10 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES for tlime frrlll Inkrn until 1U in. ' < > r < | | R * "rt until H p. mi tor the tnornlnic "nil 8nndn > - edition * . AilvrrtUtrn , hr reiitu-Hllmr n nnm- fcvrrtl check , cn Intro nmmem nil- ttrnnril ( < > n numbered Iell r In euro ( of The Dec. Annwerii BO nililrc * cil iwtll be rti-llverert on presentation of She i-liccU only. nntF , 1 J-ao o word nriit Innertloni Xfc n wonl thereafter. Xollilnc tnken for lent thnn Me for the flr t Inner- Slon. The * * mlvcrlUemcnt * njo t be ran oonnreuHvelr- SITUATIONS WASTKIJ. BY YOUNO LADYrosmoj * IN OFFICE. Experienced stenographer and typewriter. Ad- I drej "n. " P. O. llox 17 . City. A-4SJ ! EXPKlUlJNCnD , COMPKTKNT Glltr. WANTJ eoond work1 , or jrencral hovsewnric ; riniill family ; city reference. Addru * M. K. I"-1- , \VA\TiilMALK II KM * . . TO TAKF. onoKiis ; NEW LINE of ork ; no heavy needs to carry ; salary or commission. C. F. Adams Co. , 5Z4 So. Uth Rt. MI.ESMAN von CIOAKS. tin A MONTH AND .expanses ; oM flrm ; experience unnecetsury ; In ducements to cuitomerg. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. txju I * . BAI.ra.MK.V TO SHM , TOILET SOAP TO dealers ; JlOfl per month ealary 8d expenses ; experience unnecntary. Loula Hrnst.o. . , St. Louis , Mo. IJ-M172 41TANTKD. A , GOOD , RCLIAUM1 , HUSTLING camnsjcr. Apply to Omaha Anchor Fence Co , 203-201 N. lith St. B IM fr'AN , TRAVnLINO SOLIOiTOnH TO take orders for custom mad * shirt" ! liberal commission paid. AtMress Kelly Shirt Co. , Grand Hapldi. Mich. " a WANTED ron A NOVHLli.co Oramaplione. Frank Crawford , IM" > I-.tmum , H M3tt 20 * /WANTED / , s GOOD nousn cXnrKNTKits. Inquirent ij N. ITlli Bt. after T.Vt p. m. n-Mf 74 20 iWANTKD. GOOD. ACTIVE f-'OLIClTOn : work lilt exposition closes. Adflre' . . with reference" . M II , Ilec. II-M1TS 19 I * . S.U.KSMKN TO SV.U , CIOAUS TO DH.U.- ers ; Hilary , W.CO to $200.00 per mcntli nnd e\- prn es ; experience unnecessary ; permanent po sition. The DC MOM Clsar Co. , ( jprlncuvid. O. 11 MiCS 1S flVANTED , 1'THST-CI.ASS CATU'BNTKllS AT Moorish Vllhice , Exposition ground" , Tuea- lay mornlnRf un'on w.igej. 11 M 105 19 * ANTED. Acrousit roxir.DT co. RING- fTf nml il.incrrx prof cried. J. II. MctY.in , Oalhrle Center , In. 11 M13" IV \VANTKnFKllAI.E IlKI.P. 10) GIRLS ron AM. KINDS or WORK ; $3 TO J7 week. Canadian Office , 1321 Douglas.C C eci TVANTHD-GIRL AT DORAN HOUSi : . 4J S. ISUi SL , one blonk south of court hou \ C-D7J VANTHD , GIRL AT DOUAN HOUSE. 422 s. ISth St. , one block south of court hou e. C M72 "WANTED. APPLICANT FOIl TRAINING n.'hool for nurses. Address superintendent . C A. hospital , corner Ninth street nml Sixth aventte. Council Illuffj. C XI.4J9 2J IH-ANTED. aim. FOU OHNHRAI. HOIISK- Tiork. 32 S. 3th St. ( Georgia nvenue ) ' C 1S.1 20' KfANTRD. A COMPETENT OIRIj TOR GKN- cral houfework. 1134 S. 30th nve. C 4S4 2) TANTKD. A GIRI. FOR HOUSEWOItK : PREfer - fer German. 1S47 N. 2tth St. , at the Krncerv. ( WANTED. OIRU C1ENERAI at General C. II. Frederick. 621 South 11th. Rt. O-M.WS.I9 CIRI. TVANTF-D TOR GENERAL ItOtJSR. work. 2215 Wlrt street. O-M4M TO MAKE SAMPLE I'ATCHF.S AT home ; $ per week ; no ranvas ll.K. Serd re ply envelope for snmnlf nnd partlcularit. T-'oi- ter Machine Co. , rri West 20th St. . Nnv Toik. C-JI4J4 1 * FOR IIBKT HOUSES. CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city ; JS to J75. Fidelity. 1st floor N. T. Life D 662 l VROE LIST. M'CAGUE. 11TII AND DODGE. D-CGI HOUSES. FLATS. OAIIVIN DROS. . 1013 FAR'M - - BOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. THE O , P. Davis Company , 1305 Farnam. D CJ7 BOUSES. DENEWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. D-G6S HOUSES. STORES. BEMIB , PAXTON BLOCK. D-09 DETACHED MODERN 12-ROOM. ALSO 9-ROOM house : keys st 234S Capitol AT * . Tel. 67.1. n. H. Uobaon. fOVINQ HOtlSEHOLU GOODS AND PIANos. Om.Van & Storage Co. . 1H1V& Farnam. Tel. 1553. D-670 ron UENT. ARoin- APRIL is. TO GOOD TEN- ant. 8-room house ; nil conveniences ; 22d street , rear Cal'fornla ' ; not for boarders or roomers : J33. SOS N. Y Life bulldlnjr. D-M834 BEVEN ROOMS. I1RICK. COD GEORGIA AVE. Nine rooms. 10th and liancraft. .TV. L. Belhy , 334 Board of Trade. D K7 RUNT TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , with Izrce , well shaded Rrcunds. John W. Robblnf , 1S02 Farnam. D 339 HOUSE 8 ROOM3 AND HATH. NO. 2116 CAL- * Ifornla. Inquire 304 N. JJd. 1 > 409 MODERN J.ROOM HOU- , WF.LL LOCATED. rery chean to parly who will buy Ihn film.- ture ; cootl and cheap. 222 Caldvell pt FITPNITt'Rn AND LTJASKTIOLO OF A 10- riMin modern ( lat for salt * at a bargain. Good location , rent low. BemLi , Paxton nil- . nilDM311 D-M311 iODETlN 8-TlOO f HOUSE AND JIAUN. SO N. JBth Ave. ; Rood condition. CO ) Bee I ! ' > U. 1 D-1I4M FOR HINTFIJIIXISIIFD : HOOMS. NICE BOOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. 1112 HOI'TH Uth St. E-M7C3 IIUItNISHED ROOMS. HS NORTH Nineteenth t. E-1CS JCKATLY FtmNISHBD ROOMS FOUR HUH'KB from postofllce , 1S11 Ca . E MK7 ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK AT THE Central hotel. 15th nnd Dodge Ht . E MJ'l Mil DESIRABLE. PRIVATE FAMILY. 11t > Do < lge. E 11 1 Mil * BOUTII FRONT ROOMS MODERN ? Harney at. E-M.WI 2 : HOOMS-TRANSIENTS. 17C8 DOUGL\S ST. E M446 Ml BURNISHED ROOMS. TRANSIENTS ArCOM- modateJ ; cheap rates. C2) N. Uth. E-MW 22 VHEE FURNISHED ROOMS ron MAN AND wU ; r > nt taken In board. 319 North lith. E-4S1) rUHNISHED ROOMS. 1913 DOUGLAS. E M43J * 0 * FI1IIMSIIKD IIOOMS AND BOAHD. MIB MERRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO- tcl. ! 5th nnd Dodjc Sts. F (72 ROOMS , WITH BOARD. HOS CHICAGO ST. F-407 A2l HICE ROOMS WITH BOARD 1S24 BINN.BY. F 2-J 18 * IJUIOE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. ALCOVE. MOD- crn. detached house ; private family. 2212 Cats. F-S10 ilCELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ; pni- Tate family. 702 S. 23th 8t. F 303 1S H.EASANT ROOM WITH BOARD ; TRAN. lents accommodated. 1909 Capitol ivenue. F-M476 2C FOR IIEJCT UNFURXISIIKD ROOMS. POR RENT. NICK BOUTII FRONT UNFUR. nUhtd roma. . with twin : Wlthnell block. F. W. Carmlchael. No. 6. Wlthnell block. block.a a OM FOR HEXT STORKS AXD OFFICES. ' 90R UENT. T1IK 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING at tit Farnam St. This building has a fireproof cement basement , water on all floors , BIS , etc. Apply at the office of The e. I-110 COR TRACKAGE. TRANSFERRING AND room , apply la the Aultmtn & Taylor UwC * . . K. B. ar. U > * Jackson ata. FOH ni : > r _ rTntr * ) ( Continued. ) roil IlKNT , DESK ROOMTNllRo'ND PI/JOIl jrflc < - , life LulMlnm wnttr , tteam heat , ele trle Ilitl.t nnd Janitor service. Apply to 8uperln > ttndent , lite luilMlnir. 1 197 TOR ItENT-IN THE HUE BUILDlNdt One InrKo rorner room , 2d lloor. with vmilt and private office , nuter. He. Ono Urxe front room , M floor , divided Into two room * by nart'tlont water , te. Ono large corner loom , JJ lloor , wltti vnult , water , etc. Ono front room , dlvltln ! by pnrtlllin , 5 < t floor. One corner room , with vault , 3.1 lloor. One larrro rncm , 3d floir , with partition dividing It Into one lar < o > room nnd two smaller prlvato rooms ; nti > r. etc. Two Inrce ground floor rooms , fronting17th Pt. , with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , n'lth vaults. All there rooms are hMlrd lth steam , electrlo llRtitc. supplied with first class janitor servlrp ; elevator * run tiny and nil nlnht ; buUdlnc strictly fireproof. Apply to superintendent , room. 10 U Bte bttltillnr. 1-19S A iTSVAXTED. : . WANTED. AGENTS TO SK1.L ACKTVLENK Kan Kenrrntorst mnst be men of nhllllV nnd cnme meins. Acetylene , the light of the Mturj for town * , cltlfd , storen , ction-hes. hnllt. fac tories , hotels and prlvnte rcsideniVH , Addrp i Omnha Aevtylcne Una'Co. . Ill and 11' ' ) N. l.Un Rt. . Omaha. Neb. J MJ1C.MH AtJENTH WANTE1 > WJJ WA TONE SHREWD careful man In every town to mnk < ] n tew thou sand dollam for himself quietly nt home nnd not work hard ; private Instructions nml valun- llo outfit of new KOoJx tent free. Addrer * Im mediately , P. O. Uox BSOS , lloiton , Mi . J-MM7 19 * NEW VOIIK FIRM MANUFACTURING tPCO- ratlve artlclen ttlshes reliable mirrhimt a /IRCIU In Omaha In tell to exhibitor ] , I'leusc nddrc * "I1. I1. . " hot 672 , New Yoilc. J-M197 M AGENTS WANTED. Mt'RAT IIAI.STHAD'S great war book. "Our Country in V.'ur. " All nlmiit Cuba. Spiln , Malna iliMHt.'r r.rinloa , navies and coast ilefcnui of U. S. , Kpiln and nil nations. Over 500 paces , m.iKnlllcer.tly II- lu < rated. One agent noiil CT In tn < - day , oth'rn m\klnfr J13 per day. Most liberal term ? guaranteed. 21 days credit , prlco liw , frr.mht paid. Ilnndsome outfit free. Send 12 two-ient xtamps to pay postage. Educational Union , 321 Dearborn Pt. , riilnun. J-MIM ? l WAJJTKII TO IIE\T. WANTKD-FIHST CLASS BOARD FOR HU3- band and wife ; t\7o bed rooms and sitting room required. Address I , 2. Bee. K M-tWJ STOIMGF. . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSP. CO. , DQS-010 Jones general storage , and forwnnirni ; . M-C73 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1JHVJ FARN'M. TEL loCD M-674 \V.V.\TEnTO 11UV. IIOItSE POR CASH ; MUST HE bTTUND ; Height about 1,100 IDS. : not over 8 yean old. Andrew Johnson. 132B S. 3Sth St. N-4S1 10 * CAT11 POR 2ND HAND BOOKS , CRANK. 207 N. lith. N--MM1 FOH SAInFUIlXITUnE. FOR KALI : , A PINE FOLDING BED WITH wardrobe ; also oak bedroom set , almost new ; only thofe wanting firjt-clu.i article need np- ply ; forenoon only. 2037 Dodge st. O M2J3 BTOIl.YOE SALE OF FINE FURNITURE , carpetx , ntove , china nnd sla nnre. vlllu'it retervf. Tliuixlnr , April SI. nt 1112 Fiirnam St. It v.-lll pay yea tti Investigate thli sale. FOR SALE HOHSKS , WAGONS , ETC. FOR SALE. HANDSOME. SOUND SADDLE horse 9 ytnrs old. v.cll hrrken , gentle : renron- nhlo price ; also first-class roadster. Ad Ire s M 29. Hce office. 1' M4S ) 19 800-LR. MARE , HARNESS AND OPEN BUGGY for rnle cheap If taken thU week. $2S cash for complete outfit , 1311 Mi m Bt. P 437 19 SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HOG AND POULTRY FENCE : BETTER THAN wire netting. Fine siwdust for tlcors. Tel. 4SS- 901 D.iuslas. Q-C75 HORSE CLIPPING irACHINES. KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes on hand ; grinding rssnrs , shenrs , clippers ; prompt sen Ice. A. I * Undeland. Q < 57 CHICKEN , HOG AND LAWN FENCES : ALL wire ; Is best. Wlro Works , 14lh and Harney. Q-C73 CLEAN. SCCOND-1IAND BITILDINO AIIIi tire fcrtck. W. J. Welshnns , Clt > - Hall. Hall.QM31T STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUND I'ANORAMA AKD music , cost todiy JJ.WD. peed rondltlon , sell for J600 cash or real estate or mortif-iKO ! pro" tremendous nt fairs or expoiltlnns. often J2I/0 per day ; write at once. Tutlle Bros. . Salt Lal : City. Q M4 i : HARDMAN PIANOS AT MUELI.Elt'S , and Farnam. Q M4I'J 22 U98 BICYCLES DOWN to JS 90. NEW 1S9S Model T.-ulles * and Gents * Bicycles nre now beta ? sold on easy conditions as low as 5.1.0O : others outrlRht nt < 13.9' > . and hi nil grnile nt J15.0. , and I22..V ) . to be paid for after re ceived. If you will cut this notice out r.nd send to Sears , Roebuclc & Co. , Ohler.tf' ) , thcv will iiend you bhelr ItM Bicycle Catalogue and full particular * . Q M491 19 * MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT , A BARN AT 1902 OASS ST. 11 MC03 ANTIMONOPOLYGARBAGE CO. CLEANS cesspools & privy vaults. ( ,21 N. ICth. Tel. 1779 R-304 Mil * SHRUBBERY AND TRHE3 AT I71Y DOUGLAS Frank B. Martin , residence 4622 Boulevard nve. M431 M15 GARDEN LANDS. F. D. WBAD , IGTH AND Douglas. I-M4W 21 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. MME. HMITII , 118 N. 15TII ST. . STEAM AND alcohol baths. T 239-1S * LATTRA ELLISON. Ill N. 16TII ( UPSTAIRS ) . room 12. Turko-Hustlan ana plain imtAa. mas sage. T M310 A-19 * MME. AMES , MASSAGE 'AND BATHS. Howard St. T 23S-1S * MISS MAYER CHIROPODIST. MANICURE Scalp , facial , treatment * ; shampooing , 3."c. 40) Pnxton block. T 312 Mil MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH purlorr : restful and curative. 417 S. lith , upstairs. T M473 24 * PERSONAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. 34S-S BEE BUB : physician consultation or health bonk free. U 6S9 CLOTHES CI.BANKD. PRESSED ANI7 REpaired - paired : day cr night itrejs suits for hire. I'jnttrlum. N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam. Tcl. 963 U-CS1 BATHS. MASSAGB. MMK. POST , : i9'.i S. ISTlf. U-331 HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONE DOLLAR : ELEC- trlc ellpp ri Tel. 60. McCorraack & Baumley , Hlh and Howard. U i33 AFFECTIONATK WIFE WANTED : NICE home ; gentlemanly , alone ; photoprnph. piitlc- ulars. Box 83. U M311 21 * GOLD ON KOZEBUE BOUND. DO YOU want to Join a pary who knows ? Conditions , nil right. Address , with references , M 31 , Bo. U M477 19 * CI.A1RVOYANT. FORTUNE TELLING. 9-11. 1-8. 8-.li ) , eve. Mme. I eng , 1922 Cumins.U U MW 22 * MOXEV TO LOAX HEAt ESTATE. MONEY TO I.OAN AT IJQVT HATES. THE O F. Davis Co. . 1W3 Fsrnam St. W CSS WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANa B. O. Peter * & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bide. MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL KS- late In On ha , Council Bluffs & South Omaha. W. H. Thomas , 103 First Nat'l. Bank , Omaha. W-6S5 C PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS , Garvln Bro * . l ll Farnam St. W ( W HCO.OOO.OO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON flr t class Improved Onuha property , or for VmllJIm ; purposes Fidelity Trut company. w ess ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. . 31S N. Y. U ; quick money at low rates fur choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern Nebraika. W 1 7 LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly. W. Firr.am Smith & Co. , 1120 Karnam. WJ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan-Loye Co. , Zlt 8. Kth. WS9 SH PEIl CENT MONEY. BEMI8 , PAXTON BUC W 90 HOTELS FOB BEST. BUIIJIINQ. SUITABLE FOB * IIDTKC W room * and lar * ; * ator * room ; central location. I'axtoa lilk. TOI MOMIV Tt I.OA.t rllATTKLS. * flO TO IIO.'IO ' * TO LOAN ON IlOt'HKIIOLU FIMlNlTl'Iin AND PIANOS , IIOUHr.o. WAOONB AND CARRfAOEU , WAREHOUBB HKCHIPTH , ETC , st I > tre t rates In Omnii ! , Hnuth Omaha nnl Council Bluffs. Nn lemo al nt goojt ; ttrlclly ccnndentlal ; you van pay the loan oft nt any tlm or In any am Hints. Hints.OMAHA MORTGAGE I.OAN CO. . IK Suuth Kth Kt. TitB OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. BU.SIMS.S cii.vxcr.s. TO Or.T IN Oil OUT OF nUSINKSS CIO TO 1. J. Gibson , CII First Nat'l Bank. Y 033 U--1.COO lU'SINHSS C-ARDS Nl'IATiTYl'iVlNTFD It. ( I. Hcaraey , | J."S Knrnant lit. I 'phone. 2080. Y-M4M K' FOR SALi-A 1IAROA1N-MT ENTIItH DRUG stock , show r.isrs , lUxln fountain nnd coun ters ; nlfo will rent ft ire at reifonable rent : located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. 1' . nnd Hurllngtjn depots. Ernest Utuht , pro- 1 rletor. Y IT9 fR ) SALK-STOCIt OK GllOCKRlKfl AND meat market ; Rood locutiont barnat nlf taken nt once. Addrcsn M 32 , lite. Y 48 M * 1I30 INVESTP.D ACTUALLY EARNING S3 PER cfnt weekly profits ; rare chan c ; no s'o-k or Klondike chem r tntr enterprise ; control cap ital yourself. D. Sloane , HO St. Paul street. Il.iltlmore , Md. Y M 9 19' " " " il GOOD""PAYING REfn'AURANTS AN1 > momlnK houses ; bargains ; Walsh , ll ! > . N. luili at. Y-MJI1M' GROCKRY , OLD ESTABLISHED , MUST SELL Inlf ca h. Wnlth , 111 N. 10li : rt. Y-MJlt 2U * FOR EXCHAXGK. VARIOUS PIECES OF PROPERTY AND farms In Nebraska to trade for tncrclmndl e. Addre' * L 42 Bfe. X MPJ9 FOR SALE IIEAI. USTATE. KOUNTZt : PL\CE BARGAINS. 12.509. 13.730 TO tC.30i ) . J. J. Gibson , OH First Nat'l. Bank IKilc. BE-634 Foi.lJOWINO DESIP.A1ILE PROPERTY ; BUSI- ni'M lot corner. O\I50 ) ft. . In So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , 60x130 feet , Improved. South Omaha , street im\o-i. Tract (21 ( tots ) , 56th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 20th St. For partlcutais apply 1012 Farnam St.RE RE 69J NEW , MODERN E-ROOXt COTTAGE. I.AROB lot , .VW cash , balance to suit. Address Q 3i , Bee. RE M1M HOUSES. LOTS. PARMS. LANDS. LOANS , also fire Insurance , lie ml- . Paxton block.RE RE C97 AKE YOU LOOKING FOR NICE HOME ? Iok nt this houtc nnd barn detached , shade trees , corner Sth nnd Burdettecry ; lltlla money needed. Cnll Morand , r 10 Hnrney St. P.n i:3-A-22 BARGAINS : S-ROOM HOUSE. S02 SOUTH tOTII St. . rental $150.00 per yinx ; price. Sl.uOO. CIxl'J fcnt on Cuminif street , pays 7 per cent net on | 20'1. 11 hourc < nnd 1 store , rental , JC4S.OO per year ; pr'c ; , * 1.fiCO. 41 feet front 3-torv brick bulldlnrr , near 14th nnd Dciiijla * . rental I2,100CO ; per year ; price , j.5 , J. N. Frenzer , Opp. old P. O. TtE M214 FOR SALE LOT NEAR EXPOSITION grounds : will take horse nnl buggy fur pirt payment. Room 20S , City Hall. RE 336 IS * IP YOU HAVE BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE and want It cold list It with me nnd I wl.l rell It ( If I can ) . If you wish to purrlinfe anil want n big harculn , look over my. list , .1. H. Sherwood , 422 New York Life. BE M 414 200-ACRE FARM , 18 MILES OF OMAHA ; some 5-uere tracts. Fidelity Tru't Co. Llfa building. RE 4S3 20 * GERMAN RAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR BENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Buy nnd snve rent. Never before In the history of Ormh.i have there been such opportunities offered to acquire lots or homes at your own pil-es. You make the prlce . Rccchers mutt sell. Depositors' demands muit Le satisfied. I ( jive out no list" . If you want to buy 1 will rmtch any prices made by anyone. Lots In South Omaha. Ion In Omaha , lot * " everywhere from flO ) to $4COrt. Hnu es nnd lots nnd acre tracts In Douglas county. Ans" reasonable nffer will he favorably consid ered. Tell me nhnt you want and I will tell jou whttt I will take. If you have n customer I will pay regular com missions. I have no agents. New 7 per cent loans , $1,0 to $1MO , for sale on Improved property. THOS. II. M'CAGUE. Receiver. 108 N. Uth St. RE M30J OREGON FARM , 4CO ACRES ; 5 MILES FROM utate capital : half In wheat ; crop poem for pale or trade for Omihn or Council Bluff * property. Address M 3J. Be * . RB-M518 21 * AUCTIOX. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! FINE FUIINITURE. all grades ; mirror front folding boils , mantel , folders , lied room suites , sideboards , evtcnnion tables , chairs , rockers , roll ton desks , bed lounge * , chlfflonlers , carpets. Tuesday , Apill W. 10 n , m. . 235 * Cumins st. Take 2tlh st or Walnut Hill car. MI811 ! ) * STENOGRAPHERS. WE .SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers free. Th Smith-Premier Tvpc- wrlter Co. Telephone , 12S4. 701 JUSTICE OF THE I'EACE. D. B. HOUCK. JUSTICD OF TUP PEACK. * Karhach block. 9CS SHORTHAXD AXD TYPfc WHITING. A. C. VAN HANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions by experienced teachers and skillful stenographer * ; up-to-dute methods ; touch system of typewrit ing I' preferred ; participation In actual work , for which students receive pay ; monthly pay ments. C33 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. 16TH & DOUGLAS 59 SHORT-HAND. UP-TO-DATE. TAUGHT BT court reporters. Boylea" School , 403-5-7 Bee bid ? -700 LOST. STRAYED BAY MARE. WHITE STAB IN forehead. Return to Join Francis. 1004 South 37th St. Lost 330-1S LOST. BLACK DEHORNED COW. READY TO cnir. Reward for return. Andrew Chrlstcnscn , Swift's Icehouse. Lost M30/5 2fl * LOST. THREE HORSES , ONE BAY. ONE black and one brown , from 23th and Corby streets. Reward for their return. return.Lost Lost Mm 19 * BLACK SEAL LEATHER POOKCT- book , containing money , cngr.ived outline cords and receipts. Mrs. J. E. Gllck. M4 N. r.lli st. , SVmth Omaha. Lost-li ; ! ? 20 * 3IBDIGAI , . LADIES ! nilCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNV- royal Pills ( Diamond bnvnd ) w the bout. Safe , reliable. Take nn nlhfr. B nd 4c s'nmpj for pnrllculnnt. "Relief for I idles , " In letter by return mall. At druxglstH. Chlchv&ter Cfoemlcal Co. , Philadelphia , Pu. Mention 1-ie. MalO IS * WETKCTIVES. GENERAL DIJTEOTIVE BUSINESS TI'ANS- ncled for corporntlomi nnd Individual * : rix-clal nttention given ln < ul nnd commercial liukiness , branch of Now York service. Box 2X. Omaha. MIV ) 21 * SUMMKIl RESOltTH. THE JEWETT COTTAOKS , GREEN MOUN- taln Falls , Colo. ; a rummer home In the mountains : Unutlful cottages , fully fumVltl , for rent by the season nt reasonable rates. Illustrated clrruIarH srnt on apnl'catlan. Ad dress J. II , Jewett , Green , Colo. M5M MS * FURVITURE PACKED. U. a WALKIN. 2111 CUMINO. TEL. 1331. If * PAWXIIROICEKS. H. tt.VROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 415 N. 1TH. -701 SIUEWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS 'AND FANCT driveways. U. Ruihart , ZU 24. Kth : 'phone 1193. MI40 Ml * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWBITERS FOB RENT II.O ) PER MONTH Th fmlth-Premler Tk-pewriter Co. , U i Kar- nam St. ; Telephone ItSI. 707 BXPOSITIOX FROXTAOES FOR HEXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Beml * . Paxton Illlc. 703 URESSUAKIXG. DBESSMAKINa. FAUILIE9. K04 DAVI-T. 11K2 UC * IXt'O'HIMIHATIOK. Aimct.KH oir 'NCOHPOHATION OP HHII'l'KllS' 1.1 VK STOCK COM MISSION COMPANY. Articles of .Incorporation nmle rtnu mloptcd thU ylk tiny of Fcbrury , A. P. ISC' * , by nml l/etwecn the uiukTslgncil In- rorporntoro. * j 1. Nnnic Thp 'nnfnc ' of thin corporntlon hall bo "ShlpiKir * > 'tlvfi Stock Commission Compnny. " ' ' ; 2. I'lnco of tulitlfcsa The principal pine ? .of Imfllncjs of thi" corporntlon chall bo SouIh O.-n.ilm , .DoUKbH county , Nfbrnslci. ; ! . Nature of Hti lnps5 The business to be tran nctcil by thl.i "corporntlon U Iho evlllns of llvo tock i-oav commission for ship- pcr.n of live Block to the Union Stock ynnls nt Hoitthi Omnhn , nntl elsewhere - where in the United Slnto * of Atncrlcn. The buying nfij SPlllnR of live stock end IcmllnR moncy.ltnnJ | the trnnactlrn of n Kencral llvo stock Commission buslnc 8. 4. Amount of Crtj'ltnl Slock The amount of rnpltnl stock of this corpor.itlon shull IIP lirtoen thonsnncl clollnrs ( Stu.OOO. ) 5. The hlRhoHt nmotint of Indebtedness th.it thla corporation slmll subject Itself to nt any ono time shall be live thousand ( K > , COO ) do'I urn. .C. The officers of this corporntlon shall bo a president , vice president , secretary , treas urer nnd a board of llvo directors. The president shn'l be ex-offlclo n member of ( the Iwnrd of directors. Bald president nnd board ot directors shall bo elected annually by the stockholders nt their regular nn- nual meeting. 7. The shares of thl < corporation shall ba twcnty-flvo ( $ li.OO ) dollars ench , nnd ten per cent of the entire capital stock of this cor poration shnl ! be subscribed nnd paid for before It shall commence business. 4. Any of the onpltal * tock of this eorpori- tlon not subscribed nnd paid for nt the tlmp of commencing business shall be sold nt not less than Its face value , as the bonnl of directors shall deem advisable thereafter. 9. This corpor.itlon chall commence bus- ! mss on the first day of April , A. U. 1SSS , nnd shall terminate on the llrsc day of April , A. D. 195S. 10 The Incorporntora nnd stockholders of this corporation ulia'l not be held pjrsonally liable for any Indebtedness of this corpora tion. 11. The artlelss of Incorporation may bo amended at nny mi mini meeting by n vote of two-thirds majority of the capital stock sold. sold.Witness Witness our htxnda nnd seals this 21th day of February , A. D. 1S3S. U COI/THIN , II. A. TICMPLRTON , H. JKQlCn. J. KRIMANN , lie,1 ! 2D-A-3-12-19-M OOVERX1IKMT NOTICE1 * . PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES AND TUAN8POHTATION.-Departmcnt of the Interior , Office of Indian Affairs. Wash ington , D. C. , March 30 , 1SDS. Sealed pro posals will bo received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , nt ICftJ State street , Clii- caRO. III. , unlll 1 o'clock p. in. , Wednesday , April 27. lias , for furnishing for the Indian Service beef , flour , bacon and ot'ner articles of subsistence ; agricultural Implements , wagons , harness , hardwnre , medical and other supplies : also bids for the transporta tion of such of the articles , goods nnd sup plies ns may not bo contracted for to be delivered nt the agencies. Scaled proposals will nlso be received at Nos. 77-79 Woostcr street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tuesday , May 17 , 1S93 , for furnish ing for the Indian Service coffee , sugar , tea , rlco. baking powder , soap , groceries , blankets , woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and caps , boots and shoes , crockery and scYiool books. Bids must be made on Government blanks. Schedules giving nil necessary Information for bid ders will be furnished on application at the Indian Ofllce. Washington , D. C. ; Nos. 77- 79 Wooster strret ; New York City ; No. 1603 State street , Chicago. III. ; the Commis saries of Subsistence , U. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Leaven worth. 'Omaia. ' ) St. Louis , St. Paul and San Fra\iclsrtj ; the postmasters at Sioux City , Yonkto'n , Arkansas City , Caldwell - well , Topeka , jXVIc'nlta nnd Tucson. DIds will bo opened-iot the 'nour and days above stated , and bidders Jire Invited to be present at the opening. W. A. JONES. Commis sioner. i i A5-D19t TRKASURY DEPARTMENT , Office Su pervising Architect , Washington , D. C. . April 8 , 1S9S.-SEA1..ED PROPOSALS will be received at- this office until 2 o'clock p. m. on thc'Cth day of May , 189S , nnd opened Immediately , thereafter , for all the labor and mdterlala required for furnishing plaster models"nnl , yirvlng granite In ac cordance therewith , for the U , S. Court House , Custom' Hojise and Postolflco build ing at OMAHA , NEDRASKA. In accord ance with thejjdrawings and specifications , copies of whicft niay be had at this cHlce or the ofllco of the Superintendent at Omaha , Nebraska. James Knox Taylor , Supervising Architect. 0.12-OGt-EOD POSTOFPICE XOTICE. ' ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , an changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending April 23 , 1S9S. will clcsfr ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the General PostoRlce as follow3PAR- CELS POST MAILS cl033 ono hour earlier than closing time shown below : TranB-Atlantle 3Inlli. TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Lnhn * . via Plymouth and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary 9 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Paul * , via Southampton ; at 9 a. m. ( supplement ary 10:30 : a , m.1 for EUROPE , per s. . Majestic * , via Queenstown ; at 10 a. m. Tor BELGIUM DIRECT , per s. s. Ksn- islngiton , via Antwerp ( letters must ba di rected "per Kensington" ) . SATURDAY At 0 a. m. for EUROPE , per s. 9. Campania' , via Queenstown ( letters foe Franze. Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal. Turkey , Egypt and British In dia must b directed "per Campania" ) ; at 7 n. m. for 'FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT nnd BRITISH INDIA , per s. a. La Navarre * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe .must be directed "per La Navarre" ) ; at 8 < u m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per B. s. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( kilters must be directed 'per Amsterdam. " ) ; at 8 a. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Werra , via Naples ( letters must bo directed "per Werra" ) . PRINTED MATT13R. ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed mutter , etc. , for Germany and upevlatlv mlurfur-1 print" ! matter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. Amer ican and White Star'stenmers on Wedn'vliy * , Oerman steamers on Thursdays anj C-.m ird. French and German steam n > on .Suturdnys take printed matter , etc. . for all cnmtrles fin which they arc advertised to carry mall. After the closlnir f'f the supplementary trans atlantic malls named above , additional uurplc. mentary mails nre opened on the plere of thj American. Uncllsh , French and German ftean- crs and remain open until within ten mUut-rir of the hour of sailing of Btenmc- . MalU for South , iind Central America , West Indira , Etc. TUESDAY At " 3 p. m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Orleans ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , pr steamer from North Sydney. WEDNESDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per flteamer from Philadelphia ; at 11 n. m. for PROGRESO , per -a. B. Panama ( letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per Panama" ) ; at 12 m. ( sup plementary 1. p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. eAN Ilnnca , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala must bo dlrecfd "per Alllanca" ) ; at 1 p. m , for CUBA , per a. s. Seneca , via Ha vana ( letter ; * for Tair.plco nnd Tuxpam must be directed "per Seneca" ) ; nit 12 m.for BITAKUi and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Button , via Per- nambuco , Itatila nnd Rio de Janeiro ( let ters for North Brazil muin bo directed "per Buffon" ) ; < ati 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 p. m. ) for .NASSAU , N. P. , per s. 8. Antllln. > THURSDAY At' 8 a. m. for BERMUDA , iper s. B. Orinoco ; at 10:30 : n. m. for HAITI , pit Js. 3. Oranje Nassau ( letters for Venezuela , , Curacao , Trinidad. Brit ish and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Oranje 'Narsau" ) ; at 1 p. m. ( BUP- plomentary 1:30 : p. . m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. . and SANTIAGO DB CUBA , per 8. s. Ytimurl. FRIDAY At 10 it. , m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for AIJx-CAYES , JACTMEL nnd SANTA MARTHA , per s. s. H. Dumols. SATURDAY At 9:30 : a. m. ( supplementary 10 A. m. ) for T. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , LEEWARD awd. WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Pretoria ( letters for Grenada. Trinidad and Tobago must bo directed "per Pretoria" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supple mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and GREYTOWN , per a. s. Alene ( loiters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per Alenc" ) ; at 10:30 a , m. for CUBA. CAMPECHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. a Seguranca ( letters for other parts of ITexIco must be directed "per 8cur- nnca" ) ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from North Sydney. Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and thence by steamer. clew nt this office dallv at 8:31 : p. m. Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Ro - ton and llicnce by tcan r. close nt th'x ortlco dally at 1:3' : ' ) p. m. Malls for Mexico Clljr , overland , unices sneclallr mlrtnwl \ I'l dispatch by steamer , close at this office dally at ! :30 : a. m. anil JJO : p. m. ' Uegtifrrd mall closes at ( : W p. m. previous iliy. Trnnn-I'uoltto MalU. Malls for China. Japan and Hawaii , per 8. a City of Rio Janeiro ( from San Frart- W ! " 1'O.ITOFKICK NOTICE. ( Continued. ) cisco ) , cloao here dally un to April 21 nt 630 p. m. Mnlln for ithp Society In lands , per i hrp City of PnpJltl ( from Hill Francisco ) , close hero dally up to April 21 nt R:30 : p. m. MnIM for Hawaii , per.enlnndlrt ( from Ban Frnnclwo ) , clo o hero dally up to April 2S nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Aumrnlla ( except West Aus tralia ) , New Xtvnlnnd. Hawaii nnd FIJI Is lands , per s. s. Wnrrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here ilnlly after April * * 13 nnd up to April ZS nt Gft ) p. m. Mnlls for China nml Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per a. B. Emprcw of China ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to May * 2 nt 6:30 : p. m. flails , for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia , which nre forwarded via Eurcp , Nrw.cnlnnd , Hn- wall. FIJI nnd Samoan Islands , per B. a. Mnrlposii ( from Bah Frnnclfco ) , ciose hero dally up to May nt 7 n. m. , 11 n. m. nnd 8:30 p. m. ( or on nrrlvnl nt Now-Ycrk of n. s. Campania with Urltl'h malls for Australia ) . 'Mnllj for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Tacoma ( from Tncoma ) , close here dally up to May * * 20 at 0:30 p. m. Trans-Paclllc nmlU nro furnanled lo port of s ll- ln dally nnd the rohedulo of closlnir Is nr > rnnRml on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland tr.inilt. Iteglstercd ina'.l ' clo on Hi it p. m. prcMous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Po tmaster. Poatnmce. New York. N. Y. , April 15 , 1SSS. RAILROADS. CHICAGO A NOHTIIWUST- ern Hallway City Ticket Of fice , HOI Farnam Street , TelePhone - Phone Ml , Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 1ZS. D .onVcarror\vAii , * 7l < ° 'm * ' * * Pm Lake , from llroajway. Mnn ! s. Marslnlltown , pm Omaha . 2:10 nm P Ml-soiirl Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul. Mlnne- npoll.1 I.lmlted . * 4:3S : pm 8SO : am Oniaha-ChlcaKo SpecUI. . 6pm : 8UO am * Dnlly. ' Dolly e > * . : ept Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNK- opolls & Omaha Hallway Ocneral Omces. N'ttrajka D | . vision , l-'lfteenth nnd Webster Streets , city Ticket Office. . 1M1 I'arnam atrest. Telephone t Fl"CClUl1 nnj Wcb.ter Stfcets. Sioux City Accommoda. . * Jf "m Sioux City Accommoda : . * : ; o aS * K Hlalr. Kmerson , Slout City , Poncn. Ilanlng- " 1M : pm "n:3 : Dally. * * Dally except Suniuy. * ui , t " 'This train stops at stations Florence y 1 : l-wiiri Valley Jlailwny-cjen. eral Offlcrs. United States Na * tlonnl lUnk nmidlng. South- wes ( Corner Twelfth and Far. . _ nani Mlrcets * . Ticket 1101 rauiam Street. Telephone ML Depcl teenth and Webster fitri > n. Telephone HIS. ArrhR. Dlack Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs . :0 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyom'ng , Caspar and :00 : pm 6:00 : pm Hastings , York , UavliI City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Scward. . . . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : Norfolk , West 1'olnt and pm Fremon - 7:30 am 10:15 nra Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont 7:50 : am 10.23 n Fremont Local. * 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday only. Dnlly except Saturday , exceot Monday . SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC HAIL. rood Oenernl oirices. United Stal" National Bank Build- - Ins. s. W. Corner Twelfth nnd , ? , " ! ? Streets. Ticket Office SIOUT City. ManUato , Arrlve' ° . cH1VAa , ( Iiilncy " Hallrajd "The Burl- J'.goti noute"-TUket Offlce Fnrnnm Slrect. Telcphoni . Depot , Tenth and Jlason E t . Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. 6:05 pm 8:10 : am SMS nm 4I.ipm : 7:13 : pm. 8:10 : am Jl:50 : am 5 MO pill JSO : pm * J3:05an : SUnLINGTON & MISSOURI River Rallroad-'The Burling Burlington ton Route" General Onices. N. . W. Cornir Tenth snd Farnam Streets. Ticket Office. 15W Route Farnam Street. Telephone 210. Depot , Tenth and M&son Street. . Telephone 12S. " ' Arrive. Lincoln. Haitlngs and McCook . 8J3nm : Lincoln , Denier. Goto- IK : am rado. Utah. California , Block Hills , Montana anl Puget Sound 4I3pra : : < : Pm Lincoln Local * 7O1 pm Lincoln Fast Mall 335 nm Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puret :5Spm KANSAH CITT. ST. JOSEPH Burlington cIl Bluff , nallroad- Uu-tlngton Routc"- Ofnce. 1M2 Fariwm Route . Telephone Kl Depot. Tvnth and M.son Streets Yelcptnne J'S. Kan City Day Ex. . . :0i : Vm l- city Night Ex. . * 10:00 pm S:3tfim : MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILRO.T3 General Offices ; and Ticket O.Tlce. Merchant * National l nk Bulldln * . 1221 Farnam Stt t. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone Hit Leave. Atrlv * . . _ . Nebraska Llmlcjd 3 : < Bpru 1S5 : pm Kansas city and S' . Loul Express * 5:30 pm :00 : am Nebraska Local * 4:30 : pra 9 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunuay. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS TtAILROAD Omaha. Kansas City & East ern Itallraad "The port Arthur Bcute" Ticket Offlce , 1415 Farn m Street. Telephoni , Jit. Depot Tentb and Mason Streets. T | l Lvave. Arrive. St. Ixjuls Cannon Ball Express 4:1S : pm 11:30 am Kansas City & Qulncy Local DaJljr. * 7:10 am 9:03 : pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Railway city -Ticket Ofllce. 1VU Karnam Street. Telephone 2S4. D pu ! . Tenth and Mison Streets. Tele phone 1U.Leatt. Leatt. Arrive. Chlcaro Umltid Ex. . . . 6 : pm 1:03 : am Omaha and Chicago Ex 11CK : am 1:60 : pm Dally. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER , land Rout * " General Office * . N. K. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Offlce , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 515. Depot. Tenth and Mawm Street * . Telephone in. - - > - Leave Anlvt. "Tho Overland Limited" lor Denver. Kalt Lake , western coitus ISO : ura 4:15 : pm Tha Colorado Special , ( or Denver and all .Cnlnndo points 11:15 pm 7:00 am Fast mall tutu for Salt Lake. Pacing cokit and all western point * 4:35 om T.M am Lincoln. Beatrice and 8trt < msburff Expres * . . * 500 ; pra * * UIO : pro Fremont. Columbus Norfolk. Grona Is land and Kearney 4:33 : pu Grand Island Express. . "SroO nm l-a nm Dally. Dally except Sundar ; P- Council Bluff * Local-Leaves. < : * l a , m.s50 5' " ' . 5 : . 5- " ! : J ? i"a ? . m. ; tils P. CHICAGO. IIOCK ISLAND & I'actna rullroad-'The Great nock Island Route" City Ticket Offlce. a Farnam Street. Telephone 4IS. Depot. Tenth and Matoa Btrects. Telephone in. Chicago and St. Paul Vestlbuled F.xpre . . 4CO : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln. Colorado 8p'ge. I'uueblo , Denver and w t 1-K pm 4M : pa Chicago. Dee Molnei t nock Island 740pm till art Atlantic lixprets. for D K Koine * and east- ni pcmtn 7 : am tM pin Colorado Fly r * * 7Mpm S-OJara Dally n | | r excent Sunnar. WADASH RAILnOAD-TfCKET o' " . MM Farnam Street , - telephone - phone St ) . Depot , Tenth and Masoa HtreeU. Telepone 111. , Leave. Arrive. SI. LnuUi "Cn o BaU" hxpret , 4:30 : pm " 11JO am I W-OJI'T nB FIVK 3iIllTKS ) , IM4AH. " Krorii Brrnp * . nfl V- 6:00 : p. m. Just a touch of powder. 6:15 : And I can't go without 8 C ? tllng my hair. / 6:30 : Afraid Tom's getting Impa6:40 : Dear mo. I'd almost forgotr tlent , but I must see how the back of ten my veil ! my hat looks f. 5:65 : Itwould be tempting Provl6:05 : Really , Tom ; I'm astonished i dence to go out this weather in these you. Surely you don't expect me td thin boota. Must change themt run out Into the street without glovegj Men are really too unreasonable tot anything ! IXSTJAOTIVE SELP-PRKSERVATIO.V. From I'l ckJI&Up. . "It y.ou kiss me when anyone's looking I'll scream. " ' ETHICS OP LOIJOX'S SLUMDO3U From A'ly Sloper. . "Flaah ? Well , an' ain't * eo got cause tor bo flash ? W'y'la father' * luj got five jrean for 'arf Idllin' a plcecemanl"- L