12 THE OMAHA DAILY 3JEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 21 , 1808. I THE WARRIOR MAID OF SAN CARLOS. 1)y ROBERT HARR. Author of "In the Midst of Alarms , " "Luke Slulrp Pnpors , ' Etc. , Etc , ( Copyright , ! 8 , the B. B. McClure Co. ) ( The fact * In thin narrative ire nlv > n by Jamfi JttTrey Iloctio In hi * l > ook "The Htory of the Flllhuatcn ; " the nctlon IwHonKs to my elf anil the Nlcarnirunni. Which ot the three li th blRxeit Mar the reader muit Judge for him- clf.-ll. II ) The young naval officer came Into thla world with itwo ey ana two arms ; ho Iclt It with but OD of each , but the remaining cyo was ever quick to eco , ami the remaining arm ever strong to seize. Even hie blind cyo became wcful on one historical occasion. Hut the lote of cyo or arm was aa nothing to tli < ! continual Iocs of his heart , which often ltd him far afield In Cbo finding of It ; vanquished when ho met < ho women ; In- vlncJ > lo wh n ho met the men ; In truth , a rnovt human hero , and 10 wo all love Jack , ho we , In thla Instance , as the old Joke teas It , embtadng tbo women. In the year 17SO llrttaln ordered Colonel IV-con to Invade Nicaragua. The task Iml- ptfeod on the gallant colonel was not an onuroiiH OTIC , for itoo Nlcaraguano never carol to B cure for thcmaclvce the military reputation of Sparta. In fact , some yeata after this , a rlnglo American , Walker , w.th a few Callfornlan rifles under his command , comiticicd the whwlo nation and made h'm- ' ao\t \ president of It , and r > tiihats would have been XlitUutor of N4caragua today If hla own country had not laid him by the lice B. It lane no violation of hletory to state that the cnllro Brltleh fleet vvas not engaged In sub duing Nicaragua , and that Colonel I'olson himself amply provided for the necessities ot tJie crisis by sailing Into the harbor of Ban Juan del Norto with one small ship. There were numerous foitlflcatlons at the mouth of the river , and In abojt an hour after landing the cclcnel was In pcustsa'on ' of them all. Tiho flight of time , brief as It wa ? , could net bo compared In celerity with the flight ot tlio Nlearaguans , who betook themselves to the backwojds with nn lnipcM.os.ity Bcldom twin outaldo of a race course. Theio was no Icsa of llfo BO far as the Urlt'i'h ' ' wco ooncernEd , and the only casualties resulting to the Nlearaguatis were colds caught through the overheating Oi theiiiEelvca lu their feverish dtslre to explore Immediately the Interior cf ' . ( heir bclovoj coumtty. "Ho who b-lts and runs away will iJivc to lo'.t atothcr day , " was the motto cf the Nlcaiaguaiis. So far , GO good , or 83 tad , ao > the CCBO may be. The victorious o.loncl now got together a flotilla of some half a t-core of beats , or moic , and the flotilla was placed under the command of the joung naval officer , tfco hero of th's Rtjry. The expedition pro ceeded cautiously up the river San Juan , which ruro for c'gihty mills , or thcrcdtouts , from Lake Nicaragua to the si.t water. The voyage was a soil of marine plca'o. ' Luxurious vegetation on cither tule , and no opposition to eptak of even from the current ot the river Itself , for Lake Nicaragua U but 120 feet above the eta level , and 120 foot gives llltlo rapidity to a river eighty rnilctJ long. As the tlotllU approaches the entrance to the lake caution Increased , tor It vvno not known how strong Fort San Carlou might prove. Thlo fort , perhaps the only one In the country strongly built , stood at once on the shore of the lake and the bank ot the stream. 1'acro ' v\ao ono chance In a thou sand that the speedy retreat of the Nlcnra- guans had been merely a device to lure the British. Into the center of the country , whcro the llttlo expedition ot 200 tailors and ma rines might be annihilated. In these circum stances Colonel I'olson thought it ft ell , before - fore coming In sight ot the fort , to draw up his boats along the northern bank of the San Juan river , sending out tcouta to bring In necessary Information regarding the stronghold. The young naval officer all through hla life wus noted for his energetic und rccklcea courage , so It was not to bo wondered at Hint the ago of 22 found him impatient with the delay , loth to lie Inactive , In hla boat until the scouts returned , so he resolved upon an action that would Slave Justly brought a court-martial upon hlo head had a knowledge ot It como to his superior otllcer. Ho plunged alone Into the tropical thicket , armed only with two pistols and a cutlasa , determined to force hla way through the rank vegetation along the bank of the river and reconnoiter Fort San Carlos for him. Bel , ' . If ho had given uny thought to the matter , which It Is moro than likely ho did not , ho miiat have known that ho ran every rlak of capture and death , for the native of Central America , then as now , has rarely ihown any hesitation about shooting prisoners of war. Our young friend therefore tad light chance for his life If cut off from his comrade * , and In the circumstances even a civilized notion would have been perfectly within Its right In executing him as a spy. After leaving tlho lake- the river San Juan bcnda south and then north again. The scouts had taken the direct route to the fort across the land , but the young officer's theory was that If the Nlcaraguans meant to fight they would place an ambush In the dcnso Jungle along the river and from tula place of concealment harass the flotilla before It got within gunshot of the fort. This arn- buscado could easily fall back upon the fort If directly attacked and defeated. This the young man argued , waa what ho himself would have done had ho been In command ot the Nlearaguan forcci , eo It naturally oc curred to him to discover -whether the same Idea had suggested Itself to the commandant At San Carlos. Expecting every moment to come upon { hla ambuscade , the boy proceeded , pistol In hard , wllli the utmost care , crouching under the luxuriant tropical foliage. tunnelIng - Ing his way , as ono might say , along the dark allejs of vegetation , roofed la by the broad leaves overhead. Through cro's alleys ho caught a glimpse now and then of the broad river , of which he was desirous to keep within touch. Stcalth'lly ' cross IDS ono of thcso rlvenvard alleja tlio young fellow came upon this ambuscade , and was struck motionless with amazement at the form It took. Silhouetted agalrst the shlnltig water beyond was a young girl. She knelt nt the very verge of the low , crumbling cliff above the water , her left hand , outspread , vao on the ground , her right rested against the rough trt-ak of a palm tree , and counter balanced the weight of tier bojy , which leaned far forward over the brink. Her face Waa turned sideways toward him , and her lustrous eyes poere-1 Intently down the river at the Ilrltlsh HoWa stranded along tits river's bank. So Intent was her gaze , BO confldtot was eho that she v > a j alouo , that the leopard-like approach ot her enemy gave her no hint of attack. Her perfect proUe tclng toward him , do saw her cherry- red lips move silently as If tie were count ing the boats and Imprceelng their number upon her memory. A woman In appear ance , bho waa at this date but 1C jeara old , and the breathless > oung man who stood llko a etatuo regarding her , thought ho had never seen a vision of such en trancing beauty , and , ne I ha\o before In- tlnmtcd , ho was a Judge of f cm in I no loveli ness. Pulling himself together , and drawIng - Ing a deep but silent breath , he went for ward with soft tread , and the next lrsta-.it there was a grip of steel on the wrist of the young girl that rested on the earth. With a cry of dlsnviy she eprang to her feet and confronted her assailant , nearly toppling over the brink us she did eo , but ho grasped her firmly and drew her a tcp or two up the arcade. As be held cor left wrist there i w in the air the flash ot a stiletto , and the naval officer's distinguished career would have ended on that spot bad he not been a llttlo quicker then his fair opponent. Ilia disengaged hand gripped the descending VrUt and held ber poKcrlces. "Kumar , ! " ho hissed , In Spanlih. The young man had a workable knowl edge of the language , and be thanked bis etara ROW that It was oo. He mulled at Jicr futile struggles to free herself , then raid : "When they gave me my commission I had no hope that I should meet eo charm- < lng an enemy. Drop the knife , alguorlno , find I will release your hand. " The girl did not comply at first. She tried to wrench herself free , pulling this way and that with more strength than ono would li'ave expected from one so slight. Hut finding herself helpless In those rigid bonds be slowly relaxed the fingers of her right ' liand and let the dagger drop , point donn- qvard , Into the loose soil , where It stood and uulvercd. "Now , let me go , " she said , -panting , "You promised. " STio young man rcllquUhod big bold , and the girl , -with the quick movement of a bumming tlrd , dlvoJ Into the foliage , and would have disappeared had he not , wltb equal celertty , Intercepted her , again Im prisoning hcnwrlst. "fou ilarl" she tried , her magnificent eyes ablaze -with anger. "Faithless minion of a faithless race , you promised to let me go. " "And I kept my promise , " said the young man , 8(111 ( w'lth a smile. "I said I would release your hand , and I did so , hut as for yourself , that Is a different matter. You see , slgnorlno , to speak plainly , you are a s y. I have caught you almost within our lines , counting our boats , and perhapa our imen. There la war toetwecu our coun tries , and I arrest you as a spy. " "A brave country , youis , " she cried , "to war upon women. " "We'll ' , " said the > oung man with a laugh , " -what are we to do ? The men -won't stay and tight us. " She gave him a dark , Indignant glance at this , which but heightened her swarthy beauty , " 'And ' what are you ? " she said , "but a s.py ? " "Not yet , " he replied. "If you had found TOO peering at the fort , then , perhaps , I should lo compelled to plead gufllty. But as It Is , you are the ouly spy 'hero at present , Blgnorlno. Do jou know what the fate of a spy Is ? " The girl stood there for a few moments , ' THE YOUNO MAN GAZED AT HER WITH INTENSE ADMIRATION IN HIS EYES. her face downcast , the living gyves still en circling her vvi/Ists. / When she looked up It was < wlth a euulle so radiant that the > oung man gasped for breath , and his heart beat faster than ever It had dooo In war- faro. "Butyou -will not give me up ? " she mur mured softly. "Then , Indeed would I ( be a faithless mln- lon , " cried the young man fervently , "not Indeed to any countr/ , but to your fascinat ing sex , ' \\tilch I never adored so omichas now. " "You mecn that you would bo faithless to jour -country , but aot to me ? " "Well , " said the young man with some natural hesitation , "I shouldn't care to have to choose Between my allegiance to one or the other. IDngland can survive without warring upon women , as jou have said , so il hope thait If we talk the -matter amicably over , wo may find that our duty need not clash with uny [ inclination. " "I am afraid that la Imposlble , " she an swered quickly. "I hate your country. " "Hut not the 'individual ' members of it , 1 hope. " "I know nothing of Its Individual mem- 'bers ' , nor do I wish to , as you shall soon see , If you -will but let go my wrlsta. " "Ah , signorlno , " exclaimed the young men , "you are using an argument now that will make imo hold you forever. " "Io that -case , " said the -girl - , "I shall change my argument , and -give - , Instead , a promise. If you release me 1 shall not en deavor to escape ; I may even ibe so hold as to expect your escort to the fort , where , If I understand you aright , you -were but Just now going. " t , "I accept ytmrjjprctnlse , and ehall b < r de lighted If yoff Accept my escort. Mean while , in the Interest of our better ac quaintance , can I persuade you to sit dowa SHE STEADIED THE CLUMSY IMPLE MENT , HESTINQ HER ELBOW ON HEIl HAND. and allow imo to cast myself at your feet ? " The girl , with a clear , mellow laugh , sat down , and the young man reclined In the position ho had Indicated , gazing up at her with Intense admiration In hla eyes. "If this he war , " he said to himself , "long may I remain a soldier. " Infatuated , as he certainly was , his natu ral alertness could not but notice that her glance wandered tothe stiletto , the per pendicular ehlulng blade ot which looked llko the crest of a glittering , dangerous serpent , v\hoeo body was bidden In the leaves. She had seated herself as close to the weapon as possible , and now , on one pretext or an other , edged nearer and nearer to It. At last the young man laughed aloud , and sweeping hla foot round , knocked down the weapon , then indolently stretching out bis arm. be took It. "Slgnorlno , " he said , examining Its keen cdte. "win you elve me this dagger aa a memento of our mestlng ? " "It Is unlucky , " she murmured , "to make presents of stilettoes. " "I think , " said the young man , glancing up at her with a smile on his lips , "it will bo more lucky for mo If I place it here in my belt than If I allow It to reach the. pos session ot another. " "Do you Intend to steal It , elgnor ? " "O , no. If > ou refuse to let me have It. I will give It back to you when our interview- ends ; but I should bo glad to possess it , If you allow mo to keep it. " "It la unlucky , as I have said , to make a present of It ; but I will exchange. If you will glvo mo one of jour loaded pistols , you may have the stiletto. " "A fair exchange , " he laughed , but he raado no motion to fulfill his part to the barter. "May I have the happiness of knowIng - Ing your name , slgnorlna. " he asked. "I cm palled Donna Rafaela Mora , " an swered the girl simply. "I am daughter ot the commandant of Fort San Carlos , r am no Nicaragua ! ) , but a Spaniard. And , eenor , what Is your name ? " 1 "Horatio Nelson , an humble captain in fate later , I hope , unlcM Donna nafacla cull ehort my thread ot llfo with tier stiletto. " "And docs a captain In bis majesty's forces condescend to play tbo part of spy ? " asked the girl proudly. "Ho Is'dcllghtrd to do so when It bring * him the acquaintance of another spy so charming aa Donna Kafada. My spying , and I imagine yours also , Is but amateurish , nnd wilt probably be ot llttlo value to our respective forces. Our real gplce are now gathered round jour fort , and will bring to us all the information wo need. Thus , I can rccllno at your feet , Donna Itafaela , with an easy conscience , well aware that my failure as a spy will in no way retard our expedition. " "How many men do you command , scnor captain ? " asked the girl wltb Ill-concealed eagerness. "O , sometimes twenty-five , sometimes fifty or 100 or 200 , or more , as the case may be , " answered the young man carelessly. "But how many are tlic-ro 'In your expedi tion now ? " "Didn't you count them. Donna ? To answer truly , I must not ; to answer falsely , I wll not , Donna. " "Why ? " asked the girl Impetuously. "There la no such secrecy about out forces ; wo do not care who knowa the number In our garrison. " "No ? Then how many are thereDonna ? "Three hundred and forty , " answered the girl.'Men 'Men , or young ladles like yourself , Donna ? Be careful how > ou answer , for , It the latter , I warn you that nothing will keep the British out of Fort San Carlos. We shall be with you , oven If wo have to go as prlsrticrs. In saying this I feel that I am speaking tor our en tire coraraaj' . " The girl tossed her head scornfully. "There are 340 men , " she cold , "as you majesty's naval forces , to bo heard from shall find to your cost , if jou dare attack the fort. " "In that case , " replied Nelson , "you are nearly two to one , and I venture to think that wo have not como up the river for nothing. " " "What braggarts you English are ! " "Is It bragg ng to welcome a stirring fight ? Are you well provided with cannon ? " "You will loirn that for j-oursolt when you como within eight of the fort. Have you any moro questions to ask , Slg ior Sailor ? " "Yes , one. The number In thofort"whlcti you give , corresponds with what I have al ready heard. I have beard also that you were well oupplled wltb cannon , but I have been told that you have no carmen balls In Fort San Carlon. " "That la not true ; wo have plenty. " "Incredible as It may seem , I was told that the cannon balls were made of clay. When I eald you b/id none , I meant that you bad none of Iron. " "That Ifl also qulto true , " answered the girl.'Do 'Do you mean to eay that you are going to shoot baked clay at us ? It will bo like heaving brlckp , " and the young man threw back hla head and laughed. " 0 , you may laugh , " cried the girl , "but I doubt if you will be eo merry when you como to attack the fort. The clay cannon balls were made under the superintendence of my father , and they are filled with Iron links of chain , spikes and other scraps of Ircn. "By Jove ! " cried young Nelson , "that'a an original Idea. I wonder how It will work ? " "Youwill have every opportunity of find ing out It you are foolish enough to attack the fort. " "You advise us , then , to retreat ? " "I most certainly do. " "And why , Donna , if you hate our coun try , are you EO anxious that wo cball not bo cut to pieces by your scraplron ? " The girl shrugged her pretty choulders. "It doccn't matter in tbo least to mo what you do , " she Mid , rising to her feet , "Am 1 your prisoner , Signer Nelson ! " "No , " cried the jouig man , also springing up , "I am yours , and have beta ever nltico you looked nt me. " Again the girl shrtiggeJ her shoulder * . She cvemed to bo In no humor for light compliments and betrajxd an eagerncea to bo gone. "I have your permission , then , to depart. Do you Intend to keep your word ? " "If you will keep yours , Donna. " "I gave you no promise , except thst I would not run away , and I have not ilono DO. I now eek jour permission to depart. " "You said that I might accompany you to the fort. " "O , If you havo4ho courage , yes , " replied tha girl , carelessly. < c They wa'ked on togolher through the ilenso allojB of vegetationt md finally came to an opening which showed them a sandy plain , and aero a It thoetrong , white , etono walls ot tbo fort , faclngi the wide river , and be hind it the blue background ot Lake Nicara gua. gua.Not a human form -was visible cither en the walls or on th , < ? plain. Fort San Carlos , in eplte of the tact that It brlatlcd with rannro , seemed like an abandoned ctmtlc. The two stood sllont for a moment at the margin of the Jungle , the jovng officer ru.n- nlog his ejp rapldy ) : ever the landscape , al ways bringing back fcls gaze to the seem ingly deserted stronghold. "Your 340 mcii keep themselves -noil hidden , " bo tuld at last. last."Yes "Yes , " replied the girl , nonchalantly. "They fear that lf they show themselvta jou may hesitate to attack a fortress that Is Impregnable. " "Well , jou may disabuse their minds ot that error when jou return. " "Aro jou going to keep my stiletto ? " asked the girl , suddenly changing the sub ject."Yes "Yes , with your permltclon. " "Thca keep your word , and give me your pistol In return. " "Did I actually premise It ? " "You promised , signer. " "Thou , In Ihct caee , the p'ut-1 Is youre. " "Please ( band It to me. " Her eagerness to ob'aln the weapon waa but partially h'dden , and the young man laughed aa he we-ig-nitcd the firearm In to's hand , holding It toy ithe muzzle. "It Is too heavy for a ellm girl like you to haidle , " ho eild at 'as-t. "It can hardly bo called a woman's toy. " "You Intend , then , to break j'our word , " said the girl , with quick Intuition , guessing vvuth u-erring instinct his vulnerable point. "O , no , " ho crltd , "but I am going to trend -the p'tfol half way home for you , " and with that , hoMkg It ttlll by the barrel , he flung It far out on the wndy plain , where It foil , raising a. li.itlo cloud ot dust. The girl vvaa ibout to speed to the fort , when , flr the third time , the young man grasped her vvrlrt. Sfoo lookoJ at him with Indlsni-ut surprise. " 1'ardon me , " ho said , "but In case j-ou ehojld wish to fire 4ho weapon , jou must have eome priming. Let mo pour a quant ty of this gunpowder Intj your bind. " "Thank jou , " tie tatd , veiling her eyes to hide their 'hatred. ' Ho raised the tiny tand to h's lips without opposition , and then Into her tiny palm , from his powder horn , ho p-ourcj a little heap of the black grains. "Ocodby , senior , " isflws iH , burning away. She went directly to where the p'-tol had fallen , stepped tnd picked it up. Ho iw her pour the ponder from her hand on iis broad , unshapely ran. She knelt on the EianJ , titcadlcd the clumsy Implement , rtstlt'g ' her elbow on her knee. The yojng man s.tood there motU-nlces , bareheaded , his cap In hia hand. Th-ero was a flash nnd a .loud report , and tbo ballot cut the foliage behind him , a llttlo nearer tian he had expected. Ho iboncU low to her , and she , rising with an angry gesture , fluns ths wcaron from her. "IJonna IMfcela , " he uhojtcd. "thank j-ou for firing .the p'stol. Us report brings no ono to tie walls of San Carlos. Your fortress la deserted , donna. Tomorrow may I have the pleasure of showing you how to ehcot ? " The gilrl made ro answer , but turning , iur > as fast as s > ho could towards the fo.t. Tie young men walked toward the fort , picked up the despised wcapo-n , ithruat It In his belt , and .returned to the camp. The scouts were returning , and reported that as far as they could leirn the 340 Nlcaraguans had , In a 'bdy ' , abandoned Fort San Carlos. "It Is some trick , " ealJ the colon'el. "We must approach this fortress cautiously as If the 340 were there. " The flotilla neared the fort In a long line. Each boat -was filled with men , and on eaoh prow was Jeveed ! a small cannon , a man with a lighted .match ( beside It , ready to flrc the moment -word was fi'iven. ' Nel son hlmaeM etocd up in his bou and watched ine slloat fort. Suddenly the silence wav broken by a crsah of thunder , and Nelson's boat and the crve nearest to It was wrecked , many cf the men being kllle-r and hlaiself severely wounded. "Back , batik ! " cried the commander. "Row out of range for jour lives ! " The second cannon spoke , and the -whole line of boats were thrown into Inextricable confusicn. Cannot ] after cannon rang out , and of the 200 men 'Who sailed tup the river San Juan only ten reached 'the ' ship alive. The omimand nt uf the fort lay 111 In his bed , unalble to move , but his brave daughter fired the cannon that destroyed the flotilla. Here- Nelson lost his eye , and thus on a celebrated occasion was unable to see the siguals. Thus victory- ultimately rose out of disaster. The king of Spain decorated Donna Ha- faola Mora , made her a colonel , and gave her a pension 'for life. Bo recently as ! So7 her grandson , General Martinez , was appointed president of Nicaragua , solely becauao he was a descendant of the girl < who defeated Horatio Nelson. .lX MOUT. Mnr , Johimnn'M Spnitlnlt Cook Mn < 1e the rnMmnn Fife. When historians tell of the conflict between Spain and the United States , relates the Ncwl York Herald , they will point to Statcn Island as the scene ot tlio first battle , and will gravely remark that It was another Dull Hun. ( America's forces retreated In confusion from Spain's. Dispatches did not chronicle this momentous affair , but prohibition at Richmond was shnken from center to circum ference by It. The engagement took place In the quiet "cold water" homo place on Wolncsday. Militant Spain WUE > represented by Sc-norlta Cuclla Blatico , dark eyed , only 22 years old. Her employer , E. W. John son , atelstant editor ot the Voice , says she "can took llko a dream , " but must admit that her lojalty to the land of the toreador somewhat overshadows her love for America. I'ostofllco Mall Carrier Ferraro composed the offensive and defensive torco of the United States government , actively engaged. In the velnu ot Miss Blanco Hews the pure blood of Spain , boiling at the least assault of her countrj- . She recently came to Pro hibition park from Norfolk , Va. , looking for employment s a servant. Mrs. Johnson en- &igod her and thlnlu she has a treasure. 'Diplomatic ' relations with the gray coated car.Icr Ferrare were of u moat peaceful na ture from the llrnt. When the postman strolled to the door to deliver mall there waa generally an Interchange of plcasant- CCA | until broken by the CuLun crisis. But the entente was rudly broken In an Incautous moment. Feiraro on Wednesday morning handed to Mlis Blanco a grocer's "postal card notifying the Johnson family that there was a slight rise In the price of eggs and butter. As he met the young woman at the door he said pleasantly : "Ah. good morning. Miss Cuella. By the way , down wltb the Spaniards ! " Ho realized next moment that ho had dlo- covered a masked batterj- . Fire shot from the Spanish maiden's cjci ) , blood furgcd to her cheekij und made them flame. She waved savagely a big butcher knlfo she held in her hand at Imaginary foes , and hissed at the astounded postman : "Car.-umba ! 'Muerto ' per el Cubano ! " To the amazed Ferrare there wia romo- thtng decidedly hostile In the invlnglng knlfo with which Miss Bianco was punctuating her cry of death to the Cubane. He backed oft In dismay , but distance did not satisfy the valiant representative of Aragon and Caatlle She advanced toward him , atlll calling down upon Oubana and Americans misfortunes commenojrato with their attitude to Spain and Jabbing with her long knife , to give emphaslu to her words. According to Mr. Johnson , the gray coated carrlev became fearful of his perronal safety at last and , dravvHg a pistol , commanded the amnzonlan champion of the boy king to stand back. She only laughed and continued to talk and to swing her knife In a way that dazzled her opponent. Mr. Johnson sajs the government's defender finally ran , leaving his cup aa an evidence of defeat. Several email boys and little glrlo who bad seen the encounter from a distance ran away shout- j"K to ? "P'P. ' Among the luxuries of Pro hibition park are many women's clubs , each of which has recently adopted resolutions that when tlio United States und Spain shall go to war Prohibition park must necessarily bo the flrat point to bo attacked by the Spaniards. This action ha strung the nerve9 of the women ot the park to a high tension , ami when the child witnesses of the conflict , , . . . A10 new 1 Danl ° ensued Immediately. Unt.l the evening commuta.loi trains brought homo the men Prohibition park was in a fitato of siege. Miss I'lanco la still cooking the Johnson meals , ani Ufcs her trusty knlfo for peaceful kitchen purposes. Fer rare is endeavoring to patch up an armistice. See That Stamp ! It is the Government Internal Kcvenuo Stamp over the Cork nnd Cap. sule of every bottle of OL0 > CRO WHISKIE Certifying to the Age and Purity of the Whisky. NOTE. It Is the Government's Guar. antee that Rori with this bottling : . See that the name W. A. CALMS & CO. is printed on the stamp. ALL DEALERS SELL IT CURE DM Elf V for nnnatnMl llicmriM. toUtmmitloav Irrltitloni cr nletrttloM * t mneoai PlulM , and not < tat * r WINE Or CARDUI Don't Turn Your Bad HARVEY , HI , Nov. 8th , 1897. I feel that I have had a wonderful recovery , and that I almost owe my life to Wine of CarduL As a girl I suffered a good deal at my menstrual periods , but after the period passed I felt well , and did not pay much attention to it After my marriage , in 1894 , the trouble grew much worse. The periods were irregular , and the pains seemed to be all over my body. My husband consulted a physician about it , and he gave me medldne that relieved me at the time , but I would V be worse than ever the next month , I was almost crazy at times. I had seen Wine of Cardui advertised a great many times , but I was prejudiced against" patent medicines " and didn't get it. One day I saw a case reported very much like my own , which Wine of Cardui cured , and decided I would try it I have taken almost three bottles , and we are all amazed at the result I attend to my regular duties now during my periods , and do not suffer at all I have not been as well in ten years. 1 know I could have avoided much suffering U 1 had taken Wine of Cardui when I first beard of it MRS. P. a WILSON. There are women who will read Mrs. Wilson's letter who suffer just as she suffered. Some will promptly get Wine of Cardui , and soon be well and happy UOIEt' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. again. There may be others who will delay Ctal For dlncUoni advlc * lo , addrcti caiei requiring , firing ijmp. ip * torn * , Lttitt' XJvOorv Department , treatment , and suffer on and on , month The Chattanooga. Chnttaaooc Term. laedlclu C . after month. But isn't it surprising' ' that any intelligent woman will do that with this certain cure within her reach ? Why does she choose sickness and misery instead of health and gladness ? By an unparalleled record for cures by the .unimpeachable . testimony of thousands upon thousands of the best womeniin America , Wine of Cardui has secured its place as an almost infallible remedy for every kind and sort of " female disease" . It cures ninety-nine out of every hundred of such cases. It Is offered to you. Every druggist sfeUs it. You can take it in the privacy of youf own home. Don't turn youri back upon relief so near to you. Try Wine of Cardui WIMt OF CARDUI ABBOTT LORING'S GERM-KILLER INHALANT ' AND ANTI-GERM INHALER CURE Cold , Cough , Catarrh , Catarrhal Deafnqss , Grip and Incipient Consumption ; and Prevent Pneumonia. A Never Failing Cure for all Forms of Throat Chest and Lung Diseases Read the oroof. Writing1 , from her home on Thirtieth nvc- nue , Mrs. Hmtna Huntlcy Watrous snys : OMAHA. Neb. , March 15. 1WS. Lori rig & Co. , New York , Chicago und Uoston. Gentlemen. I wish every sufferer from catirrh nnd catnrrhul deafness know what Abbott I.or- Ing'n Anti-Germ Vaporizing Inhaler nnd Germ-Killer Kcnmly for Inhalation would defer for them If they would ue It. I was o b.ul from catarrh for several years that I suf fered tcrrlblj- , had constant ( .oreness nnd dls- chnrija and nearly lost my henrlnK. When your great discovery wsiq Introduced here I procured a unmple nnd Inter a complete homo treatment n.id have been practically rnreil. I ao not sneezes cough and spit ns fornif-rlj' , nnd tnj' henrlng Is restored. Ab bott Lorlng'H Germ-Killer for Inhnlntlon Is nn honest , effective romcilj * . Your * trulv , H.MMA. HUNTM5Y WATHOUS. COMPLETI : HO.MH TIUJAT.MUNT. This treatment , consisting of Lorlng'8 Germ-Killer for Inhalation nnd Abbott Lcr- Ins's Anti-Germ VnporlzliiK Inhnlpr , $1.00. For some chronic and spasmodic diseases which require special treatment , siHclnl medicines have been prepared by our phy- slclnns nnd chemists. No 1 Special Medicine Fcr Ton llltK Laryngitis , Catarrhal Deaf ness , liny Fever and Diphtheria. Price. 00 cents. No. 2 Special Medicine For Con sumption nnd Bronchitis. Price , 50 cents. No. 3 Special Medicine For Asthinn , Whoop ing CotiKli nnd Croup. Price , 50 cents. Anti septic Gauze For use In the Inhaler , 'i- juril , 40 cents ; li-ynrd , 75 cents ; 1 yard , Jl.jO. Anti-Germ linlm An antiseptic preparation for external application , which takes the soreness out of the lungs , hastens the cure of cntnrrh , assists In the euro of all throat troubles and cures Cracked Lips , Chapped Hands nnd Eczema. Price. 23 cents. LOUING'S anHM-KILLKK TABLETS. The wonderful Germ-Killer clement dl'- covcre-d 1 > J' Abbott Lorlng Is contained In each of tbo Abbott Lorliifr Germ-Killer Tab- lots. It constitutes the Imsls of the medi cine. Its wonderful and marvelous active principle has never before been offered to the pulillo In any remedy. It forms a most Important constituent part of the remedy and Is united with oilier scientific , up-to-date curative medicines In order to obtain quick control of the bj-mptoms and conditions in cident to Mich ailment. It lias been abund antly proven that nnj- ono of the Germ- Killer remedies quickly gnlnn control ovc # the svstcm. and experience shows that cncn remedy effects n. complete cure of the dls < rase , for the treatment of which It Is special ly prcpired. The cov-M-nlng principle , of tha derm-Killer remedies Is In perfect harmony with the principles of that greatest of nil phylclntip. Nature. In curing disease. Send for book giving history of Abbott Lorlng'tf stranso discovery , Its Interesting nnd mys terious origin nnd Its wonderful ctirntlv * power. It Is n product of the Hocntgen or X ray nnd you should know all about It. Tha book Is sent free. Is deep-seated In the stom- m nch or bowels , where ozone does not peno- trite. LorliiR's Germ-Killer Dyspepsia Tablets - lets should be u otl. Thev quickly control the digestive functions nnd Immeillalo bene fits follow. No other Uyspeji'la medicine can cure flysncn'ln. Lcrlrg's GormICIl'eryspepsla TablcUg DO cents a box. Lorlng's Germ-Killer Hhcimintlsm Tablets1 , CO cents n box. Lorlng'a Gcrm-Klllcr Heart Tablets , $300 a box. box.Lorlng's Qcrm-Klllcr Laxative Tablets , CO cents a box. Don't ? kp ! this It Is for your good. nvei/ . enterprising druggist carries nil our other remedies In stock. Insist on seeing I.orliiK'a Inhaler. If you sec It you will not want any , other. Our book furn ! hed with the Inhaler will Rive you full Information. It Is the Germ- Killer .Mcdlclno that cures. ( Abbott Lorlng's 23-cent book on "Diseases of the Throat. Lungs , Chc ° t nnd Held and How to Cure Them , " sent free , < vvlth full In- firmatlon about treatment , all postpaid. Write us fully about your case and wo will ndvl.se you Ftinn OF CHAIIGH. Thla treatment Is clunp. You can got It bj' mall postpaid. You pan take It at home. Orden now and prevent delnj' . Mention department number below on you * envelope when you write. Use only ith nearest address. i Loring & Co. , Dept. 138 New. KS-60 Wnbmli Ave , Chicago. No. KV. . 2M St. , New York. No. 3 Hamilton 1'lncc. Jloston , Mass. MANHOOD RESTORED lliniBllUUU IIkU I UIJILrJVIiullzcr.tiioprcaerlp. tlon of n fatuoui French ph > slclan , w 111 quickly euro } im nt all ncf. yoiis or dtaaws of HIP generative orciiit , mich ni LostManlinod , Insomnia. I'alna In the JluckSeminal jmlsslnn . Nrrvotn Debility , rimples , Unfltness to Marry , Kxlmuitlns Dr.ilns , Vnrlcprda aiii . Itstopi a llossei . I'lotonti Constipation. bydny or nlslit. quick- . _ ncssof iliscliftrgc , wlilchKnotcliorkpillpadntobperinalorrliiruand fllthohorrprjof Irapotcncy. i-UI'innXKcliuuacstUollver , Ui BEFORE AND AFTER i ourunc. nr i E.n - . | kjncyana the urinary onr-ins of all Impurities. 1 rCPIDENK'ritrcngthonanixlrcotorespmRllueaknrganj. The reason Kurrprpn nro not cured by Doolnn Is hcmmc ninety per cent nro tronblcil with Proitatllln. CUI'IDENEIsthnonly known rcmpily tocnronlilioutunciiK ratlun. Cuiuirstlmnnl * als. A written itunrnntPORlvpnaiHl money rrdirnvd If six buxra tloos not clTcct a itcriuuncntcurOL | l.COnboi , liIorM , by mall. HenU orni Ui.lrcularund tistlmonlals. : Address BAVOli HEDICINE : CO.,11.0. Box S776 , Ban Francisco , Cat. Ibrfalebu MYKUS-JJILLOX UHUG CO. . S. E. Cot. lUih nn < l Fnriuiui , OinnliK. MADE iVIE A SVJAPS The U. S. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY COU3 ALTArrvoui JHiraaci i'alllnc Mem GOVERNMENT ory , Iinpotency , hlccplceanosa , oto , ccutej by Abuse or ether Lirossos nad InJU- wants atronc men In Its crotionf , Thev itulckla and mirtlv bcrvieo. With ono nc- restore IxtUamy In oliloryonnr.nuJ Jcord the Arrsy und Navy fltamanforttcjy , bustnrior ncrrlass. endorse MAK-lJKN as irfTent Inujnlty nnJ Consamptloi If tbo known e. Tholr nsn ttion iramodlato improve- Greatest meat and oCocta CUUR nhora ell other fall In fctron&tlioucr , lnvliror.it- sist nron liartns the e nuln9 Ajns Inhletii. They or nnd restorative. It nnrocaroa thousands and nlllcuraiou. Woctve apo" . creates solld llcsh , muscle - ItIvo written Knirnnteo to effect n ruro C/J OTO la clo nnd ktrcnijth , clears eachcaeocr refund tha money. I'rfcoww U I wiper tbo brain , strengthens packaco ; or ctz fkrrs ( full trootaentl for tC.W. Ily mall , in plain wrupner. upon r c lptof the nerves and causes * * * - AJAX REMEDY CO. , tlio ireticratlv o organs to quickly regain their nor Tor sale In Omaha , Neb. , by Ju. Korsytb , 202 mal powers. Tor nerv N. 16th ; Kulm & Co , IClh und Douglaa ; nnd ous prostration , over- In Council HI u IT 3 by O , II. Drown , Druggists. nork. Impaired vitality ' In either ser , or ctccsiho USD of opium , llnuof or tobacco. It pasltlvcly cannot bo orcoilcil. Ono box will work v.onilcrs. falx will euro. 11AK-HEN Is for sale by all drusrirlitT , Of ) tub- lots , CO cents. Ono to tw o montlib' treatment. Pill out and mull us the diagnosis shoot In each box , and vo111 clvo your cuso special atten tion without extra charge. HAU-JIKN Is prepared - pared by Hialmcr O IJcnson , Ph D . H. S. , di rect from the formula of E. K. llarton , M , D Cleveland's most eminent specialist. Mulled LV 01 liar-Hen IJlock , Cleveland , O. WEAK For sale by Kulm .t Co , 15th anil Dougn ln t nt Relief. CnrolnllrTnvs. Never returns las ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , Ufti DouKlas St. 1 w III Kladlv ind to an ] * sutTc rer In n plain ci'nkd . and Graham DniK Co , 15th and Farnanv cmclopo 1/nKK a prccrrlptlnn full rilrcc. tlona ( or n quick\it\\ \ curof or Lout Miinhnoil , Kins Pharmacy , 27th nnd I.ciivenworth Klelit Ixiinrs. Ncruma Drlillltv. Small 'VVrnk Peyton's Pharmacy , 21th and Leavenvvorth ] 'iirl . Vnrlcocclc , etc.-O. II.Vrleli > . Mutlc E. J. Ssykora , South Omaha , nnd nil othei Hcnirr. KOK IftflB. Mnrtlinll. IMIrll. druggists In Omaha , South Omaha , Councl / A New Serial Story , Ashes of Empire By Robert W. Chambers Author of , 'iTho Rod Republic , " "Tho Myatory of Choice , " "Lorraine , " oto , , will appear In The Omaha Sunday Dee , Beginning April 24. The New York Sun says of Mr. Chambers : "Ho never draws n weaker or uninteresting character. They are all fascinating. " Richard II. Stoddard writes : "Whoever has read him will see the hand of the master story-toller. " The Literary World ( London ) says : "Mr Chambers is a past master in the art of sending the blood aoursing In purest sympathy witU. the fortunes or exploits of his puppets. " "Ashes of Empire" is a story of the same qualities os "Lorraine , " which drew from the critics the high praise above * quoted. Its opening chapter describes the flight of the Em press Eugenie from Paris after the disaster of Sedan (1870) ( ) . Two- young Frenchwomen , sisters Yolotto nnd Hlltlo are incidentally introduced. Two young English war correspondents Burke and. Ilarowood also appear , as accessories to the escape of the Empress. Around thcso four leading characters Mr. Chambers has woven u ro mantic love story or rather tv/o love stories In ono. The siege ot Paris serves as the background and many of its most stirring scenes are described with a dramatic power that recalls Victor Hugo's famous pen-pictures of older battlollolds. The chapter which gives an account of ono of the great sorties made by the garrison of the besieged city and the b.tttlo of Lo Botirgct , which fol lowed , will quicken the pulse of every rcador. Tlio two young war correspondents become sepa rated in the pursuit of their respective duties ; and the house In whloli Yolotto and Ilildo have tholr homo is saokod by the Germans ; und ono of the two sisters ia carried off by Speyor , u Gorman spy , Ilarowood Is wounded in the battle and Is carried to the Nantorro fort. A pro fessional criminal known as "Tho Mouse" and his pals , "Blbl" utid ' Mon Onclo , " play minor but interesting parts In the complications that follow , and their characters are portrayed with the skill which Mi1. Chambers acquired by his long residence in Paris and his oloso study of Parisian typos. The story Is brought to tv pleasant conclusion with the reunion of the two A-ar correspondents , and tholr marrlago to- Yoletto und IIlluc. Each installment o ! "Aslies of Empire" will be effectively illustrated by competent artists. It will be one of the great serial stories of the year. Omaha Sunday Bee ' / J' Buy it ! Read it !