Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    fl > MI"
AilrrrllHFiiiriitN for tlirnc column *
rlll b taken nnlll tU m. for !
! von I M ir nnil iiiiHI H 11. in. for tlie
tnornliiH : nnd Hniulny edition * .
AilrcrllNcr * , by rrtiiifNtlnpr. n nniii-
t prn1 clicok , : nn lnivc nnmvor ml-
ilrrmril to n nninlicrca letter In cnre
of TJic Ilr * . Annwer * mlilre i e l
* vlll l > e lellrere l on iircnenliUliin at
the cheek nn1y <
lt c , 1 l-2o * wor * r t InncrHoni
Jc mini ( hereafter. NoUilnw tnl < en
for len tlinii S.le. for < lic llrnt Inner-
lion. ThcMC aUvertlnnnienU muni lie
rau eomiecntlvely.
.YOUNO . lady desires to tnko work In short
hand and typewriting ut homo. 2550 Uil-
CMRO St. A-1118-S *
I'OSITION wanted by young man nnd wife.
Address N K , Hue. A-Mli > G
CANVASSKHS to tuko ordurs ; now line of
work ; no heavy goods la carry ; salary ot
commission. C. K. Adams Co. , 621 South
Sixteenth street.
BAI.KHMKN to sell toilet soap to
100 i > cr month Hillary und expenses ! ex-
lierlrncu unnoncssnry. Louis hrnst Co. .
St. l.oulH , Mo. U-4.ii
. WANTKD-At once. pantH anil vest imikor.
Address II. Knssebauin , \ \ eat Point , Neo.
.WANTKD-Solleltors of good address ,
cither sex , to sell California Hoses , rnro ,
liiinly , ornamentals , etc. Town nnd cities
only. Will pay salary weekly : bo quick.
Htata n i ! . The Ilowlnnd Nursery .Com
pany , I > os Angeles , Cnl. 1T ! _ '
WANTKD-Hrlpht , inTcTllgent canvassers ; ;
both sexes ! 412 per week. A. Unrtnn , lli
S. 17th St. H ail3j-C *
.WANTKD . , young man , not under IS , for
permanent position ; must be. willing
worker , strong and good rapid pfiinmti.
Address N 17 , Hoe olllce. U HI 5 _
WANTKD , experienced dry Roods sales
man ; only llrst-clasa salesman need ap
ply. J , U Itrandels & Sons , Huston Store ,
Uiimhu. U K26 _ .
AOKNTH , $7 dally Kollliiff Specialty Soaps ,
glvlnsr custoincrs doublu vultio In liuiid-
MIIIIU presents ; oxcluslvu territory ; sam
ple outllt free. I ease Soap Co. , Clneln-
iiutl , O. ' 11-ailCU i ) '
BALKSMKN und cnllectord wanted for the
road ; expenses advanced. Call after in.
in. tomorrow nt the Mlllard hotel. Mr.
Clifford. ll-lTS-ii *
"SC'MKMKS and Kakes ; " war time money
milkers ; ' > cents. Money lefumled If not
witlsfactory. Monroe & Co. , llox Bll , l-.m-
porla , Kansas. 11 M1SI r. "
WANTKD , Salesmen In every county.
Good pay weekly. Write for terms.
Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs.
100 CillU.S for nil kinds of work ; * : ! to $7
week. Canadian Olllce. 1522 Douglas ) .
C 835
" \VANTKD-KIrst class tlrl for gonuriit
housework. Inciulre KM South 2Cth St.
C 955
GIHIj for goncrul housework ; good waguj
If comiietent. 1125 South 2Sth St.
JWANTKD , girl for general housework In
Hinall family , 213 S. SCth St. C-115 6'
1VANTKD , a competent girl for gonornl
housework. 11.11 S. Mlh ave. C 117 0
WANTKD. young niirso girl at No. 3123
C-M157 7'
Chicago St. -
A\'ANTKD , experienced cook ; good refer
ences required : good wages. Apply to
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith , 1203 Park ave.
C M173 7 *
WANTED Girl to assist In housework.
1100 Lafayette Ave. C 183-7 *
"WANTED , good sewing girls. 3ID 8. C
WANTKD. Girl to take care of 18-months-
old baby during day. Apply 420 S. 2fith
at. C M1SC G
FOU n i-J.vr HOUSES.
C HOICK houses nnd cottages all over city ;
f.5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st lloor , N. V. Life.
HOUSES. Jlenew & Co. , IDS N. 13th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
_ _
MOVING household goods nnd pianos.
Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1511& Fnrnum.
Tel. 1553. D 813
PROPOSITIONS for the place , 3I I N. 24th
St. , Including house , barn and three acres
of ground. Apply to W. F. Holden , care
of Urennnn-Lovo Co. , 219 8. IGth St.
l-'OR Rent , ten-room modern house , with
large , well shaded grounds.
John W. Robblns , 1S02 Karnam. D 359
LARGE list. McCngue , 15th and Dodge.
D 811
and leasehold of a 13-room
modern Hat for gale at a bargain. Good
location , rent low. Bemls , Paxton blk.
D M511
HIE East Omaha Land Company have a
few desirable cottages for rent. Apply-
to I * . 8. Halnes , East Omaha. D 620
COTTAGE of 6 rooms ; city water ; sewer.
2203 N. 23th St. B-12G 5
/-'UOOM cottage , furnished or unfurnished.
802 S. SOth. D-M132 10 *
lion RENT , ten-room house. No , DOG South
" 1st nvnnuo ; largo yard nnd barn. In-
" qulro Mrn. Preston , 23GS St. Mnry'H nve.
D-150 G
NEWLY furnished three-room modern flat
for Haiti : everything- keep housn with.
Mr. Dietrich , 1GU Lcavcnworth , 3d lloor.
D-M174 8
B-HOOM cottage. Inqulro 2710 Parker ut.
EIGHT room house with good barn near
expoMtlon ; excellent forurentlng rooms.
Kurnlturo now ; sell cheap. Address N 2G ,
' Uee. D MISS- *
VOll KENT Six-room cottage with barn
on Washington ave. . Council niuffs , ' at
US. Inquire of W. P. Olllcer , 500 II'w'v.
D-M19'5 ' 8
. run HK.\T-riiHMsiiri ) IIOOMS
RCOMS by the Cay or week at the Central
hotel , 15th and Dodgs Sts.
E-M323 M14
ttOOM Transients. 17ft Douglas St.
E-M44G M1G
524 S. 26th nvo.
E M451 M29 *
MOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge.
K-M351 M2I
NICELY furnished rooms ; . modern con
veniences. 1817 Leavonworth St. , Mat G.
E-M96.1 7
fllCELY furnished rooms for gentlemen ,
In private family ; references required. S.
W. corner 17th and Capitol avenue.
I-HOOM house , oloso In , and furniture for
sale , all now , U. L. Green , 2S Darker
block. 1C 930
rUKNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2G23 St.
Mary's. E-M175 9 *
'TRANSIENTS , 25c p r night. 1512 Daven-
port. K-181 8
PIltVATE ramlly. 513 N. ! 3d.KM19Q
K-M19Q 12 *
ROOMS opposite Bhrlner , 20S4 Hurney.
K-M1W 12 *
HIE Merrlam , nrst-clns * family hotel ,
jth and Dodge Sts. F-847
IVOR Rent , largo and small furnished
rooms. 1S1G Chicago. F 8SO 6'
IICR rooms with board. 1821 ninnoy.
TLEA8ANT rooms , modern : strictly llrst-
ela board. ( U N. 19th St.
F-1IU7 U *
FOIl lli'iil. Hire wulh front unfurnli'llcd
looind. with Imth Wlllin ll hlorU. F. \ \ .
Carmlchncl , No. C , Wlthncll blot k ,
FOH trncitiicc , trnmifcn-ing ninl desk room
apply to the Aultnmn * Tiiylnr Muchln-
fry Co. , N , KY i-orno 9lh & Jnckn-in HIM.
i -ir ;
FOR rent , thn | . tory tirlfk building nt
61G Farnam St. This bultdln. ? lw.i n ilro-
proof cement liauement , witer nn all
lloors , gus , etc. Apply nt th * ofllcn of
Tlio ileo. „ _ _ il510-
1'ART of nrst-class grocery store to
butcher ; good location. N. IGth. N 12. Uee.
J 123 S
FOR RENT , Part of n Millinery store for
Jcwolry , Ladles' FurnlphliiRS nr 1-nncjr
Novelties ; best location In Omaha. N 13 ,
Ucc. I-M19I 13
WANTED , agents to sell Aeetyleno BHM
generators ; must be men of ability and
some menus. Acetylene , the light of the
future for towns , cities , stnrns. churches ,
halls , factories , hutelf nnd private re.l l-
dem-cs. Addri'SM Omaha Aretylene ( las
Co. . US and 120 N. 13lh St. , Omaha , Neb.
J-M31B M14
INGEHBOLL'S nexv lecture on "Liberty. "
also Thanksgiving lecture : cltlu-r mulled
free for 10 cents ; agtmtn wanted. 1' . N.
Marks , 221 5th ave. , Chicago. J-151 10 *
WANTED , Konoral agent for the latest
war novelty ; send your address ; will mall
you samples and term * free. Now lira
Novelty Co. , 401 New Era llldg. , Chicago.
J-MlfiD 5 *
WANTED Agent to represent standard ae-
cldcnt Insurance C'o. on C. II. I. .t I' . II. R.
west of the river ; must have good uc-
mmlntnneo or be suoi-cssful Insurance
man. W. A. Carter , Mang. Agt. , l-'lrst
National Hank llldg. , Omnhu. J 17G 7
AGENTS wanted. Mnrnt llalatead's Great
War Hook. "Our Country In War. " All
about Armli..i , NnvleH , Coast Dnfenses ,
Maine Disaster , Cuba , Wai' with Spain ,
nnd relations with Foreign Nations.
Nearly COO pages. All written since Maine
Disaster. Magnlllcent colored Illustra
tions. Agents making $10 to &U per day.
No experience necessary. Most liberal
terms uimrnntoed , LM days' credit , price
low , freight paid. Handsome outllt free. .
Send 9 two-cent stamps to pay postage.
Educational Union , 321 Dearborn St. , Chi
cago. J MIS. Juno 5
WANTED , to rent modern 5 , G or 7-rnom
house about Juno 1st. Address M II. lloo.
K M5J3
WANTED , furnished room and UNO of bath
room , without board. Address , stating
terms , K 44 , Bee olllce. K M13I 7 *
STOH.\ : .
PACIFIC Storage mid Warehouse Co. , ? OS-
910 Jones , ircncrnl storage nnd forwarding.
OSt. Van & Storage , 151 IKFnrn'm. . Tel. 1339.
BEST trackage nnd utorago building In
Otnalm. If. S. gov. boiuK'd ; household
goods stored nnd cared for ; lowest niton ;
two show ruses for sale , suitable for ex
position. ] OI3 and 1015 Lenvenworth.V. .
M. Uushmnn. M M9C5 31
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash nt
the Antiquarian book store. 151 ! ) Farnam.
N M775 M2G *
CASH for 2nd-hand books. Crane. 207 N.
10th. N-M203
AVANTED , To buy two good second-hand
roller top desks and ono book case for
otllce. Address Frank Uurman , WZ > Far-
nam Ht. N MIST S *
A PAIR of well matched livery horses ;
must bo cheap. N 50 , Uee. N M193 12'
FOR sale , folding bed , wardrobe and desk
combined , ] 54 < i South 23th street. Call
afternoons except Friday. E. N. lilack-
man. O 133
SOLID oak chamber set , good as new ,
half price ; party lenvlne cltv. Call be
tween 10 and 0 , Friday , 5S7 S. 2Sth St.
O-142 5 *
ANTIQUE oak wardrobe In host condition.
Lack of room reason for selling : co ; t $30 ;
will sell cheap. Call 2211 LoruU St. In
afternoon. O 179 S *
SELLING out at 131 South 23th street ,
homehold furniture , carpets , ranges , .
cooking stoves , gas stove , etc. May be
seen from 2 to 6 p. m. O 11G
FOR SALE Furniture , by S. D. Casnd ,
519 N. IGth st. Ono bed lounge , 2 oak
dressers. 1 oak dining table , C dining
chairs , 4 rockers , . 1 bookcase. O M193 9
HOG nnd poultry fence ; better than wire
netting. Fine sawdust for lloors. Tel ,
458. 801 Douglas. Q S52
HORSE clipping machines , knives and re
pairs , all'standard makes on hand ; grind
ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv
ice. A. L. Undeland. Q 85.1
CHICKEN , hog arid lawn fences : all wire ;
Is best. Wlro Works , 14th nnd Harney.
Q S54M1G *
FOR SALE Ton R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents
at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M780
FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers ;
SO-horso power each. Apply to the super
intendent , 105 Boo building. Q SS3
THREE fresh , choice family , halter broke ,
Jnrsev erode cows with heifer calves.
8eo them milked at 5 evenings. D. Turner ,
IMG S. 21th St. , City. Q 119-5 *
GROCERY STOCK , with or without flx-
turcs ; cheap ; must vacate , having sold
lease. Apply N 4G , Bee. Q BU41 7 *
LITTER Colllo Pupa , "beauts. " regls-
tored ; pedigrees given. Call nnd see the
parents. Turner , 132G S. 21th St. , city.
Q-120-5 *
ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbace Co. . cleans
cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 1G. Tel 1779.
U-354-M15 *
SHRUBBERY and .trees nt 1717 Douglas.
F. B. Martin ; residence 462J Boulevard ave.
It M43I M16 *
NEW BRICK at Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's ,
yard , ' . d and Hickory. Telephone 425.
HOUSE PAINTING-AM Its branches so
licited : practical painter : will tnko coun
try Jobs ; prices reasonable. John Howe ,
3S31 Franklin St. jtmg
ANYONE seoklns safe Investment of sav-
ines In sums of $100 and upward should
Investigate what \vn have to offer , which
in as seed as government , state or mu
nicipal bonds and puys G per cent per an
num In quarterly payments. Th Colum
bian Investment Co. . John A. McShaiic.
president , H. O. Candeo , secretary , Room' '
411 First Nat. Bk. Uldg. U-M1C3
ANYONE seeking safe Investment of sav
ings In sums of $100 and upward should
Investigate what w IWVH to offer , which
1 as good as government , state or mu
nicipal bonds and pays G per cent per an
num In quarterly payments.
JOHN A. MeSHANE. President.
H. O. CANDEE. Secretary.
Room 411 , First Nat'l Bank Bulldlnc.
MISS MAYER-Chlropodlst , manicure ,
scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted , stu-
dents. 400 Paxtoiv Blk. T Si : MU
LAURA Ellison , 1'9 N. lGth ( upstairs ) ,
room IS , Turko-Russlan and plain baths ,
massago. T M53J M19
MME. Ames507 So.13th. . Room 10. Mas
sage baths. T S3) M5 *
MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par
lors ; restful and curative. 417 8 , llth , up-
stairs. T M379 8
MME. Smith. US N. 15th St. , hot spring und
vapor baths. T 117 9 *
W1TIINELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer ,
building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and
Hickory Httvats. Tel. 423. 620
1,000.000 new briciZ wlthneii Bros. &
Smith' * . | f 607
1'RII.HO.tAli ,
VIA VI for uterine trouble ! ) . 313-5 lieu
bldu , phyflrlan consultation or health
book frco. l'-8W
ItATHS , nmxsuso. MmI'os
L'-SJ'J '
TIUj Pnntortum , cluthcrt cleaned , pressed
and rcpulrod , duv or night ; opcclal niro
given In dl on' tailor inndo gownn ; dross
wulu fur lilro. N. E. turner Hlh mid
Fnrnam. Tel , 9i2. ! B37
SUPKRFLtToi/S l"iiiir , fncc lilomlshes removed -
moved with electricity at Mtnc , O.
Payii'-'s halrilresslni ; and manlcuro pnr-
lurs , 312-313 Knrbiifh block.
U-M3I2 Mlfl'
533. RtU'Tt'ItE euro for $ M. No detention.
from buslnes.4 ; G years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Emplro Rupture
Cure , OSi-KM New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U 911
WHEN you tnko nn outing don't forgot to
will nt the new resort , Metis , nt Florence
Lake. . U M937 9 *
WANTED , choice frrm miti elty loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. R. Nat'l Batik bldg.
W ! >
$ IOi,000.01 special fund to loan on llrst-clnss
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company.
$100.00. $200.oa 1130.00 Private money , on
one , two , three or live years' time. W.
L. Sclby , .131 Board of Trade.VCG3
& TrUHco..3 N. Y. L. ;
quick money at low rates for choice faun
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eant-
_ crn Nebraska. W-Sfll
LOAN on Improved it unimproved city city
property. W. Farnam Smith .t Co. , 13 l
Farnam. W S62
G PER cent city nnd farm loans. Gnrvln
Bros. . 1C13 1-tirnnm St W-S'H
S',4 PER cent money. Bomls , Puxlon blk. _
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. IGth.
$10 TO $1(1,000 ( TO LOAN ON
etc' . , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off nt any time erIn
In any amounts.
aw South IGth St.
MONEYloancd salaried people liiileTfMg
permanent positions , with ro.sponslblo
concerns upon their own name , without
security : easy payments. Tolman , R.
TOG. N. Y. L. bldg. X-572
TO GET In or out of business go to J. J.
Gibson , oil First Nat'l banfo Y SG7
FOR sale , a bargain , my entire drujj
stock , show cases , soda fountain and
counters ; also will rent Htoro at reason
able rent : located Union Depot hotel , ono
block from U. P. nnd Burlington depots.
Ernest Stunt , proprietor. Y 173
' ' " "
ELEVATORS for salVTlTflmroY'Vlx' o"h >
valors on th" Republican Valley branch
of the V. P. R. 11. , extending fouth from
Lincoln , Neb. , through an excellent grain
producing region. Will be sold together
or seprrately , ns desired. In good repair
anil linn working order. Will be sold on
ensy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller , Beatrice
triceNeb. . Y MS24.1M
JOB printing Quickest , best nnd cleanest.
Hcarsey , the Printer , 1503 Farnnm : 'phone ,
20CO. Y M95G 7 *
FOR sale or rent , a complete barber shop ;
a good opening with nn established trade ;
for particulars write to Dcutsch & Lock-
wood Co. , Rapid City , So. Dak.
Y MHO 10 *
WANTED , Physician with $1,000 cash to
make llrst payment on nice residence
property worth $2fiOO ; practice exclusively
country ; very large , unopposed : no rail
way. Box 43 , Oolitic , Ind. Y 113 G *
PARTNER wanted to maniifncturo my
new Invented gas ranges and stoves , al
most burning air , a revolution in the
reeking trade , or will sell the patent
rlchts ; the exhibits In this coming expo
sition , connecting with restaurant , will
pay 20i ) per cent on the money Invested
by forming n stock company. Call and
Investigate the'plant. . 21G N. IGth street.
Y M15C G
MEAT market : cash trade ; will average
l > per day. Prlca $700 cash. J. J. Gibson ,
511 First Nat'l Bank. Y 177 14
VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In
Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad
dress L 42 , Bee. Z MSGS
100-ACRE clear farm near Snohomlsh ,
Washington , and $ .1.000.00 In defaulted first
mortgages on Routhwestern Kansas land ,
to exchange for Improved property In
Omaha ; party will assume reasonable
amount of Incumbrance. W : L. Sclby ,
331 Board of Trade. Z M72T
VOCAL or Piano Lessons for sewing ma
chine or ladles' wheel. 1512 Davennort.
Z-M192 S
KOUNT/.E Place bargains. $2.500. $3,730 to
$ C,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First , Nat'l bank
bldg. RE-SG9
FOLLOWING desirable property : Buslnceu
lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved.
Business lot , G0xl50 ft. , Improved , South
Omaha , street paved.
Tract (24 ( lots ) . .Ifith St.
Tract (20 ( lots ) , SOth St.
For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St.
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also tire
Insurance. Bemis , Paxton block.IIES71
IF YOU have real estate for sale nnd want
It sold list It with mo nnd I will sell it
( If I can ) . If you wish to purchase and
want a big bargain , look over my list.
J. II. Sherwood , 422 New York Life.
HE M872
Buy and save rent. Never before In the
history of Omaha have there been such
opportunities offered to acquire lots or
homes at your own prices. You make
the prices.
Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands
must be. satisfied.
I glvo out no lUts. If you want to buy I
will match any prices made by any one.
Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lots
everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Houses
and lots and aero tracts In Douglas
Any reasonable offer will favorably con
sidered. Tell wo what you want and I
will tell you what ! will take.
If you have a customer I will pay regular
commissions. I haveno agents.
New 7 per cent loans , $1,000 to $1,50 , for
Biile on Improved property.
THOS. H. M'CAGUE. Receiver.
< 108 N. ' 15th St.
FOR sale , 22 acres under cultivation , near
Florence ; 300 fruit-trees ; price low ; term.-i
easy. The O. F. Davis Co. RE 589 G
very choice location. f62 N. i40th > , riitt front ;
nlra lawn ai"l trees ; chenp un > l ea y terms :
Call anj tee It , or write "Owner , " 3511 Harney.
FARNAM St. , near 42d St. , "lot. 4Sxl2S f t7
prlco $800.00. J , N , Frenzer , ppp , old P. O.
FOR Sale , snap seven-room cotiago two
blocks from exposition grounds. J , B.
Piper , Wlthnoll block. RE MUG 6 *
THE Columbian Investment company will
sell you R choice lot on monthly pay
ments at low rate of Interest ; why not
start n home ? See them ut room 411 ,
First Nat , bk. bldg. RE M162
THESE arc good , nn well an cheap :
$1.030 nlco cottage , barn. 30-foot lot , paved
$2,000 6 room-cottage , full corner lot ,
Shlnn'n add.
$1,500 4-room brick cottage , largo lot , trees.
$3.500-house , 50-foot lot , > , i mlln west court
$ iSrt-Cholce building -lots near 21th and
O. G. Wallace J. J. Brown block. IGth nnd
Douglas streets. RE-151 7
FOH fMj-HF.M ( , KftTATM.
TltKSB are 'KfaX , UK well as cheap :
* l.lU-t'ottnffp.'iiirn. ) { 3'Moot ' lot. paved 8t.
Kmtoroom'cot tu go , full cor , lot. Shlnn's.
Jl.C < > l-Mom Tirlt'U lottaKi- , largo lot , trees.
UVHrlck , .Cd-foot lot , W mile went court.
? .T > 0 I'holco llultdlnit lots near 2llh .t Ames.
G. O .Wallace. J J. Ilrowil .blook , KHh nnd
Douglas mryetn , UK 151-7
i I.H.ST.
STRAYKD t > nc-iirown mare , nearly blind ;
v.-clsht DM ll > s , iC. \ * . Ortman. 3J9 N. Ifith
St. i .1 I.ost-122 5 *
LOST , a ShrUtcrir pin. 'Finder will "bo
liberally rewarded by returning same to
nil-hard Smith. Mercer Hotel.
U . , Lost-US G
STRAYED from 290fi Dodge St. , a small
Shetland pony ; white feet. Please bring
It home to the children and get $ ro-
\\nrd. Lost H9 &
A. C. VAN Sant'H School of Shorthand nnd
Typewriting , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the
following advantages : Individual In
structions by experienced teachers nnd
skillful methods
ntenogrnphcrs ; up-to-dnto
ods : touch Hystem of typewriting If pre
ferred ; imrtlclpatlon In actual work , for
which students receive pay ; monthly pay-
rntfiitB. 871
AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Dougjas.
SHORT-HAND taught by court
- , up-to-date ,
reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg.
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers ? ' free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone. 12SI. 8S2
D. B. HOUCK. Justice of the peace. 300
Karbach block. 95S
ALFALFA p.lsture , board fences. A. W.
Phelps Sc. Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 10G4.
61S J22 *
GROUND leases fronting exposition.
Bomb , Paxton block. 881
H. MAROW1T55 loans money. 413 N. Ifith.
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 13.11.
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , Ifi23
I'arnnm St. ; Telephone 12S4. & & 0
ALPIRN , Omaha , junk house , 101 So. 10th ,
paying best prlco for nil kinds of junk.
< SI ! ) M2S *
DRESSMAKING.Families. . 2301 Davonpor.
, ' -MUC2 MG *
Used exclu
sively by the
\Vo sell every
thlnpr truly
jjood in type-
writora ;
at. Omaha.
Department of the Interior , Otllce of Indian
Affair ? , Washington. D. C. , March 30. 1S9S.
Staled proposals will b received by the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Nos. 77-
79 Wooster street. New York City , untl ! 1
o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. May 17,1S9S , for fur- <
nlshlng for the Indian Service , coffee. su < ar ,
ten , rice , baking tpcwdtr , soap , groceries ,
b'jinkcts ' , woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing ,
notion * , hats and caps , btots and shoes ,
crockery and school books. Bids must be
made on government blanks. Schedules giv
ing all necessary Information for bldderu
will be furnished' nciplleatlon at the In
dian OtrlcP , Washington , D. C. , Noa. 77-79
Wooster street. New York City ; N . 1602
State street , Chicago , 111. ; the Commissaries
of'Subsistence , U. S. A. at Cheyenne , Leav.
rnworth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul and
San Francisco ; the' postmasters nt Sioux
City , Yankton , Arkansas City , CaUwell , To-
pcka , Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be
opened at the , hour and days ftbove stated ,
and bidders ar invited to be present at
the opening.
W. A. JONES , Commissioner.
( Should be read DAILY by all Interested ,
ng changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending May
7 , 1S98 , will close < PROMPTLY In all cases )
at the General Postofflco as follows ; PAR
CELS POST'MAILS cloaa ono hour earlier
than closing time shown below : '
Trnnn-Atliitillc Mull * .
SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE ,
EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s.
La Bourgogne , via Havre ( letters for other
parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must bo
directed "per La Boulogne" ) ; at 8 a. m.
for NKTHKRLANDS direct , per s. s
Werkendam , via Rotterdam ( letters must
be directed "per Werkendam" ) ; at 8 a. m.
for ITALY , per s. 8. Fulda. via Naples
( letters must be directed "per Fulda" ) ;
at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. m. ) for
KUROPK , per s. s. Lucanla , via Queens-
After ttic clcwlnc of the tnipplemeiHary trans
atlantic mail * named alwve , additional ; .
mcntnry malls ar ; nponeil cu the plem or the
American. EnglUh. French and Hermnn ptram-
er and remain open until within ten mlr.ut
at the hoar of salllnjr of ttenmc- . * '
Malta ( or South nnd Omrnl America ,
AVevi Inile , Etc.
FRIDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
a. m. ) for GONAIVES and ST. MARC ,
per s. e. A Dumois.
SATURDAY A * 2(30 a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. a. Turanian from
Philadelphia ; ' at 9:30 : a. m. ( supplementary
10 a. m. ) fdr ST. THOMAS. ST. CRO1X.
per B. s. SlaJlana ( lettersfor , Grenada ,
Trinidad a'hd Tobago must be directed
"per Madlijna"i ; at 10 a. m. ( supplemen
tary 10.30 aj m. > for FORTUNE ISLAND ,
GENA , per.a , a. Adirondack ' ( letters for
Costa Rica must b'e directed "per Adiron
dack" ) ; at SiSO p. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND , peritoamer from North Sydney ,
' i t
Malta for Newfoundland , by rail In Halifax anil
thrnc , * bv Hteuhier. clop ? nt thU ntllffl talv ] at
8:30 : p. in. Mall * for Mlquolun. by rail to Due-
ton and Ihenw tV l > " * mr. CIOHO at this oflK-u ,
dally at iftlO f'p. n > . Mali * fur Mexlcx )
City , overland.uhleiw iiwcl.illv mMrem * I IM
dlrputch by # tamer. clone nt this olllce dally
at Z:30 a. m ! itnc'SJJ p. m. n.-gistereil mall
cloaca at 0:00 : u.'in. previnui iliy.
* ' it
LJ i
' Trniitt-Pncinc MalU. -
i K _ _
Malls for Cljllia" And Japan ( specially ad
dressed only ) , .per s. s. Empress of China'
( from Vancouver ) close hero dally up to
May 2 at ; SO p. m' . Malls for China ,
Japan and Hawaii , per a. B. Gaelic ( from
Sun Franclscu ) . close- bore dally up to >
May 4 at 6:30'p. : . m. MalU for China and
Japan , per s , s. Columbia ( from Tucoma ) ,
cloao here dally up to May at C:30 : p. m.
Malls for Australia ( except those for West
Australia , tvhlon are forwarded via
Kurope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and
Samoa n Islands per a. a. Marlposa ( from
San Francisco ) , close hern dally up to'
May " 13 at 7a. . m. . 11 a. m. and C:2Q : p. m.
( or on arrival at New York of. B. a. Cam
pania with British malls for Australia ) .
Malls for the Society Islands , per ship.
Galilee ( from Ban Francisco ) , close here
dally up to May 25 at 630 ; p. m. Malls for
Hawaii , per s. .a. Zealamlla ( from San
Francisco ) , close hero dally up to May 20
at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Australia ( except
West Australia ) , New Zealand. Hawaii
and Fiji Iilands , per a , s. Aoransl ( from
Vancouver ) , dona hero dally after May
13 and up to May. 26 at CdO p. m.
Truna.l'arUtf nuii * M , * .w. . .uiu . . uf wall *
Inf dally und tlm schedule of cloning U ur-
( Continued. )
ranged on the prpiutnptlun of their uninter
rupted overland Iranult lc ( l 'r > irl mvl
clo n < t * t > . m. t > revinii dny ,
CORNnt.IUS V\N r-OTT , Pn-i-r-- * ! -
Postofllce , New Tork , N T. , April S9 , 1S9S.
ern Hnlln-ay City Ticket Of-
nee. 1401 Karnnm Street. Tele
nhone Ml. Depot , Tenth nnd
Macott streets. Telephone 12 $ .
npolls Us Omnlin HallwRyr
flenerat Olllces , Nebraska U | .
vlHlon , fifteenth nnd Webster
Streets. City Ticket Onicc ,
- HOI Fai-nam Street , Ttflephonp
. Depot , fifteenth and Webster Street * . Tele-
phjna 1158.
I-eave. Arrive ,
Sioux City Accommoila. . So : am 8:20 : pin
Sioux City AccommoJa. 9 EO am 8:10 : pm
lllalr , Kmcrfon , Sioux
City , 1'onca , HartlnK-
ton & lllcwmtlcld. . . . 1:00 : pm "llsS ! am
Sioux City , Mnnkota , St.
I'ntil , Minneapolis , , , 3:33 : pm 8:20 : nm
ntncrron 1'aisetiKer. . . . 5:10 : nm SMS nm
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday
only. This train stops nt illations Florence
la South lllnlr. Inclusive , aim. lays only ; un week
dAV ? . Suuth lllnlr only.
Missouri Valley Italhvay Oen.
eral Olllces. United States Na
tional llanlc HulldltiK , South *
went Corner Twelfth nnd Knr-
- . , , . - - ' - nnln Streets. Ticket onice.
1401 I-arnim Street. Telephone 361. Depot Fif
teenth and Webster Street. . Telephone 145S
* * * * ' ArrlvC'
Dlack IIIIU. Dendwood '
nnd Hot Sprlneii. . . . 3CO : pm 5 00 pm
\\yomlnr. Casper and
IMUKlas . . . . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 :
HastliiKs. Torn. David
City , Superior , Qenera
Kxetcr and Sewnrd . . 3:00 pm G:00 : pm
Norfolk. West Point and
Fremont. . . . . . . . . 7:30 : nm 10:23 nm
Lincoln , Wahoo and
Fremont. . . . . 7:30 : nm 10:23 : am
Fremont Ivx-al . 7:30 : am
Dally. * Dally except Sunday- Sunday
only. Dally except Saturday. Dally
except Monday.
road General Olllces , United
States Nntlonal Hank Ilulld-
Inp , S. W. Corner Twelfth and
1-nrnnm Streets. Tlckft Otllce ,
_ ; - . HOI Fnrnam Street. Telephone
Depot luth and Webster Sts. Telephone 143S.
Sioux City. Mankalc
St. I'aul , Minneapolis.
C:3S : pm S:20 : am
land Iloute" ( leneral emcee , jsf.
W. Corner Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket OITlce. 1302
Fnrnam Street. Telephone 216
"The Overland Limited"
for Denver , Salt Ixilte
wwtcrn polnti . SDO : am * 4M3pm
The Colorado Special.
for Denver nnd all
.Colorado Fast points . . . . . . 11:33 : pm :40 : nm
mall train for
Salt Lake. Paclfls
coast and all western
Paints . 4j
: Pm CM am
Lincoln , lieatrlce and
Stromaburg Hxpress . , ' 3:00 *
: pm U:20 ! :
. pm
.Fremont , Colmubin-
Norfolk , Qrand 1s-
.land nnd Kearney .
Grand Islnjid Uxpress. . -JiSilS iifjl ! !
Ul"yA " Dally "ce Sunday.
South Omaha Locnl I'nRs. Lea
m : :
acoamp :
Burlington Qulncy nallroad-"ThB iiurN
Houte"-Tlcket onice.
102 I < arnnm Street. Telephone
Route 5'.0- Jel'0'- Tenth and Mason
Streets. _ Telepliono 123.
8io ; am
o KxprcJa 3:45 am 4:13 : pm
o & St. Louis Kx T:43 : pm 8:10 : am
Junction Local. . 11:50 : am 5:40 pm
2w : pm
11:50 pm
Hlver Ilnlroad-"The | Hur
llngtDn Houte" General Of
fices N. W. Corner Ttnth nnd
Fannm Streets. Ticket Of
fice , U02 Farnam Street. Tele
phone 2ro. Depot. Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone 128.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook < 83J am 9:33 : am
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , Utah. California ,
Black HillMontana
and Pucet Sound 4:33 : pm 4.05pm
Lincoln Local 7no ; pm ? ; 40 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall 1:55 : pm 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
California and Puect
Sound lUSSm 11:55 : pm
Burlington & Council muffs Rallroad- Jlurllnjton Houte"
Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam
Route Street. Telephone 230. Depot.
Tenth and Mason Street *
Telephone 128.
Lear * . Arrive
Kansas City Day „ _ . . 9:05 am 5:40 pm
Kansas City Night Ex. 10:00 : pm 6:30 : am
Pacific ItaUro.ii ] "The Great
Hock Ulanl Houte" city
Ticket nftlce. 1323 Fainam
Street. Telephone 428. Depot.
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone C29.
Leave. Arrive.
Ch'caco and St. Paul
Vrstlbuled Express. . , . 4:5) : pm * l:45pm :
Lincoln , Colorado Sp'nn.
1'urblo , Denver and
west 1:53 : pm 4:23 : pm
Chicago. Des Molnei &
Hock Island 7:00 : pm S:13 : am
Atlantic Expresn , for
Des Molnes and * east-
em points 7:20 : nm 8:50 : pro
Colorado Flyer 7:00 : pm 9:05 : am
Dally. Dallw icept Hunday.
Gemral Ofllces and Ticket
Olllie. Merchants Nat'onal Hank
. llnll.llnt1224 Farnam Street.
Telephone , 104. Dfpot , I'lft.-entll
. _ and Web t r Streets. Te'.ephcn *
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas and Nebraska
Llm'ted . , . . . . 3:01 : pm * 12:5S : pm
Kansas City anj St. i
Louts Express . 9:30 pm 6:0) : am
Nebraska Local . 4:30 pm 9:43 : am
Dally. Da'ljr except Sunday :
I'aul Hallway C.ty Ticket Of
/MILWAUKEE ! fice , 1504 Farnam Street. Tele ,
phone 2SI. Dfmt. | Tenth and
Uascn Streets. Telephone is.
Leave , Arrive ;
Chicago Llmltel Kx. . , . 5t5 rm 8rf > S am
Omaha and Cli'cago Bx. aOJ : am 1:50 : pm
Dally *
P2BI . -Omaha. Kansas City & Hast-
, ern Ilallroad "Thn Tort Arthur
ARTHUR "Houte Ticket Office , 1415 Far-
IRBUZ& .nam.Streets Telephone , 3 ! . De-
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone , 1S.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louli Cannon Hall
Kxpmta .U.-.I.V ; . . . . . ' 4Ji : pm Ml:30nm :
Kanjns City & Qulncy
Loral . . . . . . . , . . , , . . \ . . 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm
Otllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Tele ,
hone 32i. Depnt , Tenth and
i Mason Streets. Telephone lit.
'Canon ' Hall"
1 4:20 : pm 11:30 am
Then Wni III Voice fur Wnr.
Cleveland Leader : "Doc , " said the man
who bad approached one of the surgeons
at the recruiting stations , "I wish you'd
examine me and see K I'm eligible for en
listment. "
"You must die your application In the
roirtilar way , with the olllcer In charge , "
replied the surgeon.
"I haven't time to do that Just now. "
the- stranger replied. "Why can't you take
a look at me and see what my chances are ,
nnvwayT It's very Important that I should
know. "
" \V 1 | . take off your coat and vest , and
tot mo tlatrn to your hcnrt the first thing. "
The oxnmlniUlon was very short.
"Ah , " nld the surRcon , nftor he hnd ll -
pncd for A moment , "thcro Isn't nny uao
k-flln on In your ciue. You'll never tlo.
Why , you might almost ns well hnvo no
heart at oil. "
"Htirrnh for war ! yrllo't ( ho nmn who
Imil been rejected , un he pulled on bin coat
* ni hurried Into the street ; "Wnr ! Wnr !
War ! Down with the cowards who don't
want blood ! Htirrnh for the crush of mat
ter nnd the wreck of worlds ! "
The Mlllliuinlrr nnd Mix Cli-rk.
Olranl , the Infidel millionaire of 1'hlla-
ilclphln. ono Saturday ordered nil his clerks
to come on the morrow to his wharf nnd
help unload n newly arrived ship. Ono
young mnn replied , quietly :
"Mr. Ulrard , I can't work on Sundays. "
"You know our rules ? "
"Yes , I know. 1 havn n mother to sup-
cort. but I can't work on Sundnjra. "
"Well , step up to the desk nnd the
cashier will settle with you. "
For three weeks the youiiR man could
find no work , but ono day a banker came
to Olrnrd to ask If ho could recommend n
man for cashier In a nuvr bank. The dis
charged young man was at once named as
n suitable person.
"lint , " sitld the banker , "you dismissed.
him. "
"Yes , because he would not work on Sun
days. A man who would lese his plncu for
conscience's sake would make n trustworthy
cashier. " And ho was appointed.
u Precedent.
Chicago Tribune : "Mr. Hnnklnson , " said
the elderly Mr , Squccdlethorpo , unexpect
edly entering the parlor , "what Is It they
call that notlco thn United States govern
ment served on Spain the other day about
Cuba ? "
"An ultimatum , wasn't It ? " responded
tha young man.
"Yes. That's the word. Ho gave tha .
Spaniards forty-eight hours to make tip
their minds ubout leaving Cuba , didn't he ? " '
"Yea. "
"Well , I'll glvo you Just forty-eight seconds [
ends to get out of this house , " said old
Mr. Snuoedlethorpe , In n loud , raucous
voice. "That's my ultimatum , young man ! "
There was no diplomatic parleying. Mr.
Ilanklnson was ns proud ns the Spaniards
arc. but be had more sense. Ho got out In
eleven seconds.
An AnHiirniirc.
Washington Star : "Madam ! " called
Meandering Mike , as ho leaned over the
picket fence , just out of reach of the dog ,
"I Jcs thought I'd pause a minute nnd ask
you n query. "
"We haven't any " she began.
"Don't think I'm going to ask you out
right fur charity , " ho Interrupted. "I
merely wished to Inquire If you would
hnvo the heart to turn a hungry man from
your door. "
"No , " oho answered ; "I wouldn't , "
"I read It In ver kind face. "
"I wouldn't think of turning him from
my door , " she went on. "I wouldn't be so
earless ns to let him get that far. I'd turn
him away from the front gate. "
ClIlltlllll'H IlllllllllH.
A return presented In the Canadian Par
liament gives the Indian population of Can-
tula ns 99,364 , and they are scattered through
all Its provinces. Nearly three-quarters
of the whole number belong to sonio relig
ious denomination. The Catholics number-
trie11.813 , the Anglicans 10,130. and the
Methodists 10,203 , the 'rest being divided
amen * other Christian lioillcfl. Of then
nnt registered In known religion * noot
nlmni 1C.000 nro pn nnn , probably keeping
tip * omo form of nallvn worship , but making
no particular display thereof find eluding
n' tHtlcnl | tabulation * . Krom nn Industrial
point of view the Canada Indians niaki
.it , < n reupcctnblo nhowlnft , their earning !
laat yrnr footlnx up about $2r > 00,000.
From L * lllri ,
Doctor Well , how do you Iccl to
; dny ?
Pntlont Oh , I fcoJ rotten !
Doctor Then stup taking those pills
II ordered.
Patient I haven't taken nny of
[ them.
Doctor Gracious man , tiike sorao.
"Oh , were those your teeth In th < l j
dressing room ? " t :
"No , darling , perhaps they wore Liz-
but why don't you take them ? "
From Judy. I
Physician So you have beeu tak Ing Dr. Quacklcy's tJedlclne , have you !
Patient Well , plenty of people praise It to the skies.
Physician It has sent plenty of them there.
The Dogs of War
Are Loose.
With the war on , all eyes are turned toward Cuba. Ev3 'y
one Is interested In the bray a struggle balngrmide by the pao-
ple of that famous little island. The bast information can
be obtained from the best books.
Murat Halstead's
Is entertaining , interesting
and Iruitpuclfve. He is a tal
ented vvritor , distinguished
as a war correspondent ,
famous as ajournallat ; brilliant In his descriptions. It is a
graphic account of the struggles * of Cubans for liberty.
Revised to Date. Containing a vivid account of the over
whelming tragady
Destruction of the Maine
Now and splendid illustrations of Conmil ( isuaral Lee , Cap-
tola Slgbe > o , Ex-Minister Do Lome , General Blanco ,
'Battleship Maine as She Was and Is.
A splendid octavo voluma ; 623 page ? ; 61x9inches ; printed
on extra fine quality of paper ; In large , claar , perfect type ;
magnificently Illustrated with 4O full-page original drawIngs -
Ings and photographs , artistically and uniquely bound.
Elegant , Silk-Finished Cloth , Ettblomitlo Ink and Gold De
sign , Plain fedgcs , 92.00.
How to nils Is good for 75
conn rebate
It Free
< Murat HalHtcad'a
Secure two n w eubscrlbc'rs to the
Dally and Sunday Dee fur seven oneor "THE STORV Of CUBA. "
'icu : sr thrt-i * ne\r su1i crll'r for one-
month each , llrintt ur mall them tj CV Price $2.01) .
the Circulation Department , ' Omaha ( \
Prestnt this Coupon mill tl.H nt Clr-
. Vt' ( C -
K with K cent * for each we culatljn ,
Department The lies
ubtorlptlon and you . canet lr. Co. , lite Uulldtuc.
splendid work free. UTJ i