FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED J11XE 19 , 1S71 O3EAHA , SUXDAT 3IOBXING , APKIL 24 , 189S. SIXGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Ail Overflow of Bargains in SILKS The demand for Silks is great. "We have brought to Omaha the largest stock of Silks ever brought to this Trans- Mississippi country by any house. Here you can get any thing and everything in the way of Silk goods. The finest and newest of Silks are here for you to buy. Values for Monday's ' Selling Which Can Be Matched by None , Changeable Silk for linings . I9c Summer Silks in light colors . 25c Black or white Japanese Silk , extra fine and the kind that wears 50 pieces on sale . 39c Plain Taffeta ? , 24 inch , bright colors . 49c All Silk Plaids and Checks , new , at . 49c \ Plain Dress Silks , all the new colors . 45 c Just received New Bed Taffeta at . 85c Mew Stripes , Checks and Plaids at $1.25 and . 98c New Black Japanese Silks for summer wear now open for your inspection prices 30c , 45c , 49c , 59c , Goc , 69c , 75c , S5c , 89c , 9Sc and . 1.25 Our line of Black Taffeta is complete prices 59c , 05c , 75c , 85c , S9c , 95c , 9Sc and . 1.25 Plain Black Satin Duchesse , all silk , extra value at _ 75c Novelty Black Silks for skirts or dresses , § 1.50 quality 98c Mail orders receive prompt attention roquets for samples attended to when kind and color wanted are plainly stated. JIJ Cashable Summer Goods The biggest variety , the leader in modern prices i Monday we place two cases of Percale on Fale in light and dark colors , checks , plaids , figures and stripes , worth lOc to loc 1 a yard , our price will be. . . " 2 XO LIMIT TO QUANTITY. SO pieces of 32 inch Zephyr Gingham in new plaids , shirting checks and stripes , corded and A plain , absolutely fast colors and worth 25c a yard , 15c our price Five cases of Standard Dress Calicos , light and dark Or. colors There is not a peed , do-irnble Wash Fabric far 1803 that is not shown in thk mammoth cicpni traont : For reat variety in styles kinds of clotii and prices tc. miSt any inclination us. The liiirjrest ranjre of pood. * ensi- qlc nth fabric- 5c. lOc , 12ic and 15e i = hewn in anj Western house. Fine Organdies , W > vcn IVcnch Batistes , Piques in the most approved fclylcs , . Mail orJers gel jirompt attention. Most Astonishing Bargains in Linens. ThouMinds of dollars' worth of L1XEIC.3 gathered from the leading weavers of the wet Id A c 'tnbinatlon ' of bargains such a = Omaha hab never before known. Genuine Turliey T5ed Damirk Monday ! c CO inch Sitter IJlfHchod Austrian Daraa < k , worth -42c } , Monday 2YiC Celebrated Clyde Damask , worth CJe , Monday 5 c ( KMnch Orieu'al Damask , suamnU-od colors , worth 42Jc , Monday Z5C Extra wide Iri-li Damask.7ull bleached , worth 8 ta , Mjnday OOC 70 inch D j'ible Satin Damask ( Nankins U ) match ) , worth 41.23 yard , special price M .nday 75c yard. EXAMINE. Muslin and Sheeting. Note the following prices n i romnants. 4-4 Lrn dale Cambric regular price 3'JJc , Monday 7iC 4-4 extra beavy LL Mu lin , regular price Cc , Monday 3fC 45 inch Pill nv'C * eMu-Hn , rp ula- price lOc , Monday 7tc 4-4 s-pft flni-h Bleached Muslin , regular price Cic. Monday Lrckwood Bli-ached Sheetiny , regular price ISc , Monday Ready to u.-e Bleached Sheets , torn not cut , Monday - Keady to ute Slips , Monday "C Special Monday Sale on White Goods. 34 inch French Organdies regular p icc 2'c , Monday 40 inch Sheer Apron Lawn , regular price 15c , Monday 40 inch Black India Linen , regular piu-e loc , Monday . 7tc Sheer India Linen , regular price lOc , Monday . 5c Warp Welt Piqw , regular price 2jc , Monday . \oc \ Plain Swihs , resrular price tijc Monday . . . \"V . . En li j Ioncioth.30 inches wSde,12 vards in "bolUresular price 5 l. ; > 0Monday MO Special Sale on Towels and Crash. All Linen Cra h 4C Extra Larfro Towels , fancy border 4c Good qua'ity Cotton Huck l c Larpc Size Turkish Towels 7ic Albany Crash at. , 5c All Linen Huck and Glass Towelin , red and blue checks 4c Damask Towels at IQs and | 2iC Flannel and Blanket Department. White- Shaker Flannel 3c { 5c , C { " . Sc and ICcyard. White Woil Flannel 25c , 3"c and oOc yard. White Wool Flannel , cjttonvarp. . 25c. 33c , 3'c , 40c and SOc yard. Whitw Wojl Flannel , silk embroidered , 4 [ c , J3c , C5c and 7oc yard. 10-4 White Crtton Blanket * , 49c pair. 11-4 White Citton Blankets , " 5c pair. 10-4 Gray Cottjn Blankets , 49c , 75c and Sl.CO pair. Comforts ior cot * ! , 4Sc each. Summer Comforts , none better , none as larjje. only Sl. > > 0 each. Bed Comfort * , 73c , $ 1 , I1.2J. S1.50 , Sl.CJ and S2.00. Outing Flannel , 3ic , 5c , Sc and lOc yard. Cotton Flannel , 3ju , f c , Sc and lOc yard. Striped Shirting : and Checked Shirting , 5c , C.Jc . , Sc. lOc and luc yard. Cochec3 4-4 Percale in mill remnants , Sc yard. Mill reran ints of Chaillies and Irish ( Printed ) Lawn , only 2c yard. Mill remnants of Suis5.es In new prlntin- ; . handsome btyles , by the yard onl. lOc , worth 25c. White Bed Spreads. The only house that carrie a line worth speaking cf Is Hayden Bros. , bette known by a preat many as ' 'The Bij ; Store. " White crochet bed spreads , colored spreads MarKeilles , witiu and paten Big Bargains Monday. lie TVnsh VcllR , Monflny nrly Jfc Cur et Ftt-f'f , only l c Cunlnc Irtmr , cnly | Sic 4 yurds Drvfi Illadltic VeUe4t n. only. . . lie Ilandkrrrhlcfs. cml > ( c c ChlfTon IturhoiR. cnly 15- IPc Biltf. only Uc llclls. c-nl- 15 iaaics- Collars , oaly fe lie How Su | > ortfr . only DPc HOK Suj'pnrtJTf , only ti ; tic Iluchlnc. perjard. vnly I' * Iftc Iturbtnc. prr JurJ. only Sir M Huthnc. itr.jL.rd. caly CO.- jml Grdnti Ribbon Sale. No. 4 Satin nibbon. j r yard IH- Nn. & Fotln Hilton , jar } ard c No , 7 Salln JUblon , j.er yard 4- No t Satin niblm. . | * r > ard fc No. II Satin Ribbon , per jard Nt * . IS to ? llk Molir nittmna. j > - jard . IK t-ln-h double-fact-J U > tk fatln Path Rib bon. > ard < c 7-lnrh doublr-farrd til k fcaln Suih HU- bon. > erd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C c An f'rcint line t > t r < inr > ' Rltil-oia , i r j ra. ISj Kancj * liabj * Rll'l nc. fnr > ard 'yc ( " * * M ' jlj by bcilt Think of H' jatdt of Fancy Bat } R b- ben for &c New Veilings. Thf larcc-ft. flittt and ch < "ajFt 1'nt cf YfiS'n1 * In Omaha O-n-d V lllni * le I'aarj j'aln anj ftra-vd VfWnir , l > cr yuJ. Sa. Panry Tuxedo Ntf , jam Sc E riant U Inch chuillelot Vt-iK ytri. Si. The flniftU.rcR. . ) , .rl. lie 1 Books and Stationery. \Ve " Vndis"or . wll "Quo /or 13c. Wo sell "With Piro and Sword" for 70c. We Bell "A. Run * the World" for 7tks- We Kill ' 'The Christian" for $1.23. We rell 100 clemently engraved vi itinsr cards 1. Wo toll bDjks aad statiDnery at dry < ri-Dds not dru ? btaro prices. Carter's Indallible In'c on sals. The regu lar jirice oi thi ink is i"c - During tbe cule we " * 'ill pivo ( retvith each bottle a complete stamping outfit for stamping llccn * , rmndkervhieU , btationcry. etc. j I JUST CONCLUDED A ! SERIES OF HAYDEN SPECIAL PURCASES , HAYDEN At such a sacrifice of profits by manufacturers and import ers desirous of unloading large stocks , that Monday we can offer some Rare Bargain Opportunities in Fine New Goods. It's a pleasure to trade where assortments are greatest and you are ! sure of a suitable selection , and as the values this week are not likely to be duplicated , no lady on economy bent should miss these great sales. The greatest of "Transmississippi Stores" made une qualled purchases for this greatest of Transmississippi years and is making prices fully one-third lower than -similar qualities cost elsewhere. Agents for Ruttcrick Patterns , You get \vliat you want and save and publications monsy ut THE STANDARDS OF HAYDEN BROS. FASHION. Mail orders filled. Clothing Dept. There Is no limit to the guarantee we give you on the clothtag e sell yoa. ETCT suit In the house Is marked In pliin figures. We do a strlctlr one piice business , and that price you will find the lowest between the two oc-eans. We not only carry the arpetst Itae of clothing la the west , but we also carry the great est variety to select from. :3.75 : buys jou a good substan At JS.SO , $9.50. $10 00 we Ehovr tial stilt St to wear any place. the lars < Et line of pure wor sted suits ever seen In Omaha. :5.00 : buys you an absolutely all " "We bave them In regulars , wool suit. Tie best suit ever slime aT.d rtoute and cm fit sold at that price. any thRppJ man. JC.r.0 aa-3 $7.50 We show you . . . . . . . . raUi- * ? * " * best ° ° the over 50 different ! rtjUs o - tailored and the nicest Ec ort- mre' . Cheviots or.d Finer \\'cr- ment of patterns to be foand In tc < J , every thread wool. the city. In Boyp' Long Pants Suits ive &how every etylo on the market. We sell you a gwd strong uit atS2.7o. In bct- er poods , according to qualitv , xve have at S3.23-t3.75 * 3.I5 { 1-1.60 8-5.00 SG.OO and up. At thes-e prices you liave almcfrt an endless line to fcelect from. We ere the pioneers of low prises In Children's Clothing. We BLAZED ths path-way and the tnorroous rats In this depart ment proves that the mothers of this entire community tread that tray. We commence at ffic a suit and go on at J1.25 130 J1GO Jl.7S-n.93 C.j-e.iO-tlT5 and $3 95. buys one ef the bzst suits you ever bought at that price. Extra Values in Men's Furnishings. Jlen's fine colored Shirt * . - lth laundered collars and cuff" , 59c. White unlaundered fhlrts , with reinforced back and front , worth TiOc , at He. Men's Colored Shirts of all kinds , -worth up up to. tLM , at SOc Th ? most complete line cf men's Shirts In Omaha ; all the nt-wes' patterns made are shown here. 1,009 doz. men's fine Bllkallne Handkerchiefs worth in-c , at Sc. Men's black , brown and fancy striped Ho e. 3 pairs for Sc. Mn's fine Sufpcndersworth : : .c , at HH-c Men's worklns shirts , in light and dark colons at 2JC CmO doz. Men's Pine Neckwear , bows , tccks and four-ln-hands , all the nonst stylco and patterns , at Ladies' and Children's Hosiery and Underwear. Ladies' b'ack and tan Esamle s Hose , 5 pairs for 2oc , Ladles' extra fine seamless black and tan Her at c. Children's blcj'cle Hose , double lieel and < oe and knee * In all sizes , I to 9H , at 12 c. Ladles' tJetvele s vests , tworth lOc , at Sc , Ladlet. ' sletveJess vests , worth 35c , at lOc. Ladles' short sleeve vests , worth Xc , at 12'ic. Lidl s' 1U1 ; thread vests , -worth 2c ! , at Sic , Lulies colored t-ilk vests , 'worth ' JLftl , at adc Lafllru fine Esj-p- tlan cotton pants at 2jc Ladles' Sutnmtr CorsetFworth 7ac , at 3 ! < c Ladles' Summer Corsets , wortlh Mtc , at Sjc. Ladles' Cor sets , -north H.OO , at Me. This the Eventful Week. . The flnrt half of ths twitek prices -Bill be cut on Felt Hats to moke room for the opening of Stra-w Hats th * latter half $100 Soft Pelt Hats at . . . . 4 < ic I SIM Soft Tell Hats at . . . . $1.00 IL23 Soft F lt Hats at . . . . 75c I $2.50 Soft FeJt Hat * at . . . . $150 These are our four speda-itles and -we defy compjtltlon Pure Food Bargains. Bret Minnesota Flour , per eack , $ L25. The famous Crcarn Tlour. per sack , $1 23. 10 pounGu nhte navy bescs for 25c. 10 pounds fresh breakfast oats , 25c , 10 pouadj eick granulated cornmcal , ? c. 2 large cans ptachcs lor pUs , on'.y 13c , 3-pound cans yellow free table peaches , ' only lOc. I 3'poun-d cans Bartlett pears worth 15c , ' only lOc. All kinds of plums , egg , gree-a gage , golfltn drop or darawn , large 5-pound cans , The War Is Cn. Buy Your Meats Before Prices Advanc3. No. 1 snsrir cured bims Bologna sausage Pork rausige Bootless him No. 1 Calilornla heirs Cottage barn , sugar cured Summer ezussge per pound He RtaPtbeef , per wa. He' No. 1 usir cuced bacon SUc i3rt ribs , ccra best , per pound 5c Potted ham , per can 43ie 3-lb. cans best lard , anj bread 21c ' 5-lb. cans beft Urd. any brand Z > c 1 10-lb. cans best lard , any brand CSc i Pctrleee lard , per pound D c | ' HAYDEN BROS. | TracsmUskflppl Headquarters , More Big Bargains. Parlor zritctfs ( per pkg. 12 boxrs ) , 10c ; cr Z packiKcc , 3C boi.cs. 7 , " 00 for 2 c. New Susar corn -north lOc psr can far Sc , Eirlj Mte-sea pera. lima beats , ax btar.3. ttring bea s , large CSCE , on ail ? for It. 13 bv sE3i ! r3 launir ; f.oip for -It. New CallfcrnU prune * . 5c. CVc end "He. Ntw Ca llornji p'.achet. CHc , "He. and E 1-Sc. -pounds fcncr ytllcw peacbta far 25c. VtUncli r ! sln * 3c and if. G'.oss s'arch largs 19 ; rackage * for Cc. , Suits Capes Waists LADIHSSARIPLC SUITS-A tre- mcndoui inoA'ement 2.VI all told. Xo two alike. Some h.ous-e fronts ; fome box fronts ; M > me fly fronts ; ; ome hand somely braided. Jackets all silk lined ; r-gnlar rrlcwould be S15.W to POOO. AVe will mark them at l&rs than half jirioes Laflle ' Suits , manufacturuer's price , Ji.60 , our price M'n < 3ay. X > SS. L.idles' FUlf. manufacturer's price , J31.M. cxur price Monday , IT.M. L.idlts' Fult * , manufacturer's price , J17 K . our price londay , I10. < > 5. Ladles' Suits , charming creations. In blafk. navy , tan , all the leading shades of the f eason manufacturer's price { 22 M. price here $12 50. Ladles' b.ack Mohair Dress Skirts at Cr c Ladle < ' Black Brllllantlne Skirts maV-sr'e price $ L50 , at ! i > c. Ladles' Skirts , in black mohair , bril- Jlantln * and strpts maker's price , T3 50. our price , tLftS. 150 san-plcs Ladies' Silk DrfiS Skirts , all the new styles , flounuced taffetas satin and velour. Bayadere stripes. ; llk lined brocadiPorth HB.OO and ESlfl , at H2.50. Special Sale on Jackets and Capes Caps ? , In black fljrured. silk flnirtitd material only 1UO of these very handsooie- Silk . plratfU bac-ks , elc-gantly llne-X at K.S& Ladlfs' SiUt Oap ? pl a'e.d tiacks Je'itd a'l ' t-ver FlUt lined chiffon fen ruche ne-ck of ribbon and lace worth 7.50-at KISS. Ladles' Ca ea. exlra fine quall'y of fillc , richly sllik lined , flab-rately trimaned. tvorth tS , < O , at KidO. IM Sprlnp Jack'Ui In light and dark tan shades , llnrd throughout ith ! Ptrlse tatlnnorth J10..1K ) , at $5.00. Waists Waists Ti larjre'st and roost complete Shin "VValst a artm-ent In the Trdnrrail 's-l' * ! vpl country. Ladies' Shirt Waists , choice selection of patterns , full blouse fronts at . 9c La < 3ies > ' Shirt Waists , In plaids , checks and stripes tasty col- orJnps. detachable c illarsnorth tl.25 , at . 75c Lad'es' Shirt Waists , the greatest selection of patterns you ever saw , 250 dozen 10 select from at . S c Lsdlfs Black Sateen Underskirts at . We l.adl'B' Wrappers , In dark ca'ors .at . 49c Ladles w Lawn Dress ng Sacques , lace trimmed , at . Me Children's Dresses 1 1 percale and gintiiams , at Ibc , 75c J1.03 and. . * . . . . . . . . , . . H.59 Exquisite Millinery on Special Sale. An elegant line of trimmed sailors. Panamas , chips milans , etcin greatest variety at all prices from 4Se to $3 00. Hun dreds of newest Btjl untrlmmed hats , -at Me and upworth from 7T.C up. A grea. sale on children's far.cy belprave hats at CT.C latts.1 fashions. A profusion of flowers in all the approved shades and mat * rial . French violets. 5e bunch ; rofcfs , 35e bunch. The swellen selection In trimmed hat from Paris ml'lln- cr * and the great houjts of the east are on display here. Co-pies c * Ihe leading Pan iin pattern hats , worth 125 to $53 , on sale it H.5Q. 5 0 , J7."pO. and waoa. Hundreds of fathlonably trimmed hats at n.Sis. 12-25 , 12.50 and W. We will be pleased to thow j-ou every style until you are suited. Transmississippi Cheese Department. OMAHA'S FAVORITE. Fine L/unch Chesse. only "H Full Cream Cheese lOc .Wisconsin Full Cream . . . .12Hc ' | Herklmer County Full Cream 124-c Sage Cnerse. only „ ICc Fine Domestic Swiss Cheese He Ohio SnUs , finest madt IGc j ! i Young Americas . . . ISHc | Edam Cheese&e Roquefort Chefe , Imparted , only 45c j ! L Club House , fancy glass jars -Sc Plnrarple Cheese , oaly. . . . . . , 60s i Sap Sago or Green Cheese 5c I Neufchstel , only Sc j i We have the largest and finest Cheec-e de- j ! partiteat in the TraEtmlseUiIppl co-entry and j | the only place where jron-caa get every tlnd of cheese made. Don't fall to attend tHe great Fish Sile ccnimenclns Monday , ubere you can get eiery kind of fish taught. ' Butter These prices are for Meaday only : Choice dairy butter . . . . : . . . . . . 12VC Fancy dairy butter goes' at l < c and . . . . 15c Remember our -fine creamery at oaly 18c The best Separator Creamery made goes at . . . . : . 19c Strictly freii eggs ( n-arrtstcd ) at. . . . 9c Teas and Coffee. Lay In your supply o { tea .aa3 coffees be fore the war tax is put oi ) them. Tancr sundrled Japan , orth 50 : cur prire . . . , , . . . . . . . . 25c Mrrune gunpowder tea. ctea ? 'tor Me. osly . I5c CStice Easl'th brcakfaet tf . only . 25c Bastet- red Japan tea , dellclaui flrlnk . ZZc Whcle Rio coffee , only . lOc Choice Santoes coffee . . . . . . . . .U' c end 15e Plantation Java nd Mocha. . . . . . . . . . . . SSc Golden tlend Java coffee . C. . . 5c Hlr- grade Jtva and Mocha . 29c China Department ; Jurt received ISO cases of Japan , China and fany goods. They consist of cups and saucers , tea pots , sugars , creams , lanterns. Tine China Cups and Saucers " Tnrnnr -worth 7T.C IUIIIUI" Fine China Cups and Saucers I rnw worth tCc - I lu" Fine China Cup * and Saucers Fine China Cupj and Saucers -worth n0 I6c Tine China Cup ? and Saucers -north J1.2J Fine China Oups and Saucers -worth 4-.o Fine China Cup * and Saucers I rnu' at rjnorth Me I IUn Ol Fine China Oups and Saucers Wvrth fiOc IQc Fjne worth China 70c Cup and Saucers etc. , e-tc. Japan Lantern , over 20 000 from 10 Inches to SC Inches long , from 2Hc up to St.c each ; all color ted tbapes. Jl.OO tea pots with ratcnt strainer at 2 c each. 50 : candlesticks at ir > c Jl.OO tugar end creamers at , eoh 27c Crjstal sugar , creamers , spoon holders end butter dish , each SHc Finest line of Jardiniere In the west from 45c up. Plain white cupa and saucers , each , Ic , 2c And . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc P'lia vfclte plates , each , 2c , Sc , and. . . . 4r Hand lemps 9c Base Ball Goods A Complete Line. Bare balls , resu'ar prl"e 5c Sc Base , balls , well sewe-d , regular lOc Sc Bsee bills , borce d.de cover and put up in a. rcrate box , regular 25c 19c Bats , wsgca tongues , regular Me 15 : Catchers' mitt * , made completely of leather , regular 25 ? lOc Catchers' mitts , icad ? of soft , plbble Uzthrr , relnlorcel at thuxb Joint , reg- ulcr 50c ! > c Cttchrrs' mlt'a. palent larlng. face and " Cage'-s o * green , gimbler , olive back end strip , deeply pockete-d ; co'.d every- v.Utre for Jl.OO ; our leader fit 79 : DENBR The leading dress goods house Of tlie West having purchased the entire surplus sprinp stock of one of the Icadlnp mill ? in America at a little less then one-half of it * former prioo we are enabled to pltico on t.alo on Monday morning the greatest value in dress pocxjp ever brought into Omaha Every yard is new and nenor out of the papers not a yard of daina ou poods p j > lP < Pf NmrltjDIT" Gocvl * . In Fhcr- JxrJ clirckt , | iUId . mlxtute * worth 30e prr jard. J1 co In onr lot kt iv c. 15c 160 rilw < ntvr neat , lirlrtt mUlurr * tnfl ch V Henrltttas Cu-titnci r . Jte < juar < l , wtrth TSe. tOc , Sic , all po on Monday at l ! > c 20c lee plpoe of 40-Inch tra h vy Ncttl'i * . all eel tn'xturfi , Irlirht Jl ld , urua ly fola at 4W Jr j-urd. nil ei > Inn thlt sale at C e 25c J c&ftt cf Dr * OcoJ * rre-heJ-all wool S < mell woo ! Xo\flt1f . all vco ] Mlxturrt , Mack mneltli-F. tt wxrthlivni SIte l < r nl KO In une lot at Sic. Tlilt U Uitrifstit bargain of nil. 35c t > f XmtUlr * . In ft.ll wool. tllX an t > ol. all wool firm , lirnrlrtlag , cathrorrrn. all wt > (4 Muck neneltlfn. und JII-MT poll lfor at leu than from & 0e to W > c , all co ' " U > 1 > irrcit i.al * at Uc. 49C 1,000 of brand nfw DrrM Goo4 , emirt * . rllk and wool tnlvturm , all wool roll- turr , DajodtrvK , blurk Jarquard Noirtti * . anil all cow } * KM at about 7 c , In thl > rale at IKw 59c too nW-cr * of Prim Goody In all mlxturrm , Rllk and vool , all wool Mack Jacquard. Sto-rr\ Serrtf. all color * and Murk , llrnrlrttar all rol- err and black , Fold at T.-f te kta. all fo on thli ML ] lit K'C. Our Imported Dress Goods We challenge any house in America to produce as value in imported goods as we will gi ve Monday 75c -.0 plrfpf of rllk mlxturv. illk and wool. German , rrrneh * nd Enpllt-h ccnrrts , ruM'nx-K. ( aid all poods Fold at Irom Me to H 19 , all co on this sale at 7&c. 7&c.98c I\rrj' ro crt In ptock , f\r > - i > rp n In stock , rvtry mixture 'n ' t-tock. that toli up to ll.r * , 111 go on th.t rale at ! < 8r. $1.19 Our rllk warp poplin , our End rh talking oloth , our hlch rrtttf vo\rt.f , our Part * pultlnct and all twit that < cold at from tl i up to U ! > 0 , all ro on thU rile at one price. 11 IS. $1.50 TYe will place : A fultf at frc-n C Hto 7 rardt on one lot that Hold at from JS id to } ( M , at Black dress goods 69c Tor Monday nnlr we 'll fell one ca > e rf I'rlwtlfj-'t ptKidB , ne Just rcceld , manufac tured to M'll at J1W , uli htlf- , co on thn f-alt at Cl-o. 98c We will ell all p'ailct of b'nrk cr > odi > thai nold from fl 10 to II i < > on this sale at Me. $1.69 All our fine Hud I Kb Crtp nn , all our fine Ger man rnponr all our illk xarp jiipllnt. all our rrunrlluF , all our claj worFl'd * . all uur hlch prade no flll4B that ccU from II W ) to 13 00. all to on thig i-ale at II C'J 89c Spec al Fa'e on r\enlnc shadr * Ijin down , all fhadf and l.IncK. wild at from fl 00 to Jl a , all go on Oil * R Ie t t c jieroemixr mat itift-e p-ic * last fir Monday onlj , and no poodt no ] ] to Arn'ttt. a * a tmnt many gwaf are FoU at or btl w coft ] ] o e\tr. v.f will allow a reasonable time for mall orders to our out-of-town cuFtomerF. lut no Mimpleo wnt of al > o\e poodr. Ve will make se lections and if cools are nut satis ac orj we w 1,1 either exchange tlxm or refund the money Monday's Special Wall Paper Sale Xo. 1 White Blanks , regular price ' , : and ll sc end lie ; -nith IS-lnch r.iaded bordr-s. Cc , go at 3'i-c and 4c , 9-.nch Borders at Heavy enaaitl Sn.sh Gilts end Emboffsed , IHc and 2c jard. in 1 gM colors , rcculcr pice 2ric. SOc and 35c , Gilt Partect. reguleriy sold at 9c to lie , at go In tCns s le at 1'Hc , 20c and 2r.c. Cc , 7e , Sc , with 9 and IS-lnch borders. Ingrains In all thadec , at l Uc , 35c tcl Gilts In < 3ark blues , greenc and terra cottas - tas , re-sular price 12K-C , lie , 1'M.c , go at lOc- , Room Moulding HJ-lnch Oik , Pise end Cherry , - - foot. Carriage -black and vcnnlllioa , plats at 40c ; 1-inch fancy Gilts at 3c and ! H..c. quarts at 73s. 1'i-lnc-b fancy colored ct Z * c , 4c ana Ce. Gre n end maroon , pints ot Sif , ' < luarU t Best Ready Mixed Paials , Jl-PO galion ; COc. half gillocs , CJe ; quaru. , SOc , Faints and Brushes l-lmti flit Varnlrh Brurfjcs at Sc ; : > i , EC. 1 Varnish WooJ Stains , u pints , lie. 1-lsch Chlse Vamlsh , lOc. I Eicycle Enamel , ' / , pints. " JOc. 2-inri flat Sldinj ; Brushes , 25c and SOe. I Screen Enamel , pints. S5e , White Wash Heafls at lie and up. J Furniture We are sliowing over forty fine stjles of Iron Be3s , and the prles ranee from J1S-00 down to J2.25. Now about this S2.25 Bed. We ha\e Just received a car load (275) ( ) of these Beds. They ere 4-C vUfle end C-3 IOHR ; they have Intli posts and hea vy brass knobs , being a well made and showy bed and the price is 12. 25. This Is the first time that a full sire heavy Irca bed fccs been offered for f2.23. We lia\e alto 3-C beia at this price. We are shovdng six styles of cobbler real Rockers , in cak or oicbogany finish , at $2.45. Also < nk eta wat Rockers at n.OO. and chair to match at 7Sc. Ixirge A rm Rocker , cane scat ? 1 n. Rattan RocKer. fl 95. We liave eecured toe agency for "Red Cedar Excelsior. " and wben putting away your -winter clothing > ou will find It betted thin m Jj bills. Cellar has E pltisant emell , but a cedar chests ccsts a threat deal of man < > y. YO-J can get thU CeCar Excekior from us at Idc a ball , and you can put It under carp&ts anfl amonj clothing , and It will be far better than anything else In this line. Hotel Furniture Iran Beds Teather Pillows S0o tok Table , 24x24 fl.OO Mcttrtsses . $1.50 Oak Chair 75o 3-plece Suits . $9.50 Oak Rocker $1.09 Grand Carpst and Matting1 Sale The balance ot our grand purchase from the Dabwn flre sale of high grade CarpeU on sale Mcoday. The biggest bargains In Ingrains. Brussels. V "lltons , ArmlnHere , etc. , ever offered. Prices less thin half on perfect goods. Yon may have noticed the thousands of bake of matting unloaded near tbe ICth street entrance. The lact is , we did not have room for them. Tbty were bought t a way do-nn price for spot cash and delhere-d at once 51aday we open them up and show the grandest line ever dis played In Omaha ac-J at prlcta fully oae-thlrd lower tdan any otber Omaha store. In vestigate them. Jewelry Department. GREAT SILVERWARE SALE THIS WEEK. 200 dozen Maltacca plated ( on Keel ) , knives and -fo-ks. The best hotel and restaurant ware ta the market , regular value. 51.50 ; for 12 pieces. . . fc9c 209 dozen combination triple plated knlvej and forks , regular lalue. 12.50 ; per set of 12 pieces H.4S 200 dozen Rogers' 12 d t. knlrefi and ftil.s , for fcet ot C pieces $ 1.15 Rogers Bios. ISt7 knives and forks Krlctly first qualitj ; for tt of 12 pieces J293 Rogers A 1 , Tea Spoons , Ht of C SSc Good silver pcted ! spoons , pet of C . . 25c Rogers A , 1 Table Spoans , for set 6 . J1.20 Rogers nlckle silver Tea Spoons , set C . 29c SOO dozen MilUcca plated Tea Sjiocos , < -aeh Ic Quadruple plated Butter Dishes. Cake Boskets. Syrup Pitchers , Berry dlsLei' . Cream Pitcher * . Sugar Bowls , Spoon Holders , Tea Pots. 0 < er 500 Pieces Regulir value J2.00 and $ : .00 each ; sale pire : rach SSc TOR ONE DAY ONLY. WATCHES. _ Ladieo' 14 kt. polld goiQ U. S. assay Hunting Caw Watches , beautifully engraved , fine Elgin or Waltham works , a regular JS5.00 watch for..TS.50 GentB1 Gold Filled Hunting Ctee Wolch.warranted to vear 20 years , with a fine 17-je-ueled adjustel Elpla or AValtham movement. A regular SIC.03 watch , far J15.75 Ladies' and Gents' Gold filled HuntIng - Ing case Watches , warranted to wear 20 je i s ; tlae Elgin or Woltham worivs. V Tpgular $2000natch for..J10.85 Gent.1' ' Genuine Elgin or Waltham Watch. Elherme cover , stem wind and ict A rcgu'-a- ? C.0 watch for. . J2.SiS We have jest received 500 Acsonla Kern nlnd and set watcbce tte best watch In the world for worklcgmen. It iis durable and reliable. Sale price , each , SSc Fi t c ass Nickel alarm Cloks , rcch. . 5Jc Drug Dept Prices. Scott'i1 KriuVion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CCc A.-i t i xtr&ct * * * * < * ic Prruna . . . . . . TOc Beef Iron i. Wine . tie CtttorU . . . . 2c Smelling Salt * . 10 ? ; Wood bury 'i facial Soap , a cake. 15c Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept. The war Is on In this department. Bur now while jtu can buj cheap. Screen doors J .49 I Screen dear sprint hinges. . 05 Adjustable screen frames , all complete. . 5 I Screen cloth , per square foot .01 Very good rubber hose , coupled up , ptr foot OC9i 100 foot bard wood hose reel 19 Ball rrrinker 4 Hoe IS Rake l&o Spade 47c 'Galvanizednasb , tubs SS i DO-lb. Japaned decorated flour cans 19 | , Solld f-teel I-foot square 49 I Galvanized chamber iialls 21 20-D nails 1.75 S-D nails 1.78 Stoves. Stoves. We hove the Mawa & DavU Stetl. Range bttt on earth like cut , with high ibelf , v.utir front , six boles , large oven , -11 complete fCS.&S V.'e have the Triumph , Economy Steel Ranrc. can fell you a C-hole. high shelf , low uarming closet , large , 19- In. square over , for , 125 ( S Can sell } ou a C-hole cast range , with large 20-ln. oven , worth $15 , for S.S5 Two-Jiuroer tesoline stove , best made. I.W Gasoline ovn. lined .tg js-burner gasoline stove 2.O tA CAR OP REFRIGERATORS JUST RB- j CE1VED , WAY DOW.V-