THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUKSDAY , APRIL 28 , 1898. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM 1QWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS- MINOR MENTION. Trr Mocro'n stock food. Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlara block. Audiences go wild over Farland. Dr. Green , office 612 Fourth itreet. Jersey Cream flour. Dartcl & Miller. Dr. Urown. dentist , room 301. Merrlara blk. Wanted , a girl for general housework , at 1702 Cth avc. For rent , C-room house , good location and repair. Address 921 High it. Kncampmcnt No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , nd ladles' auxiliary No. 17 will meet to night. Wanted Gentleman stenographer for trav eling position. Call Land Is hotel , Council Bluffs. Wanted , competent girl for general house work. Call at Mrs. Charles Haas between 0 and 10 a. m. The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine work both for color tnd finish. 620 Pearl itreet. Phone 230. Wanted Competent girl for general house work ; good wages ; no children. Apply Mrs. W. 3. Dlmmock , 210 So. 7th street. 0. W. Stelnman , who has been serving as night cle > k at the Murray hotel In Omah/i , spending a few week's > acatlon at the Grand. Don't you thln'i It must be a pretty good ItilnJry that can plfa o o many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 721 Broidway. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran c < iurch meets this after noon at the residence of Mts. S. S. Stake , C22 Mynstcr street. The members of the Monday Night club the Wednesday Night club and the Cotillion club will men together on this evening at Chambers' academy. Clyde Ljons , who has been connected with the Ileno establishment for a year and a half , has entered the employ of Camp Brothers , to learn the drug business. It 1 reported ttut Fred Klmbalt , formerly a resident of ills city , died recently In a ( tanltarlum at lilnglamton , N. Y. , where ho had gone for medical treatment. Floyd Cbatfleld , arrested for tlio burglary or J. A. Murray's planing mill and the destruction of several hundred dollars' worth of line machinery to secure a email amount of braes fittings .which ho eold , has been held to tde grand jury. Mrs. Donjamln Tlnncl of Lewis township died at the residence of her father , A. J. Olshop , from pneumonia , on Tuesday night , aged 25 years. Funeral from residence this mottling at S o'clock. The body will bo taken to Loveland , la. , for Interment. County Superintendent Sawyer returned yesterday from Chicago , where he waa called to bid adieu to his BOO Dernc , wuo has enlisted In the First Illinois Infantry and gone to the front. The young man gave tip a flno position and a good salary to enlist no a private poldlcr. The park commissioners have had plans drawn for a now band stand In Falrmount park. The new structure will bo erccteJ at once and the present handsome little building tliat has been uecd for that pur pose will bo moved Into Itio horseshoe on the west side of the park. Tonight the Prlngleo will produce "Tho Heart of Virginia , " a play that will bo seen for Ido first time on the stage. The. com pany has been giving a goad performance every night , and the piece this evening will doubtlces bo up to the standard. War bul letins will be read as usual from tue stage. The American Equal Suffrage association will conduct a county conference In this city beginning at 2:30 : today. The meeting * Trill be held In the First Baptist church. Prominent woniqn from abroad will bo Inat , tendance. Tbo manager la Mlsa Laura Grlggs , and she la a well known organizer. ( Mrs. Martha D. Conine of Colorado will deliver an address at 8 p. m. Prof. Clifford of Des Mollies , the newly- elected principal of the Council Bluffo High echool , wae In the city yesterday and spent the day wltb Prof. Hayden at the High echool. He expressed himself as favorably impressed with what he saw of his new field of work. Institute engagements will keep him during the early part of the sum mer , but In August ho expects to take up bis residence In this city. It was expected that Governor Shaw would come to Council Bluffs yesterday to confer with Judge Reed and others concerning the formation of the Second Iowa battery. An effort has been made to have this battery organized hero. Judge Reed has been par ticularly active In this movement , and has been In ifrcqucnt correspondence with the governor. Governor Shaw only came as far as Dcnlson yesterday , and returned to Dca Molnes latt evening. There are excellent chances In sight for the formation of this comreny In Coucll Bluffs , and Judge Heed And others are receiving all of the encour agement possible. C. B. Vluva Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 tnd 2 to 5. Health book ( urnUhed. 826-32T-3-:8 Merrlim block. Money to loan on city property , Klnn * . N. T. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Benefit for the Guard * . It has been arranged between Manager Bowcn , the Prlnglcs , and a committee of cltl- cens , that during the rest of the engagement of the Prlngles at the Dnhany theater , 25 per cent of the gross receipts of each per formance will go as a benefit to the Dodge Light Guard. Thin will Include the play to night , Friday night , Saturday matinee and evening , and Sunday night. This will cer tainly bo the meana of turning a neat little Bum Into the fund already started for that purpose. Yesterday a soliciting committee secured about $50 from the business men for the guard. The money Is to buy extras and delicacies not furnished by the government. The Urnnrt There will be a grand rush when the ex position opens and Council Bluffs should be looking her best. Put your house In shape by giving It a frceh coat of paint. Select your colors and then come to us and get your paints and oils. The material you buy at our house Is the beat to bo bad. Our paints will last , so that you need not wa to money every year or so by repainting , as will bo the case if you lite poor material. Wo have the most extensive paint house In the city and you arc euro to bo suited. Council UUlffs Paint. Oil and Glass com pany , Masonic block. See the old maids' convention , or old maids made over , by Unity Guild in Chambers' hall , May 5. Tickets , Including dancing , 25c. Kent Kutnte Traimfcr * . The following transfers are reported from the title and loan olllco of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : J. J. Stewart and wife to Louisa II. Itenner. o 00 feet of nVi of lot 11 , lilock 17 , nnyllss' 1st add , w d $ CM Catle M. TcHlcl and husband to S. W. Helchurt , w 62 feet of lots 1 and 2 , block 18. Ncola , w d BOO Daniel Francis Flynn to Fred Else- bush , eVi nwW. wu w % nctf. nett BwVi. wVS nwV4 sett 21-76-41 , w d 6,503 Three transfer ! , total J7.C50 MENERAY BROS. NURSERYMEN , Of Crescent City are here In Council Bluff * nd Omaha with tfaclr One line of fruit trees , rape vkice , etc. , ana 11 kloiU of fine shade tree * , flowering shrubs and rose * . Their sale groundo are located at 615 Eaet Broad way , Council duffs , nd on Farnarn street , ne block weit of Twentieth itreet , Omaha , where you will be , waited on at all times with pleasure. We sell all gooda very cheap and guarantee * ! l goods Orst-clas * . Omaha > , 1 2U | Council ! , UU. COUNTY CONTROLS THE FUND Supervisors Beach a Decision Begirding Bead Tax Expenditures , COUNTRY ROADS TO BE IMPROVED City Oot the Ileneflt of the Better HlRhvrn ) H , but CountUonrd Will Direct the NcceiBar ? Expenditure. The Board of Supervisors yesterday reached a conclusion concerning the disposal that Is to bo made of the county road fund tax to be collected this year from the levy upon city property. There was a determination to resist the demands of the city council for the control of the fuad which was crystallized Into a resolution apportioning all of the tax collected from the city to the road district presided over by Colcnel Baker. Thla In cludes four townships Kane and three ad joining the city. The road tax to be paid. by the balance of the townships was equally divided among the other four supervisors. The limit of the amount to be expended by them up to the first of Juno was fixed at $2,400. At the last meeting of the city council a committee was appointed to confer with the board concerning thlJ matter , and It was ex pected that the commutes would show up yesterday. The resolution was not adopted until toward the close of the session for the day , and the board considers this to bo sufficient evidence of the fact that no dis courtesy war ; Intended to bo shown the council. Colonel Baker , In discussing the expenditure of this tax , declares that It la Ills desire and that of the board to u&o It for the conatructon of good roads leading Into the city. Thla will Include some work on Lower Broadway and the roado leading Into the city from the north acid south. It Is hla purpose to put the Manaua road Into. good repair acid build a permanent roadway along the river north of the city. The board also parsed a resolution con cerning the macadam on Lower Broadway , which the members Inspected ID connection with a committee from the council. Tlio resolution simply Instructs the city council to require the fulfillment of the contract of Mr. Wtckbam , and throwing the wbolo re sponsibility upon the city council. The board will hold another brief session today and will then adjourn until June. A 1IUSY WEEK At the IloMon Store. Shrewd buycis are taking advantage of thla week's offering. A new prlco on all our Dreas Goodi. C5c Fancy Drees Goods at 17c. 35c Fancy Dress Goods at 21c. BOc Silk and Wool Checked Suitings , 32c. C5o and G9c Novelties ut 47c. 75c Novelties at COc. The beat afsortmcnt of Fancy Silks ever shown In the city. Over 200 exclusive otyles Waist patterns at prices special for this sale. Wash Silk at GOc , 39c and 33c. China and Foulard Silk at 39c and 50e. Heavy Novelty Silks at COc , 75c , 85o and $1.00 a yard. Complete assortment of Chiffons and Lib erty Silks , all the new shades , embroidered Chiffons , double r slnglo width , specials at $1.25 and $1.BO. BOSTON STORE , Fowler. Dick & Walker. Council Bluffs. _ Read premium , offer * inside Domestic Soap wrappers. It's no snap to catch fish at this season of the year unless you go to Sullivan's , 343 Broadway. DISCl'SSIXO ' SCHOOL MATTERS. County Superintendent ! ! ' Convention Hold * nn Interesting Bemlon. A convention of the county superintendents of southwestern Iowa was begun here yes terday and will last two days. It Is at tended by about thirty superintendents and other people interested in educational work. The convention Is for the discussion of mat. ters relating to public school affaire , with cspoclal reference to the application of the new school laws that went Into force with the adoption of the new coJe. State Su perintendent R. C. Barrett Is attending the meetings and leading the legal part of the discussion. Among the questions under dis cussion yesterday was the institute fund. Under the new law this fund Is created by the fees collected for teachers' certificates and $50 allowed by the state. From this fund must be paid all of the expenses of the county Institutes and one of the objects of the dlscuralon yesterday was to determine the wisest methods of expending the fund. Considerable attention was given to the new laws , especially the sections relating to the powers of the directors of sub-districts. Un der the law each township or district Is di vided into nine sub-districts , with a sub- director for each district. Under the old law each of the directors had the power to employ the teacher who waa to be en gaged for his sub-district , but now the era. ployment of teachers requires the action of the full township board. The convention held no session yesterday afterncon , but adjourned for the purpose of permitting the delegates to visit the exposi tion grounds. An evening session was held. Among the most prominent school men pres ent are : Superintendent Marsh of Mills county , J. W. Wllkenson of Rlnggold. J. J. McMahon of Carroll , J. B. Shorrat of Shelby and W. T. Arthur of Harrison. Domestic Soap is the best for the laundry. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. P. , Bee office , Council Bluffs. Grover Cleveland has the reputation of being a great fisherman. What a snap held strike if he should happen to drop into Sullivan's Btoro at 343 Broadway. Walker Sent Went. Miss Jessie 'Walker , the young woman who was broucht here from Omaha several weeks ago suffering from mental troubles , has been growing gradually worse , until It has como to be feared that she will be a source of expense for the c-unty. She has j ! been sent to both of the hospitals for treat ment. A few days ago she was < aken from St. Bernard's and returned to the home of M. S. Roop. where her mother Is residing. The unfortunate girl's father lives In San Francisco and the county authorities have been In correspondence with him with a view of Inducing him to provide a homo for her. A favorable response waa received yesterday end the young woman was sent west on one of the afternoon trains. Super visor of the Poor Jackson purchased a ticket for her and her friends put her aboard the train at tbo Omaha depot. I.irutennut Campion' * Salary. Sheriff Morgan yesterday appeared before the Board of Supervisors and requested that the salary of Deputy Sheriff Compton , who has gcae to the front with the Dodge Light Guards as battalion adjutant , be continued for an indefinite period. The eherlff an nounced that the place would be held open for him until the close of the war or In formation was received of hi * death. He In formed the board that hla reque-tt did not carry any extra cost to the county for the reason that the work would be done by the other deputies and himself. The reque t was granted , and Lieutenant Compton'e sal ary will be paid to hla wife on each payday for the Immediate future. Trying1 to Save Judge Keenmn. The greater part of the time of Judge Smith In the district court yesterday was consumed In hearing the argument * of the attorney ! on motion for a new trial In "t cue of Ute State against Judge c. S. Kecaan of Page county. Judge Kcetwn Is a prominent lawyer and politician of Page county. He has been a consistent repub lican until last fall , when he strajed la to the popullit camp and ran things to cult himself. Ho mode a particular vindictive campaign and some of the candidates on the other tickets were attacked In a meat un merciful mamer. One of his victims waa H. E , Deaten , republican candidate for county superintendent of public Instruction. When the abuse reached Us height Deaten had KeeiMU arrested on a charge of criminal lltol. Ho wai Indicted , and at the last term of the district court was tried and convicted. In support of the motion for a rehearing a large number of affidavits were presented tending to Impeach the character of the state's witnesses. The case was taken under advisement. Peterson & Scheming have Just received a carload of dining room chairs and placed them on gale In their large etore In the Merrlam block. Their display of leather couches and chairs to extraordinarily fine and should be ccen to be appreciated. In baby carriages tlicy have as large a line to select from as ever displayed In Council Bluffs. Ono thing they take pride In and that Is no other firm can quote lower prices on tbo fame grade of goods. When you want anything In the furniture or hardware line dcn't forget to visit the big store of Petcrnon & Schoenlng In the Merrlam block. The Spanish don't like fish unless caught out of Spanish waters. The Americans are somewhat different in this respect , as Sulli van , the Meh man , says no one asks him any questions as to where his fish comes from and they are shipped It ) him from all polntn o ! tfio compass. Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean friends. Hqnnl StitTrnirc Conference. Following Is the program for the Potta- wattamlo County Equal Suffrage conference , which meets today : Thursday , 2SO : p. m. Work conference : subject , "Membership ; " prayer ; Introduc tory remarks bv manager , Jllss Laura Grogs : paper , "What Good Has Resulted from Woman Suffrage ? " by D. C. nioomer ; paper , "S'nould Women Voters Servo on Juries ? " by Miss Hattle Slead ; discussion ; collection. Evenlnp , 8 O'clock Opening exercises : ad dress by Mrs. 'Maltha ' U. Connie of Colorado rado ; collection. Save your Domestic Soap wrappers. Whcro Is the organ on the building ? Which number is Borictus' Mualc House ? Is 323 Broadway not well located ? Hoffmayr's tonc > patent flour make * the best and moot bread. Ask your grocer for It. Silver teaspoons still go with Domestic Soap. IOWA lUM'UllMmX CONVENTION. Called to Meet nt Dnlimine ThnrMilny , Srittemher 1. DUBUQUB , la. , April 27. H. G. McMll- Un , chairman of the republican otate com mittee , has itsued a call for the state con vention , to be held to Dubuque , Thursday , September 1. There will be 1,220 delegates. The convention will nominate candidates for secretary of state , treasurer , auditor , judge of the supreme court , reporter of the su preme court , attorney general and two rail road commissioner , one of the latter to flll vacancy. Thcro will be delegates from the counties In the western part of 'the ' ttato as follows : Adalr , 10 ; Adams , 9 ; Audubon , 8 ; Carroll , 10 ; Cass , 13 ; Crawford , 10 ; Decatur , 12 ; Fre mont , 10 : Greene , 11 ; Guthrie , 11 ; Harrison. 13 ; Ida , 7 ; Mills , 10 ; Monona , 8 ; Montgom ery , 12 ; Pags , 14 ; Pottawattamle , 25 ; Ring- gold , 10 ; Sac , 10 ; Shelby , 10 ; Taylor , 12- Union , 10 ; Woodbury , 21. Itrcelvc "Fatal " Injuries. -MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , April 27. ( Spe cial. ) Late last evening George Chllders. who keeps a restaurant near the depot , returned home drunk and as Is his custom on such occasions proceeded to demonstrate his ability to clean out the house. 'After having accom plished this task he took a fish knife from hla pocket and started for hia eldest daughter , claiming that he would kill her. One of the other girls interfered and received quite a serious cut In the haad. Just at this time one of the boarders , Mike Fltzglbbon by name , came In and attempted to quiet Chllders. Thla he seemed In a fair way to do , when the old man suddenly drew off and drove his knlfo full length Into Fttzglbbon's breast. Fltz glbbon struck Chlldets with his fist and finally floored him , but not until he had re ceived flvo woundo himself. After he had Chllders down he stamped hla bead with hla heavy boots until ho finally fainted from loss of blood. Both men are under the doctor's care and may die before night. Fltzglbbon la rather the wo'se off , with a three and a quarter-inch hole in his left lung. Old Glory Wnn Rallied. BURLINGTON , la. , April 27. ( Special. Telegram. ) Much excitement wan caused In thla city this morning by the refusal of Prin cipal E. Poppc of the public schools to al low the stars and stripes to float from the /school flagstaff. The high grade boys had re. quested that the flag be ralped and when they were refused they utruck from recitations and marched in a body to the office of Director Illlck , who at once wrote an order for the flag to be raised. Waving this order In the air and beating drums and flourishing flags , the boys returned to the echool whore , after corslderable oppo.l'.lcn on the part of the pro- fcpsoro under Poppe , the flag wao raised. The citizens took sides with the boya and se verely condemned Poppe for his actions. The 6. A. R. peat threatened to raise the flag by force and keep a guard over it. Odd Fellow * Celebrate. MISSOURI VALLEY , la. . April 27. ( Spe cial. ) The Missouri Valley lodge of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held a county cele bration hero yesterday In observance of the Ecventy-nlnth anniversary of the order. About 160 visitors were present , representing every ledge in the county. At 10 a. m. the parade was formed and with the band at the head marched to the Methodist church. Hero an address of welcome was given by Past Grand Harris. Past Grand Hugh Chambers of Lake City lodge. No. 330 , was the orator of tbo day. Short speeches were made by Rev. Snyder and Lieutenant Gov ernor Mllllraan. Work was done In both Odd Fellowship and the Rcbekah orders In the afternoon. The day was rcunded out wltb a grand ball in the evening. llornc Thief Captured. LEMARS. la. , April 27. ( Special. ) The sheriff of Plymouth captured McDowell , alias Downs , the man vsfao stole a horse and buggy from Heath's livery barn last Wednes day , at a farm house five miles north of Fonda , on Sunday afternoon Ttie horse and rig were found at a farmhouse near Alia. The thief was arraigned In justice court and waived preliminary examination and was held to the grcad jury which meets next month , in default of $500 bonds. Meetlnir of loivn Undertaker * . MARSHALLTOWN , la. , April 27. ( Spe cial. ) The annual meeting of the lo'tva Fun eral Director's association will be held in this city May 25-6 next. Tbo officers of the association are : F. W. Alexander , president , Conrad ; J. M. Brunnor , vice president , Mt. Plcarant ; Gcorgo P. Beck , Jr , secretary and treasurer , Waterloo ; Fred B. Ncff , assistant secretary , Mt. Verncn. The Iowa assocla. tlon ranks third In membership in the United States. llojn AVant to He Ilraiumer. RED OAK , la. . April 27. ( Special. ) A dls- patch from Springfield , Ilia. , states that Del- bert Taylor and Carl Tonner , 16-year-old boys from Red Oak , la. , arrived there Monday and tendered their eery-tees to Governor John R. Tanner aa drummer boys. Both bojo were bom and reared here and are of good faml lies. Young Tonner Is the ton of L. H. Ton ner , a prosperous jeweler here. Conirretmlonal Convention. DES M01NBS. April 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Seventh district congrejslona convention will be held at Knorvllle , Marlon county , July 27. Edmund Nichols of Perry wa selected by the committee today ai chairman of the convention. Congressman J. A. T. Hull , chairman , ff the military com mittee of the natloualThouso , and W. H. Berry , state senator _ lrom Warren county , arc candidates for thcmomtnatlon. The pop- tillst state central jcqmmittco will meet Tuesday to select time .and place for hold ing the state cbnvcrUloti. The leaders ex pect to carry out fustyrTjhls year again. Odd Fellow * ' HA/WARDEN / , la. , _ ApVll 27.-SpecIal. ( ) Ireton , la. , lodge , Indfwndcnt Order of Odd Follows , united yesterday with Hawardcn ledge In approprlately ' mmemoratlng the annlversarly of Odd Pellowphlp. After a striking street parade orations were delivered at their capacious hall by Hon. W. It. Palmer - ' mer and Mayor L. T. Kenny. O. A. R. drum corps and the Hawarden cornet band added a martial spirit to the occasion. Miner Killed. DES MOINES , April 27. ( Special Tele- gram. ) Joe Hannaday , a miner , was killed in 'the ' western mlno near this city this morning by the caving In of a wall. He was the father of a large family. CARSON , la. , April 27. ( Special. ) Henry Shllder , an old resident and veteran of the war , was found dead by the roadside last Saturday. He had started to walk homo from Avoca at nlght after returning from Oakilooea. I-'n < nl Effect or Hum * . STORY CITY , la. , April 27.-Speclal. ( ) John Erlcson , who was badly burned while trying to put out a fire at tbo residence of John Tweelt , has clnce died of wounds re ceived. lotra ItiiMliipNN Note * . A largo steam flouring mill will bo built In Denlaoa this year. A new brick block , 50x90 feet will bo built by John C. Voorhecs In nlta thle year. The Baptists of Eldora have decided upon building a new church at a cost of about $6,000. Tlio businessmen of Wavcrly have formed a permanent Industrial association to ad vance the Interests of the city. In Ackley , a city of 2,000 people , the Im- metu'3 ' sum of more than $300,000 has been expended for improvements , public and pri vate , during the last flvo years. The treasurer of Cherokee county makfo a good showing on collections for the months of February and 'Match ' , as compared with a year ago. The tax collections for the two months In 1893 were $77,755.25 against $71- 827.65 for the two months In 1897 , a gain of $5,927.60. A bank In Webster City makes a wonder ful statement. In four yeans the dcposlta of the institution have Increased over 100 per cent and at the close or business April 9 , 1898 , the cash on hand woo $112,475.18. The following shows the Increase In deposits : On April 9 , 1894 , the deposits were $152- 046.44 ; April. 1895 , $205,044.67 ; 1896 , $213- 761.85 ; 1897 , $234,791.37 ; 1898 , $306,096.74. lonn PrcKH Comment. Waterloo Courier : Waterloo lias a num ber "of citizens who show their patriotism every day. Whenever they hear that our government has captured another schooner they go and take ono themselves. Ucs Molnes Leader : As a result of the war the Keokuk & Western's southern project seems hung up. jWlth hostilities in progress In Cuban waters and gulf commerce thus disturbed , the nian'agers feel that the time is a poor one to develop a north and south railroad. Sioux City Tribune : \Vhen company B of ' Davenport assembled In It's armory , after the order to get ready was received , C. A. Flcke , an ex-mayor of thafclty , sent the members forty-five boxes of goad cigars. Other citi zens contributed enough , cigars to bring tbo total up to fifty-four boxes. i Get a map of Cuba and get the best and most complete. The' Bee'a combination map of Cuba , the West Indlca and of the world. With a Bee map ccupon , 'on page 2 , 10. cenis , at Bee office , Omaha'South ; Omaha or Coun- all Bluffs. By mall , 14 cents. . , IIVM i\KAL. iMorrlN-CoIlln * . WAHOO , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) Miss Kathcrlne Collins and Mr. H. N. Morris were married at St. John's Episcopal church In this city nt noon today , Rev. Doherty of Omaha officiating. After the ceremony the party Tepalrei to the home of the bride and partook of wedding lunch. They left this aft ernoon for Omaha and from there they will go wet end , spend two weeks In the moun tains. After their return they will make their home in Orcaha. Miss Collins is the eldest daughter of William Collins of this city. Mr. Morris Is a young business man of Chicago. Sergeant Adolpli Sancr-Sclionlan. COLUMBUS , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Tel egram. ) Mr. Adolf Sauer , sergeant of com pany. K , Nebraska National Guards , of this city , and Mire Freda Schonlau were married this evening at 8 o'clack at the residence of the bride's parents , Hon. T. D. Robinson officiating. After the ceremcny a reception and banquet was tendered them at Orpheus liall , of which organization Mr. Sauer was a member. He leaves early in the morning for Lincoln , where he will join his com pany. Fenton-Carr. TECUMSEH , Neb. , AP'H 27. ( Special Tel egram. ) At the borne of the bride's parents hero today occurred the wedding of Mr. Jerry Fenton of Stelnauer and Miss Nora Carr. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Thomas Corcoran In the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. An elaborate wedding dinner was served. Mr. Fenton Is a prominent business man of Stelnauer and his bride one of tbo leading society young women of this city. SiHrwnrt-nennctt. Special Officer Slgwart of the police depart ment wa.3 united in marriage at 7:30 : iutt night to Mrs. Sophia l/cnnett , formerly po lice matron at the Central station. The cere mony was performed at the future home of Captain and Mrs. Slgwart at Thirty-sixth and Jackson streets and was wltnas&oJ by a considerable number of thlr friend ? . Ilenomliintc ConwveKNinnii Warner. PAXTON , 111. , April 27. Vespasian War ner of Clinton wa" nominated today for congress by the republican convention of the Thirteenth district. Warnrr la the pres ent member. The vote was f > 9 for Warner to 39 for John A. Stwllnp of Uloomlngton. "Hpiitembcr the Maine. " The 'Maine ' Is'goncv but there are other war ships In the Get The Bee's nav.yGet splen did portfolios of the .navy for 10 cents a " ' copy. , Movement * of Odenn Vrmicln , April 27. At Rotterdam Arrived Obdam , from New York. jit . r At New York Ajrrlyed Teutonic , from Liverpool ; Bremen froqi Bremen ; Wllhelm II , from Genoa. Sallea Westcrnland , for Antwerp ; jdermanlci/for Liverpool. At Liverpool Ajrjved Majestic , from New York ; Pennland. from Philadelphia. At Queenstown-Sailed Servla , for New York. T . At Cape Henry , Va-HPassed In-Cresden , from Bremen for Baltimore. At Glasgow Arrivad-tEthlopa , from New York. nn I" At 6out'nampton-r-Qelled Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse , for Nr > f ( York. KIMGSFORD'S QSWEGO CORN STARCH N for dainty table t -i t 'JU cotmr is MOW IN SKSSIO * . Trouble. KEY WEST , April 27. The prize court of Inquiry appointed by United State * Judge Locke t Jacksonville en April 24 to odjuxt the questions relating to the captured vcs- cell , met here today. The beard nee pre sided over by W. Dowcn PatteKcn of this city and ttio proceedings were conducted In secret. The flndlnga will not be made public until the cases arc fully disposed of. The Oatallna , captured by the Detroit and valueJ at $4CO,000 , nos the first race to be heard. There la considerable speculation as to what disposition will bo made of the crew cad paesoagera which were aboard the prizes when captured. They number about 230. United States District Attorney Stripling nayn that the crews and passengers arc not prisoners , although the officers are detained < M witnesses before the court. District At torney Stripling waa in communication yc- tcrday with Attorney General Qrlggs , who Informed him that the War department had assumed control of the question and the at torney , general directed that all possible con sideration Edould be shown to the captured Spaniards. ' The CTOHS of the captured vea- Ecls ' have all been offered liberty , but , as many of them are without friends here , they do , not care to land In rt hostile city dcaplto assurances , of protection. They will there fore ] probably be brought ashore here anJ quartered i In barracks under guard of federal troops ' , where rations and all possible com- forta will be provided for them. A report from. Washington , to the effect that the prizes will be returned to Spain has caused keen disappointment among naval men here. GRAHAM IXSI'KCTI.M ! TIIC FOUTS. \CMV I.ookliiK Over the DcfcnHcn nf .Vciv Orlrniin. NEW ORLEANS , April 27. General Graham , commanding the Department of the Gulf , reached here this morning with mem bers of h's staff and went to the St. Charles hotel , where he was met by aides. Last night General Graham telegraphed here ash- Ing that arrangements be made to transport him Immediately to ( he forts down the river. At 10 o'clock today the general. In company with Major Qulnn , In charge of the harbor defeni > en here , nnd accompanied by ceveral military men , left on a special train for the forts. " The Louisiana troops have not yet been mobilized. Although ono regiment has been accepted , Governor Fos'ter has not yet made his selection of the other. The National guard will more than make up the quota asked .for 'Irom thle state. There are also several thouhflnd volunteers anxious to be put In service. The first regiment of In fantry from the Prcetdto , Cal. , comnnndc.l bp Colonel Evan Miles , made a magnificent showing and was enthusiastically cheered when It arrived here , and with swinging ga't marched through the principal streets to the fair grsunde , where they pitched their camp. There wrco 617 men In the com mand and they have been ( several dajs en the road from the west. I'OSTI'O.Via ACTION OX HAWAII. Senator Morgan Cr jN tlio ItniMirtniicc of Annexation. WASHINGTON , April 27. The senate foreign relations committee held its regular weekly meeting today. Senator Morgan urged upon the committee the importance of again taking up the question of annex ing the Hawaiian Islands. He said the Islands were essential to the United States in view of the war with Spain and that no time should bo lost in perfecting the treaty. Other members of the committee expressed the opinion that It vas impracticable to proceed with the question at present. The committee did not act on the nomina tion of Prof. Moore to be llrst assistant secretary of state. Action was postponed until inquiry could bo made into Mr. Moore'a position on some rolnts on International law. EltHOPB MAY FOncn SPAIN TO YIELD lltiNHlnnN Hope to Prevent I.OKMCII to Commerce. ODESSA , April 27. The Russian newspapers - papers largely sympathize with Spain and express the belief that if tbo United States falls to gain a signal naval victory soon , Spain's honor will bo saved and Europe will Insist upon the tatter's capitulation. In or- , dcr to prevent the loss which commerce mustj I suffer through privateering. Enormous quantities of grain have been sold to Spain. HnlNlnir n Itrirlniciit of Frontiersmen. WASHINGTON , April 27. Hon. J. L. Torrey of Wyoming will be given permls- slon by the president to raise one of the Independent regiments provided for In the volunteer army art. Mr. Toirey la a wealthy rancher , but spends the winters In Washington pressing bankruptcy legisla tion. The regiment he will enlist will be composed of frontiersmen who have special qualifications In horsemanship and marks manship. He hag been engaged for several weeks in getting together a number of men to form the regiment and hopes to have them ready so that they may be. among the first to embark for Cuban soil. He will leave for the west to take formal command. Mr. Grlggsby. a warm friend of Senator Kyle , Is seeking permission to raise the third Independent regiment provided for by the volunteer army act and Governor Dates of Alabama talked with the president today regarding the qualification of a southern man , whose name Is not disclosed , is com mander of one of the Independent regi ments. . Shennmlouh In CORK , April 27. The British coasting steamer Klllarney , which arrived here tcday from. Bristol , reports having spoken the I American four-masted ship Shenandoah , Cap tain Murphy , yesterday evening. The Shen. andoah is bound from San Francisco to Liv erpool , and was reported to have been cap tured by the Spaniards. Captain Murphy announced 4hat all wan well on board the Shenandoah. 'BAR ' HARBOR. Me. . April 27. At day break this morning the United States cruiser Minneapolis was sighted at anchor In Pros pect harbor , off this coast , it did not com municate with the shore and put to sea eooa after eunrlse. Steamer > nun * the Illocknde. ( Copyright , 1SOS , by the As-eclated I'rcis. ) HAVANA , April 27. The Spanish coat'tlng steamer Cosmo Herrera , which ran the blockade on Saturday last , it appears Is not the only vessel that has reached this port s'nco the blockade was established , aa the arrival of the steamer Avllez from Neuvltos is also reported. GrnernI MlloH Alinmloiin IIIn Trip. WASHINGTON , April 27. General Miles his abandoned his proposed tour of Inspection of southern military'posts for the present for the rcaeou that he la too busy engaged with matters pertaining ( o the reorganisation of the army under the army reorganisation bill to leave the city at thl * time. On hl recom- mendatlon the lecrctary of war has author ized the purchase of 10,000 canvas uniforms for ute In the Cuban campaign and It Is ex pected they will bo ready for delivery by the time the advance guard Is ready to march on Cuba. I.onklnir for AnirrTerin Slilpx. SOUTHAMPTON , April 27. A Guernsey pilot reports having sighted two Spanish tor pedo boats northeast of the Caskets , and a larco armed ship between Douvrcs rock and Ushant. Ho adds that they were evidently on the lookout for American vessels. War KntlitiNlanin In Porlo Itloo. MADRID , April 27. Dispatches received tody from the governor general of Porto Rtco say the war enthusiasm is Increas ing. Ho odds that two volunteer battalions have been formed for the defense of the colony. 1'IHi : IIKCOIU ) . Stock I'etiH Ilnrn. SIOUX CITY , April 27. ( Special Telegram. ) About fifty of the pens of the Sioux City stock yurds burned this evening. Thty vero situated In the northern part of the yards. The loss Is probably $20.000 , fully tr.cured. twelve or fifteen head of cattle were burned , The yards were well filled at the time with cattle belonging generally to speculators , but they were all driven to pens , removed at a safe distance from the burning prtlon. A sovcro wind waa blowing at the time .Mid the yards were full of hay and litter , but the flro department succeeded in confining the flro within a much smaller limit than nas hoped. The old scale house -was consumed. It was valued at about $1,200. The origin of the fire Is unknown , 'but ' It Is believed tohn\o been caused by tramps smoking around the pens. The loiers of cattle nro C. C. Coutmcl nnd J. E. Becker. The fire will not Interfere with operations at the yards and thu pcni will bo rebuilt at once. The yards are tome dlstanco from the packing house , so they were In no danger. I ) \\clll n Mr HOIINO at Fremont. FREMONT , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Tel egram. ) A' dwelling house belonging to J. G. Smith on West Fifth street was burned early th'ts morning and will prove an al- mcst total loss. The fire caught , It Is sup posed , from n lamp exploding. The houiic was Insured for $600. Loss , $ SOO. The housa was occupied by H. C. Hlncs and his furnl- turo was entirely destroyed. Ho estimates his loss at $1,500 , with $1,000 insurance. I ' Other houses adjoining had a close call , as the flro was under good headway before dis covered. mv.vrii iiuctmu. Old Iinllnn Chief. DECATUR , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) Wn-Chls Ra. an old Indian chief and ono of the present Omaha council , died at his homo on the reservation last night. The obsequies will take place with the usual pomp and ostentation of the tribe. Wa-Chls-Ra was the wealthiest Indian on the reservation , pocsesslng a fat bank account nnd a large herd cf cattle. He was universally liked by the whites and lived to mingle among his palo face brothers. By the Omahas his loss will be felt keenly. AMIIInni HnKt-1 , Sr. COLUMBUS , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Tei- cgram. ) iWllllam Hagel , sr. , died at St. Mary's hcspltal today , aged 07 years. Ha operated one of the flrst grist mills In Col- fax county and has resided here nlmcst con tinuously i.'lnce 1878 , He was a Mason and also belonged to the Odd Follows. lie leaves six children , all living In this city. The remains will bo taken to Schuyler for burial , his wlfo having died there ucveral years ago. Prominent Ury Gooiln Matt. NEW YORK , April 27. < Phll Tcplltz. aged 32 years , senior member of the dry gooda firm of Teplltz , Rosenberg & Co. of Pitta- burg , was suddenly taken 111 In this city today and fell to the sidewalk and explrcj. AVEUKLY PACKING HOUSE OUTPUT. Some Increase in the Movement of JIOKfl. CINCINNATI , April 27. ( Special Tcle- gram. ) Prlco Current says : There Is Dome increase in the movement of hogs the last week. Western packers killed 430,000 , com pared with 393,000 the preceding week and 350,000 last year , making a total of 2,980,000 since March 1 , against 2,385,000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows : 1S9S. 1697. Chicago C95.0CO 970,003 Kansas City 460,000 402(00 Omaha C23.000 190.COJ St. Louis 218,000 188,000 Indianapolis 132.000 84,000 Milwaukee 139,00087.0CO Cincinnati I04.COO 96.COJ Ottumwa 91.00J. 70.000 Sioux City 50,000 27,000 St. Joseim. 70,000 31,030 St. 'Paul ' M.OOO W.OCO PENSIONS FOR WESTERN VETERANS. Survivor * of I.nte War Remembered by the General Government. WASHINGTON. April 27. ( Special. ) Pen sions 'nnve been Issued as follows : Issue of April 15 : Nebraska : Increase Benjamin F. Feather , Wayne , $10 to $12 ; William Russell , Broken Bow , $ to $12. Kelssue Lafayette Shipley , Florence , $8. Reissue and Increase John w. ( Lott. Button , $8 to $10. Original widow , etc. Mary A. Galley , Greenwood , $8 ; Mary T. Scott , Benkelman , $8. Mexican war widows Ann Knowlton , Lincoln , $8. Iowa : Original John J. Rife , Greene , $0 ; " George W. Leonard , Ogden , $8. Additional- Jonathan Crawshaw , Soldiers' Home , Mar- shalltown , $8 to $10. Increase James , ! , . Dun ham. Early , $10 to $12 ; Charlen II. Tur- nenure , Horton , $6 to $8 ; Rlley II. Wolcott , Bedford , $12 to $14 ; John Bojer , Waverly , $ G to $ S ; August Schultz , Davenport , $ G to $12. Original widows , etc. Olive Bailey , Davis City , $ S. Montana : Original Step'nen M. Whltlock , Great Falls , $ S ; . Joseph H. Pearse , Butte South Dakota : Original James 6. Shepard , Cheyenne Falls. $8. Colorado : Oilginal Frederick GIgax , Den ver , $ G. Given Cnrrnnun 11 Chance. FREMONT , O. , April 27-Captaln H. G. Stahl , late of the Third Ohio cavalry nnd who Is an expert swordsman , has sent a c'nnllengo to Lieutenant Carrnnza of the cx-SpanlBh legation to light a duel In place of FUzhuffh Lee and Captain Slgsbee , who have already toeen challenged by Carranza. Nominate a State Ticket. WILLIAMSPORT. Pa. . April 27.-The peo- pie's party held Its state convention hero today and made the following nominations ; Governor , Dr. Silas C. Swallow ; ( secretary 40 Internal affairs. T. H. Ilynder ; conurcssman- at-large , William H. Berry. FREE ADVICE l > y our Physician ami n f REE SAMPLE of our meifluno and a OS pngu Free Hook treating all diseases with 50 excellent ieclpcs are some of tlio ieaaons why yuu etiould w rlto us. 1 Dr , Kay's ' Renovator 1I Curca the very worst cusesof Dyepensla , Couitlpallon , Hcadaclic. Liver nnd 1I I Kidney UUcatcs. He ml for proof of U. We Guarantee It. Wiitc u nliont nil of vour syniptouiK. Dr. Kny'a Itcnovntor U sold by drugclsts , or rcut liy.mull on receipt of price , 25 cent * and Sl.UO. I rWWWWWMWMrWAWWMr Addreit Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( ) Omaha.'Nob. A. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , a Council Bluffs , Iowa. c WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS a Jobbers of A CRACKtttS , NUTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents CHAS. lOo 00 if If you \ vMto loam tlio stnto of th wenthrr , you mimt consult a barome ter. ter.If If you wish to know the ntnte of your hcnltli , your body Is a nnturnl bnromc- for. for.If If you Rccni to Inck energy , nml feel tired , tlicro Is something < < > matter wlth your circulation. If you aw bilious , constipated , dyspeptic - peptic , nervous , you nwl somotlilng to tone up your dljjestlvo orpins. If you fool a Hiiddon cold or chill , boa * In mind It may load to pneumonia. If you fool any or nil of those symp toms , remember that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is the safest and best thlnj : you cnn take to Rot rid of them. There Is no other whiskey llko It , nml nothing else that can possibly take Its place. wins * oTinnu r.r oomot/r DOCTORS Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee < o core npeedllr and e iir a" Nnuvous , ciutoNio 1-HIVATE dlieaiir * of Men and womca. WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Hltfct Emission ! , Lost Manhood , Hy Irocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Oleot , 8yph Illi , Stricture , Piles , Fl.ituU and Rectal Uleiri , Dlabotei. Bright' * Dlseas * cured. Consultation Free. by new method without pain or cuttlnr. Gallon or addrcn wltb itamp. Treatment r mall ifil SEARLES 2 SEARLE& Just nt Relief. Curonl3d ! JNever returns. I will Rludlv n-nil to ny BilTcrrr In npliln frali-d onrclopo fllM : ix prcicrlptlon wltti full rttrrc- llona for a quick , ftMe { cnrofnr 1-ott Mintmod , Micht IOMF . Nc.-ioua Drhllltv. Fmnll Wrnk { nrl . Virlroeelo. rlc , IJ. II.VrUlii. . Mnilo Omirr , Oo IJW , 1MnrshjML MMi. DR. C. GEE WO. WHO is Jiir Ho Is one of the most skillful of Chinese doc. tors , because of hli great knowledge and cures. Having been eight years In tne med ical college of China , ho understands t'no Im mediate action of over E.OOO remedies. With eighteen yearn of ex perience and over eight years of that tlmo In , ; Omaha has given him a reputation backed up by thousands of tes timonials In curing EVEHY CHARACTER of disease , whefnc-r CHRONIC OR OTHER WISE. Dr. C. Gee Wo guarantees n euro in every case or the money will be refund ed. Consultation frre. Bend n two-cent stamp for book and question blanks. Dr. C. Gee Wo. 019 N. 16th St. . Omaha , Neb. DOHANY THEATER. . . . .TONIGHT. . . . ' 'THE HE3RT OF VIRGINIA. " Wonderful Knlelilom-olio Dance. Saturday Afternoon Mntlnce at 2t3O , Prices. 10 : nnj 2)c. NIGHT PRICES ICc , We ami 30e. War news read from the stage an fait as th wire will receUe them. Seats now on sale. Mother * ! .Motlicr * ! ! Mother * ! ! ! Mr . Wlnslow'a Soothlnz By cup tins born nrd or aver (0 years by million * of mothers for their children while teething wilh perfect 3UC- ces. It teethes the child , notions the gn-ni. allays all rain cures wind colic and U thu neit remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by drutrgli'x In every nart of the wcTlJ. lie tuie and asli ( or "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing 'iyrup" and take na other kind. 25 cents n bottle. SPECIAL NOTICES ron SAL.I : AND FOH UINT ny LEONARD Everett , 1C Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , la. : For rent a small farm of 30 acres , 2' ! . mllca from the city. Very reasonable rental. Qood noujx and stable. For rent a house and C acres of land , % of mile from the city limits. Itcntal , J3.00 pr month. Good land In central Nebraska for rent for share of the crop. acres of good land for rent near Honey Creek. Wilt rent on shares. Good house of 10 rooms nnd pne ncro of land , fruit and garden , flno tree * , beautiful location , near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " fet rent for the summer viry rcasonal 1 ? . Good 6-room house for rent at J7.00 per month , near the motor line. Good farm for sale. M mile of Underwooil , Id cres. well lmpro\ed. irplendkl Ltnd. Omaha or Council llluffs property taken In part pay ment. ' splendid bottom farm for sale near Mondumln. Part payment taken In Omaha or Council Bluffs city propeity ; 11,400.00 will be taken la trade. Good farm * ( or rent for the season of ISO } at low rental to responsible parties. acres of land near the city ( or sale. Will take part payment In painting or carpenter work. ' Gardens and farms ( or tale In the best part at western Iowa. Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-Law , II Pearl St. , Council Plurfj , I * DWELLINGS. KllUIT. . "ATl AND QAP.DEI land * ( or Ml * or not. Day A Ilia. H Ptai * tn C