Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE 031 AH A DAILY HUE : THURSDAY JJLAY 5 , 1898.
AiltrrtlNrinrntfl fur UM-HC column *
Mill b < > Inkrii until Ii8 ni. for Ilir
rrriilnc nnil nntll M p. ni. for the
itiiirnlnw nnil Niinilniilltlnnn. .
.lilt rrtlnrr * , liy n-citirntlnK IIIIMI-
lirreillii * < -ki t-nn Imtr nnnwrrn nil-
ilrr i Ml to n nnmlien-il Icttrr In pure
nf TinHOP. . A IIM WITH HO nililrcHnril
Mill In * IH-llvrrril n | irr * Mitnllon f
lln > 't-lii-i-k ' only.
ItiitCK , I ! - - < n mini llrnt ln rrtlnii |
] c a word tlii-rrnrtrr. < lilnir tnken
for IqHM li mi for I lie llmt Inxcr-
1 1 < | n. ThemnilrertlM'inontH liinut li *
YOUNG desires to take work In short
hand nnd typewriting nt home. ZjW Chi-
catfo St. A-lllS-6
POSITION wanted by young man anil wife.
SH N 45. Ilcc. A-M123-C *
WA\TK : MAM : IIKM § .
CANVAS8KUB to tukt > orilcrit : new line of
work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary ° '
commission. 0. K. Adams Co. , 521 South
Sixteenth .street.
BAMC8MKN to sell toilet soap to dealers ,
HIM per month salary and expense * : ex
perience unnecessary. Louis kni'l Co. ,
at. houiri , MO. - ! " '
WANTEO At once , pants and ves maker.
Address II. Kasscbainn , \ \ est I "
WANTlJU-Btrletly first class moulder ;
nulck ; wages $1.50 ; steady Jolt to right
man. Uluck Illlls Mf . Co. , Ue.idwood.
8. u. _ U SOI 4
WANTKD-SoIlcltonT of good address ,
either HCX , to sell Cnllfornl.i Hosed , ran ? .
hanly , ornamentals , etc. Town and cities
only. Will pay salary weekly ; be quick ,
Btatu ago. The llovvlaml Nursery Com
pany , Los Angeles , Cal. _ It 93i i *
WANTKD-At Hromllpld , Neb. , a good. ex
perienced doctor. _ 11-M'JO.i-o'
WANTKD-Ui Ight , Intelligent canvassers :
both i xes ; * I2 per week. A. Barton , 117
S. 17th St. IJ M13-b
\VANTKD , three men at 212 N. Ifith St.
1J 1IG 4 *
"WANTED , young man , not under 18 , for
permanent position ; must bo willing
\vnrker , . strong and good , rapid penman.
Address N 47 , llee olllce. B 141 5
ol n
AVANTKD , experienced dry Roods salesman
salesmen need ap
man ; only llrst-clasH
re. ply. J. Urandelrt & Sons , Doaton Store ,
at Omaha. H-152 (1 (
KUMADLK men to place advertising mat
ter ; $15.00 weekly and expenses ; send lOc
for postage , sample , ftc. Kola Chemical
Co. , 2J29 N. Colorado St. , I'hlhi. . 1'a.
II MI5S j *
A. SALKSMKN to sell cigars to dealers ;
nalary. JOO.OO to $20M ( ) ( per month and ex
penses : experience unnecesinry : peima-
nent position. The IJu Mora t'lirnr Co. .
Spflnglleld , O. n-MUH 5'
\VANTKn. salesmen In every county : Kooil
n.iy weekly : write for terms. Hawks
Nursery Co. , Milwaukee \ Vls.H
H MlG'j ' u *
8AMC8MHN $100 a month and expense- *
Kiiaranteed selling to mctchants and
f.imllleH our machines for cooling refrlg-
cr.itors : guaranteed 7."i ] > or cent cheaper
than Ice. 1'or full particulars address
Arctic Uefrlger.itlng Co. , Cincinnati , O.
1 ! MIGj &
AGKNTS , $7 dally selling Specialty Soaps ,
giving customers double value In hand
some presents ; exclusive territory : sample -
plo outllt free. Lenhu Sony Co. , Cincin
nati , O. ' U-Mlf.U 9'
SAL-ttSMKN wanted to sell by sample at
wholesale and retail ; woods sell on sluht ;
salary and commission. Address Cen
tennial Mfg. Co. , 493 8th live. , New York
City. I1-M172 u'
10 } O1ULS for all kinds of work ; * : ' to $7
week. Canadian Olllce. 1322 Douglas.
"SVANTRD First class elil for general
hoimeuork. Inquire 13U9 South 26th St.
WANTED Olrl for Reneral housework In
small family at Rood W.IRPS. Knqulro at'
112 South 2ath avenue , between t'lirnnm
and. Dodge streets. C 125 4 *
GinrT for Reneral housework ; good wages' '
if comi > etent. 1125 South 28th St.
C-M133-C *
WANTED , Klrl for general housework tm
, small family. 213 S. 36th St. . C 145 0 *
WANTRD , a competent Klrl for general'
nouxowork. 11.14 S. 30th nve. C 117
WANTED , * youiiR nurse girl at No. 312S
Chicago St. C M157 7 *
, experienced cook ; good refer-
.tcnces reiiulrcd ; Rood WIIRPH. Apply to' '
Sirs. Arthur C. Smith , 120J Park uve.
C-M173 7
C HOICK houses and cottnces all over city ;
J5 to J75. Fidelity. 1st lloor , N. Y. Ufo.
* p-s.-a
_ _ _
HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , IDS N. 13th St.
HOUSES , storeiii. Bemls , I'uxton Mock.
MOVING household goods and pianos.
Dm. Van & Storage Co. , 1511'A Parnam.
Tel. 1559. D 81.1
I1Ull > 081TIONB for the place. .1121 N. 24th
St. , Including house , barn and three acres
. , . of ground. .Apply toV. . F. Iloldcn. carei
" . of llrennan-I eve Co. , 219 S. IGth St.
tl' " ' D-M773
t i
I'OH Ilefit , ten-room modern house , with
large , well uhiulcd grounds.
John W. llohblns , 1SO.J Fnriuim. D PJ9
I.Anon list. McCuguo , 15th nnil Dodge.
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 11-ronm
modern lint for ialc at a bargain. Good
location , rent low. Bemls , 1'axtnn blk.
Kast Omaha Land Company have a
few desirable cottages fpr rent. Apply
to. ! . . S. llalnes , Kast Omaha. D CM
FOH rent , modern Hat , New Davldgo bulld-
IIIK , opposite city hall.
John W. Bobbins , agent , 1802 Farnam St.
D-MS3 ]
COTTAGE of ti rooms ; city water ; sewer.
220J N. 25th St. D-12ii 5 *
7-IIOOM cottage , furnished or unfurnished.
802 8. 30th. U-M132 10 *
VOH HKNT , ten-room house. No. r/G ) South
21s t nveniio : largo yard and barn. In
quire Mrs. Preston , 25GS St. Mary's nve.
D-150 0 *
NK\VI T furnished three-room modern
fur salu ; everything to keep house with.
Mr. Dietrich , 1011 Leavonworth. 3d lloor.
. , D-M171 8
E-IIOOJI cottage. Inquire 2710 Tarker st.
ItCOMS by the Cu > or week nt the Central
hotel , lath and Dodge Sts.
ROOM Transients. 170S Douglas St.
FUHN18HKD rooms , private family. 513
N. 23d. 1J-MS12 M5
FURNISHED rooms. 524 8. 2Gth ave.
K-M451 M29
HOST desirable , prlvntp family. 1919 Dodge ,
N1CKIA" furnUhed rooms ; modern con
veniences. 1S17 I.euvenworth St. , Mat 0.
K M963 7
NICEIVY furnished rooms fur gentlemen ,
In private family ; references re < iulrotl. B
\ \ ' . corner I7th and Capitol avenue.
I-HOOM houno , close In , ami furnlturo foi
nale. nil new. O. I * Green , 28 Ilnrkci
block. 1C-KW
Ft'UNIBHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2K3 St
Mi ry' . r K-M175 9 *
T1IK Merrlum , llrst-clusa family tiott-l ,
25th and Dodge Six. K-S47
fOR Kent , largn nnd small furnished
room * , 181S Cileago. V W > G 5 *
KiriiKi iui > ROOMS AXD noAitn.
NICK rooms with board. 1S2I lllnncy.
'UHNISHEIJ roomn nnd board In modern
house , private family. 2205 Sherman avc.
' F-MflJ ! 5
PIjKASANT roomt , modern ; strictly Ilr trials -
rials board , $22 N. 19th St.
roit IIKXT t ; > FUii.\iiui : ) HOOMM.
"OH Ilont , nice Routh front unfurnished
rooms , with bath ; \Vlthnell block. F.V. .
Carmlclmol , No. 6. Wlthnell block.
'OH Rent , ,1 unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping , near Exposition , 2003
Spruce St. U-121 4
'OH trackage , transferring nnd desk room
apply to the Aultman & Taylor Machin
ery Co. , N. E. i-ornc th & Jackson Sts.
'OH rent , the 4-story brick building nt
910 Fiirnum St. This building has 11 fire
proof lement basement , water on all
Doom , gas , etc. Apply nt the ofllce of
The Bee. 1-910
AHT of Jlrst-olass grocery store to
butcher ; good location , N. 16th. N 12. Bee.
1-123 8
ANTED , agents to sell Acetylene gas
generators ; must bo men of ability and
some means. Acetylene , the light of the
future for towns , cities , stores. churcheH.
halls , factories , hotels and private resi
dences. , .AddresM Omaha Acetylene Gas
Co. , 118 , dhd ! 120 N. 15th St. . J-MlllGMll Omaha , Neb.
. . . . . . . . .H man to handle agents for tele
phone tablet'and sprinkler : pays $3OOD u
year ; enclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co. ,
Cleveland , Ohio. J-13S 4
INGEUSOLL'S new lecture on "Liberty , "
also Thanksgiving lecture ; either mailed
free for 10 cents ; agents wanted. 1' . N.
Marks , 221 5th nvo. , Chicago. J-151 10
AGKNTS , quick men to visit store * nnd
sell machines for printing signs on fences ,
bridges , rocks , etc. ; steady work nil sum
mer. Arc Co. , 77 Arc St. , Racine , WIs.
J-M1G4 5
WANTED , general agent for the latest
war novelty ; send your ; will mall
you mimplPH and terms free. N"W Era
Novelty Co. , 401 New Era Bldg. , Chicago.
J-M1C9 5
AGENTS WANTED ; WP want one shrewd ,
careful man In every town to make 11 few
thousand dollars fnr himself quietly at
home nnd not work hard ; private Instruc
tions nnd. valuable outllt of new goods
sent free. Address Immediately' 1' . O.
Box 530S , Boston , Mass. J M171 5 *
WANTED , to rent modern 5 , G or 7-room
house about June 1st. Address M 44. Bee.
K M555
WANTED , 2 or 3 rooms , furnished for
light housekeeping ; reasonable. Ad
dress N 43 , Bee offlce. 1C 153-I
WANTED , furnished room and use of bath
room , without board. Address , stating
terms , N 44 , Bee olllce. K M131 7 *
PACIFIC Storage and AVarehotiso Co. , 9uS-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
M 850
OM. Van & Storage , 1511'A Fnrn'm. Tel. 1339.
BEST trackage nnd storage building In
Omahn , U. S. gov. bonded ; household
goods stored nnd cared for ; lowest rates ;
two show cases for sale , suitable for u\-
imslllon. 1013 and 1015 Leavenworth. W.
M. Bushman. M MDC5 31
SECOND-HAND bo6k.s bought for cash nt
the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam.
N M775 MM *
CASH for 2nd-hnnd books. Crane , 207 N.
IGth. N-M205
household furniture , rarpet.1 , ranse.- . cooking
ptoxt * * , Ras stn ' > o , etc * May be seen from 2 to
6 p , in. O-115-5
FOR sate , folding bed , wardrobe and desk
combined. 154G South 29th street. Call
afternoons except Friday. 13. N. Black-
man. O 133
SOLID otik chamber set , good as new ,
half price ; party leaving city. Call be
tween ' 10 nnd 5 , Friday , 567 S. 2Sth St.
O 142 5 *
FOR Halo , a family driving team , black :
weight 2,700 ; gentle ; lady can drive any
place ; perfectly sound. N 19 , Bee.
FOH sale" , fine1 , two-spring phaeton , al
most new , at 622 Bancroft St. Call after
6 p. m. I' 980 4 *
von SALE Miscii.iAxnoi'H. '
HOG and poultry fence ; bettor than wlro
netting. Finn sawdust for lloors. Tel.
458. P01 Douglas. Q S32
HOUSE clipping machines , knives nnd re
pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grind
ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt scr"-
ICP. A. L. Undelnnd. Q-S53
CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences ; all wlro ;
Is best. Wire Works , llth and Hamey.
Q-S5IM1G *
FOH SALE Ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents
nt druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M7SO
FOH SALE Three return Tubular boilers ;
80-horse power each. Apply to the super
intendent , 105 Bee building. Q-SS5
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey bull ; 2
yeais oldsolid ; , color ; llnest In the county.
Inquire 19il S. 27th St. Q-M10i-5 *
THREE fresh , choice family , halter broke ,
.lersev crade cows with helfor calves.
See them milked at 5 evenings. D. Turner ,
13M S. 21th St. , City. Q-119-5'
GROCERY STOCK , with or without llv-
turos ; cheap ; must vacate , having sold
lease. Apply N 16 , Bee. Q Mill 7 *
LITTER Colllo Pups , "heaut.s , " regis
tered ; pedigrees * given. Cull and see. the
parents. Turner , 1326 S. 21th St. , city.
Q-12D-5 *
11-96 BICYCLES down to J5.00 ; new 1S9S
model ladles' and gents' bicycles arc now
being sold on easy conditions ns low as
$5.00 ; others outright at $13.95 and high
grade at $19.93 and (22.50. to be p.ild for
after received ; If you will cut this notice
out nnd send to Soars , Roebuck & Co. ,
Chicago , they will nenil you their IS'JS
bicycle catalogue and full particulars.
Q-M170 5 *
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbatrc Co. , cleans
cesspools & privy vaults. 021 N. 16. Tel 1779.
SHHUBBERY and trees nt 1717 Douglas.
F. B. Martin ; residence 4ffii ! Boulevard ave.
H M411-M1G *
NK\V IIR1CK at Wlthnell Ilros. & Smith's
yard , Sir nnd Hickory. Telephone 423.
HOi'SIJ PA1NTING-A1I Its branches * o-
llcitrd : imu-tlcnl painter ; will take coun
try Jobs ; prices reasonable. John Howe ,
3S31 Franklin St. n-lH-9
ANYONE seeklns safe Investment of H.IV-
Inc-s In sums of J10Q and should
Investigate what wo have to offer , which
' .l8 , BP ° J ns Bovernment , state or mu
nicipal bonds ami pays C per CHIU per an
num In < i mrterly > j > .iyments , The Colum-
uiiiti i nvostniint Oo , ( Jolm A IcSluiiio i'.0'iiV'nnl1pp ! ct > retury , Uooni
. . , , , >
411 First Nat. Mk.
. lllds. K M1U3
MISS MAYE.H-Chlropodlst
, manicure
sculp , facial , trealmenta ; wanted "tiN
dents. 4W Piyxtoi ) Ulk. T jiiLMi
I VURA Ellison/ [
| N 16th ( upstairs ) .
and plain bathH
T M5U3 M19 *
ilu'nf,1 Boh"m 10. Mas
ge baths. _ T S20 M5
MRS. pr. Le.n. electric massage bath pur-
Iqrs : 'restful and tmruttvu. I1T8. iltli , un-
Htnlfs. _ T-M979 8 *
MMK. arolth. US N. . 15th SU , hot nrlng nnd
o bath * . T 117
VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316-S Ben
bldgi tihyiilcliin consultation or health
book free. U 8 > 5
BATHS , massage. Slme. Pout , JI914 8. IMh.
THE Pnntorlum. clothr.s cleaned , pressed
and repaired , day or night ; special care
given Indies' tailor mudu gowns ; dress
Miltn fnr hire. N , E. corner 14th and
Fnrnam. Tel. 962. 857
SUPERFLUOUS hair , fnoe blemishes removed -
moved with electricity nt Mine. a.
Payne's halrdrcsslng and manicure par
lors , 312-313 Knrb.ich block.
U-M5I2 M19
O. R. Crandall. city contractor for brick
sidewalks ; best repressed vltrllled paving
brick used ; satisfaction guaranteed. 201
S. llth St. Tel. & 17. M5&3 M5
$30. RUPTURE euro for $3i1. No detention ,
from business ; 6 years In Omnhn. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire. Rupture
Cure , 932-93.1 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-9H
WHEN you take an outing don't forget to
call at the new resort , Metis , at Florence
Lake. U M997 9 *
AV'ANTKD , choice farm nnd city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bunk bldg.
100,000.00 speclnl fuml"to loan on llrst-claHS
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company.
V-j > CO
_ _ _ _ _ _
J100.00 , J209.00. moO-Prtvate money , on
one , two , three or live years' time. W ,
_ L. . Selby , 334 Board of Trade. W G9
ANTHONY Tioan & TrusrCo. . 315 N.Y. L.I
quick money nt low rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. Knst-
ern Nebraska.
LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city
property. W. Farnam Smith .t Co. , 1320
Fnrnam. W MB
6 PER cent city nnd" farm loans. Gnrvlti
Bros. . 1613 Fnrnnm St. \V-Sia
> ! & PER cent money. Bemls , Paxlon blk.
W S > 63
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
chtuto. Brennnn-Lovo Co. , 219 S. IGth.
? 10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
No removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlal ;
you can pay the loan oft at any time 01-
In any amounts.
300 South Ifith St.
AIONEY loaned tmhTrlcd" people holding
permanent positions , with responsible
concerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , 11.
706 , N. Y. L. bldg. X-572
TO GET In or out of business go to J. J.
Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank. Y SCT
FOR sale , n bargain , my entire drug
stock , show cases , soda fountain and
counters ; also will rent store nt reason
able rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one
block from U. P. nnil Burlington depots.
Ernest Stunt , proprietor. Y 17'J
ELEVATORS for tsafeTTTlmTof" eTe
valors on the Hopuhllum Valley branch
of the U. P. R. H. , extending outh from
Lincoln , Neb. , through nn excellent grain
producing region. Will be sold together
or hoparntely , ns desired. In good repair
and line working order. Will bo sold on
easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller , Bea
trice , Neb , . Y MS24J30
JOB printing Quickest , bent and cleanest.
Henrsey , the Printer , ' 503 Farnam ; 'phone ,
2CCO. Y MD3G 7 *
FOR sale or rent , n complete harbor sliop ;
n good opening with an established trade ;
for particulars write to Dcutneh , & Lock-
wood Co. , RapdT City , So. DKkl >
Y MHO 10 *
WANTED , Physician with $1,000 cash To
make first payment on nice residence
property worth $2,600 ; practice exclusively
country ; < very largo , unopposed : no rail
way. Box 43 , Oolitic , Ind. Y 14.1 G *
PARTNER wanted to manufacture my
new invented gas ranges nnd stoves , al
most burning nlr , a revolution In the
cooking trade , or will sell the patent
rltrhts ; the exhibits ! In this coming expo
sition , connecting with restaurant , will
pay 200 per cent on the money Invested
by forming a stock company. Call nnd
Investigate the plant. 216 N. 16th street.
> Y M15S 6 *
VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In
Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad
dress L 42. Bee. 'A MSGS
Idrt-ACRE clear farm near Snohomlsh ,
Washington , and S'J.OOO.pO In defaulted llrst
mortgages on southwestern Kansas land ,
to exchange for Improved property In
Omaha ; party will assume reasonable
nmount of Incumbrance. W. L. Selby ,
331 Board of Trade. Z M727
KOR H A ! . ! : IIR.M , ESTATE.
KOUNT/.E Place bargains. $2.300. $3,730 to
$ G,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank
bldg. RE SG9
FOLLOWING desirable property : Business
lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved.
Business lot , 60xir > 0 ft. , improved , South
Omaha , street paved.
Tract (24 ( lots ) . SGth St.
Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St.
For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St.
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , nUo IIro
Insurance. Bemls , Paxtoit block.RE
RE S71
IF YOU have real estate for Bale and want
It sold list It with me and I will sol ) It
( If I can ) . If you wish to purchase and
want a big bargain , look over my list.
J. H. Sherwood , 422 New York Life.
Buy and save rent. Never before In the
history of Omaha hnvn there been such
opportunities offered to acquire lotH or
homes nt your own prices. You mnku
the prices.
Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands
must be satisfied.
I give out no lists. If you want to buy I
will match any prices made by any one.
Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lotB
everywhere , from $100 to $1,000. Houses
nnd lots and ncro tracts In Douglas
Anv reasonable offer will be favorably con
sidered. Tell wo what you want nnd I
will tell you what 1 will take.
If you have a customer I will pay regular
commissions. I liavo no agents.
New 7 per cent loans , $1,001 to $1,500 , for
sale on Improved properly.
THO8. II. M'CAGUE. Receiver.
106 N. 15th St.
. _ . . - i _ _
FOH sale. 22 acres under cultivation , pear
" Florence ; 300 fruit trees ; price low ; terms
easy. The O. F. D.ivls Co. RK-SS9 G
nr.swAiii.iT s-itooM MoniuN : COTTAOI : .
very choice location (3CJ ( N. 40th ) , eiift front ;
nice lawn upd treeit ; and euty terms ;
l ll nnd ee it , or write "Owner , " Mil limner.
. 11K-9SS
FARNAM St near 42d St. . lot 4Sxl2S ft. ,
price JSOO.OO. J. N. Frenzor , opp. old P. O.
FOR Rale , sna | > seven-room cottage two
blocks from exposition grounds. J. B.
Piper. Wlthnell block. _ RE M1S G *
THESE are good , ns well as cheap :
$ I.GTi > nice cottage , barn , 30-foot lot , paved
street ,
$2.oort room-cottage , full corner lot ,
Slilnn'H add.
* l.r.oo l-room brick cottage , large lot , trees.
$3.500 house , 50-foot lot" , ' ,4 mile west court
$5S ChoicebulldlniT lots near 21th nnd
G. . G. Wallace. J. J. Brown block. Mth , nnd
Douglas atreets. HE 151 7
TI IK Columbian Investment company will
neil you u choice lot on monthly pay
ments nt low rate of Interest ; why not
start n homo ? See them nt roim 411 ,
First Nat. bk. bldg. HE-MUJ
M. 8. WALKIN , 2111 Cumin ? . Tel. nil.
8THAYED-One brown mare , nearly blind ;
weight 900 Ibs. C' . W. Ortman. 309 N. IGth
St. Lo t-lZ2 5 *
LOST , mala Shetland pony. Return to
Morand , 21)06 Dodge St. , nnd get $5 reward.
Lost 127 3 *
LOST , n Shrlnem * pin. Finder wilt bo
liberally rewarded by returning same to
Richard Smith , Mercer Hotel.Lost
Lost 1 IS 5
STRAYED from 2906 Dodge St. , n smftll
Shetland Jionyj white feet. Please bring
It horn a to the children find get * " > rn-
ward. Lost 149 6 *
A. C. VAN Bunt's School of Shorthand nnd
Typewriting ! ' 717 N. V. Life , offers the
following mlVnntngcs : Individual In
structions liyiicxperlenced teachers nnd
skillful Htoni'iKfrtiilipr.s ; up-to-dnto meth
ods ; touch dytUem of typewriting If pre
ferred ; partldpUtlon In actual work , for
which BtudenlDreceive pay ; monthly pay
ments , l i > , < S7J
AT OMAHA Bli l College , IGth & Douglas.
I.I " 5
SllORT-HANDuUP-to-date. ! taught by court
reporters. Boylcs' School , 403-5-7 Beu bldg.
f . . ' 876
.MKtHC'AI. .
LADIES ! Chk-IWster's English Penny
royal pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best ;
safe , reliable ; " tnke no other ; send Ic
Htamps for , p.-irtlculnrs , "Relief for La
dles , " In letter4 by return mall ; at drug
gists. Chlctroster Chemical Co. , Philadel
phia , Pit. Mention Bee. M1C9 5 *
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12S4. J. . 2
.fll.STICi : OF THIS I'K.tCE.
D. B. HOUCK. justice of the pence. 300
Knrbnch block. 1)G8 )
ALFALFA pasture , board f nccs. A. W.
Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1054.
S1S-J22 *
GROUND leases fronting exposition.
Bemls , Pnxton block. SSI
W1THNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , newer ,
building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and
Hickory streets. Tel. 423. 520
1,000,000 now bilck. AVlthnell Bros.
Smith's. M 607
II. MAROWITZ loans money. 41S N. Ifith.
TYPEWRITERS for rent. J1.01) ) per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , Ifi23
rarnnm St. ; Telephone I2SI. i > M )
ALPIRN , Omaha , junk house , 101 So. 10th ,
paying best price fop all kinds of Junk.
819 M2i ! *
DRESSMAKING. Families. 2301 Davenport.
U < so < l exclu
sively by tlie
, Wo boll every
thin < r truly
good in type
writers und.s'n'plioH. ( )
Si , Oinuliii.
MUTTON. Headquarters Department of
the Missouri ) Ollice Chief Commissary of
Subsistence , Omaha , Neh. , April B , 1S98.
Scaled proposals , In triplicate , accompanied
by written Htiaeantee bonds. In duplicate ,
will be recelvetlAat this olllre , until 11
o'ckwk a. m.f uentral standard time. May
5 , llli. at which 'time and place they will
be opened In presence of bidders , for fur
nishing such quantities of fre.s'ii beef and
mutton for Issues , as may be required by
the Subsistence ' -Department , U. S. Army ,
at Omaha , Nebraska. Kort Crook , Neh. ;
JeffersDn narnmks , Mo. ; Korts Leavpn-
worth , Kans. ; I.psan II. Roots. Ark. ; Nlo-
brara. Neb. . Ileno , O. T. ; Rlley. Kans. ;
Robinson , Neb. , ) uid 3111 , O. T. . during the
period commenc'lnfr July 1 , 1898 , und endIng -
Ing December 31 , ' 1893. Proposals will also
be received until 10 o'clock a. m. . mountain
standard time , at the post of Fort Robin
son , and until 11 o'clock a. m. , central
standard time , at Jefferson Barracks , Forts
Leavenworth , Logan H , Roots , Nlobrara ,
Reno , Rlley and. Sill and opened at tlie
posts by the respective post Commissaries
of such posts , eaoh commissary receiving
proposals for 'nla own post only. Proposals
will also bo received stating the price at
which the bidder will deliver fresh beef or
mutton of the character stated In the
specifications and to be delivered of tem
perature not greater than ii < ) degiees Fah
renheit. Full Information turmxhcd on ap
plication 'nere or to commissary at any
post authorized to open proposals. Govern
ment reserves right to reject any or all
proposals or any part of any proposal.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Fresh IJecf and
Mutton , " and addressed to undersUned or
Commissary at post authorized to receive
propos-xls. FRANK E. NYE. Major and
C. S. A 3-G-7- < May 3-4
( Should be reml DAILY by all Interested ,
an changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending May
7 , 1S9S , will close ( PROMPTLY In all casfa )
lit the General Postolllco as follows ; PAR
CELS POST MAILS clos ? one. hour earlier
than closing time Known belo\ :
Triiiix-.Vtlniitlc Mull * ,
SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE.
EGYPT and IJRITISH INDIA , psr s. s.
I. < a Hourgonne , via Havre ( letters for other
parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must bo
directed "per La Uounogne" ) ; at 8 a. m.
for NETHERLANDS dliect. per s. s
Werkendum. via Rotterdam ( letters must
be directed "pen Werkendam" ) ; at 8 a. m.
for ITALY , per B. s. Fulda , via Nap'.ea
( letters must be directed "per Fulda" ) ;
at 11 a. in. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in. ) for
EUROPE , per s. s. Lucanla , via Queens-
Afier the tioalns of wipDlcmemary trai s-
atlantln malU named nhove , additional urjjl" .
mentnry m.ilU arc piwnrd en the pli-r * of 111 ]
Amerlrnn. Knells' ) , Fivnch nnrt 'iernnn rtrari-
era end r maln open until within Ten ml..ut-
of tlio hour of g-xlllne or trtme- . ,
MnlU for South nnil Coiilral America ,
Went Iiullex. Htv.
THURSDAY At 10:30 : a. m. for PORT AU
per s. s. Prlrts Wlllem IV ( letters for
Venezuela. Curasao , Trinidad. IlritUh- and
Dutch Guiana 'must be directed "pir Prlna
Willem lV"rat 11 a. m. for BRAZIL and .
LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per 8. s. Galileo ,
via Perinmbucs. Bahla and Rio Janeiro
( letters for Nofth Urazll must ba directed
"per Gallleo"r ) t 1 p. m. ( supplementary
U10 p. m. ) "tor1 BERMUDA , per s. s. I
Orinoco ; at J l' ' . m. for NASSAU , N.P. . . '
and YUCATAN. P-r s. s. Albls ( letters
for other parts Jpf Mexico must be directed
per Albls" ) ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary j
1J ) p. m. ) f < * .VnNK5UJKLA and CUBA- |
CAO. per s.s. , Cedardene , ( letters for Co
lombia , via Curacao , must be directed
"per Cedardftntj' ) .
FRIDAY At 'W.A. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
i u , m. ) tor QOSJAIVES nnd ST. MARC ,
I per a. R. A Durrwla. I
SATURDAY-4t2:30 | | : a. m. for NBW-
FOUNDLAN-p.mpi'r s , B. Turanian from |
I > hlladelplilttaa.L9:30 : a. in. ( supplementary
10 a. m. ) forl.ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX ,
per a. B. MaJlann , ( letters for -Grenada.
TrlnMad aiutilTobaso must ba directed
"per MaJUnn" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supptenifm-
'tnry 10.30 a. m. ) for FORTUNH ISLAND ,
OKNA , per s. . Adirondack ( letters for
Costa Rica must be directed "per Adiron
dack" ) : at 8:30 : p. m. for NF.WFOUND-
.LAND , per steamer from North Sydney.
Mall * fur Newfoundland , by rail to Hnllf.ix nnd
( ni-nen liv Ktnamer. eU > nt till * nine * dnl ! < - At
! M p. m. Malln lor Mlquplnn , tiy rail tn llo .
ton nnd thence by Rloumvr cio it Ih's ' oln > t
dally nt 8Ji : ) p. n. . Mail * for Mexico
City , overland , itnlen fpecl.illv nili'rowl I'r
illrpitch by steamer , clone nt thU olllci1 dally
nt 5:30 : n. m. nnd SS3 : p tn tll. ' l t > red mill
closes nt GW : p. in. previous dvy.
TrnnaPntHUMnlU. .
MnlU for China nnd Japin ( specially ad
dressed only ) , per s. . Kmpreos of Chlnn
( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to
May * 2 nt (1:30 ( : p. m. Malls for Chlnn.
Japan and Hawaii per s. B , O.iellifrom (
San Francisco ) , close here dally up to
May 4 nt < ! ; . p. m. Malls for China nnd
Japan , per s. B. Columbia ( from Tncomi ) ,
close here dally up to May nt 0:30 : p m.
Malls for Australia ( except these for West
Australia , which are forwarded via
Kurope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii. FIJI nnd
Samoa 11 Islands , per s. s. Mnrlposa ( from
San Francisco ) , close here dnllv up to
May 13 at 7 n. m. , 11 n. m. nnd 0:30 : p. m.
( or on anlvnl at New York of s. s. Cam
pania with llrltlsh mnlU for Australia ) .
Mnlls for the Society Islands , per ship _
Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here
dally up to May 23 nt 0:30 : p. m. MallH for
Hawaii , per s. s. Zcnlandla ( from San
Francisco ) , close here d.illy up to May 20
nt 0:30 : p. m. Mnlls for Australia ( except
WlVt..A.u5tra"ll ! ) New Zealand , Hawaii
and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Aornngl ( from
Vancouver ) , close here dally after May
13 and up to May 26 at G'JJO p. m.
Trnnl.i iiu .mu. . , . . .u . , „ . , , f KIU.
Imj tlilly nnd the iehedtil > - of cloilns In nr-
rnnned on Hitprerumptinn of their unlnti-r-
inpl-d iiverhind transit. lleRlHtercd nri'l
clonei nl | i. in. prevlniiK day.
COnNFMTTS V N TTTT > . T'n- ' - i -
Postolllce. New York , N Y , . April 20 , 1593.
ern Iliillvui } City .Ticket Of.
lice , 1401 I'arnum Street. Tele-
lihonS l. Depot. Tenth nnd
Mufnn StrceU. Telephone m.
' ' " ' " " Arrive.
Chlcnso Ppe.
' " " II M
Ml t > url Vnilcy."sVo\ii \ pm
nt } . St. IMul nml
MlnnenHill | 0:40 : nm 10:43 : pm
Valley. Floiu
" ' * tt ' (140 ntn n:0' : pm
Iennl ) 3ii , CnrrollVnIl
Like , C'nuncll llluff * . S:4) : ) nm ' 9 IS nm
Lnrti-rn Kxprcw , Uea
Molne , Mnraliniltnnn ,
IVilir Itiiplili. . Chicago * 10:30 : urn 4:35 : pm
Atlantic Plyer , Chlcngo
and Kiist 4-1 ; ni 4:31 : pm
Ka > t Mull. Chlcaio to
Omni.a . . . . . . . . 3:10 : pmS
Mlh url Valley , .KIOU-C
City , HI. I'nul , Mlnne-
npoll Mihlted 4 Ml pm S TO nm
Omam-rhlcicn : Kpeclnl ( ! : < " > pm 8o : am
' Dally. Dally except Sumliy.
upollt , v Omilin H.illvvnv
Jenerul _ Ofilcvfi , Xebra Ki U | .
\l3lon , nnd \ \
' Tlcltt'
, -
and "vne. .
Sioux City ArcniinnoAn. Sr,0 : alii S:20 : pm
Sioux City Afcomniodn. 8:20 : pm
llinlr , Kmcriun , Hluux
City , I'onca , Ilnrtlnu-
ton & Itlo < imlleld. . .
. . . . . „ _ . . Valley Uallvr'ar oVn ,
era ! Olllci > . , I'nlted States Xa-
tlonnl Hank HillMIn . Soiith-
v\cpt Corner Twelfth nnil rm-
° , - r : nani Streets. Ticket Olll o.
HOI l-arnani
Htrcet. Telephon Depot ,
ti-cntii iinJ Weh tr Ktiost. . e ins.
mark Hills , .
ami Hot Sprlns" . . . . 3:00 : pin J 05
Wyomlnc. C'aiper anil
3:30 : ntn ' 3:00
Ha > tlnK. . YorK. lavld pm
City , riuperlcr , Onnev.i
i\etcr : mil Hencnl , . 3-oa nm ' 3:01 :
Norfolk.Ve t I'olnt und pm
Kremout. . . . . . . . 7j ; ) nni " 10:33 : am
Lincoln. Wabco and
' Kiemont. . . . 7-v ) nn , 10:23 : nm
' n'0" ' Local TO : nm
, "nll > ' - _ I > nly ! except .Sunday , Sun lay
only. Dally except Satuiday. Dally
CKCfpt Monday.
SIOUX CITV ft PACIFIC It UL. Olllccs. United
suit 8 Jjiitlonal Hank llu'ld-
nc. S.v. . Corner Tuelltli nntl
1' Streets. Tlelc t Ofllp.
ir.ll. anWVfflT8K.lTekpToi ;
" Arrlle'
Sioux City. Manmto. '
1' Mlontu)0ll ' * 5:55pm : S:20 : am
Burlington Qulncy FUllrond "The Hurl-
Inston Itoute"
TK-lvct OIlL-c ,
KOJ Farnam Stre t. Telephone
Route M. Depot. Tenih and Mujon
Streets. Telephone
I Ex. . - > : pm
Kxprefs 9:48 : am
ClilMco & St. l ouls Ex 7:41 : pm
1'aclllc Junction Local. . 11:30 : nm
Tart Mall
Chicago L-neclnl 41C3 : am
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
.liver nallioatl "The Uur-
Burlington llngtun Koute" General Of-
llcen N. W. Corner Tenth and
Kiirnim Streets. Ticket Of-
Route llce , 130J Kurnam Street. Tele ,
phone 230. Depot , Tenth and
Ma on Streets. Telephone in.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hd tlng < < nnj
McCook 8:35 : am 9:3" : am
Lincoln , Den\er , Colorado
rado , Utah , California ,
lilack Hills .Montana
nnd I'uuet found 4:33 : pm 4..Vrm
Lincoln laical 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pm
Lincoln K.iet Mail 2:33 : pm " 11:10 nm
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
California and I'uget
Sound ll:55pm : 11:55 : pm
Burlington * c Council Illufra llallrund
" Hurllngion Koutc"
TU.Ut.-t unite , 1 )2 ) r.innin
Route Street. Telephone 2.10. Depot ,
Tenth mid Mtisgn Streeta.
Telephone us.
Lf.i\ . Arrtie.
ICinran City Day Ux. . : OJ am 5io : pm
Kans city Nlulit E\ . 10CO : pm 0:39 : .mi
JNION 1'Aciric "Tilr ; ovKn-
land Iloute" Utriu-ral Odlct * . N
W. Corner Ninth and Kainnin
Stieets. City TRKei Olllce , 15J2
Fornini b'tieet. Telephone 210
Uopot. Tenth und Maioa Htieets !
Telephonu 12S.Loavo.
Arrive ,
"The Overland Limited"
lor Denver , Salt Lal.u
weiiern points 8:30 : am 4:43pm :
Thci Colorado Spe'la ! ,
for Denver xnd 11
Colorado pont ! 11:33
: pm 0:40 : am
Tart mill tialn fur
Salt Like. l > acllle
coant and nil western
paint" 433 ! pm OMO am
Lincoln. Beatrice ami
Stromctmrg ixpn : > i . . 300 ; pm l-o ! : pm
Kiemc.nt , Cnlniulms-
Norfolk. Grand Ir.
land ami Kearney 4li ; pm ! :2) : pm
Grand lilind Kxprwi. . 5:00 : 2ft : pm
U.illy Dullcxrrpt Sunday.
South Omaha Local I'ai" " . Leno015 ; n m
" - ' 15 1 l ) ' " >
I'aclllc Uallroad "The Ursat
Itcck li lnnl Jtoute" city
mice. 1323 Ka-nnm
T-lephonn 4M Depot ,
nrd Mafon Htrectj.
l-nve. Arrive.
no nn * !
Vestlbul-.l 1 4:5)pm :
Llntoln , Coloradu . . . . . . .
ruhl . Denver und
\veit i , , . 1:53 pm 4:2" : pra
Chicago , Dej Mclnes &
Itot-U Inland 7W : pm 83 : ! am
Atlantic Kxpregy. for
lift Molnej and ca t-
rn points 7fl : nm * : ' ' > pm
Colorado Flyer 7:00 : pm 9:05 : nm
Dally. Da' ) * xcrpt Sunday.
( Oillcea and Tl"ket
Oillie , .Merhnnl Nafonul limit
llullillni1221 Karnam Street.
Ttl-plionfk t04. lfpt. Ktfteentli
amiVb Ur Slr < l < . Te ephon )
. . .
Kanus and Nebraska
Mm ted . 3:05 : pm * iU : pro
KtumH * City unl St.
UnilK KirrtnJ . , . iJO : pm 0:0) : ) nm
Nebrui-l < a l c.i\ \ . lJl pit 9li : m
Daily. Da ly txcfpt Sundny.
, . , . SHLWAl'KKi : * ST
In , , , ? . , ,7 ? l ' ' ' ! H iHw < y-Cty Tl-ket Of.
'MILWAUKEEl llc . U04 Karnam rttreel. Telf.
phnnu SSI. D p"t. Tertli nd
Maiun Htre'lt. Telephone US.
LPHVO. Arrive.
ChlcHKO I.imlt1 Kx. , BI3 : pm 8M : am
Om h < und Oh ca o Kf. 'll'M am 1:30 fm
ltalirniid-"Thi < 1'rrl Arthur
i _ . . _ _ I "Hniitc Ticket omcj , 1415 1'ixr-
iHgUIt , | n m PUeel , Telephone. JJJ De-
SI , Iritis Cannon Hall
' ' " m 9.05 pm
Oillc" . 111.1 1'nrnam Strcci Trie ,
hone ,1:2. Depot. Tenth und
Mamin Streeti , Telephone 1:1.
Lfa\ . Arrive.
Canon Hall"
1:3' : ' ) pm 11:30 : mn
It Taki-M tlic IMnef of Knot tlnll , HIMV-
IIIHT mill Ollu-r HtMirln.
Ono of the most prominent features of
the picturesque side of Clennnn student
life la dueling. It U to the German youth ,
says the Clmutnuquanlmt sport Is to the
American colleKO boy. There arc , however ,
two distinct kinds of duels. A real duel ,
properly so called , In which dntiRcrous wcap-
ions , like sabers or pistols , are usefl occurs
very rarely among the students. The stu
dents' duel Is chiefly n test of skill and prow
ess , nnd very seldom hnu a directly fatal
result. These duels are fought for various
reasons , sometimes , too , for no reason what
ever. Any slight Insult or offense and n
German student Is very "touchy" and fre
quently most willingly offended may be
made the occasion for a challenge.
The make-up of n duelist Is remarkable.
A to grotesque nppe ro the foot ball
player cannot con.paH' vvl/li / , tha , ( Irrinnn
student. The right leg nnd the chest nro
amply protected by cushion-like garments ;
the right arm IK guarded by a padded glove
reaching to the shoulder ; ( lie neck Is' safely
covered with heavy wrappings , nnd the oyeit
nro shielded wllh tin goggles. The rules
and regulation ! ) regarding the combat are
Intricate nnd nre strictly enforced ; The duel
In over when the allotted time , fifteen
tiles' actual fencing , has passed , or when
one of the combatants hat"- received abound
which the attending surgeon considers some
what serious ( nbfuhr ) , To receive nn ah-
fuhr Is no dishonor , while any show ol
fear la considered disgraceful.
Dueling Is , of course , forbidden by the
law. The authorities , however , connive at
Its breach , and Interfere , only \viiqn \ light
ing Is done to excess or threatens io de
generate Into more slashing. 'Tho offender !
when caught tn the act nro committed to tin
Career , the students' special prison , f
A little boy asked fur bottle of "get up
In the morning as fast as you can. " tba
( Iriitclst recognized hoimctioid mime for
"DeWltt's Llttlo Early HI Ts. " and gave
him a bottle of those famous little pills for
constipation , sick headache , liver ahd stomach
ach troubles.
A Tliuplr C < iiivi > rHntloii ,
rhlliidclphln North Amurlcuii : "Doci
this car KO aa far as Ono Minute street ? "
aakod a passenger on n Mnrkct strcvl
"Never heard of It. " replied the con
"Well , then. Sixty-second street , " mulle *
the nasseneer.
And thu conductor cotiRhcd and said
"That's hour terminus. "
MI.I K i' ivii : iioM > oMar \ .
Mar , In Punch.
Visitor ( alter a long Ulscourso on the virttis of temperance ) I'm glad to
eee a little boy here wearing the blue ribbon. That's a good little fellowt
Persevere In your good
Dllllo Grogglna Please , sir , I'm Hoxford !
From Mil omihlnv.
"Can Gcorgo sing from music ? "
"Rather ! He can sing as far from music as any one I know ! "
IjAMUVl * OK A SCOIICHKIf.H IHI < tll.\M ) .
From Kllesonde lllnctUr.
He While courting each of us had o wheel. Since marriage my wife hat f
exchanged both wbeeli for a tandem ; , and he icorchca pait Ter > beer
garden to but the band. IV '