MFT SATVTRtt YV THE OMAHA PAIfrT "BEE : SATURDAY , APBtL-'flO , 18M. vi i 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Closes Uniteadj After a Break at Liverpool. MAY OATS BOOM ON FEAR OF A SQUEEZE Arc IrrrRtilnr , lint Clone Slronir , I.nnt , Which Kitten Inde pendently , Miorrluir a Heavy tinln. CHICAGO , April 23.-Wheat today closed unstcmly at a decline of 2Q V4c on the Chicago cage exchange In response to n Do break nt Liverpool. At ono time the Chicago market - ket showed a loss ot 3c. Corn closd ! 4c lower. Oats wns strong , especially May , which closed lV4c hlg'ncr , while July gained ' . c. Fears of n squeeze In May caused the bulije. Only 600,000 bu. are In store , against nn estimated ahort Interest of 6,000,000 bu. Provisions were Irregular , but closed strong , with lard , which ruled Independently , firm on cubic ndvlccs anil gnlned lOc per tierce. 1'ork lost 22c ; ribs gnlned 2 c. For the drat tlmo In four days the Liver pool market today showed signs of weaken ing. It started at declines averaging 2Jc ! a bushel , except for spot grain , w'nlch was quoted l'/4o ' higher. This was Iho llrst set back In the foreign market after 2',4c ad vance. The bears were Jubilant , thinking as they did that the so-called speculative bubble abroad had exploded. Quotations I' ftSu a bUH'nel higher from London , 44c } at Mark Lane and 2'/4c nt I'arls were quietly Ignored , nnd July , which closed here ycster- dny worth OSHc , started at from M'/ic to OT&c. A little covering carried It up to Ulc. This demand was soon filled rind bottom was not reached until July had sold at 82l4c. Western receipts showed considerable Increase 077,000 bu. at primary points , against 3M.OOO bu. last year. Northwestern receipts were 522 cars , against 578 last year. Atlantic ports cleared 403,000 bu. of wheat nnd Hour. Closing Liverpool cables brought t'ne bulls no relief , that market winding up nt the bottom of a 5c decline for July. But the local crowd , which hail apparently sold short almost to a man , tried to cover half an hour before the close , and had to com pete with 'neavy New Yorklbuylng. The re- suit was a bulge of 2V&C In July , which touched 9l > ic. Heallzlng carried It back to 93 ! c at the close , u net loss of 2c. May , which opened at 3t.20K91.21 , sold off to I1.17H. closing at (1.20 , a net loss of 2Hc. Corn was fairly active but heavy for the moat part , and closed atjc decline. The country acceptances were heavy , export ac ceptances comparatively llg'nt , and elevator pcoplo and others sold against corn to ar IJ rive for the country. The lowest prices were made nt the start , but the heavy feelIng - Ing prevented any material recovery. He- cclpts were tKi cars and 833,000 bu. were In spected out of store. Atlantic ports cleared 67,000 bu. Liverpool spot cotton was quoteii % d lower. July opened H@c lower at 3lfi 31V4c , so'd between 33c nnd 34VfriT31c , nnc closing lie net lower at 3l',4c. Oats opened weak , but heavy purchases against cash acceptances caused a rally especially In May. The short Interest Ir t'ne latter month Is supposed to be nboul 6,000.000 bu. , and 600,000 bu. arc stored here , Atlantic ports cleared C2I.OOO bu. Chlcagc received 371 cars. May sold .between IWc nni a ie , closing IWc higher'at 30yac. July &S 2CVdc , closing nt 2Gc , a net gain of % c. rriie demand for lard was the feature Ir provisions today. Western receipts of hogs were 71.0CO head , against M.OOO last year Bacon and hums were steady to tlrm at Liverpool. Lard ruled 3d lower. Price ; opened weak on free liquidation on hlghci ocean rates. Some covering of pork ani ribs was Induced by t'ne Independent strength of lard , and the market closei strong. July pork opened VtfiWc lower , soli between tll.OO and Jll.27@ll.30. closing 22 < not lower nt $11.10. July lard opened " ' / < lower at J5.57ftu.GO ; advanced to $5.75 a the close , a net gain of lOc. July ribs soli between $5.42 nnd $5.52 ; closing2' ' c no higher , nt t-'iM. Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat 121 cars ; corn , 623 cars ; oats , 334 cars ; hogs 21,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles . Opan. | llUli. | Low. | Close , j Yoat'j Wheat- May. . . 1 21 1 JO 1 22 * July. . . us > Sept. . . HIH-H'J HIM 82 ! Dec. . Hoaai B1H 80 HI 81 ? Com May. . . 33 > < 33H \ < a. 31 July. . . at > x Sept. . . 35) OnlB May. . . 21) 30H 20 20V July. . . 28 ! , J53 20 as > . Seii : . . . 23H -3 2SM 23 * Icrk- May. . . 11 00 11 OH 10 77 10 85 11 12) July. . . 11 It ) 11 30 11 OJ 11 10 11 32 } Lard- Way. . . fi S2J , S 07M G M\i 8I57H 5 07 } July. . . A 07 G 75 6 OJVi G 7G 36.1 Sept fi 07) ) . S07H 57G fb'thlb * May. . . C 40 C 47U G 40 B 47M G 42) ) July. . . 0 42J. fi fi2tt G 4 hi G CO Q 00 8opt 6 60 S Oil G 00 C CO 6 071 No. J. Cash quotations were on follows : PIXHIU Steady and uncIianEcJ. WHEAT No. 2 spring , tl.C501.10 ; No. spring. II.0181.10 ; No. 2 red , Jl.ntftfl.JO. OOUN-No. 2 , 34T4C. OAT -No. 2. 23140300 ( . o. b. ; No. 2 whlti JOHil.tOe ; No. 3 white , 31032C. ItYl'J-No. 2. GOlJc. HAULiUY No. 2 , 44 ! 0c. FIjAXSEEU-No. 1. J1.JOVJOH.31. TIMOTHY SEEO-Prlme. 12.42 . rnOVISIONS-Mes * pork , pir bb ! . . $10fG 10.DO. Lord , per 100 Ibs. , to.6l.@iJ.C2. thort rll nldeii ( loose ) . ( JMiyi.M. Dry called ttiouldei ( boxed ) . 14,7185.00. Short clear sides ( boxed * S.75iK > .K. WHISKY Distillers * finished Roods , per gal , $1.20. KUGAHS-Cut loaf , I5.C9 ; granulated , ) J.13i On the Produce exchange today the butt market was Btrady ; creameries 13ll6Vic ; da'rlc 12015c. ESK * . nrm ; , I0'jc. , Cheese , di and unchanged. NKW YORK UISXKIIAI , MARKET Quotation * for I lie Day oil Generi Conimoilltle * . NEW YOnif. April M. FIjOUR ItecelpU , 16 t > 2 bbls. ; exports , 14,801 bbU , ; winter patenti $5.356:1.75 : ; winter Btralg.hts , $ S.15 { | .25 ; Mlnn < sola patent * . | S.20e.GO ; winter extras , t3.W 4.33 ; Minnesota baker * , JI.Wg5.00. llye Hau firmer. n.i3.C3. COllNMEAlr-Market itrong ; yellow wester liVK Quiet ; No. I western. 67c. llAHUV-Flrm ; feedlrts. c. 11AHI.KV M ALT Firm ; Wistern , t8 70c. W1IBAT Itecelpts , 181.3DI ) bu. B | < ot- easy ; Ni 1 red , ll.21Vi , f. o. b. , Uloat to arrive. Uptlor reflected the heavy break In Liverpool with pronouncml uiH-nlng decline , but later Inm-unc by .fine crop news and Mg northwestern receipt Alt afternoon rally followed on export biulnea but was not sustained , the close belntc easy at 1 So net lower ; No. 2 red May , IU9ttl.Ji ; close. . fltlV . tOHN Receipts , K4o : bu. ; exports , ! J2,5 bu. 8jiot. easy ; No. 2. 40o. Options Keneml weak all day under dlsappolntinu cablec , tl break In wlieat and the nci'vo ' cxroit U-'iui.i oloseti , U9So net lower ; May , ! 8 > iV3ac ; clc ci OATS llecelpts , SlS.oDO bu. ; cxixi.-ts , 3.1 H'lJ 1 1 BjK > t , llrmer ; No. ! . 3tVlc ; No. S white , 57cO ] tlona HtronKly sustained on the nJnince In Cbi property and closed lo net liihcr ; Ma > clou HAY-Stcaily ; shlpplnB , 303ic ; fCkxl In clioic . HOPS Steady ; state , common 'o chvke , If crop. 6c : ISM crop , 7tfSo ; 1857 crop , D&Gc ; 1'nell coanf , 1S35 crop , 4f6c ; 1SW crop , 76'So ; 1897 cro . 1UDES Steady ; OnlVHton , UV4c ; Texas dr U c : tMllfornla. KUOUn. LKATHKU-Qulet ; hemlMk Kie ! , nuen- - A > res. 19ViU'i\- , WOOL-Qulet ; fleece , 17Sic ; Texr.s , l.'OHc. PKOVlSio.NU-lktf.1 * : family , itl.w li.OO ; extra me . J10.0) ) ; beef hams 13 1 pacKet. HO-SOtflLM. but tnejt ' stem ! ulckled hniiH. J7.75fl8.CO : pickled bellle K-17' ' I rdt steady ; western Meam. $1. 4CJ.95 ; May. JS.Oj ; retlneil. quiet. Pork , stead rne , J10.7SW11.00 ; family. JIS.OO , Tallow , ttrr city. 3 9-ICo ; country , I 9-1Gj3Hc. OIl Petroleum , easy. Ilosln. rteady : ttralne common to good , J ) . 2VSni. 3. Turpentine , iml JlH33c. Cottontred nil , quiet but llrm held ; prim * erude , 19 :0c ; prim * crude , f. b. mlllf , leuiTc ; prime summer yellow. U * Vbutter , oil. Ktteatt ; prims winter > ello' lllCK-Stcady ; fair to wtlro. 4H06V4c ; Japa MOLASSKfl-Steady ; New Orleans , open kett food to cho'e * . nolle. MrrTAIH The metal rr.nrket luckol Imports ffaturo today , rullnic quiet but Cm at abe yeatenlay' * ngure * At the rl i the Metal < change called plir Iron warr\nts unchviKed. (7.0 aske > l. Copper , uncharted , with Jl ! 45 t rul J1J..V1 anke.1. Tin. lulit 11170. fc'pelti . with H.15 bid and : i ? 0 asked. Lea Sulet. rnier , with J3.73 bid und it V > Hsknl. The Hi Itxlnif the price for leading r.ilalnit trcurltl.-i ai ntelteni In the we t csntlnuts to quote lead . BtITTKIl-neoelpt . J.J50 pks . ; very quU western creamery , lMl7c ; Klsjlns. 17c ; factoi | V MS OUKKSK-lUcflpts. l.tW pkrs. * . qul't : Ian Choice , 7) 0Ue ; small , choice , JSiUSUc ; llj skim4 c ; part txlmt , 4fk- ; full klm , EGUS llecelpti , I.HI pkfi.j itrtdy ; wcitern , IlUc ; inutbtrn , loiOilc. OMAlfA OEMKRAL 9finKRTS. ! Condlllon of Trade anrt Ctnnlntlom oa - < t rlf n l Fancy 1'roilucc. rogg-qood stock. c. nUTTEn-Common to fair. SOlto ! pitalor IJc ; gathered creamery , KB1SC. VKAL-Cholce fat. SO to IM IbJ. , quoted at 10 9c ; large nnd coarse , * W7c. LIVK POULTIlY-Chlckcnt , 707UCJ old roost- erf , iHflSHc ; younir rooster * , S Hc. OA Mi : Weather too warm for same. PKIKONrf-Llvc , fl.UDl.Ui deno pleeont not wanted , HAY Upland , J7.00 ; midland. JS.OO ; lor-Iand , $ * .SO ; rye straw , Jl 00 ; culor mak * the price en hay ; llirht bales sell the. best ; only top bring top price * . ONlONS-Per bu. , McflU. IIKANH-Ilan.1-picked . navy , ptr bu. , J1.J3. SWHKT - bb ! . l-OTATOKS-Kansas. 10-peck , J3.50 ! seed sweet potatoes , J2.W. CAHHAflE New M.irlds , per crate , J ? K. POTATOES Home ? grown , tOffVlc : Colorado ock , 70c ; northern fancy early Ohio e d po- TOMATOES-Per crate , J3.00S3.22. NKW IinBTS-Per dor. bunchtrn. 43SMO. MAIfiHK8-Per | doi. bunches , SOO35c. LKTTtJCI ! Per dot. bunches , M(40c. OltHEN ONIONS-PiT doz. , 12O1IC. WATinciUrtS Per ie-qt. case , Jl.CO. , CUtJI'MIinilS Per doz. , $1,231W. ' WAX HKANS-,4 bu. box. SI. PEAH-Per bu. , fancy Mississippi , (1.23. HPINACH-Per baikel. Jl. Pini'LANT Home grown , per lb. , 2c. FHUITS. STIlAWnERniES-Pcr 24-plnt case , J2.J3 ; 21- t. case , J4.50. APPLES Winter flock , J3.0003.50. CIlANilEItniKS-Kancy Jersey , per blii. , $10.M. ailAPns Mnlngna. J5.UOJTIi.00. T1IOP1CAL FUU1TS. OnANOnS-Callfornla navels , J2.7C03.M ; * ed- ngl > . J2.25. LKMONS-Callfornla fancy , J3.00 ; choice , J2.C9 2.75 : fancy Messina , $3.00 < a3.CO. 11ANANAS' Chnlce. largj mock , per hunch , KM 02.23 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.7Jg2.00. NVTS A'mem < ! ? ' V r It. , largo § lze. 12B13c ; mall , lie ; UraziU , per ID. , OUlOc : Hngllsh wal. ut , per Ib , fancy eoft nhcll , lOiJllc ; standards , fiflc ; illhert ; , per ib , 10j ; pecans , polished , me. lum , Sgjui Airi large , Sff9e : large hickory utii , Sl.0001.lo per bu. ; email. J1.23S1.33 per bu. ; ocoanuts , per 100 , Jt : peanuts , raw , CfllVio ; oacted , cgciic. Mas Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. bores , Oc ; 5-crown , 41-lh. boxes. 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 229 3o ner box : California , 10-lb. box , Jl. IIONIIY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10 flic. KIlAUT-Per libl. , J3.DO ; half bbl. , J2.23. MAPLE SYHUP Five-gal , can , each. J2.75 ; l. cans. pure , per doz. . . J12 ; half-gal , cans , C 2. > : quart cans , J3.50. DATES Hallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , CJic ; ialr. Co ; Kard , 9-II > . boxes. Sc. CIDEIl Per lialf-bbl. , Jl : bbl. , J3. HIDIH. TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hlles , Cc : No. 2 creen Ides. 3o No. 1 malted . : hides. Sc ; No. 2 green alted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 IbsT , Sc' S'o. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ilia. , 7o. ' TALIXJW , QllEASi : . KTC.-p-allow , No. 1 , 3c ; allow. No. 2 , 24c ! ; rougn tallow , lV4c ; white reasc , 2'iQ21ic ; yellow and brown grease , 1140 'SHEEP PELTa-Orecn salted , each , 15 73c ; Treen salted shearlngH ( short wooled early skins ) , lacli , 15c ; dry nhearlngs ( short wooled early kins ) . No. 1 , each , Cc : dry Hint Kansas and Ne- iraska butcher wool pelts , per Hi. , actual weight , 3c ; dry Mint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain vool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3Wlc ; dry lint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4tc5c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain ttool -ell * , per lb. , actual weight , 3t < c. W75.00. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED 11EEF Oood native st ° er * , 7o rer b. ; good forfquarlem steers. Cc : goo-V hlndnuar. : ers Hteers , 9c : western sttcrs , 6ic ; nnlhe lielf- er. , 6Hc : western heifers , 6Hc ; good forenuar- ten heifers , 6Vtc ; good hindquarters helfep. SUc ; natUe COWK , CV4c : western cows , CMcfa'r cows. Co ; cow forequartcrs. 6c ; cow hlndquarter * Sc : backhalvea. CiiCKc ; triangles , 4ijc. 9o ; fresh , lOc ; shoulder ciods , bnnele s 6Uc' rump bulls , boneless. 5ic : No. 1 chuck ' S'lc- No. 2 chucks , 4 > ic : No. 3 chucK . 4'/4o : bonclesj chuckc. frozen , 44c ; fre h , oljc ; cow plates 3Vkc ; steer plates , 4c : fljnic steak , 7c ; loins No' 1 , frozen , 12o : fresh , 14c : iclns. No. 2 , frozen IOC- fresh , 12c ; loins No. 3 , frozen , so ; fresh. I0c ! short loins , nimket etylc , Ic abo\e loins ; hotel tlonal ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , J'ic additional ; trimmings , < ' , ic ; beef shanks , 3c- per lb. , 12c ; calf ll\ers , each. 35o : calves , whole carcass or sides , lOVjc ; calf head and feet , Bcalilod , per set. 75c. MUTTON Fancy lambs , Oc per lb. ; regular limb" , Sc : sheep , 7i4c : market racks ( long ) , 8c ; tmtel racks ( chert ) , He ; loins. Oc ; sa'illes , 9c- ICR * , 9c : lamb less. lOc ; Lre.ists and ste\\n , zic ; ; toncucs , each , 3c ; forentiarters. CV4e. 1'ORK Ireed pigs , SVJc per lb. ; dressed hog'i , ; tenderloins , ir > o ; Ion ; , smalt , Cc ; large , CHc ; Fparo ribs , 4',4c ' : ham sausage butts , &Vic ; Itoston butts , 6 < , ic ; sho'ildera , rough , 4c ; shout- dent , skinned , Cc : trimmings , 4Hc : leaf lard , not rendered , DVjc ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts ami ears , 3c ; fresh hami , 16 to 18 Ibs. , 7'io ; fresh hams , short clears , 5ic : cheek meats. 4c ; neck- bones , Zc ; pigs' tails , 3o ; plucks , each , Cc ; chit- terllngr. tic : hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz , 23c ! Btomachs , each. : c ; tongues , each , 7c ; k'dncys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , pr doz. , 15c : pigs' feet , pei doz. , ! 0c : livers , each , Jc ; l.oi ; rinds , 3c ; blade bones , Cc. St. T.onlH Upiiernl MnrkrtN. ST. LOUIS , April 2D. KLOUR Higher ; pat enL' . J5.401T3.CO ; straights , J4.Mffj.10 ; clear , jl.2 ( H f.O ; medium , $1.7504.00. WHEAT Lower , closing with May 2Uc. Jul ] lo and September lUc under yesterday. Tin feeling was firm. Spot , lower to sell : No. 2 red cart. J1.07V4 bid ; track , Jl.OSV45fl.09 ; April. Jl.OSW May , Jl.OU l > ld ; July , tSc asked : September SOH" asked ; No. 2 hard , cash , Jt 07 , CORN Futures weak and fractionally lowe than yesterday : spot , lower : No. ' 2 cash. SZVic AprlK S214C- ; May , 32f July , SS a bid ; Sep tember. 33c asked. OATS Higher for May and July , with Septem bcr fractlonsi off : tpot , strong ; No. 3 cash. SOVlc track , 31c ; April , 30 c ; May , 31c asked ; July 23T4c : September , 23 , c ; Now ! white , 3333',4c. RYE Firm. C9c bid. SEED Flaxreed , nominal , Jl.27',4. ' Tlmoth ; toeil. prime. J2.CSilJ2.73. LVRNMKAIStronot , $1.7031.75. IIUAN Higher ; sacked east track , 04 : . HAY Strong ; prairie. $8.0099.00 ; timothy , JS.3 . . IHITTKR Steady ! creamery , 15lSc ; dairy 11W1W. KC.aS Steads' , J',4c. WHISKY Steady , JI.22. MirPAIiS Lead , higher , J1.57V403.CO. Speltci lower. J3.95. COTTONTIES "Cc. . PROVISIONS Pork. lower ; standard mess jobbing , JlO.fio. Lard , better ; prime Fleam. $5.4 ; choice , $5.53. llacon. boxed fhouWcrs , $ "i.S ; ex tra short clear. J6.12V4 : rllu. JC.25 ; rhorts , J6.M Dry alt meats , boxed shoulders , J4.75 : extr short clear. > $3.R2V4 : ribs. J3.75 ; fhorts. J3.CO. RECEIPTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. : wheat. 37.0C bu. : corn. 144.000 bu. . oat * . 1S.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 3.WO bbls. , wheat , 93.0C bu. ; corn , 63,000 bu. ; oats , 83.000 bu. IlnHliiiorr Mnrkvt. It.M.TIMORU. April 2 . FLOUR Unchanged western superfine , J3.SOff3.73 ; we tern cxtrn Jt.lMi4.4S ; family. J5.09OC30 ; winter patents J3.50&5.80 : spring patents , JS.lOflS.M : pprln wheat Rtraleht. J5.830600 ; receipts , 8,103 l-'ils. eiporlH. 19,735 bbls. WHEAT Firm. Spot , month and May. $1.13 Ol.UH ; steamer. No. 2 red. M.lOHBl.lOVi : re celpt , 57,38r bu , ; exports. 105,777 bu. ; Kale ? 111.000 Int. : southern wheat , bv namnle , J1.1C ( 1.14'i : southern , on grade , 1.10V4W1.H. CORN Quiet ami eisy. Spot and month. S85 WS'iftc ' ; May. JSVifW lc : steamer mixed. 37 % < S7o ; n-celpls , 2 ,517 bu. ; exports , 194.167 bu. i" > uth ( > rn white corn , 41c ; southern yellow , 40 < 41cOATSFlmi : "No. 2 while. S7Vt4iVo ! ; fjr , . ml > e < l. SIO34Vic ; recelpu , 54,30 $ bu. ; i > xporti ) .0. bu. h RYE-Ii sler ; No. 2 nenrhv , 63)iO < v. T'o. ! western. 6JVic ; receipts , 13,553 bu. ; exports , 30 , 00) bu. HAY Firm , better grades ; choice timothy , Jl bid.'AIN rTlEIOHTS Pather ouletcr ; steam t Liverpool , per bu. . Rd. Juno ; C'irl ; for orders , pe quarter. 4s Cd. May ; 4s"d , June. IlUTTITR-FIrm : fancy creamery. Kfil7c fancy Uille , 15c ; good ladle. He ; atore packed , 1 14SO. V KOO ! ? Firm : fresh , lie. I'HHFSK Steady ; fancy New York , large. $1 llVic : fancy New York , medium , 9'4tflOc ; fatic New York , gmall. 10'ieiOV4e. Knn nH CUr Ornlii anil ProvUlnna. KANSAS CITY. April : i WHEAT-Actlve , decline of l 2c. cloMnr Ormr No. 1 bird. Jti 1.0 : No. 2 red. JI.OCW1.07 ; No. S. $1.0501.01 No 2 spring. $1.03 ; No. 3. Jl.COfll.OI. rORN-Spot. lower : No. 2. SlUflSS" . OATS Scarce , V4tf2o higher ; No. ! white , * ! RYH Steady ; "K& . I. CSe. H V 1'lmi ; choice timothy. J10.500I1.00 ; cliaU pralrlv. W.M. HUTTER-Weak ; creamery , 13WSl V4c ; dalr ; TTn iAd ! fre h. * * . nECEIPTS-Wheal. W.70 * bu. ; corn. S.0-0 bu oat . 7.COO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , Z5.SOO bu. ; corn , SJ.5 bu. ; oats , 8,0 * ) bu. _ Tolnlo Market. TOLEDO. April 29 WlfHATr-I ewer , actlvi No 2 rash. J1.13Vt May. Jl 13. TORN Active ; N. ° - * mixed , 5c. OATS-l ) > ilI ; No , i mixed. ! 0o , RYK O-ill : No. ! cash. 6le. CIOVt-7HHKBn-Iull , steady ; prime rain ar April , $3.10. T.lreriiool llnrkct. LIVERIKXJU Anrll -PROVISIONS-Re * prime mess. 70s. Hamt , short rut. Hrm at 81 Hi con , firm at 3Si | short ribs.Irm at 3d ; lor clear and llcht , firm at Jls W ; lone clear ml dla > , hfnry , firm at M Id ; short clear backs , firm ] at 15s ; clenr IwlllM , firm at ! $ . Shoulders , square , firm at 21 * td. I rd , prime western , tteady at rM $ J. Pork , "prim * mess , medium wtstirn. Us td. OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined , firm at 17s1 3d , Turpentine spirits strong nt Ms. Ilosln , common , firm at C U. CORN-Aprlt , quiet at 4l 3 < id ; May , 4 Id ; July , quiet at 3s lid. WHEAT No. 1 northern , rod , spring , firm , ) M. CHEESK-Amerlcan nnctt white , 4li ; Amcrl- CAn tln'-t colored , 4U. FLOUR Ht. Ixiuls fancy winter , firm , ls id. ! Vrw Orlrnnn Market. NEW OnLHANS , April . HOO PnODUCTB Firm. Pork , standard mess , J L Lard , refined tierce , tl.CWl.12H : pure lard , 15. lloxed meats , dry salt ulioulderg , JS.OOflIl.IV4 : sides. $ - > .900 6.W. llacon , clear rib * ldt , J6.37V40 .81V4. Hams , choice sugar cured , $8.75Q9.7n. CXFFEr/-Illo , ordinary to fair , J8.00H9.W. IHCE Firm ; ordinary to good. . 4S05liC. ( FLOUR-Strong ; extra fancy , $5.COa5.10J pat- cnts. $ * .2. > 7r3.40. HItAN 7. HAY Prime. $14.50T13.00 : choice. | i.0)fll3.IX > . CORN No. t , sacked and mixed , 42343c ; No. 2 white , 4144c ; Nn. ! yellow , 43 r < c. OATS No. 2 western , sacked , S083GV e. Cliirltiimtl Market. CINCINNATI. April M.-FLOUR-FIrm and lili'lc' ! fancy , JI.70jM.OO. \vmAT-In fair dcmmJ : No. 2 red , $ ' .CT. CORN-KIrm ; No. J nlx-d , 3 iJc. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 tnUtd , 31c. RYB Firmer ; No. 2 , We. PROVISIONS I.anl , firm , $3.50. nulk meats , firm , J. C. > . llacon , firm , JG.X > , WHIWKY rirm , 11.21. 11UTTER Quiet , low.'r ; fancy Elgin creamery , 18"4c : Ohio. 12fri6c : divlry , lOflllc. HUOAR rirm : linrd , $1413397. IXIO'4 Quiet at 9c. OHBESE-Steady ; good to prime flat , 8VJc rnlii ItrcplptH nt I'rlnolpnl MnrkctH , CIHPAOO , April M. Receipts today ; Wheat , :7 : cars ; corn , 467 car * : oats , 371 cars. Estimated riots tomorrow ; Wheat , 131 C.TS ; corn , 623 rs ; oats , 351 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , April . Receipts : Wheat , 17 cars. HT. LOUIS , April 29.-RecclpU : Wheat , U nrtr < ill Market. DETROIT , April 23. WH E AT-No. 1 wliltc , ' . .OS ; No. 2 red , JI.03V4 ; May , $1,09. CORN No. 2 mixed. SCc. OATS-No. 2 white , 3214c. RYE No. 2 , 61c. Snn Prniiclttco Whont Mnrkpt. SAN FRANCISCO , April 29. WHEAT Weak ; 'ecember. ' J1.73i. IIARLUY Steady ; December , J1.S374. . STOCKS AAD IIO.XDS. nulln Cnntltuio Tlirlr AtiKrcnnlvc Cnni. IiulKii. RnliliiK I'rlccn. NEW YORK , April 29.-The bull campaign In- itiguratcd yejtcrtlay was continued with agsres Ivo vigor today In the stock market and price : ere lifted from 1 to nearly 4 points through' > ut the ncthc list. The rharp advance did in' ring out any largo amount of offers to realize tut there was some profit taking apparently bj he small traders In the late dealing , whlct illpped off the extreme gains for the day. 1 ras notable , houever , throughout the day , thai ny marked reaction In prices immediately leO o n cessation in offerings and a period of In. ense dullness. The rntier : unhesitating and un ettled tone of Americans In London was IK mrcd and prices were confidently advanced her < rom the opening. There was no Important op io ltlon to the bull campaign and prices mo\ei julte easily , the supply of stock * contlnulw athcr limited. The volume of business showei further Increase over > estcrday nnd furthci ddltlons to the list of active stocks. The rpec ulnllve leaders , which were bouKht by the Mil coterie , were followed by other clocks \\lion "rlendi desired to see them keep pace with tin cst of the matkct , There were n nc\v tlevcl ipments during the day beyond the contlnuci confidence In the general situation. The dvclara lion of neutrality by Portugal may have hac wine slight effect. Hut the main conslderatloi wail the i < utlsfiictlon felt over the excellent gun icry of United States chips at Matanzas nnd li mrsult of prizes nnd the Ineffective efforts o he Spanish gunncnt. The i-klll thus demon .itratcd imparts a strong conviction as. to th superiority ot the United States forces , llarl ; 'ntelllgence Is also confidently expected of i iaallctory o\er the Kpanlards cff the Phil .pplnes. The Ftrength of the market was quit wneral , but of the fpeclaltles , notably Sugar Manhattan nnd Metropolitan Street Railway moved more orderly than the njeneral list. Th grangers , 01 usual , led the railroad list. Forclgi ixctmnge was loner , demand sterling brcaklni iharply a half cent to tl 84. The discount rite li Condon also declined. Tills led to renewed tall if gold Imparts and the ttlftenlng came In tlv .oan rate und was a further factor to this end The abundant supply of money which has bee ; Available for call loans has been bused on th illslncllnatlon of lender * to put their fundi Int Ime loans nnd commercial paper. AccDmmoda Ions In these departments are now more eafll ; .lad. as the outlook Is believed to favor easle money conditions. This may lead to stlflenln in the cell loan rate , as tending somewhat t equalize the charges in the different department of the money market. There is Increased Inqulr ; for railroad bond * . Plres moved Upward toda on an Inn eased volume of business. Sale * J1.410.QOO. Government fcondi were strong. Nei I ? , coupon , nnd 2n advanced 1 per cent. Ne\ U , registered , nnd old 4s , registered , V4 and th jld 4s , coupon , and the 5s , coupon , VI per ccn n the bid prices. There \\erc sales of the ne < s , both coupon and registered , at an advanc of Va over the last rale , but the old 4. , leglstereo showed a decline of V4 on actual sales from th The Evening Post's. London financial cable gram fays : The stock markets here today wer good on the continued arlrvals of gold , near. 700,000 coming In toilay. I have reason t be lleve that not mucli more. Is to come from Oei man ) ' or France. There Is yet a slight Amerl can demand for gold. Americans opened abov the New York1 parity and were a goxl markcl Canada Pacific nnd Qrnnd Trunk were stron on the growing expectation of the end to th rate war toon. Kaffirs were better and shoi signs of improving a , little. The Transvaal gp ernment wan > a loan nnd It Is raid that nelthe Germany nor England will negotiate until mor concessions have been granted. The -\\cst Aui trallan market troubles continue and will nc ho arranged until next week. There were foil failures toJay und more ac expected. A statt ment Is expected foon relatUe to the India currency commission. Following are the closing quotations of th leading stocks on tl.e New York market today ; Total sales of stock today were 297CO ) oharc Incliullng : Atch'fon preferred , 6,317 : Chlcue liurllngton & Qulncy , 17,392 ; Louisville & Nas vllle , i.W ( ; Manhattan , 12,232 ; MrtropDlltan , 9,93 Northern I'Arlflc , 7,903 ; Northern Pacific pr ferred. 10.0 2 : Rock Island. 12.12' : St. Paul , t. . S03 ; Union Pacific preferred. 22.100 ; Tobacco , 1' ' 735 ; People's das. & , ! & > ; Sugar. 99,077. Financial > 'otp . OMAHA. April 29. The clearing ! , for ih0. . were ms,7S8.S3 ; balances , tl2J.47 11. Th > i clea lnit for 1S > 7 were $ S97,31J.SS. end Iho l-alanc 197.570.43. Increase la rli-arlngn , t'-.l 4rt.05. HT. I-OU1S. April 20. Clearing * . MUJ.S7I ; Iir anoes. | U33 ; money , Cl per cent ; New Yo exchange , Ko discount bid and Kc dlscou asked CINCINNATI. April . -New York exchan par : money. 484 pur cent ; clearing * . 11.81'l.OGO NBW ORLKANS , April . Clearings , ll.t ; 230 ; New York exchange , bank , par ; cumim clal. tl | x-r , ( ) discount. CIIICAdO. April 29. Clearings. 18C3.900 ; IK ance * . IU.081,9)0 : New York exchange. Me d count ; tterllng posted , M.8i3 S5H ; actual , Ji.S : 04.MH : ilxly days , UMV4I ? UU. nUcult ahire * led the l.xal clocks rVKlty , their advance betn ( due to large governmryu oontraet * . Closlngi lllscult , \ : Illncult . preferred. M : Dlamonil Match , 136 ; North ChUaco , 189 ; West Chlcar > , MH. MH.PHILADELPHIA. . ArMl S.-Clforlngg. M.SJ7.- U7i balances , I1DDS,77Y MALTIMOlli : . Aprtt1 -Clearlngn , K,897We ; balance.-i , fS20SM. NKW YOIIK. Aprn'Clfarlngs. ' ' . | lI.MIe } | balance * . > 7OT.,6tl. nOSTON. April t.p ltarlnB % U2.9M.I61 ; balances - ances , tt.CCiI.Kl. . j MKMI'lllH. April toj-qlearlngs. t2S5.C39 ; l > al- anccs , JS,213 ; New york exchange , $1.50 pre mium , . York.Mot ry MnrUct. NBW YOIIK , Aptll M.-i-MONEY ON CALL- Nomln.illy. l > i 2H rerceht. PIIIMB MKIlCANTlLK'PAPKn-tff ' ? per cent. BTKHLINO nXCIlAXUR-ilIeavy , with actual business In bankers' bills lat II.S4H for demand and It.SHM.SHi for.nitty days ; posted rates , lt.81Uttl.i2 and II.UU : commercial bills. .SOfJ 'SILVER cKnTiFi Tns-s-MOBJc. 11AU BlliVBU-S I4 < f. . MEXICAN DOLLAP.S-IJUC. OOVEItNMBNT ItONDS Strong ; new 4 . reg. , 117 % : coupon , 11 > : 4s. reg. , 109 ; coupon. 107 : 2s , K : E . res. . 105 Vi ; coupon , llOVi ; Pacinc Cs of 99. 102U. Closing quotation ! on bonds were as follow ! : tl S. newjs. rci , ' " . . . . . . . . . 121) 4s con aN .4s. ; . ! loaw U. 3,4sres. . No. Paclfla Ists. . , lltk : No. Pacing .is CBH t J. S. vis. re * 09 No. Pacific 4s 91H U , 9. OB. ror.10DV4.i31 IOM N. Y. O. ASLL.4S..100 U.S. 6s. coup. 110H-11H N. Ik W. Cs 11GK District 3.036 11'J N. W.Conaols 13 Als.clnsi A 1U8U N. W. Deb. 6s 114Vt Ala..class II 108W Ore. Nav.lsts 112 Ala. , class C DO Ore. N.IT. 4s . . . . CO Ala.Currency. , . . 00 O. S. u.ds.t. r. 117 Atclnnoii4s t0 O. S. L Gs. t. r 07M AtcliiBonaciJ.4s. . , . SS O. Imn. lst < t. t r. . . . 102H CananaSo.2nds. . . 104 O. Imp. Gs. t. r AI O. AN. P. t.r. OB. . HIV Pacific bs ot'05. . . lO''U Co.fis ! li'J Hrevrtlnif 4s 7H1- C.1I.&D.4 ( < I . .104H Il.G.West Ists 7Hk i.AH. o.ists. . , .10 Ht L. AI. M. Con.5 R7Vi D.AR.O. 4s R5' < St. L.9. P.Oen.0.111H EaBtTann. Ists..1031 * St. P. Consols 1:10 : ErloGen. 4s IUIV % St. P. C.iP. Ists. . . 114 P. W. JcD. IB. t. r. HUH St. P. O. & P. .Is Ill Oe-i , , tiluc * fi * . . . . . . . 09 Southern Uy. Ss. . . . 87S O.H. S. A. ( Is 100 9. U. .tT. OS GnVi ( l.H.AS. A. IMS..10 I ct)3. : . . HS II.AT.Cont.53 109 Tex. PAO. L.O.I BIB HIM II. Jt T. O. eon Us. ,100 U. P. D.AO. IsH. . GUM Iowa 0. Ists OS Wab. 1st Bs 107W La.NowOon.4s. . . . HO Wab. 2ds 7rt L.iN. Unl 4a HI West Shora 4s. . . . . . 10SK Missouri ( Is 101) ) Va. Cuiiturlns 01 M. K.&T. Uls DS\ ( Va. dofurrftl 6 M. K. AT.4S M4H Union Pacific pfd. . fittf N. Y. C. Ista 1134 Union 1'ncltlc 43. . . UoU N.J.C.Gs HUH Snn Frnnclncn MlnluRQuntntlnn * . SA.V FIIANCISCO , April 29. OiTlclal closing quotations on mining stocks today were as fol lows : Aim 17 , Jill l.i . 1 AlobnCon 3 Justice . I ) Andes H Kentucky Con. . . 1 Ilelcher 13 Mexican . 10 BCFU.V Uclohor. . . , ' . ' 8 Occidental Con , . . . 113 Bullion 0 Ophlr . . . . . . 3H Caledonia IG Orrrman . 1 Cli.'illeniToCon. . , . . 13 Potosl . 211 ConAUcnco. 41) Cbollar. 18 Slerni Nevada. . . . 0(1 ( Cou. Cat. . < i V.i. . . . CO Union Con . 15 Con. Imperial. , . . 1 Utih Con . 0 crown 1'uim. o Yellow Jacket. . . . 0 Kxcheqner 1 Standard . . 100 HoiuuiCurno. . : 20 asked. Silver liars , iV/Hc : Mexican dollars , drafts , slgttt , 12Hc ; teleRrapli , 15c. Nqw York MliiliiK < liiotnUaim. NKW YOIIK , April 29. The ( allowing are the closing mining quotations : Cbollar. . 15 Ontario Crown Point. . H Oonir. Con. Cal. .V Va. . . . OS Plymoutn . 12 ricadwooci . , . 75 Quicksilver . 100 CiouUli Curry . 1ft Quicksilver DM. . . ' . ' 03 . -15 Slorr.i No/a'la. ' . . . (15 ( 37UO Standtrd . 10U Iron Silver . Union Con . 11) Mcxicat . 10 YOllow Jacket . . . . 5 Lonilon Stock QiiotntlnnB. LONDON , April l6.-l y. m.-Clo lng ; CoaRolB. m'.v..lll n-llTN. Y. Central lll ! < Consols. > acct..lll ri-lU PcnnHvlvanta Can. Pacllic H4 Ilcaillnir H'I ' Eric H''j ' Max. Ccn. new 4s. . O'JVi KrloVds 3314 AtcblHon 11 III. Central luu LifcN 40 Mexican ordinary. IX Graiul Trunk S > St. Fan I common. . . ( ID DAIl SILVinti-Steldr t 265-lCd per ounce. MONEY lii2 per.cont , The rate of dlacounl in the open market for1 short bills , 3S per cent ; for three months' bills , 3j3i per cent. Fliinticlnl. I/JNDON. April 2U.1 OolJ Is quoted nt Duenoa Ayres at 1O.70 ; Madrid. CO.OO. The market for American securities wi ( tlrm all day on New York buylnff. The dloMni ; tone wns nrm and the demand was moderate. Amount of bullion taken Into the llank'of Kiijtmd on balance to day. 674,004. PAIUS. April i9.r u'ilnJ's ' on the bourse w.T ! undecided , but subsequently there was a rally on repurchases and the report from Ixmdon that the Impending failure of a larKe concern hail been averted and Its affairs arranRPd. This stim ulated firmness , which was maintained to the close of the market. In spite of a few realiza tions. Three per cent rentes , KCf C2'Je ' for the account. MADItin. April 59. Spanish 4s closed today al 111.30. Geld was quoted at S3. C I ON CM ( Ho Stork K YOIIK , April W. It was ofUclally an nounced toilay that Wednesday , May 4 , beinir a holiday ( Charter day of Greater New York ) the Stock exchanRo will be closed on that day. COTTOX MAHICET. Tlierc In a Siilmtnntlnl Gain AH i 1'rlcen. NEW YOHK , April 29. The cotton market mada a substantial gain today ns to prices , al though the vclunie of business failed to reflect increased speculative confidence. After opening at an advance of 1QI points the course of prices WHO steadily upward , with the utmost gains a niatttl' of SOW points , as compared with yes- tirday's closing price , 'liicra weri > only u few IMervals of recession resul'lmr from liquidation uf lunK Recounts , \\here selkis were generally of the smaller class of traders und afraid to take ohnnce * on the possibility rt unsatisfactory news from the neat of war. Tne market closed , points up , with total tales of 57,000 balex. NUW OULBANt ) . April 2) . CXTTON-Kutures quiet ; sales , 10.CO ) bales : April , , o.7S bid ; Miy , W.7J { 5.81 : June. .K5.KI ; July. * 5.8S 6.S'J ; August , 3.S9 } < ) .90 ; September , Ji.9 3 < i.93 ; Octo ber , JC.91Sv.93 ; November , > 3.96'j.97 ; December , t599QC.OO ; January , Jli.W'itC.OJ. Spot , easy ; sales , 1,100 bales ; ordinary. 4c ; good ordinary , &c ; low mlddllnt ; . OHc : middling. 5 ic : good mid dling , 6 3-lCc ; middling fair , 'J-10c ; receipts , 4,819 U-Ues ; stock , 2XSG1G biiles. UVCIIPOOL , April a.-COTTON-Spot. moderato - erato demand , prlcen higher : American middling fair , 4d : good middling. 3il : American mid dling. 319-ad : ; low middling , 313-3d : good or dinary , 3G-1M ; ordinary , 3i'l. | ' The sales for the day were 10,0V ) bales , of which 590 bales were for speculation and export , and Included 9.800 bales American : receipts , 5,00 } bales , Including 2,610 boles American. Futures opened and closed steady , with a moderate demand ; American mid dling L , . M. C. , April , 334-C4d , value : April and May , 3 31-CIJ , value ; May and June , 3 31 CM , buyera ; June- and July. 3 34 641)3 ) 35-C41 , buyers : July and August , 3 33-6M , seller : ) ; August and September , 3 3I-G433 C3-f4d , tu\cia : Septembel ami October. 331-lild , liuyers ; October and No vember , 3 33-CM73 :4-Gld. buyers ; November anil December. 3.13-4M.1 34-Ald , sellers ; December and January , 3 S.1-&I7J3 3I-CU1. sellers ; Januarj' and February. 3 33-64fM 34-Cltl. tellers. \VcTol MnrUetn. nOSTON. April 29. WOOIFollowIng are th guotatlon for the leading descriptions : Ob'.o ' and Pennsylvania lleeres X and above. ' : O27c : XX , 29c ; XX. above 3'te ' ; delaine , SOQ 31c ; No. 1 combing. 30c. Mlrhlgan , Wisconsin , etc. X Michigan. 2tc : No. 1 Michigan comb ing. 2Sc ; No. 1 Illinois combing. 28c ; Nc 2 Michigan comblnK. 2702'c ; No. 2 I'll nols combing , 27ffffic ; X New York New Hamnshlre and Vermont , 23iT24o ; No. 1 New York , New .Hampshire and Vermont ! Mffl27c ; delaine , Michigan , 2Sc. Unwashed me dlum Kentucky and Indiana , quarter hlooi comb'ng , 23c : Kentucky jand Indiana , thiee eighths blood combine , ilo ; Missouri , quartc blood combing , 22c : brajd , combing , 20ci I' and Georgia , 22c. Texa $ > 'ool Ppr'ns medlur ( U months ) , 16Tfl8c ; fCQurad , 43IIc ; spring llr (12 manthsj , 18Hjl9c ; hcouieil price , 50o. Terrltor ] wools Montana , fine medium and fine , ICQlfe coiired price. 4 i/48tf : st pe ; , COc. t'luli , Wy omlng , etc. F'ne medium and fine. 15iJ17c tcouied. 4S@7c ! ; stapl ? . Me. Australian , scoure basis Combing , superfine , 70f72c ; good , C. average , G2i | > iCc. QuwnsJand Combine. 65c. ST. JXmtS. April 59. WOOIv-Kasler on low er : medium. l < 017c ; I'glH line , llffltc ; heav e , SQllc ; tub washed , SO2Sc. NKW YOIIK , Ap.Il' M. COFFEE Opt'on oi > ened steady at unchanged prices to S point advance , following better cables than eipectec lr.t eased off under benr raid In advance o speculative fioport and Ind'ffcrence o ( Fpr buyers. Closed steady , with prices unchangel t & points lower ; nalfs , 16.CO ) bags. Including Ma at IC.0301.10. Spot cpffee , Ilia flimer ; No. ' ln\ol . $7 : No. 7. Jobbing , tt.fO. MI1J , flrm Cordova. I7.M815.00. SANTOS. April W , COFFEE-Ffrm : irood n\ erage , Hantog. 10.0CO rtU ; receipts , 12.COO bags ftn 1' . .il.vifl bags. HAMnima. Apr'l 29-OOFFBE-Opene.l iir changul ; at 2:20 : p. m. . unchangeil to Vil > fg ni higher ; ac : . J3.CH-0 bags. mo nn JANEIRO. April M.-COFFEI-FI rr No. 7 nio. 10.CCO rcls ; exchange. 53-72d ; n celpls. 4.00) bags ; cleared for the llnlted fitatei .OfO hags ; cleared for "Europe , I.COO bags ; stocl Bl.CO * bans. HAVRE. April -rOFFEE-Closed net ui changed ; salts , 2lOvO bngj. Oil Oil. CITY , Pa. . April 23. Credit balance ! , 71 certificates opened 71c bid : rash closed , rain 2.COO IftI * . cant ) at 71K ? , only rale of the day shipments. 5R.t9i > bbls. ; run , 10&.M7 bbls. SAVANNAH , Oa. . April . OlUS-Splrits tu : penttne. nrm. Hosln. tlrm , ' unchanged. CHAIU.KSTON. S. AprtV.S3.-OIl.S-noilr teady. Hplrlts turpentine , steady , WILMINGTON. S. C. . April U.-OILS-Snlrll tun < entlne. 29tiO ) c. Itosln. rteady ; tl.0061.0 : Crude turpentine , quiet , I1.2301.M. Tar , qul 11.00. Mnnohmler Textile 'Kubrlc * . MANCIinSTUR. April 2 . Cloth * and yarni quiet , with a moderate Inquiry. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Liberal and Request Fnllj Equals Supply on Hand , STRONGER TONE TO ALL BRANCHES Octnnnd for Cntllp , HORN nnrt Sheep In Good nndi Priori llama * from Five to Ten OnU HlKhcr. SOUTH OMAHA , .April W.-Hocelpts for the days indicated were ; Cattle. Hops. Bheep.Hor's. April 29 2,093 G.28S 6.SW April 2f . ' . . . . lr.St 8.769 8.005 . . . . April 27 i 2,972 7,340 4.383 9 April 2G 3,113 8.033 3,900 73 April 23 1,301 4,257 3,336 21 April 23 1,375 8.2J7 7,170 April 22 2,359 6.G17 1,343 1 April 21 1,611 8,073 i,46l 8 April 20 2,970 8,001 2.2SJ . . . . April 19 2,733 2,576 3,951 2 April IS 1,47.1 1.S2I l.WG . . . . April 16 1,031 3.COD 7.725 21 April 13 2,209 6,019 10,376 April II 1.411 D.77S 11,727 April 13 2,512 5,472 1,890 April 12 1,597 2,730 C.791 1 April 11 lf,97 2,730 0,791 2 The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by car/n road was : Cattle.-Hogs. Slicop. C. , M. & St. P. ny . . O. & St. L. Uy 1 Missouri 1'nclllc lly . . Union Pacific System 27 21 2J K. , 13. & M. V. U. U IS 31 S. C. & P. lly 5 C. , St. P. M. & O. Hy . . H. & M. H. n. 21 C4 4 C. , H. & Q. Hy . . K. C. & St. J 2 C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , K 1 C. , It. I. & P. lly.V . . Totnl receipts 91 92 2 < 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of hcnd Indicated : Bujers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co % M3 . . . . The G. II. Hammond Co. 233 1,901 871 Swift and Company MO 1,061 84 ! The Cudahy Packing Co. 751 2,130 l,22i It. IJeckcr and Degnn . . . . 9 , , J. L. Carey 25 Myers 197 Swift , from the country. . 3S . . . . CO ] Cuda'ny P. Co. , from K. C. iS Other buyers 70 Left over CO Totals 2,0i5 0,333 3,15 : In round numbers there were 200 cars ol stock on sale today , as compared with is ; one week ago , 219 two weeks ago and 14i three week * ago. The Rain was In hogs other kinds of stock , being In about tlu usual supply for a Friday. CATTL1C Cattle looked up today and II seemed quite like an old-time market , lie' celpts were llK'nt at all market points , carlj reports crediting Chicago with only 3,000 nnd Kansas City with 2,500 , so that seller ! had that much in their favor. As n s > tlll further bull intlucncc a vcrj active demand , both local and shipping was developed and t'ne market took a turn rncs favorable to the holders of fat cattle , lie pit-able beef steers were active sellers ni nn advance of ClilOc , and everything In tin yards was sold and weighed up at an earls hour. There were some pretty good cattle among the offerings , as high as $1.90 belm paid for n load of polled minus and $1.03 foi good westerns. The market on beef cattli 'nns shown considerable Improvement thU week and desirable llwht cattle such us an wanted bj' the buyers aru belling about as high as any time. Even heavy cattle , whlcl have been slow on most days , have gradu ally crawled upward und nro selling con slderably above the low time. Uutchers' stock , such as desirable cow ! and heifers , was active at about the sami advance as beef steers. The supply wai light , only ten or a dozen loads helm offered , nnd It did not take the buyers ver ; Ions to clear the pens. Quito a numlbcr o heifers sold right around 14.00 , some at $1.15 and a few head as high as $4.23. In , t'ne stacker and. feeder market then was not much change noticeable. Commoi Miockers , In fact , were rather slow sellers buyers being u llttlo backward about Uiklni hold of anything that was not really de slrable. Representative sales : . . . . I1OOS llecelpts of tiOfrB were muoh tmalle than jeslenlny , lesi than 100 cars being on Hal toilay , as against 120 yesterday. Still It was liberal run for a Friday. One week ago tti receipts numbered eighty-one cars , t\v week' ago eighty-one cars and tlirf weeks ago only ility-two ran. The bulge I price * has had the effect apparently of itlmulni Ing shipments and the very fact that more hex are romlnr with an advance of only 15W2C would seem to bear out the theory of packet that there are plenty of hogs In the countr and that urjwers are only waiting for a favorabl tlm to ship them. Today's trade In hofrs can be summed up 1 a very few word * It was a goal active an strong market. The shippers were not opera : Im ; to any extent , but the packers were Inrj buyers and the demand from that source we fully equal to Uttt-xeceJpts. The trade opcne early and everything was cold and weighed u Lefarn th middle of the forenoon. As was the caie yesterday , the most of I' : IIOKS nold at J3.75fi3.SO , with a few loads t Bond heavy and liutcher weight * nt S3 82yj@3 & but the proportion of nalt-s at 13.75 wan imalli than yesterday , -wlille-there were more at ll.ft The hops reid today about Re lower Ilian week HKO , but 5010 ? higher than the flrnt i the week. As compared with the tint of tl month there has been a sain of l/4c. ' The lo point of the month was the IRth , when hoi mid ISJrJOo lower than they did tsday. Or year ago hots were selllnK on an average I just about the same notch as today , Rej refinntatlvp pales : 1C , .23' . . . 375 18 241 . . . 3 7S CC . .BJ 80 375 71 231 80 J 75 C1..2W IS9 375 48 36 . . . ITS n 221 SO STT 3J 2W . . . 173 32 237 . . . 375 C9 202 129 375 : . . : . . - . . . . . 375 43 24) . . . 373 238 . . . 375 10 265 . . . 375 _ . -.4U..VO 160. 3 75 3 219 . . . 377V4 6 ? 24 . . . 1 77 75 2V ) . ) . 3 77VJ 84 SW 129 3 77 7D 245 89 3 71V4 W ! M . . . 877 , . , , . . . , 40 377V4 75 217 . . . 377 70..Z7t . . . 3 77H 6 S'8 SO 3 77 (3 tm 40 377W ) 272 41 3 77 M..2C4 . . . S77H W S , . . 377 73 2V ) 89 377H 65 242 89 3 77 M S55 . . . 3 77Vi 81 239 . . . 377 74 273 SO S 774 83 254 169 3 77 CD 243 . . . SO ) M 20) . . . J SC 0 261 80 3 SO M 23 > 1M 3 EC It 247 . . . 3 M 70 2S1 89 3 K M 247 . . . 3 SO ft ! 245 89 3 W 87..233 89 3 89 61 305 . . . J K 65. 277 249 3 89 61 304 M 3 K 77 241 . . . S 84 tl 232 89 J ( SHEni' The supply was law toJay , Rome twenty-sir fresh lends lielns reported here In addition to the dozen or sixteen land * carried over from yeiterday. The only t rouble win thnt they were mostly lambs , only a few mutton sheep beliiR on sale. Including those carried over from yestcrdny there were about twenty- six loads of Colorado Inmbi on snle. The market on sheep was active nnd fully steady , dcilrnble muttons belrfj icmly seller" , and the supply was soon vxhnusteil. The mirkct on lambs , O | IIR to the very law supply , was a llltlu BDW , llioUKh It could hnnlly be quoted any olffercnt from yesterday. Ilcprcscntatho SIICCl' . No. AV. IV. 1,225 western IntntH 71 4 55 191 western wethers 11s 4 49 ISO western wethers 11" ' 4 40 76 culls , Innihs 68 43" -45 ewe > 300 M western wethers W t 30 22'J ' western lambs 75 490 5U Cnlnrado lambs S3 R 2j 214'Western nptliem , shorn Ill 4 10 . " 21 western wetbors. shorn 119 4 10 471 western ewca anil wethers , shorn , . . . 56 4 10 CHICAGO I.IVB STOCIC M.VUKKT. HnKN Are In Tnlr llotnniul , lint PrlccM Arc l.ciMrr. CH1GAOO. April ID. PATTI.n Trmle vent without special feature today. The drnnnd fairly sooJ for an off day. Ilecf steers ransed from $3.SO to { 5.25 , the bulk PC 1 n at fiom 11.40 to $4.90 ; stockers nnd feeder * bioilfiht ficm J3.09 to M.K5 for common to choice ; bulls nt from J2.75 ti > S4.25 ; cahoa at from J. to J.1. 11OOS Ttiey were In fair di-mnnJ , but av- erased 2V4o lower. Sales rnnsed nt from J3.73 to 14.10 for common to beit , prlnclpnlly nt from J3.CU to JI.W1 , ! , . I'lpt briiiiKbt from $1.53 In ( I.Si. Prime heavy hoes eold 12 < 4c ubo\u Ihc be t llRht. HHIjnP Trade In sheep was dull. Ijirnli" were sl' ' litly lower , "Wooled Inmb sold nt fiom $5 to $5,45 ; clipped lambs Ht fiom $1 to 53 ; clipped sheep at from $1 to (3.SO. Receipts : Cattle , 3 , W head ; hogs , 27,000 head ; sheep , 8Oi > J head. I St. I.UIllN I.IVO ST. IXtlIS. April :9.-fATTLi-Ilecelpts , 1,3'W ' head , Including ! 00 Texnni ; shipment * . ftK head ; market strong ; fair to fancy native ship ping and export steers. I4.3. ' > { 75.25 ; bullc of silos , } 4.4"i13.(0 ; drcraeil ln'ff and butcher steers , Jl.r ( f.'i.lO ; bull : of sales , SI.C'MN.TO ' : steels iindi > l 1,0 ) Ibs. , f3.75ni.GO : bulk of File : , JI.IOifl.4li stockers and feeder * , t3.33i4.Cn ; bulk of s.iles , J3.SOg4.50 ; cows nnd htlfer , $ i.WJ(4.50 ( ; Toxns and Indlnn Fleers , $ : .t5i74 ! , & ) ; bulk of tulea , J3.MWI.35 ; cows anil heifer * , 12.73. HOGS-lleci'lpts , 9W ) held : shipment" . 2VO ( bead ; market Irregular ; jo-keri. tl.SOiT3.iO ; packers. J3.70ii3.9"i ; butoherc , J3.SOff3.90. SHKI3P Hecelpls , 1,900 head ; shipments , IN head ; market steady for mutton * * , with sprlnj lambs lower ; native muttons. Jt.OOffl.iO ; lambs , J3.WUC.50. 3Vi w York Iilvp Ni\V YOHK , April 29. llKnVKS-llecelpts , 2,414 head ; steers , slow but Meaily ; cows ant ! bulls , tinner ; steers , Jl.d05.13. Cables weak , llvp. cattle lO Jllc , dreroed weight ; llvi sheep SHWIOTic , dressed weight : refrigerator beef , 9fi 9Vio per Hi. ; export- ) today , none ; tonionow , 1,07' cattle and 3.U4 quarters of lecf. CAI.VK9 Ucrelpts , 6T6 lieud ; market , SJflOi SlllicP AND LAXtnS-necelpU. 5.(22 heed sheep dull , Inmh * . 10ifl5o lower ; spring lamb' ' Htcady ; unshorn sheep , J4.00Q4.70 ; cllpiwd , 13. "Of 4.25 ; best exports. J4.50 : iinchorn Inmli" , J5.SC i 0.23 ; clipped , tl,75f5,23 ; spr'ng lambs , J1.2i 05.01) . Iioas-Ilecelpts , 2,230 head ; loner at t4.15 { 4. CO. Kunnnv City l.ivc Stnpk Mnrkr't. KANSAS C1TV , Aprlll 25. CATTLn-Hccelptr 3,150 hcail natives , 150 heed southern ; mark" steady to lOc higher ! Texns steers , t.1.C,5fi4.C' > Texas cows , J3.50U4.10 ; native steer * . J3. & | 5,00 native cows and heifers , J2.23n4.CO ; stockcn and feeder * . JJ.IOSJ5.25 : bulls. J2. 03.70. IIOQS llecelpts. 13.9.0 bead ; market ttead ; to So lower ; bulk of sales. J3.70W3.J5 ; heavle * JJ.75fI4.00 ; packer * and mixed. Jl.70ff3.95 ; lights J3.fi3H3.75 ; yorkcrH , J1.7C < ff3.75 : piss , J1.45U1.70 SHiEP llece'pti' , 2,9ro Lead ; market plead' to strong ; lambs , JOX3.35 ; mutton. , J3.CO { 3.CO. Knit I Ilivrty I.lvo S4ocU. HAST L.inEllTV , Pa. . < Aprll 2.--- < ? ATTl n- Steady : extra. J3.15JT5.25 ; prime. Jl 03515.10 ; com mon. J1.JklfTl.13. Veal cahes. J3.OOJf5.75. IIOO3 Slow and lower : best im-llu-ns , J1.05B 4.10 ; Iwst yorkera. 14.03 ; light yorUtrs. ? ' . ! > rff4noi henvv hogs , J4.COffl4.10 ; pigs , f .7o3.WJ : roughs , J2..Wf3.50. SHEK1' Firm ; choice clipped. It 2' 7l.23 ; com mon , J3.13n3.C3 ; choice cllppeil l.iml K. Jlf..n" 05 ; rommon to good , J4.20gi.'O ; uprlfff Um'.s , } : .OCC 7.00. Inillniinpolln Lire Stock. INDIANAPOWS. April 29. CATTI.K-Recelpts 500 head ; shipments , light : market active ; KOO- to prime steers , J4.90if5.25 ; fair to medium steers , J4.Wff4.90 : good In choice. J4.fMtt4.S3. HOCJ8 UecelptF , 8,500 head ; shipments , 2,0ft head ; market quiet ; go > l to choice medium an ; heavy , J3.95fJ4.00 ; mixed and heavy. J3.85ff3 3 peed to choice lights , J3.90ff3.93 ; common lights J3.80.ff3.90. Rnut IlutTnlo llve Stock. HAST IHJFFAIX. ) . April 29.-HOQS Yoikern good to choice , J4.05O4.10 ; common to choice 14.0704.15 ; pljrs , fair to choice , J.1.735T4.(10. L.AMHS Choice to extra , $3.0003.03 ; fa'r t Bood. J4.73ifM.90. SHKKI'-Cholce to nelected wethers , J1.13J 4.25 ; cullj to common , J3.71.SO. riiioliiimtl 1.1 vc Stoplc. CINCINNATI , April 29.-lIOClS-Acltve. 4.00. 4.00.CATTIn Steady. J2 751 ? I. ? . ' . MIVKV Steady , > 2.7n I.'J ! . UVMI43Steady. . J4.MW3.V ) . Record of receipts of live strclc nt Ilia ftui principal markets for April ' 9 : Cit'ln. Hoe , P'ftp Omnha ,0 < 3 r.vss ChlcnRi 3 > ) rj.OW S.ftOi IKansaa City 3W ) 13.K9 Z,9 * St. Loula l.SOO 9.C09 1,901 Totals 9,693 DO.Tsj 13,61 ; nVnrk lr > - ( JooilM Market. NKW YOHK , April 29.-As thft week draw to a close the conditions * eem to grow b tte In the dry goods market. The demand has beci stimulated by the call for goods for governmen use , and this has strengthened the market t some degree. Staple cottons have ga'necl In con ditlon In the last week , and It Is practical ) Im-posslblc to secure price concrss'ons on rtipl good's except for odd lots. The greatest Inquir ; has been In lines affected by the need of th army. Flag bunting continues In great demand and It Is Impossible for printers to keep u with dellver'eti. Print c'oths have sold In ver limited numbers during tha week. Suicnr Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. April 29. SHOAR-Raw. strops hold hlRlier ; fa'r rcflnlnir. 3 > ic ; centrifugal. ! teit , 4V4C , Reflned , BtrnnR ; mould A , T , 11-16' standard A , 5D-16 : ; confectioners' A , 5 G-16c ; cu loaf. G6-inc ; crushed , 55-16c ; powdered , 6 11-16 granulated , G 7-16e ; cul > i , 611-lCc. NK\V ORLHANS. April 21 SlJOAR-Strone open kettle , 2SIlc : centrlfiirrat , granulalei 4c ; whites , 4 > ic ; yellow , 4 3-16 ft 9-16c ; second : 2 We. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , 4Wlc. Cnllfnrnla Dried FraltM. NEW YORIv. April 29.-CALII'1ORNIA DRIE1 FRUITS Steady ; evaporated apples , common J4r5'i7 ; prime wire tray , 8 < J8V4c ; wood dried prime , 8 SV4c ; choice. 8c ; fancy. 9ir914e prunes , 3'ifi c. Apricot ! ' , CViSSc ; Moor Park sas'Jc. Peaches , peeled , llOHa ; .unpeelcd , 889' Wntch < he Muvemeiiti or Our \av Kveryono wante to watch the roovoment of our war ships and , It there la an en Basement , know vliere It takes place. Th Dee has a combination map that shows th Iiland of Cuba. 14x21 Inches , the We t Indict 14x21 Inches , and on the reverse ildo a ma of the world. 21x29 Inches. U la the latci and most complete act of mapn publlshe by Hand , McNally & Co. Cut out a coupor page 2. and present U with 10 ccnta at Th Bee office , lly mall 14 centg. Old Couiilc Commit .Mulrlilr. GHICAQO. April ffl.-Juds/e / Asqulth. \ years of a Re , ami his wife , Marlon , 72 , wet found ilcnd In bed today In their room 2 C34 Canul strwt. The old couple In evidently commltUdculdde by aHphyxlatloi What docs Cuba look like ? Get The Deo1 portfolios of Cuban vlt-wa. Only 10 ceiil a copy. Photographs the same Blzo woul cost $20. Lend and SiiKur Advance In 1'rlcr. LOfIXX , April 29. Lead and sugar ai advaaclug rapidly owing to the war. WAR DOES NOTiAFXKCT'lROX ' THAI Simply Vorcrn Chime * In Taint CHICAQO , April 29. Iron and Steel t * . morrow will say : A quite material MM that has been niaJo during the week : litho the certainty that w-or will not affect our c.xpont trade In Iron or steel nor In any , other commodity , nave as It may bo retards * by ailvnncliiB value * . The posRlblllty tht xportH mlRht bo cut off and thrown back n the domestic market to burden and cprcss has been a retarding Influcnco slnco w r became a probability , but nslilo from ho official promulcatton of Spanish policy hat American Roods , not contraband of ar , would be protected In neutral resoln , methods of doing bualnres urp chang- IK to make condecatlon Impcealblo , whal- ver the Spanish policy may be. Instead of citing pig Iron to bo delivered on dock at hcrpool or Hamburg , the American furnace man eells It to his Kuropean customer on ock at New York or other cutboard port , ml guarantees an ocean freight rate to rc- elvlriK port. The title during tranMt on th * Igh spas has thus been tranaferrod from tll \merlcan to the foreigner. On the other land , the American Importer still buys hta oods doltvcrod at an LVmerlcan port , II * ielays owncrahlp till the Kotxla are beyond ho clmnco of forcible detention. Ircti and teel ami their products will continue to RO broad , Irrespective of International hcatlU- lC8. Tlio\iMiula of sufferers from grlpps IIS.VB icon restore to health by Ono Minute CotiRh lure. It quickly cures coughs , -otiitls , bron- hltls , pncumonln , grippe , asthma and all , hroat and lutiif dlacaaw. The 0. S. GOVERNMENT wants strong men In Its service. AVtth ono ac cord the Army nnd Navy endorse UAlt-llKX ai the Rrentost known stronftthcncr , Invlsorut- or nnd restorative. It creates solid llosh , urns- clo nnd strength , clears the brain , strengthens the nerves and causes the Rcncrntlv o onrnm to quickly regain their nor mal powers. For nerv ous prostration , over work , Impaired vitality In cither BUI , or oxccsilvo use of opium , llijtior or tobacco , It positively cannot bo excelled. Ono box will work wonders. Six will euro. llAlt-HKN la for sale by nil druirclsts , 410 tub- lots , CO conti. Ono to two months' treatment. Fill out and mail us the diagnosis sheet In each box , nnd wo will plvo your case special atten tion without oxtrn charua , 1IAK-IIKN Is pre pared by Hlalmor O. llonson , I'll D. , II. S. , dl- roct from the formula of K. K. llnrton , M. . . Cleveland's most eminent specialist Mailed in closed packngo on receipt of price. 1MIS. UAKTON AND lIKNsON. 01 liar-lion lllock , Cleveland. O. For sain by Kuhti & Co. , ir > tn and Uous * as ; J. A. l-'uller & Co. , 1402 Douttlus St. . inU Graham Drug Co. , 15th nnd K.trmtin ; : ClnK I'lmrmacy , 27th iiiul I eavfiiworth ; 'oytoa'8 I'hnrmney , 21th nnd I p.iveuworthJ J. Siykorn , South Omaha , , nnd till othfT In Omnhn , Soulli Omnha , Council POOK'REWEDY CO , BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Prlm ry. Becondary or Tertiary DtOOD VO18ON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can b treated nt horn * ( or HIM rl und r Mm * guaranty. K you pr f rte to come her * w * will contract to pay rall- ro d far * end houl bliX and DO chutft U w ( all to cura. IF YOU HAVE Uken mercury , lodld potash and Mill n v achci and palm , llucous Pitches In mouth. Sore Throat , Plmplri , Copper Colored - ored Spots , Ulcers on any part of th body. Hair or Eyabrowi falling out , It U thli Secondary Wt fiuarantee to Curt W * solicit th mcit obitlnat * ca M and eballcngo the world for a case we cannot cure. This dlieue Ins always baffled the skill of tbe uotl eminent physicians. UOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Abiolute proofs sent sealed on application. 100 paa-e book sent ( re * . AddroM COOK HEMEDY CO. . 14O1 Haionlo Tempi * , Chloano , III. COOK REMEDY-C > Two Weeks' Treatment FREE To All THEY AIll'J OID SPECIALISTS In the treatmtdt of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. Bd alt WEAKNESSES UBU and DISOHDHRS OP MEN Catarrb. all Dtaeaees ot th NOM , Throat Cb * V tomach. LJver , JJlood , Skin and Kidney Dla > aits. Loet Manhood , llydrocele. Verlcoeel * . Gonorrhea , Gleote , Syphilis , Stricture , Piles , Fit- tula and Kectal Ulcers Diabetes Blight's Dl- eate cured. Call on or nddreis with stamp ( or Free Book and New Methods. Treatment by Mull , Consultation free. Oma&a Medical and Surgical Institute JMotB 4U.U7U North utii si. Oiuk * . M k > STRICTURE Causoi obstruction to the How of urine , partial doling of tha paasaKU , ( iro'tntlc Irritation and enlargement , beurlni ? down nml Kcaldlnenf nrlno anil los-tof power , H CHI UCUT CnilUfl that curon AoULVbNI rUUNU quickiyami permanently and iloon away with the Sur ircim'B Knife nnd dilating Instrument * . Hulfcrcra from Stricture , Enlargement ol Proitatc Oland , latlammatlonand Chronic Hucout Ulichargei , liv this now Bclcntlflc method ran bo rndlcally CURED AT HOME. U'rltontonro to the Empire Medical Co. , 205 Smith Uultdlni. Dotton , Mai * . , for their frco book cMid"SclYeat-Allerani. " It tclU whnt the lemcdy U mndo of , und how and why U niilut rule. If aflllctcd , It will par von tolnYCstlgato. L A PI i S 00 VOO KKOl DR. FELIX UEBRUN'S' Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment in the original nnd only FRENCH , Data end retlablo euro on the mar. ket. trice. $1.00 ; aoiit by maU. Uonuino eoH only by Mycru Dillon OniK Co. , S. I1' . Cornel tilth nnd Fnrnnni Sin. , Unmlm. Neb. For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Head The Omaha Bee TELEI'HONR 1033. H. E. PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Branch Offlre. 1038 N St. . Lloc'cle. Neb. JAMES E BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1U.U. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD OP TRADE , Direct wlrei to Chicago and New York. CorrupondenUt John A. Warren A C *