1 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IQWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 3II.XUH MEXTIO.V. Try Mocre'f itock food. Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block. Dr. Green , offlc * 512 Fourth street. Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. MerrUm blk. Nick Fritz of Fender , Neb. , was In the city yesterday. Charles F. Nlpp of Mlrweola wa In the city yesterday visiting friends. 'Bruce Baughn Is rapidly recovering from his recent stroke of paralysis. County Attorney Saunders Is In Avoca attending the term of court there. H. A. Brlggs and wife of Grlswold were In the city yesterday visiting friends. Clilef Blxby la framing a new set of rule * , ind regulations tor the police department. MM J. C. Lange la eucrlng from a upralned nkle received In Omaha Monday aftenooa. Jacob Hanscn , member of the Hoard of County Supervisors , was In the city yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. F. W. Whitney o' Lararale Is In the city visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Proctor. The Evani laundry Is the leader In fine work both for color tnd finish. 520 Pearl trcct. Phone 290. B. J. Bourlclus of Kansas City Is on a week's visit with his brother , -Mar Bourl clus of Stutsman street. Mrs. F. llramar , who has been visiting friends In the Bluffs , returned to her home In Perry , la. , yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Baker , who was taken down with typhoid malaria , was reported to be considerably better yesterday. Don't you thln't It must be a pretty good laundry that can please CD many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 721 Broadway. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Walter C. Stephenson , aged 22 , of this xilty , and Miss Sophia Schaff , aged 22 , of Pottawattamle county. C. H. Judson and E. H. Odell have a sup ply of exposition commutation tickets for Council Bluffs people whi may desire them. Each book contains fifty tickets. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet Thurs day afternoon In the church parlors for the purpose of working on the exposition quilt. S. H. Kelly of Chicago , formerly In the drug bcalntta In the Bluffsff. U In the city renewing old acquaintances on his way home from California , where he spent the winter. The regular weekly meeting of the exec utive committee of the Council Blutfa Ex position association will be held tomorrow evening lu the ordinary of the Grand hotel. W. L. Kerney will erect a onc-atory brick atcco building en the vacant lot. 227 South ( Main street. Ho secured a building permit yesterday which calls for an expenditure of 1GOO. It la generally believed that 'Mayor ' Jen- nlnga will return the "newsboys' ordinance. " providing for nn annual license of $2 for the privilege of felling papers oa the streets , un- elgned to the city council. Word has been received hero of the recent dctth In Fort Scott , Kan. , of the mother of O. H. Moore , formerly with the Omaha & St. Loula road here , tut how with the Port Arthur route In Kansas City. J. F. .Holder of Harmony street filed an In formation In police court lost evening charg ing Frank Wallace , a neighbor , with using both unparliamentary and obscene language. A warrant wus Issued for Wallace's arrest. Carrie .Anderson , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Andeceon , died at the rcetdence of her parents on East Broadway Monday nifcht from diphtheria , aged G years. The func-ral , which waa private , was held yesterday after noon. Superintendent J. C. HIeey of the city schools bas been engaged as one of the In- itructors for the summer school of methods to 'bo hcM In Omaha June 20-23 Immediately preceding the TracsmlsaLsslppI Educational convention. The Council Bluffs Whist club now hoe twenty-two members In good standing who meet Tuesday and Saturday nlghu In the club rooms In the Brown building. The rooms are always at the disposal of visit ing whist players. Robert Baldwin , eon of L. C. Baldwin of Willow avenue , has gone to Des Molnca to enlist In the Dodge Light Guards , of wblch he formerly was a member. Mr. Bald win resigned his pcaltlon la the Omaha Na tional bank to go soldiering. Hobert Richardson was found guilty by a jury In Justice Burke'o court ycete-rday after noon on tbo charge of stealing elx c.b'c'jns > , the property of Mrs. ChrM4nn .Veeberg. The court sentenced him ' to a fine of $100 01 thlrtydayn _ in jail" Ho went to Jail. - George Blck , wfoo baa been section fore man In thla city for the loat ten years for the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs road , baa been appointed roadmaster for the St. George Stock Yards company , South St. Jcsepb , Mo. Ills now position carries with It .1 handsome- Increase of salary. The suit of the Franklin Grove bank galrjst I. M. Trcynor to .recover on a note for $150 waa tried before Judge Smith In the district court yesterday. The claim of the bank U resisted on the plea of usury and the court took Its decision under advisement. . The note la ono which Treynor endorsed for an other party. Vera Raph , the Infant daughter of Mr. and MM. Roph , 715 Twenty-fifth avenue , died Monday night from lung trouble , aged 1 year and three weeka. The funeral will be held thla afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence , the services being conducted by Rev. T. W. Williams of the Latter Day BalntiV church. Commencing next Sunday the Rock Island will put on Its new fast train between Chicago cage and Denver. Going west the Rocky Mountain epeclal , to It will probably be dealgnated , will reach Council Bluffs about B o'clock In the morning , making a day- llgtt ride from here to Colorado. Going east the train will pass through Council Bluffs shortly before 2 o'clock a. m. John Wallace had a hearing before Justice Vlen yeiterday ajternoon oa the charge of maliciously breaking down a fence , the prop erty of Fred Morgal. Ho was bound over to the grand Jury , bio ball being fixed at $100 , which ho furnished. The trouble arose over the disputed posaesrlon to some vacant lots ' , the. vicinity of Big lake , which Morgal claimed to have leased from the owner. . -o. , female - - - - * remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Hea th book furnished. 326-327-3:8 Merrlam block. Money to loan on city property , Klnne. W. Y. Plumbing corap.mr. Tel. 2M. Sliver teaspoons still go with Domestic Soap. \Ve t Pointer nt Home. Will Murphy , who graduated at West Point last month , came homo fast evening on waiting orders and will visit with his parents , > Mr. and ' .Mrs. L , IF * . iMurphy , until called Into the service of the government. He has received a commission as lieutenant. During bis West Point career Lieutenant Murphy ranked ihlgh In all his examinations , something l > j which his Council Bluffs friends always took much prllc. Friday and Saturday May opening at Courlclus' , 325 Broadway , Grand display of newest styles of Instruments and the latest music. Prof. Huster's orchestra both even- Ingi. Everybody Invited. Domeatlc Soap Is the best for the laundry. Ilrnl l > tntt > Trimfern. The foKdAJnff transfers -were file * ! yester day In the title ami loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl ntret : Jeremiah Kennedy nnd wife to Adeline K. Witt , e4 ! K.J/4 lot 29 nnd eft ncVi 32-76-11. w U 13,700 Walter I. Smith and -wife to Hannah I * Warren , lots 3 and 4 , block 11 , BMTS' subdlv , q o < 1 1 Pler Hanm-n ami wife to There N. Thulln , lot t , block 11 , CrniAiford's mid , pr < X Tbra * total CITY DEMANDS ROAD FUND Tormal Demand Made by the Council's Streets Committoo. COUNTY REFUSES TO TURN IT OVER Conference Over tlie 'Mutter ' Lcnvrn the Situation Whore the Court * Will lie Ciillril tuuu to Umiilre. The committee on streets and allcyo of the city council , cout'Utlng of L. A. Catper , chairman ; Sayles and Mctculf , held a coher ence yesterday with Colonel W. F. Bake' , chairman of the Board of County Supervisors , relative to the county road fund. The comI I ' mltteo acting on the Instructions given at the meeting of the city council Monday night , made a formal demand that the portion of the read fund collected by taxation on irop- erty within the city be expfiidcd on the streets within the city limits and under the direction of the streets and alleje commit tee. Colonel Baker was oppo.'ed to th ? mency being spent In the city In the 'i.-mne. ' det'trtd ' by the city council and little- * no t > ettlomtnt of the question was arrived at. Following the conferencs Chairman Caspv of the com mittee stated that the matter would now bo placed In the hands of the city attorney for him to take such u.eps , ia he wouU atcm expedient In the matter. The city council nulntalm that It has the right to control and citrect the rxpcitllture of that portion of the couity road fund v.hlih arlivs from taxation of propunv within the city llmltp. Section 1530 of the new code , on which the council relics , provides : "Tlie Board of Supervisors of qach county may at the time of levying Mxes for other i-urpwes levy a tux of not more th.in 1 mill on tie dollar of the csscc-scil value of the taxae ! property In Its county , Including all taxable property In citlea and Incorporated towns , which shall bo collected at the same time and hi the same manner as the other taxra and bo known as the county road fund and paid out only on the order of the beard for work done on the roads of the county In such places as It rhall determine , but M much of the county road fund as arises from propo.ty within any city or Incoporatcd town shall bo expended on the roada or streets within such city or town or on the roads adjacent thereto under the direction of the city or town council. " At a recent meeting of the Board of Su pervisors Colonel Baker was placed In con trol of the expenditure of the road fund for the townships of Garner , Lewl , > , Crescent and Kane , Council Blftus being within the luttco. An estimate shows that on a 1-mlll levy LewU township would contribute $387.36 to the road fund ; Garner township $1SO.CO and Crescent $217.39 , while the city of Coun cil Bluffs would furnish $4,059.33. The city has some 270 mllea of streets within the llmlta and Chairman Casper believes the money could be advantageoubly expended on them. Colonel Baker suggested that the fund be equally dlvldeJ , which would give Council Bluffs about $1,500 to be expended on Its streets. The committee did not favor this proposition and will Insist on the entire amount of $4,659.35 , If pcoslble , being spent within the city limits. In support of his po sition Colonel Baker maintained that It was equally to the benefit of the city to have the main roads leading Into It put In gooJ shape. This the committee admitted , but Insisted that the financial condition of the city Is such at present that the money Is needed to bo expended on Its streets. The streets which the committee has In view on which It de sires to see the money expended are Broad way , Third avtoue. Pierce , Harrison and other main thoroug'hfarca leading In from the country. Another-phase ofthe question that has been dlscussed-Is the fund -which the city Is now trying to secure control of comes under the new law taasmuch as It was levied In August of test year and the new code did not go Into effect until October 1.JTb.fr com- mlttee Is hopeful that an amleable settle ment of the question .vClH"'be finally arrived at with the couaty'supervleors. 'Hear the patriotic and original songs and recitations on the Dodge Light Guards at the "Old Maids' Convention , " Chambers' hill next Thursday evening. May 5. ' Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap wrappers. MEirri.YG OP TUB I-All 1C BOAHD. Pinna Accepted for Tin ml Stand in Fnlrniount I'nrk. At the regular monthly meeting of the BcarJi of Park Commissioner * last night the plais and specifications prepared by Wood ward Bros. , the architects , for 'the new band stand at Fairmont park were approved. The clerk was Instructed to advertise for bids , all bids to be in his hands by 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. May 10. All blda are to bo accompanied * y a bond or certified check for $50. The plans show a band staud of Japanese style of architecture such as waste to bo seen In the Japanese village at the World's fair. The main part of the struc ture will "be 30x26 feet aod large enough to accommodate band of fifty pieces. It 1s octagonal In shape and about thirty feet In height from the foundation to the ridge of the roof , which will bo surmounted with a flag pole. The foundation will te built of whlto pressed brick an'J will be six feet In the clear so as to make a storage or work room beneath the stand. The cost of the structure Is estimated at $1,000. The usual number of bills were allowed and ordered paid. The matter of letting the contract for placing flowers In the different parks was laFJ over until next meeting. Caretaker Lamb announced that ho had secured a milk white crane as an addition to the menagerie at Palrmount park. 'After ' attending to a number of routine matters the ! tcard a'Jjouroed to next Tuesday evening. 'Domestic Soap makes and keeps c.Van friends. Not AVnntetl In the mllltla. After several days' delay and making one trip to Des Molnes Sheriff Morgan yesterday afternoon received the following telegram from M. H. Byere , adjutant general ; "Can not accept any more men from your county. ' Immediately on receipt of the meeeage Sheriff Morgan notified the thirteen men whom ho had recruited and told them < foey might go home , is their services would not bo needed. Meat of the men who gave up their positions to enlist bcllevo they will be able to get them tmck again , but they have wasted a whole week waiting around here tor orders , and they feel that they have not been properly treated. They have been at move or lee * expense , as eome of the men live In the country and while watting hero have been called upon to foot their own board bills. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes ths best and most bread. Aik your grocer for It Anxloim fur a nerlxlon. All the- city employes arc anxiously await Ing the decision of Judge Smith In the man- dctnus ccse of N. C. Phillips against the city treasurer. They fear that If the de cUlon Is adverse they will not bo able to aish their warrants for last month's pay except at a big discount. In the event o tbo writ of mandamus being denied the case will be carried to the eupreme court by tbe city. ' ' Adiiiln'l'ilrntor'ii llenort Approved. The final report of Joseph Hancock , ad mlnistrator of the estate of tbe late Mary Peddlngtun , was approved by Judge Smltl In tbe district court yesterday. The admin latrator wa directed to distribute tbo bat \ , , r " . . _ iJi - ; i. > v nuco of Ifie aweia In tils poMecalon con * ! t- ICIK of $27.75 among the three delra John , Jcweph and David Rvaca. In Charlta Mclntlre , non of .Mr. and Mrs. An * di-cw Mclntlre , died In Denver , Colo. , Mon day from bronchial tuberculosis , aged 23 ycura. The remains will arrive hero thla afternoon end the funeral will bo held to morrow tnomluK from St. Krancta Xavlcr'a church , whei'c acrvlcea will be held at 9 o'clock. The remains will bo Interred In Ilio CaUiollc cemetery. Children' ! ) May party , Chambers' academy , Saturday o cuing , May 7. Admlealon 25 centd. A few Stcrlt'.ig-ellver epoons and novelties left. They must be sold. Will close them out May G and 7 at No. 9 North Main i > t. A. A. Hart. Kor Sale Nice , gentle In in 11 y horse , cheap. Inquire at Knowlce' shoe store. Sterling-silver day , No. 9 North Main street , Mny C und 7. .Cordnood for sale cheap. Address W. P. , Dec I office , Couucll lllufts. | FOU SAL.C Oood aecond-hand bicycle ot a ( bargain. .Call at The leo ! unicd , Council Uluffa. Save your Domestic Soap wrappere. \VI1I i. > l - < -l nt MOINE3 , May 3. ( Special Telegram. ) At a meeting of the central committees of the free silver lepubllcans , democrats -.id populists today It was decided to hold their i t'late ' conventions at Marahalltown on - tember 7. The following resolution plcdg-1 Ing the president their support was passed : j "Resolved , That the democratic party , the populist party and the free silver repub- llcan party of Iowa , by and through their state central committees In Joint meeting i assembled , hereby pledge to the president of the United States their unwavering sup port In the war now declared against Spala nnd pray to the God of battles for the suc cess cf our army and navy and the glorious rlumph of the stars and stripes on land and sea. " Governor Shaw today announced that on "rlday afternoon at 2:30 : he and his staff \lll review the four reglmenta of the Iowa Vutlonal Guard now mobilized here at Camp McKlnley. . Conduct of n Mnii. CHARITON , May 3. ( Special. ) The city f Derby has been troubled recently by a trange creature who Is thought to be men- ally unbalanced. He claims to be Rev. J. j i. Pierce and to bo employed , together with IB ! wife , as teacher In the Indian school at Fort Reno , 0. T. , but his general appear ance and extremely uneducated talk and manner lead this story to bo disbelieved , will announce that he will lecture or Jreich a goapel sermon , whichever strikes ilm , on any subject anybody will name at a given place and time , but never appears I I when the time comes , being over In thoj. j jther part of the county making the eanie | dnd of arrangements. I , I TliIeA CM Arrentetl. SILVER CITY , la. . May 3. ( Special. ) On the night of March 31 the Box Elder post- office , northeast of Silver City , was broken nto and a large amount of tobacco , cigars , stamps and postolllce cash taken. A quiet nvestlsatlon has been going on ever since , and yesterday Sheriff Tubbs was out from jlenwood and arrested Charles Hlgglns , Del- bert Banister and two sons of S. Debolt , all Ivlng east of town. It Is understood that young Iliggtus confessed the whole thing , mpllcatlng the other boys. Young Banis ter succeeded In giving bonds for his ap pearance , but the other three could not and wcro taken to Glenwood for safe keeping. .Mllltlnniati 5Iny Go Inxniic. DES MOINE3 , May 3. ( Special Telegram. ) J. L. Moore , flist lieutenant of company L , Third regiment Iowa National Guard , from Council Bluffs , Is confined In the hospital at Camp McKlnley with nervous prostration , which the surgeons fear may develop into acute mania. The staff of officers in the company Is not complete and Mcoro has had a great dealbf extra work to do. He wor ried over hla work and finally broke down. Part of the time he Is dcmeiUJd and talks 'n a rambling way about eoniebody trying to keep htm from goln < ; to the front. Excellent care.le being taken of the man It la piob- able that he will be sent horco for a retl. Injured In n HminTvnr. VILLISCA , la. , May 3. ( Special. ) Wil liam Thomason , living- two miles north of Vllllsca. waa seriously injured in a runa way yesterday while at work on his farm. His shoulder was dislocated and his collar bone and several ribs broken. Vllllsca feels the depression of the war in money matters. The Presbyterian society was Intending to put up a church this oum- mer. but the finance board says it Is Im possible to get any subscriptions now In the Etate that threatens the money matters of the country. Farming secma to bo the only business that Is holding Us own , and farm ers are busy getting In their crope. AVnr In Imrn. ELDORA , la. , May 3. ( Special Telergam. ) The town of Hubbard , southeast of here , has a war sensation of its own. Two busi ness men there have been expressing eym- pathy for Spain too frequently. Thte mornIng - Ing la front of their places of business hung a. . dummy on which were these slnglficant words : "If .you sympathize with Spain In her belllsh warfare , go there at once und keep quiet. Beware ! " The matter bos caused Intense excitement. DiMvn Their Forced. HAWARDEN. la. . May 3. ( Special. ) The American Express company and Chicago & Northwestern Railway company have de cided to reduce their forces one-half be tween hero and Oakes , N. D. , compelling on o man to handle both baggage and ex press. Hawarden has adopted the curfew ordi nance and now peace and quiet will reign after 9 p. m. loirn'Mllltnry .Vote * . Hull Index : Hull Is the only town In the United States which sends 8 per cent of Its population. Davenport Republican : Governor Shaw had military training In college and finds that the knowledge of military affairs picked up then stands him In good stead now. Ktokuk Gate City : All' well that ends well. Governor Shaw Is to be congratulated that ho Is able to comply with the unani mous wishes of the people of the state. Des Molnes Capital : Although now a res ident of Iowa , the presence of a certain gen tleman of blood-to-the-brldle-blts fame has not been noticed at the recruiting stations. Des Molnes Leader : The Iowa National Guard seems the nearest ready for muster i of any of the state troops. Whether It be' I peace or war Iowa manages to keep somewhere - ' where near tbe head of tbe procession. Sioux City Journal : It Is well that the speck of trouble at Des Molneo Is settled as It has been. It ls natural enough that tbo guard should desire to maintain Its organlza- tlon as far as possible , and It la a good thing to send It to Its stern duties feeling as well satisfied as may be with Itself and with tbo authorities over It. The boys will give a i good account of themselves when they get to work. lottn Knrni \ tPN. The glucose factory at Marfdalltown will soon begin to convert corn Into rubber. As many aa 3COO dozen eggs were sold to Manning merchants in one day last month. Emigrant wagons have been quite numer ous around Northwood lately. Some have been wcrit and got enough of It , while others are going wcut expecting to strike It rich , Tlio Sborthcrn cattle sale of M. M. Wll- eon , field at Numa last week , waa well at tended and the highest prices of the eeaoan were paid for calves which averaged $83 a head. B. B. W ! sh of Waterloo baa a 4-year-old Jersey cow that la entitled to a championship belt fee butter production. For elxtcen daya In the montb of April a record V.C.H kept and during that time the butter production amounted to thlrty-turce and a half pounds. Vi- ' WOMEN AHIWE SALOONS Invoke the Law's Power to Protect Their Own tIrejsidfS , ENDEAVOR TO R.0M THE TIPPLERS Proprietor * 1.Inline ito tie Shut Up It They Sell to . .MenVhnne Wlvei lime Totit Them to SI oil It. SIOUX CITY , May 3. ( Special. ) The - saloons - loons of Sioux City have had notices served on them by moro than one woman that no liquors must be sold to their husbands. The women have dlscoyered that they have j a remedy In the courts to protect them against husbands who drink to cxcers. If the ' order Is violated the saloon can be clcscd and the proprietor be sent to Jail. Mrs. Mary A. Clark notified seventeen sa loons ] and one drug store and has not been all around yet. I'oxtnl Clerk * ' Convention. SIOUX CITY , la. , May 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) The annual convention of the Sixth DUtrlct Railway Postil Clerks' aeMcIatlon will l > o held In Sloux'Clty tomoirow. About fifty delegates will bo present from Iowa , ; Nebraska , Illinois , Wyoming and the western half of South Dakota. Thh association com prises 1 local associations of men connected with ' the service and In all line * about 2,000 members lo the states mentioned. The bu l- nces ' meeting will continue all day and a tauqurt ' will be given by the business men to the visitors In the c\onng. ! Sno Count } ) 1'oIltli-N. SAC OITY , la. . May 3. ( Special. ) The Sac county republican primaries will be held Saturday , Juae 4. There will probably bo no contests except on clerk of the district court. Walford C. Waddell of Sac City , at prciient deputy c'crk , Is. an avowed candi date , and Clinton G. Peck of Clinton town ship and A. B. North of Early have becu mentioned as possible candidates. .Military Company ATLANTIC , la.May 3. ( Special Tele gram. ' ) A military -company was organized hero this evening with over fifty members , L. n. Hollowcll , one of the proprietors of the Dally Telegraph , lo captain ; W. B. Martin , a prominent merainnt , first lieutenant ; Ben Bvans. second lieutenant ; W. fl. Emeroon , law student , flrct sergeant. Mi-thnillNt Conference Clone * . ELDORA , fa. , May 3. ( Special Telegram. ) Episcopal churcics cf the Mmhalltown d'a- trlct of lena closed a two days' meeting at A'Okley this aftrfiioco. A number of proml- neiit divines of central Io\\a were present. Resolutions endorsing the attitude of the United States In the' ' war with Spain were unanimously passed. ( \Vonmii .SutTraulMt Convention. A-T'LANTIC ' , la.-nJIay 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) A two daj ' serelcn of the equal suffrage convention1 lg being held here. Among the speakers , art ) Martha A. B. Colne of the Colorado legl-ildfure , Rev. Henrietta Moore of Ohio and ; Mce. Jcnnlo L. Wllso'a , national organizer. ; , TO CUIII2 COttDJ.1.O.VK DAY Take Laxative Broinfl Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho\money If It falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has'L. B. Q. on each tablet. mccisio.x > \\voiks 'TUB HAII.KOAI ) . 11 ; 3 ' ' Ciiimot He Cou'lpcll'eil to Operate , nt CirATlIBERLAlN S. , D/Alay 3. ( Special. ) DCOD Interest wav manlfested In this city and In other towns along the railroad be tween here and Mitchell In the case brought by the South Dakota railroad commissioners to comnel the Milwaukee railroad company to establish a regular passenger train serv ice between the two towns. The case , af ter dragging along.for many months , was argued before Judge Smith of this circuit. The contention of the railroad company -was that to out on additional service would en- tall a Iota to it. This the railroad com missioners sought to disprove. Judge Smith denied tbe commissioners' petition on the ground that the question of profits did enter into the case , and the railroad com pany would hove to be heard therein before he could decide the question. The case will , it Is understood , be carried to the state suoremo court , but a decision wll probably not bo rendered until- the regular October session of that court. The case Is in the nature of a test , and upon It depends the establishing of passenger trala service on other lines In the state. Xew South Dakota Corporations. PIERRE. S. D. , May 3. ( Special. ) Art ! cles of Incorporation have been filed -with the secretary of state for Jowett Bros. & Co. , wholesales grocers at Sioux Falls , with a capital of $50,000 : incorporators , C. A. Jew ett. D. C. Jewett , Sioux Falls , H. C. Jew ett and R. N. Jewett , Aberdeen. The Eaat- ern Dakota Abstract company at MUbank , with a capital of f 10,000 ; Incorporators , Charles E. Dryaat and John Wood , Huron , R. WlUon. New York. The Peerless Spring Manufacturing comoanv at Brooklngs , with a capital of $25,000 ; Incorporators , George N. Breed , C. L. Clough , E. L. Buckingham , O. J. Colcr nnd Phllo Hall. The First Meth odist church of Mound City ; trustees , a. W. Woodward , M. F. Varnum , A. Sutherland. The Modern Woodmen Benevolent nasocla tlon at Bristol , with a capital of $5,000 ; In corporators , Thc-maa Delaney , Q. A. Jack- man and O. A. Bennett. Illiic-k IIIIlN Troopx Delayed. PflEUJlE , S. D. , May 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) Orders were Issued by Adjutant General 'Humphrey ' today holding the Black Hills companies until Thursday Instead ol starting them tomorrow , as was first In tended. This change Is caused toy trouble in arranging transportation over the ( Burlington road. This would take the last of the troops Into camp at Sioux Falls Friday. llayor Albright 1&U night announced his appointees , who are ; Chief of poUce , 11. T. Zlnsmaster ; assistant , Emll Matthews ; au dltor , George D. Parr ; attorney , I. W. Good ner ; assessor , J. C. ( Hays. Stnte llrnnil ConimlKlon. PIERRE , S. D. , ( jMny 3. ( Special. ) Th State Brand commission completed Its secon session of this year1 , n It considered an passed upon about"30pf brands , which wit those allowed the'1 first of the year no\ places on record In the State Brand depart ment 2,000 brands. 'Thtso are estimated a one-tialf the different brands In use In tha elate , and It Is hoped 'that all will soon tak < advantage of the l ( < w "and get an absoluti guaranty that there' ' Is no conflicting brant In use In the state. ' 'J Will nnlnct H iCorrlioy HeKlment. iHURON , S. D.'Mayift ( Special Telegram. William L. RHnor/edUor of the Herald and Democrat , and son' Of Captaln Minor , -who hea'Jrd ' the first cqjgpny of soldiers raised In Dakota territory during the war of thp rebellion , retired , returned from Sioux Falls this evening with aMIoutenant's commission and orders to recruit a company of cavalry for Colonel Grlgnby's regiment of cowfboys. Fnrnier Klllci ! . OHAMDEWLATN. 3. D. , Ofay 3. ( Spccla Telegram. ) Peter Moots , prominent Me Cook county farmer , died as the result o Injuries received by ft colt , after be lag partly unhitched , leaping ami striking Jilm a se vere blow with a wagon tongue and draw Ing the wagon over him while lying prostrate trato on the ground , Cull for Committee Meet I nil. MITOHELL , S. D. , 'May ' 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) Chairman J. D. 'Elliott of the re publican state ctctral committee bat Issued a call for mcmftcni of the committee to meet at Mitchell onMay \ 25 ( or tbe purpose of fixing the time ami place ( or holding fciie rcpubllcnn Ute convention. Storm In Illnek Hill * . RAND OITY , 8. U. , M y 3.-Specl ( l Tele- griun. ) Thp entire Ulack HIIU hi beeu II | HK a four days rain * nd snow. It ha done untold good to grass on the rang * atu to spring wheat. _ _ _ _ \VromliiK Trouiiw i\imriiilillllK < CHBYBNNK. Wyo. . May S.-tSpoclal Terr- prom. ) Comfony C of Buffalo , company F of DougUs , company Q of Sheridan , com pany II of nva-.ston reached here today to bo mustered Into service. Owing to a severe storm which Ifl In progrt-M and lack of tentano and blankets the men were not put Into camp , but are quartered In several halm and ted at restaurants. In addition to the organized companies tbcro are upwards of 100 recrultP anxious to Join any of the com panies which may be cut down by the ex amining board. Governor Richards was as sured by the War department that the Wom- Ing I troops would not be merged with those of other ttati-s , but should maintain their state organization. John S. MorrloJn of thla city v m today examined by the medical examining board and appointed first llru- tenant and awlstant surgeon for the Wyom ing battalion. The i\V > omlng troops were given patriotic ovations at all the stations on their I way to the capital. J. L. Torrey , nu- thoilzed ' to raise 'regiment of cowboys' ca > alry , haanot reached here from Woshlng- 011 , and recruiting for lib regiment Is pro- cutllug slowly. of Wool Corner. FORT ST15ELW , Wyo. , May 3. ( Special. ) eno.ally speaking , this section of Wyoming as at thlu sicron of the year , from twenty o thirty actual wool buyers and a corrc- pending number of railroad shipping uollclt- re. Thla yea- there nro no outright wool u > crs and practically no solicitors for tull- oad shipments. The only wool movement o far at the shearing pciif , as far aa east- ni market schedules are concerned , eec-ms o be found In the pii cnco of two Boston gents , who arc offering to advance 5 cents er pound on wool consignments , the con- Ignor to take his chances on the market vlth a drawback In favor of the cotulgnee ii case the ultimate selling price realized oca not reach the original D-cent figure. In hio connection , Robert Jones , a leading heepman of this section , said yesterday : The- situation , to my mind , mears two hlngs : First , that practically no Wyoming vool will be fold this scaoDii on a curreni narkct ; and , second , that a gigantic con- ipltacy has been formed by eastern capita o : the eventual absorption of the western vool clip at cut-throat prices. " Wyoming StiuleiitN r.nllnt. LARAIMIE , Wyo. , May 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) The war fever broke out at the tale university last week and the departure f the Laramle mllltla company for Chey enne last Sunday with a brass band am7 cheering c'owd carried the day. The cadets or two weeks debated the question of where o enlist and finally decided to go Into the mllltla and one detachment left Sunday , fol- owed by more today. The total number > f cadets enlisting Is over twenty-flvc. H ) . Coburn , graduating clam of ' 86 , la urged or a lieutenancy and his chances are good icing well drilled. MlNNonrlKrleiiltnral Experiments COLUMBIA , ( Mo. , May 3. ( Special. ) The nnual repcrt to the governor on the work f the state agricultural experiment statlo > j gives the cxpendfturcs , and sets out the haracter and result of the experiments dur- ng the year. Extensive ( \\perlmunts have > ccn made with all kinds of fertilizers Jxperlments In feeding for beef aud porl lave oroved successful. The economy In coJ for the fattening of steers and pigs has > ecn studied , and the results given to the armera. Experiments have been cooduciei n seed selection , a-nd the planting and cultl atlon of corn. Tests of new fruit crops ests of varieties of grains and grasses , aac he effect of tillage anJ draining have been made. The report further sas that sclentl flc tests upon the Influence of wide and liar row tlrea upon the draft of wagcos Iavi : > een begun. In veterinary science the station tas conducted experiments upon the dip ping of southern cattle to free them from cattle ticks. Much work has been done li experiments' In entomology. The station las Issued six bulletins and several clrculari of Interest during the year. Experiment lave been Inaugurated looking toivarJ th ntroduction of new fruits. All varieties of fruits now being grown on the university ; rounds and particular attention Is belnf , laid to the experiments In horticulture. Fine ( irunltr In PORTLAND , Ore. , May 3. ( Special. ) An unlimited deposit of gray granite has been discovered about nine miles east of Gatco on the Corvalll9 & Eastern railroad. En _ Inccrs and experts have examined the rod ind pronounce It superior to any yet toum in Oregon , and equal , If not spcrlor , to an ; 'rom California , "Washington or the eastern states. The deposit Is very large. One grea edge of the etono hangs almost over tin [ rack for a distance of a halt or three-quar [ ere of a mile , and the track cut ? through the base of It. Millions of tons He entirely exposed , towering over 200 feet high. En glneer Holcombe , In charge of the govern ment work at Yaqulna , and a party of ex ports , examined the rock. The deposit Is lo cate. ! in the southwestern part of Marlon county , on the west slope of the Cascad mountains. 'MliicrnlH Co in I ii ic from Utah. NBPHI , Utah , May 3. ( Special. ) Don Ma gulro has been In this vlclntly the past fe\ days collecting minerals for the Transmls okslppl Exposition. So far Mr. Magulre ha collected from all the mines of Silver City Mammoth and Eureka ores of gold , silver lead , bismuth , zinc , antimony , manganese alto kaolin and Fuller's earth. From West Tlntlc ores of gold , silver , lea and copper. Nebo Ores of gold , silver , lead and copper Near Goshen Nitrate of potash ; o'.so BO dlum chloride. 'Nephl Salt , gypsum , plaster parts , coa and celentte. Also alkalla from the Geshen flat. 'Mr. Magulro has gone to Ogden to prepar for shipping exhibits , which will all be I ; Omaha by May 15. i .Vortliwent Short of AVIicnt. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , May 3. Not fo years bos the northwest been as short o wheat as now. Country stocks have reache a very low point , there being probably les than 2,000,000 bushels held at this time b country houses , only a very email portion o which Is contract wheat. The wheat to fl contracts Is not In sight. Out of the sma country supply must go the wheat for uoun try milling , with no new wheat to corao fo grinding until September. A supply for abou eighteen weeks must bo found. MInncapoll mills are grinding over 1,000,000 bushels week. Mlneapolla and Duluth together hav only 13,000,000 bushels of all grades In publl houeco , as against over 20,000,000 bushel last year. MUi-hlrvoiiM White .lien. VERNAL. Utah , May 3. ( Special. ) Th Utcs that left the agency a few days ago wit the avowed Intention of going Into Colorad to seek revenge for the Lilly Park killing were overtaken by the Indian police and In duccd to return. The Utes are still mak ing threats , and reports Indicate that mis chievous whites are Inciting them to make trouble. Sllier for a Cmulldnte. JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , May 3. ( Special. ) Conslderable * l.itcrest has been stirred up locally In state politics by an effort that Is i being made to get Edwin Silver , a prominent lawyer of this city , into the race for the democratic nomination for supreme Judge. O.A.IBWOXt.Xr.A. . n la urite < 1 by hi * friend * that the bcwch be tween Valltant and Marihall will be no wide ml Ilio flRtil o bitter that there will bt A Rood opportunity for * candidate from lhi country to come In ami capture the prize that the two St. Loula judgea arc struggling for. Arnold' . } llrouid Celery cure * headache * . lOc , ! 5o and 50 : . All druggists. IIIIAy.U.l V.COM1HKS C4IXVKAP.S. I'renlilent TellH Why lie UefnxeN to Heeliroolt - Trent- . Ill-new | > ) DIO DK JANKIRO , May 3. Congrees wan opened today with the reading of the mrs- eagc of the president , Ocneml Campca Sal- lei , Inhlch he expressed the hope- that the llrltlah Guiana boundary question would bo acttled without arbitration. Continuing , the mcft'uge eald ttie prccil- dttit had refused to renew the reciprocity treaty with the United States , although the government of the United States had asked for Its renewal , on account of the great loss of receipts recorded during 1897. During that period It appears receipts were 312,000- 000 mllrcls , agalt.at 34I.9S9.371 mllrcln In ISM. The expenses In 1897 were .115,441,030 mllrolo. The receipts In isns are now esti mated at 33SV20,000 mllrels. t'eutlnulng , the menage oald the "acrup- lloiw punrtualltlefl of the foreign payments iad coat enormous p-icrlficcs , " owing. Itiui fi.ild , to tlu > falling In exthiiigcthe fall n the price of coffee and Internal political agitation. The president expects congress to act de cisively lei advising the * executive. "sllMIS M\V AMUASSADOU. Olllelnl of Korelwn Offlee to Stit- - ' eiM-il I'nnnoefote. LONDON , May 3. According to a report published hero'today , the British ambafuador at Waahington , Sir Julian Pauncefote. is to lip succeeded by Sir Thomas H Sanderson , K.C.B. , K.C.M.a. , the permanent under ecc * rctory of fctate for foreign aff-ilrs. one of : ho most experienced diplomatic olllccrs In : hc Brltlah ( n-rvlce. Sir Thomas Henry Sanderson , K.C.B. , K.C.M.O. , who ( MS bccci permnncnt uudor secretary of state for foreign affairs since 1891 , entered the foreign oillco In 18S9 , and has been connected with that department ever since. Ho was assistant to the late Lord Tcntordcn , as agetit of the British gov ernment at Geneva In the arbitration on the Alatama clulrao In 1871 , and he him been private secretary to the earl of Derby , when the latter was secretary of ntato for foreign affaire ; private secretary to the late Earl Granvllle when the latter was secretary of foreign af&ilra , and ho was assistant under secretary of state for foreign affairs In 1889. TU.YNSFKK THE YL\OIIT TO PKAHY. Gift of ilip HnifllNh JournnllNt IN I'roncrly lAppreolnlcil. NEW YORK , May 3. A luncheon was given at the Holland houto today to Lieu tenant Peary and his friends to celebrate the transfer of the steam yucht Windward from the British to the American flag. Trnniit Ctrl HASTINGS , 'Neb. , Miry 3. ( Special. ) Miss Anderson , the 18-year-old school teacher from Lo.iox , In. , who disappeared so sud'Jcnly ' from her home , arrived In Hast ings last night at 8:45. : Chief of I'ollcc Martin had been notified of her sudden and mysterious departure , so he was at the de pot when the young woman arrived and es corted her to the Lepl > i hotel. When ques tioned as to where she was going she said she 'was going to Pueblo , Colo. , as she had tired of teaching school In Iowa. Her parents have been notified of her where. abouts and her father is expected hero today to take her home. Appointed Sm-jieuii ii > Volunteer * . BRAINERD , Neb. , May 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) 'Bralnard has been honored by the appointment of Dr. J. Q. Marron to the position of assistant surgeon to the Second end regiment , Nebraska National Guard , The meesage from Governor Holcomb mak ing the appointment was received today , \CMK JVoten. The Missouri State Agricultural college Is to make a great show at Omaha. The prohibition state convention will beheld held at Moberly this year on May 15 , and a full state ticket nominated. Out of a total of forty-two votes cast at the recent election at Lock Springs tweuty- nlno were cast by candidates. If 'Freeman ' tCbchran Is hanged for murder In "Bethany " on June 3 It will be the first case of capital punishment In the history of Harrison county. On May 5 Plattsburg will submit to her vdters a proposition to float bon'Js ' Jn the sum of $20,000 for the purpose of erecting a now school building. Klrksvtlle Is satJ to be enjoyldg a boom on account of the "osteopathy" Institution located there , and the population has re cently Jumped from 5,000 to 8.000. A chorus of 100 voices , In addition to a corps of celebrated soloists , will sing the difficult compositions of the old masters during Tarkio's great musical festival. Bert Scantling thinks those Missouri mules recently sent to Cuba by the Spaniards will average as many Spanish scalps to the rau le as 'the ' ( Missouri troops .will average to the maa. maa.Tho plans and specifications for Andrew county's e wcourt house call for a struc ture two stories high , built of pressed brick acd stone , with fire-proof vaults , and to cost , complete , $42,600. Colorado \ -V\M .Vote * . Water has been turned Into the pipes of the water works company at Glllett and the new plant 13 working satisfactorily. Henry E. Wolcott has purchased property In Denver for $11,250 on which he will erect a reboot for girls and young women. Denver detectives failed to earn a reward of $25 and suffered In reputation because of Inability to locate a horse that had been In the pound five days. Roderick Dhu mine , with a record of $5- 000,000 In product In earlier jciirs , has been leased by a Denver company under bond for For delicate cooking use ) Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef- Gives strength and delicious flavor to nil eoupf , eaucts and delicate "made dlshc : . " DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. nurchtse. The Urt IOMCCI ww nukln * * good thin * of their leuio when the lime exw plrtJ and the Denver company ecured poi- jwtilntl. , Some piv on put Uynamlto Into th ? " n . work of U 1'Mta County Plucer OeM Mlp- Inc company l t week and < m * rcvult ycsr's work will Imio to bo dotm In onlrn to get the propwly In h po nRttln. Nathan Koutin of Mliuourl , ORfd 36 year * took rofiiRO under a tree durliiR a storm a Kuhn'a Crou liiK nnd W * Killed by light ning. Kxci-pt hl "hoes , hl clothliiR was all burned , llo was In ( ho employ of 0 1C. Kuhti. Leadvlllo IUXMI h-ivo not yet surrendered hope regarding the opening of the down town mltitfl. They now propose to form a stocK company to opera to the pumps. The lues company now employs 425 men and Ita out" put Is 8,000 tuns of ere monthly. RHEUMATIC PAINS I.-OIITIMJS mn t.Miimr.n is TIIYINQ TO tun- iuitii' 1'non TIII : TOH- Tl lU'.S 01' lllintMATISM. | One to rive Dolliimlll Cure tha MoHl Se\ore < 'nweH of the.Mil tint y. People who have buttled for ye.irn nvnllist tlio tortuies of rhrtuimtMu mid Imvc spent fortunes In a vnlti effort to llnd ic-llrf tuny , iirolltthe ! experience of Anton IK-ngerr , llvln In llpRlmt , N. W. T , , C.uimln. Ho wrote to the linker of O'oila Tonic , tha remedy th.it Iw nttmeted HO tmu-li iittftitkm of Into tl'iit InImd been Inlil up nlnn yt < irn with n b.id cnso of rhrumiitt m. 1I Invented throe dnll.irs with .Mr. Smith ! for thrpp boxi-s of Gloila Tonlo , mid they cured him conuili'lcly and poi'tiiMiiciitly and In n loiter to Mr. Smith .wrotu MR follown : "I coiiHldcr It mv duty to Inform you that 3 boxes of Olor'u Ton e1. cured me from Hlicii- imitlsm , nnd 1 rci-oiiimoiid it to every uf- forrr from ItliiMiimitlsm. ICver wince- I wart 20 1 wilt suffering fiotn .thlfl drt-iidful dl- - eaco nnd nm no.v L".i years ami tlmiik Clod mid you Hint my health wan ( Iniilly u- HtoriMi , Your * , Anton llensert , lleBlnu Assn. X. W. T. . O.inntln , l Vli. n , 1M > 7. " Gloria Tonic1 IH innde bv John A , Smith' 212 SunirnorlU'ld Cluirch liullilliu , ' . Mlhvatt. kee , WN. , nnd In for the ruro nf Illiftima tl.Min only. 8 'Id ' by all drugKht * In om.ih.i. A free pnmple ami UMInionlalM of GlorU Tonlo will lie tnallrJ by writing direct to Mr. Smith at the above addicws. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Mraarv , BtforxUrr or Ttrtltry BLOOD t'OlHON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can b * treated at horn * for m prtoo under tarn * guaranty. If you prefer lo-oome here we will contract to pay rail road ( are and hoUl blU * . and DO ohirc * If w * fall to cur * IP YOU HAVE taken mercury , lodld * potoah and ( till hav * ache * and palna. Mucoua Falcliei In mouth. Sore Throat , Plmplr * , Cower Col. ired spot * , Ulcer * on any t rt of til * body , llotr or Kyebiowi falling out. It I * ttiU fleconOory II We Guarantee fo Cure W * collclt th * tnnt obitlnat * out * and challenge th * wcrU for a cut * w * cannot cure. This dlseaie hnj alway * baffled th * aktll of the tnott mlrwnt phyMclan * . 1500,000 capital behind our unconditional uaranty , Absolut * proof * * nt lealtd on application. 104 poge book lent free , Addrca * COOK nUJIEDY CO. . 1401 Temple , Chicago , 111. C OP K" K"L& L& PEES M YOU KNOB DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S" Steel I Pennyroyal Treatment istheoriKinnl and only FRENCH , eafo ami reliable cnro on the mnr. ket. Price. $1.00 ; Bent by mail * . Genuine soH only by Myer Dillon Ilrng Co. . S. K. Cornel tilth nnil Fnriiniii Sin. , Omnlin. Met ) . SCHEDULE EXPRESS Runs between Council Bluffs nnd Omnhn. Now In effect. For prompt tlullvcry , call on Win. WcJob. Blurts 'phone , 12S ; Omaha phone , 780. RATES LOW. For carriage oc express wugon , call at No. 8 North Main treet or above telephones. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * FOU SALE AND FOIl HENT I1Y Everett , 16 Pearl at. , Council UlurTa , la : i For rent a small farm or SO aero , 2 < i mUfti frcnj the city. Very rcaiwnablo rental , Good nouia and mnble. -j For rent a house and 5 acres of land , % of mile from the city limits. Ken tat , 15.00 pat month. Good land In central Nebraska for rent for ft Bhnre of the crop. Ij 40 acres of eood land for rent near Honey Creole * Will rent on chares. j Good house of 10 rooms and one ncro of fruit and Burden , line Ireep , beautiful location , near the city , known na "Cherry Hill , " foe rent fo'r the summer very reasonal Ic. J fiood 6-room house for rent at $7,00 per muntli , near the motor line. f Good farm for Rale , H mile of Undcrwnoi ! , 161 acres , well tmpro\cJ , ppiemllO land , Omaha or Council muffs properly taln-n In part pay * ment. . A xplcndld bottom farm for eiilt" nonr Morulumln , I'art payment taken In Omaha or Council Bluffs city piopctty ; tl , 200.00 trill bo taken la trade. I _ Good farms for rent for the season of HW at a low rental to responsible parties. C acres of land near the city for sale. Will takt part payment In painting or carpenter work. ' Gardens and rarms for tnlo In the best part of western Iowa. f Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorneyat'I.nw , H Pearl at. , Council Bluffs , la. DWELLINGS. FltUIT. JATM AND lands for * al * or rent. Day * Hen. U Pearl trttt. JOHN G. WOODWARD 6c CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKtftS , NUTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents KA.TE JFXBI/D C/JAS. Mil C/trnr * . do