THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Fill DAY. APIITL 22. 1808. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MEXTIOH. Try Mocre'n stock food. Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block. Cr. Green , office 512 Fourth street. K. W , Williams has gone to Idaho. Musical people should hear Farland. Jersey Cream flour. Bartel & Miller. Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk. , Drs. Snyder & Snydcr removed to 121 South ( Seventh street. Mrs. Ovid Vlen has gone to Kaanas City for a brief visit. Myrtle lodge , Degree of Honor , will meet In regular session this evening. " Mrs. J. C. Hlsey left last evening for , Tlilt with relatives In Kensas City. It. H. 'Cutter , a carpenter , has reported ( he loss of a valuable lot of tools. U. Venting , pastor of the First Baptist church , haa returned from Minnesota. 8. M. Williamson is confined to hla bed with a dangerous attack of erysipelas. Wanted Competent cook , good wages. Mrs. George A. Keellne , 129 Park avc. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Field of Cheyenne are visiting 'Mrs. E. Fields , his mother , on Sixth venue. , , The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine if * ork both for color tnd finish. 620 Pearl treet. Phone 290. 4 Ttio Junior members of the Loyal Tcm- " pcranco Army will meet at the homo of Mr * . Kfflticey at 4 p , m. . SonlCf members nt _ 7:30. : | i i" . ' 4' The annual cadet field day has been flxefl , , for May 6. The Board of Kducatlon has < , , > erantcd the cadets a half holiday for the ' * vcnt. * Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Droadway. 1 Henry Rlshton celebrated hla sixtieth birthday last evening by a large social gath- erlnc and received the congratulation of many friends. Mod Everett , who underwent a dangerous purslcal operation , was reported last evenIng - Ing to be getting along nicely , but Is still in n precarious condition. Deere. Wells A Co. felt the effect of the present war scale yesterday. It come In the form of a countermand of an order for a car load of farm Implements. Lily Camp Aid society will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Flemmtag at Fifth avenue and Sixteenth street this afternoon. All members are requested to be present. Superintendent Illscy Is attending the an nual meeting of the ( Northwestern Iowa Teachers' association , which Is now In ses sion at 'Sioux ' City. rrof ; Hlsey has a prom inent place on the program ] The police were asked yesterday to look * out for two runaway boys , Carl Toner and L. Taylor , who bad left their homes In Glen- wroc ] and were supposed to have come to this city. Tney are 1 ! years Old. The body of Dr. Crouch , who died 111 DM- vcr a few days ago , will arrive here this Kiornlng $ t _ 7:20. : The casket will be fallen directly from the Northwestern depot to Falrvlew cemetery , and there will bo no funeral services. Only the father ot the deceased will be here. The Dodge Light Guards received yester day afternoon IVom Adjutant Bycrs notice directing the guards not to recruit any more until order No. 15 was received. The pre vious order referred to the oecei'slty for the recruits standing physlclal examination. The company now has sixty men. A week's theatrical amusement Is In store for the Council Bluffs people. Commencing next Sunday night at ( do Dohany theater "The Prlngles" will hold the boards for the week following , opening In one of the best pieces In their rerertory , "The Bashful " Lover. " The company comes highly recommended - mended is a good ! attraction , playing comedy and tragedy. George Mitchell , the colored man , who suf fered * peculiar accident , the bursting of a > large tumor over hla heart and nearly bled to death on the streets , died at the Woman's Christian Asoclatloa hospital , where he was taken for surgical treatment. The tumor proved to be an aneurism ot the aorta and was pronounced by the surgeons to be a most remarkable case. Louie Weber reported * to the police yes terday that an attempt was made by bur glars to break Into hla house on Benton street on the previous alght. The noise awakened him and the visitors fled before he had chance to use his' revolver. Mr. Weber Is a postal railway clerk and had re cently drawn bis pay. The burglars were engaged In forcing up a window when they were discovered. The Omaha and Council Bluffs Motor com pany decided yesterday that It would not be necessary to build a new power plant on the north side of the tracks near the car barns for the Installation of the new powei * plant. A large addition will be made to the present plant , which Is located two blocks south of the tracks. The Chicago engineers have completed their mirveye and the slue and hapo of the new addition have been deter mined. Work will begin In a few days. Colonel C. G. Samders and Judge Ree\l have returned from Des 'Molnes ' 'where they were called Into conference with Governor Shaw on military matters. They have per- tfected all 'arrangements for raising a regIment - , Iment in Council Bluffs If It Is needed. Gov- > jeraor Shaw told them that no volunteers would be called for until after the national guard had been ordered out , and that he had tendered to the president the full strength of the Iowa mllltla. Colonel Saun- dere , who Is a member of the governor's taff , declared his belief that the guards would be ordered out before the end ot the present -week. C. D. Vtuva Co. , female remedy : consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 126-327-3 8 UtrrUra block. _ Money to loan on city property , Klnn * . N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. No doubt but war will come now that the president has sent In his ultimatum. How ever , that need not prevent you eating a mess of flno frctfa fioh. . Sullivan keeps plenty of 'em. The Grnnil It null. There will be a grand rush when the ex position opens and Council Bluffa should be looking her beat. Put your house In pbapo by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Selecl your colors end then come to us and gel your paints and oils. The material you buy at our house , l the beet to be had. Our paints will last , so that you need not waste money every year or so by repainting , as will bo the wee If you UFO poor material. Wo have the most extensive paint houao in the city and you are sure to be suited. Council 'Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass com pany , Masonic block. IJcrnnen. Morrlase licenses were Umed to the fol lowing1 named persons yesterday : Name and Residence. ABO. I * A. Storm , Pottawattamle. county . 22 Jresla C se. I'attawattomiti county . 20 P. L. Dupweex , Denver . 21 Etta Crane , Extra , la . 19 MENERAY BROS. NURSERYMEN , Of Orescent City are here In Council Bluffa and Omaha with tbelr fine line of fruit trees , grape vices , etc. , and all kloila of fine shade trees , flowering ibrubs and roses. Their ale grounds are located at 615 East Broad way , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam street , one block' west of Twentieth street , Omaha , where you will be waited on at all times with pleasure. We sell all goods very cheap aod guarantee * ! 1 goods flrst-cUes. Omaha > yho e , 1 < U | CcmBcll DI fJ , SI * "PRESBYrERIANALLErCASE Testimony of All But One Witness IB Now Eeforo the Court. JUDGE MACY WINDS U ? HIS VISIT Judffr SniHh ItcHUincH Control of the Court mid IKNIICN n Venire for Ttieltu Juror * to Fill the I'nnel. All the evidence In the Injunction case by which N. P. Uodge and others are endeavorIng - Ing to prevent the closing of "Presbyterian alley" was submitted to Judge" Macy yester day with the exception ot that to be given by Thomas Officer , one of the former owners of the building recently purchased by the Citizens' bank. An order was made that this testimony should be taken by a com missioner forwarded to Judge Macy at Atlantic , where he resumes his work on the district bench today. Judge Smith , who has been oft the bench for the last three days while this case waa being heard , will re sume his duties today and will take up the equity docltet. 'It ' Is not likely that Judge Macy will reach a decision In the important Injunction case for several days. Lucy Eatou , the administratrix of the es tate of the late Joel Eaton , made an appli cation to have her bond reduced to JIO.OOO. The entry on the court records shows that the bond was originally fixed at $100.000. Accmpanylng the application was an afTUa- vlt signed by 'Miss ' Katcn and her brother , 3rMvllle M. Eaton , showing that they were the solo heirs of Joel Eaton. The application was granted and the bond was reduced. The estate amounts to about $27,000. Judge Smith Issued an order excusing eight of the regular Jurymen and ordered the drawing of twelve extra Jurymen to fill their places. The result of the drawing was as follows : D. B. Dentler , A. Grout , O. Mll- lard , JI. J. Kelley. K. M. Slyter , George Clatterbuck , John Wortmaa , Council Bluffs ; W. W. Walker , Crescent : George M. Wllsco , Robert Green , Johu Alton , Ole Olscn , Coun cil 'Bluffs. Have you recn the nice new stock of car pets at the Stockert Carpet company's store , 203 and 207 West Broadway ? If not and you are Intending to anything In that line be sure and give them a call. What you buy there will be new and up to date. No house In Council Bluffs or Omaha can undersell them. A fine line of rugi. , curtains , etc. , to select from. They make a specialty of fit ting and laying carpets and doing drapery work to order. ' Is the grcoj fish Jay , and Sullivan la the one who cSTT give you the best la the ir.arket In that line. Leave your order at ula store , 343 Broadway. Lawn mowers and lawn hose at J. Zoller & Co. Cord wood for sale cheap. Address W. F. , Bee office. Council Bluffs. Domestic Soap Is the beat for the laundry. I.ETOEIl FltUU T1IIMII SAILOR 1IOY. PnrentH of Wnltcw Younvr Get Cheer- IIIRITVM from Him. The. parents of Walter Young , who is a fciman aboard the San Francisco , which has Just reached New York from England In company with the newly acquired war ohlp , New Orleans , received a Jong letter from him yesterday. It Is the first he has writ ten since his return. Walter Young Is now In his 21st year. For a number ot years ho was one of the carriers In The Bee force In Council Bluffs. Before he got through the High school he yielded to the. desire to sec more of the world and became a traveler. A year or more ago he sent his parents word that ho bad enlisted in the na'vy. Reports have come regularly indicating the rapid progress he has been making and In the let ter received jesterday he states that he will "Ret a nciw rating tomorrow. " Ills letter de scribes the long trip across the ocean. Con cerning this portion of his experience , after detailing the apprehension generally felt that a Spanish gunboat or two had been ordered to Intercept them and the eagerness of the crew to try their guru and conclusions with the dons he says : "We had only half crews and were very busy all of the time. But every man In the two ships knew his duty and -was anxious to discharge It. Both ships would have grven good accounts of them selves If there had been occasion for It. We had a very flno trip during the first seven days , but after that bad very bad weather , In fact the worst I have ever * een. It posi tively could not have been worse. We made excellent weather of It , but the Amazonas had quite a bad time of It and delayed us so that we bad to call at Halifax for coal. From there we had good weather. The New Orleans , aa the Amazonas Is now called , bad a boat stove in and several other small ac cidents , but no ono was hurt. Our ship was mistress of the waves , just u every sailor now believes our navy Is. Wo have received nearly all of our ofllcera back and our ma- rlneo , but none of our crew. It was neces sary to take the New Orleans directly to the ship yard after our arrival hero at New York. We are still anchored In the lower bay and are hoping to get In the navy yard , where wo can get some liberty and hear more of the news. The St. Paul came In to night and we gave her a royal welcome. This tittlqn ot war does not teem to make anj change in us. We are all ready to do our duty and hoist our battle cry : 'Remember the Maine and take two for one. ' You may rest assured we will do our whole duty and If we have to die we will die like men. All you need to have to win a fight nowadays Is plenty of grit and be lively. Now , don't worry. God holds our Ihes In Hla keeping and if He thinks It Is tlmo to take us wo will be readv for It any minute. The treacherous destruction ut the Maine and the murder of our boys may prove to be the best thing the Spanish could have done for us. for It haa made every pallor afloat thirsty for revenge and when the tlmo comes every man and byy will domore than his duty. I am afraid the only way peace can bo pre served Is for Spain to bock out. It means ruin for her if she fights and we are afraid the won't give us the chance we are all BO anxious tor. " The Mammoth Store. Have you visited the mammoth store of Peterson l& Schoenlng since their removal to the Merrlam block , on South Main street ? Their store Is now the largest oneof Its kind In the city. It combines both hard ware and furniture. You can fit your house up In floe efiape without leaving the build ing. Their goods are all new and they allow no ono to undersell them. They bave on display one of 'the neatest lines of baby carriages ever displayed In Council Bluffs , and a complete line ot Iron bedsteads thai will suit any one'a .fancy. The women ol Council Bluffs and vicinity are especially Invited to call and Inspect their good * . Do not forget the new location and hereafter look for Peterson & Schoealng In the Mer- rlcin block , occupying four big room * . Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean friends. Dance at K. P. hall Paturday night. John Klxlcy In Innnne. John Elsley was taj n Into cuotody at an early hour > esterday morning upon the com plaint of members of his family , who alleged that ho waa Insane and was threatening to kill them. He vca taken Into custody by the city police and detained at the city Jal until yesterday afternoon , when be was brought before the Commissioners for the Incane. Ills condition was found to be euch that treatment and restraint -were required The testimony showed that the unfortunate man had hewn symptom * ot UiM<y for isorno time and recently he had conceived the Idea that It was hla duty to cut the throaU ot hie children. One of-tho little bojra carried the complaint to the police sta tion , after having been driven from hU home at midnight. The commissioners ordered the man sent to St. Bernard's hospital for treat ment. His home 1 * In the southern part of the city and he has a large family. CO > CHHT AT THE IJOIIAXV THICATICH. Sonic Itecllnl of Merit llefore nn Ap- Iireelntltc llmllenoe. A concert was given last evening at the Dohany theater , which proved to be one of the most enjoyable that 'has been accessible to tha Omaha public this season. It con- Elated In a song recital given by Mrs. Kath- erlno L. Flsk and MUs Rita Lorton. The audience was large and appreciative and con tained a small number of Omaha people. The program was made up of duets and solos covering a large range ot styles of musical composition , ranging all the way from op- orolic arias to folk songs. An unfortunate defect was the neglect of the American com poser , only Ethelbert Kevin being favored by a place among the world's musical lumi naries. Mrs. Flsk sang "Dlvlnlte du Styx , " by Gluckj "Feldelnsamkolt , " by Brahms ; "SI J'etals Jardlnler , " by Chamlnade ; "Lungl dal Core Bcnc , " by Seccbt , and an old IrUh , an old Scotch and an old English song. Miss Lorton sang the "Jewel Song" from "Faust , " "Invocation to Vesta , " by Gounod : "Sand- mancheu , " by Brahms ; "Volkslledchen , " by Schumann ; "Vllanellc , " by Del Acqua ; "Who Was Silvia ? " by Schubert ; "Tho Wild Flower. " by Leonl , and "My Laddie , " by Nevln. The duets were "Sommernacht" and "Waldconcert , " by Schultz ; "Tho Angelus , " by Chamlnade , and "Lea Ztngarelles , " by Bordesc. Of these selections the aria by Gluok , the song by Sccchl , "Samlmanchcu" by Brahms and "Sommernacht" by Schultz were the most Interesting. Nothing more delicately beautiful than the little ballad by ) rahms con be. found anywhere. The song > y Sccchl Is dramatic ami-grand. Mrs. Flsk possesses one of those rare voices which has a story to tell with Its every tone. There Is In It a variety of tone color that fits ovcry phase of every number and Interprets Inner meanings quite beyond he scope of loud and soft , high and low. The highest pitch of enthusiasm reached during the evening occurred at the close of a verso of the "Star Spangled Banner , " eung as an encore. Mlsa Lorton has a lyric soprano voice of lovely quality and moderate power. It has > ceii well trained and she sings with keen artistic perception. Her very best work was done in the simple folk songs. The accompaniments were played by W. _ , Thlckstun in a manner pleasing to the elngers and creditable to him. His work In the "Sandmanchcu" was worthy of special mention. PATH OP THE nUSY IlllIlGI.AU. IIouoc Owner * Iteport Attempt * to llrenk Into Their I'reiiilneii. Alderman Pace reports that an attempt wan made the other night 'by ' burglais to break Into his home on Mynster street. . Since tie ) numerous a.ttpmptE > of a similar charac ter have been reported by other citizens Mr. Pace has taken especial pains to protect his homo and hau had electric burglar alarms placed at-all of , the doors and windows. The members of the family were awakened fho.tly after midnight by the clanging of a bell that had been set going by the opening of a window. The alarm not only awakened the family , but frightened away the bur glars. A house-worker's designs upon the resi dence of P. C. DeVol were frustrated on Wednesday night. In the early part of the evening the front part of the house was un- llghted and the curtains drawn closely over the rear windows , gtvlng a deserted appear ance to the p'.uce. At 8 o'clock the front door bell rang violently number of timer. Mr. DeVol was at home and was In no par ticular hurry about anawelng the boll , which continued to bo rung at short intervals. When he opened the door quietly ho was confronted by a man with his coat collar turned up and a slouch hat drawn down over his face. The fellow appeaved to be somewhat surprised at the sudden opening ot the door , but explained MB presence by In quiring if the proprietor was In the habit of assisting men In need of help. The fellow appeared to be In excellent health and physical condition and lost no time in dis appearing when a negative reply was. given. DeVol has no doubt that the fellow would have broken into the house within a few momenta , under the Impression that the members of the family were all away. A fisherman will always have good luck It be patronizes the fieh market at Sullivan's grocery store , 343 ; Broadway. Save your Domestic Soap wrappers. Ileal Eiitatc TrnnnferH. The. following transfers' are reported t the title and loan i. Ilce.of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street. At. L. Smith to EX B. Evaw , part lot 83 , Original Plait ; w d ; ; : : , * Ernest E. Hart and wits to M. S. Uhl , s > ,4 lot 1. block 12 , Hall's add. , q. c. d. 10 Chnrl s S. Haverstock to Ernein E. Hurt. eV4 nr % 15-74-41 , q. c. d. . . . . . . . Luierba. licbblnston to C. E. ftwan- ac-n. part lot 1 , block 1 , GlentlaleadJ ; rw d Georgia G. Brlsht to Frank 8. Bishop , e % 24-75-39 ; r . d - 8,960 Administrator of estate rC | John Hlckey to Jacob Dontr , s4 sc % 26-70-42 ; adm. d 2,000 JameU i > . Qulnn and wife to James L. PaxKon , und H land In eecons - 16 , 17 , 28 , C8 , 29 and 30-70-44 ; W d 10.000 Sewn transfer ? , aggregating $21,676 For Sale Open buggy , single harness , good saddle , cheap ; cash or time , at Bourlclus' Musle House. 325 Broadway , where the organ stands on the building. Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap wrappers. Mnll Trnlti * Carry the Plnir. --n order wan received yesterday from the Postofflce department directing all of the fast mall trains to carry the national colors on their engines and the. rear platforms ol the mall coaches. All of the trains that went out last night had flags snapping In the breeze. The order Is In accordance with the custom ot protecting all government property In time ot war with the stars an < ] stripes. A map ot Cuba , the West Indies and ot the world at the Council Bluffs office of The Bee for ten cents. Hoffmayr's'fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Aak your grocer for It. Stilelcle nt Iloone. BOONE , la. . April 21. ( Special Telegram. ) Gus Emerson , a second-hand dealer , aged Gl , committed filicide today by taking lau- clcnum. Business troubles are eupposed to bavo been the cause. lown " 1'reiin Comment. Des Molnes Register : It 1 * noticeable that there has been no contest among the cities of Iowa for the prohibition state convention. Kcokuk Gate City : The new code gives authority to require bonds for good behavior of habitual vagrants. As the repre sentatives of this class cannot furnish bonds as a fule , they can be kept In Jail In definitely. Perry Chief : There Is a movement by the Iowa National guard to make Genera Lincoln a brigadier general. He fought In the rebel1 army under Fltzhugb Lee and Is as far advanced In the military science as any roan In the United States , not excepting more than two or three. He baa often stated thai he was sorry be ever fought against the union and longed for the day that ho might fight for It. Dubuque Times : U appears from Com- mlanloner Boardman'e report that cot a single special1 Internal revenue tax or license Issued for the sale ot oleomargarine Is In force In the state , though about three years ago more tfaan 100 such licenses were In force ID Iowa. The state law prohlbltlni the coloring ot oleomargarine has contrlbutec to this result. The comml'Tiloner's views re. spectlng the effect ot a recent decision against the constitutionality of a similar law la Illinois wouli bi Interesting. PARCELING % THE PLACES Iowa Tranemhsiljipti Exposition Commis sion Diriaea Up the APPOINTEES EAtiH'tO SERVE ONE MDNTH In Thin Mniiner itll Who Hnvc A | > l > llc < l fur I'osltlontjfJIVItl He Provided l-'or mill Kvrr ) lunlx Cllrcu Some tli In IT . DBS MOINB3 , April 21. ( Special. ) The Iowa Transmlssltelppl Exposition commlsalon has determined upon a method ot procedure In the way of appointments which will sat isfy a lavge number of candidates. The com mission has decided to make Its appointments for one month only. There are eight posi tions to be filled by the commlrelon and as the exposition will last five months the planet ot making appointments for ono month only will practically make forty places to be filled. The commission hap received an Immense number of applications for positions , many of which have come from worthy young people ple who Oefilrc to earn their expenses In teeing the exposition by working for the management. The executive committee of ttie Iowa commission for the Transml- slcslppl Exposition yesterday awarded the contract for the erectlou of the Iowa building on the exposition grounds to P. II. Wind of Council Bluffs for $7.793. Mr. Wind stated to the committee that he would file his bond for performance of con tract some time today and begin work on he contract within the next twenty-four tours. The Mils , of which there was only ono other , that of William Ooldie & Sous' company , for $8,000 even money , we.e based ipon plans slightly modified from there originally submitted by the commission. The ; cneral design , style and dimensions of the itruoture were retained. Some of the super- uoua ornamental work is excluded In the now plans , fifteen of the twenty flagpoles sur mounting the Toot being taken outi while some of the windows were reduced in size and a few of them eliminated from the de sign. Preceding the opening of the bids the com- nlttce discussed the subject of securing music during the continuance of the exposi tion and also devoted considerable time to can\a slng plans for the assembling in the building of a creditable art collection repre sentative of the best and highest aspirations of the state , but nothing definite was agreed upon and the subjects were deferred for future consideration. The following appointments ot employes at .ho Iowa building were made : For hostess for the first month of the expo sition , which will open June 1 , Mrs. C. O. MoBvlde of Muecatlne and for the same posl- q d rlnz Ib KST" ! njnritb , JIrs- Jonathan ' " 'vTerner of CouncirBluffs. " Assistant for the. first month , Mlse Nellie Bam > er of Oakland. Messrs. , B. J. Kinsley of Harlan , E. E. Crawford of Toledo and P. J. Kllnkor of Denlson were appointed to positions In the building , while Fred Wright of Marshalltown was selected as janltbr for the opening month and Mrs. iMcCauslanclvas given the position of stenographer. Offices will be opened by Secretary Chare in Council Bluffs about May 1. Nona of the employes named will begin work until the building Is completed , which It Is believed will bo about the second week In 'May , leaving tWo weeks In which to fur- nlah and place It In order for receiving the people from the state ? who will attend .the exposition. The IbW building will be a handsome structure , attractive in appearance and convenient In arrangement , and , with the exhibits expected 'to be made by every department of the Industries of the state , including farm , fleld mine and factory , It Is expected to give I6wd a very creditable rep resentation. The commission Is considering some very elaborate designs for decorative displays In the agricultural exhibit and it is certain that Iowa's display In that department will be one of the very flncst , if not the best , at the exposition. A decorator who bad charge of the decorations for the Sioux City Corn pal ace on teveral occasions will probably have charge of the work and the decorations will bo superior to the famous displays made at the famous Corn palace. An expert will In a few days commence the examination of the books of ex-City Clerk N. B. Vcrtrees , who retired from office last week. It Is said that the books are not eut- flclen'tly ' explicit and that there are a great many expenditures lumped Instead of being given In detail. It la further irtated by the city officials that when Mr. Vertrees retired from 'office he took his petty ledger home with him , so that It is impossible for the new city clerk to explain the lump sums on the general cash book. It Is possible that the wok of the expert will result In sensational developments. While the expert Is at the work of looking over the ex-clerk's books It has been decided by the mayor to have the examination Include all the offices. A general checking up of books will bo accomplished so that the new officials < can start out with clean ledgers and accounts. i.Vt the fifth annual meeting of the Iowa Society of the Sons of the American revolu tlon strong Cuban teeolltlons endorsing Pres ident uMcKlnley's action were passed. A ban quet was held In commemoration of the 123d anniversary of the battle of Lexington. Officer * were elected as follows : President , G. H. Richardson , Belmond ; vice president , John R. Sage , Des Molnes ; secretary , Dr. E. R. Hutchlno , Des Molnce ; treasurer , Wlllard Secor , Forest City ; registrar , E. H. Hazen , Dea Molnes. OIVDEHS Fail TUB IOWA MILITIA. Are Not Willing to Go to the Front to lie mUchnricetl. DE9 MOINES , la. , April 21. Adjutant General Byare today Issued general orders directing a physical examination of all offl cers and nun in the Iowa national guard. Members with family ties that would be detrimental in volunteering services to the United States will be discharged upon re quest : Men under 21 years who cannot pro cure the written consent of parents or guar dians to volunteer and men who do not pass the required examination will bo discharged without delay. Enlistments wlM be accepted from none but ex-members of the guard and those who have received military training. Company commanders are ordered to keep the military strength of their commands to forty-five men who'will go Into the field Immediately upon' order and for the compa- nlea to bo filled to'the required number from applicants sent td'the/surgeon / for examina tion. The men are 'ordered to drill and be disciplined ready for < active service. Corn IK IOWR lllim. DES MOINES , i April 21. ( Special. ) Des Molnes jobbers bad1 ad'excursion out over the line of the Milwaukee to Manilla a few days ago and It was asc'e'rtdlned by them while on Itio trip that there are 250,000 bushels of corn In cribs on the 'line between Marlon and Manilla. . , Captain M. T. Husicll of the Des Molnes park commission-ascertained the amount o grain in crib at'tne } different station ! through which thl'excurskn } passed. The figures were verlffeQ fey Superintendent Mar rleon. In corn. Luther had 150.000 bushels Boone 50,000 , Madrid 75,000 , Woodward 80 , 000 , Bouton 100,000 , Perry 200,000 , Dawson 100,000 , Jamaica 40,000 , Bagley 100,000 , Bay ard 85,000 , Coon Rapids 100,000 , Dedham 90 , 000 , Tcmpleton 90,000 , Manning 80,000 , As plnwall 90,000 and Manilla 125,000. In oats , Bouton had 10,000 , Bagley 25,000 and Ded ham 30,000. i EnKliieer anil Conductor Blamed. PAIRFIELD , la. . April 21. ( Speclal.-Tbe ) coroner held an Inquest on the bodies o ! Engineer Charles E. Dibble , Fireman A. L Blaster and Brakeman William Crowder , con. ductor , and J. D. Buckley , the engineer of the local train No. 86 , who went contrary to orders1 From the evidence given both Crowder and Buckley testified that wben they left .Eldon on the morning of April 16that they w re to meet the extra west- 'tonml freight at Llbcrtyvllle , but for some unaccountable rciecn both forgot their or- dero and did not think ot them again until the trains came together. The coroner's Jury placet the blanvc upon these two men for having forgotten their orders. Killlor Commit * Snlclilr. MARSHAMiTOWN , la. , April 21. ( Special Telegram. ) Charles Beverly , managing ed itor of the Dally Statwinan-l'rc s ot thin city , committed suicide In his otflco build ing this afternoon by shooting himself through thq head. Despondency and 111 health are attributed is the caiiw , althoimh he left ho message. Ho established , the Pro/a hero two years ago and previously w * < r ed itor of the Bclvldero S1H. ) Republican , What Cheer ( la. ) Patriot , Jefferson Souvenir end other papers. He was also at one time clerk of the Iowa senate. Inun I'rmntinl Xotro. A. W. Tlbbltts , an old resident of Allcrton , died a few days ago. Prof. Taylor of the State University rame n from Lincoln this morning. O. M. Glllett ot Independence Is proposed cr grand chancellor of thc.Knlghts of 1'yth- as in Iowa , Rev. Dr. Crott ot Beatrice passed through Omaha this morning on dls way home from in eastern trip. United States Minister Conger , who will eon be In charge of the mission to China , las been In Dee Molnes but will start for China" tomorrow. J. E. Rowen and wife * , who RO to the 'alkland ' IsMnds where Mr. Rowcn Is to be onBtil. were clven a farewell reception at Clarion n few days ago. Undo James Poyncr , 79 years old , and who has lived In Blackhawk county since 855 , recently tendered his services to Gov- rnor Shaw In the. event of war with Spain , W. I. Dutdanan , Ualtod States minister to Argentine. Is spending a few da > s at his lomo In Sioux City before returning to his post at Ducnos Ayrcs. Ills visit has been ut short by orders to return. James Rueh Lincoln , military Instructor at the Iowa Agricultural college , who will eat ! the Iowa mllltla when called out , was i confederate officer on the staff of General ntzhunh Leo during the war. General Hugh J. Campbell , who died a cw da > 8 ago in Yankton , practiced law In Muscatlnc before the war and raised the Irst company In Iowa under Governor Kirk- wood In 1861. He went with Company A as a private and fcught at the battle of Wil son's Creek. C. W. True of Pleasantvlllc , Is one of the .en . persons now living who saw service with General Houston at San Jaclnto. He Is now n Dallas , Tex. , attending a reunion of the old soldiers and he there met A. J. Batrd of 3crry , Texas , another veteran of San Ja clnto. They had not met for more than 'orty years. TO emu : coi.n ix 0x13 DAY Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All Irugglsts refund the money If It falls to cure 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Sn.V.VTOH WAI.THA.Mi PASSES AWAY. SncruniliN to nn tAttnck of Typhoid Pneumonia. WASHINGTON , April 21. Senator Ed ward C. Walthall of Mississippi died In his apartments at the Cairo today at 5:30 : p. m Us death waa not _ unexpected , the cnJ hav- ng been foreseen for several days. At the tlmo of his de.ath there were at his jedsldo his wife , his sister , Mrs. Freeman , and his niece , Mrs. Clark , and her daugh ter. Representatives Allen and Fox of Mis slsslppl have been in alnlost constant at tendance since his Illness. Senator WnlthaH's Illness dated from Jan ucry last , when ho contracted a cold. In February he suffered from on attack of bilious fever , and from this he never rccov cred. Ills last address In the senate was made on April 7 , when he delivered an eulogy on hla colleague , Senator George , In spite of the protests of his physician. The follow i.ig Saturday ho was confined to his bed with a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia , which today resulted fatally. The funeral arrangements provide for serv ices In the senate on Saturday at 11 o'clock. The remains , accompanied by a congres sional committee , will leave hero Saturday night for Honey Springs , Miss. , via Atlanta and Birmingham. The Interment will take place at 10 o'clock Monday. Edward C. Walthall was born In Richmond In 1833. He served In the confederate army during the war , rising to the rank of major general. His profession was the law. With the exception of fourteen months , from January. 1834 , to March , 1895 , Mr. War- thall sat continuously in the senate since March 12 , 1885. He was first appointed to this position to fill the vacancy caused by the nomination of Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar tea a position In President Cleveland's fiist cabi net , and has been re-elected whenever his term expired since that time. Previous to his resignation in 1894 he had been elected for the term beginning In 1895. and he had oiily to return and take Ills seat at the expiration of the term for which he li'ad 'retired. His resignation at that time was tendered on account of 111 health , one while he has given careful attention to the duties of his office since his return to the senate , Mr. Walthall ( has never been robusl since he resumed his scat. Dr. John F * . I/arlmer. Dr. John F. Larimer of this city died at toe Presbyterian hospital yesterday morning at 9:30 : o'clock after a lingering Illness of Brlght's disease. He had been ill -for several weeks , and his death was not altogether un expected. He leaves a widow and three sons , John , Robert and Frederick , all of whom are well known In this city. Dr. Larmier had been a practicing physician In Omaha for the last twelve years. 'He ' came tothls city from Bellefont , Pa. , which was the home ot the families of himself add wife. ( Mrs. Larimer had hcen In Bellefont for somewhat over a ye'ar , but returned to Omaha , a short time ago on account of the critical condi tion ot her husband. The deceased was also a nephew of Judge Larimer ot Sioux City , la. He was well and favora'bly ' known lo Nebraska and Iowa. Hewas about 00 years of age. The family resides at 1042 South Twenty-ninth street. Jnulc Inliody. YORK , Neb. , ( April 21. ( Special. ) Word was received here today of the death of Jack Inbody , a former York county resident , at Edgerton , Minn. Inbody was killed on April 13 while digging a well. He had descended Into the excavation and was overcome with gas. Losing hU foothold , he fell a. distance of over forty feet to the bottom. He leaves a wlfo and several children. 13. 8. Huuyoii. DAVID CITY , Neb. , Aprlf 21. ( Ppeclal. ) E. S. Runyon died very suddenly last night of apoplexy. Deceased was born In Newark , N. J. , slxty-fivo years ago. He took up hla residence In Butler county In 1873 and moved to David City In 18SO. Ho leaves a wife , ( our sons and three daughters. II' . A' ' . 'Wherry. FALLS CITY. Neb. , April 21. ( Special. ) R. A. Wherry died at bis homo lo this city at 9:30 : Wednesday evening after an Illness of several months. 'Mr. ' Wherry was one of Richardson county's oldest settlers. I'ENSIO.VS KOIl WHSTlillA VCTRIIA.NS. . Survivor * of 'Ij ' te AVnr ItciiH'iiibcreil hy the firuerul Government. WASHINGTON , April 21. ( Special. ) Pen- flons have been issued an follows : Issus of April 9 : Nebraska : Original Jacob E. Shtafcr , St Paul , $8. Increase- George D. Ashworth Long Pine , $ C to $ S ; Jatmi * Mlttlmore , Has tlnga , $ C to $ J2. Orts'nal widows , etc. Sn- cial , April 11 , Jane Allen , mioth r. Omaha $12 ; Matilda. Woodworth. Wnkefleld , JS. Iowa : Original Robert U. Ulickburn Xearinff , Kl William Lnnsarlt. Pil'.a. $0 Incriase I.W1 H. IlroUn , Daventport. $10 to $15 ; Evan TW Imas , A .incy , $ to J.S. Reissue Nathan W. Kiendall. Ru/ball , * l < 5. Reissue and Increase-Virgil A. White , Newitpn , W < o J10. Original wldowis , vie. Le'ltla. ' E ShamCCarlnda , $8 ; Ellzaluth F. Ixiwrey Keowuqua. , $ S ; Joslo A. Ntlvby. Casey , $8. South Dakota : Original widow , etc. 'Maria IL 'WnsHoner. Hlsmarck , $8. , North Dakota Original widow , etc. Gen long Evencon. Homer , IS. . . . Colorado : Original Georgia R. Marshall Overland. $ S ; J > . 'hn ' N. Mertam , Boulder , $ Thomas BmV- Idaho Sprin , $ S. Reatora itlon-CyrilluB B. Ayere , Denvsr , $0. Rtnewa and reissue. Bailey Ilickman , Colorado City , tf. IncreastCnarJca Smith , Florence , $ S to $12 ! Abraham Kfrtt , Houldor , $12 to $17 : Hanllii Illmn , Alamo * . ! , $ S to $10. Wyoming : Inereiwv Itriijajiiln F. \ \ UP ) ' , Jr. , ( Jknrock , $0 to $ S. KIHK IIKCMIin. Whnrf nt Vnncnutrr. VANCOUVER , B. C. , April 21. Not alnco Vancouver was destroyed by tire In 1SS6 line there been such a conflagration as took place this morning. The fire started In one ot tbo buildings on Stlmron's wharf And foon assumed disastrous proportions. The entire fire brigade of ( do city wes quickly on the grounds , but the fire had ohlilneil eo firm a hold and It burned eo fait end fu riously that It naa soon seen that the build. tigs on Stlnifcci's wharf were doomed , A number of Canadian Pacific cars filled with valuable frtlght etandlng on sUllnp * eoon became a prey to the flames. The New : iiK > : tnl Steamship company's buildings , the mlt nhcd and root ot the packing shed bcKig eon In names. The firemen turned their vtdulc- attention to this building and aftrr nn hour's hard work succeeded In getting the re under control. The burning mass covered in area of wharfage about 2 0 by 70 feet. No ctttlmotc of the damage has yet been nude , as It Is not fully known what was destroyed. llurnn. 9TIIOMSBURG , Neb. , April 21. ( Special Telegram. ) The Bry.lnt Normal and BuMncfs coK'cgo ' burned hero today at 12 o'clock noon. The fire caught In < de upver story rora the flue. StudeiVn had a narrow escape from thflr clcfsea. The fire was not detected until the entire roof was ablaze. The bulld og being but one-half mlle from the water .works facilities , tne fire company could do nothing. In ono hour the entire building was burned to the ground. The building was a magnificent structure , three and one- half stories high , 50 by 200 feet , with all equipments necessary. Nothing was saved except part of the library and some furni ture on the first floor. Students and In structors lose all their books and considera te clothing. The property belonged to J. J. Bryant , the president. There Is $5,000 In surance In five different mutual companies n the state for $1,000 each. The less la es timated at ' $20,000. No one Injured. Illnr.c nt Cirvrley. , Neb. , April 21. ( Special. ) Grceley came near belrg burned out this morning about 5 o'clock. The fire started In he Hoellwarth's general merchandsc store and Is said to have done about $1,000 damage lefore It was extinguished. The origin ot he fire Is not known. The loss Is fully covered by Insurance. A llttlo boy asked for a bottle of "get up In the morning as fast as you can , " the drucclst recognized a household name for DcWItt's Little Early Rigors , " and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation , sick headache , liver and stomach ach troubles. Confirmed hy the Senate. WASHINGTON , April 21. The senate In executive session made the following con firmations : Leander M. Shubert of Iowa , to bo sur veyor of customs fa.11 the port of Council Bluffs. Pcstmastcre : Missouri William H. Hauga- \\aut , Webb City. Robert A. Burn ot Ohio , to bo asjlatant naval constructor In the rjivy. IIoiniflH Follow u Trull. | WYMOTOE , iNeb. , April 21. ( Special. ) The ' Fulton bloodhounds , which were brought icro to to track the parties who broke Into Nell & Bunnell's meat market , followed a ; rall as far as Oketa , Kan. , where It led up to a mover's wagon , who admitted he lad passed through Wyraoro yesterday morn- ng , but the stolen goods could not bo found and ao arrests were nude. I'crtiilnlMK to I'OHlcifllcpH. ! WASHINGTON , April 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) F. J. W. Weltzln was today ap pointed postmaster at iDepcw , Palo Alto county , Iowa , and Grace Stafford at Emery , Cerro Gordo county , Iowa. Contract for carrying the mall between Saratoga and Collins , Wyo. , was today awarded to J. P. Stewart at $774 a year. Arnold's Brome Celery cures headaches. lOc , 25c and 60e. All druggists. Refuse to Dook Freight. ST. LOUIS , April 21. "All steamship companies refuse to boota freight for export from this port under any clrcumstanccB. " This sensational dispatch was received by one of the largest grain exportem in St. touls today from Its representative at New Orleans. Inquiry among the export 'nouses elicited the Information that from this time on it will probably be Impossible to make fc'nlpments to Europe throug-h the gulf ports , at least until the steamship companies be came convinced that their vessels will not be endangered by t'ne clash between the United States and Spain. FREE BOOK FOKWEAK MEN. My little book. "Three Classes of Men. " sent to mon only It tells of my 30 years' experience aa a specialist In all ncrvoua disorders resulting from , youthful Indiscre tions Lame Back , etc , and tell why ELECTRICITY cures With my Invention , the Dr , Sanden Electric Heltn known and used the world over , I restored last year 5,000 men , young and old Beware of cheap Imitations Above book explains all ; sent sealed Write today , Dr. A. R. Sanden , No. 1S3 8. Clark St. . Chicago , 111. Gas and Gasoline Engines. J to JOO Horse Power. Call on us or wrlto for prices and descriptions , DAVID UHADLKV A CO * Council Ulnffn , IOTVSU FINE SUMMER DRINK. SCHLITZ niftffiP BEER The best In the world. Deliv ered to niijimrt of the cHy. Tclri.hone UOU. SInll orders filled. LINDER & FILTER. j 1021 1IUOADWAY. G.W.PangIeM.D. TIIH GOOD SAMARITAN 25 YEHR'S EXPERIENCE. Ucitclcr of DlHcnHcn of tucn nnd \vnittcii. rROPRIUTOR OP TIU { World' * llcrbnl lll pcn ry of Medlcliv * I CWRK Catarrh of Head , Throat nnfl . , l > ! pcars of Kyo and ur. Fits Apoplexy , Heart , l.lver mid Kidney llpcn ci , Diabetes. IlriKhl'R Dltrnse , Bt. Vltiig Dance , llhciimatlnin , tci-oftiln , Irop y cured without lapplnir , Tape Worm * removed , all cliroulo Nervous ami Private Dlfcnccs. LOST MANHOOD Only Physician who van 91 rndi - properly cure SYI'HIMM without destroying tcctu and bonci. No mer- cm y or poison mineral used. The only Physician who rnnti'll what nlM you without nsklntr n question. These at a dlsliineo ieiul for question blank. No. 1 for men : No. for women. All correspondence strictly confidential , Medicine scut by express. Address all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , BUB Brtoiulwity , COUNCIL H MIFFS , IA. EVScud 2-ccnt stHioo for rculr. DOHANY OPERA HOUSE AIMIII. ut AMIVKII : , ; ( i "THE PRINGLES , " ' . . . .IN. . . . f ' IIKill CI.AMS COMKDinS. THE BASHFUL LOVER : M\V Anil tha Womlcrf'il'KiDoscoi'ij n.\\cn. ; , CIIVXCJi : OK 1111,1. MCIITI.V. j' ' Popular I'l loop lOc , 20c , 500. Scats now on Kilt1. I . REMEDY CO. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tertlarr BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Ton can b treated at harat for prlc undfr Mm guaranty. If you prtftr to come here w * will contract to par rail road fare tnd hotel bl. : . and no ohuit U w * fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. Iodide potuh and still Iwive achte and palm , Mucoui Patchu In mouth. Sore Throat , Plmplei , Copper CoU ored Spots , Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrow * ( allln out , U I * tM Brcondary Wt Guarantee to Curt W * tollclt th m it obitlnate eases and ehallcnc * the world for a cage we cannot cure. Thli disease hu lw y baffled the kill of the uioet eminent phrslalcne. tMC.OOO capital behind our unconditional fuarantr. Abiolute proofi lent sealed on application. 100 pace book sent ( re * . Address COOK HE ! MED Y CO , 1491 Masoalo Tempi * , Chicago , III. COOK REMEDY CO. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS' FOR SAI.E AND FOIt KENT I1Y Everett , 16 Pearl et. , Council Bluffs , la. : For rent a small farm of SO acres , 2 > 'j mllr * front tbe city. Very reasonable rental. Good houil and etablc. For rent a house and G acres of land , < J nf mile from the city limits , nenta' , 15.00 pc month. Good land In central Nebraska for rent for Si share of tha crop. I 40 acres of creed land for rent near Honey Crick * Will rent on shores. i Good house of 10 rooms and one acre nf land , fruit and garden , fine tree ? , boautlful locution. near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " fet rent for the summer very reusonnl lo. Good 6-room house for rent at $7,00 per muntlt , near the motor line. Good farm for sale , < J mile of Underwood , ! & 1 acres , well Improved , rplcndld Ltnd. Omnha or Council niuffs property taken In part pay * ment , ' A splendid bottom farm for snlc near Monduniln , Part payment taken In Omaha or Council Bluffs city property ; .SOO.CO will bo taken lo trade. Good farms for rent for the season of HOD at I low rental to rei > poniilblo parties. C acres of land near the city for sale , Will tnkfl part payment In palntlnc or carpenter work. ' Gardens and farms for fnlo In the bcit part of wertem Icwa. * Apply to I eonard Everett , Attorney-at-lJiw , 1 | Pearl St. , Council U\utln \ , la. DWELLINGS. FtlUIT. 'ATtU AND GAHDKN lands for sale or rent. Day A Uesm , n Pearl street. FOR FALK , nOAnniNO IIOUSII. MODKriJ * conveniences. ROO < I location. KW * ! tntde ; quit on account of health. Address S. Ilee. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE ; CANDY MANULACTURERS Jobbers of - CRACKERS , NUTS , CIGARS and FIRE WORKS. Selling Agents JPIBXJO CUAS. SUM2V13R too tie