0 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : I COUNCIL BLUFFS. Try Mocre'n slock food. Dr. Uoe , dentist , McrrUm block. Cr. Oroen , office B12 Fourth itreet. i Dr. Drown , d itl t , room 301. McrrUm blk. I Mrs. J. J. Shea nnd son nro visiting In Philadelphia. Judec Carson has returned from a short otithcrn trln. | Mrs. Anna Nachtlgall left last evening ( or Helena. Mont Dr. A. 0. Kludge , the dentist , removed horn 319 to 338 Broadway. J , L. Templclon left last evening for Chicago on a business trip. Mrs. n. C. Klrbv. mother of Mrs. George B Davis , has returned from a visit to Salt Lake City. Ocoreo Hanson leaves this morning for B southern trip. Ho fioca on a hcalth- eceklng lour. Mrs. Rmma Hicks of Crcston Is the eucHt of F. H. Pardov nnd family of 2i > 3 Harrison street Ned Everett la reported to bo rapidly Improving with every prospect now for his complete recovery. The Kvans laundry l the leader In lint work both for color nd finish. 20 Pear , itreet. Phone 290. The office of Mayor Jennings In the cits hall has been repainted nnd otherwise renovated throtichout. Miss Maude Mathcson of this city was marrlrd vesterday In Fullcrton , Neb. , to Dr. Johnson of that cltv. O. J. Hardv. postmaster of Hlllsdalc , la. , was In the city yesterday , the guest of Countv Auditor John Matthews. The annual election of the Council Bluffs Women's club will bo held nt 4 o'clock tlilB afternoon In Royal Arcanum hall. Lawrence Hoist of tnls city , who has been In the railway mall service since 1831 , has tendered his resignation , to take effect July 1. Don't ydu think It must bo a pretty good JatinJry that can pteaso > maay hundreds cf customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway. The park hoard has leased the pavilion privileges at Falrrnount park to W. H. Kls- Sf.l . for the rummer season. Ktsscll has agreed to pay the board $100. The remains of James McCormlc , who died nt the Woman's Christian Association hospital last Monday , will bo shipped this afternoon to Oakland , la. , where they will bu Interred. Judging from the number of tickets sold the grand party to bo given tonight by the Modern Woodmen of America for the ben- cllt of the Dodge Light Guard promises to bo a success. The High School Held day , to have been held tomorrow afternoon at the Driving park , will have to bo postponed on account of the heavy rain of yesterday until some day next week. Hay Williams , a student nt the Iowa Btato university , son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams of this cltv. has enlisted In com pany I of the Second regiment , I , N. O. , and Is nt Camn McKlnlev. Mrs. W. II. Mullln and Miss Fanny Brock have returned from DCS Molnes , where they went to see Will Brock , n student In Ames college , who has enlisted In company A , Third regiment , Iowa National Guard. Gilbert Brackett , a young Bon of L. C. Braclictt , has written a play which will be produced bv a company of young people at the Dohany theater Saturday afternoon. Manager Bowcn has given them the use Of the house. W. C. Brown of Chicago , general man ager of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railway , was tii the city yester day for n short while. Ho was accom panied by C. M. Levy of Burlington , su perintendent of the company's Iowa lines , j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ; Ambrose arc the guests of W. II. Cooson nnd famjly. Mrs. Ambrose was Miss Nina Scott' , formerly of this city , and was married to Mr. Ambrose last Sunday at Loveland. Froti here they go to Clarlnda , where they will make their future home. The remains of Charles Mc'.ntlre , son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew' ' Mclntlro of Crescent , arrived from Denver yesterday afternoon. The funeral will bo held from Lunkley's undertaking rooms this morning at 8:46 : , the services being at St. Francis 'Xavlcr'a church at 9 o'clock. i Some nervv individual aulctly appropri ated1 two boxes of shoes yesterday mornIng - Ing that were displayed in front of the Knowles Shoo company's store'on Broad way. A party who witnessed the theft at once notified Clint Byers. who started In pursuit , but the thief disappeared down an alley and made good his escape. Mrs. J. H. Kent left last evening for Helena , Mont. , to Join her husband , the architect who has recently located there. Mrs. Kent , who was Miss Jessie Bower , daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bower of 607 East Broadway , was married to Mr. Kent February 22 In Omaha , but the mar- rlojro was kcot a secret until after Mr. Kent's removal from Council Bluffs. Frank Wallace , who was charged by J. P. Holder with disturbing the peace of > Harmony street Tuesday evening by using profane and obscene 'language ' , was fined 15 and costs In police court yesterday morning. Wallace admitted letting his | onguo run wild , but asserted that it 11 imply a neighborhood auarrel and that ho Intended nllne an Information against Holder on a similar charge. * - [ C. B. Vluva Co. , female remedy ; consult- lion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to B. Health book turnUhed. 326-327-3 8 Merrlam bloc If. , iMocey to loan on city property. Kinn . N. Y. Plumbing company , Tel. 250. Peterson & Schoenlng. In the Merrlam block , have the biggest combined store of furniture and hardware in Council Bluffs. When buying go to their store where you nave the largest line to select from and where prices are marked to the lowest notch. t . City linn Cunli on Hand. County Treasurer Arnd yesterday tu'ned OTer to City Treasurer Heed J5G.437.7L being the city's portion of the taxes collected during the month of March. This will place the city treasury In pretty fair shape. , but nothing will be paid out of It until Judge Smith hands down bis decision In Iho niuti- damus cose which he Is not expected to do until next Monday morning. In the mean time the city employes will not be able to cash their warrants for last mouth's tal- arlcs. Frank Peterson , proprietor of the White House ' C. O. D. grocery store , has made another' enterprising stroke by adding Jea meat market to his establishment Ho will keep only the best of meats and has a com petent man to wait on his customers. Friday and Saturday May npenliig at Bourlclus' , 32S Broadway. Grand display of newest styles of Instruments and the latest music. Prof. ' Muster's orchestra both even- Ings. Everybody Invited. If you want to buy a baby carriage go to Peterson & Schoenlng's , In the Mcrrlam Block. Henl Entitle Trrtn.fern. The following transfers were Hied yes terday lit the title nnd loan olllco of J. W. Bqulre , 101 Pearl street : II. A. Barnnrd nnd wlfo to Pottawnt- tnmle Investment company , tin un- dlv % of part of wJ4 neli 7-74-43 , w d 12,831 John Flynn , administrator , to Michael Joseph Flynn. nw',1 22-7G-41. a d B.COO Joseph B. Frum and wlfo to John N. Fruin , nl4 neli seVi and s'A ' neVi seU 8-77-40. w d 2,000 I loirs of James Flynn to Michael Jo seph Flynn , swVi 22-76-41 ; V4 and s'/4 nH neVi neVi neU 25-76-42. d 1 Jacob Dover and wlfo to Frank n. Chambers , part of BeU sett 26-75-42 , w d CSO County sheriff to Pottnwnttamto county lot 13 , block 6 , Cusudy'H add , Council HluITu , a d 350 Hannah L. Warren to Brandt Crocker , lot 4 , block 11. Beer's ub- dlv. Council Bluff * , w d , 300 A. II. Brown and wife to Anna J. NlEsen. lots IS and 14 and sH of lot IS. block 2 , Walnut , w d 1.500 K1 M tntMtera , toUl JtUM -V , HELP FOR SOLDIER BOYS Women Get Together and Provide for More Systematic Relief Work , ADDITIONS TO GOVERNMENT ISSUES lied Tick * to Hold 4lie Strntv Together nd Slmllnr Article * to Amelio rate C mp Life to ll fc'arul.Ucd. The first steps toward forming a relict corps to look after the needs and interests - ests of the Council Bluffs soldier boys now encamped at Des Molncs were taken yester day afternoon by a number of patriotic women of this city , who met for the pur pose at the armory of the Dodge Light Guards In the Masonic building. Quito n largo number were present nnd a temporary organization was formed , which will bo perfected nt another meeting to bo held this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the same place , and at which all women Interested In the movement , whether they have rela tives or not In the ranks , are Invited to be present. Of the temporary organization Mrs. M. L. Klrkland was made president ; Mrs. J. C. I'ryor , vice president ; Mrs. A. 3. Richard son , secretary , and Miss Laura Fllcklnger , treasurer. The following were appointed n committee on permanent organization and to frame n constitution : Mrs. Donald Mac rae , Jr. ; Mrs. E. Canning and Miss Beatrice TInley. The soldier boys In camp nt Des Molncs have nothing but straw to sleep upon nnd the women decided that the first thing for them to do was to make ticks and scpd them as soon as possible to Camp McKlnley. With this end In view , Mrs. Macrae and Miss Schocntgcn were appointed a committee - too to solicit muslin from the dry goods stores and at the meeting this afternoon the women will make the material up. Although the organization Is only In Its Incipient stage , still many promises of as sistance have been received nnd at the meeting yesterday afternoon the treasurer announced that several citizens had sub scribed sums of money to bo expended as the women of the association deemed best. The work of the relief corps , for such It will bo probably named this being left to the committee on permanent organization to determine cannot be carried out without money , and at the meeting this afternoon a soliciting committee will bo appointed. The main object of the organization will bo to systematize- the efforts made In behalf of the soldiers and supply many little comforts that are not obtainable through the chan nels of army administration. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. P. , Bco ofllce , Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Good eecond-hand bicycle at a bargain. Cell at The Bee ofllce , Council Bluffe. S.ivo your Domestic Soap wrapper * . A few Sterllog-sllver spoons and novelties left They must be eold. Will close them out May G and 7 at No. 9 North Main st. A. A. Hart THIEVES TAKE : IIUGGIES IIOI/DLY. Pepper and Taylor Report to the Police. James Pepper , living at 1634 Fifth avenue , reported to the police yesterday morning that during the previous night his buggy had been stolen from his yard. The thief did not want for nerve , as according to Mr. Pepper's story ho entered the yard about midnight with a horse already harnessed and calmly hitched the animal to the buggy and drove off. Mr. Pepper was aroused by the noise" and got to the window just in time to see the thief drive off. J. W. Taylor , living at 720 Washington avenue , also had his buggy and horse stolen Tuesday night Taylor la In the employ of P. H. Wind , the contractor who Is erecting the Iowa Btato building at the exposition grounds , and on his way home from work stopped at Coyle's saloon at Twenty-first street and Broadway. He was In the saloon but a few minutes when ho heard his horse moving. He ran out and was just In time to see a man rapidly driving away with his wagon down Broadway. He gave chase , but the thief soon outdistanced htm , and at Avenue A and Twentieth street Taylor lost sight of him. I The latest novelties In Iron bedsteads at * Peterson & Schoenlng's. For Sale Nice , gentle tam'ir fcorse , cheap. Inquire at Knowlce' shoe store. Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry. Hear the patriotic and original songs and recltatlona on the Dodge Light Guards at the "Old Maids' Convention , " Chambers' hall , next Thursday evening , May 6 , Serve * Notice on the County. Before calling on the courts to determine the right the city has to control the ex penditure ot that part of the county road fund collected In the city a formal demand was served on the Board ot County Super visors yesterday. The demand was in the .form of a notice and was served on Colonel W. F. Baker , chairman of the board , by the city marshal. The notice read as fol 1- lows : "That the Board of Supervisors 1of Pottawattamle county , Iowa , are hereby no tified that the city ot Council Bluffs hereby i elects and directs as provided by law that the proceeds ot the county road fund aris ing from the 1-mlll levy within the limits of the city be expended on the streets within the city limits designated by the committee on streets and alleys. " The no tice is substantially the same as the reso lution as passed at the city council meet ! ing Monday night. Silver tedepoons etlll go with Domestic Soap. Sterling-silver day , No. 9 North Main street , May C and 7. Montgomery Round Over. George Montgomery , the man caught in the act of breaking into the residence inof George W. Skinner on Park avenue , was ar raigned before Justice Burke yesterday aft ernoon and bis preliminary hearing set for tomorrow morning. His bail w.ta fixed at $1,000 , In default of which Montgomery was returned to the county jail. Montgomery Is a stranger and so far has refunvl to elvo any information concerning himself. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour malcea the best and moat bread. A k your grocer for It Children's May party. Chambers' academy , Saturday evening , May 7. Admission 25 cents. Wolf Crop. R. B. Churchill of York townihln brought ; In five whelps and one old wolf to the county auditor's office yesterday afternoon and re ceived the state bounty ot $13. He reports that tbo timber wolves arc plentiful this [ year. Mnrrlaire LloenNe * . Marriage licenses were granted yesterday to the' following parties : Name nnd Address. Age. Carl Btrnub , Pottawattamlc 29 Clara Rrlnohl , Pottawattamle 22 F. M. lirown. Council Bluffs 24 Elfrled Mntthlescn , Cedar Bluffs , Neb. . . II Meat. Moore ! Perfectly Well. The sensational story sent out from Dei Uolnes to the effect that Lieutenant John L. Moore el the Dodge Light Guard * wu confined in the hospital nt Camp McKlnley and liable to go Insane caused his family nnd friends In thin city n great dcM of anxiety yesterday until It was learned that the story wna false. Tbo parents of Lieu tenant Moore received the following tele grams jcsterday from Captain Pryor , com manding the guards : "Lieutenant Moore was never better In his life. Report un true. Lieutenant Moore Is perfectly well , " Court Kitten. In the district court yesterday the day was taken up with the trial of the suit of G. F. Boardmnn and wlfo against L. Doug las to recover damages placed at $900 for alleged misrepresentations In connection with a land deal. The case Is being tried before a jury and was not concluded when court adjourned for the day. Attorney J. J. Shea was granted decrees of perpetual Injunction against two more saloon keepers yesterday. H. W. Butter- , field , proprietor of the K. C. house , and | George Strlnglltz of 2040 West Broadway. The case In which Shea secured an Injunc tion against Paul Meyer and F. T. True , the owner of the premises known as the Ogdcn house bar , was settled yesterday by payment of the costs , amo'untlng to $11.GO and the attorney fee of $25 secured to Shea under the decree. The Injunction suit of Shea ngnlnst d. E. Pooro will bo heard before - fore Judge Aylcsworth In the superior court today. In the case of William Wcston against Day & Hess the plaintiff yesterday filed n petition asking an order of court for the production of books and papers by the de fendants. In the superior court yesterday the hear ing of the labor claims of W. E. Billings and Andrew Lorcnson against the Jarvis Manufacturing company , the court sus tained the ' claims and gave judgment In favor of'tho plaintiffs for $100 each. Stipulations have been filed In the district court In settlement of the eight condemna tion cases brought by the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company against property owners abutting on Union avenue. The property owners were awarded $1 damages and appealed. The stipulation entered pro vides that In case the Terminal company decides to use the avenue the property own ers shall each receive $10 as damages. Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap wrappers , Clone Cull for McCnne. Mat McCune , a carpenter in the employ of the Union Pacific railway , had a closa call from Instant death at the transfer yards yesterday morning. Ho had been working in a car standing on the tracks north of the platform and on getting off fatted to notice a Northwestern train that was back ing down on the adjoining track. The end car struck him on the shoulder and head , knocking him senseless to the ground. Ho fortunately fell away from the track , other wise ho would have probably been ground to pieces. Ho was as soon as possible re moved to his homo at 1010 Seventh avenue and a physician called. Examination showed that McCune had received two se vere scalp wounds and a badly wrenched shoulder , in addition to a number of bruises about the body. Ho was a long time regaining consciousness and .showed symptoms of concussion of the brain. The finest line of furniture in Council Bluffs at Peterson & Schoenlng's , in the | Merrlam block. ' Cnntnln Ilullnrd'n In answer to a letter received from Cap tain L. S. Dullard inquiring whether tht eagle that be had sent from Dakcta for tht ) Fnlrmount park menagerie bad arrived | safely , Mayor Jennings wrote yesterday in forming the captain that the bird was doing finely and was growing fat on rabbits , but that he expected to change the bird's diet soon and feed him on a few Spaniards. * 0 Domestic Soap makes and keeps aVan friends. Die * at Clarlnda. F. L. Reed , clerk of the Board of Insanity Commissioners , received word yesterday that Ben M. Wright , a young man living near Oakland , who had been committed gI the insane asylum at Clarlnda , April 25 , had died there last Sunday. Allotted Kldtmplnnr. MARSHALLTOWN , la. , May 4. ( Spe cial. ) A case of alleged kidnaping baa oc curred In tbo western part of this county. - The principal actor in the drama was John Magee , son of a wealthy and Influential farmer of demons. Recently Mngee and his wife , who was formerly a Miss Dela i- ware , separated , the latter taking tbo'r iC months old boy and going to the homo of her mother In State Center. A few days later the father of the boy drove to the Dclaware'home while the family was away and got the child , taking it to the homo of his own mother In demons. When Mrs. Magee learned of the affair she secured the services of an ou > .er and drove to Ma- gee's and demanded the child , but her de mand was refused. She then raine to this city and consulted the district attorney , who Invoked the aid of Judge Caswell. A writ of habeas corpus was Issued , id armed with this the sheriff drove to dem ons , secured the child and delivered it ito Its mother. The case will no.w bo fought out In court. PnHtor MARSHALLTOWN , la. , May 4. ( Spe cial. ) Rev. H. H. Abrams , pastor 3Of the Christian church of this city , has resigned and on Juno 1 will become superintendent of the state Anti-Saloon league. Rev. Mr. Abrams has boon an influential worker In tbo local . league and was lately censured by the dlg- trlct court for having visited the grand Jury room and used undue Influence to Induce the returning of indictments against cer tain saloon keepers. The state board ref the Anti-Saloon league Is to be enlarged to consist of nine members , representing all tbo larger political parties and eight o ! the leading religious denominations , and will begin the publication of a weekly tunipjr- anco paper after the style of the Ram's Horn , Ilnrllnirton Celebrate * . BURLINGTON , la. , May 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Burlington officially celebrated the victory of Manila tonight with , a grand street parade composed of volunteer re cruits , secret societies and citizens on foot and horseback and In carriages. Bells were rung , whistles blown , cannon , shotguns , pistols and cannon crackers fired , all com bining with 2,000 tin horns to create a deaf ening din. A mass meeting was held ifat which patriotic speeches were made and national songs sung. A vast number of rockets and other fireworks made the night brilliant. . Inntnntly Killed. BOONE , la. , May 4. ( Special Telegram. ) Jacob Blaske , a miner in the employ of the Tower Vein Coal and Mining company , was Instantly killed by a fall of slate. His skull was crushed and right leg broken in two places. I Collonlon at Ame * . BOONE , la. , May 4. ( Special Telegram. ) A switch engine and passenger train col- ] CASTORIA for Infant * and Chilrbea. S3 | llded nt Ame * today. The engines wcro badly damaged , but no one was Injured. Hero of JlJnklnrn. TOLKDO , In. , Mny 4r ( Special. ) A. W. Dnvlcs , an old RcttlMllnd soldier , died at his homo at WaltlinUj fifteen mile * cist of this place , last week. He served In the English cavalry before-emigrating to this country and was ipof. ( the "six hundred1' Immortalized In Tcn'rryijb'n's / "Charge of the Light Brigade. " HoCMtvcd In company F , Eighth Now York cavalry , during our cl/ll war and lost an arm In the service. 1'rrVtonhl Noie * . Andrew Lckscll , -wealthy farmer of Hamilton county , agfd. 0 , committed sul- cldo by hanging , vr g | Mrs. Luclnda Rlanawho died last week in Iowa City , was g $ ( , years old and had lived In Iowa City since 1867. Charles Damclds , a 13-year-old boy of Le- . Mars , ran away from homo about two weeks ago , and has just been located at Webster City * Rev. Scott W. Smith , pastor of the Pres byterian church nt Boonc , will resign bo- cnuso the official board voted to rcduco his jj salary. Rev , E. B. Cousins , who has been sug < gestcd as a possible candidate for congress In the Ninth district , Is an uncle of Con grcssman Cousins of the Fifth district Rev. H. H. Abrams , pastor of the Chris tlan church In Marshalltown , has tendered his resignation and will become superintend ent of the state Anti-Saloon league. Lieutenant Rowland C. Hill , who com mitted sulcldo In Mobile last week , was born In Muscatlno and graduated nt West Point in 1881. Ho was a brother-in-law of John C. Kclloy of the Sioux City Tribune. D. C. Kelp , formerly chief clerk of the Iowa house , now publisher of a newspaper at Iowa Park , Texas , Is visiting In DCS Molncs , but will soon como to Omaha to take charge of the Texas exhibit at the ex. position. I MVII I'ri-HH Comment. DCS Motncs Capital : : The language o every true Des Molnes heart la "Heaven bless and protect the soldiers of Camp Mc- Kinlcy. " DCS Molnes Leader ! Perhaps the boys at the state fair ground will never get any further. If so , let us all honor them for having shown the proper will. Dubuque Times : Deputy Warden Andrews of Anamosa penitentiary wants to send 100 convicts to the war , but the government will hardly accept them. Citizen soldiers would not fancy such companions. Sioux City Tribune : Most of the other states are having moro trouble organizing their inllltla for actual service than Iowa , and Iowa's Is among the first ready to move into the service of the United States. RISK OUT OP T111MII IIAMCS. People Arr Driven from Their HOIUCH iiud CropH DniniiKeil. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 4. Many small streams In the southwest have overrun their banks , a result of the exceptionally heavy rains since Saturday , and In some Instances damage has resulted. , Several families have been driven from their homes In the Walnut and Verdigris rl\er bottoms on the Kansas- Oklahoma border , thousands of acres of grain have been flooded and railroad tracks washed out In some Instances. In the territoriesall 'streams ' are out of their banks and aro'stUl rising. North of Purcell , I. T. , where the Canadian Is n mile wide , the Santa Fo tracks have been washed out As far as known , no lives have been lost Ei-1'ollec Ollletr Arrcntcd. SPRINGFIELD , Il. | , 'May 4. W. Akin , formerly a sergeant of polco | In Chicago , was arrested in the militia--camp hero to day on a charge of robbing W. T. Harkness , secretary ot the Anticon'da Mining company , at New Yprk , _ Tberob , , ery Is. said to have occurred two weeks ago. ITpholdM McCormlck' * 1'atcntn. CINCINNATI , May 4. The United States court today gave the , McCormlck Harvester company Judgment In , fwo cases , charging infringement of patent , one against the Aultman Reaper company , and another against Miller , Aultman & Co. , both of | Ohio. WHAT IS YOUR TRADE * Encli Trade or Occupation linn It * 'Special Dlocnne , I It Is well known amcag medical men that certain diseases are more readlry developed In certain occupations than In others. Ttiat each occupation has its attendant physical weakncES. Engineers , railroad men and similar occupations suffer mostly from kid ney troubles and men who are often expceed to ttio weather suffer from .rheumatism , while clerks and professional men , In fact , the army of people whose business keeps > them Indoors , are oftentimes great sufferers from piles and constipation. In this connec tion the following letter Is of Interest J people whose occupation will not allow suf- I fictent outdoor exercise. 1 Mr. A. F. Ca'lhoun ' , notary public and I jeweler and watchmaker of Clrclevllle , W. Va. , writes as follows : I bad been a severe sufferer from piles for years and had tried many remedies with but little benefit , when about three years ago I saw the Pyramid Pile Cure advertised and eeut for It I was badly afflicted when I got It , but after only two applications the pllea dl.j- appcared and from that day to Uils I bava never felt a symptom of the disease. I feel that I cannot recommend It too highly to sufferers from piles. The Pyramid Pile Cure Is free from cocaine , opium or any mineral poison , abso lutely safe , pleasant and palnlees ; aold by druggists at 50 cents per package. If there Is any constipation 'the Pyramid Pills should bo used wltb the pile cure. The pills are 25 cents per package. Any druggists will tell you that the Pyra ' mid 10 the best known and meat successful and popular pile cure ever placed on the market and Its reputation as a safe and radical dr ical cure has only resulted from the per sonal recommendation of people ' ( io have been cured of this distressing ailment Seed to Pyramid Co. , Marshall , Mich. , for valuable little book oo cause and cure orof. piles. . , PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIF.3- Department of the Interior , Oftlce of Indian Affairs , Washington , D. C. , March 30 , 1S3S. Sealed proposals -will l > received by the. Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Nos. 77- 73 Webster street , New York City , until i71 o'clock p. m. of Tues < y < jjl May 17,1S08 .forfur- nUhlng for the Indian Service , coffee , su < nr , tea , rice , baking pswder , soap , groceries , blanket" , wool-en and Cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and , 'cups , bcots and shoes , crockery and schocTt : books. Bids must bo made on government blanks. Schedules glv Ing all necessary Information for bldderu I will be furnished on ; aj pllcatlon at the In dian Ofllce , Washington. D. C. , Nos. 77-7D Wooster street. Now uYork City ; No. 1C02 State street , Chicago , ' III. ; the Commlswirlen of Subsistence , U. S. Ai at Cheytnne , Lcnv. enworth , Omaha , Bi. Louis , St. Paul and Ban Francisco ; the postmasters nt Sioux City , Yankton , Arkansas City , Caldwell. uxfl peko , Wichita andTucson. . Bids will floe opened at the hour find days nbovo stated , and bidders are invited to be present at the opening- . . , < > i openingW. . A. JONES. Commissioner. < ] . A-27-May-13 "I Believe . that the frying pan ia the most fruitful source of crime in America , " pays a distinguished authority on cookery. Whether this belief bo justified or not , it is scarcely possible to over state the wretchedness caused by indigestion. The worst con sequences of bad cooking and hasty eating are averted by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey a sound stimulant for medici nal and family use. It helps an overloaded stomach as an extra horse helps a team up a steep hill. When you buy of your grocer or druggist see that you get the genuine Duffy's. Motheml .MotliiTNll Motliorntlt Mr ? . Wltislow'g Boothlnit S > rup has boon urc'i for over to jcnrs by million * of inntlieri Tut . their children while teething wiT.i perfect cue * cee . It noothei the child , roftens the guii . allays nil pain cuics wind colic niul Is the tteit remedy fur Dlarrh'ica. SoM by uriiKgUM la every "art of the world. He sure and nsk tr "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and tuko no othtr kind. K cents n tuttls. G.W.PangIeM.D. T1IK GOOD SAMARITAN 25 VEKR'S EXPERIENCE , Blender of mucuses of sncti and women. PROPRIETOR OP TUB World's llcrbal Dispensary of ItlcdlcUvx , . Rheumatism , Scrofula , Dtopsy cured without tapping , Tape Worms removed , ull chronic Nervous and Private Diseases. LOST CVDUII 1C Only Physician who can OirniLlOs NYl'HIMS properly euro without destroying tcctli and bones. No mer cury or poison mineral used. The only Physician who can tell what alii you without asking a question. Those at n distance send for question blank. No. 1 for men ; No. ! i for women. All correspondence strictly conllOcntlal. Mcdlclno sent by express. A27May13"I Address nil letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , BBS Brondtvuy , COUNCIL lU.UFFS , IA t3T8end S-cent einrnu for rcnlv. . fINE SUMMER DRINK. SCHLITZ " 'KffiP BEER The belt In ( he worlil. Deliv ered to any part of ( he cltr. Telephone UOU. Mull order * filled. ' LINDER. & FILTER , 1O21 IIKOADWAY. Gas and Gasoline Engines. J to JOO Horse Power. Call OK ui or write for price * and description * . DAVID IIIHAD LEY & CO * Council Illiifl * , IOTTO. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. | FOR SALE AND FOH RENT UY LEONARD Everett , 16 Pearl it. , Council Bluffs. la. : For.rent a small farm ot 30 acrct , 2mllca \ from the city. Very reasonable rental. Qood houj > and ( table. For rent a house and S acre * of land , % of A month. mile from the city limit * . Rental , 15.00 * psr Good land In central Nebraska for rent for a chare of the crop. 40 acres of good land for rent near Honey Creek. Will rent on shore * . Good house of 10 room * and one acre of land. j fruit and garden , fine trees , beautiful location , near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " for rent for the summer very reasonable. " i Good 6-room house for rent at $7.00 per month , | near the motor line. Good farm for late , H mile of Underwood , 2M acres , well Improved , splendid lind. Omaha . or Council Bluffs properly taken In part pay ment. A splendid bottom farm for sate near Mondamln. Part payment taken In Omaha or Council Bluff * city propel ty ; ,300.00 will be taken In trade. Good farm * for rent for the season of 1S03 at a low rental to responsible parlies. ( acres of land near the city for sale. Will take part payment In painting - or carpenter work. Gardens and farms for sale In the best part of , western Iowa. Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-Law , 10 Pearl it. , Council Bluffs. la. DWELLINGS , FRUIT , "ARU AND GARDEN land * . for Ml * or not. Day * U * * . W Pearl tr * t. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUf ACTURERS ' Jobbers of CRACKtftS , NUTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents JCATJ3 FIELD CHA.S. SUM2VJ3R . . lOo C/jrara. no Cttrnra. - When Traveling Read The Bee Here Is Where i You Will Find it in the . . - * ' Principal Cities. I ATLANTA , OA. . Klinball tlottso News Stand. ANACONDA , MONT. James M. Godard * BILLINGS , MONT. J. 0. Spcrry. Forester & Frlzello. CAMBRIDGE , MASS. Ilnrvard Uulvoratty Library. DENVER. Brown Hotel News Stand. Pratt Mercantile Co. , 1517 Larimer St. Hamilton & Kcndrlck , 003-012 17th St.Tho Stationer Co. , IBth aud Lawrence St * Mclxjan , Pitt & Co. , 835 Sixteenth St. Windsor Hotel News Stand. , DES MOINES. Moses Jacobs , Rock Island Depot Y. M. C. A. Heading Room. ; BOSTON. Public Library. Boston Press Club , 14 Bos worth St. Vendomc Hotel BUFFALO. Gencscc Hotel News Stand. BUTTE City News Depot , Cor. Main & Broadway J CHEYENNE. V E. A. Logan , 212 West 10th SL Cheyenne Club. * N CHICAGO , Auditorium Hotel New Stand. Postolllcc News Stand , No. 217 Dear * Grand Pacific Hotel News Stand. born St. Great Northern Hotel News Stand. Associated Advertiser's Club , Palmut Palmer House News Stand. House. CLEVELAND. Commercial Traveler's Association , Masonic Temple. Wcddcll House. The Hollenden. COLORADO SPRINGS. Brlscoe Bros. , No. 30 South Tejou St. Printers' Home. FORT SMITH , ARK. M. S. A. Reading Room. Room.HOT SPRINGS , S. D. Emll Unrgens. George Gibson. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. H. Weaver & Co. HELENA. Helena Public Library. W. A. Moore , Oth avenue and Main St. J KANSAS CITY. Coates House News Stand. Robert Reid , 10'2 McGce Bt Y. M. C. A. Reading Room SiO Wyan- Public Liurary. dotte St. Rlcksecker Cigar Co. , Oth and Walnut ; Missouri Republican Club , 003 Baltl- opposite P. O. moro Avc. LINCOLN. Prank H. Woodland , agent with Frank Du 'Jell Cigar o. , 1020 O St. LOS ANGELES. George Joyce , 340 Spring St. A. W. Hall , 340 South Spring St LONDON , ENGLAND. Charles A. Gllllg's American Exchange , 2 Cockspur St , Trafalgar Sq. , 8. W. > ' MINNEAPOLIS. ! ' Public Library. West Hotel News Stand , NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Mechanics' nnd Traders' Free Library. Fifth Avenue Hotel News Stand. No. 18 East Slxtenth St. ; Fifth Avenue Hotel Rending Room. Press Club , 120 Nassau St Broome Street Library. . Westminster Hotel Reading Room. Holland House Reading Room. , Windsor Hotel Reading Room. Hoffman. House. V. M. C. A. , 23d Street and 4th Avenag Imperial Hotel News Stand. OGDEN , W. Webb , 2403 Washington Ave. McCartney & Co. , SCO 25th St , PARIS , FRANCE. . New York Herald Reading Room , 42. Avc. do 1'Opera. POCATELLO. V. 0 Rocdcr , West Center St PORTLAND , ORE. W. E. Jones , 291 Alder St. Porlland Hotel News Stand. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. SALT LAKE CITY. , i L. F. IJninmel , Lyctiurn Theater. Public Library. Salt Lake News Co. SEATTLE. C. G. Oyston , Postofllce News Depot. George F. Ward. ' Hotel Seattle Newa Stand. SIOUX CITY. Garrottson Hotel News Stand. Hotel Vrndomo News Stand. Moudamlu Hotel News Staud. Public Library. SPOKANE. John W. Graham , 723-725 Riverside Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. Junction News Stand , 001 Edmund St. Rrandow's News Stand , 721 Edmond B\ ST. PAUL , MINN. Press Club. Windsor Hotel. ST. LOUIS. E J Jett 800 Olive St , Public Library. Planters' Uctel News Stand. WASHINGTON , D. C : J Wlllard'8 Hotel News Stand. Benate Reading Room. . . I Arlington Hotel. Treasury Department Library. I Congressional Library. Smite Reading Room. " I Rlggfl House. Republican Nat'l Committee Booouk T3J Agricultural Department Library. - ' YANKtON , " ' " " .Prank-Well * In , - . / < 1 j * ) i * < uase