY AT MANILA PROVES A BRACER Ocni-rnl Condition of Iliinlne * In Mn- tcilnllr Inilirotcil niul Tliouannd * of I'rople Arc Supplied with Work. NEW YORK , May C. n. O. Dun & Co. ' Weekly Kevluw ot Trade will Miy tomor row : A state of war vraa so greatly dreaded by thobo who have seen nothing like It for more than thirty years that Its coming has hurt less than Its apprehension. Especially slnco the victory at Manila , which. Indicated the superiority of the American navy , gun for KUII , stocks have advanced , the average of prices for railroads being fJ.70 per share. The general condition of business has been materially Improved. One day's- work by the olllccrs and men at Manila has given many days' work to thousands of people of whom they knew nothing , and has placed Ameri can Industries and Interests on a stronger footing for any conceivable future. The fact that gold Is now used almost exclusively between the treasury and the clearing house Indicates the entire freedom from apprehension about the currency aud public credit. Tho' most sensational of changes , and the most practically Important , has been the rise In wheat 13 cents during one day's cession , 21 4 cents from Tuesday to Thurs day night , and 23'/5 cents for the week throwing Into the shade all past advances and all expectations , though reaction of cents naturally followed on Friday. Western receipts , after aveaglng less than 2,500,000 bushels per week for four months , have risen to more than 3,500,000 bushels. Exports have not been checked by higher prices as yet , but have caused them , amountIng - Ing for the week to 2,094,380 bushels , flour Included , against 1,408,107 bushels from At lantic ports last year , and 659,848 bushels ' against 09.608 from I'a'clflc ports. The remarkable rise on Thursday was largely duo to the remo\nl of duties by Trance , and to the prohibition of exports by HUEsln , both showing the extraordinary needs abroad , BO that the rise of 23 % cents for the week Is not without excuse. .X Corn failed to advance correspondingly , . though the exports were 3,000,000 bushels , ngnnst | ) 2,275,043 bushels last year , the aggre gate since July t having been 173,000,000 bushels , larger than ever before to date , although wheat exports have also been larger than last year , far greater than In ordinary years , and nearly the largest on record. Industries have received a wonderful stimulus from the conviction that hostili ties will not last long , and from heavy gov ernment orders. Besides great demand for Btcel plates and other Iron products an ammunition , the government has ordcrc 2,200,000 yards of woolen cloth. 123,000 blankets , 1.000,000 yards of cotton cloth , am1 much provisions nnd supplies , nnd mean while reviving confidence has multiplied ether demands. It Is not due to domestic demands thai orders from the Husslan go\ernmpnt for two big war ships have been taken by the Tramps and orders for rails from Mexico linvo given a good start to the rebuilt Colorado rado works. Kour large merchant ships have been or dered from the Delaware works , plate mills nro crowded , and nt the snmo time one es tablishment far In the Interior Is bidding on a foreign order for 5,000 tons ; while car nnd rail works continue to receive largo or ders , nnd demands for agricultural Imple ments and fencing go beyond theunblljty o ! tUn wrtrks In some cases , & Textile establishments hayljo8n recelv Ing Inrgor orders within the last few davs outside those from the government , so thn the stoppage or reduction of time In four woolen mills early In the week may have uppn premature. No decline whatever appears In the prices of staple cloths or dress goods , and the heavy auction sale of enroots was eminently successful In clearing off at fair prices an accumulation rc ultlnc from nn mlvnn - i nrlcps last January which was not supported by demand. Wool declined about % cent In April , tak ing the average of 100 quotations by Coitcs Brothers , nnd the better demand for goods lins caused more Inquiry , but thus far no Improvement In frlces. Print cloths have ngaln made n now low record Hi cents but a bettor market Is seen for other cot ton nroducts. Vollurps for the week have bpen 238 In the United Pntps. against 221 last year , and 25 In Canada , against 30 last year. IT'S HE VIEW OP Condition * Olvr Way to a More Cheerful View. NEW YORK. May 6. Bradstreefs tomor row , will say : Evidences accumulate that the corner has been finally turned In the trade situation nnd that circumstances which have hitherto been regarded as disquieting have begun to clvc way to more cheerful conditions , or nro Beginning to be realized In n more reasonable llpht. llpht.While While It Is claimed , and perhaps with jus tice In many cases , that the changes yet noted arc largely sentimental , and that Itttlo that Is tanglblo Is to bn cited In the direc tion of Improvement , It Is not to hn for gotten that tha dullness and oven depres- nlon ruling for some time past was likewise largely sentimental , and. It Is now begin ning to bo admitted by many , had oven less of a basis to rest upon than the pres ent unmistakable signs of Improvement , A new sense of national strength nnd cnorgv seems unquestionably to have de veloped since the news of the American vic tory nt Manila , and the business community goncrallv , with few exceptions , would ap pear to have come to the conclusion that the possible effects of the present war have al ready been well discounted. Among the more favorable features of the week have been the slightly easier tone In thn money market , and n Itttlo more dispo sition on the part of financial Institutions to accommodate legitimate demands of trade. Another has been the very general foreign rccocnltlon of tlin foreign position of wheat supplies In the lowering , or the suspension entlrclv , of Import wheat duties , notably In Italy , France nnd Spain , nnd reflected In ad vances proportionate to lha Import duty re duction In these countries. , Prices , both at the seaboard and at the Interior , have broke all records for many years past , whlln Iho eagerness of foreign buvers to take hold at the advance fur nishes testimony to the fact that the pres ent wheat corner Is not duo entirely to- the fear of Interruptions In supplies , nor yel to the successful projection of a wheat cor ner , but to a considerable extent to foreign See That Stamp ! It Is the Government internal Revenue Stamp oxer the Cork and Cap. § ule of every bottle ot Certifying to the Age and Purity of the WhUky. NOTE U U the Government' * Guar- anttt tliut ( joe * with thl bottling , bee that the name W. A. CAMS A CO. ia printed oa the itatnp. ALL DEALERS SELL IT recognition of the fact that the world's vhcat stocks today nro smaller than they have been for many years past , and that some lima nuut yet clapso bcforo the ad * mlttcdly good world's wheat crop prospects find expression In now supplies. Of considerable Importance In tbo dlrec- lon of actually stimulating business In some lines arc the largo orders received for equipment and supplies of all sorts for military use , notably In the lines of cotton nnd woolen goods , shoes , projectiles and am munition of various sorts. It , of course , would bo useless to deny : hat there are some unfavorable features In vlow , notably In the cotton and woolen In dustry. In the former print cloths have again struck the lowest price on record , with a quotation of 1 G-1C cents for standard grades , and the woolen manufacturing In dustry la as a whole reported quite de pressed. In contrast with these reports , coming chiefly from the eastern and middle states' cities , are the salci of a considerable quantity of raw wool , said to be for the manufacture of goods ordered by the gov ernment. The wheat exports for the week reflect the temporary check to demand caused by sudden advances In price and show a falling off aggregating 2.478,775 bushels , against 1,419,000 buihels last week , 1,599,000 bushels In this week a year ago , 1,882,000 bushels In 189G nnd 2.805,000 bushels In 1895. Corn exports nro larger In this week than 'or more than a year past , aggregating G.C1G- 000 bushels , against 4,136,000bushels last week , 3,127,000 bushels In this week a year ago , 1,891,000 bushels In 1898 and 934,000 bushels In 189. . Business failures are slightly smaller this week , aggregating for the United States 240 , against 245 last week , 228 In this week a year ago , 267 In 1896 and 224 In 1895. WBBICI.Y IIOU.SU TOTALS. of nnMlnrnn Trnimnctlonii ! < ) tlip ARNorlntril IlnnkM. NUW YOIIK , May 6 The following table , compiled by Uraditrect's , ihows the bank clearings at eighty-nine cities for the week ended May 5 , with the percentage of Increase - crease and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year : ItCVIKW OF TUB STOCK MARKET. Lu t WCMSU'B Dnllnen * Give * Way ta Active Speculation. NEW YORK , May 6. Bradstrcet's Flnan- lal Review tomorrow will say : Last week's extreme dullness has given place to an active speculation , the feature of which was the renewed public buying ol securities. The movement began on Sat urday , when under professional leadership .ho uiaikct showed considerable strength , and on Monday , when the news of Commo dore JJewey'a victory at Manila was re ceived , there was nn Influx of buying , both lor long and short account. The movement was checked on Sunday , more by the fact that the next day was a holiday than by the absence of further In formation from Manila or by the lack o' ' evidence to substantiate the belief thai Spain had accepted the lesson of Us defeat and was willing to end the war. Itmay / also bo noted that professional Interests that bought stocks heavily dur ing the recent depreasion , either because they were cheap or to support their owi specialties , sold considerable amounts am that London also marketed considerable holdings on Tuesday. On Wednesday London contributed to thi renewal of the rlso by taking a rount amount of stocks , while the local short : covered to such an extent that the borrow Ing demand for stocks for delivery was ma terlally reduced , and commission houses li most cases reported a decided accession ti outside buying orders. Increased activity was accompanied by ; general advance throughout the list , th only tangible reason , apart from the grow Ing belief that Spain Is clearly outmatch by our navy , being the evidence that It Internal political and financial troubles ron dor a further struggle on Its part absolute ! hopeless. The fall of Spanish 4s to below 30 , th rise of the gold premium at Madrid from 6 to 114 and the run on the Dank of Spall and other institutions were considered justification of this view. Central Labor Union. Central Labor union held a well attends meeting last night In Labor temple , rh chief subject under discussion was the stan which organized labor should take with re gard to the department store question , anne no definite decision was had on tbo quea tlon. Arguments were advanced In favc ot standing by the Retailers' association 1 Its fight against department stores an other members thought It better for th labor unions to remain neutral on the sub Ject.A . A protest wns sent In the name of Cen tral Labor union to Senator Thurston agalni the United States government permlttln th Marino band to come to the exposltlo and deprUe union musicians of contract for furnishing music. Hrtnl an Arm. Mrs. Clifton , who lives near Tenth nn Davenport streets , Mas quite badly Injure yesterday afternoon In an effort to ovei take a street car. The conductor wai boh ! ing the car for her while she was yet ha a block away and In her hurry Mrs. CUfto ( ell and broke her ana , SAINTS REPEAT THE TRICK Oommy'a Grew Docs it Again Just to Show Their Friendship , VICTORS ADOPT THE SACRED RATIO Mnke the Scare 10 to 1 niul Do It liy llnmtnerlnir HfiKcrmnii for the ntrtntx ot Hnfc Hlta K Up Thin Ycnr. ST. PAUL , May 6. ( Special Telegram. ) The Saints defeated the Ncbraskans this afternoon by a regular Nebraska score , 'atccn to one. It was simply n case ot very effective pitching on the one slda and very bad pitching on the other. The visitors played another poor game In the field and McCauley throw to bases llko an automaton. The Saints again accumulated nine stolen bases. Frlckcu held the Dablcs down to four hits , ono In the first , one In the fltth and two In a row In the ninth , which gave them their ono run , McCaulcy's single fol lowing Burnett's thrco-baggcr. Shugart not In another homo run and a double and Frlcken hit every time he had n chance , Including a triple. Every one of the Saints got a hit and Preston and Olllen were Iho only two who were satisfied with one. Tue fluldlng features of the game were the worK. of Frickeu , Heat and Burko. Scote : ST. PAUL. AH. U. B. SII.SB. O. A. E. Preston , cf lUirke , If Miller , rf Ulomilvln , 2b Glasscock , Ib 4 2 3 0 3 14 2 0 Shugurt , as Glllen , 3b Spies , c Frlcken , p 3 1 jl J > _ 0 2 J ! Totals 42 10 22 1 9 27 17 3 OMAIIA. AH. u. n. o. A. n. Eustace , 3b Orillln , cf Uoat , S3 Lyons , Ib 10 01 llurnett , If MtCuuloy , c llolllngsworth , 2b. Fisher , rf Hugermun , p 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 Totals . , 32 1 4 0 0 24 13 10 St. Paul -10 Omahu 00000000 1 1 Huns earned : St. Paul , 6 ; Omaha , 1. Two-base hits : Shugurt , Hngerman. Three-base hits : Frlcken , Uurnott. Homo run : Shugnrt. Double pl.ijs : GlemiKIn to Shugart to Glnshcock ; Shugart to GlenalUn to Glusscock ; Koat to Lyons ; KusUco to Lyons. Buses on balls : By Frlcken Uus- tace , Burnett (2) ( ) , Holllngsworth ; by llager- mnn Frlcken (1) ( ) , Burke , Shugnrt , Glllen (2) ( ) , Glns cock. Hit by pitcher : By Iluger- mun Buikc , Gl.xsscock. Struck out : By Frlcken llout , McCauley , Burnett : by Hngerman Preston. First on errors : St. Paul , 3 : Omaha , 3. Left on b.ises : St. Paul , 12 : Omuh.i , 8. Umpire : Hnskell. Time : Two hours. Attendance : 1,500. Weather clear. > Other Wenivrn I/ennue SCOTCH. DETROIT , Miy 6 Detroit broke the hoodoo today , winning Its second game of the season. Errors by the Milwaukee : ) aided In the winning. Score : Detroit 1 9 Milwaukee 000120112 7 Base hits : Detroit , 7 ; Milwaukee , 3. , Kr- rors : Detroit , 4 ; Milwaukee , 7. Batteries : Detroit , Wuddell and Twineham ; Milwau kee. Uettger nnd Spcer , MINNEAPOLIS. May C The Millers won from the Blues In a very pretty game to day. Score : Minneapolis 000131110-7 Kansas City 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 G Base hits : Minneapolis , 13 ; Kansas City , S. Errors : Minneapolis , 4 ; Kansas City , 4. Batteries : Minneapolis. Norton , McNeely and Dlxon ; Kansas City , 1'ardpo und Wil son. INDIANAPOLIS , May C TndlanaitolU- Columbus game postponed. Rain. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P C. Indianapolis 11 10 1 909 St. Paul 14 12 2 831 Columbus 10 * 6 4 000 Kansas City U 6 7 40 2 Minneapolis 12 5 7 41.7 Milwaukee 13 5 S 385 Omaha 11 3 10 231 Detroit 12 2 10 107 Games today : Columbus at Indianapolis ; Milwaukee at Detroit ; Kansas City at Min neapolis ; Omaha at St. Paul. GAMES OP Tim NATIONAL LEAGUE. Illuiulcr Gl > c the Giant * An other Wiu at IIoHton. BOSTON , May 6 The Bostons had the game well In hand today , when a bad error by Tenney In the ninth gave Wllmot his base and thrco lucky hits won the game for the visitor ) . Score : nOSTON" . NEW YORK. II.H O A.E. H H O A.E. H'mlU'n , cf 0 I 0 0 0 V'H'tr-n , cf 0 0 1 0 0 Tenney , 111. 02601 Wllmot. if. i l u o i Lonir , an. . . . 0 U 2 0 1 Jojce , Ib. . . 0 0 10 0 0 KUter , SB. . 1 1 100 Davis , m. . . 12140 Duffy. If. . . . 22100 Ulenson , 'li 'J 1 4 0 U Colling , 3b. . 1 2 S 2 1 U'tman , Jb 1 1 S C 2 Stahl , rf. . . . 03100 McCr'ry , rf 1 2 1 0 0 Lowe. 2b. . . 0 0 1 S I Warner , c. . 1 2 8 0 2 Herpen , c. . i l lu J u ixwicny , p. o u u „ u Sullivan , p. 0 0 0 0 1 Willis , p. . . . 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . . . . 7 9 27 It StlvettB . . u u u V U Total * . . . . 5 11 27 10 5 Batted for Willis In ninth. New York 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 Brston 00100103 0 6 Two-base * hits : Wllmot , Stahl , Warner. Stolen bases : Davis , Gleason , Hartman. Double plays : Davis to Hartman , Davis to Gkason to Joyce , Collins to Lowe to Ten- rey. First base on balls : By Doheny , Ber gen , Willis ; by Sullivan , Van Hnltron (2) ( ) , Joyce , Davis , Glenson (2) ) , Warner. Struck out : Hamilton , Tenney (2) ( ) , Collins , Stahl , Willis. Van Hnllren (3 > , Joyce. Davis , Me- Creary , Gleason , Doheny. Passed ball : Warner. Wild pitch : SullUan. Time : Two hours nnd twenty-eight minutes. At tendance : 2,200. Umpires : Ljnch and Con nolly. Hrookljii ItulllcH nt the nut. NEW YORK , May 6 In the sixth Inning today the visitors had the gnmo all but won. Brooklyn , however , by an unex pected rally In stick work , knocked out six runs nnd with two out took the game from the senators. UnOOKLYN . I WASHINGTON. It 1IO A.E.I n HO A.E. Grinin , cC..2 3600 ! > > nhy. Jb.l 1161 Jones , rf 2 2100 Uettman , rf.O 1000 Ijv-hance , sO 2 1 1 1 f-elbach , lf..l 3200 Slieckard , If.O 240 ODojle , lb..0 2 15 1 0 Shindle , 3b..l S 5 0 1 MeUuIre , c..2 Tucker , Jb..2 2400 llro n. cf..l 1400 Hallman , ! b 2 2 1 2 0 Kelt2b 2 2231 Smith , c t 1 S 4 \VrKley , as..I 2 0 0 J Dunn , p 0 1000 A mole , p . . . .1 Miller , p 0 0000 Anderson .00000 Totals 9 IS'JO 13 6 a Totals . . . .10 17 27 7 31 Two out when winning run was scored. Anderson batted for Miller In ninth. Brooklyn 20010010 G 10 Washington ,0 9 Earned runs : Brooklyn. 6 ; Washington , 5 ; Stolen bases : Amole , Brown. Two-base hits' Griffin. Lachance , McQulrc. Three- busa hits : Selbach , Smith. Home run : Wrlgley. Double play : Wrlgley to Ileltz to Doyle. Surrlllce hit : Rpltz First base on balls : Off Amole , 3 ; off Miller , I. Loft on bases : Brooklyn , 12 : Washington , 9. Tlmo : Two hours and twelve minutes. Umpires : Snyder and Curry. Attendance , 3,000. Baltimore-Philadelphia game postponed ; wet grounds. Pittxburg-Chlcago game postponed ; cold weather. Cliicinnatl-St. LouU game postponed ; rain. rain.STANDING STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost.P.C. Baltimore 10 8 2 R0 ( Cincinnati 14 11 3 73 ( Cleveland 15 10 5 Cfl' , Brooklyn 12 8 4 641 Chicago . . : 13 8 5 61. ! Boston 16 8 8 50 ( PlUsbun ; 16 7 9 43 ! New York 13 G 7 4 < > : Philadelphia 12 5 7 41. ' Louisville 16 5 11 31 : Wuahlncton 13 : i 10 231 St. Louis 12 2 10 16' Games today : Philadelphia at Baltimore Washington at Brooklyn ; St. I ouls at Cln clnnatl ; Louisville nt Cleveland ; Chicago u Plttsburs ; New York at Boston. WeNtern Annoelntlon. DUBUQUE , la. , May C The Western as sedation opened hero today. Attendance 1,000. Gome called at end of tenth Innlni on account ot darkness. Score : id ed nubuquo 0 1 ' Peorla 0 1 I' ll- Base hits : Dubuque. 10 ; Peorla. 14. Er lllit lors : Dubuque , 5 ; Peorla. 3 Batteries lit Dubuque , J. Brown. McFarlnnd and Hedge Peorla. Hoarh. McGlnty and ( Julnn. BURLINGTON , la. , May G.-rhe Wester association season opened hero today. Score : ti\t Burlington /4M / ! 120020 0-9 St. Joseph 00 2 0 0 0 G 0 0-7 Base hltn : Burlington. 12 ; St. Joseph , 12. Errors : llurllnglon , OTSt. Joseph , 3. Bat teries : Burlington , Bnvls nnd Williams ; St. Joseph , Melloney and'Colllns. CEDAR RAPIDSJn , May 6. The West ern association senoli bpened hero today. Weuther cloudy nnd. cold , Cedar Rapids defeated Rock Island through bolter all ntound work. Atteautyuice , 600. Score : Cedar Rapids fr % r 2 00510 -12 Rock Island 3-0000202 1-S Base hits : Cedar Rapids , 12 ; Rock Island , C. Errors : Cedar RaBfds. 4 ; Roolc Island , 6. Batteries : Cedar Huplds , Lnthrop nnd Schrecongost ; Rock. Island , Young and Strauss. OTTUMWA , May 6.-Scoro : Ollumwa 2 02010300 S Quincy 20200033 -10 Bnso Ulla : Ollumwn , 9 ; Quincy. 12. Er rors : Olttimwn , 1 ; Quincy , 3. Batteries r Ottumwa , Nonamnchcr and Keefe ; Quincy , Price and Cooper , Swnrtz und Lohrmui. GRAND RAPIDS , Mich. , May -Score : Grand Rapids 00021011 0-5 Youngslown . . . . . . . . 00000000 1 1 BUBO hits : Grand Rapids , S ; Youngstown , C. Errors : Grand Rapids , 2 ; Youngslown , 1. Bnllerlest Grand Rapids , Allrock and Cole ; youngslctwli , Oar\ey , Brodlc and Kin- mm. FORT WAYNE , Ind , , May G Score : Fort Wayne . .00000001001-2 Newcastle 00001000000-1 Base hits : Fort Wayne. 9 ; Newcastle , G. Errors : Fort Wnyno , 1 ; Newcastle , 2. Bat teries : Fort Wuyne , Alloway und Camp bell ; Newcastle , Guess and Barclay. TOLEDO , O. , May -Scoro : Toledo 00000000 0-0 Dayton 01000000 0 1 Ease hits : Toledo , 7 ; Dayton , 5. Errors : Toledo , 2 ; Dayton , 4. Batlerles : Toledo , 1'ergUHon nnd Arlhur ; Daylon , Rosobrouch nnd Greenwnld. MANSFIELD , O. May 6 Mnnslleld- Sprlngtlcid game postponed ; wet grounds. 1'nnterii I Wllkcsbnrre , 5 ; Buffalo , 7. Sprliirflleld , 13 ; Montreal , 3. Providence , 4 : Toronto , 17. Syracusc-Rochesler , Tain ; no game. 0\ THE IllI.VM.VG TRACKS. lluccu iit Chiirehlll IIM II Arc Hun In Mm ! : .nd Itnln. LOUISVILLE , May 0. At Churchill Downs the racts were run In a cold , dr\f- \ zlltiK rain , llcsults : First race , four furlong- ) , selling , purse < 300 : Duke of Baden won , Miser Dance second , Monongnhela third. Tlmo : 0.52) ! . Second lace , se\en furlongd , purse $309 : Ollle Dlxon won , Bnnnstur second , Lord Xeno third. Time : I'-TOi. Third race , mile and llfty jards , selling , , mrso $ WJ : Banished won , The Planter second end , Elkln third. Time : 1.51. I Fourth race , four nnd one-half furloncs , puiso { 300 Splrltuellc .won , Hand second end , Fiances D third. Time : 1.01H. Fifth race , sK tui longs , jelling , purse $300 : Fewness won , George Krnts second , Kiithia May third. Time : l:20'i. : Sixth lace , six furlongs , selling , purse $300 : Puilty won , Vice Ucgul second , Allio Belle third. Time : l:19 : i. CHICAGO , May 6 Lakeside rchUlUs : 1'lrst rncp , six furlongs : Wlnslow won , Jersey Lad second , PUtull third. Tlmo : Second race , four and one-half furlongs : Ned \\lckes won , The Hub second , Miz- zoura third. Tlmei : ( T.W& . Third race , six anil , one-half furlongs : Jackanapes won , Bonllo second. Friar John third , lime : 1:21 : % . ' Fourth race , ones mlle : Plnkcy Potter won. Topmast sccqndirAl Fresco third. Time : 1:48. : Fifth race , four rfurlongs : Lucy Blazes | I I won , Nancy Reltz Jsecoud , Rosa L third , 1 Time : 0:52 : % . Mn oltof finished second , but I dlsiiuulllled for fouling. , ; Sixth race , nix furlonga : Meddler Vvon , I Piiskoln sec'iind , Green Jacket third. Time : ' b/2 > ' b2FRANCISCO , , M'U' C.-Oakland re sults : First race , five and' ' one-half furlonss , selling : Mike Rlcerwon , The Dragon sec ond. Midas third. Tlmo : 1.C9V4. Second race , fqur furlongs , selling : Rcy Hooker won , Flamur6 "second , Zacuatoao third. Tlmn : 0.50. „ , , Tliltd race , four and one-half furlongs : Excursion won , El Mlflo second , St. Krls- tlno third. Time : 0.58. Fourth race , seven furlongs , selling : Imp. Mistral II won , Doloro second , San Mutco third. Time : 1:27 % , Fifth race , one mile , sclllnir : Morplllto won , Odds On second , San Venado third. Time : 1:41 : % . Sixth race , five furlongs , selling : St. Cat- altne won , Valcncenno second , Bclllcoso third. Time : 1.01 4. Ynle Defeat * Harvard. NEW YORK , May G. In the llrst match play round the Individual college champion ship event on the Ardsley links today Fred erick Terry , jr. , of Yale defeated Joseph II. Choate , jr. , of Hiu\nrd by one point , the score being M to SI. In the afternoon match play round the best contest was be tween the two captains , Curtis of Harvard and Vanderpool of Princeton. It was a tie match on the homo green and an extra hole was required to decide It , Curtis finally winning , 8b to 87. BURGLARS BATTER THE SAFE Ofllcc ot the Wenterii Soup Company ItveeUeN a VUItutloii from Ap parently Amateur Itohherit. Burglars effected an entrance to the offlce of the Western Soap company , at 115 Hickory street , on Wednesday night nnd broke the combination and knob off the safe In a vain attempt to get at the contents. No drills wore used on the safe and the work has the appearance of haIng been done by amateurs In the safe cracking business. A few postage stamps were the only thing of value which the robbers secured. Cnrneiiter HUH a Knll. E. Erlckson , n carpenter emplojed at the exposition grounds , suffered a severe fall yesterday afternoon that resulted In bcrl- ous Internal Injuries. Ho was at work on the east colonnade at a distance of about twenty feet from the ground. In pulling a nail ErlcKson lost his balance and was thrown backward to the ground. Ho was taken to the Swedish hospital for treatment and later was removed to his home , 51502 South Twentieth street. JEFFRIES WINS HARD FIGHT Knocks Out Sailor Tom Sharkey in the Twentieth Round CONTEST OCCURS AT SAN FRANCISCO Slinrkey In on III * Fret nt the Clone , bit In So llncllr Womteil thnt the Itefcrec llrliiK * the Uoiit to nil Knit. SAN FRANCISCO , May 6. Thomas J. Sharkey , the sailor pugilist , went dovui be fore James J. Jeffries , admittedly the lending heavyweight actually In fighting harness to day , In the twentieth round , before the Na tional Athletic club In this city tonight. The outcome of this contest has been the absorbing topic of discussion In sporting cir cles since the consummation ot the match. Tlmo was called at 10.04 , and the fight by rounds was ns follows : Round 1 The men cnmo to the center of the rlnif with u aprlng nnd sparred cau- tloilHly. Jeffries forced Tom about the ring , reeling of him. Slmrkoy led llrst at body with left , but fell short. Jeffries forced Tom Into corner and landed lllit ; left on chest nnd the men clinched. Shurkey swung right for head , but Jeff lies caught It on his shoulder. Jeffries tried with left for fncu , but was blocked. Round 2 Sharkey rushed and swung rlsht and left without effect. Jeffries swung for head , but Tom ducked and clinched. Jeffries landed left on neck and Sharkey clinched , Htrlkliitj In the clinch , for which he was hissed. Jeffries landed nard left on face and foiced Sh.ukry html against ropes. Sharkey swung right on Jeffries' neck. Jeffries landed light left on body nnd Tom clinched , Sharkey tiled to \\restle , but Jeffries held him at arm's Icnzth und shook him an If hoerc u child. Round 3 Sharkey kept out of Jeffries' way , doing some fast foot work. Jeffries : > ut In his left hook hard on Tom's face. Sharkey rushed and swung both right and left without effect. Jeftiles landed left on face. Sharkey seemed puzzled und waited for Jeffries to lead mid clinched. lie brought his right over on Jeffries' bend In a clinch and was warned by tln > lefereo. Jeftrles sent In his right on the body just us the cone sounded. Round I Jeffries gut Slmrkoy In corner aid sent In left on head and v.i\a coun tered on body. Sharkey landed right on body. Jeffries went In hard left on bodj. Shuikuy swung left for body \ory low , but fell sboit. Sharkey swung left , but wns blocked and In the clinch following .1 offrIts foiced him ngiilnst the ropei. Jeffries hooked Sharkey on jaw with left. Sharkey nibbed the place smilingly nnd Jeffries was upon him In u Hush , forcing htm to ( .lined. Hound 5 Jeffries led straight for body , but fell short. Sharkey swung loft for body and missed , Betting a left on the face a moment later. Shnrkey's leads mostly short. In 11 clinch Slinrkey struck Jeftrles and \vns hooted. Jeffries staggered the Miillm- with u left book. Shurkoy lushed wildly , but was stopped and forced bnck- \\uid. Jeffries jabbed Slinrkey on the face at the call of tine. Round G Slinrkey swung left hard o\et Jeflrles' neck. Sharkey gained inoio con- lldcnce and did Home rushing , but without apparent effect. Jeftrles smiing right on 'loin's head und Sharkey mimicked him with a ancer. Jeffiies sent in left lightly on bodr and missed same blow a moment Inter. He went nt the sailor , who ducked Into a vicious uppercut. Jeffries doing most of the leading nnd sent In a left hook that Hounded loudly. Sharkey at u uafe dln- tance mimicked Jeftrles' attitude and Hhimed considerable 111 temper all through the round. Round 7 Sharkey rushed and swung right nnd left wildly , both going o\er Jeffries' shoulders. The latter clinched and pushed him against the ropes. Sharkey swung liln arms like a windmill , but failed to reach the mark aimed at. Jeffries bwung twice with left at head , but It wns cleverly ducked both times Jeffries landed right on body. Sharkey rushed Jeffries against the ropes nnd pushed him partly tluough be fore ho could gain his equilibrium , but Jeff ries came back with u hard left on the fncc. Round S Jeffries missed with left foi hend , and ducked a right swing from the sailor. Ho jabbed a straight left In Shur- key's face. Jeffries swung left for the jaw , but was blocked. Sharkey swung his right hard over the kidneys , Sharkoy sent Ina straight left on body. Jeffries put two on the body Just as the gong sounded. Round U Sharkey swung left on the body. Jeffries tried a vicious left for the Jaw , but Tom ducked low , lifting Jeffries fiom the lloor. Jeffries swung right for the jaw , but Tom ducked nnd It went on his shoulder. Jeffries Jabbed the sailor In the mouth twice in quick succession , and the crowd yelled. Jeffries swung left on Iho sailor's chest , and forced him back to the ropes. Tom ducked u left for the jaw , nnd the round ended In a long-rnnge sparring match. Round 10 Jeffries missed with left for the body. Slinrkey swung right nnd left for the head without effect. Ho ducked n left swing , but got a solid left In the wind. The Callfornlan hooked him on the neck with the left , and Tom came back with a left on thn. body. Jeffries landed left on the head , and Tom clinched and was Inclined to rough It. The men exchanged lefts on the head , nnd Sharkey swung- wildly with both hands. Ho ducked three left leads for the head , nnd was In turn evaded by Jeffries' ducking. Round 11 Slmrkoy swung loft for the jaw , but It went over Jeffries' shoulder , and the big fellow came back with a stiff short- arm left on the Jaw. Jeftrles knocked the sailor down with a right on the car , nnd Sharkey clasped Jeffries' legs for a mo ment , but got up fresh. Jeftrles forced the pace , but Sharkey fought viciously. Jeff ries sent In a left on the neck and Tom seemed worried nnd tired. Jeftrlcs played for n right on the Jaw , but missed Jeff ries sent In u hard left again which sent the sailors bond back. Round 12 Slinrkey came up fresh , but kept awuy fiom his big adveisary. Jeffries sent in a hard left on the neck. Tom's leads for body short. Jeffiies sent in left on face nnd blocked n counter. Jeffries sent In right on body nnd got a left swing on the neck. Round 13 Sharkey made some vicious nt- tempts to land , but his blows lacked sti-am. Jeffries landed twice on the jaw. The ro"nd " 'as In Jeffries' favor. Round 11 Sharkey got decidedly the worsl of It. Ills leads almost Invariably fel short. Jeffries repeatedly landed on the neck nnd face. Round 15 Jeffries landed left on chest This hasn't been a very } ? ooil week for shopping yet we've bold the larger part of our Ottumwa , In. , purchase Not mui'li wonder when you consider the kind of n'anos and the prices we've put on them Some of Ihe very best bargains yet remain If you want a piano you shouldtint , lose this chance of securing onu at 'jiv ' > 3 than manufac turers cost Don't Jet money matters stand In the way4-w will arrange that for you the easiest kirn' ' of terms some great bargains In 9rgaint from this biuno purchase prices 6pow we're ashamed to print them jus $ ijfline in and see this stock. , j } A. HOSPE , Music end Art. ' 1513 Douglas i i7 ! Many have comjinnned. to ns that they could not have their tenth attended to during the day To accommodate these hereafter our parlois will be oiwn until SiiO p. m. The Hamo careful and guar anteed dental work at all times the same "Just right" price not the lowest In the world yet the very lowest oil good work \Ve woht do poor work at any price-Small gold fillings ? 2.00- Hllver ami good alloy $1.00-Our cele- biated thin < ? mstlc plate teeth only $10 a set yon can't duplicate them any where at any price comfortable and natuial others the ordinary klnd-at $7.0 and $5.00-Lady attendant. BAILEY , IS Years 8 * Floor Pazloa Bllb Exprrlrarn. lUtb and miimiiiii Auction Sale Extraordinary The entire stock of China , Crockery , Glassware , and Honsefuriiishing Goods of Mrs. C. 10. Moody , No. 210 North 10th street , commencing Saturday , May 7th , at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. in. and continue daily at same hours until the entire stock is sold. The stock consists of everything usually kept in a store of this kind , which is favorably known to our citizens. This will be a great , chance for hotels , boarding houses , restaurants and all others to got this class of goods at their own price as it certainly will be a straight auction. Show cases , store fixtures and olllco furniture will be sold Ladies particularly invited to attend sales. j. R. mm & co. , . . Auctioneers. . Office 416 Karbach Block , p fflnflnmtmnnnfflniM WHAT A WOMAN SEES A woman soon sees the advantage of pur chasing a pinna from us. She soon dlcccrna that no where vlso can the llnd such n complete and wirlcd stock , nnd that no where else can she find all the leading makes of ptoi'os so ns to be able to com pare one with the other. 1'crhapa one ot those new upilght pianos at $ SS 00 may In terest her or she might prefer ono of those nmerson pianos that uo aic selling nt $185.00 and $20.i.CO THEN AGAIN SHU MAY nXKHClSR THR GREATEST KCON- OMY BY INVESTING IN A CHICKI3IMNG AND nnCOMING THi : OWNER OK TUB 11CST 1'IANO THAT J10NRY AND I3KAINS CAN I'UODUCn. Wo nre no\\ having a special sale on planoa. This sale Is KOII ! : ? to last for the balance of the jcar. Wo contuicUd for o\er 1200 pianos to be do- Ihered during 1S98. To dispose ot this gieat number of pianos requires us to sell on an average of four u da > hcnco the low prices. Now pianos for lont. The only house In Omaha where all the leading makes Including the Chlclterlng , Stclnway and rischer pianos arc bold. nnd fought the sailor to the lopes , sending his risht over the heart In quick succes sion. Jeffries landed a left swlns on the ear. Sharkey In gieat distress. Jeffries made frnnUc efforts to llnlsh him , but gong Inlet vened. Hound Ib Sharkey cnmo up looking bet ter. Ho succeeded In avoiding severe pun ishment during the round and at Its tlose looked fully as fresh as his opponent. Hound 17 Severn ! hard exchanges were made , and though Slinrkey wns forced to the ropes , he got little the worst of the round. Round IS Severn ! hot exchanges were made and Sharkey nt one time had his op ponent to the ropes. Jeffries got In thrco hard ones on the Jaw. Sharkey became vmbblv , nnd the gong alone sived him. Round 1 This round was a hard ono for the sailor , but ho avoided a knockout. A hard left over the henrt mndo him wince. Hound ended with Sharkey In hid corner still dodging. Round 2 ( > Both men were tired , but fci.ghttclously. . Jeffries landed He\etl times on the body nnd face , but could not knock the sailor out. The gong ran , ? l.i the middle of a hot mix , und the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. Referee Gregglans announced Jeff lies tb * winner , amid the greatest enthusiasm. If the \\cather will yuimlt the Onnlia Cricket club will try again for a gnmq this afternoon. The teams will be- chosen on the Held. TiniiNCur of Ir < > ! urlMnilt * . The transfer from the city to the Hoard of Education , whereby the former sells the lot at the corner of Ninth nnd Harncy streets , directly north of the Omaha Theolo gical Bcmlnaiy , to the latter , has been con summated und the deed filed for record. The consideration named is $10COO. In these war tln s when all Is excite ment and the men folk aie going to the front we mustn't foiget the boys boys will have to wear shoes war or no war Divx L. Shooiuan offers a good solid reliable shoe for this shoe has stood the teit of haul wear from bad and good boys and never has It failed to conicup to Jill we claim for It the bst boys shoe on earth for 1.50 There must be mcilt in them else why do mothers come again and again and al ways get thl.s $ l..r 0 shoo You will llnd the usual $2.00 value. In every p ilr yet they cost yon but $1.GO. Drexel Shoe Co. , Omaha' * Ui-to-dute Slitie Hontte. 1419 l-'ARNAM STREET Our wire poultry not ling will keep your neighbors' chlc'ken.s oil' your gar den An Immense stock of tills In all widths fiom one foot up the mio and two-Inch iiK'hli Ours Is a vomplcto hardware - ware stote and we have everything garden rakes hoes and spades lawn hose tin ee qualities at 80 lOc and 12c Wo can't guarantee the Sc kind but Its a good hose the 10c and lic ! kind has our guarantee on every foot ball or spray nozzles it Isn't going to rain for ever so you might as well get this hose now as next week A complete line of builders' hardware. A. RAYMER , WE DELIVER YOUR 1'URCIIASH. 1514 FartiamSt , ALL KINDS Do you own n kodak ? If you don't you've mli > L > ( l more tliau half the plens- utos of this Ilfo Wi > him1 ntliU'il ' a bl ; ; line of camuras and all that , KOCSvllu thorn and are piop-iu'd to offer the ama teur biich pi lees as never wore offered before We have complete developing outllta and you will be supilsoil at the small expense that you can take dt > - \clnp and print your own plelnics Wo have n good midcrstuudlnx of the \\ork and will mindly atlvlso and help you. TheAioe&PenfoldCo Amateur I'liolo Snppl > - Iliinne. W Karnnm Street. OF CAMERAS OwjoslU Pacton Hotel.