Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Women Organize to Assist tin
Boldien in the licit ] .
Nrhrnnkn SnnUnrr Alii CommUnloi
Klcclo Offlccm nnd Gctn Itrndr
for Active Opcrntlonn la
Connection with Aruir.
Yho movement to form an orgnnlzatlor
of Nebraska women on the lines of th
Christian Commission that contributed <
largely to the comfort of tbo union soldier
In the civil war took tangible form at i
meeting held at the Commercial club yes
tenlay afternoon. Thcro were about flft :
women present , the assemblage being falrl ;
representative of Omaha femininity. Aftc ;
two hours of discussion an organization wa
effected which will be known as the Ne
braska Sanitary Aid commission. The or
ganlzatlon will endeavor to connect Itscl
with the national organization that Is no\
being formed In the east , and the member
expect to bo the first western women to Joli
the movement.
The meeting was called to order at 2:3 : (
Mrs. George I ) . Eddy was made tcmporar ,
chairman and Mrs. C. W. Damon , sccrctarj
Major T. S. Clarkson was then Introduced t
outline the objects of the meeting. He dls
cussed the work that had been done by th
women In the civil war at some length on
suggested that Inasmuch as n number of th
Nebraska militiamen were already sick n
Lincoln there Is work for the women to d
at once. Ho briefly suggested a few Idea
In regard to organization nnd then the ( lee
was turned over to the women.
After some discussion a motion to appoln
a committee on permanent organization an
nomination of officers was carried , and Mcs
dames W. S. Askwlth , George A. Hoaglan
nnd Cox were designated as the commlttc <
In accordance with the plan of organlzatlot
which was subsequently recommended b
this committee , the meeting proceeded t
ballot for the election of officers , with th
following result : President , Mrs , George /
Hoagland ; first vice president , Mrs. Q. I
Eddy ; second vice president , Mrs. 8. \
Sheelerj secretary , Mrs. W. S. Askwltt
treasurer , Mrs. Olln Davenport.
A mptlon that the members of the Worn
nn's Relief Corps be exempted from payln
dues In the now organization was defcate
nt the Insistent request of these member
who declared that they did not wish to t
exempted from any of the obligations of tli
commission. Another meeting will bo calk
nt an early date , at which the plans fc
future action will bo considered.
Sam'l Burns Is selling a Whllo & Gel
porcelain toilet Bet 12 plcccr. at | 5.75.
itro Inillnn Police Conic t
Unialin iind Get Iiockfd Up
fnr Ill-Inn Ilriink.
If the entire Indian police force from tr
Wlnncbago Agency were to come to Omahi
It Is hard to tell what would become of tl
city , and It Is not at nil likely that tl
agency would feel any lack of protcctlo
because of their absence. Yesterday tr
city authorities at the Jull had the palnfi
duty of removing the stars from n numb <
of the gallant Indian officers and placln
them In cells together with the comma
herd of plain drunks. After n 'number i
the Indians had been landed In Jail , a sta
wart fellow policeman of theirs came I
the Jail to seek their release. He were
star and carried n billy , and seemed Imbue
with the Idea that the Jail was a be
place. ,
"Heap bad place , " ho said , "pollca ma
never drink , novcr get drunk , whiskey bai
get my friends out. My name Jim Flshc
'Wlnncbago. ' "
Whllo Fisher was telling of the evils i
intcmpcranco his legs were unsteady undi
htm and his tongue was thick. Ho did m
effect the release of his friends and nai
rowly escaped being thrown In the sair
cell with them.
Deputy United States marshals have It
vestlgnted where the liquor was obtalnc
which was making all the hilarity and Le
Smith of the Aetna House bar and Mai
tin Hlttelmaler were arrested on the chart
of EclltiiK liquor to Indians , and two Ii
dlnns. Little Bird nnd Jum Smith No.
were arrested on the charge of giving llqui
to Indians. All four of these men will t
given a hearing before United States Con
mlssloncr Anderson today at 10 o'clock.
The IlurlliiKtou'N Mew TrntnN.
Railroad men who have had the prlvllef
of examining the four new trains nhlch tl
Burlington Route , on the 1st of May , plac <
In service between Denver , Omaha and Ch
cage , say they are as magnificently cqulpp (
ai any In the country that even t !
famou.1 limited expresses between Chlcat
and New York are not handsomer or moi
luxurious. Every car Is wide vestlbulcd , ar
wna built especially for the Burllngtt
The four trains are ' Identical In appcaram
and arrangement. Each Is composed of
bultet-smoklng-llbrary car ( with bath ar
barber shop ) , -a palace sleeping car , a dlnli
car , and two reclining chair cars. The bu
fct-amoklng-llbrory car Is something ne
for a Denver-Chicago line. It Is a verltab
clubhouse- wheels , where one m > iy rea
write , smoke , talk , or play cards , whl
traveling at tlio rate of fifty miles an hou
It la handsomely carpeted and furnished
etteee , cushioned easy chairs , a lavator
a writing desk , a compartment for car
players , and a well stocked buffet. The cu
rent periodicals and newspapers are on ill
and a carefully selected library Is provldi
for the free use of passengers. The oleepli
car Is a gem , cad the cfialr and dining ca
are In every way worthy of the train
which they form an Important part ,
These- palatial trains leave Omaha dal
at 11:55 : p. m. for Denver and at 12:05 : a. i
for Chicago.
Card of Tlinnkn ,
Wo take this opportunity to thank t
many kind friends for their kindness
our recent bereavement In the loss of
loving husband nnd n kind father.
The Buffet
Smoking Cars
on the Burllngton'H 11.G5 p. m. trnir
for Denver nnd 12:05 : u. m. train foi
Chicago nre veritable club houses or
The smoking room Is a brllllantl }
lighted apartment , 32 feet long , beau <
tlfully carpeted , llnlsheil In mahogan >
and furnished with easy chairs , net-
tecs , canl tables , the current periodi
cal ! , a library and a writing iK' k ,
Hero you may lounge , read , write ,
goiilp , omoke or liluy cards while
traveling at the rate of W miles tu
f ULat nffina JlSOf Papuan ST. ,
iMKttumce , \ OMAHA.
4. . RBYNOLOS. * Ar.
lint Th * e Special Bitten Will Crow ]
Ifnrrtpii HroH. ttaln or fthlne.
Although coffee , sugar , Hour , rlco , beam
nd all other staples are much higher , yoi
an buy now at the same low prices , while
ur largo stock Is now on hand ,
10 pounds pure York state buckwheat , 29c
25c Java and Mocha coffee , 6 Ibs. , fl.OO.
20c Golden Rio coffee , C Ibs. , $1.00.
ISc Santon Dlend coffee , 8 Ibs. , fl.OO.
10 pounds fresh rolcd oats , 2Sc.
10 pounds navy beans. 2f > c.
12 bar * standard laundry soaps , 25c.
10 pounds granulated cornmeal , lOc ,
3 packages matches , 36 boxes , for 25c.
3-1 b. cans best lard , any brand , 24c ; No
sugar cutcd bacocn , S c ; pickled pork
He ; corned beef short ribs , Cc ; No. 1
ugar cured hams , 8e ; German summei
ausage , He ; fresh pork sausage , 7U < v ; pick
ed trlpc , 3Hc , cottage ham , sugar cured
c. At Transmlsslsslppl headquarters.
The largest line of new shirts ever showr
n Omaha. Silk and linen. All the vcrj
atcst for spring and lummer. They an
lie entire line of the Griffon brand. Sanv
lies on display In our Sixteenth st. win-
ow. On sale Saturday at Hayden Bros.
\nd a phenomenal sale of men's flno nni
ovel spring suits Saturday. Take a loot
n our clothing windows.
This evening at the First Congrcgatlomi
hurch the musical department of thi
Voman'B club will give its last musical fo :
lie season , under the direction of Mrs. J. M
tctcalf. The club will bo represented upot
he program by the chorus of l.idies whlcl
has been a new and successful feature ln
rod need this year by Mrs. Metcalf and con
uctcd by Mrs. Cotton. It will bo heard It
a number of carefully prepared selections
'ho concert Is especially noteworthy on nc
ount of the presence of Mtsn Anna Metcalf
oprano. Miss Metcalf has been abroad fo
a number of years studying und Hinging ii
oncert and has scored numerous succorse :
in each sldo of the Atlantic. She has no
icen heard In this city slnco her leturn ti
America and great Interest naturally pvc
rails among her many friends to heur he
once again and to enjoy the fruits o' he
work In Europe. Mr. Gahm and Mr. Albcr
vlll also appear upon the program and os
slst In making what seems CUM to ho oi'
f the plcasantcst musical evenings grantei
o the Omaha public this scasou.
The ladles' chorus has been In Ltncoli
his week taking part In n May mu&lcil fes
.Ivnl and If ono may judge by the irporte
carried off the honors of the occasion. Th
applause was ot the spontaneous kind tha
shows universal approbation and the mo3
thorough enjoyment and refused to b
silenced until additional nurab-jrs had bee
rendered. Last evening's Lincoln New
says :
Both In Its composition nnd exccutlo
: ho first evening's program ot the secon
Mnv festival held by the Mntlneo Musical
at the Oliver last evening must bo constd
irr.rt a clean cut success. Nothing wa
acklnc and nothing was dracglng. Ther
was n flno audience , unmoved by the rat
storm. Thov created n considerable storr
of their own In thn shnrm nf thunders o
nnnlauso. This was noticeably the case c
Mrs. Cameron of Omaha , a pupil of Mrs
Cotton. Coming unheralded , she enllstc
without nn nffort nt. rcmittlm ; all of th
sympathies nnd feelings of the listener
! > eforo she had sune two nhrases. If Mn
Cotton has anv moro nunlls of this kin
aho may bring them here nt once. So In
slstont was the demand for hearing this so
prano again that the same numbers , ( Den
zer's "Mav Moraine. " * In addition to th
program number ) were repeated this after
Next Monday evening at the First Con
relational church , Mr. William Armstrong
musical editor of the Chicago Tribune , wll
; lvo a lecture under the local direction c
Homer Moore , upon "Modern British Com
losers. " Mr. Armstrong Is nn Intlmnt
friend of nearly all the prominent musician
of England and Is able to put Into his ad
dresses Just those little every day fact
md fancies which one would ask about I
he had a chance. There Is always a mystl
air surrounding the composer that the aver
age person never Is allowed to penetrate
but Mr. Armstrong has done so and hi
vivid descriptions of the men nnd thel
ways possess a charm of truth and novclt
; hat Is factnattng.
Mr. Armstrong Is at present In Caltfornlt
jut will pass through Omaha next week o
its way to England , where ho is to lectur
before the Royal Academy of Music an
several other great institutions. A nurabe
of vocal selections will be rendered , illus
tratlng the styles of music written b
modern British composers.
Mlllon * Given Awny.
It la certainly gratifying to tbe public t
( now of one concern In the land who ar
not afraid to be generous to tbe need
and suffering. The proprietors ot Di
King's Now Discovery for Consumptloi
Roughs and Colds , have given away ovc
ten mtllon trial bottles of this great medl
cine ; and have the satisfaction of knowln
t has absolutey cured thousands of hopelej
cases. Asthma , Bronchitis , Hoarseness an
all diseases of the Threat , Chest and Lung
are surely cured by It. Call on Kuhn .
Co. , druggUt , and get a trial battle fre
Regular size , GOc and fl. Every bottl
guaranteed or price refunded.
Pnbllc Notice.
The Northwestern Line Daylight Specli
now leaves the U. P. depot at 6:40 : a. m
arrives Chicago 8:45 : same evening. N
change In the other trains. The Overlan
Limited 4:45 : p. m. and the Omaha Chlcag
Special at 6:45 : p. m. arrive at Chicago 7:4 :
and 9:30 : , respectively , next morning. Th
most advanced vestibuled eleepers , diners an
free parlor chair cars of course what els
would the "Northwestern" have ?
1401 Furnam st.
Unxtcr G.ICM Kaut.
County Judge Baxter calle'd the docket fc
the May term yesterday and set the caw
for hearing , none ot which will come o
prior to May 24. The Judge leaves for tl
east this morning and does not expect t
return for at least three weeks. Ho go <
to New York to give testimony In nn Iff
portant estate case.
" " " " " " *
Members of George A. Ouster Post No. '
O. A. R. , you are requested to meet at Ih
undertaking rooms of M. O. Maul at 1 : :
P. m. Thursday. May 5 , to escort the n
mains of our late comrade , P. O. Hawcs I
Trinity Cathedral. Members of the bar ail
all old soldiers and friends uro Invited (
Hnlf ItntvH to LlniMilii.
Thursday , May 5 , via Burlington Route-
on the eve of their departure for the sei
of war. Tickets good to return until May
Get tickets at 1502 Farnnm st. or i
Burlington depot , 10th nnd Meson sts.
Half IlntcH to Lincoln.
Thursday , May G , via Burlington Route-
on the nvc of their departure for thu sci
of war. Tickets good to return until May
Get tickets nt 1502 Farnam st. or i
Burlington depot. 10th and Mason sts.
Murrlime .
The following marriage licenses were li
sued yesterday by the county Judge ;
Name and Address ,
Ola C. OUen. South Omaha
Mary Nlcholscn. South Omaha
Paul Wurl. Omaha
Ella Andres. Omaha
8. * H. "VOLETS" | U the real-the arl
tocratlc perfume for the breath. Five ctnt
'olico More Successful in Suppressing Newi
Than Catching Thieves.
Home. Grocery Store and Sntoon IB
Different Portion * of the Cltr
Looted nnd No Trace of
the Ilolibern.
The fact that there have been fewer re
ported burglaries and robberies lately It
10 Indication that there has been a crssa-
Ion of those occurrences and th * > truth lit !
rather the other way. Tbo police hav <
simply been more successful itci'iilly It
lupprcsstng records of stolen property nn.
.he public has been resting In Ignorance ol
.ho fact that thefts ana burglaries an
continuously going on. During thu lasl
week pollco officials have answered re-
lentedly that no burglaries have been re
> ortcd , when as a matter of fact scarcely i
night passes without such complaint belnt
made at the central station.
Ono burglary In which the stolei
> ropcrty amounted In value to more that
ilOO occurred recently In the apartments o
Jrs. L. Belndorf , 816 South Twenty-Becont
street. Mrs. Bclndorf left her rooms In tl <
afternoon and was absent for about an hour
A thief had apparently taken note of he ;
departure and Immediately took advmupgi
of It. Ho entered the room with n tki-Jc
on key and thoroughly overhauled Its coti-
, ents. On her return Mrs. Bolndorf founi
that everything of value had been locutci
nnd carried away. The most strlous lossei
noticed were several valuable rings whtct
md been left in a dressing case. Ono o
.hose bore n diamond setting , one an emor
aid setting and ono a pearl and turquolsi
sotting. The matter was reported to thi
jollco at once , but no progress has beet
made In the case.
On last Sunday night burglars visited thi
grocery store of James S. Williams & Son
819 North Twenty-fourth street , and car
rled away a part of the stock. They re
moved a heavy grating that covered a cellai
window nnd crawled through a small open'
ng that had already been made In thi
glass. From the size of the hole nnd thi
mall footprints surrounding the window 1
was Judged that the robbers were sraal
men or boys. They proceeded through thi
cellar and forced up a trap door which ha <
> een partially secured by n number of heav ;
weights. Once upstairs they made a spe
clalty of the tobacco case and all the property
orty so far missed was In this line of goods
The loss consisted of twenty-four pound
of plug tobacco and a quantity of smok
ng tobacco , cigarettes and cigars. It Is sup
posed that the robbery was committed quit
early In the night , as the footprints abou
the window were faded and half full o
water when examined early the next morn
On the same night a burglary occurred a
the saloon of G. N. Falrbrother , 724 Soutl
Thirteenth street , and In this Instance als
the police do not admit that such an occur
rence took place. When the bartender com
to work at 6 o'clock Monday morning h
found that someone had entered the saloo
through a rear door. A hole had been cut 1
Lhc panel with a Jackknlfe , sufficiently larg
to allow the admittance of a hand. The dee
bad been unlocked and the thieves turnci
themselves loose on the stock. They let
evidences of having freely sampled all th
goods within reach and carried away
quantity for future consumption. Amen
the missing articles were several thouaan1
cigars and several cases of liquors.
TeleicrniiltM to IlONtoii Store , O mil lit
thnt They Will Accept Spot Canli.
For their entire spring stock
Consisting of men's and boys' suits an
men's pants.
These goods arc already shipped.
The following telegram explains itself :
MILWAUKEE , WIS. . April 30 , 1898.
We accept your offer of forty cents 01
the dollar , spot cash for our entire stoc
of men's and boys' suits and pants and wll
ship same Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pai
road today.
We can truly say never before have w
purchased such a large , new stylish lot o
clothing at so small a price. Even whe
wo made them the offer wo did not thin
It would be accepted , because according t
the quality and quantity of the clothing
our price was realy less than half Its valui
but our spot cash did It
This sale will begin Saturday mornlni
May 7th.
Watch the dally papers for further pai
ttculars of the greatest sale Boston 8tor
has ever held.
16th and Douglas Sts.
Record of the Forecnxt Station Her
Shown It to Re Jnnt About
the Norinnl Thlnir.
If people who are finding fault with the Ma
weather wa have had ao far recall May (
1892 they will be thoroughly pleased wit
what wo have this year nnd will fall t
wishing thnt 1892 may not bo repeated. Tli
records of the Omaha station of the wcatlu
bureau show that It rained twcnty-ono daj
In May of 1892 and was cloudy on four daj
on which It did not rain , clot
days In the month. Not only was It rain ;
but It was unusually cold , the average , tcrr
poraturo for the month falling eight or nic
degrees below the normal.
The weather EO far In May has In no v/a
boon out of the ordinary for this month. Fc
twenty-five years records have been lei ;
at the weather bureau of the temnenuui
and rainfall of each day of the year. A\ei
aging these together an average has bee
obtained which Is called normal. Tha 1101
mal rainfall for May 4 Is 0.13 of an Inoli an
the rainfall for yesterday was not In excel
of that , neither has the rainfall of any da
In the month been unusual. From now c
till Juno ID the normal rainfall for each da
Increases slightly , being about 0.20 of n
Inch for Juno 10.
The Grentent unit Hi-fit licnicily fc
"I think I would go crazy with pata wei
It not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm , " write
Mr. W. H. Stapleton. Hermlnie , Pa. '
have been afflicted will ) rheurcat'sm for sei
eral years and have tried remedies wl.Uoi
number , but Pain Balm Is the best thing
have cot hold of. It la the greatest ar
bent remrdy for rheumatism I have ev
trlsd. " One application relieves tbe piln.
Hnlf lliiten to Lincoln
Thursday , May S. via Burlington Route-
on the eve of tlielr departure for the ee ;
of-war. Tickets good to return until May
Get tickets at 1602 Farnam at. or i
Burlington depot , 10th and Moeon eta.
Perhaps there IB nothing which moi
strongly Indicates the return of prosper ! !
than the increasing demand for stenoj
raphers. Last Monday the Omaha Coramc :
clal college placed four studcns lu pea
tlona : Eunice Jenks and Nellie Wolf wit
J. I. Favls. broker : Uertha Ehleni wit
the Midland Cycle Co. : Daisy Alcxande
Swift's Packing Co.
Miss Anna Mi-tcalf. who has achlevi
great prominence singing In Europe ar
this rountrv. will bo tbe soprano aolol
thi a evening at the First Congregation
church , where tbo ladles' chorus , under tl
able direction of Mrs. Cotton , makes the
first appearance. Mr. Gabm and Mr. Hai
Albert will also
Grnndnt Rar * A * * In Flower * and
Trimmed Ilatan.Tomorrorr that
Thousands and thousands of domcstl <
flowers , Including rroeci , foliage , bluette
rialalea , panslcs , violets , etc. , on snlo todaj
at 6c for cntlro bunch , actually worth 26c
Assorted flower feloMomB , also large varl <
cty of American beauty roses nnd hundred !
of other varletlo , tHlLinow fresh goods , al
lOc per bunch.
The greatest variety of high-class Im
ported flowers ever shown In ono store , thli
Includes all the new colorings of blucttes
corn flowers , roses , pansles , snow balls
and in fact every variety imaginable , or
Bale at 25c.
Ladles' ribbon trimmed sailors , at ICc , th :
GOc quality.
To add extra Interest , we place on salt
an attractive variety of foreign model hats
that are equal In every respect and styli
to 110.00 and $15.00 hats , on sale at $3.00.
Ladles' beautiful trimmed hats , ncM
shapes , latest trimmings , Including ribbon
chiffon. Imported flowers , wing effects , en
tirely unlike anything shown elsewhere , gc
at | 3.75 and $2.50.
16th and Douglas Sts.
nnllronil * Report Nchrnnkn Sonkcd-
Illlxanrd In WyomliiR.
All the railroads leading Into Omaha re
port good , soaking rains on Tuesday , Tues
day night and Wednesday morning nlonf
thotr respective lines. The Burllnglon'i
weather report of Wednesday shows genera
rains throughout Nebraska , with mlxci
snow and rain In Wyoming. From Cheyenne
onno three Inches of snow was reported , bu
the weather was mild and there appcarci
to bo no indication of n blizzard there. Th <
Elkhorn reported heavy rains along Its lln <
In Nebraska and Wyoming. In the Blncl
Hills of South Dakota there was a ban
snow reported on Tuesday , but on Wcdnes
day morning this snowstorm changed lnt <
a steady fall of rain. A drenching rail
throughout Kansas and Nebraska with semi
snow In Wyoming was reported by thi
Union Pacific.
A dispatch to The Bee from Rawllns
Wyo. , states that n real blizzard raged litho
the western part of Wyoming on Tucsda ;
morning , thcro being a heavy fall of sno\
accompanied by a strong northeast wind
All trains on the Union Pacific In that dls
trlct were reported to bo moving ver ;
slowly on account of the severe storm ani
traffic was delayed.
Thirty-five years makes a generation. Tha
la how long Adolph Fisher of Zanesvllle , 0
suffered from piles. Ho was cured by uelnj
three boxes of DoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salvi
Paul Wurl and Eda Andres , daughter o
Phillip Andres , were united In marriage yes
terday afternoon at the homo of the bride'
parents , 825 South Twentieth street , by Re\
Newton Mann. The ceremony was a ver
quiet one , none but the family and th
closest of the friends of the contracting par
ties being present. The groomsman wa
Emll Wurl , the groom's brother , nnd th
bridesmaids Miss Emma Andres , the bride'
sister. The newly married couple will b
at homo at 1511 Castellar street atte
May 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Wurl received their friend
In the parlors of the Omaha Turnvcrel
last night. The reception iwas very largel
attended by young people and by older foil
as the wedding was looked upon as a dls
ttnctlvcly Turner mffalr , both families be
Ing prominent In the history -of the Ne
brnska society. From 8 until 10 o'clock th
newly wedded couple received the congrat
ulatlons of their friends and after that hou
a dance was enjoyed. A string orchestr
played throughout the evening nnd refresh
ments were served.
The young couple received a largo num
Der of presents from their friends and sev
eral from the Turnvcrcln societies. Th
active class gave them a handsome chin
closet ; the bear class presented them wit
a couch , and the woman's society gave ther
a sideboard.
Two Train * Dally
to Denver and Colorado points
via Union Pacific.
Only line running
two trains dally
to Wyoming , Utah , California
and Puget Sound points.
Call at City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam B
A beautiful line of specimens and relic
from the South Sea Islands and a lot c
foncv and rare shells from the Phlllppln
Islands are on display In the show wlndo'
of Joseph Frenzer , the Jeweler. The
wore sent to Mr. Frenzcr to exhibit nt th
Colorado , Ulnli , Ci llfor m
Reached quickest via
City ticket office. No. 1302 Faroam itree
The Missouri club will hold a meeting i
the 'Commercial club tonight.
Police court will adjourn this afternoo
that the officers mav bn Dnrraltted to al
tend the funeral of Patrick Hawcs.
Eight Omaha boys , a son of Scrgcar
King being among them , left yestcrdn
morning for Lincoln , where they propos
to enlist In the army.
Deputy United States Marshal Alle
brought to this city Moses St. Cyr froi
Wlnnebago agency , who is charge ! wit
selling liquor to Indians.
Frank P. Hanlon has been removed froi
the Mlllard hotel to St. Joseph's hosplti
nnd Is recovering from his Injuries as raj
Idly as could bo expected.
Lee Cnrlln IB under arrest , charged I
A. D. Block of the National Steam laundi
with mlsfiunronrlatlnc S10 which ho col
looted from customers of the laundry.
Frank Blitz was arrested for scorchln
nnd was sentenced to ten dnvs In the clt
lall. Sentence was suanendrd on the cor
dltton that he ride more elo\\Jy In the ft
ture.The Dupont Gun club held a reguU
monthly meeting Tuesday night , transactln
only business of n routine character ,
special meeting will be held at the ground
on Sunday , at whlchia number of new men :
bers will be taken in.
The man who was lunnospd to bo Wll
llnm Conrad and who , was held at the pc
lice station on a charge of forgery was n
leased yesterday afternoon. He mnlntalnc
that the name on the forged check was m
his and that ho bad received the chec
from another man and had nothing to d
with the making of It.
runt IRAPC cni nor TARTAR rowom
Highest Honors , World's Fair
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair
Grand Special "nip of Velllna-n , Km-
broldery , Hnchlnir , ( HnRham and
20,000 yards of plain and fancy Bilk veil-
Ins In oil colors and styles , chontllo spot
nn 1 ttuxcdo net. they have been displayed
In our front window for the past few days ,
go at 3V&o yard , worth up to 2rio.
Many thousand yards of all kinds and
widths of embroidery , including the vr > ry
finest qualities go at Cc , 7H cand lOc yard ,
worth ute i6c.
Mnny thousand yards of plain and fancy
. 'Ilk crrpr Inco niching and ruffling , go nt
Cc yard , worth up to 25c.
Thousands of yards ot French and Zcfhyr
Ktnuhum , In all the latest patterns , worth
up to 2Gc , go at C' o yard.
Orand special offering of fancy white
goods , corded , striped , open worked , etc. ,
worth up to 2Gc , go at 7V4c.
Ono Immense counter ot all kinds ot wanh
goods , organdies , lawns , lapettcs , batistes ,
etc. , go at CHc yard , worth 35p.
2,000 ynrds plain black French sateen ,
rtgular 25c quality , go at 8jc yard.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts ,
Goto City tent. No. 60 , K. O. T. Ml
A full attendance Is requested at review
Thursday evening. Important business.
E. E. ANDREWS , Com.
T. W. SPAFORD , n. K.
Ex-Governor Gllck of Kansas , who has
been In the city for several days looking
after the Kansas building at the exposi
tion , says thnt Kansas nnd Oklahoma novcr
were In n better condition than they arc
nt present. All the conditions have been
very favorable for a largo yield of wheat
and It the price on wheat remains firm the
Kansas crop will bring n largo amount of
money Into the state. Plentiful rains have
also put the ground In flno condition for
corn and Governor Gltck says that corn
is the product that affects Kansas more ma
terially than any other. Ho Bays that a
largo yield of corn helps the state moro
than anything else nnd that the price of
corn docs not make much difference , as It
Is fed to cattle and not put on the grain
Pomo 11 ul I'arnsrrniiliM.
E. D. Norton of Cnsocr. Wvo. , Is nt the
Hon. J. C. Post of Kingfisher , Okl. , Is nt
the Mlllard.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ford of Galva , III. , arc
at the Mllnnl.
Alexander Grant of New York Is a guesl
at the Barker.
O. M. Diamond of Now York Is stopping
at the Mlllnrd.
Charles E. McKco of Chicago Is a guest
at the Barker.
N. L. McDowell of Falrbury Is regis
tered at the Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Footo of Madison arc
reclstered at the Mlllard.
W. J. McKlnnev of Kalamazoo , Mich ,
can he found at the Barker.
Thomas E. Rocers of New York Is al
the Mlllard for a few davs.
Oust Johnson and Arthur Malen of Sutton -
ton are stonnlne nt thn Barker.
Gould Dcltz and brother have gene up tc
Sheridan , Wyo. , for a business trip.
J. C. Post , a prominent citizen of King-
flshor , O. T. Is In Omaha on business.
United States Commissioner T. L. Sloan
of Pcndcr Is In Omaha attending federal
George Palmer and sister , Miss Clara
Palmer , left for a short trip to Denver or
Tuesday nfternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor White nnd child lefl
Omaha on Tuesday afternoon for a trip ol
three months through England.
Mrs. J. W. Cotton and sixty women ol
the chorus class returned vesterday from
Lincoln , where thev 'went to sing In the
Mav festival.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. Hunter returned
from a wedding tour on Tuesday afternoon
and will be at homo to their friends aftei
May 20 at 116 North Twenty-fifth street
Their sojourn included Chicago , Now York ,
Philadelphia and Washington.
Ncbraskans nt hntnln : n. W. Pierce , J ,
H. Moodv. H. P. Hennancc. R. D. Spelts ,
Frank E. Parks. H. Bruce Coffrath , Lin
coln : John Ashford. Hnmor : Jack Dancld
Grand Island : K. C. McDonald , D. Lemon
E. E. Boecs. Fremont : B. F. Sherwood
Cambridge ; Mrs. Zook , Mrs. Ryan , Ne
braska Cltv : C. Mason. Plensant Dale ; B ,
F. Stlllcy. Farnam ; C. E. Spaugh , Surprise
William Burrus. Hurley ; Andrew Madson
HooDcr : G. M. MlllH. Kpnrney ; L. E.
Scoutcn. Ernest 'E. Slade. Albion ; M ,
Mackev. Eustls : W. Ryan. McCook ; A. W ,
Johnson. Curtis : Ed Bonneau , Tckamah ;
Edward C. Johnson , Blair ; Thomas L
Sexton. Sownrd ; George H. Spear , Norfolk ;
.1. Warren Kclfcr. Jr. . Bostwlck ; A. M ,
Post. Columbus.
You may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at the
| Shepard Medical Institute
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
Diseases of the Limes , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves nnd Blood. Itcfcr-
encc , by permission , to 6.000 cured
patients. The largest medical oHlccs
_ and practice In the west. The Omaha
Bee , leading dally , pays : "The Shepard -
ard Medical Institute IH entirely rclla-
bio In a professional and bufilnenn
way. Dr. Shepara und his associates
have gained and fully maintained a
leading reputation in the treatment
of chronic diseases. The public may
safely trust them. "
\A/RITF For testimonials from
VV n I I U ministers , teachers , busl-
HPSS men , farmers , etc. , telling how
they were cured at home through the
Mall System.
BfinU "The New Treatment :
DuUrS How It Cures. " Is sent free
to nil who write. It Is a clean medical
work for the whole family to read
. and Is of great value to all who flerk
better health. Dook and Consultation
lilnnks sent free to all Inquirers.
Medicines sent everywhere. State
your vase and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tntlon free , personally or by letter.
MrnHnn T'llt I'au'i : *
To Alaska
Cold Fields
or new EUflKE LINE H.5OO ton iteamcri
"Ohio. " I'ennirlriinla. " "Illluoln. " "ludlana , "
"Conenmuiih. " tnxM'lallr DtU'd with steam beat ,
electric lights and all modem ItuproTunieuu.
appointed to tall about June U.22.S9 : Julr 13.2U.Z ?
T note laruo ocunu teamen , to well known In tbe
trantatlantlc butlncu. In connection with our own
fleet of in New Veawlt for toe Yukon HI ver
trmfUc , furiilth lij far tnu bv t route to IlMWton
City and all otuer Yukon KlTer polntt.
nEMKMHKR that thl linenablc naiienrcn to
reach the heart of tbe Gold Field * without endnr-
Ine the bardtblpt , eipoiure. fevere toll and danger
u > Mr tnd property cocountored on ton Overland
rontot. Apply to
OT Flrit AT * . . UKATTI.K. WA I1. , orla
14U IM Halle Mrcel. CHIOAOO , I
rttilr f CBU 1m th * UalUl SUU * or Caatia.
Dec , Mar * .
Yes , war news is mighty interesting , but wo will sell you
a splendid pure worsted suit for six dollars and a half ,
How's that for news ? It's many a long day since news
like that came over the wires. And it'll be many a long
day again before you can buy the same suits for the same
price. Talk about war making things high , worsted , _ _ r. II
goods have been steadily advancing for the last six i
months and they aren't through climbing yet. They're
going Jtp bo higher. That's why wo thought ycTTd" lilco
to know tHat right now and right here at The Nebraska
you can buy some of the handsomest worsted suits that
ever wore made for about what the cloth alone would
cost if we were to buy th < ? m today. ' Kich , elegant , stylish
suits at § 7.00 , $7.50 , § 8.00 , $0.00 , $10.00 and $12.00 .
These are the goods that our buyer closed out complete
lines of from some of the best makers in the country and
shipped them to us so we could have a regular Nebraska
scoop. If you think that we're going to keep telling you
about these special suits all summer you're mistaken , .and
if you think you can come in and find them hero all sum
mer you're mistaken too. By the way , are you sure you
know worsted from cassimcre or cheviot ? Worsted gooda
$4.50 usually 86.00
$5.50 usually $7.00
$6.50 usually § 8.00
and bettei.
Special prices to boom trade
during this rainy season.
m ; SCOflELD
1510 Douglas Street.
Porcelain Bath Enamel
This Is an enamel paint which Is used for
rtath Tubs only It produces a beautiful
finish which Is npt affected by either colder
or hotwater it comes In pure white , Ivory
white , nlle green , rose pink mixed ready
for use
25o Laxative Bromo-qulnlno . . . .wo sell 14c
25o Cnscarets wo sell lc
25c Bromo-Seltzer we sell 19c
25a Allen's Footease wo sell 13c
2 c Ruby Pearl Tooth Soap wo sell 14o
25o Carter's Liver Pills we sell :2c
25c Allcock's Porous Plasters..wo sell 9c
25o Mennen's Talcum Powder . . . .wo sell lie
500 Byrup of Figs wo Bell 32o
50c Yale's Face Powder wo sell 3lc
11.09 Scott's Emulsion wo sell G7o
Jl.OO Wlno Curdul wo Boll c
Jl.OO Plcrce's Favorite Prescrlp'n.wo sell 6lc
75o Crab Apple . .wo sell 59c
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co ,
151l ! DoUtce Street. Middle of Illock.
OMAHA , Xiil.
We Furnish the Exposition With
niiil Decoration * . Why Not YouT
Mfgrs. of Tents , Awnings
und Plugs . . . 1311 Furn umSt
WCOnnURY'S Facial Soap , Facial Cream ,
and Facial I'owder will Le found efllcaclous for
preventing Wrinkles , Freckles or chappingA
cample of each Rtidlclent for 3 weeks' use mailed
for 20 cent * . .TOHN H. WOODUUUY , 127 West
Id St. , New York.
O. u. Woodward , Amusement Director.
Spc.claltles-Mn.rle Heath. Lllllnn Perry ,
Perry ami Durns , Gertrude Haynes.
Sunday "What Happened to Smith. "
Spoclnltles-Muslcul Dale , Clifford and
Ilutli , Funnlo Cresco.
MAY 8 , 9 , 10 , II
Sontlirnxt Cor. Kltli nil it Ilnvennort.
I. N. Gulll , I'rop. and MannRcr.
New attractions , romtncnclnR Mny 2. I.yn-
wooil , grcatpst contortionist HUnu Holmes nnd
Orlett.i , hlRh-claFS entertainers' IJoyton Sinters ,
sinners , dancers it nil cuke alkers I'lnmondon ,
swIiiRlnR wire act l-'loncrs , Cameron ami Flow
ers , ilneft trio of the Jay Fred Hlmonson , right
there. Dally matinees except Monday at 2.39
p. m. Change of bill every week.
Corner Kith mid Hnrncj- Street * .
Henry Llevcn , Prop.
irith nnd Cniiltol Avc.
Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30. : Admission lOo.
Fremont Brewing Go's ' Headtfrs
an operatic star from Lyceum Theater , Now
York ; Mr. Pnult Kletet , musical king1 , and
other first-class artists.
Lndlcn' nnd ( iciitM * Concert Hull.
IMirt ChlvnRo St.
Or n ml Concert every iiluht , H to t'J ,
Specials for this week M'lto Ethel LJsett *
Admission free. A. Nybcrg , Proprietor.
HATES 91.50 AND ftt.OO PEIt DAY ,
Electric can direct , to exposition groundi.
i-'HANK DAUICEH. Cnihler
SAM HAUMAN. Cntcf Clerk.
13th nnd Douglns Sty. , Omaha.
J. E. SIAItKEL Jt SOy , Proiu.
JBZ/JC 1513i Douglas.
Flue FuruUlicO. Itooinn.
' On In nil or Men
it n < > equal u ynnkcc
NaVy IIml Iioj- Don tint liln ilmt trnnliliiK
Doesn't _ \IMV , it 111 yon lie Kooil ?
Yon .won't f Then the next time
Know Enough
we'll thriiHh you Intril enoiiKli no that
To Keep you linvo nil rxcime to niincul to nil
the clown lienilM of Europe.
Out of
Our IJU.U5 inneliliitoclie In uliuoit bal
the Rain. let proof. * Surely -Mnter nnil wlnil
proof. We irnuruiiteo ever ) one of
The "Army of Xelirimkn. " Trill lunUe
A Mackintosh uuto of tlml.
II > the tvny , ire lire nurely the brut
and a vnlne innc'klutouh lioime In Omaha.
Life Saver 'We like to hear of anyone who
liuuirlit a Kiinrniitevil luucbliitouli for
Will Serve Ifl 05 away from thU * < ore. What' *
more , In there any "tore In town that
Them Better nelU any kind of a mackintosh for
Than Their
Our uerKf ( blue or blnek ) fXOO
Powerful muvklntoMhen are precUely wunt
tlicxe iihllauthropUt merchant
Wind Guns , prince * chnrue for ,
Our f.'l.UO nineklnloNhea re of cith
er lluhl , medium or black anil blue
color * name iiimllty of coalu ell
everywhere at * 5 ( Mour price fll.OO.
Hurrah !
which mean * that we can do better
For Our than fl.OO. If ve eould , tbe price
tronld be fi.H.t. : That' * the kind of M
Invincible | orc we nrc.
'Anil a variety of other mackintoshes
Yankee nfi IH.T5 f 3.OO _ 0.5O ET-OO
* - '
Gunners. ifllk lined oiien too