in. I UNDAY BEE PAGES 17 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY APRIL 24 , 1898. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THAT NO GETTING AROUND PRICES ARE CONVINCING * r THERE'S Tomorrow's Sale and Prices are Indisputable Facts That You Can't Duplicate Our Bargains Tomorrow , is Another Fact. An , , , < M.sKs.5u an ° Douglas All the collars Men's , with attached and , without Colored Laundered Shirts , , - of every description 39cand50c J.IJPEIS&SOIS . 25c and 50c. PROPRIETORS. SILK BARGAINS Another purchase has secured for us some of the greatest bargains in Dress Goods and Silks that we have ever owned , and in order to sell them quick we have marked prices on them which will cause them to go with a rush. DRESS GOODS BARGAINS BLACK GOODS BARGAINS Goods from the sains purchase as the Colored Goods and will be sold equally cheap. Thii is a chance to secure a good dress for the price of a cheap one , for the styles are beautifu and the assortment is the best we have ever shown. Rough English 50-Inch Mohair Novelties Lizards Novelties CrepotiJ 69c 98c $1.10 STYLISH MILLINERY * Wo have to announce for Monday n special fsiilo and din- play of very stylish trimmed lints. are boyorid ques tion the most benntiful nnd elegant creations over shown in $15 our Art Pattern Room. Tlioy nro actually worth from fc3 ! to 850. Your choice of the entire line together with a lai' ' o pro- duotioti from our own export Millinery architects , choice p * Trimmed Millinery at two Special Lnr > rc importmont of line l > riBcs , $3 08 and $5-200 Shopordow ijnd short back trltntniul huts , trlnitncil with Trimmed Leghorn Hats Amorlciin beauties , BhirriMl talTntn , ul ruttoj , 2V"S ! nml ornaments. really worth from * j to 110 , onsalaat for children and misses on sale from $3.98. and $5.OO $1,50 to $2.50 Kino Troncli llowors In bluottes. vlo- ' Untritmncd white and colored lets , lilacs geraniums , niitilu blossoms . 25c ( leghorn hats , with fancy str.iw soms , American henutv ro os , i edges , on stile at , each nil on sula tit 25o Special Bargains in Basement Millinery Department. Thousands of rubber Untrimmqd Hats in white , black and colors , all ntylos and all Bhnpas , go in Btotn Imported flowers , every I0c two lots nt iio and lOc. Variety on sate at iinaginiible , 5c and lOc Children's trimmed Imts , fancy Ladies' Trimmed straw nnd elcirantly trlmmocl with ( lowers , clillTon nnd 50c Hack Hats on 98c silk ribbon , po lit iho price of untrlmmcd sale at huts Ladies' Suits , Jackets , Skirts positively the greatest values over ollorod. Sample Suits At Just Half Price Ab tut 100 of them in"all , no two alike , some are blouse fronts , snmo eton fronts , BOino box fronts , some lly fronts and oomo ' silk fronts , handsomely braided and ribbon trimmed. All lined throughout with col ored taffeta silk originally regularly they would bring SUO.OO to $40.00 wo Silk Capes mark them all at When you vlMt our second floor tlili weuk , jvq auk .you to sco Iho ? 09-98 Tailor Made Suits plctollnc beautiful wu huvo , novelties u at very lur lit 'u Kllk and Capes com- Of cheviot brfeerge. : , bloTiBe-or fly front , $1.98 $2.50 blue , black , gray or tan . , . Over 200 ( o select from , all cut with now back , none to coriect , none 'so S7.50 cheap. Wo have thorn In plnlp and S3.50 cliuiiKcubli' tuUVtas , htrlpud tuiretiiM , . , . chucks nnd pliilds , oil sulo lit { 5.00 , ilO.OUiindH5.00 S5 , SIO , $15 Nobby Silk Lined J ick- Jixcoptional bargain * in L'tdics' ets 100 beautiful Jackets Separate Silk Skirts Over GOO latest make , fly front , Silk Skirts ti. select from In Miinll nnd Inrgo'llRUres , suMn duulicssc. plain t.ilTo- stitched snatns , correct tuH , sill ; lined tutTetas , nil or them the lengths , all satin lined correct shiipu , on sulo at throughout on sale at $3.98 , $5 $5 $7 and $12.50 GREAT SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BASEMENT 800 yards of Cotton Debeige Dress Goods worth 12 Jc , as long as it lasts go at 24c yd 10,000 yards of CHECKED NAINSOOK worth lOc a yard , go at 3 Ac a yard. 2 cases of 40-inch India Linen , . the 12.ic kind , at 5c a yard One big lot of Plaid Cotton Dress Goods worth 10 a yard , go at 2ic a yard. VICTORIA. LONG CLOTH 12 yards in bolt , 4 9c for entire bolt One big lot of COMFORT CALICO the Tie kind , at 2ac a yard. 72-in wide Unbleached Table Damask worth C5c , tomor row only 89c yard. Immense bargain in black Henrietta Sat een , regular 20c kind as long as it lasts. Mon day at 8ic a yard ? $4.98 $6.98 MEN'S PANTS. VMon'H Nobby Business Suits , In the latest style * , in 3 Your choice of the finest and hlcrhest grades of Men's Your choice of all the finest suits from the Simon Leo Men's fine $5 All Wool A / [ land 4 button Sack Suits , slnglo or double breasted coats , Suits in this grand New York Bankrupt Stock , including pold & Solomon stock , including Cissimen and Worsted PintsH 2.50 the choicest suits in / ) all wool nobby Scotch mixtures , . Cheviots Meltons o at H Cassimeres , , , Blwe nd Black Cheviots Imported Clay Worsteds , < and Black Clay Worsteds- Satin Lined Imported Scotch Cheviots , and the finest in fact the finest in this entire stock , all elegantly trim Men's $8 All "Wool Cassimere , grades of Silk and Satin Lined Casslmero Suits , and all med and made , perfect fitting- , newest style garments , same suits as advertised in Now York for ten and twelve the latest novelties in Checks und Plaids , jnado to retail from $15.00 to $18.00 , go in this sale at Hair Line and Reading Cassimere Pants $1.50 dollars , go in this sale at at . go $12.50 Men's $2 Strong , Durable $4.98 and . $6.98 go at Cassiinere Pants 98c . No finer suits than these over sold in a retail utore. Boys' $2.50 Wool Suits $5 Boys' Knee $5 Boys' Long Pants , Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps and Straw Hats at 98c mid $125. Suits $2.50 and $2.98 Suits $1.98. Your choice of all the boy'e and men'B Pants . . joung ' All th toys' knee pants suits in tlzes 4 to long pants suits ones 1 ! to 19 year * In CAS- 1,000 dozen Men's Newest Style All the H. In blue flannel , dark Bray caislmere nnd Your choice of over 800 boys' RIMCnU and CIIUVIOTS In plain ana fancy ' foncv mixed ihextolr , that told In New York $ plaids that sold up to llvo dollars , go at Derby and Fedora Boys' and Child's for up to | : , SO , BO In this sale at 08s anJJl.K knee pants tults , miulo up In the single latest styles nml double of mifer breasted , Junior , 3 to , 1 $2.50 and $2.98 HATS CAPS 98c and $1,25 13 years , sold in New York at . . , at S1.9S , in all the Bwcllest shapes and colors From this stock go at , mudo in America's host hat Boys' $3.00 All Wool $5 Boys' Knee Young Men's ' Long Pants Suits./ ors factories and the equal 15c 25c 49c Your choice of all the ntgliest grade youig in style , durability and Suits $1.49 men's long pants suits. In. blue and black , Men1 $2 and J3 fit to huts that sell the $2.SO. strictly clay \\orstods , , Pants Suits . . pure dlagpnals ' cheviots Spring 1898 styles world fnrKi 50 , In ovur go nnd tine all won ! smooth cnadm'c'res , tweeds the ' nnd Children's ' . All Boys' Ovir 1,00) suits for boys' In ' thlbets In beautiful , popular plilds , checks and tliUh.'ilo at oholco of the finest boys' knee and Your tiizce 4 to 14 , made of . Derby years single mixed effects. In and donble breasted all wool materials In fancy 49 pants siitta In this entire lot In sizes 50 st > les. which retailed IB New York for "up IN HASRMRNT cnxslmcres , chevlo's , nnd $1 $ from 3 to 8 years , made reefer style 2 to J10.00. go nt Fedora Hats Men's and Boys' SUIT and Soft Hats Straw Hats pmooth nnd rough effects and 9 to 14 In double breasted style , go at from this bankrupt stock go at ' they sold In New York for S4.88 and $6.98 ChildsTamO'Shanters up to $3 , KO In this ea\o \ Inoludulng black , uray , brown and . . nt . .1.49 blue clay worsteds go at 12.50 75c IOC I5C 25c 39c 49c 15c 25c 25c and 5Pc Nobby Suits for little fellows Your choice of all the finest and highest grade Little bays' suits All made up In the neV- . cat ttylfs , rough finished Imported plaids , tweeda , checks and cheviots. In uses 3 to 8 years , go nt 98c. $1.25. $1.59 , $1.98 , $2.50 , $3.50.\ 2.25 Wcrth Worth $8.50 $1.50 Min's $5 Tin Shots $3-00 ' ' 42,50 Calf Shits $1.59 Mil's $4.00 Shus $1.98 Miit's$3.50CiHSJMM$225 Mill's $4.00 Shoes $2.50 All the very latest Russian Calf ; Harvard Min's S5 Black Shoes $3.00 MM'S . ' KIN'S 11,50 Shut 98c. , . . Calt and Vlcl Kid Tan Colored Shoes , all 1,200 pair Men's fine Calf , Kangaroo , Vlcl ' All tbe small sizes of Sell-Schwab1 * Sample 300 pair me-ns Calf Bhpeh very , latest style l.COO pair Men's black and tan Shoes , l.i Kid , Kid and Clotb Topi , and Ilex Call will sale to- 200 pair Men's Fine Satin Calf Congreii van4 tbe basement place on ' la , made to retail we , all sizes orrow SCO pair Men' * SatU Calt Shoes , all Lace Shoes , all itylei.ot toet , made to re- 9hoes , tUea 6 , fiVi "d 7 , worth fi.OO , go Ux * . all slx s , a4eto ' retail'let 13.60 , ont all tbe latest and newest style ) , made to extreme novelties Shoes , made to retail ' ( or $5 , go on aale-o * ' ' * t'L9 i t ! . V . t r UU for ujj ; to { 1 , s at f 9 jialr , , our eaala ftoor * , v : , il * - s