THE OMAHA DAILY BEJW MONDAY31 AIT. 2 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailivrtlarmrntii far tlinc column * \rlll be tnktn until 12 m. far the rtrnlnsr and nnlll 8pm. far the ttiornlntr nnd Snmln > eillllon * . A l rrll rr , lir rriinmtlnr1 nnro 1 > rrnl check , cnn lime nnnwrr * . n l- lrril ( o a nnmlirrril Ictlrr In rare of llir lire. An ncr * o ml < lrr * .cil will lie delivered un iireientotlon of tlie > rheck only. llnlm , 1 1-Bc word flmt Inmertlon } IP TortI thereafter. .Nuthlnar taken for ! tlinn ar.c for the flmt Iniier- i'.itn. Thr < - dvrrtUenientt. ( unit be run conoecatlvelr. SITUATIONS WAXTEI1 . 4 THAUS wishes position N 31. IV-e. A M".JJ- : WAXTI : _ MALE HELP. CANVASSCltS TO TAKE OnDEIlS ; NEW LINK of work : no beaiy exvls to carry ; salary ot commission. C. F Adams Co . U4 So. loth St. U-ftt SALESMEN TO FELT. TOILET SOAP TO "l . rs. IKfl per month altry ind ? xn-n rs ; experience unnecessary. Louli Emit Co. St. Louis , Ma. ii MIT : WANTED. A GOOD , HEMAllLE. IlfSTUXO canras er. Apply to Oninhs Anchor Fence Co. . SK-IO ; N. nth Ft. H5 WANTED. AT ONCE , PANTS AND VEST- maker , Addrets II. Kastetaum. Weyt Point , Neb. II MC12 _ WANTED-STniCTTLT FinST-CLARS 1IOULTV < r | quick , vacft M ; Ft eat ] v Job to rlzht man. Ulack IIIlli Mfg. Co. . Poadwtxx ) . S D. WANTED. nUTCIIEn. OOOD ALL man. one that speak * Sned * or Norwegian pre ferred Apptr at cnce t > letter or pctvn at InOty M it Mark * ! Newman Grove. Nr > : WlllUm Knipp. | > ro ! > rktor. It MS > < M ! WANTED. OOOD CARRIAGE TRIMMER Drutnmond Carriage Co. D Mitt MI * WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMEN HAVING raialilliihed ttade to lianille specialty l oucht by nil retail stores no snrnplf , profitable and dres nnt Interfere with rertilar line * , a cnod thin ? . The Multiform Co. Pituburv. Pa. IJ M9J-.i * WANTED SOLICITORS O ? OOoT ) ADDRE- . either I PX. to Fell Cnllfornli Ro < , rare , htrdv ornamentals , etc. Town and cities cnly. Will Py nalary weekly. \ > t quirk ; state ajre. The How land Nursery Company. Ias Ansele * , Cal n-J37-7 WANTED. TOUR GOOD MEN TO FELL far coed on the road : Advertising Eanhquike Carpet Cleanrer. Apply SCCJ California St. ll- : i " .a * \.vrr.nrcM % LI : HELP. ICO GIRLS FOR ALL KINDS OK WORK ; K TO J7 week. Canadian Office , 15Si Douglas . C 51 WANTED. A NICE. NEAT GIRL. TO DO SECond - end work Jnd a m nlth chlUren. 116 So. SM a\e C SS4 1 WANTED. TEACHER1 ? . PRIMARY AND hUher. Send stomps for reply. Arthur lien- ton. StllT.cll. I T. C U9TE 2 * WANTED A COMPETENT OI15I , TOR GENeral - eral lioure work In a family of twn. 1003 South SOth me. C M5S3 ! ron nn.Tnocsns. CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTVOES ALL OVEU city. to 175 Fidelity. I t floor N. T. L'fe HOUSES. IJENEXVA & CO. . IDS N. SOT ! f.T. D KS HOUSES. STORES. DEMIS. PAXTON nirrAriiRD MODEIIN i-nooM. AL. = O s-p.osv house ; Key * , ot S5W Capitol Avc. T < l. ITU. 15 , II. Holison. D m iiorsruoi.D ROODS AND Om. Vnn & Storage Co. , 1S11H rnrnam. 11. iS" PROPOSITIONS TOR THE PLACE. ! 4l N. Slih * t. . Including houi * . barn nnd tire ! a if of pmund. Apply to \ \ " l * HoWen cire i Brennnn-Ixn e t'o. , SIS S 16lh t D 11775 T6R RENT , TEN-ROQ.M MODERN IIOUbE. wlt"i larx ? . well nad 1 irround * . John W. RoUilns. l o : Karnxm. LARGE LIST. M'CAOUE. 15T1I AND DOIK5E. rUHNITt'RE AND LEASPHOLD OP A 10- riwm modem flat for Mle at a bars ln. Good location , rent low. Ilrmls , I'axton nil * . 10-KOOM DETACIIKD MODERN HOUSE , N. SOth t. ; nice jard. A. M. Cowle , Sit S IH U D JI77J THE EAST OMAHA LAND COMPANY HAVE a few denlrable Vottauci for rent. Apply t L. S. Halnci , Eart Omahl U-CO MODERN FLAT , lit SO. KTH ST. . 10 ROOMS tK.nteii.lon May lit. Ml Dee IllJt. D- FOR RENT. A NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOrsE , ni and Harnry Mi. D-MS2J M FOR RENT. MODERN FLAT. NEW DAVIDQE building , opposite city hall. John W. Robblni. merit , 18C ! rnrnam Sti D-M8-1 COTTAGE OP ROOMS ; CITY WATER ; kewer. IMS N. 13th St D-SM 2 * 1S5 MADIFON AVE. . r-HOOMS : VERY NICE. A. M. Cowle. 211 S. l&th. D-MSHO I TOR SALE OR RENT. C-ROOM COTTAGE. 508 So. Slit St. D M S * SR COTTAGE. INQUIRE 2710 PARKER ST. D-M90M * FOIl IlENT rimXISIIED KOOMS. ROOMS BY THE 1Y OR WKCX AT 1KK Central hotel , l. .h'onj Dadie St * . E M3 M.4 ROOM TRANSIENTS. 170S DOUGI-AR ST. E-Mlli. MIC rfRNISHED PARLORS. PARLOR UK D ROO M. \try cb ap ; l > oaM If nlihed , private family ; 110 children. Addrcn M 47. nee. E M731 , ( PtTRNISIIED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and \\lfc. Rent taken In Luarl. J19 N 17th E TiC _ 11Y DAY OR WEEK. I2 DAVENPORT E-MT29 5 _ rrP.NlPHED ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY 511 N. UJ. K MS32 Ml * _ * FURNISHED ROOMS. HOVSEKEEP INO 2KJ St. Mao' . E MEM M4 * _ _ _ - ROOMS. MI s. rcTH AVE. E-Mlll MS * MOST DESIRABLE. PRIVATE FAMILY. 1919 E-MM1 Mi * JCK-ELY FURNISHED ROOMS' MODERN conienlencei. 1S17 Lcaienwortli St. . flat e. E MH3 7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE- m n. In prH"ate famllj' . Reference" required. e. W. corner 17th and Capitol A\e E-M9S3-7 t OR THREE FUIINISHED' ROOMS TOR llttit houBtKeerlrg. 2(01 Dolce itrret. E M877I * _ rilONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. OPPOSITE .shriner 2M4 Harney. E M S2 4 * I't'lt.MSIIKI ) II0011S A.\D nOAKD. THE VERRIAM. FIRST CL.\SS FAMILY HO- tel. 25th and Dodge Sin. F-C7J NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1R niNNEY. F-MTMM : * _ PLEASANT ROOMS. MODERN : STRICTLY r.ret clart beard KJ N l th 81. F-M767 Ml * FOR RENT. UVRGE AND SMALL FUR- nlihed room" . 1J16 Chicago. F f ! .6 i * rToOM3 ; DOARD. Mi S. 2TT1I ST. F-SS7 2 * rURNCSHED ROOMS AND DOARD IN MODern - ern houte. prltate lamlly. UCS Sherman Av. PLEASANT P.OOM WITH HOARD : TRAN- rlrnts accositcodated. 1S Capitol a\enue. F MS54 4 KOH nEXTrxmuMsiiKn noous. FOR RENT. NICE SOUTH FIIONT UNFUR- rlihel roomi. tilth bath : Wlthnell block. F. W. Carmlchael. No. 6. Wlthmll block. 00 HENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR llsht houtekeeplac. near Elpo ltlon. 300J tt. G-MSS1 S STORAGE. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 901-910 Jon * * ctncral storaf * and forwardlac OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1JMH FARN-M , TEL 1KI JBEST TRACKAGE AND STORAGE IIUILDIXQ In Omiht. U. S. Oov. bonded ; houwhold ( oodi tored and cared for ; lowett rate * ; two show rmei for aalt , tultable fof expoiltlon. 1011 and 1011 iMrenworth. W. 1L liuxhman. ron HRXT STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR KENT , DESK ROOM /N GROUND FLOOR utttff. Dee buMJIhg , watrr. tteam heat , flei-trlc llglA and janlUr tervlce. Apply to Euperln * tetident. lie * b'JIlJIne 1 197 FOR RENT IN THE DEE DUILDINOl One targe rcrn r rtsnn , JJ D-wr , with vault and prlratt cffire , mster.'etc. OP lam fruit room. U floor. dlrUed Into two rocsia by partition ; water , etc. One large < -cmcr room , ZJ floor , with vault , . * ter. etc Ofront room , divide ! by partl'lon. U floor. One corner room , with vault. Id floor One large ro-m , id ritor. with partition dividing It Into one large room and two t mailer prlva : * room * ; water , etc. Two large ground flaor rootai , froatlng 17th 8U , with vault. Several tmall rucnu on 4th floor , with vaults. All thett room * are hMt-d with Heara , electrlo llrtit . aupplleil with flnt claai janitor renlee ; eltvatbm run dajr and all night ; building * trlct < y firejiroof Apl-ly to * up rlnt nJent , room 104. llee bulMlne. 1 191 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY HR1CK BUILDING at SI ? Farnam St. Th' < building lias a fireproof cement bawment. water on all floor" . ga > , etc. Apply at the oflc * of The Oee. I S10 FOR TRACKAGE. TRANSFERRING AND derl ; room , apply to the Aultnian & Taylor XIaeblnery Co. . N. E. cor. th A Jack on Sta. A JK * \VA.\TEU. . WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL ACETYLENK gai ceneratorz. mu t be men of nbilllv and pome means , Ace'olene. the llptit ot tbo . ' ' for toun" cltle * . > ur , churrhcc , hall * . f c- torle * . hotel * and private re 'deT ' * Artdrwi Omah * Acetylene Ua Co . IU anil 1 ? ) N litj t. . Omaha. Neli J MiC MH \VA TI5IJTO HTSST. WANTED , TO RENT MODERN t , C OR 7- room houte about June Itt Adireti M 44 I > . K-M J RESPECTARI.E YOUNG MAN DESIRES l snl and room In private family Rererenr s exc aaced Prlri > must be reast-nab'e Ad- drets K. A. S . Ute. K-M Sd 2 * WA.\TnilTO IlfcV. SECOND-HAND IUX3K3 BOUGHT FOR CASH at the Antiquarian took More , 1515 rnrnnm at. -C M775 M2G * CAi = H FOR 2ND HAND LOOKri. CRANE. 207 N l h. N--M2K PHAETON AND SINGLE HARNESS IN GOOD conilltl-m an new , came lowe t prl-e , make and how lone In use. Lo-k Iox ! 4M , Olenwood , Iowa N MI2 S roil SALH HOHSUS AMI WAGO ? S. yon SALE. A FAMILY DRIVING TEAM. black ; weUht 2.700 , gentle ; lady can drive any place ; perfectly found. N 19. Uee.PMHS P-MHS MB * FOR SALE MI'CELl , tXEOUS. HOG AND POULVRY FENCE : DETTEIt THAN wire netting. J'lr.e Hdutt tor noon. Tel 4DS SCI DAUglar. : Q-C7S HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repair" , all t-tandard makes en hand , grlndln ; razor * . 'iear * , cllper ; prompt lervlce. A. L. Undeland. Q C7 CHICKEN. HOG AND LAWN FENCES ; ALL wire ; Is be t. Wire Works , llth and Harney , V - 7S HARDMAN PIANOS AT MUELLER'S. 1STH and Farnam. Q M701 S3 NATL CASH REGISTER : TOTAL ADDER ; little used. 4C N. ICth , Omaha. Q-777 3r FOR SALE , TEN R I P.A N.S. 1XIR 5 CENTS at druggists ; one fr'ies relief. Q M7S ) 1-OR SALE. THREE RETURN TUIJULAR billerf , SO-horte power each. Apply to the superintendent , IX lite building. Q SSJ FOR SALE. AN OUTSIDE SHOW CASK. AT A barg-aln. Mrs. J. Denson , 212 S. ICth St SI 1SCE LLAX Cor . ANTI-MONOPOLY GARUACE CO. CLEANS cesspools & piliy vaults. Ill N. ICtn Te' 1 - - SHRUUP.ERY AND TREES AT 1717 DOUGLAS Frank 11 Martin , reclden.c < C2J lloule ard .vrc. M431 K1C * NEW CRICK AT W1THNELL DRC-S. Smith's jard. 21d oad Hickory. Telephone < ST . R-lni-C JIASSACI : , n VTH , RTC. MISS MAYER-CHIROPODIST. MAKIC1IRE- Scalp. facial , tieatments ; wanfd stud ntr. 400 Pastcn Wk , . T J12 MIS LAURA ELLISON. 119 N. HTH ( UHSTA.Kb ) . room 12 , Turko-Rus lan and plain r-iUis , mat aage. T-MK : M1V- MME. SMITH. 115 N. 1JTH ST. . HOT SPHINQ and vapor baths. T 759 M2 * MME. AMES. 507 SO. 1JTH. ROOM 10. MAS- aje baths. T SSO Mi * MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth. up- mtalri T-M97S S * I'EHSOXAJ. . VIAVI FOR trTERINE TROUBLK8. 246-8 BEE Bide : phslclan cousultatlon or Health boolrfree , U-OO BA-HIS. MASSAGE. MMU. POST. 21 > V4 B. 1STH , TT rc * CLOTHE3 CLKANED. PRESSED AND RE- palred : day or night drets suits for hire. Pantorlum. K. E. Cor. 14th and Farnt.n. TeL Kl U-C&l SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. FACE ISLEMISHES removed with electricity at Mme. G. Payne'a halrdrewtng and manicure -parlors. I12-S1 ] Kar- bach block. U-MMJ M19 * G. R. CRANDALL. CITY , CONTRACTOR FOR brick sidewalks ; best repressed vltrlfled paving ing- brick used : satisfaction aruarinteed. 204 S. llth st. Tel 817. M5SJ MS K . RUPTURE CURED FOR M. NO DETEN tlon from business ; C jears In Omaha. Cal : or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , SJ2-9SS New York Life Bldg. . Omaha , Neh. TJ-911 MO.VEV TO LOAX HUAt , ESTATE. WANTED , CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS , R. C. Peteri & Co. , U. S. Nal'l Rank Bldg. W-CM tlOO.COO.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Omtha property , or fo : building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W CSC ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . J1S N. Y. L. oulck money nt low rates for choice tarm land In Iowa , Northern Missouri. Eastern Nebraska. W87 LOAN ON IMPROVED i UNIMPROVED Cm proprty. W. Farr o Smith & Co. . ISM Kainam. W CSS PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS Can In Bros , 1C1S Farnam St. W--CS3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA1U real tstate. Brennan-Lo\e Co. . 211 S. ICth. W-CSJ PER CENT MONEY. BEM1S , PAXTON RLK W C90 J10000. 120000. JSM DO PRIVATE MONEY. Ol me , two , three or flv jears time. W. L. Felby , 2S4 Board of Trade. YVCC9 MOXEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. tlO TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS HOUSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. . at lowest rates In Omatii. South Omaha and Counell Bluffs. No removal of n > ds : strictly confidential ; yoi can pay the loan ufl at cny time or In n ; arnaunts. arnaunts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . IOC South ICth ST. THS OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 91 MONEY LOANED SALATUED PEOPLE HOLD Ing permanent position * , with responsible caa ccrn upo'i their own name , without security eisy pajrjenta. Tolman , R. TM , N. Y. L. bldg , HUSIXKSS C1IA.\CKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson. t4 First Nat'l Dank. Y O2 FOR SALE A BARGAIN-MY ENTIRE DRUG stock , show cases , soda fountain and coun ters ; alfo will rent store at rrironable rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P and Burlington depots. Ernest Stunt ; pro prietor. Y 479 ELEVATORS FOR SALE-A LINE OF SIX elevators ) on the Republican Valley branch of the U. P. R. R. . extending nojth from Liacnln. Neb. , through an excellent grain producing re gion. Will t > sold together or separately , nr desired. In rxioj repair and fine working order. Will be Bold en easy term * . Apply to Ed B. Miller. Beatrice. Neb , Y-MCI J30 LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT IN KSTAB- llthed baslness ; two to rhe thousand dollars required. Addrns N 10 , Bre. Y-Mt 2 MI * ajW DRUO STOCK. HALF CASH AND I1AL- anro coed ( ana land ; on * orthe lieit stocks and choicest loratlnhs In Omaha , coed business. W. A. Spencer. 1CM Farnam. V Sis 3 JOTI PIUNT1NO QUICKEST. BE F AJtD rheatiest. Hrarsey. UM Prtnt r , l i Famam ; plxme. JOW. T-UM T FOR SALE. MILLINERY BUSINESS : TOWN 1.300 ; one other milliner. Invoice price less than K per cent on all but tprlng goods : cause , stckntsa. Adilres * Box 17. Oakland. Neb. T M917 2 . PART CASK. BUYS PAYING BIIS- Inna ; > nap. Addrcw K n. Bee. Y-M9B t * ron VARIOUS PIECES OF PROPERTY AND fsrms In Nebraska to trade tor m rchan1tv > . Addreu L 42 Uee. Z MM IW-ACRK CLEAR FARM NEAR SNOHOM1FH. Washington , and 110 OfO In defaulted first merleson r-ralhweilrrn Kansas I'tiJ. tu ex * rtiang * fnf lmpro > ed property In Omaha : party will as urnreas.nnhle amount of ln. umbrance. W. L. Plby. 2S4 Board of Trade Z-M727 PUR SALE REAL HSTATE. KOt'NTZK PLACE BARGAINS. tt.lM. K.7fO TO 10,600. J J. Gibson , M4 First Nafl. Bank Bldg. RE C94 FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PROPERTY ; BUSIness - ness lot corner , OOxlW ft , In Bo. Omaha , paved. Business lot , COiliO feet. Improved. South Omaha , street pa\e1. Tract f ! lots ) . 2 h St. Tract 2 lots ) , toth St. For partlculats apply 1012 Firnsrn ELRE RE CTJ BARGAINS : ( -ROOM HOUSE. 90 ! SOUTH 20TH St. . rental I1S5.00 per year ; price. 11.100. 12x12 ! feet on Coming street , rays 7 per cent net on I2.SOO. 11 house * , and 1 etore , rental. IC41.M per year ; pree. K.KB. 41 fe t front S-storr brick building , reir 14th and Donsrla * . rental 92.100.M prr year : pric . RKM. J. N. Frenier Opp. oil P. O. itE-M214 ; OUSES. LOTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS. also Cre Insurance. Btmts , Paxton block. block.RE 437 YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ind nhnt It sold list U with me and I will ell It ( If 1 can ) . If vcm wt li to purrtia and want a bis liarcaln , loot orer my list. J Ii. Sherwood. 42 ! New Yolk Life. RE M 414 OKRMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. 'OTHINO FOR RENT IN tMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. 'OW IS THE TIME TO BUT. : uy and save -ent Never before In the hl'tory of have there been sush opportunities offere < l to acquire lots or homos at your own prl-ces. You make the prices : ecelvrrs must sell. Depositors' demands mn t be satltfled. give out no lists. If you want to buy 1 will match any prices made by tn > one Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lets everywhere from JIM to J4.0W. Houses and lots and acre tracts In Douclas county. ny reavmablt. offer will V favorably conilrt- ered. Tell me what jou want and I lll tell you what Inlll take r > ou ha\e a customer I nlll pay regular com missions. I have no agents : . > w 7 per ient loans , Jl.UM to Jl.SOO , for rale on Improved properts. THOS. It. M'CAGUE , Recelvc-r. 106 N Jith St. RS-MW ; 'ERY DESIRABLE S-ROOM MODERN COT- taro , very choice location KC2 N. 40thl , east front : nice lawn and treesry ; cheap nnd eay terms : call and see 1U RK MSJS M2 * POR SALE , 2J ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION. near Florence : SCO fruit trees ; price low ; terms easy. The O. F. Davis Co. RE S6 t 'WO CHOICE CORNKH LOTS NF.AIl EXPO- fltlon Kraund * , only JCO. or Sn eao : _ a first mortcase for TWO. " . A. Spen-er. 1514 Farnam. n-K ! ui I EXPOSITION FRONTAGES FOR RENT , ROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Bemls. Paxton Blk 711 STE\OGRAPIIERS. CE SOLICIT AND FURNISH I O lTlONd FOR stenographers free. Th Smith-Premier T\IIC- wrlter Co. Telephone. 12M. .04 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. . 1) HOUCK. JUSTICE Or THE i'EACE SB Karliach block. MS HORSE PASTCRE. ALFALFA PASTUP.B. BOARD FENCES. A. W. Phelps & Son. 207 N. V. L. blfic. Te-l. 1K4. CIS JT2 * MIOUTIIAMI A.ND TYI-L.W IlITIXG. . C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHOnTHAND and Tj-pewrltlns. 717 N. T , L.Ue. offers fie fol- lowlni : adt antagesIndividual Instruction * by xp fK'i" ' * ' ! tmcrers ana sKHHul ttrnoeraphers ; up-to-date jnMhods ; touch rystwn of typewH'- Ing If pref > rrel ; t > artclpetljn ! in actual work for which students .receive pay : monUily pay ments. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 1STI11 DOUOIJ.S CSS SHOUT-HAND. tP-TO-I > ATE. TAfOIIT BT court reporters. Boyles' School. 4M-1-7 Bee tild TOO SUMURK HESOHTS. " JKWETT CXDTTAGBS nUEKJC MOUX- tain Falls , Coll. : a simmer home In the mountains : b-outlful rottares , fully fuin'sVJ. for rent by the season at reasor.ablrates , IlluslrntpJ circulars sent en appl'catlcn. Ad dress J. H. Jewett. Qrecn. Co > - -JJ5M MJ. nnicK. WITIINELLnnO & SMITH.PA NQ. SKTWER. huildlnticapsclty 100.000 a dayS4 t Hickory -sts , POO.OOO NEW BIIICK. TOITIINSuu BUOS. Smith's. FDHJflTCRE PACKED. 1C. 8. WALKIN. 2111 CUMINa. TEL. ISM. pAwxnnoKEHs. I. HAROWITZ LOANS MONET. N. 1 T SIDEWALKS. PEtlJCANENT SIDEWALKS AND PANCT drlteways. Q. Rushart , Kl X. Itui : 'nhone 11 3. TVPEWniTERS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT * I.W PER MONTH The Sralth-Prejnler Typewriter Co. . 162J F r- nam St. ; Telephone 1Z5I. * . " 07 TOItKSSMAKISG. DRESSMAKING. FAMILIES. S504 DAVP-T , _ FOTJ.ND. TAKEN UP. WHITE MARE. WITH FHOES on. weight about 1,000 pounds. Mitchell Stable. 1114 Uode St. Found 817 J ) JVXK , HOI'SKS. ALl'lRN. OMAHA. JUNK , HOt'SE. 101 SO. 10th , paylnc t > et price for all kinds of Junk. SIS M2S * BALL BEARING DINSMORE Used exclu sively by the exposition. We sell every thlnp truly good in type writers aniltipplics. . V.MTEO TVPEWTlITKn & SCPPLIES CO 1O12 Ffirnnm St , Omnbo. GOVKIIXME T > OTILHS. PROPOSALS FOIl INDIAN SUPPLIKS- De-partment of the Interior , Offlce of Indian Affair' . WajhlnRton. D. C. . Slarch . 1SHS S ah < l proposals -will b * recclvtd by th Commlsfioocr ot Indian Affairs at Xos. 77 73 Woostcr street. Npvr York City , until o'clock p. m. of Tuetdiy. May 17 , IKS , fcr fur nlshlng for the Indian Service , coffee , su < ar. tea , rice , baking pvdtr. . saap , sroceriej , blankets , woolen and cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and cap" , btota and shoes. crccKcrr and rchool books. Ulds must be made on Government blanks. Schedules elv- Ing all necessary information for bidders nlll bo furnished on arpllration at th In- dlan Offlc * . Waahlngton , D. C. . Nos. T7-7 ! Woost r street. New York City : No. NXC State str : t , Chlcj o , 111. ; ihe Commlssarlei of Subslstrnce. U. S. A. at Chey-enne. Leav. envrorth , Omaha , St. Louis , Sc Paul am San Francisco ; the postmasters nt Slou City. Yajikton , Arkansas City , CaUwell , To jx-ka. Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opmfd at the hour and days Above stated , and bidders ara Invited to be .present a the openingW W , A. JONES , Commlrsloncr. A-27-May-13 P05TOFF1CB SOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Ma " 7. 18SS , will close ( PROMPTLY In all casts" at the General Postofflce as follows ; .PAR CELS POST MAILS clos ; one hour earlle : than cloclnc time thown belost : TrAtl Btle Mali * . TUESDAY At 7 . m. for EUROPE ( ex. cept Spain ) , per f. t. Havel , ria. Plymouth Cherbourg ; and Bremen ( letters for Ire land must be directed "per Havel" ) . \VKDNESDAY-At 9 . m. ( supplemtotary 10:10 a. in. ) for EUROPB ( except Spain ) . per a , . Teutonic , via Queerutt wn ; at 10 a. m , for EUUOPK ( except Bpaln ) , per s. . Berlin , via Southampton- ( letter * juust b directed "per Berlin ) . SATUUDAY-At 7 . BX. lor FRANCE. POST T : xomcE. ( C.mtlnuej ) ITALY. TURKEY , and BRITISH INDIA , per s. . Ixi IJourKotme , fQ J4avre ( letter * for other jiart * of Ku rope ( except Spain ) must ba directed "per I-nllUmitjosne" ) ; nt S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per t. * Werkendam. vl-it tterdam ( letters must be directed "per Werkendam" ) : nt S a. m. for ITALY , peflfl Fuldala Nap'.rs ( letters must be directed "per Futoi" ) : nt II a. m. ( supplementary 1IJO p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. a , Lucanla , via Queens- town. nn After the ilfuinc of the uppltmentary trar > r- atlantlr malts nam 'abote , additional surj- ! raenttry malls at , . yned on the plera of the American. Knicllsh , French and German rtean- era and remain open until within Un roliiut of the hour ot aalllnc ot steamc- . Malln for Sonth nnd Centrnl ArnerlcHi * > Vmt Indira , Etc. MONDAY At U m. ( supplementary 1 p. in. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Cota RIcM ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS. pr * . s. Advance , vln Colon ( let ters for Guatemala must be directed "per Advance" ) ; at * J p. m. for REL1ZE , PUERTO CORTEX and GUATEMALA , per steamer from New Orleans. TUESDAY At 1 p. m. for INAGUA and HATTI , per B. s. Siglnaw ; at * , p. m. for COSTA RICA. > er steamer from New Orleans ; ot S-JO p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND per steamer from North Sydney. WEDNE3DAY- 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 10:30 : a. m. for PORT AU PRINCE , AUX-CAYKS nnd J ACM EL. per s. s. I'rin * Wlllfm IV ( letters for A'enezucla. Curacao , Trinidad , Urltlsh and Dutch Oulana must be directed "per Prlns Wlllem IV ) : nt 11 a. m. for 1IRAZ1L and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per B. s. Galileo , via PcmimbucJ. H.ihla and Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must be directed "per GaJIleo" ) ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1VW p. m. ) for 1JERMUDA , per s. . Orinoco ; at 1 p. m. for NASSAU. N. P. . also CAMPBOHE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. s. Alhls ( letter * for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per AHils" ) ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1W p. m. ) for VENEZUELA and CURA CAO , per s. s. Codardene ( letters for Co lombia , via Curacao , must be directed "per Cednrdene" ) . FRIDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 a. m. ) for GONAIVES and ST. AlARC. per s. s. A Dumols. SATURDAY At J.:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per p s. Turanian from Philadelphia ; at 9:3) a. m. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for ST THOMAS. ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. per a. s. Madlana ( letters for Grenada. Trindail ! and TobaRO must be directed "per Madonna" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplemen tary JD.SO a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHA- GENA , per s. s. Adlrondick ( Tetter * , for C sta Rica must be directed "per Adiron dack" ) ; at S:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland. br"rall to Halifax anil thono - bv sf mer. cl * t this o.llcs ilal'.v r.t 8:35 : p. m Malls tor Mlqueitn. by rail to Bi - ton and thcnc * by steaturr cio e at th's ottl * ? < l lljat : S9 p. m. Mans for Mexlro City , overland. unlcM sr > ecLilnti'f'wl ! nt dispatch by sreamer. clO" nt this rfflce da'lr nt J:30 a. m. cnc ! SJS p m * * R sist < Ted mall closes at CW : p , m. prelous d y. Trnnn-Pncltlc Mnlln. lalU for China and Japan ( specially adore - ore sed only ) , per s. s. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) close hero dally up to May " 2 at C:50 : p. , m. Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , p-r s. s. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , clos here dally up to May 4 at C : p. tru , Malli for China and Japan , per s. 5. Columbia ( from Tacoaia ) , co e here daily , up tj May "S at C:30 : p m. i Malls for AustraliaTexcept [ those for West Australia , whWh . are forwardtMl via Europe ) , New Ecaland , Hawaii , FIJI and Samonn Islands. j > oc s. s. Maripjsa ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to May ! ' nt 7 am. . . 31 a. m. ami C:3) : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. s. Cam , pania with UrUI h malU for Australia ) . Molls for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily tip ta May 23 at G:1 * ) p. m. MH'.s for Havvall , ptr ? . s. .Zealandia ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to May M at C:30 p. m. MalK for Australia ( except ,'trall1 New Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI Islands.'per s , a. Aoransi ( from Jancouver ) , closa here cHily after May 12 and up to May X at CJO p. m. Traastclllc n-jiis ! at * i-r.ja.-n ( iurt ot Ball- rtr s - rangijt oil lae jiresamjuiuii of their uninter rupted o\erland transit , "flegistercd m1 1 closet at t. iu m. previous day. CORNRLIU ? T. . , . . . . ; , . , . 'ostofllce. New York , N. Y. , April , UK. RAILHOAHS. CHICAGO. nURUNQTON t. Burlington Qulncy Railroad "The Burl- Incton Rout * " Ticket Offlce. IHi : Farnem Street. Telephone Route 0. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 118. 118.Arrive. Arrive. \eitnued ! Ex. pm 8:10 am Express . . . . > . . CIS am :15 pm _ & St. Louis Ex JW pm 1:10 am Pacific Junction Local. . * ! ! : am S : pm Fast Mall 1 0 pm Chicago Special Urtiam 11-JO pm Dally. Dally except Suneay. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI Rl\er Railroad "The Bur- Burlington ItnRtDn Route" General Of- Oces N.V. . Comer Tenth end FanMm Streets. Ticket Of- Route ftcr. 1501 Farnam Street. Tele phone SO. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone lS. Leave. Arrive- . Lincoln. Hatlncs nj McCook . 8S3 am Lincoln. Dtm er. Colu- rado. Utah. California , niack Hills .Montana. and Pucet Sound . * tK pm 4:05 rra Lincoln Local . 7:00 pm * 7:40 rm Lincoln Fast Mall . I5 : pm * * 11 : am Detner. Colorado , Utah , California and Pucet Sound . * llSpm KANSAS CITT. ST. JOSEPH Burlington & Council Bluffs Railroad "TSe. Burlington Iloute" n " : Ticket Offlc * . 1MJ Farnam HPIITD Strett. Telephone SSO. Depot , IIUUlu Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 118. L a\e. Arrive. Kansas City Pay Kx. . * S:05 am 1:43 pm Kansas City Night Ex. * 10W pm CJ om Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST- era Kallwaj City Ticket Of- tic * . 1101 Famam Street. Tele phone in. Depot. Tenth anl Mason Streets. Telephone is. . lva\a. Arrive. Daj .leht Chicago Spe cial cn am 11:50 pm Ml ourl Valley. Sioux City. St. Paul and Minneapolis , ; . , G0 : am * 10:4 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City - . . 7:40 am SKi ; pm Dennlon. Carroll , Wall Like , Council niuffs. S:4J am 3 13 am Hartern Express , Ucs Molcer , Marshalltovn. l > dJr nnpirtf , Chlcaco * 10aO amend * 4 : S Atlantic Fl > er , ' end IJart 4:15 : pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omalia . . . . - . ; . . . . :10 : pmS lUsoarl Valley. Sioux Pity. St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited. . . ? . . 4Si pm S Mam maia-Chlcmrn Pnerlit.1 : IS pm 8M am Dally. I llX5 cfpt Sundiy. . ST. PAUL. MINXE- . Omaha Rallua > mral Offices. N'ebrarka Dl- nttt nUi and Webster Stnee * * . City Ticket Offlce. lijn , Krnam Street. Telephene SCI. Depot. Fifteenth tad Webster Streets. Tele- phsna UM. ' 1 ' ri Leave. Arrive. Sioux City AceoramoSa. 1:10 am ito rm Sioux City Arcommo44. * I M * m SJO : pm Blair. Umerfon. Bkus City , J'onca. Harllnc- > ton & isloomfleia. . . , 1M pm * ' 11:55 am Sioux City , Mankota.jSt Paul . . * * * SiK 80 , Minneapolis. , pm : am Emerson Psss icer _ _ . * 5:10 : pm 8O : am Dally. ay. | ju-pt uay. Sunday only. TUli trim stJ : > s at ctstlons Florence to South Blair. Ir.clortv * , Sun4a > s only ; on wetk dajs. South Blair rni ; oNT. ELKHORN AND MUe > dri Valley Kallway-Gf n. rrat > < 4 > fflces. United States Na- HonalHUnk nulldlnr. South- KKK CSbrner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets Ticket Offlr * . 1441 I'anum Street. Telephone HI Dejvjt. Fif teenth and Wehster Streets. Telephone 1418. " " Arrtre. Black Hills. Deadwcod and Hot Sprint * . . . - * IM t > m i 01 pm Wromlnr. Caster and Douglis Jrf pm 5:00 : pm Hastlnes. Vors. Darld City. Superior. Genet * . Kitirr and Sevard . . 3M pm S:03 pm Norfolk. West Point and Fremont. . . . .A. 15 am * 10S5 am Lincoln.Valioo ca Fn-mrat. . . . . . . , . 1O > am * 10 5 am Frnnont Local ( . . . I'M am DaUy. Dally escept Sunday. Sunday only. * Dally except Saturday. Dally except Uonday. sioux crrr & PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Oflioe * . Untied States National Uank Iiu'ld- Inc. 8. W. Comer Tvelllhanl Faroam Streets. Ticfctt Offlee. 1KU FarAam Street. Tr'ephon * Ml. Depot 1Mb and WeUter Sta. TclephCns 1CI. Leave. Arrlte ElMis Cltr. llankata , St. Paul. VlcMDolt * . iit POT I JO am Dally. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. V.'llii six nillee of pared streets here the cttr has nert-r used any machinery to Veep these thoroughfares clcin and the pave- men' * , are nearly always dirty. When any clrartlp- done the work Is performed by the nre department or a small gang of la borers under the direction of Slreet Com missioner Ross. On Twenty-fourth street' ' ricro la a mile of asphalt pavement which ) U not cleaned from one end to the other ottener than once a jetr. Occasionally the file department will flush Twenty-fourth street from L to N streets and N street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh street This flushing seems towork all right on Twentr-fourth street where the asphalt Is laid , but It is ruining tie brick pave ment on N street. It has been suggested by some of the city officials that a street swcrrer be purchased in order that the paved streets may be kept clean at a small expense. It Is stated that with a sweeper , a couple ot teams and a few laborers , all of the pared streets could be swept every nl = h ; and thus keep the streets In a pre sentable condition at a good deal Its * ex- rer-so than under the present lo'.se system. The officials toy that with the exposition coming on something ought to be done lo present the city in its best form when so many will be here and the question of securing oome means of sweeping the. streets nightly will most likely be consld- I cred before long. With a saloon occupation tax cf JM > 0 there would be plenty of money en hand after pajlng the rstimiU'J o\er- laps in the fire and police departments with which to purchase a street swetper. It ti claimed that a sweeper would last for years ulth ordinary care and that the slreels could then be kept clean all cl the time at a com apitlvely small cost. Cn account of the number of mllea of unpavcd streets ll lakes about all of the money appsrlioaed lo the ilreet repair fund lo nil wcshcuts , lay necessary crosswalks. etc. . so that there Is very Illtle lett to pay for removlns dirt from the paved streets. Connrll .tlvrtlni ; Toiiltthl. Tonight th s city council will meet In regu lar monthly se lon and it is expected that oome action In regard to the liquor license matter will be taken. It U not thought that Major Ecror will sign both of the ordlnsocea laiued t the session Friday night , but which ordinance will be sUne-J IB-a question. The mayor declines to be Interviewed al though he docs say thai he Ihlnks the siloonn ought lo be wlllhag lo pay a fair occupallKi tax. Should Ihe licence be Pilsed lo J1.030 the enllre sum would go lo-theochoal diatricl oad the Slosum law would Ihcn be enforced. All liquor dealers would be compelled to clcae their places al a certain hour each nlghl and remain closed all c-ay SunCuy. With a $500 license and an occupation lax Ihere woulJ be no excuse for holding Ihc saloon to strict account and the Saniuy closing law would hardly bo enforced beyond Ihe closing of Ihe front doors of the saloons. No money was accepted Saturday Iiom the tuloan keepers by Ihe city treasurer , so that all iloons open yesterday were selling without a llcccee and \lc-laUon of law. U 1s thought that piy- mej.s for HceriXa will be made today ul- Ihcugh it Ls pos.lble that Ihe breweries miy hold off unlll after lae meeting of Ihe council tonight. These who pay today will be com pelled to deposit Jl.&OO for each saloon and In case ihe council decides lo reduce the tax money if raid t-ader protest will be re funded. Up to the present time seventy-flve saloon keepers have made application for license and advertised accordtag to law. Unleiu the li cense is reduced to the old figure It is thoaght thui nol over sixty ealoons will take cut a A. 1) . T. Olllcc The main offlcs of the American District Tolegnir'j was moved yesterday into new quatlcrs In the Schlltz building. Twenty- seventh and Q streets. This location will , It Is claimed , be much better for the hand- line of the packing house , fire alarm nnd watchman senlce. A branch cfflce of the company will be established 2521 N street where messengers will be kepi day and niit. ! There will be a Western Union wire at Ihls branch offlce also. B. R. Haw ley has resigned a.o manager and Thomas Bay- I'JES has teen promoted to the position of manner of the main offlce. Mr. Hawlcy will have charge of the N street branch office in connection with other business. Hoard of Ktlurntlon. The regular mcathly meeting of the Board of Education -will be held tonight. W. B. Cheek , who was appointed lest summer to fill the vacancy caused by ihe resignation of A. L. Bergquist will retire and Henry'Michel will irjcceed him. Mr. Michel was elected last month for the term of one year to fill the vacancy. Quite an amount of routine buo- Ineca is to be tricoacted. The terms of Messrs. Tulbot , Shrherand Dabrock will not expire until ihe end of June and their suc cessors will be UVOTD. in at the first regular meeting In July. In connection with school matters there In ilAILItOADS. 'eax'- " - Arrive "The Overland Limited" for Den * r , Salt Lake The western points . S:50 am 4 : < ipra Colorado SpecUI. for Denxer and all Colorado poJnta . . . . . . . * nnm Past mall train for Salt Lake. Paclno coast and all western , . . pm Lincoln. Heatrlce and Stromsburg Eir > ress . . Fremont. Colmubus- Norfolk. Grand Is land and Kearney 4:35 Grand island _ Kxpre 5 0 iso Dally. * Doll. > except Sunday ! : _ Spjth Omrhn Loral Pas. Leaevs. fU : a m- 13 S-'fl11 ' 9:15- : r- m' ' 5 ° ' ° p' m' * T * . 19:15 : al Council hlufTs Locai-o nes , 1' * " > 1-s " m ' fk : * * ' m- : ' 9:05 . m.j'io.i ' ' " ' r : p. ; p. ni. P2SI Telephone , US. St. Louis Cannon nail nxprcfs Kansaa City & I ) cal . Tallr. " Lave- Kansas" and " - - Llm'ted . . . Kansas City aol St. pm I ouls Kxpress * 9SO Nebraska Local pm . 8:0) : . am 101 nm t. Dally. * Da-ly exeept SunS"y. ' " ' * m - Office. 1411 Farnam Street. Tel * . hone . Drjxit. Tenth snd Mason Streets , Telephone IIS. L av . Arrive. Bt Louis "Canon Hall" IM pm CHICAGO. 1IILWAUKRB & ST Paul Italltray Ticket Of flc * . IS04 Farnam Street. Tele phone * SI. Depot. Tenth aud Uason Strffts. Tdephon * 11. Leave. Arrhe. Chlcaco Limited Ex. . . . BIS : pm COS am Omaha and Cb'caso Ex. 11:0) am l.M pm Dally. CHICAGO. HOCK IRL.1ND * . Pacific Railroad 4Tn Grea nock Island Houte" City Ticket office. 1 Fainam Street. Telephone 4 . Depot , Tenth acd Mason Streets. Telephone O. Leave. Arrive. Paul l:45pm : Lincoln. Colorado IHiUjlo. prater and w t 4 5 pa Chlcaco. Dei Koines Jc Rock Island 7:90 : pm : U am Atlantic Kxpre * ' . ' for Llea Uolnes and east- rrn painU M 7 0 am Colorado Flyer TM pm Daily. Da'l a. lively flcht on tn rcparJ to the flection ot a nperlntcndcot ot Inetmctlon , It appears that the present board proposes to elect Prot , Munro for another term ot yrar * und this < be > members who arc to take their frits on July 1 declare Is Illegal. The me'mbe : * elect are ) knonn to be opposed to the reelection ot Prot. Munro ana they hold that the tlmo for the election ot a ettperln- tendont and teachers U at th < com- mcncprrtrnt ot the pchool year Inotcad ot at the clos * of It. U ki understood that the old board considers that U his the right to maXe contractn with toachero tor the coming ochool year which will commenc * In September and tmlreH prevented by th * court * will cnoat likely carry out Ita prorant. The const nt ringing of church bells on Sundays and neck daja Is celling to be * . nulnncc. F. J. Franek of the Second ward has h d a relarse and Is reported to be In a dan gerous condition. A mectlrr of the Sonth Omaha club will be held today for the purpose ot electing oScon to serve for one ywr. Ticro was a fight at Serekc's saloon on lower , N street } cstrday , but the police wora unable to locate the disturbers ot the peace. The anniversary of the Youns Men's Christian association was observed at all of t < he churches yesterday. In the evening two union meetings were held. All licenses for dray * . , express wagons , etc. . cxnJro today. New licenses will havei to be obtained at once as tde Inspector has j orders to arrest all persons doing business without the necessary license. J Funeral sen Ices over the remalrs of Ben . Adams win be held at St , UrlJgct's churcth's afternoon. Members cf the loyal Arcinum nlll attend the services In t'clr after which the remains will be lor- ardrd to Stuart. U. , for Interment. Her. alker Oleason will conduct the services at he church. M. Mftrcan , Twentieth and S etreets , an mi-lore of the Cudahy Packlnj ; company. minus the greater pcrtl-n of his left reP3n of Its being caught in a sausage machine. While working rhe machine St- rdar ilarcan In some way allowed his > ! and to be drawn Into the cutters and be- ore the machinery could be stopped he had est all ot his flngers , KOOU IS - SOAItCi : IX .MAMI.A. BsiurRpnlx AVIII Sec Hint > onr Conies from I lie Intcrlur. ( Copyright. 1S5S , by the Associated Press ) HONG KONG , Miy L Letter to the In- urgent Junta here which were smuggled board the British steamer Memnon at Iinlla , which arrived here yesterday from he capital of tie Philippine U'ands. assert hat the Philippine Insurgents are occapy- ng all the tills surrounilsg Mauili In a adlus ot ten to twe-nty miles aniltbg the rrlval ot the United States fleet unJcr cora- mani of Coaimodore iDewey , which waa ex- cctcJ at Manila at any moment when the lemnon sailr-d. The insurgoito say that if he United States fleet blockades Manila , bor can start e the place Icto submission In bout two wocks. Corroboratlon has been received of the cport that the British trsUJ.nU o ! Maoia ! xpected that the Urltlsh s'oimer Ksmer- Ua. which went there to tak ? on board the pecle belonging to banks , would have a lull irgo of food fctuff. as usual , but this wen ot the case and much distress Is antlrlpatcd n consttjuonce , if the io&urgent land block- , de and the United States sea blockade are 'nforccd. ' According to the Insurgent leaders the orcca the Philippine ins-irgents propose \hou the right moment arrival to make a elnt attack upon the city of Manila , to mask a strong and determined attack upon he seaward forts. This plan , however , may > o upset by the Spanish authorities who are well aware of the intentions of the tcsur- gcmts to co-operate with the United States fleet. fleet.Little Little definite Information has been as certained regarding the whcreabou's of the Spanish fleet as a whole , but It Is esid by the cuurgonts that war ships of Spain arc In ildlag , watching outside the entrance of the larbor for the coming of the Amerlc-tn slips. The real danger appeara to be from internal causes at Manila , where a massicre of the orelgn population Is apprehended. The Brlt- sh consul. K. H. Ran-son Walker , has cabled lere for the dispatch to Manila immediately of the British firstclass cruiser Edgar to protect "British Interests there. An Idea of the tactics adopted by the Spanish authorities to keep up the courage of the .fighting forces ot Spain , can be gath ered from the fact that they have Issued a placard elating that * Spanish cruise ; on Monday last engaged and sank two American war ships. It is asserted that the Spanish cruiser Casti'.Ia of 3,342 tone displacement and 4,400 Indicated horsepower , recently grounded near the entrance of Manila bay and was afterwards scuttled in shallow water. It is added that U is the Intention ot the Spaniards to use her as a stationary bat tery , although come of Its guns have been unloaded aud mounted on the fortifications at the entrance of the harbor , where other guns oleo have been mounted recently. It is believed here that Commodore Dewey has arranged with the Philippine Insurgents to wlze a harbor near Manila , to be used as a base ot operations for the prolonged siege ot iManlla , which Is anticipated unless the American commander induces the Spanish flest to ccme out and accept a general engage , meut. MADRID. May L A dispatch from Manila to the Literal this afternoon saya : The United States fleet arrived in sight of Sublc at 4 o'clock yesterday. It adds that Com modore Dewey sent scouting vessels to ex- amlno those waters for the enemy and Im mediately sailed In the direction of Manila. The dispatch to the Liberal adds that the Spanish fleet h < is left Subic bay , but no time for Us departure is given. Continuing , the Manila dispatch sajs the Spanish land forccn are watching the coast to prevent a landing , which , according to the correspondent , would bo a difficult operation. . SHANGHAI.May 1. Dispatches received from Manila by the Shanghai Gazette the capital of the Philippine tslaado U short of food and ammunition , and that the con ditions prevailing have been made worse by the flocking Into Manila o ! the Spaniard1 * from the provinces. H Is added that the natives are already lootfag rod killing In the provinces , Spanltd women ar > 3 children j being Included in the victims , It Is further j asserted that the priests are the special objects of the natives' \engeancs. about a dozen priests having beta killed durlag the last week. Famine prices for food are tali to prevail at Manila , anl. It Is asserted , the Spanish authorities are maintaining order with dlfll- cullles. The people are burying their valu-1 ablcs to prevent their seizure by the In- surgenla or Americans. The military au thorities are cadeavortag to put a bold front on the tltuatlon , but the Manila correspond ent of the Shanghai Gazette asserts it I ) considered certain that the insurgents will sack the city whfn the United States fleet appears , not discriminating between Spani ard. * , and other foreigners. LONDON , May 1. The Evening News pub lishes a dispatch from Hong Kong saying the Spanish squadron la cruising along tbn Luzon coast , us lag Sable's port as a base. The dlfpattti adds that It Is e\ Ideal Admiral Montejo , tbo Spanish commander , Intends to play hide and sk until the United Stateu fleet draws the flreot the batteries at Corrisrdo and Hulocabllla , two Islands guarding the entrance of Manila bay , cod then sweep doan upon the Americans , bop- ing to find them 4n difficulties. It is cold that the Insurgent leaders have submitted to Commodore Dewey a scheme for Philip pine Inflepcodense empractag free trade. Muriel a Ciood Taint < o Land. WASHINGTON. May 1. Gcnedal Fltz- hugh Lee today , in cpeaVing of the reported bombardment of iariel , * ald that this city , which Is thirty-five miles west of Havana , was one of the most advantageous points on the IriandB for the landing ot a large body of troops. From Marlel there ls a > ery fine road all the way to Havana and for other strategic reasons It waa a very desirable port for the United States to capture. He bad DO ltno J- edge , however , of the purpose of the govern , meat with respect to It , A Httl * boy asked for * bottle at "get up In the mwnlng as fast as you can , " the druulit recognized household name for "D XVUt's Little Early RUers. " arid C T him r. bottU ot those famous llttlo pills for constipation , sick headache , liver and stomach ach trouble * . MILITARY MATTERS i The > rc > tlrpmeot of General Samuel T. Cueh. \DK \ traasfera from the active list ot too arrajr cu offlrer of dUtlncuUhed nrrrlcc end rpltn- dld record. It is rtatrJ that h's ' rtiort aJmln- Utratlan as commlsjitrjr general of eulubtntco WAS UrtlntalnoJ dcaplto frrcat pbjslcal dla * advantages. Gfarral Cuehlng suceeJeJ Gen * rral Dell as hcxij of U.U department In J nu ary last. Colon 1 W. It. Naoh , who has been ad vanced to the head ot the ? sutwlitence de- partmeat on ac-count ot itie retirement of General Cashing , Is an offlccr ot eipcrlenca and oerred through the war la the corntnlsary and tubaUtttice departments. Gcnmal BrecVlnrldge. lnpector general of tlio army , hss prepare J a I Lit ot arttclre of tooj to bo osrricsl by th tuhslstenc * do-pftrt- ment for oile. to crncero and men of ( be volunteer forcen. llorrtotoretuilt vuppllM hito been curried by utlera and cam ? fol lowers , nho charged ccioanoui prices for ar ticles erw-lderod luxuries. Under the prcw- cot crranRrtnent the ecods , which will In clude tobacco , will be furnished at tbn con tract price. The following rnllsltvl men who hive paeuod examinations for promotion * . lia\o been | certified to the presldrat for nomina tions | to the Rrade ot second lieutenant * Str- Keant ( S. G. Ncslal , Company E. Seeoni In- fiintry j : ScTBtant J. D. Uradley , Company D , Twelfth Infantry : Sergeant C'jarlca S. Lia- coin. Company IJ , ScccoJ Infantry. Nro'al nlll be assigned to the artillery , wtillo tbo ottiera nlll go to the Infantry. Major James Stnno. Third lnf ntry. lj now acting Inspector gcneal ot the DcrMrtmrnt of the MI6Ouri. Ilrlgidler General Henry C. Merrlman now comtnanra the Department of California and the Department ot the Columbia. ! ? v wargeoa general of the army has re celved ovtr "W appllcitlons for volunteer service In the meJIcal corp ot the army. The Alabama Mil te launched Rt PhlU- delphli In about & month. Senator Morgan's daughter has been Invited to chrlstra the ehlp. ehlp.Major Major Koerper , formerly eurgcoa ot the Tn caty-'vcond Infxntr } . is now acting a chief surgeon of the Department of the Mis souri. The heavy army wagons In geacral use cannot be usei In Cuba , and Gtacral Alser. secretary of war. will order 1,000 pack mulra purchased. Additional Second Lieutenant ndgar T. Collins ct the HlghKi infantry hts beta pro- motel to Second Lieutenant of the Twenty- third SaMntry. A rtilp for distilling SM water has bctol er-zred by the Navy department and -will be equipped tilth evaporating apparatus < ind tanks at the Norfolk navy yard. General Grecly of the nlgnal corr has purchased steel tubes capable of vtltfcisttnd- ing high preesure to te u eJ in otorlng com- prr&se-d gas for military balloons. On account of the call for volunteer * , Pay master General SUntca says that the pay corps will have to be Increased by the addi tion o ! at lost fifty paymasters. Sergeant Jacob T. Pugh , company D. First Infantry , on furloush , was ntnt from Omaha to New Orleans to Join hla regiment Inn * , weak. He reported at department bead- quarters without funds. Captain Slgsbee of the Maine has pre sented to the Navy department a claim for $2,1S1.C8. This claim will be nettled by tha government in tUe same manner as other claims of the earne nature. Lieutenant Chandler of the Sixteenth In fantry has b o aoslgncd the commend of -volunteer force of the state of Arkatms. The assignment made at the request ot the governor of the elate. Tie papers of Baltimore. Md. , have brn poking fun at ten young men of that city who resigned from the aaval militia when they found that they were likely to be or dered south far active c.nlce. According to orders recently Issue ! from the War dep-irtment the equipment of each battery of light artillery will Include olx piras , six caissons , one combined forge and battery wagon and 100 horsre. Tde sum of J15.000 has been allotted the signal corps for balloon supplies. It is pro posed to purchase one or two additional bal loons foe military purpc&cs. ES 4 part of the signal corps equipment with the army la Cuba. Considerable difficulty Is bc-lng expsrltwcel In securing sufficient tent'Jge for the army. Manufacturers of duck Increa d their cup- ply In anticipation ot the purchase ot ma terial by the army , but It .ieraa that ta supply is unequal to the demand. Private William Anthony of the marine corps ha been appointed a ssrBemnt for courage and fidelity to duty at the time of the blowing tip of the Maine In Havana barbor. The promotion was made at the recommendation ot Captain Sigsbee. Surgeon General Stenberg of the army has arranged for the establlabmcat of a bcspltal at Key West to accommodate 300 beds. Hos pital ehipa with ample accommodations will accompany the fleet and the -wounded will b brought to Key Wcet as soon as rrcctl- cablc. Fal > ulon IVcnltli. The "Incalculable mineral wealth" of newly found mining regions largely run by tjndlcatfs and promoted by transportation companies Is in too many Instances really a , fable. The products of inJustry In legitimate fields of enterprise nearer home are far surer and promise more stable rewards. No one will go unrewarded in the matter ot Improved health who use regularly Hos tellers Stomach Eltteis f r mala Ii , dy < pep- sla , constipation , bllbusLers. etc. I'KXSIONS FOR Wi:3Ti : X VETKKAXS. Survivor * of I-n cVnr CtrntrmlierrcL liv ln"tirr l flo - rn WASHING-TON , May 1. ( Special. ) Pcn&lons have been issued aj follows : Issue ( .if April 20 : Nebraska : Original Peter Ualh. Grand Tsland , J8 ; George H. Welch , Utlca. W. Ad ditional James McPb.ers.on. Geneva , f ? to JS. Increase Norman E. Gibson , Junlala , J12 to J16 ; Brice H. France , Cowlts. K to JS ; Shedrlck C. Iiurlli > iz.imr > . S'ward , JG to JS. Kelssue George D. Carrlnglon , Auburn , J12. J12.Iowa Iowa : Orlfrinal Denson 1 * . Chandler , Gravity , W ; Isaac I' . Toter , New Sharon , J10 ; Georce W. Davis. Clinton. $ G ; Jamea Camp , GreeJey , JS. Increase Christopher C. Hare ! " . Ofcceola. J1S to IH : William T. Tebbs. Ottumwa. fc > lo 110 ; Marvin HustcJ , Conflilrace. { 14 to flT. Wyomlnc : Original-Alfred B. nilldreth , Kawllns. flO. Original widow , etc. S4Ily M. Cobb. Cheyenne. JS. Colorado ; Original Henry C. Keycs , Denver. K. Ittstora tlon Nicholas P. Hax- lon , Horace , K. South Dakota : Restoration and Inc pass Parlsa A. Thompson ( dead ) , Buffalo Gap , JS to $12. Original widow , etc. Lfanora A. Thompson , Buffalo Gap , K. Montana : Original-John Q. Poner , Buttc. tS. A Mop of Cubn ( or Ten Cent * . The Bee U giving Its eubscrlbero a chance to kt-ep posted on the movements of troop * and cruisers by mtaos of Its combination map. The map of Cuba shows all thn towns , railroad J and divisions , wM ) from the ; > ot the West Indies and map of the world > ou ctn loMto Just wbere tbe-uar ships ara at any time and hovr tar they are train dif ferent ports. Cut out a Bee coupon , page 2 , and briag it to The Boo offlce. Ornaba , South Omaha or Council Bluffs. By mall , enclosa a coupon and 14 cents * and addreaa Cuban Map Department. Saw .No Wmr Slilpa. NEW TOUK. May l.-The Ftfnch line Eteamer La Bourgogne , which arrived thl morrring from Havre , brought 437.000 franc * In opocie. During the voyage not a sing' * ve fl o"f " "warlike appearance was sUjhttd. On April 3 4 eiceruge pafmenxer named ODTTRC Wander was missed and hoIs sup- ipopd to have' jumped overboard d urine the early morning hours. He IAUS 37 y < ar of age and a native of Alwcr. Amjnif La lijurtrocne's salon pasuengers was Major A. C. Glrard. U. g. A. _ TO CUIIB COLD IX O.\B DAY Take Lautlve Brome Qulolne Tablets. Alt refund the raoocr If It fails to cur * . 2Sc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on ach Ubltl ,