i B miTii r\ATATTA T ATT."V 111i < V < WIlTr * A "V Al > r > TT. OO 1 Q(1Q ft COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ] Load the Way on the Chicago BoirJ of Trade , TAKE A BDOM ON THE WAR PROSPECTS July I'ork One * Vv Slxtr-Sevr-ii Cent * a llnrrol , l.nril T vcntSccn Cents ) nnil Illlis Thirty CniCAfJO , April 21. Provisions , not STaln , led the way today on 'change. The ex cellent cash demand for 'nee products and tlie expected call to supply the nrmy nnd navy Influenced speculators to load up with pork , lard and short ribs. Outside buying orders wore more numerous than at any time since 1S93. At thu end July pork showed un advance of C7c per barrel.Iard and rlln Rained 27',4c ' and SOc each. Wheat was erratic , but covered an early lireaV. of IVJc , und closed with'a net gain for t'ne day of 14il'/4c ' , the latter In September. Oarn and eau sympathized with the other markets , closing y/80 higher than yesterday. With n bit ; cas'n demand In sight and the certainty of war , the provision murknt Marled HtronR. Hogs were lOc higher at tii. ! yards. July pork opened COc higher at $10.90 , but the advance was met with miscellaneous sellingnnd prices sharply declined. At Inside figures the urgent de- rmiml prevailed and as offerings were moder. ate fflure was considerable competition for them , resultliur In a "runaway market and a sharp mlvatico In jirlces for ull du- itrrltloii3 | ) which was well BUpportod to the close. Shorts boupht freely. l nckvvero Inclined to sell at the advance. The re ceipts of products from the Interior vvero qultu Inrjtu , Indicating t'nat the packers arc delivering freely on contracts of lard and jn ats about m cars. Shipments were only moderate of lard nnd meats ubout 103 cars. .Foreign advices exhibited considerable Htrength and Liverpool quotations wore advanced , Is on 'jacks and Cumberland sides. July park opened at $10.80. told be- < ween $10.07 nnd $11.27 , closing at the top. Lard and ribs advanced proportionately. July lard sold between $ " . .42 and $3.65 , clo-f- irg at $ . * > .OT. lilil , a net giiln of 27V4c. July rlbi sold between > .40 and $ -.C7. closlnf ? at T > .fi7 , sellers' , a net gain of Sflc. There w.ia a revulsion 'of feeling today nt the opening among wheat traders from the extreme bcnrlslmots that prevailed In < t'ne last half hour of yesterday's session. It did not last long after the opening and was succeeded by u ilresh spasm of weak- The sirens th nt the start was partly trjfc result of dlpcoverlntr tbe rldlculou ness of tire Jtotlischllils' canard t'nat reached the holders of Ions wheat the previous after noon nnd thnt n state of war virtually ex isted. In addition to that the Uverpo : ! morUet was asaln hlij'ncr. The reaction thnt followed the opening bulge was tbe re newed expression of the prevalllns Hjntl- V 4 incnt nmontr tb6 most nctlve of the local heavy operators that wheat It much too lilKh l view of I'nc line prospects for next harvest. Chicago tecelved 113 cars , C3m- liHrctl with 11 latt year. Minneapolis and IJuluth reported 19" cats , compared with 307 the year before. The crop outlook In the TsTorthwesl Territory wa < 4 reparted renssur- Inr , but Inter the professionals let so their ItoldinKH freely and July touc'ned ! > 7Kc. The uniiMual stronsth In the northwest , with a rlsS oC 2'ic at Dulutli und lc lit Minne apolis for July , nnd th' uncertainty 3f the trade as lo the effect of war , c'necked s ll- Inc. The market withered streiiKth and by H2S3 : had recovered the break. Closing cables from Liverpool showed an advince of 111 In spot wheat. Atlantic cleaianccs amounted lo 530000 bu. . whent and n ur. July rose to SSHc , suddenly collapsed to X7c , but was jrreedlly picked up by I'nosc who failed to Rft In on the first bulse , nnally touchlnB kDVic and closed at SOc bid. Jlay sold between Jl.ll'/j and $1.12 , closing nt the top. , , Corn deceived the Jocal talent. July op ned hlKher ult'n wheat , but was set upon by fne bears and forced oft ' , ( : . Receipts locally were 431 cars. Clearances footed II 0 0I I ) l ) U On the I'rodii'e evchnnKe today the butter marKet - Ket vvns steady ; eninivrlen , 13ii'17c ; ilalrll'n , 12CT ICc. Chfete , caty at SlfSV'iC. Kgn * . frefh , l.lve poulliy , in trool ilemnnd ; turkeys , chickens , tiliiic ; diuKs , xnw VIUIK OIAIIKIT.S. for tli < * 'Day ' an ( Ji-iiiTi i'liiiiinoillllrM. NRW Yonic , AI rii : i ri oun-nteeipts , ts , . 550 bbl * . ; exports , S..7il bb' . : stronff.T. partlru- Urly on ( print , ' vvncal grudra ; vv Inter patents , J41W35.23 : winter ttralnts , J3.C5S4.75 ; Mlnne. oln pitrnts , JSIOffS.winter ; extra.3.F5JJ 4..0 ; 11 nnesota bakers. tl.2rl.SO ; w nter low Kiiiiles , } 1.W63.(0 It ) ; Hour , tlrm at J3.f3.5) . IQUNMIAI < Finn : > i-llovr vvmicMn , 71c ; city ' , 11Y15 Markel firmer : yellow western , C2ir. ! HAUUV-.SIeady ; feiMUts , 42c. IIAIll.ICY &IAI < T Qult-tt ivtftleni , CltiCV. MIIKAT Heeelptr. OS,4"0 bu , ; exports , ] 0'f41 bu. Ppot , sleady ; No. 2 red. tl.ll'i f. o. b. nllnat. Options had an openlii } ; ppurt on vrar n vvs , but Immediately weakened under line crop | ire < p cU und disappointing rabies. A ptrnnK , r.nuicry follon-rvl In til- lain afternoon nn o ball Kc'iiro of ohorts and funlirr w.ir' news , IXcs-ntt { H ' up on Mn > and HifflHc hlyhtr on la'er ! ? , inoiilhs ; No. 2 rid , May , H.fttbQl.lOVi ; clcsfd at Jl.io. I'OHN Ile'eliits. 211fO ) bu. : expoils , 13,705 bu. j I hl'Ot. i-trong : No. 2. JIHc. Opt ons eip > rlonreil' an rarly realliliiK. but turned ktroiis vvtih vvbrat niKl eloped t H ntrl higher ; May , SC fj'SG ' c ; OATS-Hecelp'ls. J3.6 bu. : exports , S11.JJ1 tu. Ppot , Unmi : N" . 2. 31V r : No. S while. JJiAc. Options , allhoiiKh qul't , wre Influenvrd by the other maiketa and clowd % c lilchrr ; May , C0 > i efJle , closed at : ic. I'KKU Klrm : brun , IS Oc ; mldJIIngs , SUOSJe : r > e iced. t2Hb < 5r. HAY guleli shlpplne. SOtTSJc ; good to choice. KW70o IIOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , iff crop. 4O5o : ll rrop. 7W e ; 1197 rrop. IJOttc- 1'ailnu co st. liM crop , 400c ; 1S06 crop , 7Cto : JWT crop. IStflCc. ' HIDIW Steady ; O h lon , IS'.Jc ; Texas dry K\c \ ; Callfnrnla , lIMfilkr. I.KATHiil7 ite iIy ; h'raloik aolt , Buenoi \VOOl4-Qul t : fleece. 17 : : o ; Texas. . I'UOVlSIONS-Heef. linn : family. 111.00311 15 ; extra mess. IK. 004 ; D. " I b ef hams , : : : : ; packet , JlO.iiUlLOO. Cut meats , ijulet ; pickled belll n. S. 7iiU .53 : pickled sliouIJtrs. JI.03 ; pltklMl bainf , I7.WK775. lord , quiet ; Hemern ste.imeit. IS.SO ; refined , firmer ; closel nt $ > . < 7Vi. Pork , i-teady : mess. IIO. niO. ; family. 111.50 ; abort clear. ! 0.tOfi .7S ; family , I11.7J. Tallow , quiet ; city. 3Hc ; counlry. 3H03V.C , as to qutllty. . OlI I'etroleum. dull. lli ln , Mry ; strained , common to xooO. f 1.4Hrtl.4l. Turpentine , stead ) ; Vtt i ) . : . ltlolu ! < Hx1 nil , mi > 4Wty ; prlnut llViOtOe ; prlma crMde. , r. a. V-.mllfs. prim * summer > eluw. ! HMMRic > off sunuaer ytllow. UtftiUc ; buttur oil , CoUZTe ; prime win. yt-Uow , ! 7mi3 V4o. _ M net * J In the metal market ted r nnd emi ? < lrpirt-'rtr m nts nljjwcd a slltlit oJvanco tn quotatlonf , tnislneM w * unsnllsfactor ) ' ' At lh clo tro M"-tnl exchnnKf mll < l p'c ' Iron n arrant * dill , nlth It.co bid anil l 7 < 1 osket ; like coin -r , firm , vilth Sit bid and J13.V. nskoli tin , flrni for root nnd dull for futures , -with 114 40 bid nnd . CO nskeli riwlter , unrhan exl , nlth 11.12 bid nn-1 II. : ; nrkol ! Itad , steady , with J3.SH4 bM and ! 3.eVi otkeri. KHKIOUTH TO l.tVKUI'OOL-Strong ; cotton by Fleam. l flic ) , grain by Meam. * 4c. fair to extra , 4SJfCc : Japan , MOLASSf'S Quiet ; NUT Orleans , open kettle , rood to cho'o * , : itIJlc. 9,413 ! * ( . : steady : \\ft- ern creamery , IJfflSc ; Klglnc , Uc ; facloiy , 11 ' : : - . C5C pks . ; rleady ; large , choice , 10'tc ; small , choice , 8 4e ; llghl skims. " part fklms , 4flCc ; full klmi- , KOOH Hecelpt * . 9.r > l pkRi.'i weak ; state nnd I'cnmjlvanla , 10 > 4U105ic ; western , llltc ; south- em , 104c. ! OMAir.V 1C * Kit A I , MAKKKTS. Condition of Trnilo-nnil Quotation * an nil Fancy Produce. slock , PC. -nUTTiril Common to filr. OUllc ; "piratnr ISc ; gathered creamery , ISOICc. VEAI , Choice fat. SO to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt IK 8e : large and course , . * W7c. MVK POt'I.TIlY-Chlckens. 6U07c : olJ roosl- trs , ZUfflVic ; youns roosters , 11A1IK Weather too warm for gnme. I'lOKONS-Uve , Il.liOl.Ui iJmd luycort nit wan led. * HAY Upland , 17.00 ; niluland , HWi lor-Jand , li Ml rye straw , II 00 ; culur mukos the price en hay ; IlKht bales nell the best ; only top cradcii bring lop prlccn , . ViOETAllL.nS. : ONIONS Per bu. . OOcgil. v IliANH-lani-ilckpd : ] | ravy. per bu. . l.Ii. SWKKT I'OTATOn.S-KrmMs. lO-pecli blilc. , ! M ; se l n e t poinlot , | 2.W. CAIHIAOB New PInriilii , p crate , K 55. l'OTATOJt > Home Kraun , tOQ-r.V ; Colora Id stock , 70 ? ; northern fancjr early Ohio need po- tatoo ? . S5c- TOXfATOKfl-rer cratr13 POW.25. NHW HHKTO IVr dobunclus. . 45fMo IIADIHHKH Per doz. bunches , 30I3jC. biTTnn-Per : doz. bunches. r KIc. OHKI'Jf OXIONS Per do * . , IMWc. AVATiitClU : > S Per ir-.it. case , H.CO. riTCUM Uiila : Per ( Joz . ll.2iTfl.CO. WAX IlUANd U bu. box. II. PCAH Per bu , fancy MUcUslppI , II. 25. SI'INACH-I'er baiknt , | 1. riKI'LANT Home srown , per lb. , Ic. FUU1TH. STIlAWP-KHRIKS-Per 2.plnt | case , .23 ; 81- qt. CPU ; H M. APl'LKS Winter stock , $1 0033.CO. rilANnnnniKS Kancy .If cy. per bbl. , $10.01. OHAPUS Mnl.iB.u , 13 W00. ( ! . THOPlCAI OHANOis- < : .illfornla navels , | 5.7iiff300 ; seed- llngf. J-.23. ornia fancy. $3 OJ ! choice , $2 CO ; fancy Jleislnn , $3.COf3.o. IIANANAP Choice. ) arg stock , per bunch. $ 'C1 62 55 ; medium lz l bunches , ll,7j@2.IO. ( JS'VTSrA'mo""Si ie arTe , , - c ' sninll , lie. Ura lls , per lb. , OCTlflc : Kngllsh wal nuts , p.r lb , fancy toft shell , logilc ; ttandnrdH , SfiOc ; illbertv ; . n , , 10s , pecan . llthed. mo. Hum , Cjfic , j-sra ! arg ; . SRV : Urn * hickory nutx. I1.WK31 10 per bu. : tmall. ll.2iyi.85 per bu. : coconnuts. | ier 100 , II ; peanuts , raw , Slr5c ! ; roajted , C OVic. 1'IGS lmi > orted , fancy , 3-cro\rn , 14-lb. boxpF. lOc ; u-crDvvn , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ! 2-lb. boxes , S2a 23 = per box ; California , 10-lb. box , It. 1IONE V Choice white , IZc ; Colorado umber , 10 Jllc. . KHAUT Per bbl , , ll.r.O ; half bbl , 12.23. MAPI.K HVKl'P Klvc-BBl. can. each , $275 ; ual. cans , pure , per doz. . , } 12 ; half-gal , cms , { Ii2.i ; quart cans , J3 50. l > ATis Hallovvee , CO to 70-1b. boxes , CVic ; Salr , Tc : Turd , < Mb. boxes. Jc. CIDEU Per half-bbl. . 13 ; bbl. , 13. rf , TAI.LOW. ETC. braskn butcher v\ool pelt . per lb. . actual weight. 4Sjc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain vvool pelts , per lli , nctual wi'Uht , 3Blcdry Hint ' Colcradn butcher vvool p'lts , per lb nctu il vveiR'.it. igs , ; ; dry Mint Coloiado murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , ? K1c. TAUXUV , OHEASK. iTC.TjlonNo : | 1 3 < " crease ' " " ° " , ' 2Ktf2 ? . . . . ! ; , -r.u.B-n. 'A'10"- ' 'Ho ' : ' white * j c ; jellovv and Lronn grease , lif. ' „ g : K < l wildcat , 10S25c ; badger , 5ftOe : sllv 075 ' 00. rriKSII StHATS. UnnSSCn nnnF-Ooo.l . nnfve fleers. . 7c lb. ; good forviuarters steers. Cc : gooj hlndmnr- per - trrH steers. So ; western steers. Gic ; natlie heif ers , Gfcc : western heifers , CVjc : KCO 1 foreouar- ters htlfers , SV4c ; Rood hindquarters heifer * 8V4e ; native cow ' * , CVic : we.'lern cow , Cllc1 far 6c ; cow hlndquart r . Sc : backhaWf . Mr6VW ; trlanBles , f\o. i mucus , ific ; no. l oniirKs. < V4banelriu ; chuckc. frozen , 4c ; fresh , 5 > Jc ; conplate" 3Vic ; fteer plates , 4c ; Hank steak , 7o ; loins. Ni' 1 , froren. 12e : fresh , lie : loins. No. 2 , frozen , ] 0c- fresh , 12c ; loins. No. t. frozen. 8c ; frcvh , 10c- short loins , market ttyle , 2c above loins ; hole ! slyle ' , 4o above loins ; cow loin ends , 8Vic ; steer lo'n end , 9 2 : harping tenderloins 4Vic ; rlbj No. 1 , frozen , lOo ; fresh , II : : ribs. No. 2. frozen ! 8c ; fret-.i. lUt ; ribs. No. 3. froen. fc : fresh. Sc' No. 1 rounds , ,7e ; No. 2 loumls. 6ic : No. 3 rounds , 6 ic ; btef rouu'e. ehank off , % e addl- tlon.il ; beef round * , Ihnrrk and rump off , me additional ; trlmmlnc * . 4Hc ; Iwef shanks , So- brains , per do * . , JBc : Bweetbrearts , per lb. , frozpn , ' lOc ; fresh , 12H : sweetbreadu ( calves ) , per lb , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , " 3Jc ; ox lalls , each , Sc- llvfrs. pjr lb. , 2'/ic ; hearts. pr lb. , 2V4c ; tnxues per lb , IJc ; calf livers , each , JSc ; calves , who'e carcass or ldfs , " 10J4c ; calf head ana feet , scalded , per * er. 75c. MUTTON Fancy lambs , ! * c per lb. : regular Iambi " , fc ; sbeep , 7le ! : market r-vcks ( long ) , fc : Kotel" racks ( rhcrt ) , lie ; loins. 9c ; saWlei ; lent , 9c ; lamb lejja , lac ; tireasli and stews. } ' ,4c ; tonirues , each. 'lc ; foreauarten. CUc. POHK I > r ed plir . 6V4o per lb. : dressel IIOB- , 60 : lenderlclns. ISc lo'nj. small , 6ie ; lame , 6"o ; spare ribs. 4c ; ham sausajre bulln , fUc ; Itoston butts. OVic ; shoulders , roudi. 4c ; rhoul- dera. skinned , Cc ; IrtmmlrgB. 4Hc : leaf lird , not rendered , 5'4c : heads , cleaned , 3o ; snouts en 1 ejrr. 3o ; freth hams. 1G to IS Ibs , ! < - : ; fr > h Imms , short rleara , 6'ic ; chrek meats , 4c ; neck- bones , Ic : pips' tails , 3e ; plucks , each , Sc ; chlt- terllnsii , Co ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per cx. 2 > c ; stomachs , oiuli , ? c ; tongueraclr , 7c : k dneys , per dor. , lO ; brains , per do . , 15e : pigs' feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c ; Log rinds , 3c ; blaija bones , Cc. Cc.S S * . 1,0111 * < > merit I Market. ST. I-OUIS , - . - Ap-ll 21.-ri/UIl-rirm nnd hlRher ; pitfnts. J4.75iU4.SiO ; elralitht' , JI.45S4.Cfl ; clfur. J4.10Jfl.5 : medium. J'.COl/3.3. WHRAT Hlsrher. closing 2e fcr May. IH l e for July nnd Hio for September above yest rdpyN clo e ; Fpot blKhfr : No. 2 reJ. rash , elevator. J1.02 ; track. II.C2O1.04 ; April. 1.f24 ! : May , si.Oi bid ; July , S4't ' TS454c ; Heptember , 80110 asked ; No. 2 hnixU cash , 97&P&7. CORN I'litures firm nnd fractionally hlrh ° r lhan yesterdav : spot steady ; No. 2 , cash. 3V ; Apill , SOHr : May , 30T c eked ; July , : ie bid : Hentemher. 3ITlc. OATS Futures fairly active , firm nnd frac tionally higher ; spot steady ; No. 2. cssh. 27 c ; tra k. 27H 2Sc : April. 2vc : May. 2 o bid : July , 2lo bid : September. 22Wc ; No. 2 white. 30' ' , c. HYn-nim nt 5Jc MA. Sini > > 4 Vlaxseed , $1.-C. Trlme timothy seed , J2.IV.O2.75. rOKNMKAI * Tplrm nt Jl.fOffl.i. . 1111AN Strong ; Mjked. east t-ack. HAY Strong ; prairie. .Mt .C ; timothy , J7.EO , nn.oo. lIl'Trnn-FIrm ; creamery , 15J18Kc ; daily , IXIOS-lIlcrher at t WHISKV . . COTTO NT i ns "Oc. . . . US-I , id. hlgt.tr at I4.47H bid. Fp-ltcr , Htrndv at JI.05. 1'ltOVIHIONS Pork , higher : standarl rro i , jobbing , til. Mrd , lilgheprlm ; sleara.0 ; choice , $5.40. llacon ( lioxed ) . honldi > r , J"i.2' ; extra short clear , f > .12V ; ribs , tl.25 : Miorts , JG.374. Dry salt meat * Ibuxcd ) , rhruvers , fl.T ; extra short clear , J5.C2V * ; ribs , 13.75 ; nhorts , J5.S7W UKflJII > TP Flour , 3.01 hit , : wheat. 123.000 bu. ; com. 5S.OCO bu. ; oats , 26 0 bu. HjUI'MCNTrt-riour. 6.mW bbls. : wheat. 133CO : bu. ; corn , 117.CCO bu , ; oat11,000 bu. Hnllliiioro Mnrket. HAI.TIMOnn , April 21. VIJOVH Cull ; v e l- ern suparllne. 2.7inrj.lie : wefl-rn extra , Jl. < 0 ei.OO ; western faml'y , J4.4lXS4.6i ; winter wheit patent. 4)I.KO3.1 < > : prnK wheat nnt'iit , 15 2'O i'i.r. " : Hiring wheat ulraUlit. Ji.nOS5.25 ; receipts , 1173 bbls. exports , .J 7 bbls. WHBAT-null : ipot an ! month Slay. J1.03KC1.0I : rteamer Nu. 2 red. I tl.OH : receipts , 12.J57 bu. : expirts , ncnp ; h- ern wheat , by s.-impK tl.0081.to ; sauthern wheat , on grade. Jl.C04tjl.C4. COIIN Dull : pol and month. 3CXO ! 5iMay. . * fiHA73ilXc ; steamer rulxr.l. 35X3 35 0 : recelut * . US.431 bu. ; exports. 2J4.S114 bu. ; couthrm wli'te nnd > ellovr , SJ'.ittMc , OATrf-FIrm : No. 2 white. S c bid ; No. J mlxe-1 , 3lljO3c ; recelpU. 41.S36 bu. ; exports 7 none. * * UYE Kanler ; No. : . nea-by. W in60o : Nn. 2. vvmlern , 61'/4c ; receipts. 15,433 bu : exports , rton * . \Y-Flrm ; choice tlmithy. JIJ.5rou.Xi. ( niSAIN rRKIQHTS V ry unrettled : sten to Liverpool , per bu. , "W May ; Cork for orders , per nunrter , 4s iul ; 3s U June. IH'TTKIl rrm ; fan'y rmmtry. 2'c : fancy Imitation. l7 Uc ; fancy ladle , Kc ; gooj ladle , Killlo. store packed , 10Q12c. KOOS rirm ; frejh. lie. I'lII'ESlI Sleadyr fancy New YorV. large. 81J fi Vic : fancy Nevr York , medium , K810c ; fancy New York , small. 1" Grnln Ilecrl | > lsj a I l'rlni-linl Markets. rillCAOO. April 21. llecelpts tivlsyYhe it. lit cars ; corn. 134 ran ; oats. 2i ! cais. K , . tlmatod car lot * tomorrow : Wheat. 130 ; earn. 470 ; oats. 400. MINNKATOLIS , April H.-Ilccelpts ; Wheal. 13 cirs. nm.UTH. April II. nerelpls : Wheat , i < ears. ' NBAOrtUiANd , A rll tl.-HOO I'UODUrT.I I Firm : beM hlh r. > h"rtupalby wlUi the vrr t. I Vorlc : < alan < l n.n ( ! 4bvlU > .IO. Laid , reined tkiv-e/l > ) | l.7H > J.b7li ; pun larJ. J5.5C03.SSii. IteKed m at4. ( ' rtr > ' H houlJen , l. li : > lile , M.CJH ? 3. : : > . llncon , sides , c'eir rb , IS.Oi ! . $ H4. llama , cholco sumr cured. IH.7Mjf.7I. ' rOFKiiateBdyj ( Itlo , ordinary to BCOl , tO 9'4f ' , I IMCE-Flrm I , ordinary lo sool , 405o. I FI/L'll l ' Uxtra fan y , Il.t0if1.7l ) ; patt-nU , 11.55 05.00. OOrtNMIMIv-ll.CSlfI.70. IHIAN-72C. HAY Prime. SU.EMIIt.Mi cho'e * . Jll.W. ? ! ! 0) . ( "OHN-No. l while , mixed and yellow , sacKel , OATrf-No. t. sackel. Mnrket. UVKIIPOOU April 2l.-WltiAT-Sp3l. : Hrmi No. 2 red. wcjlern. 8s 1HJ ; No. 1 red northern , COIIN' Spot , firm ; American mixed , new , a Hd ; April , 3 7Sd ; May , 3s > Ud ! July , 3s 7Hd , rLOUn SI. Louis fancy winter , firm ul 10s ft ! . PIIOV1.S1ON8 lleef , nrm ; exlm India mes , Ms 3d. Pork , firm : prime mcs , fine wesleni. 51s 3d ; ptlme mem , medium western , 4S M. Hams , short cut , firm at 37 . tttieoiV , tlrm nt 34s 61 ; thort ribs , 33s : long clear-'roUJlcn , llghl , 31s ; long clear middles , heavy , 30s M ; short clear back * , 31s ; clear bellies , ' 35s' ' shoulders , lusrc , 36i W. Ivird , prime western , dull al 27s. HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull at 2 lOKfTJCI 105. rilKCBK American , finest white , 3Ss 6d ; colired , 4C Cd. OII.S Cottonseed. Liverpool refined , sten.ly nt Us 6.1. Turpentine spirits , steady al Sin Gd. Kosln , common , steady at 4s 4Vid. Cincinnati Mnrket. CINCINNATI. April 21. FLOUIl-Steady ; fancy. J4.3CW4.35 ; family. J3.70gl.0t > . WHUAT Firm ; No. 2 red , Jl.OT. COItN-Acllve nnd hlKhcr ; No. 2 mixed , BJMc. OATa-Acllve and Jlrm ; No. 2 mixed , 29li itYK-FIrm ; No. 2. 67c. PIIOVISIONS Lard , firm and higher nl J1.30 ft' . 11 ; bulk meals , firm al J5.GS ; bacon , firm and higher al JO.33. WHISKY A tlvi Bt J1.20. 1IUTTKII LowerKlgln creamery , 19e ; Ohio , 2ffll6c ; ilalrj' . ioailc. . _ HltOAIl-Mrm : hard refined , JI.K03.97. KflT ? rirm nnd higher al l > e. 1 Sleody ; good lo prime Ohio rial , KM M Finn City Ornln and PrnvlnlniiH , KANSAS CITY , April 21 , WHHAT-Hkher , active ; No 1 hard , MfiMc ; No , Z , SJitQiliUc : No. 3. 9IB93P ! No .1 rol. McWI.OO : Nr > . 2 , 6c ? ll.CO ; No. 3 , 'JiI95c ; No. 2 epriinr , 905f93d ; No. 3 , 980 91c. COItN"-Ix ver ; No. 2 mixed , ! ' , { f2Sic. OATH Active , steady : No. 2 white , 2S',5e. KYK-rirm ; No 2. f,0ii lc. HAY Not so firm ; choice tlmolhy , 19 SO ; choice prairie , $7.7" . lltlTTKIl Steady ; creamery , 143150 ! dairy , 12wr o. rirm : fre h , IP. riCOJIPTS Wheat , 31.SOO bu. ; corn , 29,8)0 ) bj. ; onts , 7,0 [ hu. BHIPMIJNTS Wheat , 31,200 bu. ; corn , 29,903 bu , ; oats , 2,000 bu. Toledo llnrket. TOLHDO. O. . April 2I.-W1U\T Acllve nnd higher ; "No. 2 cnfh , Jl.Oi ; ; May , J1.05H. COnN Active and firm : No 2 mixed , 32'/Jc. OATS Active and tlenrty ; No. 2 mired. 27 c. RYU Dull nnd linn : No. 2 cn h , DCVic. CLOVnnsnnD Acllvc and lower ; prime cash and April , J3.10 asked. Detroit Market. DirrnoiT. April si. WHUAT NO. i while , J1.02 : No. 2 red , J1.01 ; May , J1.03V nOHN'-No. 2 mixed , SIHc. OATS-NO. 2 while , sine. HYi : No. 2 , We. p .San. Frnnclxcn AVIirnt Market. SAN ntANriSCO. Aorll 21.- December. JI.T2 : May. Jl.Ti . JY Firm ; December , J1.3IU : May , STOCKS Axn noxns. Initnlnenee of AVnr Ciuim-n n Itnxli to .Sell. NTTVT YORK. April 21. There hit b en an In- fluenllal p-irty In the Stoclc exchange repre- Mfntlng a large number nf security holJem vvhlcl has held tenaciously to the view llinl war was In some means lo lie averted. Uven the events of this week up to today seemed to convince thin fie- menl lhat Sp-iln would not milntaln Us nttltud. lih the face of the demands and the f > how of force by lhc t'nlled Stale" . The flrmnea-t Imparted by the icfural of this element to r < * ll gave rise to the opinion In many quarters that the marltpt hnd already amply d'n-ounted tiv nctual evenl of war , but toiay'H events apparently convmsei ! the conservative element that war U to b < > n fact. Karly In the day New York he'd above the London parity , anil there ucre occasional rallies after the receipt of the news lhat General Wood ford had been given hli pnssporln. but reports from the cabinet meeting \Vaihlngton. . Indl cnting piov slons for nn Immedla e forward move nunt of the armed forces of the Vnlteil State * Bhoulng that war nlreiily pructlcully existed cnUBPd pel'lng. The bi'Olcers on the rtorr of the exclJjn e manifested considerable enthuslasn and the rostri'm was lundsotnely draped v\ltl American flai ; , but they cont'nuel lo sel stocks. Sctru ? very heavy blocks were thrjwn ov r in the final hour , nnd cver > thlng wrnt lo show that there were In llmildatlon of long holdings pure and simple. Suui . 'ealcrff ar Ilur llncton. Ht. Paul , Lculsv'llr- ' and New Yotk Cen Iml fell over S points below last night's clcse Tlu-re was no rally In the final dealings , the mnrket ronllnulm ; nctlve and weak and closing al Ihe lowest. During the eariy part of the d-i ; ( cll'ng for fcrclfii account was lar < e aid offer Ings were well nb orbed. TH numbr of Bh.ire rold for thU nc-ount la estimated at 30.COO. Till continued Belling of our Becurltlei by London doubtless had Its Influence In the day's advance of Vi per cent In the rate for demand sterling bl'.ts. Joined to this foreign rolling there wa a continued stlffen'pg of imney rates , w-Uch In tluenced a further decline In Il-ltl.h conro's nne French rentes. Todays engagementa of sold fo linimrt , nevertheless , ran up to over 11.000.W again. i Call loans continued to be made on th local Block exchange at as low as 2 per c nt Foreign demand for cofton an ] breadstuffn fen llnuen keen. Th' demand Is bared on the ex pectatlon that supplies may be.cut off If wj break * out. Opinions vary ns to the- stock o re tll'l existing In New York , but thfr * U lUtle fear In financial clr l s of nny atrln gfncy In tti ? money market. Unnks nil over th country ! are well fortified , and even In the even that a large government loan Is to b ? flottei It Is pointed out llinl litre of ihls money wll be expended abroad , Lut w'll ralher find lla wa quickly back Into the channels of the TIOTIP mar ket. The Bovernment met onx i heavy payment for foreign account loday , which avcre rcllectei tn a debit balance at the clearing hourc of 11.1" , 340. Hut with Ihe actual outlrreati f host'l'tle there wll ! be no mere purelhres nf war nhlp or war material abroad. The bond market showed tomeIncreaw In activity and lorae * vvcr recorded all around. Total Mien , Jt.Sl'.OO United Stales new 4 . registered. Bdv anted i per cent , while the coupons of the aame Iriu declined * iper cent. In the bid pr ; e. Ther were sales of the coupon at 118 , which Is n ad vance of l'/4 per cent over the last prcellnfr sile but the advance was 4ost In lubserjupnt rales. The Evening I'ost'a London nnanclsl oab | srar eay : "After a lemporary rally on no change ' the Hank of Kngland'B d'acount rale the slcc markets here closed dull trday. Spanish 4 closed t Ihe lowesli-4lH. Thtre was o furthe sharp break In Argent'nes nn Ihf news recorde in lhe e tllrpatches vestelpy. . Amcilnn wer Mat , but above Ihe New York pirlty. It I * no tlceable lhal New York Is no longir abaorb n slocks freely. There was n sharp lirpak I Canadian Pacific , mainly on New Yor't ! llnR but the flock was freelv sold from Iterlln Katnrs were fllghtly better on the puc-exsfi met-tlnit of the charlerel crmianles. of wh > Ctvll Bhoile-s was unanimously elected a il rector. Cloll Is Ftlll nrr'vlrg from Oerminy , en It In expected at least JCI.OOMCO more 's to come. Follow Ing are the cloning nuntatlons of th leading Blocks en ll Nvn Ycrk market today Atchtiion . . . . . . . . . . . IOK Hnwull O. C . in dor-fd . ' - ' ' St. P. .V Ull . D7H HaltlmoreA Ohio. . 1. do pfil . 141 Ciiuadn Paclllo . ' 'J St. P.M. A St. . . 1MO rnii.iila.Soutnuni. . ! < So. P.iolflf . ID'J Central P.iolno . II So. Hallway pfd 14 ChrH.&Oliin . 17Vi TPX.H fc I'lioltlo. . . . I ) Cblc.ico.V Alton , . . .1SI tliilon Pacific pM.IS IT. P. common . 1H O..VK. i . 4 > H U.P. D. 4G . JI C. C. C. .V 91. L . UB'l Wabash . OV " do nfd . Hi. DH ! . A Hudson . Wheel. .V I , . P. . I Del. I * A W . > VliiMil..V L. K. prd R7H u ii.A.nioo . in Adlim Kx . 118 ! ilo\ifl . 40 Amerlp.iu Kx . I''D Krlndmwl . 10T < Str.lnsr. < . . . S7 L'riolatpta'Dh iirso K\,114 Ft. Warnn . 107 Am. Cot. Oil . M nre.-itNorthnrn nf J. 144 . Cot. OH pfJ . t > 7 Hnotilnr V.illeT. . . . f > W A-n. Hplnt-i . HI IlllnolnCjntrll. . . PI ) Ani.PplrltHpcJ . 1IU L.ikuKrlaJi W . l-'Ji Am. Toaaeuu. . . . , , D7 > do prd . (18 ( do iifrt . ! .119 LlkoSlioiM . 17U Peo-ple' * Oa , . . . . . . MS Loiiiavlllu&Nastl. 44 Conn. I5i-.ft. ; , ' - . . . . 17lv Miinlritl.lil L . . . IfiO Ket. St. By . Ool. V.V Iron. . . , . , 17 MlKlilff.-in < ; nntrat..lOOV | iio inc. . . . . , . , . on Mlun. St. L . VJ en. KU-cino , . . . . . . .fH ( < dolatnrd . 71) lllluol Stot..v. : . . Mo.l'.iellle . ' . ' .1 LuClrdo Mobllu.VOhlo . 'Jt Load . I. . . . 27J Mo. K. X T . 10 uo ndl . ( I7H Uo.K. & T pM . y < > Nnl. Lin. Oil . 1 Clil..Iml. &L . 7 Oregon Imp. CaJO do | > rd . VM N. J. Conlr.ll . HSV ( PiiUuinn Pal . Itll ) N. Y.Oontral . 101114 Silver Onrtldcatos. . C3H N.Y.Chl. iSU L. . llh Stand. Kopo * T. . . . H < 4 dolntpfd . Ull Suirar . 113 4 doSdpfd . * 'H do prd . . KM Norfolk A Woatara 1"H T. C. A iron . 18' < No. Amor. Co . &H U. S. Leather . : . aK No. Pajltlc . - > ! vlo oU. , . . . . M v. fttnibiirr. . - . law Ontario A W . 13 do pfdi. . } . . . . , , U * Ore. K. i Nnv . 41 Wontcni Upton. . . . H4U ( rrr. Short Line . 0 NorHiweslelis.115 Plttabiirv . 167 do vtd. . . . . r..l7J n-admir . l. . Rlu OrandLiTcstV 2J KocklaLind . Blli do prd . A. . 03 B. L.AS. K . I rhJc.liru-Groat IV . . 10W do lalpfd . CS bt.L ! .a. W..S ( . . 4" St. faul . 8 do | > ( d . do pd ( . 140 1 HI iifcl. . . Total sales of flocks today wire S'4.000 khares , Including 3,161 AtchUon preferred , K.3S1 Cnl-- ' cage , liurllngton ajuliuy , 12,125 Loulsillle 'in. - Nashville 7.2C5 Manhallan. , S.OI Metropolitan. C.Jil New York Central , 5,070 No/them Pacfllc , 1S.115 Norlhern Pacific preferred , 3.f Ontario & WAftern , 1.115 Hock Island , 4UI Kt. Paul , 2S.MO t'nlon Pjclflc. 4Q.tp ) Tobacco , 4J.S07 Sugar. > Foreliiru Klunuclul. Iir.r.LIN , April 21 , Discount w s hardening nnd vreak. owing lo Ihe delivery of the United bl-vUs ultimatum to Hpiln. Norlhern Pacifies nn' lh bourte were maintained and Canadian I'aclflc * were d T > r ied. IXNDON. April 21 The market for American ourllli weakened after rooderat * 'fluctvallonn and closed dull. Operalors mere Inactive. Th amount of J.ullUin gone Into the Uank uf Ilmr- d on bnlarffl today. ! ) I.OOO. Oold Is quolr.l at lluenos Ayrrs si Id M. Upanli'l 4s closet ! on tbe Block exctnnsw.Jil 31. a net loss of Hi I T cent from yesterday' * offlclal closing yctct. OB | Ihe street after Ihe closing of the Stock ex change Anterlrnn securities declined. Canadian I Paclno , St. Paul and Umlstrlllc A Naihvllle leil Ihe don nn ard movement Spanish 4s on thu I slteot nere qoted at 31T . PAHIS. April 2l.-The stock mukct opened In n agitated condition tp'lny. The slump In panlsh 4i eakene < l Ihe llsl. Afterwards Intsl- css was calmer. SpnnMi 4s pirtly recoverM. hlch was attended by hit-round repurchasing , hlch state nf urfalrs waas fairly maintained ntu the clise After the clo < e uf Ihe market icre was a fresh rcarllon , renles belne quoted t lOlf 32.1 and i-panlth 4s al HVic. The linn' rice nf Hnnnl'lt 4s today was S3 1-K. agalnsl 4'4 , Ihe closing price nf yetlerday ; 3 per ccnl enles , lOlf 37 0 for Ihe accounl. \IMV York Sloney Mnrkrt. NBW YOIUt. April 2I.-MONI7T ON CAI.U omlnally , 2 l per cenl. . PIllMU MKUCANT . PAPnil-51406 per STKIILINO nXCHANOK-lSleady , with actual uslners In bankers' ( bill * atll S3VifTI SVj , for emand and | 4.79 4.1i i Tot ! sixty Ua > s ; pnsted ates , Jl.SOai.Sl and II MH ! commercial bills , 479. ) HAH RIL-VKIl-Mc. , . r/ SIL.VKU rKllTIFIC.Wra-5SHe. MKXICAN DOI.1.AIIM-45UO. OOVKIINMENT IKJNI Weak ; new 4s. re * . . 17 ! coupon , US : 4 , M-g.107 ! : coupon. 1M ; D- , reg. , iwii : coupon , novii PAcinc Cor 'v > . IOH. LONDON' . April 2L Colisols , for money , % ; for account , l&Tii I Closing quotations on' butuls were an follows ; I H.nowt9.ro * . . . .117 NTC. Oa ISO U.S.now ja cou..lH . C.N..H 10. T.S,4 .tw 1 7" Ntt. P.-veina lats. . .11J J.S.4B.OOI1U 103 J Pacina as. . . . f > 7 J. S.re ? . . " ' No. Pncttlo 4a H"H J. I .5s.roir 1H94 N Y.C. A St. ! * . . 100 U.8. ( is. coup , . . HUlt NAW. Us HH UlHtrl.-t J 3.03 H- , , N , W.Connols 111 Ala..clas A lllsJt N. W.Del ) , fin 113 Ala..ciassn IDA . Ore. Nnv.lat ! ) 110 Aln. . clans C ! 1)2 ) Oro-Nav. 4n . . . . I'OM ' Aln.Currency. . . . I'-1 ' os. L , . ns.t.r. 118 AtchlFion HO . O.aUfis. t. r 7 Atchlnonaal. 4s , . . . MIJj O. Imu. Ills , i. r..ll)3 nnnn.iSo.-JiiiU . . 101 O. Imp. Os. t. r m ' .AN. P. t.r. C . . 80 , Pnclucbs of ' 93. . . lo-'ti I. A O. flu Jl.l amnr 4s 7M : .H. AD. 4 < 4) . .HUH Il.a.Wnst 1st * MO t.s/n , n.ists. . . .10-4 St. L. Ai I. M. Ooi. I H.I D.AR.0.41 87 _ st. L..VS. F.osn.a. nnn ' ' ' ' St. P. Consul * 131) hfrloOoii. Is . . . . . . . OH St. P. C. At P. IsU. . . 117 f. W. AD. In l. r. 117 St. P.O. A P. Ss 11.1 til " ° southern Ur. . . , . > ' ' os. HSU 3"f ? ! S. A. lU.Vl03 ! ! S. H. A.T. Us 0(1 ( l.H.AH A. .Mil..103 Teiiti ncWROtMn. . . H3 II.AT.Ceill.Sa Ill ) Tox. I'.io. L.B.lsta.nn [ I.AT.O.eii t ) .10) Tot. P.ic. Jiff. Uds. . ioM ; low-n C. Mis HO U. P. D.iO. lull. . 4HV ' Wub. iB'.As IIUJK ' " ' [ A NUii'tilis ? . . . M Will ) a < l 7SM Missouri Us ID ) \VeiHtShoro49 104 M.K.AT. .Ms OS Vi. Cfiitiirlt's 0.1X . K.AT.4 * S3 Va dororrjd 3 I * . Y.C. Intt 11.1U Union P.iclric Dtd. . 4S11 N.J. 13.69 Ill ) Union Paclllo 4 . . . hSH IlnHtnn .Stock Quolnlloim. BOSTON , Apr'l 21-Call loans , 3\45 per cent ; time loans , sifO per cent. Closing prices for stock * , bonds and mining shares : A.T.AS. V 1W1 IIOHton L , 04 American Suzar. . Hull AtchlHon pfd. S.I Am.Sncar nfd. . . . 105 E i : . I t0 ! Iav State Oil \ < ( Con. Klec. pfd 81) ) Boll ralophouo. . . 117 Atchlson 4w 8J ! < UostonA AlDitir. ' , ' 1'J AllotiHzMlntiizO 11)4 ) DoBton&Muiao. . . Hill Atlnntla 27 C..H.A.Q HSW Iloston A Montan i 17imi PIlcliDiirir 01 linltoA Dontcn. , . . 'jiH : Oeneral Kibctno. . SDK Ciilumet<oaU. . C17 Illinois Stool. . . . 4fl Centennial im Mexican Cnntr.il. . Franklin' 10 Old Cole IV IBS OscfOl.i ; t ( ) HiiDOer 15 Gulnoy , . , 104 Union I'.icldc Tain.ir.-icK 143 WestKna Wolverines 1UH W. Kloc Parroti as W. Klcc. lfd him Krnneldeo Mining Quotations ) . SAN rilANCISCO. April 21.-Omcn ! ! closing quotations on mining stucks loday wtiie ' Iowa ; A'lt.-v 18 ustlco . . . 13 Alph-iCon 3 Kentucky Con. . . 1 in Mexican . . K ) liclcher i. ( OteldcntalCon. . . . 203 1'L'M.t nolehor. . . . ui ( W rm. in . 4 llulllon Potoai' . ni Caleilonl.t lii Savagn . if , CballencoCoii in corplon . a Ohollar. S.I Slcrr.i Novadn. . . . 81 Con. Cai. K. Va. . . . 74 Union Con . ' . " _ ' Crown I'oim. 1:1 : tltih Con . 7 Coula&Ciirrio. . ; Yellow Jacket. . . . 12 Il.-ilo.v Norc-ro-ii. . 47 Silver bars , CG&e : Mexlcin dollars , 45iJOc } ) : drafts , sight , lie ; telegraph , 17Hc. \ -w York Mining Qnotntlnn * . N1IW YOniv , April 2l.-The following are the closing mln'ri ; quotations : Chollar. v. % oiuano san Urown Point 12 Oonir. fii ) ron.Unl. A Va. . . . 70 Piyinotitn pj Peed woou 75 Oulcksllvjr. . . loj CoulrtA Citrrv ' . ' 0 Uuleksilvor Dfd. . . voj Halo Akornro 9. . ! > > Sierra Neva < ti. . . . 70 IluiuefctaKO 3701) Stnndnrd ir.il Iron Sliver MS Union Con 20 Moxicun 1'J Yullow Jacket . . . . ; o Iinndon Sleek Ctnotntlolm , LOXDOy , April 217- p , ' m.-CIoiitg : < r Conools , m'r 109)4 "uTvSrr.-ZT . Central 110 ; ConsoUi.accl. . , IDDH ivtiuHvivama 57 Ciiu. Pncltic. . . . . . . . 70)i ) Krte IlTl Men. Con. now 4 * . . 03 KrtelM pfd Ill . AiClllBOIl , lllli " III. Cemnti L.AN . 474 Mriicun ordinary. 17'fr ' IJriiiul Trunk 7H SI. Ha ill common. . . H7) { n StUVER-Dull jit 2Z 13-lCd per ounca. MONBY-2f ! 4 per ctnt. . . The rate of illecourrt 'Inrjthe open market for .hortbUI. . SlVltfll p r ! n'h/ bills. 3 13-1004 per ctrjj , [ , OMAHA. April 21. Th * elearlngi for the day were 8S3J08.W ! : balances. I13,9 . /Tho"clear- - it-a fop U97 were. JS88,702.76 and Ihe ImUnccs J17Z,2 2.70. Increase or Harlngs , J44.S06.ll. CHICAGO. April 21. Clearings , Jl .459,70)i ) bal ances , J1.476.31W ; New/Ydrk exchange , 10 * dls- conl ; sterling exchange , posted , J4.81lff4.84U ; actual. | 4.79 , , OI.S3 4sUfy : days , JI.79S4.82H. stocks were dun tmA Irregular today , -c , . , ! . Prlee ? ! IJIicult , 2J ; nt cult preferred , 78W ; Diamond Match , i2SH Norih Chicago , 202 ; Wesl Chicago , S7H- , ' ST. IX301S. April -2L-Clea rings. J4.563.0I3 ; balances , J580.654 ; money , Cs per cenl ; New York exchange , 40c discount bid , 23e discount asked. NEW ORLEANS , April 21. Clearings , J1 , 3S- 325 : New York exchange , bank , par ; commer. clal , Jl per J1.004 discount. MEMPHIS. April 21 Clearings , Bit,541 ; bal ances , J71.514 ; New York exehan e , $1.1(9 pre mium. UALTIMOnBi April Il.-Clcarlnjrs , , 136.880 balance * . J370.33 ! ) . ' > PJIILADKLPHIA , April 21.-CIearlngf , Jll.1- VA S39 ; balances , Jl.625.623. NRW YOHK. April 21.-Clearings , J107,7J7,133 balances , IC.CS'OM. BOSTON , April 21.-Clearings , J1.132.1M ; bal ances , ; .117,113. CINCINNATI , April 21-New York exchange 20e discount to par. Money4H8 per cenl. Clear lng , J1 , CO,550. Ilniik of I-iiKlnniI Statement. I/DNIXJN , April 21. The vyeekly slalemenl 01 Ihe Hank of Kngland shows the follow Ing changes a compared vvth | the previous'accounl : Tola rcrerve , Increase , 1,211,000 : clrculitlon. de crease , 12l.0i)0 ; bullion , .Increase , 833,613 olher securities , Increafe , 152,000 : other de pcslts , Incre.ise , 714.00 < ) i public deposits , In ciea e , 679OCO ; notes lererve , Increase , 1 , 370,000 ; government fcecurltlcs , decrease , 6CO ) Tl.c proportion of Ihe llinlt of Kngland'B re n'rvB to Iliblllty Is 33 SB per cent , ns comparec with 3S.40 per cent laft week. The IJank o ingand'n ! rate of discount remains unchanged a 4 per cenl. Ilanjc of KraniM Htntement , PAIIIS. Arrll 21. The weekly slnlement of th Dank of Trance shows the following chants at compaifd with the previous nccniinl : Not * In o rcu'atlrn , decieire , 4.2.3CcK ) finncs ; trcis ury accounH current , Increite , 1C,450,0 ' francs gull In hand , Incrcnie , 3.375CW frnnca ; bills d r counted , Increase , 7,00),010 fianca1llver ; In hand Increase , 1.S25.COO francs , Coffee MarkctH. NKW YORK , April 21. COrrBB Option , opened steady with price * unchanged to S points higher ; lurm'd i-isy under lack of Kpec. ulallve upp-rl and scallered offerings by beai crowds ; ruled dull during Ihe grealer parl o Ihe reislon ; war news effectually checked out side Interest : rloced rm'lel with prlpej nn changed to 10 points net lower ; rales. 11.5M hags. Including May nt J5.SA Spot coffee. Itlo msrkel sleady : No , 7 , Involee , CT4c ; No. 7 , Job blng , 7'ic. ' Mild , vleady ; Cordova , SV < ? 15c lolal vv3reh-u ) e deliveries from Ihe Unltei Ktatef. 3S.761 bags. Including r0.1C4 ba7 from New York : New York took today , MT.51J bag * United Stares slo-1 < . C33.60I liags ; ntlnat for lht > United .Suites , 11KO bags ; total visible for th United States , 1.004Ml bags , against 692,50 bag * lart yeir and 370,422 bags In 1S % . SANTOS. April 21. COFFKK Firm : gooi average Sinter , ,200 rels ; receipts , 2,000 bags stock , 4J1.0CO liags , llAMIIUltn , AprH II , COFFEH-OpeneJ \ _ pfg. higher ; at 2:30 : p. m. . steady al a nel gain of VI to H pfg. ; sales. 15,090 bags. RIO IK JANEIRO , April 21. COFFKIl Quiet ; No.-7. RD. | 9,250 rels ; exchange. 5T d ; re cclptf , 9,000 baxs ; cleure.1 for Ihe United States 12.000 bt s : cleared foi Europe , 9,000 bags stork , 117.GCO Imps. HAVHK , April 21. oyFFEC Closed net un changed ; sales , , ( . ) bags. . Xeir York ary 47o il * Market. NEW YORK , April 'il. The dry goods mar ket I * again fefllurelrteg for Ihe momenX al Ihough future proypecfji , ure brighter than ha hrretnfare been the cust' , jl''ie market for print Is sllxhlty flnrer tn torn loday. although with out change In iiuotatjoni , and bared on thin al grades of slip e colthn re exhibiting bettr prices and trade condllx | > rp. < lluyers In tha mar kot ar nol opera"- ' Market * . NBW onWANH. ' Apr ) ! JI. - open kettle. JMIJUc ; ) rcnirlfucnl irranul.it 4Hc : white , 4 7-Hc ; V < > V ovvJ 4tf4Kc ; x > cond JHOS 131C.Molststs. . - < lull : centrifugal , 4@ic , NHW YORK. April . : LTHt'nAH-llaw. quiet fair reflnlng. 3Kc ; cenmfu ul , 96 tent , 4 Vic ; refining - fining , itmnu : No , 1 llj1" * ; No7. . 4 c.1 > No. g. IScj No. I. 4 ! 6cro8fiia : , A , > Hc : flandsM A , C' c ; confectioners' jAi.tSJe ; cut loaf. 6V c ; cubes , SVic. V _ _ _ Cnllfornln Dried NEW YORK. April a.rrfJAJJI'-OIUNIA DRIED : I'lU'lTS Klrtn ; vapjratrtl u | > pliu. common , C 7Hc ; prime -wire tr yt IP : w oed dried , prime , SUa ; choice. Ho ; fancy. prunes , i'o Vic ; aiirtcott , noy l. 5H 7c ; Moor Pmrk , IVi 10 ; peaches , unp led , IQto. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Slight Foiling Off in Receipts of Cattle Ycntcrdayi GENERAL STRENGTH THE FEATURE Cnttle Trnrie I'nrely I.ocnl , lint Arc Simtalneil HOKM n lllnie anil I'lriii nt the Clone. BOUTIJ pMAHA , April 21. Receipts for the days' Iti'dlcntcd were : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Hor's. April 21 1,611 8.075 7.401 S April 20 2,970 8.001 2.2S2 April l : 2,7.33 C.27C 3.851 2 April IS 1,473 1.024 1.505 April 16 1.031 D.609 7,725 2t April 15 2,201) ) C.OI'J J0.37IJ April 14 1,411 6,778 11,727 April 13 2,512 6,472 1,830 April 12 C.419 6,555 3.000 April 11 1,137 2.730 C,79l 2 April 9 , 75R 3.1CG M 23 April 8 1.S21 4.231 1.S92 April 7 ; 1.60S 6.4S2 14.330 April A 3.545 8.21S 7,301 2 April G 2.019 6,052 3.C5S 04 April 4 1,226 1,139 9.45S The oHlclal number of cars of tock brought In today by eac'i ' road vvaa : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. , M. & St. P. Jly. . . 1 5 . . . . O. & St. L , . Ry -2 . . 1 Missouri 1'nclllc Ily. . . II 7 . . . . UnlDti 1'acltlc System 15 27 26 C. & N. W. tty 3 F. . K. & M. V. U. It. 17 21 1 S. C. & P. Hy 1 1 . . . . C. , St. P. , M. & O. . . . 8 Ci I ) . & M. II. H. U U 42 S . II. & Q. Hy. . . . 3 2 . . . . C. C. & SU J 1 C. , H. I. & P. , east. . 2 C. , II. I. & P. , west. . 3 Total recclptg 07 111 R3 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was s follows , each buyer purchasing tno num- ler of head indicated : nuyers. Cattle. HOR . Sheep. Onmha Packing Co 101 KM G. H. Hammond Co 3S.1 ] ,2I9 319 Swift and Company 211 1,429 XIS Cudahy Packing Co 419 1,591 1,301 ' . U. Armour , Chicago 1,304 632 t. Hecker nnd Deg.in. . . . 75 Vansant & Co 05 luston & Co -S vrebbs & Co 7 Swift , frcm country 305 Cudahy , from K. C 03 491 C. P. & P. Co. , Neb , City . . . . 1,420 ) ther buyers tin Left over 155 Totals ' . 1.C3.1 ! 8,115 3,3 Today'H' arrivals of live stock numbeiod only n few over 200 cars , there b ! ns a fnll- HK oft us compareil with jcsleiuay of about orty curs. The loss , however , \\a * In cattle , vhlch was to be expected on a Tliurbday , vhllo hoRs Mere In lu ly us lurjji receipt us he d.jy before and sheep were larger. As compared wJth a week UKO there" was a ( ruin n the receipts of about lorty cars. The m.ir. eels us a wholes ere more favorable to the nellers than for pome days p.ut ami the geji- cial HlttmtlCTi was much Improved. CATTLK Shippers have been pretty gen- Tally educated lo avoid having cattle on he. market on a Tlmiaday und the receipts ic-cordingly vveio light today , less than haif ixh.it they were yesterday but fully as lnrp us n week ago. While as usual on a Thursday the ship ping demand was absent local paclurs Keemed to huvo use fcr quite a good many cattle nnd ths dem.ind inns fully equal to he supply. According to buyers' cellmate he avetago quality of Jhe corn fed steers on sale was not vcty high , gotl cattle being scarce but still all kinds sold and the yards were cleared In gocd , seascn. As to values there was no quotable change- from yester- lay , the matket being Just ubout steady but lot overly nctlve. Cows and lujfers were also In fair dc- rmnd nn < l tha general m.-irkiit en that kind of stuff did not snoA' material change. Some sellers ccrnplalned.ttMt the tr.ide was slow , but most of the eatU * sMd tarly. Hulls were a little alow nnd If anything easier. The few stock cattle ; Jiu-e s.oM In about the same notches as yesterday. Representative ealce : 1C..1160 4 1C 34. . . . KM 4 2J I. . . . S70 3 73 19.1203 4 4"i 1. . . . SCO 4 OJ IS..1125 450 2..1325 4 37 4..123" 4 33 11..124 ! 4 SB 43..103 4 Si 17..115 * 4 C ) 21..1105 4 8) C..1022 4 10 28..1147 4 35 1. . . . flW 3 75 41..ilia 3 n ; i. . . . era 35) i. . . . tm 350 41..10 7 4 CO 9. . . . 911 4 23 4..114U 4 - > 3 6..10V ) 4 K 34..926 4 S > 9. . . . 844 400 31. . . . 978 4 13 17..1010 4 IS 1. . . , 810 4 00 4..11C2 435 Sl.,114 413 27. . . . 846 411 1..1134 4 Z5 1..IJ30 4 23 7. . . . 973 4 25 1. . . . 791 4 65 27. . . . 743 4 20 13..1150 4 40 2. . . . 913 f K C.1I4I 4 10 2..1015 4 33 42..1017 4 87 1. . . . SCO 4 < n 4..118' 4 35 1. . . . 920 4 35 1. . . . 9 * > 4 OJ I..12fiO 3 73 2).1137 4W I..101) 350 10..1143 4:3 12..1080 S70 4..1140 3'63 ' 2..1130 .160 1..1IC ) 3 JG . . , . 941 305 1. . . . 730 200 1..1210 3 55 l.\10M 3 45 1..14M 3 45 4. . . . 935 2 S3 1. . . . 730 SSI 1..I120 J 63 19. . . . W 373 4. . . . g" 360 1..115U 3 C3 1..II10 360 23..1112 400 1..10SO 370 21..1112 40) 1. . . . 750 J10 1. . . . si. 1..UCO 410 1. . . . EOO 323 3. . . . 910 273 B..1178 J70 18..994 3 K 1. . . 1010 3 35 1..1190 S75 I..1530..4 00 1. . . . 460 3 Rn 12..1018 3 81 2..1110 3 10 1. . . . 9V ) S V. 2..I20) 365 10..10J1 380 7..1090 363 1..1150 4 OJ 1..11IO 3 S3 2..1375 340 1..10SO 3 Ki 1..1IM 3 40 2..1280 3 70 3..1073 365 1..1120 310 2..1153 ' 80 Mwi . . . 1. . 9fiO 333 HBirnns. 1..10CO 4 00 31. . . . 5M 4 00 4. . . . 157 4 00 1. . . . S20 3 85 1. . , . 790 3 75 1. . . . 7CO 3 60 2. . . . 913 J 93 1..1MO 409 28. . . . 790 415 19..1048 420 1. . . . Ktt S59 3. . . . MO 400 I. . . . 6T.C 4 25 2. . . . BSO 4 20 1..1ZSO 4 25 1.1M > > 4 25 1. . . . 610 4 10 1. , . . 030 4 25 1. . . . MO' 4 25 ! „ . . 404 3 W 1. . . 1330 4 00 HULLS. 1..19CO 3 M 1..15W 3 40 2..170' S 60 1..12M 3 40 J..1540 3 55 16..1493 3 63 17..168S 3 S3 1..1GIO 31" 1..1S30 360 1..12W 330 I..1540 3 r. 1..1C20 320 1..1JCO 373 2..1J25 360 1..13V ) 360 1..12JO 3W ) 2..1185 340 1. . . . 900 335 CAIA'ES 1. . . , 130 CM 1. . . . ) 600 1. . . . SO 6 00 1. . . . 100 60-1 - 1. . . . 42) 475 1. . . . 130 660 1. . . . 180 625 2. . . . 200 C 60 1. . . . 130 500 1. . . . 40 4 00 STAGS. 1..1330 3 75 2..i6:5 3 ; STOCKHUS AND FRHDERS. 33. . , , 714 475 74. . . . 618 450 l.7t 4 60 4. . . . 9 i 4 20 3. . . . 97J 4 20 1. . . , 6.V ) 4 00 I. . , . 7CO 4 Ki 3. . . . 9M 4 2 > ) 8. . . . 921 4 33 1. . . , CM 4 CO 2. . . . 6CO 4 00 HOGS The receipts of lioa ; In point of num- tvr * were about the gnmp an yesterday that li " thorn wore a" few o\er 100 cam. As compared with n week nso thire wns an Increnfe of tlilrti- n\c cnrc. The hogs were of sooj n\erase quality , thouRh running tnantly to mixed , -with u few loaiJ of Rood butcher nelKhu. I < 'nr tha tlmt time this month it wan pof l- ble tn quote an advance In the IIOR market amnuntlnR ta much as 10 ? for the day. Con ditions for ii3mo time baric In\e.j | en entirely agalnit the telling lnteie > t , hut the elmrp nil- \nnce in meat prOilucts jestenlay. In anticipa tion of larse Kovernment orders to follow the placlnc of troops In the Held , turned the scales In favor of the men with IIORS for sale. The market openril at the advance noted , was ac tive under the Inlluence of free buying , nnd clouatl mioni ; . The Unc itrlnR of mixed ho ? * Fold at 13.70 and t3.72'A , with heavy and butcher Vflnht loads at t > "in 80. Vexterday the bl ? utrlns old st 3 60f3. V4 , with the top at 13,70. Durlnir the past t o weeks the hoff market had been Rradually worklnR louard a louer le\p | and any advances that have taken place liavo been entirely of a temporary character. Njt etncf April 12 has the nveraue price touched S3.70 until today , no that today'n advnnce makes up for the lofies of n. number of day * pact. In fact. I > OK told today at the lilt-heat point touched Klnce April 9. There are two plifnlllcant facts connected with tli" ha ; ? trade at present packers are unmis takably on the brar lde , basing- their opinion on the belief that the country Is full of ho and that the reason has arrived when much larger receipts may he expected. At th tame time , the belief thit war will Increme the demand for meat product * seems to be quite general , and It remains to bo wtn whether It would be sulllelently pronounced to wlt.i- rtaiul increased marketings of live hogs. Hep- rejcntatlve rales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 6h. Pr. ,8 218 80 $ ) 63 lr 222 BO J3 C3 (3 201 80 S 65 72 117 . . . 3C5 Cl r. 'M * > SC7f ? 12 211 . . . 8 7V4 - . 278 ICO S6JW 65 SCO . . . ,3l,7'i M .191' . . . 379 M 201 1 * ) S 70 fS..i.-2f-St .if * 70 2 * ill . . . 3 11 78 ; . .2all / S 70 65. , 23S . . . 379 li v2 3i . 7l C3 2J4 . . . S 70 70 VM 0 S7 14 203 . . . 370 63. ' 216 ) 3 74 4 227 . . . S 74 177. 717 KO 3 70 18. . . MS . . . 3 70 . ! ! . . . . M 3 7. ) CS MO 160 3 70 67 273 ill 370 1 ! 517 . . . 7l ) 6J 239 . . . J 70 SO J11 160 370 OS 24 ? S 3 7i ) . 49 2) ? . . . TO 61 232 41 S 70 67 -0 240 1 70 jll HI 40 3 70 7& 2M 3W S 70 n n so 3 70 41 2v ; . . . ? 7o 6 , tff > . . . J 7n 71 2 t 200 3 in 64. . . ! . . . . ! g ) 370 6S 311 . . . 371 . ! ! ! ! . . . . ! . . . S70 M 117 . . . 370 77 247 M 37) 71 224 . . . * 70 e ; ' JI2 ft 370 ( a 27X SO Z 111 1Z' 2iS . . . 370 71 Eli . . . J 7 . , 2C5 ICO 370 70 232 . . 3 7 CT./.JIO SO S 75 W 275 < 0 S 73 M. . 47 2 ! S 75 74 W4 . . . S 75 U..SW HO 375 K 284 80 3 73 2M 40 S7S | 62 3M M 75 87..J I . . 3 4I s'l ' S7S S3..145 . . . 3 n C1..M9 . . . J U 64 rT8 . . . 3 7S IK 243 . . . 3 7S 17 , . } . . . 7i U 304 , . . 375 C4..iU 41 375 64 ,2M 40 3'7S 41. . . . . . . S7 40 378 2M 40 1 7(1 ( 71 , .US . . . lit O TO. . . . I.n . . . . . 161 9 3 75 71. . . . J9 . . . 3 73 ' . Ml . . . 37S r. ) . IM J 175 79. . 149 10) I 75 75 . 271 . . . 37 } 77 . t < 0 49 3 75 41 . 371 1ft ) 3 75 1 . 161 . 375 t9 . . . . 37 * . 61 . ) SO 375 D . M * 211 173 Cl . t ! 49 377H 62 . 271 80 37714 7J . 171 49 1771 , 71 . I * ) W 177 K . 313 2S9 3 80 M . 299 . . . 1 M CO . 235 . . . 3 TO CO . 292 . . . 3 SO M . J16 40 CO ? . 2.-.1 . . . 372H 7 . 231 tD S7M 71 . 277 S'l : 714 U . Hi < 3t'i 61 . 35 . . . 3 711 , Cl . Ill I ) tn-- , no . . . .at . . . 373S 8. ; . ; ) s ) " ! ; 4 . 30 . . . 3 7'i C7.1 . 2il3 . . . 3 731. 67 . Ill ft ) 3 72V , 7 . 2 If ) 3 7 ] > , . ZA 40 3 72H f.l . WS * ) 37J-J 77 . 279 9) 3 72H . SIH 161 3 7 : 61 . 284 . . . 3 Till , M . Sit 4 > S 7H > r , . v R.I 3 7it , . . . , , . . . . ; MI m < i 74 . 2in ICO 1 7SS 63 . ! C ) R ) 372 % C8 . 2V . . . 17J'i 67 . 212 125 3 7IW WAOON IICKW Tiinu\v 011 n 1 . rul . . . 2 2i 1 . 590 . . . 225 G . 164 40 i ( S 7 . 211 . . . 367H 2 . 24- . . . . 3 67U R . 271 SO 3 67 > x 9 . 2JS . . . 37 D . 3.V1 . . . 370 7 . 211 . . . 370 1 . 20 . . . 370 r. . lilS . . . 370 2 . 0 . . . 370 8 . 2.V ) . . . 170 4 . SIS . . . 370 4 . 3JO . . . 370 2 . ) . . . 370 1 . 3V ) . . . 370 2 . 2S3 . . . 170 4 . 3C2 0 3 70 B1II3BI1 Todiy'n nrrlvnli wrp the largest nf Iho week to date , but only about the n < " nn i\ week ana. The offerlniES conslstiM of ii'nucen laidn of lamlirt and ycarllnir from rviloradti , tno owner * of hlrh were n 111111" 1'ickwnnl nljont olYprlne thom for Rjlf The bal-ince nf t m IT of thirty-dtp lo-uli on l t'd nf sti"nnil ! Limbs , some of them iire'.ly Rood QU I 'V. Il peemml mnn > like nn oM-Unu1 mniK t to 1ny InMcn/l uf iMlrtlnu bacl < nnd not irvliiT I" l y anything , us bns been the oiuie nn n minlx-r of < liy < lurlnit thi1 paul week , th" ' > uv r * IOOK hold tills morning early and the nnrkel Invnmc arllve and Mronjt. A Inure proportion of the offrrlnps clmnirod hnnds enrlv nnd nt prtirs tbnl wore ecnernlly nntlsfaclorv to llio iwllliiK In terest * . A few E od Iambs Bold al $5.50. Rep- n-Hi'iitnllve rales : Nn. Av. Pr. 4 G weftem Inmlr re. } . ' > M 11 western vvcthfn 1SI 4 ' 5 19 * western ewei 101 3M 299 western fvvtn ' .i I 23 3W fneder lamli * . " 6i 4 7. 191 fnilfr Iamb * > . . P ! 4 ( MV 271 Mpjlcnn Innib * . S7 4 60 30 Mexican Inlnln 67 3 aj 1 buck . ' . . . 11.1 1 10 11 burki 101 4 ID 1 wfiteni limb M 4 ; j 11 vvytern Inmln 7S fi ? S r.1 vvprtrrn vvptbPis , cllppoil IV 4 00 349 western vvetheiM. cIlppJl 100 4 03 CHICAGO ilivk 'STOCK Mtronir Deinnnil for llojix riiimeN a .Minrp uViI aiiee In I'rloi'N. CIIIO.U10 , April 21. Tnnle In cnttls tn.lny . vvaa fairly nolh e nnd prices hoUl nbout ntemly. Ilecf steers sold larsely nt J4.3c > fTI.SS ; common , t3l3ff4.CO ; choice. t4.P00-3.10 ; stockers nml fi-etl- ors vvere fulrly ncllve al J3.7Dtf4.75 ; covvs nnd liclfcra were unchanged , The demand for hogs was great enouch to ? 100 JL.al,1 , out llle I'0"8 " ' un advance of loftlUc Pr llm. Common lots went nl J3.70a3. 73lif t ' ' "Vies nl 14.10. 11 OKI told lumely al J3.S3W * 4.03 nnd pljrs at > 1.23li3.h3. Shr5pwcr ? ' " KOoJ demand , choice Inmbs Inc , , * ell- CtrlOo higher. Clipped lamb * sold freely jit J4.4084.8u , a fen- culls B lnir nt J3.754f4.00. Hheep * old at J4.00JJ4.23 for clipped. Hecelptsratlle , , ( /00 head ; hogs , 21,000 head ; iliteji , UWO htaa. iff. I.iinlH l.lviSlook. . ST. I.OUIS , April 21-CATTM-Ilcelpts ' , 1.10) head. Including 4'0 Texaiu ; hlpinenlsJW luad. JtocKem and feeders , J3.SOff4.SO. bulk o'f ui < > . ' J3.UOJt4.CO ; cnws and helfeis , J2.0 > fil.CO' Tfins nnl Indian steers , J3.75fl.f.O . bulk : of sake , J3.9) 01 A i. , cow u und helfer . , l * > miti TI HOUS Ilecelpt * . 7,20) head ; hlilimenlt | , 2SCO hind ; market StilOc hlKher ; yoiKJis , J1.7j5T3.sj Ikickeri. J3.S3B3.93 ; butchern. J3.1004.W. SIIKKP llecelpts , 2,001 he-ad ; shljipmtnts , none ; mat kit steady to stroiiK ; native muttons , { l-OOff 4..0 , lambs , Jl.2304.73. - IlllllllllllllOllN I.Uc SIIH'U. IN-pIAXAI'OI.IS. April 21.-CATTI.i-llecelaf. liO head ; thlpmenti' , none ; nil sold piomptly , peed to iirlmrBleers. . J4.75IT3.W : fair to inedlimi Bteeri" , J4.10i 4.C5 ; cummon to gooH cto.Kers , 13 23 4T4.CO. 1IOOS nfcclpls , 4.50J head ; shlpmenlB , 1,600 head : mailcet nctlve , 10f/:0c nbov * . jestenlay. nil sold ; KCO ! to choice medium and heavy , 53.93 474.00 ; mlxml nnd heavy , J3.lOii3.93. good to cholco llBhtB , J3.wa3.l5 ; common llRhts , JJ.iOg HIinKl' Ilecclpls. lldht : shipment" , ncne ; mar ket Fleaily ; rnimtd from J2.73 for common Bheep to J3.23f3.60 for BOoJ to clV > l , . lambB. l < Mly l.lve Stork .Alnrkol. KANSAS CITY. April.2l.- < : ATTLV-Ileccirti. 8w * ) head ; market btroiiK : Texn btieriJ4 njw 4.55 ; Toxa COWB , J3 63 4 25 ; native steers , J3',3 W4 CO ; native covvu and hrtfer * . J1.394Mstock - crs and feeders , J323fr..lO ; bulls , Ji.C3 4 30. HOC18 llecelpts. 14BCD head ; maiket OfilOc hlRher : bulk'of salen , J3 70ff3 S3 ; heavjes J1 Win J90 ; packers , J3.roij3.S3 ; mixed , J3 35 3 83 ; IlKhts , J3.303.70 ; jorkers , J3.750J 80 ; pigs , J3.25 SIlijKP Ilecelpti , * 3,000 head ; market firm- lambs , J4.50S530 ; muttons , J300G4.70. ! Kant MI.LTly Ll c Slock. EAST LIIIERTy , 1'a. , April 21.-CATTL.E- Slcady ; extra. J3.10ii5.15 ; prime , J5.00S5.10' com mon. J3.90a4.20. HOOB Active and higher ; prime medium , J4.10 f4.15 ; heavy hogs , J4.00 < S > I.10 ; heavy yorkers - ers , J4.03 1.10 ; llaht jorkcrs , J3.COO4.CO ; pigs , as to quality. 33.60R3.85 ; rough. JI.5093.60. HIIHEP null ; choice cllppe * ! , 14.2004.23 ; common , t3.15g3.65 ; choice clipped lambs , J4.65 O4.75 ; common to good , M.COC4.CO ; iprlng lambs , J5.00O7.CO ; veal calves , J4.75O3.23 , New York l.lve Slock. NEW YORK. April 21. IlEBVES-Hece'pl- head : cablex unchanged ; exports today , 156 cat tle. 1.040 sheep. 2.E30 quarltis of IKIT. CALVES llecelpts , 472 hetul ; prkei 15823o lower ; 700 um od ! ; gooj to extra veals , JS.Wtf 8HUEP AND LAMI1S Recelpts.l,632 bend ; medium unshorn sheep , fl.5 : clipped B'.itep , J3.GfKM.S3 ; unshorn lambo. J5.25ff3.Sife. IIOUS-R celpts , 1,103 bead ; pteady , . Kant llulTnlo Live Stock. EAST nUFPALO , N. Y. . April 21.-HOGS Yorkers , Rood to chol , J4. 1034. 15 : rouRhs. com mon to choice , J3. Mff3. 73 ; llltts. t3.9M24.cO. LAMnClio'ce to extra , J4.70e4.90 ; culls to common. J3.75Q4.40. SHEBP Choice to selected wethers , 41.23 9 4. 63 ; cull * to common , 13.2503.59. Cincinnati Live Stock. CINCINNATI , April il.-HOOS-Actlve nnd hlKher at J3.20&3.99. CATTLE Steady at J2.SS94.83. SHKKI'-Hlghcr at 12.8&94.G3. UAMltS Hlglier at J4.2i05.75. Stock In Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for April : i : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Omaha . l. ll 8,073 7. 401 Chicago . 9,000 21,000 9,000 Kantian City . 8.COD 14.000 3,000 St. Loula . 1,200 7,209 2,000 Totals . 19,811 63,273 Tl7 l Wool Mtirketx. HOHTON. April 21. VfOOlj The following are the prices quoted for the leasing descriptions ; Ohio nnd Pennsylvania lleecej X nnd above , Kftl'c ; XX , 20c ; 7CX , al > eve 3kclciiilnc. ; . SOJp 31c ; No. 1 cnmblns. 30c. MlchUan. > Ylscnniln , etc. X MlchlKan , 21c : No. l Mlchlsan comb- Inz. 2 < Qi ; No. 1 Illinois comhlns. 2Sif25o ; No. 2 MlrhUan combine , - - 2SJ9c ; No. 2 llllnola combine , 2S@29c ; X New York , New HampHhlre nnd Vermont , 23O21c ; cloLilno. MIchlRan , 2Sc. Unuarhed medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter blood combine , 23c ; three-eighths blood , 23c ; Missouri quarter blood combine. 22ff3c : ! ; three.elehths blood. 22JJ 21o ; braid combine. 2to ; Italic and ( leorela , Sic Texas wools Spring medium (12 mcnthK ) , JCJ 18c ; scouted , 4345e ; rprlns nne (1 ( ! montl.'ti , lVi19c ; poured , SO ? . Territory wools Montana fine medium nnil Jlne. ICOlSc ; scoured. 4004SC ; staple , COc ; Wyomlne , etr. , line mellum nnl ttne , 15917c ; scoured , 45ff47c ; staple , tov\ Aus tralian eel Scoured Imrlf. combine , tuperllne , 70W72CJ combine , Rood , CiQCSc ; romblng , average , C21TC3e ; Queensland , combine , C3c. ST. IXIIJIS. April 21. WOOIEasler nnd lower ; medium. 1318e : lleht nne. 12814',4c ; heavy nne. 5V4 llc ; tub waxliej. : nsc. LONDON , April 21WOOI - Acale of 3.724 bales of sheepskins were held here totlny. Fol- lowlne are the prices ; New Soutli Wiles , 71 bales ; clotblne and combine , eyjd. Victoria. V * hales ; clothlne and combine , 2HfiCd. Queens land , i" bale ; clothlnK nnd cnrnblnc , 5VJ 5V4d. South Auxtralla. 930 bales ; clothlne and combine , OUGSHrt. West Australia. 421 biles ; clothlne and combine , 2UO4Vid. New /ealand , 2S7 bales ; clothing and combine. TELRI'HONIS 1058. H. H. PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN. PROVISIONS , STOCKS Hrioeb Otflp * . IMS N at. . LUccln. Nob. JANES E BOYD & CO. , Telephone 10)0. : Omohn , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OF T8ADB. Dlre't wires to Chicago and Ntw Tork. Comfpondrntsi John A.Virren A Ca Keep your friends posted About the Exposition By sending them The Daily or Sunday Bee * When Traveling . Read The Bee Here Is Where You Will Find it in the Principal Cities. ATLANTA , (1A. Klntlmlt HolmeIMIM Mlntiit. ANACONDA , MONT. Jn iue M. 4ui1nr ! < l. " , MONT , J. O. Spcrry. Kurr tcr CAMBRIDCiH , MASS , llnr nril UitU rmlly l.llirnrr. DHNVKR. Itnurn llotrl > < MTN fliiii < 1. ILiiiilKou . .VKcnilrlfli. . IMIIMIIU ITIli t Mol > ln , 1MI4 > V Co. . Mid Mxlrfnlli iM. I'rntl 'Mft-rnnlllr 0. . 1T.I7 l.tirlnu-r St TinS n I UMKT < " < > . , I.MIi mill lj Ttrnic StrcrtK. Wlntlnor llolrt > IMM 5tiinil. DBS iMOIISKS. .Miixcn .Inrolis , Itix-k iMlniiil V. 31. C , 11. UfiulliiKKooiii. . BOSTON. PnUllc Mlirar > % ViMiilomr llolt-il llUMtun rrcim Club , 1-1 llonn-orlli St < BUFFALO. ( lIMIPNPC ItolflIMV.1 Mllllll. , BUTTK CHy CVnim Depot , Uor , Mu In nml IlrnnA * CHI-YENNK. K. A. l , ( > K-llll , UPJVcnt 1411)1 ) SI. I < ; ii < -j emitClub. . I CHICAiiO. vViiilllorliitu Ilolrl ' \ - < Sniiil. ( riiiul I'liclllc Hotel \onN nlnnil. ( irt'intorllirirn Hotel AenM IniiiU Jiiliner llouxetMtn < < tiiiul. J'o tolllee Xi .Stnnilo. . SI17 leiir. lillriiSre < " . . \HiirolnUtI AilvortNrr' * Cluli , Viilmcf ) Hoimr. CLEVELAND. tVe l < lell House. . TinHollemleu. . Coiiiiiifiliil Trjiv "li"r f uMnsoiile Teniiile. COLORADO SPRINGS. 1lrlii > CM > Uron.o. : . no Soulli Tejan I'rlnter.H * Homo. FORT SMITH , ARK. .M. . A. JttUUllMK lloom HELENA. AV. A. Moore , ( till lifeline mill Mnlll Heletni 1'iilillc l.lhl-nrj- . HOT SPRINOS , S. D. Km 11 HiiirueiiN . | HOT SPRINCiS , ARK. * . II. iWiNi-iev V Co. I KANSAS CITY , llnliert 'Held ' , 1112 ; ! itlrliee St. UOII-.P .NI-VVN Stniul. V. .M. C. A. ItcaulliiK II on in 81O 1V > nnw ilolte M. nisvourl Heiiiilillenii Clnli , 1)05 IlnltU iiinrc Are. . IMilille I.llirnry. llek < iecl < er ClK"r Co. , Dili auil Wnlnnl oiipoitte P. U. LINCOLN. Frank II. AVnoillniul , nirent wllfe Krnnk till Tell OlKnr Co. , lO O O St. LOS ANGELE" . A.v. . ami , : uo gontb spriuir st. , 4I > SiirliiK St. LONDON , ENGLAND Obn-rlra 'A. ' Glllf K' 'Amerlenn ' CitokMpuir St. , TrnfiiJirnr Sq. , S. MINNEAPOLIS. J'oliMc Mlirnry. Went Hotel XCIVM 8lnn < l. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fllftli 'AveinHHotel ' < \ irn Slnnil. Fifth Avenue Hi tl llrntlliiK Hoonu Itirouuiie Slreet Ijlbrnry. HollniuL HOUM * ItrndliiK Hoomi. i IfofTiuan II une\ Imperial 'Hotel ' iXe-nn Stnnd. rolunUo ' nml Trail er ' Frr-e I < lbraryf 'Ko. IS Kiurt Slsternilh Slreol. I're.sm ( Tliili. ] 2 ( ) XIIMNIIU t. IVrMlmln.iter .1I ( trl HrailInK HoomU. 1Vlnil wr Hotel IteiHllnir Itooin. V. M. C. A. , UUiI Stre tt fluid -Mil A OG DEN. AV. rxV-eJib , 24 O5 Wivxlilnirton A.TC. > I < Ourtne. > - & Co. , aild U5tk St. PARIS , FRANCE , New York Heriilil Ilendlnir lloom. tAve. lie I'O'ieirn. POCATELLO. V. .C 'Itoeilor ' , Went Center St. PORTLAND , ORE. AV. K. .Tonen , HIM Aliler St I'ortliiuil llnli-l XI-VVH Sin nil. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile l/lbrary. i ( SACRAMENTO. I'ublle I.lliriiry. | SAN FRANCISCO. Public. Library. SALT LAKE , CITY. l , . F. Hnnunel , l.yei-iiin Then ( or. Sail I.n lie. A " > Co. Public Library. SEATTLE. C. O. O > MOII , Poxtolllee .Vewi Depot. Hotel Sea I lie \ew * F. Wwrd. SIOUX CITY. Rarretloon llo cl TVmrii fltaiid. ninndiimln Hotel - > eT Htnud. Heel Veiulome XrttJi Stand. Public 1/lbrnry. SPOKANE , John \V. Gralinm 723-72.1 A veil UP. ST. JOSEPH. Ilrnitilow'ert Sitund , 721 Eilmond trent. * " Junction Nert-ii Sin ml , 501 Itdiuouil S < > ST. PAUL , MINN. Prrin Clnb. \Vludnor Hotel. , ST. LOUIS K. J. Jett , K0l Olive St. Plniitern' Hotel XvTva Stand , labile Mbrary. . ' WASHINUTON , D. C. Wlllurd'i Hotel w Mtwmd. ( Arilnurtoil Hotel. OoiiMrreftnlanal Library. < HtittcH House. ' Airrlcultiinil l > jMirtmen Senate IlendliiK Hoonu Trennary Uvpurliurat Library. UeiubU Kut'l , Comutltlee Y4NKTOW.