THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MAY 2 , 1808. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOIl MHNTIOX. Try Mocro'K stock food. "Concert of the Swoon , " May 3. Dr. Roc , dentist , Merrlam block. Dr. Green , office C12 Fourth street. Jersey Cream flour. Bartel & Miller. dill nt Ilco office for Cuban mops. Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk. Frank P. Fowler has resigned from the fiollco force. W. M. L'oytr of Hamburg was a city 7ls- Her yesterday. Hon. F , M. Hunter of Ottumwa was In the citr yesterday. For rent , C-room house , Rood locatlcn and repair. Address 921 High st. W. C. Wilson of Manning was visiting friends In the city yesterday. MUn Conklln of Austin , 111. , Is the guest of Mr . T. J. Foley of Flr t avenue. O. W. Ltng Is In DCS Molnes visiting his trothor-ln-Iaw , I'H. . Katzcitncycr. Regular convocation of Star chapter , Royal Arch Masons , occurs thlj evening. J , R. Lucas of Creston , la. , expects shortly to .remove to ttoo Blufts and make fah homo hero. 4 A map of Cuba , the VVcet Indies anil o' the world at the Council Bluffa office of Tht IHo fnr ten cents. The Evans laundry Is the leader In fln York both for color tnd finish. 520 Pearl itrect. Phone 290. W. K. Dalnbrldgc expects to leave next Tuesday for his post as second secretary of legation at Peking , China. The "Tacky" party that was to be given Tuesday night will be given Monday , May 2 , ot Hande's hall. Admission , 25 cento. Don't you thln' < It must be a pretty good laundry that can please KVJ many hundreds cf customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway. The Ladles' Aid society of the Second Presbyterian church will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mr § . . J. L. Dakcr , 37G Lin coln avenue. At the last meeting of Fidelity council , No. 1EC , Royal Arcanum , J. M. Flaglcr was elected regent to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Colonel I ) . II. Dallcy. Will Ileebco has resigned hi. ) pillion with R. C. Pcregoy nnd lias been succeeded by Ed Bowman , who has completed his work as deputy under City Assessor Hardln. W. H. Klngnlcy of Denver , Colo. , repre senting the Pennsylvania Mutual Llfo In surance company. Is In tbe city , accom panied by his wife , and daughter , Miss Helen. Tim Murphy , an elderly stranger , claiming to hall from Omaha , was found asleep under the bridge over the creek on Scott street yesterday afternoon by Officer Albro Murphy. ( Ho was In a state of bll&'ful ' Intoxication. George Montgomery will have a hearing before Judge Aylcsworth thla morning. 'Montgomery ' caught by G. W. Skinner late Friday night while attempting to break Into tbe' lattcr's residence at 103 Park ave nue. He refuses to give any account , of himself. The Infant ion of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Buckman died ytsterday morning at 1 o'clock , aged 14 dajn. The funeral , which was private , was held In Uie afternoon from the family rcsUcnco , 129 South Eighth etrect. Interment was In Falrvlew ceme tery. " M. It , Colts , -who had Imbibed too much of ( lie ardent , was arresteJ shortly bcfoip day break yesterday morning while creatlns a disturbance on Lower Broadway. IIU companion , with whom he was having trou ble , managed to make good hla cocapo on the arrival of the officer. A tramp giving the name of George Whit ney , rounded up by Detective Weir at en early hour yeaterday morning In the North- < we > . > tern jards , on being searched at the elation , was found to be carrying an ugly looking revolver. lie was booked on the , charge of carrying concealed weapons. r , i The funeral of the late Joseph T. Hcrvlley , who died Saturday at Uio 'Methodist hospital ia Omaha , will be held tbte afternoon nt 2:30 : o'clock from the Fifth Avenue Meth odist church In this city. The services will bo conducted by the pistor. Rev. G. P. Fry , and the remains will bo laid to rest In Ftilrvlcw cemetery. Major Q. H. Richmond and \V. B. 'Baln- ' trldeo hove completed the canvass for the mess fund for the Dodge Light Guard now in camp In Des Motncs and have succeeded In raising $152 , which has been deposited In the bank. The fund will be available by the guard on being mustered into tbe serv ice of the United States. M. T. Greer , for several months past one ot the day clerks at the Grand hotel , has 1 resigned. He will bo succeeded by Roy Scott , the night clerk , whoso place will be . taken by Frank Hlldltch. Mr. HlMltch ie a well known hotel man , who for several ' . years was manager of tbe hotel at the Union i > Pacific transfer and more recently of the . Barker hotel In Omaha. Word has been received hero that O. S. DIanchard , formerly ot this city and cap- lain ot the High School cadets In 1894-95 , now a student at Ann Arbor , has received i permission from Governor Plngreo to form a regiment of students of the University of Michigan to be mustered In if a second call for troops from that state U Issued. Mr. OJlnnchard graduates from t o law depart ment In June. C. D. Vluva Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health Look furnished. 326-327-3 8 Merriam block. Money to loan on city property , Klnn . V. T. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. . , Conncll Confirm * A ne im enf. The assessment ot property under the new law has resulted In a decided Increase in 'tho assessed valuation ot personal property in Council Bluffs this year. The cash value of all personal property returned to over $2.000,000 , which makes the atsceaeble value $500,000 , bolog an Increase of about $20,000 over last year. The net amount ot moneys and credits held by the banks ot this city , after deducting all offsets and on which they were asrvssed , were as follows : Citizens' Btato bank. $143,000 : Officer & Pusey. $88.000 ; Council Iluffs Savings bank , $53,000 ; First National bank , $53,000 ; State Savings bank , $36,000. The city cotncll met as a board . ot review Saturday nl&ht , and after an ex amination ot Assetsor Hardln'a books ap proved and confirmed the a'fceesment as made by him. Tbo May opening ot the Bourlcus Music House on Friday and Saturday , May C and 7 , will be a erand affair. Plenty of music , flowers , decorations , etc. Everybody Is In vited to make himself perfectly at homo at 325 Broadway , where the organ stanJa on top of the building. Save your Domestic Soap wrappers. Youthful AViinilerem Taken In. Five lads glvlag the names ot Charlci Johnson , Cory"Votes , John White , Charlei Eonham and John Mapes are tn custody a ttio city jail. They were arrested late Sat urdny night at the Transfer depot by Cap tain Denny. Four of the boys are fron Cedar Rapids , this state , and one from St Joseph. They ran away from home a coupli ot weeks ago , but had become homesick am were trying to beat their way back whet turned over to the officer by the crew o the freight train on which they crosses from Omaha. They will be hold hero untl their parents , who have been notified , an beard from. MENERAY BROS. NURSERYMEN , Of Orescent City are here in Council Bluffi and Omaha with their fine line of fruit trees grape vines , etc , and all kloda of One shade trcea , flowering shrubs and rose * . Theli sale ground * , arc located at 615 East Brosd- ay , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam street ene block west ot Twentieth street , Omaha where you will bo waited on at all tlmei with pleaaure. We cell all goods very cheij nd guarantee til goods flnt-claaa. Omaha ' h ar , 1UM | Cuuacll ! Ul. COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT Eomo i light Work Set for the Board of Aldermen to To , * * _ _ BARBID I WIRE FENCES ON CITY LOTS \cw Form of Xulnnnre tlmt Will Itnvc to He Continued hy Onllnnnee Hoard of 1'nrk Cotnmlii- lotier * ' I'lnim. The regular monthly meeting of the city council will be held this evening. The prac lice of persons placing barb \\lre fence around their property has been the cause lately of many complalits _ to the city au thorities nnd an ordinance prohibiting such fences within Ihc city llmts , It Is expected , A 111 bo Introduced at the meeting tonight. Under the state law the council TOW has > .hc authority to pats such an ordinance. Contracts for such supplies as are not al ready let will bo awarded toalght. Woodward Broj. , the nrchltlcts , have the plans nnd specifications for the new band stand to bo erected at Falrmount park about completed end they will bo submitted to the Hoard of Park Commissioners at the mcetlns tomorrow- evening , Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. P. , Bee office. Council Bluffs. Silver teaspoons still go with Domestic Soap. IllNtrlct Court \oten. Judge Smith of the district court will this morning enter a decree In the case of N. P. Dodge and S. C. Dodge against E. E. Hart and the Citizens' State ] ) ank for a perpetual Injunction restraining the defendants from interfering with the plaintiffs In the use of the premised In controversy as a private alley. The trial of the Injunction suit was held before Judge Macy at the re-quest of Judge Smith nnd hie decision was received by the latter yesterday. The suit which was known locally as the ' "Presbyterian Alley" case. In volved the right of tlie Cltlze-ns' State bank which recently purchased through Hart the property at the southwest corner of Main street and Broadway to twelve feet In the rear of the building. The property wns built upon In the early history of the city and for the last forty years a passage way has been kept open In the rear of this and the other buildIngo facing on Broadway between Main and Pearl ftroety. The bank when It pur chased the corner property commenced to re model the building and contemplated extend ing It to cover the twelve feet of the passage way" . i.\Ir. Dodge , who owns the property south of the alleyway facing on Pearl street , promptly brought an Injunction toilt asaert- Ing that the alley had become a public ono through such use for over twenty years Judge Macy In his decision , however , does not find that the alley la a public passage way , but that the plaintiffs have by adverae pOMe.sfllon acquired an easement In the premises for private alley purposes. Hoffmayr's fanc > patent flour makes th. best and moot bread. Ask your grocer for U Domestic Soap is the best for the'laundry lU-eriiltn In Aukmiril Ponltlon. The thirteen recruits enlisted by Sheriff /Morgan / In pursuance to the call losued by Governor Shaw to the sheriffs of Iowa arc etlll here. No transportation has as yet been provided for the men and there now seems to bo an uncertainty as to whethe any will be. Many ot the men ure grum bllng , as they gave up their eltuatlors to en list and have now been watting here threu dayo for orders which do not come. Sheriff Morgan on Saturday twice telegraphed Gov ernor Shaw for Instructions coupled with i request for transportation for the men , bu failed to receive any reply. Yesterday Sher iff 'Morgan ' went to Dea Molnes to call upon the governor and learn what ar rangements were to be made regarding the men that ho had rc rultc < J. The thirteen recruits are : A. D. Lane , W. E. Tamplln Samuel Barrow , James Johnson , T. J. Smith Fred Klssell. iFrank Wernlmont , Harry I Panglo. CharleoOtt , E. A. Heller. W. S. Don alikon , M. Danlclson and N. P. Danlelson They are all fine specimens of young "ffian hood and have pa&sext muster before Dr Bar stow , the examining surgeon. Hear the patriotic and original songs am lcI.tiJ.21 ! ! ! ? ? n the * > v < * Ke Light Guards a the Old Maids Convention , " Chambers' hall next Thursday evening. May 5. School GlrlH Slttit In Church. A pleasing feature of the services at th Christian tabernacle yesterday was the slog ing by a number of young girls , puplls'E the graded schools , who have been recclvln Instruction from MIso Gertrude Kennedy supervisor of music In the public schools At the morning service Misses Lottlo Wlrt Clara Croraer , Maude Ford , Gertie Fowler and Maude McAoeny , all of whom ore pupils of the tilxth grade of the Sejond avenue school , rendered a selection , and In Uio evening the Mlsjca Polly Erb , Josephine Blxby , Gertrude Davenport , Helen Foley Ethel Blum and Edith Jamison , pupils of the eighth grade of the Bloomer school sang. Mlsa Kennedy has assumed the direction of the mualc at the Christian church , whleCi from this out will bo made a special feature of the Sunday services. Read premium offers inside Domestic Sean wrappers. Confirmed by lllnhon Perry1. At tbo evening services at St. Paul's Episcopal church yesterday Ht. Rev. Wil liam Stevens Perry , bishop of Iowa , ad ministered the rite of confirmation on a ciaso of sixteen candidates. The church was crowded to Ita utmost capacity , the usual congregation being largely augmented by the relatives and friends of those con firmed. Those con.lrmed were : Mrs. L. D Crockwell , Mrs. L. C. Bracket ! . Mrs. D. Macrae , Jr. , Mra. H. A. Quln , Mrs. O. M. Brown , Mrs. Robert Huntlngton , MJenes Mamie Amy , Delia Robinson , Virginia Robin son , Vloa Otto , Sophie Miller , Elsie Schoent- gen , Caroline Schoentgcn , Gibson rnd Martle Batdorf. In the- morning Bishop Perry preached at Grace churcb and In the after noon attended the services at All Saints' mission , where he made a short address. Domestic Soap inalces and keeps c.Van friends. FOR SALE Oood second-hand bicycle at a bargain. Call at The Bee office. Council Bluffs. Mnn > - Ho to nen Molneii. The Rock Island railway's cheap excur sion to DCS Molnes and return yesterday proved a most popular Innovation and some 200 people -from this city availed themselves of the orrortunlty < o visit the capital city and the soldier boys In camp there. The le special train which left here at 6:30 : In the mornlnc consisted of four cars , all of which were crowded , there being about eighty ex cursionists from Omaha on board. Most of those who went from here were either rel atives or friends cf tbe guardsmen now quartered at Camp McKlnley. Many of the people who went from hero were loaded with parcela and packages for the members of the Dodge Light Guard. There may'je a good deal of blowing about paints , but the people * are getting wiser every day. They who tiave been fooled la tbe past la buying po r ralnt hereafter should trade with a responsible paint house that makes thit line Ita special study. There Is only one exclusive paint establishment In Council Bluffs. It Is an old firm , a reliable firm and , a place ubore you will get tbe full value of your money. That place Is the Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Q'.asa company , Masonic temple. City Engineer ! finny. City Engineer Etnvre li making a reeurvey of Stutsman'e second addition -with a view of relocatlnc iomo of the streets , which are In some place * fifty and In others flfty-flve feet wide. It to desired to make mil tbe tre tfl ot uniform width. Mr. Etnjrre bai a force of twelve men detains th ? eewors throughout the entire city. A number ot minor repairs are being made to the bridges over ImUin creek and considerable repair- In ; ot sidewalks l being carried out under Uie supervision of the englnecr'o department. FI.OCK TO S1KIJ TIIH GU.UIDS. Sixty Tliottuniid J'eoplc flrcet the ntllltln nt Uen OHolnen. DES MOINCS. May 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The largest crowd ever assembled In this city gathered at Cctnp McKlnley thU after noon. Twenty thousand visitors came In on excursion trains , ( tie Rock Island bringing In eighty coaches , tbo Great Western elxty- flvo coaches , the Northwestern fifty-four coached , the Des Molnea Northern & West ern twenty-four and the other roads a large number. Farmers drove In from all dlrec- tlon.i end with the people ot DCS Molnos the crowd aggregated 60,000. Each of tbo tour regiments held a drees parade aad all were given great ovations. Ileclniiintory Content. RIVERTON , la. , May 1. ( Special. ) A dc- Jamatory contest was held here Friday night indcr the auspices of Ibe Good Templars. Thcro wcro elx contestants. The prize , a illvcr medal , was awarded to Miss Bteslo laker of Rlvcrton. The district lodge met In nir city today. Mra. Anna Harris of DCS ilolnes , Grand lodge lecturer of the Indepcnd- snt Order of Good Templets , was present and elivered an address. Other notables and members of tbe order from different polnto vero present. I'ltKe County Kqunl CLARINDA , Ia. . 'May 1. ( Special. ) The flicera of the Page County Equal Suffrage ssoclatlon have Issued a call for an i ual uffrago ccofercnce to be * held In Clarlnda lay 9 and 10 , 1898. Ladles prominent In qual auffiugc work will bo present and i > d- irete the convention , which Is assured of the _ ttcndanco of Mrs. Conine of Colorado , Mra. Rov. Henrietta G. Moore of Ohio and Mrs. Vllson of "Washington , D. C. Hey Browned. SIOUX CITY , May 1. ( Special Telegram. ) Gocrgo Ammerman , the 8-year-old eon of 'rank Ammerman of Covlngton , Neb. , was rowncd In the Mlsscrurl this afternoon. The b-ojs were playing at naval warfare with mimic beats , when young Ammennan got "tieyond ha ! deplh and was swept Into the urrcnt. Tbo body was recovered In half an lour. Grand I.oilec .Mc-ctliiJT. WATERLOO , In. . Way 1. ( Special. ) The grand lodge of the Loyal Ancient Order of United Workman of Iowa will meet In this city May 10 and continue In acsslon four days. H Is to be the twenty-second annual cr-slon of the grand lodge. The address ) f welcome will be by F. C. Platt and the esponso by R. L. Tllton of Ottumwa , grand master. Loved Ornniten Too Well. DUNLAP , Ia. , May 1. (3peclal.Hecry ( ) Baker is serving a thirty-day sentence in all on conviction of petty larceny. He was caught In the act ot stealing a box of oranges from a car. lown 'Military .Vote * . Flag presentations are common and pop ular at the camp In Des Molnes. 'Mtson ' City women are going to buy a large uban flag and let It doat from a flagpole In the elty. The Iowa city council appropriated $50 to buy a new flag for the local company of the state militia. Governor Shaw told the militia boys In camp that fully 25,000 men In Iowa have ap [ illcd for enlistment. Captain Jercauld A. Olmstcad of the Ninth cavalry has been named by the War depart ment as mustering officer for Iowa troops. The Sanitary commission of Waterloo was formed by Waterloo women last week to Ford relief for the soldiers who arc cent to Cuba. The Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City refused to go Into camp and the colonel com mandlng took away their Instruments ant uniforms to nwalt further orders. The colonel commanding the Second regt ment , uniform rank , Klnghts of Pythias , ha : Issued an order asking members of the com panics of they are ready to enlist In the wa If called upon. The relative strength of the four Iowa regl mcnts encamped at Camp McKlnley , De Molnes was as follows : First , < 84 ; Second 620 ; Third , 627 ; Fourth , 657 ; total In fou regiments , 2,388. The Sioux City Tribune advises that th best thing the Iowa National guard can d la to submit like soldiers to their superior and take their chances ot winning thel spurs , as Governor Shaw says , at the front Every man cannot be a brgadler general. IOTVII PreiiH Comment. Des Motnes News : The people who weri going to Europe this year can go to th Omaha exposition Instead. Cedar Rapids Republican : Representative Dolllver made a sensible and statesmanllk speech on the new revenue bill la the house Mr. Dolllver Is paying less attention to epl grama lately , but his speeches are alwayi brilliant and full ot sound sense. Sioux City Tribune : If the enlistment o men by the United States Is to break u | the national guard , as suggested by th officers ot that organization in Illinois am Iowa , undoubtedly national guard wll break up , because the government of th United States will never go into a foreign war unless It can make its own officer command Its own troops. Council Bluffs Nonpareil : Now that youn. Beckwlth has enlisted , Lincoln may yet b proud of that son-in-law , for the youn man's athletic training will make It posslbl for him to handle the balls with so muc skill as to make lots ot trouble for the den and lots of glory for himself. DCS Molnes Register : Iowa soldiers In th volunteer army want to stay together , a least the regiments ae we send them ou BhouM bo kept Intact and vacancies sup piled from this state , as far aa possible The War department will not seek to cliang this good rule. Let the states strive to ee which can tender Uncle Sam the best troops A little etate pride Is not state's rights in dangerous quantity. What does Cuba look like ? Get The Bee portfclles of Cuban views. Only 10 cent a copy. Photographs the same size woul cost $20. HE jr.VKBS GOOD USB OF HIS TIME. Or. Brunner Collect * Vnlnnble In formation AVIille In Ilnvitnn. SAVANNAH , Ga. , May 1. Dr. W. F. Brunner , formerly Uolted States sanitary Inspector specter at Havana , has just returned from Washington , where he went to place valu able Information in the hands of tbe sur geon-general and ot General Miles and th War department. Dr. Brunner while 4n Havana , for the sum of $5.30 a month , had the original reports i from all the Spanish 'hospitals. Thcso re ports are now in tbe possession of Surgecu General Wyman. They show , Dr. Brunner states , that there were in the Spanish hos- plta's dally , out ot an army of 110,000 men , from 30,000 to 32,000 soldiers. The unsani tary renditions surrounding the men and the Insufficient attention given them , together with a lack ot food , are responsible for these facts. Dr , Brunner also secured in the same way Information about all ot the coast fortlflca- tlons around 'Havaoa and saw planted eight of the submarine mines now Jn thn harbor there. The elans have been placed in the possession of the War department. Dr. Brunner doea not think an army of Invasion should be sent to Cuba on account ot the likelihood of great mortality from yel low fever. He says with the volunteers and j regulars the Spaniards probably will noon assemble an army ot about 80,000 men ta Ulavana. A healthy appetite , pure blood and tran quil nerves , cornea from taking tbe Food Drink Malt-Nutrlne 'Is prepared by the famous Anheuser-Uuncb Brewing Ass'n , which fact ! guarantees tbe purity , excellence and merit claimed for it. " * TIE CAME WITH MJII.LERS Omaha'i Babes Play a Great Hatch on Minnoapolii Ground * . _ t. / > . LEYEN INNINGS AND REACH WO DECISION * ' tf T HnKerninn IMtelirn n IlvrttKlfnl Oninc nnil the Tcnni lint * 'K but ltd Field Wnlrjk ' Little _ _ _ _ _ n / ' < MINNEAPOLIS , May 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) The exciting game ot the season was that played today between the 'Millers and the Omaha Iabca. ! Elcycn hard fought Innlngo resulted In a tie. Three different times the Millers had the prize In hand but fell down at ttir critical moment , The flro works began early , and the v'sltors ' played with the determination ot Hob Evans' rrm- rloes. The Millers opened the game with Flggemeler , but ho was hit aa easily us a Spanish battery and retired to the bench In the nfth with Ultter. the catcher. They were replaced by 1'hllllppl and Dlxon. It took rttllllppl an Inning to locate the plate , but when ho did ho ooon bid the Babes In his belt. Hagerman pitched a steady game , allowing but nlno hits , and had his support been as good the game would' have ended with nine Innings In favor of Omaha. The critical moment of the game wna In the eighth , when the score stood G to 4 In favor of the Millers. Lyons was the flrot up , and went out en a fly to 1'arrott. Burnett singled to first and stole second. McCauley rapped a liner , which was picked up by Smith at second and placed In Mickey's mitt at first. Two men out. Holllngsworth dropped a little fly In front of Rellly , who was alow In getting It to first. Fisher made a hit and Durcictt crossed the plate. Ilager- mitx got a fielder's choice for dropping a fly , In Bill's hando , who put Fisher out at second. The remaining Innings netted goose eggs for both sldts and the game was called on account of darkaccs. Score : M1NNUA1-OMS. 1 OMAHA. H.H.O.A.n. U.II.O.A.E. Campau , rf. 1 1010 Ktistnce. 3li 0 0 1 8 0 I.ctchcr , If. 0 1300 Qrlllln , cf. . 1 1 1 00 Hellly. 3b. . . 02441 Itont , S3. . . . 02352 Hitter , c. . . . 00320 ! < > on ? , Ib. . . 0 1 17 0 1 Dlxon , c. . . . Iturnett , If. 1 1200 1'arrott , 2b. 1 1 4.0 0 McCiulcy , G 0 1 B 0 1 Smith , 2b. . . 00321 Ho'gu'h. 2b 2 2 2 4 0 Hlckcy , It ) . . 1 211 0 1 Kloher , rf. . . 02200 Hall , KS . Hag'rm'n , p 1 2 o 3 0 Klsgem'r , p 0 1 0 1 0 Phimppl , p 0 0 0 3 0 Totals . . . . S 12 33 20 4 Totals . . . . G 0 33 IS 4 Minneapolis 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 00 0 r Omaha 0 0-5 Two-bafe hits : Campau , Dlxon , Hollingn- wortli , Hagerman. Stolen bases : 1'arrott , llur- nett , Itnll. Double plnys : HolllnjTwnttli to Heat ; Holllngsworth to Lsona. Haass on balls Off KIpKemcier , 1 ; oft 1'hllllppl. 2 ; off HuRerman 2. Wild pitch : lly HnBermam Struck out : 11 > yiRBcmeler , Grlllln ; by I'lillllppl , Jloat , McCau- cy , HtiKermun ; by Haaviman. Smith (2 ( > Ulckey. Left on ba es : Minneapolis , 8 : Omiilia , 10. Time : Two hours nnd thirty minutes. Urn plrc : Cantlllon. Attendance. POO. SUOHIiS OF THI3 ! WCSTKHX LEAOUE St. 1'nnl Given ItiiiiNumClty n Kent Con nt WI lt % v i Nli. ST. PAUL , May 1. To'day',8 , game was n pitchers' battle. The Saints scored the winning run In the ninth Innlns on a scratch hit nml a succession of bunts. At tendance , 2,000. Score : - . t St. Paul 0 0 > 0 Oi 0 0 o 0 1 Kansas City 0000 , 00000- < Base hits : St. Paul , 4 ; Kansas City. 4 Errors : St. Paul , 6 ; Kansas City , 2. Bat lerlts : St. Paul. I'nyle .iml bu | . . - > ; City. Meredith nni Huit'or : > MILWAUKEE , May l.-AVlth the assist nnco of Taylor's excellent ' pitching am batting the Brewers won today's game Attendance , 2.0CO. Score : Milwaukee 00. I 0'10010- Columbus " 'Base ' hits : Mllwauk e.7 ; Columbus , C. Er rors : Milwaukee , 0 ; Columbus , 2. Batteries "Milwaukee. Tuylor iinJV" ; Pr ! Otf.umbui " " -1 lfi ' Wright nnd Buckley.1 STANDING : OP THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C Indianapolis 9 8 1 83. St. Paul 9 7 2 .77.8 Columbus 75.0 Kansas City 50.0 Minneapolis . . . , 42.9 Omaha . . " . 25.0 Milwaukee . . ' 9 2 7 22.2 Detroit 12.5 Games today : Omaha at Minneapolis ; Kansas City at St. Paul ; Columbus at Mil waukee ; Indianapolis at Detroit. G.YMCS OF TH E XATIO.VAI * LEAGUE. Pirn ten Cat Dovrn the I.i-nilcm on the Mlllcreek Ilottonm. CI > fCIN'NATI. ' May l.-Tho Pirates won their first game from the Reds today. Breltcnstcln , w.ho let them down without a hit a few weeks ago. was hit hard. Mc- Phee was spiked by Schrlver In the eighth and will be out of the game for a week or so. Score : CINCINNATI. PiTTSiiuna. H.H.O.A.E. . 11.H.O.A.E. Holllday. cf 1 1 2 0 0 1'adden , 2b. 1 3 2 4 0 Smith , If. . . . Z Z 4 0 1 OonoMin , rf 1 0 I 0 0 Ileckley , lb. 0 1 9 1 0 Hrodle. cf. . . 01400 Mcl'iiee , 2b. 1 1 3 1 1 M'drthy. If 2 1 2 1 1 Miller , rf. . . 01600 l > n\i. , lb. . . 23900 Corcoran , BS 0 1 1 4 2 Gray , 31) . . . . 22401 Irwln , 3b. . . 01120 Ely , gg 12230 1'eltz , c 11200 Schrlver , c. . 1 1 3 0 0 Hr't'nst'n , p 0 1 0 3 0 Tannehlll , p 1 1 0 1 0 Gonr , p 0 0 0 2 0 Sfnf'ldt , 2b 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1114 27 9 2 Vaughn , . .0 1 0 Totals . . . . 6 11 2T134 United for Qoar In the ninth. Cincinnati 2 01010001 5 IMttsburg 10031121 2 11 Earned runs : Pltuburg , 5 ; Cincinnati , 3. Two-baF < > hits : Miller , Da\l . Three-tnse hits : Dnvlf , Tannehlll , I'eltz. First on balls : Off Urclteneteln , 1 ; oft Gear , 1 ; off Tannehlll , 1. Struck out : Uy nrcltensteln , 1 : by Tannehlll. 2. Wild pitches : Tannehlll , it. Time : Two hour * and ten minutes. Umpires : Swartwood and Wood. Attendance : 14.000. Colonel Clnrlif"VVJim the Game. CinCAGO , May 1. The 'Colonels startbd off with a gvod lead. The locals tied them In the. elRlith. but -were unab'e to score again. Clarke's good base running- , with aa cut and a hit , won In the tenth. Auenuance , 11,900. Score : CHICAGO. LOUISVILI B. It.H.O.A.E. H.II.O.A.E. Kllroy , rf. . . 0 1 1 1 0 Clarke , If. . . S 1 E 0 0 I.inKC. cf. . . 13300 Rltchey , cs. 2 2 3 1 2 Dahlen , BB , . 00450 Hey , cf 01300 E\erltt , lb. 1 2 8 1 0 Wagner , lb. 0 2 11 00 Itjan , If. . . . 00100 Nance , rf. . . 0 0 3 0 1 M'CTm'k , 3b 0 0 0 1 1 Smith , 2b. . . 01140 Connor , 2b. . 00330 CIl'iMn'n , 3b 0 1 3 4 0 Donahue , c , 0 0 8 1 0 Wilton , c. . . 00110 lirlggs , p. . . 1 3 1 1 1 Cun'liani , p 0 1 0 3 0 Itbell , If. . . . 0 0. 1 0 0 Totals . . . .4 93013 3 Total 3 930 13 2 Chicago 000100020 0 3 Louisville 2000000101 4 Earned runs : OhlcaecvvUiUouiMllle , 1. Left on bases : Chicago , 7 ; 'lyouUvllle , 6. Two-base hits : Lange , Everltt , UrtsKS. . Hltchey. stolen bases : Lange , E\erltt , 2 ; Clarice , Rltchey , Hoy. Double playn : Smith tolJlltchey to Wagner ; Cllnnman to Wasner. Struck'out : Uy DrlKg" , 6 ; by Cunningham , 1. Ilase eniUalls : Off IlrlgKs , 1 ; off Cunningham , 2. Wild'pilch1 : nrlgjrs. Time : Two hours. Umpires : Cutam'itn and Heydler. STANDING OF TH1 ! ? TEAMS. PlayeiCJWon. Lost. P.C. Cincinnati 13' ' 9 3 76.0 , Baltimore'G 2 75.0 IjOhlcaso Wj'Of- 4 6.7 Cleveland ; 13 IB 7 5 D8.3 Phl'oalphla Pu tB B * 65.6 Boston UiG , 5 C4.3 Plttsburj ; IT , . , ? , 7 G 63.8 Brooklyn ' . l' , ' 4 4 60.0 New York ' 91 > n S 6 "n.3 W sihlnB-ton O' 8 3 6 33.3 Ixulnvll'e A3 M 4 9 30.8 St. Loula JW v.-f 2 8 CO.O Games today : T oulyUlfHat Chicago. St. Louis at Cleveland , Cincinnati at Plttsburg' , Now York at Baltimore , ' . .Philadelphia at Brooklyn , Boston \yag1ilnKton. . Wenlern ocl tlon. ROCK ISLAND , 111. , ( May 1. Score : nock Is'ancl Z 0 ' 0 2 0 1 0 1 1-7 Dubuque t 2010000 0 C Base hits : 'Rock Island. ' 12 ; Dubuque. 1. Errors : Rock Island , S ; Dubuqun , 2. Bat teries ; Rock Island , Young and Tracy ; Du buque1 , J. Brown and Hodec. PEORIA. III. , May l.-Score : Peoria 0 00000010 1 2 Cedar Rapids 0 .00000001 0-1 Base hits ; Peoria , 8 ; Cedar Rapids , 7. Er rors : Peoria , 1 ; Cedar Hnpldsi , 1. Batteries : Peorla , McQInty and Qulnn ; Cedar IlapJds , Smith and Schrengcat. Oblo .Mute > I-ra ue. DAYTON , O. , May l.- core : Runs : Dayton , 9 ; Mansfield , 6. Base hits ; Dayton , 14 ; Mansfield , 9. Errors : Dayton - ton , I ; Mansfield. 2. Datlerleni'Dayion. itusv- brouRh and Qrenwarld ; , Marcfleld , Llndsey and Kelln r. | FORT WAYNE. Ind. ? May l.-Score : 1 Rum ; Fort Wayne , 4 ; SurinsUeld , 6. BOM hit * ! Port Wayne. R ; Pprlntrilold , IS. Hrronn Port Wayne , 6 ; Springfield , I. Batterlci : Fort Wnynp , Comlxnl nnd Oerr ; SpruiKnd.U , Qrnlllux nnd I)31nn. TOLEDO. O. , May l.-Soor6i Runs : Toledo , 9 : Youngstown , 6. B.ts * hlto : Toledo , 17 ; Youngstown , 11 , Errors ; Tolalo , 3 ! YotinRstown , 3. liattcrlca : Toluio , Kwlns und Arthur ; Youngstown , Brodle and Zlnran. TITUS Ajrn TllYLOlt I.V THAi.MXG. Flmt Itnee AVII1 lie Held In IloMon TliIn Week. N13\V YORK , May l.-Frcd Titus nnd Major Taylor , who have been doing oomo preliminary training at the Manhattan Bench track for the. last week , will bs joined tomorrow by Manager Kennedy nnd n corps of pacemakers. The regular sea son's training will begin nt once , and no efforts will bo spared by the American Cycle Rncln ? association to get them In the finest possible condition. The first race , ulll be In Boston on May 14. when Titus will meet McDuftco In n fifteen-mile contest , paced by forty-eight men. The American Cycling : association team this year Is Kdttoard Taylore , France ; F. J. Tltns , New York ; "Major" Taylor , Indian- npolls ; Oscar Htdstrom , Brooklyn ; 11. A. Miller , New "York ; George Fulford , Eng land ; Perry Whcelock , England ; J. J. 13si n , Brooklyn ; John Biiel , Newark ; Birl llcy- nold , Chicago ; J. E. Walsh , Wnlthnm ; W. . A. Tcrrlll , San Francisco ; E. C. Johnson , | Cleveland ; A. B. Stone , Denver ; I , . C. John- on , Cleveland ; A. T. Crooks , Buffalo ; 1' . A. lilanchnrd , Bridgeport ; A. L. W lnlp , Butj j 'alo ; Oscar Julius , .Sweden ; II. E. Caldwell , i Alnnchester ; A. A. Jackson , Lynn ; D. R. Jefferson , Asbury Park ; O. L. Plckard. San Yanclsco ; 11. W. Elllngham , New York ; 1. A. Burchcll , Syracuse ; Al Ncwhouse , Buffalo. T.orlllnnl'n llomen Win. [ Copyright , 1898 , by 1'rojs I'uMltirnR Ccmi ny. ) LONDON , May 1. ( Now York World , C.illegram Special Telegram. ) The Lorll- lard-Bercsford stable did well at Nowj j market nt the first spring meutlng. El Fin , I starting second choice , won the 3-year-old welter , $1,7W , owners landing $20,000 In bets. ' Pnscola , by Simon Magus out of 1'crcop- tlon , won the maiden 2-year-old plate , 100 to 8. Ur fancled Berzak , a good Hist choice for the Jubilee handicap , won S13.COO. In the run nt Kempton IMrk next Saturday Wood rides Berzak and Is expected to do credit to America with this great prize. Crniiil ItiiplilH n Ioner. GRAND RAPIDS , Mich. , May l.-Score : Earned runs : Grand IlajJds , 5 ; Newcastle , ! . Base hltss Grand Rapids , 14 ; Newcastle , 2. Errors : Grand Rapids , 4 ; Newcastle , 0. | Butteries : Grand Rapids , Campbell und | Cole ; Newcastle , Morgan and Uono\an. HEATH ui : co it i ) . Jniiu-n ( J. Dny. George A. Day , a prominent attorney of this city and formerly deputy attorney of this state , was notified of the death ot his father , Hon. James G. Day of DCS Molnes , la. , yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The deceased waa 79 years of age yeaterday and j was well known throughout Iowa. His \vlto ; died elx weeks ago yeaterday. Judge Day became famous as the author of the opinion ot the supreme court of the state ot Iowa declaring the prohibitory amendment to the constitution of that otato null and void because It had bacu Illegally pVBcd. It Is said that he wrote the opinion much against his personal wishes , being himself a prohibitionist and a leader In the rcpubllccn party , which was at that time committed to the prohibitory amendment. The deceased served on the supreme beach of Iowa with some distinction for I'eventeen years. After his marriage 'ho settled In Sidney , la. , and from there entered the war ot the rebellion as a private. He nerved four years , and came out of the war wltti the commission of a captain. He returned to Sidney after the war tad resumed the prac tice of law there. He was first appointed to tha fmpreme bench and later elected to that court , from Sidney , la. Later he re moved to Afton , la. , and wia there a law partner of Judge Gregory of this city. The two oldest sons reside In this city. Tjey are Qeorga A. Day , formerly deputy state attorney , and Curtis L. Day , also an attorney. The other rhtlrtrcn are : Charles E. Day , editor of the Sioux Falls Argua- Lcader aciddeputy po-'tmaater at Sioux Falls , S. D. ; Harry Day , electrician at Hampton , la. ; Dr. Edward Day , a practicing physician at Earlham , ia. ; James G. Day , Jr. , who studied law with his father In Des Molnes , la. , and Mrs. E. B. Edgar of Minneapolis , Minn. Mm. J. II. Joncft. ATLANTIC. la. , May 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mre ! J. B. Jones , wife of the mayor of this city , after g.n Illness of several months with cancer of tjio stomach , died here thin morning. Che leaves a husband and family . ot fix children , the youngest 4 years of age. Her slaters , Miss Green of Katvccs City , Mo. , and < Mrs. rj , W. .Keedlck ot Mount Vernon , were at her bedslds when she died. Mr * . O. L. nrorvn. ATLANTIC , la. , May 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) The announcement that Mrs. C. L. Brown , wife of a prominent merchant and a director of tbe Atlantic National bank , had died this morning was a surprise to all , cs her Illnces was not thought eerlous. A husband and five children , all ot age but one , remain. All were at her bodtfldB except one son , Joe , who U attending medical col lege at Chicago , and a daughter , Mrs. Dr. Murphy ot Dayton , who have been notlfled. Avocn Pioneer. AVOC4 , la. , May 1. ( Special. ) Erasmus A. Pope , aged CC years , an Avoca pioneer , died at his borne , four miles eoutb , Friday , April 29 , at 2 p. m. , of peritonitis. He leaves a widow and six children. The funeral was held at the home today. New llurlluKtoii Equipment. DENVER , Colo. , May 1. Today the train service of the Burlington between this rliv and Chicago wcs enhanced by the addition of five brand new trains , to be run as the "Chicago Special , " eastbound. and the "Colo rado Special , " wcstbounl. This new equip ment takes the place of that which has been used on the Denver-Chicago fast trains slnco Ita Inauguration. The crs have jut been completed tor the Burlington nd are of the moot modem pattern. They Include flvo modern composite cam , or buffet emokcra , ono to be attached to each train. It it 11 run il .Note * nnd I'rmnnnlii. R. ! ' . Atwoo.l h o been appointed commer cial agent of the Hock Island at St. Joseph , Mo. , to succeed J. C. Staley , transferred. " The Horton shops of the Hock Inland will build 00 box cats during the coming mimmer. These curs nro to bo thirty-four feet long , ot CO,000 poutiCs capacity. Charles M. Dunlop has resigned as foreman of the machine shops of the Oregon Short Line ut Pocatcllo , Idaho , to accept the posi tion ot foreman of the ehops of tbo Klo Grande Western at Helper , Utah. A North 1'latto paper sajo : "Tho 1200 data ot engines that were recently put Into ccrvlco on the Second and Third districts of the Union Pacific have proven so unfitted for the work required ot them that they are bcKig sent Luck to the Wyoming division. They will probably bo laid up In the Cheyenne ehops. " The Burlington has completed plans for the now panscngcr depot which Ita \ proposed to build at Oulncy. 111. The building will be 300 feet long by sixty feet wide and ulll bo surmounted by an ornamental clock tower 175 feet high. The exterior walls will bo of pressed brick , with stone trimmings. The estimated coat Is $100,000. It is also propped to build a freight depot to cost $69,000. It Id reported from Chicago that several of the large railway systems. Including the Hock Island , Burlington , Northwestern , Illi nois Central and Ualttmoro & Ohio , nro con sidering it plan for dli < semlnatlng war ncwn throughout the country penetratekl by their lines. It Is propcsed to display flagii entrains trains to Indicate the progress of the war with Spain. A United Stateu flag will mean a victory for the American land forces ; United Stutcs flag with blue pennant above , a victory for the American navy ; pattl-col- ored flag , a victory for Spanish land forces ; parti-colored flag with blue pennant above , a victory for Spain on the sea. The local representatives of thcje Unco have received no Information to thU effect. COlMMXCiEll IlllVIHWS HIS THOOl'S. luftmtr.v In Delayed In Avrii } * . MOIULB , Ala. , May 1. There was uoth- Inr but routine In camp near Mobile today , cxceri a division review by Gcnerul Cop- pliiEcr. the division being commanded by Colonel Simon Snjdcr of the Nineteenth. Great delay was experienced In getting the troopu off for Tampa , owing to extraordinary demand for cars on the Louisville & Nash , villa road , which was called to transport troops from 'Mobile and New Orleans , and at the same time to prepare to transport .the ThlrJ reelment of state troops from Bir mingham to Mobile en Sunday. In consequence quence the Tenth only got off on time. The Twcnty-Eccond blvotiaced for the night and had a dlcagreeablo time of It , many of them having been soaked by the ralii of the preceding afternoon. They left In good spirits , however , and full of enthusiasm for the \\ar. Ileport SnocrNM for SpinilNli Ship * MADRID. May 1. An official dispatch from Havana euya : "An American ship has bom barded a battery at the entrance of Clenfue- gos , but It was driven off by three of our gunboats , which put out of the harbor In a westerly direction. It sustained some sllchl damage. Other men-of-war have tfireatenci' the Marlcl ccast. Troopa have gene to Its defense. Maps of Cuba at The Bee ofllce Omaha Council Blufts or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. FORECAST I'OIl TUUAV'S AVIJATIIICH I'nrtly Cloudy nml Colder , with North erly Wind * . WASHINGTON , May 1. Forecast fo Monday : For Nebraska Partly clouly weather co'der In eastern portion ; northerly winds For South Djijtcta Fair , but curtly cloudy weather ; northerly winds. For Iowa Showers In southeast ; fnlr In northcst portion ; colder ; northerly winds. FT Missouri Showers ; colder ; northcrlj winds. For Kansas Part.'y cloudy Aventhicr ; pos elb'.y shcMUTd In. eastern portion ; colder in eastern portion ; northerly winds. For Wyoming Partly cloudy ; warmer northerly , shifting- easterly , milnds. Local illeeord. OFFICE OF WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA , .May 1. Omaha record of tem pciraturo ami rainfall compared with the cor respcwdlng day of the last three years : 1S59 1S07 1S96 180 'Maximum temperature . . C2 65 61 Minimum temperature . . . ,44 43 52 Average temperature K5 cc 56 nntn'fall ' T .00 .21 .0 Record of temperature and prec'pltatlon a Omaha for this day and slnco .March. 1,1897 Normal fcr the day , . ' , . 5 Deficiency for the dny Accumulated excess since Slarch 1 12 Normal rainfall for the day 13 Incl Deficiency for the. < 1ny 13 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 3.S9 Inche Deficiency slnco March 1 : , .S7 Inc Exoesa for cor. period 1S97 . .1.8S Inche Excess for ccr. period 1600 l.OTlnchc llcpurt * from Station * nt M p. in. Seventy-mill Meridian time. STATIONS AND STATE OP WEATIIKH. B | I Omaha , raining 511 r : North Tlatte , rnlnlns . - ; . 3C " Cheyenne , rnowlne ! Ilaplil city , cloudy n Huron , cloudy 46 Chicago , cloudy C6 Wlllleton , clear r.o St. Louis , cloudy 02 Bt. I'nul , cloudy 02Gl Dincnport , cloudy cs Helena , Fnnwlnc 31 ! Kansas City , cloudy CO Havre , partly cloudy . . . . tt4S lllsmnrck , cloudy 4S Ualveeton , cloudy 74 T Indicates trnro ot precipitation. L A. WKUSII , I acal Forecast Official. "Take it back go to some grocer who will give you Pearl- inc. " That's the only way to do when they send you an imitation. The popularity of Pearline be gets the habit of calling anything that's "Pearl washing-powder , ine. " Those who notice the difference in name , think perhaps " it's about the same thing. " It isn't. Nothing else equals Pearline , the original and standard washing compound. S7S JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURES Jobbers of CRACKtftS , NUTS , CIGARS and FIRE WORKS. Selling Agents FIBLD CXETAS. SUMJVJ3R lOo Clfinrm. Ro O/f < ir . WEAK 1EN CURED SYPHILIS OR AND iKOUGHT TO PERFECT BID BLOOD. by our full tnMuwot of Turklsb Ctpnulri Ior t.M. XlrM UKM * . D jr LOMM , SMT irapUou rand fcy TnrkWi . I or BnUn treat , : * Carxl M perfect nra rphlUt Cur * , Mrer ( U > r e * rwer * . W < atka jmr own nwotctaw . ull trettmcot . with BMTU L * nd Mic iir l M * tttiivi41. Wilua * I Ue , tUO.00 ! Bln i Bo i , .gu. I wrttuninumMw with full mi * . BlB HAHN'S PHARMACY , f . . . lMby m.ll Hmy. l-m tcr. 1-pOOK REMEDY CO BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Frl m rr , Secondary or TtrtUrr BLOOD ISO N pernunintly Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can b * treated t horn * for iam * und r Mme guaranty. If > ou prtftr Kit here wt mil contract to par rail * Mt6 tare and hot.t bill * , and no charft U wt fall to cur * . IF YOU HAVE Uktn mercury , lodld. potash and still hnv * acliM and pains. Muooui Pttchti In moJth. Ser Thi at , I'lmplr * , Copper Col. red Spots , Vlren on any part of th. body. Hair or Kysbrow. fulllnj out. It ! this Secondary Wt Guarantee to Cure W * loltclt th * mtit obtttnot. CAM * and challenge the \torl.l ( or cnte w cannot cur * . Thlt dlirme h.i always baffled th * iklll of th * l.ioit eminent phyBlctuu. 1500.000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. AbtoluU proof , tent fealed on application. ICO pat * book sent frv * . AddreM COOK HEMIBDY CO. , 1401 Maioulo Tempi * . Chicago , III. coo K Two Weeks' Treatment To All THEY AMVJ OIn SPECIALISTS tn ths tr atm < tt of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , Cdall WEAKNESSES IICU nnd IHSORDKRS OP Mull Catarrh , all Dlseaiti ot the NOM , T.woat. OhMl Itomach. Ll\er. Ulood , bkrn anil Kldnty Dl . * ass , Ixt Mknliood. Hydrocele. Verlcoc lt , tonorrhes , Qlecte , Syphilis. Stricture. Flln , Vlt * ula and Rectal Ulcers Diabetes Dilfhft Dl- * i * curtd. Call on or kddrtis with stamp ( of Pre Book and N w Methods. frentnicnt liy Mnll , Conmiltatton free. Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute I. U714 North nth sc. On4ta. Nttk wrre * oTirona VAC * ooxitrtvr DOCT Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Ovarantee to cure speedily and radt * eaiir all Hcnvous , cimoxio Aa > PRIVATE diseases of lien and Tf B esu WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. JfUht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hn Iroceto. Verlcoeele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , BypIU Ills , Stricture. Flits. Fistula and Rectal Uloirs , Diabetes. Brlghfs Disease curso. i Consultation Free- Stricture and GleeK.dal by new method without pain or cuulnr. Gallon or addrcis with stamp. by mall. m mm s SMI UDRIIU'S FOU r.tTUF.K SEX. OnUil OThlo remedy belnc lu- Jcclcd directly to tli * ' eat of thono dlsensea of the Gcnlto-Urinary Organ H , rotinircB BO. change of dlot. Caret In 1 to 9. Karantcrrl plain pack- UKO. oy uiull , a Mold only by Mycru Dillon IlriiR Co. , S. E. Corne Kith niiii Karnnm 8I . , Oiiiuha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. FOR SALE AND FOIt HENT I Y LEONARD- Everett , U Tearl St. , Council niuITs , Ia , : i J For rent a small farm of ! 0 acre * , Ztnln \ \ front the city. Very reasonable rental , deed hou § and stable. j , For rent a house nnd C acres of land , % of mile from the city limits. Renta' , 15.00 p month. Good land In central Nebraska for rent for ft share of the crop. l I acres of good land for rent near Honey Creek * Will rent on shares. { Good house of 10 rooina and one acre of land , fruit anil garden , fine trees , beautiful location , near the city , known u "Cherry Hill , " fos > rent for the summer very reasonal le. , ' Hood 6-room house for rent at J7.00 yet raonthg near the motor line. Oood farm for oale. H mile of Underwood , itf acres , well Improved , spiendld l-xnd. Omsh * or Council Uluffs pntperty takva In part pay * . ment. , j - A splendid bottom farm for salt near Mondamin * - ' Tart payment taken In Omaha or Council * Bluffs city propel ty ; 11.300.00 will be taken 1 % trade. | „ ' Good forms for rent for the season of 1(9 } at 4 " low rental to responsible parlies. J f C acres of land near the city for sale. Will talk * } ' part payment In painting or carpenter work , j ' i Gardens and farms for sale In tbe best part of ,5 western Iowa. ; . , ' Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-t w , If j Pearl it. , Council Dlurf * , U. ' * DJVELL1NC18. FRUIT. . AR1 AND ( _ land * lor tal * or rrab P f 4 x * H rj trvn * -