THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , APHIL 29 , 1898. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM I COUNCIL BLUFFS. , MI.XOH HEVTIOX. Try Mocro'it slock food. Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block. Audiences go wild over Farland. Dr. Green , office 512 Fourth street. Jcreey Cream flour. Dartel & Miller. Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301'MerrUm bit Wanted , a girl for general housework , at 1702 6th ave. For rent , 6-room houae , good location and repair. Address D2I High t. Wanted Gentleman ( stenographer for trav eling position. Call Landls hotel , Council nluffrt. J. n. Shorclt of Harlan Is In the city at tending the meeting of county superintend ents. , Wanted , competent girl for general house nork. Call at Mrs. Charles Haas between 9 and 10 a. m. Ex-Supcrnlcndcnt of Public Instructon Henry Sobln was In the city yesterday on private tjiul.iess. The superintendent of the Carroll county nchcols , J. J , Mc.Mahon , was a Council Bluffs Visitor yesterday. The Evans .laundry Is tbe leader In fine work both for color tnd finish. 520 Pearl trect. Phone 290. Don't you think It must bo a pretty good laundry that can plraso fv > many hundreds of customers ? Well that'a the "Eagle , " 724 Uroadway. Young Mottaz , one of the Dodge Light Guards , returned from Uea Molnes last even ing , after hiylng failed to stand the physical examination. Will Murphy , the Council Bluffs cadet at West Point , la expected homo io a few days for a vls'it with his parents , iMr. and Mrs. L. V. Murphy. A. W. Warrtn of St. Joe , general western agent of the Mcndota Cool company , was In the city yesterday , the guest of his aunt , MM. B. E. Snylcs. Tory Everett has arrived from California to'be at the bodsldo of his brother Ned , who Is rallying from the severe operation which fce recently underwent. Clark Hayes , who has been connected with Ofllctr & Pusey's bank for several years has severed his connection with that Institution ani taken a similar position with an Omaha bank. Amended articles of Incorporation have been filed with the county recorder by the trustees of the Presbyterian church In order to change the name of the organization to that of "Tho First Presbyterian Church of Council Bluffs. " F. C. Laubenshclmcr , aged 73 years , died at the family residence , 3C4 Scott street , yes- terdiy morning , of consumption. Funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the resi dence. Hev. Mr. MellcnbrucVt will officiate. Interment In Falivlew. Twenty-five men were put to work yesterday - day by Contractor P. H. Wind on the Iowa building for the exposition. The building will bo pushed to completion as rapidly as possible , so as to bo In readiness for the cpoalng day. 'C. ' TJcsen Is In charge of the workmen. Julius Kruger was given a hearing In Jus tice Fcrrlcr's court yesterday upon the charge of malicious mischief. He was ar rested upon the complaint of J. 0. Terry , who accused him ot destroying a fence on tils premises. Both parties reside In East Omaha , Two bicycles were stolen from the streets last night. One belonged to H. P. Barrelt. The wheel was taken from a rack In front of a PeuTl street office , -where he had left It a moment 'before. ' The other belonged to Scott Covalt and was tiken by a thief who-passed a Broadway grocery etore , where the young man was doing some trading. -'Frank F. Merrlam of HopklnttA Delawari county , Is In the city , calling upon a num ber of the leading republicans' . Mr. 'Merrlam will bD a candidate for the' office of state auditor before the republican state conven tion , end to has many fr'ends throughout the etato who are thoroughly convinced that he will bo nominated and elected. Arrangements have been completed for a Southwestern Iowa summer school to be opened In Council Bluffs for six 'weeks be ginning in the first week In July. The school Is under the auspices of the city school au thorities. A corps of workers were busy yesterday sending out literature connected with < the school. The school will bo con ducted as a special ( cature ot the reguar county Institute. Colonel Francis W. Parker of the Chicago normal school Is collecting a series of pho tographs showing the bluffs around Council Bluffs. They will be used as Illustrations for a new geological work which he will coon publish. A large portion of the book will be devoted 'to ' the discussion ot the Ioei3 formation at this point along the Mis souri river. It IB known at only one other point on the globe. Earl McCrary , a small boy , fell from his bicycle yesterday morning near the corner of Twenty-first street and Avenue E and was supposed to have been seriously hurt. Ho was found to be In an unconscious con dition and the patrol wagon was sent to take him to a hospital. By the time It ar rived ho had rccayerel and was found to have suffered from an epileptic fit ; He was taken to his home , 2627 Avenue A. Mayor Jennings received a telegram last evening from Wiley Junction , la. , announc ing that tbe officials there had picked up a Tunaway who said his name was Joe Palmer and that he was the ton of an employe of the mayor. Word was sent to the parents of the boy , who live In the western pirt of the city , and It reached them about the time they had discovered the boy was mleslng. He was ordered to bo sent home on the next train. The lad Is 14 years old and had run way from home to join the soldiers. "Married In Haste" will be the piece pro. cntcd tonight at the Dohany theater by the Prlnglca. .They have been giving some good entertainments during the week and the one this evening Is considered one of the best In their repertory. The company and Man ager Bowcn have done a very thing In giving one-fourth of the gross receipts to tht benefit fund for the Dodge Light Guard and this generous act will more than likely bt the means of filling the house both at the evening performances and the matlneo to morrow. John Krelgcr , a "Lewis " township farmer , a few days ago caught eight young wolves. They were little fellows , but their scalps were 'worth saving. Mr. Krelger conclude ! to remove any possibility of a suspicion that he was engaged In Importing wolf scalps to secure the bounty and ho brought the. little fellows Into County Auditor Matthews' edict In the full enjoyment of their lives and health , The 'Board ' of Supervisors were In csilon and the members were called upon to view them ani give the order for the payment of the bounty. This was done. The farmer go this money and left the board And the auditor the duty of killing the animals. They were liken. Into the base- meat and slaughtered. 0. B. Vlnva. Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 3 to 5. Health book furckhed. S26-327-3i8 Merrltm tlock. Money to loan on city property , Klnnt. N. T. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. MENERAY BROS. NURSERYMEN , Of Crescent City ire bere in Council Bluff * and Omaha with tfcelr fine line ot fruit treei , grape vice * , etc. , and all klnda ot fine hade tree * , flowering ihrubi and roae * . Their tale grounds are located at 615 Eaat Broad way , Council Bluffi. and on F rnam atreet , one block west at Twentieth atreet , Omaha , where you will be waited on at H times with pleasure. We cell all good * very cheap and guarontM * U gooda flrat-claaa. Omalui 'yhoav , lUXUj COBBC ! ! Bin * * , Ul. IOWA EXPOSITION BUILDING State Commission Getting Beady for an Active Bummer Campaign , SECRETARY CHASE LOCATES HIS OFFICE Will < Mnkc III * Headqnnrtern InCoun cil II In IT * tind Direct OprrntlonB from There Local Com- mlmilon Helving Oat. F. N. Chase , secretary of the Iowa Trons- mlssl&slppl commission , Is In the city for the purpose of arranging for the beginning ot the exposition work. The commissioners have decided to open an office In this city and do the active work connected with the erection' of the Iowa building and the Installation Of the exhibit from this bide ot the river. He spent the day yesterday In consultation with various members ot the Council Bluffs Trans- mlsalsslppl association and looking up an of. flee. No definite arrangements were arrived at , but Secretary Chase concluded to wait until after the meeting ot the afsoclatlon and accept the proffer that bad been made at the last meeting to eeslst In securing an office In the Grand hotel. Contractor Wind held a conference with the secretary yester day concerning the Iowa building , which he will erect. The matters discussed referred only to the early commencement of the work , and the ateurance was given by the con tractor that all of the requirements of his contract would be complied with and the building be ready for the Installation of the exhibits within the specified time. WORK ON TUB TEPE13. President Graham electrified the members of the Council Bluffs TransmLssUslppI asso ciation at the regular meeting last night by officially Informing them that the work of building the big tepee Is actually under way. In connection with a rcpoiit on the matter of building ho declared that all of the red tape business had been gone through with , the plans of the structure awirorcu by the expo sition managers and nothing left to he 'lone but to go ahead and complete the building JB rapidly as possible. The report showed that four of the Council Ulutfs lumber merchants bid en the lumlbsr and that C3l. W. F.'a bid was the lowest. The architects , Wood ward Bros. , submitted their bill of $125 for plans and It was referred to the committee for further consideration. General Teet , from the committee on transportation , presented a communication from General Manager Dickinson , who de clared that the Union Pacific company would furn'sh trains to be run from Its Ninth street depct In ths ! city tt the expedition grounds whenever the traffic demanded. A few hours' notification would bo ull that to required. He also promised that hla com pany would take up the matter of providing connections for the Missouri Pacific. The finance committee was Instiuttcd to round up the exposition buttons and en deavor to ascertain how manof them had strayed away and endeavor to find a marljpt for the remainder of them. The chairman of the committee wue also Instructed to pay all bllla for labor Upon presentation. A com mittee was appointed for the purp. < sc of fix ing the salary of Secretary Judson for the period slnco March 1 , ho not having drawn anything since that time. The commttteo will report at the next meeting. Read premium offers inside' Domestic Sean wrappers. , . . , Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. , , Bee office. Council Bluffs. PIIEIMHIX TUB CITV PAHKS. ComniliMloiirrs > Go About Getting Them Hemly for Summer. The park commtelonera have begun the work of putting iBayllss park In suitable condition for the summer. It was early made manifest that condition should be such as to fully meet the approval of the many exposition visitors who are expected here. TJid commissioners have net decided Just yet how much money will bo spent on Improve ments In the park or determined upon the character of the Improvements to bo made boyound the construction of the new walks 'that ' were decided upon some time ago. These" walks will be for the purpose of accommo dating the now seats that will soon bo placed In position. All of the old scats have been sent to Falrmcunt park and new ones will take their places. Heretofore all of the seats in the park have been placed along the main walks that cross the park from each of the four corners. In summer time these seats are always occupied by men and boys and women passing through the park have been compelled to run the gauntlet of scorta of curious eyea and not Infrequently to avoid bombardments of tobacco spit. Hereafter there will be no seats along these walks and park loungers will find them In the shade along the new graveled walks. The only work dene so far Is the reglldlng ot the tig fountain. This baa been under way for several days. As a preliminary to the gliding the entire fountain was given a coating of deep green paint. The effect was rather startling and quickly attracted the attention of the residents living around the park. Green Cupids did not conform to their Ideas of artistic coloring and numerous hot complaints were lodged against the work with the park commissioners. Injunctions were threatened If'the coloring was not changed. The commissioners were kept busy explaining that the sea green color was nec essary to secure the 'bronze ' effect that the artist was aiming at. The people were still skeptical , but were relieved yesterday when the first ccat of bronze powder was put on. Peterson & Schocalng have Just received a carload of dining room chairs and placed them on sale In their large store In the Merrlam block. Their display of leather couches and chairs Is extraordinarily fine and should be seen to be appreciated. In baby carriages tbcy have as large a line to select from as ever displayed In Council Bluffs. One thing they take pride' In and that Is no other firm can quote lower prices on the fame grade of goods. When you want anything In the furniture or hardware line don't forget to visit the big store ot Petewon & Schonlng In the Merrlam block. Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean friends. Save your Domestic Soap wrappers. Where ji the organ on the building ? Which number la Borlclus * Music House ? Is 325 Broadway not well located ? Stole Hoard of Control VUlt. The State Board ot Control has been mak ing an unexpected visit ot tbe Iowa School for the Deaf. The members , ex-Governor Larrabec , ex-Judge Kinney and J. Cownle ( pent all day yesterday and tbe previous night at the institution. The visit was a strictly Informal one and was made for the purpose ot getting acquainted with tbe workings of all ot the state Institutions. The board does not begin it * official duties until July 1. It Is the intention ot tbe board to thus Informally ylslt all ot the institu tions In the state under Its Jurisdiction with view of becoming thoroughly familiar with the methods ot their operation. The visits 1 have all been made unexpectedly. At Independence - , dependence the board arrived late at1 I night and made a trip through ) the asylum there at midnight. The 1 board left for Glenwood lost evening for the purpose cf vIsKIng the Institution for Feeble Minded Children. Opean a WecrnltlBK Ofllee. Sheriff 'Morgan yesterday received a com munication from Governor Shaw directing him to open a recruiting offlco for the pur- f M ot utbtlac to DTOTWlnj tfe additional 1,200 troop * to fill the Iowa quota. The In formation nas not received until the middle of the day , but before 3 o'clock three men were accepted from the number who had applied and an order was telegraphed to DCS Molneo for their transportation. The gov ernor's order would not permit the enlist ment ot any men who had not had previous military training. There were many appli cants who fully met all of the requirements ot the enlistment act with this exception. The thrco men enlisted were all traveling men. Ono of them telegraphed his resigna tion of a $90 a month Job and the other two had fully as good positions. They were A. E. Lane , W. E. Tcmplln and Samuel Bar row. The last day for oysters. See Sullivan. The "tacky" party will bo Riven by the ladles of St. Paul's church at Hande's hall Tuesday evening , iMay 2. Tickets , 25 cents. Including musical program , refreshments and danclog. Fancy and useful articles will bo for sale. Sec tbo old maids' convention , or old maldn made over , by Unity Qulld In Chambers' hall , May 5. Tickets , Including dancing , 25c. SPECIAL CITV COUNCIL MEETING. Stt-im Taken to Tent ( Inendnn of Pay ment of Warrant * . The city council held a special meeting last evening for the purpose of taking steps to test whether the city shall go on a cash basis at once by paying all current bills In caoh or follow the old way odd Issue war rants and use the cash on band to pay out standing warrants In the order In which they were drawn. The steps taken last night provide for an appeal to the courts to settle the matter. At the present time there are outstanding about $135,000 of general fund warrants. The warrants that are being called In for payment are tfaoso Issued nearly two yeara ago. The law under which they were Issued requires their payment In the order of their Issue. The action of the council last night waij to disregard this law and pay > i warrant that had just beta Issued. A Itttlo Insig nificant $6 warrant was Issued yesterday aft ernoon for this purpose , and the council last night ordered It to bo presented to ttie treasurer for payment. Thlo will be done this morning , aiU Treasurer Reed will re fuse to pay It. The city attorney will Im mediately bring a mandamus suit In the dis trict court to compel lilm to pay It , and the most serious financial tangle , the city hag over had will bo submitted to the court's solution. In caao a favorable decision U ren dered the council will then proceed to re fund the outstcadlng general fund warrants and to continue/to pay all current bills In cash. Hoffmayr'a fanc > patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocerfor It , Silver teaspoons still go with Domestic Soap. Rfinnl SiifTraKc Conference. The equal suffrage county conference opened In the Baptist church yesterday aft ernoon. The manager , Mlsc Laura Gregg , made very encouraging remarks , which were followed by a paper on the subject , "Should Women Voters Serve on Juries ? " Thla paper awakened a lively discussion , which was participated In by nearly everyone In the house. Following this was a paper prepared and read by Hon' D. C. Bloomer on the topic , "What GooJ Has Resulted from Woman Suffrage ? " In the evening Mrs. Conlno addrcsaed the convention. Mrs. Conine Is a member of the Colorado legislature. This morning there will bo a. work conference , beginning at 10 o'clock , led by Miss Gregg. In the after noon there will be addresses by C. M. Harl , Rev. Thlckstun , Mrs. H. A. Ballenger nud others. The conference will close with an address In the evening by Rev. Henrietta Moore of Ohio. Halibut , flounder , sea trout , white fish , pike , bass , trout , croppies , perch , Delaware" shad and shrimps. 'See ' ? Sullivan , the grocer. Real EMtnte Trimfern. Tne following transfers are reported from the title and loan office of 3.V. . Squire , 101 Pearl street : Pabst Brewing company to Ernst Bor- chert , lot 10. block 10 , Grimes' add , Council Bluffs , q c d $ 1 Mary E. Patton and husband to Charles C. Burns , lots 1 and 2. block 6 , Stuts- man's 1st add , Council Bluffs , q c d. . . 400 Fred L. Evans to Mrs. Anna L. Evans , lot 1. block 6 , Park add , Council Bluffs , q c d 1,000 Emmet Tlnley to Leona F. Fauble , lots 7 and 8 , block 14 ; lots 43 and 44 , block 10 , Wright's add , Council Bluffs , w d 400 County sheriff to Equitable Life Insur ance company , lots 3 and 4 , Douglas * subdiv , seVi sw % 1-74-44 , s d 3,505 County sheriff to J. J. Steadman , lots 11 and 12. Mount Lincoln , Elder's add. Council Bluffs , H d 487 Mamie C. Puryear and husband to Ed ward E. Puryear , lot 35 , block 6 , Oak land , w d 500 Seven transfers , total $6,283 Marrlawe LIccnneN. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following named persons : Name and Residence. Age. John N. Matthews , Council Bluffs 32 Lorena J. Haworth , Council Bluffs. . . . . . . . . 25 James H. Winder , Denver , Cole 23 Josep'nlno FItzpatrIck , Denver , Cole 21 Important Law Point. MARSHALL-TOWN , la. , April 28. ( Spe cial. ) An Important and peculiar point o' law must soon be decided by tbe district court of this county. The Chicago Great Western Railway company has beoa enjoined In laying a sidetrack to the big glucose works hero because It would of neceaolty cross a sidetrack belonging to the Chicago & Northwestern railway , but laid on land belonging to the glucosa company. The. glucose company will now take the matter Into court to ceo whether It baa relin quished all riptit to tbe land by allowing the Northwestern to lay Its sidetrack there and If not whether tbe Northwestern can prevent another railroad company from crossing a strip of land belonging to the glucose company. Valuable Hello. VILL1SCA. la. , April 28. { Special. ) A flag thirty-five years old now floats over the poBtofflcer It Is the property of Mrs. Mary Arbuckle , mother of the postmaster. A com- pcny of women made it In 1S63 for a juvenile union military company that marched and trained la Montgomery and Page counties. Jim West was captain. John 'Meal ' ils enlisting a company of volun teers , illo has over fifty names. Many of ithcm were not able to vote for "McKlnlcy c/r the congress , but are willing to support them In tlmo of trouble , Vllllsca people are very patriotic , tout they are like the man , who said Spain should tic conquered ted Cuba free If it took all his wife's relations to do U. Improvement * nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC , la. , April 28. ( Special. ) Fifty more mechanics and laborers will be put to work on tbe railroad Improvements at this place as soon as the stone and ccn- crete for the new depot arrive. Already new switches and about 1,000 feet or new track have been laid. The petit jurors have been discharged for the term. The last jury case tried wan tbat ot State of Iowa against Hub Moore , charged with keeping a house of ill fame. The jury returned a verdict of guilty , Tae minimum punishment la one year , wltU five years as the maximum. Clnrlmla Teacher * Go to War. CLARINDA , la. , April 28. ( Special. ) E. W. Martin , principal , and C. E. Arnold , an Instructor of the Clarluda High school liavo enlisted In the war against Cuba and both have gone to DCS Molnea. The school board has voted to pay them their full salaries to the end of their school year. Attempted' Burglary. PERSIA , la. , April 28. ( Special. ) Lost night between 11 and 12 o'clock some meek thief entered1 the waiting roctn ot the depot with but little difficulty , the night lock being left unfastened. The agent' * office Kcurely locked , * x > fee broke the glias 1 In the ticket window lnnorder * Jo get access to the stopper Inside , tfy wtnch means be cosily raised the wlndtfwT Tfo nolso by tblj time had aroused Mr.J./fr afmlth. the agtnt , who immediately wmfc'do/.vn / and procured his gun ready for ( ttfii&a'ta , hut the man was frightened waaf. * Wo trace of him could be found. , Spirit I.nk < v Chntitnnqn" . SPIRIT LAKE , la.l'i-MJrll 28. ( Special. ) The Spirit Lake ChtfiVauqua will be held July 11-22. A fine pj gpm la being pre pared with great attMptiqns every day. Rus sell H. Ccnwell , Father' Nugent , Governor Peck , Cbaplatn MoCabe , George R. Wend- ling are great speakers already under con- tracR Alexander Black , 'Mica Garghlll , the Ottumwa Male quartet , the Eastern Star Lady quartet are great entertainers engaged. The greatest moving picture show yet pro duced will appear two nlghtw. Other an nouncements' will bo made later. Volunteer * MARSHALL/TOWN , la. , April 28. ( Spe cial. ) A volunteer company composed ot those who were once members ot companies D and -M , the former military companies which flourished bere In bygone years , are being organized hero In expectation ot another call for troops. County Attorney B. F. Cummtngs , who was captain ot com pany D , Is now In Des Molnes to secure a commission and to offer the services of the company to Governor Shaw. AVIllliiK to FlKht Spaniards CLARINDA , la. , April 28. ( Special. ) A big public meeting was held here Tuesday evening at which an opportunity was given men to signify their willingness to Join a military company and go to Cuba on account of the Cuban war. Fifty-two announced their readiness to enlist and this morning four more were added to the number. Ilrotvti AKnln Turned Down. DUBUQUE , la. , April 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Dubuque Association of Congre gational Churches , which admitted Rev. C. 0. Brown to membership after the Bay State conference had expelled' him , has adopted a resolution revoking thla action , condemning Brown and apolcglzlng to the California or ganization. Grnnil .Army I'oMt Still Soldierly. CLARINDA. la. , April 28. ( Special. ) Warren post No. 11 , Grand Army ot the Re public , of this city , has voted unanimously to offer the full strength of that body , 122 members , to President McKlnley , If Its serv ices are needed In the Cuban war. Sell Ul7e'trTe7 l7lKii7 ; Plant. OTTUMWA , la. , April 28. The Ottumwa electric railway , heat and power plant was solt ! at public auction today by Master In Chancery Powell. It was purchased by trus tees for the bondholders for $190,000. The plant cost { 500,000. XeAV Order HcKiirilliiK Recruits , DE3 MOINES , April _ 28. ( Special Tele- cram. ) The United Sta'tcs recruiting sta tion was today notified that In the future men will bo enlisted , between the ages of 1 $ and 35 Instead of between 21 and 30 as here tofore. T , t Fifty Mvli' Ilecr ill ted. CRESTOX. la. , A | rj 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) Under the .governor's proclamation fifty men were recruited here today to Join company G , Iowa National guard , Third regl- mont. The pi'trlotlc" ' * feeling here la still In tense. " " * , Iowa In. ( lie War. Sioux City TMbunel Companies 'H an3 L of thU city want volunteers to enlist with the prospect of golag td'CUfca. ' In Into connec- tlcn It may bo me-ntloncd that a Cuban bauty'e eyes are deadrlbed as "resting upon and following you'--'Iarga ' ; dark and beam ing , half veiled with 'long lids and long lashes. " Dubuque /TimcajT Iowa has nearly 10,000 men eligible. , for military duty under the terms proposed by Adju tant General Dyers , m order No. 16. Nine schools In tbe' state afford military training , and tour of them , the state unlver- olty State Normal school , Cornell college and Iowa Wesleyan unlvert'ltly ; 'have- reg ular army officers detailed as Instructors. De MolnesLeader : Tbe four regiments ot the Iowa National guard are now all In Ds Molneo , ani a fine manly looking set of men they are. There Is not a state In the union tbat will make a better showing. Character , temperance , courage and high re solve are written on every face. The boys of ' 98 are the worthy equals of the boys of ' 61 , and as the state Is proud ot the latter tt "will haver no cause to be aohamed of the former. Keokuk Gate City : Franklin county In this state has set a good , example to all the other Iowa counties. It will take care of the families of the men who enlist , giving to the wife of each soldier $8 a month during his absence , with $2 fpr each child. Dependent wldowci will be given tbe eame when a con enters the service.Franklin Isn't cne of the richest counties In the state by any means , but It Is clearly In the front rank in - of patriotic liberality. HYMI2XICAL , . Hlnkle-IlenJaniln. TRENTON , Neb. , April 28. ( Special. ) At the residence of the bride's parents , ten miles south of Trenton , Mr. William Hlnkle , son of J. II. 'Hlnkle , one of the most ex tensive farmers of the south side , was married to Miss LIHIe Benjamin , daughter of G. W. Benjamin , ex-county treasurer of this county and ono of the leading populists In this part ot the state. llenillanil-Kriinxc. Helmer Headland and Mis , ? Emma. Krause wore 'married Tuesday evening , April 2G , at the residence of Rov. Charles W. Savldgo , \vho officiated. A wedding supper was served. These young people are quite well known In the city and a large number ot Invited guests were present. \eiibniier-IIelounek. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , April 28. ( Special. ) Miss Jennie Belousek and Mr. Frank Neu- bauer were married at noon Wednesday , April 27 , at the home of the bride's parents , five mlle.1 couth cf this city. Rev. Mr. Max- field officiated. Fellem-Ttirner. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , April 28. Miss Minnie Turner and Mr. AdoiftiW. Fellers were mar ried at < the rcsldcnc < , ol ) the brlde'a parents , two miles east cf thlaj clty. by llev. Muxfleld of 'the ' Methodist EgUcopal church. Je | TeV.llell. Karl F. Jepsen an'd MGw Dora L. Bell were married Thursday , AprJn 28 , at the residence of the officiating minister , Rev. Charles W. Syldge. 991,1.3 Ilntehereil l > yIrlne e Ilobbern. VANCOUVER , BaqC. , April28. . Oriental advices received by * tcamer tell of a shockIng - Ing maeeacro whlcb Occurred early on the morning of March I31'at hamlet twenty mllea south of Taipei , at the house of Yang Kin Shang. It woiilU' ppear , according to the Information ofcraj ) of the unfortunate family's neighbors1' ' that a party of over twenty robbeva entered ! ' tbe house and mur dered Yang , his wffe. Ilia mother and chil dren and servants , fifteen persons in all , vbo resisted them in their attempt to loot the bouse. When the robbers had butchered all the Inmates they set the house on fire. CancelH Innarnnce Company Permit. LA'NStNO ' , 'Mich. , April 28. State In- euranco Commissioner Campbell today can celed the Michigan license of the Liverpool , London & Globe Fire Insurance company. The commissioner charges that tbe company has been insuring larger risks than tbe state laws permit. The compaay explains that the rUks complained of had been reinsured , but the commissioner regard ! that as an evasion. Maps of Cuba at The Bee office Omaha Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut coupon from page 2. STORM HEACIIK * JERSEY COAST. Arcomimnlrd liy Sna\r and llrary Italnfnll. CAPE MAY , N. J. , April 28. The severe northeast storm , which began yesterday has continued until It has developed ln3 the worst storm on the south Jersey coast slnco last October. The wind maintains a velocity ot forty miles an hour. The rainfall has been 1. & Inches for the twelve hours ending at 8 o'clock this morning , the heaviest In years. Three Inches ot snow fell after It o'clock this morning , followed by hall and rain. The titles are breaking heavily on the beach front trolley road and will probably damage - ago It before ebb tide. The meadows be tween tbo beaches and the mainland arc massive seas , DK.VI'II IIUCOHU. Mm. Mnrla Warner. ATLANTIC , la. , April 28. ( Special. ) Mrs. Maria Warner , aged 70 , died yesterday afternoon after a lingering Illness of several months. Her only brother , David Dennett of Birch Lake , Minn. , arrived In time to see her before she expired. Her. son , Frank Cokcr of Nellgti , Neb. , and Mrs. Llbble Henry of St. Paul. Neb. , arrived hero last evening. Funeral services tomorrow. Deceased - ceased was ono ot tbo oldest residents ot Atlantic. Mm. J. F. IMliritey. NCJWB has Just been reccvled of the death of Mrs. J. F. PugQley of Prlncc'ton ' , Neb. , who was an old pioneer ot Nebraska and a Grand Army woman , wife of an old soldier and cousin of J. L. Nordeen , commander of the 'Monitor. Many friends and relatives mourn holoss. . Amng those of thla city arc her three grand children , Gertrude , Cordelia nnd Charles Pugsley , of 810 South Twenty-fifth street. OrlKlnaten Callntlienlen. KANSAS CITV , April 28. Prof. Carl Betz , originator of the tystcm of calisthenics as taught In the local public schools , died here today , the result of an operation. He was born In Milwaukee In 1852 of German par entage. Old Settler of Trenton. TRENTON , Nob. . April 28. ( Special. ) T. E. Graham , one of our oldest and best citizens , died this morning. Mr. Graham came to this county In an early day and has been identified with Its Interests at all times. K\-SlierlfT Illanelinrtl. CRESTON. la. . .April 28. ( Special Telo- Kram. ) Mark Blmclurd. cx-shcrlff , aged 7C , died today. Ho was a pioneer citizen. Maps of Cuba at The Bee office Omaha- Council 'Bluffs ' or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. 3llnernlH of 'Moiitiiiui. ' BUTTE , Moat. , .April . 28. ( Special. ) While Montana's main m'acral products are copper , silver , goli zrxl lead , there are a world of other minerals In this state. At the hcada of Meadow and Granite creeks In Madison county He a group of claims known as the Isinglass leads , aad the ledge , can be traced for miles. All through the wh.le . ( silica great masses of mica have been found , some of It clear and almost perfect , but most of It clouJj- and full ol checks. 'All of It has a marketable value , however. In the rugged chain of mountains which Intersect the main range of the Rockies near Henry's lake ex tcuslvo deposits of asbestos have been found. Among the slate formations of Ruby creek are numerous amall ledges of black graphite same cf It of a quality that is valuable and much that Is pracMcally worth less. As yet no development wo'-k has been done on them. Among the foothills on the south side of Wigwam can ) on a valuable de- .poslt of ma'Jgiise ore has been discovered. Owing to the absence of cheap transportation facilities , tt lii not yet possible to work the mine at a profit. In connection with the lead ore found throughout the hills sur- roundJng Bhcrldan Is a varylog per cent of zinc. Fire clay Is found near Norrls which has been pronounced by a New Jersey fire brick manufacturer as the best quality found west , of Uio Mississippi. At the head of Brown's gulch near 'Butte ' are extensive de posits ofthe _ , same raloeral. Wlth'o a few miles of Vlrglnda City there has recently been discovered a clay of a peculiar nature which has been pronounced potter's clay ot art exceptionally good quality. In addition may bo mentioned the bituminous coal fouod In many parts of Montana and the Montana sapphires , garnets ani rubles found in ma'.iy cf the streams. Southern California Mineral * . LO3 ANGELES , Oal. . April 28. ( Special. ) Inyo county Is expac/tantly / welting for the extension of the Johannesburg railroad' to Mllford , UUli , which hcs been partially promised , ! n order that something may be realized from the vast mineral resources of tbat region. In the Areus range ot moun tains ore big deposits of hematite Iron ore , 65 per cent pure and carrying also about J8 In gold per ton. The Death Valley country his vast deposits of high grade silver-load ores. Near Willow Springs the Bowman mno ! has a shaft down 100 feet on a three- foot vein of S35 o e. A mill test of eighteen too a from this mine gave $20 per ton , with tailings woi'.fl ' ? 1G per ton. The output of the Rand district Is now about $100,000 per month , of which nearly half Is produced by the Yellow Aster company. Neighboring districts produce about $50,000 per month. All these amounts will be greatly Increased after the low-grade ores begin to be worked by the Tarstow rmeUer , which expects to begin operations next month. A number of good strikes and clean-ups have recently been made. A ledge ot mineral paint sev eral miles long has been discovered near Randsburg. Grain to Market. PORTLAND , Ore. , April 28.-Speclal. ( ) The German birk Amazono cleared yesterday for East London , with tbe seventh cargo of grain that bar ? left Portland for South Africa this seascn. She was dispatched by Slbson & Kerr and carried 74,6-Si bushels of choice blueatcm wheat , \alued at $63,500. The British bark Senvictha also completed her cargo , and cleared yesterday for Queens- town or Falmouth for order. . ' , with 133,079 bushels of wheat , valued at $119,778 , She was loaded by Bpplnger & Co. The grain trade with South Africa Is much larger this season than In any previous season. In ad dition to the seven cargoes tbat have loft Portland for South African ports , four ves sels have cleared for there from Tacoraa. ChlneHe 'May ' Go Hack. SEATTLE , Wash. , April 28. ( Special. ) Unexpected complications affect tbe disposi tion ot forty-eight Ch'ncse ' which are now en the Japanese llaer Yamaguchl M > iru , lying In thLj port. Tbo party of .Celestials was brought over for the Transmlssisslppl Exposition at Omaha. When notified of their arrival the manager of the exposition replied , yesterday , he did not want ony moro Chi nese. They have not been allowed to land ani It Is believed tbe steamship company will be required to carry the party back to China. Iltnli'n Suirar licet Crop. LEHI , U.ah. , April 28. ( Special. ) The cugar company has some thirty drills run ning now planting beets and expects to bo through this week. The company has about 3,000 acres of beets In and up to date Mr. Austin reports that there will be but little replanting. He has Just returned from the eouth and reporto every farmer JublUnt over the late rains. He reported a good stand everywhere and expect * a Rood crop. SOT- eral of the company's employes expect to go to Ogden In a week. J.'or Their 1'lrM KnIr. SANTA FE , N. M. , April 28. ( Special. ) The New Mexico Horticultural society de cided at ll meeting that the next ex position held under Its auspices should bo at SontA Fo on September 7 , 8 and 9. It will Immediately proceed to Albuquerque and will give the exhibitors an opportunity ot transferring their exhibition to the latter place without bclni compelled to collect an entirely now display of their fruits , etc. * " - - * i " " " B % tiler Fruit Crop In I'roHpert. SPRINGER , N. M. , April 28. ( Spcclal.- ) W. W. Mills , the largest fruit grower In Now Mexico , whoso orchards are thirty miles southeast ot tioro. tins set out twenty acres more orchard this spring. Ho rays the apricot crop was somewhat tlamaged by late frosts , but all tbo other fruits will bean an enormous yield , compelling htm to put on a larger force of teams ami men to handle tt. A Mother niekenlykc Day. TOPBKA , Kan. , April 28. ( Special. ) The state cocatnpmcnt of the Grand Army of the Republic has adopted Commander Botkln's suggestion and hereafter Mother fllckerdyko day , -July 19 , will bo observed each year. ( Mother 'Blckcrdykc ' Is a famous Kansas army nurae. The homo at Ellsworth has been named after her. Thentrlrnf Circuit Formeil. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 28. ( Special. ) The opera house managers of Mexico , Co lumbia , Moberly , Macon , Brookfield , Carrollton - ton , Chllllcothc nnd Trenton have formed the Mlraourl circuit of opera houses nud will bo booked from New York. Maps of Cuba at The lleo office -Omaha Council Bluffs or South Omaha Cut a coupon from page 2. South Dakota \ MVnteN. . It Is probable thcro will bo no state fair In South Dakota thla year. The qucntlon of building n city Jail Is being agitated at Itg Stone City. Two Sioux Falls men arc .supposed to been on the steamer City ot Paris now crossing the ocean. The call Is out foe the populist state con vcntlon at Aberdeen Juno 22 to nominate a full state ticket. The divorce industry still flourishes. A Aberdeen lout Saturday a decree was grantei Mi's. Sallle Scott of Auburn , Ind. , divorcing her from H. S. Scott on the ground of de sertlon. Mrs. Fboebe A. Hearst , ono of the prln clpal owners of the Homestakc property and Its csscolatce. will be In Lead about the Ctfi of May for a fcliort visit. Mrs. Hears will bo entertained by Superintendent and Mrs. Grler. Eureka now has a telephone system Fifty-five 'phones have been put In. Mounc City will also soon have a telephone ex change In operation. Work has commence ! on a line -connecting Aberdeen , Eureka Mound City , Bowdlo and other points. The first Interstate track contest ever held In South Dakota will take place at Yankton Saturday. The contest will bo between Yankton college and Doano college , Crete Neb. Each team will bo limited to ten men. Among the events will bo foot races hurdle races , shot put , hammer throw , hlgl Jump , broad Jump , hop , skip and jump polo vault , tennis and base ball games. Orcuroil Me N VotcM , Athena will soon be lighted with -jlcclrlc lights. The republican. ? will open their campaign May 2 In Salem. A farm of 360 acres near Farmlngton las week sold for $20,000. Many deer are reported In Coos county and hounds are chasing them out of the woods. The city council of MeJford has decided tha 3,493 feet of four-Inch pipe shall be put In for water purposes. Oregon geld democrats did not put up a state ticket , but will help the republican ! ) bury thp , ( uslonlats. , . „ , , , , Gearge Hayes and Mr. Clcanhuo of Vic torla , B. C. , are buying mules In Eugene for the Alaska trade. They expect to buy a car lead and ship them to Victoria , B. C. , and then to Port Wrangcl. They already have nearly the required number. The county clerk's semiannual rcpor shows tbat there are outstanding In Polk county warrants to the value of about ? 74,00 ( and that the unpaid taxes for 1S97 and pre vious years amount to about $95,000. The de linquency on taxes back of last year exceed $07.000 , ( Much work has been done lately In the Hood river valley along the Mount Hood road from Indian creek south to Hood river. The twenty acres cleared and set to straw berries by C. R. Bone have made a great change in this neighborhood and others In the Immediate vicinity have enlarged their clearings and set out more berry plants. fiafto- . _ [ COOK-REMEDY C'O. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Jrlmarr. Beoondur or Tertiary BLOOD VOIBON ptrraintntljr Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can b * treated nt bom * for MUM prlc * undnr same guaranty. It you prtftr to corn * btr * w * will contract to pay rail road tar * ana hoUl bU ! . and no harct II w * talk to cor * . IF YOU HAVE ( akin mercury , lodtd * potash and Mill hnv * aches ana pain * . MUCOUJ Patch * * In mouth. Son Throat , Plmplfs , Copptr Col. ored Spots , .Ulctrs on any part of tb * body , BUr or Eyebrows fallln out , II It this fltcondarj Wt Quirantii to Cure W * solicit th nuit obitlnat * challenge th * world for a cast w * cannot cur * . This dliew * haj atwsys baflltd tb * kill of to * eve t eminent phyilolans. ICOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional ( uarantr. Absolut * proofs * * nt * * al 4 On application. 1M p * * book cant fr * . AddrM COOK REMEDY CO * 1401 MmiOBlo Tempi * , ChlositTO , III. COOK REMEDY CO JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Job be 18 of CRACKtKS , NUTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents FIELD CXETAS. lOo Olgttrm. , Bo C/frara , A Generation of Pain HA * ftUWKIta 2.1 YRAR9 WITH niltiUMATISM. Cnrril by thr Hew Itemeily Gloria Tonlr. A mnn never crows so old lie cnn get Accustomed to the pains of rheumatism. An old Kcntlcninn 70 ji-nw of HRO went through 25 years of constant mifTirlDK until ho tried the new remedy. Olorln Tonic. * It cured him , nn It has nil those who hnvo heard of ami used this rpmnrknble medicine. The tcsllmontiila received arc n record of effi cacy and permanency of euro such as rarely comes to the discoverer of n new remedy. The proprietor of Gloria Tonic llrst tried It In his own cixse. Ills feet were so swollen that he was unalilo to walk. Ho had ) nlwnyB been troubled more or less with ) rheumatism , but when ho bccamo holples * ) ho ran ncros * Gloria Tonic und cured him * self so quickly and completely that ho be- Kan advertising it In household newspapers. In the past two yetM several thousand rheumatics hnvp boon restored to pcrma- I'ont health. If you have even n mild touch of the disease nok your ilrucglst for this splendid and ttnfalllnj ; remedy. Gloria Tonic Is made Iiv John A. Smith. HZ Bummcrllcld-riiurch iMiiminK. Mllwkul kec , \ \ Is. , who will Kindly send testimonials to those who lire nurfcrlni ; from rheuma tism. A box of Gloria Tjnlc may bo pur- ? ! lnsctl . , ° f n" "liiiKKlstH In Omaha. Trice $1.00. In tocnlltlos where Gloria Tonic Is not thoroughly known n free trial package and testimonials will bo mailed upon application to John A. Smith , 213 Sunimerlleld-Church building , Milwaukee , DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. G.W.Pangle.M.D. TUB GOOD SAMARITAN 25 YEHH'S EXPERIENCE , Mender of DlHonneH of sucti and WOIUCII. PROPRIIJTOR OF Till ? World's Ilcrbnl UHpcnsurjr of Medlclm , I CURE Cntai-ih of Head , Throat nnd Limits , Diiicnsua of Kyo nud Knr , Fits nnd Apoplexy , lleurt , I.lvcr nnd Kidney Diseases , Diabetes , IlriKht'8 Disease , St. Vltus IJiinco. Itliciiinatlpiu , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without tnppliiK. TiipoVormi i-rmuvvd , ull cliroula Nervous anil Private Dlsuascs. CVDUII 1C Only Pliyelcmn whn can OirlllLlds proi > crlyciiru SYPHILIS without ( Icelroylnff teeth nnd bone * . Mo mer- cuiy or poison mineral usi-d. The only 1'hrelclnii who can tell what all * you without asking n question. These at a dlstiuico send for question blank. No. 1 for men ; No. X for women. Alt cnrrespomlenco strictly confidential. Medicine scut by express. Address nil letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , . 050 Broadwiov COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA ; l3T"8end 2-ccnr etftmo forroulr. FINE SUMMER DRINK. SCHLITZ MILBVJ IKEEE BEER The bent In the world. Dellv- ereil to any part of the city. Telephone ItOO. Mull order * filled. LINDER & FILTER , 1 ( 1 1IKOAUWAY. Gas and Gasoline Engines. I to JOO Horse Power. Oil OK ui or write for prices and dercrlptlonft DAVID nitiAIIEY A CO * Council Illuir , lon-fU DOHANY THEATER. . . . .TOXIGHT. . . . 'MARRIED IN HASTE' Wonderful Knleldonroim Dance. Saturday Afternoon Hiitlnee at 2i30. Prices. 10s and 20c. NIGHT rillCES lOc , 200 nnd 30c. War newH read from the utage a > fait ail h wire will receive them. ' floats now on vale. SPECIAL NOTICES OOUHCIL WANT * FOR SALE AND FOIt ItC.NT HY LEONAP.D Everett , 18 Pearl St. , Council niults , la. : "or rent a small farm of 30 acres , 2',1 miles from the city. Very rcaxonable rental , flood houil and stable. | For rent a house nnd B ncres of land , % of mile from ( he city limits. Kental , SS.OO per month. Good land In central Nebraska for rent for share of the crop. 0 acres of good land for rent near Honey Creek , Will rent on shares. Good house of 10 rooms and one" aero of land , fruit and garden , fine I reef , beautiful location , near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " for rent for the summer very reasonaHe. j Good 6-room house for rent at 17.00 per month , near the motor line. Good farm for sale , ! J mile of Underwood , Id acres , well Improved , splendid Und. Omaha or Council muffs property taken In part pay. mcnt. < j A splendid bottom farm for sale near Mondamln , Fart payment taken In Omaha or Council Bluffs city propelty ; tl.SOO.M will be taken la ( rode , < Good form * for rent for the season of ISO ) at low rental to responsible parties. 1 acres of land near tha clly for sale , 'Will i < part payment In painting or carpenter work. Garden * and farms for sale In the best part ol western Iowa , ' Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-Law , If Pearl St. , Council Dlurfj , la. DWELLINGS. ritUIT. . 'AH1 AND GARDEl land * for tat * or MM. Dajr * Utus. w Pai atraM.