in TTT17. TIATT.V WIflTWR nAV. ATTMT. 1 ! t 1.QO.Q SPECIAL NOTICES AiltrrtlMMiMMilN for Uirm- column * trill ! > < ( nltcn nnlll 12 in. tar Ilic cvruliiK " < l until H p. m. lor the iiinrnlnur mid Siiinlny rilltloiM. AiltcrtlNcm , liy ren"r"tl B < " " " - l > rr Ml vhi'i'lf , cnn lin * miMf" " " ' ' ilrrimfil ( o n minilicml U ( tcr In euro of Tinlice. . A turner * HO niltlrcnicil will be -llvortMl l on prcHciilntlon of tlt < > check only. ltn < c , 1 1-Uc n word ttrnt InneHlont In a mini tlirrenflrr. Antlilnw tnki-n for IOHM Ilinu VS..f ( or the flrxt Inner- don. Tlipnr nilvcrJInpiiu-nln innHt be rnn WANTi : SITUATION. BT AMHIUCAN WIDOW. nonsKKnrn'nn FOR widower , hoincUoeper or lioaJ chnmt > rinald In hotel ! good references. llr . 1'ulner. Wen/ OranKC , N , * A-M121 A14 I.ADV WIRHKS POSITION AS keepcr for widower with convenient home nnd one or two > oung children : would tike rntlrc charge. Addrem L 03 , Ilec. A1571 13' WANTED , MlTttATlON UY I'ltAcricAL GAR- tlener on private plnce ! underctandn Kardenlni ? In all hrnnchos Ilefercnce furnished I , a. A MzCC lo * WANT nn MAM" HUM' . CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work ; no Iravy good * to euro ; saliry or commla-lon. C. F. Adams Co , 621 So. ICth Bt. H u > 9 BALnSMAN FOR CIGARS. J125 A MONTH AND * xxn cs ; old llrm ; experience unneeejuiry ; In- ducemontn to customers. C. C. Ulthop A Co , Bt. LouH. H-CCO AGENTS ANtTnRANCH MANAGERS ; SA7 > ARY nnd conunlmlon. Hunter Tailoring * fhlrt Co. Clnelnnall. O. I1-MI33 A16 * SALESMF.N TO SELL TOILET fcOAP TO dealers ; 1100 per month tulury nnd expenses ; experlonco unneccssnri' . Louis Ernst Co , St , Loul * , Mo H-MI72 WANTED , A GOOD , RELIAI1LE. HUSTLING canviiffer Apply tn Onnhi Anchor Fence Co , 205-207 N 17th St H-2M WANTED. A IIIHCIIIT YOtTNO MAN WHO him Iml ixperlencc In rumiliiK n fnln four.tnln , must K\\P coed reference. Chas It Vnnefcr. IGth nnd Chicago 11-M2 , ' ) 13" irno POSITION TO RIGHT PAttTV-Ji.sco REquired - quired for M da > s. Address L Cl , Dee. MAN Oil LADY OP noOI > AUDHIWH TO trixel and appoint ncents. J10 ptr month nnd expensed ] ' W. Xlegler . Co , 321 Hpirliorn St. . Chicago 1I-M27613 * WANTED. .SALESMEN IN EVERY DISTRICT ; now sp-ison ; mmpk-g free ; salary or commli- slon , with expenses from start. Luke Tires Co. CnlcnKO. Ill 11-M27I 18 * WANTED , CYLINDER PRESS FEEDERS. Btendy tmplujnient and irood wncer llPKin Printing House , fj I'l > mouth 1'lace. Chleico AVA\TiiinmAm nHLP. oinr.s ron AM. KINDS or wonii : w TO $7 week. Camdlan Office , 1X2 Uougln WANTED. A Nuusn c.iui , . itnriiiiNC'iH : ' reniilrid. Apply SW ) Tarnam Pt C-M.2C WANJID : CIUK AT JXJUAN noubn 4:2 s 18th bt , one Ijloelt nouth of court IIOU WANIII\ : OIUL rou iiAL nousn- ork , peed iny for reliable [ > art > , smill family 1311 S 20th Ht C-S29.13' WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES IN the Millinery Department , only tltosp \ ho 1me hail n KTfil Ui il of cxticrUncp need npplj J. L DniulcU & Bon" , Hoston Store WANTED , EXPERIENCED 'I IIIMMERS IN Millinery Department nt Hoston fatorc \VANTID. A LADY or MATUKH vnAim TO nnntiKP an onice outaldo the city Adore" L 62 , lice C M2I3 13 aim. mu onNKi HOUSUUOUK Al'- ply 718 H Snth t. C-MJ12 11 * VANIID-AN nxi-nniKNcnn or.iiMAN on nohcml'iii rook : must 1) n thoroiiKh cook ; In imall family. Wane * $3CO : :0' St. Mary's Aveu .icrntr 21th and St. Mary's A\e. _ TWO ooon r.mi.s WANTUO AP"PLY AT soi South 10th St. hmlth & Pencil ) "g " J j J , FOIl IIK.NT IIOUSES. CHOICH HOUSH3 AND COTTAanS ALL OVKIl city ; 3 to $73. Fidelity. 1st floor N. T. Llfo D 662 ii/vnar. / LIST. M'CAOun , ISTH AND DODOE. D C5I IIOUSKS , FLATS. QAHVIN UtlOS. , 1613 FAH'M D CSS HOUSED IN ALL PAKTS OF THC CITY. TIIH O. F. Da\ls Compiny , 1"05 Farnnm. D C67 HOUSES. BENBWA & CO . 10S N. 13fH ST. D MS HOUSES , STonns. DHMIS , P \ XTVIND D 669 DirrACur.n MODrnN IMIOOM. AUSO 9-noow house ; Key a at 2548 Capitol A\o. Tel. 571. II. II. Rouson. D G71 HOVINO HOUSEHOLD QOODS AND PIANOS. Om Van S. Storoge Co. , ir.ll'.i Farnam. Tel. r,39. D-670 ron nn.NT. ABOUT APHIL 15. TO OOOD TEN- ant. S-room house ; all con\enlences ; J2d street , near California ; not for boarders or roomers ; J35. 606 N , Y. Llfo hulldlns. D M834 ron HRNT roTTAan. e ROOMS. MODERN conveniences. IIS B. 17th Avc. Inquire at 714 8 17th fit. D-HO MY LATE RESIDENCE. 109 PARK AVE . PO. llluffs. Is for rent. W. Runynn. D M202 -R. HOUSE , NEAR Z7TII AND PARKER : NICE place. I-238-15 POIt HKNT PUHMSIIKD HOOIIS. 3 NICE ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPINQ. lit ! SOUTH lltli St. K M7C3 DESIRARI.E ROOM. M. F. ROYS. N. T. L. Hdff. 'Phono 811. E-M211 A17 ROOMS , S. I'nONT ! MODERN. 2V10 HARNEY street. E M3SO 14 * IN I'KIVATE FAMILY. 1019 DODOE E-M10I 15 TLEA ANTIIURNISHED ROOMS. IIS NORTH Nineteenth t. E-163 rURNISIIED ROOMS. WHII OR "WITHOUT board ; biautlfnt locution. HSC South 31st. [ E-IK-14' NEATLY rt'llNISIIKD ROOMS TOUR TlLOCKS from postotllce , 1811 Cans E M07 NEWLY rt'RNISIIEn ROOMS. FUT ONE , ll\ldKe HullillnK. iightpenth : and Tirnam E-M2J9 n IIOOMS AM ) iioiiin. THE MEIIRIAM , FIRST CLASS FAMILY HOtel - tel , J3th and DodgiSts. . F-67 ! ROOMS , WITH HOARD. S103 CHICAGO ST. F 407 A21 , EXPOSITION. r.XI'OSITION , EXPOSIHON. The SirntoRft Hotel ; new house ; now furniture ; modem equipment ; experienced iniiniKcment , adjoins expntiltlon ; boarders Mlltted ; ratpK Ten- nonaHe : talip Sherman A > e , cars to Zltt. and Amci Avo. John II. Pierce , proprldor : D T , Tubhs , mananer. F C3D AIS FURNISHED ROOMS. TRANSIENTS ACCOM , modated : o leap rates. 620 N. 19lh. F M225 16 * . NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1S24 DINGEY. . * F-51.3-18 POK Iir.XT HXFUnVISIIRD ItOOMH. FOR RKXT. NICK SOUTH FRONT UNFUR- ntshed room"ilth lijth : Wlthnell Mock. F. W. Cnrmlchael , No. 6 , Wlthnell block. O-9M FIVU ROOMS. 1SOO FARNAM. O tlS-13 I NICK MODERN ROOMS. 612 N. 24TII. pen III\T--STOIIES AND OPKICBS. FOR RENT. DESK ROOM IN GROUND FI/OR office , lira building ; nater , steam heat , electric llclit and Janitor er\lce. Apply to Superin tendent , lire building , 1 197 FOR RENT-IN THE IJEH DUILDINQ : One lnr B corner room. Id floor , with vault and private office , water , etc. On * InrKo front room , ! d floor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One largo corner room , Id floor , with vault , waler. etc , Ono front room , divided by partition , 3J floor , Ono corner room , with vault. 3d floor. One hut * room. Id flor. . v > llh partition dividing ; H Into one largo room and two smaller prhat * rooms ; water , etc. Tvfo tare * ground lloor room * , fronting 17th St. , with vault. yrriit smsll rooms on 4th floor , nlth vault * . All thfre rooms are bntn < 1 with ateam. Icctrlo llftit * . lupplltd with first class janitor service ; Uvatort run day and all night ; bulMlnir trlcllf flr proof. Apply to suprlnt ul nt , 1 Uc BM bnU4Ui / ia v-m rou uu.M' s'i 0111:9 : AND ( Continued ) FOR RENT , Tim l-flTORY niUCK I1UILDINO nt 919 Farnam St Th'a ' bull Unit lias a flrep-oof reinrnt basement , wntrr on nil flours , K" ' , etc. Apply at the office of The Heo. I 910 FOR TRACKAOE , TRANSFERRINCl AND deck room , at > l > ly to the Aultman < t Tnylor Machinery Cov N. E. cor. tth & Jack nn Sis. 1-823 VALUAIILH LKAHK : HI'LENDII ) RETAIL I/ > - catlon , for email bonus. Address L 67. Hep. > I-M27I H AOIJUTS WA. > TCn. AOENTS WANTED. MI'RAT HALSTEAO'S great r book , "Our Country In War. " nnd our relations with foreign nations ; all about our army , navy , coant defen e , 110 Mnlne dlsarlcr. bpaln. her army nnd mvy defenses ; nil about Cuba , her relations to the United Btatei nnd her defenses ; all about the nrmles and navies of all other nnllonr , and hnu they will net In our Unit ttlth Spain ; over 500 | ia ci ; maRiililcent llluMratloni. photoRraphi" , etc ; one acent solil 89 In one diy ; others ure mak ing IJ.OO to $39.00 per dn > ; most lll'ornl ternn Kuarantced , SO dajs * credit ! price low : freight paid ; hnndtomc outfit free : send I ! 2-cent Htnmps to pay po taBe. Nat'l Educational Union , 374 Dearborn St. , C.ilcago. J .V11JI 14 * AGENTS. WE WANT YOU TO VISIT STORES nml fell machine for printing vlsn * nn fence * . trldcM , rocks any routli surface : steady work all summer. Are Co , Racine , \\K REMAI1LE MAN TO HANDLE AOENT * I"OK tplephone tablet and Mirlnkler : p iys % ' WO a year ; enclo e stamp. Victory Mfg. Cii. Cle\e- Hnd , O. .I-MM3 ! ! WANTED. AOENTS TO SELL OENI'IXE Kentucky blue prafn peed for la nj , put up In pound packaBts , veiled ; larxe pronto Apply tn 1'arlH Seed Co , Paris , Uourbon county , Kentucky J-M270 13' wvvrioTo itnvr. WANTED-FIRST CLVSS HOARD FOR IIUS- band nnd vlfe , t o bed rooms and flUIIK room required Addrets L 2 , Hen. K M-603 A OENTLUMAN WANTS ROOM Oil HOARD nnd room In pilvntc fninlly , must 1jo tlrBt-iln" npd In Rood nplghborliood Apply. itMiK tentii. LC3 , Heo K M2I1 1J HY PARTY lOCATINCl PE11MANENTLY IX the city , n modern houw In a good location 1' . O IJox 170 K-2M-11 S70H IGK. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE TO , 808-910 Joneo general ctorage nnd fornnrdln ? . M 673 OM VAN & STORACiE. 1S1US FARN'M. TEL 1339 M-674 AVAATHII TO I UY. WANTED A DRUd STORE HA IF INTEREST or pnrtnerjhlp In Nebraska city of over 1000 Inhabitant * Address , IAQ , lox ! 21 Dimllle , III N 2iil-i : ron SVLI : r FOR SALE , A FINE FOLDING ! RED WITH wnrdrobo , nl o oak belroom set , almost ue only the e wnnttng [ lr t-clisf aitlcle need up ply , forenoon only 1037 Dodge H , O M223 roii S\MIIOK&US , ivAKO'Nx. irrc. NICE FAMILY HOIthE , HARXER . < L PVR. llace , also llaht single harness 131G Howard I1 23I-13 * ron. s VLU IISCILLAMOIS. : : ; 1IOO AND 1'OULVRY FF.NriJ ; IIETTER THAN wire ncttlns line sawdust for llcors T > I 4S 501 Douglas Q 673 HOR E CLTI'PINO MACHINES. KNIVES AND iepah , all Ftuniinrd miKei en hand , grinding ra/or , sieTr , ellppeis ; prompt ttrxlce A L Undelind Q-6TJ PI'RE PLYMOUTH ROCK EOO' ! FOR Sr.T- tlngs , OOc , ronaters , Jl 00. 932 North 2Cth Q-677-A-1C' riHCKEN. IIOO AND L.UVN FENCES. ALL wire ; la best Wire Works , lllh nnd H-irney. Q-C7S III.\CKIIEADS AND WARTS. HOW TO RE- mo\o 23c. Cyius Oiay 1' . O box 91 , Ren- nctt , I'n Q-M134-A-13 * \\KOUS. . FOR RENT , A RARN AT 1902 OASS ST n M9C9 M\ss\rn , \TIIS , KTC. LAURA ELLISON , 119 N. ICTH ( UPSTAIRS ) , room 12 , 'iurko-Rustlan and plain bati . mas- ease. T M310 A-19 * MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MAS3AOE 1J\TH parlors ; restful nnd curative. 417 S llth. up- iilr < T M..M 17 MME AMES , MAbSAOE AND IIATHS 1C23I Howard St. T J3S-1S * MME SMITH , 118 N. KTH ST. , STEAM AND alcohol baths. T 259 IS * i insov . . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUULES 340-8 DEE Illdg ; physician consultation or health book free U-CSO CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND REpaired - paired : day or night dress suits for lilrn. Pantorlum , N. E , Cor. 14th and Farnam. Tel 963 U-GSl IIATHS , MASSAGE. MME. 1'OST , ! 19Vi S ISTlf U 333 HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONE DOLLAR ; ELEC- trlo clipper * . Tel. 66. McCormack & Haumley. 14th nnd Howard. U 530 MAGNETIC TREATMENTS. CLAIRVOYANT , fortune telling. 8-11 , 1-6 , 8-10 , eve. Mmc Long. 1922 Cumlng. U M24S I6 MOM3Y TO LO4.NRCAI < ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O P. Davis Co , 1303 Farnam St. W 582 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS , n. C. Peters & Co . U. S. Nat'l Hank nids W-684 MONEY IXJANED OX IMPROVED REAL ES tate In Omoha , Council liluffs & , South Omaha W. II. Thomas. DOS First Nat'l. Bank. Omaha , W flx.1 PER "TENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Gar\ln linn , 1C13 F rn m St. W 6 1 1,100,000 M SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON fir t class Improved Omaha property , or for building purposes Fidelity Tiust company. W CS * ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 313 N. V. L. ; quick money nt low rates for cholc form linds In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Ea&lern Nebraska. W 687 LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith 4 Co , 1320 Farnam. w-ess MONEY TO LO\N ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Hrcnnan-LoM ) Co , 219 S. 16th W-6S9 PER CENT MOXEY. 11EM1S. PAXTOV HLK W-690 MO.NUV TO LOAX CIITTRI.S. . 110 TO J10.000 TO IXJAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HOHhES. WAOOXS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. LTC , at lowest rates In Oma'.ia , South Omaha nnd Council Rluff . No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amounts. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. , 308 South ICth St. THE OLDEST. LAROFST AND ONLY INCOR I'ORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA x-wu MONEY LOANED S VLARIED PEOPLE HOLD Ing permanent positions , with recponslUlu con < cerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolmun , It. 706 , N , V. I bids , 19S-A-16 * nusiM.'ss TO OET IN OR OUT OF HUSINESS GO TO J , J. GlbMin. 514 First Nat'l Dank. Y 612 IJETTER THAN KLONDHCE ; 1'ERSONS WITH niuill or large capital vUshlng to make Inxeit ments that promise large returns should ad dress or call on L. W. Tulleys , Council liluffs , Iowa. Y MJ97 A18 H-l.fOOIIUSlNESS CARDS NEATLY PRINTED R. Q , Heajsey , UOo Farnam St. ; 'phone , 0 > A Y M213 18 FOR SALE. THE ONLY IRON FOUNDRY IN South Omaha ; this U a bargain and munt be cold : enough work In , South Omaha to krrp a plant of this klrfd'hinnlng full blaxt. Imiulro bherift'a omoo. Omaha. T MI07 " RESTAURANT AND FRUIT BTORB FOR ale. Sl K. Kt St.Y 230-17 * tS.MO. liraT PAYlNO RESTAURANT IN TUB city. Walth A Co. . lit N. l ti ! Bt. JSJo'TToOMINO HOUSE ; GOOD LOCATION ! biff bargain. Walsh & Co. , 11 N. ICth St. H.OrtO. IIAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY store , llth at. Walsh. Ill N. 19th St. 10 OOOD FATING RESTAURANTS AND ROOM- Inr hooM * . Walsh ft Co. . in K. l th Bt. IF TOUWANT TO RUK A BUSINWW WK will aadat you wit * RMiey a bur -VYktak. lit K. utn Bt. r-jus ; u * ( Continued ) CLEAN GROCERY STOCHt AND FIXTURES , city , valuable leare , one-third off Invoice , mutt tell , all cash , big bargain Address L 67 , Ilee. Y-MJ77 13 * WANTED. GERMAN MKHCIIANT WHO CAN put In } 5 ere slock general merchanll'p to In nte In one of the bent towni In Bi'iith n < tein N - brnska. Address W. J. Crandtitl , Firth. Neb Y-SHIM II * POR i\ciiA\nu. VARIOUS PIECES QF PROPERTY ANU fnrmi In Nebraska to trade for merclmndlRC. Address L 42. Ilee. X M8 1 16i ) ACRES CLEAR LAND WESTERN KANSAS to exchange for houre nnd lot ; will assume some Incumbrance. Michael McGulre. 30Sit N. 13th St. Z-22S-U roil SAIK HP. VL KSTATIJ. KOUNT E PLACE I1AROA1NS. J2.500. M.730 TO 16,500 J , J. Gibson , M4 First Nafl. Dink Rid ? . RB-614 FOLLOWINO DESIRARLE PROPERTY ; RUSI- nens lot corner , 60x150 ft , In Sn. Omihi , paxed. Ilmlne i lot , COxloO feet , Improved , South Omaha , street paxcl. Tract (21 ( lots ) , 36th Bt. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th Et. For partlculats apply 1012 Farnam St.RE RE C9i NEW < , MODERN G-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot , J.500 cash , balance to suit , AdrtrrM O SJ nee. RIV-Ml" ! HOUSF..S. IX3TS , FARMS , LVNDS , LOANS , also lire Insurance. Bcrnls , Paxton block.RE RE C97 FINE RESIDENCE. 32ND STREET , NEAtt Han-scom Park ; owner Ins E03d n-aiorn to sell at. once. 1' D. Wead , ICth nnd DOIIB'III ARE YOU LOOIvFNO FOR NICE HOME * ? Ix > ok at this hnti'e nnd tnrn ilftachcd nhailf tree * , corner : sth nml Hurjetteiry ; little money needed Call Morand , 1110 Hnrney St. KOUNTZE PL\CE COMFS TO THE FRONT IN li t week's silej Three resldoncc * were bought by parlies who hive lookel the city- oxer for liirifalni , and they decide on thU elegant addition In preference to any other Following Is n description of some of the bar- Kalni left : J2r,00 Is nn eight-room modern house , except furnice , Oeorgli pine , haul oil flnl h f : 000 U a 9-R house , red oak till * i , modern In o\ery respect , f4 ' " 00 Is on an ncphalt pa\ed street , oak finish , hot water he it ; co t tn build. 57.000 $3V)0 ) Is n 14-R dwelling , oak finish , molern In 5I every re pect , no finer liomn In Omnhi I ha\o other propi riles , Fome larger and some smiller nt Iwnjnlnn If the reader doci not want tn buy , I would be glad to list homes , ranging in price from Jl.'OO up J J Otn ! ON , 514 Flr.-t Natl. Hank llldff RE-201 12 BARGAINS : B-ROOM HOUSE. 902 SOUTH lOTII St , rentil $11000 per yt-ir : price , Jl.roi 52x132 feet on Cumin ? street , pays 7 per cent net on 2"M 11 houn" < nnl 1 store , rental , $ C4S 00 per year ; pr c$1 sro 41 foot front 3-itorv brick building. nr 14th nnd DniiKla * . rental 12 100 CO per year ; prli-o. J23 5 . J X Fren/er. Opp oil P O SE M214 MIOHTHM1 AM ) TVPl.\VniTI\O. A C VAN SV-NT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND nnd Typ ° wHtlm717 N Y Life , often t',1" following - lowing nd\Tntas.'P ' Individual ln tructlcn by oxpeilPncel tenc'-eri and skillful stenojrapher-i ; np-to-dito motlnidi. touch ojntom of t\iewrli- | 1ns If profirrel partlclpitlon In actual work. for which atudents recclvo piy , monthlv ) nv- m < ntH " AT OMAHA Ht'S COLLEGE. 16TH S. DOUGLAS SHORT MAND. TT-TO-DATF TAUGHT BY co'irt reporter * Boy lea' School , 4(13-0-7 ( Dee bldg T.OST. OST-I1L\CK POCKLTllOOK. BETWEEN I eople's Furniture nnd Carpet Co nnd IIo ton Store Valuable papers nnd money Reward for retuin to 2201 Fnrnnm Lo t 263 13 .OsT , ON SUNDAY L\ST , A SMALL IIEVVY set. brown curly do ? having tag No 1SI , ro- vnrd for return to Robbie Swlt7ler , 2rni St Ilnry's avenue Li t-M272 13 STIOOHIMIRKS. : . VE KOLiriT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers flop Th < - Smith-Premier Tvpc- wrltpr Co Telephone. 1231 ' 01 or Tim PRACR. D R HO1ICK JUSTICE OF THE PEACE " 03 Karbach block. MS rtHlMTURB PACKED. M. B. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEl nil. 7M HOTBI.S FOn RENT. BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL , 10 rooms nnd largo tore room ; central location , Bemls. Pnxton Illk. 702 PAW\nnOKEH3. I. MAROWIT2 ! LONS MONET. 413 N. KTH , 701 SIURWAMCS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCY driveways , a. Rushart , 211 N. ICth. 'nhone 119j. MStO M4 TYPEWRITERS FOR-RENT 00 PER MONTH The fimlth-I'icmler Tvpevvrlter Co. , 1023 Fnr nam St. ; Telephone 12M. 707 FIX V > CIAL. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR lash. Richard Herzfeld. 171 LaSalla St , Chi cago. M210 A17 EXPOSITION rilONTAGRS FOIl IIRVT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Bemls. Paxton Illk 703 DHKS.SMAKI.NG. DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 2504 DAV'P T , iIW2 M6 1'HOPOSAI.S TOR INDIAN SUI'PI > IiS AND TRANSPOIITATION. D < > pirtmi > nt of the Interior , OtHco of Indian Affalts , Wash ington , D. C. , March 30 , IMS. Seuleil pro posals will bo received by the Commissioner of Indian Affalr.s , at 1C02 State street , Chi cago. III. , until 1 o'clock p. m , Wednesday April 27 , 1S93 , for f mulshing for the Indian Service beef , Hour , bacon nnd ot'ner articles of subsistence ; agicultural ( Implements wagons , harness , rmrdwme , medical am ! other supplies ; also bldi for the transporta tion of such of the articles , goods nnd BUP- pllcs oa may not bo contracted for to lit delivered tit the agencies Sealed proposals will also be received at Nos 77-79 Wooster street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p m. , of Tuesday. May 17 , 1S93 , for furnish 1m ? for the Indian Service coffee , sugar tea , ilce , baking powder , soap , groceries blankcu , woolen and cotton goods , clothing notions , hats and caps , boots and shoes crockery and scnool books. Bids must be made on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bid ders will be furnished on application nt the Indian Oflice. Washington , L ) . C. ; Nos. 77- 79 Wooster street. New York City ; No. 1GO- . State street , Chicago. Ill , ; the CommLs mirics of Subsistence. U. S. A. , at Cheyenne Lenvcnvvorth , Omaha , St. I/ouls , St. Pan nnd San Francisco ; the postmasters a Sioux City. Yankton , Arkansas City , Cald well , Topeka , WIcYilta. nnd Tucson. Bids will bo opened at the 'noun and days nbovr stated , and bidders are Invited to be presen at the opening. W. A. JONES , Commls sloner. A5 D19t POSTOKFICE > OTICK. ( Should bo read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any lime. ) Foreign malls for t'no week ending April 16 1S9S' , will close ( promptly In all cases ) at th general postofllce as follows ; PARCEL l'O3T MAILS close one hour earlier tha closing time shown below. Trnni-Atlnullo Moll * . TUnSDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , pe a. B. Knlser Wllhelm der Qrosse * , via Ply mouth and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. tn. ( supplementary B a. m. ) for EUROPE , per a , s. Paris * via Southampton ; at 9 a. m. ( supplement. ary 10.30 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. B. Tlrltannlc * . via Quecnstowni at 10 a. m. for DEUQIUM direct , per s. a. Frlesland. via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "ner Krlesland" ) . 8ATURDAY-At JO a. m. for OERMAXT. oer a. a. Baale * . via Bremen ( letter * ( or other parts of .Europe , via Cherbourg and Bremen must bo directed " " , "per Saalo" ) ; POSTOPPICUOTICK. . ( Continued ) nt C.30 n. til. for PRANCE. 8WIT7.KR- LAND. ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL , TURKEY , EOYPT anil HHITISII INDIA , per s. B. M ( . .Insro8iien \ Havre ! at G.SO u. m. for EUROPE , per B. B. Etrurln * . \la Queonslown ( letters for Oermitny , Traiico. Switzerland , Italy. Spain , 1'ortu- Knl , Turkey , Esjpt nnd nrltlih India tnii t dp "pir Elrurla" ) ; nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. a. Ob Jam , \li ; Hottcrilnm ( letters must bo directed "per Obdnni" ) ; at 3 a. in. for ITALY , per s. i > . Alter , \ln Naples ( letters must be directed "per Aller" ) ; nt 10 n. in , for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. El'nloplnli \ Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per Ethiopia" ; : at n a. m. for NORWAY di rect , per s. s. Island ( letters must bo di rected "per .Island" ) . PRINTED MATTKU. ETC. German stcimors piilllnc on Tutsdnjfc take prlntc 1 matter , etc , for Germany nand * < p tlallv nd < Ire "l print 1 rmtter , eti1. fur other parts of Europe. Amer ican nndhllR Stir jtmmera on U'edn't li > x. Ocnmn Bteamtrs > $ n ThurMns md Out IM. French nnd ( fctrnftin teimi > rs on Saturday take printed matter , etc. , for H | | rnntrlM fctf which they are ndldrtlsed to carry mall , in ! < ftcr ttu > ctmltitt A < the ftipptempnlary lime- iiiliintlc milU'tiinu.l nbmo. additional siiiM" . menlaiy mullr'tire ' np np < l on the plem of llu Ameilcm , EmllKhI _ rench nnd Oermnn pinn " ers nml lennfii"open until within ten mU.ut of the hour oC , alUng of steamer. liitlM for Smitlij'nixl Contml America , Went Indli'fl , Ctc. IT.SDAY Al 10 'a. m. ( supplementary 10-TO n. m. ) f , r FORTUNE ISLAND nml HAITI , per a. 3 .Holsteln ; at 12 m. ( uip- plemenlary 1 p m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA Except Costa IMca ) and SOUTH PACIFIC POUTS , per s. s. Fin ance , \la Colon ( letera for Guatemala must bo directed "per rinance" ) ; nt * . ! P m. for COSTA RICA , per Htcumcr from New Orleans ; nt S:30 : p. tn. for NKSV- rot'NULANU , per stcumer fiom North Sidney : at 9 p m. for PORT ANTONIO , p r steamer from Hoston. VEONESDAY At 2-30 1. m. for I'OUT ANTONIO , per steamer from Philadel phia : at 1 p in. foi CUHA , per s. s. Lim- pisis vli Havana ( letter ! fet Tamplco nnd Tuxpim must be directed "pel Lam- pi ns" ) 'HUKSDAY ' At 12.PO p m. ( supplementary 1 p m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CIJO1X , LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , iilsa DEM Ell All A , per s * rontabdle ( letters for CJrenada , Tilnldnd and To bago must bs directed "per rontabclle" ) . SATURDAY At 10 a.m. ( supplementary 10 n. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , 8AVANILLA and CARTHAGE- NA , per s. s. AllpRhany ( lettcis for COHt.i Klca must be directed "per AlloBhany" ) , ( it 10 Ma. m. for CAMPDOHE , CHIAPAS , TAHASCO and YUCATAN , per s. s Orlr- aba ( letters for other parts of Mexico and foi Cub i must bo directed "per Orizaba" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for BRAZIL per s s Taoimlnala Pernambuco and San tos ( letters must be directed "per T.lor- mlna" ) ; at 11 a. m ( supplemental y 11 10 n. m. ) for VKNH/.UELA and CURACAO , also SAVANILLA and CARTHAOENA. > la Curacao , per s. s. Venezuela ; at 11 W a. in. ( supplementary 12-00 m. ) for NAS SAU. N. P. , nnd SANTIAGO DE Cl'HA , per s s. Stratosa ; nt S CO p. m for NEW FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sidney ; at S.JO p m. for ST. P1ERRE- J1IQUELON , per steamer from Halifax. Mills for Xettfounillainl , by rail to Halifax nnd tliencihy stfimcr , cl > " .nt this olllco ilil ! ' it S 1) p m Miilli for Mlauelon , li > nil to F.IE tnn niul thence l > > ttinitfi , closr * at III11 olll'p dully nt S 3) p in Mills for Culn olnie , it Ih's olllc" c'allnt 7 00 n m , for forHaiclhc hj Hte.imem Hilllnp ( Monti ijs nrtl Thuiyrlay ) from Port Tninpi Fin MillH for Mixlco Cltnverliuil , unices epcclills ndilip < " I Ki illsiiitch bj steamer , close nt thl ? olllco Uii'h ' at 2 SO a m. .inn 2.S3 p in 'Itoalst'it-J mill clo eat C.i ) ) p in prolong diy. Malls for China nnd Japan , pnr ( . s Olym- pla ( fiom Taoomi ) , clos > o here dallj up tn April " 'lOfii at C 30 p m. Mails for China nnd Japan ( specially addiesscd enl > ) , par s. s. impress of Japin ( from Vnncouvtr ) close hero dally up to Aptll * * llth at 0:30 : p m. Malls for Australli ( o\- rfpt those foi West Austrill i ) , which aio foUN aided \ la Europe , Ne\\ Zealand , Hi- Wall.rijl and Samcaii IslamKper . . s Ala- meil i ( from Sin Franciscoclose ) here dally up to April l.'tn at 7,03 a. m , 11 a m. and C 30 p in. ( or on irrlval at New York cf s > 8 Campania with British mills f r Aus tralli ) . M ills for China Japan and Ha- uall , par s e. City * of Rio Janeiro ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to April 21. at G 30 p. m. Malls foi the Soclofy Islands , per s'nlp City of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to April 24th at G " < i p m. Malls for iHiv\al ! , per H. s. Zen- landla ( fiom gin Tianclsco ) , clo'e here dallyi up to April 23th at G-30 p. m. MaIN for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Nan Zealand Hawaii and Fill Islands , per s. B. Wnrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after April 13th and up to April 2Sth at G 30 p. m. Trans-l'acltlc malls arc fonvaidcd tn port of tall- Ins dally nnd the schednl" of closing Is ar ranged on the presumption of theh uninter rupted o\erland * tnn ( * < ! t. negl terod ' in'k'l clo e * nt 6 p. m previous day. CORNELIUS A'AN COTT , PoitmastT Fostotflce , New York. N. Y. . April 8 , 1S9S. TtAILROADS. CHICAGO & . NOKTUWCST- em Hallway City llcket Of fice , 1U1 Farnam btreet. Tele. iihone Cfit. Depot. Tenth nnd Ma ton Streets. Telephone lit. . . _ i l.3\ . Arrive. Daylight Clilcago Spe 7.0. ) om 11.5J pm I.FEOurl Valley , Sioux Cits , St. Paul and Minneapolis 3 : < 0 am li > :43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux city 7io : am 0.03 pm Dennlson. Carroll. Wall Lake , from llroadway , Council muffs 9:00 am 8 : BIT Eastern Expiejf , Dea Mon ! < ! , Mar'hulltown , Cedar Rapids , Chlcaco. 10M : nra 4 : > 5 pm Atlantic Fljer , Chicago and L'npt 4:4 : ; pm 4S3 : pm Fart Mall , Chicago to Omaha 2:10 : nm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul. Mlnne- apollj Limited 4:33 : pm 8.50 nm Omahn-ChlcaRo Specijl , G 43 pm 8oO : am Dally. ' Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL MINNE. npolla i Omaha Rjll\7n > General Omce . Nelrarki Dl- Mslon , Fifteenth and Webatcr Streets City Ticket O lice. , - _ HOI F-arnam Street. Telephone tt.1. Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Tele phone 1153. Lea\ . Airhe. Sioux City Accommodi , . 8 50 am S CO pm Slout city Accommola. . ' 9.o am 8W : ptii lllalr. Emerson , hloux City , I'onca , Hartlni- ton and Dloomlleld , , . . 1-00 pm 11U ; om Blcux City , Mar.kato , St. Paul , Mlnneinulis . . . . 5.53pm S.J5 nm Emer ' "i " „ , Denser 5:10 : pm 8:11 : am Dally. Dally ruept Sunday. fcunduy only. Thla trjln stops at stations Florence to South Ill.Ur. Include , Sundays only ; oneek days , Bouth lilalr only. KLKHORN AND " MUsoun Valley KaUivaj General oral Offices , United States Na tlonal Hank Hulldlng , South west Corner Twelfth and 1'ar. nam Streets Ticket onice. HOI Farnam Street. Telephone 6C1 Depot. Fif teenth and Webster 8ti > i _ Telephone USS AirUe Dlack HI1U. DeadwooJ and Hot bprlnga . 5.00 pm 5.00 pm Wyom'ne , Caspar und ' 3.00pm 5:00pm : . Tork , Da\li ! City. Superior. Geneva ettfr und faeward. . . . X.OO pm 5:00 pm Norfolk. West Point and Fremont . * 7:50 am "lO.M am Lincoln. Wohoo and Fremont . 7:50 : am 1013am Fremont Local . 7.SO am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dilly except baturdiy. Dally exceot Honda : . ' . SIOUX CIT7 & PACIFIC KAIL- road-dencral ORIces , United States National Bank llulld- tnff. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Streets. Ticket OiQce. . 1401 Farnam Strett. Telephona 661. Depot , lith and Vi'eU ter Sts. Uclcphon' VA * * ArrlVt' Sloux Cltr. Mankato. ' Et Paul. Mlnnapolla B:5S pm 1:20 : an Doll * CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & I'aclHo Railroad "The Grett Rock Island Route" City Ticket Otnce , 1323 Farnam Btreet. Telephone 4JS. Depot , Truth and Maion Streets. Telephone Itt. Leave. Arrive. Chicago and Bt. Paul. Vesttbuled Express ! . . 4.M pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln. Colorado Bp efi Puueblo. Denvernd west v PM 4M : pm Chicago. Dei Molnetj * nock Island * T.M P ° > till am Atlantio ExpreM. fof Den Molnei nd east- ni point * " 'JWara l-Mpm Colorado Flr 1..1 _ 7-W ( pm 905am Dally * r > ilv except aunnair. OMAHA & BT. LOUIS RAILROAD Omaha. , , Kinsai City A East ern Railroad "The Port Arthur RouteM-Tlcket Office , 1415 Farnam BtreetL Telephone , J. Depot , Tentb and llaaon Street * . Tele- i LMve. Arrive , t Louie Cannon Ball . , Exprsae i 4K : e ltM am .Kansa * City A Qulny Local 7:10 am f.QCpra D4UHT. APPORTIONMENT FOR ARMY Ac'jutint Oencrul Corbin Takes Time by the Forelock. WHAT EACH STATE SHOULD FURNISH \cbrniUa linn Much More Tlinn UnoiiKb Jlllltln to Sniiplj- Its < l 11 n tit on n ( 'nil ( or UUO.OOO Men , WASHINGTON , April 12. In anticipation of the possibility or a call on the national guard of the states nnd territories to aralst in the national defense In the case of wnr with Snaln , Adjutant General Corbin of the army 1 3 compiled i masa of Interesting In formation In connection with the strength of the national guard and the quota each state and territory would be expected to furnUih under calls for from 60,000 to 200,000 men , ac cording , first , to the strength of the national guard , and , second , according to the popula tion of the different stalls and territories. These tables are very complete and show- pi eclacly the number of men each state or tonltory would bo expected to furnish undr tlo constitution regardless of the strength of the national guards' organizations In each otato or territory. In explanation of the tables given below , It may be stated that. while the total strength of the natlotial fiiianl of No\ York Is 17,700 , In case the na tional guard of thu countrjca called upon to supply 50,000 men , XoYork's apportion ment , according to Its strength , would be 5,575 , and , according to Its population , 5,003. In casa tl.e call should be for 200.0JO men , It wcu d be iciiuired to furnish 22b-0 , - men , ar- ( .oidlng to the national guards' organisation and . ' 0,020 according to the population of the eta.e. llio following Is the ofllclal apportionment of the \arloua status , and teriltorles on i bfsla of tall for 60,000 men , the proportions being n.aintaincd according to the same ratio In the ca , = o of calls for 100,000 , 150,000 and 2 0,000 men. Strength On basis On b.mis ofnnt'l of nat'l of popu- .ptnte. cunnl. guard , latlon. Alabimi . -l.nOO lj" ( > t 1,000 Alkiinsas . 2IX ( ) 031 MO Callfoinia . . ) , l , ( > 2t 1,2-13 Coloiado . J.jjCO JliTi p'O Connecticut . 3,000 1,2:0 bl1 } . , Florida . 2,2W 49 ! Georgia . g. OJ 1,373 1,270 Idaho . Mil ) LVJ 91 IlllnoH . 9,2D ) 2,5'0 3.21U Indlina . 4iw ] ,1K ! ) 1,721 Io\\.i . tMJ ) 1,07 > 1.SO-J Kansas . 2,70) fn.,1. 1,115 Kentucky . 2 , COO syi l.lfil Louisiana . .I.Tft ) i,2J'j 77ii .Maine . 2.4CO ( < V WXJ ( .Maryland -J.l ) 777 2,2Ud lbU 1.7IS Jllnntsota . 3.COJ 1,1-n Mississippi . ; ! , " > OU SCO Mls ourl . S.VLO l.lbl Monttna . 1,1ft ) 227 U''i ' , yv ; Kevnd.i . GO lij rr New Humpaiilre . J.tOO 70 ! TOl XeJcisoy . O.LtfJ lfc')7 ) l.UI Xe\v York . 17. 7W f.,70" 5 C0" Noith C.uoltra . 2C ( 7JS 1.0J1 North DikoU . 2CV ) 2J3 181 Ohio . Sri 2,041 2.S59 Ortgon . 2'itO b\l \ 31J I'elinsjUnnb . l7i.O ! 1,047 4.J.H Khcdo 1 si i lid . 1.101) ) 4JJ 2it South DiKota . 1,110 273 710 South Carpllna . 9,400 1GX ( ! L'U Tennesbee . 2,7W ) C5t 1,224 Text's . 5'V ) 1,211 1,192 Utah . 1,400 IU1 170 Vcimont . 1..0) ) 341 151 VlrpInK . . . . . . 50 1,2X3 1,113 \Vl hlnRton . 1.70U S21 472 West Mrflnla . 1,700 Ektt G"li Wisconsin . 4,200 1,20" 1.110 AVjomlne . 1H 201 92 Allzon.l . 1,000 22 ! 72 District of Columbia 3,100 . .21 ] SJ Now Mexico . GO ) 1HJ 13U Oklahoma . l/.OJ 220 M ll Is ctated by Adjutant General Corbin that In case a call for tvoopa became neorfl- sary It nlll bo based upcti the population of the dlrrcrent i-tatea , and the above table shows that with few exceptions the national guard of the \arlous states , and territories fully equal to a demand for a call for 200,000 men. Ammunition from Europe. NEW YOIUC. April 12. The British steamer Europe , which arrived this morn'tig ftom London , brought twenty tons of ammu nition for mpld-flrlns guns recently pur chased abjcad for the United States navy. The explosives will bo landed at the com pany's wharf. H\I1HOAIS. CHIC'AGO. BimUNGTON & Burlington aihcy allromi 'Thc nuil- ' ' . " I'C'.on nouti. Ticket Onice , " In" Fnrnnm Street. RoutB M. Depo > , Tenth nn I Jlason tuetta. Telephonu lit. _ lA-ive. Arrive Jh'caRO \ eitlbuled Ex. . D 03 pm 8:10 : am Chicago nxpress . * 9. 48 nm 4:1 : ? pm Chlcaiu & St Lou.a nx 7:15 : pra s.10 am 1'aclllc Ju ictlon Local. . "llJU : ura 5:40 : pm Fast MM ) . : .SO pm lraRo t-p M . V2 05 n'n : io : pm Daily. Dally except Sunctar. & Ml SOUni lllver Rallrond "The nurllng- Burlington ton Routo" General Offices N. W. Cornv Tent1 ! snil Fainam Streets Ticknt OHIce , 1501 Route Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Meson Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. 12S.Arrive. . Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook . 8-55 ara 1:33 : am Lincoln , Demer , Colo- iiilo. L'tah , California , Jllaolt Hills Montana anl I'uget fcound . 4.rpn ! 4.05 pm Lincoln local . 7 01 pm 7 MO nm Lincoln Fist Mall . " i.S5 pra 11.40 am Den\er. Colotido , Utah , California nml Futet " KANSAH Oirv. ST. JOSRPH Burlington & " Council HlufTs Ilallroaii- "Tlm liu-llnston Koute"- Tlcket Onice. 1502 Kainam Route Btreet. le'ephcne KO Depot. . T.nth ami Mason Streets. Vclephme 1 ! ! Hve < Arrive Kantaa City Day Ex. . . . si Co am 6:41 : Krnsaa ' city Nlcht Ux. . JO.OJ pm o,3o pm mu Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROD General Ofllccg and Ticket O.llce Merchants National Hank Building. 1J2 * Fnrnam Sticet. Telephone 101 Depot , Flit cnth and Webster Streets. Telephone ' 'Mill' ' Leave. Arrive. Kansas"and Nebraska Llmlud S.0 pni 12.55 pinG Kinsai City nnd 8' . Louli Express 's.SOpm G 00 am Nebraska Local < :30 : pra " 9115 | am Dally. Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route' General Offices N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Btrceu. City Ticket Omce. 130Z Farnam Street. Telephone 515. Depot , lenth and Maon fatrceu. Telephona 128. -iftoiw Leave Arrive. The Overltud Limited" for Denxcr , hilt Lake , western oolnts l30 ; am 4:4 : : pm Tne Colorado * < p clal. for Ueincr and all Colorado polnu 11 .XI pra 7.00 am Fait mall train for halt Like. racltlc coast nnd all western points T.OO are ' Lincoln , 'Beatrice and Btmiuburc Express . , 5,00 pm 12.20 pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk. Orutui It- land and Kearney 4:33 : pra Grand i „ „ Island . . _ , Express . , , , 300pm IJ.ZOpm Dally. Dally except Sunday Council liluffs Local Leaves , * .t" > a. ni.i CM . m , ; 7to : u , m. ; Sio : n. in. ; 10.30 a m ' -is CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE a ST. Paul Railway city Ticket Ottlce. m Farnam St,0 , Telephone 2S4. Depot. Tunth anil Mason Streets. Tele phone 12 * . Chicago Limited Ex. . . . i : < 3 pra 8 M ani Omaha and Chicago EJC ll.CO ara JW : ; mi * Dully. WADASII RAILROAD-TICKET iric . HI' Farnam atr ct. y i . phine St2 , Depot. Tenth and Uaaou Klreet * . Teleponp JM. Arrive. Bt. l ul "Caimon Call" 4.J mi 'U.-JO am TIM : , \nv OK \KI.NO A IMIOIMHKIMMAHAXC : . f Front rlck-Mo-t'p. "Mr. Longhair , the poet , haa ju-t come. " "Quick , Mary ; take the rouge oft my checks and put oil a pallor , quick , ' ' T-AIC1MJ UiTEIl HIS l\VTIIiil. : From I'llPjienilc IJlactter. "Thnt'B a fine boy , Lieutenant ; takes after his father. " "Well , I should say ho did. Every time I hold him he tries to glva tha Military salute AVI I'll TIIIJ PASSIONS OP EI.IiEIIS. Kron. Ally Sloner. Her Rival And she to Mv * a.curtain when abt.can't act r fine. ad A * Irichten ykr ix. Boo ! boot