10 SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrrrtlnrmoniii for tlime colmnni irlll lie tnken until la in. for the errnltiK nnil until H p. m. fur the murbluK unit Sunday cilltloni. A l erf INC , liy rcuncsllim n niim > livri'tl chock , can Imrr nwimerii nil * ilrrMKPil to n iiumlirml letter In t-nrc at The lift. Ananer * o nililrpmicd Trill lie ilrllrercd on presentation of tlir- cheek only. llntm , 1 1-Sla word flr < Insertion ) Jc n vtord thereafter. NulliliiK tnken for leu * than a.lc for the flmt Inner- flon. Them * nilvcrtlieiuvnU ina t lir run an r < atlvelr < SITUATIONS WA.WKO. WANTttll. 11V MAIlIltKO MAN. JO YEAIW oM , position In olllce ; treed accountant anil re- ferenow. N 6 , Ik-e. A 7)7-2S TA'ANTTJO. 1IY YOUNO I.ADV , I'OHITION IN ofllc * port of the day ; experienced ttennitrapner nil typewriter. Address "I * " 1' . O. llox 176. A-77S 28 * WANTII _ > IAI.K CANVAS3KUS TO TAKK OltDKHS ; NKW MSB of work ; no heavy ir > xl.i to cnrry ; salary of commission. C. F. Adam * Cu. . 024 Bo , ISlh St. 1J-CJ9 BAt.nHMKN TO KKl.1t TOII.KT SOAP TO ilenlersj $ KO per month ralnry sn l expenses ; experience unnecessary. Louis irnst Co , St. I-ouIn , Mi ) . II M172 tVANTIJIJ. A GOOD , IttM.IAIII.i : . HtMTI.INO cnnvnsrer. Apply to Omaha Anchor renco Cu . 20S-M7 N. 17th Ht. It ? 31 WANTHD , wn WANT TO nSTAIH.ISH AOHN- den In every city In United Blairs for onr celebrated custom pants , wh'ch are made to order nl 12 CO n pnlr ; liberal commissions paid ewnt * ; write for particulars. Tlncr < 'u tom Pants Manufacturers , 161 Gth Ave. , Chlcnuo , III , I1-G23 2J 1VANTIJD , AT ONCH. PANTS AND VK8T- mnker. Addrets H. Knsseuaum , Wcit 1'olnt , Neb. U-M612 1VANTIJU. U IIARNi:8SMAKiil8 : AT ONCK ; best of vvnises. Apply by mall or In person to Iluckataft Dros. Mfg. Co. , Lincoln , N'rlt 1I-M711 M WANTJIn. A ItKLlATtl.K OITlCn ItOV : MUST he a good penman : referencfs requrrd ; send wr'ttcn npp'lcatlon to N 9 , Ue ? . ll-MTCt WANTKO-HTIUCTI/V rill.ST-cr ASS MOUI.D- er ; quick , wage * f.1 M ; steady job to rliilit man. Illack Hills Mfg. Co. , Dead wand , S. . JJ-801 4 WANTKH. AT ONCH. AN AM. HOUND MAH- hie nnd cranlte cutter. Apply to Two Johns , nialr. Neb. 11-802 2 WANTED. SITUATION IIY A IoT ) WITH 2 venrV experience , to finish the tailor trade : good reference. I * I , McKenilc , Aim * . Neb. . , . H-M3I3 30 * \ V.THI _ FK M A I.K IU5I.P. ino " oinr.s ron ALL KIND ? OF womc ; $3 TO I" week. Canadian Olllce , 1C23 DouKlas. t C-SS1 WANTHD. nxi'iniiNcnn : lllliii , 1312 Douglas it. C MCSS SO WANTHn , Clint. FOU nilNIIUAI. 1IOUHK- work. Call ftt once , K39 California PI. C 753-28 * , otiiL FOU INIIIAI. : HOUSK- work ; unnll family. 832 H. Kith ft. C 7JS 2 } GOOD OMIL FOU HOUKITWOHK. 180H ChlcBKO Ktr. C M780 3) ) O1HL FOU iiousinvomc 1110 No. 42il St. C-M7SS 30 * TO DO OINIIIAL : HOUSBWOIIK. an win. c Mvi4 so * ciioicn IIOIISKS AND COTPAOIM ALL ovnn city ; $1 to J73. Fidelity , 1st floor N. Y. Life D-CGJ iiousns. IUNC\VA : & co. , ios N. : vn ? ST. D-CC.1 IIOUStLS. STOIIKS. ' lli.MIS : , PAXTON IlI/JCIC. MODKRN U-HOOM , AIAO D-P.OOV hotine ; key nl 23W Capital Avc. Tel. 57i. II. H. Ilobson. D 671 JIOVINO HOUSntlOLI ) OOODH AND PjANO" Oin. Van & Storage Co. . 1S11U Fnrnnm. 1 U-JiO LIST. H'CAOUR. 15T1I AND JJODOU. HOUSES. OAUVIN BItOa. , 1 I3 PA''M D-CC : ron nnNT , TnN-nooM MODKIIN HOUSK. wll'i lance , well nhiileil Krounda. John W. nobbln , 1802 Karnam. - FUPNITUItn AND I.KASKHOLD UF A JO- room modern flat for nn at a barRaln. GouJ location , rent low. Ileml * , I'axton nil1. i noposmoN8 FOR TUB PLACH. 2t K. 24th t. . Including house , barn tnd three ni-ipa of ground. Apply to W. V Holde.1 care of Drermun-Lo\e Co. , 219 S. IClh et. D-MT73 10-nOOM DKTACHHD MOUHRN HOUSK , 2I ! l N. 20th at. ; nice yard. A. It. Conic , 211 S. h THE KAST OMAHA LAND COMPANY HAVE U few desirable cottage * for rent. Apply to U S. Halne * , Ua t Omaha U-C20 MODBKN FIwVT. 118 SO. 2STH ST. , 10 IlOOMiJ ; posscMlon May lit. 604 lice Itldg. D MXOS iron ROOMS. ROOMS'i Y THW DAY On WKHK AT 1 UK Central hotel. IfUi and D.xlce . dti. K Mli ! Mi4 , , . JIOOM-THANPJBNTS. 1708 DOUGLAS ST. > - r. E-MIH MIC BOUTII TOONT HOOMH. MODERN. 25SO , Hainej- . D M702 J0 fciniNISHED UOOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. XU ± a.-Mnrr's. E M71I IM ) PA11LO1W PAIlLOn IIEDnOOM. . lery chenp ; board If wished ; private family ; no. children. Addreag M 47 , Ilee. E M73I t FUHNISHKO noOMS FOU HOUgKKEEPINl ) for man and wife. UVnl taken In board. ? 19 N 17lh E 7SO DAY Oil WEEK. 1512 DAVENPOUT. E-M7J ' MOST DfMIUAULi : I'UIVATi : FAMILY. 1919 Dod < e. E-M331 MS _ FUUNISIIID ROOMS , TOIVATR FAMILY. "MS N. 23d. n MSI2 MJ FRONT loO& ( WITH AI.COVD. OPPOSITE Shrlner. 2M4 Harney. i : MS07 Ml * Kt'HXIHIIICn It ( ) ( ) > ! § AMI IIOAIID. THR 3IK1IIUAM , FIRST CU\Sd FAMILY HOtel - tel , 25th nnd DodKC Sts. F-6 FOR UHNT-LAROE AND SMALL FURNIfill ed rooms. 1316 Chicago St. I' 7J3.MI * NICU ItOOMS WITH I10AUD. ISSt IIINNRV f M7 M2 * PIiKARANT IIOOMS. MODHItN ; STRICTLY nret class bonrd. EI2 N 19th Kt. T-M7S7 M * 1-LUA8ANT ROOM WITH ROA11D ; THAN lents accommodated. 1 5 Capllnl a\enue F-MS18 Ml * FOU HE T UXFURXISHED IIOOMS. FOn nENT. NICB OIITII FHONT UNFUR ylhel nwms , with bath ; Wlthnell block , r W , . Carmlchael , Na. 6 , Wlthnell block. UNrURNISIIED IIOOM3. Sli SOUTH J1D RT * ' . Q-M7JI CO * ron HEXT sTonns AND OFFICES. FOR KENT , DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR office , tie * building ; water , steam heat , elertric 6 Il . .tnd janitor service. Apply to Superln. tendent. Ilee bulldlnc. 1 197 FOR RENT-IN TUB REE BUILDING : On * lama corner room , 2d > floor , with vault anil private office , mater , etc. One lantB front room , 2d floor , divided Into two rocats by partition ; water , eto. One Urge corner room. 2J door , with vault. On * front room , divided by partition. 3d floor. One corner room , with \ault , 3d floor. One largo room , Sd Hoar , with partition dlvldlnc i It Into one large room and two smaller prhata ( rooms ; water , etc. Two large ground floor rooms , fronting nth St with \auli. ' Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. AH thes * rooms ar * heated with steam , electrlo Hctat * . supjUUd wltk Ont claa * Janitor ten Ice. elevators run day and all night ; bulldlnt trlctlr flrepmol. Apply to superintendent room 14. Dee build In * . I 19 $ , TOR TRACKAGE. TRANSFKRRINd AND desk room , apply to the Aultman * c Taylor Machinery < X. N. E. cor. Mil * Jackson Sis , | > ABT Of FIRST CLASS OROCCRY STORK to butcher ; oed location. N. 16tu. N U. Ik I-M7W Ml * - FOR RENT. TUB 4-BlX > RY TiniCK at 111 Farnam St. Tills building liaa n fl'epron cement basement , water on all noon , , etc tke cio * of TIM * , i- : o AJiT3 WASTED. WANTKD. AOKNTH TO flRI.Ij R-a * Renirntorii : must be men ot ability and pome meins. Acct > Iene , the light nf the filturi for town , cities. l-rr.i. churches , hall * , fac tories , holeM and prlinte resldenpo < Addrjjs Omah.i Acetylene Oan Co. . IIS and IM N 1K.1 st , Omaha , Neb. J-M31C MH WASTKI1 TO UNXT. WANTED , TO RUNT MODERN C , ( I OR 7- room hou. o about June 1st Address M 41 , Ilee. K-MSJS WANTED , TO RINT MODKIIN HOURR. s oit 14 rooms ; desirably located. W. S. Hector , nt N ll , Ilnnk of Commerce. K-MCH WOULD MKK USB OF PIANO"POU 2 flOPttJ ilnlly , N B , nee. K ' WANTKD , FUnNISIIUD 1IOUSI3 nt'TUNO gummer. N 7 , I3ec. K MJW WANTED. A MOOEIBN 11OI1SK. R Olt M rooms , iletaclietl If powlble , In tlie rralrtcnce part of the city. Mnjor t , , A. Kivriier , U. b. A. , 610 Ite * Mag. 1CMT71 23 * WANTKII. 3 Oil 4 KUUNISIir.I ) IIOOMS IKJIt IlKlit hnutekceplnur state location with reply. N IT , Tee. K MW > MI * STOIUGR. PACIKIC BTOnAOB AND WATlEtrOURH CO. ( OS-910 Jonei ceneral itorage and forwnrdlnif. M-673 OM. VAN SL STOnAQE , 1S11H FAIIN'M. TKI 1S53 M-C74 WAXTED TO 1IUV. SECOND-HAND IleKK.S DOUQIIT VOll CASH at the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Par mi m at. N MT73 MM * CASH roil 2ND HAND 11OOK.S. CIIANK. 2)7 ) N. IClh. WANTED , AliOUT 200 YAUDS OP DIHT. 1126 No. Uth St. N 619 29 WANTED , EQUITY UESIUENCi : PIlOrERTV , ofe In. N 8 , Ilee. N-M770 \NY ONI2 WISHING TO SEI.I. A OOOD Ul1- rl ht plnnn inav pnfiHlbly mcure cuslorner by nK Hex 4U , Omaha. N MT74 Ml * FOR s\itriiuMTiiiir ; . ELIj rUUNISHED HIX-HOOM KI.AT , 11EA- tollable rent ; ( .heap for cuh. 3171i N. 15t i St 0-721 Ml * ANTIQUI3 OAK WAHDHOI1E IN OOOD CON' dltlun : lack of room rennon fnr xelllnK : worth W will sell for S25 , Address N 4 , Iloe. O-7J1-2S * FOU SAM : . FUHNITUIIE , IIY s. D. C\HAD , 618 N. 16th St. : One lied IOUHEC. 2 onk ilre g- crn , 1 oak illnlnic "table , C dlnlnic rhalr' . 4 rockers , 1 booKftise. O 11797 Ml FOR SVLn llOHSICS AXD 1'AOOXS. TWO-SRATBD TAMII.V CAIUUAOi : , LUATir or extcnsUm top ; n hlBh trrnile velilcle In rood onler. AdJtx-ss N 18 , Ilee. I' SCO 3 * EXHl HA I.E. A KAMIIJY IHIIVINQ TEAM , black ; nclsht 2,700 ; Bentle ; laily cm drive nny place ; perfectly sound , N 19 , llc-e. I'-MSOS MS * FOR SAM' MI CKI.I\VKOU5. ; HOO AND POUI/i'llY FENCE ; IIETTEIl THAN ulrc ncltlnir. Fine sanduit for lloors. Tel. 4 901 Douslai. Q-tM HOUSE CTTPI'INeJ MAnilNES. KNIVES AND rcpnln , nil iitanclard mnke > on hand ; grinding razor.sicarj , clippers ; prompt senlce. A. ! < . Unrleland. Q-671 CHICKEN , HOO AND I > AWN FENCES : AU. wire ; Is best. Wire Works , Uth and Hamey. m7S NEW niUCK , W1THNELL IIROS. & Smith's. Q-MC07 IIAUUMAN PIANOS AT MUELLnit'S. 1STH nml Fnrnnm. Q M701 3) SAI.E-A NEW $4M KIMI1AI.L , 1'IANO for $323. Denna Allbery , South Onrnhi. Q-724 Ml TWO HOI.STEIN llUt.US OVKII YEAH OLD reslitered nnd rlsht Rtud ones nt to BDHW am' ' win In stroiiK company. Turner , 1320 : lo 21th Omnlia. Q 73r-iS * NEW OROCEIIY ICB BOX FOIl sTvL cheap. C. W. Shracier , IClh and Illrnilo. Q-M730 29 * NAT'Ij CASH IlEOISTBIl ; TOTAt. ADDER little used. 410 N. ICth , Onmha. Q-777 3 * FOR SAUE. TEN It.I.P.A.N.S. FOR S CENTS at ilrusKlstsf ; one gt\es relief. Q M78 FIRST CI.\SS HARDER OUTFIT FOR SALE cheap. Inquire 1013 S. ICth. Q-MS13 Ml * 1S9S HICYCIES DOWN TO J3 00. NEW 1S88 Model ladles' and Gents' Ill-cycles are now lielnp told on cany conditions as lotv as I5CO others oulrlRht at J13 M and Men grade at I1S.K and J22.50. to be paid for after received. If you will cut this notice out and Rend to Sears , Roc buck & Co. , Chicago , they will eend you their 1893 lllcycle catalogue and full particulars. Q-M311 23 * MISCELlA\KOtR. ! FOR RENT. A EARN AT 1SK CABS ST. R M909 ANTI-MONOPOLY OARnAflE CO. CLEAN' ' cesspools & privy vaults. Ml N. ICtn. Tf177 \ * * v oji jia - SimUHHKItY AND TREES AT 1717 DOUOLAS Frank U. Martin , residence 462 ] I3oule\anl vc , M431 MIC * NKW IJRICK AT WITHNELL RROH. Smith's yard , 22d and Hickory. Telephone 413 , R Jnio MASSAGE , UAT1IS , ETC. MISS MATER-CinROPODIST. MANICURE- Scalp , facial , trcatroents ; wanted gtudentp. 400 Puton Wk. T 3U Mil LAURA ELLTPON , 113. N. ISTIl ( UfilTAnS ) room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , mm age. T MiSS Mli ! * MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE RATIi parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , up etalrs. T-M715 Ml * MME. SMITH. 118 N. 15TH ST. . HOT SPRING and vapor baths. T 769 M2 * I'EKSOXAI , . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUDLES. 346-8 aiisi physician couiultatlon or health book free U-GSO UATHS. MASSAGE. MMC. POST , ! 1 H S. 13TH U-3S3 CI/5THES CLEANED. PRESSED AXD RE paired ; day or nlcht dress Julta for hire Pantorlum , N , E. Cor. Hth and Famc'.n. Tel. tc U-CS1 HORSES CLirt DKORONBDOLLAIl ; ELEC trio clippers Tel. GS. McCormack & llaumlcy 14th and Hownr.l. U 533 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , FACE IJLEMISHES ipmo\e l with electricity at Mme. O. I'ayne'n halrdre rln ( ! anil manicure parlor * , 312-113 Kir- bach block. U M54J M19 * O. R. CRANDALU CITY CONTRACTOR FOR brick sidewalks ; best repressed Mtrllleil pay InK brick used ; 'attraction guaranteej 20 B. 11th st. Tel. S17. M5S3 MS MOXKY TO \X41K\I , IJSTATE. WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS R. C. Peters A Co. , - Vt S. Nafl Rank llldir. W-C84 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL EB tate In Omaha , Council muffs & South Omaha W , II. Tbomat. 03 First Nafl. Hank , Omaha W 6S3 llOO.OeflOO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Oimha property , or for building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W-SSS ANTHONY LOAN ; * TRUST co. , sis N. Y. u quick money at low rates for choice tarm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern Nebraska * - W 87 LOAN ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1120 Farnam W-SSS 1T.R CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS , Gar\ln tiros. 1613 ruroam St. W 83 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real eitate. Ilrennan-Love Co. . 21 8. 16th. W-SJ S'S PER CENT MONEY. IJEM1S. PAXTON I1LK Dc 1100 W ) , l OtX ) . I3M 00-PR1VATE MONEY , O > one , two , three or rive years time. W. L. Kelby S34 Hoard or Trade. \V C 79 ' MO.VBV TO LOAIC ATTELS. $10 TO $ l .OW TO IX AN ON HOUHKIIOIO ) PURN1TURB AND PIANOS HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAUKlIOUaE RKCEIPT8. ETC. , at lotresi rates in Omalii. South Omaha and Council Uluffs. No removal of coeds ; strictly confidential ; you can psy lh losn otT at any tin * or In any anuunlt. anuunlt.OMAHA MOUTGAOB LOAN CO. of Tlia OLDEST. LAROFJST AND < ? NLY INCOR HJltATEU LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY LOANED SALXIIIED PEOPLK HOLD- ? | Ins pernalieitt po * tloos. with rtpon lbUi con cern * upon thtlr own name , without security ay poymenu. Tainan , R. ttt , N. T. U b4 ! rtlTT-t.1 TTA T. A TT. ATWTT. On 1 Qt\Q TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J , Olbaon. t4 ! First Nat'l Hank. Y M -OR SALE-A IIAROAIN-SIY ENTIRE DRUG stock , show cares , soda fountain and coun ters ; nlFo will rent store at reisonnbla rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P. ami Jlurllngton depots , Ernest Stulit , pro prietor. Y 479 2TaV ) SECl'RE' ? THIRD INTEREST IN MAN- ufaolurlnir mall order business , K per cent guaranteed ; If you have th * money and mean business ln\estleate this. M M , Ilee. Y-M69110 IP YOU WANT TO BUY OR HELL ANY BUSI- nc s see Walsh. 119 N. 16th St. Y M74530 * FOR SALE. A OOOD HARNESS IIUSINES3. Address Ilex 237 , Wnvcrly , Neb. Y M76) ) 2 * CLEAN GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES cheap ; about ( Mo on t.ie dollar ; mostly new ; must vacate premises ; biggest bargain offered. Apply N 13 , Hee. Y M78S 30 * FOU HAU : . ONE-rOUnTH INTCltnST IN welt equipped anil paying electric light plant In Rood Iowa tovvn ; will resUn my position nn superintendent In fnvor of purcharer. Ad dress N 15 , care Omaha Ilee , V M7S3 Ml * T50 CIGAR STORE , IIEST LOCATION IN city. Walsh A Co , 11J N. Uth st stYM7M M * WANTED , STI1ATY MAN PARTNER , WITH I3.VJ : BIX" ! piiln r cfllci1 business ; rare clinnre. Walsh. & Co. , 119 N. 16th nl. Y M793 W * OR SALE. HALF INTERHST IN SALfToN business , Omaha ; llrst-clnss plncc nnd lornllty. Address II. T. , World-Herald. Y 893 2S SPLENDID CHANCI ? FIRST CLASS GRO. eery , fine location , geol trade ; reason for sell- Ins when rec buyer. N 10. Bee. Y M810 Ml * FOR EXCHANGE. VARIOUS PIECES OF PROPERTY AND farms In Nebraska to trade tor mercliandlip. Address L 42 Be. . X M1S1 CO-ACRB CLEAR FARM NEAR HNOHOMISH. Washington , and I3 , 0(0 In defaulted llrst mortgages on southwestern Kansas lind. to ex change for Improve 1 property In Omaha ; i > a ty will as > ume reasonable amount of ! numbranre W. L. Selby , 531 Beard of Trade. X M727 FOR SALE HEAL 1SSTATE. KOl'NTXK PLACE IJARGAlNH , J2.EOO. J3.7. TO 6.KK ) . J. J. Gibson , G14 First Nafl. Hank HMij. RE-C34 FOLLOWING OESIItAIlLn I'llOI'KIlTY ; 11USI- npM lot corner. COxlSO ft. . In So. Omaha , paved , Ittislness lot , 00x120 feet , Improved , youth Omaha , street pave-1. Tract (21 ( lots ) , 3Clh 81. Tract ( M lots ) . : oth St. For partleulaiB apply 1012 Farnam St.HE HE C53 NCW. MODnilN 6-noOM COTTAGE. LAHCi : lot. } 50K cash , b.ilant. to suit. Address O ? " > . Bee. RE-MI'S GERMAN SAVINGS HANK 1'ROPEHTY. NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OR bOUTll OMAHA. NOW IS THE TISIE TO RUT. Huv nnd nave -ent. Never before In the lil'tcry of Omaha Imv * there been such opportunities uffered to nccUlrc | lots rr homrs at jour own prices. You make tha prices. Recchcrs must sell. Depositors' demands must l > satisfied 1 give out no lists. If you want to buy 1 will imtch nny prices made by nnjone Lots In South Omahi. lots In Omaha , lots e\erynhero from $ IW to It.0 0. Houses and lots nnd ocre tracts In Douglas county , . Any reasonable offer will b" fa\ornbly coiifM- errd. Tell me what joilallt and I will tell sou nhat t will take. If 50" have n customer I will pay regular com- ml'Mons. I ha\c no ogents. Nciv 7 per tent loans , 11,000 to 11,500 , for sole on lmpro\ed property. THOS. II. M'CAGUE , Receiver. 100 N i : h st. RE MM3 HOUSES. LOTS ] FARMS , LAND' ' . LOANS , also fire lnntrance. Bcmli1 , Taxto-i block.RP.CD7 RP.-CD7 RARGAINS : 5-riOOM HOUSE , 092 SOUTH 2CTH St. . rental JlfiO.CO per > 'nr ; price , Sl.:03 02x132 ffct on Cumins street , pays 7 per cent ret on 12.EOO. 11 boucen nnd 1 store , rental , JftS.O'J ' per seir ; prce. J3.RCO. 44 feet front 3-storv brick tulldlnp. neir I4tli nnl Dougla , rental 2 100.CO p r jear ; pilce. J2 ! 5W. J. N. Frenzcr. Opp. olil P. C TIE M25I I ? YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE TOR SAt.r end Wfa/it It sold list It with ma an 1 I wl I tell It ( If I can ) . If > oultu to purclmfo nnl want n biz bargain , look over my list. .1. H. Sherwood. 422 New York Life. RH M 414 SIIOn'I'H\M AXD TVl'fc. WIUTJSC. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL Of SHORTHAND and Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Wfe , offers tie fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions bj experienced teachers nnd skllHu ] ftenogrtipheH ; up-to-date methnrt ; touch system of t\pc rl'- Inc If preferred : participation In actual norK , for whish students receive pay ; monthly piv- ments. M AT OMAHA DUS. COLLEGE. 16TI ! & DOUOl-AS 699 SHORT-HAND. UP-TO-DATE. TAUGHT TIT court reporters Doylea' School , 403-3-7 Bee bHs ' 703 DHICIC. WITHNELL BRO & SMITILPAVINO. RHWER. lUlldlricapacUy ; 100.000 a doy22d & Hickory rls T l 4S. 620 SUMirEIt RESORTS. THE JBWETT COTTAGES , GREEN MOUN- taln Falls. Colo. : a msimer borne In the mountains : b-nutl.'ul rottnets. fully fuin/B' d. for rent by the reason at rearonalile rates. Illustrated circulars < nt rn ppl cation. Ad dress J. B. Jewett , Green. Col ? . " M5W M3 * FUH.VITUnE PACKED. K. S. WALKIN. Jill CUMINO. TEU 1331. PAWMIHOKCHS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 4IS N. li > JII. 8IUKWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCY driveways. G. Rushart , 214 X. Ut.i : 'phone 1IUJ. MSIO Ml * TYPEAVRITER8. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT 11.00 I'ER MONTH The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C2S Kar- nam St. ; Telephone 12S4. 707 nRHSSHAKIJVG. DRESSMAKING. FAMILIES. 2504 DAVP'T. MW2 MC * EXPOSITION PRO\TAGES FOR HICXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Hernia. Paxton Blk. 703 STENOGRAIMIURS. WE faOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers free. Th Smith-Premier Tvpe- vvrlter Co. Telephone. l2St. 7il ) JUSTICE : OF THE D. B. HOUCK. JUSTICE OF THE PEACK , 111 Karbach block. 06S IIOIISK PASTUHE. ALFALFA PASTURE. BOARD FENCES. A. W. J'helps & Son , 207 N. Y. L. bldf. Tel. 1054. 618 J22 * LOST. LOST. POCKET BOOK , SMALL CHANGE. RE- cclpt and keys. Return Chesapeake llcstniir- ant. 607 N. Kith St. Lost-SOS M * LOST. SOLID WATCH AND CHAIN AT Union depot ; good rcwanl for return to Boo olllce. Lo t SOI Ml KOUXD. FOUND. PURSE. SMALL COIN. C04 BEE IIU > G Found 753-2) 4JOVKHVMKXT ? 4OTIJE9. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SU1 PLIF - > partment of the Interior , Olllce of Indian Affairs , Washington , D. C. . Slarch 00 , 1SDS. ScalftI proposals will b > received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Nos. 77- Woostcr street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p. tn. of Tuesday , May 17 , 1KW , fcr f ur- nlshlns for th * Indian Service , cottee. BU ar , tea , rli-e , bnkfntr powJer. oap , fcTocerlea , bUnnkets , woolen nnil cotton goods , clothing. nntlona , hats and caps , bcots und shoes , ctorlttiry and school books. Ulda must be marto on government blank * . Schedules Blv- Inir all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on afjpllcatlon at theIn dian Offic * . Washington. D. C. . Hoe. 77-79 Wocwttr street. New York City ; No. IOCS State Btrt-et , Chicago , III. ; the CommlB8arl 8 8ubHWi'4ice , U. 8. A. at Cheyenne. Lear. enworth. Omaha , St. Lou la , St. Paul nd San Ftmnciaco ; the postmuttcra at Sioux City , Yankton , Arkunttas City , CaHwell , To- peka. WlohlU aad. Turaon. Blda will tx opened at tli * hour end dar above stated , nd bidder * ara lavlteU to be prcaent AC W. JONHB , Commlslon r. > " uvf-u XOTICK. ( Should ho read DAILY by all Interested , a * changes may occur nt nny time. ) Foreign mnlls for the we > ck rndlng April 30. 1SS8. will clo e ( IMlOMlTIjY In nil o * eii ) nt the Oclioral 1'oslotllno na followJlI'AH- CBt.3 POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing time shown below : Trnnn-Atlnntlc Mnlli , SATUIIDAT At 0:30 : n7m. for FRANCR , 8\VITXKnLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , I'Oll- TUQAL , TUllKDY , EOYPT nnd PUIT- I8H INDIA , per.s , s. La Normandle , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Kurrmo must be directed "per La Normnndle" ) ; nt 0:30 : a. rn. for nUROI'B. per n. a. Urn- brln , via Queenitown ( letters for Frnnce , Svvltzcrrnnel , tlnly , Spain , Portugal , Tur key , Bjypt ; h < l'llrltlsh India must bo ell- reeled "pejri Umbrla" ) : at S a. m. for NI'rrHBHI VNI9 direct , per B. * . Spanrn- Jam , via. ttrrdam ( letters must bo di rected "peivSpiiarndam" ) : nt 8 a. tn. for ITALY , neB - ST Knlser Wllhelm II , viix Naples ( iPtterfiTmust bo directed "per Knitter WtlheUn II" ) : at 10 n. m. for SCOTLANUnUn-ct , per s. d. Anchorln , via Glusgow ( loHcry must be dlrpctcil "per Anchorln"rititi11 ; B. m. for NOItWAY di rect , p ° r H. a. Thlngvalla ( letters must bo directed "per Thlncvalla" ) . After the Ci as pt Ibs supplementary tranr- atltntlc mtllV nwieil above. hddltloiiHl ur.l" ! . tnentary rnaHX aty niwned OH the plerH of thj American. Knirlliilf , I'Vcnch nnd German stmn en nnil remain open until within tan tnli.ufft of the hour ( tf'mflllns ' of tteatnc- . M jf Jinll for Suatlr nnil Central America , ttNt lnitlc-ii , Ktc. SATUKDAY-vAt'9''M n. m. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) fenUKEWAIID nnd WINDWARD - WARD ISm\NDS , t > er s. H. Ciirlbbetat ; 10 n. m. ( supplumentary 10:30 : n. in. ) for HAITI nnd CAUTHAaKNA , per s. B. Atliosj at 10 n. m. ( inpplotnentnry 10:30 : n. m. ) for POUTUNK ISLAND. JA MAICA and SA VANILLA , per 8. s. Altai ( lettero for Coatn Rlcn mint bo directed "per Altiil" ) : nt 13 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for OfiJNTRAL AMERICA ( except Costn Illc'O and SOUTH PACIFIC POUTS , m-r s. P. Ai1v.tnc . via Colon ( let- tor. * for Gtiutcnmla must bo directed "per Advance" ) : nt ! > : CO p m. for NKNVFOUND- LAND , per steamer from Narv. Sydney ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for ST. I'lKRRB-.MIQUi- LON , per atetirner from Hu'.lfax. Mnlin for Nevvrounillnnd , bv nil to Iltllr x nnil tht'tic" bv Htcnmcr , clii > nt thU olllec ilnl ! > ' nt SSO : p. m. Mall * for Mln.ucli.-n , by rnll to jn - ton nnd tlicno" L > sloiinii- close * tli'i ' olil' o iHlly nt SiM p. in. Mills for Mexico City , overland , unless rpcclillv n'iri ! > M.'t t'l dlFpatcli by steamer , clone nt thl * oinci" iHllv nt 2:3J n. m. an > t 2:33 : p. tn. 15 glst"'n > d jmll closes nt C:0) : p. m. previous iliy. Trnnn-l'ncltli * Mall. * . ilnlls for Chlnn , Japan nnil Hawaii , per s. s City of Ilio Janeiro ( from Sun Fran cisco ) , close hero dally up to April 21 nt ( i-CO ip. m. Malls for < h ° Society IJ- InmK per ship City of Pnp'ltl ( from San Francisco ) , close here dal y up to April 21 nt 6:30 : p. rn. Mnlls for Hnwall , per n. f. Zrnlindln ( fiom Fan FranrUco ) , clo o here dally up to April 23 at CCO : p. m. Mull * for Australia ( except \Vept Aus tralia ) , VPW Zealand. Hav.uil nnd Fl'l 1s- Inn'if , per P- Wnrrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close lire dully nfter April * * j5 nnd tip to April 28 at C.T : < > p. m. Mails fcr China nnd Jaoin ( specially nUilrfssrcl only ) , per H " . Umprei's of China ( ttom Vnm Oliver ) , clo-'o here dully up to Mny * J nt OM p. m. Malls for China nnd Japan , per M. s Columbia ( from Tncom.i ) close here dallv up to Mny "S nt G.-IJO p. m. Mills for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia , which : ue forwarder ! via r.urfni ) . New Zealand , Ha- vvnll. T'ljl nnd 31 moan Island's , per s. f. Murlp-jya ( from San Francisco ) , close hers dally up to May " 13 nt 7 a. m. , 11 n. m and :3J : p. m. ( or on arrival nt Ne v York of s. s. Campania with UrltlJh nialla for Australia ) . Trnnl' illlc mull * nrc fura.trilnl tn p > rt of sail- lint "Hlly im 1 Hie ccheilul" of cloKlmj la iir- ianKnl on Ilic prrzurap'luii < if theit vmlnt - rjptel ovcrJiml t-ansit. llcil ter il m-i I OO ( * T t b n. m prpvlous ti > . con.vni.njs VAN COTT. ro tmit = r PostoOIce , Ncv York , N. Y. , April 22 , 1SSS CHICAGO A NOIITIIWKST- ern IlnlnH ! > City Tl ket O'- llce , HOI Fnnam Street. Telr- plioii.EBI. . Depot. Tenth ml Mason Streets. Tclcptcre US Arrl.e Dajllsht C .Spe- clal .1 Miwomi VBiiesV'aioj'x 7.CO 11:35 : pin City , Stii 1 SU | thnj * Minneapolis -J..Sl. . . . - * : pm Missouri Valleif ] floux -city zr : . . . . . :40 : am 9.0 > pm DennlsDn , Csrrojj.rall Lake , from Itroailway . , Council HUiffS. . . . . . . . * 8 : cm Eastern Kxpref ft. * t DCS Monc ! , MirHfciiawn : , CecJir RnpldrjlCMCUBO 10:31 nm 4:53 pm Atlantic rijcrv.CMcaso an I Uaft. . . . A1..V- ! . . . 4:13 : pm 4:33 : pm Fast Mall , Chins * ' to Omaha arf , 3:10 : pm Missouri VnlleyJ Floux Cltv , St. Poul.-3trfihe- npollt ' Limited' „ , . . . . 4:31 : pm 8 TO em Oma'in-ChlcnKOJip ; < ! nlal. S3 : pm 8:30 : nm Dally. Di\v \ | fiiccp : Sundiy. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNH- lil M , lis & Omahn Railway ,1 , General Offices. Nebraska 1)1- .m vMlon. Fifteenth und Webster I. , SUcels. City TlRet OfHce. I- . 1 1 Farrnm Street. Telep'icnc Depot , rlfjteentt nnd Webster Strcste. Tcle- phons llis. , r , x , - Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8M : am 89 : pm Sioux City Accomniodn. * * * ! Wam 8:20 : pm U air , Cmcnpn , Slaux * City , I'oncR. llcrtlns- ton ft ni'MmllelJ. . . . 1:00 : pm * I1K ; nm Eloux City , Mnnkota. Bt. Paul , Mlnr.L-npolls , . , * * 5:53 : pm * 8:20nm Emerson PonenRer. . . . * 5:10 : pm SMS nm t Dally. Dillyexcept Sunday. Sunday only. This train tcps nt station1" Florence to South Illalr. Inclmive , Sundays only ; on week darr , So'-lh Illfllr only. FREMONT. CLKIIORN AND Mltrourl Vnl fy Kalliiny G.n enil Odlces. Unite 1 States Na tional Hank nulldlng , South- v > est Corner Twelfti and Par- KOI ftJSrm Stree erepho'newJ Deoo,0"- ! " , ' : tccnth and Webster Streets. Telfphone iW. i * " Arrive. Rlaek Hills. Deadnood nnil Hot Springs. . . . 3co ; pm 3 0) Wyomlnc , Carper and pm DouRlas 3:0 : , ) | , m 5:00 : Hatlnfi. ( orK. r.avld pm City , .Superior , Geneva Kxeii' ? iinJ Sonarl . , 3:00 : nm * 5M Norfoll : . West Pclnt nnd : pm Fremont , . . . , , . , , * 7-w ani Lincoln. Wahoo and 10:23 : am Fremont. . . . 7v : ) nm . " 7.50 , . nm ) ul.v. Dal'y except Sunday SIOUX CITY & PAC FIC It II- road-Giniral Odlc , . , . . Unl.ed Htatts .National Uork Bii Id- iiir , S. W. Correr Tucl tian ) - } ' "fnam btret . Tick t Olll-e , Eloux city. Mankatf. Arrltc- bt. Paul , itlnntopolls. 5:5 : pm 8.20 J Jfl II ) am nI' CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & I' Burlington Qulncy Instrn Railroad " "The Rur | . p. T Route"-Tlcl > et Oltl * . fe ? i'Ifni"n' Street. Telephone Route 2..0. Depot. Tenth nnl Majon Streets. Telephone 128. I > ave. Arrive Veitlbuled Ex. 5:03 : pm 8:10 : am Clilcago Express * 9:44 : urn * l:1S : pm * 8w ; am 3:40 : pm ZV > pm lisa pm SI. HUKLINGTON & MIHSOURI K r Ilal'.roail "The Bur- nstjn Koulc" General Of- llcea N. W. Corner Tenth an 1 Fiirrmn Streets. Ticket Of fice. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele , phone 2:0. Depot , Tcmh nnJ Mlfon Streets. Telephone J'J. L avo. Arrive , Lincoln , and McCooU . , . * 8:13 : am 9:33 : am Lincoln , Denver. Colu- rado. Utah. California. St. Black Hills .Montana and Pugel Hound . 4S3 : pm 4:03 : Lincoln lociil . . ' . . . 7CO : pm * 7:40 pm pro Lincoln Fast Mall..j..i Zi3 pm * liw : am Denver. Colorado , Utah , California ami rl'ugflt Souud . . , . . , . . . , , . . , . / , . . pm pm C1TT. ST. JOSKPII Burlington ' & 'J'ouncll ' nincr * Itallroail 'MTMo Ilurllnston llnute" TleKet Office , 1WJ Karnam Route Street. Telephone JM. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. ' 'Tefetihonc Its. r 'J ' Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx 9:03 : am 5w : pm Kansas City Nlght-r.J 10W : pm Daily. MISHOITItl PACIFIC RAILROAD Oriwril ORc ) and Ticket Onvc. Merchsrts .Vst'onal Hank litiiltfUiX , 1 24 Farnam Htrtet. TU-phont. 104. Dipot , Fifteenth and Webitir Street * . Te'enhcni 1UI. Arrive. United J pn pro Kmnran City ant1 > t. Louis Kil ' so pm 1:0) : am Nebraska 4 : r rt f ; 4I am Bally. D * If tmstft Oourago Shown by the Wives of Army and Navy Officers , CODE OF NERVE OF THEIR OWN Srliooled In Sclf-t'untrol Which Frr- HciitH Oiitmtril tJrlcf nt 1'nrtliiKn Sriinrntlon of IltixliitniU nnd Wit en In I'ciii-c Tliurx. The wives and families ot offlccra of the army and navy do not manifest outwarl ( Un quiet over wor , writes the WaahlnBton cor respondent of the -New York Sun , The cool- nttta with whluli they watch the trend of af fair * that bring ! nearer every day the part ing from their husband's , fathers and broth- era excite * the wonder of civilian women who number "service" women among their friends. In Washington there are hundred ! ! of women , the wives of public officials , who are allowing a great deal ot anxiety over the manifestation of that spirit which prca- ngw tbo departure of many of the husbands for the front upon the outbreak of hootllltlcs. Thci'o women cannot understand the calm , philosophical manner with which their sis ters whoso mcd folk wear uniforms regard the situation , the daily development of which Is BO filled with meaning for them. Wliea Capitiln Slgjsbeo left Washington the other day for New York to lake command of the St. Paul hlo wife and the voting women who ate membcra of hlu family went down to the station to bid him good-bye. Whcti the gal lant uillor passed through the crowd ot men and uoincn who were at the station awaiting tralw lor the Hcmilng races ooinu of them recognized him and a cheer was started. The captain kissed the women of hlu fimlly af- fctlcuately before he pccscd through the gate for his tialu , but they made no tearful domcriittation. Tlify looXed thoughtful , but apparently had thcnwel'Vfn ' under perfect con. trot and rcfiulned from making even the cllghtcut t'UggctUlon of a scene. The women who were waiting for the race tr-ilru , many of whom witnessed this quiet parting , coull not understand It and commented upca It wonderlngly. "How can they let him go at all ? " they I i- qulrcd of each other. "After what he has been through , caved from Tic.tUi only by a mlraclo litsa than two months ago , how ca'n they ise him departing to face more danger without being dimply out of their mlndj ? If ho were my hmband ho shouldn't go ! " SCHOOL , IN SELFMIESTUAINT. TLo women who made these comments did not biar In. ml.id theYact 'Ihat this sort 01 self-restraint , which aipcared so strange to them. Is as a rule the fruit of years of training on the part of women whoso male rclttlvts are attached ( o the land or the sc.i forces of the government. Sclf-contro li bred In the bone of army and navy women. In r.o country In the world Is there so much "service" Intcrmtnrylng as Uiere is In the Unite ] States. There ara ctfliaor- clnary rarat.1catlons of iclalloiulilp by niar- rlago In the American army and navy. TCie result of this Is thct most of 'the women whoso hulands , fathers or brothers aio uow I'kely to mixIn the thick of 'the Impending war are thoroughly Imbued with that splrl of abnegation that animates the men. They are subset Itcra to a code of nerve of theli own , tnd the very frst clause of thin un written , but all-pen ash e , cole Is that I ' wou'd bo quite as weak-Kneed and cowardlv fcr them to w ! t 1 1 i.ho . f ice of trouble as 1 would bo for their nun to show the yellow Trtero Is , of couise , no lack of woniatily feeling on the part of the feminine members of ( to households of Amctlcan army am rnvy cm-cr ; , but their whole envlronmen 13 such as to rring out tke s rongcst common Mesa of w-htch humai Lelngs are capabli when the danger to thtlr men become inoat Irani' icr.t. Their spirit Is such tha they would take ohame unto themselves I they Interjccied cny whimperings Into thi rrcpa.v.tlona for departure of their men Ttera arc many hotisciholds throughout thl land v/hcreln the women , young and old , nn to.ay elilclsg up the accoutrements of their men. with sid .hrarls , but certainly with no exterior parndo of woe. There arc Mis. Major ' many O'Dowdj among tno wives o the older officers ot Iho United States icelhat ; IB. Hhey resemble the lovable serv p.uciy spouse of the redoubtable llttlo Irlg ) na or of Thackeray's story In the quality o the Jr smiling self-repression In the teeth o trouble. Incidentally It rhould be adeJ tha united ° huscllold8 ° f ' 'he ' enlisted men In bh < States ocn'Ie there Is no lack o brave-heatteJ Dinah Shcsdds. The Scapsud nowi of American tirtay posts are at prcsen terming wtth exclterceot , but they are no ovorgpcead with griet. "Me Dlnny'll bo good , more power f th arrum nv him , fur a million av th' black hearted omadhouns ! " ld the laundress wlf ? h * Ss lcly 8erScant ftt the arseiol her ' of aKr'M ? 6 CXPreS8ei1 tb THE SECOND PAIVTIN'3. The vivr.i of rcany of the old-time them , In . r'v ' fn ormy and nlvy. ( " "ny o ttivhlngton. are now nendlnc their men away tor the ae-crnd time In their mil rid lives. TJier bide rhem goadbyo. when they were young , eager , tot-hearted fcllouj , a matter of thllv.fva | years and more ago and now. vrlth whitened hair , they are giving e another meaningful godspeed. These "r"mentfthc trouble . e mainstays ! . like thai cf tie present for the joung wives who have not been born , biought u HAK.UO.iUS. JMON ' PACIKIC-'THE OVKR land " Itante"-aeneral \ . OftVnr ' N } Comer Ninth and Far'naii " ; Mreeli. City Ticket Oflce , "v : fvKnV.1.t.'f' L . Tp : h ° ' 21" Lc.tv . " Arrive. "The Overland Lltiltcd" far Denver. Pnlt Ijkp wrotirn | > clnts The Colorado Spousal. 8:50 : nm 4 : < 3 pm for Denver and ell Colorado pclnlH Pat mall train for 7:00 : am Salt Lake. Paclfl" coast and all nejtern P irts 4:1 : > pm 7:00 Lincoln , llealrleo and nm StrntmburB Express . . 5:00 : pm l'W : Trerrort , Colmubjs- pm Norfo k , Gr.iml Ir. l.tml nnJ Kearney * ) : J3 ilm Grsnd Islind Kxpresx , . 5:00 : Dally. nm 12:20 : pm Dally ? Courtll " ' . except . . Sunday - eiv > , ; n. . ' n. M. : 7:4J : a. m. ; : n. m. ; 10:37 : a. m. m' ; 2 ; P. , m. ; 4:1. : p m. 5,5 : . . : : p. m. . . . . . . . . . . . : k:20 : p. m : 10 m. Arrives. CM , . , . - a. m. , 7:23 „ t ( | : i : i a. , . . _ m. ajj 11 : "A n > M t.tn . _ . B.IA _ . . in ; * * ; * * * i mci p.m.rio"il. p ! ° mP'n - : 3 : < ° " m' : 6M : " ' ' " OMAR \ & ST. IXJUIS RAILROAD Omilii , Kapras City & East- rn llnl rood-"Th Pert Arthur "Route T.chtt Office , HIS Kar- nnm .strtclD Telephone. 33J De pot , Tenth and Maion Telephone , 12S. Street ! . Lculs Cannon Hall Leive. Arrive. KxprecM 4:33pm : * Knnsaa City & Quliry ll:30 : am 7:40 : am 9.0J pm WABASH RAILROAD-TICKET pmce , " 1(13 rarnam Street. Tele- .Snc 'I- repot. Tenth snd Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. I.cuie. Arrive. . Louis "Canon Ball" Express * < 3 < 1 Dally. ; pm lla : > nm CHICAGO. MII.WAUKEr : * ST Paul RnlUay-Cty Ticket or- to lice. 1504 Kern am Street. Tclf nhone SSI. Djprf , Tenth am Mascn Streets. Tilephons 128. a I 'ave. Arrive. lot Ch'cago I.lmltoJ Kx. . . . * Ci'im : > :03 : nm and Omnlia and Ch cage Kx. * ll:00 : urn * 10pm : In CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Paclnct Railroad "The Great to Itcck Island Houte" city Ticket ntllce. 1321 Fa nam tha Street. Telephone 421. Depot , Tenth ard Maron etiettj. ( Telephone O9. Leave. Arrive. sat Ch'ragu unJ St. Paul on V * < tltUl * < l Express. . . , 4:51 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Hp'u . we 1'uttlo. Denver and ani vetl * lUpm ; 43 : rm Chicago. Des Mi-lncs * j Rok Island * 7.60 pm 8:15 : if Atlantic Kxpreso , for I ttrt Molne * * nd east- I era points . . , . , . . . * 7:10 : am IV > pm Colorado Flyer . . , . , . . . . * 7:00 pm * : < * m , ucept 1 ncl married In the service , tnd , therrforo , hare not been schooled In the wretchedness of porting. The young officers who , within the last few years. Imo taken gills from civil llfo for vvlvra , are In for the moit dlffl- cutty In the matter of doxxrttng ; from their homes the clilcrly wives of the old-time ofll- cers are the comforts of these women. For sample , a captain In the nary was ordered a few days ago to ( ho command of one of the new crutsera. Illswife -wife sent him , then n , -ounK master's mate , awity to battle In 1SC1. [ ) no of her nous la a lieutenant tn the ar tillery , and he la now with hla lattery tn the Department of the South. Another of lier fcons , an ensign In. the navy , la attached to ono of the nhlps at Key West. This i n- slgn married a young woman with no service connections a few months ago and the joint K wlfo la living with her mother-in-law In Washington. U U not llki-ly thit she will fall to partake of the ( ortltu < lo so strongly exhibited under the present circumstances by he mother of her but > and , Ttcro arc many almllar case * . In general It may be said that the wlvew of offlecm In the United Slat en service have u : rylng time of It. This Is raporltlly true of tbo wlvos of naval officers. The army women nro subjected to any amount of the dlvom- 'ort ' of moving about , amUto the dicary lone- Bcmicncss of llfo In remote garrisons , but they at least tmvo their husbands with them. The wives of the naval offlcera do not , for long periods. RBNEWrN'fl OLD ACQUAINTANCE. " 1 sent Jack off to ithe China Btitlon two wceka after I married dim. twcnty-ele-nt years ago , " Mid the wife of a commander .bo other day , "and It seems as If 1 had been bidding him goodbye ever slooe. I have havdly wen him at all ; and the cnly com pensation , for It all Is that we do have aucti fun in getting acquainted all over again when he returns after , a long cruise. " It Is said that young naval oniccrs ate not so apt to marry oowadajs as they tme.l to be , and If thl la the owe the wcoder Is surely not great. H seems pretty cunt for a young fello\v \ with but a stripe to his sleeve to marry today and to be ordered tomorrow to a. ship 10.000 mllra away on a three years' cruise. And > et this Is some thing that has ottcncil happened. It Is ob served that the young naval officers who marry nowacMys. mcxt of them , engage In matrimony Immediately upon being de tached from ships on iforelgn stations and returning to the United States for their period of short duty. They marry the glris they bavo been waiting for and settle dwti to enjoy their first ohore > crulae In double harness. IJut then , again , there nro any number of young oinceru of Itio nav"y who Just about finish courting the girls Itipy want by the time they are due to be ordoreJ off to the other end of the world on a long cruise. These young follows marry their glrla and go , and they wait three years or S3 for the honeymoon. . Three years ago a Junior lieutenant married a young society wotccn cf San Francisco , while his ship \ \ < M being practically field In the lurhor for the conclusion of the ceremony. Within , in hour .after the mirrlage the young wlfo stead on the veranda of the Cliff house and watched the fihlp upon which her husband w3 oorvlnt ; steam paot the heads cf the Ooldeei 'Gate1 ' , bound for Japan. She could not go to her husband on account of an Invalid mother at her San Francisco home , and It was only a month ago thit the couple were reunited bv the return cf lUc lieutenant IVom the China statlcei. A SURPRISED PARTY. "I'll have to make my devolra to my wMe all over asa'u , " Is the way many of the join ? omcc-rs put it who get married under circumstances similar to this upon being finally detached from their chips. It has < | ulte often happened that children have boon bci-n ts yc'jng cfliccrs wlttln a very few days after their departure fcr foreign sta- tKi s , and there vvun a pretty Incident duo to a case of thlj kind In Washington a short tlTo ago. AJI ensign who was ordered , a bit more than three years ago , to the Meilter- ranerii statlcn , a mcuth after he married ono of the pretty glris of Baltimore1 , was met at the station , when he returned here , by his wife , prettier than ever , and a little chap by h'u movements a very heavy weather llttlo man , laded togged out In bluejacket rig , with a cap ribbon bearing the name of his fuhpr's tail ship. Thp little shaver mani fested a elecl.cd.y belligerent attitude when his father , whom he had nver before seen , embraced his iother at the station , but the young officer , now a Junior lieutenant , was able to conclude terms of peace with the young one after a week or so. From the pecuniary point of view the young caval officers who marry have to d-a considerable serap'ng to mske. enc'a meet. The Impresslcvn prov-.lls that young naval officers as a rule exhibit craftineas In "picking out glrla with money of their own , but this Is decidedly not the ccse. If they marry within the er- vlcc ai perhaps seven In ten of them do thr- know that they arc In for living on their pay , which Is not particularly liberal , for the daughters of the older offlcera very rarely bring dowries to their husbands. Rof- ercnco to the marriages of young naval offi ce.1 * during tha last five yeara shows that net one. In twenty of them has taken to w'io a girl with money In her own right. During thia period quite a number of young army officers have married wealthy girls. Ono cf the young artillery officers married , about six years ago , the only daughter of an Immensely wealthy Iron manufacturer end tb/s girl brought 4.000,0X ( ) to her hus band , so It was said at the time. She stip ulated that her young husband should re main in the service , and not as a military attache at a fore.'gn court , either. Ho .a still soldiering with his battery , but the pair Uvo in a style that na other comman der of the whole United States army has ever been able , to afford. ECONOMY uNEOESSARY. The young naval officer who gets ra'irrted on his pay Is bound to create a skimpy tlmu or himself. His personal expense account nust bo kept down to the smallest possible ( mil and ho in obliged to watch ba mess Jills with a careful eya to prevent them rcm running up on him after the mysteri ous manner of mcza bills. Most cf the naval fflcers send three-fourths of their pay homo o their families and it does not require ny great amount of calculation to figure hat the remaining one-quarter of his monthly money is a small enough sum out f which to keep himself In fresh , spick- nd-span uniforms , quit even with the mess , ateror from month to month and rig him- elf out In suitable mufti at frequent in- crvalij for shore visiting , to say nothing of ntcrtalnlng friends en board In return for hero entertainment. When the time ar- Ivcs fcr the married naval officer to send its children to school he simply has to lop ff mexst of the llttlo comforts of the mess- oem and of the shore cr ho will find hlm- elf In a very pinching predicament. There are many United States naval offl- ors and the number IK constantly growing , ho make it a point to have their famlllcj Ithln reaching dlstsncc , no- matter In what art of the world they are serving. This , if course , Is not possible In the case of argo families , but the number of young Ivcs of naval officers who live at the bead- uartera ot the foreign stations Is consld- ira'jlc. There are colonleo ot them at Yo- ohama , ot Nice , at Buenos Ayrcs , and at arlous other considerable ports on the fcr- gn stations. The naval officers hava dls. covered that they can quite as well afford to bavo their wives near them as to hava them remain In the United States during their absence for several yextrs on fjrelgn cru'o- Ilk , and there la a. growlnt ; disposition be among them to take advantage of the dis covery. m.vuo.v/1 CUT m.movn. Mow the PrrfirtrnliirN of 11 Holibery Were DlMoovprrd. "There w-as a warm week In Independ ence , la. , eotno years ago , " said the rounder the Chicago Chronicle nun , "and a novel case ot diamond cut diamond came off during race * meet he-re. The rar s drew as fine a of stronR-arm men , thieves , pickpockets sure-thing ramblers as ever congregated one municipality. A straight gambling outfit e'ould not bo found with a microscope. Some of tbo more daring crooks determined make a haul and resolved to rob one of f-tro banks. Ono of the establishments occupied a room above n store running lirorto an alley. This place wis se lected by the thtovcw because the dcalor wl'h his luck" to n window that nponivl tbo alley and tbo drawer containing the * bank roll wan easily within roich. \ Udder * secured by the trio engtged In the j'b one of the men climbed In and deftly sneaked the hank roll , containing jrctit $300 , merely as bluff , as there v : s i.o th chance of any wan beating the came , llv1 dealer mw the -thief's band as hp rfrc.v It , but made , o outcry. "Zbe maUrriMMTvported th * wn r ot the Rame. Ho was a wise man anil etld noth ing. He * simply waited. Ho WAS practically certain of tbo Identity of thct men onxagcd In the rohcry and knew that they expected a much larger sum than that obtained. Two days afterward ono of the men approached and , after condoling with him upon hln low , casually Inquired how much money had been taken. "A mtro trifle , " waa < bo response ; ' 'about $700 was air the ttilcnes secured. " The Inquisitive man went away and u couple ot hotira later thcro wag as pretty a three- handed tight as one would want to see In progress on the main ntrcet. The Inquisi tive man had become satisfies ] that the thief who bad done the work iMd held out $500 , told the other man about It and ( ho two promptly proceeded to beat"tlp their com panion In crime In a shocking way for not spUttlnc up the amount taken In proper proportions. Illr urotcsla were of no avail , for had not the actual loser admitted that 1700 had been taken ? " Thousands of suflorcra from grippe h vo been restore to health by One Mlmito Cough Cure. It quickly cure's coughs , 'oilula , bron chitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all throat and lung AVnloh the Mo\ctiiptit > i or onrnvjr. . Kveryono wnnta to watch the tnovomonts ot our war ships and , It there Is an en gagement , know rhere It laltes place. The Dee ha a combination map that chow * the Island ot Cuba , 14x21 Inches , the West Indies , 14x21 Inches , and on the reverse slilo n map ot the world. 21x29 Inches. Itn \ the latest and most complete set of maps published by Hand , McNally & Co. Cut out a coupon , page 2 , and present It with 10 cents at Tbf lice office. Ily mail 14 cents. 1IO\V UK 1UI > ilT. 1. "How did I got on ? " \ 2. "Watched 'cm , my boy. " 3. "They rose t.t me. " 4. "I throw m ! whole soul Into it , " I 6. "They salt ! afterward , nothing Ice It had aver been seen In that town : fore. ] " Ill JOKK , YOU KNOW , _ _ From Ally B'.oper. , . , "Da you Unow. directly I found-out " ' 10 girl's name , I Sued her. " "SueA.lwrl What for ? " "Bccavio everybody else call d htr to b * sure. "