THE OMAHA DAILY WEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 21 , ISflS. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Humors of Spain's Financial Poverty Knko Wheat Market Weaker. JULY WHEAT LOSES PART CF ITS GAIN Corn nnil Ontn Clone' L'nrlinnRril After un . \ < 1 VMIICC , lint I'rnvlnlniift He- inuIn SlroitK TliroiiKliout , CJonlntr CltlCAGO. April 20. Ornln quotations nUd off rniililly In fno last half hour of trailing today on rumors that the HotlischJWs had advised Spain to evacuate Cuba , nnd had refused further nnanclal nld. July wheat , which had been advanced 2c , declined to j-csterday'B close , und ended with a net Bixln of only > /J < 0-c. Corn nnd oats , which ! nnd risen % < fjttc , closed unchanped to Vic lower. Provisions were strong throughout , July pork closing 2',4c higher and lard nnd rll > 3 TVWriSc better. Liverpool surprised the market nt the atari 'today by showing nn advance oJ nearly 2c per bu. In wheat. The war news * rom Washington gave shorts a further scare , nnd llrst trades In July here were made nt SS'y8SSc. an advance of HMJlHc. September waa alao remarkably strong. 1'roflt taking caused n brief reaction , dur ing which July touched SS c , but -the mar ket again stiffened anil rose steadily to } > Sic. Heavy Rolling against "calls" stopped the advance nnd the market quieted down. Thu announcement of tnu actual slsnlng of the Cuban resolutions did not affect the course of prices , quotations remaining nbotit stationary for some time , fhe Htrength of the Kngllrfn markets continued to be thi > chluf Influence. Letter reported free acceptances of cable offers. One cargo was sold to I/ondan nl J1.2G per bu. , an ad vance of Cc over yesterday's price. Domestic crop news of u rcutfcnirlng nature and heavy receipts had little effect. Atlantic ports cleared 50)OJO bu. of wheat nnd Hour. Chi- ciico got 07 cars , npalnst 3 lust year. Minne apolis nnd Duluth received 212 cars , com pared with 2 < ) S last year. July continued to Ktiln strength until after reaching 89-c , or lie above where It closed the day before. A good deal of Ions wheat wtis sold between that and SSc , which rather overloaded the capacity of the market , and Just then New- York flun.z a bomb Into the pit In the shape of a dispatch giving a rumor current there to the effect that fne Rothschilds had re fused to advance more money to Spain , and consequently that Spain would be un- nble to go to war. 'The market had a sud den collapse of Ic a bu. on that , running < lo\vn In ten minutes from SD'kc ' to SSVic , nnd tli en after a short tight around the latter lleure , It had n fresh tumble to S7',4'3 ' > i7c. nd was bringing & 7c at the close. May i * : > l < 1 between $1.10 and J.I.10V4 , closing at Corn was helped by export sales of over l.WO.CCO bu. Cnlcago receipts were ISO cars. Atlantic ports cleared 2u"CO ) bu. Shorts 'bought freely1 , but the collapse In wheat de pressed corn nnd most of the advance was lost. July opened U < ? % higher nt IE-lie , Bold up to SS'fKKVAc ' nnd declined to 22 % ® C2 ! c , closing nt 32ljc , n shade higher. Oats were firm early , on the advances obroad and In sympathy with w'neat. The sidvance was lost near the close. Chicago receipts were 251 cars. Shorts covered on the early bulge. July opened lie higher at 237fec , advanced to 21'sc. declining to.23 > ic at the close , a net loss of He. Provisions were strong .throuchout on war prospects. The trade was largely profes- lonnl , nlthoUR'n some outside buying was noted. Professional shorts were liberal buyers , nnd packers gave up their attempts to check the rise. July pork sold between 510.0.1 and $10.70 , closing nt JIO.GO , n net gain of K'jjc. July lard and ribs .gained 12V&C cnch , both closing at . .3c. Estimated recolpto for tomorrow : Wheat , fl5 cars ; corn , 323 cara ; oats , 310 cars ; ho s. 24.COO head. Leading futures ranged ns fallows : Article B..I Low. W beat- May. . . 1 10 1 11 1 10 1 11 1 00 ! ' , July. . . XHs'J 8DK 87 Sept. . . flDfcittVj S'Ji-4 SOH ' Di-o. . fcuyiii ) * bij 71) ) H 7UH 70H Corn Mny. . . H > O4' 3'J am July. . . Il''V-th 32rtM Sept. . . S3HuN 31 Oats- May. . . 2Ci ? 27 > < July. . . 13H 24K lork Mny. . . o no 10 no n no in 40 July. . . 1003 1070 1003 10 HO 0 U7H Lurd May. . . 5 17M B 32M 5 174 7i 30 July. * , B ; io fi 4'Ji 5 no 5 :17H : S -5 gent C StiW B 47M B U''H 0 S 32K Ch'UtibR May. . . C 17W n 3I2H 0 17H S 30 R 1ft July. . . ft J74 ! S I''H o ' . ' 7 6 H7V r. ' _ > 3 S pt _ 0 a7H B 47H B M7K 6 4B B : r.m No. J. 'Can ? ! nuotatlomi were as folio we : FLOL'R-Steady , 4.o I.BO : vprlnff ( "penlals. ' | 5.50ff5.CO ; spring patents. l.tKy5.10 ; itrnlshls , | 4.4 > fj4.f.O : baker * . t3.5CQI.00. WHEAT No. 3 sprlnK. f9cSl.01H : No. 3 red , 1.00H 1.10. CORN No. Z , 31HB32C. OATH-NO. 2. za2v4 < s f. o. b. ; NO. 2 white , SO'.HWtc : No. 3 white. 29Hc. RYE No. 2. BSWWJJMc. TLAXSEED-No. 1. 1.27V4ftt.8i4. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. $2 92H. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . U0.40 ® 10.4.1. Lard , per 100 Ibs , , 15.30. Short ribs , rides ( loose ) . J5.10tf3.45. Dry nailed shoulders ( bivted ) , | 4.T54f5.CO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , * 5.5 Ti5.e > . . " HIBKY Distillers' llnlahed gooOs. psr gai. 11.20. HI'OARS-Cut 5.69 ; irmnulaled. $ , i.lSf 5 SI. r On the 1'roduca exchange today the butter mar ket was steady ; creameries , I3irl7c ; dairies , 128 16c. Egg. " , steady , 1014C. Cheese , dull , 7H rCc. Live poultry , market dull ; turkeys , 9 tOc ; chlclc- ea . 8S ! > Vic ; ducks , EC. MJW YOIIIC ( JKMMIAL MAIIKKTS. < luntntlniin for tin' liny on Gonprnl ConunixlltlfK. NfTVYORK. . April 20. FLOl'It Tterclptf , 17- 453 bbls. ; exports , 17,161 bhU. ; winter patent' , SI.tOtJS.13 ; winter straights , t3.CM2l.75 ; Mlnnc- tot.i patents , Jl. 404J5.70 ; winter cxtrnx , SS.Rif ? 4.10 ; Minnesota baiters , tl.2Jffl.45 ; winter low tirades , J2.lOJf3.00. Itye ( lour , llrm nt J2.t3.23. ) COIlNMiAl < Firm ; yellow western. 71c ; city , 72e. 72e.HYK Market firmer ; yellow western , C2c. HAHLKY Steady ; feeding , 42c. HAULKY MALT Quiet : western. 5lf ? > c. WHKAT Heeelpts. < 92i bit. ; exports. 12.JOI hu. ; spot , stcndy ; No. 2 rcil , tl.11 % f. o. b. ntlflat , nominal ; options opened strong nnd ad' vaiiced to cirly afternoon on 'strong Llverpwl markets , war news nnd heavy export business After that realizing developed on peace rumors causing n sharp decllno from top , although final prKf s were ) 14WIT40 net higher ; No. 2 red. May , J1.09O1.10. clo ed $1.09h. CORN Iletelpts , S55.27S bu. ; exports , 2S.WK bu. ; , spot , easy ; No. 2 , 3SUc ; options at llrl Htrong on cables and enormous export purclnces but tubiieiunlly | reacted with wheat nnd elonec' only unchanged to % c net higher ; May , 36ifl ST-ic clored ! GV > . OATS-Hecelpts , 259.200 bu. ; exports. 32. 19 bu. pot' , ttningj No. 2 , 31o bid ; No. S white , 32j j 3 Jo ; options llrm all day on another peed cxiurl trade nnd cloned Vi ° net higher ; May , 304(1 SOHc. closed , SOite. FIJKI > Firm : bran , 7890c ; middlings , fOflSSc rye rood. 62 > jrn5o , HAY Quiet ; shipping , 30O35c ; good to choice - . HOPS' Quiet : itate , common to choice. 1F9 cn > i > . 4J3c ; ISM trop , "life : U97 crop , iSJNCc 1'nrlllc coast. 15M crop , 4fi5c : M9 crop , 7CSc 1897 crop , I5iec. HIDES-illeady ; Oalveston , 13 c ; Texas dry 12 c ; CnlUnrnlii , 17V,01Sc. LKATHEU Steady ; hemlock sole , Hueno Ayres , I3ili20c. ! \VOOL-qulet ; netce , 17O22c : Texam ltfI4c. I'ltOVISIONS Ileef , nrmimlly , Jlt.OOJflt.7J xtt me , | 9.00ir9.7S : beet hams , 12202) : packet I'.2J ' 1I.PO. Cut nients. ijuiel ; plrkled bellies $5.r.mTC.SO ; plrkled shoulders. l.51 ; pickle .itm * . lT.O tI.73. LtM , quirt ; wilfneteamrd t5.S31l5.CO ; rellned. llrmer ; clote.l at tS.47H. l > oik pU'.i'Iyi mf * . tlO.ooifte.25 : family. III.M : shor clear , tl0.23T12.M ; family , tll.POrill.50. Tallow quiet ; city , SMc ; country. S < iU3e , as to qual OH.S Petroleum , dull. Rostn. n n stra'ned common to gooi * , . tl.42H1.45. Turpentine , steady 2a'i ; 30o , Cottrmieoil oil. steady : prim * rrud < 19',4 yc ) : prime crude , f. o. b. mills. IHiOloWf prime ummer yellow , 22Hc : off summt yellow. 22023 c : butler oil , 250J7c ; prime win ter yellow. 27HH2S'ic- . FUKIOHTd TO LIVEHt > OOISlrong ; cottoi liy ulcam. l.'fTJK.craln ; by uteain. 3V4c. K- Steady ; fair to c\tra. OiB'JHc ; Japan MOI < APSf.Qulet ; New Orlrant. open kettlt : od lo cho'ce. : SfS3c. METAt S Th closing as reported by the Nei York metal exchange was as follows : pig iriv warranrrr dull , tn > hid , IC.70 aikrd ; lake cor per/ very firm. Itr.OO bid , 114.30 a kedj tin. quid 4.3 > ) bid. { 4.40 asked : spelter , dull , (4.0frl. : : and lead very dull. J3.WH3.OT. The nrm Ilxln the rettllnz' l > A > ls for miners and smelters call lead 13.50. roptVr UTia nnd catllnc copper 11U ( Ht'TTHR Receipts. 5.Ml pkK > . : tteaily ; itatf ISRIIc : wrutern creamery. UUlSc ; Klgtns , Hie faclory. 15 170 CHEESE -Receipt * . 1I5 pks.r firm ; larg ( fholce. T\iOtc ; tmall. choice , s cj light sklmi IKttSVct p.irt rklins. 44Mcull .tklms , ! OJc. KOOHIlffflpt , T. 72 i > kgs. ; te dy ; weslen c ; touthern , lOfttOKc. ' . . . . -n * Oily firnlM m t Provlniom. I KANSAS CITY. Aprlim. WHEAT-Mark. . steady ; No. 1 ban ) , He ; No. 2 hard , (3n > 5c : No. * , W 2V4c ) No , 1 rnl. ? o ; No. S. Me ; No. 3 , Kf/Olc ; No. 2 spring , 92HS30 ; No. 3 , f$9 : . IxiItN-Market ( trady and higher ; No. 2 mix * ] , OATS-Markct slow and steady ; No. J white , MM 2V , HYi-Mnrket firm ; No , ! . tOc. HAY-Market blnher ; choice prattle , $7.75 ; Chr > lc timothy , t.50. HITTER Market Kteady to nrmi creamery , II C17c ; d lr > ' . llrm , 13c. KOOS Matket higher : fresh , Oc , IliCKII'r.S : Wieat ; , IJ.tCO bu. ; corn , 2D.ZW bu.j oati" , f.OCO bu. SHIl'MENTS-Wheit , ! , bu.J corn. 23,100 bu. ; oils , 1,000 bu. OMAHA < i KM : a A i. MMIKITS. Ciinilllloii lit Trnile nnil UnnlntlottN on nml Klinelrn lncr. tock. so. Common to fair. 9SUc : e-Tmalor 18o ; gathered creamery , IJfilCc. VKAI < Choice fat. SO to 120 Ibs. . quoted at Si/ tc : large nnd cnnrw , 6W7e. LtVR roULTHY Oi'ckens , CKflTc ; old rooit- ers. 3m5Hc ; young roosters , 66 iic. OAMK Weather too warm Tor gams. I'lOKONS Live , tl.1561.2J ! rt-nd piKeoni nit wanted. HAY Upland. t..Wl ; mluland , 16.0 ) ; lovlnnd. > 3.W ; rye straw , It 01) ; culur mukrs the prlou en hay ; light bales sell the best ; only top bring top prices.VEOETAHLES. VEOETAHLES. CKLEHY Oood stock , largo , 50c ; small , ONIONS Per bu. , S0 9'c. HKANS-Iland-plcked navy , per bu. , Jl.J' . SWEET I'OTATOKS-Knn . 10-peck bb'.c. , 3.W ; wed nweet polnl ( s , tJ.OO. CAIIIlAflE-Oood stock , per Ib. . l iB2c. l'OTAToa 4 Home Kruwn. WflSSc ; Culoralo stock. 7V ; northern fancy early Ohio seed po- IrtnpH , J5c. TOMATOKS Per crate , seven bask K J3.M. NEW HKKTS-l'er rtoz. bunchus. 41f(50e. RADlSIIES-Per rtoz. bunches. 30I733C. LnTTt'CM per doz. bunches , 33340C. OHRKN ONIONS-Per doz. . lie. WATIIIirnr.SS-I'er 1f-qt. ca e. $1.0) . CUOttjinr.HH Per ilor. . . tI.2Wl.CO. WAX IIEANS 's bu. box , tl.25. PEAS Per basket , tt.25. SPINACH I'er KifkPt. $1. rinpLANT-Per 30-lb. box , $2.2o. FUUITS. STRAWIlEP.ItlES-Pcr 24-plnt case , $2.25 ; II- qt , COPC. tl.50. APPLES Winter stok , } 3.00fr3.5' ) ! boxes. $1.3. rUANItEniltns-rnnc' . ' .Icrsey , per bU. , $10.u > i. QHAPEd Jlalns'.is , Ji.W06.00. THOPICAL FnUlTS. OHANHIS-Callfornla navels. $2.73&3.00 ; fancy seedlings , t2.23 ; choice , J2.00. LEMONS California , fancy , $3.01 ; choice. tt.M' fnncy Mmlnn. 3.0'JtT3.5iJ. TI.VNANAS Choice. larg stncl : . per burch , J1' 01 O2.2J ; medium Izol bunches , tl.755J2.00. NUTS Almonus , per lU. , larce ? lze , 12J1.1c ; Bmall , lie ; Hrazlls , per ID. , jginc : English wnl- " " ' . pf-r ! b , fancy sou thell. I0 llc ; standards" , 8 i9c ; Illbert ; , pe.Ib. . , lOo ; pecnn. , pollihcd , me- ( Hum. CSJa-i f + iri iargs , M9. : large hickory nuts , il.uog' per bu. ; Bmall , 11.25U1.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts. per 100. S : peanuts , raw , Ca5'sc , ; roasted. BOC'Ac. FIOS Irnporte.l , fancy. 3-crown. 14-lb. boxej , lOc ; u-crawn , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22ff " 33 per IHJX ; California , 10-lb. bo\- . { 1. HONEY Oholce white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10 ( j He. KHAl.'T Per Mil. , t.1.50 ; half bbl. , t2.23. MAPLE SYHUP can , each. $2.73 ; gal. cans , putv. per doz. . , t2 ; half-gal , cans , 16.25 ; quart cans. J3.50. DATES-Hallowce , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Ei5c ; Snlr. Co ; Fard , Mb , boxe . 90. CIDEH-Per balf-bbl. . t3 ; bbl. , $ S , HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. . , . SHEEP PELTS-Clreen failed , each. 15ff73 ? ; green nulled shearings ( short woolej early skins ) , each , 13c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early fklnt ) , No. 1 , each , tc1 ; dry mm Kansas nnd Ne- brufka butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight 4f3c ; dry Mint , Kanxas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 3fflc ; dry Hint Colornilo butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 4JJdry ; flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. SSIc. TALLOW , OHEASE. ETC.-Taltow. No. 1 , 3e ; tallow. No. 2 , 2Kc : rouirn tallow. li c : white , 2'.4fl2Hc ; jcllow nnd brown Kroane , 1U3 ttrs heifers , 51 e ; gooil hindqunrter heifer * 8'ie ; niithc cows , 6'vc ; western ccv/ ? , C'4cf A- cows , 6c : cow fcrequartci- ; cow hindquarters" Sc : backhalved. CIlG'.jc ' ; triangles , 414c. HREF CfTH-Tenderlolns. fresh , IFc ; frozen 15c ; boneless ptrlps , freah , lOe ; fro/t-n , fc ; strip loln . fresh. Hto : frozen , 6'ic ' , ; rolls , boneless frozen , c ; fresh. 10 ; : rolls. Spencer cuts , frozen , 1 , frozen , 12c ; fresh. He ; loins. No. 2 , frozen , 10o' fresh , 12c ; loins. No. 3. frozen , Sc ; fresh. ICc ; fhort loins , market style. 2c above loins ; hotel style , < c above loins ; cow loin end * . S'c ; eteer lo'n end , C'.Jc : barging tenderlolnH , 4y.c ; rlbj , No. 1 , frozen. ICc ; fresh , 12 ; : ribs , No. 2 frozen , Sc : fresh. lOo ; ribs , No. 3 , froien. 6c : fresh. 8c : No. 1 rounds , 7c : No. 2 rounds , 6740 ; No. 3 rounds , CVic ; beef rouri's. hank off , * ic addi tional ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , lUc additional ; trimmings. 4Hc ; beef shanks , Sc ; brains , pjr doz. , SSc ; sweetbreads , per Ib. . frozsn , 10j ; fresh , 12Vic ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , ( Oc ; kidneys , per doz. , 35c ; ox tails , each , fc ; livers , pir Ib. , 2Hc ; hearts , pr Ib. , 2Hc ; tongues , per Ib. , 12c ; calf livers , each , 35c ; calves , whotc carcass or sides. lOVi ; ; calf head and feet , scalded , Her set , 75c. MUTTON Fancy lambs , ! > c per Ib. : regular lamb ! . Sc : sheep. 7 < , Jc : market racks ( long ) , fc ; t.ttol racks ( shcrt ) . He ; loins , 9c ; saUles. ! : ; less , 9c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and stews , 3VSc ; tongues , each. 3c ; foreqtiarters , 5J4c. 1'OHK Drwed pls , S'.Jc per Ib. ; dressel hog . Be ; tenderloins , 15 : ; lo'n. , small , 6c ; lane , 6'Jc ; spare ribs. 4Kc ; liam saunage butts , C'Sc ; Hoston bults , 5',4c ; shoulders , lough. 4c ; thonl- ilera. skinned , ( c : trimmings , 4He : leaf lard , not rendered , KHc ; , Jieail. , cleaned , Sc ; snouts and oars , Sc : fresh hams , 16 to IS lb . , 7ic ! ; lianas , short cle'aYiiJ'IMio ' ' : cheek meats , 4c ; neck- bones , 2c ; pigs'Malls ; 3c ; plucks , each , 5c ; chit terlings , Co ; hocks. 4c : hearts , per < Joz. . 23c ; stomachs , each , 2c : tongues , eaclf , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; bfAlnj ; psr doz. , 13c : plgn' feet , per doz. , 20c ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rind ? , 3c ; blade Ixines. Sc. St. I.onln ficnernl S ST. 1/3UIS. April 20. FIXDOR-Hlgher. In eym- pathy with wheat ; patents , tl.73m.S5 ; ftrn'ghts $ l.3J 4.6fl ; clears , $4.00t4.25 ; medium , tl.roa3.75. WHKAT Unsettled , with May He. July , , c nnd September Hie higher tlun yestenlay's clos Spot , higher ; No. 2. rd. cash , elevator , tl.oi track , $1.02K : April. tl.Ol ; May. tl.03 bid ; July R3o bid ; September , 7S" > c asked ; No. 2 hard , caei : 7 > ,4c. CORN Firm for futures , which clcsnl fraction. ally higher than yesterday. Hpot , llghir ; No. 2. cafh , 30c ; April , I0c ; May. 30J4O30Hc ; July SOVic b'd ; September. 31c. OATS Futures easier , but fraction * above yet. terday nt the elcff. Spot , higher ; No. 2 , cash 27Vic ; track , 72viS'c * : April , 27 4c ; May. 27'ic July. 2JHc asked ; September , 22Kc ; No. 2 write Vi Wc. HYE Higher at 55a bid. RKROH Flaxnod. higher nt tl.25. Prime tlm othy reed. ti.65O2.75. CORNMKAL-FIrm nnd higher nt tl.COftl.C5. HRAN Finn : sacked , east track , C9ittOc. HAY Strong for choice , pr.idea , with other unchanged ; prairie , t5.WffO.00 ; timothy , Ji.OH 11.09. HUTrnn-FIrm ; cresmery , UfilSHc ; dairy , 1 Q15e. FXlOS-FIrm nt 9c. WHISKY tl. 20. S 70c. . METAUS'-Irfad. dull at $3.40. Spelter , quiet n 4.05. 4.05.PIIOV1P1ONS Pork. hlgWer : standard mcs lobbing. tl .37 > 4. I nrd. higher ; prime steam $3,10 ; chr.tce , t3.2 , Hacon , bond shoulders. $ ' . .23 extra short clear , > i ribs , ; i > ; short ? . 50. l1- Dry salt meats ( boxrrt ) , houlder , $1.75 ; extr ; short clear. $3.S7V4 ; ribs. $5. 30 ; shorts. ti.M'i. RECEIPTS Flour , 2.010 bbls. : wheat , 8.0W bu , corn. 4l.C X ) bu. : oats , IS.fO ) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 5,000 Mil * . : wheat , 14,03 bu. ; torn , 209OvO bu. ; cats , 13X > bu. Liverpool llnrkrt. LIVERPOOL. April 20. WHEAT Spot , flrm No. 2 red , western , S * I'.id ' ; No. 1 red northern spring. Ss S'.Jil. CORN Spot , nrm : American mixed , new , 3 5 d ; April. Ss 7d ; JMv , 3s 7d ; July , 3s 7d. FIXJUIl SI. Touls fancy winter , tlrm. 10s Rd PHOVlSIONS-lfeef , llrm : extra India menj CSs fil. Pork , firm ; prime mefs , fine western 518 3d ; prime mess , medium western. 4Ss ! M lldni" , short cut , llrm , S6s M. Hacon , firm , 83 6d ; short ribs , 32s ; long clear mlddle , light , 31s long clear middles , heavy. 30s 6.1 ; short elf a backs. 31s ; clear bellies , 34s ; shoulders , square 3C < 6d. Lnrd. prime western , dull , 27s. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull , ! 10 6C4 10s. , CHEESE American , finest white , JSs td Liverpool refined , fteady 15s 6.1. Turpentine spirits , steady , 24s 6J. Itosln common , steady , 4s IHd. Cliu-liinntl Slnrket. CINCINNATI. April 2 > ) . Fl/JOn-Stcajy fanotl.30ff4.35 ; family. t3.JOfl4.W. WHEAT-FIrm : No. 2 red , tl.CO. cOHN-Strong. hlsher ; No. 2 mixed , JJtJ5Kc OATS Firm ; No. ! mixed. 829Hc. RYE-FIrm : higher ; No. J. 67c. 1'ROVISIONS-l.ard. utronc. higher , t3.17 < Hulk meats , nrm , t3.3J. llacon , firm , higher 1C. 10. 10.WHISKY WHISKY Active , $1.20. HtlTTER Lower : nigln crcimery , ' 19c ; Ohio l ! 16c : dairy. lOCIlc. SttdAR-FIrm ; Imrd refined. tl.S3C5.97. Fins-Flrm and hlsher-at te. OHKESE Steady ; gnod to prime Ohio Oat Pbllnilelihla I'roilnce. PHILADnLPIUA. April ID.-HUTTKR-Dul and weak : fancy western creamery , IS'.jc ; f rtc wentern prints , > V ; . ia(18 Firm and He higher ; fre h. nearby ad western , llHc : fresh southern , Cnllfornla Dried Frnlli. NF.W TOUK. Al'ril ' 20.-CAL1FORNIA PRlh FRUITS Firm arv4 active. Evaporated nppl * ; per Ib. ; prime wlro tray , fc t wooi dried , prime , < Uc ; choice , IVic ; fancy , ' c. Primes. 8HCHie. Apr cots , Moor 1'nrk , 8 ' ,43 10I'oichef , tun dried , 7Qc. Hnltlnuirr Mnrlirt. IIALTIMOHK. April 10. FIXJl'R Dull : wen- crn nuperilnc , 12.74U3.10 ; wostetn extra , $ ] .40 4M W ; western family , $4.10(24.63 ; winter whent patent. $ I.Kfl ! . 10 ; rprlnv wheat pitent , Ji.J'-if t.Cfl ; spring wheat Hrnlelit. J 10DS.25 ; receipts , 1,2W bbls. ; exports , 1,501 bbls. WHEAT Stron * . f p it and month. tl.04'4ft 1.04 : May , II.CH.31.eri ; tteamer. No. 2 red , tl.OIUl.Ol'i ; rpcelpt * , 47,772 bu. ; exports , nones southern wh at by sample , tl.ia i.03Vi ; souttietn wlmt nn grade , tl.01'31.0S , CORN Stromt ; spot and month. 37O37Vc : Mny , 27K7iic ; steamer mixed , SCffWic ; tecelpt * . 191.- 2CJ bu. ; exports , 178,40 bu.J southern white corn , 3S ? ; southern yellow corn , 37M3Sc. OATS Firmer ; Nn. 3 whlltf. 33c bid ! No. 2 mlted , 3HiU3c ; receipts , 2S.M5 bu. ; exports , none. RYE Strong nnd hluher : No. S nearby , O COTiq ; No , 2 western , ci - bid ; receipts , 2,977 bu. ; export8,571 bu. HAY-FIrm ; choice timothy. $12.COftlJ.W. OHA1N FIIKIOHTS Very firm , with rates tending higher ; steam to Liverpool , per bu. , 3',4d , May ; Cork , for orders , per quarter. 4s 31. April : 4 May , HUTTER Firm : fancy creamery , 29" ; fancy Imitation. Kffisc ; fancy ladle. 13c ; goid ladle , 137T14C ! store packed , luflllc. KOOS-FIrm ; fresh. 1C 1K ; . f'HEEStStcady ; fancy New York. Jarge , 9'i 6'.4c ; fanry New York , medium , 9V491Uc ; fancy New Yotk , sm.tll , lO'.iiTlOVic. Xrw Orlrniifi Mnrkot. NEW ORLEANS. April 2)-HOO PROD17CTS- rirm ; h lil higher , In rympnthy with the we < t. Perk , standard m s , tin.r ' ) . l ird , tefinfd He ce , $ .1.75J.S14 ! : pure l rJ , J3.WiJ5.6i',4. l xed meil , dry wilt shoulder" , tl S74 ! : sides , $ .i.62 > .4fi'r..73. llacon , sides , clear ribs , fi.fi086.62ft. Hams choice sturar cuicil , $ .73P9.75. ( XKFEE Steady : Rio. ordinary to good , 83 9feo. itlCE Firm : ordinary to go d. 4'c. FLOUll Extra fancy , t4.COa < .70 ; intents , 05.00. HAY Prime. J11.W312.5) ; choice. $ H. 0113.0) . CORN No. 2 white , mixed nnd yellow , sacked , SSHRI9. . OATS-No. 2. fackel , 32C32HC. O nil n HfcclitN | lit Trliiclpnl Mnrkrtn. CHICAOO , April 2) . Receipts today : Whent. 97 cars ; corn , 2M cars : oats , 234 can. Estimated car lots tomorrow : Whent , 1'3 ; corn , 323 ; outs , MINNEAPOLIS , April 20. Receipts : Wheat , HTC.BrLOUI3 , April 20. Receipts : Whent , 11 DULUTII , April 20. Receipts : Wheat. 24 ours. i Detroit MrsrkPt. DETROIT. April I- ) . WHEAT No. 1 will' " , Me : No. 2 red. SLOT : May. 51.00V4. TORN No. S mixed , ale. OATH No. 2 white , 31'fcc. RYE No. 2 , Mo. Pe rln ftlnrkel * . PEOniA , April 20. CORN Active , higher ; No. " i "OATS Firm , higher ; No. 2 white. 2Sic. WHISKY-HIgh proof spirits , tl.19',4. Snn FriinclNLoVlirnt Mnrkrt. PAN FRANCISCO , April 2)-WHEAT- Stenily : December. $ I.E9. HARLBT Steady ; December , fl.31',5. STOCKS noxns. MK.rl.Tt Sliorv * n Klrm 'TlrMlMnnpe ' to NEW YORK , April 2) ) . The New York stock market offered a llrm resistance nit day to the depression which was relieved upon It from every other exchange tn the world , Its declines nt no time reaching mere than n fraction over a i > oint for active stocks. In tl.'o final hour n'ter Hading on foie'gn bourros had leen rus ; > endeJ for the day a lively movement tt < buy deva-'o : > 2d on the New Ycrk exchange whlcti wiped oul nearly nil the early los ! e < nnd 1'tled ' the level ol Tirices rhnri'ly above that of last night. The tlnal recovery was Ktuight about by tha dis semination of n rumor tint the pitlol ullowed Spain for n reply to the ultimatum hnd l-een cx- terdcd to Monday , with n ch-nci of a H ttlemenl b < ? 'tig effected lccri > tint time. Tl.ri wsre esmi cvKltnccK of manipulation for the purpo-o of making last prices s'low striking gains. Tor In- rtance , Hurllngton sold nt 90'i nnd on the i'nst slip jumped to 91H A broad view of tl fln n- clnl world ihows tint New York wrs Pss oT-ttel ! than any flr.anc al center. At no tinu w. re prlce/i depressed to the London parity. As u consequence quence there were large arbitrate s'llln ? orders here of London stocks. New Ytrk prices sho'Urg a fair profit over London quotations , l.'cpreraloi In 1/ondon and on the continental bours's \\ns more due to the panlo in Span'sh 4s than to tn/ other one cause. Thei-e tPCUrltKs fell 1U per cent In London and 3\i per cant In Pasls on forceil liquidation due to financial d nicultlej li Spain. New Ycrk alsobed the offerings nf Its own securities for foreign account nt prices above tl.ts ? prevailing abroad , nnd there wane no heavy llqu'datlon for local account. It Is ti be observed that American securities have hel firmly steady as compile 1 with Ihe mfir.tei wt-aknesi of .Spanish securltUs. It Is n'o to be observed lhat weakneia In firelsn markets Is due in part to the weakness In l onion , nn.1 th's l < due to the pressure for gold to MlnfeMe the United States money maikt. United States I still n heavy creditor to the world end contlnuec drawing on these credits , while serving to fort fj the financial factor t home. Is an element o weakness abroad. Selling In New Ycrk doubt less Is due to nn effort to eiuallzo conditions That thwe efforts should be to well abfotb'd I a demonstration of the round financial conditions existing In this country , Demanstia'lon U given In the case of call money , which loaned today a 2 rr > r cent , although tlrne money continues a 0 p ° r cent. It Is still further slsnldcsnt of the same condition that the stringency ot monej abroad should have resulted In decline. ! In Ih Hrltlsh and forelm markets In * overnm nt bents while United States i ues of 132i showed a ga n today ot 1V4 pr cent for the registered an.l IV per-cent for the coupons. , That further Impcrta tlons of gold only await the nce.lB of tttj loca money market Is , however , evtJent. The bom rrtarkct was slightly mcri active , 'and ' after fur th r wiatn t showed some recoveries. Tola fates. H.023.CCO. United States new 4s. coupon ndvnnced HI per cent and new 4 , reul'tered , Hi per cent on the bid pr'ces. Others were un- Tha Evening Pott's London financial cablegram says : "The feature In the stock markets here wns the tlatne. s In forlgn tock. . the Paris bourse being utterly demoralized by the contin ued fall In Spanish 4 ? . which clwed at the Slow est 34. The weakness In consols earned tt.b n-- t'on of a r'e In the Hank of England rats to morrow , nnd on this belief discount houses de clined to work , nnd nil uch biulnew wns dofrie at th * bank Itself , which had the effect cf malt ing the loan rates easier. Americans were n- most ralable , but there was no great nre.sure to sell nd a bear position , at len t In St. Paul and Louisville , now undoubtedly exists. Th manner In which New York absorb * stocks Is much marve d nt. The markets here ere thor oughly close reefed and prepared for war. but , the Paris I nurse will f < el life blow severely. As . Instancing how the market hero Is looking nhead It Is common lalk that war m nns the final rte.'eil . of the silver party In the United Slatej. Argen ; tines were tint. Uneasiness wns fe't by these , who are/ aware of a telegram received by certain , Ixindon banks nnd firms associated with Argen tine from General Roca urging the Importance . of their Jolnlrg In subscription to the " .nternal'1 . loan , which was mentioned tn.these dlrpntches , Monday. Iloca's telegram rays It Is required for ur&ent InrtlfpJnsabla expenres nn-1 "which will form HIP best guaranty of peace. " Tl I- Paris , bourse Is bordering on a panic , with heavy realizations In Tlntos nnd everything salable. " , Kollowlng are the closing quotations of the Itadlng stocks on H e New Ycrk market today : : loiai rutcn ui Biuvivs uuuy. Qi.bVy Bliares , in . cluding : 79.2I7 Chicago , Hurllngton U' Quincy. 6.4U Loulivlllo & Nashville , 7 , < Wt Manhattan , 8.2:0 Metropolitan. 6.C24 New York General , S.73S Northern Pacific , 1T.7SJ Northern Pacific pre ferred , 7.731 Rock Island , 32.180 fit. Paul. t5.197 Union I'aclfic preferred , 3,037 Tobacco , 45,81 ! Sugar. iv York Monrr Mnrke-t. NEW YORK. April SO.-MONEY ON CALI Nominally J4H per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-CH9 < P i STERLING EXCHANOE Market steady , will actual business In binkera' .Lulu at ll.SOViOI.S for demand and II.73H for sixty days ; poitec rates. Jl IOHfH.81 and fl.HfI.S4Vi ; commercla b'H ' . tl."SHO4.7SV4. SILVER CKRTIFICATES-55HC. n 1IAR KII.VER-560. MEXICAN nOLU\KS-J5Uc. . < IOVElt.NMK.ST .UONDS-Uarket Heady ; Tien j. nf. , HIH ; coupon , UJH ; < . I * ; . , ' 107 { < 1C ? , Is , K , f , * , teg. , 103 : coupon , 110 > 4 ; Paclflc s of , iro. Closing quotatloni on bonds were as follows ! II S.now4 . roi . . . . ] l | . 4J.O * isu U.S.nnw 4ft coti. . ( ' " U , 8,4srv , lUf NaPaeiflo l'sisi"ll ! C.S.4.VCOUP 10 ! ) No. PaclfiB 3 . . . . 67 W U.S.'J No.Paeltl34n HI U.S.fti.rc ? 110H N. Y. C. ASt , L.4B..10J U , S. r.s. eom > . . . llUilN.X-W. us. . . 11H District 3. ( Us 11' ' i N. W. Council ! um Ala..elift : A HHVilN. W. Dob. us 114V , Ala.eiaisn 10.1 JOro. Nav.lMs Ill Ala.Han * < 3 03 lorn.Nav.-tx . . . . l' H Aln.Ciimncy. . . . I'1 * . O.s. u. Oi.t.r. Its Atchinon * * Hlli < > . S. L < "n. t. r 07 . Imn. Intl. t. r. . . . 101 CannnaSo.'Jndi. . . lot iO. Imp. 8 . I. r. fi't C.AN. P.t.r.Ss. . 80S PnclOcun of 'i)3 ) , . .lovtj C..VO. * i I i : ) > 4lUo.iillnr 4 * 70 > 4 C.1I.A.D. 444 . .UMH R. O.Wcit Istl. . . . . ' n.A-u. n. i < tii. . . .103 HUU&I. M.OJ1. f H7l I ) . All. O. 4V. . . . . . . 0 < it Stjli. A 9. F.Can.3.114 Easll'jnii. . . . , Si , P. Cjiiiolt 113 KrlrGon. 4s tH. , SWP. O.AP. Utl. . . 117 V. Vf. lit > . \9. \ t. r. 07 , ,1 St. P. C. At P. 3s Him 'Jeii.Kleo. &h OI/ Sohtht-rn Rv. S3. . . . HfVi fi.H. AS. A. Os. . . .10.1 * , , n.4T. Oi fill ( l.H.AS A. * . > . ( . . .10:41 : H.AT.Cjlit.5 * Ill ) x. P.ic. L. o. ists unU H..VT.O.Pia 63. .110 Tox. IMS. Its. 2J . , ' . ' 0 Inwn O. 1 U 07. U..P. D.AO. iHtj. . r.'J . Wnb. IB' "n 100 . Unt 41 S-t , ads linio-.irl ( ! 10.1. . il.K. AT. U.U CSM Va. Ct-iiliirlni . 10.1 I. K.A.T. * * h.V' Vdeferrad . ! l V. Y. C. 1M lltf UHlon Paclflc Pfd. . f.14 N. J. C. os Union IMcinc Is. . . H4ti Hoitnii Std'olc HOSTON , April SO.- a'll'l-aiu , 3'ifT5 pr etnt ; Ime loans , t6 ver1 'lnt. CloMni ; prices 'or slocks , bonds nnd mldlng shares : A.T.AS. P 1O4TioMon | L nl \mcrican Suiar. . llllti'U ' K. I ItfO Am.Suynr ufd. . . . lUDi licn. KU'O. lifit fit : > nv st-itn Oa < HJ Atchtsonpfd ; . . S4M aril rolophono. . . 54'J JAtchlMon 4i SOW : tostoniAlDi'.i\r. \ ' 'HI llfcw Knirla'.d Us..till llonton.V Mllnj. : . . 1H i < l"ii. Klso. us Oil S..1I.JCQ IH1J4 AllO'.iosMlntnsOJ 1M fltcliDurr Ort lAlUntto 27 ionornl Kieotno. . Ht ' liomon.V MoiHin : : 1714 Illinois Stiul. . . 45 Ilulto.1 ; Uostcn. . . . ' 'I Mexican Central. . 4i ! OrUnmot.V Itc li. . 517 Ola Colunv 188 ICnntermlnl l'- " < O.S.L IN 'r.iuklln 10 iiiDOcr } . " > | Osouoli nil Union Pacific ltt ! ( Oulncy 10.1 WoaiKnu HO TnmarncR MU West Kud DM HI''U Wolvirlncs W. Kltui. 2o ! Pitrrotl W. Hk-c. ufd Sail I'raiK'lBOo > lltiliir QniitntlniiR SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. Ofllclal clcs'.ng quotntlons on mining stocks today \veic as io > vs ! _ _ Alia Moxlcau l.l 11 ( VcM'.Mitnl Con. . . . U75 I'cleher . 14 Ophlr 5-J Uolcher. , . , U'J Ovnnn.TM 4 llnllton . 2 Pctoil 33 Caledonia . 21 r-ivici' ; : 10 . 20 Slerrii Nnvna.t. . . . 7M Con.cai. A Va. . . . 7 : ) Uutou Ooi : V4 unnvn Hoint . 1:1 : tlfili Con 7 Yellow Jacket. . . . 13 Juptlcc . 14 St.-mdarJ 105 lyonuicky Con. . . 1 S'lver birs , 53 ? c : Mexican dollars , 43 ! drafti , sight , Uc ; telegraph , 17(2c. ( Lin < l ii Stock 4liiotntlniii. LONDON , April IO.-4 p. in.-co. : lig : ConfolH. m'.v 110 IN Y. Ill ) Consols. at'CI Doll ! Pennnvlvniila ! > " } ( Can. Pai-inc TDHjltuadlne W Krlo HJj Mox. On. now4i. . ( ir > Ki-lu'.Ms 3th , Atchtion 1H lll.Cciitr.ll 10IIML. &N 474 Mi'Mcan or.lmarv. IS OraiiU Trunk H SM'iiiil i-ommon. . . S7HI 11AR SILVKR Steady , I. . 13-1M per ounc" . MONBY 514 per cent. The rule of discount In the open market for fhort bills , 3T4V4 pr cent : the rnta of discount In the open market for three months' bills , % { per cent. New York MlnlnK Quotation * . NK\V YORK. April SO. The follow IIIR arc tha clos'ng ' mining quotations : Chollar. . - ' . > Oniirio Crown Point 1'J Ooliir. . , * > o Con. Cal. ft Va. . . 7r > I'lvinontt Du.vJwooi 75 HID Houlrt t Currv SO OtilsUsitver nfd. . . 20. ) Hale&Moivross , . 00 Slorr.iMava'li. . . . 7.1 Horaeitaui : 3700 Stnii'l'irU ' . Hill Iron Silver 41 Union Con . 20 Mexican 12 Yellow Jacket . . . . > _ I'lnnnclnlotox. . OMAHA , April 10. The clcnrlnRs for the day wore ; balances. $10T.tl3.i9. The clenr- In.TS for K97 ere 53:6,013.81 and the balances. $67,977.59. IncrnafO In cU'srlnRS , tS37.21G.23. CHICAOO. April 20.-riearliKS ! , $17,9.0,30' ! > ; bnl- nnces. (1.7M.SOO. New Ymk exchangp. Sfc dlH- count ; ytcillnn exeliance , posted , f4.fl(4.F4"- ( ; actual , * l,79iaff4.SJ > 4 : sixty dnyy , } l.7SJM.f2'j. I cat sleeks wcte ilepreypetl , the onlj * mppnit cornlns from sliorty. Closlns : Alley I , t' " ; lllf- cult , " 2'4 : Hlecult preferred , 79 : North Chicago , ' lVeft l ChlciKo. SD : strawbonrd , 22'8'2 ; . ST. IXl'IP. ) April JO. ClearltiBi' . J4,4i2.012 ; bal- nnces , ? ) G3S3il. Money , ujT3 per cent. New Yatls exchnmte , 23e dlrcount bid , par aElied. NiiV ORLEANS , April 20. Clearings. $1,190- fiil4 , New York ext-hante. bank , par ; commer- clal. Jl per Jl.WO discount. MEMPHIS. April W.-CleaiIngs' . JM2.73"i : bal ances , 179,110. \6rli''exchange , Jl.W pre mium. NBW YORK , April ! ) . CIcarlng3 , $93.SCCS ! ; ; balanceo , t" ,4GI,91.i. 11O8TON. April 20. CleVrlnss , J21.223.535 ; bal- nncc , 12.110.1V. . IMHLAnBLPIIIA. April M.-Clenrlngs , JH.- 2JO-H ; balances , 1,731'COI. ' ' HALTIMORK. April' ' eo.-Clearlng , 52,851,027 : balance * . JI3b-53. - CINCINNATI , April' ' X New York exchinge. 15B2.o dUcount. Money , 4B8 'per cent. Clear- InsB. $1,974.75. ) . Forelnm , Flnniiclnl. IXJNDON. April 2S r-Th < J market for American securities was generally weak nil day on itl > - InB. The closlriK tcire wns weak , Amoii"vt rf bullion taken Into the , Hunk of Knsland < .n bal ance today JC24.0CO. Thertj wan withdrawn from the Hank of vrnslnnd' today SO.roO In co'd for shipment to New York and JC2J.C03 for sh'pmnit to Montreal. On the' street after the close of the market American b.'curttlesen ' steidy. Canadian Pnclflca wVre'la point lower. India council bills were allotted today at l s 31-3J. Gold la quoted at Hu nos Ayres at 1C7.SO. PARIS , April ! 0. Th . bourne wan depressed today owing to a freah break In Spanish' 4s , which were largely nil fcr London account. I/ater there wan o rc-overy on covering pur chase ? , but prices reacted toward the close , offers predominating. < * fter HIP clore of the bourse operators were excited and prlcfs lluc- tuated. rentes , which closed Hi lOlf . . Koint ; up to lOlf SIHc nnd falling to lOlf 27V4c. pin- l h 4 fluctuated from-Z5 to 31 % . Thre > > pr rent renttfl. lOlf : "c for the account. Kxchanse en London , 25f 5"C for checks. HERL1N , Apill 20. lus'neB on tilt fojurse to < lny was generally -Wepresned , owing to the reports from the Unltffl Sfalej of President "Mc- Klnlcy'B Intention to p.'nd nn ullltnatum to Sp-iln and tlm Maine * * of Ih3 western bourses. MADRID. April 20. OeM was quoted taday at E3.90 and Spanish < s nt f3. COTTOX M.UIICKT , TrmlliiK 1 on n Tr cm en dona Sc-nlo fern n Time. NEW YORK. Anrll 20. There wns a fharp bulge In the cotton market at the opening tliU morn'ng. with the bear crowd In complete rout.'iiR ' was en a ttcmendous scale for n time and scnerally active throughout the entire res- slon. Tlic bsttcr fcflln ; ; resulted from nn unex pected the In spot cotton nnd futures In the English market cn.l n further sharp rise In spot ' c-ttcn nt all market i. Simultaneous trai'.M In the pit nl the opening showul a d'fter- encc of from 3 lo R polnta. with optratora verj- excited. Prices Jumped up 18 points on the nmr month ? , owing to heavy buying for Liverpool nnd by lu-kleix bears. The later options rhowc.l a gain , with the market 'rregutar. Tr.insactlonn on the call nlono reached the tinuEiial total of 40.0 < liales , while destines for the first hour were 17Wi bales. News from nearly nil rolnts favored tha bull crowd , who were Jub lam. and for a time tefuied to take th hanjKcme protlts In s'c'.A. Utr < vldencf of 1'qulditlon at Llv- errnMil started rtal'tlng , and a. rharr > reaction took place. At no time did the market tho.v tha ollKhtcft ti'Kns ofeakn H' . with prices at roon at a net g ln of 10 to 12 points , as compared with the olorc ot lant night , In the afternoon the market wns very fcytrlsh , with the close n m with a net gain of 16 to 15 points , Total tale * . 327,300 Imlta. Ppat , qu'ut ; mlddllnB. C7-10v. net re"elptH , 1(5 ( ball's : groM , 5,7tS ( bal s ; exports to ( lr U Ilrltuln , 2.111 bales ; to the continent. 2.577 ba'ta : forwarded. 1.1SS. . I nles : ssles. C.6CO bales ' : spinners , IdO balev ; stock , tS5,2 > 4 bales. Total ' today : Net receipts , 7CM bales ; exports to Great llr'tnln. J.3IS bales ; to the continent , 7,557 bai ; slock , 705SS.l l.-uks. Consolidated : Net receipts , 51,579 bales ; exports to Great Hilta'n , 71.19J bilea ; lo Krance. 6. ' 0 bales ; to the con tinent , i,3CO bafs. ! Total flnce September 1 : Net receipt ? , 8,038,81 : bale ; exports to Orcat llrltaln , S.Oia.lCj bales ; to France , 75I.CO ) bales ; to the continent. 217T.f : bales. NEW ORLEANS. Apr 1 2' ) . COTTON I'-utures eteady ; F 'VJ. 6 * . 00 bales ; April , JJ.SS bid : May , tJ.saas.fO : June. (5.SIV5.93 ( : July. S.97C5 93 ; Au gust. .DSfl3,99 ; September. M.9S4T5.M ; October , -i.0180.02 : November. 1.024C.C3 : Uejember , $1.01 ( jG.OJ ; January , (6CGi > C.iS. Spot flrai ; fates , 7,416 balea ; ordlnarj- ll-16c ; good ordlniry , &l-l c ; low mUdllnir. C7-lCc ; middling. 0 11-lCc good middling. C3-l o ; mlddllrg fn'r. 69-lCc ; re- ce'pts. 2.S54 bales ; stock. SS3.W1 Ijales. . LIVERPOOL. April M.-COTTON-Ooo 1 bus ! nets done ; p'lrei tliehir ; Amsilcan mlddllni. faY , 440-32d ; American middling. 3d ; low mUJllne 3H < 1 ; Kood ordlnan' . 311-Kd ; ordinary , 3 6-3d The tales of tha day were 15.WO baits , of wh'cli l.OX ) were for pcul < itlnn and export nnd In eluded 13.200 bales of'American ; receipts , 14.Ci ( bales. Including ll.CtO A ; t-rlcan. Futures optnei nrm. with active ttemana nnd closed Irregulai and unsettled ; American mlddl'ng. L. M. C' , S SS-5463 3 - ld s : ien > > ' April and May , J Sl-CIt fellers ; Mny and June. 3 , S3-C4d rellera : June am July , 3:3-513 buyers : " July and August , 3 33-c t33l-Gd ! sellers ; AUcUit and September , 3 Sl-6 < ( sellers ; Scptemlwr aivl October. 3 3-81 J buyers October and NovembeV ' 131-ld buyeri ; Decem ber and January. I $1CIA sellers ; January am February , 3 31-CIJ buyers. Suurar NEW ORLEANS.April M.-SUCJAR-OuIet open kettle , : i03 c-l ; 'centrifugal granulate- ) 4Hc : white , 47-lSc ; yellow , 484 5-lCc ; seconds : tl3 11-lSc. Molasses , dull : centrifugal. 4&13C - IMIHarketi. . OIL CITY. PC AtrllCrdlt balince. . T5c c ttmcale . 7l'/ic bM tor cash : Tic bid for rtr Ur ; shipments , 'H , $ bbli. ; run * , 4,1 bbli. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET loir Run of Cattle and Good.Supply of Hogs on Sale. BETTER FEELING IN CATTLE TRADE 7 < nokliitr for Olioloe nnil Send Ilir I'rtccn Up un Wlmt 7'lit-r WiinlllitRTH Active milt Sli-mly. SOUTH OMAHA , April 20-Kecelpts for the days Indicated wore : Cattle. Hocfl. Sheep , llor's. April 20 2,970 S.W1 2.2.S2 April ID 2,7X1 T ,27i5 3.331 2 April IS 1,173 1.PJ4 1.603 , Vprll 1C 1,031 5,0X1 7,725 21 April IS 2.20J ( j,04D 10.37G April 14 1,411 f.77J 11.727 April in 2.642 5,472 l.iW April 12 C.41U B,533 3.CWJ April 11 lf,97 2,73i ) 0,791 2 April 9 7M 3.16'1 9 : 23 April S l.S'M 4.231 1.S92 April 7 l.CO ! E.4S2 14.320 April fi 3,515 821S 7,303 2 April 5 2G1 6.052 3.G38 01 April 4 1,2.1 ; 1,139 9.4oi April S W 3.150 3,127 The otllclnl number of cars ot stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. 1Ky 7 2 O. K St. LHy 1 Missouri 1'ncltlc Hy It n Union Paclllc System 19 15 6 R. 1C. & M. V. U. U 27 32 S. C. & I1. Ky 4 C. . St. P. , M. Hi O. Ky 21 S 11. & M. U. H. K 1 SC 4 c. , n. & g. Hy . . C. . It. 1. it P. Ky. , east . . C. , K. I. & P. Ky. . west 2 Total receipts 131 111 10 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows , each buyer purchasing the num- licr of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packlnc Co l"i ! 450 . . . . O. If. Hammond Co 4t' > l 1.C5S 44S Swift and Company 020 i.V > 3 fd Cudahy Packing Co .195 1,779 . , . . P. D. Armour , ChlcagS. . 3S7 Vansant & Co 23 J. L. Carey 11 Huston , t Co 140 Krebbs & Co , IflS . . . . . . . . Hill .t Htintzlnger 14 L. F. Hlisz 75 Livingston & Sc'naler 1C ! ) H. Hamilton. . . . . 9 Hammond , from K. C 453 . . . . Swift , from country 43 . . . . MS Ctidnhy , from K. C 225 487 IManklnton , .Milwaukee . 278 . . . . C. P. & P. Co. , Nub. City . . . . l. B Other buyers 10S Totals 2.SG5 7,987 1,74) Today's reqelpts of live Block were very fair for n Wednesday , amounting to a total of almost tfiO cars , or In lounu numbers , t'olrty more loads thnn were here a wevk ago. The gain In the arrivals -over a week ape was largely In hogs , the receipts of that kind of stock belni the largest In a number of days. The markets , ns a whole , were In fairly good shape , as compared with yesterday and-day before , thouch as a mat ter of fact the markets are far from what they were a week or two ago. CATTLiB Kecelptu of cattle were slightly largr than a week ng-o , but the number on sale was about the same , as there were several loads consigned direct to packers today. The market , as a whole , was fairly active , rfnd the- most of the offerings o'.anged hands In pojd season. If anything the feeling was better t'nan yesttrday. The market opened with an active ship ping demand for choice llsht nnd medium weight beef steers , without brands , nnd such cattle as would meet the requirements sold at a little stronger prices than yester day. The supply of that kind of cattle , however , was soon exhausted , nnd the ship pers dropped out early for t'ne want of more cattle to their liking that they could buy. With heavy cattle It was the same old stcry slow nnd dragging market , with values no more than steady. It took buy ers and sellers considerable time to get to gether on the heavy cattle and a complete clearance was not effected until the mornIng - Ing was well advanced. Desirable butchers' stock was In very- fair demand , and w > * ill the market did not Boem to bb 'so very active , the most of the offerliiFs c'nanged hands In good season. The market wns fully steady and some sell ers were even callinx It strong on th ? most desirable kinds. Hulls , stags and calves ssld at about the same prices as yesterday. The stoeker nnd feeder trade continues In about the gam ? condition us was detailed yesterday , there being little change from day to day. Both the supply and demand are small , and the total volume of 'justness doing In' that kind of cattle Is limited , nnd regular operators expect It to continue light for some.little time to come. Kepresenta- tlve sales : STEEKS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. pr. 24..1233 tl 45 46..1263 (4 45 21..1293 S4 (0 81..1270 4 S3 27..100 ! 4 15 13..I003 4 DO 30..11SS 435 1G..HM 430 -I..1105 400 28..1151 421 20. . . . 9 4 + ) 1..10SO 440 2S..12.M 433 1..13fO S 75 CS..1249 483 19..1004 4 03 17..1230 4 CO 11..1093 4 BO 3..US' ' ) 4 85 43..low 4 10 31. . . . 593 4 30 10..1113 4-20 5..1012 420 13..1073 4 32V5 14..1103 4 S2V4 S3..1CGO 4 2J 13. . . . 965 410 72..1069 4 35 2rt..H3 < 4 SO 15..1253 4 30 22..1333 440 41..1140 420 0..1MO 420 20.13 8 4 30 17..1031 4 25 54..1298 4 51 ! . . . . S03 S 73 1. . . . 9M S 7S 1..1030 4 S3 3..110 < 5 415 41..1124 4 M 2..1210 430 2..1180 480 2..1210 4 SO 56..1171 4-15 17..H9t 4 80 80..1476 4 SO 59..11S ! 4 43 10..12 < 2 4 23 41..1281 4 30 23. . . . 975 4 23 103. . . 951 4 ! > > 10..1159 4 40 4..1142 4 40 6..1006 4 40 24..1152 4 20 14..1102 4 15 20..1221 4 40 41.1239 4 30 2. . . . SSO 4 85 2. . . . MS 4 ? 5 10..1C8S 4 35 7. . . . 810 2 15 23..10S3 423 2..1463 4W 2..1080 400 23. . . . 970 4 15 4. . . . 994 13 90..1333 4 65 1..1400 4 fr1..1100 4 10 IS..1071 4 15 14..1017 ' 4 30 HKIFERS. S..1000 410 1. . . . G2 < > 440 8. . . . 735 3 CS 1..1HO 4 35 S..103S 4 05 7. . . . KPO 4 25 L. . . 830 3 75 4. . . . 730 3 CO 9. . . . D17 4 09 L. . . 800 3 75 1. . . . 9 0 4 23 7.4CJ 4 1 2..1110 4 00 4. . . . 670 3 fS 17. . . . 39J 4 1 17..11C * 3 CO 3. . . . 413 3 SO 5. . . . SSO 4 IS L. . . 900 4 13 COWS. 4..1057 3 S3 23..112' * S S3 1..HSO 3 75 2..1005 3 if 3. . . . 910 310 2..1250 360 7..1031 3 SO 1..1120 S 35 1..UOO 350 j. . . . 5J 4 O ) 3..1330 385 3..1270 3 FO 1..1010 290 13. . . . ! OT 3 > 1..1010 323 1..10IO 2 23 11..HSC 3 70 1..1003 W C..1103 300 L. . . SO ) 275 1..10IO 303 L. . . S50 340 1..11CO 350 1..1310 420 1..1i:0 3 M 1..1310 3 CT. 3. . . . S30 3 Oil 1. . . 770 375 2..1293 S 40 L. . . 820 250 1 , . . . 910 3 3'l ' L. . . 770 3 W L. . . 9.10 373 3 . . . SIO S 75 S3. . . . 935 383 1. . . . 72' ' ) 3 M 10. . . . HI 4 Ce 1..I320 373 3..1000 2 M L. . . SM 223 2..1033 323 1..1190 283 1..1020 SCO L. . . 870 273 II..10SO 380 4. . . . 973 3 Z3 1..1170 34' ' ) 7. . . . S37 383 1. . . . 330 373 r. . . . . 938 4 ( V ) 3..S2G 373 1.,14il 3 f > 0 1. . . . 00 3 23 1..11CO 3 23 2. . . . ! < 70 323 2..10)0 335 1..1620 390 2..1073 345 1 , , . . ! * ) 2 F.I ) 2. . . . 950 3 M 2..1310 4 15 1. . . . 990 3 M 4..1033 1 (0 1..1000 3 C3 1..1IOO 333 3..1073 400 1..1SGO S 40 11. . . . 927 3 75 3. . . . 991 3 40 3..111S S Z > 5..1091 3 50 3..1073 3 23 2..1103 SCO 2..923 300 1. . . . 9SO 300 1. . . 10SO 3 W ) 1..1230 3 23 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11. . . .HIS 4 23COWS : COWS AND HEIFERS. 5. . . . C7C 4 W 3. . . . 751 4 10 1..M10 SCO 1..1470'a SS 1..1(153 ( 325 1..11SO S 35 1..1740 375 1..1231 331 1..UO 325 1..1414 3 2i 2..1570 335 1..1820 S 35 1..1050 365 1..H50 3 S5 1..1700 3 S5 1..1C40 SB 1..182) S 40 1. . . . 740 'SOO 1..13SO 310 1..1I10 SCO 1..1S90 335 1..15:0 330 1..15V ) 325 1..12M 3 SO 1..1ISO 3 M 1..1C50 323 1..UM 3 EO l.iM 35) 1..1470 3 ? 5 1..12-0 3 50 1..K-M S fO 1..U8) 3 41 1..W10.M l-jMBJ S 1. . . . 130 r r S. . . . 214 GOO L. . . 120 CCO 2. . . . 215 0 75 STAGS. 1J..1CIO 3 90 19..1525 4 45 2..15S3 3 C5 1..1370 3 CO 2..1550 3 S3 1..1C3) 3W STEEHS AND STAGS. 1S..1JI 4 20 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 19. . . . CCO 4 Z3 2. . . . CCO 425 2. . . . 935 425 5 , . . . 922 4 20 L. . . ! ) 4 20 4. . . . 723 3 M . SG3 405 49. . . . f63 415 L. . . C30 390 1. . . . 410 440 3. . . . 470 3 4 3. . . . 913 435 2. . . . 583 4 SO . . . . 3S8 473 1. . . . 7GO 450 1..1020 4 JS 1. . . . 710 480 . 1. . . . 870 415 3. . . , SCO 4 25 5. . . . (04 4 SO 32. . . . : C4 4 85 1 , . . . 710 4 15 1. . . . 500 4 CO 10. . . . 503 3 25 61. . . . 917 450 8. . . . 98H 4 JO 1. . . . 700 4 CO 3. . . . C03 4 SO 23. . . . 476 4 15 18. . . . 891 4 89 1 , . . . 720 4 DO 1. . . . COO 4 CO 11. . . . 639 B 19 1. . . . ( SO 510 1. . . . SCO 575 6. . . . 825 430 10. . . . 815 4 30 1. . . . 130 4 SO IfCXIS It w a good day for lioei , the re. celpU Bhowlne up over HO earn while the demand win correspondingly large. Advices from othci felling points were generally favorable to thi extent that quotations were no lower nnd tliai taken In connection with the good buying de mand nave the trade a turn favorable to Fellers The market opened active nnd steady to utropi i and under free buying on the part of shlppeti an well a for local packing account the suppl ly ) was early exhausted. Tragically everything wa sold and weighed up b > * 9 o'clock In the mom In * . The hoRi told at about the fame prices n : yesterday , that Is. mostly at I3.C033.C3. with HOitii choice heavy butcher weight hogs at 13.70. Sonn nf the. tuycrs reported their hogs as being I llttlo tetter than yesterday , which helped to make up the difference in the average cott. As a whole the trade was without nv feature nf Importance ! and there t > not much , ' My vtnVI It except that It was a good , llv l ; nurkft it the prevailing prices , JUprei ntutlv altsj No. Ar. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. . 1H N i U . tU..fB 4 HI . . . JK SI 511 . . . SKt.i ( ft. . K3 tOO 1 S ? < 4 45 1S7 . . . SO 31 (38 . . . SCO 73 234 120 310 10. . , , . . . . ; KO s en ; < ; , , . , , , . . : so 3 to CO. , 2RS ICO S DO CO IiS 3D 310 10 51) . . . 3ft ) 12 7V . . . 36) 81 223 , , , 30) . . . . . . . . 210 3 CO 34 310 . . . 3 fO 7 . . . . . . .JW W J SO 6 ! JI 4' ' ) 3 fr ) . . . , ? . . . (0 3 FO 87 V24 O ) 36' ) 70 Ml . . . 3 fi , ) 10 JOl . . . a 01 K W . . . 36. ) ' 273 200 3 co 7 : : Ji so a co 43 : si M 3 w ( . . . . . . . .isi 1:0 s co tV , .S74 110 3 CO 7 < . . . . . . . .II3 . . . J ) CS : i < i 80 300 CO S0 12) 3 CO 4ci 1SJ 4) 36' ' ) $5 2H M 3 M , 72 220 . . . 3 CO 70 .Jtt SO S IV ) M. IK so 3 co ri . . .an 210 s co . 67 524 . . . 30) C ) ! 3l 80 3 W ' M IT6 SO 3 6) 6' ' ) 237 . . . 36) C7 271 - . . . 3 rS'i 69 S M 3 C2H w. . , no iw : CH cs.,2 < 3 M seas 77 K6 W ) 3 ttVs 10 233 . . . 3 Kit * 80 274 JW 3 MM C3 219 . . . 3 N\i \ " . . . 2S3 120 3614 (6 2V ) 80 S CJVi ' " ' ' ' " ' ' * . . . . "an 0 3 CJ'i 70'.V.V..V.II 80 3 f J't 27' ) 4) 3 C2t 19 231 . . . 3 rjl , : t4 80 s cv * cc s * ) . . . 3 c-zvi C . . . 3 C2Vi 253 ZOO S 62 IZ ) 40 3 K'.i ' , 3.1 215 . . . S ! 2SH . . . 3 G2i ! l 2 : < 8) 3 f.2V i ; : .t . . . 3 C2 > i 81 271 . . . 3 ( U 239 . . . 3 0u . . . , . , . . ! . . . 3 KVj , 270 . . . 3 V U4 2SO 8S C2J , I ,2 2 40 3 4 42..2 < > 9 . . . 3 C2 ( I 2M . . . 3 C2ii 77 239 41 3 KU , j 239 . . . 3 C2' ' 71 2CO SO 3 C3 3 201 80 3 ( Si a..2-.S . . . 3 S3 R 311 HO 3 C3 CL. :75 M 3 C3 J 271 . . . 3 C3 M 2 ! > 6 80 3 < tt 7 2fi ) . . . 3 C3 71 232 M 3 S3 Ki . . . 3 C5 71 271 . . . 3 C5 SCS . . . 3 C3 CO W < . . . 365 i : ci : . . . 3 C3 7i r.o : . . . 3 c7 > < . 1 21. " ) . . . 3 G7',4 ' f.9 204 40 3 C71i IS ! ; 0 160 3 C7i ( C"i 261 80 3 67 < i 7 M4 40 3 67'4 W. . 312 210 3 C7'i 0 525 40 3 67'j ' Cl 310 80 3 Ci'.i ' i ! 411 ICO 3 70 fi-l 274 . . . 3 70 ) 33.1 . . . 370 f,3 321 80 370 8 241 . . . 370 C5 : W 8' ' ) 370 7 ZW . . . 370 WAGON IIOOl5' TIIHOU * Ol'TQ 1 ! i . . . 325 9 537 . . . S BS 1(6 . . . 3 53 3 Ml . . . 3 60 . .3J ) SO 3 60 9 2.12 . . . 360 . .26V. . . . SCO , 4 2S7 . . . 3W . .24t . . . 3 CO fi 110 . . . S 6) . .310 . . . 360 2 23i ! . . . 300 . .3'1) . . . 3 GO I ) 193 . . . 3 C ) . .3-3 . . . SCO 3 . .42.1 . . . 360 . .470 . . . SCO 1 4'0 ' . . . 3 CO 1 2SO . . . SCO 7 tO ) . . . 30) . . 3 CO 1 < 70 SO 3 C2'4 4 2U7 . . . 3 C24 ! 6 3'2 . . . rjij 1 150 . . . 363 6 .303 . . . 365 i J9S . . . 3 C3 7 310 . . . 3 f3 SHEET Thenrrlvnls today numb-red nbnut fn oada of nhcrp and Intnba. The market fii KOO.I nutton sheen wan J H about vtcmly r.n.t there Ppcnivd to bo a dcminil for n fe.v KOOI klllt-rp. omiof the offerings nie'tlnitvltl > ' rcnly fnlo. The Inmb market was In about the mm * oondl- 'on n ycnterJay that IK , very flow nnd dull , nd. If anything , lower at Icaft the buyers woc alklng lower prices. I imbs have nuifered the vort In the break the pabt wc.ik , owing to th * act that the nupply has been large , nnd It vould lw fnfe ( ( > say that values nre nit of 40s ? Oc Inner than the tnrly purt of list week. In uldltlon to being lower , the demand appeurx to KI of nn Indifferent character , so that lambs ire not free rollers , even at the lower prc ; s. lepiosentatlve tuilrs : S'o. Av. 1'r. 55 western wclM-rn , chorn 107 } l 15 SSwesttrn wctlierw. eliorn 107 415 13 western wethers 122 4 35 20 western wethers 121 4 55 CIIIO.Y42O LIVE STOCK MAUKKT. Trnil < in I.'iioiidMfnotory , l > nt I'rIcrH Hcinnln Nti'iKly. CHICAOO , April 20. Tin.1 trftdc In cittle to day was rather unsatisfactory , but prices held ibout steady. Tlie bulk of offerings went at 4.3dO4.9 > \ fnncy cnttlo being merely ncmlnul at J.SOJfS. 10. IH-ef Rtcord f'ol'il "nt Jl.00i7t.55 for ommon to fairly gw-l ; tholcc ililpplng , JI.Tr4 ? .00 ; strictly choice , $ " > .13f3.I3. Calves were In oed demand nt JJ.OOS5.75. Trade In liogsna active nt nrtvanccs of 2'i ® . Sales were largely nt J3.SOfi3.90. t'rlmi ! light togs brought J3.SO ; pigs , J3.SSij3.SO ; tlilpptrs bought very sparingly. Ijiniba were dull nnd fe.iturelers. Kales were nt I3.733'4.S3 for shorn find f5.25Qj.4j for wonted Llexlcans ; common , to fair rheei * od ! at J3.Z02 ? .S5. shorn Mocks bringing J4.OtiBI.23. KECEll'TS Cuttle , 10,000 head ; hogs , 27,050 icad ; cheep , C.OHJ hvid. : \eiv Yorlc I.lvo Stock. NEW YOltK , April 20. nEEVES-Tlecclpts , ,972 head ; active , with dry cows showing llrm- ness : native steers , JI.COS7j.SO ; ttHgs ami nxen , .1.00JT4.73 ; bulls , K.73J-3.90 ; dry c ws , J2.005f.1. ? ( . ' . European cables quote American steers nt Wjiii * 0id ! , tlrcF ed weight , bheep , at 9Vi5'IOHd1 ( Ircceed weight ; reirlgerntor hccf , SSStl. Ex- > orn today , C beeves , 10 sheep and 2.CW ) qunr- era of b ef. CALVES Itecelpts , 4,2 2 head ; generally flow , closing liWVic lower ; extreme rales at JS JSf 4.W : JVfiO gener.illy top of inarKct. SHEEP AND IAM1IS Receipts. C.2S9 head ; sheep , firm , lambs. nctl\c uml slightly strong ; un horn sheep , Jl.23iru.oc ( : clipped rheep , J3.WW 4.33 ; unshorn lambs , li. MOD. 7,1 ; clipped lambs , J4.37H1H.50. 1IOOS Hecelpts , CCW head ; active and higher at J4.00 4.25. St. l.onlsi 1,1 vtStock. . ST. LOUIS. April 20. CATTLE-llecelpts , 1,400 Demi ; shipments , none. Market strong to 100 higher for natives ; Texans strong ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , M.035.3."i ; bulk of rales , J4.603'j.:0 ; dre ed beef nnd butcher steers , J3.90TfS.10 ; bulk of sales. N.83 < n > 4.M ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.7J3T4.IO ; bulk of sties. J4.10ff4.45 ; stackers nnd feeders , J.I.3CW 4.90 ; bulk of sales , J3.MJf4.W ; cows nnd heifers , (2.0004.60 ( ; Texas nnd Indian steers. J3.75JT I.W ) ; hulk of sales. S4.1HH.85 ; cows and heifers , $2.60 { U.60. HOGS necelpts , 8,300 bend ; shipments , 1,200 head ; market strong to Ic higher on best , others steady ; ynrkers , J3.GTiQ3.75 ; packers , J3.7593.S5 ; butchers. J3.ROOS.90. SltKEP Receipts , 1.900 head ; shipments , urine ; market steady ; native muttons , J4.COQ4.7Ii ; lambs , J4.2r.g3.M. _ IndlniiiuioIIn I.lvo Stock. INDIANAPOLIS. April 20. CATTLE Receipts , 800 bead ; shipments , none ; nmall tupply of cat- tie and n good clearance wns soon made nt steady prices ; good to prime steers , J4.75@5.0.i : fair to medium steers. J4.40ff4.63 ; common to good stockcrs , J1.2J4.CO. HOOS Receipts. 6,500 head ; shipments , 2.1X10 prices ; good to choice lambs , $ S.2MJ5.30 ; good to medium , Jl.OOJf 4.03 ; good , to. ' choice sheep , 4.C08 > 4.23 ; common sheep , J2.76QMO.- KniiNit * City Mv f Stock Mnrkci. KANSAS CITY , April -CATTLE Receipts , 8.0i head ; best steady , others , slow ; Texas steers , J300JII.40 ; Texas cows. J3.00JJ4.10 ; native steers , 13638180 ; native cows nnd heifers , J1.M < I4.CO ; stockers nnd feeders. J2.WS4.S5 ; bulls. J2.95W4.00. I1OOS Receipts. 16.000 head ; market weak ; bulk of sales. J3.3ft < 1.73 : lieavles. J3.fOff3.SO ; i > ick- ersand mixed. J3.55H3.75 ; lights , J3.43f3.CO ; York ers. t2.5rj3.60 ; pigs , J3./ > 43.50. SHEEP Herclpts , 3.COO head ; market steady ; lambs , J4.70a5.EO ; muttons , J3.40fl4.70. Knst IlnfTnlo I.lvc Stock. KAST HUrPAIX ) . N. Y. . April 20.-CATTLE Prime to extra choice nnlsl.Vd export steers , JI.904I3.10. , IIOCJS Yorkers , good tn choice , Jt.10 ; roughs common to choice , } 3.603.70 ? ; plgH , good to choice J1.70ft3.JO. LAXinS-nioVe to extra. l4.COffl.65 : culls t common , 53.Hl04.25. t III-JEP Ciiolc-s to n"lected wethers , M.15J 4.23 ; culls to common , J3.0083.IO. Stock In Record of receipts of live stock at the fou principal markets for April 20 ; Tattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha . 2.970 8.C01 2,2s rhlcoBO . . ROM 17.000 6,000 K"n n City . S.COO 16.000 3.W St. Louis . 1.4W MOO 1 900 Totals . 2 37 69,301 13,18 Cliu'liinatl I.lic Slock. CINCINNATI , April 20 , lIOGS-Actlvc , steady J3.10ft3.S5. OATTLE Strong , J2.8r , r4.85. SHEW Strong. J2.75Si4.f,0. , LAiinS-Stendy. JI.COW3.M. Wool -Mnrkct * . BOSTON , April 20. WOOL-Tlie following arc thi > prices quoted for the leading descriptions : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania fleeces X nnd above , 2GJS7n : XX , 9c ; XX. nlxive SOcT delaine. 30i > Sic ; No. 1 combing. 30c. Michigan. Wlrconsin , etc. X Michigan. We : No. 1 Michigan cnmli- Ing , 2Sfl ! ? : No. 1 Illinois combing , 2 023c ; No. 2 Michigan combing , 2S9c : No. ! Illinois combing , 250290 ; X New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 2372lc ; delaine , Michigan. 2Sc , Itnwashed medium- Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter blsod combing. 23c ; thre-e-clghths blooil , 23c ; Missouri quarter blood combing , 22B23c ; thr e-elehth Idood , 2J ? 23c ; bratrt combing. I0c ; Lake nnd Georgia , Mo. Texas wools Spring medium (12 months ) , 160 IKc ; scoured , 430)5e ; sprlne fine ( li mfintt.i ) , 18R19o ; s"oured , We. Terrltnrj- wools Montana tine medium nnd line. JCfflSc ; scoured. 40f4&c ; staple. SOc ; Wyoming , etc. , tine meJIum anl fine , 15Bl7c ; scoured. 45f(47o ; staple , to- . Aus tralian wool Scoured luels. romMnir. superllne , 70fi7Jc ; combing , good. CfiCXc ; combing , average , 62flC3c : Queensland , comblnir. C3" . ST. LOUIS. April J ) . WOOI. Kaer ! nnd lower ; medium , 15O18o ; nght line , I2 l4'ic : l.tavy fine , tab washed , JAMES E BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Oniahn. Neb COMMISSION , r GRAIN , PROVISIONS nnd STOCKS BOARD OF TRADE. Dlrert v1r to Ctilca o anO New York. Corr pondtnl i John'A. Warrrn * Co. TELE'HO N IS 19SS. a H. R , PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb < JRA1N , PROVISIONS , STOCKS 1031 N Iv. Uooota. N b , iCOOK REMEDY CO BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. frtmtrr. 8 cond rr or Trrtlur BLOOD POISON permintnlij Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can be treated t horn * for Brio * undr Mm * guaranty. If you prf r lo com * her * w will contract to p y rail. r < J fan and hotel bill * , and no thirtt If * fall to cur * . IF YOU HAVE Ukin ntrcurr. lodld * potiwh na Mill hRV Bchv * and palm , Itucout TatehM III mauth , Ser Throat , I'loipln , Copper Col. rrd Spots , Ulc rs on any part of U > txxlx. It'tr or Eyobrowi ( Ailing out. It li tMi EeconAnry Wt Guanntei to Cure W * nollclt the mftt ebstlnatt ntt * an chatlenice the world for it exit xre cannot cur * . Thlc dloue haj always bARltd th kill of the l o < t tmtnfnt phrsteliins. J.00.0. > 0 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Ab oul4 ! proofs tent ( cnltd on application. ICO rag book lint frt * . Address COOK Hli.MlJDY CO. . 1401 Mmoulo Toinplo , Clitcniro , III. Two Weeks Treatment i To All TIIKV AltiC 01.11 SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. udnll AVEAKNBSSKb UflEU nttd DISORDKRS OP rfiKH Catsrrh , all DUeurei of the Nest , T.' , ChwV ttomach. Liver. Dl0f l , KKIn end Kidney Dls- f i , Lcxt Manhood , Hydroctle , Varlcocel * , lonorrhea , Oleete , Syphilis , stricture , t'llis , Kl - tul& and nectal Ulcers Ulnbctts Dilglit's Dls > ni cured. Call on rr uddress with tUmp foi ' 'res Dook nnd New McthrMs. Trcntincnt by Mull , Cnnniiltntlnn free. Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute flom mm North mh HU ooute. M tk IS THE ONLt SPECIALIST WHO TIICAT8 AM. Private Diseases SO Yrnrs Experlanca 10 YonrBinOmnhn. Boole Krro Consnltn * tioal'ioo. Ilox70 , o | Mth and Fariam BU , DMA II A. Patronize HKjndustnfis Hy rnrclmNliiir fiooilx Mnilc lit tlio I'ol. \ulirniikn l ncturleni AWNINGS AND TI3NT8. OMAHA TI5XT AXI1 RUIIIIKH CO. ( Successors Omnhn Tent nnd Avrnlng Co. ) Mnnufncturern tents , nwnlngs ; jobbers ladles' and gentx' Mackintoshes. Ti-nU tor rent. 1311 Furnam St. , Omaha. OMAHA imKU'lXti ASSOCIATION. Carload uhlpments mane In our own refrig erator cars. Blue Hlbbm , Kllle Kxp < jrt , Vienna Export nnd Family F.xport dellvcreu to all part * ot the city. OMAHA HOILKIl WOHKS. JOHN II. I.OWIIKY , Prop. Hollprs , Tar.lni and Sheet "ron Work. Special 'acuities for doing repairs , c-to. T > 1. 1359 . COnNICK WORKS. G. P. KPEXI'TKH. ic.\r.iK Conxion AVOHKS. Manufacturer of Oslvanlzed Iron Cornices. On1 , vantzed Iron SKyllKhts. Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing. Agent for Klnnenr's Steel Celling. 1IW-1D-12 North ICicvonth street. HOIIOKnSACK'S TWIX CITY DYE " \VOIIKS. 1.t Fnrnnm St. Dying nnd cleaning of garments and goads of every description. Cleaning of line garments a specialty. FLOUR MILLS. S. F. < iILM\\ . Flour. Meal. Feed. Bran , 1015-15-17 North 17th Street , Omaha , NcS > . C. E. Hlack , Manager. Telephone 92. IRON \VORKS. DAVIS & COVVniLL , IKON WOHKS. Iron niiili IIIIMN 1' Mrtnufocturcrs nnd Jobl rs of Machinery. Gen eral repairing a specialty. 1501 , 1203 and 1501 Jackson street , Omaha , Neb. LINSEED OIL. I WOODMAN I.TNSI2HD Oil , AVOHICH. Manufacturers old process raw llneed oil. ket tle boiled linseed oil , old pro-ess ground Ilnceeil cakes , ground and screened lniteed ! for drug gists. OMAHA , NEH. MATTRESSES. OMAHA 1IKI1DIXO CO. Manufacturers of high grade Mattresres , 111J Harney Street. Omaha , OVERALL AND SHIRT FACT IKS. KAT7.-XKVK.VS COMPANY. Mfrs , "Clothlne. Pants. Shirts. OveialU. OMAHA. NKH. SHIRT FAfTontna , J. 11. F.VAXS , XKHHASKA SIIIHT COMPANY. ISxcluilve custom shirt tallont. 1515 Farnam. VINEOAR AND PICKLES. IIAAHMANN YINKOAH CO. aifnnufacttirers of Vlnetar. Pickles , Catsups , Mustards. fel > rv \Vnrresters.hlr < - fauc . WAOONS AND CARRIAOF.S. WILLIAM I'FKIKFKII. For a good , substantial vehicle of any descrip tion , for repainting or rubber tires on new or old wheels the best place ts 27th and lyavenwortli Streets. mtllMMOM ) C.UiniACiR CO. Cheap , medium priced nnd tony .i-urrlAees. Any thing you want , second h nd or new Headquarters - quarters for rubber tires , warranted. Ifth nd Ilainey. opposlta Court Houiv. CIOAR MANUFArTURKHB. 1IKNK Jf CO , Largest factory In ( he west. Leadlhc Jobber * of Om ha J < anu > City , Lincoln and St. Joseph handle our goads , 1M ( F rn m Strett.