10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs THURSDAY , APRIL 14 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvcrtUrnirnlPi for lime onttimna will lie tnken until 12 in. for < lic evrnln * emit wtilll N | . m. fur tk suorulncr and Bandar edition * . Advertiser * , ttr re r tlB nutn- fcored check , c n bare u vrcr nd- irenned to a nnmltered letter In cnre of The Ilee. An wer o dilre iiea will be delivered OM pr * t tlon C the check onlr < 1 Rnlen , 1 l-2o i word llriit Inncrtloni lo a Ti > ril ( lierenfler. Xolliln * tnken for leHN thnn 25c for the Brut lner- lon. " TWc c _ advertlnementu mont ran consecutively. WASTKD SITUATIOJIS. " T AMERICAN WIDOW. nOUSEKEBPEn TOR widower , housekeeper or heed chambermaid In fwUI ; oed references. Mre. Pulner. Wesf , pr e , N.J. A-MUt A14' .JIEFINEO LADY. IJXI'KniKNCnO TltAV- elor , wishes position as companion. Aih 1 , . IJce. A-M2S4 WASTED SIAMfi IIKLP. TO TAKE ORDERS : NEW LINK of * rork ; no rea\y goods to carry ! salary or eommlsBlon. C. F. Adnm Co. . 624 So. IClti , St. SALESMAN POn CIOAKS. WS A MONTH AND tp nses ; olJ tlrm ; expcr'cnc * unncretsw ; In ducements ID customers. C. C. IJUhop & Co , , Bt. Lmils. n-tto 'AGENTS AND BRANCH MANAOKUSi SA7.An\ And commission. Hunter Tailoring & Hnlrt Co. . Cincinnati. O. Il-MO ? A18 * _ BALnSMKN TO SKLL TOILCT SOAP TO dealers ; 1100 per month salary and cxpanjes1 experience unnecessary. Louis nrnsl i-o , HI. Louis. Mo , H-Mli _ WANTED. A GOOD , TtKLIAIILn , HUSTL1NO ramnnfer. Apply to Omaha Anchor Fence Co. 2M-207 N. 17th St. 11-238 11.500 POSITION TO 1IIOIIT PAUTY $1.100 UE- qulred for 90 days. Adilrejs L 64 , Ilee. 11 WANTKD. CYLINDER PRESS FEKDKUS ; steauy employment nnd Rood wanes , llecan Printing House , 85 Plymouth Place. Oilcano. - II M2C9 It * V ) PAINTERS WANTED , MACHINERY building , Exposition grounds. H-2S1-H WANTKD. AN EXPERIENCED DRESS GOODS lalrsman.- . L..llrandels & Sons , Iloston Store. WANTED. B WELL DRESSED YOUNG MEN lo travel ; collectors and solicitors ; expenses advanced. Room 3 Victoria Hotel. Call at once. I i9A.i 5 * gALESMEN WANTED TO SELL 1JY SAMPLE at wholesale nnd retail. Good * sell on smht. Salary and commUclon. Address Centennla1 Mfjr. Co. , 493 8th Me. , New York Clly. A SAtJKSMEN TO SELL CIGARS TO DEAL- cr : f alar > ' . WHO to 1200 00 per month and < -x- ptnses ; experience unnecessary ; permanent po sition. The DC Mora Cigar Co. , SprlnisnMd. O. 1J M2J 1 * COOK. KXPOSITION HOTEL , 1S11 IT * FIVE SALESMEN WHO CAN. EARN J2.WM 'yearly and cxpenfcs selllinf Maple Roods to general trade ; lone terms of credit. Successful scheme men of unquestioned Inteerlty only , " \Vejlern Mf f Co. , SyKei IJlock , Minneapolis , Minn. B-M2SS 16 WAXTEI1 KK3IALK HELP. 100 GIRLS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; J3 TO $7 week. Canadian Office , 1522 Douglas.c c csi WANTED , A NURSE GIRL ; REFERENCES reaulred. Apply 3C20 1'nrnnm St. C Mi26 WANTED GIRL AT DORAN HOUSE. 422 S , ISth St. , one blosk south of court houf.C9i C-9i ! WANTED , A GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSE ; . Rood for reliable party ; smnl * * UI ( Vt # i > * ' _ pay.for family. 1311 S. 20th St. C 229-1J * WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES I. the Millinery Department , only thotc xvho havi had n ureat deal of experience need apply , J. L. nrandels & Sons , Doaton Store.C C 22G-1 * WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED GERMAN OR Bohemian cook ; must be n thorough cook : If small family. Wages I3.CO. 2C03 St. Mary1 Ave. . corner 2 h and St. Mary's Ave.C . C 263 14 LADIES TO MAKE SAMPLE PATCHES home ; 8 per week ; no canvassing. Send repl : tnveicpe for sample nnd particulars. Foste : Machine Co. . S25 West 29th St. . New York. WANTED , OIRL AT DORAN HOUSE. 422 S 18th St. , one block south of court FOR RKXT HOUSES. CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES AIJ , OVE cltyt' rtO $75. Fidelity , 1st Ooor N , Y. Life D Ml IjARGE LIST. M'CAGUE. 13TII AND DODGE D 664 'HOUSES ' , FLATS. OARVIN BROS. . u FAR-I : D 63 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TH O. F. Davla Company. 1S03 Farnam. D 667 HOUSES. DENEWA ft CO. , IOS N. 1STH ST. D-668 HOUSES , STORES. BCMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. D CO DETACHED MODERN It-ROOM. AT.BOROOU house : keys it 2548 Capitol Ave. Tel. GTS. II. H. Tiobson. D71 MOVINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANo's. Om.Vnn & Storage Co. . iSllli Farnam. Tel. 1W > . D-670 FOR RENT. ABOUT APRIL 15 , TO COOD TENant - ant , 8-room house ; all conveniences ; Kd street , near California ; not for boarders or roomers ; $ U. EOS N. Y. Life building. D M85I IVOR RENT COTTAGE. ROOMS. MODERN conveniences. 113 S. 17th Ave. Inquire at 71 B. 17th St. D-llO- .R. HOUSE. NEAR tTTII AND PARKER : NICE place. D 258 13 * MODERN HOUSE. TEN ROOMS. 110 S. SOTII Bt. Enquire next door. D-IS8.U * FOH HKXT FUHXISHEn nOOMS. S NICE ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPING. 111Z SOUTH l h St. E-M7C3 _ DESIRABLE ROOM. M. F. ROYS. N. Y. L ! BJg. 'Phone SU. E-M2U A17 * _ IIOOMS , S. FRONT ; MODERN. 1580 HARNEY street. n M9SO ] ( IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1919 DODGE. K-M10I 15 PLEASANT IfURNISHED ROOMS. 118 NORTH Nineteenth t. E-1GS FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OH WITHOUT board ; beautlfuF location. 1136 South 31 t. NKATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOUR ( mm po loince. 1811 Cms. E M267 'FOR TIEXT. S HANDSOMELY FURNISHED room . no ohjivtlon to light hourekeeolnir. In quire 25C Douglas. K IS5-14 * FIIHMSHKD ROOM * AND DOAIID. l MERRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO tel. 2511) wnd Dodge Hts. FTI IIOOMS , WITH BOARD. 2103 CHICAGO ST. F-iOT Atl * BXrOSITIOK , EXPOSITION. Th Saratoita Hotel : new haute ; now furniture ; modern equipment ; experienced management. adjoin * exposition ; boarders nollclrd ; raten rrn- anal4e : take Sherman Ave. cars U > Sill. nn > l Aroi-s A\c. John H. Pierce , proprietor : D. T. 'Tutib * . mnnanfr. F K3a _ FURNISHED ROOMS. TRANStB > rTS ACCOMmodated - modated ; cheap rates. (20 N. INh.M25 16 < * KICE ROOMS WITH BOARD , 1824 IHNIf RY F 2C1-18 * FOR HBJfT VNFVMMSHGD IIOOMB. ' FOR RENT. NICK SOUTH FRONT nlshM 'roomslth bath : Wltbn ll block. F. W. Carmlchael. No. S , WUhntll Uwk. O-S89 _ _ , ist * FAHNAM. re * MKXT STORKS AND TFICKS. VOK.KKNT , THE 4-aTORr BRICK I1UILDWC t M F rn m St. Tkla bulldtazj hi ttrnraol c nwnt ItaMiMHt. wM r on all floors , sjsis. etc , Bt * . THANUVKRRIIKl./AKJ lo Hi * jAullina- - KOK nK.VrflTOItK9 AJfl > OKKIfK * . ( Continued. ) -Oil RENT , DESK ROOM IN (1ROUKO FLOOR office , lice Im'lillnn ' ; water , fleam heel , electric HUM an < l janitor service. Apply lo Superln * Undent. M < tmlMlnir. 1 197 ron RKNr-iN THE nnE BUILDING i 3ne large corner room , 2J lloor , with vault ana private omro. wnter , ftc. in * I urge front room , 2J noor , divided Into two roem < by partition : water , tic. Dne Unip corner room , 2.1 lloor , with vault , water , etc. Jnt front room , divided by partition , 3d floor. Jne corner room , with vault , 3d noor. 3ne large roam , 3d ( loar. with partition dividing It Into one larce room and two smaller private rooms ; water , etc. rwo larjte icround' floor rooms , frcntlnp ; 17th Bt. , with va lt. Several small rooms on 4th floor , wltji vaults. Ml lhm # rooms are heitnd with steam , electrlo lls/htr , supplied 'With flr t class Janitor service : elavators run day and all night ; building strictly fireproof. Apply to superintendent , room 101 , Dee bulldlns ; . 1-1W AOEXTS WASTED. AOKNTS WANTED , MtJUAT HALSTnAD'S treat war book , "Qur Country In War , " and our relation * with foreign tuitions ; oil nbout our army , nivy , coast defenses , t'.i ? Mnlne disaster , Spnln , her army and navy defences : all nbout Cuba , lirr relations to llio United Ktates nnd her iltfcnres ; all nbout the nrmles nnd navies of all other nations and how they will act In our ng.1t with Spain ; o\cr COO pages ; magnlllccrt Illustrations , photographs , etc. ; one agent sold 59 In one day ; others are mak ing 12.00 to J39.no per dny ; most liberal terms Ktinranteed , SO days' credit ; price low ; freight paid ; handsome outfit free : fiend 12 2-cent stamps to pay portage. Nal'l IMucntlonal Union. J4 Dearborn St. , C'llcago. J M99I I4 AGENTS WANTED WE WANT ONE shrewd , careful man In every town to nuke n few thousand dollars for himself quietly at home and not work hard ; private Infractions and \aluable nutnt of new goods sent free. Address Immediately , 1 . O. Box 6308. Boston , Mass. J-M292 14 WANTED TO HKXT. WANTED-F1HST CLASS BOAIID FOR 11US band nnd wife ; two bed rooms and slttlns room required. Addters It 2 , Ilee. K M-C03 nv" PARTY LOCATINO PERMANENTLY IN the city , n mod rn house In a Rood location. P. O. llox ITS. K 2M 11 WANTED. TO RENT. 1JY QENTLEMAN. ONE room furnished or unfurnished ; answer tinting price and location. M 1 , Hee. 1C :8M4 ' STORAGK. ot < PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 903-910 Jones general storage and forwarding. , , M 673 O&I. VAN A'sibjlAOBi' 1511V4 FARN'M. TEL 1539 , M C74 WANTED TO IIUY. WANTED. A IXAD ) OF MILLET HAY. SELI1Y. 321 Board of Trade. N M2S7 13 FOIl SAI.K FUHXITt'IlE. TOR SALE , A FINE FOLDING BED WITH wardrobe ; nlso oik bedroom set , almost new ; only those wanting llr t-cHss article need np ply ; forenoon only. 2037 Dodge st. O M223 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT HEASONAI1LE price ; large blxch walnut desk and bookcase combined , I2S.CO. 1329 South 26th St. f COMPLETE RESTAtlRANT OUTFIT AND other line furniture cheap. 233S CumlnRS. O &IW 18 * KOK SALE IIOP3ES , WAOO > S , ETC. NICE FAMILY HORSF. . HARNESS & CAR llace ; also light single home's. 1310 Howard. 1 PAIR I1LACK MARES. 2.100 IMS. : 1 BLACK ireldliiff , 1,200 llis. ; chnlte , surrey or family horse. Stable 12th and Nicholas. P M236 14 * FOIl SALK MISCKLLAXKOUS. HOO AND POULTRY FENCE ; BETTER THAN wire netting. Fine sawdust for floors. Tel. 43S. 901 Douglni. Q-673 [ IORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , all ftnnrtnrrl makes on hand ; grinding razors , s'.ienr * , clippers ; prompt sen Ice. A. L. Undeland. Q-676 URE PLYMOUTH ROCK EOGS FOR SET- tlnss ; 60o ; roosters. Jl.OO. 932 North 26th. Q 677 A-1C * HICKEN. HOG AND LAWN FENCES ; ALL wire ; Is be t. Wire Works , 14th nnd Homey. BLACKHEADS AND WAHTS , HOW TO REmove - move , 25o. Cyius Gray , 1' . O. box 94 , Ilen- nett. Pa. Q-M134-A-15 * FOU SALE , NEW STANDARD REMINGTON Typewrllcr cheap. Inquire Ray C. Merrill , 1603 Farnani. Q-M301 14 * MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT , A BARK AT M02 OAS3 ST. R M909 MASSAGE : , BATHS , KTC. .AURA ELLISON. 119 K. 16TII O'PSTAIRS ) . room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , mas sage. T M310 A-19 MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up- salrs. T MS24 17 MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND BATHS. 1S23U Howard St. " T-ttS-18 * MME. SMITH. 118 N. 15TH ST. . STEAM AND alcohol baths. T-ZJS-1S * FKIISOXAI. . VIAVIFOR UTERtNE TROUBLES. 348 BET ! Bldf ; physician consultation or health book free. U-CSO CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND RE- palrcd : day or night dress suits for hire. Pantorlum , K. C. Cor. I4th and Farnam. Tel. 9C3 U-681 BATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST. 219 % S. 1ST1I. U-SS3 HORSES CUPPED-FOR ONE DOLLAR : ELEC- trie clippers Tel. CC. McCormack & Baumley , 14th nnd Howard. U S3) MAGNETIC .TREATMENTS. CLAIRVOYANT. fortune , lelllns. ,9-ll.jl-S , 8-10 , e\e. Mme. Long , 1922 Cumlng. U-M'43 1C MONEY T $ , | , OAK RKAb ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O F. Da\ls Co. , 1503 Farnam St. W C82 WANTED , CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOAN ! ) . R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bids. W-CS4 MONEY LOANED ON IMPRO.VED HEAL ES- tale In Omoha , Council Bluffs South Omaha. W. H. ThomJis , 50J First Nat'l. Hank , Omuha. W-6S3 " PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Gnrvln Bros , 1611 Farnam St. W 683 $100.000.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Omihn property , or for building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W CS6 ANTHONY LOAN. & TRUST CO. , 31S N. Y. L.i quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa. Northern Missouri , Eastern Nehiaska. w-tn LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , U20 Farnam , W-653 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan-Love Co. , 211 S. 16th. W-6S3 PER CENT MONEY. HEM1S. PAXTON BLK W 90 SIDNEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 110 TO 110,000 TO LOAN ON HOU8EHOU ) FURNITURE AND PIANOS HOHHES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC , at lowest rate * In Omaba , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; yoi can pay th loan oft at any time or In an ) amounts. amounts.OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 348 South ICth St. THH OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR POUATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-SJ1 MONEY LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLE HOLD Inc permanent petitions , with leiponitble con rerns upon their nwn names , without security easy payments. Totman. K , 70 * . N. V. U bids ; IM-A-lt * BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J J. fllbson. 814 First Nafl Bank. Y 1 BETTEU THAN KLONDIKE ; PERSONS WITI amall or tare * rsjaltal w4 htn to make Invest meats that proraUe larjeri' turas afiould ad dreu or call on L. W. TuMeys , Council Uluffs Iowa. ' ' ' ' T-MMT AM _ tT-l.COOBUSIJJKSa CABDfi NKATLY P1UNTKD R , Q. Ilearsey , IWFfcrrlam at : ; 'phone , 2tMO. Y-1BU M * ro , . Aue. THO CMH.Y , no * FOUNUHV " " 1 U rejain mmi unut h < o oe , Otiiln. ' T-lMsW CltANCKS. ( Continued. ) 159 INVESTED ACTUALLY EARNINO 35 PER cent weekly proms. Rare chance. No Marker or Klondike scheme , t fe enterprise. Control capllnl yourself. D , Sloane , 110 St. Pnul HI. , lUltlmorf , Mil. Y-M291 11 * IX ) Y01T WANT CANDY STAND IN THE Exp'wltlon Rivunds , with nice building ? See Wnl h A Co.i lll N. Itlh Mrpet. . 10 OOOD PAYING IllIHTAUKANTrt AND rooming houses. WalMi ft Co. , 119 N. Kill street. ( ) PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ; BEST Lm'A- tlon In city. Wnlsli te Co. , 1 N Kth atret-t am POOL ROOM ; MUST HBI.L . BIO MNAI * . Walsh A O ) . . 119 N. llh street , Y M1JJ 14 * FOR EXCHANGE. VARIOUS PIECES OF PROIVEHTY AND forms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Address 1 , 42 Ilee. . X MR1 roil SALK HKAL KSTATE. KOUNT7.E PLACE BAROAINH. W.BOO. tj.73rt TO H.500. J. J , Gltson , III Flnt Nat'l. Bank Bid * . RE 694 FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PROPERTY ; BUSI- nesa lot corner. COxI50 ft. . In Ho. Omaha , pa\ed. Business lot. 69x130 feet , Improved , South Omaha , street ptue-l. ' Tract (24 ( lots ) . 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , : oth St. For parttculais apply 1012 Farnam 61.RE RE 9j NEW , MODERN K-ROOM COTTAGE , LAROF2 lof , } SO cash , balance lo suit. Address CJ M. Bee. RD-M10.1 HOUSES , IXTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS , alee flre Inicurance. Bemls , Paxlon block. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR NICE HOME ? Look at this house nnd barn detached , shade trees , corner 28th nnd llurdelte ; very little money needed. Call Morand , 1,19 Hnrney St. RE-423-A-22 BAROAINS : f..ROOM HOUSE. 902 SOUTH IOTH St. , rental $180.00 per jinr ; price , $1,300. C2xl32 feet on Cumlng street , pays 7 psr cent net on I2.BOO. 11 liouf-os nnd 1 store , rental , $643.00 per > enr ; pr'c ? , $3.8CO. 44 feet front 3-storj" brick bulldlnp. near 14th nnd Doiisla' , rental $2.100.00 per year ; price , $22.600. J. N. Frenzer , Opp. old P , O. SC-M214 NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND LEAV- enworth , 6x132 , two-slory brick building ; Rood location for wholesale ; track to rear of lot ; price , $13,000. Inquire of owner on premise * . REM2914 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. A. C. VAN RANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND nnd Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol lowing advantages ; Individual Instructions by experienced tcncherx nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch system of tjneTvrU- Ing If preferred ; participation In actual work , for which students receive pay ; monthly piy- ments. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGI.AS 699 SHORT-HAND , UP-TO-DATE. TAUGHT BY court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-3-7 Bee bldg 705 3IKUICAL. LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the nest. Safe , reliable. Takeno other. Send 4o stamps for particulars , "Relief for Lndlep , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. CMche-Uer Chemlca ) Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Bee , LOST. LOST-BLACK POCKLTUOOK. BETWEEN People' * Furniture nnd Carpet Co. nnd Boston Store. Valuable papers and money. Reward for return to 2T03 Farnnm. Lost 203 13 BICYCLES. FOR SALE. LADIES' 1S97 WHEEL , FIRST class condition , $20 cosh. Address M 20. Bee. M2S9 14 * STENOGRAPHERS. VE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers free. Tli Smith-Premier Tvuc- writer Co. Telephone , 1184. i04 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. D. B. HOUCK. JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. 3 < ia Karbach black. 9 S FURNITURE PACKED. I. B. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 7115 HOTELS FOR .RENT. BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL , TO rooms and large atom room ; central location. Bemls. Paxton Blk. TO ! PAWNBROKERS. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 701 SIUKWALKS. ERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCY driveways. G. Rushart , 214 X. 16th : 'phone 1195. M8IO M4 * TYPEWRITERS. 'YPEWRITERS FOR RENT $1,00 PER MONTH The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Far nam St. ; Telephone 11S4. TOT FINANCIAL. .IFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cash. Richard Herzfeld , 1TI LoSajle St. , CM- cago. M210 AIT EXPOSITION FRONTAGES FOR RENT. GROUND LEASF.8 FRONTING EXPOSITION. Bemls. Paxton Bile. TO ! DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 1504 DAVP-T. M9S2 M6 * GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES AND TUANSPOHTATlON.-Department of I ho Interior , Ofllco of Indian Affairs. Wash ington , D. C. , March 30 , 189S. Sealed pro posals will bo received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , at 1G02 State street , Chi cago. III. , until 1 o'clock p. m. , Wednesday , April 27 , 1R9S , for furnishing for the Indian Service beef , flour , bacon nnd ot'ner articles of subsistence ; agricultural Implements , wagons , harness , hardware * medical and other supplies ; also bids for the transporta tion of such of the articles , goods and sup plies as may not bo contracted for to be delivered at the agencies. Sealed proposals will also be received at Nos. T7-79 Wooater street , New York City , until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tuesday , May IT , 1S9S , for furnish ing for the Indian Service coffee , sugar , tea , rice , baking powder , soap , groceries , blankets , woolen and cotton goods , clothing , notions , hatn and caps , boots and shoes , crockery and sc'nool books. Bids must be made on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bid ders will be furnished on application at the Indian Office , Washington , D. C. ; Nos. 77- T9 Wooster street. New York City ; No. 1602 State street , Chicago. III. : the Commis saries of Subsistence , U. S. A. , at Cheyenne. Leiivcnworth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul and San Francisco ; the postmasters at Sioux City. Yankton , Arkansas City. CalJ- wcll , Topekii , WlcVilta and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the Yiour and days above tated , and bidders arc Invited to be present at the opening. W. A. JONES , Commis sioner. A5-D191 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office Su pervising Architect , Waihlngton. D. C. , April 8. 1S38.-8EAI.EU PROPOSALS Will be received at this office until Z o'clock p. m. on the 6th day of May , 1893 , and opened Immediately thereafter , for all the labor and materials required for furnishing plaster modeta anl carving granite In ac cordance therewith , for the U. 8. Court House , Custom House and Postofflce build ing at OMAHA. NEBRASKA. In accord ance with the drawings and specifications , copies of which may be had at this office or the office of the Superintendent at Omaha , Nebraska. James Knox Taylor , Supervising Architect. aI26tEOD POSTOFKICE NOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for foe week ending April IS , ms , will close ( promptly In all caes ) at the general postoftlce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. BATURDAV-At 6:30 : a. tn. for GERMANY , Ber s. . Sanle * . via Bremen ( letter * for ether part * of Europe , via Cbccto Bfcmeti , must ; be directed ' . > * M at JO a. w. for FRANC- . X.AND. ifAi/r , SPAIN. T TURRET , TOYPT and BRITWR INDIA IMISTOI'IMOK NOTICE. ( Continued , ) per , s , Ii Cl.iacoi.ne * , via Havre ! at :30 : n , m. for KUROPK. per s. 8. Ktrurla * . via QitcenMown ( totters for Germany , France. Switzerland , Italy , Spnln. Portu gal. Turkey. Kgypt and Urltlsh India must tin iV.rcrtcd "prr Btrurla" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per . . Obdam. via Rotterdam ( Icttora must be directed - "per Obdam" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for ITALY , per B. n. Alter , via Naples ( letters must bo directed "per Alter' ) ; nt 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per . s. Et'nlopla , via Glasgow ( letteri must bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY ill- , reel , per . . IsUnd ( letters must be di rected "per Island" ) , PIUNTKD MATT lt.trrC.-G > rm n | pnm n allln nti Tursdxy * Ithke ( irlntfj matter , etc. , for Orminny nna sjtacUllv ndilrps'-I prlrit-t matter , etc. , furinthrrrparts of Kurope. Amer- k-nn and \Vhlle , tnr steitmrm on Wedn'i-lHyn , Orrman stpamerai' onuThursdavi an JU" ire , French nnd Oennbaf stam < * rs on Haturdaj * take printed mirtWri tc. , for Hll mintrlcs fnl which they are sulvcrHjed lo carry mall , After the cloclnr nf 'Mo mpplcmfnUry trans- atlantlo mnlln named ! ntxjvc. ndilltlonitl sur l'l - mtnliirj' malls nro on nm on the pier * nt thl American , Knull h. tfrrnrh nn < l Oerninn ftonn- r nml remain ofotiryntll within tn mlr.ut fr of the hour of al(4nnjn.t ( stcnmc" . MnlU for flonlb.'nitd Central America , rtlri , K c. THURSDAY-At.-ll2:8lJip. : m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. llfoMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , nlsa DEMERARA5 per B. s. Kontabelle ( letters for Oronapn. Trinidad nnd To bago must be directed "per Fontnbelle" ) . SATURDAY-Ata 10 n.m. ( gupplementary 10.TO : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. 8AVAN1LLA and CARTHAGE- NA , per s. s. AHeghany ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per AHeghany" ) ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for CAMPEOHE , CHIAPAS , TAUASCO and YUCATAN , per s. B. Orlz. nba ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Orizaba" ) ; at 11 a. m. for BRAZIL , per s. s. Taormlna , via Pcrnambuco nnd San tos ( letters must be directed "per Tuor- mlna" ) ; nt 11 n. m. ( supplementary lliSO n. m. ) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO , ulao 8AVANILLA and CARTHAGENA. via Curacao , per s. s. Venezuela ; at 11:20 : n. m. ( supplementary 12:00 : m. ) for NAS SAU , N. P. , nnd SANTIAGO DE CUBA , per s. s. Saratoga ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND. per Bteamer from North Sydney : nt 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax. Malta for Kewfoundlnnd , by rail to Halifax and thence by steamer , clew nt this ofllce ilai'.v at S:30 p. m. Mails for 'Mlquelon ' , by rail to Bos ton nnd thcncf hy * stonmei , close at this office dally nt 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cnbn close nt this office daily nt T:00 : n. in. , for forwarding b , Hteamern Bailing ( MondaB nnd Thursdays ) from Port Tampa , Fla. Mnlls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially ndrlri'Kiel ft dispatch by steamer , close nt this office dally nt 2:30 : n. m. umi SS9 : p. m. "Hoglstpred rmll closes at C:09 : i > . m. previous iliy. TrniiN-Pn'clllc Mail * . Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Olym. pla , ( from Tacoma ) , close hero dally up to April lOfn nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Japan- , ( specially addressed only ) , per a. s. Empress * of Japan ( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to April * llth at C:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Europe , New Zealand , Ha- Wall.FIJI and Samoun Islands.per s. s.Ala- meda ( from San Franclscoclose ) here dally up to April "IStA at T3 a. m. , 11 a. m. nnd 6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of 9. s. Campania with British malls for Aus tralia ) . Mnlls for China Japan and Ha waii , per s. s. City of Rio Janeiro ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to April 21. nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per s'nlp City of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to April 24th nt G : i p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per H. H. Zen- lamlla ' ( from San Francisco ) , close here dallyi up to April 23th at 6:00 : p. m. Mall for Australia ( except Weat Australia ) New Zealand Hawaii and FIJI Islands per s. s. Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) close here dally after April " 13th and up to April 2Sth nt 6:30 : p. m. rrani-I'aclllc mnlls arc forwarded to part of sall- InB dally and the schedule of closing la ar ranged on I presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. "Registered mill closen nt 6 n. in. previous ilay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , PoMmasUr PostolHce , New York. N. Y. . April 8 , 1S9S. UAILROA'DS. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST- * rn Hallway city Ticket pf- " 'nce.iwi Fomam'Street. Tele , pbone-tdl. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. t ttLeave. . Arrhe. Spq- 7:04 : am 11:55 : pm uur . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 : am 10:43 : pm Valley , nBloux . , . . . . ; . . 7:40 : am 9:03 pm Dennlson , Carroll.Wall ; 'Lake , from Broadnaji Council BufT | . - . , . . / ? ; 9:00 : am * 1:43 : am lastcni Kxprei * . De Mo'.nes. MarrhalUown. Cedar Raplda. Chicago. 10 : am 405pm Atlantlo Flyer. Chicago and Rast . . 4:13 : pm : pm Fast Mall. Chicago 'to Omaha r..iV. ' 3:10 pm Ulssourt Valley , Bloui City , St. Paul , Mlnne- apolU Limited . . < j..f. 4SS : pm 8SO : am Omaha-Chlcaeo SpecUl. . :45 : pm 8:50 : am Do Mr. Dally'lexxot Sunday. UHICAQO. BT. PAUL. SIINNE- apolla & Omaha Railway General Offices-Netraika D | . Mslon. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. City Ticket Office. 1401 Fdrnam Street. Telephone Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele- Sioux city Accommoda. . * * 8:60 : am 8:20 : pn Sloun City Accommoda. . :50 : am : pn Illalr. Kmersin , Bloux City , Ponca. Hartlntf- ton and Uloomfleld.t. * 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : am Bluix City. Macknto , St. . Paul , Minneapolis . . , . 5:55 : pm g-r > am ors" ! ! ' ' -.ucnKer . " 6:19 : pm " 1:41 : am , DalJi' l.Dally.e * Pt Sunday. Sunday only. " This train stops at stations Florence to South Blair , Inclusive , Sunday * only : on week days. South Blair only. . KLKHORN ANU issouri Vallnr JlwayOen. oral Offices , United States Na tional Bank Building , South west Corner Twelfth nnd Far. . . _ nam Streets. Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Famam Street. Telephone 561. Depot , Flf. : eentu and Webster 8tr i Telephone 143S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dendwood and Hot Springs 1:00 : pm 5:00 : pn W > om'ny , Caspar nnc DougU JiOOpm " 5:00pn : : Hastings , York , Uavld City , Superior , Qenevs Exeter and Seward. . . . S:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , West Point and Fremon 7:50 am "WiIS air Llnoln. Wahoo and Fremont TJO am " 10.2S nin Fremont Local T:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sun in ) only. Dally -xccpt Saturday. Dally except Monday. SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC RAIL , road Oenera ! Offices. United States National Bank Build' Jng , 8. W. Curacr Twelfth ami Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllce , . _ , . . . 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone CGI , Eepot , lth and Webster Bis. Telephone VA aVC < Arrlvt Sioux City. Mankato. Bt. Paul , Mlnnapolls KH : pm : M an CHICAQO , MILWAUKEB e n i eAl lUliwar-CHy Tleke W4 Fanwaa Street IN. Depot Ttmt < iaATKH OP .MOWJIT COXSTAMCK. Extinct Volrnitn on * Jamntlt of iftp Ulrmiilo HnsiRc. Perhaps ] for the first time a white nun das tut tocoJ hla foot In tbo extinct crater of Mount Constance In the Olympic range of mountains. The pMeo hus Interest outoldo of the geographical because of Ita Importance n the cu.itoms of the Slwaah Indiana. The uldo who took ttoo writer thither was an old Indian known an Slwagh Joe. One evening list January , relate * a eorro- ppndtnt of the Now Tork Sun , a party of. luntera were sitting before a camp fire spin ning yarns , and finally the writer told about n liMcceaalble place on Mount Constance , which la the "mother" of tke Olympic range , ilwash Joe waa the guide on the hunt , and bat night ho Mt before the big log flre , wrapped In a borrowed blanket , apparently tat asleco. Not a word or grunt did be utter. But ho wai wide awake. About a week after the hunt he came to my houie and asked permission to stay all night. He waA welcomed , and after supper , alttlng by the open flre , b all at once raid : "You hunt gold last summer ? No find ilsiT No get to ptace on big mountain ? You KO me I show you ; show you gold ; ahovr vou where Black Tamanalpau lived before jaleface come. I cbow you many things ; no body else' go ! " t o ! ced him many question , for I very nuch desired to go If the trip were possible. Pbough laconic , ho was positive , and I finally told him wo would ga as soon 03 I could make arrangement * to get away , which was two weeks ago. We took nothing but flour and salt for food , knowing we ohoutd have nxny difficulties to encounter , and besides wo were going to the home of the mountain elk and where deer and bears and pheasants abound. During the eight days of our absence wo killed many food aijlmals , and , lo mere senses than one , lived high. After three days of most severe mountain climbing wo arrived at the foot of Mount Constance , and all the distance It Is up and down precipitous foothills. Here wo cached our snoushocs and a few other super fluities , unrolled our rope , and began the ascent , going up the west side , which Is scaiEthlng I have never heard of any one's doing , all having hitherto tried the cast and south. Before going far we came upon a distinct , tbough hard , trail , and this , Joe said , was where the Indians used to travel. It took us two daya to reach our destination days of danger and of toll. Hero U a vast amphitheater , embracing more than fifty acres , on a level spot. Sur rounding It Is a high , square tone wall of nature's forming , and at the four corners are great pillars of stone , rough and un hewn , but rising high In the air. Innldo Is an Indescribable Jumble of boulders and lava , while In the center Is a spot , maybe an acre In extent , clear of everything but the lava , which shows the eastward glow. Tbe am ohlthoatcr Is the extinct crater of the Olym pics. In frccit of the crater Is a terrace , covered tn summer with grasses and flowers , and through It runs a rivulet of pure water from Q spring on the northern aide. From this point wo could nee , with a glass , the cities of the Sound , Tacoma , Seattle , Everett , Townsend. and In Ifio distance Whatcom and Belllngham Day , while en all the water we could frequently see steamers and sailing ves sels As we stood and looked a noteo at thn rear disturbed the silence , and , turning , we saw a mcastcr cougar standing with his tal owltchtng and eyes blazing. I tried to shoot him , but the Indian held my arm the cougar was sacced lo Slwash Joe. We pitched our tent on the terrace , bull a rousing big flre and ate a plentiful supper ot the ham of a mountain elk and flipjackr \Yftcn the meal was over Sino > ih Joe told stories about the crater. "I came here , fust itlme , when llttl boy , very llttl boy , " he said , "many years before , long before the white men hail come to live In the country ; all Indian hid came to this place. In those times the 'Black ' Tamaralpau lived here and then In hU temple Inside there were no rocks or atones , Ji-at only the rxnooth lava. There were many tepees on the plain In front , and hero lived the medicine men , and the chiefs when they came up to the holy place. Here , lee , the sick were brought , and cured , and In a tepee the boys who came alone would sleep. The girls never came till ithey were ? old woman no need nnd a god ! When a boy became S or 9 years old he was brought by his parents to the foot of the trail we came up , and there , early In the morning , ho war started alone to find hU god. He must climb to the temple the tepee of atones and there he would learn hla deity. The boy would come , enter the temple , go to the center , turn his face toward the east , and a voice would ppcak > to him , telling him to be bravo , manly ; to learn 'the ' art of hunting and fishing , and -when he reached manhood to keep ' his wigwam full tp plenty. And then he would bo told to go , and 'the first wild animal you ace Is the spirit of your god never kljl one of ks kind ! ' Me ? I came cut and started down the trail and eaw a cougar , such a big- cougar no one ever did uee , and he stood and looked- me and came toward me , and I ran back and a medicine man told me It wia my god , and I never have killed a cougar ! " This , I have since been told. Is still the Slwaoh custom. The boy U now sent Into > the woods , to remain three daya without food , and on his return the first animal or bird ho sees Is his god , and ho never kills or hurtn any of the apocies. "One time , many yeats ago , " continued Joe , "many Indlara wme hero for a pow- wqw. I was with them. We got to the foot of th mountain when the aky became cloudy , and in a few moments there were dreadful noise ? , and the earth shook , and the sun came out ot the clouds like a ball of flre. Wo were very much afraid and pushed up the trail quickly , but when we got hero we fouud ItAILItO'ADS. ' MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Oiflcei and Ticket dllce. Merchants National Rank Bulldlni. 1224 Farnam 8ttct. Ttlephono 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webiter Streets. Telephone . , , „ , . Leave. Anlve Kansai i and Nebraska Llmlcjd . " * : > Pm u-.tt pm tnsi City and S'- Loul L'xprcsi . 8W pm * :00 : am Nebraska Local . 4:00 : pm 9.43 am Dalljf. Dally except Suntnj- . UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General Offices. N. U. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Tlckft Office. 130J Faniara Street , Telephone 515. Deiiot , Tenth and iliton Streets. Telephone 123.Leave. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , western points . 8aO : ara 4:45 : pm T.1 Colorado Special. for Denver and nil Colorado points . 11:03 pra 7:00 am Fast mall train for Salt J.ilte. I'acino coast and all western points . . . 1iU pm 7,00 am Lincoln. Beatrice and BtrMniburg Express . . 5:00 : pm * * UtO : pm Fremont. Columbus , Norfolk , Grand It- land and Kearney . 4:33 pt * Grand Island Express. . 5:00 : pm 12:20 : on > Dally. Dally ezcept Sunder" Council Bluffs Local Leaves. 4:4/1 : / a. m. ; : M a. m. ; 7:40 : a. in. ; 8:40 : a. m. ; 10.0 a , in ; 1:15 : P. m. ; 4:35 r > . m ; 5:15 : p. m ; :20 : p. m. ; l'OJ ; p. m. Arrives , 6:20 : a. in , ; 70 : a , m. : 8:55 : a. m. : 11:20 : a , m ; 3:10 : p. m. ; s:4u : p , ic. ; 6:30 : p m : 1:05 D. m. : 10:45 : p , m. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paclflo Rallrnad-"Tbe Great Rock Island Route" city Ticket Office. IKJ Farnam Btreot. Telephone 42 . Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 111. Leave. Arrive. Cblcaco 04 Bt. P ul Vesttbuled Express . . 4 : pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln. Colotado Ep B j Puueblo. D n\er n < l t . , . 1'5J pm 4S : pro Chlcjvgo , D s Molnee A Rock Island . " . pm lit ! ore Atlantla Kxpre . for Dee Uolnts n-t east- * rn points . " , : TOi > m sW : pro Colorado lly'r . "T-flOpm 9-01 am Daily T > | lr exeenl iunnay. WADASII RAILROAD-TICKI5T o i"Hll Farnam Street. Tele phone 21 , Depot. Tenth and Kirtets. Teleponr la. brave. Arrive. D ur OMAHA * BT. LOUIB RAILROAD Omaha. Kmsee City * K t- ra Railroad 'The Port Artiiur Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1411 Farnam Street. Telephone. 18. Depot. Temtb ana Mtfoa Btreete. Tel- Lk ve. Arrive. .7O ; am ntonr-s and rocks In the tptnplo , name as It now , anil no voice wait thorp anil lllnrk Tmmonal [ > au waa gonol Ah , how frail wo were ! Wo c mo buck nnil went to the whlto man , Rave him floh and meat , ami then no founa the nrrot IDIack Tnmanalpau In the dense forests. "Then mcdklno men cam * with | > ale faces , with gowns on- like the whlto women , anil wo were taught to bo Catholics. Then more irleats came who taught us to bo Protestants. Then Indian John Slecnm came , and ho taught us to bo Shakers. But wo no go * any more religion wo Juat getting to bo like the whlto man. " The next morning we started back homo. 3Id Joe had told me he knew where there vas gold In plenty , but he had nilireprcpontcd .ho facte. He had an Intense longlaii to go jack to his old temple , poitlbly with a v. gue do that Black Tamanalpau would liwe re turned , and the rtory about the gold was designed to make mo take htm. HOW IIB M > ST IT. \Vnllncp Rrimillntril for < ! ! ! Faith In. Inventor Morn * . Dr. Oatllng , the gun man , Is a. relative of General Lew Wallace , and tells the following etorr about the latler'a father ; "David Wallace was a member of con' crew from an Indian * district * faen S. F. B. Morse asked the government to give him 140,000 for the purpose of building the first telegraph line from Baltimore to Washing ton. Wallace was a member of the com mittee to which the bill providing for the appropriation was referred , and It happened , when the matter came up for consideration , that ho was abacnt. The vote In committee was a tie. and so Wallace was sent for. He voted to slvo the Inventor the $40,000 , and accordingly ( do bill went through. "Thla happened along toward the end ef Wallace's terra , and when ho went homo to itrlvo for re-clecllco ho found that the news concerning hli action on tho.Mor . o tclc- Kraph appropriation bill had preceded him. A man named WIIIMm Ilrown , who afior- warda bccamtt prominent In congress , , h il hem nominated by Uio dpmocrof/i , and lie wn conductinR a vigorous ( yimpalgn. "In IdoBo < Mva joint atumplnR tourn wcro customary. nrt < hc two candidates wcnk from place to ptace through the district , V asking for the votes of the people. Drown'a pKitform corwlitcd of cwly one pltnk. That was the criminal record of hla opponent. "Ho would got up before a crowd of vot- ori and aak them If they had heard how Wallace had voted to live $40.000 of th public's mcncy to a man who proposed ! tranrtnll mcturaRca by means of a wire be * tween Baltimore and Washington. Ttio rl dlculouaneas of wich a thing waii 10 app r cm that Wallace's action could not be con sidered aj a mere mistake. It was clearly5 n outrage upon the people a dcllbcrato swindle. " 'You m y not believe. ' Brown was In lh habit of concludltiK. 'that any man Vlth l park of common icnac would vote away the public fundn for the furtherance of eubh a chimerical scheme , but the gentleman Is hero before you. Ask htm It I have told lb truth or not. and tot him explain his action If ho can. ' "Wallace , of course , admitted that ho hafl voted away the money , and he tried to ex plain what Moreo proposed to do , but It WM all In vain , Hla constituents made up their minds that he wa.1 cither a fool or some thing worse , and ho was , therefore , snowed under at the polls. "It Is gratifying to know that Wallace lived to see the telegraph established as an Important factor In civilization , but I sup pose there arc people In that district who still think ho was a fool and that ho de- rervod defeat. " Arnold's Uromo Celery cures headache * . lOc , 25c and 50c. All druggists. MOKE HEtiGA III.Y From Fun , I Mrs. Skinflint Hero Is a ha'penny for you , my mun ; and pray tell me how you came to ho so miserably poor. Mendicant Ah , mum ! I was like you too fond of plvln' Jaruo sunis of' money to the poor. A NOT UXtlSU XL UUMA.YU. From Scraps. j V ? I "Say , guv'nor , give us a light from yer cigar ! " ( Poor Cbolly has ndt-'coin- pletely recovered from the awful shoe k even yet.J NICELY TUH.M2D. * From Judy. Ho Who U that disreputable , ugly old fellow there ? She ( haughtily ) That , sir , Is my husband ! He ( coolly ) How true U Is that homely mcu always secure the hand- ) sotnost wives I ' From l'ltk-Me-Up. < ! ! ) ! ! . . "Don't , jBnp uon't atop 'em ! They're deciding a bet ! " Wttle CleWMce "Man is * fcU bMt In winteriei't h * , PrT. Mr. V Ut"Y * . thwrc M o ttw OB bin