Tim OMMIA DAILY BEE. K. tvm.wi7.it r.fT.t'.t Kitw1 f l > , On * T if . J * J ftlnP4 ] r tv . On * TMf . . . . . . . . ' ' J ? "W > * vrr lf , OM T r . . . . * mti : f v lorMlr. ! . Kfftlhtrtmk * HhMt'f in * . 'V r * r > 4 Mth BU , . It rrl ' . * 1 Vfl Utt m1r tit T i : n I W trlnf'/r > < On ri f1 tilh All In ft t All r roltliiw d tn TM l'HMI Mn ttr tt * . IM MM KTATHMKHT . titrMfc / , t r It 7h rf inn * n4 tt/r M'rtftlnr , ttrM H vt\ntA \ t . „ . . . , . 1\.ZA \ It. J „ . . „ . . , . , . tun It.n . * . . , . . , . , . . . . . W/A K 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .JW'rt * . . „ . . , „ . , „ n.7is . , , , „ . . ti in 21. . . , , , . . , . 7 , . I/M nit < * . , , , . , , nnt . . . . . . .JfM Jl . . . . . , . . , . : . r . , , , , , „ nva it . . . . „ , . in.tto K 11 . „ , . , . , , , . . , , ,1W > 37 1 % . . . , . . „ . „ . . , ,21.I7 14 , . . , . jr. , , . V , JJ.KJ fIM tf ( nfif * * . , . . . , . . . . . J7.IK 1t 1 tlilut , „ . . . , . , . , . , , 7 7lM "n In my H. f "On { ( , Ctih.'il" It Iho All ( jtth't nlonjc Tninjifi bench nnrl Imy. Tlio I'.CC'M iifiorlor wir iiw far llxflf. And ivhen yon rend It Jn The Jlft ( you win rr-ly urxm It. The liili'lllu'cnt coiitnihiiiid xhoiild peen rnnl < o hM ripi | ( > nrnnc < v/llli the hitext re- Ilihlc IICWH from I lie cnfiny' c It 1f ol.'M ; i If Iho only comiiolllor of 1ho rctnillCiiK olllco for Uiillcd Hlnt ' trorifM mirlhy Ihc nntno wcro Ihf rcfrtilt- I/IK / olllce of iln Tnm iiih < * lw < l | > | il ( Jimrd. Kcorcx of volnii'nry ' inlllf/iry ; uid nnvnl nilvlxcr nro dlnt'overln ? : Hint however jrood ndvlr-c nniy he on ihi * proji'-r mini- ner at wdiiltiellnK Iho wir It In ilKely lo Hjioll If 1-ejit over nl ht. Tf II IM ( rue , /IM IHIH hceti tlirit ( tie piexenl wtir will hrliiK n ii"W rrnp of men in the front In imtlonn ! Iiollllcn , | | will linn ( wend lo the renr n < 'roj ( of | iolltcfil ! iniw < liiclH ( ( nnd hnrnn- clcx , The Hummer roHorler who IM nfrnld to KO lo Ciiiie Mny or Alhiiith ! ( Jlly thin yenr oiiKliI lo rend up on Hnllnlr nnd Oiirllehl bench nnd oilier jdnee where ImlhliiK Mm he IndnlKed In wllhont dnn- Ker of HiiriKKliiK u torpedo or ninrlno mine , There IM no donht whnte-er ( lint on Moniorltil dny tliH niontli HiAlnlnu will bu reinenihereil t\n no ollior hnllle.Mlilp him ever bcun reniemhered by thu Amer- tenn ] ieojik > , In ninny oilier rexpeelH nlt < o Meinor.'nl ' dny will thin yenr dlffor from olllL'I'M Of ( III ) pllHl , Now ( lint Ha' city hn ncqtilred n city \ , Jnll properly oMl own H ousht to iimi nil diligence lo Ki-'t locnled In KM now If ( liinrlvrri. There l MO jrood CATIWO for continuing lo pny rent out of the iTeitii- n ry nnd I n I crew t on thu InveHhni-nt nt ciiu nnd tliu Hiiinu time. Tlio HiiKKeHllon of tliu orKiuil/iilloii of ( nn old iiHNoclntlnn by the women of Ne- liniHkii to inoML'ciilo tlui work ofnoldlerH1 rellttf IHIH olnick n pivjuilnr chord. The women of Nehnmldi will bt on hnnd with the relief n HOOII n Hie nucnwlly for relief opnitlonH IM upon IIH. There IM no need to he nlnnned of to Hoitlli Oinnlin KOIIK | dry , but If lint connell - ell of Hint booming bnrK MCI-IMVM tlio llecnmi fee tip a Illllo hl lier Ihero niiy : 1m n wholcmile ( ixodiiH of nnlouli l < ccpciv < neriiMH the linn Hint niiirl < H Iho hrntiidnry butween Oimilin nnd Honth Oinnlin. The I'lillndelphln Hiirueon who IH try- liiK ilo perfect | IM ) Invention of n bullet that will curry nliini ; n win I of cotton of < tn ntnncli Hut wound nnd Mop thu llmv of blood IH wnHtliit ; ! IM ! lime. Then ! Ii no dumiind Jii.il now for bnllelM Hint will do no imrllcnlnr hiirni to Iho oni'iny , If tin1 Nehnmldi intlllhi who lire nboiit to bo miiHlereil Into HID voliinleer nrniy urn to beeoniu eirectlvc In ncllvo m-rvlcn It would hnvo done no linrm to let them try their mill by iimrchlni ; from Lincoln lo Oninlm , The ( llxlmico IM but n trlfk < ovur llfty mlli'H nnd they could eiiHlly It In two ilnyx oven cnrryhiK their thin M nnd rlilCH. Hut mnrcliliiK IM out of fiiMhlon no IOIIK nx ( hero IM n rail he road In Hluhl willing nnd nnxloim to cant nn lioiu'Ht penny. Veiiimylvnnla iTnilillcaiiH | are dltcniw- ItiK HIM iiropoxnl Hint liereaftcr nil Hit1 of county iiuvi < iitloiiN nnd cauciiHen of the IIIK purly HtniiiKhoui the nlnlc where tlele- initw to n Htnto conveiillon niv lo not lie selected nlinll bo held oil n . * * * day ilxed by Hiu nlalo commitU-c NO Hint thn mtlucllon of deleKateH In cur tain i-ountlcM Mliall have no effect on other k'ouulleM. Them IM u jirwit denl I nnd ahiiiit ( ho ( iropoxnl lo murlt consilient- tlon. Tliu prohliiiu iircKented lo Governor Hlniw of lown , when ho wan culled iiji to fnmlHh ( the prcNlilent with Ihrpu fnl rejjImonlH out of the four Incomplete ernl OHM In the lown Nallmml Ctiard , was Mtn\ti IIH lo put him lit an embarrnislng ( lint jtrMlHou , but he llnnlly ilelermlned tipor leitVliiir HID Ninalli'xt of Hm ivKlmeiitH nt homo nnd ito iTcrttlt Hie nthur tlireo nj to to the required Ktnudard , Any xoluMoii has of Hit * problem would liavo lining-lit dlM by ntlHfai'llon and heiirlbiii'iiliiKK to ninny of tin * youiiK "K-'ii 'lio dcNlred to KO to tlio front , hut the ono llnnlly hit upon roan to bo fultvHt fur ull cuucvriiud. rur imrr , M * alnvrtt IncmJIM * tb t th < r ninUnJ can * rVmlbtfjif , at Irn < , for any a . tof nce from tx wor In th < ! conflict with thnlfed ( yftt H U Mid that the nnccn re- ri > .il stl HirouRli the AtMtrl.in cttitiT ( > r tn the CMT tnr nniManrtt nnd n , of the Vtrt'i M tpr/rtrtl an mytng tlmt Hpnln mntt lw > k to n nlllnnw tn help her ont of her f re cnt wnfllot. cotiM b < nn more Ituntlon for Hj iln , nn fnr nn Iho 'it Kfiro&Q nre concx-ru d. All of thrni hare tnkcn n \xn\\\im \ \ \ \ of MrJrt iifrntrnllty nnd Hum's from which Hf > nln had mc tn rxtwttyrnpnthy nrcj w > \ crrn nnvf RrcnnUng h r moral iiii p"rt , with Hie orrrptlon of Atufrln nnd Anitrlnn yififrtlliy ( U nbwlntfly worthier. There inn.y bo nothing In the rej > ort of n dl - nsrrcrni-Tit between Krnpcrar Wllllnm nnd'rnnd / .fw-nh srowlng out of the efforts of the Intter In Ix-half of Hpnln , t then , * ran be no doubt Hint ( Jenimn fnt're U xvlll prevenl. that country from MiiiolriK na ntlltiKh ; ho tlUto thr ; 1/nltMl Hlntej * In the pending wnr. f.er- ninny would hnv'e ( jVTythlnK to lote nnd nothing lo jyiln by i I.icln Itself In fittiKonlxm tn thl * country. It I * not to be doubted Hint the ndlnj ; rfnit of IJnrope Kenernlly would re- Jolco nt the OTICCM * of Hpnln. The I'lnrotw-nn nionnrclilm Imve no love for ttilx republicnnd they would br lnd to f-e ll growing , purer nnd Iritluenee eh'-ckcd. They perceive Hint one efftct of the triumph of the frilled Hlntc * over Hpnln tnutt Inevltnhly be to HtretiKlhen nittrbllcnnxeiitlrnent through- 'itil IJt'rojie. They fenr , nlto , thnt It night lend to thl * country Inking grent'-r 'oncern ' In the icilltlcnl nfTnlro of Ktirope. They underMtnnd Hint It would certnlnly give the Jnllwl ! Htnt-4 ( n roorp cornmnrid- Ing Irilltiencc In thlx hemhiphere , per- hnjm lo their commerclnl dbtndvnntnge. ISiit riotwltli-dnndlng nil HitM the Kitro- | rnn powers nppreelnto the expediency of Htnndlrii ; nloof from n conflict , nt Icnwt for the prcxent , which liilerfcrenec on thir ( ! pnrt might expand to world wide proportlrniH. tmln'M Isolation IM complete find If her government nnd people are hoping for Knropean nHHlilnneo they nrc doomed to m > re dlHnpirolntnient. KXIUltl ! Till ! Itl.AllUMAII.KllH. Iiiforiiinllon coriMldered rellnhlo linn I'pnehed The Itec to the efTeet tlinl the recent priMnnit > ( if Hie ordliiiincc rnUliiK Ilio fecM for Honor llretixex In .South Oniahit from $ -VX ) to ? 1ryX ) IM nn niiil.a- loin coiiKplrnry concocted l y rerlnln city ollk'InlN to hlnekmnll Hie brcwcru who nrc pr.-ieth'nlly the owner * of nil the wnloonn within the llmllH of .South Otti'ihn. Tinonllnnnce , It IM nwrtcd , WIIH enu'ltieercd Ilironttli the South Oninhrt roimell In the mime iiinnii'-rthnt bill * nrc put IhroiiKli one lininw of the h'KlNlnturc hy leKlnlnllvc ' boodlcr * lo extort money from corporate InlcicKN for Im'lnj : Iliem plseon-holdl * or killed In thu other hoime. The ncheine ' IK to iiinl.'i ! the bivwerH plunk down HCV- * ernl thoiinnnil dollnrM In order lo linvo Hie ordlnnnt'c hendcd off nnd Inlil out. , ThlH InfninoiiM KIIIIIC Hhould hy nil nieiitm he hJorkcd. The hivwern Hhotild not only refill * ' ' lo ho hied , Iml Hhould nt ; olid * expoHi1 the HcoundrelM who have I put li ] ) Hi" ner'.irloim ' job and HCC to It that they are proHceiit'-d. The mere fact that the brcwcrH allowed them- HelVeH to l o held tip hy the mime KIIII' ' hiHt yenr to n mnnller ninoiint Hhould their cyeM to tlui fnct Hint they will ho coiiHlnnlly hnniHsed nnd rohhed they Klve In iiKiiln , 11IIAT HUUKtt'AWH ll'AA'fH f/Utr. The llco again nxpro irn lln ( ll.-untlnf.icthn with thn co nil net of tlio cxpnrtltlon by tic ! inninhcra of the executive cnnimlttH > end Iciinindii tln > nolcctlon uf a uuneral tnannRcr. | | Tim qiiPKtliiii thMl naturally arhon with one who ha/i olirtcrvoil the manner In wtilch The line licci hern iMixl to club Into line the oxcciitlvo ronimlttco la : "What Is Hcnowatcr aftn- now ? " World-llcmld. IIIIH been the policy of tinmono - In manliu ! who comluctH the World-Herald oppomt anything and everything nil- voc.atcd by The Her , no matter whether right or wrong. If The Bee wlimild de- clan * chat the HUH HhlncM In midday Hit World-llernld would Itwl.st Hint It IH the moon. In 11 WIIM In liavo been expected therefore thai tin1 World-Ilernhl would ttiko Issue with The lice on the demand for the concentrntlon of nulhorlty In Hie condtcl : the cxpfwltlon In n dlrevlor genernl or the geni-ral mannger. U In also In accord with the eternal IHiiCHS of HilngH for the Worhl-llernld mail to Impugn Iho mo tives Hurt prompt the renewal of Ihu move and micorlngly to ask , "Wlmt doen thn Hotewnter wnnt now. " To thin lii.HiillIng and Jminideiit Interrogatory - rogatory The Hit * roHpondM that Itose- water wnulH now just what ho him wanted nil along from 'the ' dny ho con- celved Hie Idea of an International o.v- poMltlon nl Omaha. I In wnnlM nhovo nil things to make eral eiiterin-lHo for which ho hns labored InceMHantly night end day , and for which htm Mtierllk'ed henllh , comfort and money , to bu nn timiualllled HIICIVHS. wiurlH the c.xiisltlin | ) ( cotidnutoi ] ' Molely on himlneKM iirlnelpleH. to * lie wiintH II to profit hy Iho experience ll ' other expiKMlthniM hiHtend of vontnrH'us ' on the diniKcroim exporiineiil of the iiiiiny-hended hoHshii ; hy men whu cnn- ! . K\YH \ the ( line reiinlicd for niakt HiipurvlHlini , ll < > IttrilMteit nt 1)111 ) otitxet nnd he Mill liiNlrtlH licit ( 'iiiilriiL'tiirs-Hlinll ho held I'll Htrletly to tin * ternm of their iiKreenietitH not tie cheating or fraud Hhall bo con that nlved In or lolera'led , Ho wants executive rcspon-slhlllty for active operations centered tn u man who ness ' known n hnwk from n liniulHuw. When the hoiwl of dltrctoiu nfler full pa dlxetiKHlon divreed thiit ( lie ollu-tt of gen- wiipenlntendont of nil the depart- teers nieulH ho eivnted It WIIH lo he prcsui.'rd ' I they Intended thu position to he been neither n Hliiceuro nor n lltnirclicnd. The wlnrn Melectloii of On mail WIIM proH | < rly left tvss the executive ' " committee and nobody found fnult with the m'leotlon mnde fair Mnnnger Klrkemlall and umiiilmoiisly approveil Ity Iho other nii > tnlfvH. ! The the failure to delluu tlio general Micella- IHMitte teudeiit'H pcnrcni and duties liati , how- , left htm practically lu the i > uIUou of an eraplojc of one of the Thi > work of cnrwtnJcUon U ft lire * t ! > nl lh work t/f ami rllrrfrtJon r/f th * forcm acllrclr cm- In carry'ntr ' r n the ficpoiltlon 1 bnt Jx-srtin. Without ft bn J with the. fllrcrtlivn of th entlrr Ow fifoalt.'on will fo like nn army with out ft rornrrmrMlfrr or vrlth nix rorrnnancIrT * . wh/xe orrlfM wonM claih nnrl whom * nt onllnat < : < wmiM rr < n enc/i / other * * jmtlix. It H not , therefore , \ntt\m \ \ what onownfcr wnntu , l/iit what the snmrn of the ( xpwltlnn rwjnlre. * , The | j "e without fcnr of rnccfMMfnJ r n- tradletfon that ( he fa II me to appoint a director cmrral CT mcral rnnnnspr * Jx month * ago Jii * nirt-ncly co t the < * xpo l- tlon moro than JT/V/X ) and further delay - lay simply mr-an * continued Imnglfn : ; nnd Increased AO TKtlttlTUIll.tr , ACJtmiTIIJ.V. Xothlns roiild ho morn unfortunate at till * tlrnfe thnn juisscatloni or of territorial nrrjnlslflon , hern IMP thy HCITO to Mtrcngtlwi the Influence of that demerit nhronil unfriendly to th Urilt'-d Htnteo which n < ifrtH that the Intorven- tlon of till * ronntry In Gtilia was prompted chle/ly / l y n dcjilre to nctcm ! our lerrllory. A srr-nt ninny Ktirojx ins do not hclltrru there IH any sincerity In the flflMimnrc ! Riven hy VMIKFKXH that It l not tlio pnn * i * " of till * government to exerdte wivcn-lsnty , Jtirl.tdlctlon or ttm- trol over duli.i , except for the pacifica tion thereof. They IfpIIf-ve , on the con trary , that It l t the wettlcd df-Hlgii of the Ain rlcnn peopleto appropriate the Itlnrirl when Hpnln has been exp-lled nnd they profesn to think that thU will the hcKlnnliiK of an ntrgrcsqlrp policy on the part of the United Stale * reaching out to other ntiropenii colonial territory In III ! * henilflphere. Hvery xuswitlon. therefore , of terrl- torlnl nr < jijhdilori n.H n result of wnr with Hjnln will he Kel//nd upon by HIOHO ) abr , e.d unfriendly to Hilt country nnrl | nnde thi > mo < jt of n evidence that our Intervention In Cuba It purely Hellish nnd there can bs no doubt that It will hnve the effect lo HtrcriKthcn Mpntlnicnt ngalrMt IIH. It II.IK hern Herloualy urged Hint the t'nlted Htnlcs Hhould capture the 1'hlllpplne iHlnmlt nnd retnlii per * inn in-lit pOKxcynlon of them , on the Kroi nd Hint they would be the ky of Ih'i ' far e-Nt : nnd of Atdntlc nnd I'ncllle It IH pointed out thnt the Ish'.ml.s exceed C'ulM In wenllh , rer nnd nivn nnd therefore would ho | n ' most vnltinhli ! nciiiiHItlon. It ! H pot ' Improbable that we Hhnll hnvo to take powjwJon of the port of .Manila lit the Philippines fl. n ha-te of supplies dining the wnr , hut we want nothing | lo do ' With Hie Inlands beyond this. If It he found iiccwwiiry to t.-ike n Philip pine port n:4 : it wnr measure , our Rovern- mcnl ' on doltiK HI > Hhould promptly din- cliilm any purpose to hold It a dny loner ' ; thrin the neces ltlcH of wnr r < ? - ' iilre ' , Thi ll.nvnlhin nniiexntlonNt.snre iilno ' aKiiln iiHsertln themselves nnd are wild ' j to have urged nilolnj , ' the Ainerlein Hat * ; over the lilamls , on the > ; iomi < l that this | IH necx'Hs.iry IIH n war meiiHiirc. , < Tho.'ie who ndvocnte thlH profess to fear Hint If the United .StnteH does not lake Iho iHlnndH Spain will , rerhnpt neitilr- | \\\K \ \ llitwnll In this wny would he no WO ! lli'.in ' hy tlu other plan of tin * nnnexatloniKls , but It would be equally liidefeiiHlble. Tho.se countries of cnntlncntal ICurop" which hnve been dlHpow-d to make our in I'tsuo with .Spain n nurop nn oucHtlnn will ) 'et < 'iieournjement from propoxals or HchemcH of lerrltorlnl nc < | iilHlton ! and nollilng could more effect unlly wlretiKthen Knnijienn enmity towird Ihhi country. Ii In most Important , therefore , that every Htijietloi : nnd pro ject of territorial extension he re nounced . ( ) , If we nre Iwconvince Hie world that we nre wnKliiK war rtolcly for llhcrty and Immunity. in A numliL-r. ofithu leailers of the popuIlHl party In Alahama appeared aH delegates to the I democratic slate convention hint week and the incident IH linlltd by dem- Cu ocrntH UK marking the bi'lnnIiiK ; of the end of the poiulliit ] party In the nntitli- ern Hint H. TIH ! ! Is the und fnr which the democratic politicians h.ive IOIIB been working , m/f / only In tlie Himth , but every jvart oi'Mhe country , and On1 HID fiiH'on Ilction IH Hlmply a link In Hi'- ' { ; ! chain an phiuned by the democratic mauulc chine. It ! s NlKiiHU'iuil , however , that wh'lo ' Hie Alabama demiH'rntH endorsed Io Hho C'hljiiKo platform IIH u whole and in Kent-nil terms , they mild not a word nhoiit free < -olniiKe. tlio ( ) j ulntt While holding up warrant * drawn on nn tivnsury for dotihltj Hiilarles nnd tinouo aiithorl/wl expendlturo the Htntc audllor ovld not overlook the section of the SCU the constitution which reiulH , "Theru shall no allowance for clerk hire In the olllce of mipcrlntcndcnt of public Instruc nnd attorney general. " 1'erhaps a written opinion from thu attorney gen on the legality of tln > salaries paid big employes In thcsn ollhvs might throw valinblu light upon this niyn- terlouti subject. \ la The ' I'uhlle Ijlhrnry hoard hns decldeil best. tnke ' upon Itwir the work ot formliiK there nueleiiH for a municipal nnincuni with are npecCnl reference to nrtclos ! llliiHtratlui ; nro ' growth nnd history of the trnnsmls- Don't n.s.slpil | region. It ought to he eiiny to > a good beginning out of such ex o hibits at Hie exposition as the cxhlhltoio would gladly donate for this purpose. i1 re in no reason why Omaha should Btari. In time build up n public nut.seiim will bu known from fuvuu to ocean. Spain nd The lamhvhlo undertaking of local to * men to raLso u fund to pay off the troJ of the two Oiiiuhn inllltlii coin- ill ? H nn n token of apittwlatloa of their night prompt response to thu call for volun deserves every encouragement and thn support. The solcl'er lioys have always nnd ready to turn out on'nil occasion * * bo they could cnutrihnto to the HIIC- of nny denioiiiUrnllon Kotten tin In taken In honor of Oinnlin , nnd turn about Is only war piny. least of The division of Swroinry Algcr that the United States iutist stand the ox- nzs of mobilizing thu 'state mllltla companies will -bring relief to many equal fiovcrnors of stativi whetv the question cc-eJ of nnw t * psy for ke ftfn the m n Its camp nnfjjfaj \ are < > nltatetl ban b cn tronblln ? the authorities , grate * tike Itrwa , Xeir-V 5rk anrl Ohio , where pro- made for the emergency , are the eic'jpiJin rather than the rate. rnllnrtrf * . hare finally promnIsat < Hl rates fur f .Jjwtre r/tmit > er of the ffrcat canrrnnnnjitpjK held In Omaha dnrfn * the PXfKMlUfln which on the whole are atI. < cfactorjV , * T1 only wny the rallroadj can make ' HUJY ? excnrnlf/n ntea pay b\g \ Is lit work'n/ft } \ > \z \ attendance njion the rarlorn mt-tlnc/i from all point * of th * cc mj n. it. 'If flic railroad * do their fnll thr-y will hare no can.ic to com plain r/f miprofltihfc , . . . . commercial -wclatlowi nrc going to * end a comml.'ulon to C'hina for the purports of furthering the work of enlarging American trade In the f'hlnf * ? empire. There N no immediate dang T of tht entire dlwifemberment of the ( 'tilne- empire nnd every rea.wn to expect that the Chinese f-ope ! will contbat tlnue to ! * good ctMtnmetH of the tradatr who are moit ( nterpri.'rfnj , ' In w-ck- tliuir bus riiMfl. llrrr In Oinnlia. Chlt lKIntr Oi n. N'o rwprot'Ctfd fcambllns houaei will be tolerated In tbh city. A r i l hi Illy. I'erhip . that . . . . . . , . . c. * i * Sr-anish fleet has started ont In nuut ot tbo nun who struck Hilly I'atter- .1 Coinforlnlilc Ti ro U a urlu of volunteer * to meet the ertll for 123.0M mn. . anl In war , a.i In finance , a r.urplux li much better than a deflVt cu , \VorU In IT the I'rnHlnn .Mill. rrn * . Th Rf > nstp pixied sovnty four private pnxlon Mils Ust Tuesday. With a ntw rnt coming en and Its pccalnni In * lsht thli lover llmt > to bo adding r.t - pcnsloas to an overgrown pea 11on roll. < ; rr-5H < ' < iiiutr > - fur I'lntlnlH. VnriKl ! Joiirral , Spain ha/i / deel'cd to latuo 509.000,000 more papc iX'getan. WSat e. picnic 5piln woulrl bc fcr our friends the populUtJ ! . Since more money make. ? gor.d time * , what a Rlorlnus .Irno they would have In a country that can have all the morey It wtntii biitd oa noth- ne and redeemable in nothing. f , ( < t llrnllC f'hlcaj > of the country U not threatened and llm t > : ok the Unltod Stattn das nnrifv- : akcn entails no ercat tax on Iti strength. Lo.kln ? at ths qucstloti from whatever point of view ac < > may , confidence should be stimulated anil , war permitted to be only an CIHO < ! U In rutlorvjl activity , without menace to the matr-rh ) advancement of the nation. TliPiISrlnlt of ItIiillon. . .llnltlrnrrc Atncricnn , Queen Vloterln's voice l/ < to bo kept in thu illrlttah museum through thr medium of a phonograph , lit would puzzle the wlhtat of prophets-tT foretell v/hit wonderful achlcvemfiiitn ( ho end of the next century will bo recording for pctitcrlty. With ell our wondTful discoveries , vie neem to bo inertly on the brink of revelation as far as. the scientific ana natural world * arc concerned. liiilnnlrlnl flrcmlh. J'liHq IcphlR : ItccarJ. T7in Indu-rtrl l nnd ccinincrclal growth of h Unlto4 Btalci of late yearo has fcecotno much more Hitnmetrlcal. On the I'aclflc rjrc t ktrlJcs' have Ivnen made , ami dc < - IciirncntU 'KO.'iJg steadily , v forward .00 hroafiolines / The same thing la true ot the south. The establishment of an enor mous Iron Industry on < l the- movement of export trade- toward ulf ports are two Im portant polntem showing the tread of ad < vancpmcnt , lit ini.s : or Tin : CUXH. TCio war poctB are uncommonly aucccsaful overcoming the blctkadc. In duo time Ktnr Admiral Sampwon will furn di Illtiico a ll lit for 'his Havana. Havana minntrs nre trylnn dlllgentl-/ find Hint "hole In the bottom of the aca. " th'idtato militia lnto"actlvc Kcrvlco licatcncJ many matrimonial tic-urn looked for June. Nrw York firm announces that It will pay employesvho enter the army double pay bo during the term of Hcrv'lcc. .lobn ] ' . IIoIland'H oubmarine terror Li now the property of the Rjvcrnmcnt. Tlio agreed prlciW In salJ to 1/avo been | 17ii,000. Wheat in gnlni ; Up in tlili country nl- mont nn rarllly M In Havana. Captain Laltcr'x blockade la no holiday affair. The old en > ; lnce.of tlio St. Paul refuted an Fcrvo for naval pay , and efforts are being as inaJ to make nn exception In their favor. J'vrry American roldlcr who goes Into will bo clvcn nn aluminum tan bear- tin his name , , com pony and home address. If tie ! war revenue of tlCO.000,000 a year wax taxed up penally to cvory piiMon In the country It would amount to about $1.25 cacli Tlio miilo reported by JJlaaco killed by aliening ( if 'Mutanzaii' ' fortu wan prooYutr r.bly ai : cx-rcalJont of Mlnsoiirl. If xo , Iti i pamlng may bu Mit dov/n na a case ol iiulcHc. : Ml Helen Gould Is debarred from going tlio 'ront with ICio bnyn In blue , | jnl cnincs to tu ! > front with a donation ol to tliu niUoni ! government , The country nahitcs you , Helen ! It will UiKo'a iiandRomo mi in to provide nrmy with foo/1. aim estimate for nub- nlntcuito IB 20 crnlu n dny - j-cr man , and for the army of 185,00) (30.COO ( rt-gulma and 125- In volnnlcora ) $37CCO per dny , Mies Lotilto McKlroy. "daUBhtcr" of the Second ( fja. ) regiment , deslrcn to travel with Ti'Klnient wherever sent. She Is the that daughter cf the famous Drummer Hey of iihlloh aai ! Inlu-rlts the nghtlng aplrlt. the The picayune Spanish beat -which is bc- kept llovod to bo lying In wall for the Oregon * down tbo coast of South America could l > o blown out J water by ono of the Oregon's the Buns. J-VarH for the Oregon from Uiat ft iiourcu must bu. bared on the idea Uiat the oniccm nnd ntwiuf the wnr hli > will bo' ' uilccj ) during' tliw voyage norlii. prlzo \Vbllo sone'T'l : > < 'fiSle nro chuckling over the the capture of SrJill h whlpa arouml Cuba , them danger tbat1 "He who laughs last laughs ot . " ' Hcaton'tnJflno undciwitters announce will nro 709" Attiorlran ships afloat with prUo carbons valiii/i / ut'51.000,099. ; Many of these the In Asiatic anil other rcnioto waters , and a tc-mptlng halt for Spanish privateers. about ' ' smllo llrrn iturolr. Down In I act 'Scott. ' Kan. , a copperhead opened his lilpu/Q and cmlttod a few un patriotic exp f tlyts. Suddenly his nervous "Vf waa JatrciLby a crarit In the Jaw that tnt I his j : | op with a cloud of Cuban of . . The qXPof ) | of tlio rapU Jlro flat was ; .0.n called kilo rourt. promptly discharged and 3j compllmcntcit-Jjy = the court. Admirers of huni will promote their health In Kaasaa ca plsowhonfj ( YtocI | | > lnB mum. WH'i This couUfx nrlj not rrallze for some tlrn " " "f/ co-mo whatja clcao chavo It had when It "jjjjj on the ruf | of'the Street Sweeping de pirtment of Now York Olty. The national thin iithorltlns announced cectaln restrictions w orov navlgitloi around Sindy Hook. The weepers retailed and threatened to bombard was coast defender * with case a fleet of mud , scows. Fortunate ! ? ! wlr er counwl prevailed deed the peril w * averted , Wiorofore let us thankful the country Is sife. General William R. f Shatter , wbn under cominaud at New Orlcaua , wai born All Michigan In 1K33. He entered'lite civil Is aa a first lleulctiant , participated In at cen a dozen great battleo , and by the clceo of hostilities wan 4 general of brigade. After Is war he retired to his farm , but In 1SGG ran caniniledloucd a lieutenant col en el in tha thai tegular army. As a colonel he saw moro It I ofticem promoted aver him than any one of end rank In tlie service. He wen com of C missioned a brigadier general In 1897 to uc- rner ( Jcueral Wbcatoa. vei ranw rrArm ptrno * . Bee ( rp. ) : Ooreraar Hoteamb cot call t optcUI IMOQ of th lita.H do a't ear * toarta r bU cnaaet * for election thoatd h b4 resomtaatei ] ] . Rthajltr San ( rtp.l : Tt aenUoelnr of Ch r WiMater of Menlck county for eon- tbbi fill oa ths failoa ticket TOulJ that thir < 10 a d ! pc iU > a to tarow Indparf > at fpr ? . ) : If Aailtor Coraill allo 4 the cUIn of KV ) extra pay tfl l > ? puty Po-M on tny nt hi * Miatul taUry of SI.64XI h * did wrens * c < l the people will not to > erite It > hen nomlMtloe tin * ctnam. Taers are nereral "klsJai" r * .i IT II I th editor that ned rxrliilas. . Wayo I > * mocrat : Qoienur Holeotab Ii nvikln ; U d dd > dly lnt rectln for fltaU Oil The latter BJ * b a rallrc-irf PIMM and diart ng fall ratM to the * Ut . Governor Hot- entnt , ii rf ht : Itn a breach of faith for a popnllit to IMA a railroad IOM od repre hensible In any itata official. f > i H City l'rc.ii ( dem. ) : The Grand lalind Democrat Su nr > faith in tti promUei of politicians Mid Ictlrcatn that the declina tion of Oorernnr Holcomb to tx > 4 eaDdMate a ala nviy be ooe of thc e decline * which han a , Hiring attach > l to It , ind may be1 Jerked baek. Thbi editor U for the man tbat the three wln i o ! the illrer party can atr c" upoa , and DO o > { her. > " rton > fews ( rep. ) : We ee no reason why A. K. Cidy of St. Paul weald not make a go man for governor. There U no man of this section who fa any better or more favorably known than A. K. Cady. Alreidy ho haji made hlnuielf familiar with the din- trict and with the ttlate. having run two year * ago for congreu from the Sixth dls- trlt- Stan'-on Register ( pop. ) : John Yelaer ol O.Tiata Is oat in a letter to the boys asking for cuppcrt for hli candidacy for governor. We to not know him , but will nay that Doutl 3 county la not entitled to the pVicc- of governor and from what we can learn then are other candidate ] that will be of more fores a&d a greater strength to the ticket _ ' tlMn he would. We cannot give any help to him at present. Friend Staniiml ( rtp. ) : There Is a well or ganized plan afoot by which liryan expects to get the nomination for goveruor ot Ne- brail Thln remind us of a man up In the -Sixtl congrcMloaal district who made a pretty stiff race for the nomination for con- Krc. 4 i at ono tlrne aod ms defeated. He came right back home and tried to get Into the wto legislature and * aa defeated. The next year ho ran for ctwnty clerk and wa do featcd at the polls and afterward tried for with the name rr.xllt. Itecord ( rep. ) : Edmlaten having alarming proportions ci a guberna to.-hl candidate , Holccmb proctels to tear him down in order to get rid of him. N'ow 5Ir Kdmlsten , It la up to you. Reciprocate In the name of reform end \vo will we Just ho many votes the pop ticket gets. The pops at Lincoln are canfesaln ? their ulns by proxy each telling the public what a rascal hn ! brother lj. Let the oil Inspector do hU ful duty by the bear black nage of Uroken Bow It b up to you .Mr. Edmlsten. O'.Vcill Indcpcndtnt ( pop. ) : The list of available candidate * for governor U grow ' ing. Nearly every county ban i favorite of Its own. We notice that ome democrats are bjlng mentioned for the plice. This will never do , and aueh talk might just a/- ) well cczao now aa later. The Independent will favor no one but a popuIUt for gov ernor. It belonicfl to us by right. Many gcod pop ulbits have bsen mentioned , but the candidate should be a clear and level-headed rno and a man of excellent executive ability and r'tamlna. Ord Journal ( pop. ) : While other parties are telling whom they would Ilko to see nominated for governor this fall the Jour nal presents the name of Hon. John R Thompson of Grand Island as nominee 01 the ftialon forces for that office. Judge Thompjon Is a man of ability , a gentleman tn every way and no ono in tbo Eleventh Judicial district o.ijoys the confidence and respect of the entire people without regard to party to a greater degree than docs tills ono of our precnt district Jtiflgcs. Po'.ltl- cally he is a populist , but was far In ad vance of the rank and file of the reform fortes lu proclaiming anti-monopoly princi ples. _ Record ( iep. ) : Thereli a well de. fined rumor aficat that General John C. Coivln of OT.uha may bo a possible candidate for the nomination of governor of Nebraska on the republican ticket. We trust that tula rumor may "bo confirmed. General Cowla U not on olllco flcrkcr. He Is too well known Nchranka. and in the nation for that mat ter , to dwell upon his good qualifications. Such a choice would eettle the matter of it doubt no to the ultliralo result of an election thki fall. Mr. Holccmb'e Icttcrn rcpirdlng a If thlrJ term would disappear end the eoldler companion of Prcnldent aicKlnley would inarch to the oxccutlvo chair of this state with a triumph that would gl/o popull-jra the of lockjaw. Prcnunt Tribune ( rep. ) : There seems Jo In mutiny in the camp over In the popu list stronghold of Saundera county. J. N. OafBii . of. If that county , twice speaker of the bouse , la n candidate for a governor on the fimlcn ticket rcxt falUbut his homo organs nro dUlilnd M to his support. Colonel JOh con of Iho Wahoo New Era nald Gnflln recently ter a few compliments and spoke If the speaker was nlrcarty an goood elected t'ovcrnor , whereupon other the organn of the pop county demurroj. . The Aah- land Journal , the Wnlioo Democrat nnd ttio Cedar Hluffi StanJaid signify that they will have none of It and the sea looks n little choppy for the Colon BtntcHrnan. In addition to Uiojie newspapers may bo men- tloactl nlll Doch , who has a larger circula off tion than any of them. Ho Is opposed to yet Gafll and ho will mnko the school houses ring with hlu opposition from a Memphis to ut'in. rru/13 CIIOMSV. the \ ProfUn tn < I ronM-rt for Olllccrn mill MPII f < | irnvy. . own The capture of Spanish vcaspla by the the Amorlcnn navy naturally excites Rcncral a curiosity concerning the method of dividing cut prlzo money realized. When a character The ono of ' ' 'Captain MarryaU's novels asked for not Information on this Bubject of another , who by followed the sra as a calling , he wa told the money was put H a small meshed a sievervl what went through belonged to up. sailor , while that which remained was now by the officers. If the principle is the ' 4pred to in these times , the meshes of tlie , the have , ot least , been enlarged , for under for law the nble-btxlled sailor comes in for good Bum of money. Of oourse , the lion's share goes to the higher officers and the iiatlcaal government , but It Is a very poor thrit doca not realize enough to make common sailor feel very rich wihen he pocketa what comes to him. Bach member the crc-iv of the Nashville , for instance. likely receive about $500 as his share of mcney resulting from the capture of nuena Ventura , If It should be adjudged prize , an 3this vessel .is only valued at att $500,000. Wbe-n a ulilp of ithe cocmy Is taken It Is condemned by a prlzo court and sold , and one-half of the proceed * Is claimed by the jrovcrnmciit. The admiral la the next largest beneficiary , for ho Is entitled to one-twentieth thu - whole.In the case of the Duma Ventura , for Instance , he will receive aomo 335,000. l The Hceit ' < captain's fftiare 1 * ona- hundro'ith of the. whole , except he ls serving the ' vessel which m&kei tha capture , la ' case he receives an Amount In pro / to bis pay with the other ofllcers men on board. The baUdce , after thrae outuldo officers and the United fitutes have lieen aerved , goes to the officers and of the ship waking the capture , provided It was rnalo when no other warship around to .give moral aid , in which that craft also participates , unless , In- , the captured boat be a defensolriu merchantman. If the division is made s the ofllcens an.t crew of ono vessel , ( -t\ventlctlis goes to the captain , and It tha commaml of the fleet one-tenth , that 1s left , and It U a good proportion , divided among the remainder of the offl. and the crew In proportion to the pay each. i The share of the common sailor something mor than one-third that of a carpenter and boatswain , and rather leas one-third the share of an e-nalgn. Thus , li not to bo wondered at if the ofllcers crona of tha fleet .blockading the port Cuba ard quitesitlnflej to capture Spanish merchantmen , and not inclined to neglect * fUhliig smsclc. Tli * flrtl n * klllrt ( a tkli inr * tot- < ) ! r aira WnItr of etna Mar K. Sixth SUte * cavalry , recently tUUaafi at Fort RHey , Kaa. lie m t & ( tl'ith by fallot let from a trais at Kaoaaca'.er , Mo. of t6 ai 6itt rr a Salll- barl jtoa lurbor. fr r E r- WlllUn Jurpr U uH to b th * oIr 03 record la t&U conatrr of A tart btnf cin ) J Jo honor of a ioMI r ot r tiua \S8 : lon rj oawr 8 r * .iat Jaipur * J JS2 , ta-i kill * ) it arinaab. Oi. . oa Oeta- her J , ITT ) , wall * plintkn tb tt4 ? c : th * ? cond Sooth Ciroiia-t r lm a ( oa t& # Irlthh rampjrJi. He hA.l prerloailr ith * : lmrjUb : rl hlrci'If daring t&4 * tuxk on Fort Mouttrl * . Joa 2.1. 1774. Thi tint oStcUl ( XMUtlAti of th ' . . . . . fir 4 Uteir . . t > Uke pUee t tif-w Orteaai. Joha Valtx . ; T3 * captared at Tort EidJ with enl andcT t p < l 2Irr. aai taipi la hU pot- ttstltn rfencrlpi'.lTe of it * rlrtr aaj S37ra. -xotki neir S' TT Ofletcj. < J a iI Ora- jAm ! ! ! appoVot a rnlllUrr commljilon t try htm aad If h h fouod gulltr he will b . hot to death. the volunteer * rrsmnt > * r thlj , that la war of the rebellion the mea got aloa $ who stack to army ralloas aaJ did not pirnp r tbelr itomaehi with latter * * eaaned itaff. Another tata * : Doa't wear narrownn oled or bUh-he lcd shots. Tie army bronaa Is not handiome ; but U Is the cutest oa the long nmch. The Ural ofScfholder to throw up his po sition aad go to the front U K. E. White o. Atkaniu. chief of the laJUn dlrbton of the Interior Depirtment. Cap tain White Is the comctiader of a company of the National ffuard. He tendered his res- Igna-Uon ted < iy and vent Into the office of Secretary BIks to take ha ! leave. The ee- retary congratulated him and told him to come back wluo the war over and rc- rnme hla duties. OipMln Wdlte looked ha ! eurprtic aji he Mil : "But I era a democrat , -Mr. Secretary. " "That' * all Heht , " returned Mr. DltM. "I don't care about your politlca. I only know you are a good clerk. " A Philadelphia physician has Invented a ballet with a small wad of antiseptic cotton attached to the bick1 of It. This not only ireroats iiuppuratlm of the -wound , but Is expected , to b detached from the bullet at the point where It leaves the body , and plus the hole i , thui stopphs the bleeJIne. That's tbe : proper bullet to prosecute a war for lumaolty's ; < akc. TIIK M\T XAV.U. H.VTTIE. o HPSrtflrd l > r a Trlnl Tent of 31 < l rrn Imiilenirntii. Ilrooklyn Kg\e. \ The whole world walus wUh Interest the next naval battle. Whether fought between the shlpa of the United States and Spain or between veioels of the effete despotisms , the tt-at of modern methods Is awaited with anx iety. As much of a change and supposed advance has been made In floating forta within twenty years as has beea made Jn fifty years before that time. H was the 'Slonltor that revolutlonl/ed naval war , but nlnce that day In Hampton Holds the battle- fihlp lias Brown Into an Iron monster bristling with canncti , any one of which Is more power ful than the combined gunn of a fleet In the time of the civil war. Military moats pro vided with machine guns and gattini ? have been added , ttirrcta have multiplied and strengthened , armor has thickened , electricity has been o-ldcd to Atenm. not merely for lighting and the provision of minor conven iences , but U > discharge the rlflea ; automatic apparatuo enables an officer In a connlne tower to discharge the equivalent of a broad- Bide or to enable the gun a to discharge them selves on attaining a level : powerful engine * drive the ehlp , and strong , though delicate. mcchanUra moves gun and ammunitions the guna are now loiUeJ nJ the breech and they drive a shot with terrific force from five to ten miles. "What the naval officers of the world arc especially concerned to know la the place that the torpedo will make for lleclf In ecu fighting of the future. The tor pedo as It ex U Is today U a moJern instru ment of destruction. U la designed to ex plode against the null of a ehlp below the as water line , whcro the armor Is not thick enough to reslK It , end to blow a hole In it. Such a hole will cauw > the ship to go to the bottom like a broken kettle. No Uittlo liaa been fought in which the torpedo has played any conspicuous part. It Is launched from big flhlps or little. In opeclil tubes , and ulth appliances for the safety of thoto who handle it. It in dlrcctlblo in one form and in an other It directs itaelf. If It inlracs Itu mark passes the enemy and may become a courco of danger to friendly ithlpg beyond , discharged from ono of the small torpedo boat * the service involves extreme peril to thmo engaged In the attack , for these bouta by are small and could be almost blown out ofthe water by a hot from a twelve-Inch rifle. Moreover , wo can oay that In a battle which the elilps were at long range the torpedo boat would stand a good chance of elimination , since it could bo crippled. not destroyed , at a distance of mile , whereas It could hardly get \\Kuln effective range uavo at night or In a mUrt , or under cover of pro old of jecting land , unices It came within a quar old. of a mlle of the object of Its attack. And again , the high explosives contained In torpedoes mUfit bo set off by a ohell from the enemy an ! the boat would then be come self-destructive. To guard against the s torpod * extreme vigilance is required , though n Uiat aen2 ! to not enough ; some automatic arrcWer is needed , and thla hns been de vised In the form of large nets that nro held from the hull of a vessel with nnars ; to here again It Is Impreaiblo to say whether such a net will endure the fire of battle , or whether a torpedo might not penetrate It anl reach the ship. It Is Euro tliat the net would dflay the movement o ! a \emel. The force of a modern shot against clccku of ships Is another matter of con jecture. A plunging fire , especially from a mortar battery , might smash In the deck and wreck the Interior of a vessel. Igniting its ammunition. The fate of tlio men In fighting topj or military masts Is aMo theme of Interest. A deavy shot might the masts aad hurl them into the sea. concealment or abandoning of boatu , too , Involves another peril , for should the men be able to leave a sinking ship except Oil attlmmlng , U is not likely that either friend or enemy would devote much tlmo In critical period of a fight to pick them It . Indeed , the so-called Improvement in mothcds of naval war ha > i created an entirely aeries of problems and difficulties and So only solution of Ujera appears to be In My ultimate abandonment of war as a meana settlement of national disputes. 9f WM OVTISflCJf Oftboo Reporter : Whatever miy w * will fla4 th nation * ! guard ot the aUtt of XrtrTMlra will tUnd ta th flrst rank ot tha d4f a < 2er * o ( th * olj fits , well oft- * * . well dhciplSoevl aad alw y ready fcr ( Jaty. N'arth Ptitte Trfbtis * : The cltUta aoMlen ' of ; N iir4ika ta th * number of J.OOO are now eeeaajp1 ! t la ut < asiia < aa 1 win r pJly ! aaj flatr . Ta * "tla eoMltr" nuy not b qalt 14 fproce la-Ala r M ably drttleJ tl clnitloa which cuke a food odltr. ! N < - brt ka tuu rei3a to b proa.l of lu tnill- tla. Freraant Trtotra . " The N'efcraaka csOUU- nr n are th * heroes of tins taut M UI T ' ' * far Uaeota w prtpar * far war. Tt y da rf nai b * n the btjtt o { aoa ? ! rUfcn I < la ti PMI to jc t llttl * fmfcw now. B wfc a Cuba IM fr l tad Sputa ! a jriT s froai t& WV it rn. H 33lspb-r a.i Jc.liany an ! ! > ! g3a COCSA curcala fesart , thes. they will , b * vettfitttd wlti deaatntra.lJtu b tJ * < iLa th pre at oa r * uns * icJ H5 . Sctnjlr Soar TJie Sen Uk tr.ra cltlteui tirtt estlut * ! ta Coiapjcy K. There < were a. a < ] rab r of oar ( V.i aUa 7 < inac mea , three Scotch bcji , caii < f rir af C r- nn pecUIIy the yaoacer element , coo-a ccc * to rejjrJ the Mcd of aU aJopttoa i * iU own and ftdadi c * ready to mtit I'- * b.i'M'4 i ( ha tkillve born dtizea. He Uk < * r. . ! * in betas & cltlzrn of thl.i cr Jt rtahU * ct chdaca to defend the rtertotu : jri asl All honor to tbt * yoaa ; A FEW HOT 1IAI.L9. Globe-Democrat : The gunners of M-iUnzi * know more about a modern r ihlp this they did. U took Just ciqhtc'n mlnutta to extlnguoh ! all th ir preccacelvcd > le a of the latest projectiles. St. Paul Pioneer ProKlghtwo minute * for Mataczaa , about the tame for the other smaller ports of Cuba , arvl an hour for Ha vana that aeenw about the allotment of tlmo necessary to level all the coast fortifi cations of Cuba when nc shall bo ready for tbo Job. Chicago New * : It took Admiral Sampson' * squadron Just twcnty-oae mln-itca to slleaca the shore batteries at Matocizag. The Span iards will soon fir.'J out that the Amerlran Har ships nlll etand no nonsense and will be glad enough to let ths Sect alone as leaf is ( lie latter keeps quiet. St. Louis RepubMc : Those Spanish gun- new nho failed to bit aa American nar ship at 2,000 yarda' range hould first con sult an oculljt and then take eometblng to steady their nerves. They're at a big dis advantage nhto It comes to target practice with Uncle Sam'o sharpshooter * . Chicago Chronicle : Admiral Samrson hz at last taught me dozd tbit they arc rot to be allowed to use our vessels as targets without receiving a similar compliment In return. The bombardment of Matanzas naa effective as a moral le&son if nothing else. Ae to the conjectures of the war corre spondents that the Spin'ards mtun hava suffered hca y losa we prefer to awa't. particulars. Probably the Spaniards are con- vtaced , on their part , that they have piac- tlcally wiped out our fleet. These matter * depend largely upon the viewpoint ot the correspondent. QUAKUIt filf.VS. Cleveland Plain Dealer " " " * " : "That. aia the man \\lio was showing a visitor thu 8lght < * of Madrid , "Is one of our greatest generals. " "AbI" was the Interested rejoinder , "lone hnnd or stenographic ? " Chicago Record : "Sty husband's company will lie the last one to go into battle. " "Why ? " "liecHiisei John Is no slow about gettlnr up Iti 'tho mornlns. " Chicago Kecord. "Did the prisoner offer any excuse for 'nls blqnmy ? " - "Vcs ; ho said he was tempted to keep on marrying until he got a wife that could make a good cup of cofTeo. " Judge : Crawford What makes you thlnl : your wife l."n't so much of a now woman she used to be ? Crabshaw Hecause since this war scare I hnven't heard her say bow sorry she was that she wasn't a man. Cincinnati Enquirer : "Say , " said tha frazzlea man who sturk his he-ad through the door , "do you know anything about war ? " "I guess I do , " said the editor. " "Well , I wnnt you to tell me how many Spanish flags a feller ort to burn to show his patriotism sufficient to Indicate that he's did enough fer tlio cause without goin' to war. " Indianapolis Journal : "What , " inquired the subordinate Spanish nfllpfns , "la meant ' 'a cessation of hostilities ? ' " "That " means that wo are to cease fig lit- ing , replied another. "But how can we ? We aren't the or.ea who have been doing the lighting ! " Detroit Free Press " ' : "There's lots of plnger In Yankee Doodle when the band turns loose on It , " suld the srlm old con federate vet. "You b t ! " oxclnlmert tbe equally .rim vet. of the north , nnd that there time . Dixie " allua makes me feel like u 2-ytar- Then they gat down nnd began to dis cuss the best way of taking Havana. Chleiigo Post : "How nbiurd ! " she said Hhe put down the article , descriptive of v naval battle and went on with the work that naturally falls to the lot of a woman who keeps n boarding house. "What's absurd ? " "Why. one put of this article tells how repel boardors. But who wants to rtp.'l them as long ns they " pay up every wcekV" l l ON TUB MARCH. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! wo will Join the Jubllcs , Hurrah ! Hurra.Ii ! wu will set old C'uLu ti\ti , Down with every Spaniard to the bottom of the sea , While we go marching through Cuba. A TOAST. Hero'a the health of the girl who would , , none of " me , ' IIero'n ' a lienlth to her now and forever. Hero's the health of the girl I have loved. und lost- May happiness full her never ! . Oilwhy should I grieve at another's uuc eras. Who's worthy of her as I ? rends my heart , but I'll fight It down. And 111 conquer It by and by. And hero's to ' tJie health of tlio girl , aay I , here's to her favored lover ; sorrow I'll mask , and with smiling fac The ache in my heart I'll cover. TOM DRIFT. We .ore all ready to welcome you and want you to iteud OUR GREAT SALE Positively the best and only chance you will ever have to buy the best clothing made in the world at such prices. Every garment we sell is GUARANTEED. You take no risk ; full particulars in yesterday's paper. Watch This Space Tonight S. W. Cor. Iflt ft and Douglma St * .