If t t ? r T < * < V T SPECIAL NOTICES AdrvriUcnienU for tlicncolmnn trill li > > inken until 12 m. fur ( lie * YenltiK nnit until H it. m. fur the mnrnlnK nnd Snnilnr rilltlonn. Ailvrrtlnrrii , bjr rriinmtltiK n ntim- lirrcil clirck , can Imre nnmrrrn ml- iiren * < Ml to n nnmhrrcil Ir-ltrr In enrr of The Itee. Aimrrcr * no nil < lrmne < l Wilt b * ilHIrrrrd nn prcucntntlon of the check only. llntr * , 1 1-SJc a word flrit limrrlloni le a word thrrenrtrr.nllilnn ; tnkea for lem Ilinn a5c for ( lie flrnt Inner * lion. Tli r IIP HilvvrtlicmcnU in out be * nn rnnnrcntlrclr. WA.\TIIIWALK HILP. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERs'fNEW LINK of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary or commission. C. F. Adams Co. , 624 So. l lh _ Ht. SALESMEN TO SELL TOILET So7\P TO dealer * ; llfo per month salary and expenses ; experience unnecessary , Louis Eml Co. , St. Luuls , Mu. i WANTED. A noOD , HELIAIILE. HUSTLING cam-niier. Apply to Oiniha Anclior Fence Co. , 20.--M7 N. nth at. n-23 * WANTED , WR WANT TO ESTABLISH AGEN" clei In excrjr city In United states for our celebrated custom pants , wh'cli are mmJc to order nt J2W n pair ; liberal commission * pnld Agents ; write for particulars. Titter Cuntom rants Manufacturers , 151 Jlh Ave. , Chicago , ' 11-622 S3 WANTKD , AT ONCE. PA NTH AND VEST - maker. Address II. KasscbaumVcnt Point , Neb. 1J-11C12 WANTED , 23 HARNE3SMAKEI18 AT ONCE : best of nagc * . Apply by mall or In person to Jluckslnrt Ilros. Mftf. Co. . Lincoln , Neb. II-M7H M W\NTED. A RELiAriLE "omen lie b ' n cooil penman ; references roqu'red ; send wr'ttcn oppMcallon lo N 9. llee. H-M7G4 r ; quick. wiute * | 1 CO ; Htendy Job to right man. Illack HUM Mfg. Co. , Dead wood. S. D. JI-S01 WANTED. SITUATION IIV A IIOV WITH 2 jrenrs * experience , to flnlfh the tailor trade ; good reference. I * L. McKcnzle , Almv N'cb. 1I-M813 M WANTKD. FOUR GOOD MEN TO HIM , ! , goods on the road ; Adxerllslng Enrthiiu-ike Carpet Cleanser. Apply 3C03 California St. 11-821 SO * _ _ _ WANTKD. Ilt'TCIIEH , GOOD AM TlOUXD man , one tint ppeakv Swede or Norwegl in pre ferred. Apply nt once l.v tetter or person nt the City Meat Market. Newman Orme. NVb. ; WIIIHm Knapp. proprietor. II MUI M2 WANTED , SALESMliN IN EVERY COUNTYi teed my weekly ; write for terms. Htwks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WK I1-MS2.I 30 * WANTED. nOOD CARRIAGE TRIMMER. Drummnnd Carriage Co. It M > .2 $ MS * WANTED. SALESMEN IN IIVEltV DISTIUCT : new season ; mimples free ; salary or commis sion , with expenses from start. Luke liros. Co. . ClilcnRO. III. ll-MSM 30 * W tATKD FKMA LH IIRI.P. 100 GIRLS roil ALL KINDS Or WORK ; J3 TO 17 week. Canadian Olllce , 152J Douglas. i C-6C1 WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. IJIIss. 1512 Douglas st < C MGsS 30 GOOD OIIIL I-OH OENEIIAL HOUSEWORK. 18M Chicago Sir. C M7SG 31 OIIIL KOIl GENERAL HOUSEWORK , me No. 42d St. C-M76S 30 OIHL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWOUK. 1211 Wlrt. C-MS1I 30 * WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. GOOD GIIlIi FOR Kcnernl h < ni cwork. Mrs. Q. T. Crnndell , 2)3 ) So. 23th Ave. C ME33 CO * port nK.vriioiJSKs. CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAOE3 ALL OVKU city ; Jj to $73. Fidelity , 1st floor N. V. Life. _ HOUSES. UENEWA & CO. . IDS N. ISTII "ST. HOUSES. STORES. HEMIS , PAXTON HI-pCIC DETACHI51) MODERN 12-FIOOM. AI.SO li-UOOM : keys at 2J49 Ciipltol Ave , Tfl. 371. B , , H. Dobson. D 071 MOVING HOUSEHOLD HOODS AND riANO > ' Om. VnnStonicc Co. , 1511V4 Fnrnam. 1 l. 1V.9 U-JiO i > Anan LIST. M-CAOUE. lyrit AND DODOE. JIOUBK3 , 1'IiVTS. GAUVIN IlKO.-f. , 1613 PA''M H-C53" FOR RRNT , TEN-UOOM MODERN ilOIJSE , with laruc. well shaded grounds. Jolm W. Itobblns. 1S02 Fnrnam. U-1I3 AND LEASEHOLD OF A 10- room moilern lint for sale at n Mrpaln. Good location , rent Jow. Bemls , I'axton nilD - . D Mill FOR Tim PLACE. 2121 N. * 2tUi sti. Including houce. hnrn nnd thro nTea of ground. Apply to W. ] ' . Holden. ciro of tlronnan.Love Co. , 219 fl. 16lh st. D-MT73 10-ROOM DirTACHED MODERN HOL'SK , 2I N. 2Cth t. ; nice janl. A. M. Cowle. 21t S. ISth Bt. r > MT7I TUB HAST OMAHA LAND COMPANY HAVn a few destrnblc cottages for rent. Apply to L. 8. Ilalnes , East Omaha u 620 MODERN FL-VT , 118 SO. 2iTH ST. , 10 ROOMS ; poiresslori May lit. Ml llee llldg. D-MSOC TOR RENT. A NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE , 32d nnd Harney sts. D MS20 M2 * FOtt RENT , MODERN I'lwVT , NEW DAVIDdE building , oppnilte city hall. John W. Itobblns , agent , 1802 Farnam St. D-MSM FOK RHVr FURMSIItn HOOM9. ROOMS nv TUB DAY OR WEEK AT THE Central hotel. IRth and Podge Sts. K M.K.3 MU HOOM-TRANS1ENT8. 170 * DOUOLAS ST. E MU6 MIC SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , MODERN. 21SO Haincy it. E-M702 30 FURNISHED I'ARLORS , I'ARLOR IIEDROOM. very cheap ; board If wished ; private family ; no children. Address M 47 , llec. E M731 I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEviNO for man nnd lfo. Rent token In board. 219 N 171h i7M " lU- DAY OR WEEK. 1512 DAVENPORT. . E M729 S FURNISHED ROOMS , PRIVATE FAMILY7"oi3 _ N. 83 K-M812 M5 FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. "bl'l-o'SlTE Bhrlner , 2M4 Harney. E MS07 Ml * FOR RDNT , FURNISHED ROOMS. IK S. ? 3TH t. n-M8t ! Ml * rURNISHHD ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. 2 < BJ HI. Mary's. E MS3S M4 Kt'KMSHEU UOOMS AXI ) IIOAHD. . r . . ja _ THH 1IEIUUAM , FIRST CLASS FAMILY Ho tel. Kth and Dodge Sts. F-fiR FOR RENT-LARGE AND SMALL FURNISH- cd rooms. 1816 Chicago St. F 723-M1 * NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1824 RINNEY. . F M731 M ! PHEASANT ROOMS. MODERNSTRrrTLY ; flrrt clats board. 822 N 19tli St. F-.M787 Ml * PLMA8ANT ROOM WITH HOARD ; TRANl dents accommodated. IDo'J Capitol nvenue. F-M816 Ml * FOIt HK\T U\FUUMSIIn : HOOJIS. FOR RENT , NICE tfOUTII FRONT UNFUIV nlshed rooms , with bath : Wllhnell block F W. Carmlchael , No. 6 , Wllhnell block. G-KX ) UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 815 SOUTH J1D ST * Q-U73I : o * FOIl IIKXT STOKES AND OFKICCS. TfOn WENT. DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR office , lie * building ; water , steam heat , electric Ibjht and janitor service. Apply to Superln. tendent , life building. I U7 FOR RENT-IN TUB DEB BUILDING ! One large corner room , td floor , with vault and private office , water , etc. One large front room. Id floor , divided Into two ruAii by partition ; water , etc. One large corner room , 2J Boor , with vault. m ter , etc. On * front room , divided br partition. 31 floor. On * corner room , with vault. Id floor. One large room. Id Hoar , with partition dividing It Into one Urg room and two smaller prha'.o rooms ; water , etc. Two large ground floor rooms , fronting 17th St. . with vault. sUveral email room * on 4lh floor , with vault * . All these rooms are hratfd with steam , electric Ilfht * . supplied with nnt class janitor servlre : elevators run day and all night : building strictly fireproof Apply to superintendent. room 104. llee building. I IN FOR TRACKAGE , TRANSFERRING AND dMk room , apply to the Aultmun & Taylor Machinery Oa. , N. E. cor , Mh * Jackson Uta , IIKMT STOHRII A.XO ( Continued. ) PART OF FIRST CL\SX OROrERY STORK to butcfter ; good location , N , Uth. N J2 , llee > . TOR RENT. THE 4-STORT I1RKMC RUll.pINO at 810 Fflrnam SI. This building has a fireproof cement bailment , water on nil floor * . s " . ls. Apply at the office of Th4 'J e. 1-910 AOK.XTSV. . \ > TIU : , WANTED. AGENTS TO PRI.t. A gnu generators ; mutt ! ) < . men nf itblllty nnd mrne means. Atct > lene , the light of the'nt.ir- ) for towns , cities , sureri , churches , halls , fac tories , hotels and private mldeiw-i. Addrwa Omaha Acetylene Oas Co. J . IIS and I * ) N. Ut.i St. . Omnha. Neti. .I-M31C MU AGENTS. WE WANT YOU TO VISIT STORES nnd sell machine for printing tlgns on fences bridges , rocks any rough surface ; steady work all summer. Arc Co. . Racine , Wl . OW flOOUS HKLL ON MK11IT AT P1C1HT TO every hortfmnn nnd to tuh-ajmls far over J o per .cent prom ; blc riirlnc demand ; for Ken eral agency write H. Iluhter Co. , Haelne. \ \ t. J 'MSIO * 0 W.TTKDTO 11BST. WANTKD , 7O HUNT MODKnN B. Oil T- room house about June lit. Address M 4 ( . Mee. WAXTKD , FUHN1S1IED IIOUSK DUKINO summer. N 7 , U.-e. K MTM WANTKl ) , 3 OH 4 FtJUN'tHIlun ItOOMH KOfl light hoUFekeeplnfr ; state location with teply. N 17 , Hce. K-MSOO Ml' STOH.UJE. PACIFIC STOriAOB AND WARnilOUSK CO. , 908-910 Jones general storage nnd forwarding. M-C73 OM. VAN & STORAOi : , 1J1U4 FAHN'M. Till , T > :0 M-C74 WA.\rnnTO nuv , PKCONIMIAND HOOKH 1IOUOI1T POIl CASH at the Antiquarian Look store , 1513 Tarnam ct. rr-.M7T3 MM' FOIl 2ND HAND HOOKS , CIIANK. JO ? N. ICth. N.M205 WANTID , AIIOUT a YARDS OP DIRT , nzc No. IDth St. N C19 19 WANTKD , KQUITY RESIDKNCB PROPIHtTY , cloye In. N S , life. N M7iO ANY ONi : WIPMINO TO SKLL A ROOD UV- rlclit plono mny | msillly ) aecurc cunlomer by addreunlng Hex 4 3 , Omaha. N MT71 Ml' FOR SAI.E FimXITUIlE. WELL FUllNlSimD SIX-ROOM TlI T. nilT- bonable rent ; cheap for cafli. 317V6 N. lif.i St. 0-7J1 Ml * KALI : . FUHNITUHI : , HY s. D. CASAO. BI9 N. ICth ft. : One lid ! louiiRe , 2 oak < lres - ers , 1 oak dlnlntr table , C dlnlnif chnlr-i. 4 rockers. 1 boolicnse. O XI797 Ml FOR SALE HORSES A.MJ WAOO.NS. T\VO-SIATIU FAMILY CAHRIAOI : . LIATH- : er extension top ; n hlsh ( trade vclilele In Kord Older. Address N is. ne. . 1' SCO J9 l-OIl SALt : . A FAMILY DltlVINO TKAM ] black ! wclshl 2.700 ; ( 'entle : lady can drive nny place ; perfectly found. N 19 , llee. I'-MSOS MS * FOIt HOG AND roULYlfX FKNCE ; IlKTTnit THAN wire nettIns. Fine candust for ( loots. Tel. 4 3 901 Douglas. Q-e7.1 HOIISn CLH'riNO MACHINUS , ICN1VKS AND repairs , nil Unndnrd makes on hniid ; Rrtndln ; nzon , sheura , clljpera ; prompt service. A. I * Undeland. Q G71 ! CHICKIIN , HOG AND LAWN FKXCHSj ALL wire ; Is beet. Wlro Works. 14th nnd Harney. M-C7S IIARDMAK PIANOS AT MUULLKU'S. 1STH nnd Knrnim. Q M70t 30 FOR SALE A NEW H.V ) KIMnALL PIANO for $323. Dcnna Allbery , South Omahi , Q-7l Ml CASH itnoisTnit : TOTAL ADDER ; little ufcd. 41S N. ICth. Omaha. Q 777 3 * FOR SALH. TEN R.I.P.A."N.S. FOR S CUNTS nt druRRlstsj one Rhes relief. Q M7SI FIRST CLASS IIAIIUKR OUTFIT FOR SALK cheap. Inquire 1013 S. 10th. Q-M313 Ml * AtdtOST NKW DOIJItLi : CARRIAGE HAR- nen chP.ip for cash. It. A. Krcbb . 510 Kx- clianRc , South Omaha. Q S1S33 Ml * MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT. .A DARN AT 1002 CASS ST. R-MM9 ANTI-MONOPOLY GAHUn.rE ! CO. CLL'AXS cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 16tn. Tel. 1771 SHRUIIIIKHY AND TREES AT 1717 DOUGLAS Frank 11. Martin , residence 4G22 llouletard'if. . -M431 MIC * NEW nilICK AT WITHNKLL nilOrf. ft Smith's yard , 22d and Hickory. Telephone 425. MASSAGE , DAT1IS , ETC. MISS MAYER-CHIROPODIST , MANICURE Bcalp , facial , treatments ; wanted student ? . 40) Paxton blk. T JlS MU LAURA ELLI80N , 119 N. ICTH ( UPHTA.nS ) . room 12 , Turko-Ruulan nnd plain baths , maa- nge. T M533 ill'J' MRS. DR. LEON , ELnCTRIC MASSAGE HATH Iiariors ; restful and curative. 417 s. nth , up stairs. T M715 Ml * MME. SMITH , IIS N. UTH ST. , HOT SPUING nnd vapor baths. T 759 M2 * M.ME. AMES. & 07 SO. UTH. ROOM 10. MASsage - sage baths. T 8:0 Mr , * % I'EHSOXAT. . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROURLES. 346-8 I1EE VWe ; physician consultation or health book free U-C30 BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. I'OST , flDH S. 15TH. U-3SJ CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND Un paired ; day or night drees suits for hire Pantortum , N. E. Cor. 14th nnd Furns.n. Tel. 9C3 U-681 HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONK DOLLAR : ELKC- trlo clippers Tel. CO. McCormack & llaumley. 14th nnd Howard. U 533 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. FACE DLEMISHES removed with electricity nt Mme. O. Payne'n halrdrenslns nnd manicure parlor * . 311-313 Knr- bach block. U Moll M19 * G. R. CRANDALU CITY CONTRACTOR FOR brick sidewalks ; best repicsred vltrllled pav ing lirlck used : tatlsfnctlon euannteed. 204 S. Hth St. Tel. S17. MSS3 M5 MOSEY TO LOAX REAL ESTATE. WANTED. CHOICE PARM AND CITY LOANS R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'I Jlank Rids W-CS4 HOO.000.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Omiha property , or for building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W 6i > G ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y L. ' quick money itt low rates for cholc Jnrm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern Nebraska WC87 LOAN ON IMPROVED * UNIMPIIOVEI ) C1TV property , W. Farr.aia Smith & Co. , 1MO Fainnm. W-SSi S PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Gjr\ln Ilros , 161J Farnam St. W 83 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. llrennan-Lo\e Co. , 211 8. 16lh W-GS9 PER CENT MONEY. 11EM1S. PAXTON PAXTONW690 W-690 ItOOCO. 1200.00. M OJ-PniVATE MONEY. ON cne , two , three or live yean time. W. L. Pelby. 334 RoarJ of Trade. W6C JIOXKY TO tOAJt CII.VTTKLS. J10 TO $10.000 TO IXDAN OS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO3 HOUSES. . WAGONS AND CARRIAGES WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC : . at lowest rales In Omahi , South Omaha nd Council lltufts. No remo\al of goods ; strictly coniljentui : you can pay the loan off at any time or In uny ( iniDunts. t OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . THS I'ORATED I JAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X-C91 MONEY UOANEO SAI RIED PEOPLE HOLD. Inc permanent ixxltlons , with rttponalblv cjn- cern < upo-j their own name , without security : eisy pa > rirnts. Tolraan , It. 701 , N. Y. L. bl.li ! V5t IIHICK. WITHNELLDRO t SMITH.PAVING. SEWER I building Capacity. 100 , 00 * a day22d ; & Hickory st 4o - l.f0.000 NEW BRICK. WITHNELi , BROS. Jtnlthi. R US IX ESS CIIAXCE.t. TO GET IN OH OUT OF IIU.HINESS GO TO J. J Clltmm. 511 rirtt Nat'I Danli. T O _ FOR SALE-A 1IAROAIN MY ENTIRE DRt'O lock , ( how cares , o < M fmmtnln nml coun ter * : nhn will rmU ( t rn nl reisoniible rentr locited t'nlnn Depot liolel , one block from t' P. nml IlurllnBton depots. Ernest Stuht , nro- prlnor. Y 79 E TIIIRD INTEREST i tifnctnrlng mail onlfr liu ! ncMi ? J per rent Kii.iinnlicl ; If you have the money nnd mean builness ImeMlgits this. M W. llee. . Y-MC91 _ IP YOtMvTNTT < r Hl'Y OR SELL ANY Ht'SI- * ne-g ee Wiilsh , 113 N. 16th St. Y Mil * M * CLEAN OHOCnilY TO Tc'AND rTxTtmES Ui ( p ; about We on tlic dollar : moftly new ; must \ncnlo premlsear'blgEest bargain offered. Apply N 13. llec. Y-M78" 3' ' ? * FOR S\LE. ONE-FOURTH INTEIlErtT IN well equipped nml pnylns electric light plant In Rood lonn town : will realirn my pislllon uiierlntendent In fnvor of purchaser. Ad- ilrras N U , care Omaha llee. Y-M7I3 Ml' SPLENDTl ) oTlANCn-FIIlST CLASS GRfT- cery. line location , need trade ; reason for " .ell- Ini ; when > ef buyer. N 10. llee. Y M810 Ml * ELEVATORS FOR SALH-A LINE OF SIJv elevatort nn thp llepubllran Valley branch of lh U , P. R. R. . extending south from I 'nrriln , Neh. , thrnunh an excellent urnln proiluclnn re- plon. Will b * old trisether or oeparately. na dfnlre.1. In Rood repair nnd fine notlclm ? ' ordor. Will b > enld on en y trrnii. Applv to III . Miller. Ileatrlce , Neb. T MS24 J3il LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT IN ESTAII- IM M builne' * ; t o to nve lhou nnd dollars required. Address N 20. lite. Y-M32 M2 von VARIOUS PIECES OF PROPERTY AND farms In Nebraska tu trade tor merchandise. Address L 42 llec. X MSIll IfO-AC'RIJ CLEAR FARM NEAR PNOHOMISH , WaahliiKton , nnd 13,0 0 (0 In defaulted llrst mortgJKt'j * nn H'iuthwt"tern Kan a lind , to ox- chnnse for Improved properly In Omaha : party will assume reasonable amount of In umbr.ince. W. L. Selby , 334 Iljnrd of Trade.M727 l-'OIl SALE HEAL 15STATE. ICOUNTZU PUCE UARGAINS. J2.5M. 53.7:0 TO ( C.COO. J. J. Glbsun , CH First Nat'I. Hank HlilK. RE-CDI FOLIXWINO DESII5AIILE pnOPERTY : IIUSI- ne s lot corner. MX 139 ft. . In So. Omnha , pa\ed. itiino3 ! lot , COxloO feet , Impioved , South Omaha , street pnxel. Tract (24 lols . SCth St. Trnct ( W lots ) . 30th St. For parllculais apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-C93 GERMAN SAVINGS TUNK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO RUY. Uuy and save -ent. Nc\er before In the hlMory nf Omahn hav there been fUCh opportunities offered to acquire lots nr homes nt jour own prices. You make the prices. Recel\ers must sell. Depositors' demands must bn f.itlfllocl. 1 Blxc out no lists , if you want to buy 7 will match nny prlcei made by anyone Lots In South Onuhi. lots In Omnlm , lots e\erywhero from SIO ) to $1.000. Houses and lots and acre tracti In Douglas county. Any reii onnbl < - offer will bo favorably consid ered. Tell mo whnr you want nnd I will tell you \\hat I will take. If you h.ue n customer I will pay regular com missions. I have no agents. New 7 per cent loans , JI.OOO to Jl.COO , for talc on Improved property. -THO3. H. M'CAGUE , Receiver. 103 N ith St. RE-MM5 RAROA1NS : 5-ROOM HOUSE. 90 ! SOUTH IOTH St. . rental JlSO.no per ytnr ; price , tl.IW. 02x132 feet on Cummg street , pays 7 per cent net on $2,500. 11 house * nnd 1 store , rental , JC4S.OO per year ; prc ? , J3.SCO. 41 feet front 3-tory brick bulMlne , rear Hth nnd Douirln , rental 12.100.CO per year ; pi Ice. I2J.SW. J. N. Trailer Opp. old P. O. 'SC-M2I4 HOUSES , 1XTS , FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , also fire Insurance. Demi : , Paxton b.ock.RE RE 697 NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot. J300 cash. bnlniKO to suit. Address G T5. Ho * . RE MIM IP YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE and wi > nt U sold list It with m = nn > l I win jell It ( If I can ) . If > ou \\l n to purcba t > nn.1 want n biff barsaln , look over my list. J. II. Sherwood , 422 New York Life. RE M 411 VERY DKSIRAHLU 8-ROOM MODERN' COT- tnireery choice location (3C2 ( N. 4ftth ) . en t front : nlc" lawn nnd trees ; \erv chi-.ip nnd easy terms ; call nnd see It. RK MSlft M2' HHOHTHAXII A.VD TYPKWKITIXG. A. C. VAN flANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typowrltlnp. 717 N. Y. Life. ofTerj the fol- lowlns ndvnntnRCs : tmllvldual Instructions by experienced teachers ami 'kllltul Etenmraphcrs ; up-to-date methods ; touch system of typewrit- - If preferred ; particlpatlin In actual work. for winch students receive pay ; monthly inCT CT : AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. 1CTII & DOUOI S -CT9 SHORT-HAND , UP-TO-DATE. TAJ'OHT FIT rourt reporters. Royles' School , 403-3-7 Bee bldg 700 SUM3IER HESORTS. THE JEWETT COTTAGES , GREEN MOUN- tnln Falls. ColD. : n summer hnme In the mountains ; b'nutlful colt OR ? ! , fully furn'shod. for rent by the reason nt reasonable rates. Illustrated circulars sent on nppl'catlon. Ad dress J. H. Jewett. Green , Colo. M5M M3 * FURXITCRE PACKED. M. B. WALKIN , Zlll CUMING. TEL. 13J1. PAWXRROICEHS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. MTH. 701 SIUEWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCY driveways. G. Rushart , 214 X. ICcn : 'nhone 1195. M8IO M4 * TYPEWHITEIIS. TYPEWRITEHS FOR RENT tl.OO PER MONTH The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C2J Fnr nam St. ; Telephone 12SI. 707 crtESSMAKIXfJ. ' DRESSMAKING. FAMILIES. 2504 DAV'P'T. -MM2 M6 * EXPOSITION FHOXTAGKS FOR RENT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Demls. Pax ton Hlk. 703 STENOr.UAPHEHS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers ftee. Th Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 12S4. 701 JUSTICE OP THE I'EACE. D. H. IIOUCK. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. fl Karhach block. OCS HOUSE PASTURE. ALFALFA PASTURE. ROARD FENCES. A. W. I'helps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1054. CIS J22 * FOU.M1. - FOUND. 1 HLACIC PONY. AGED 6. WEIGHT 700 , two right feet marked. Call at 1318 Corby St. , Omaha. Found 819 29 * TAKEN UP. WHITE MARE WITH SHOIM on. w.'ltrht about 1.000 pounds. MlUhell Stable , Hit Dodtfo St. Pound 817 3 > LOST. IX5ST. SOLID WATCH AND CHAIN AT Union dcik > t ; good reward Tor r > turh lo lto office. I..WI SOI Ml JUXK HOUSES. ALPIRN , OMAHA , JUNK HOUSE , JOl HO. 10th , paying best price for nil kinds of junk. SIS M2 > * NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN JpPiWK3- Pfpartment of the Interior , Oftl > e of Indian Affairs , Washington. D. C. , March 39. uaK Scaled proposaldftllt Us received by the of Indian Affairs at Nos. 77- 7D Wooater street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. Mny 17 , 1858 , for fur- nlhlRR for the Indian Service , coffee , uuiur , ten , rleo , baklne powder , so.ip. erocerle.-t. blankets , woolen and cotton goo < l3 , clottilns. - notions , hats and caps , , bcota nnd sheen , crockery and uchool books. lil'Is must be made on government blanks. Schdules.fclv- Inu all necessary Information for bidders will be furnUhed on application at lh In dian O4flee , Waahlngton. D. C. . NOJ. 77-79 Wooster street. New JTork City ; NO. liws Slate street. Clilci o , 111. ; theCommls irlea of SubslBtejice , U. S. A. at Cheyfnne , Lmv. enworth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul and San Francisco ; the postmasters nt Sioux City , Yankton , Arkansas City , Call well. To- > ? ka , Wlcliita and Tucson. Bids will bo ppetifd at the hour and days above stated. and bidders are Invited to be pr ? in at the openingW. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. A-Z7-May-U MOTICC. ( Should be rertrl'DAIIjY ' by all Interested , 05 changes mny VlccOr at any time. ) Foreign malls' for ; 'tho wpeV ending April 30 , isas. will cloti ( PhOMlTLT In nil cnsea ) nt the Oenrral Postolllcc ns followJPAll- : CKLS POST MATE& , closj one hour earlier than closing tlms shown below : Trniift-Atlntitla MnlU. SATLTRDAY-At ) n. m. for VHANCR. aWIT7.iilIND. . ITALY , SPAIN , POR- TITOAL. Tt'IlKK ? , KOYIT anil BRIT ISH INDIA , pe'r's. s. La Normandle , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Kuropo must bj dlreqtMt " " 'per La Normandle1' ) : ut fi:30 : n. m. [ OR EXMIOPU , per B. s. Urn- brln , vl.i Queenataivn ( letter- ) for France , Swlticrlancl , Itafr , Spain. Portugal , Tur key , Bjypt and British India must be ill- rocleil "per tlmbrla" ) ; nt S a. m. for NKTHHHLANDH direct , per ( . s. Spanrn- diim , > la llotterdaVn ( letters must bo di rected "per Spaarndnm" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Knlirr Wllhelm II , via Naples ( letters must bo directed "per Kalnor Wllhelm II" ) ; at 10 a , m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Anchorla. via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Anchorla" ) ! at 11 a. m. for NORWAY ill- . reel , per s. s. Thln valla ( letters must be directed "per Thlngvalla" ) . Aficr the ilojlnff of the nupplomcntarjr trnns- ntlantlc mall * mimed Above , additional euril" . mcntnry nmlU nro nn neil on the plent.of tha Amerlcnn. KiiRllih , French and German 'lean- era and remain opun until- within ten ral.-.ut of the hour of lalllnc of etenme- . 3Inlln ( or South unit Central Amrrlcn , Went IndlPK , Ktc. SATUUDAY At 9:30 : a. m. ( supplementary 10 n. m. ) for LEKWAUD and WIND WARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Carlbbeo ; at 10. n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for HAITI and CAUTHAQENA. per s. B. Allies ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA and SA VANILLA , per s. s. Altai ( letter * lor Costa Hlca must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; m 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. nt. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Hlca ) and SOUTH PACIFIC POUTS , p = r s. s. Advance , via Colon ( let ters for Guatemala must be directed "per Advance" ) ; nt SCO : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND - LAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; nt SM : p. m. for ST. PIHJIUlK-AIIQUi- LON , per steamer from Halifax. Mnl ! * for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax nnd thcnco by Hte-unur , el" " At this olllcc dnllv at 8:30 : p. m. MalM tor Mlruielun , by rail lo Ilo - Inn and thence by Hto-imer close at th'a ' oll"o ! dally nt 8W : p. m. Main for Mexico City. o\erland. tinlmi spcclnllr ndftre sul I'l clli > patcli by steamer , close nt this office da'ly ' nt 2:30 : n. mT nml SS3 : p. m. Mt'gistered mnll closes at 0:0) : p. m. previous diy. Trnim-Piifinc MnllH. MaIN for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. s. City of Hlo Janeiro ( from San Fran cisco ) , close hfrp dally up to April 21 at CCO : p. m. Mails for the Society Is lands. per ship City of Pnpeltl ( from San FrnncUco ) . close here dally up to April 24 nt B:30 : D. m. Mnlla for Hawaii , per a. t = . 2ea ) . Mdla ( from San Francisco ) . close hero dally up to April 2S at GCO : p. m. MnIN for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) . MOW Zealand. Hnnnil nnd F1M Is lands , per s. . Warrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here daily after April * * 13 nnd up to April 23 nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. H. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to May 2 at C,0 : p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Columbia ( from Tacoma ) close hero dally up to May * 8 nt 0:30 : p. in. Malls for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia , which are forwardi'd via Eurcp ; ) , New Zealand , Ha waii MJl nntl Samoan Islands , per s. s. Marlpos.i ( from Sin Francisco ) , close hero dally tip to May * 13 at 7 a. m. . 11 a. m nnd C:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. P. Campania1 with UrltUli malls for Australia ) . Trnns-Puclllu in.itH ore forwarded to port of Ball- Init dully nnd afio schedule of clnMnc la tir- ranced on ( he presumption cif their uninter rupted ( norland , tivinlt. "IeilFtertd ! ni'i'l closei t fi u. m. pro\lnu diy. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. PoMmaster. Postollice , Nev _ > York. N. Y. , April 22 , 1S9S. RAILROADS. -r CHICAGO , HUIILINGTON & Burlington 1 Qulncy Railroad "The Ilurl- . , Inaton Route" Ticket Oltlw. , 1102 jFarrmm Street. Telephone Route 2.V ) . . Depot , Tenth and Macon Streets. Telephone 12S. _ - . . Leave. Arrive. CHIC.IRO vmlliuled Ex. 5:03 : pm S:1D : nm Chicago Exprefs" * 9:48 : nm 4:13 : pm Clil KO & lit. LquU Ex 7:4' : pm 8:10 : nm Pacific Junction Local , . , llo : am 3:10 : pm Fast Mall * 2:50 : pm Chicago Special V12:03 : am * 11:30 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. UURLINGTON & MISSOURI lllxer Railroad "The llur- lliiKton Houte" General Of- llces N. W. Corner Tenth and Karnatn Streets. Ticket Of fice. 1302 Farnam Street. Tele phone KO , Depot. Tenth nnd Maton Streets. Telephone us. Leave. Arrl\e. Lincoln , Haetlngs and McCook * 8:33 : am 9:33 : n'm Lincoln , Dcn\er , Cole rado. Utah. California , lilack Hills .Montana and PuRet Sound * 4:33 : pm -1:03 : pm Lincoln l ocul 7:00 pm 7:44 : pm Lincoln Past Mall 2:53 : pm 11:40 : nm Denver , Colorado , Utah , California nnd Puget Sound * 11S5 : pm * 11:53 : pm KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH Burlington & Council muffs Railroad "T.ie llurllngton Route" Ticket Otllce , 1502 Farnam Route Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth and Maaon Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . 9:03 : am 5:10 : pm Kansas City Night Ex. 10:00 : pm 6:30 : am Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST- cm Rnllway City Ticket Of- llce. 1431 Farnam Street. Tele phone C61. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 128. ta > e' Arrive. DnyllgtiT Chicago -Spe- clal 7r : am ll:33pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis 5:10 : am 10:13 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , .7:40 : am 9:03 : pm Dennlson. Carroll , Wall Lnke , from llroadway , Council ItluffH 1 9:00 : nm 8:43 : nm Eastern Express , lies Molne , Marsluilltoun , Ceilir Rapid ; , Chicago 4:33 : pm Atlantic Fljer , Chicago nnd East * 4:43 : pm 4:33 : pm Fnut Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Hloux City , St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited * 4:33 : pm 8 M am Omaha-Chicago Special. 6:45 : pm 8:50 : am Dally. Dally except 8und y. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MINNK- npoltc & Omaha Railway- General Ofllces , Nebraska Dl- \lston. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets , city Ticket Olllce , 1401 Faruam Street. Tclcphono Ml. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone - phone 1158. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. . * 8:30 : am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9 CO am 8:20 : pm lllalr. Einerion. Sioux City , 1'onca , HurllnK- ton & Illoomfleli ) . . . . 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : nm Sioux Clly. Mankota , St. I'aul , Mlnnenpolls. . . * 5:33 : pm 8:29 : am Emerson 1'anioneer. . . . 6:10 : pm 8:43 : nm Dally. Dftlly e-tcept Sunday , Sunday only. Tills tTiilft stops ' at stitlons llorence to South lllalr. IrielurlVe , Sundays only ; on week day. South Hlalr onlr. J-'REMONT. ELKHORN AND Mltsourt Valley Hallway Gen. eral , OIlcc ! , United States Na- tlonal Hank RulMIng , South- - vvosl Corner Twelfth and Far- . - nam Streets. Ticket OflUe. 1401 Furnira Street. Telephone SSI. Depot , Flfl teenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1438. lji e Arrive. IJInck Hills. D a.lwpo4 and Hot Hprlng * . . , . 3CO : pra 5 ( pm Wyomlnp , Catper and DouRlaa . . . , . . . " 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Hastings , Yoric. TJavId City. Superior. Gene\-a Exeter nn1 Reword . . 3:00 : nm * * B'OOnm Norfolk. West Point arid ' Fremont. . . . , „ . . " 730am " 10:23 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo and Fremont. . . . : . . . . 7:5 : am * 10:23 am Fremont Local , . . . , . . . . . 7:50 : nm Ually. Dally .except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAH , road General Offices. United .Stales National Hank Itu'ld- ' lag. a , W. Corner Ttrellth anil Jarnam Strc.-ts. Tlcktt Ofllse. -T- , . „ . . 1 I Farnam SireM. Te'epho i CU. Depot 15th and Webster St , Telephons 1458 * * * " ArrUe' Sioux City , Mankato. ' ' l. Mlnneapplls. 5:5S : pm 8 : am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Offices and Ticket OrtKe. Merchants Nat'onal ' Dank llulldlnir , 12lt Karnam Street. Telephone. 101. Depot , Fifteenth and WcbJttr streets , Teiephoni 143 * . Leave. Arrive. Kansas anil Nebraska Llm ted * 3:0upra : * li5 pin Kansas City and St. Louis Express * 9:30 : pm 6:91 : am Nebraska Local " 4 : run :45 : am Dally. Da'ly except Sunday. HAI1MIOAO9. ( Continued. ) UNION PACIFIC-'THH OVERland - land Route"-Genernl OITtees , N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office , 1W2 _ Farnani Street. Telephone us. ft' ir01' Ten" > nnd Mason Streets. f Telephone in. " " * ' "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Suit Lnke western points . , . . . J-JO am The Colorado Special . for Denver and nil "for * " JB Pm ' 7 : ° ° " " Salt Ijike. Pacllto coast nnd nil western .en-rice "ind * Pm * 7 : ° ° . : M pra 1JM * m Norfolk , Ornml Is. Innil fctid Kearney 43nm Qrnml Islam ! Kxiirers , . C:0) ' , ' : im n-ifl tm "m UKlly. Dnli'y except flunls.Py. Council Illuffo l.ocal-I.Mve. . 3 ! ( , ) „ . m. : : M ' ! " J " ' ' " ! . " " w. ; 10:30 : a , m. 2jl5 ft . . Omaha. Knnsn * Clly A llast l.v , ' "l" " " . ' . " " 1IM" Port Arihur "Route Ticket Ofilce , 141i Far- . . na.m Streets Telephone , 322. De- Telephone. | L.P ° t ( TCn" ' B"J M < UOI > Strc" < - t * * - Anivt- 81. Louis Cannon Jlall - U:30am : 9:03 : pm IIAILHOAD-TICKIT : Office , 1U3 Pamnm Street. Tele , lionc 322. Depot , Tenth snd Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Lea\ . Arrive. St. Louh "C.inon Hall" Hall"M < : M Pm * U:5 : ° nm . _ CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE * ST iMllUfMII/rct 1 > n"1 .Railway-City Ticket Of- llYIILWAUKEtl nee , 1504 Fnrnam Street. Tele- Cj" sfe ' i , , I "hone 2S4. Depot , Tenth nnd - < /'w7 ; Ma on Streets. Telephone 128. < i / Leave. Arrho. Ch'cago Limited Ex. . . . r.3 ; ! pm 8:03 : nm Omaha nnd Ch cage Ex. * 11OJ : nm 1:50 : pm Dally. CHICAGO , HOCK IPtAND & I'nelllc Ilnllioail "Tlii > Clreat Heck Inl.iinl Iloute" Clly Ticket nince. 1323 Vn num Street. Telephone 41S. Uei > ot , Tenth anil Maran KtteoU. Telephone 629. Loavc. Arrhe. Ch'caito nml St. Paul Vestlbuled Hxpress. . . . 4W : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Bp'ss. I'ueblo , Uenxcr nnd west 1:35 : pm 4:23 : rm Chlcaco. Ic Molnes & Hock Island * 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantlo Hxpress , for lea Molnei and east ern points 7:20 nm 8:0 : pm Colorado Flyer 7:00 pm 9:03 : am Dally. Da'ly ' except Sunday. 1J ( > XI > ISSUE Ilniiker VIIICK IIIMH < M That In tliv Only Stiiirc'c ofViir Iiv < * iuic . OMAHA , April 29. To the Editor of The lies : In an editorial thla morning you de clare that In your opinion there Is "no call for a bond Issue. " I cannot agree with you In this con clusion. You acuume that $150,000,000 will be re quired by January 1 , 1S99. Iia that case It la only fair to estimate that the total sum which may bo required for the Spaulah war will reach ? 300.000,000 In addition to what (103 already been expanded. There l.s mo available balance In the treao- ury for the purpose. The $50,000,000 already cxpcr-detl have reduced the surplus which must ahvay.7 be maintained for contingen cies to limits that It would not be safe or expedient to further contract. To undertake to obtain the large sum de manded from Immediate taxation would not only bo uowtee but might prove suicidal. Thta country has now unlimited credit there could tofall ua no greater disaster than the wreck of tlild credit and a great risk of this wotlld bs Incurred if ths govern , meat was obliged to depend upon the uncertain tain receipts from taxation , for the prcsecu- Uon of the war. If such a course had been undertaken In the civil war , war operations would have been greatly" hampered by lack of funds , and at times they would have been pracll- cally su.'ipmdod. Aggressive warfare is im possible without immediately available funds. Our national credit was not high at tfiat tlmo and so It was deemed necessary to Usuo treasury notco supported by a bond Usue into which the notes were at fliat convertible. It was a costly proceeding and was only Justrfledby the necesoltles of the situation. N'o attempt was made to raise by taxation the money required for the war- It was decmad sufficient if the ordinary ex penses with Interest on the debt were thus obtained. Within twtaty-flvo > wro after the close of the war the entire war expenditure of $300,000,000 coUld have been easily liqui dated , without any considerable embarrass ment to the country on account of the heavy and onerous taxation which usually attends a war condition in every country. The Interest upon $300,000,000 would not reach a sum demanding any greatly in creased taxation It need hardly be felt and no provision for a sinking fund Is re quired. The result las surplus from slightly moro than ordinary taxation , with the Im proved trade conditions sure to come , would rellro the bonds within a reasonable time. The kkid of bonds U another question. If they were made specifically payable In gold they could bo l&sued redeemable "at the pleasure of the government , " but If the ambiguous words "cola" or "dollars" aroused used , then the time must be longer and the rate of Interest higher. If partylsm , even temporarily would give place to patriotism all the monetary dltlicnlty attending the sit uation would disappear and the government ' would bo at liberty to act as Its beat' Inter ests would decide , Just as an Individual would do under similar circumstances. But even cs it Is , It would oeem possible to adopt some compromise by which two forms of bands should be submitted for pop > ular subscription. Ono cla&i of ohort time or "At pleasure" bonds , pajablo In gold and the other long time payable. In "coin" the Interest rate on Ido first named to be Ies than the latter of the same clos. ? , Thlo would seem a fair proposition and might be the means of eavlng considerable money for the government. It would cer > tainly bo desirable to avoid a long time bond . hsue. HE.VRY W. YATE3. : APPRECIATE HK'LIAHLE ' WAR STEWS. The Hoc tin * Only Paper thnt Can He > TrnMeil. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , April 27. To the Editor of The * Bee : It may interest you to Icnow that the reliability of The Hce's war news In the estimation of 'North ' Platte people ple Is in striking contrast with the ex treme "yellowness" of the World-Herald. : Not Infrequently you hear a man remark : "The V.'orld-Hcrald fceya so and BO ; what doe The > lice say , " and without exception they look for a confirmation of the news In The Deo. It The llee decs not glvo It they at once conclude It Is a "fake. " The sensa tional period of the war baa passed ; the peo. . plo now dcilre facts , and these- they are ob taining from The Ileo. Tie best way to "play even" with the World-Herald is to enc3urage It In Its sensa- ttanallsm and continue to print facts In The Bee. IRA L. BARB. > TIIK 'REALTY INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , April 23 , 1S33 : . WARRANTY DEEDS. i 1C. T. Swobo and wife to Alzula Bwobe , lots 9 and .10. Convent Palo 110,000 L. C. Graham and husband to Walter .Ure , lot 13 , .Miiync'a. arid 2 . Mcrc'nantB * Natl. bank to Wllhelm Kaiser , lot 12 , block 453 , Grandvlew. . COO QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. B. A. Langdon and husband to Frank MurpViy et at , lot 1 , block 1 , Thorn- burB Place 25 ; Max Meyer & Brother Co. to Julius > Meyer , und.W of lot 10 , block 4 , Jot ter's add. to South Omaha 1 It. C. Enewold and wife to Omaha S.iv. bank , e ( u feet of ni of lot 7 , block 1 , Park Place 1 > X , P. Hansen to same , name 1 Arthur norland to V. O. Strlckler , n'A wU nwVi 4-1C-13 ( ex. Ca ) , DBBD3. Master In chancery to MaaiachusotU Mutl. Life Ins. Co. . lot 5 and w S feet of lot 6 , block. 2(7 , Omaha , and a strip adjoining- HCOO Total amount of transfer * $21,531 * ' BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. Kor the benefit of busy women who do not have tlmo to keep always In touch with the vocabulary of fashion we quote from Ucruorcst's Family MaKvtzlrie a few terms with their dominions , which may help her In her bewilderment. Appllquo la woven cm. broidery . with gauze groundwork. Dayailere , an effect brought about by material woven with stripes running crorawlse , or by hori zontal trlmmlngo. Caeaque Is a short basque , Carreaux slgnlflcs checks , or squares. Cheno mc-r.ni a pointed effect. Chou Is a rosct or cluster of ribbons , feathers or laces. Hclgo Is a material In which two colors are mixed. Gloria Is mlgturo. cf silk and wool. I.ans- downc la a combination of the same ma terials. Loranges arc square tabltcrs used Intrlmminc. . A m-itlnco Is a breakfast or house jacket. Molro Is a certain way of weaving which glvea a watered effect to any kind of material. 1'allletts arc spangles. Pllsso is material ehlrred In the piece by machinery. Sicilian Is a plain matcral com posed of a cotton weave and mohair filling. Satin sololl Is a satin-faced armure fabric , woven with a ribbed effect. Sortlo do bal simply means a party vtt > iy. Vlgoureux Is in effect produced by printing the yarn of which a fabric Is woven In various colors , without a set design and without regard to order of combination of colors. Zeblllno Is a wool material In imitatjon of Pablo tur. Housekeepers arc very often unnecessarily md unpleasantly annoyed by peddlers and igents who call , demanding to show goods which people do not want to see. These peripatetic and persistent merchants arc jually very industrious and sometimes dis- igrecably bold. It la an annoyance much . complained of , and In the wcat they have a ' vay of preventing it. Some California titles have an ordinance which makes It a misdemeanor punishable by a flno for any ? eddler to call at a house on which the sign "No Peddlers" la displayed. Its prac- ilcal operation la decidedly satisfactory and popular wherever It has been tried. A little tin elgn , perhaps two Inches high and ten r twelve Inches long , bearing In neat letters .bo words "No Peddlers , " Is tacked on half ho door steps In San Francisco. U In no Kuy mare the appearance of the entrance ind eaves the housewives a deal of t rouble. The suggestion is ono which might be acted n in eastern cities with great acceptance. In a recent examination In Chicago for pxployes of the civil service commission the ivcmen applicants got decidedly the best of It. In the list of eligible eleven of the first ihlrteen are women. The best examination was made by George M. Deralck , who has ccn with the board from its first organiza tion , and is familiar with the examiner's work. The fourth on the list la a school eac-hcr , Sylvia M. Plo , who had no experience in the office. The twelfth , Alice M. Malony , s another school teacher , who Is new to the Business. The board has on the eligible list .hlrty-four names , of which seventeen are vomcn , with two men at the foot of tbo roll. The board will employ twenty-two examiners lor a time , and of these twenty-two only iluo are men. The board will have to re- luce its force soon lo keep within the ar . roprlatlon , and six o ! the seven lowest on ho list are men. Mlaj Kate K. O'Connor of Rockford , III. , raa tendered her resignation a * deputy ouniy clerk' and clerk of the probate court , position ehe has filled wild great credit ind ability for the pat nlxte-cn years , to rater a new field of work. It ti her luten- .loo to open on office es a counselor of vomon , a place where women may come and llscuss their buslnow affairs. In addition o making and proving wllU , appointment if administrators , executors and guardlana , uid the settlement of estateu. she will do : vc > unclng , lean money , Insure life and ropcrty. and make a specialty of pensions. Many people will be nut-prised to know hat there is a scientific way of walking up- talra. A rjfiyslclan , la telling how It Is lone , says tfcat usually a person -will tread in the ball of his foot in taking each step. Phis 4s distinctly a bad practice ; it wcara ind Urea Ido muiiclea , as It throws the cn- ire suspended weight of tbo body on the uuscles of the legs and feet. In walking ipatalrs the paint to be secured U tbo moat flual distribution of the body's weight poa- Ible. The feet tbould bo placed squarely on tbo ntcv , heel and nil , nnd thn the work should be dtmo slowly And deliberately. In this nay there la no strain upon any nuu- etc , hut cadi ono docs Us duty In natural manner. The practice of bending noaflr dotiblp when attending stairs U extremely pernicious. H cramps the lungs and makes the heart work harder. A slightly forward Inclination la alt that la normeary to nMko ttie method of going upstairs above dcacrlbe.l a much le&s laborious ( ask than it usually la. It was notlcoJthe other day , says H rpcr' Weekly , that the prospectus of the Woman' * Hotel companyof ' .New York did not stala by what regulations 'tho ' boarders In th prospective hotel for working-women were to bo governed. It seems that the manage- mru appreciates the disadvantage of et rulrn , aivd Intends to run Us house "without any restrictions except those conventional onea that obtain In any well-regulated hotel FOULARD OOWN WITH CAMBRIC UNDER BODICE FROM HARPER'S BAZAR ' . The cbarm of the accompanying desl ; n for a foulard gown lies In Us coloring- geranium red and whltb and Us ( simplicity , the only decoration being the turn down , square-cut rovers of the waist , which arc attached -with carycd ivory buttons , and the tiny Jockojs over the sleeves. The waist is a low-cut blouse , open over a chemisette of flno white cambric. Dainty under-hodlccs of tdls kind , inado of very sheer cambric , arc a notable feature of th s season's Imported gowns , and the material enters largely Into the trimming of nuci'tt veiling and barege dresses In ttio form of narrow rufllcs , made wild tucks and b inded with tiny velvet ribbons. A heavy quality Is else used for plain skirts , finished simply with a very bread hem , to bo worn with shirt waists of wash silk. A softly draped collar and a red satin glrdlo are the final touches to the corsage , the back of willed Is plain with a little fullness at the belt. The enug untrlmmed skirt la a seven-gored model la sheath form , three yards and three-quarters wide at the hem. It is hung over a foundation skirt of the same cut , made of the soft-wcavo black taffeta &o wo'.l adapted to clinging effects. Frills or ruches of black silk muelln would transform this simple model Into an elaborate Franch toilette , to which could bo added contrasting sleeves of black muslin and & glrdlo of black velvet , which are both now Items of fashion. The proper cut of the gown can bs obtained only from the cut patterns furnlided by Harper's Bazar , wbcro it Is published. Quantity of Material Foulard silk , 10 yards ; taffeta lining , 11 yards ; cambric for gulmpe , 1 % yards. % lor mixed guests. " "It Is assumed , " writes the acting secretary of the preliminary com mittee of the prcpose" ! company , "that a household of women of the classeo. for whoso accommodation this first hotel Is Intended artist. , teachers , journalists and writers , students , snd the graded of clerks earning liberal wages will 'behave themselvesiqulto as well as an equal number of men , and will not need to.be put under boarding school or Institutional rules. If any guest should discredit the house , It would bo a simple matter to terminate her occupancy , as all rooms would be rented by tha day or week. While dividends on the stock of the proposed hotel arc limited to C per cent , the surplus profits which ere expected are to bo Invested In other similar hotels , which In turn would expect to pay 5 per cent .dividends , so that subscribers' expectations of Income would not necessarily bo llmltt'J to the first C per cent. The point is emphasized that the projected hotel Is Intended lo promote the comfort and general welfare of working women In fairly good circumstances , who can afford to pay from $ C to $12 a week for living ex penses. HuWunabal Is the name of an educated Hindu woman who during the famine and plague which have prevailed in India has rendered good .service In Bombay , where sba Is now practicing as a doctor. Rukhmahal went to London In the rprlng of 1889 as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLaren , and very soon after enrolled herself as a student at the London School of Medicine for Women , where she studied for more than five years , acquiring excellent knowledge of medicine. Hukhmabal's journey to England was con nected with her marriage , at the age of 11 to Dadajeo Dhlkajeo , aged 19. At the ago of 22 she bad not yet gone to live with her husband , whereupon lie. Instituted a suit against her. The judge dismissed the null as "barbarous. " lltit an appeal was made , and ultimately Hakhmabal would have hid to spend six months In prison for contumacy but that kind friends in India and iKnglaad raised a fund to appeal once more. Ulti mately the husband was bought off for 2,00 rupees , and Itukhainbal was free to follow her bent. Mlra Dixie Leo Sterne of St. Louis Is ono of the most successful commercial traveler * In America. She Is In the employ of prominent St. Louis wholesale grocery house , and her mission is to introduce a special line of goods. She travels from Hoston to San Francisco , but visits only the larger cities. Miss Sterne travels In a style that would make a crack brewery representative or champagne agent blue with envy. She stepson on ) ; ' at swell hotels and hires the deamit apartments. She visits all the eminent physicians , tells them of her goods and lesvcs town. She carries no samples , and In view of < thls fact , her success la Incredible , nut the secret Is laid In Miss Sterne's pretty face , fascinating manners and her wide In formation. This St. Louis Incomparabla drummer la a native of Columbia , 11 o. , and a great-grandnleco of Daniel Hoone. The little town of Nasso , In Sweden , lia cmllngrnt of women , 160 strongin Its flro brigade. The water supply of the village conaUts simply of four great tubs tud It is the July of the women to keep these full In case of ( Ire. They stand In two con tinuous lines from the tubs to a lake some distance away , cne line paoalng up the full buckets and tb " * other lending them back. *