Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : * SUNDAY , APRIL 24 , 1898.
Anxiety to Move Police Headqnartera
Comes to Sudden Haiti
go Far nil IN Apparent Nothing Han
llrpn Ilecltleil Ahout the Hemet -
mot al from the 1'rcncut to
A'cw Quarter * .
The city officials seem to have fully re-
fovcred from their anxiety to get out of tha
present city Jail quarters. The Dodge
ecliool property has passed Into the possctf-
flon of the city , but so far nothing bos been
done toward fitting up the building for oc-
curancy. It was expected that some action
would bo taken last Tuesday night , but It
was not even mentioned , and oo far as can
bo learned no plans have been decided on.
The councllmen say that something will
probably bo done at the next meeting , bul
none of them have made a sufficient In-
Testlgatlon to determine exactly what Is
necessary to be done before the jail can bo
used. The most expensive Items will bo
for fitting up the cells and putting In u
concrete floor.
Iti Colorado.
President R. C. Jordan of the Hoard of
Kducatlcn has returned from a buslnees trip
to Denver. He sajs that the enthusiasm that
has been aroused In Colorado by the pros
pect of war Is something astonishing as
compared with the more corservatlvo recep
tion of the news In Omahi. When the news
was received that the ultimatum had been
sent to Madrid the city fairly went wild.
The buildings were universally decorated
with fags and bunting and every person on
thu street. . ' wore a small American flag
pinned to his coat lapel. When the troops
left Denver for Mobile the streets looked
like those of Omaha during an Ak-Sar-Hen
parade. The who'.e city was decorated and
illuminated and apparently the entire popu
lation was out to see the soldiers off. Nearly
every one carried flowers to throw at the
troops , and as they inarched to the train
they literally walked over a carpet of flowen' .
The same spirit was In evidence In the
smaller towns and American and Cuban
flags were fluttering all along the route from
Denver to Omaha.
Mortnllty StullKtle * .
The following births and deaths were re
ported at the health office during the twenty.
four hours ending at noon ycoterday :
DlftCc Richard Ohlsen , 1215 Williams
street , girl ; Ileecher Hlgby , 2137 Harney
street , boy ; Daniel Murphy , 1150 North Six
teenth street , boy ; I'hllllp Handshuch , Fort
Omaha , girl ; William Woac , 2914 South Seven
teenth street , boy ; Jthn IJarth , 290G South
Seventeenth street , girl ; James Brown , 920
North Twenty-eighth avenue , girl ,
Deaths James C. Iletts , 52 , 1210 Capitol
fivenue , cancelof stomach , Forest Lawn ;
Dr. J. F. Larimer , 62 , 1012 South Twenty-
ninth street , Forest LawnMlchael ; Elfmann ,
CO , 1107 Cas strcel. Laurel Hill ; Fred Ne
ville , 4 months , 2015 I'lnkney street , Forest
Lawn ; Marltz Haswltz , SO , 1910 , Farnam
street. Pleasant Hill ; Mr . .Maggie Flynn , 44 ,
1GOS North Eighteenth street , heart disease ,
Holy Sepulcher.
Work cm tin Wheel Path.
The street department has a gang of men
nt work on the Florence bicycle path , and In
a few dijs It will be In perfect condition
for wheeling. A little black illi't Is being
worked Into the cinders with a harrow , and
when thlo la finished the five-ton roller will
be put on and the surface rolled as hard and
smooth us the top ot a billiard table.
Iliinil IIUM-i-M Hold OIT.
City Treasurer Edwnrds has wlreJ W. J.
Hajes & Sons that they have been awarded
the $09,500 paving bonds on their bid of $ ] , -
417 premium , but so far no reply has been
Leonard Hartson , whu has just accepted a
position as stenographer under Secretary
Lcog In Washington , ijarned shorthand of
H. 1) ) . Iloylcs , who conducts a school In The
Bco building.
Attention .A. O. V. W.
The members of Union Pacific lodge , No.
17 , arc requested to attend the funeral of
Brother E. C. Lane , which will be held from
lila late residence In South Omaha today at
2:30 : p. m. 'Meet ' at the lodge room of No.
CC , Twenty-alxth and N ttrcets , South Omaha
at 1:30. : By order of the lojge. H. D. Mil
ler , M. W. ; H. Ylngllng , Recorder.
Engagement and wedding rings at A.
Matvlclberg s. Leadlnc Jeweler. 16 & Farnam. IjCIDO.
A reward of $200 will bo paid for the ar
rest and conviction of the parties who robbed
a conductor of this company at the west
terminal of the Park line , on the night ol
April 21&t , by the undersigned.
P A X'Y.
April 23 , 1SOS.
Reaches , bed bugs , moths , etc. , cannot live
where Peerless Bug Killer Is used. Cheap ,
easy to use and effective. Nonpo'sonous.
25c at all druggists and grocers. Mfre. Gco.
H. Leo Co. , City ; Tel. S38.
Samuel Burns. 1318 Farram street , Is BellIng -
Ing a beautiful hand-painted soup set 1 }
Pisces , $1.00.
Xiid-M from the Coin-In.
The Moorish village Injunction case waste
to have come up before Judge Scott , but
as the parties were not ready for trial , the
hearing went over until Mcrvlay morning.
Tlertha Hayc * seeks a divorce from her
husband , Robert Ilayce , alleging failure to
Kannit Young has sued her husband ,
Gcorgo W. Young , and asks the court to
dlsio'.vo their marriage. She alleges deser
Coiormlit , l.lili , California
Reached quickest via
City ticket ofilce. No. 1302 Farnara street.
Ireland In Pictures bound oy A. I. Root ,
printer , 1C09 Howu-d street.
Two cartloads of "Stylish" Columbus traps
Just received with and without rubber tire
the latest. Just the thinIn which to take
your frlendo to the Exposition. Come early
and get flrst choice. LININGER & MET-
CALF COMPANY. Wholesale Warehouse ,
Sixth and Pacific streets , ono block from the
cast end of iho Harnoy Btreet car line.
to Chicago and the East
Denver and West , Kan
sas City and the South.
. 't802 ' FHNAM ST
J , . HIVNOLD * , ? A T.
IVIint In llrlnK Untie to Jloilnce tin
Ilurilrn of Debt.
Two yearn ago Bishop Scannell ot the dlo-
cera of Omaha assigned to Ilov. Stephen F.
Carroll the task of providing means for the
eupport of St. Jamca * Orphanage at Dcneon.
The Institution waaa burdened with a largo
debt. The ordinary Income barely paid run
ning expenses and o florin KB of charitable
pcoplo were reduced under the utrres of hard
times. At the same time there wuo a steady
Increase In the number of orphans and the
glstcra In charge were sorely preened for
means ( or their support and to meet their
debt obligations , Kritlier Carroll assumed
the responsibility without misgiving as to
resultf , being confident that the charitably
dlvposed would cheerfully respond to a call
for help for homeless and parentlcss chil
dren , Hcsults thus far Justify his confidence.
In his second annual report FVither Carroll
shows that the current expenses of the or
phanage have been met , various necessary
Improvements made and a balance left In
the treasury for the current year. The re
ceipts for the year ending March 19 were
$ G,371.S5 , ; disbursements , 4,912.05 ; balance ,
| 1,459.SO.
This Income wes secured by organization
aad personal solicitation. St. Vincent unlonp
were formed In various parishes of the dlo-
cceo. Each member of the union agreed to
pay his or her mlto monthly and directors
wera appointed to collect t > hc subscription.
From this source $1,509.60 was secured for
the fiscal year. Annual collections In the
churches of the dlocewj Increase the Income
materially. The greater source of revenue
Is llfo membership In the union , ccotlng $25.
Several hundred arc already enrolled and
Father Carroll hopes to double the number
this year.
Father Carroll started on his Demi-annual
tour of the diocese last week and will bo at
Wayne today. Ho Intends devoting his en
ergies to llfo memberships and looks for
ward confidently to an early reduction of the
debt of $40,000 , which now devours much of
the substance of the orphanage.
"It Is by no means a pleasant task , " pays
Father Carroll In hla report , "that the neces
sities of tlicso children force un to the duty
of requesting a most liberal assistance. As
uo much depends on the zeal and goodwill
of the clergy and laity , the call Is made en
them to do all they possibly can. It Is a
blcMcd work In which wo are engaged. It
fulfill : ) some of the most touching of the
spiritual and corporal works of mercy to
Instruct the ignorant to feed the hungry
to clothe the naked to harbor the harbor-
Ices and all this Is done In the name of
Him who haw said that not oven the gift of
a cup of water given In His name shall go
unrewarded , and Who has also said that sa
often as wo did It to one of these Hlo least
brethren wo did It unto Him. Charity Is
like the gentle dews of heaven. It blesses
him who gives , no less than him who re
ceives. "
Men Meiitloiipil to Siireccil A. ! *
Tukcj' , Who littlriH. .
Th term of A. I' . Tukcy as a member ot the
Hoard of 1'ubllc Conimlsaloneifl will expire
on the second ( Tuesday In May , when his suc
cessor will bu named by the judges of the
; llstrlct court. While the office carries no
salary , there has never been any lack ot
candidates for the position and there arc
already several Individuals who are willing to
step Into Mr. Tukcy's official shoes. Guy C.
llarton 1ms been prominently mentioned for
the position and Is slid to be the candidate
of one of the judges , but ho has about de
cided that ho does not care to accept the
appointment. Mr. Tukoy has also announced
that ho Is not a candldato for rcappolntmcnt
and the field Is consequently open. Hon. J.
II. Evans Is among the = o most frequently
mentioned and John Y. Craig , a landscape-
gardener from North Omaha , has a strong
backing , which Is urging his appointment
on account of his familiarity with out-of-door
adornment. So far as can bo ascertained
the matter has not been canvassed by the
judges of the , district court and Is
nothing to Indicate that any of the candi
dates has any advantage In the race.
.Attention .MtiMlc loier .
The most complete assortment of pianos
ever nraemblril under one roof can now bo
seen at Schmollcr & Mueller's music store.
BRING and other leading makes to select
from. Ucautlful new pianos at $187.50 , on
easy tertrn. Used planes at your own price.
New Chlckcrlng Piano only . $225.00
Klmball Upright . $98.00
Slightly used Upright . $70.00
Organs , $15. $23 , S4C , $39 and . $73.00
I'lanoa rented , tuned and repaired. A. C.
.Muller , Piano Tuner ; telephone 1625.
SCHMOLLEn & MUEMJKR. 1313 Farnam.
Consumers Ice Co. , dealers In Pure. North
ern Ice. Your patronage solicited. 'Phones
1249 and 19SO.
Ire Cream Moiln , Bo.
Our expert soda mixer will servo the very
latest drinks of the season , using natural
crushed fruit juices and the very best pure
Ice cream for Be per glass. We make the
finest in the city.
Fountain Pure Food Department.
Read The Dig Store's "ad , " page 9.
Don't forget our fine dorso sale Wednes
day , Thursday and Friday. * Walwocth-Pioc-
tcv Co.
Two TrtiliiM Dully
to Denver und Colorado point *
via Union Pacific.
, Only line running
two trains dally
to Wyoming , Utah , California
and Puget Sound points.
Call at City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam st.
Exposition opens Juno 1st. Beautify
lawns and grounds by sowing flswer and grass
seeds and planting flower bulbs. Buy your
garden seeds at home. Our seeds eannot bo
excclloJ In quality , price and variety. The
Nebraska Seed company , 1309 Farnam street.
Bids will bo received up to May 1 , 1898 ,
for privileges , nuch as check stand , refresh
ments , lunch boot by , etc. , during the races
of Juno 28 to July 2 of the Omaha Fair and
Speed association. P , 0. box 99. E. 0. Solomon
omen , secretary.
Extra flno pansy , verbenas , geranium" ,
rones , colens , atternantero decorations , plants.
All varieties of cut flowers , especially rosM.
at 75 and CO cents per dozen. B. Haas , 1813
Vlnton et.
Late Development Relating to the Indian
Supply Depot.
Dcftlreii to Give the Onto City Every
Advantage I'oimlMe In the
Matter Mill Will
J'lin * Soon.
WASHINGTON , April 23. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Commlstsccier Jonea of the Indian
ofllce stated today that bids would be opened
at Omaha for the Indian eervlco and that
an Inspector would be sent forward. The
commissioner leaves next Tuesday for Chicago
cage , but IB uncertain If ho can visit the
Indian supply depot at Omaha , owing to
the continued sickness of Assistant Commis
sioner Captain Tanner , Jones says ho wants
to gtvo Omaha every advantage , but owing
to a falturd to appropriate any money to
maintain the depot , he Is powerless to do
anything until after the paEsago ot Uie In
dian bill , which will In all probability be
accomplished next week.
Today Senator Thuraton presented a peti
tion to Assistant Secretary Mctklcjohn ,
slgmnl by every member of the Nebraska
delegation , Irrespective of politico , calling
upon the secretary of war to appoint L. W.
Colby of Beatrice brigadier general of vol
unteers. There Is strong reason to believe
that this recommendation will be favorably
C. L. Chaffee , member of the Missouri
Illver commission , Is at AVlllards' .
John W. Welch was today appointed post
master at DeWeese , Clay county , Neb. , vice
Benjamin R. Royce , resigned.
The Wolfe Electrical company of Omaha
was today awarded the contract for placing
speaking tubes In the public building at
Omaha at Its bid of $184.
On account of the rapid growth of South
Omaha , the running expenses of the city
are naturally Increased and It appears to
be the desire of the city officials to realize
as much revenue as possible- and still keep
the levy down. The aieeesors ore now at
work making the annual assessment end It
Is expected that the valuation this year will
bo raised to fully $2,000,000. As the big
Armour plant Is still Incomplete , It cannot
bo ossccsed at anywhere near Itu full va'.ue
thla year and the same Is true of other Im
provements now In view. A desire to reduce
the levy below what It was last year has
prompted Councllmca Barrett an ! other city
officials to take steps to have the franchises
of all corporations properly assessed. With
this object In view the city englnear baa
been Instructed to prepare a statement showIng -
Ing the estimated value of the different
franchlaCij and after this statement Is prepared -
pared the four assessors will be requested
to meet with the city council In order to
talk the matter over cod arrive at a Just
assccament. This proposed meeting \ In no
way a reflection on the assessors , but Is
done for the purpose of obtaining an Idea
of the valuation of corporation property and
franchisee. Until a jear or two ago fran
chises were never taxed , but from this time
on the franchises held by every corporation
will bo assr&icd at a reasonable figure.
Among the franchises to be assessed will be
the two gas companies , the street railway
company , the telegraph aad telephone com
panies , the water works company and a num
ber of smaller concerns. If possible , the
levy this jear will bo reduced to 35 mils ! ,
Fiiiirrnl of 13. C. I.niie.
Funeral services over the remains of the
late E. C. Lane wlU bo held at the family
residence , .cnty-thlrd and I streets , this
afternoon at 2 o'clock under the aueplcee
ot South Omaha lo ge , No. 14.8 , Independent
Order of Odd Fellows , and South Omaha
lodge. No. 66. Ancient Order of United Work
men. The Odd Fellows will meet at their
hall , Twenty-fifth and N streets , at 1 o'clock
this afternoon and march to the residence
In a body. Members of the 'Workmen ' lodge
are al' o requested to meet at the hall , Twen
ty-sixth and N streets , at 1 o'clock for the
purpose of attending the funeral In a body.
Rev. Dr. Butler of Omaha , who Is a mem
ber of the Odd Fellows , will preach the
funeral sermon at the residence aad the Im-
prcisslvo services of this order will bo con
ducted at the grave. David Anderson , Dr.
SchlivJel and E. H. Roberts will act as rall-
bcarcrs from the Odd Fellows' lodge and Dr.
Siabauth , Frank Broadwell and F. M. Smith
as pallbearers designated by the Workmen
'Montana ' Stock GrovrorM.
General Manager Kenycn of the stock
yards company bis returned from a trip to
Miles City , Mont. , where he attended the
thirteenth annual meeting of ( lie Montana
Stock Growers' association. For a number
of reasons the meeting was not as well at
tended as was expected , but considerable
business was transacted nevertheless. Rep
resentatives of the rallroadis centering hero
were present and did all they could to In
terest the stockmen In this market. Man
ager Kenycn was called on for an address
and spoke of the growing Importance of the
South Omtha market and of the large In
crease In business from Montana. The
f'tockmeni ' present who had shipped to this
point expressed themselves as well pleased
with the prices paid hero and assured Man
ager Kenycn that they would continue to
sblp to this point.
Dentil * YcxU'rdny.
P. L. Halstead died yesterday at his home
Twenty-third and C streets , at the ago o :
04 years. The dcce&zoJ had resided In this city
for a number of years and was well ant
favorably known. Funeral services will be
held Monday afternoon at the First Presby
terian church. Deceased was a member ol
the Odd Fellows , and It Is presumed that the
services will bo held under the auspices ol
the order. Interment will bo at Laurel HIM
W. M. Gibson died at his home , Twenty-
> tVi
I5c Tumblers for 5c -
Kino thin blown Tumblers , with beautiful nueillo- etchings , on sale
Monday In our china department.
Athletic and
Out Door Goods-
Aio Just nowln vo np. Wo have n large ami well
selwtiil line of athletic goods , Bicycles nuil Sundries
nt way down nrico.s.
1 pound maple Dumb r.ulls , per pair , 2.'c
1 pound maple Indian Clubs , per pair line
Whitney Exercisers the ? 1..TO kind at ItSc
llaso Halls no , lOe , Kic and U.'c
Hasp Hall Uatx , Spelling's , Tie , 10e , 15c and . . . . IMc
Cutohoi'ii' Mitts and Gloves i'io.M und upward
Kicyclu Floor Tumps , the $1.00 kind at .V. > >
Bicycle Saddles 7f > e , OSc und upward
Agency Crcficar Bicycles Hie best made.
Our Economy Basement
Is forging to the front as the reliable hradiiuartcrs for house furnish
ing goods. Everything In this department la guaranteed the very best. '
Come and see the bargains we are offering. _
| tarWVOVtj ) 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street i
3 J jT TIIE 0.CENT ! ) STORE. 8 *
eighth and O itroctw yesterday afternoon
at the ago of 70 yevri. The funeral will beheld
held : Monday afternoon , at the family resi
dence. The remain * wwlll be forwarded to
Council Bluffs for interment.
Idml CltfVa I'itrtr *
On Thursday cveaing last the Ideal club
gave Its last ball offtbe season at Masonic
hall. Potted pants ami bunting In profusion
were used in decorating the hall and re
freshment booth and an exceedingly picas-
ant evening was spent by all who attended.
The music was excellent and the commit-
tics In charge all acquitted themselves ad
mirably , While tkenldeal season is vir
tually closed It Is thri Intention to give a
theater party before long as a finale to the
winter's social season.
Kfint Side Improvement Clnli.
On Friday evening of this week the East
Side Improvement club will hold a meeting
at the office of A. L. Bcrgqulst , Twenty-
fourth and ti streets , for the purpose of re
organizing , electing new officers and acting
upon a number of applications for member
ship. The hall formerly used by this club
at Twentieth and Missouri avenue U now
occupied aa a store room and this accounts
for the meeting being called at Bergqulst's.
IMflRlc dltGONMll. .
Insurance gasoline stoves. The Racket.
Melcher's Sarsaparllla makes pure blood.
Silver thimbles , 16c and 40c at Godfrey's.
J. Klein's Continental whisky has no equal.
O. 0. Browncll , teacher of music , 24 & N sts.
Wolleteln & Co.'s " 310" whisky Is the best.
It Is reported that bogus silver dollars are
In circulation ,
Bargains In furniture , carpets crock
ery at Sloane & Co.'s , 25th and X streets.
A new directory of the First Methodist
Episcopal church Is to bo published shortly.
Nathan Jackson , Twenty-sixth and 0
streets , died yesterday from congestion of
the brain.
Rev. Henry E. Nlcklcn of Marietta will
occupy the pulpit at the First Presbyterian
church this morning.
Fourteen lots and flvo houses and lots
must bo sold wttihtn ten daje. Good loca
tion. F. J. Perrons.
This evening Dr. Wheeler preaches at the
Presbyterian church on the topic "Of What
Does Our Llfo Consist ? "
E. D. Gideon , formerly of this city , but
now located at Bralnard , Neb. , spent yester
day la the city with friends.
Joseph Herrod and Joseph Glasscr ot
North Platte , Neb. , are In the city , the
guests of ex-Councilman Henry Mies.
T. H. Andrews of Grand Encampment ,
Wyo. , Is here , the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Thompson , Twenty-fourth and J
Great preparations arc being made by the
Eons of Veterans for the musical to be gUcn
at the Iflrst Methodist church on Thursday
evening of this week. Among other notables
Homer Moore of Omaha will sing.
J. H. Van Dusen returned from a business
trip to Kansas City yesterday. Ho said
that flags and banners were flying from
most all of the buildings there nnd that
recruiting was going on at several different
On account of the funeral of E. C. Lane
no meeting will bo held at the Young Men's
Christian association this afternoon. The
deceased was a member of the association
and the directors will attend the funeral
services In a boJy.
All of the saloons doing business In this
city were notified yesterday by the brewer
ies that on and after today the prlco of beer
would bo raised $1 a barrel. This action
Is deemed necessary by the brewers on ac
count of the additional tax to bo Imposed
by tbo government on this product.
Judge W. K. Norrlg of Wayne lectured
Friday night at the First Presbyterian
church on "The Spaniard In America. "
Lost night Magic City lodge No. SO , Fra
ternal Union ot America , gave a basket no-
rial and dancing party at Workmen hall ,
Twonty-glxth aud N streets. The baskets
of lunch were sold to the highest bidder and
much amusement was the result.
nov t'l'suTs TUB roi.icn FUIICK.
I.nrkeit-Otit YoiniRotrr LMlNnkcu for n
rorch-CllmliliiK' IturKlnr.
Fred Boyeson , 10 year * old , was the Ino-
cept cause of a good deal of excitement last
night In the neighborhood of his home , 525
Scmth Twenty-fifth t'treet. 'He had been
p'aylng In the yard of another boy and about
10 o'clock went home to find the house
dark and the door locked. The boy remem
bered that he had gained entrance at an
upper window on former occnslors and scaled
the high porch to make another attempt.
He found the window fastened- however ,
and resigned hlrcself to await the return of
the family , as the return trip down the post
was more difficult than the ascent. He had
been In the position for several mlnutts
when ho waa seen by a passerby anJ mis
taken for a burglar. Tile citizen telephoned
to the central elation and a wagcn load of
officers went to the scene at a gallop. A
cowering form still occupied the roof and
the deep voice of the officer In charge com
manded It to como down ca pain of being
shot. The answer came In childish tones ,
"I'm Just waiting hero till my mamma comes
home. "
_ _
Part seven of Tlic Bee's travel series Is
on Cuba and the wreck of the Maine. Six
teen pictures , Including actual picture of
Uio wreck , divers at work on the wreck , the
officers of the board ot inquiry , Morro
castle and Havana. Ready at The Bee of
fice. Omaha , South Onulia and Council
Bluffs. Ten cents each.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows will
give a literary and musical entertainment at
their hall , Fourteenth and Dodge streets , on
Tuesday evening , April 20 , In charge of the
Joint committee. In commemoration of the
anniversary of the order and for the benefit
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows'
Bureau of Information. By order of the
Com. , E. F. Brallcy.
_ _ _
Stoves stored during summer. Omaha
Stove Ilcpalr Works , 1207 Douglas.
A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bog-
gage delivered. 1302 Douclas St. Tel. 177.
D'r. Marv Stronc. 2423 Wlrt St. Tel. 2104 ,
Ilfllevfil to lie IIIHIIIIO.
Adolph Von Goszczyruskl was before the
Insanity commission yesterday , but owing
to the fnct that t'ncro were a larg .nutnlier
of witnesses the examination was only
partially completed. An adjournment was
taken until next Wednesday afternoon. Von
Goszezyruskl Is a I'olc and hns resided In
Omaha for some ten years. Last winter
ho showed symptoms of Insanity nnd was
locked up. At that time lie was charged
wlt'n stealing numerous articles from gun
stores of the city. In which ho had berri
allowed to sleep. The man will be remem
bered as the party who formerly patrolled
the streets dressed In a cowboy suit and
accompanied by a wolllsb-looklng dog.
IIIooil lloiimlH to limit
W. A. Johnson spent last nlpht In the
city on the way to Fremont with the Bea
trice bloodhounds. The animals , w'nlch are
the propeprty of Dr. J. B. Fulton of Bea
trice , will be put on the trail of burglars
who recently carried away money and
property bclonjlng to a merchant of Fre
If you
Play Music
Wo want to tell you about the greatest
piano , we do this Because If you haven't
ono we want you 10 , wo want you to do your
playing on the best piano , a Chlekcrlag , and
It will bring contentment and pleasure to
yourself and all around jou. Perhaps you
would rather play on a Stclnway or a
Flsoher. If so you will always find them at
Haydto Broa You will not bo able to find
them anywhere else In Omaha. Everjone
knows the above thrco named pianos are the
best the world produces. ' . Why not buy the
best ? If It Is a question of price come and
see us and let va te'.l you confidentially how
low a prlco wo con make you on the best.
Then you will find 21 other different make * ,
Including the best of every grade. Beautiful
new pianos In fancy cases whlh otheia tvll
for $175.00 wo are selling every day for
$88.00. Pianos the same makea that otheru
sell for $300.00 to $375.00 wo sell for $175.00
to $205.00. Remember we are obliged to dis
pose of over 1,200 pianos during the present
year. The low prices we are making will
enable us to do It. Every piano sold Is guar
anteed from 5 to 10 yeans. Each Instru
ment to be satisfactory or money refunded.
Easy payments If desired. New pianos for
Hayden Bros
"To a man up a tree , " it- looks as
though Nicoll the Tailor , was doing
all the tailoring of Omaha. Eut we're
not. Half a hundred orders yesterday
and as many the day before is but
a faint hint ofWhat our spring trade
is likely to be.
We're ready for a big trade "We've
made preparations for a Record Lreak-
ing Year greater stock larger store . f
better facilities , additional salesmen
increased cutting force.
This year wa're going to put in our
best licks on the fellow who has been
paying fancy credit prices. We're
going to try toi convince him that it
pays to trade with Nicoll. We're going to convince him of
the saving by dealing with a cash honst. If he's open to con
viction the task is easy.
garments made in Omaha , by Omaha Tailors.
TROUSERS , $4 to $12. / SUITS , $15 to $50
.SPRING OVERCOATS , $15 to $40.
209 and 211 S. 15th St - - ' - Karbch Block
it u
Tin * Choice of the Id.OOO
Carpet Stoc-k of Itrtiryoee & Co.
The Flock of brucscls , velvet and Ingrains
carpets , mattings , rufta , etc. , although sold
to us by the Fire Insurance underwriters , Is
almost In perfect condition , only a very
small portion of It being damaged , In fact ,
It la In the best condition of any carpet stock
wo ever bought from the Flro Insurance
The stock consists principally of brusnelg ,
velvets , moqucttc and Ingrain carpets , mads
up carpets , rugs , and thousands of remnants
and ehort ends ot carpets suitable for small
rooms and floor ruts.
A'so an elegant line of mattings of every
This grand sale will begin Tuesday morn
ing , April 28th.
Hess ft Swoboda. florUnw. 5-lt Farnam St
'Phono 1501. Palms , cut flowuis and floral
Dr. C. L. Nichols has returned and can bo
found at his office ao usual , at 1408 Farnam
st. Calls answered promptly day or night.
INSTRUMENTS placed oil lllo Saturday ,
April 23 , 1SDS :
Albert Kncer and wife to John Peklo ,
lot 1 , block 2. Dwonik'a add . $ 700
E. C. Newcomb and wlfo to F. S.
Newcomb. c2T feet lot 12 , block 10 ,
LInwood park . 300
Sheriff to n. M. Webster , lots 7 and
10 , block 4 , nnd lot 3 , block 2 , Grain-
mercy park . SCO
Same to Omaha Savings bank , lots 3
to 8 anil w32 feet lot 2 , block 9 ,
Sweesy's add . 7SOO
Same to H. IJ , Morton , B V4 nwU 5-14-
10 . 1,000
Total amount of transfers . $10,30C
IMIil ) .
* T Susan J. , wife of T. W.
Hlnckburn , April IS , HDS , nt 1'asodena ,
California. Funeral from 2131 Houth 3ltb
street Monday , April 2. ) , at 2 p. m. In
terment at Prospect Hill cemetery.
E. C. West's
. . Brain
and Nerve Treatment 12c
9 for $1.00
Quantity unlimited from ono box to 10
gross guaranteed to bo the genuine E. C.
ttest's preparation , That's the way we do
Pyramid Pile Cure- PA :
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets 2ftc
Laxative Hromo-Qulnlne iflc
Mcnnen's Talcum Powder Ho
Carter's Liver PUN I2c
Hinlth'i Gl ria. Tonic C7c
lilrn y's Catarrh Powder 350
Maltlnc Preparations 73c
William's Pink Pills : co
Plnaud'H Eou do Quinine , 2So and Mo
Syrup of Figs 330
Warner's Safe Cure Mc )
Kilmer's Swamp Root i 73c
Girfield Tea iC
Vine Kolafra 7.-t-
Mothers' Friend 730
Idth mill CIilenKo Stt ,
Selling Good
Shoes Cheap ,
Monday's Specials
You can't get
shoes with paper
soles or any of oth
er "cheap makes"
under our roof at
any price. Ours
must give good ,
honest Eorvico or wo
tlcn't wuntyuur money.
See the "Sorosls" Shoe , the perfection
of stjle anil comfort , at $3SO
Brooks Bros. ' make Ladles' fine Vlci ,
black or tan ? 4.00 Shoes $2.OS
Moore-Shafer's fine Tan. Vlci Silk Vest
ing Top , Lace $3.00 Shoe ? 2.4S
Children's Dongo'a Lace and Button
$1.35 Shoes , Blzcs S to 11.- 9Sc
Children's Dongola and Tan Lace $1.50
nhocs , alzcs 8 to 11 $1.20
Mksea' Flno Dongola Lace and Button
$1.75 Shoeij , sizes ll'A to 2 $1.25
Misses' Fnj ! Tan Lace $2.00 Shoes ,
sizes 11V6 to 2 $1.45
Boys' fine Lace Shoes $1.50
Men's Fine Lace Shoes $2.CO
Mull OrdcrN Killed.
is the limit
You don't have to pay
a penny more for the Best
Shoes for Men in Omaha
any style ; the one never-
changing price. Our
Regent 33.50
SHOE for Men exclusively
It fits wears satisfies.
All the newest shapes and
shades. Patent leather ,
calf , kangaroo , vici kid ,
enamels. If you pay more ,
you're robbing yourself.
205 South 15th.
Mail orders filled.
Newton's ' Sarsaparilfa
Celery Compound
Is a vegetable compound for Diseases of the
Blood , KldnejH and Liver. It's nature's
own and greatest remedy for all Nervous
Dlsccees , Bllllouenero , Stomach Troubles ,
Habitual Constipation , D > spcpsla , Insomnia ,
Rheumatism and all Irregularities arising
from Impure blood. We sell It for
59c a Bottle
Boston Store
Drug Dept.
mnilo for every imrpoi > o. Not one pnlnt
for nil surface ? , but n illfffreht pnlnt Tor
Mich surface , MIXUU KKAUY POU USD.
Dries haul over night , with a jrood
In a ( lurnblo oil inilnt , cun bo washed.
In small cans only.
An Inexpensive paint for protecting
nnil proKcrvitiK nil roiiKh wood surfaces.
Dries with n glosi. Any one can usa
It. Not expensive. Red , nine , Green ,
Yellow , llluck.
Chairs , Etc. I'.MP 1IUGOY PAINT.
Or varnish color. Diles with a hlub
go ! * . E-ipeelally suited for outsldu
Gives fine , hard lustre. Kipeclally for
Interior use. Delicate colors for decora
Stains the wood and varnishes at the
same operation. Imitates Oak ,
MuhoKuny , Cherry , Rosewood , Walnut.
MakM the old wheel look Wo new !
yicycle Polish keipj nickel parts
' 'h8'1' ' ' h" ' and cold \talcr.
lx)3k like porcelain.
Sold in Omaha by
J5J3 Dodge St. , Omaha.
\ j
Some. Refrigerators that look very
fncll on the outside are really vciy |
poor affairs. If they are tilled at all
It Is with cheap nut rials that would i
spoil the r In a short time.
Are not built that way. They arc |
lined with charcoal sheathing nnd
lllled clear to the top with puto i
coal. This tilling will never b.rcnna
Impure Is the best s.iver of Ice
know n.
Take a look at the ono In our wrst i
window. The back of the refrigerator '
lias been removed , shoeing the llllln .
Prices , Jj-50 ujnv.ud , according to size.
24O7 Cuming St.
"If you buy It of Hufslo it's right. "
"Money Makes the Mare Go , "
Eut such stock as wo have of various
grades especially Columbus Iluggy Co.'s
Vehicles , are so light and c.isy that it takes
liut a very reasonable ! amount. Uuy ons ot
the rips and make your bummer rides com
fortable and enjoyable.
IREY & CO. ,
ICth nnd Dodge. Open evenings.
HOSE time
is now her
Don't bo penny
wlsu nnd pound
foolish and buy
HOSE you don't
know milling about
nor ( in which thvro
Is a warrant.
irtirntntrtl , F/til
tf'if it'iii'i'ttnt them
Will you let us give you
prices ? They are right.
1311 DUDOR S
If Ninety-nine People
out of 100 said u , thing was trno you
would believe it , wouldn't you ? Of
cdiirho you would It's convincing proof.
Well , then , hero in something for you
to bolievo. Not 1)9 ) out of 100 , but 100
out of 100 say our
.s the best cigar for the money they
ever smokod. Wo'vo yet to hear the
IrHt complaint.
Paxton Block Cigar Store.
16th and FAUN AM.
Not hose for your feet but RanUn hose-
7 l'2u to 22 < > c | icr foot.
and every foH guaranUieJ
Omaha Tent and Rubber Go , ,
1311 Puruuia.