nATAITA TIATT.'V mTTl rr ar A "V AT T1TT. no i ana SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrnnptnvntN for llicno colmnnn will lie tnkcii until t'Jt in. tur the vvcnlnir n n ( I until N p. m. fur the moTttlnir nnil Ntimlny Million * . Ailv < Tllrr , ! > rr < | iii' tliiK n iium- lii'rcil clirrU , run linvc nnuwcr * nil- < lr < - Kuril tit it iiiiniliorcU letter In euro of Tin ? lloc. Animorft HO iiililrrsucil will lie ilrllvrred on iircm-ntittlon uf tlif rlifitk only. Ilium , 1 l-2o it iranl flriit Inncrtlunf Ic n word It ITCH HIT. .VolliltiK tnkcn for I fun I linn "e for the II ml IIIHIT- tlon. Tlirnc advertisement * uiait be rnn con uroti lively. SITUATIONS \V\XTKU. WANTI2R. 1IY MAimtKU MAN , 31 YCA1U4 old , pimltlon | n ofllco ; Rood accountant nnil re ference * . N C , lleo. A7I72V NTr.O. Iiy YOUNG LAmC I'DSITION IN office ixirt of the clny ; experlrncdl Monrirrnphpr ana typewriter. AJdre ? "IV' 1' . O , lie * 176. A T78 2S CANVASSUU3 TO TAKK OKDKUS ; NKW MNB of work ; no heavy Rwils tn curry : talary of commission. C. F , Adams Co. , G2J So. 16th Ht. II- ( 9 BAI.KRMHN TO BKt.t. TOlI.tT JOAI' TO ilralemi ( ICO per month r.ilnry snil vxpennen ; experience unnecessary. Louis Urnit Co. , St. t uK Mo. IJ-M172 , \VANTID : , A ooon , nnuAiu.n. HUSTUNO cnnvn er. Apply to Omaha Anchor Hence Co. . SPa-TO ; N. Kill St. 11-23 * WANTED , WI3 WANT TO n TAUMSH AOKN- den In nvcry city In t'nlted Stalest for our celebrated diatom pant * , wh'oli nre made to .order nA ' 2 0) ) n pair ; liberal commlnilcns pil'l nucntsj write for particular * . ' TlRcr fiirtom I'nnts Manufaclurer , 161 Mil Ave. , Chlcnso , III. IJ-62J 23 W'ANTIJD , AT ONfn. PANTS ANfIJ VKST- maker. Address II , KnwclmumVeit 1'olnt , Neti. 11-M612 JVl'ANTDt ) , ! . - . HAnNHS9MAKiilS ; AT ONCi : : best of wage * . Apply by mall or In person to Iluckstaff llros. Mfg. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. It MTU M , WANTII ) . A iiKi.iAmr. OFFICK nor : MUST be n Rood prnman ; references requ'rfd ; fpnd written application to N 9 , llee. 11-M7C4 A.-HAMHMIN ; TO BKI.T. CIOARS TO DKAI , . er ; rnlary , JWCO to J200.CO pr month end ex penses ! experience unnectusmry ; ptrminent po- union. The De Mora Cigar Co. , Kprlnirt1 ld. O. II-M731 28 * BAI.KSMICN WANTKD TO SP.M. llV fUMPI.K at wholesale nd retail ; cooiln pell nn eight : Salary nnd comm'Fulcn. Adirs.i Centennial Mr * . Co. , 43j 8th Ave. , New York City. IJ-M79I M , \VANTnn , ci.nnK IN rmv oooiw , CI.OTII- Intr nnd shoes ; yoiitiR man upeaklntr German jireferrcd ; please state ace , experience nnd wages expected. N II , care of Or.iaha Dee. IJ-M781 2S HVANTKD , THOHOUGItT.Y COMPHTITNT carpet Kewer , who li experienced In ninnlnp carpet pewlnff machines ; only those who 1m e hnd cxpprlencn In large liousca need apply. AddroflU N 15 , lice. 11-M796 ! 8 % VAN'TKIlI < 'KMAI K II KM' . IfO nillLS FOR AIA KINDS OP WOUK ; J3 TO I * neck. Canadian Olllco. 1222 Uouula" . I C-C51 VANTKD. iXI'KIUiNCK : : IIII. i , 1512 DoiiKlas Kt. C-MOSS 30 VANTKD , A COMI'tTTMNT OIHl , I'OU OEN- cral hourcwork. Mrs. D. II. Cloodrlch. 1117 1'nrk nvonue. C M723 21 \VANTr.n , nnib ron nnNinAi < IIOIISK- ork ; Binall nmlly. 832 S. SSth St. C 7M 23 rou OI-NIIIAI. liottaK- cnM forenm ns Mra K H Tr | > n * "Ic. JMberta IH"ck. 21th & J streets. South OmiKi. j i z"lL. : ! : TTANTED , OIIII * FOIl niNr.nAI : > work. Cnll at once , 1339 California Pt I C 75-23' ooot ) aim , rou ocNniiAi > not'snwoiiic 1800 Oilcaco Ktr. C M7SO 3) OIUIj KOll OKNKUAI. iiousi\vomc niu No. 42d St. C-M788 S0 POU IIRXT IIOUSKS. CIIOICn'IIOtlfiKS AND COTTAOKS AM , OVRU city ; 53 to J75. Fidelity , Ut floor N. Y. l.lfe. D-CCi S. IinNKWA & CO. , IDS N. :5TH ST. D-CW . sTonns. nEMis. PAXTON nt/ici < . D ovj DRTACHHIJ MODKHN 12-UOOM. ALSO 6-ROOV house ; keys nt 2345 Citpltol Ave. Trl. 57i. B. II. Hobwn. D-671 jtovrNG iioitsKHor.D noons ANU PIANO.- ' Om. Vnn & Storage Co. , 15ll'/4 ' Fnrnnm. Tel. 15.3 1J- Sid J AHQB MST/'WCAQCB. 15TH AND UOIKIU. HDI'SK3 , F QAHVIM BHO ? . , 1613 FA''M DOi RENT , TBN-nOOM MODHIIN 11OIJSK , with large , well nlinded Rroundd. John W. Hobblns. ISO ! Farnnm. D 39 FUHNITUHK AND LRA8RHOU ) OK A 10- room modern flat for sale at a bargain. GouU location , rent low , nctnls , I'axton nilDMS11 D-MS11 pnorosmoNs FOU TIIR rt.Acn , mN. . 24th nt. , Including boute , barn nnd three m-ip-i of ground. Apply to W. V Holde.i. c-ire of nrernian-Iyive Co. , 219 S. 16th Bt. D-M77J 10-ItOOlt DnTAClIRD MOUHIIN IIOUSB. N.'Mth St. ; nice yard. A. M , Cowlc , 211 S. 1W St.- T > M773 THC KAST OMAHA LAND COMPANY HAVE a few desirable cottages for rent. Apply to Jj. 8. llttlnes. Kait Omaha D-C20 NO. IO J SO. 30TII AVI5. , 11 ROOMS ; ALL modern , inquire W. D. Mead , Detonc ! hotel , D-779 Ml Foil HR.\'rrunMsiiin IIOOMS. , HOUSKKEKPINO. HIS SOUTH llth St. , E M76i ROOMS HY THK DAY Oil WKBK AT 1 UK Central hotel , IMh nnJ Drxlue Sis. E M3t3 Mi4 MOST DKSinAULK , PIUVATB FAMILY. 1410 Dodg ? . 1M3M M15 HOOM Tit ANSI ENTS. 1701 DOUOUXFl ST. n-JIIIb MIC BOUTII FltONT ROOMS , MODKIIN. I'.SO Harnay it. E-M702 30 FUtlNISIIKD ROOMS ; HOUSnilKCI'INO. 2623 St. Mary's. K-M714 29 FUIINIHIIKD I'Ani.OnS. I'AltlJlU I1KDHOOM , \cry cheap ; board If wished ; private family ; no children. Address M 47 , Dec. K-MT31 1 FIJIlNISIinn IIOOMH FOH IIOtlSKKUni'lN for man nnd wife. Rent taken In Uurd. 719 N 17th K-7c IIV DAY Oil WKKK. 1512 DAVKNI'OIIT. C--M729 S Kl'Il.Vl.SIIKI ) HOOMS AXD HOARD. TIIH THKIintAM , FIUST CL.VSS FAMILY HO- tel. 25th and Dodge Sis. F-673 FOU ItKNT LAROU AND SMALL FIJllNISH. ed rooms. 1816 Chicago St. F 723-M1 * TJICK ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1S24 I1INNKY , F M732 M2 PLKASANT ROOM WITH BOARD ; THAN I'ents. accommodated. 1903 CaplUI avenue. F-M7432S' I'UBASANT IIOOMS. MODBUN ; STRICTLY Ilivt clan board. BSN _ 19th Bt. F-M787 Ml * KOK ItK\T UXFURXISHEU IIOOUS. FOR KKST. ' NICK SOUTH FUONT UNFUn"- nlibeil room * , with bath : Wlthnell block , f. W. Carmlchael , No. 8 , Wlthnell block. Q SCO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 815 SOUTH IJD "si . 0-M7JI TO * VOH HKMT STOHES AND OFFICES. roR nryiT. DESK ROOM IN OROUND FLOOR office , Ue building ; water , steam heat , electrl < llgl.l and janitor service. Apply to Supcrln tendent , Bto bulldlne. 1 1(7 FOR RENT IN TUB HER BUILDINdl On * large corner room , ZJ ttoor , with vault and private office , water , etc. One luree front room , M floor , Jlvldtd Into tw rocas by parti lion ; water , etc. One t large corner room , SJ Door , with vault , v ter , rtc. O front room , divided by partition. U floor. One corner room , with vault. 3d floor. On * Urgq r.vom. 3d flosr , with partition dlvldlnr It into on * larr * room and two smaller private rooms ; water , etc. Two large ground floor rooms , fronting llth 81. with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All thetr rooms are heated with steam , electric ' Uatils. upplled with Arst class Janitor rrlr ; elevator * run day and all nlgbt ; bulldlns ; trlctljr flrtproof Apply to up rlntfnd nt < room IM. , He * balldlnc. I 1M FOR TRACKAGE. TRANSFEniUNa AND Ink room , apply to the Aultman 4k Taylor Machinery Co. . N. B. c r. IU 4k Jacksou PUH KKXT STOIIES .4CVD OFFICES. ( Continued ) 1'AHT OP F1IIST CUSd OIIOCHItY STOJH3 to butcher ; good location , N. 16th. N 12 , llee. I-M7W Ml * Fen itnNT , Tim I.STOHY BU'ICK HUILDINO nt VIC Farnsm St. Ths ! bulldln ? hns a nrcproof ceinsnt bn'ement , water on all floors , gat , etc. Apply nt the office of Th Bee. I 910 AUK.VrS U'A.VTKII. WANTISIJ. AOKNTS TO SKM. ACKTYLUNR gas generators ; tniirt be men of nbllltv nnd Mime means. Acetylene , the light nf the f'ltur * for towns , cities , st.rea , churrhps , halls , fac tories , hotel * , und private rcu'deiro * . AddrMS Omnha Acetylene Gn Co. , IB nnd 1W N. UI.i it. , Omaha. Neb. J M31C MH IU7I.1 A frLIM AN TO 11A N DLK AOnNTa FOR telephone tablet nnd sprinkler ; pays J1W ) a year. Enclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co. . Cleve land. O. J-M7C6 27 * AOKNTS WANTED ; WE WANT ONI : nJircwd , rnrcful man In every ( own to mnke a few thou ind dolors for hlmvlf ( ju'etly nt homo nnd not wcrk hard ; prUnte Instructlcns nnd valuable outfit of new goods sent free. Address Immediately , I' . O. Box 6.10' , Ilislon , Mas * . J-M792 2. > * WANTKU TO MKST. WANTED , TO RENT MODEIIN B , B OR 7- \ room house about June 1st. Address M < 4. Bee. K-M.-.S6 WANTED , TO RKNT MODEIIN HOUSE , 8 Oil 10 roams ; desirably located. W. S. Rector , nt Natl. Hank of Commerce. K M614 WOULD LIKE USB OF I'lANO FOU 2 HOI'IU daily. N 5 , Ufc. K 7.V-2S * WANTED. i.'FITnNISIIED . ' HOUSE DURINO summer. N'7. lice. K .M769 WANTED. A MODERN HOUSE. S OU M roomi , delacheil K i > OTnlbt < ' , In the residence- part of the city. Major F < A. K wrpor. U. B. A. , CIO Be > bldg. K-M77129 * I'ACH'IC STORAOE AND WAHF.HOIJSE Co 908-910 Jonej general storage and forwarding. M-673 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511M FARN'M. THL liij M-C74 WAXTED TO HKCONU-HANI ) BOOKS BOUOHT FOU CASH at the Antiquarian Look store , 1519 Fnrnam pt. . N M775 Mat * CASH FOU 2ND IIAND BOOKS. CKANE. 207 N. 16th. r--MJo ; WANTED , ABOUT 200 YARDS OF DIRT. 1IM No. 19th St. N 619 13 WANTED , EQUITY RESIDENCE TOOt'ERTY. close In. N 8. Bee. N-MTTO ANY ONB WISHINO TO SELL A C1OOD Ul'- right piano may possibly secure cimtomor by addressing Box 403 , Omahn. N M774 Ml * FOR SAI.G FUUXITIIIin. AUCTION ; THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , plctuies , china , etc. , the property of Mr. Frank A. Kemp , will be sold nt 1'Jclllc Storage and Warehouse Co. , 008 Jones street , on Thursday , April TSth , at ten n. m. ; the effects arc unusu ally choice nnd In excellent condition nnd In clude maple , rnahcgany und braF * bed rom fur niture , nlinndrnmp 5Ult of oak plilelnnrit , dining room table and chairs , upholstered couches nnd easy chairs and other furniture , beautiful re- mnrqtie etchings by Thcs. Morgan , Cctenn , King Waltner. Cam i lie Fouce nnd other well known artists , expensive Ilnvlland , Coldport and other china , cut glasi , bric-a-brac and ml'ccllaneous affects. E. E. Athcrton , auctioneer.MCOO MCOO ! S * WELL FUUNISHED SIX-ROOM FLAT. REAsonable - sonable rent ; cheap for cnh. 3171i N. l" > t.St. . 0-721 Ml * ANTIQUE OAK WAUDIIOIIE IN OOOI ) CON- dltlon ; lack of n > cni rearon for Belling : worth IM ; will sell for J2" . Address N 4. lie" . O-751-2S * FOR RALE. FURNITURE. BY S. D. P-ASAD. 513 N. ICth St. : One bed lounce , 2 oak dress ers , 1 oak dining table , C dlnlni ; chairs , 4 rockers , 1 bookcase. O M707 Ml rou SALKMI. CIILAMOUS. HOQ AND roULYRY FENCE ; BETTER THAN wire netting. Fine sindust for tloors. Tel. < VS SOI Diiuglas. Q C73 HOUSE CLIPPINO MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , all itnndnrd makes on hand ; grinding razors , sleara , cuppers ; prompt service. A. L. UndelariJ 0-676 CHICKEN , HOQ AND I WN FENCES : ALL Wlro Works , 14th and Harney. l.CCO.COO NEW BUICK , WITIINELL BROS. & Smith's. Q-M607 HARDMAN PIANOS AT MUELLER'S. 18TH and Fnrnnm. Q M701 30 FOR SALE A NEW 1130 KIMBALL . PIANO for | 32o. Denna Allbery , South Omaha. Q-721 Ml FOR SALE. MY HERD JERSEY BULL "BASII- fiU Duke , " No. 26931 ; round , viperous and handoome ; a pr'xe winner ; age , 4 years ; can not use him In my h < rd any longer , ctherwlse would not dispose of him ; If taken nt once will fell for 165.00. F. B. Kennard , 1410 Hartley St. , Omaha , Q M7 < 2 28 TWO HOLSTEIN BULLS OVDR YEAR OLD. registered and right good ones fit to snow and win In strong company. Turner , 132C : Vi. I4th , Omaha. Q-757. l * GROCERY ICB BOX FOR SALB cheap. C. W. Shrader , Stth and Illcnlo. Q M730 29 * NATIi CASH 'REQiSTBn ; TOTAL ADDER ; little used. 418 N. 16th , Omaha. Q.-777 3 * KLONDIKE EXCURSIONS FOR SPECIAL rates , choice reservations and Information ap ply Johnson-Locke Co. . 809 Home Ins. Bldg. , Chicago. . Q-M789 28 * THE- BATTLESHIP MAINE. KNOT OF BLUE and a ray and 61 other battle songs , with music , postpaid for 10 cents. Omo News Co. , 21 OhlD St. , Chicago , III. Q-MT82 28 * FOR SALE. TEN R.I.P.A.N.S. FOR 5 CRNT3 at druggists ; one gives relief. Q M7S ) MISCELlrANEOCS. FOR RENT ; A BARN AT IM : CASS rT. It Mt09 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. CLEANS cesspools & privy vaults. t > 21 N. 16tn. To' . 1773 R-3II-M1 : * SHRUBBERY AND TREES AT 1717 DOUOLAP Frank 11. Martin , residence < 623 Noulonrd.vf - . -M431 MIC * NEW BRICK AT WITHNELL BROS. ft Smith's yard , 23d and Hickory. Telephone 4in R-iiWC MASSAGC , IIATIIS , ETC. MISS MAYER-CHIROPODIST. MANICURE Scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted student ? 400 I'axton blk. T 312 M13 UVURA EIJ IBON. in N. ICTH ( UPCTA.ItS ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , mas sage. T M53S M1'J MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAOE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth. up stairs. T M713M1 * MME. SMITH. 118 N. 15TH ST. , HOT SPRING and vapor baths. T 759 MI * ' | ( til'KHSOXAT. . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. 348-8 BEE Bide ; physician fonsultatlon or health book free ' U80 BATHS , MASSAGE : MME. POST , 21954 s. imf u 53 : CLOT1IES CLEANED PRESSED AND paired : day or night dress suits for hire P.nlorlutn , N. K. Cor. 14th and Furot.n. Tel 963 U-t81 milSES CLIPPED FOR ONB DOLLAR : ELEc" ' ' * Uccorraack * " SUPERFLUOUS' HAIR , FACE BLEMI8HE3 removed with electricity at Mme. G. Payne's holrdrrsslng and manicure parlors , ll'-sii Knr bach block. U-M34 : MIS * G. R. CRANDALU CITY CONTRACTbR FOR brick sidewalks ; be.t repressed vitrified pav. Ins ; brick used ; tatltfactlon guaranteed. 204 8. llth st. Tel. 817. M583 M3 MOXKV TO LOAX IVKAI. KSTATE. WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. Peter * & Co. . U. a. Nafl Bank Bldg. W-CD4 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL E8- tat * In Omiha. Council Bluffs & South Omaha. W. II. Thomas. Ml Flr t Nat'l. Bank. oSah w-ssi PER CENT CITY AND FARM IJ3\NS Gan'ln Bros. 1S Farnam Bt. \v-tsj 1100,009.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN OV Orst clasa Improved Omiha property , or for bulldlns ; purpose * . Fld.llty Truit eompany. W- " ANTHONY LOAN. * TRUST CO. . 115 N. Y. Ul quick money at low rates for choice farm land * In. ) owa. North * Missouri. Eastern Nebraaka W-4BJ7 LOAN ON IMPROVKD- & UNIMPROVED CITT property. Vf. Farnata flmlth * C * , IM * Fa mam. SUXnV TO LOAX HF.AI , KSTATK. ( D.ntlnned. ) MONEY TO I/JAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real titate , Brennnn-Lote Co. , 211 S. loth. W-6S9 tU rctt CENT MONEY. DEMIS. PAXTON BLK W-C50 1100.00 , J200.00. J3M.O'rniVATE ' > MONEY , ON cne , two , three or five jears time , W. L. ? clby , Ul Board of Trade. W6C J1OXEY TO I.OAX-CIIATTEI.S. J10 TO 110,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FPIINITURE AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAOONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC , - > l lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council ll'uffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you cnn pay the loan off at any time or In any amount ! . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN TO. . 304 South ICth St. TICB OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X GU ! MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE HOLDing - ing permanent position * , with rn-ponslble cm- cern * upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , It. 706 , N. Y. L. bids. X u72 BUSINESS CIIAXCHS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Bank. Y 32 FOR SALE A BARGAIN MY ENTIRE DRUG stock , show rapes , soda fountain nnd coun ters : nlto will rent stare at msonnnlc rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. 1' . nnd Burlington depots. Ernest Stuht , pro prietor , Y 479 I-.OO ) SECURES THIRD INTEREST IN MAN * ufactuilng mall order bus.ness : 23 per rent guaranteed ; If you have the money nnd mein business Imeftlgnte this. M CX , Bee. Y MGOl TO IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SEL ANY R'tFI- ncsa rce Walsh , 119 N. ICth St. Y M748 SO * FOR SALE. A GOOD HARNESS BUSINESS. Address Box 237 , Waverly , Neb. Y--M76) ) 29' CLEAN GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES cheap ; about CO. ' on t'.ip dollar ; mostly new ; must vacate premises ; biggest barsaln rrfered. Apply N 13 , Dee. Y JIIS1 31 * FOR SALiE. ONE-FOl'RTH INTEREST IN well equipped and paying electric light p'ant In good Iowa town ; will resign my position as superintendent In favor of purchaser. Ad ? drcf i N 15 , care Oma'i.l Bee. Y M7S3 Ml * J130 INVESTED ACTUALLY EARNING IS PER cent weekly piollts : rare chanc" : ro stock cr K'ondlke scheme : safe enterprise : control capi tal your.'elf. D. Sloane , 111) St. Paul St. , Bal timore Md. Y M793 28 * J750 CIGAR STORE. BEST LOCATION IN city. Walsh & Co. , 119 N. ICth Bt. Bt.Y Y M799 23 * MAN PARTNER. WITH J3M : good ti.iylnir cnice buslnesi ; r.irn chance. Wnl h & Co. , 119 N. 18th t. Y M79S S * VOH E.VCIIA.VOE. VVARIOU3 PIECES OF PROPERTY AND f.irms In Nebraska to traue tor merchandlM * . Address L 42 l\fc. X MR)1 ICO-ACRE CLEAR FARM NEAR SNOHOMISH. Washington , and ' 3,0,0 (0 In dc.'nu'.ted llrtt mortgages on southwestern Kansas lind , to ex change for Improvel property In Omaha ; pa ty will assume- reasonable amount of Incumbr.mct * . W. L. Selby , 231 Il.ard of Trade. 2-M727 KOH SALE REAL INSTATE. KOUNTZE PUCE BARGAINS. J2.500 , W.7o TO J6.:00. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l. Bank B'ds. RE-CD I FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PROPERTY ; 11USI- nt-ss lot corner. MxlSO ft. . In So. Omaha , p-ncd. Business lot , 60x130 feet , Improved , South Omaha , ftrect pove-1. Tract (54 ( lots ) , S h St. Tract (20 ( lotu ) . SOth St. For partlculai-s apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-C93 NEW , MODEIt : : 5-UOOM CO1TAOB. LAttriE lof , } .WD ca h , bninniB to i.ult. Address Cl S3. Bee. RE GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OU SOUTH OSIMIA. NO\V IS THE TIME TO BUT. Buy nnd Ea eent. . Never before In the history of Omaha hav been such opportunltle * offered to acquire lots or homes nt > cur cwn prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands mucl be satisfied. I give out no lists. If you want to buy 1 will match any prices made by anyone Loti In South Omahn. lots In Omaha , Ion from JIM to } ! . < ) . Houses and lots nnd acre tracts In Douglas county. Any reasonable offer will b favorably cnnfld- cred. Tell me what you want and I will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer 1 will pay regular com missions. I have no agents. New 7 per cent loans , Jl.OOO to J.1,500 , for sale on Improved property. THOS. II. M'CAGUE. Receiver. 103 N IC'.h St. RE-M30 ; HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , also fire Insurance. Ut/mle , Paxton block.RE RE C57 BARGAINS : li-ROOM HOUSE. W. FOUTH MTH St. , rental S1SO.OO per yt-nr ; price , 11.500. 52x122 feet on Cuming street , pays 7 per cent net on J5.SOO. 11 houses nn-1 1 store , rental. $543.00 per year ; pr'ca , 3KO. 44 feet front 3-story brick building , r.ejr 14th and Douglas , rental 12.100.CO pir year ; price , tl2.S . J. N. Frenier , Opp. oil P. C. TiE M14 IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE and whrtt It sol.l Hit It with me anl I will fell It ( If I can ) . If you vlsh to purchase and want a big bargain , look over my list. J. H. Sherwood. 422 New York Life. RR M 414 SIIOHTHAXD AXD TYPli ; WIUTIXG. A. C , VAN BANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND nnd Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Life , offers fie fol lowing advantage * : Individual Instructions by experienced teachers and skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods : touch system of t > p nrl'- Ing If preferred ; participation In actual woik , for which students receive pay ; mon'.hly pnv- merits. . -COS AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH * DOUGLAS 6S9 S'lORT-HAND. UP-TO-DATE. TAUGHT BY court reporters. Boyles' Schoqj , 403-3-7 Bee Md ? 700 iiniciv. WITHNKM , nno a SMITH.PAVINQ. RKWKR liullJlnir.capaclty 100,000 a day25J ; & Hickory t < T l 4U 630 SUMJIEIl HESOHTS. THE JEWETT COTTAGES , GREEN MOUN- taln Falls , Col ? . : a summer hnme In the mountains ; bnutlfiil cottngts , fully fu-n'sVJ , for rent by the season at rearonnhli > rates. Illustrated circulars sent on nppl'cntlon. Ad dress J. II. Jewett. Green , Col3. M5 M3 * PACKED. M. B. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TCL. 1331. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 1TH. 701 SIDEWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCY drlvewcys. G. Ruihart , 214 X 16t.l : 'phone 1195. M810 M4 * TYPEWKITEnS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4.00 PEH MONTH The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Far nam St. ; Tclephono 1284. 707 nitKSSMAKIXO. DRESSMAKING. FAMILIES. 1504 DAV'P-T. U962 MS * EXPOSITION FRONTAGES VOH HEXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXI"OSITION. Ilemlf. Pax ton Blk. 701 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT AMD FURNISH POSITIONS FOR atonocraplwr * free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone , 1JS4. TM 9IEDICAL. LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S KNGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pill * ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; end 4c stamp * for particulars , "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by return mall ; at druggist * . Chlcheater Chemi cal Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. MentionBee. _ JUSTICE OP THE 15KAOB. D. B. HOUCK. JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE. * J Karbach block. HOR8B PASTURE. ALFALFA PAirt-UHK. BOARD FENCES. A. W. rhelj * 4k Boo. m N. V. U Md ; . Tel. 1064. LOST. LADIES' SILVER WATVII IN CIIOWI ) AT depot. Finder return to McCngue Investment Co. nnd rwelve ru ard. Lj .t M784 M * KOtt.MO. FOUND. Pt'RSE , SMALL COIN. Ml 1IRK IlLIXi Found 713-21 ( lOVnitNMKNT i'noro3A"h3 i-bn INDIAN Prpartinont of the Interior , OHlce of Indian Affnlrr , Wnshlnjrton. I ) . C. . M.irch W. 1S3S Stnlid proposals will l received by the Cummliuionir of Indian Affnlrs at Nos. 77- 79 Woostcr turret. New York Cllv , until 1 o'clock p. m. of-Tuefdiy , May 17 , 1S9S. fcr tur- nlMilnjr for ( h ? Indian Srvlc , coffee , siuttr. tp.i , rlw , b.ikiftfe. p'wikr. eoap , groctrlen , b'anketa , wnoltri .A iil cotton Roods , clothing , nntlona , ImU ( inai caps , bets nml shops , ciockcry anilufcnqol uook . HMs must be mmle on Kovernnicnt blanks. SchjJu'cs Rlv- Inij nil ncceswarn Information for bidders will be furnhlieil on nt the In- dlrtn Ofllc ? , Wiu hInBton , 1) . C. , No * . 77-79 Woottcr n\rr\W \ New York City : N3. 1TO2 Slnto ntrevt. CHIe1i o , III. : tbf Gommlswirles of 9uli l ! r4iflsiI > 'lJ'B. ! A. nt Cheyinnp. Ixviv. nworth , Omithn"St. IOUH ! , St. I'.iul nnil San Kranc ! . cai Uio postmnsttrs nt 81oux City. Yanktori , ; Arkansas City. Cnll well. To- pskaVlehltijt ni \ \ Tucson. Blila will Iw op'tiMl at thq.'hotflmid days above slated , nnd bidders rtre lhvltett to , be present nt the opening. , y > \V. ( .A jJONB3 ( , Commlnlonor. vt * l A-27-.May-13 XOTICH. ( Should be retail'DA HA' by nil Interested , ii changes may occur nt nny time. ) Foreign malla for the week ending April 30 , 1SDS , will close ( PP.OMPTLY In nil ci : c ) nt the Gone-mi PostoIIIce ns foio\v. : < : l'AU- CKLS PO3T MAlLf clos ; one hour earlier than closing time shown below : TrnriN-Atlnntic Mulls. THURSDAY At 6 n. m. for BUUOPE per s. a. F. Bismarck , vl.t Cherbourg , South ampton und Hamburg. SATUHDAY At 6SO : n. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , 1'OH- TUQAL. TUKKBV , EOYPT nnil IIKIT- 1SH INDIA , per s. s. La Normandlo , via Havre ( iL-ttrrs for other parts of Europe must ba directed "per La Normumlle" ) ; nt 0:30 : n. m. far EUROPE , per M. s. Utn- lirln , vU CJueenstown ( letters for France , Switzerland , Ita'.y , Spain , Portugal , Tur key , B.ypt und British India must be di rected "per Umhrla" ) ; nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per M. B. Spaarn- dam , via Rotterdam ( lotterH must be di rected "per Sp.iarndam" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for ITALY , per s. a. Kaiser Wllhelm II , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Kaiser Wllhclm II" ) ; nt 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Anchorla , via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Anchorla" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY di rect , per a. s. Thlngvalla ( letters must bo directed "per Thlngvalla" ) . Aficr the c-Iosltiif of the nipplcim-mary tini'E- utlnntlc mills nnmeil Btm-e. sm.j.te. mentary mnIM nn ! opened en Hie plera nf thj Amprluin , innl.h : , iri > nch and Herman Ptran- crs ami remain open ii'itil within > ti nili.ut'-b of the hour of sailing oC eteatno- . for Smith niul Central Ainerlcn , Went Inillcx , iti- . THURSDAY At S n. m. for BERMUDA , per H. s. Trinidad ; at .1 p. m. for JA MAICA , per a. s. Ardanroia ( letters for nellze. Pueiti ) Crtez and Guatemala must bo dlrfcted "per Ardanrose" ) . SATUHDAY At 9'.0 a. m. ( supplementary 10 u. m. ) for L13EWAIID and WIND- WAUD ISLA > rD3 , par s. n. Carlbbce ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10.10 : a. m. ) for HAITI nnd CAnTHAGKN'A , par s. s. Athcs ; at U a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FOHTITN'M ISLAND , JA MAICA anil HA VANILLA , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costn Illca must be directed "per Altai" ) ; at 12 in. ( supplementary 1 p. mi ) for CI3XTRAL A.MKHICA ( except Costa IJlca ) and SOUTH PACIFIC 1'OIITS , r = r F. r. Advance , vl-i Colon ( let ters for Gtiatomala must be directed "per Advance" ) ; at SM : p. m. for NKWFOUND- LAND , per Etca'mcr Irom Njr . Sydney ; at SCO : p. m. for ST. I'lUrtUE-.MJQUi- I.ON , pur iiteamcr from Hallfu : : . Malls for Newfoundland , by rait to Hnllf.ix nnil thembv H'"im-r. ! cn' ! nt tl\l nITlcc ilil ! > ' t S:3D : p. in. Mills tnr Mlqusli-n. hy rail tn Hi- ion ll-.cnra by nl .inivr cinsa it tl s ol ; ! c ilally at S:30 : p. m. Malli for Mcxlo City , nverlniiJ , unlnM p > < c..nlniliircjfi'I ! IM dispatch by Beami ! > r. rlnic ? nt 1'ils ofHce il.i'ly ' nt 3:30 : n. ni.inS:80 p tn. "ric"sUt rfiI : nnll closes at CM'p. ; hi. previous < liy. - TrnhpwVnrlllo > [ nll . Molls for China , Japan ard Hawaii , per s. s. City of loJaneiro ( from San Fran- | ciscc ) , closet hero dally up to April ' 21' nt GCO : ip. m. Mai's for 4he Sotsitty Ii- Iand = > . per Ajhlpt City of Pap.Mtl ( from San Frani'l'co ) ! ! ' close here dal y up to April 21 at'C:3te.D. m. Malta for Hawaii , per s. ? . Kralmilla ( from San FrancUco ) . clos here daIyi | < up to April 25 at 0:30 : p. m. MailfoniAustralia ( excspt West Aus- . _ April . „ „ „ . , . . . . . fcr China atrd Japan ( specially nddreased only ) , per H' . P. Empreis of China ( Ironi Vancouver.clwe ) hei > e dally up to May * 1 at 0-30 to. jn. Malls for China nnd Japan , per . n. Columbia ( from Tacom.i ) close heny/ dally up to May * S at 0:30 : p. in. MaJls for Australia ( ex- cop t those for .Vv'est Australia , which nre forwarded via Burcp ; ) . New Zealand , Ha- wnil. Fiji nntl Simoan Islands , per s. s. Maripona ( from San Francises ) , close here dally up to Mny " 13 nt 7 a. m , . 11 a. m nnd 6:30 p. m. ( or on Arrival nt New Ycrk ' of s. s. Campania with DrltHh malls for Australia ) . TranPaclllo malls nre funvardeil to pjrt of sail ing dilly anil the sohoduli ? of cn ! InR U tir- rar.K" < l on the presumption of tliolr unlnt r- rupteil overland transit. "nrglstereU mVl clo'eit b n. m. prevloun diy. COnNELUJS VAN COTT , Po'tmnstT PoMtofllcc. Nev. Ycrk. N. Y. . April 22 , 1S9S. CHICAGO. HUIILI.VOTON & Burlington tjulncy Hallraad "Tho Hurl- Inston Uoutt" Ticket Ottlw. i(2 Karnam Street. Telephone Route Z'J > . Dcpct. Tenth und Maron Streets. Telephone IM. - Leave. Arrive. , C'nlcago Vcftlbulea Ex. 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am t'hlcjRj Kxire/s | 9:15 : am 4:15 : pm Chto'ao & St. I/ul3 Hx 7:15 : pm 8:10 : am Pacific Junction Local. . ltM : am 5:41 : pm Fast Mall * 2:10 : pm Chicago fc'prcUl . . . . . . . . * i2 : am * HM : pin Dally. * Dally except Sundny. - HI . DUKLINQTON & MISSOl'llI Illver llaCread "The Iui- ! Burlington MntDn lloutc" Ueneial Of- flceM NV. . Corner Tfnt'i nnd Knrr.-m Sitreeti. Ticket Of- Route llcv. 1502 Karnam Street. Telephone - phone 2SO. Depot. Tenth end Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , HaatlnRs anJ Me Cool ; * 8:35 : am 0:33 : nm Lincoln , Denver. Cole rado. Utah. California , Itlack Hills .Montana and I'uget Hound , * 4:35 : pm * 4:03 : pm Lincoln Ixxiil 7fO : pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall 2:55 : pm " 11:40 : am Dcn\er , Colorado , Utah. California nnd PuRet Sound * 11:53 : pm * 11S3 : pm KANSAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH Burlington & Council riluITi Itallroad "T".ie Hurllngton Itoute" Ticket Ottlcc. 1M2 Farnam Route Street. Telephone ! W. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leava. Arrive. Kansas City Day Rx. . 9M : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Might Kx. * 10:00 : pm GSt : > am Dully. JNIO > f PACIFIC "TIIR OVERland - land Route" General OflUea , N , W. Corner Ninth and Fornum Streets. City Ticket Oince. 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone 210. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. 128.Leav Leav * . Arrive. "Tlie Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake western points 8:50 : am 4M5nm The Colorado Special , for Denver and all Colorado polns | . . , . . . ll:55 : pm 7:00 : am Fast mall train ' for Salt Lake , A rhclft ? coast and all > we tern points 11. T 4:33 : pm 7:00 : am Lincoln. Beatrice and . , Stromsbunr Ktprefcs . . " 5:00pm : " 12:50 : pm Fremont , CWmubus- Norfolk. Orand < Island - land and Kearney 433 ; pm Grand Island Kxprexs , , " 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pm Dally. D lly "except Sunday. Council muffs Local Lea\e > , 3:40 : a. m. ; : M > a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. , ' 8:40 : a , m. ; 10:10 . m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 p. th. CJS : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. : 10:05 : p. m. Arrives0 : a. m. : 7:20 : a. m. : 8:33 : a , m. : 11 : > 0 a. m.-S:10 ; : p. m. ; 6:40 : p. m , ; 6:30 : p. m. ; > :06 : p. m. ; 10:45 : p. ) m. OUAIIA * ST. LOUIS RAILROAD , -Omaha. Kansas City & Kast- ern Itallroad "Tho Port Arthur -"Koute Ticket Olflcc. 1415 Far- rfisjm Stnets Telephone , J22. D - j l- Tenth and Macon Streets. , ephone , 12i.r „ , Leave. Arrive. Bt. Lou la Cannpn"llal | Eiprew . ' ' * 4J3pm ltMam : Kama * City & . Qulncy local Tt : 4Mi * :0fpm : Dclljr. R.UMtOADS. IC1I1OAOO * NORTHWESTern - ern Rnltwny C'lty Ticket Of- nre. HOI Fiirnnni Street Tele phone C6I. Depot , Tenth nn < l Mnmm street * . Telephone l Ix-iuo. Arrhe. IM ) light Chlcano Spe cial 7:0) : ) am lliKpm Mlmourl Valley , fllmi * City. Ht. I'xul and Minneapolis 5:4) : nm 13:43 : pm MI'MiuH Valley , Sioux City , . 7:10 : nm 9:03 : pm Dennlmn , Carroll , Wall Isike , from llroadnny , Council llluir * 0:00 : am 8:43 : nm IXiflorn Rxpn > * , Dei Mnlr.rr , Mnrahalltown , Op , : r Ilnpldf , Chlcnno IO:30 : am 4V. : pm Atlnntlr Fljer , Chicago anil Ktirl 4M pm 4:23 pm Fatt Mall , Chicago to Omnha 3:10 : pm MI.'MUH Vnllry , Sioux City , St. 1'aul. Mlnnc- apitlU Umltcil 4:3. : > pm 8 M nm Oma'in-Chlcano Hpeclal. 6:4" : tun 8:30 : nm Dally. Dolly except Hundiy j CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MIN.N13- apclls & Omaha Hnllnny Ocreral Onices. Nehraski 1)1- \ lilon , Flftccntii nnd Welwtfr Streets. Oily Tl krt OllU-e , 1MI t'trnnm Mtrect. Teleplicnc ( SI , Depot , rifteenthwuid Webster Street. * . Tcle- phane 113S. Lo.u-p. Arrh * . Rloux City Aocommoda , 8:50 : am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9 M mil 8 : pm Illulr , Kmer < on , Slnux City , ponca , Hartlr.R- ton a'llloomtlell , . . . 1:03 : pm * * 11:13 : am. Slnux Olty , Mankoln. St. Paul. Minneapolis. . . * 6u : pm 8:20 : am Emrr on PastenKfr , . . . 5:10 : pm 84J ! nm Dally. _ Dally ex.-ept Sundny , Sunday nlv , ' This train itopa nt stations Florence to South Illnlr , Ir.cluilvi' , Hurulays only ; on week dnvs. Houth Illnlr only. rilHMONT. KI.KIIOHN ANI > Mlrtoiirl Vnlicy Railway Qen. tral Olllci'i' , l.'nltp.l Slili-x Nn- tlonal HulMlnif , Southwest - west Coiner Twelfth and , - - ---y-i ftfcti. Tlcktt Olll"c , HOI Pnrniin Sliect. Tclcphono SOI. IVpot , Fif teenth anil Webster Strcotn. Ttlcphone H38. Ij nxc Arrive. Illack Illllt , Denilnnod ami Hot I'prliiK- ' . , . . 3CO : pm 0 00 pm Wyomlnr. Catper nnd OoiiijlRs 3:00 : pin 5:00 : pm HaftlnK' , York. David City , Superior , Orncv.i l.eU'r unJ Hcwnid . . 3:05 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , We t Point and Fremont. . . . 7:30 : nm 10:23 : nm Lincoln , \Vnlios nl Frcmrnt. . . . 7:50 : nm 10:23 : am Fremont lyicnl 7:50 : nm Dally. Dally cxrept Humlny , Sundny only. Dally except Saturday. Daily except Monday. SIOUX CITV * IMCIFIC rtMI.- rjid Otneral Olllccs. Untied ntatii Nctlonal Hank Ilu Id- Ire. HV. . Correr Tv.el thnnt j Fcrnnm Slre'ts. Tick t Oltl-e , I 1-T.I Frrnam Hlre't. Teejlnre' Depot 13lh and Webster Sts. Tcli-phcn : 1438. La\e. Arrhe. Ploux City. Mnnkato , .St. Paul , Minneapolis. * 3M : pm S : 0 am Dclly. HAILHOAD-TICKKT Olllce , I < 13 Fornnm Street. Tole- hone CJ2. L'epot. Tenth snd Mason Streets. Telephone 12 ? . LU.IM > . ArrUc. Canon Hall" ' -1:30 : pin 1.1:10 : am CHICAfJO. MILWAOKRH & FT Pniil HfllUvny Cty TIAci Of fice , 13C4 Farnam Street. Telc- n"icr.c 2S4. Deprt. Terth nnd Mncn 8lr ts. T.Ierhon ! US. Ix".n'e. Arrl\e. Cli C.IBO Llmltel ns. . . . 53 : ' rm 8:03 : am OmMii cnj Ch c.igo U.t. * il:0) : am * 1:50 : pin Dally. Arrl\e. 'j-s and Nelirnska Lir.i Uil * 3:0i : pm 12:5T : rm Kannix flty un 1 St. 1 ouls 1'xrr B < B 10 pm 6:0) : ) am Ncha iM Ixoil * 4Cpn : * 0:13 : am I r.l y. Da ly ( xc'pt Cindcy. CHICAGO. HOCK IFL\N'I ) K 1'arlJ'c IJailroad "Tha Great Rfck Isltnl llouto" Cty Ticket rtUce. 1S23 Fn n.Tn Klrct. Tflephnne 4'.S. Dipol , T nth ard Maion Steots. Tfltfhor.e C29. - . La\ . Arrhe. Ch'cajii anJ St. Paul V.ttltmlsl . . . 4:3J : pm 1M3 pm IjInvCln , Colorado Sp'K' . Putllo , Dcnve. tnJ e-t * 1:3& : pm < : ! > 1 ChlsaRO , Pc Mclnca & Ho k Island * 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantic1 ISxprei" , lor Des Moire } and east- ( rn po.nls , 7:20 : nm 80 : pm Coloiado FlyJr 7CO : pm 0C3 : am Daily. Da'ly ixccpt Sundny. MILLIONS ON MILLIONS. AVnr tin- Mont Cantly Luxury In 'Which ' Any \ntloii Cnii IinlulKc. War la the most costly luxury In xvhleh any nation cm Indulge , ays a London paper. Tfco Btato of the nitlDnal 'd'ebt forms a war tho.-moir.ctcr which , by It ? rapid rise In tlnuo of strife , and Its steady , though sow ! , fall In times of pc.ce , Indicates very clearly iho effect of war/are on natural flnauce. Thus , In the French war that began li > 1732 Ecgl.'rvTs d . ' : t Increased 'to the extent of near ! i $1,500,000,000 , and again during the iXapolconlc wars abcut $1,600,000,000. In the forty years of peace that followed It Oe- creiss1. ! $45R,000.000 , but over $200,000,000 were added during the Crimean war and In dian mutiny. The decrease during the com parative peace that 'Britain ' has enjoyed slnco that time U over $759,000,000 , the debt uow amounting to nearly $3,255,000,000. At the preacr.t tlms every nation Is not only arming Itu sold'c-rs with the newest an' ' most destructive weapons ever devised by man for the slaughter of hla fellow man , at ar > . cnnu&l cccpxndlturc of millions of dollars -Britain alone spending over $200,000,000jer annum but many have already stored up for Immediate use ID the event of war largo Bums o ! mcjiey , amcu-ntlng In some caiies to $35,000.000 or $40.000.000. Such sums 01 these , however , merely ; represent the expendi ture necessary for the Initial operations of an IntenKitlonif campaign. Even In times of peace the bare possibility of war a'-'ils a heavy Item to the taxpayer's yearly bill , iln France the aDiual cost per Inhabitant Is about $4.23. while In Britain ir ? IH only 23 cents less. ' 'Grange ' to aay , the peaceful 'Hollander comes next with $3.73 ; then the warlike German with $2.50. I'i Demrark ever/ man pays $2 25 ; In Ru.ula tndSpain , $2 ; In Austria , Italy and Belgium , $1.75 ; and In Portugal , $1.50 ; while Unlo Sam escapes with the comparatively small outlay of $1 per annum for the maintenance of hU army and -navy. As long as peace endures these sums Just suffice to secure the necnsrar/ efficiency when war breaks out they are wholly Inidoquato. 'What a great war really costs may best be gathered from a snort review of the Bums that have been apcnt In warfare dur ing the last half century. The ccat of tha recent Graeco-Turklsh war cannot bo ac curately onlmated yet , but , even taking the rfiortncss of the campaign Into con sideration. It must be nearly enough to ruin both the nations concerned. The most coetly atrugglo of recent tlmca was the American civil war of 1SG1 , when the outlay of the North amounted to 4,800 million dollar * and that of the south to 2,200 million dollars a total expenditure of no leas than 7,100 million dollars. No Euro pean war within the last fifty years has In curred aud n Immense outlay as this , but the Franco-Prussian war cost , at the lowest estimate , 2,000 million dollars , while the Crimean campaign Involved an expenditure of 1.700 million dollars and the Rueao-Turk- lah war of 1877 over 1.000 million dollars. Three sums represent the can of the great- rat of the world's w rs during the present century , but the 330 million dollars spent by Austria and I'nwala In 1SCC and the 300 million dollars which was the cost of the Italian war of 1859 are not Inconsiderate Items In the great bill of International butchery. Besides these , the Zulu and Afghan ware of 1879 cost about 300 million doUara , while 230 million dollars la 4 small estimate for the various expeditions to Mexico , Mo rocco , Paraguay and Cochln-Chlna. The cmm thus accounted ( or Is over 13,000 million dolalre and the numerous smaller struggles of the last twenty years will easily bring up the total to something like the gigantic amount of 15,000 million dollars , UD which , If divided , would allow about $12.0 to every person on the globe , or rather more than $3,000 to ererjr man , woman nd child In London. So much for the pecuniary cost of war. Cut wtoat about the cost of human lives ? In tbe American civil war , which again bead * tbo black Hat , the northern , states lost About 280,000 mta aod th coutberi flairs 520,000 , n total lo.ta to America of 800,000 liven. The nuso-Turkl h war was , In proportion to the money spent , still more destructive , no fewer than 225,000 turn being slain while the ' Involved , Kranjo-l'rtis-'lan wnr volved the loss of CO.OOO men to the victors end over 150,000 to Uio vanquished. The latter - tor number also represents the total IdM during the Crimean war , while the Italian wnr of 1SS9 nnd the Austrian uar of 1S6C each resulted In the slaughter of 45,000 men. Forty thousand lives wcro sacrificed In the Zulu and Afghan campaigns , while the v.i- rloiia expcdltlc.cs to Mexico , Morocco , Tarn- guay zcid Cochin-China ccat nbout 70,000 n : n , This number brings the up to about 2,200,000 men and the other warn of IOM Importance Increase It to the appalling number of 2,500,000 human lives o- fore > J up to the gel of war. t nn average cent of $6,000 within th ? laU fifty years. A little boy asked fur a bottle o ! "get up In the morning as fast as you can. " the drticclst recognized n household name for "DeV.'llt's Llltlo Early Rlfrs , " and gave him a bottle of tbcso fatuous little pills for constipation , sick headache , liver and stomach ach troubles. Mnps of Cuba at The Ueo office Omaha Couocll Bluffs or 'South ' Omaha. Cut c. coupon from papo 2. Trouble llrtwvni nil Youthful Couple mill ( in Irulo l''nlltvr. Fifteen miles up tht > HacqueUo river from Potsdam. N. Y. . In thb 1 ttle vllagc of South Colton , Is a family rame-d Trim , which Ivts been having Its lUar.e , nf , trouble 1-atoly. The yoiwg son fell In lovq with the pretty daugh ter of a neighbor much ncalnal the Miter's wishes. Notwithstanding the father's op- tosltlcn to the match , young Trim miccee'lpd In seeing the object of hi ? affections often enough to keep her convinced of the strength and sincerity of his passion , and after sev eral motnhs of clandestine courting lie suc ceeded In getting the girl's consent to lis ! plan for nn elopement nnd ir.urr'.iKe. One night he drove to a po'at near the girl's house and found her walling , nccor1'- Ing to appointment. She jumped Into the buggy and they proceeded to the residence of a Justice of the peace , a few miles down the river , when In a few moments the words wore pronounced that made them irnn nnd wife. The Trims then drove to the homo of the bridegroom , and while the youns man went to the barn to st.thlo his horro his wife- en tered the house. Hut the father of the girl had mlssod his child and had fo'.lcnveil In pursuit , and the fates willed that ho should arrive at the Trim place before the young man hid fin ished the later of feeling his faithful beiet and nnktas Mm comfortable for the night. And the father s.olo hla child by force and took her homo without heeding her cries for her husband. Trim heard her , however , but too late to prevent the abduction , nnd hitching up ! is ! horse apaln , he drove at a break-neck spopl to the old Iran's house , where. It U asld , he arrived Just In time to see Ills wife being soundly spiokcd by her Irate papa. Trim drove to the ofllcc of the Justice who had married them and demandel a warrant for his fnthcr-ln-kiw. Then It cnmo out that the brldo wan under 18 years of n c , ftnJ the Justice * Informed the young liiAn that there wns no help for him. Iast Sunday morning the youtiR couple again dUvippeared , tnd as they havot not been found the bride's fnthor has cnusoil the nrre t of the Justice * for i > crforiulns the marrliifio. _ Lord Coltrldgo thought Cook'n Imperial Champaguo the best he over tasleil. Ordered nfteen oieej to provo hla opinion. A Til I 111) TIJIR. S-pt : n i-nnrlnii Tnkcn n YnnnR Wife fix .StirrmMor ( o Ills Mirer , For the third time GcorRo K. While , the wealthy cattleman of Callfcrnto. haa taken _ unto himself a wife. This lime the brldo Is a pretty , young woman not more than ono- thlnr Ms age. Jlo U 72. Ills Hmt wlfo died coon after she married him. Ills second wlfo wa.i hL * nclce. After ft few yearn they found they could not be happy and he let her got a divorce. Wtilto Li a believer In ftplrltuallsm. He consults mediums for advlco on every ven ture he undertake. * . All his business affair * are carried cu under the counsel of th * spirits. The spirits nih-L'cil him to make his third matrimonial venture and the recent wedding was the result. The brldo was Mlw LoulM Began , a'pretty young wunnn living at 310 Tohanm street , San Francisco. She had known her tged suiter but * short tlmcihcn the wedding wai arranged. Hovas nn ardent lover and nn energetic man for hla years. HU beard wa.i kept o shining black with a liberal use of dye , and In the nre of his love he strutted about vJlth all the vigor of a youth. I lie. blazing diamonds and frequent and costlyi presents captivated the young woman. When a wedding troiiasenu was migrated the aged lo\cf lookcil to It and the brldo atood beside him before the m'olstcr In a rustling white allk gown which showed ort her pretty nguro to an advantage the happy groom admiringly appreciated. llov. Dr. Cryor , the pastor of thsVcst - mlcfltcr Presbyterian church , performed the ceremony. MU.t Anna Ilannonas the bridesmaid and KID ir.alil cf hcnor wns Mis * Kato Blphlnston. John 1 * . llog.n , a brother of the bride , supported the groom. Only few d' the friends of the brldo were prcaont at the ceremony. There nas a breakfast after the marrlago had been performed and then Ihu newly in.T.Ticil couple took the train for Loa Angeles. They will remain there for a short time , then take a trip through the eouthern part of the etate cad probably go to Mexico. \VntcIi the .MOVCMU-M : or our .Vary. Everyone wants to watch the movements of our war shirs and , IT. there Is an en gagement , know vliere It takes place. The Bra has a combination map thnt shows the Island of Cuba , 14x21 Inches , the West Indies , 14x21 Inches , and on the reverse sldo a map of the world. 21x2 ! ) Inches. It Is the latest and most complete set of mam published / by Hand , McNally & Co. Cut out n coupon , page 2 , nnd present It with 10 centa at The Bee ofllco. By mall 14 cents. SI/I.\G Til KM UP Prom All y Sbpcr. I I'm sure you care' for Gerald much moro than you do for me. ' , "Well , I like you boat in proportion. He's a head taller than 'you ; m it I do like him most. U's only because there's moro of him. " ' " . 4 L - m , SVI.UPATHKTIC MMC3 OK FUIK\I > S1II1 > . Doe-llghteiJ to make yer acriualntance , Mr. Drlpy ! Have halr-r-rd much , at ye by our mutual friend Drlpplnglll. It is good to meet a roahn in these , ( degenerate time ; ho tells mo ye can drlng wbuslty until yor back teeth or- fairly submalrged ! AVKI.I. NPUIVOS OP THIIia I.OVK. Prom Ally Sloper. "How did you find out that you loved me , durlins ? " "I found myself getting 110(17 rwry time pa called you .to