THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : flIWTJttSDAY , APUTIj 28 , 1808. INDIAN BILL CONFERENCE Meeting Will Be Held This Morning ) Ordered by Senator Allison , DECIDES FATE OF INDIAN CONGRESS florae Good Work Done In the night f ' y Will AiiMnre This Venture for the Comlnir Ulir Snow at Omali * . WASHINGTON , April 27.Speclal Tele gram. ) Senator Alllaon has notlflea the con ferees on the Indian bill that a conference will be held tomorrow morning ID the roomo of the icnatc committee on appropriations. The difference between the houses so far ca the bill goes la not so much a question of money as It la a legislative provision. The house bill carried an appropriation of f7G17- 454 , white the icnatc bill carries $7,725,120 , that being tin appropriation of $45,000 for the IndUn congress at Uio Transmkalsslppl Bxpccltlon. The house disagreed to this Amendment and the conferees will accord ingly have to pass upon the advisability of retaining this amendment In the bill. It la believed that the members of the conference arc In favor of the provUlcn , but active work IB needed on the part of the members of the delegation to clncli the matter. John Jacob Astor , who has tendered a fully equipped battery to the president and hao offered to take command of the came or take any position which may be assigned him , Jo at ttie Shoreham. To The Bee represent ative hcst > Ued today that It was an 111 wUid that blows nobody good and out of the war Omaha would prollt Immensely , In his opinion. Instead of a large tourist travel to Europe thla year he thought people with money would for the flrut time explore the wcat and Omaha , with Its International ex position , would benefit Immeasurably from exetlng ! conditions. Ho cited In ( support of his proposition that one of the largo Euro pean steamers called today from New York with but eighty paascngers , whereas at thin tlmo a year ago an ocean liner could not ac commodate travel , parsago being booked for daja 'and weeks In advance. 'Harry ' HI. Brlgliam , Bon of Assistant Sccre tary cf the1 Agricultural department , has iicen selected by the board of govern- m"nt control to represent the department at th ( > Omaha Exposition and he leaves Saturday lor his post. ( He will bo accom panied by Jasper A. Wilson , son of the ecrctary of agriculture , who will take a miner capacity under Mr. 'Brlghara. ' Wilson leaves tomorrow to make a Short visit at Ames , la. , before entering upon his duties at Omaha. William V. Cox , secretary of the govern ment board , who has been appointed cus- toiilan of the building by Secretary Gage , will leave for Omaha Friday or Saturday , transferring Ills offlco from the Smithsonian Institution to the Gate City at that time. Mr. Cox saja that the whole of the Smith sonian exhibit Is now curoutc with the ex ception of oite car , which will be fonvardea this week. In hla capacity of secretary ot the board Mr. Cox has thus far Issued requisitions for transportation 'to ' the follow ing government employes detailed to the Omaha Exposition , and who are uow on the grounds or onroute : Q. A. Schneld'er ' and R , J. Con way , flsh commission ; C. 'H. ' Brekwlth treaaurer ; S. I. Slack , W. G. Brownlow , J O. iBrownlow , pcstomcc ; S. J. Logan , E. H Bciuke , A. C. Andersen , navy ; O. B. K\ * worth , C. R. Dodge , J. A. Wilson agrlcul- ture ; W. V. Cox and J. L. Farmer , repre entatlvea cf board. iAt tlio leanest of Senator Thurston , Oolone : aeorg ? U. Colton , bank examiner ot Ne braska , has been granted Indefinite leave of alair.o by Comptroller Dawcs to Join his , ordered Into camp at Omaha. iHls place will bo assumed by John B. Cunning * ham of Lincoln , now on duty In Kansas. Oo-lton has been instructed .to . forward to Cxamlncr H. J. Whltmore at "Lliicoln " a list of the banks assigned him for examination. Whltmore In turn communicated the list to Cunningham. Co'.ton's place will be left for fclm until after tils return from the trout. Senator Allen today , at the euggestlon of Adjutant General Harry of .the Nebraska National Guard and colonels of both Ne. toraska regiments , presetted the name of C , J. iBllls to the secretary of war for the posi tion of brigadier general of volunteers. Ralph W. Breckenrlifeo of Omaha , la In the city. _ KEIIItASIC'A COMMISSION MEETING. Member * IliiMy Settling with Con- ( motor * nnil Nnnilnif Employe * . The Nebraska Exposition commission epen-t the entire mornlag In executive ses sion considering the claims ot the start end plaster contractors on the Nebraska building. No conclusion was reached , but the committee appointed at the last meet ing to Investigate this matter was continued with power to act. The difference between tbo contractors and the commission la not * largo one , In dollars and cents. It was decided to paint the exterior of ( be state building to conform to the color ot the other buildings , a pile cream color which pvcacrvca tbo staff. Commissioner Casper announced the ap pointment or A. W. Shlqkley ot Geneva as an employe In the Florlqulturp bureau , cnJ Jerry Wagoner ot Dellwo'bd In the Agricul tural bureau. ' At the afternoon session ot the board a number of names were added to the pay roll , come of the new appointees to go on duty at once and others as their services arc re quired. These appointments were as follows : W. E. Haaslsr ot Pawnee City , helper In the 'Agricultural ' department , to begin at once ; Frank Clark , Tccumieh , helper In the Horticultural ticultural department , to begin work when ordered by the superintendent ; Ed Parrot Nemaha county , janitor , to commence work May 1 ; Cyrua Llndell , Lincoln , porter , to commence work when ordered to do ao ; F. M. Wblttnker , Alneworth , custodian of Ne- toraaku building , to begin work June 1 ; Annie B. Ovcrton , Gibbon , janltre ? * , to go on duty Juno 1 ; Eliza L. McOrew , Garfleld county and William H. Howard , Dawea county , help , eia In the Educational department , to begin Juno 1V. ; . C. Bass , Howard , Janitor , to begin ( May 1 ; Frank 'Barry ' , Saundcrs , guard , to be gin Juno 1 ; O. C. Stevenson , Madison county registry clerk , to begin June 1. The services ot Timekeeper Cratio were dispensed with. The Editorial association notified the com- rnlmlon that other arrangements had been made for Its accommodation by the exposi tion authorities and the room assigned to the association in the Nebraska , building waa turned over to the Knights of Pythias of the sMtca and their auxiliary societies. A communication wa laid before the board Burlington As Solid as a Rock. 1 If th re ! one thW 6re than on- other that Impresses travelers who so ' "Vfatlbuled eaat on the Burllnston's Flyer" It Is the excellence of the track over which they ride. Bmootholldy ! buit-frce : from sharp curves and heavy grades and laid iwlth the heaviest and moat expensive steel rails , It Is aa near perfection as It can bt. bt.Th * "Flyer" Itovta Omaha , at 6:03 : > .1 m. daily and reaches Chicago at SM : tha B t morning. . MBVNOLM * P M < B A T. from William P. Cody , "Buffalo Bill , " offerIng - Ing the commlMlon a herd of six buffaloes for the exposition grounds , but U was de cided that the board could not use the anl- mils. I'reildetit Neville was authorized to confer with tbo Hamilton Cadet * of North 1'latte , a company of sixteen girl * who are experts In tactical movements , to appear at tbe ex position on "Nebraska day" and give a Bcrlc of fancy drill movements. The position of general carpenter created at the last meeting w i abolished. No one had been appointed to the position and It was decided that the necessity for such a position had passed. More Concclon * Arc Let. The executive committee "took another whirl" at the Afro-American village conces sion for the Midway yesterday and relet the contract , thl making the fourth time this concession has beet let. The last man to recelvo It Is B , W. McConnell , who had a similar conccrslon at the Nashville exposi tion and who hoe an Interest In the cyclorama - rama conception on the Midway. The concession for supplying Ice to the grounds , Including the concessionaires , was let to J. T. lAycr. Charles Werner was awarded the conces sion for the Mines building for the tule of spectacle : ) and eyeglasses. 41IOSTO.V STOlin MILL1XERY. An Extraordinary Cnnh I'lirclinxc Kn- ennlilcN UN to Offer Today NEW TIUMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AT HALF FORMER PRICE. Our Mr. Brnndets now In New York Is sending us dally more extraordinary values In Trimmed hats , Untrlmmed hats , Flowers and Mllll.ic'ry trimmings. Tlio first of these purchases go on sale today76C 76C LADIES' SAILOR HATS 1BO Over 100 dozen ladles' Jlno straw sailors with white silk band latest style regular 7Dc quality , go at ICc. NEW PATTERN HATS. Wo have closed out the entire stock of trimmed Pattern hats of one of the largest millinery houses In New York City. They are all new , this seoson's goods , and will go cm tables at J1.98 , J2.60 , J3.98 , JJ.9S and $6.98. Bo sure to ex ma In e three today. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , 1 16th and Douglas. Wanted , flrot-claes shoe salesman. Hayden Bros. ' shoo department. .AMUSEMENTS. Mr. Joseph Gahm will give hla second piano recital this evening at the First Con gregational church , Nineteenth find Daven port streets. Mr. Kana Albert , the popular vlollnlat , who Is to assist' Mr. Gabn , will perform a Rubensteln scnata In conjunction with him and also play the famous D minor concerto by VIeuxtemps and the Carmen Fantasia by Sawute. Although these re citals were gotten up by subscription , the general public can gain admittance by ee curing tickets at the door. The Society ot American Dramatists awarded Mr. James A. Herne the palm for having written the beat play of native life known to the American stage. "Shore Acres" has certainly proved exceedingly at- twctlvo and the fJlxtCi year of Its existence finds the public still Interested In the gullo- Ifes humor of Uncle NatU'nlel and love of Helen Berry and Sam Warren. The story Mr. Heine has selected to set forth In his New England Idyl Is extremely simple , but It Is told In > . < uch a straightforward , honest way that Itn very simplicity appeals to thf ? patron of the drama and almost uncon sciously one Is made to sympathize with the ttaracters Introduced In the play. "Shore Acres" will be given a satisfactory repre sentation at Boyd's next Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday , .with Mr. Hcrne as Xuthanlcl Berry. IleulM the Klondlk * . Mr. A. O. Thomas of Marysvllle , Tex. , has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made In the Klondike. For yeans he Buffered untold agony from consumption accompcnlcd by hemorrhages ; and was ab solutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. He de. clares that gold Is of little value In com parlsonwith this marvelous cure ; would have It. even It It cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma , Bronchitis and all throa and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'a drug store. Regular size We and } 1.00. Guaranteed t cure or price refunded. Unity Church Meeting. A monthly social nnd supper were given In the Unity church , parlors last night by Jhi women of t'ne society. A large number o the congregation was present with theli friends nnd an enjoyable evanlng was spent The women In charge of the tables were Mcsdames Cole , Sackett , Emory , Burchmore ami Jossylln. At the conclusion of the sup per the regular annual meeting of the cYturch society was called. The princlpa1 business was the election of five trustees who were named ns follows : Jllss Mlllard F. J. Sackett nnd A. B. Hunt , for thret years ; Miss Wallace , for two years ; Mrs Uurchmore , for one year. The farmer , the mechanic and the blcycl rider are liable to unexpected cuta an- - bruises. DoWltt Witch Hazel Salve Is th best thing to keep on hand. It heal quickly and Is a well known cure for pllea. PEIISOX.U , rARAGJlAIMIS. W. S. Verety of Chicago Is at the Mlllard Mrs. W. J. Connell went to Chicago las night. A.V. Johnson of Denver ! a at the Bar kcr. kcr.C. C. C. Gary of Kansas City la at the Mil lard. , lard.J. J. H. Thompson ot Kansas City li at th Mlllard. C. C. Hay of New York Is stopping t th Mlllard. Al Mauck of Princeton , Ind. , U a guest at the Barker. , George n. Moore of Oxford Junction , la. , la at the Barker. 'George- ' Hints of New York la a tate ar rival at the Barker. . , Edpar N. Hun teen and wife of Mollne , 111. , are at the Barker. Councilman W. F. Becbel returned from an eastern trip yesterday. Lieutenant C. James Logan , U. S. A. , ar rived In Omaha yesterday. Edwin S. Kobblns ot Waterbury , Ccan. , la at the Mlllard for a few dajs. Ben Roberts , a prominent stockman of Gordon , Is Ir. the city on business. W. H. Hoyden , Jr. , of Hastings and Curtis Cook of Kearney are at the Barker , David T. Day , chlet of the United States geological survey ot Washington , la at the Mlllard. I. I. Murphy , secretary of the Illinois auxiliary to the National Maize propaganda. Is lu the city. Mrs. George S. Myera and maid nnd Mrs. George MycnChurch and maid of St. Louis are at the Mlllard. Dr. W. H. Dearing and wife of Plattn- mouth are vU'ltlng In the city. Dr. Dearing la the ne\ly \ appointed assistant [ byslclan at the 'Norfolk hospital. Rev. Mary G. Andrews bus gone to Cedar Raplda , la. , where she will attend tbo an nual meeting of the lone Congress or Liberal Religion. While there ebo will deliver an address upon "Higher Standards for the Hutie and Social Life. " , t * . fc NebraoltanJ * at hotels ; F. W. Barber , Hastings ; F , Palmer , Crawford ; Prank W. Cowdtn and wife , Red Cloud ; F. O. Kelm , Albion ; C. N. Davenport , Ravenna ; U. G. Mason , Emerton ; W. G. Raker and wife , Gretna ; J , S. HoagUnd and wife , A. B. Hoagtand , North Platte ; F. H. Carlson , Frank R. Drown , Gothenburg ; R. W. Great. Beatrice ; E. W. Black , Cedar Bluffs ; John W. WlUon , Grand Island ; Mm. L. M. Aker- Btrom , R. M. Turner , Lincoln : George W. Flo ? , Cozc4 ; A. J. Hagadoa. Curtis ; J. H. Arti. WlUonvltle : J. H. McCallum. Indian * oM ; H. Ctov Pcader ; M. Bupdlku. lUr- vard ; S. C. Baesett , Gibbon : W. . Dearing and wile , Plattamouth ; J. P. Beach , Ham burg. The flnlihlng'touch to the toilet , S. & H. Violet * " the real , aristocratic . perfume Fire cenU. TARES SURGERY CASES ONLY Union Pacific Changes Its System in the Hospital Department , ORDER FOR NLW DEPARTURE GIVEN OUT More AHNement * for the Mainte nance of IIo * | > ltnl * and Jfo More Kree Afedlcnl ( Attendance for Kninloye * . An anomaly that now ex Is la In Union Pacific circles will cease on May 1. At present Dr. Jonaa is chief surgeon of the Unon ) Pacific Railroad company , and In full charge of the surgical work of the reorgan ized railroad company , Dut Dr. W. J. Gal- bralth , acting under Instructions from tbo federal court , Is etlll at the head ot the medical department and In charge ot the tica pital fund for the receivers ot the Union Pacific railway. This peculiar overlapping of medical authorities will terminate with the close of the present month. On May 1 the medical department of the Union , Pacific will pass out ot existence In Its stead will be created a surgical department , and this wIM be under the supervision of Cblef Surgeon Jonas. The following order was Isaucd by General Manager Dickinson , approved by President Burt , under the date of April 2C , and posted on the bulletin beards of the ueadquartcrs yesterday : Commencing MayM , 1S9S , this company will maintain u surgical department for the care of employes Injured in the discharge of their duties and others for w'.iom the company may be responsible. The department will provide surgical treatment at the homes of the employes or at the offices of the company surgeons. Hos pital treatment will be provided at Omaha , Kansas City , Denver and Hock Springs , Wyo. Medical treatment will not be furnished at the expense of t'ne company. The custom previously In vogue In Union Pacific circles was to furnish medical , as well as surgical treatment , to all employes requiring the same. The medical department was supported by assessments which were deducted from the montbly pay of every employe of the company. During Ibe last few years this assessment amounted to 40 cents a month. The abolition of this as sessment was one of the first acts of Presi dent Curt after taking charge of the road , and when the employes received their pay for February It was noticed that no deduc tion had been made for the hospital fund , as the exchequer of the medical department was termed. No announcement ot any plan for the maintenance ot a relief department or hospital fund has been made by the new management of the Union Pacific. Thirty-five years make a generation. Thai I how long Adolph Fisher of Zanesvtlle. 0. . suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of DeWltt's Witch Hnzel Salve. What docs Cuba look like ? Get The Bee's portfclles of Cuban views. Only 10 cents i -copy. Photographs the same size would x > st ? 20. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Tbo action of the city council In passing a resolution raising the occupation tax on lalcons from $100 to $500 caused the saloon teejers of this city to open their eyes In trarprlsc. Smaller dealers are Inclined to be ndlznant. while the owners ot large dis > pensarles ot liquid refreshment are more han pleased at the turn affairs have taken. Should this resolution bo enforced the addl- lonal expense will fall principally upon the brewers , as three-fourths ot the licenses alccn out here are paid for by the brewing associations. Tbla additional expense com 'ng right on top of the notlflcatlqa of an In crease In the government tax of $1 per barre on beer caused a hustling among the rep rescntatlves of the breweries doing business n this city. From what can be learned on the streets t appears that the council will be prepared to hear complaints from saloon keepers at the adjourned meeting to be held Friday evening and it is thought that In case thi protests are made strong enough a reconsld cratlon of the action taken Tuesday migh be arranged. No one seems to think tha a reduction of more than half the tax 1m posed will be remitted should the council de cldo to take up the matter again. A grea : many saloon keepers appear to be willing to pay an occupation tax of $250 , but as scrt that they cannot stand a tax of $500 , coming BO suddenly and without any inti tuatlon. There are others who insist that the coun ell hi."right to levy this tax unless al classes of business are Included. Just wha this style of protest will amount to remain to bo seen. The city has tried the plan o taxing all branches of business and ha : failed to make collections and It Is hardly probable that such a plan will be consld ered again. Friday night will settle th matter , however , and unlesa Influence o hard luck stories are brought to bear on the city authorities the tax as now on record will have to stand. Denlliiir with Sqnntteri. The scheme proposed by certain city offi cials to lease portions ot the streets and al leys to squatters In order to prevent them from acquiring title to the land by reason of undisputed residence for a period ot ten years will most likely be opposed by a cer tain portion ot the taxpayers. It Is claimed that Just aa long as these squatters are al lowed to remain on city property and pay little or no rent they will not acquire homes of their own. In case the city takes a .firm stand and ejects them H is thought that many would purchase cheap lots In differ ent pirts ot the city and thus become de sirable residents. As it Is now , or would be under the lease system , these squatters would have no taxes to pay and would have no particular Interest In the welfare of the city. It Is more than likely that the coun cil may reconsider Its action In this matter ani order the streets and alleys cleared of all squatters. CnllM for New Sidewalk * . Ordinances have been passed requiring property owners to lay sidewalks In the following streets wlthto thirty days from date and In case the walks are not laid within the prescribed time the city will da fie work and tax 'the cost up against the abutting property : On the east side ot Thirty-ninth street , between Q and W streets ; on the cast sla'e ot Eighteenth street , from Y to Z ; on both sided cf Thirty-second street , frcm Q to R ; on the west side of Twcnty- fiftti street , from 'E to I. Crosswalks have been ordered in on tKe west , north and south sides ot Twenty-third and Q streets and on the alley ou , the north sl'o of Q between Twenty-second ' and Twenty-third streets. The sidewalks en both sided of Q street , between Twenty-third and Twe-nty-sQventh streets have beta ordered repaired. Mlmnurl ( Avenue Sewer Toz. The first 'Installment ' of the [ Missouri arnnu * sener tax Is now due and payable at the ofllce ot the city treasurer. Unless paid dt onof these special taxea will draw Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month from to morrow. While the property owners hero tinve paid up special and perscml "taxes much bettor this year than usual there still re mains quite an" amount to be' collected and Treasurer Uroadwell li figuring on start- Ing1 out a personal tax collector the flrit ot ne-xt week. The city U In Deed ot the money and aa effort will bo made at once to collect all back taxci. Youuir 'Men' * Day. Next Sunday will be jrounz men's t&y al the local Young Mca'a Christian association It being the occasion ot tbo anniversary exer cises. The icaoclatltu will supply speaker ! for tbe morning services in the different churctc * ind two union services will be held In the evening , .one at tte Flr t Prmbjrteriar and tbo other At the Fir -Methodlit church The members of the association Kero art preparaig to organize a bicycle club ani jropoi * to tare a wekly run M MM a arbj point. About thlrtfflof the members ride wheels , and It to th MfcM that * n enthusUs- tie club can bo forme * ! . , Hepnlr * on TwtMtfr-Poarth direct. The paving compwyr has completed I ( a temporary repairs o > T > Twenty-fourth streot. All of the wont hottt'havo been filled and the street Is now ktnftirly good condition. Repairs will have 16 We made again In August or September , Before the guarantee expires and whem ttU.tlmo comes the work will have to bo done thoroughly. It Is thought that the street It row 1s will atoud the travel during th * mummer. Qlcn fleam ot the Drovers' Journal force is on the sick list. Mrs. B. S. Dlmmock , Twenty-fourth anil J streets , U seriously 111. Seven thousand sheep were received at the stock yards yesterday. The King's Daughters meet with Mrs. R. A. Carpenter this afternoon. John Maher , A cooper employed .at Cud- ahy'a , Is dangerously 111 at St. Joseph's hos pital. J. W. McEvoy obtained a permit yertcr- day for a barn at Twenty-third and D streets. James V. Chlzek end Miss Stella Alex ander , both of this city , will bo married May 12. Fourteen lots and five houses and lots must bo sold wltLiIn ten days. Good loca tion. F. J. Pertons. Seven men from the Cudahy office force left here yesterday with the National Guard for the encampment at Lincoln. Graders arc rounding up J street east of Twenty-third street and Twenty-third street at the Intersection ot J street. At ttoo First Methodist church tonight the local camp of Sons of Veterans will give a musical and literary entertainment. C. M. Rich of Knoxall council , Royal Ar canum , was elected grand treasurer at the meeting of the grand council In Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. H. B. Hamll , Eighteenth and Mis souri avenue , will entertain 'the ' Presby terian King's Daughters at her homo Fri day afternoon. It Is expected that George Dunscomb , the new building inspector , will file his bond today , In order 'that It may bo approved by tbo council Friday night. Andy Gallagher , the deputy city treasurer , has given up the idea of raising a company to go to Cuba and whip the Spaniards. Ho says that he found plenty of majors and colonels willing to go , but as he could not Induce any one to enlist as a private the project bad to bo abandoned. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restore to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs , rouids , bron chitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all throat and lung diseases. II.VYUE.V 1IHOS Thing * to Knt. Blood red salmon , per can , T'/fcc ; the fa mous Cream brand flour on wlo Thursday ; 10 pounds white navy beene for 25c ; dairy lunch checee , per can , 7V c ; 2-lb. cans new sugar corn , peas , string beans or Lima bpaus , ceily 5c ; pure corn starch , per package , S'/fcc ; 2-lb. package Quail brand oatmeal , Gc ; 3- Ib. cans yellow California peaches , lOc ; 12 bars standard laundry eoap for 25c ; parlor matcb'es , per package , lOc ; mustard or oil fardlnee , per can , 3c ; large bottle pure tomato - , mate catsup , Sc. BEST SEPERATOR CREAMERY BUTTER , PER LDJ , 17c. SPECIALS IN MEATS. Fresh pork sausage , 7i c ; 3-lb. palls ket tle rendered lard , 24c ; pickled tripe , 3c ; r.alt pork , 5c ; No. Uiams , sugar cured , 8V&2 ; Welner Wurst , 7V4& . Transmlsslsslppl head quarters. LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE. All wool dress pattern for $1.60. All wool novelties , mlxtureo , serges , new , neat de signs , at $1.50 lor 7/yard 'pattern. HAYDEN BROS. A Mnp of Cnbn for Ten Cent * . The Bee is , giving Its subscribcro a chance to keep posted , cn the movements of troops and cruisers by means of Its combination map. The map of Cuba ebows all the towns , rallroado and divisions , while from the map of the West Indies' and .map of the world you can locate Just where the < war ships arc at any time and how far they are from af ferent ports. Cut out a Bee coupon , page 2 , and bring it to The Bee ofllce , Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs. By mall , enclose a coupon and 14 cents. Court * of Forenter * Connollilnte. Court Mondamln , Independent Order of Foresters , went out of existence last night , adjourning sine die after deciding to enter Into a consolidation with. Court Ak-Sar- Ben. The latter court has voted In favor of the move , which was mapped out by a Joint committee from the two courts. Tne two courts will comblncjwlth empty treasuries , It being determined to divide pro rata the cash balance on hand between the charter members. The consolidated court will hold Its first meeting1 to organize and elect officers on next Friday night In the Continental b'.ock. An officer from t'ne state high court will otllclate. It Is proposed to hold a banquet In the near future in calebratlon of the con solidation. The new court has a member ship of about 100. Maps of Cuba at The 'Bee ' ofllce Omaha Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. Mnrrluttc Llcenne * . The follcndns mar.riaso licenses were Is sued yesterday by thei county Judge : No.ira3 ami Address. Age\ William S. Rakeir , Gretna , Neb 31 Estella Itosencrana , Gretna , Neb 2' J. E. Karbach , Omaha 26 Mlnn'xj D. Lehmann , Omaha 22 Ch.iTls A. Johnson , Omaha . 2 ! Blna Anderson , Omaha 30 Fred Cole. , Neb 21 Edna A. Duncan , Omaha IS Helmer L. Holland , Omaha 23 Bnoma A. Kraure , Omaha 0 Jacab J. Hoffman , Omaha. . . , 23 Katherlne Oeldeman , Omaha 22 Patrick H. Tow r , South Omaha 37 Mary A. Huglns , South. Omaha 33 Mnps of Cuba at The Bee ofllcs Omaha- Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. Colorado , L'lnli , Uallforxin Reached quickest via UNION PACIFIC. City ticket ofllce. No. 1302 Farnam street. Get a map of Cuba add get the best and most complete. The Bee's combination map of Cuba , the West Indies and of the world With a Bee map coupon , on page 2 , 10 cents , at Bee ofllce , Omaha , iSouth Omaha or-Coun cil Bluffs. By maiU If cents. ' " " " " nuo > . NOONAN EJward , aaed 31 years , at resl- denoj of his brother , , i Andruw Noonun. 120j Arbor street. Funeral Thursday , April 2S at 0 a. m. 'from < 6l : Patrick's church Fourteenth and < Jast llar streets , to St ( Mary's cemetery. LYNCH P. J. , aped M years , at his resi dence , 1940 SouI'nTwentieth street. Mr Lynch was conncotMllwIth tire Union Pa- clllc Railway company ; for fifteen years as engineer. Funeralmotlce later. A rune I * M cntJuwor TAHTAH powocn CREAM BAWNfi WWDffl Aw ntod Hl h * t .Honor , , World's Pair * ( Md Mwtal , Midwinter F ir uf srxmn IIAMUKKHCIIIKKS. Today the < lrentet Handkerchief Rule thnt Kver Took I'lnce. J1OUOHT PROM U. 3. CUSTOM HOITSIK. 20,000 dozen Imported hmdkcrchlcfs bought from > the New York custom house , they have boon displayed In our front show window for the past four days and will go on sale at 3V4c. 6c. lOc and IBo each. Lot No. 1 At 3Hc each. Ladles' flt.l genta' haniVkcrchlcfs In plain white , fancy bordered and drawn thread hemstitched ; north up to IGc each , go at 3V4c. Lot No. 2 at 6c. Ladles' pure Irish linen hemstitched handkerchiefs , gents' finest quality India lawn and sheer cotton hem- stltchoJ handkerchiefs , made In all widths of hems , white and colored borders , worth upto 26c each. 'Lot ' No. 3 at lOc each. Ladles' pure llne-n hiiv.lkeroh.lefB , with hand embroidered corners , hand drawn thread hemstitched and many styles of hacidsomcly embroidered swlss handkerchiefs , also men's Japonctto silk Initial and , union linen handkerchiefs , all go at lOc each ; worth up to 3&c. C5C HANDICBIIOHIBF3 AT ICC. All the highest grade , finest Imported Swiss anJ hand embroidered Ibicn lace edged effects. Laalcs' and goats' fine Irish linen hemstitched handkerchiefs go on one largo bargain square at 15c each ; worth CGc. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. 16th and Douglas Sts. Two Trill M * Ilnlly to Denver and Colorado points via Union Pacific. Only line running two trains dally to Wyoming , Utah , California and Puget Sound points. Call at City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnam C. Maps of Cuba.-at The 'Bee ' ofllce Omaha Cmi'wll Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page. 2. ' 50 Ladies' Cents Shift Cents 75 Waists $1.00 Each You'll find the beet Shirt Waists and the beet aEsortment at Scofleld's. Every Waist s selected with regard to Us wearing and washable qualities as well as for beauty. Ours arc the beat fitting , too. Wo have those that cost more ttan u dollar It you want them. See our Belts at 60c. Linen Collar , lOc. Cuffs , 16o pair. Veilings , 25c. -Iberty - Silk Boas , ? 1-GO. Colored Petticoats , 11.25. Silk Petticoats , $5.00. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS- best quality and best styles for the money In Omctia. ; SCQFIELD CLDAK&SUITGO , PRESCRIPTIONS This Is a SPECIALTY of ours-not be- caus ; 'we say so but for the ) reason that our stcck of chemicals , pharmaceutical ! iml rare , drugs nnd our force of tr.ilne'l prescription clerka makes It possible for use : o compound a larg'e number of prtscrlp- : lens each < lav. CUT DRUG PRICES. Hlra'a Root Be r 14o Boring's Inhaler TOc Thompson's Cherry Phosphate. 14c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab'ets 32o i'alne's Celery Compund Coc lood'H SursarMfllla. Olc Monnn'a Talcum Powder lie Stereo's T"avorit'3 ' Prescription C2c Jhlchester's Pennyroyal Pills fl.49 Ml Ids' Preparations 74c Electric Bitters 29c Malted Milk 3Sc , 7Jc , W.CO Duffy Malt Whl'ksy Kc ) Blrney'a Catarrh Powder 35c Ballntlne's Remedies 14c Laxative- Brome Qulnlnia ' . . . 14c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 7Sc Tarr.uit'B Seltzer Aperient TJC Uambert's Llsterino G5c Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic GOc WRITK FOIl CATALOGUE. Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go 1513 DODGE ST. OMAHA , NEB. ALL iPEOPLE iWANT IGOOD HEALTH. | You may have a course of medical treatment for CUKABLE DISEASES of all kinds at the JS&epard Medical Institute * * New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. ODCPI A I TICQ Catarrh , Deaf- artulALI ItOnesB and all . Diseases of the Lung * . Stomach , Kidneys , Nerves and lllood. liefer- ence , by permission , to 6,000 cured patients. The largest medical ofllccs _ and practice In the west. The Omaha Bee , leading dally , says : "The Bhep- ard Medical Institute IH entirely rdla- a ble In a professional and business way. Dr. Shcpard and his associates have gained end fully maintained a leading- reputation in the treatment . of chronic diseases. The public may safely trust them. " VA/BITF F ° r testimonials from VV n I I L ministers , teachers , busl- ness men , farmers , etc. , tolling how they were cured at homo through the o Mall System. DMntf "The New Treatment ; DUVJlX How It Cures , " Is sent free. to all who write. It is a clean medical work for the whole family to read . and In of great value to all who seek better health. Book and Consultation Blanks sent free to all Inquirers. _ Medicines sent everywhere. Stuto your case and Bend for opinion and lowest terms. Charges low. Con- tatlon free , personally or by letter. * WANTED AT ONCE 1,500 Small Horses . . .and. , . 500 Pack Mules. SAM R. JONES , Quartermaster , U. S. A. OMAHA , NEB. Bee , April Jl > out WeltsBee The \volt on a shoo is the part where the sole IB joined to the upper nnd it IB the solo point i a IOQ that has undergone radical changes in the last twen ty years. Twenty years ago all welts had to bo sowed - ed by hand. A fellow named Goodyear thought hand work was top slow to suit him and ho invented n machine which imitated hand work eo closely that it took an expert to tell the difference. Even today in fake stores and bankrupt stocks and "yellow" shoe shops shoes in the Goodyear welts are offered for hand sewed. While a Goodyear welt is equal to hand sowed it doesn't make a shoe wear. In order to get good wear the stock has got to bo good. There is no better shoo on earth for the mon ey than our Goodyear welt at $2.50. It is made from specially selected stock. There are plenty of Good year welts sold for less money , but the difference is in the stock , not in the welt. We sell other welted shoes at $1.25 , § 1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 , but they are not _ Goodyear welts and they will not wear like our Goodyear welts. We want your shoo money and we will give you good value for it , but wo won't lie to get it and AVO won't sell you a $2,00 shoo for $2.50 even if it has a Goodyear welt. Some mighty poor shoes are made with a Goodyear welt. i r PIANOS t . . . . . . . . .1-- . Chickering , Steinway , Fischer. 20 MORE , DIFFERENT MAKES. - AT STRICTLY , POPULAR PRICES' New pianos for rent. Hayden Bros Oft NEW McCREW * IS TUB ONLY SPECIALIST WHO THEAT8 ALL Private Diseases MEN ONLY 0 Yean Experience. 10 Yearn In Omaha. COLLAR Boole Kroo. Consult * . tlon Free. Box 700 , ot 14th and Famun BU. OMAHA. NEB. \V M nh the Exposition With FLAGS nnil IH-vurntiaiiH. Why Xot YonT If anything alia your Skin , Scalp , Complexion or Hair , cull on or write UermntoloKUt JOHN OMAHA TENT AND RUBBER GO , H. WOODIIIIIIY , 127 Went 4M nt. , New York. , Consultation free ; charges mcdt-ratc. Ure Wood- Mfgrs. of Tents , Awnings bury's racial Heap , Kaclal Cream. Facial Pow der anil Dental Cream , roM erywliere , 2io and . . . 1311 Furnuin St Flags each. Book on Dermatology free. Slranuc ! The licndllne * "War on The capture prlt-OK , " "Wur on coiniirtltlnn , " "SlniiKliter the IilKh price * enemy" of anil n tliiiii niul nnil one mich other a \\ur relic * have not n > et been men lumber schooner tioned in any locnl nilvertlnenient nml mark you the nar In on for and the neurly 117 hour * . MlrntiKe too thnt the capture of n jT/2 u n derln g lumber m-liooui-r nnd the flrlnir of Morro Cimde. nnd other neb horrible echoes of thlnir" < lld not'even nffee.t the price ot a. Hliiirle' pnlr of Cloodyear welt Morro Castle's hoeH. Wonderful. - < 2uud > ear writ-American calf lioc _ 1(12.1:5 ( here. Mqoner pay fU.5O mid lit < iu n hlirh polUhed veneer bench didn't even while you try 'em on ? Very-nell , If you nre not particularly latereiled affect In trrnml r .ee , cuiue here and ave a quarter. Oar .irrand line of fa.RO linen are . the price of eaully Identified with any or all f5.OO hoe * nold everywhere. Kverythlnv Goodyear black calf tan ilcl kid tan Hu lan _ ox blood viol or flu lan . Welted Shoes chocolate vlcl KuMlon or fcanca- roe coffee brown of vlcl kid , and oh , ye * aliuimt forgotten , ' the black still vlcl. There In the Harvard , Yale , IloMlon , Manhattan eoln toei , cuitom & 2.5O elsewhere cnp , new cap , kid apper * , fancy np- per * . Matin upper * . and but The * um and * abtanee of thl * * bee nrKument | Imply thl * a fft.OO pair lit * liuc * for If thece * hoe don't wear equal with any V5.OO hoe , look to n * for rectlMcatloB. We either Klve > ou n new pair or In any other manner rlelit the wrong to your otlfnetlon. Olio thluar certain yon will Mot be toldi "What lu the devil ao yea ex- peetl" You lulubt expect that l M here. tore that cure * for your Money aaly. Different here.