Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; . MONDAY , APRIL 18 , 1808 ,
Iimaton Fr.'pnred for Anything thatlfaj
Oo 8 ,
80 tana ; Uader the rabtle
Eye tlmt nasliveaMi Is Becoming Ao-
awtoineil to It and I * Little
, / ( Affected br U.
4BB * > * * * * * a >
I NEW VOHK , April 17. Iknrr Clews' ,
, ke d ot the tanking bouse ot Henry Clews
it Co. , writes of the situation In Wall Street :
Wall street has passed through another
Week ot the crucial stage of the war ques
tion without any serious happenings. On
the stock exchange , nil Ims been quiet ; not
only as respects the amount of transactions
done , but also In the way of abstention
from political excitement or warlike ap
prehension. The situation has been so long
under the public eye that It has been
weighed on every Hide of Its possibilities or
probabilities. The discussions of the two
bouses of congress were waited for with
some anxiety and little hope , but the exciting - -
citing process of debate among fnose ar
biters of the question of peace or war had
little crtcct , for they only confirmed the
fore-gone conclusion reached In the public
mind. It may bo said thnt the chances for
peace have ceased to be nn appreciable
factor In prices , and yet there are few
sellers clfncr on speculation or Investment
account , and almost no stock Is coming
here from Europe.
.Thlrf latter fact , coupled with the absence
of any further advance In the .Hank of
England rate of discount , Is a significant
tnatterj for It Implies that , at the foreign
financial centers , there Is no expectation
ofj further serious action by the Uuropean
powers In our relations wlfn Spain , which
Is. same quarters has been regarded ns a
posslOlIity calling for precautions. If such
action were contemplated by the six pow
er ? , It could riot have failed to show Its
foreciistlngs In the higher circles of flnanco
InLohdon nnd on the continent. Indeed ,
inlanders would have welcomed such a pre
text ns a means of c'neckltig the outflow
of gold to this country through promoting
the return of our stocks nnd bonds. The
steadiness with which English and German
Investors cling to our securities under ex
isting conditions IB n very gratifying exhi
bition of confidence In our ability to wltn-
stand t'ne effects of war ; and Is especially
BO when contrasted with the fact that Spen-
Ish bonds have lost nearly half their mar
ket value ; It Is , howtvor. only a counterpart
of the steadiness with w'nlch our securities
nro held nt home. The feeling Is very
steadily gaining ground thnt while , as an
Immediate effect of the actual declaration
of war , there would be a sudden shock
causing Borne partial fall In prices , yet t'nu
drop would soon yield to recovery. The
only Important factor militating against
such n course of the stock market might
possibly be forthcoming from the money
market. The demands of the government
for money might prove to be a source of
fitful dlsturbincc ) and yet It Is to be con
sidered thnt all the receipts of t'ne treasury
would go Into early disbursement nnd upon
conditions least calculated to lock up money
from public use. Including a free use of
the national bank depositories.
At the close of the week , prices do not
vary much from those of a week afro.
There have been ups and downs , but the
one has about offset t'ne other , The Influx
of gold shows no abatement. The total
amount received or engaged for shipment
now reaches JCO.COO.OCO , nn < J It Is estimated
that about J30.000.000 of bills arc still held
Jn this country , destined to bring hither
that furt'ner sum of gold.
The government March report on our for
eign trade shows another remarkable ad
dition ' to our foreign creditor trade bal
ance. The uncertainties connected with our
relations with Spain appear to have had
the effect of swelling our exports and con
tracting our Imparts. Tne shipments of
merchandise far March amount to IllC.SOO-
000 , against $92.200,000 for the same month
of last year , showing nn Increase of $24-
600.COO. The month's Imports , on the con
trary , fell $14,600,000 below those of 1K97.
Comparing the Inward and outward trade ,
we have an excess of exports over Imports
last manl'n amounting to $53,100,000 , while
fbr the same time of last year the surplus
of exports was only $ I3COOOCO. The extra-
ordlnaryvbalance of trade In our favor thus
continues to Increase without any abate
ment. We have made a net Import of go'.d
during the month , amounting to $29,500,000 ;
but that was largely dub to bills of ex-
ehan&o Brawn against exports of previous
months and Yield back for temporary In
vestment.- ,
MlTtvB president's message favors the recog
nition of an Independent future government
for Cuba , to bo 'founded on the vote of the
whole people of Cuba , and not that or the
Insurgents alone. The junta , I understand ,
has acccpt.-dl . this as a satisfactory arrange ,
ment , and the Insurgents , whom they repre
sent , will work In full accord with the
prc > * idc.nit'8 position. His message' serves to
fully justify the complete confidence re
posed In him by the American people
throughout this crisis. He. has brought Into
Hctlon every honorable means for the > pres
ervation of peace , and ncMi that 'those ' nave
been exhausted ! , he turns the momentous
affair over to the. court Of last resort and ,
in the consciousness of duty thus far faith
fully performed , stands rsady to enforce
their verdict , bo It honorable pcaco or hon
orable war.
* No nation was ever so near a war ns this
and cucaped from It ; 'Mill , there la yet I.1 ft
come ground for hope of a peaceful settle
ment. Much depend * hexwe-ver , upon fiery
pechc3 and their Influence ! upon congress ,
Qoncrnl Lee's testimony before "the " * senate
feommlttee- forrtgn affairs was conserva
tive and to his credit , bscau&j It was de
void of nensatlonal effort. Its effect , there
fore * , should be to tame down rather than
Inflamrt the members of congress , and there
by prevent precipitate action such as would
bring about hostilities.
"The. point raised thnt Spain In bankrupt
and -Is In consequence a weak foe Is not
Will taken. In the tvent or Spain going
to Ivor- With this cpuntry It wlit certainly
be Impossible for It to rn's ' ? money by the
* rtle. of Its bonds , as they , iavo already gone
( town to 42H. smil In thewjnit of hostilities |
they will BO down to probably 25 cr IMS.
It will therefore ruUura'ly abandon ambi
tion to keep up It * national credit , nnd
hence , Interest In Its outstanding obliga
tions iwlil be. sure to ba defaulted on. This
nmountn to about H00,0 ,000 a , year , which
It will have for war purposes. Contribu
tions and forced revenue from the people
trill be one of thrs process-su resorted 10
to carry on the War. Spain 'will be In a
position slml'ar to that of ai bankrupt rail ,
road , which make * a bad foe for a solvent
eomtwtltor. A railroad In the hands of a
receiver pays out nothing except < o keep
the road In repair and can make forced
t loans bislde * through receiver's certificates
authorized bv court , which become- first
I claim Against the road , to provide for pay
rol'a and expenses to Veep the road In
flghtln ? condition ostensibly to be In a
afo condition to nrevent a nacrlflc ; ot life.
A weak rallrcad can , therefore , cut rates
a low as to Inflict 9rlou Injury to n
trong competitor If It continues the fight
Ions' enough * 'While Spanish 4s at pres
ent pries ( V4) ) yield S per cent Interest.
United State * 4 * ( at 121) yield onlyJStt per
cent Interest , and. notwithstanding the
wide different In the market price of the
two securities. United States bonds are'
Infinitely the henp t and. most desirable
r for an Investment , because the principal
and Irnterest ar * absolutely secure under
any circumstances , where : ) " . In the event
W war. Spanish bonds will certainly be
tnaAs absolutely insecure if not worthless.
Tw Million Dollar * ] to Their
NBW YORK , April 17. The Financier
ay l * Despitethn heavy and continued
demands for funds , from the Interior th :
clearing home .bankf , according to their
statement for the- current week , were able
not only to h'old their own In the may ot
cash , but addsdxover $2,000,000 to the sur
plus rerervf.\H kln * Jhir latter item the
larceat reported since January 1. In the
light of presentevertti the ctutement must
bo rtirarded' ; a .favorable , as It Involves
tire strong fosltlqn of the. bank * . Ordi
narily It would 'mean lower money rates
this week. . .but untejai a paclflo solution of
the epanlrt v crlste present * Itself 'no such
operation sray be' expioted. Operations of
the wrak. wtr * a\t shrinkage $7.619,900
in lean * . : di ' 'continued liquidation and
the * entire'- absence of new business , the
bank * ceHUMntr themselves to ths. needs of
theJr own ; ' custoBvers. The > out-of-town
banktr. , M Is worthy to note , are * doing
ome buying In. this market , tempted by
the striB ent rates. Deposits were reduced
* , 7.WO. owing largely -withdrawals of
balance * . The- ; interior movement U .shewn
In the Ios < * , M4. 0 , In legal tenders.
pecle inrports accottixt for the gainof $4.-
n ? r s i , nearly $ fl ,9 ca * . ' Thao3 \
lower * ) therewrvo requlre-
ia Tail * added , to the cash
, . willed ths surplu * ' " above. The
country has now Imported opeuaged over
d buTts * New Tork banks
. . more ra4 * than
rf laced ths wiUi
"i It to jgr
K w Tork
a. I.
v %
bo ns heavy an ontlclttttfel. Domestic ex
change Is at a heavy discount at Interior
cltlNi nnd from , all that can be learned
ittvo cash withdrawn Is not bring employed
at home. The fnrt that outside Institution *
ore loaning money hero Is not without
significance. The outlook favored contin
ued Importations of gold , and th-ise , with
the heavy disbursements by th 'treasury ,
may operate to produce nn easier state ot
affair * . It would not be surprising If pres
ent rates proved to be the maximum for
the year , The country hns so much money
thnt It Is prepared to mort expenditures
of .in extraordinary magnitude without
embarrassment. ' 'Th ? trouble now Is that
this l > being hoarded Instead of being put
In use.
CHICAGO G'ttAl ' ! * A ! D rHOVlSIOX * .
Featare of the Tradlnsr and Closlnir
Ottr * B.WBTUM j
CHICAGO , April 16. The strength of the
foreign wheat markets and the belief that
Impending hostilities will cause a rise In
prices made n'neat today almost as strong
as It was weak yesterday and resulted In
an advance of 2c In July. Foreigners ac
cepted freely of yesterday's cable offers.
Corn made the unusual advance of % c ,
while oats closed ' ,4/4c higher , both mar
kets being affected principally by whoit.
Provisions irhow little change.
Traders In wheat were treated to a gen
uine surprise at the opening. In spite of all
the selling done 'nere yesterday of millions
of bushels by the Important long Interests ,
and notwithstanding the drop of 3c a bu.
In July , all foreign markets came higher.
Liverpool In particular was sttong , showing
advances ranging from Ud to % d , A fea
ture of the advance at Liverpool was the
fact that fne July price there was 2c higher
than the prevailing price In this market , or
considerably above the average shipping
rates. New York reported that accept
ances of wheat In all positions made by
cable from there yesterday would be the
heaviest of the season , practically every
thing offered being taken. It was evident
from t'nls that the belief In war over
shadowed everything else In the minds of
the foreigners. The opening trades In July
were at from 85q to 83Hc , against 84XQ )
8l4c at the close yesterday. For a moment
or two the market hesitated. Then It com
menced to advance and for forty-five min
utes the buying demand was simply enor
mous. All classes of traders came Into the
market for wYieat. It was not a one-man
market ; the demand was general and broad.
The ordinary news of the day waa as com
pletely Ignored as It was yesterday , Trad
ers paid but little attention to anything
but the foreign demand for American
wheat , but this was sulllclent. Not until
the price had advanced to 87c was there
any marked selling pressure. This price ,
'nowever , was well above calls and selling
against these privileges , coupled with lib
eral realizing of a general kind , put a stop
to the advance and caused the market to
recede slowly to SGHc. Apparently by this
time the demand for wheat had been pretty
well satisfied , for although the market re
acted to S i'/tc , It was done slowly , t'ne lat
ter point not being reached until about
11:30. : During the last half hour of the
short Saturday session the market was
comparatively quiet , but firm , with prices
keeping within a Uc margin. Northwest
receipts were light , Minneapolis and Dulut'n
reporting 150 cars , against 171 last week
and 121 a year ago. Chicago receipts were
77 cars. The addition to contract stocks
today amounted to 101,000 bu. Clearances
from Atlantic ports were 719,000 bu. The
world's shipments Monday are expected to
show about 7GOOCOO bu. Lslter sales ot July
yesterday , which were placed at that time
at 5,000,000 bu. , were estimated today by
many as high as 8,000,000 bu. , and as t'nls
was believed to have practically put him
out of the July deal It undoubtedly had a
good deal to do with the broadening out of
trade. This belief was strengthened by the
fact t'nat today his dealings were compara
tively Insignificant. The closing price for
July was 86T4c.
Corn was strong from the start. There
was quite heavy buying all day , many
prominent local players being caught short
by the unexpected jump In wheat , a sharp
advance In cables and by heavy accept
ances over night. Tne price at one time
showed a cent advance. May ranged from
30c to 29ic and 'Closed % < 8 > ? ic higher at
There waa an active general trade In
oats. Prices were maintained for some tltn ,
but broke rapidly under heavy selling. The
market closed rather easy. May ranged
from 2614c to 25c and closed WiiVtC higher
at 2574c.
Provisions were very dull , most of the
trading done being In lard. War talk and
fne strength of the grain markets caused
a small early advance , which was lost later
under selling .by local packers. The close
was steady. May pork 2'/4e lower at $9.77 % ,
May lar < ? 2 ic Higher at $5.1754 arid .May
ribs 2c lower at $5.12i/ & .
Estimated receipts Mondsf : * Wheat , 75
cars ; corn , 2SO cars ; oats , 2S5 cars ; hogs ,
30.000 head.
Leading future * ranged a * follows :
Articles. . ! Opan. I High. | Low. | CloseTTVest'y.
r ' " "
Wheat *
May. , 109-10 1 10 1 0 * 1 09 1 09
July. . . 87 8SH 84 ;
Sept. , . 79 Tl
Dec. .
May. . . 29 !
July. . . 81MO 1
Sept. . . OWM 33 32k < * *
May. . . 25M-26 SUH 26M 25KOM
July. . . 23 > 231 KS
Mnj. . . 9 SO 9 00 9 T7M 977M n so
July. . . 0 95 10 US 9 U 990 BU2fc
Ma jr. . . ( (20 ( B 20 B 17M S 17K S IS
July. . . 6 MH BU7K B22M B VB B2I >
Sept D 30 035 30 5 32M a sea
Hay. . . B 12K S 17H B 12S' 6 12K a is
July. . . 6 HO S itA B 20 6 2(1 B 22) )
Sept 6U7M -B27K 6 S7M ! 830
Cash quotations were as follows ;
FLOUR Steady , M ZOO4.SO ; prlng specials.
.30fi > 3 a ; spring patents. S-l.90O3.10j straights ,
I4.4W4.60 ; bakers. U.5CG4.00.
WHDAT-No. S red , tl.O * .
COItN-Na. 2. SOHO3I < 4c.
OATH-NO. 2. 2 uc. f. o. b. ; N . i white ,
3o ; No. S white. , * 8HGMic. ,
RYE-No. 2. S2C. , ,
BAHLRY-Nq , S. f. .O. b. . S MHe.
FLAXSEEiD-No. 1. H.U 1.23Vi.
TIMOTHY SEEHV-Prtme ; $2 S3.
PROVISIONS Mess pork. , per bbl. , t9.80C9.8S.
Lord , per 100 Ibs. . K.17H.Short ribs sides ( lnoc > )
ta.OOG .35 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . t4.W
4.73 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) . $5.4505.55.
WHISKY Distillers' finished good * , per cat. .
HtJOARS Cut loaf , 15.09 ; cr.inulated. SS.i : &
i.S * .
No. t.
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbl * . 9,000 7.000
Wueat.bu. . 54,000 312.000 , , . , 200,000 621.000
Oats.bu . 829.000 369,000
K e.bu . > U.OOO 127,000
rlej.bu. . 30.0UO 8,000
On the Produce exchange today the but lor
market wn * weak ; creameries. HOUc ; dairies ,
ilCUc. Oheese , > qulet , 8@84c ! , Ecr" . fresh , 8' c.
Uve poultry. Bteady ; turkey * , S10c ; chickens ,
ducks , Sc.
LONDON , April 17. Uncertainty Is the
main feature In the money market , the ease
or stringency of the near future depending
on peace or war between Spain and the
United States. The Bank of England Is
doing everything to attract gold. Tne stock
market Is comparatively quiet , owing to the
timidity felt In view of the present uncer
tainty. Practically the whole list , however ,
shows a decrease , first class securities suf
fering with the others. Consols are V4 point
lower , and English railway securities sYiow
a decline of 1 to 1H points. Spanish 4s
have been the center of Interest from which
nil departments took' their cues. There was
a net fall In Spanish 4s of 6 points , making
a drop of 20 points from the top price of
the year. Even wltnout a war , a reduction
of Interest from 4) ) per cent to 2 per cent , or
an equivalent heavy coupon tax. Is regarded
probable. All the internationals partici
pated In the depression , notable Italians ,
Q reeks ; Argentines and Braslllans. Ameri
can railroads were very mercurial. All
closed lower , though little selling was re
corded. Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul
securities headed the decrease with a fall
of 2 % points. Louisville & Nashvlllo fell
3 % points , AtcYilson preferred the same.
Denver & nto Grande preferred , Erie firsts ,
New Ycrk Central & Hundaon River. North
ern Pacific and Union Pacific preferred all
fell 1 point or more. Canadian Pacific and
Orand Trunk ranged from. 1H to 3 ,
St. tonl General Market * .
BT. LOUIS. April IL-FLOUR-HlKhtr In rm-
paUiy with wheat ; patents. I4.75S4.W ; atrali-W
M.S6 4M ; clear * . t400 4.3 ; medium. . , .
WHEAT Hlgfaor.- doting 4o fnr May. 2Ho Joe
July and 1H < = up compared with Saturday. PfJt
higher ; No. 1 red < * sh , elevator. St ; track , Sl.dl
4U.OIH ; April. SI : May. S1.01 ; July. I2c aiktl ;
September , T7o Mdj No. S hard cash. 93c.
CORN Future * strong , doting fractions above
esterday. Bpot higher : No. > csou. SS4o : April.
OAT8-Futur * dull , flrm and htcher. Spot
dull. ea y ; No. S caah. To : track , 27Hc ; Apr.l.
27cj u r > ° : * " eHcr September ,
UVB Eas'ler.
SEBOS-Plaxsrtd. . - nominal , 11.10. Prlut *
tlmo4ir aaed , St04M.7S. ;
riRAN-Flrra : sacked. es t track , HHc.
HAY In demand for. choice srade * . which ar *
scarce : pralri * , r.W ; ' timothy , Sf. 0 lt.M. (
wrrTER-Lowtr ; crfin ry , U1S ; ; dairy. 11
KdOS Steady , te ,
MKTAIA-L 4 , lower , M.H. Bpetter ,
' PROVItilONS-Pflrk. lower ; standard m i.
JobblB4t. H.n. tavd. * Vm : prUB. iteaa. f ! ;
choice , rJ.W't ' , tlacon. boxed shoulders. U.tT'.iff
6M ; eitra short clear. K.I7M : rib * . K ! sl.ortf ,
I * I2U. Ury sail meat * . bo pd ohotttders , ll.T.ej
4.nvi ; tra short clear , . ; rib * , KM\i \ ;
shot-is , IS.M.
HECKIITH-nour , 4.0W Iho. ; wheat. , OMbu. |
Corn , 117.000 bu. ; nals , SV.MO bu.
t s Flour , s.ono bu. ; wheat , none *
corn , 54,000 bu. : oat * , 7,000 bu ,
Conillllon of Trade anil Quotations asi
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGOS Good stock , Ic.
BUTTER Common to fair , < Jllc ; e-piralpr
creamery , 20c ; gathend creamery , ISttlM.
VEAL-Cholc fat , SO to 170 Ibs. , quoted * l JO
9c : large and coarse , ti7c.
LIVE ! > OULTnY-Ch'cken , U ? 7e : old roost
ers , suesuc ; young roosters , CO Ue.
QAMK-Msllards , 2.M8I.75 ; redheads , $ ! .26
2.CO ; teal , I1.1S 1.2S ; brants , 12.0003.00 ; Canada
geeie , Jl.WflO.W ; mixed ducks , S1.00O1.25 :
V1OKONB Live , ; dcml pU-eonn nit
wanted. .
HAY Upland , 17.00 ; mWla'nd. tS.00 ; loirlnhd.
15.50 ; rye straw , S4 00 ; culor make * the price en
hay ; light bales sell the best ; cnly top
bring top prices.
CELERY Ooo l stock , Inrge , Me ; small , ZS
ONIONS Prr bu. . SOOWc.
IlKANS-Hand-plcked navy , per bu. , fl.i * .
BWEBT I'OTATOnS-Kanwii. 10-peck bblf , ,
J3.CO ; seed sweet potatoes , S2.W.
CAIIDAOE-aood stock , per Ib . ItfC * ? .
1 'OTA TOES Home grown , M5KV ; . .COJorft HI
stock , 70o ; northern fancy early Ohio eed'po-
totoe * . S3c. ? * * * tg
TOMATOES-Per crate , ( even biuheU , * - U.ia * ,
NEW UEETS Vtt doz. ' banch n.l HSftSOo. " ' ; ' * >
HADISIIKS-Per dox. bunches , JO S5c } > '
LETTUCE Per dot. bunchen , SOWWor- . * >
Oltr JN ONIONH-Per flnz. , J5c < >
WATERCIlESS-Pcr IP-qt. case , tl CO. '
CUCUMUnRS-Per doz. , fl.zsei.CO.
WAX IJBANM-H bu. box , S1.25.
PEAB Per basket , 11.23.
SPINACH-Per baiket. II.
PIEPLANT Per M-lb. box. t2.25.
STRAWUERRIES-Per 24-plnt cae , | 2.43j ,24-
qt. case. 14 60. ,
APPLES Winter stock. I3.0083.BO ; boxes , tl,2J.
CRANHERRIES-Fnncy Jersey , per bbl. , tlu.uO.
ailAI'Erf-MatnKim , S5.oOffg.00.
ORANQES California navels. t2.75If3.OOj fancy
seedllngc , I2.2J ; choice , $3.00. ,
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , $3.00 ; choice. t.SO-
fancy Metslna , 13.0003.50. *
DANANAS Cholcs , largj stock , per bunch ; tr 00
62.25 ; medium sited bunches , tl.7302,00.
NUTS Almonds , p Ib. , lar ; e slse. 1213ct
small , lie ; llrazlls , per Ib. , 9 10c : Enillsh wal
nuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , lOHllc ; standards ,
SR9c ; lllbert > , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished , me.
dlum , eOTc ; extra large , 8fl9i ; large hickory
nuts , 11.0001.10 per bu. ; email , 1.25 1.33 per.bu , ;
cocoanuts , per 100 , S4 ; peanuts , raw , 60V c ;
roasted , esf'ic.
F1QS Imported , fancy , S-crown. 14-lb. boxe ,
10c ; S-crawn , 44-lb. boxes. He ; 2-lb. boxes , 22 ®
23o per box ; California , 10-lb. box. SI.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10
KRAUT-Per bbl. , 13.50 ; half bbl. , SZ.25.
MAPLE 8YUUP Five-gal , can , each , S2.75 ;
gal. cann , pure , per doz. . . 112 ; half-gal , cans ,
16 23 ; quart cans , J3.CO.
DATES Hallow ee. ex ) to " 0-lb. boxes , BHc ;
Salr , 6c : Pard , 9-lb. boxes , tis ?
CIDER Per half-bbl. , 3 ; bbl. , S3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 1 green
hl"i ? ? ! N ° , - * Baltct' hides. 8e ; No. 2
. . . o5b. ,
SHEEP PELTS-Qreen salted , each , 1575c ;
green Halted shearings ( Bhsrt wooled early skint ) ,
each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early
ikln ) . No. 1 , each , EC ; dry Mint Kansas and Ne-
Jn"kaA5Itc h' > I pel" ' per lb" actual weight.
; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain
flint , ' Colorado Pelts' per Ib" nctual w'Kht. ' 35r4c ; dry
butcher wool pslls , per lb. , actual
weight , 4W ; dry nint Colorado murra n weS
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , S5T4c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-Tallow , No. 1 , Sc-
' 8& l 2V4c , : , r ° UBh tallow'Me : white
' We2c ! > ellow and brown grease , 1HQ >
t.1JEJlS UearbIack , ( or brown ) , 15 0020 < X > : otter ,
$ J.SO8.00 ; mink , I5@60c ; beaver , $1.005.00 :
skunk. J5c , 25c. BOc : muskrat. 3c. Cc. 7c ; racoon
IBgWc ; red fox , 25C0S1.25 ; gray fox , 25@oOc : wolf
( timber ) , 25cjtJ250 ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , lOfflSOc-
075 0 ? badger. 6 40c ; sllvsr fox. Si 06
DRESSED DEEF-Oood nat've ' steers
, 7o
lb. ; good forequartcrs steers , 6c : goo * hlndqunr-
ecr Steef8' . . c.LLfl . ? ' r ? : . y ' = : " "live helf-
84c ! ;
8c ;
" " ' " *
HREF -TenderloVni""rres'h.
- . c ; frozen
ISc ; boneless strips , fresh , lOo ; frozen. Sc ; strip
loins , fresh. S'Ac ; frozen. 6V4c : rolls , bone" * * ,
frczen , 9e ; fresh , I0i ; rolls. Spencer cuts , frozen !
Be ; fresh. We ; sirloin butts , bonclez * . frozen
9c ; fresh , lOo ; .houlder clods , bsnelera. SVic-
rump butts , boneless. BKc : No. 1 chucks. BVic-
No. 2 chucks , 4c ; No. 3 ct/iicks , 4V4 ; ; bonelca' '
churkc , frozen , 45io ; fresh , 6 < 4e ; cow plates.
3 > 4c ; steer plates. 4c ; Hank steak , 7c ; loins N
1. froren. 12c ; fresh. Ho ; loins. No. I. frozen ! We ;
tn , I a * wiif * v % , t SUB , tvu , &t AUCIlt VC , IrCflJl BC
No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 1 rounds , CVo ; No i
rounds , Uc ; beef roun : . shank off , Kc addi
tional ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , lUc
additional ; trimmings , 4Hc ; beef shank * .
brains , per do * . , Sic ; sweetbreads , per lb. , frozen ,
lOc ; fresh , lUc ; sweetbreads ( caltes ) , per Ib.
40c : kidneys , per doz. , S5c ; ox tails , each , Sc :
liver * , per lb. . S c ; heart * , per lb. , JHc ; tcngues
per lb. , lie ; calf livers , each. Sic ; calves , who ! )
carcasa or sides , lOJie ; calf head and feet ,
scalded , per cet , 75c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs , te per lb. ; regular
lambs , Sc ; aheep , 7c ; market racks ( long ) , So ;
Hotel racks ( short ) , lie ; loins. So : Battle * . 9c
leg * . 9c ; lamb legs , lOo ; breasts and stews. SVic
tongues , each , Sc ; forequarters , KVic.
PORK Dre ed pigs. EUc per lb. : dressed hog ,
C ; tenderloins , 15j ; lo'ns , small , 6c ; large ,
CHc ; spare ribs , 4Uc ; ham sausage butts , &Hc
Boston butts , 6Hc ; shoulders , rough , 4c ; shoul-
rters. skinned , So ; trimmings , 4Uc : leaf lird. not
rendered , KVfcc ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts an <
can. So ; frech hams. 10 to IS Ibs. , 7'/ic ; fresh
hams , short clears , t > Kc ; cheek meats. 4c ; neck
bones , 2c ; pigs' tails , Sc ; plucks , each , 6c ; chit
terllngs , Cc : hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz , t5c
stomachs , eaxh , 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ; kidney *
per doz. , lOc ; brain ; , per doz. , 15c : pigs' feet , per
doz. , S0c ; livers , each , 3c ; hoe rinds , Sc ; blade
bones , Cc.
Qaotatlons for the Day OB Genera
NEW YORK. April IS.-PLOUR-Recelpts , 1 ,
S2S bbls. ; exports , 19,334 bbls. ; stronger , but no
quotably higher ; winter patents , $4.SS6.25
winter straights , $4.S5@4.70 ; Minnesota patents
IS.lfeS.W ; winter extras. S3.65C4.10j Minnesota
bakers' , 4.254.4 : winter low grades , '
3.00. Rye Hour , nrm , $2.7503.20.
COIlNMnAIv-FIrm ; yellow western , 70c.
RYE Market firmer : No. 2 western , MC60V4C
BAIt EY-Steady ; feeding. 4fc.
UARL.EY MAt-T-Qulet : wt.Urn , C3e o.
WHEAT Receipts , 13,425 bu.i exports. 1C ,7K
6u. ; spot , stronier ; No. 2 red$1,10 f , o. b
afloat , spot. Option * opened strong and hlghe
on surprisingly firm Liverpool cables ; short
were- heavy buyer * most of the forenoon , cover
Ing yesterday's sales and Influencing' also b
renewed war talk , closed IK02Kc net higher
May , Sl.OfiOl.OSK. doted $1.03 % .
CORN-Recelpts , 616 , MO bu. ; exports , 358,00
bu. ; spot , firm ; No. 2. 36c. options , bullish !
affected by strong cables and big clearance !
advanced all the forenoon and closed Ho ne
higher ; May , 34 13-l & 3SHc. closed SJHc.
OATH Receipts , 14S.SOO bu. : 'exports. 1IJ.S !
bu. ; spot , flrm ; No. 2 , 30Mt31c ; No. S wiilte
MHc. Options , quiet but flrmer with other de
partment * . closing Uo hlghr ; May , '
FEED-KIrm : bran , 73O90o ; middlings , SOtjtSSo
rye feed. 6JHO Jc.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , ( OglSc ; good to choice ,
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , in ,
crop , 45o ; 1S96 crop , 7ete ; 18 > 7 crop , 1S8I7C
Parlflc coast. 1893 crop , 4B c : IBM-crop , 8jDc
1(97 crop , " 15617C ; Ijonilon market. WiiWs.
IIIDCS Steady ; Qalvestcn , ISHc ; Texas dry
12V4c ; California. 17H618C. -
I EATMER-Steady ; hemlock sole , Buenos' '
Ayrw. 18H020C.
WOOt-Qulet ; fleece , 17022c : Texas. 12ftl4o ,
PROVISIONS lleef. flrm : family. SI1.00S1I 75- >
extra mess , 19.0089.73 beef'hamr- ' '
; beef'hamr$22923 ; packet' '
S13.2SOU.OO. Cut meats , qultt ; plekltd bellle * ' I
SS.7S04.C.O ; pickled shoulders , , $4.SOplckled bams |
S7.60S7.7S. Lard. steady ; , western , fteamed1
closed at 15.47H. Pork , iteady ; mess , S9.7
10.00 ; short clear. S10.2S612.SO ; 'family. $11 CO
Tallow , . easier ; city , SVic ; country , SttOSH ? , as
to quality.
OILS Vetrolfum. Dull. Rosin , easy ; strained ,
common to good. Sl.42Ht31.4S. Turpentine , steady ;
30Q30UC. Cottonteed oil , ( teadyY prime crude1'
Uc ; prime crude f. o. b. mills. 14146ISUc :
prime summer yellow , 22H@ZtHe ; olt summer. ,
jellow. eaue : butter oil , 28 27c'prlmiTwIn.
ter yellow. 27HOUMC. > ± > t
FRRIOI1T8 TO 1JVERFOOI Stroag- ; , cotton
by steam. lS620c ; grain by ( team. SVio . "
METTALS Lead was called dull at SI50 ; cop
per , steidy , at SU.S7H and casting" copper steady
at Ill.lZli by the firm flxlmc the settling price
for miner * and smelter * In tb jwwt * todays The
metal exchange issued no report , asi usual on
Siturday. .
RICE Steady ; fair to extra , 4KV < KoiuJapan.
s He.
MOLAPSES Quiet : New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to cho'c2S932C. .
nUTTER RectlpU. S.2U pkgeaty : westtrn
cr nmery. IMtltc ; Elglns. l c : factory. 12BtSc.
CIIEESE-Receipts , 70s pkgsA steady : white.
Sf : . Uchl skim * . ( K Kc ; part iklm * . 4 < c : fu'.l
kk l mi. .
EGOfr-RecHpts. S.60S pk .j steadr : western ,
Liverpool Market.
LIVERPOOL. April ll. 'AIIBA'IWSpot. firm ;
' " * * * : ' ! N ° ' * re'
CORN Bpot. flrmt Amerlran mired , new , Ss
: Afrtl : is Md ; May. S U ; July. Sa.wa.
FLOUR St. Lnula fancy wlntsr , flrm. los.
HOP3 At London , PaclOo coast , dull , . > 10r
4 10s.
PROVISIONS-Beef. firm ; extra India mess.
* * W. Pork , flrm ; prim * mess , fin * westtrn ,
C1 * Sd ; prime rnes , mrdlum wettrrn. tfs M.
Hams , short cut. flrm. SSs. Dacon. flrm. Ms M ;
short libs. Sis M ; lone clear mH81 * . light. Us ;
lone clear middle v heavy. SO * M ; short clear
hacks. SOa ; clear bellies. Sis. Shoulders , square ,
Ma. Lard. pHme wiatcrn. dull. 27s.
CHKK8K American , flnwt nhlle sad colored ,
Arm. Sfq.
OILS Cottonseed. Liverpool refined , steady ,
Us U. Tunwntlne pints , steady , 24 * M. Hoslii ,
comsaon. ate : y , 4e
* L
Week Winds Up wUt } a Stiff Ban and
Deaonliied dwditions.
. _ 1
Barer * IndlffereMlvfsi k Hastate * * fllorf
Er In < AMUnes Hears
Chance lln.BJa'l'.si Nickel
_ I JE M 1 4
SOUTH OMAHA , lApty 16-necslpts for
the days Indicated
. . . CatUeuHoga. Bheep. Hor's.
April 1C . l,031nl ii 6,609 7,72o 21
April IS . 2,209 ( .049 10,376
April 14 . 1.411. 5,778 11,727
April 13 . 2,542 6,472 1,896
April 12 . 5.419 6,655 3.000 . . . .
April 11 . t . 1,697 2.730 6,791 2
April 9 . 7E6 3,166 924 K
April 8 . 1,824 4.231 1,892 . . . .
April 7.i . . . 1G06 > 6,482 14,320 . . . .
April 6 . 3,545 8.218 7,303 2
AprllS . 2,619 -6.052 3.C58 64
April 4 . , . 1,139 9.43
April 2. . gno . 3.150 3,127 . . . .
April li . , , . 1,741 6,112 .3.8X8 . . . .
March 31 . 2,135 6,137 11,069 21
March 30 . . . . . . 3,0X3 7,394 10,001 21
Receipts for the week with comparisons :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Week ending April 16. . .34,209 32,193 41,575
Week ending April 9 , . . . 11,599 27,258 37,555
Week ending April 2. . . . 15,007 28,791 36,665
Week ending March 26. 12,463 28,738 50,13.
'Week ' ending March 19. 14,932 SS.CS7 32,755
Thu official number ut cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'u.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry . 2
,0. & St. L. Ry . , . .
.Missouri Pacific Ry. . \ . 2
Union Pacific System 3 19 24
P. , E. & M. V. R. R. . 20 23 2
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry 2 6
. & M. R. R. R . 24 27 6
! . , B. & Q. Ry . 2
Total receipts . 50 83 32 1
The disposition of the day's receipt ! was
a follows , each buyer purchasing the nura-
> cr of head Indicated :
Juyers. Cattle. HOR * . 'Sheep.
ma ha Packing Co . 597 .
; . H. Hammond Co. . . . . . . 278 1,140 M
wlft and Company . 266 SG3 1,465
ludahy Packing Co . 58 2,933 199
1111 & Huntzlnger . 10 .
ivlngston & Schalcr . 1 . .
"wlft , country . i . 470
lunklnton , Milwaukee . 158 .
ither buyers . . . . 61 . 742
Left over . . . "CO . . . . .
Totals . . . . . . 664 6,893 3.685
Receipts were a little larger thnr. a week
ago , 158 cars of stock of rut kinds being
eportcd in as against eighty-four last Bat-
irday. In fact It was a pretty fair run for
.he last of the week , but the number was
made up pretty largely of hogs and sheep ,
'here being only about the usual supply of
The receipts of cattle this week were
.ulte large for this market as will be noted
rom the above table , t'nere being quite a
leclded gain over previous week. The re-
lelpts of hogs were also larger than the
Lverage for the last month , and the same
was true of sheep.
CATTLE There were about fifty loads
if cattle reported In the yards today , w'nlch
was very fair for the last day of the week
nd more than Chicago and Kansas City
> otih together. The most of the cattle were
icef steers , some fifteen loads of Montana
jay fed cattle being Included among the
ecelpts. 30 , >
The market as a. jvhole was slow and
.raggy and there was a very- marked a'j-
cnce of life and energy" to the trade.
Tnere was some inquiry for fat beef cat-
le , but It was of an indifferent character ,
ho buyers acting as It they did not much
tare whether they gotu-nny cattle or not.
The result was a slow and easier market.
Butchers' stock sold but even , cows and
heifers were slow and Weak and It took a
good deal of hard work and considerable
Ime , considering fne few here , to effect a
learance. . '
Practically nothing' was- doing in the line
f stockers and feeders ! the market as
usual on a Saturday b 4ng very quiet.
The cattle market tMs week has been
'ar from satisfactory to the soiling inter
ests , A3 values have experienced a heavy
break. The light demand for meat prod
ucts , coupled wlfn a IllteraUrun of. cattle ,
has caused a general decline at'alKmarket
points , "and iwhlle the ! ' decline. ' , ih . > beeji-
heavler om some ktitdi * . than 'on other's no
kind of cattle na - * oaped.- Heavy and
coarse beef jfteers havebecti the worst suf-
terers , the market on Coat kind o/ccattle'be-
nsr 25@30o lower than tu week Ago , and in
extreme cases many 'sailers would' say 40c
lower. Tidy little cattle have been the beat
sellers and In consequence are [ only 10@20o
lower. Choice corn fed heifers have felt the
decline about a * little as any kind of stock.
but the medium grade * of both cows and
Yielfers are 1015c lower than a week ago.
Btockers and feeders are also low , the heav
iest decline being , on iheavy feeders , which
have been extremely slow sellers all the
week. The country seems to have grown
afraid of stock cattle at current prices
with fat cattle declining BO sharply. / ! > .
HOOS Considering that It wai the last day of
he week , the receipt * of hog * were large , clone
.o eighty load ! being on Bile. Aa has been the
ca e all the week , the quality was good end
there was no causa for eompalnt- ! that scare ,
even on the parUof the buyen. '
Th market waa a .big ( o lower 'and wa * none
oo active at the decline that Is , ( be demintj
waa not general and the buying was routined to
n. few houtes , tome doing very little or nothing.
However , there was a fair movement and the
mosti of the hogs changed hands early. The
clo e of the market was not materially different
from the opening , but It U safe to eay that It
wr. no better.
Mixed nous , cuch as brought 3. 5 yesterday ,
old for the moit part at S3.CO today , with
some prime butcher weights at SS.7 . *
The general tendency of the hbff market all
the week has-been downward. In , ' fact the week
opened at a decline , and. though there were
occasional rallies , the movement was mainly
In the direction ot a lower level for values.
This has bctn true , not. only of the SoutlTOmaha
market , but of all others as well , . .Buyers have
seemed to be afraid to .buy only as there might
be 'an Immediate demand to be filled at once , all
speculative buying apparently being eliminated
by the uncertainty of the future course of busi
ness. While the downward movement of 'values
was very gradual. It amounted to about -H c
for the week. The week closes with the market
at the low point of the. month to date and In
fact at ) the lowest point touched since th * last tof
6HREP There were plenty of lambs In the
yards today , but not many sheep. The market
as a whole was clew and weak and very murh
Inclined to draw , A few mutton shaep were
offered and Hold at price * that were not much
different , but the lamb market waa slow and
lower and sellers complained that buyers d'd '
not Mem to want many ; lamb * . The fact thnt
It was near th end ot th week probably had
much to do with the Indifference or buyers , but
the market also seemed to , partake of tne gen
eral weaknes * pervading the live , slock trade.
Cattle Arrive * nad tbe > Priced Are
CHICAGO , April 16.-Fw cattle arrived today
to make a market and prices were nominal ni a
rule , closing anywhere from Up to JSo lower
than a week ago. exporters havii bancelled their
contracts In a , number of Instances owing to bad
English marketaTand this has helped , to depr 2
prices. Fed western cattle have been selling lauly
all wc k. - . -
Trade In hogs started , off plow at allchtly
lower prices , but. firmed up a little later on good
demand. tJghf Weights * sold atS3.66IJ4.S7Vi Rnrl
heavy hogs at W.TOyS.WiJ. according , to , quality.
Pig. sold at 13.0003.80. l&xely at SSTS iX4 fur
little fellows and. at , J3.OTg3.80. for the heavier
one * . , . . '
Nearly all the sheep , anil lamba received today
were consigned to packer * , Lamba were salable
at SS.M6 62Vi for woolef lexlcon * and. at S4.00
.00 for shorn .Hocks , b'hfrn aheep sold at I4.M
.SO , few going btlow U , ! , v
Receipts. Cattle , 20K4 ad ; tiogs. 17,009 head ;
aheep , 00 h nd. a p.v r , * '
St. , ntla""KlW Slock. , ,
BT. LOUIS. April H > ATn.B-Rcelpt * , itl
head. Including W head < 9 < xans ; ; shipments , 4V
head ; market yStrady ; far > o fancy , native aiAl
export steers. $4.M < } i.llTtMlk of sale * . M.tttfK.Jl ;
dressed beef and butcher steer * . tacofi .10 ; bulk1
of salM. M.40i . i stten.undml.000 Ibs. , .SO
450 ; bulk of coles. MZO 4J 3 : stockcr * and lfoe4 >
en. 13.26C4 M ; bulk of salts , tCO ) 4.Ui cowj ai.J
heifers , U.OO&4.K4nik ; * of cows : IX6W3.CJ ;
T xas and Indian stMstW ia.KO4.tS ; bulk of
sal Uin14.46 : cowrt.-mn * heifer * .
HOO8-Rec lpts. S.4tvthtalt 'ahlpuients. X.2U4
head : yortcenk t3.UG Ht packer * , ' I3.TAC3.S3 ;
butcher * . H K 3.tO. noCt - , t. < , * .
8HDE3 > Receipts. > MiVJhe d ; ahlpmcnts. 130
head ; 'market steady ; nailv * muttons ,
lamtv ,
tOUISVII.UK. April -CATTI > Ei * arktt dull
and fully KKMIiQ lower ; extra good-etport Klerra , 1
M.ttWI.M : ' cholc * butchrr , .y. ; 4W : fair I
to good butchrr , steers , tt.U4M JJ : comn.uii to ,
medium butcher steers , P.WtrJJS ; Choice harfc's '
tS.CO 4.1S ; f lr to clJ let tiutihcr cows. $2.0003 M ;
mdlum to good feeders , . fl.tM4.tS. .
H008-To ( riM.t6im ; dWBjtO > .tS. light
shipper * . B1.40C3.U ; pigs. H60 l 0. >
fillEEP > ND LAMBS-Maiket-atettdy and m-
chanced ; good to extr hliplifir stieep ; .
. fair to good slieep , 1O > J.M : commin to
medium. HOOei W : extra v lanb * . .
6.00 ; fair to good lamb * f4.a5H . > > * t butchers ,
| 4.00t)4.U ; fair to good butcher * . t3.X4i4.00.
K * * * m City Live Iteek Market.
KANBA8 CITY. April M.-CATTlfi-n cepts. |
eo head : market upchaoctdi retail tnd * only.
HOaS-necelpt * . 7.0N M d : 'market weak to
Ic lower ; bulk of salts. M.fC4Jt. ' ! .ibcayr ,
, OrtiHlirff
Parlin t Martin Ct
Jobbers of Farm Machinery *
an * BucgM - Cor. Mb an4 JoMt\
Host *
P.icltire Moldings.
Mlrrora , Frames ; Backing and Artia'jf
B mirican Hand
1 V Sawed Shot Go
i/ywl Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Banigau Rubber Oo.
H. Spragua ft Co. ,
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. . OMAHA
F.P. Kirkendall & Co
tSt Shoes and Rubbers
Baltirooms 1102-UOi-HM H.rncjr Btrttt
7 T. Lindsay ,
Ownar of Chief Brand HacklntaaMs >
\A/.V. \ Morse Co.
Boots , Shoes , Riibbers ,
Office and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard 8t
Ramis Omaha Bag Co
Importora and Manufacturers
614-16-18 South nth Street
A SV ,
Uo'.atMs , .orghum , etc. , Presents and Jslllia.
Also tin cans and Japmnntd war * .
Tht Chicory Oo.
4Jrow rs and manufacturer * of all forms of
Chicory Omaha-Fremont-O'Nell.
Importer mnd Jitlsr
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
UTtr Plated Ware , . Looking giassss , Chafe
The Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
. and Supplies.
Bolters ; Engines. K.od Cookers , Wood Pol *
ley * . Shafting , Belting , Butter Pack-
Hies of all Kinds ,
M7-M Jones St.
S.S5 ; packers , S3 C403.SO ; mixed. ll.6MJ3.80 ; lights.
S3.Mes.e7H ; yorker * , S3.6863 C7V4 ; Pigs , S3.2JO3.CO.
SHEEP Receipts. 2,500 head ; market steady ;
limbs , H.WG .SJ ; muttons , S3.000S.OO.
lDdljBiii > OlU Live Stock.
1,000 head ; .shipments , COO head ; market stcart- ;
good to prime steer * , t4.75es.15 ; fair to medium
Bteers , 14. 40 ® 4. 66 ; common to good stackers , t.K
a09. . ' - '
HOGS Receipts , 3,503 head ; shipments , 1,000
head ? market active ; good to choice medium a. ' . !
heavy , 3.71 J.K : mixed. S3.70O3.7H ; need W
choice lights , t3.7093.77 : common lights , S3.t5 ®
SHEEP Receipts. , llht ( ; hlpments , nonn ; no
quotable change In prices ; g6od to choice lr.mb ,
S6.2Se5.M ; common to medium lambs. S < .0004. " ;
good to choice sheep- . S4.004.25.
' '
> New .York Live Stock.
NEW. YORK. April W.-BEEVES-Recelpts ,
5W headTHO ; tradlni ; exports , 941 head cattle ,
72 head sheep 'and 1,403 quarters of beef.
iCALVES Receipt * , none ; city dressed venls ,
t8HBBn.rWkNp | LXMRS-Recelpts. 1.55S head ;
slower , lower : unshorn sheep , S4.503SOO ; clipped
sheep , t4.IZV404.35 ; exports , 4SO head ; unrhorn
lambs , -KtSSt 03 ; clipped lambs , . $4 WS5.00 :
spring * . S5.OOef.J5.fM. . .
HOqB ntcejpu. 4.4M head.
fi fB at Rdstalo Live Slook.
'BA8T1 TBWWTAtX * ; K. T ! . Ap"rll W-CATTLB-
Seady'co ; rreatid rburti steers. S3S5U425 : light.
S4.M84.49QBoIr * -fet ; heifers. S4.K94 50 : mixed
butcher- stock , ; SS. 6 4.10 ; , fat cows. S3.70O3 JO.
HOQB Roughs common to choice , S3.4093.CO ;
eWt5.tOC5.70 , clipped
tTHEEP Choice'to selected wethers , I4.90O5 00 :
MpirWcommsni SS.5CO4.00 ; clipped sheep , S3.15
Cincinnati Lire Hloek.
April' M.-HOaS-Steady. 15.109
. *
CAtTLR-Bteady. IJ.7S T5.
fjoclc U Slslht.
Record of receipt * b < live stock at the fonr
prta.lpann.rkeu April III
Omsha . . . . . l.gj ? > < *
Chicago . .f. 2 " * * , * °
Kanaas City , . . . . , , . . . . .j.i. . 400 7.WO
Bt ; Loul *
BaItlM * > * > Market.
BALTIMORE. April If. FLOUR - Higher ;
western * upernne. 12.7006.10 ; wes rn extra. IJ.40
64.00 ; wetrn. family , S4.4 < XM. ; winter wheat
patent * . S4 S5 S.Wr spring wheat pa4e * , f5 V > S
LlOi rprlng wheat straight * , Si.lOeSJi ; receipt * .
7.0M bbta. : raport * . S.740 bbls.
WHEAT Strong and higher. Fpot and moo'h.
.OSH 1.0e % ; May. SI OM4SI.03 ; * teamr. No. . J
nd , wettUc ; receipt * , 44,671 bu. ; export. , J07.4M
bu. : southern wheat ; by sample , S1.00.1.0U , ;
aoulbem , on grade. S1.0049I.OS.
OOIWtrong and higher. Spot and nior.tK
; Mar. K UVsc ; steamr mixed , K
M . E , Smith t Qi.
Dry Goects , Furnishing' Goods
'ichardson ' Din | Go.
Jackson St.
t. O. RICHARDSON , Prest
S * . WELLBR. V. Presl
ho Maroor
Ghamlcal Co.
St'frf atandtrl JViarmdooutltal Pr pai *
Man * . Speelal Formulae Prepared to v
Ihrtter. ( lend far Catalogue.
lAtaoratorr , 1111 Howard St. Omaha ,
E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers
"Quern See" Specialties ,
Gfars , Wine * and Brandies ,
Corner 10th and Haroty Btrtwt *
\A7estern Electrical
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Mining Bells and Gas Llclitlu ;
O. W. JOHNSTON , Mgr. 1S10 Howard St.
U/oll Electrical
vv Supply Go
UN Fa.rna St.
Co ,
Commission Merchants.
B. W. Corner Ifth and Howard Sts.
llemb ni of th * National Leacus of Commla >
slon Jltrchants of tba United States.
McCord-Brady Co.
13th and Leuvenworth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries
IT4 AM COfftE R.ASTEU , Etc.
Mayor & Raapko ,
V "
I I 11 Tas. if lot * . Tobaco * anA Clgank
' I MM-UI7 Barney Ssr * * *
Paxton Gallagher Co
THephon. Stt.
J HHan.ylCo.
, M'rrt
JoootYS / Leather , Saddlery Hardwart , JE
Wo solicit your order . , 1310 Howard Bt
ctor ft Wilhilmy Co
Wholesale Hardware ,
i i *
receipts , 135.SS3 bu. ; exports , 209.2S * bj. ;
southern white corn. XfiXVc ; yellow , 3JWO3 < ic.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , S4c bid ; No. Z mlxvd ,
SOVtSUlc ; receipts , 44.4M.bu. ; exports. 40,485 bu
H YE Firm ; No. 2 nearby , * MUO&SKi : ; .No. s
western , E9c ; receipts , .4.884 bu , ; exports , none.
HAY Firm ; cholc * timothy , I12.wei3.00.
QRJVIN FREIGHTS Firm , not much doing ;
( team to Liverpool , per bu. . Si ' .id. May ,
I1UTTER Fancy creamery , 21ihl2c ; fancy Imi
tation. 17 18c. ,
EOOa Firm ; fresh , lOe.
CHEESE Steady.- fancy New York , large. 9) ) ;
O9Hc : fancy New York , medium , HHtflOc ; fancy
New York , small. 10',410Hc.
Wool -Hitrkrt * .
BOSTON. April . WOOL-KollowlnK are l ie
prices quoted for tUe leading descriptions ;
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces Xi and abate ,
I68J7c : XX , 29c ; XX. above SOc ; delaine , MO
Slo ; No. 1 camblng , SOc ; No. 2 combing , SOc.
Michigan , Wltcomln , etc. X Michigan , 24c ; No.
1 Michigan combing , Mfl29c ; No. 1 Illinois comb'
Ing , 28if2 e : .No. 2 MIchlKan comblnv , 28 2 > c ;
No. S'Illnol | combing2Si 29t ; X New York ,
New Hampshire and Vermont , 23@24c ; No. 1
New York , New Hampthlre and Vermont , 27o ;
delaine , Michigan. JSc. Unwashed medium-
Kentucky and Indiana quarter blaod combing.
23c ; thrte-tlghth * blood , j21Kc ; Missouri quarter
blood combing , 22c ; three-elghtli * blood , 22Kc ;
braid combing. . 20c , Like and. Oeorxla , 23e.
Texas wools Spring medium (12 months ) , 169
ISc ; scoured , 43tf(5c ; rprlng fine (12 inontt * ) ,
18Q19c ; scoured , 50o. Territory woolr Montane-
niw medium and fine , 16Ollc ; scoured , 40O4lc ;
staple , COc ; Wyoming , ctc.flne , meitum anl
line , 15Q17c ; scoured , 4S847c ; staple , CO } . Aus-
trallan , scoured basis , cpmblnc. Kgsod , KQCta ;
combing , superfine , TOSTZc ; combing , average , M
eK > c ; Queensland , combing , COo.
ST. LOUIS , April IS. WOOL-Ka lrr ; me.
dlum , 15ei c ; light line. ISeKs ; heavy fine , S9
l c ; tub washed , 22@2tHc.
LONDON , April -WOOL-The wool market
during th * week waa very quiet , there were
only a few traniactlons. Tile arrivals to date
for the third series of wool suctlrn sales num
ber N4.417 brles. Inu'udlng 110.500 bales for
warded direct. Import * during the week were ;
New South Wales , 10,231 bales ; Melbourne , 20.-
1M bales Queensland. iKt bales ; Vlctorli , 3,642
bales ; South Auitrnlla , 4M bales ; West Aus
tralia. 2,272 bales ; Newcaitl * , 1,498 bale * ; Cape
of Good Hope and Natal , 7,917 bales ; Perrla ,
bale * ; Constantinople , 13 bales ; eliewhere , (62
bales. On April 21 2.S70 bales of Auitralts'an
and SCO bales of Puntaa Arenas sheepskin * will
be * old.
' ' '
OIL CITY , Pa- . April IS. Credit balance * 7Sc ;
c rtincal i opened and closed at 74Uc t > 'd ' for
cash ; sale * . 1.000 bbl * . raah a * 74Kc ; shlpmerir ,
84.730 bbls. : runs. T4.SM bbl * .
SAVANNAH. Oa. , April 16-OILB Spirits tur
pentine. firm , ti' c Roiln , flrm , unchonired.
CHAnLEBTON. B. C. . April 18.-OII.S-Tu.
pentln . flrm , 2V4cRoaln , flrm. unchuigtd ,
WILMINOTO.V , N. O. , April lt.-OILH-8plil > *
turpentine , steady , 26Vi JKc. Itosln , dull. Il.r'
1.10. Crude turpentine , quiet. $ ! . , Sl.M an )
( I.W.
New York Dry O o U Market.
NEW YORK , April lThe week In dry
rood * ha * been more satisfactory In It * ten-
dencle * If not In Ita actual results , fillers have
found buyer * wllllna- makt conctsatons la or-
L" ClarkHardware
Hardware Ot
Wholesale Hardware. .
Blcyel * * aid Bportlnf Goods. U1MI M
noyitrtat. . .
Walter Moist & Oo
rroprlttors of AM'iniCAN rtOAn AND OT.A8S
M-i South 14th Et
Pj jlay Brothers.
Liquors and Cigrt
1118 Farnara Street
flar'a Eagla Gin
East India. Bitters
Qoldtn Sheaf Purs nya and Doorbon Whisker.1
TVIlfow Spring. Dlillllcry , Il.r * OS , . UUt
Harnty Slr et _ _ _ _
John Boekhoff
pT , . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . !
t Liquors and Cigars.
41I-4U 8. Uth DtiMt.
Chicago Lumbar Oo.
DUMBER . , .
814 South 14th St.
Ctandard Oil Co.
; . A. MoRet , 1st Vice Pres. L. J. Drake , den Met
- Oaisollne , , Axle Grraie. Etc.
Omalm Ilrnncli nnd Armeies. John D. nuth Mm * .
( Carpenter Papar Co.
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
Garner lit * and Bowtrd atrMts.
Crane-Churchill Co.
1014.1016 DoMglas Street.
Manufacturers and Jobber * of Steam. Oas aaf
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
| Jhited States
Supply Co. . .
i/o8-nro Harnev St.
Sttara Pumps , Engines and Boilers. Plpa >
Wind Mills. Steam and Plumbing
Material. Belting. Hos , Etc.
r real Western
19 Type Foundry
nperior Owptr Mlx d Tjr Is tlM tort or
1st * market. \
Ult Howard ltn.1.
Results TeJK
The Bep
Want Ads
Produce Results.
TELEI'HONB 1958. >
H. E. FEHNE7 & CO.
11O Board of Trade Bid ? . , Omaha , Nell
Branch Offlr * . 1038 N Bi. . Lincoln. Nob.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrt't wlr * to Chlcagq and New Tork. V
Correspondtntsi John A. Warrto * Co. \
der to clean up stocks which will be uieleis In
a few week * . In fact such a clais has rhown
an easier tendency and a Letter feeling prevails.
Re-orders have been light and In general csn-
llned to actual needs. Cottons have not bet *
lered their condition In any grille , prints r
Irregular and not at all rcasiurlng la their
movement , Print cloths have cold fairly well ,
but not enough to equal the output at Kail
River. The quotations Is itl'l 2o for extras ,
with a | lmltd demand recorded.
Cliioluuntl Mnrket.
CINCINNATI. April lFl UR-Qulet j fancy.
$4258445 : family. S3.6o J.90. '
WHEAT Busy ; No. 2 rwl , 9 c. J
OORN-Bteady ; No. 2 mixed , 326 ' '
OAT8-Bteody ; No. 2 mixed , % C23c. ' *
RYB-FIrm : No. 2. We.
PROVISIONS Ijtrt , firm , $ - ' . 03. Hulk meats.
steady , SS2 . Ilncon , steady , W.
. .
WHIBKY-Flrm. $1.20.
nUTTHTl tendy : Elgin rreamery , 'l c ; Ohio.
lSO16c ; dairy , IO&12C. ' '
HIlOAR-FIrm ; hard reflned , $4 3S473.97. ' '
BaOH-Dull at S',4c. ' ' ,
OHEE8E-gulet ; good to prime Ohio fV. ! . ' $ H1
Detroit Market. " I
PETROIT. April IS.-WHEAT-NO. i wbitw
" " "
'Sc : No. I red. cosh and May , JSVtcI *
CORN-NO , i mixed.
OATS No. S white ,
" - " " -
X Kc.
Prorla Mnrketfl.
and HO lower ) fancy western creanuryr
fancy wuttrn prints. t93.
ECias-BUady ; fresh wesUns ,