Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Popocrata Get Some Rulings on
\ Employes' Claims. ,
Attorner Genrrnl Smrtli Fnrnlnlim
Auditor Cornell n Profound Opin
ion on Three Clnlmn tlmt
Mlicht He UUiiutcd.
LINCOLN , April 22. ( Speclal.- ) the
campaign approached the state officials sud
denly become solicitous that no illegal
chilms be allowed end ID tho'laH few dajs
* few have been held up by the state audi
tor , In order that the attorney general
might pasa upon them. As Is Indicated In
the following letter this method costs noth
ing and cauaca very llttlo Inconvenience to
the popocrats who arc eo lucky as to be able
to draw two salaries at once. In reply to
* quciy from the auditor the attorney gen
eral sajs :
LINCOLN , April 21. IMS. Hon. John F.
Cornell , Auditor of Public Accounts :
Blr I have your fnvor of recent date In
which you nsU for the o-.Mnlon of this olllce
with respect to the legality of three claims
denominated by as claims "A , H and 'C.
1 will consider claim "H" lira ! .
This Is a certificate Issued by the Ho.ird
of Regents of the University of Ncbr.i ka ,
directing the auditor to druw Ills warrant
In favor of A. K. Sheldon for clerical serv
ices rendered In the chancellor's olllce for
thJ mi-nth of March , 1SOS. In connection
iwlth this claim you state tlmt Mr. bheldon
was durlnK the inrlod covered by ths cl.ilm
clerk of the titato Printing boird nt a sal
ary of TOCO per annum and that he has
been paid his salary as such clerk. The
secretary of the printing boar.l , Hon. W.
P. 1'orler , informs me thut Mr. Sheldon
was nrsi employed by the boird at a ral.irj
of $1,000 peryiar , wdth the understanding that
Oiu was to devote his eiitlrn working time to
the service of th > board ; but the board , find-
Ins tint l ! did not need nil that time , agree , !
with him to rrdtico his s-ilary from Jl.OOO
to { COO , In consideration of the board permit
ting him to encase In such other employ
ment as he. might be abls to procure , pro
vided he did the uork of the board , whlcl
1 ! wns estimated would take nbout one-half
of bis working time. In view of this agree
ment Mr. Sheldon sought and procured em
ployment lit the State university during the
time when not engaged by the print ng
board. Under these circumstances I think
his claim for Fcrvlcas rendered In the chan
cellor's olllce H legal.
Claim "C" Is the voucher 6f E. \ \ . Crane
for Jol.uO. One Item therein stated Is $1
fci filing 470 saws for the use of the car
penters on the state building * on tht % expo
sition grounds. In this conncc Ion you state
that Mr. Crane , during the time he was em
ployed In Illlng the sawn , was In the em
ploy of the State Exposition commission as
timekeeper at a balary of $00 per month
I think this claim is legal. The comm s-
nlon ha full power to llx the salaries of Its
timekeeper or timekeepers. It may raise the
salary or reduce. If It determined to rals <
It , It may nt the. same time add addltlonn
A duties to those already Imposed upon the
person whoso salary Is raised.
In the conclusion"'reached with reppcc
to claims " 11" and "C" there Is no con
fllct between them nnd tho. one reached in
the cplnlon rendered to Hon. Otto Mutz
under date of March S. 1SOS. for ths follow
ing reasons : In that case we were asked to
Htafco whether or not , where the legislature
has fixed ths salary of n person employee
by the state lo do a certain line of work
It iwa competent * or the board or olllccrs
employing such perscn to Increase his salary
by dln-ct or Indirect means. We said 1
wan not , arid we tlll adhere to that opln
Ion. If the law permitted the compcnsn
tlon of the employe to be. thus Increase !
the will of the legislature. In fUlnc his sal
ary at a. given point could be and probablj
would b > completely disregarded In munj
nThennile howewer , Is different where the
legislature en-pikers nn ofllcer or board to
fix the salary at such a point ns the of-
cer or beard may think proper. In the one
casa the legislature has flxe/l the salary
nnd left no person or set of persons an >
discretion with reard to the matter. 11
the other case , however , the. le t laturi
committed the , llxlns of the salary to th
discretion of the officer or board , as the cas <
may be. nnd hence what the- officer o
board In his or Its dlscrstlon docs Is egal
The tHNirilft employing Mr , Sheldon and Mr.
Crane were clothed by the legislature with
thCMmSC"A" ° ls a certificate , Issued by the
Hoard of Regents of ths State university
directing the auditor to draw his warrant
for J120 In favor of Hon. Frank Irvine , one
df the commissioners of the supreme court ,
lor services as lecturer In the Low college
during the session of 1S37 and 1898. Judge
Irvine may be enM to be In many respects
a member of the supreme court of thU
latf , and for the. purpose of the matter
now In hand may be treated as blns _ a
member of the court In nil respects. That
"ourt Is charged with the duty of Interpret
ing the. laws of the state. Judge Irvine.
In making out nnd filing the. . voucher upon
which claim "A" was draun , did so on
the theory that he was entitle 1 under the
law to receive from the state the- amount of
money called for In the voucher. That bf-
InB so , and he. being a member of the su
preme court. It would bcs to say theleast. .
Indelicate In mo even to examine the claim
for the purpose of determining whether or
not It Is legal. For thl reason I request
to be excused from parsing upon the legalltj
" " Respectfully submitted ,
of claim "A.
C. J. SMYTH. Attorney General.
The clerk of the district court has finished
making up the dockets for the 'May term
and finds that there are about sixty leas
cases than last term. The criminal docket
Is unusually heavy , having over fifty cases.
Court will convene May 2.
Mr. bahlFtrom has received a letter from
W. F. Brock , who helped remove the body
of W. A. Dahlstrom from the now avalanche
In Chllkoot pass , and there Is no longer any
doubt as to his death. Tbe remains are now
on the way to Lincoln for burial.
Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy of Omaha , lec
tured before a large number of women yes
terday on the subject , "Human Building Ma
terial. " Miss Marie Jordan , who Is a gradu
ate of the New Era cooking school at Wor
cester , Mass. , outlined the platform of the
school and gave some practical demonstra
tions as to how dainty dishes are prepared
Exercises appropriate lo Arbor day and
Bird day were held In a number ot the ward
schools , but by many of the teachers the
holiday wss employed In preparing exhibits
for the Educational department of the expo
sition. Short tree planting excrclacs were
held at the state capltol grounds and a num
ber of shade trees were planted.
Adjutant General Barry received a tele
gram from Congressman Stark this after
noon , worded as follows : "I present my com
pliments. Advise that both regiments will be
ordered Into service at rendezvous In state
today. Remember the Maine. " General Barry
took this as a notice that the Nebraska Na
tional Guard would bo called out today ,
although the wording of the mcscago and
lack of other news during the afternoon left
the matter somewhat In doubt.
Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin-
dell J. H. Drlscoll , F. L. Lewis , Glenn
Jones and wife. Frank Leal. At the Lincoln
J. R. Perkins. H. H. Rhodes , F. M. Greene.
J. P. Fallen , I. H. Pratt. J. L. Maker. F. J.
McShane. S. D. Canfleld , H. L. Jackson.
lllir niMiioniitrntlon nt IlnnUnirii.
WASTINGS. Neb. , April 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) One of the greatest patriotic dem
onstrations ever witnessed In this vicinity
occurred tonight on the streets of Hastings ,
the occasion being the announcement that war
bad been declared. ( Hundreds of old soldiers ,
citizens and school children paraded the
treets waving the American and Cuban flags ,
( while fireworks went up from all over the
city and plenty of red flre gave everything
* brilliant appearance. The procession was
facade ! by the- Nebraska Second regiment
toand and the Donlphcn drum corps. During
< he evcnlug patriotic speeches were made
by tome of Hastings' best orators.
I'ythliiti Conclave.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Apr1 ! 22. ( Special. )
The meeting of the Knights ot Pythias of
the southeastern district of the grand do
main of Nebraska was held In tbe hall of
6tar lodge , No. 9 , last evening. The at
tendance was not as largo as was expected ,
owing to the stormy weather , and meny
knights from GreenwooJ. Louisville , Elm-
mood and other surrounding towns who bid ;
calculated on coming , were unable to be
present. Part of the program was open to
the general public , and conalrtcd of a ren
dition of the story. "Dlonjslas the Tyrant , "
by one of tbe oMest actors In the United
Etattt , Valentin * MaUntmrg , accompanied bjr
hki wife. After this wan w.t done , Star
odgp , No. 9 , convene1 ! ' , In special sotslon
Among others th * following knlplita Irorn
ho southeastern district were present ! Hon.
1. M. Uojrditorv grand chancellor , Nebraeki
City ; Will H Love , grand ke per of records
and seals , Lincoln } \VII ! L. Scm dndJ H.
lexten , Omaha ; L. I * . Utterback and S. H.
'lt\ \ , Nebraska City : T. D. Moulton. Lin-
oln ,
Mll.lTfA IIS itlKTTIJiO Itn.tllV.
VKIcen Soldlrr * I'rriinrlng tu Ail-
vr.nei * nn Culm.
GENEVA. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) Com
pany 0 , Nebraska National Guard , Is now full
ind the bojs are ready for duty.
FREMONT. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
Ttie report that United States Minister Wood-
orj had been given his passports and that
the act was considered equivalent to a dec-
aratlcn of , which was received here la't
evening , awakened considerable excitement.
A salute was fired from May Urothers' can
non and a fife and drum corps played pa
triotic airs. Thus far there has been no
particular talk of raisin ; a company here.
Several of the moat prorc'aent aad best
known young men of the city have an
nounced their Intention of cnllettng , should
n opportunity be glveei them , and It 1"
probable that'a good compcay couM be
raised dere In a short Urn : .
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
The Cuban volunteer movement was as
sisted materially last evening by the action
of three popular young women of this city
registering for nurses In case of war. Their
action has cerveJ a. ) a stimulus to the youaR
men and the roster Is fUBt clearing comple
tion. Three sets of fours turned out last
night for practice drill and bulletins are
ponted today calling for another practice for
this evening. Excitement hos been high
here today , a crowd besieging the central of
fice of the telephone company and clamoring
for new from headquarters.
JUNIATA. April 22. ( Special. ) A petition
has been sent to th : governor , signed by
nearly all the business men , asking that a
compcay of Nebraska National Guards be
organized here. A large number of enlist
ments has already been secured.
YORK , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) In an
tlclratloci of a call Into active service , com
pany A , Nebraska National Guards , Is
making all possible preparations In order to
bo ready to go east on short notice. When
the company appeared on the street last
night for their regular drill , they were
greeted by a large crowd of Interested spec
tators. Pursuant to the order of Governor
Holcomb , the company Is mustering to the
maximum limit. Eleven recruits were ac
cepted last evetilng amid ttic cheers of the
militiamen and citizens. Others have of
fered their serviced , and no trouble will be
encountered In getting all the men needed.
Under the efficient charge of Captain Holde
man and Lieutenants Yale and Stromcn , the
members have received thorough drill and
tcilolng , and York people are all proud ol
tbclr soldier tx > j .
Lutheran C'unOrrneo.
PAWNEE. Neb. , April 22. ( Spcclil. ) Th
South Platte conference of the Lutheran
synod of Nebraska met In this city In the
Lutheran church Tucslay evening and closei
Thursday evening of this week. The open
Ing sermon was delivered by Rev. R. A
White of Lincoln. The day sessions were
devoted partly to brslness and to the dts
cusslon of Important questions. At li
o'clock Wednesday morning Rev. J. S
Learner of Wllbcr preached on "Church Loy
alty. " At 4 p. m. Rev. E. Doll man of Dav
cnport preached on "Reverence In th
Church. " Thursday morning Rev. C. J
Ringer of Hardy delivered an Instructive
discourse on "Giving. " At 4 p. m. Rev
Augustine of Grand Island delivered a gooi
sermon from the words "No Man Llvetl
Uato Himself. "
Rev. R. A. White of Lincoln was elected
president and C. J. Ringer of Hardy secre
tary and treasurer. The reports on state o
religion showed cncouruglsg progress
Quite a number of pastorlcss congregations
are now being supplied. Important open
Ings -for the Lutheran church In new places
were pplntod out and discussed. The con
ference closed with a lecture by Rev. L. P
Ludden of Lincoln on the subject , "Wai
Moses Mistaken ? "
Rnlii In Xebrftokn.
Cclelirntloii of Arbor Day.
COLUMBUS. Neb. . April 22. ( Special. )
Arbor day la being * ob , < erved by the banks
and ochoo's today. The children are hav
ing special exercises and from 3 to 5 o'clock
the TransmlzsLssIppI school exhibit will be
d'sp'uyed to the public.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , April 22. ( Spe
cial. ) Arbor day was appropriately observed
hero today. The schools were dlmieacd and
all the children participated In the exercises.
Large numbers of shade , forest and trull
trees were planted by teachers , pupils and
citizens generally.
BERLIN. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) The
public rchools of this place otserved Arbor
day and Bird day In a most appropriate man
ner 'Friday. The program wss most Inter
esting , In which the public and friends par
WYMORE , Neb. , April 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Arbor day was appropriately cele
brated facce today by exercises In the public
echoob , trees were planted and a fine literary
program carried out. The schools were
visited by many o the patrons this after-
Wentern iXutimxka Teacher * .
SIDNEY , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) The
sixth annual convention of the Western Ne
braska Educational association met here to
day and will continue In secslon tomorrow.
Thcro Is a good attendance and much Inter
est manifested. An excellent program la be
ing given. Among prominent educators pres
ent from abroad are W. F. McDowell , D. D. ,
chancellor Unlverrlty of Denver ; W. R. Jack
son , state superintendent ; J. W. Crabtree ,
rtato Inspector of high schools. The associ
ation's officeru are : President , W. P. Klllen ,
Lodgepole ; secretary , Minnie Cbuse , Sidney ;
treasurer , B. K. Bushee , KImball. Executive
committee J. C. Orr , North Platte ; Mrs.
Rcea Dodds , Chappell.
CULBERTSON , Neb. , April 22. It com
menced raining at about 7 p. m. today ant
thcro are good prospects of a heavy rain be
fore morning.
EDGAR , Neb. . April 22. ( Special. ) Rain
again visited this section last night. It was
the first heavy thunder stcrm of the season
Rain fell nearly all night and the precipita
tion was about an Inch.
RED CLOUD. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
The cloudy weather of the last few dajs
culminated In a severe and heavy rainstorm.
It was accompanied by a strong north wind.
Sidewalks were floated In some parts of the
city aad sewers and gutters were overflowed.
tthlrtlc Clnli nt lU-cntur.
DECATUR , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
A Young Men's Athletic club was organized
here last night with Charles Ashley aa man
ager. ( A , room hao been rented and a gym
nasium outfit will be purchased. The mem-
bera represent the young bloods of the com
munity , and they are highly elated over
their successful organization. The club clalma
there Is money In the treasury.
Cattle Shipment * .
DECATUR. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
Anderson Brothers , largo stock feeders of
this district , shipped flvo care of cattle to
Chicago yeslertiiy. The flist of n xt week
Y R Aihtey nnd K. B. McNutt will make
big t&lpmenls. A goo.l many feeders are
bunching their hern for the May ma kct.
The bulk of the stuff from this point will go
to Chicago. Anderson R'ca , alone will
rhlp a half train of hoga. J. P. O'Rourko
shipped two cira of rattle yesterday. Other
minor ehlpmcntJ were made. Stock raising
and feeding In this county has Increased rapIdly -
Idly In the last two years and more than
docj Its shale In supplying the markets.
Out Fruit Trccx.
JUNIATA , Neb. , April 22. ( Spzclal. )
More fruit trees arc being i.-et out here thin
spring than ever before. The ground Is In
the best possible condition.
The city council has bought and had put
up several new street Itgbts of a fancy
pattern. Thla make. * about twenty-flve lights
on our street cornerf" .
William III'.l found a wedged-shaped piece
of Iron on the B. & M. railroad the other
evening when he was setting out the social
lights and removed It from the rail In time
to save a wreck.
AVnnlfMr County
AUBURN , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) A
petition containing one thousand names was
presented to the Board of County Commis
sioners asking them to call a v pedal election
to vote bonds 'o the amount of ? CO,000 to
build n court house end Jail for Ncmaha
county. The commissioners callel the ope-
clal election for tbe 2.Sth day of May. The
call was made for $50,000 for court houae ,
and $10,000 for jail. At present Nemaha
county Is doing business In an old frame
building that looks like a fourth-decs boardIng -
Ing house.
Orniit < > rcctM tlip SoldlrT * .
GRANT , Neb. , April 22. ( Specla' . ) T'le
Eighth regiment of Infantry passed through
here last night on their way from Cheyenne ,
Wyo. , to New Orleans. Three trains , a
freight for the horse * and equipment and
two passengers for the troops , were used.
They are a fine looking lot of men and arc
thoroughly equipped. All seemed anxious to
try their marksmanship on the Spanlarls
Them were acout 600 of them. Almost the
whole population of the town turned out to
sea them.
IttilhlliiK Operations nt IJrcnlur.
, DECATUR. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
George 'M. ' Byram and W. A. Hlldreth , leadIng -
Ing merchants of this city , have begun the
construction of two fine , up-to-date store
buildings. The work Is being pushed through
and they will bo ready for occupancy by the
flri't ' of June. Byram's building will be a par
ticularly flno one , having all theunodern Ini
provements of the day. The second floor of
Hlldreth's store will bo converted Into a
hall , which Is to be used as a lodge room.
nt Aurora.
AURORA , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
Some parties ns yet unknown supposed to bo
tramrs entered the residence of ex-State
Senator Mlghell of this city yesterday evenIng -
Ing while the family was out and after helpIng -
Ing themselves to the contents of the cub-
board raniaiked the house for valuables ,
taking some Jewelry and what little money
Mis. ' .Mlghell had In the house and then left
for parts unknown.
AttnckcMl l.y n Hull.
EDGAR , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) J. B.
Johnston , a farmer , residing about two miles
west of Edgar , while attempting to drive
some cattle out of the yard , was attacked
by a bull of the red polled variety. He was
knocked down and severely butted before he
was rescued from his perilous condition. Hla
Injuries are not considered fatal.
Geneva Ilrlrfx ,
GENEVA , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) The
Old Folks Concert , given by the Silver Link ,
R. D. Lodge In their hall last night was a
This evening the Fraternal Aid association
Initiated about fifty new members.
Itoynl Highlander * Bnuiinot.
BUTTON , Neb. , April 22. ( Speclil. ) The
Royal Highlanders of this city entertained
their friends to a grand banquet last even
ing. Toasts were given by members and
Secretary Sharp acid Treasurer Selkeman of
Aurora afdres ed the company.i
Sprint ? lUxe nt Docntnr.
DECATUR. Neb. , April 22. ( Special. )
The spring rise made its appearance yester
day. The river is rising rapidly. It has
swollen to a height of over four feet In tbe
last eighteen hours. The usual amount of
rubbish Is coming down.
Hey IlrrnkH IIIn Arm.
( BERLIN , Neb. , April 22. ( Special. ) The
4-year-old boyof Henry Brandt of this place
fell down cellar yesterday and broke his arm.
A physician reduced the fracture and It Is
doing well.
i Curfew at Culbortiou.
CULBERTSON , Neb . April 22. ( Special. )
The village board has pacsed a curfew or
Fair , Tvltu neeri-uHliiHT Cloinlliieon anil
Northerly \Vlinlx.
-WASHINGTON , April 22. Forecast for
Saturday :
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair weather ,
with decreasing cloudiness ; northerly winds.
'For ' South Dakota and Ida a Partly cloudy
weather ; variable winds.
For Missouri Fair , except showers In
southern portion ; northerly winds.
For Wyoming Fair -weather ; northerly
Local lleeord.
OMAHA , April 22. Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall compared with tha
corresponding day of the last three years
ISIS. 1S97. 1S9S. lS9i.
Maximum temperature . . . CO 76 67 74
Minimum temperature . . . 52 CO 44 4C
Avcrape temperature t9 C3 50 57
Rainfall 13 .93 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation at
Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1S97
Normal for the day &
Excess for the. day !
Accumulated excess since Marc'n 1 Ill
Normal rainfall fcr tlw day 12 Inch
Excess for the day 01 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 3.43 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 24 Inch
Kxcea ? for cor. period , U97 31 In oh
Excess for cor. period , 1SW 42 Inch
Renorti front Station * at N p. ni.
Bevepty-nftb Meridian time.
T Inrtlcltfi trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH , Loral Forecait Official.
We're not doing much talking about
this war business Jtwt sawing wood ,
and doing our talking about the many ,
many things we have to sell. Ours Is a
complete music and art store every
thing from a Jcwsharp to a grand plane
and eyery piece of music ever written ,
particularly the latest vocal and instru
mental pieces. There is nothing the artist
will need but that we have It and our
assortment of pictures framed and tin-
framed , is a wonder to all who have
seen them. We frame pictures , too.
iUSlG Odd An - 1513 Douglas
Thurstsn Gets 1hrtnh Amendment for the
L fo Sav ng Exhibit.
Gcnernt Copplnffpr Llkelr to 11 ? Soon
Promoted to thnlliunnk of
Mnjor fienfrrJkl o (
Volunteer ! '
I 'n
WASHINGTON , AprlK" " 22 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator ThurslCh | tc yesterday In
the sundry civil bill secured an amendment
relative to the life saving station at the
Omaha exposition , placing the station on
the same basis as permanent stations , which
II Insure a life saving crew at the cxposl
tlon on relatively the , same basts as those
maintained on the lakes and oceans.
Ilrlgadlcr General J. J. Copplnger , now at
Mobile , Ala. , will In all probability be ap-
rolntid to a major general's rank as soon as
the call Is Itsucd for troops. General Cop
plnger has been recommended to the presl
dint and secretary of war by Senators
Thurston and Warren for the major gen
eral's status , and his record as a soldier la
so well known that General Miles hai sig
nified his Intention to recommend his promo
tion as major general of volunteers.
John W. Alexander hai been recommended
by Semator Thurston to the weather bureau
as a laborer In conjunction with the kite
station to be established at North Platte.
John L. Webster Is In attendance on the
supreme court engaged In the argument of
the case o the Union Loan and Trust com
pany against J. Kennedy Todd & Co. , In
volving the question of ownership of some
$3,500,000 of stocks and bonds. Mr. Web
ster appears for the defendants In error and
will address the court on Monday.
Now that coal Is contraband of war there
has been a serious question of using Rock
Springs coal for government purposes , and
on effort will be made to secure a reduction
of rates on the Central Pacific to get coal
from tbe Wyoming mines to the Pacific coast
for the supply of the navy.
Governor Ulchards of Wyoming has tele
graphed Senator Warren assuring him that
the National guard of Wyoming will bo In
readiness to move to points whenever
needeJ. Wyoming was one of the first states
to tender the serUces of the guard for the
subjugation of Cuba.
General L. W. Colby of Beatrice , Neb. , Is
In the city to tender to the president L'5,000
members of the American-Cuban volunteer
legion as a part of the army of Invasion In
Cuba. The legion will be composed mostly
of cavalry , most of which It Is proposed to
secure from Texas , to be composed of cow
boys skilled In the handling of horses and
arms , artillery and Infantry.
Fuiiernl ScrvlrcM Wtll llo Held In the
Semite CtiMiulier Todny.
WuM3HIN > GTON , April 22. During the
brief open session of the senate today the
formal announcement of tbe death of Senator
Walthall ( Miss. ) was announced , and the gen
eral arrangements for' 'the funeral were
made , the ceremonies 'of ' 'which are to beheld
held In the senate chamber"jpmorrow at noon.
A secret setslcn was UUd , during which
the conference report on the volunteer bill
was agreed to , but no bualu'ets was dene in
open session. t [ j ,
At 2 o'clock the senatp returned legislative
business In open session. , j
Mr. Money ( Miss. ) officially announced tbe
death of Senator Walt/iall / , , , "It is my sad
duty , " gold he , "to announce to the ( senate
that at 5:15 : yesterday April 21. Edward
Cary Walthall , the senior senator from Mis
sissippi , departed this life , at his residence
In this city. This distinguished soldier , this
wise statesman , this courtly gentleman , hai
left behind him a recoiidt-oligoo'4 deeds well
performed. ItIs not my .purpose at this time
to present an extended history of bis life'
and character , but a.a la cr time I wish to
pay tribute to his , character. "
Mr. Money then offered th'e usual resolu
tions expressing-regret of the senate and
Instructing the vice president to appoint
nine senators to represent the senate at the
The resolution was adopted and Senators
Money , Berry. Bate , Pettus , Spoener , Gray ,
Proctor and Cannon were appointed on the
Carmnck , the Sitting Member , Will
lletaln IIIn Sent.
WASHINGTON , April 22. The house today
displayed its enthusiasm for tbe war on
which the country has entered by rushing
through without debate the conference report
on the bill authorizing the president to call
out the volunteer ? , ahd agreeing lo meet at
10 o'clock tomorrow to 'aiie up the consid
eration of the army organization bill. The
passage of the latter bill Is considered Im
peratively necessary by the War deport
The Patterson-Carn'ncli ' contested election
case was disposed of , the sitting member ,
Mr. Carmack , being given the seat by a vote
of 136 to 118. Sever * ! republicans voted with
tbe democrats , and many decline I to vote.
The democrats were very bitter In their
denunciation of Mr. Patterson , who belonged
to the gold wing of tne party. Both the con
testant and contestee addressed the house
In their own behalf.
Patent * to Wentern Inventor * .
WASHINGTON. April 22. ( Special. )
Patents have been Issued to northwestern
Inventors as follows :
Nebraska Daniel Cameron and D. 8. Car-
raway , Omaha , assigns patent on a device
for recovering glycerine from tank-water to
t'ho ' Cudahy Packing company of Chicago ;
Sturgeon Kerebner , Blue Hill , assigns one-
* *
The Perfect Health of a Large Family is Due to the use of
Paine's Celery Compound.
WORCESTER , .Mass. , March 5 , 1S9S.
Wells , Richardson & Co. Gentlemen :
Mjself and family form a first-class example
of the health-giving qualities of Paine's cel
ery compound. Every spring wo use this
valuable remedy , and It has kept my chil
dren well and strong. I believe that It ! '
better to take steps to keep well rather than
to wait till one Is sick. The good health of
my family and freedom from Doctor's bills
shows the wisdom of taking Patne's celery
Every time I have a chaivoe I speak In
pralso of Paine's celery compound , knowing
it to bo superior to sansaparlllas or any ordi
nary spring medicine. Yours very truly ,
Publisher of the 'American Bandsman.
Hero's a whole family.
Husband , wife and children reado well and
kept well by Paine's celery compound.
The pre-eminence of Palne's celery cc-m-
half of patent on rotary engine to F. Kereh-
.ner , Marlon , la. ; George A. Newman , Cliff ,
explosive engine ; Andrew J. Welander ,
Omaha , dice bbx ; Frank Q. Westland , Mc-
Cook , folding spring seat ; Alba R. Young ,
Murray , attachment' for corn planters.
lena Thomas M. Dojle assigns cne-half
of patent on gas or gasoline engine to M.
Wahrer , Fort Madison ; John A. Gordon ,
Sharpsburg , reaping machine ; ( Wllllam H. '
Gray , Eddyvllle , corn harvester and binder ;
John W. Richards , Muscatlne , awning ; '
Charles L. Scott , Mclntlro , tank valve ; John '
W. Shepherd , Charlton , doubletree ; Zadoc L.
\Vtieeler , Cedar Falls , mill coupling.
South Dakota Guetave M. Flnottl , Mission
Hill , cabinet.
NCVIH for the Army.
WASHINGTON , April 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) First Lieutenant Benjamin Crooke
Is retired with pay of captain.
Transfers are as follows : Second Lieuten
ant Thomas F. Howard , Second cavalry , to
Seventh cavalrj'i troop I ; Second Lieutenant
Stephen M. Kochersperger , Seventh cavalry ,
to Second cavalry , troop Fr Captain Cor
nelius Gardner , Nineteenth infantry , from
company I to company C.
Transfers In Eighth Infantry : Captain
Folllot A. Whltnet , company A to company
I ; Captain Richard H. Wikson-company I
to company A. Transfers of Sixteenth In
fantry : First Lieutenant Ellis Chandler ,
company K to company G ; First Lieutenant
Beaumont Tuck , company G to company K ;
First Lieutenant John T. Martin , First ar
tillery , relieved from duty at Ohio State
university and to Join his battery. First
Lieutenant Mlllard F. Harmon , First ar
tillery , relieved from duty at Fort Barran
cas , Fla. , and directed to report to com
manding officer. Brigadier Samuel T. Gush
ing Is retired on account of age.
Fifteen days' leave Is granted to Captain
Edwin H. Brewer , Seventh cavalry. Colonel
James M. Moore Is relieved from duty at
Now Orleans and ordered to report to tbe
quartermaster general. Major Joshua W.
Jacobs Is relieved from duty as chief quar
termaster. Department of Columbia , by
Major John L. Clem , and directed to report
to General Shatter at New Orleans. Cap-
Drex L. Shooman would make n pretty
good reform police commissioner he's
so handy with the axe Just cuts the life
out of shoe prices and he likes to , too.
Whoever heard of a boy's shoe that Is
a shoe that was worth the trouble of
breaking in-being sold at $1.50 , till
Drex L. Shooman got at the prices ?
And here Is a shoe that shows more
value to the square inch than most $2.00
shore it will stand the hard wear and
knocks of a live Iwy nnfl still look well
that's saying a great-deal but hundreds
of 'mothers will tell yon1 the same thing.
Drexel SKbe Co. ,
± < i <
Omnhn'i Up-to-dnt c uoo Ilonie.
(1 1 , .
i n !
The dance of death In Cuba Is whirlIng -
Ing thousands Into ft YiIty , bnt Spain
still plays a Spanish ' huulango with
ruthless unction. Don'l I'neourage death
to toy with you by neglecting to purge
your blood of impurities that affect all
of your vital organs , but give them vigor
and tone by purifying the blood. Now Is
the season to do It , and ours Is a store
where you can get Jiwt what you ask for
and at me price you cxp'ect to and
ought to pay. Careful attention given
to compounding prescriptions.
M Retail DrugHouse. .
1403 Farnam Strret.
Opposite Paztea Uottk-
pound ovor'all other remedies , especially as a
t'prlng invlgorator and blood purifier for
every member of the family , from the young
est to the oldest , could not be better Illua-
tratoJ than In the case of the Prcndlvllle
family of Worcester , Mass.
It Is to be remembered that not one-tenth
of all the magnificent cures fairly duo to
Pjlne's celery compound ever got beyond tlio
knowledge of the Immediate family ; that , In
fact , few people have any appreciation of the
number of families throughout the United
States where Palno's celery compound Is kept
conntantly on hand , and Is being taken , or
has been taken , by pome of UP members.
Pulno's celery compound hcs already done
an enormous work. It has saved lives. It
has saved health. It has saved homes.
It Is not beyond the reach of the most mod
est household , while a much greater expen
diture will procure nothing else to effective.
Pulno's celery compound , the remedy that
tain John M. Carson , Jr. , Is relieved fron
duty at Fort Hamilton , N. Y. , and ordered to
report at Chlckamauga park.
Nominations by the lre l < lent.
WASHINGTON , April 22. The president
today sent these nominations to the senate :
Colonel William H. Nosh , assistant com-
ralcsary general of subsistence , to be com
missary general of subsistence , with the
rank-of brigadier general ; Charles H. Roes ,
surveyor of cuetoma at Burlington , la. ; to
be third lieutenant In revenue cutter serv
ice , Hermann H. Wolff of Ohio.
Pertaining to PoNtofnceH.
WASHINGTON , April 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Postmasters appointed : Iowa J.
W. Llovsas , at Sewcll , Wajtie county. South
Dakota Alex Bagslad , at Volln , Yankton
county. Wyoming Peter Gordon , Jr. , at
Fossil , Ulnta county.
Fannie B. Bauman was today appointed
charwoman In the Omaha public building
at J270 a year.
Indian ICdueiitloiinl Kxhlhlt.
WASHINGTON , April 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Specimens of class room work of
the Indian educational exhibit at the Trans-
mlsslssippl Exposition will be shipped to
Omaha Monday.
Dnlly Treanury Statement.
WASHINGTON , April 22. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $219,601,919 ; gold re
serve , $181,912,280. i
"Movlnir " Troops from AVnnhnkle.
The Union Pacific has just been awarded
the contract for hauling the government
troops at Fort Washakle , Wyo. , from Raw-
lln * . Wyo. , to Kansas City , Mo. The route
will be over tbo Kansas Pacific , and the
troops will not come through Omaha. The
movement will be In two trains , and will
Include about 300 men and SO.OOO pounds of
freight. As Fort Washakle Is located about
fifty miles away from the railroad several
days will be occupied in moving the troops
makes people well , Is within the reach of
As frequently happens In the spring , ths
entire family begins to feel "run down , " and
to suffer with the hardest disease In the
world to diagnose the trouble they have
when they say , "Doctor , I don't feel well. "
The advlso of hopte of competent phyrlclana
Is to use Palno's celery compound , the ono
known spring remedy that restores lost ner
vous energy , creates nn appetite , purifies the
blood , and builds up the strength of tha
entire system ,
Nonoupnesp , headaches , thinness , rnla
faces and poor appetites among children coma
from the samu causes thit produce rheuir.a-
tlsin , neuralgia and debility In older per
sons from poor blood and Insufficiently nour
ished nerves. Paine's celery compound Is the
first , last and only remedy uped In Intelli
gent , prudent homes , where pains Is taken
to get only the best In so vital a matter.
and their equipment to Rawllns. It Is ex
pected that the march to Rawllns will ba
complete and the movement of the trains
bezln on Monday afternoon or Tuesday
mornlnz. The destination of the troops 1 *
Chlckamauea Park , Ga.
Klxli for .Mlxnourl Rlvcrx.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 22. The State
Irish hatchery has recelvoJ 2,000,000 eggs
of wall-eyed pike from the northern lakes ,
and from these the rivers and streams of
northwest Missouri will bo stocked with
fish. Oass and croppy have been used
heretofore , but It Is believed tvi ; the stat *
commissioners that pike will thrive better.
Rork Inland KxrhniiKcn Ilondii.
CHICAGO , April 22. Holders of the f.rjt
mortgage bonds of the Rock Island , and ot
Its 5 per cent debenture bonds , have been
notified that these ponds will he exchanged
for the now 4 per cent bonds on and after
April 25. The transfer will b3 made at tha
ofllcc of the Central Trust company In New )
York City.
ICitrnliiKN of the CVortlnvetitern. ,
CHICAGfl , April 22. Gross earnings of tbn
Northwestern road for the month of March
were $3,051,833 , an inj-easo of IG'S.CCT over
the same month of liui y.'ir. From June 1'
to March 31 , the gro s earnings of the 'oad
were $30,252,054 , an Increase of $4,020SG1.
Itenillnvr Room for Onecoln.
OSCEOLA ; Neb. . April 22. ( Special. ) X
move has been set on foot by Rev. A. J.
Ross ot this city to provide a suitable rend
ing room and gymnasium for the amusement
and profit of the citizens and the young men
especially. 1
1I I
Part seven of The Bee's travel series I *
on Cuba and the , wreck of the Maine. Six
teen pictures , Including actual picture oj
the wreck , divers at work on the wreck , tha
officers of the board of Inquiry , Morro
castle and Havana. Ready at The Bee oN
Hce , Omaha , South Omtha and Council
Bluffs. Ten cents each. '
"We're ready ready to moot nny of onr
would-bo competitors. Where else can
yon jjet A GOOD rake for 15 cents era
a hoc nt the same price ? Where else can
you get guaranteed garden hose fop 10
cents ? Where clue can you got n lawn
mower for 2.75 or a large 124-Inch one
for ? 7.00 ? Where cine can you get a
LAUGI3 two-burner gasoline Htove for
$ ! > ? Just ask yourselves these ques
tions , then consult the Interests of your
pocketbook , and come here. We are
showing the largest line of builders'
hardware In Omaha.
A. C.
. . RAYMER ,
1514 Fartiam St ,
War that's what it means now be
tween this great united country and bar
barous Spain. War wo have been wagIng -
Ing war on clumsy painful good-for-
nothing dentistry for over thirteen years
over ten of It right here and In thai
time we've made so many friends and
our patronage has Increased to such an
extent that we are obliged to keep open
evenings. We close promptly at 8UJO.
Those who have our fillings always
recommend them. Small gold lllllngs , $2 ;
eilver and gold alloy , $1. Lady attend
ant. .1
13 Tear * Sd Floor ffitom Bile ,
talk and Ifmrmmm. '