Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Roe , dentist. Merrlam block.
Dr. Orcen , office C12 Fourth street.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301 Mcrrlnm blk.
Dr. A. O. Mudgc , the dentist , removed
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
Cook wanted nl Metropolitan hotel.
Cell at The Bee office for Cuban maps.
Dr. A. O. Mudge. the dentist , removed
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
Deputy Sheriff J. C. Baker was reported
to bo greatly Improved yesterday.
The High school cadet field day has been
postponed to Wednesday afternoon of next
Mr nnd Mrs. C. H. Conn have returned
torn a visit with relatives In Fcllowsvlllc ,
W. Vn.
Hon. B. F. Clayton of Indlanoln was In
the city last night on his way homo from
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
ork both for color nnd finish. 620 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
Roy M. Scott has resigned his position
at the Grand hotel to become chief clerk
at the Dellone hotel In Omaha.
C. E. Bell , the architect , accompanied
by his family , left for Helena , Mont. , yes
terday , where they will make their future
Rov. S. R. Johns , a former resident of
this city , who has been visiting friends
here , returned to his homo In Ohio , Colo. ,
A marriage license was Isssued yesterday
to Henry Moppln. ngcd 38 , and Lulu Johns ,
aged 28 , both giving their residence ns
Don't vou think it must be n pretty good
laundry that can please BO many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
C. R. Hannnn nnd family and Postmaster
Troynor nnd Ills son went to DCS Molncs
yesterday evening to visit the soldier boys
at Camp McKInlcy.
Ohlof of Police Blxby yesterday received
n supply of now stars , clubs and "come-
nliTigs" for the use of the department. Ho
expects the nc.w uniforms will bo hero In
a few davs.
The senior members of the Loyal Tcra-
poranco nrmy will meet at 4:30 : this nftcr-
nooon nt the homo of Mrs. Esancey , 351
Scott street , and the.junior members at
7.30 o'clock this evening.
Rov. R. Venting , pastor of the First Bap
tist church , who when called here tcok the
charge conditionally for two months , has
notltled his congregation that ho will con
tinue the work Indefinitely.
Unity Guild will meet In regular ses
sion this afternoon with Miss Emma Pot
ter , corner of Mynster and Sixth streets.
All members are requested to be present
and visitors are cordially welcome.
The Rock Island road announced yester
day that It would run another cheap ex
cursion Sunday to DCS MolncH and a largo
number of Council Bluffs people are figuring
on paying the soldier boys a visit at Camp
The Woman's Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church will meet In reg
ular session this afternoon at ! o'clock In
the lecture room of the church. The
young women of the Christian Endeavor
Boclety are Invited to bo present nnd take
part In the program.
The commissary work , which hitherto
has been nn Important feature of the
Women's Christian Association hospital , Is
to bo taken up again nnd Mrs. Laura Mc-
Brldc. the secretary of the association , has
issued a notlco to the friends of the Insti
tution , cnlllnc attention to the fact.
Thomas Rlloy , the ex-Jnnltor of the
county court house , Is still confined to his
bed ns the result of a fall received while
running to a flre a few days ago. James
Dutcher. the newlv elected Ian I tor , has en
tered upon his duties , but will not be able
to get possession of the janitor's apart
ments until Rllcv Is able to move.
On the Invltat'lon of Chancellor MacLcan
of the Nebraska State university Jacob Sims
of this city will act as ono of the judges
of the Interstate debate to be held tonight
nt Lincoln between the Universities of Ne
braska and Kansas. Chancellor Snow of
the Kansas State university united with
Chancellor MacLcan in the invitation to Mr.
C. B. Vlavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 32C-327-328 Mer
rlam block.
Money to loan on city property. Klnne.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
The other day a man paid n boy CO cents
to catch enough bait so ho could go fishing
If the man had gone to Sullivan's. 343
Broadway , he cought have bought a nice
{ J1 iLnsh for that mon ° y anl saved
W ° rry n"d dl8alPolntment
tccspoon8 Btm with Domefitlc
Tenchcm * Exhibit.
County Superintendent Sawyer has re
quested the teachers of the township and
rural Independent schools throughout Potta-
wattamlo county to make an exhibit of
Bdiool work during the Institute , which will
bo held in Council Bluffs Juno 27 to July fl.
A committee will be appointed to make
awards and diplomas will bo Issued. Dr
Sawyer has also appointed nn examining
board of three members In each township
to examine candidates for graduation under
the state course. Diplomas will bo awarded
to the successful candidates.
FOR SALE < 3ood second-hand bicycle at
b"K ln. Call at The Bee office , Council
U III 116 *
It would bo a useless waste of time to
flmimcrato the different kinds of flsh at
Sullivan B. Ho keeps nearly every species
of the finny tribe that swims In the water.
Ill-lith of Jiuum Mather.
James Mather died suddenly yesterday
evening at his homo. 1205 Fourth avenue ,
from heart failure , aged 72 years. Mr !
Mather had resided In Council Bluffs for five
years and leaves a wife and five children ,
noburt , general attorney for the Hock Island ,
living In Chicago ; James H. of this city ,
claim agent of the Rock Island ; Edward of
this city , George and Mrs. Alice Woods , who
reside lu Galesburg.
Iloffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best aud most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean
Wonmn'M Cluli Kln-tH Olllrorn.
The annual election of the Council Uluffs
Woman's club , held yesterday afternoon , re
sulted ns follows : President , Mrs. E. C.
Smith ; first vice president , Mrs. P. J. Mont
gomery ; recording secretary , Miss Clara
Evans ; corresponding secretary. Miss Caroline
line Dodge ; treasurer , Mrs. Dlxby ; delegates
to National Federation of Woman's Clubs at
Denver , Mrs. E. C. Smith and Miss Caroline
nenl EiitntF Tmnnfer * .
The following transfers have been fllcd
In the title abstract and loan oOlce of J. W.
Bqulrc , 101 Pearl street :
Mary A. Shaupneck to E. L. Shugart ,
lot 19 , block fi , Jeffcrles1 subdivision ,
except eait 2 feet. w. il | 450
Georue W. Wllcox and wife to S. A.
Heed , sH e'4 3-75-40. w. d 3,279
Sheriff to John I. Hedlck. lot 8 , block
10 , Potter-George CO.'H add , s. d.,10GS4
Same to same , lot 7 , block 10. same
add , w. d 1,892
John Huntington to 8. A. Heed , Bft
BC',4 3-75-40 , q. c 1
Five transfers , total JS.oa ;
If you want to buy a baby carriage go
to Peterson & Schoeulug'a , iu the Merrlam
Council Blnffs Women Form a "Sanitary Aid
Commission. "
Cnimtltiitlon niul Ilj'-I.atvn Adopted ,
Ollleern Elected , Committee * Named
and All Thlimn Prepared for
an Aetl\ Campalun.
The steps taken to form a relief corps
among the women of this city to look after
the needs and comfort of the soldier boys
from Council Bluffs now encamped In DCS
Molncs assumed definite shape yesterday
afternoon at a second meeting held In the
armory of the Dodge Light Guard in the
Masonic building. At this meeting an or
ganization was effected which will be known
as the Council Bluffs Women's Sanitary
lellef commission.
The meeting was called to order by Mrs.
M. L. Klrkland , president of the temporary
organization formed at Wednesday's meet-
ng , while Mrs. A. S. Richardson acted as
ccretary. The committee consisting of Mrs.
3. Macrae , jr. , Mrs. Ed Canning and MIES
1. Tinlcy appointed to draft a constitution
reported articles of association which were
'avorably accepted. The constitution ns
adopted opens with the following preamble :
Whereas , War has been declared and
now exists between our beloved country
and Spain , involving In Its horrors and per
ils the destinies of our loyal citizens In
the nrmy nnd navy ; and ,
Whereas. The Dodge Light Guards , being
a company of young men of our city , has
answered the call of the president for
troops ;
Therefore we , the women of Council
Bluffs , responding to tliu same patriotism
nnd love of country that Impels our- boys
Lo assume the sacrifices of army life , nnd
being earnestly desirous of aiding them In
every way possible , making their hardships
ess severe nnd providing such comforts
Tor the while in the service of our country
that wo may bo able to furnish them t
iiomo , thereby encouraging them In tMIr
noble and heroic sacrifice , have organized
ourselves Into this association.
What The- Hope to I )
The objects of the association are ex
plained in the constitution as/follows :
The object of this organization shall bee
: o comfort our soldier boys/luring the dis
tressful times of war In every manner that
nn bo from our homes , particularly at all
ilmes to manifest a lively interest in their
welfare , encouraging t/iem nnd prompting
tholr valor by rcmera'brances nnd kindly
expressions , providing them with any neces
sary comforts or dcvflcuclos that may tend
to relieve distress of bring to them a pleasanter -
anter and hnppler-JIfe In their trying posi
tion. To promojto In every way in our
power the well being , health , good morals
and comfort of every member of the com
pany , to relieve'any anxiety on their part
for family and friends nt home by provid
ing means of constant communication be
tween the can.\n or battlefield and the
Homo. To purposes wo earnestly
pledge our sjncorest efforts nnd enlist In
tno army of the home , solemnly conscious
of the devotion
nnd duty we assume to
the army of the fltld.
Following the adoption of the constitution
a permanent organization was formed and
the following officers were elected by ballot-
President. Mrs. M. L. Klrkland ; vice pres
ident , Mrs. Donald Macrae , Jr. ; secretary.
Miss Beatrice Tinley ; treasurer , Mrs. J. C
It was decided to hold the regular meetIngs -
Ings of the commission on the first nnd third
Thursdays In each month. Dr. Mary Tin-
ley , Mrs. George N. Bowen nnd Mrs. Ed
banning were appointed a finance commit
tee , who will be nt the armory every
Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock to
superintend the packing of a box to contain
such things as the commission nnd friends
of the Guards wish to send to the company.
The first box was sent yesterday afternoon.
The membership fee was placed at the
nominal sum of 25 cents and the constitution
provides that "every loyal , patriotic woman
In Council Bluffs particularly Interested in
the welfare , happiness and comfort of the
soldiers of our company nnd willing to as
sist In the purposes and objects of this
organization shall be eligible to membership
and may become such member after enroll
ing her name with the membership of the
association nnd paying the initiation fee of
25 cents as provided. "
Detail * of AVorlc.
The executive committee will consist of
the officers nnd will have general manage
ment and control of all the business of the
Mrs. Macrao of the soliciting committee
reported that the firm of John Beno & Co.
had offered to donate all the muslin that the
women would need for making ticks and the
offer was accepted nnd a vote of thanks to
the firm passed.
At the close of the meeting tbo following
signed the membership roll : Mesdamcs M.
L. Klrkland , J. C. Pryor , E. Canning. F.
Ilalllday , F. E. Stutsman , C. B. Randlett , A.
Wlndle , W. H. Mullln. J. Tracy. J. L.
Smith , E. F. Pontius , D. Macrae , Jr. , F. P.
Bradley , S. M. Cacy , G. N. Bowen , A. S.
Richardson , M. E. Casady , S. Talbot , Misses
Pearl Wlndle , Beatrice Tinley , Elsie Grahl ,
Bessie Rich and Dr. Mary Tinlcy.
Save your Domestic Soap wrappers.
A few Sterling-silver epoons and ifoveltlcs
left. They must be eold. Will close them
out May 6 and 7 at No. 9 North Main st.
A. A. Hart.
Children's May party , Chambers' academy ,
Saturday evening , May 7. Admission 25
Domestic Soap Is the beet for the laundry.
Good flour. $1.35. Dnrtel & Miller.
Court Note * .
The jury In the district court before which
was tried the case of G. F. Boardman and
wife against Lee Douglas , brought In a ver
dict last night after being out about live
hours finding for the plaintiff in the sum
of $108.
J. W. Squire , trustee , commenced foreclo
sure proceedings yesterday against Barbara
Zlpp and others nnd the court appointed
D. W. Ottls , receiver of the property under
the trust deed to take possession and col
lect the rents and hold the same subject
to the order of the court. The property
against which the foreclosure Is brought islet
lot 9 , block 32 , in Beer's subdivision.
The case of Huldah Wells against John
Mergen has been dismissed at plaintiff's
cost. This Is the case ta which Mrs. Wells
sought to recover damages from the defend
ant , a saloon keeper , whom she alleged
had sold her minor son intoxicating liquors.
In the case of Herman & Brown against
F. M. Latham nnd others a petition to relax
costs was filed yesterday.
The Council Bluffs
Canning company was
given a judgment against The Jarvls Manu
facturing company on a supplementary peti
tion for HO for rent to Juno 1 ,
In the superior court yesterday in the
case of Andrew Lorenson and W. E. Billings
against the Jarvls
Manufacturing company a
petition was filed by the plaintiffs to set
aside the submission of the case for the
Introduction of further evidence. The ap.
plication is made to enable the plaintiffs
4a establish their labor Ileus , tor which they
secured Judgment Wednesday as prior to the
nortgage of the Cady Lumber company.
Knto Mulr commenced proceedings in tbo
superior court yesterday against Esther Rob
erts to foreclose n mortgage for $1,100 on
ot 4 , block 17 , Beers' addition.
The hearing of the Injunction case of J.
T. Shea against Saloon Keeper Pooro was
again continued , this tlmo to Saturday morn-
Coimtrnrtlnn Somevrhat Interfered
ivlth l r the Haln.
At the regular weekly meeting of the
executive committee of the Council Bluffs
Exposition association last evening Presi
dent Graham reported that the construc
tion of the Pottawattamle wigwam had been
carried as far ns the flrst story , but that
the rain had Interfered with the work the
last few days. The bill for labor to date ,
amounting to $135.05 , was allowed and or
dered paid. The architects were allowed $50
for the plans and specifications. President
Graham , to whom has been entrusted the
building of the wlgwnm , was allowed $00
for his tlmo from March 3 to April 21 ,
On report of the committee to whom the
matter had been referred , Secretary Judson'c
salary was fixed at $75 per month for the
three months ending June 3.
Chairman I less of the committee on ex
hibits reported that the fruit growers were
in favor of making nn elaborate exhibit
nnd that a creditable exhibit of the horti
cultural nnd agricultural resources of the' !
county would be made. Secretary Judsou
reported that n number of applications for
space for private exhibits had been re- i
celved nnd ho expected that the revenue derived - .
rived from this Eourco would be sufficient
to pay for the ground rent , which la $1,000. \
Secretary Judson also reported th t the sale
from wigwam buttons nmountjxf'to $400 , but
that there were n numbex'stlll out which
had not been settled fjn'yct.
The finest llnn/'of furniture In Council
Bluffs at Pcteiftm & Schoenlng's , in the
The latett novelties In Iron bedsteads nt
Pctcrsmr & Schoenlng's. 1 j
Of/Course you will attend the opening of
Ho/rlclus' music house. 325 Broadway , toy -
y and tomorrow. Elegant pianos , large
lock of sheet music. Orchestra each even
ing. Premium stamps and stars. < '
OMIsiMl to Iteninln at Home. '
Harry Patterson , whoso brother was accl-
dently shot the day before the Dodge Light
OunrdH left for DCS Molnes , received word
yesterday from Captain Pryor to Join the
company at once. Anxious as ho is to Join
his regiment young Patterson was obliged
owing to his mother's condition , who has
not recovered from the shock of the fearful
tragedy , to give up the Idea of volunteering
and so notified Captain Pryor.
No , Johnnie , that Isn't u shark. It's only
ono of those big pike going to Sullivan's ]
store at 343 Broadway. i
Arrested In Nelirnnkn.
W. M. Farrlngdon ot this city was ar
rested yesterday nt St. Paul , Nob. , on the
request of the authorities here. Farrlngdon
Is wanted here to answer to a charge of
stealing a horse , buggy nnd harness , the
property of Menaray Brothers , the nursery
men. Constable Albertl will go nftcr Far-
ringdon today.
Peterson & Schoenlug , in the Morrlnm
block , have the biggest combined store of
furniture and hardware in Council Bluffs.
When buying go to their store where you
have the largest line to select from and
where prices are marked to the lowest
Friday and Saturday May npenlr.g at
Bourlclus' , 325 Broadwar. Grand display of
newest styles of Instruments and the latest
music. Prof. Huster's orchestra both even-
Ings. Everybody Invited.
IIc'n In the County Jail.
William Raph was arrested yesterday on
a warrant issued from the court of Justice
Vlen , charging him with deserting his wife ,
Louisa Raph , on January 24 of this year , after
having married her for the purpose of escap
ing the penalty for seduction. In default of
$300 ball Raph was committed to the county
Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap
Cordwood fo.r sale cheap. Address W. P. ,
Bee office. Council Bluffs.
For Sale Nice , gentle family horse , cheap.
Inquire at Knowlce' ehoo store ,
How In National Guard.
DES MOINES. May C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The National Guard has another
row on hand. The regular army surgeon
began the physical examinations today and
turned down all but four of the fourteen >
surgeons and fifteen per cent of the ofilj j j
cers examined. One of the colonels came
near being turned down and Indications are
that if tbo examinations continue ns severe
the force of the Guard will be reduced
one-third. A big political muss ia being
stirred up.
Hit with n Pint Iron.
DES MOINES , In. , May 5. ( Special Tele
gram. ) J. H. McCauley and Henry Perry , j
laboring men , who board at Timothy O'Con-
ncll's room , became engaged in a row this
morning nnd Perry attacked McCauley with
a flat iron. Ho struck McCauley in the
side of the head , on the nose and near
the left eye with the iron nnd then dis
appeared. McCauley Is in a critical condi
tion. Perry has been arrested.
I.enrony In Iowa.
ELDORA , Ia. . May C. ( Special. ) Th'reo
cases of leprosy have just been discovered
near here , all in n very advanced stage.
Ono case at Graetttnger Is that ot a young
woman who Is suffering from a tubercular
typo of the disease. Another case IB that
of a young Norwegian at Rldgeway , who is
affected with the nervous type. At Roland
there is a case whereby the victim Is obliged
to bo confined to his bed.
He In Now Indian Aicent.
MARSHALLTOWN , Ia. , May 5 , ( Special. )
Clarence A. Warner , who has Just been
appointed Indian agent at the Fort- Hall
reservation In Idaho- well known here and
ho was married in this city two years ago
to Miss Alice Beeson.He is a native of
Kansas and has been practicing law In Pocatello -
catello , Idaho , for several years.
Iowa Kami Note * .
E. O. Mnrlow of Wlnneshlek county got
400 bushels of wheat last year off twenty
acres of land and he has put In eighty-five
acres this year.
At the annual meeting of the Plymouth
County Fair association it was decided to
hold a fair this fall. The sum of $2,047.59
Is in the treasury after all the expenses
of the last fair being fully paid and premi
ums awarded.
A Guthrlo Center stock buyer ono day
recently paid out about $5,000 for fat cat
tle , shipping out five cars. In the lot were
forty-four head , many of them coming 2
years old , the forty-four averaging a few
pounds over 1,370.
In four corn pens of James Sheridan's ,
at Rlchland , under' which 619 rats were
killed , there were almost four wagon loads
of shelled corn , which , of course , was
shelled by tbo rats. It is estimated that
the damage done will exceed $75.
A $4,000 loss by fire occurred In Levey
township , Sac county , a few days ago. A
large barn filled with hay , corn and other
feeds and with much machinery was con
sumed. The flre is supposed to have orig
inated by a little boy playing with matches
lu tli barn.
osn i
aiM >
10 ire
James Dougherty js | Injected from His
Position by the Law's Action.
School Dlxtrlrt jjfft'J fRO.OOO Tied Up
And the Ilecp/rcr Wit * Olijec-
( lonnMc W. K , Codr
SIOUX CITY , May B. ( Special Telegram. )
The district court this evening removed
James Dougherty from the position of re
ceiver of the Homo Savings bank of Sioux
City on account of his connection with the
American Surety company. The surety com
pany Is on the bond of the ex-treasurer of
the school district for $ CO,000 , which amount
of money is tied up in the defunct bank.
The court appointed W. E. Cody receiver
in his place.
The eighth annual convention of the mem
bers of the Sixth District Association of
Railway Postal CIciks , which was held In
Sioux City , adjourned to meet nt a place to
bo designated/by the executive committee.
The following officers have been elected :
President , J < A. Warren , Paw Paw , 111. ; vice
president/ , . Doyce , Cedar Rapids ; sccro-
tary amXtrcasurcr , George H. Shlveley , Lin-
coin , tfcb. The following were chosen dele
gates to the national convention , which will
be held In Omaha Juno 14 : W. V. McLynn ,
DCS Molncs ; J. C. Flnnnlgan , Dubuiiuc ; B.
F. Earl , Qulncy ; John T. Council , Chicago ;
alternates , D. K. Walker , Kankakee ; O. H.
Clinpln , Chicago ; F. H. Lambert , Dubuque.
Thleven Are Too Common.
CEDAR FALLS , la. . May 5. ( Special. )
A large number of robberies , mostly small
ones , have been committed In this city re
cently and the people are much exercised
over the matter .The bold nnd persistent
work began with the sweep of H. L. Chase
& Co.'s Jewelry store , which has continued
slnco almost nightly. Dwellings nnd store
buildings have been entered and relieved of
their valuables , dcsplto the fact that the city
has been patrolled by ten or twelve men
every night for the last two weeks. A gam-
bllng den made up of local talent and others
from Omaha and about the state was dis
persed a few days ago and the authorities
thought they had dispelled the harbor of
thieves , but the work has not ceased , nor
has the extra patrol given up.
PiMVi-y QMIIH I ) i-M MoliioN Properly.
DES MOINES , May 5. ( Special. ) Com
modore Dewey , the naval officer who com
manded the fleet In Manila bay , ia largely
Interested In DCS Molncs property , nnd al
though he has never come to DCS Molnes
personally , his interests here have been
looked after by hls'tJtothcr , who is president
of the National InstFrnn'cc company of Ver
mont. Commodore Jeyvey made his invest
ments In DCS Maine's through George II.
Lews , the two being personal acquaintances
nnd friends of longTRtnhdlng. His holdings
consist almost cntlfely r residence proper
ties , but ho also Iris some farm property.
Commodore Dewey is a cousin of Mrs. W.
H. Wheeler of this 'city :
Olt for tlie
DES MOINES , May ( Special. ) W. W.
Wclday of this city , has started for San
Francisco to arrange. for passage nnd to buy
nn outfit for Alaska ( for , himself ' , W. M. Me-
Farland , Gordon Bowlby'and W. D. Kyle of
Red Oak.tlo , TheyjjWlll , leave , San Francisco
May 25 , and go , by { he way of St. Michaels ,
Bering strait and Kotzcbue Bound. They ex
pect to land about J.ujy 10. They will then
go Into the interior some seventy-flve or
eighty miles to the mines , with the aid of
the natives and dog teams. The rest of the
party will follow about ten days later. They
expect to be gone two years.
T < ? rialior for Avoea School * .
AVOCA , la. , May 5. ( Special. ) The
School board has adopted a resolution that
no married women bo employed in the pub
lic schools. The teachers elected are : J.
Pcasley , principal ; Mary Lepper , flrst as
sistant principal ; Meta H. Meier , second
assistant principal ; Mary Schmidt , grammar
department ; Nellie E. Larlmorc , flrst Inter
mediate ; Olive B. Hctzel , second intermedi
ate ; Nellie Henley , first primary ; Agnes
Cole , second primary. Belle Mclntosh , Anna
Holwny nnd Rae Manley were elected for
the south side schools.
Given Inun HOJ-M n Fi-nst.
DES MOINES , la. , May G. Hot roast
beef and chicken , radishes , onions , potatoes ,
bread , butter , jelly , bananas , oranges , coffee -
fee and cream was served for dinner today
to 3,000 men nt Camp McKlnley by the
women of DCS Molnes. The weather is extremely -
tromely cold. The hospital corps Is taking
precautions to prevent sickness. Tomor
row Governor Shaw will review the troops.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up
In the morning as fast as you can , " the
dnii'clnt recognized a houeenoid name for
"DeWIU's Little Early Rip r , " and gave
him a bottle of those famous little pills for
constipation , sick headache , liver and stomach
ach troubles.
J. D. Dowcrxnc-U of I.nwrence laom -
iiiittcil for CoiiureHH.
OTTAWA , Kan. , Mny B. J. D. UoweiMook
of Lawrence was this afternoon nominated
by the Second district republican congres
slonal convention on the 335th ballot. Final
ballot : Bowereock , 74 ; Buchan , 8 ; Smith ,
2 ; Gates , 2 ; Harris , 2.
The nomination was given to Bowcrsock
by Harris nnd Gates , who had reached the
agreement at a conference held during the
noon recess. Before recess the ballot stood :
Buchan , 32 ; Harris , 18 ; Bowcrsock , 32 ;
Gates , 4 ; Smith , 2.
HUTCHINSON , Kan. , May 6. Chester I.
Long was unanimously renomlnatcd this
afternoon by the Seventh district republican
congressional convention. There were no
other candidates.
The resolutions reahlrmcd the St. Louts
platform , ludorscd'th' ' national administra
tion and pledged tBe"tlouilneo to uphold the
president in pcnctf-lind war.
' '
Wvvt African 'iiiiiirju-ntH Continue
Thflr wnrfnre.
FREETOWN , SIe rn > Lcono , West Coast
Africa , May E. It"1 ! * 'reported that the In
surgents engaged in- the rebellion which
grew out of the ttft&atlsfactlon of the na
tives with the huMik , and who , as an
nounced yesterday,1'had ' burned the head
quarters ot the American missionaries at
Sbongay , In the Sb'erttaro district , have at
tacked and destroyed the town of Ilotlfunk.
It Is further said ttiht the members of the
American mission 16Cated In that place , wllo
wore Sierra Lconlaris , have been massacred.
Support-it Dead Sinn Alive.
PEKIN , May B. The extraordinary of
ficial announcement was made today that
Prince Kounf , the president of the tsung II
yamen ( Chinese foreign office ) , who was re
ported to have expired on Monday last , is
nllvo. It eceins that bo lapsed Into uncon
sciousness and the Chinese doctors pro
nounced him to bo dead , but the prince has
since awakened. Ills condition is said to
be still critical.
Plague Flair on German Ship.
ABERDEEN. May 5. The third clafB
cruiser Olga passed Pcterhcad today , flying
the plague flag ,
Mnnr ThenrlpH Cimcrrnlnw Where-
nlHMitfl of Hie Coniinnnilcr of
North Atlnntlc Snnnilron.
WASHINGTON. May 6. No confirmation
Is obtnlnnblo of the various reports concern
ing movements of Admiral Sampson's fleet.
Persona who from their odlclal position
might bo supposed to share the confidence
of the administration are credited with the
statement that the admiral has gone to
sclzo Porto nice and this statement Is made
nftcr conference with the executive. On
the other ham1 , It Is asserted with almost
equal posltlvcness that the fleet has gone
to meet the Oregon nnd bring It In safely
to the north. Still another report Is to the
effect that the admiral has cone to seize
Mantanzas to bo used as n base of opera
tions. The oniclnla refuse absolutely to
make public the plan of the strategy board
nnd thus give nld to the enemy. There
fore these conflicting rumors ns to the
plans of the fleet can only be judged In
the light of their probability when viewed
In connection with the usual methods of
warfare. Thus to bombard Mntnnras with
out nt the same time being able to land
n sufllclcnt force to sclzo nnd hold the place ,
would Becm to bo very bad strategy , and
the fact that '
Sampson's licet was accom
panied by no troops or transports , would
Boom to negative the Idea that ho had gone
either to attack Matanzae or seize 1'orto
lllco. To attempt the latter would require'
n strong landing force , In view of the num
ber of Spanish troops on the Island , nivl
In addition It may bo suggested that Ad
miral Sampson would bo very loathe to
run the risk of having ono or more of his
best ships completely disabled by attack
ing forts needlessly , and thus leave his
fleet Inferior to the Spanish force.
A significant movement IB that of the Now
Orleans to Commodore Schlcy's squadron at
Hampton Itoads In place of the Columbia.
This Eccma to I ml lento a complete change. In
the character of the squadron , which , In
stead of being a flying. In the ordinary
sense , has now assumed the character of a
battle fieet. Without being as speedy as at
first organized , Commodore Schley's squad
ron Is now probably able to meet on oven
terms , at least , the formidable Spanish ar
mored cruisers which sailed from Capo
Verde for an unknown destination.
In view of this action of the department
nnd particularly If Schley should be rein
forced by some torpedo vessels , It may bo
assumed that he Is about to start In quest
of the Spanish squadron.
Chief Engineer Harris Webster , a member
of the naval recruiting board which has been
gathering material for the personnel of the
navy , returned to the Navy department this
morning. Ho Is Just from Norfolk , where
ho landed 104 good men who had been en
listed by the board. Commander Hawley
and Lr. ) Persons , the other member of the
loard , with I3oalswuln Larkln , late of the
Maine , an attendant , have arrived In De
troit , where they will tomorrow open re
cruiting headquarters.
tu ! ! < In Sntii ! > N < > iin * Unmix
In a KCMV Ifiiyn nt Knrtlicxt.
WASHINGTON , May 5. There were many
conferences between the president nnd rep
resentatives today. The first comer was
Senator Burrows of Michigan , who came
to present some friends to the president.
As ho left , ho said : "Everything Is mov
ing along smoothly and well. What wo
want now Is Porto lllco. Wo ought to
have that tomorrow. "
"Will It bo as soon as that , senator ? "
"Yes , " was the response , "orobably In a
day or two. " Whllo refraining from sayIng -
Ing what transpired during his interview
with the president , his statement that the
Eczurc of Porto Rico is. expected to be
effected In a day or two was thought by his
hearers to be significant , having been made
Immediately after thes cnator left the presi
dent , though ho would not say the president
had given him any Information.
Senators Frye and Hale of Maine , respec
tively , member of the foreign relations com
mittee and chairman of the naval affairs
committee ; Senators Allison and Gear of
Iowa , the former chairman of the senate
committee on appropriations ; Senator Platt
of New York , and Representatives Curtis
of Kansas and Wadsworth of New York ,
were among the early callers at the White
House. The two Maine senators stated on
leaving the White House that their mission
had no connection with the general situa
Despite the hourly expectation of an of
ficial dispatch from Commodore Dewey by
way of Hong Kong , there were no import
ant advices at the White House up to 11
o'clock. Persons who were with the presi
dent today assert that there Is a strong
likelihood that Porto Rico will be in the
hands of the United States within forty-
eight hours. The immediate sclzuro of the
island , they assert , has been ordered ,
though direct confirmation is lacking.
Senator Lindsay and Representative Set
tle of , Kentucky urged the appointment of
P. P. Johnson and John D. Castleman. as
brigadier general : : . Representatives Gros-
vonor and Southard of Ohio sought a change
in the allotment of volunteers from Ohio ,
so as to provide inoro Infantry and less of
the other branch.
Teletrraph Coinuaiiy OlMclalH Stntc
I.luc in Still
LONDON. May 5. The officials of the
Eastern Telegraph company , when ques
tioned today regarding the report that a
dispatch from Commodore Dewey had
reached Washington , said : "Neither Presi
dent McKInlcy nor any one else has re
ceived a message from Commodore Dewey. "
Such a message , it Is explained , must
necessarily bo transmitted over the lines of
the Eastern Telegraph company , either from
Manila or Hong Kong. The company knows
of 'no ' communication emanating from Ma
nila since the cable was cut. The com
pany has been watching all points for Ma
nila intelligence , being anxious regarding
the safety of its staff and property.
WASHINGTON , May 5. At 9:30 : no word
concerning Dewey bad come cither to the
State or Navy departments.
to Support United State * In
CnKo of Intervention.
PARIS , May C. It is Bald hero that
negotiations are pending between the
United States and Great Britain by which
the latter will support the former If other
powers Intervene in favor of Spain.
The Eclair says negotiations are pending
between the United States and Great Britain
which will result In the latter supporting
the former if other powers favor Spain by
attempting to stop the war before the
United States has received satisfaction. The
United States , it is added , has promised in
return to capture the Canary Islands and
cede them to Great Britain.
HlMiiiUU of the Opinion SIIIIIIINOII lu
Ilcniled for Tliere ,
MADRID , May 5. Considerable anxiety Is
expressed hero as to the fate of Porto lllco.
It Is feared that Admiral Sampson's squad
ron has gone to seize San Juan , the capital
of that colony , and the Spanish coal sup
plies at that port. Admiral Camnra , who IB
to take command tomorrow of the Spanish
reserve squadron at Cadiz , will hoist his
flag on board the battleship I'eicjo. Ills
appointment has caused much talk among
the naval men of Spain ,
Nlctheroy Sulla.
DUENOS AYRES ( via Galvoaton ) , May I.
A dispatch received here today from Uo !
Janeiro announces that the United Sf.tca
dynamite cruiser Nlctbcroy baa gailo *
nevernl Nrtirnitkit Mm i'nvoretl W
the I'rmlilr-nt Arc ( 'ouflrMt' < t
! the Mrniife. , . '
WASHINGTON , May C. The kcnntf In ex
ecutive session made the following con
firmations today :
Luther T. Ellsworth of Ohio to be consul
of the United States nt Puerto Cnbcllo , Ven
Francis M. Rathbun of Cambridge , Neb. ,
to be register of the land olUco nt MrCook ,
Frank It. Young of Broken How , Neb. , to
bo receiver of public moneys at Broken
How , Neb.
Joel L. Piper of Lincoln , Neb. , io be re
ceiver of public moneys at McCook , Neb.
Thomas P. Kcnnard of Lincoln , Neb. , to
bo receiver of public moneys nt Lincoln ,
.Postmasters : Kansas Joseph II. Craft
nt Chetopn , W. 11. Mackey at Junction City ,
William Smith at Galena , James N. Tutus
at Medicine Lodge. Iowa Charles C. Bender
der nt Spencer , Thomas K. Green at West
Union , William F. Thcro at Farmlngton ,
George II. Watts at Clear Lake , M. K.
Wheelnn nt Esthervllle. Nebraska Chester
It. Smith at Plattsmouth , Samuel H. Stcclo
at Uavld City , William II. Harrison nt
Grand Island , William D. Prultt nt Arnpa-
hoc , Frank D. Reed at Shclton. South Da
kota David E. Lloyd nt Yankton.
To bo brigadiers general : Colonel Thomas
M. Anderson , Fourteenth Infantry ; Colonel
C. S. Compton , Fourth cavalry ; Colonel A.
Arnold , First cavalry ; Colonel John S.
Poland , Seventeenth infantry ; Colonel John
C. Bates , Second infantry , Colonel Andrew
S. Hurt , Twenty-fifth Infantry ; Colonel
Simon Snydcr , Nineteenth Infantry ; Colonel
Hamilton S. Hawkins , Twentieth Infantry ;
Colonel Royal T. Frank , First artillery ;
Colonel Jason F. Kent
, Twenty-fourth In
fantry ; Colonel Samuel S. Sumner , Sixth
cavalry ; Colonel Francis L.Guenthcr , Fourth
artillery ; Colonel Alexander C. M. Pennlng-
ton , Second artillery ; Colonel Guy V. Henry ,
Second cavalry ; Colonel John I. Rogers ,
Fifth artillery ; Colonel Louis H. Carpenter ,
Fifth cavalry ; Colonel Samuel B. M. Younp ,
Third cavalry ; Colonel John M. Bacon ,
Eighth cavalry ; Colonel Edward B. Willis-
ton , Sixth artillery ; Lieutenant Colonel
Henry W. Law-ton , Inspector general ; Lieutenant -
tenant Colonel George M. Randall , Eighth
Infantry ; Lieutenant Colonel Theodore
Schwnn , assistant adjutant general ; Lieu
tenant Colonel William Ludlow , corps of
engineers ; Lieutenant Colonel Adna R.
Chnfee , Third cavalry ; Lieutenant Colonel
George W. Davis , Fourteenth Infantry ; Lieu
tenant Colonel Alfred E. Bates , deputy pay
master general.
Lieutenant Colonel Francis Wcston , ns-
slstnnt commissary general of subsistence ,
to bo commissary general of subsistence ,
with rank of colonel.
Captain Wlllard , commissary of subsist
ence , to be nsslbtnnt commissary general of
subsistence , with the rank of lieutenant
Captain Laskcr Howard Bliss , assistant
commissary of subsistence , to be commissary
of subsistence , with the rank of major.
Harry L. Rogers , to be paymaster , with
the rank of paymaster , July 2 , 1898.
Ensigns L. M. Miller , Lloyd H. Chandler ,
George N. Hnywnrd and George C. Hayward ,
to bo lieutenants , junior grade.
Thousands of sufferers from grlpps hnvc
been restore to health by One Minute Cough
Cure. H quickly cures coughs , 't > Uii'.6 , bron-
chills , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all
throat and lung diseases.
lie IN IIclil nt CiiNtlc G union niul Mny
He Deiiorted.
NEW YORK , Mny C. The steamer Fulda'a
paesengcr , who shipped as Edward Grucn ,
and who Is really Baron , Unterrjchter , con
fessed to the immigration authorities today
that he .stole the 67,000 florins , of which
theft ho was accused yesterday and for
which ho has been detained.
The prisoner says he is the son of a
Jewish rabbi , and that ho was sent to an
agricultural college In the Austrian Tyrol.
He ran away and went to an aunt In En-
tcrbachcn , in the Tyrol.
Wnr 1'liiy HcNiiltn In a Denth.
BALTIMORE , May 5. As the result of a
mimic battle between the United States and
Spain by American and Polish boys be
tween 12 and 16 years of age , in Canton n
few days ago , John Keprofosky Is dead and
eleven youngsters are locked up on the
charge of causing his death.
The boys organized two forces , the Poles
representing Spain , in charge of a fortress.
Koprofosky was sent out to rcconnolter. Ho
was called upon by the storming party to
surrender , but refused , and was shot lu the
abdomen by ono of the American boys.
Take Laxative Brome Qulalno Tablets. All
Crueelatn refund the money It It falls to cure.
25c. The genuine 1ms L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Elect n School Principal.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , May 5. ( Special. )
At the last regular monthly meeting of
the Board of Education Victor R. McLucns
was elected principal of the Central City
schools. Mr. McLucas Is nt the present tlmo
principal of the Falrbury High school.
Eilnn AValliirc Hopper IN DIvoreeil.
SAN FRANCISCO , May C. Edna Wallace
Hopper was today granted a divorce from
her- husband , DeWolf Hopper , by Judge
Physicians Who Trent Women
Often Lack DiHcornuiont.
Wo often read of women who pnlrontzo
the physician for a so-called slight nllmcnt
anil BCCIH to btMilwaya Rick niul yet are able
to be round. Hut at length these women
Abandon the ptiy lclan and take up with ono
or more of Ilio numerous bottled remedies
6o widely ndvortUed. The rcnl truth of Ilio
matter La that the physlcton does not divine
the true state of affairs nor In tlio bottled
remedy of ( lie slightest old. Wicn a woman
suffws with Icucorrhce.i or womb displace
ment or painful monthly elcltnrcs she goes
to the doctor Id the hope that she will get
medicine llmt will help her. And she al
most Invariably falls. She Ukcti up with th (
stomach dopes of commerce with tdo same
hopeful feeling. And derc too she falls. The
whole plan of treating women by such
means Is radically wrong and all women
who suffer realize that such \s \ a fact. There
Is only one method whereby woman may euro
j I ' heo elf of the dWrtFSlnR condition known as
female troubles and that Is by local appli
cation. Ttiore Is a remedy recently Introduced
that has worked wonders In curing all forma
of womb trouble * .
It Is called IMzellno , put up In the form of
a suppository whltli In applied directly to
the diseased | aiM. Any woman can apply It
herself end she needs no doctor niv aralnt-
ance of any k'ttd. Druggists In Omaha at
1G23 Farnam cU-cot. 125 South Fifteenth
street and at 1S13 Dodge street keep Ilazel-
lite In stock , but If for < iny rrueon a woman
dislikes to ank for It or cannot Induce her
husband or brother to cill and get It for
her , the may send one dollar to the Ilazelluo
Co. , South Ilcnd , Ind. , and they will mall
Kcrald one box of Ha/.eltcic. Every woman
who suffers should try thlrt nnrveloim rem
edy. It hos never failed. Write to this firm
for their book which shout ) conclusively
that their method a ! treatment Is juttt what
every woman nccda. The book In mailed
fi'ec to all.
I > i c o o K
Primary , Secondary or Tcrtlirr BLOOD
POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You cn b * treated at horn * for tare *
price und r m guaranty. II you prtftr
to come here w will contract to pay rail
i road tan and hottl bU'.t , and no bare *
' U w * fall to cur * .
I taken mercury , lodld * potash and ( till
nnve achu and pain * . Uucoiu i'llchti Ih
mouth. Sort Throat , I'ltnple * , Copper Col.
7rcd Spots , Ulcera on any part of the
bodr , Hair or Eyebrow * falllivg out , It I *
i Ihli eeoondnry
i We Guarantee to Cure
W lollclt the m it obittnat * CMM * ana
challenge the world for a cn o we cannot
cur * . Thl disease ha * always baffled th *
] kill of tha inost eminent physician * .
> ft00.000 capital behind our unconditional
' guaranty. Abioluu proof * nt italed
on application. Ito pftfto book lent fr * .
addre * * COOK REMEDY CO. . 1401
j MuBonio Temple , Clitcotro , III.
Runs between Council Blurts and Omaha *
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Win. Welch. niulfH 'phone , 128 ; Omaha
'phone , 7SO. RATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagon , call nt No. 8 North Mala
street or above telephones.
M-I * " * , - n * * * * - * * - -
* v > i-irM > vx o
Everett , 15 Pearl St. , Council IllufTs , Ia. :
For rent a small farm of SO acni , 2'1 miles from
the city. Very reasonable rental. Qooil notui
and stable. ,
For rent a house anil 5 ncrca of land , % of
mlle from the city limits. Rental , (5.00 list
Good land In central Nebraska far rent for
share of the crop ,
40 acres of good land for rent near Honey CreclQ
Will rent on chares.
Good house of 10 rooms and ono aero of land ,
fruit and garden , fine trees , beautiful location ,
near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " foi
rent for the summer very rcasonal Ic. ,
Good C-room house for rent at { 7.00 per month ,
near the motor line.
Good farm for sale , U mile of Underwood , 1C |
acres , well Improved , : < piendld land. Omaha
or Council Bluffs property taken In part pny <
ment. |
A splendid bottom farm for sale near Monclamln.
Part payment taken In Omaha or Council
Bluffs city propel ty ; n.-00.00 ! ! ! be taken In
trade. ]
Good farms for rent for tha season of IS ? } at d
low rental to icsponglblo partlen. )
C acres of land near the city for sale. Will tnk *
part pajment In painting or carpenter work.
Gardens and farms for > ulo In the best part of
western Iowa. .
Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-Law , If
Pearl st. , Council Bluffa , Ia ,
lands for sM or rent. Day A lien , n I'earl
strut. i
by our lull tn-a'jnent of Turklih c.n.ulM
fur ti.00. Kicht IMMI , pay Lortrt , Kirra iHyumUj I Eruiitloui Cure cured , neier by Turkltli fill * . I I
orUniuitrcali ! * Uurol u perfect a < ruu I .
rult treatment with roa.mnl
. | *
er.rwere. We < nake our o n uin-Jlclnn I . . .
end you can rclran Betting well. V.'il iuo teetiO.OUBlniflell | < eii , l. < xl. |
written puaranM * with full cur * , hlnvle I HAHN'9 PHARMACY , I
I lloi.ll fritir tnai : Hull's l'iu tcr. llXth ntnl Karnarn.OMlniKui
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
JOe Cfffuru. no Clffiira ,