H t THE OMAIfA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , APRIL J.2. 1898. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Enormous World's Shipments Knocks Off X Frico of Wheat , FINE WEATHER IS ALSO AN INFLUENCE OrnHInn Se * In Near Hio Close an f lleiiorlH nt Severe Dnmuge tu the Crop * la Cnllfornln * CIllCAaO , April 11. Whom tcxUy sold off l'4c ' , largely on fine weather and en ormous world's HhlpmentB. Closing prices , however , showed a decline of but % flc , ncnx.itlonnl crop damage reports from Cali fornia relieving llio presHiire Into In the day. The president's measago was not a factor , thn contents not belns gcnernlly known until trading for the duy wns prac tically nt nn end. Corn , oats nnd pro visions were all easier and left off at small declines from Saturday's flnul prices. The opening tone In wheat was distinctly weak , July starting at from Sl'ic ' to S4c , compared with Saturday's closing price of SItyiOSIttc. Several Influences combined to bring about the decline. Advices from "Washington early were of a more pacific character , nnd as a good deal of buying has been done of late on belief that Impending hostilities would bring higher prices , this fact was responsible for jnore or less un loadlnp. The wouther west was very favor able for farming operations , nnd early crop icports weru bearish. The government crop report wns expected to show n condition of 87 per cent , against Sl',4 ' last year , but uncertainty In regard to this unil the fact that the foreign markets were still closed , nad a tendency to restrict the trade all day. Small northwc.it receipts were apparently overlooked. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported 271 cars , against 3.17 last week and GG2 a year ago. Chicago receipts were 83 r.nrs. The addition to contract .stocks was largo , llesldes receipts of 4t cars of thlt grade from regular sources 23 cars nnd 14,000 bu. were received from mixing houses und a cargo of 70,173 bu. by lake , a total of about 14S.OOO bti. The world's shipments wcro enormous , amounting to 10,370,000 bu. Liquidation , which started-at the opening , wns kept up without Intermission for ome- tltne , the price finally dropping to SUVfcc. This was below "put" price , nnd "a alight rally was caused by buying by holders of these privileges , July reacting to SJ &fSftc. Tnls show of strength lasted but n short time. The visible , which was expected to Hhow a decrease of about 1,000,000 bu. , proved a severe disappointment to tht bulls , the decrease amounting to but 91,000 bu. The market quickly sold off ngnln on this announcement , and the lowest prices of t'nu day were recorded , July getting down to gtltftKHic. The market then steadied somewhat on covering by shorts , but did not rally much until after the noon hour , when the great strong I'n of the Ban Fran cisco market nnd decidedly sensational re ports as to the wheat condition In Cali fornia put n different complexion on things nnd caused the best buying of the day , fiomo really Important short lines being covered. The California reports were t'ne worst so far received , a hot norther pre vailing , with an advance of 4 2-10c at San Francisco. During the Inst hour of trading the market showed a good deal of firmness. The July prlco finally advanced to 83c and closed nt t'nat figure. Corn was very weak early. Fine weather and the break In wheat atarted general Belling , a brenk of V&c resulting. The mar ket soon became dull , with narrow fluctua tions , until near the close , when the rally In wheat broug'nt buyers Into the market , nnd prices rallied to the best point of the day. SIny ranged from 29 > 4C to 29aC nnd closed > iftVic lower at aQ-l 9 > ic. Oats , In a general way , sympathized with wheat nnd corn nnd ruled weak and lower on a moderate amount of trading. The line weather also counted. The demand was very light until near thp end , when It Im proved on the wheat rally , the market cloning fairly steady at some rally from the bottom. May ranged from 25fji ( i > % G to Z.VJic and closed a shade lower at 23c. Business In provisions was light and mostly of a scalping nature. Lower hog prices , the grain decline and the more peaceable prospect at WiiKnlngton wcro responsible for an opening 'decline , and the still lower prices which followed. The mar ket Improved with the late recoveries In grain and closed steady , with May pork 7 c lower at 59.80. May lard 2 c lower nt J3.17Vi and May ribs 2V c lower at J3.17M : . CORN-NO. 2. 29Ho. OATS-No. 2 , 25-y.S2Cc. f. o. b. ; No. 2 white , S9V } 29V4o : No. 3 white , 27T 09c. llYK-No. 3 , G1V4C. i TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2.75W2.80. KLAXHBKn No. 1 , J1.2I01.22V4. 1'ROVISIONS Pork. meps.fper bbl. , ja.80ia.8I I > ard. per 100 Ibs. , J5.1503.17',4. IJncon. short rlb etdea ( loose ) . J5.25Qi5.33 ; dry salted thmll ler ; ( boxed ) , JI.75iiM.87Vi ! short clear Bides ( boxed ) } u. COO'S. ' CO. WHISKY Distillers' nnlshea goods , per gal. , fl 20 20SUOARS Cut loaf , J3.C9 ; granulated , 15.135 C.3S. On the Produce excliange toJay 11V butter mir ket was steady ; creameries , 13520o | ; dairies , 11J ISO. Cheive. quiet at SffSttc. Eggs , steady ut c Live poultry , steady ; tuikeys , DIPlOc ; chlckcna c : ducks , Sc. XU\V VOn 1C ( iK.VKH.VL MARKETS QuotntloiiM for tinliny on Gi-nera CoilllllOllltlfM. NEW YORK , April It , FLOUR-Recclpts , K 200 bbls. ; exports , 21 , SOS bbls. ; dull but stendlti held with old prices ; winter straights , Jl.Mfl 4.11 ; Minnesota patents , } 5,10Q3.rOj winter cx'r.is J3.S504.10 ; Minnesota bakers' , J1.25O4.43lntei ; low grndea , J2..Hii3.X ( ) . Rye Hour , dull at SJ.7 : C3.20. lluckwlicat Hour , J1.30OI.5' ' ) . CORNMEAIDull ; yellow western , 70c. IltH'K\VHEAT-"Nomlnal at 45c. ItYE Finn ; No. 2 western , 69c , ItARLEY-Qu'et : for ling , < 2. . HARLUY MALT Quiet ; western , 63JC3c. ( WHEAT RvcelptR , 115.CJ3 bu. : exports. 175.CG bu. Sput , steady ; No. 2 red. Jl.OK , t , o. b nlloat. Options weak , mn.it of Ilia cession iii.ilri largt1 world's Hhlpinents , bearish crop IICWE : u tl i tllsapK | > lntdng visible supply reduction , Townrt the close modemin covering hroU4ht alv ! ii. > llnnl prices wen- only ! UJ e net lower ; No. : red May , tl.COTiUl.01 % : clwifil. Jl,0l5i. lX > RN Receipts , 1I5.S03 bu. : export ! " , 2i3l ) bu. Spot easy ; No. 2. 3Cc. Options opened lowe und ruled weak all day under realizing OTI ib Hence of hopeful newu , closing UU'ic n .t lower lay , 31 3-lCO3tHu ; clowtl , 3c. \ . OATS Receipt * . 4'J,2CO ( bu. ; exjvirts , 193,43.1 lu Hpol weak ; No. 2 , 3'Usc ' ; No. 2 white. 32Uc. Op tlons dull ami easy through lark > , * "xport bus ! ness , clcalng Vic lower ; May closed. ! ! ic. HAY Quiet ; spring , 3 ifi5c ; good to choice , t C70c. Itors-Q lt : 18S5 crop , 406 : ; 1530 crop , 70S ; IS'JT crop , l-M17c ; Pacllle coast , Ib95 crop , 46 3c IStS crop , 8fi-Jc ; 1897 crop , 15 l7e. IIIU1CS Steady ; Oalxeston , 15',4c ; Texas dry J2'.4c : California , 17WIj'lS c. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Ilueno Ayres. 18kfi20Kc. \VOOIj Quiet ; rleeoe , 17ifJ2c ; Texas , lS14c. VROVISlONS-lteef. tlrm ; family , J11.COB11.75 extra iiRtui , )9.0W,73 ) ) ; beef hams. J23 : packet 10.23ffll.CO. ( ' "t meats , tlrmj pickled b-lllrs | 5,75W .W ; pickled shoulders , 14.50 ; pickle. hams , J7.50ff7.73. I.ar.1. dull ; western steamed 5.45 ; renntxl , quiet. Pork , nulet : mehs , J1.75J 10.0) ) ; sltort clear , J10.C01.S ) : fam'iy ' , 11 OH It.W. Tallow , quiet ; citj , -1683\c ; country SHHS ic , as to quality. Oll S-Pelroleum. dull. Resin , fttn'ly : s'r-ilnej common to rood. Jl.42VtRl.45. Turr ntlne , qultt SlUOHUr. Cottonnod , steady tut quiet ; prhn cniiie , 19ViO20u ; prlmo crude f. o. b. mills , H\t JSVJc ; prim * munnier yellow , KW2"'i4r : off summe yellow , JJc : butter oil , I50274c ! ; prime wlntf yellow. * 7MSc. Ilirii-Steaily ; fair to extra , 4H8 < iKo ; Japan S'.ifi'He. MOLARS1XJ Quiet : Kw Orleans , open kettle good to cho'o ; , 28 iS3c. METAIjS There was an Indifferent market fj tnetaU t'xlay ' nnd changes In quotations are un Impoitnnt. At the clo.xthe Metal -.chant rails pig Iron warrants dull , w'th t' , nil in f.K asked. Lake copper , nulet , wltlh Jll.W bl unl HMO Mke < 1. Tin , qultt. with III.M hid nnd lit. 45 nsked. Spelter , quiet , but nrm , with 11.13 bid nnd JI.38 nskcd. fyad , dull , with J1.U Lid nnd $3,70 aiked. The firm flxlnc the ttiliiv prl o for miners nod , uni'ltcrs In tna weit ntiotr * lead J3.M. llUTTKR-RccHptJ , 5.611 pkM. : rnntkit st'.flJv : wcilorn creamery , 17lf21c ; Llglas , 21cj factory , , CHEEHn-RccelpH. J.001 pVRj. ; matk t utendy : large , , choice. . 7UV7',40 ! imall , choice , 7yiOSo ; p rt fklm , 4fSc ; full fklrn" , 203o. KnciS Receipts , 15.C37 ypkgs. ; market flrmj ncitctn , lO'/ic' ; southern , ( ' ,434)10 " * OMAHA ( JKMJHAL 3IAHKKTS. Condition of Trniln nnil Quotation * an Slnitlc nnil Kniic > - 1'roituce. KOflB Oood stock , 8V4c. IJUTTnRCohimon to 'fair , 9ltc { : scparatT creamery , JOc ; gathered creamery , ISQlCc. VEAL Criolccfat. . 80 to 120 Vit. , quoted nt 9o ; larKe an.l jsoanie , We. L1V1J POULTRY Chickens , GiW7c ! : old roost ers , Jo- young roosters , ( Uie'/jc ; duck > . "e. OAMB Mallard * . t.6uH2.75 ; teal. Jl.lSfll. ! ; ; brants , Jl.ooyj.oo : Canada geese , tl.M30.00 ; -ilx d ducks , J1.0001.2S. PIOEONS-Llvc , 11.1:01.23 ; dead pigeons nol wanted. HAY Upland , JT ; midland , tC ; lowland. t > .50 ; ryu straw. It ; color makes the prlco on hny ; light bales sell the best ; only top grades bring top prices. VEOnTAHLnS. cnr.KRY-Ooo.1 . stock , lalge , ZOc ; email , KQMc. ONIONS Per bu. , , fJS.'c. HKAN8 Hand-picked navy , per bu. . Sl.Uftl.JD. SWEET POTATOES Kansas , IC-peck bbls. , tt.M ; need sweet potatoes , K. CAIlllAOE-Oood Block , per Ib. , I'SOlTie. POTATUES-Homo crown , 5ttf35c ; Colorado stock , 7uc. TOMATonS-Per crate , seven baskets. tJ.M. ? sk\v Ilt.nTS . Per , , , , A . bunches , 43JTMc. TI lT1fcJlf.u * , _ _ . , . . . . * - . . _ RAniSIIEH-Per doz. bunches. 25 30c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches , 30 3k : . ( IREIN ONMONS-Pei- . , lc. AVATERCRESS-Pcr IC-qt. case , Jl.GO. CUCUMHERS-Pcr doz. . tl.23Sl.CO. FRUITS. STRAWUERRlES-Per 24-pInt case , J2.230J.M ; 24-qt. cn e , t4.60ii3.00. AlU'LES-Wlnter stock , J3.0003.M ; boxes , tl.Ii C lANRKRRIES-Fnncy Jersay , per bbl , J10. TROPICAL "filtilTS , ORANOES-Callfornla navels , f2.75i33.00 ; fancy seodllnKS , J2.2.Vff2..V ) ; cholc" , 2. LEMONH California fancy , t3i choice , tl.60 : fancy Messina , t3.OOJf3.CO. IIANANAS--Uiolce. laiRe flock , per bunch , } 2.0 OS.2i ; medium sized bunchffl , tl.'SffS.W. MiaCELLANlIOUa. NtTTS Almondr per Ib. , larse size , 12W13o ; small , llo ; Urazlls , per Ib. , tsioc ; Kncllsh wal nuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , Wfllciitamiar.1 * , Si(3c ( ; ( liberty , per ilj. , I0u ; pecans , polished , me dium , Cf.7c | : extra large , Bjjsc : larKe nirkorv mitp , tl.G4ffl.10 pr-r bu. ; small , ll.23rai.33 per Int. : cocoanuts , per li/O , t : ptanuts , raw , r.ff.i ( . . " roasted , - - KRAUT-Per bbl. , J3.50 ; half bbl. . } 2 " 3. MAPLE HYRL'P-l.'lve-gal. can , each. t.73 : ; rnl. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gnl. cans , JG.23 ; quart cans , JJ.30. DATKS Hallowee , CO to 70-lb. loxes C'/c- Salr. Go : Kurd , 9-lb. Iwxes , 9c. ' CIDER-Per half-bbl. . J.1 ; bbl. , $3. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED IIEEF Hood native stecri C o- ? lLlaW r..Sl'e \ per doz. , 2.c ; ex tails , cuoli , 3c ; livers , ner Ib S'Ac ; hear , per Ib. , 24c ! ; tongues' , ner Ib lie"- calf liver , each , 33c ; calves , whole carcass or clods , boneless , CV4c : rump butts , boneless , 5lo : No. 1 chuck , Cc'No. ; S chucks , 4 c ; No. 3 chucks , 4c ; boneless chucks , to ; cow plates 3'ic- steer plates , 4er flank steak , "c ; loins , No l' U',4c ; lolna. No. 2 , 10jc ! ; loins , No. 3 , 8VsC' nort loins , market style , 2c above loins ; short loins hotel ptyle , 4c above loins ; cow loin , ends Sc' pteer loin , ends , DC. ' MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9o per Ib. : lambs Sc ; Bheep , 7c : market racks , lonp , 9c ; hotel racks , short , lie ; loins , 9c ; saddles , Of le-s 9e- lamlw leg" . lOc ; breasts and stews , 3V > c ; tongues' cacti , 3o ; forequnrters. 5V4c. " ' PORK-Drcfscd plBB. 6Vic per Ib. ; drcs d IIOKS , BUc ; tenderloins , 14c ; loins , Ehort , 6't" ' ' ion6e - bpare libs , 5c ; ham fausase butts , E-V ; iloston butts , GUc : shouldern , roush. DC ; ' shoulders tklnned , S R : trlmmlnss , 4'Ac ; leaf lard , not rendered , CVJc ; heads , uleatied , 4c ; snouts nnd ears , Sc ; neckbones. 2e : cheek meat , 4e ; pies' tails. 3c ; plucks , each , ; < ; : chltterllmt , Co : hocks 4c ; hearts , per rtoz. , 2oc ; stomachs , each , So- tomrues , each , 7c : kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains' per dozrr IBef plKS' feel , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each ; 3c ; hop : Tinds , 3c ; blade bones , DC. * HIIJICS , TALLOAV , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Co ; No Z creen hides , COT'No. 1 salted''hides , Sc : No " creen salted hides , 7c ; No. 1eal calf , S to 1" Ibs Do- No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7e. ' ' SHEEP I'ELTiJ-areen salted , each , 13W73C- green salted shearings ( hort wooled early skins ) each , lao ; dry thearlnKs ( short wooled early eklns ) . No. 1 , each , 8c : dry Hint Kansas nnd Ne- braeka butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4j'5e ; dry Illnt , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , SJJIcilrv Illnt Colorado butcher wool pelts , per 11. . . actual weight. 48-W ; dry Hint' Colorado murrain wool . . . . , , . * 11 uut pelts , per II. . , actual weight , ni . . TAI'LfiV ) > OKEASB. KTC Tallow , No. 1 , 3c- tallow. No. 2 , 2V4c ; rough tallow , IVie ; white grease. S'iS24e ; yellow land brown grease , 1140 ( timber ) , 23cflJ2.50 ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , 10050C wildcat , 10 23c ; badser , 6B40c ; sllVer fox , J3.W St. Lonln Gonornl MnrkctH. ST. LOUIS April ll.-FIX)7jRsiow and easier patents. t4.70K4.60 ; straights. " " ' " " " 43clear ; tl.OOJTI.2S : medium , t3.50jJ3.73 ( - WHEAT-Lower. nloslng with May Uc , July Tic and September % c below Saturday ; n ot. steady ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 98c ; track Sn.berJS'c40' ! ' Ma5' ' lllWMs JU'y' ' * & & * * ! CORN i-utur'es Hrm , closlnp about the Bime as on Saturday : spot , steady No. 2 Artrll 97tin. Xfn. , t-\r , . , . , ; . . . , . . cash . , , S7ic . . ; . OATS-Futiires dull. Hrm and unchanged : spot , steady : No. 2 cosh , 2Gc ; track , 27c ; April. 25o : . ' . RYE-Strong , K ? . KLAXSEED Nominal. J1.17 ! & . TIMOTHY SEED Prime , J2.90If3.00. CORNMEAL-Flrm. Jl.50ffl.33. HRAN Scarce ; sacked east track , eabble. 65 , ' | HAY Firm ; " prairie , t7.30 ; timothy , JIUTTER Firm ; creamery , 17B21c ; dairy , H ' ia'os Lower. 8Uc. WHISKY J1.20. COT1XNT1 KH-70C. METALS Lead , higher , t3.50. Spelter , ( Irm , J4.05. PROVISIONS-Pork , lower ; Blandiiid mess , Jobbing , J9.73. Lnrd , lower ; prime steam. K 00 ; choice , $3.03. Hucon , boxed shoulders , to.37H1/ B.50 ; cxtta short clear , Jj.S7i ( ; ribs , JO.OO ; shorts tKlJitI'ry salt meats , boxed shoulders , 14.73W 4.S7U ; extra short clear , J3.23 ; ribs , t5.37'i ; shorts , J3.CO. RECElPTS-Flour , 4.0CO bids. ; wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , GO.OOO bu. : oats , 3ii.0 > ) i ) bu. SHll'Mr'.NlR-Klmir. 4uOO hhli. ; wheat , 40,000 bu. ; corn , 264,000. 1 > u. ; oats. 43,000 bu , Iliiltlnioro MnrUot , HALTIMORE , April 11. FI/3UR-null ; west ern nuperilne , J2.70W3.10 ; western extra , t3.33O 4.CO ; western family , t4.23C4.CO ; winter white. t4.EOii5.10 ; spriiiu wheat ftralKht. J3.00g3.15 ; re ceipts. 0,557 bbls. ; exports , 15,30j bbls. WHEAT Dull ; spot and month , 99ViifT99Hc ; May , 1J9 ! Ot''lic : steamer , No. 2 red , 93H09Gc ; receipts , 93,93.1 bu. ; experts , none ; southern wheat by sample , 9GcTJ1.00Vi ; southern wheat on grade , fc3ft90c. CORN Southern white , 3c ( ! asked. OATS-Qiiiet : No , 2 white. 33f33Uc ; No. 2 mixed , 30O30'yc ; receipts , 72,113 bu. ; exports , 1CO.COO bu. RYE Firm ; No , 2 nearby. G6c ; No. 2 west ern , 57V5o ; receipts , 47,12(5 ( bu. ; exports , 17,142 bu. bu.HAY Firm : choice timothy , tU.WSflS.Ol. DRAIN FREIGHTS Very dull ; steam ti > Liv erpool , per bu. , 3VJd , May ; Cork , for orders , per quarter , 3s 3d , April. HUTTEIl-Fancy creamery , 21ff2Ic ; fancy Iml- tatlon , 1 Till 8 ? . KOOS-l Irm ; fresh. We. CHEESE Steady : fancy New York , large , 9' } T9Hc : fancy New York , medium , OlJOlCc ; fancy New York , ininll. CliiclnniUI Miirkvt. CINCINNATI. April ll.-FLOUR-Qulet ; fancy , J4.2sr4.45 : faiully , J.1.GOr3.20. WHEAT Nominal : No. 2 red , Sic. CORN-Dull : No. I mixed , SlViOSJc. OATS Stonily. 2S 2SVlc. RYE Quiet : No. 2 , Me. I'ROVlSlONS-txird , steady. J5.03. Bulk meats , ctPidy. J3.23. llacjn. dull , JG.OO. WIHSKYFlrm. . J1.20. 111JTTER Firm and higher : Elgin creamery , 22c : Ohio , ISWISc ; dairy. 10012c. SITCIAR Firm : hard refined , JI.K65.97. EOns Dull , te. ? CHEESE Qulel ; good to prime Ohio flat , 8\9c , Grain HooclptM at I'rliirlpnl MurkctM CHICAOO , April 11. Receipts today : Wheat , 87 cars ; corn , 1S3 cars ; mis. Id ! cars. Esti mated carlota tomorrow ; Wheat , 105 cars ; corn 300 cars : oats. 500 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , April 11. Receipts : Wheat ' " 'sT"r.LOUIS , April ll.-Recelpts : Wheat. 1 ! 'DTTfAJTH ' , April ll.-Recelpts : Wheat , S ( cars. Detroit Mnrki't. nr.TROIT. April ll.-WHEAT-No. I. 9le ; No X re.1. 95 , o ; May. SfiXc. CORN-NO. : . anir. OATS-NO. 2 hu . rovie. RYE-NO. 2. ! 2e. KiinmiN City firnlii nnil ProvUlonn. KANSAS CITY. April ll.-WHEAT-ClvcJ firm ; No. 1 hard , IKK : ; No , 2 , S7)4Q$9 ) c ; No. 3 , ? n Vsi No. 1 rH. 3a ; No. i , ? c : No , s , No. 2 spring. S60SSC ; No. 3 , SlUQSic. CORN-Acllvc. but 'sttHtlyj No. t mined. JCii 02tUc. oATS-HUhfri Xo. 2 white , tt',4a7c. ' IlYi-IIlKhen : Nu. I , 47c. HAY Active , but steady ; choice timothy , J5.0 ; choice prnlrle , J7.W. MtJTTER-rirmi creamery , UOMc ; dalrj'i U EOOS-Wcak : fresh , SOI'i ? . IlBCEIPTS-Wheat , 70,200 bu , ! corn. 4'3M ' bu.J oats. 12.000 bu. HHIPMENTS-Whont. 1J.200 bu. ; corn , ll.MO bu. ) oats , nona \t-iv OrlrniiH Mnrkrln. NEW ORLEANS , April 11.1IOO PRODUCTS Dull ; Mess pork , standard , J10.00. Lard , refined - fined , tlercer J3.62H83.751 pure lard. JJ.50tt3.6Ji4. Iloxcd meats , dry salt shoulders , II.S7H ; shies , Jo.50. Dicon , clear rib sldc > , 10.2306.37(4. ( Hams , sugar cured , JS.60a9.30. COFFEE-Advnncing : ordinary to fair. 7 iW SVSc : Itlo. steady ; ordinary to good , SHWIV. FLO.Uli tjulct ; extra fancy , II COOt.70 ; patents , > ICOIt NMEAL-Jl.Col.70. HAY-Prlme , JH.00912.00 : choice. JH.Odfltl.tH ) . CORN No. 2 sacked , mixed , 3Sa ; white and yellow , 3S 3SHc. OATS No. 2 sacked -vrcltern , 31iC. ! VlNllilc Grain Sni > i > l > - . NEW YORK. April ll.-Vlslblc supply of grain Saturday , April D , as compjled by the New York Produce exchange , was ns follows : WHEAT 20,159.000 bu. ; decrease. 91.000 bu. CORN-40,100,000 b\irraMffase--2,547.000 bu. OATS-13.540fXi ) ) bu. ; Increase , 1,493,000 bu. RYE 3.611,000 bu. : Increase , 308,000 bu. BARLEY 1,137OW bu , ; decrease , SC.OOO bu. _ - - . - , . - Toledo .Market. TOLEDO. April 11. WHHA.T-DuMl-Noj-3 cash , 82 - : May , 99e. . , CORN--Low r : No. 2 mixed. 30'ic- OATS Dull nnd steady : No. 2 mixed , 2,0. HYE-Dull nnd higher ; No. 2 cash , C2c. CI/3VERSEED Active nnd steady ; prime 'cash nnd April , J2.90. _ _ IMillnileliililii l'ro lnco. rillLADEU'HIA. April ll.-IUJTTKn-Flrm ; fancy western creamery , 2Sc ; fancy western Pri"dcis-Steady : fresh nearby. lO'.ic ; fresh west ern , 10',4c ; southern , lOc. STOCKS noxns. Tlicrd l Anlmnteil 'SelllnK ' , li t Price * CIooc nt the Top Level. NEW YORK , April 11. There wna period of bout fifteen minutes of animated Belling mid ulclily dropping prices In the Stock -xclange odny after the reading of the president B n. s- oge to congress , and there wns iiomo large buy- ng orders executed In the last fifteen innul of riding which brought prices UP to the top Itvcl f the day. Otherwise the market drifted In the and * of the room traders , as t has ilono for evernl days past. 1'rlces opened up a point in nan stocks.PTost practically all the advance nd rose again before the mtssage was pre- . ented to congress. The drop uiwn " 'e .il lusion of the reading wns between 1 "d - olnts from the highest for the principal nctlv tucks. Net gains nt th. ; clew weTO over n lnt for most leading stocks. The daj c ipJits ere a surprise. It can scarcely bo gainsaid hat they go far to dcmonstratu that very few pcoulatlvo contrails remained to be covered , he bears who sold Mocks short after the Maine Isaster evidently made up their " ' " > * I 0 mn since that the unfavorable elfect ou jcturl- ea was being discounted In advance of thi resident's message. The bears covered , leav IP small account to be covcre.1 to-lay. Ihe offers hlch brought about the decline today were umerous. London exchange was cloned today , nd no reflection came from there of the ocntl * ent abroad on the new developments In tha latlons between the United States und Spain , ho nbsence of any speclllc recommendation In le president's message for ousting the .Sp.mlardJ rom Cuba wns taken an a bull point. The doubt- ul element in the situation Is the action \ihlca ongreiw Is likely to take. Today's market emonstrnted that until this question Is decided iere Is no disposition to enter into large open ons In securities. Owing to the fact th. t today as a holiday In London there wns almost nptu- ng doing In sterling exchange and quotations vero merely nominal , but uliout Blendy. 1 he .king ot call loans nt 4 per cent Indicated that lei-o Is no immediate prospect of easy conditions n the money market. The subtrc.isury's credit .alance of S197,03y reflected the further wlth- rawal of the Union Pacific payment , which ha | < > eii left on deposit with New York banks , nnd vhlch Is being withdrawn ns a set-nit to tbe overnment's o.xpen < ics for defense account. A" o the balance of Union. . Pacific pajmcnt , which ow amounts to about tl2,000.i'.03 , one bank.iml . something lesj than t8.OW.OiW. It -Interesting a observe that of the total reserve surplus of tha "sew York banks , amounting to about J3M , * . , he r.urplus of this am tnnk mnUea up nb-i'it S,23i,00i ) . In addition to thu wllhrdnwal of gov- rnment deposits the movement of currency to he Interior continues today In full force. There was no marked activity In today's bond market , but prices showed strength as the day advanced , otal rales , tlOJ3,0 . New 4s registered nd- anced l& . new coupons % , the old 4s regUlered ind the 5s Vt In the bid price1. Following are the closing quotations of the loading sleeks on the New York market today : AtehlHon . 11M Hawaii C. C 20 dopfd'D * St. P. Si. Oiu (1UK HaltlmoroA Ohio. . 17M do pfd 14ii Canada P.iolno . 81) ) St. P.M. AH 130 Canada Soutnorn. . . 47 So. Pacltle. 1.1K CcntrnlPnclHc . 1' ' So. Railway IH . .do pfd , . -J7M Chicago & Alton. . . .154 Tuxat , t P.v.inc. . . . 10)1 C..H.&Q . l'4 > Union Pncllle. 5'J C.&T..I . 'J U. P. D. &O M C.O. C. & St. L . ' 'rt Wnbash UK dopfd . 7SM do.pfd InH D..1. & Hudson . H'DH Wheel. , t L. E IU Del. L. & W . 11IV4 WheoL.V L. B. pfd 10JS Ucn.&RloG . 10 Adamn Ex 100 dopfd . < : ! > ( Amnrlcnu Kx 120 Krlo ( now ) . IL'W United Str.ton Ex. . . SK ErlolBtpfd . iU IVcllnParira Ex..lir. Kt. Wayne . 10S Am. Cot. Oil 17 * < OrcatNorthnrn Dfd. 1 47 A. Cot. Oil pfd lls'i ' Hooking Valloy. . . . fl Am. Spirit ' . ' 10 IlllnoliiOjntr.il. . . lOi ) Am. Spirits pfd. . . . . . . 21 LakoErlo&W . 13) < Am. Tonacco KI'JH do pfd . 70 do pfd 115 Lake Shorn . 18I > U Pcoplo'x ( Jus. . . . . . . Will Louisville & Hash. 51 COIIH. Has 170H Manhattan L . U8 Com.CallnCo 101) ) Met. St. llv . 141H Col. F. Alron 18 Michigan Central. .109 do nfd ill ) Minn. & St. L . 2m Oon. Ek'iunc 2 : < dolHtpfd . 80 RlinolH.Steal 43 Mo.P.ioltlo . 27 LaClcdo Gas 40 ? { Mobile * Ohio . - . > 7 Lead HOHi Mo. K. & , T . 10 uo Dfd 104H Mo.K. AT pfd . UM Nat. Un. Oil 13 Chi. , Ind. iL , . 7 Oregon Imp , Co 'J7 dopfd . 211 PacllloMall ' 'IK N. J. Central . Ui ! PuUmnn Pal 17'J N. Y.Central . 111 ! Silver Certificates. . Q ! > H N.Y.Chi. A St. L. . 1'J Stand.Ropo iT. . . . 3)4 ) ddlHt pfd . Oil Sugar 120i ! do'Jdpfd . 20 do pfd 1U7 ! < Norfolk. * Western T. C. & iron 'JOH No. Amer. Co . f-l ! U. S. Leather 6 > t No.l'-icltlc . 2H > 1 do pfd 07H. doufd . ti-'H U. S. Uiibbor : 10 > 4 OntnrloJb W . 144 do pfd 0:1 : Ore. IU &Nav . 4S > WcBtcni Union. . . . 87 > i Ore. Short Line . VH Northwi-stcm Ill ) PlttHburtr . 108 do pfd. , . . . li'2)i ) Balding . lUIii Rio Uriuulo NVost . ' . ' .i KocklHlaud . 8UH iln pfd Cl S. L.AS. K tils ChlcHsro-GriVU W. . 10I < Ho 1 at pfil MIW St. L. AS. W -l\l St. t'uul tll ( , > 4 do pfd U do pfd 14'J Heading lnt Dfd. . . 40 . Total sale : ! of stocks today , 257,200 shares , In cluding : 3,430 Atchlson preferred , 20,101 Chicago , Huillngton & Qulncy , f.,772 . Louisville & Nash ville , 7.SS5 Manhattan , 10.817 Metropolitan. 3.423 Missouri Pacllle , 6,24 : Northern 1'acllle , 77710 Rock Island , U.GCO St. Paul , 37JOt Union Pa cllle , C.COG Tobacco , 57tOB Sugar. IVe > v York Mon > y Market. NEW YORK , April 11. MONEY ON CALL Nominally , 2145J3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPBR-GttQC per STEHLINO EXCHANOE-Steady , with actual business In bankers' bills at Jl.S3Uil4.b3Vi tor demand and J4.SOtf4. OVi for sixty dsys ; posted ratci , Jl. 0i.i5i4.tl and M.Slffl.Sll-i ; commercial bills , J4.79 4.79' . SILVER CERTIFICATES-53H05014C. HAH SILVER Oiftc. MKXIGAN DOLLARS-ISC. (10VHRNMENT UON'DS Firm : new 4s , regis tered , 121 : coupon , 121 % : 4 * , registered , 10SV4 ; coupon , HOVi ! 2 , registered , 97 : Si registered and coupon , llHa ! Pacific 6s of ' ! , 103. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Kliiniiclnl Note * . OMAHA. April II. Tlw oleartnEH for th day were J9J7.830.irt : Iml.inceH , J7I. 8.:7. In 1537 t' . . clearings were ( J37,7'ja.tO , and the bnloncca , J-U - 301.41. Increase In clearings. J19.RCL19. CINCINNATI , April 11. Ktw York exchange , < 0c dlicounti money , . f frc per cent ! clearings , , , . CHIOAOO , April II. 'Ouciflt stocks Wtre tronff nnd active : other * dufli. Alley U (1 ; Rlncult , ! JHItcult : preferfeMi 75H : It > mon.l Match , 1 > 4 ; Lnk Rtr ft U 11 ! North Chlcaco , JI7 ; Strawboard - board , 21 ! West Chicago. Wr. ) T. LOUIS. April ll , CIrarlnRi. ! II.8HT.OCO : bnl- ancpf , K ,697i money , 5ft J per cent ; New York exchange , 7 r discount IIJ. . Me d'scount ' n kcil. NBW YORK. April JI.-CIearlnir . $7I.:85MJ ; balancer. JI,1MC.S. * IJO8TON , April 11. Clrnrlnc > , Jll,93fKC ! bal ance" , ll.U7.3W. * PHILADELPHIA , April 11. Clearings , 3,8y- 999 ! balances. 11,505,159.1 HALTIMORi : . April" ll.-Clenrlnffs , ,91IS4T : Bw'bnLKANS. April ll.-ClearlnK , . 11.70. . . . 456 ; New Yorlt exchange. l npk , par ; commercial. per ll.CW discount. There \olhlnu : to liiMplrc VonturcR by LMtlu-r SI < le. NI3W YOIIK , April 11. There was nothlnff In the early news today to lnsjlre ventures on thi part of either hulls or benr.i , nnd throughout the session the market lacked special features. Trading was restricted chlelly to the scalplnff element , nnd lluctuatlons to a very narrow range. The market showed a very steady undei- tone cons-lderliiB the uncertainty as to the nut- come of the president's message to conBreso. After opening steady wrth price * unclmngvl to 2 pulnts higher then1 was a slight further rally tn u net KIII n of ay 4 points un Unlit local coveim ? , but by midday prices were back to th llnal llu- urtj i.f Saturday , with the pit almost dcsertod. The close was ( | iilet , with prices showing a net gain of 1 ! lolnls. hpot. qulel ; middling , C 13-16c ; net receipts , AM bule i giors , 5.UI3 bales , exp'irts to France , 100 bales ; to the continent , 0,100 bales ; sales , 501 balej ; spinners , 161 bnlut ; stock , actual , IVJ.SiC bales. Total today : Net leceipls , 13illi ! bulen ; exports to Ureat Itrltuln , 7,7 JJ bat , . t. France , 100 bales ; to the continent , Il,7fl7 bales ; Etotk , 741. Ml lilies. CuneulUlatnl : Net receipts , 23,233 Uiles ; cxpoitH to Ureat Drltnln , li.CSJ bales ! tu France , 1UO li.iles ; to the continent , ? j.V'iJ bales. Tot.ll since Septemlwr ! Net ivcelpls , 7WJi > IO Ixiles ; exports to Clreat Urltaln , 2'JS < ) ,4iU lmle : to France , 743 , CM baler ; to the continent , 2,691,701 bales. NK\V Uitl.KANH , April 11. COTTON Futures quirt : Fates , 7i)00 ! ) bales ; April , J.'i.Cu bid ; May , J .K'o'.Vtil ; June , | 3.CuiJo.C7 ; July , J3.'i0i/'j.71 ; August , W.704J j.71 ; September , } .V'ii ) @ . * . ? ; Octo ber , $5.714(5.72 ; November , fri.72if5.73 ; Pccetnuer , fj.73fro.77 ; January , $ i.77jj'u.VJ. Siiot , steady ; saliM , 3OCO bile < ; oidlnary , 4 9-Kc ; Rood ordinary , 4 l.'i-iw ; low mHdllnir , r > Uc ; mldillliiR , l > 'J-lfic ; good middling , 5 13-lUc ; inldilllnfr fair , 65-lGo , reci'lnts , li.Ml baits ; stock , i''is.tJlM Uilis. IVool MtirUotN. nOSTON , April 11. WOOli I-'allowlne arc the quotations for leading .descriptions : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania fleeces , X nnd above , lC827c ; XX and above , 3Cc ; delaine , 30a31c ; No. 1 combing , 3Cc ; ! No. 2 combing , 30c. Michigan , Wisconsin , ' etc. X Michigan , 24o ; No. 1 Michigan combing , 5So ; No. 1 llllnoll combing , 2Sc ; No. 2 combing , 2S5J29c ; No. 2 Illi nois combing , 2R2'Jc ; X New York , New Hamp shire nnd Vermont , 234Mlo ; > No. 1 New Yorlc , New nmpshlre nnd verisom , 27c ; delaine , Michigan , 2Sc ; unwashed medium , Kentucky and Indiana , quarter blood combing , 22o ; Missouri thrce-eluhtlis blood combing , 22'jc ; braid comb ing , 20c"Lake ; and Georgia. 22c. Texas wools- Spring medium t2 month * ) , 'ICiTflSc : scoured , 43 < 3 > 45c ; spring line (12 month ) , < 19Wl o ; scoured. Me. Territory wools Montana line and medium line , lGflSc * [ ; scoured , 46g4.d . ; staple. We ; Utah , Wy oming , etc. Fine medium i and line , 13517c ; staple , COc ; bCouied , 43@47 < ; . Australian wools- Scoured basis , combing , superllne , 70f7Jc | ; combIng - Ing , good , 65 < Sj68c ; combing , average , C2JfG3o ; Queensland combing , C c- . . ST. IXHJ1S , April : il. 5VOOIEasler ; me dium , 13@l o ; light line. 13SlCc ; heavy line , s ® 145 ; tub washed , 22 < B23 ie. ' Mnrki-tn. NEW YOHK , April 11. COFFHR-Optlons opened quiet , with prices B to 10 point. : lower under local liquidation and bear selling , following rumors of more peaceful political outlnok. Specu lation checked by uncertainty n to disposition congress would make of the pivrld .it'3 j.-u suite. Tha latter alone produced no cltect. on thn mar ket. The market closed barely steady at n nj' loss of from 5 to 10 points ; sale ? , 10,230 bags , In cluding May nt J5.7304.80. Spot coffee , Wo , milet ; No. 7 Invoice , lie : No. 7 Jnbhing. 7Vii : . Mild , steady ; Cordova , 84 ! < 813c ; sales. l.Oi' ) bas Maracnlbo , p. t. ; SCO bags Central American , p t. ; 100 bags Mexican p. t. Kuropfnn and Drazlllnn markets were closed on account of uoltdiy * . Total warehouse deliveries from the United States. 27.7M bags. Including J6.SSO hags frnm New York ; New York stock today. 5ln.4'7 Km.i ; Unlteil States stock , 718,4'jj bags ; afloat for the United States , 33R.OOO bags ; total visible for tne Unltetk States , 1,083.4.15 UIRH. against 650,651 bag-3 last year and 426.472 bags In ISttl. Jievr York Dry < inniU < Mnrkei. NF.\V YOIIIC , April 11. There was a quiet tone to the dry goods market today. The stuatlon In brown goads Is wthout material change , liusl- neas In bleached cottons has been reduced to quite Insignificant dimensions , bnre'.y sufficient doln ? to test prices In any grade. Wide sheetings are dull. Cotton flannel and blankets are dull nnJ feature less. Print cloths ara leporteii qu'et on the bis'.s of 2 per cent for extras. Late Saturday there were sales for 10,000 pieces at Fall Klver at 2e. No further sales at this price have been reported today. The present price Is the lowest evet known In the history ot the trade. Suarnr Markets. NEW OHI..EANH , April 11. 3UOAR Dull ; open kettle. 2Wie : granulated , 4o ; whites , 4 7-lCc ; yellow , 4fl4 5-1W ; seconds , 2S3 lo-lCc. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , SirUc. NEW YOIIK. April H. SUQ All-Haw , firm ; fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal , 98 test. 4 , c ; re fined , firm : mould A , 5 7-lCc ; standard A , 5 l-10c ; oonfectloner' A. 5 1-lCc ; cut loaf , 5 ll-16o ; crushed , 5 11-1K ; powdered , 5 7-lCc ; granulated , 5 3-lGc ; cubes , 5 7-lCc. Cnllfornln DrliMl NKW YOHK , April 11.-CAI.IFOI1NIA DHIED PHUITS Quiet but firm. Evaporated apples , rOT/.c ; prime wire tray , Sc ; wood dried , prJme , SUc ; choice. Site ; France. 9W. Prunes , S'ilf 74c. Apricots , Itoynl , GH < K7c ; Moor Park. 8 > lOc. 1'onches , ur.peelcd , Kite ; peeled , llli'llc. St. Louis Lire Stock. ST. LOUIS. April 11. CATTLK llecclpts. 2.COO head , Including 1,500 head Texans ; shipment ? , $00 head ; market steady to easier. Fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , $ l.33f-3.W ; bulk of sales. J4.73G3.40 ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers , J4.25J13.0f , ; bulk of tales , M.40 ; utockers and feeders , J30QIT4.C3 ; cows and heifers. J2.005T1 4.S5 ; Texas nnd Indian steers. I3.7304.CO : built of tales , 14.1334. 50 ; cows and heifers , $3.15TJl. : . > 0. HOGS Hecelpts. 8,200 head ; shipments , 5,300 head : market lOc lower ; yorkers , J3.COQ3.75 ; pack ers. J3.COS3.SO ; butchers , J3.75if3.S5. SHEKP Hecelpts , 300 head ; shipments , none ; market steady : native muttons , $4.23f4.73 ; limbs , J5.23Sf3.75 ; Texas muttons , J4.234.00. I.onlNvllIe Live Stock. LOUISVILLE , April 11. CATTLE Market dul and fully 10Jl3o lower : extra good export steers , J4.COfl > 4.Gj ; choleo butcher steers , J4.23S'I.50 ' : fair to good butcher Heers , t3.75ffl4.25 ; common u meJlum butcher tteers. J3.50B3.73 ; choice heifers. J3.00ii4.13 ; fair to choice butcher cows. 52.000' 3.03 ; medium to treed feelers , J3.C1iJI.15. IIOQS Tops , J3.WiT3.S5 ; mediums. J3.7093.7o light shippers. ll.40fi3.G3 ; pigs. J2.Wtf2.90. SHEKP AND LAMHS-Market steady and un changed : good to extra shipping sheep , t3.3" < g 3.73 ; fair to good sheep. , J3.00O3 25 ; rommon to medium , J2.00&2 50 ; extra shipping lambs , Jl.758 > 6.00 : fair to good lambs , J4.23if4.73 ; best butchers , JUOB4.50 ; fair to good , butchers , J3.50tri.0l > . rCiiiihnx City Live Stouk Miirkel. KANSAS CITY , April 11. CATTLK Hecelpt . 4,000 head ; market steady to a chade lower ; Texas steers , f3.73Jl.70 : Texas cows , J3.COff3CO native tteers. J3 ( Wti > i.20 ; native cows and heifers , 2.&n 4.tO : rtockers nrd feeders , J3.5081 5.GO ; bulls. J2.75WI.OO. HOOS llecelpls , 5.CO1 niad : market weak to f.c 1-iwcr : bulk of sales , l2.53W3.7Sij ; heavies J3.C003.77'4 : packers. J3.Mff3.75 ; mixed , JS.l ) ® 3.73 ; llKhts , J3.50iT3.C3 ; Yorkers , J3.COff3 C3 ; plgf , J3.23 3.CO. SIIIIEP Hecelpts , 3.COO head : market weak lambs , J4. 25S5.50 ; muttons , J3.23Qt.23. Kant liiTlTnlo/I.lvo Stock. EAST HUFFALO , N , Y. . . April ll.-CATTLK Prime to extra export steers , J5.90if5.3T : prime to choice shipping. Jl.90iio.l5 ; fat heifers. J4.23O 4.50 ; fair to good mixed butchers' stock , J3.C.if 4.10 ; butchers' nnd cow's , J3.00if3.45 ; common cows , I2.00ftj.7j. IIOOS Good to choice. JI.OKJ4.23 ; roughs common tn choice , J3.50ifl.CO ; pigs , good to choice. J3.C3W3.83. LAMUS-CTiolce to extra , J6.VMKIO ( : culU to common , J3.COtr5.50 : clipped limbs , J4.23ff3.10. SHEEP Choleo to selected wethers , J4.93 { ? 1. 10 ; culla to common , tJ.wy 1 00. Slock la SlKht. Ueconl of receipts of live itocle at the fou principal markets April 11 : Cattle. 1Ioit . Sheer. Omaha . l. 7 2.734 6.97 Chicago . 1S.OOO 37.COO 23,00 Kansas City . 7.000 5.000 3.000 St. LouU . 2 , COO 8:00 30 Totals . . . 20.197 5,9M K.lTl Clnolnnnll Live Stuck. CINCINNATI , April ' 11. IIOClS-QjIet , J3.10 gs.so. CATTLn-Strong. J3.75lf4.73. RIIRKP Dull , lower. : .7584.M. LAMUS-Lower , JI.COS5.SO. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Icceipta Light on Monday , but Double Thcso of a Week Ago. LIGHT HANDY CATTLE SELL STEADY Drillers AVnnt Their Pick nnd ( be Stiller a Dluie'a Worth ItoitVenlc und Lower i Sheep iSlronv. ( BOUTir OMAHA , April ll.-Rccelpts for the days Indicated. wercc . . . Cattle. HORS. Shcop. IIor'8. April 11 1,537 2,730 6,791 2 April 9 7f,6 3,100 924 25 April S 1,824 4,231 1.S92 , . April 7 I.GOG B.IS3 14,330 April C 3,545 8,213 7,303 April 6 2.619 5,053 3.65S 64 April 4 1,220 1,133 9.45S . , April 2 sno 3,150 3,127 April J 1,741 6,112 3.SSI5 March 31 2.SW5 6,137 11.0C9 21 March 30 3,65 7,304 10.001 21 March 20 4.97S 4.653 4,541 March 23 1.3GO . 1.359 4.03(3 ( March 2ii K $ 0,223 2.72S 23 March > 1,787 7,512 3,352 1 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each roail was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. , St. & St. P. Hy. . 8 O. ft St. I * . Hy. . . . . . 2 Missouri Pnclilc Hy. . . . 2 Union I'aclHc System 8 5 19 1 C. & N. W. Hy 3 P. , E. & M. V. R. H. 13 12 8. C. & 1Hy 1 C. , St. P. . M. & O. . . 23 4 H. & M. H. R. K 10 7 7 C. , H. & Q. Hy 1 3 C. , H. I. K , I1. , east. . . 3 C. , H. I. & P. , west S Total receipts . . . . 67 33 26 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer-purchasing thu num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 85 611 . . . . G. H. Hammond Co 417 515 3S2 Swift and Company 423 933 C31 Cudnhy Packing Co 14S 153 22 P. D. Armour , Chicago. . ! W7 H. Decker and Dcgnn. . . . 124 J. L. Carey 23 I obman & Rothschilds. ( H U F. Husz 128 Livingston & Schaler. . . . 1 H. Hamilton 42 Poster 512 Hammond , from K. C 359 . . . . Swift , from country 413 Other buyers ? J Left over 200 . . . . Totals 1,532 2,073 2.S3I The receipts were light ns usual on n , Monday , though there were about twice as many hogs ns on Monday a week ago , The receipts of c.ittlo were about the same , while there wan a falling off In the arrival of sheep as computed with a week ago. CATTLE Thu ofterlngs ot cattle were llcht. but of some kinds there wns a great plenty. More butchers' stock would have been welcomed by both buyers and sellers and choice light stock cattle could have been handled to good advantage In much larger numbers. Of heavy , fat cattle , how ever , there was a great plenty. The buyers all seemed to want handy rornfcd beeves , as has been thu case for some time back , und ull offerings of such met wlt'n favorable reception , but at thu name time no one seemed especially anxious for the heavy cattle. The result was that light cattle suid freely at Just about last week's prices , no quotable change being noted , while heavy cuttle were all t'ne way from slow and weak to lOc lower. Butchers' stock , such as good cows and heifers , was wanted by all the packers , and the few scattering lota were picked up In short order at prices that were at least steady or even strong. As high as J4.50 was paid for a bunc'n of good heifers. Hulls , stags , etc. , sold about the same as ut the close of last week , while veal calves brought the strong prices at which they nave been selling of late. Very few stock cattle were In the wards , but the few on sale brought very high prices. While t'ne demand for atockers Is * not so very pronounced on any one day , It Is considerably In excess of the receipts and t'nere Is not a dealer In the yards but what has calls for a good many more than he is able to supply. Representative sales ; NATIVES. HREF STBKUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. C..1371.$4 7- 2.119- ) ( I 53 19..1154 ( I 70 ! 0..14I3 455 20..1657 4 W OS . . .1033 4 M [ 8..i2i > 3 455 2).mi 4.5 i . . .mo 435 tj. . . . ' ) 4 3U 1..1KO 4 CO 13..1753 4 4 ; > 1' . . . . 810 44' ' ) 27..1216 4 3P/4 7..1J4S 440 . . . .1041 ; $35 8. . . .1010 4. . ' , 19..1J70 145 6..123i ) 433 20..1073 435 13..12.18 43. . ) 40..11W5 430 2..1.-.W 470 7..129. ! 445 . .1243 4 55 2D..12o6 455 21..U5& 455 . .1ISS 465 2).1213 ) 4 M 13..1391 440 34..1512 455 CS..13CU 453 40..126 ! 440 18..1503 4 + ) 1..1260 400 20..1200 440 1..1270 4 U ) 22..1118 4 SO > 4..1310 4 45 COWS. 1..111D 4 21) 2..1325 4 10 1..1S40 4 00 1. . . . 81' ' ) 373 4. . . . 827 275 2..10O ) S 75 1..111I ) 370 1. . . . 830 200 1..1110 390 1..1130 39' ' ) 1..1200 390 3..1200 3 85 2..1J4- K 10..1213 3 Si 1..1423 3 K 1..1110 375 1. . . . 880 370 1..1130 340 1..1IXM 3 4' ' ) j..1010 2 S5 13..1135 3 GO 5..1032 3 63 17..1115 3 75 2..1085 3 25 2. . . , 963 3 00 1. . . . t > 80 3 13 2..11)00 ) 4 00 2. . . . 993 300 1..1I50 290 1. . . . GSO SCO O..U46 373 1..1020 315 4..1232 370 2..1050 3 41) 2rr. . SSO 3 35 3..J010 i.75 2..1010 3 63 1. . * . 930 2 85 IIEIKISHS. 23. . . . 866 423 11. . . . 714 415 1. . . . 850 3 S3 1. . . . 7SO 383 18..1217 450 1..1270 430 L. . . 9SO 430 3. . . . 960 420 2. . . . 733 365 1. . . . 640 3 C3 1. . . . 810 4 25 2. . . . SCO 4 25 1. . . . COO 410 1. . . . MO 350 26. . . . S70 415 1. . . . 590 4 00 4. . . . 412 4 10 1. . . . 460 4 50 1. . . . GOO a CO i310 3 0' ' ) 1..1570 400 1..10M 375 1. . . . 9SO 350 1..1JM 340 1..1470 315 1. . . . 740 350 1..13SO 325 1..13SO 350 2..1363 340 1..1110 350 1. . . . 710 430 1..1C20 330 1..HSO 3 20 1..17GO 3 40 - CALVES. 2. . . . 170 6 50 2. . . . 130 6 50 STAGS. 1..1540 4 23 STOCKEna AND FEEDERS. 2. . . . 700 4 40 1. . . . 740 4 50 53. . . . 999 4 40 CO. . . . 713 4 75 19..12SO 4 70 31..1210 4 55 7..1K.O 450 5. . . . C90 375 49..14U 433 2. . . . I'M 3 50 1..11DO 3 75 STEEIIS AND CALVES. 2C. . . . 633 4 SO HOOS The arrivals of hops nt thla point wrro extremely llKht , there not bolnif cnouRh to ef fect Ilia market one wny or the other , but the heavy receipts nt oilier nmrkot poliitx brouuiit about a general decline In tlie m.irket. Chicago cage wna anticipating a liberal run for the openIng - Ing day of thu week , but the receipt * prov rt BO much larger than WUA anticipated that ttiu market at that point broke and carried ot'uTb down with It. The trailo here opened about Co lower , : ntl closed slow ami weak. The MK bulk w > lI ( Ht f3.70fi3.72H. while nn Saturday the bulk brought J3.75f3.77ii. On Monday a week ORD the hogs Bold largely at the same range us today , llioutl. the extreme top was higher. Today's decline wipes out nil the Rain made nt tin" close of last week and leaves the market a nhade lower than at thu opening ot last weec. ! [ tepresenfatlvc sales : No. Av Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 10 222 . . . 13 63 67 276 120 > 3 67H 84 211 . . . 3 65 11 270 . . . 3 KJV 47 207 40 3 67(4 ( " 9 234 . . . 3 70 60 270 ICO 370 70 2S5 . . . 370 43 211 . . . 370 70 2W . . . 370 63 213 SO 3 70 S3 " 24 80 3 70 63 2H 40 370 17 2S4 fcO 370 83 211 40 370 IS 233 . . . 370 69 232 40 370 64 242 1GO 370 M ) 246 80 370 63 247 80 370 4 277 lf.O . 3 70 12 212 . . . 3 70 60 2C6 SO 370 12 2W . . . 37214 55. . . , " . " . . ' .32' ' ? 2EO 372W 56 2S3 80 3 72' ' < 47 2iV. . . . 3 72'4 C9 2S2 . . . 3 72'J 63 2SO 120 372',4' 63 2IS . . . 372V 82 263 60 3 72V-1 61 270 40 3 72& CO S70 . . . 37214 SO 202 40 373 69 67 . . . 3 72Mi WACJON HOGS THROW OUTS. 1 32' ) . . . 2 r,0 6 US . . . 340 1 320 . . . 3 CO 4 112 . . . 30) 1 500 . . . 3"60 8 1C6 40 3 62V4 3 > .0 . . . 3 63 4 1C2 . . . 363 9 20S , , , 363 8 323 . . . 3 f.7Vi t. r ; : . . . 3 671/a 3 24li . . . 370 4 ; 243 ; . . 370 7 211 . . . 370 2 193 . . . 370 3 206 . . . 370 4 227' . . . 370 8 331 SO 3 70 9 270 . . . 370 8 213 . . . 370 9 -.263 . . . 3 72J5 6 262 . . . 3 72'4 6 310 . . . 375 3 304 . . . 375 6 306 . . . 3 75 SHEEP The receipts of sheep looked large on paper , twenty-six raM being rj > rtt l lr. . * < yards. Of that number , however , fourteen cnmo In on Sunday , and were only linlted for feed while two other loads were consigned direct to packers. The actual offerings , therefore , con tlsted of less than a dozen loads of sheep and lambs. The demand was nctlve for mutton sheep an' anything that wns nt nil de/tlraMe / Bold readily K sirring prices. Homo western wethers brougli $ t.6 > , and shorn wethers fl.2.1. Thn market on lambs wns not as favorable to the nelllng Interests. The quality was not nn-h as to fctlmulnte buying aixl the trade was rathe slow and viilues a little lower. In the end , how ever , practically everything was sold and In BOO neason nt that. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 337 Mexican Iambs n r > If 131 Mexican lambs 72 S 10 440 weitern wethers , shorn 113 4 25 13 bucks. Bhorn lt 3 V.U , 191 western wethers Ill 4 63 1X ! > wratern wethers Ill 4 63 ; T-I lambs nnd yearlings , 7 ! 6 05 2&1 Mexican lambs , shorn. . , 70 4 C3 \ < MV Yorlc I.lve 'Stork. NBW YORK , April II. TIBrjVKH Re-elplr 4.SC9 : active : steers , lOc hlnhcr : bulls , s'.cndy muKum cows , lower ; steers , | I.Cir3.M : tops 3.40 ; o en nnd utagn. 13.W&4 20 : bulls. $ l.Mfl3.M > niws. 2. < KtU . ( Table * unchanged ; exp.irU to day , 200 head cattle ; tomorrow , 1,021 head cattle l.OIS html h < s > p auJ S.5Wau tlcrs o'rjpf } . . . OAuVKS lliwIptM. JW hcnitj ugtlvo but t.o lowfr ; voalu , ll.OXIfl.J. ' . . StlKKI' AND I < AltnS > 'K c < pt . 13,51 ! l-.iwl ! nhfrp nrnh ; Ininl * . I0i" lower : wool aVfn H , ( < OIr " " " clipped ithocp , | l,7SVt.M : wool lrnih < , JJ 75 cllpwii Inmlis , $ l.7' , 7'iHj ; ear of noulhcrn l.imbs tolil at "nocift-ltecelpls 11.373 hfadj ! ow. JI.OOCI.23J cck of western pold nt 11.10. ciiie.ujo LIVB sTocic .if.imojT. illicrnt Snpiilr of Iliitt * Drive * Down tint Price * . CHICAOO. April ll.-Thcrc wns n fnlrly mtlve eneral demand for c.tttlc today nnd good c.ittlo old nil right , but common nnd medium grades , which ng.tln romiirlseu tl.b principal tharc ot tin tieringvcio rather low at weak prices. The ; renter part of the cuttle cto.'reit the scales at I.UHjo.lO , the ( ommnnest eon lsmucnt telling llshtly below II. 00 , while strictly prime shipping > eo\rs were scutve and strung at 15.2. > IJ.5) . locUrra nlul feeder : ) were In Rood Oomand , rnlfs lelng niontly nt M.Wfl4.63 , with prime young tght welRht steers ratable nt JI,7.3l.iO. ; ! 1'nn- nlng cows sold inoMty lit t..JOiiJ.WI nnd medium to prlmo fat cows nnd heifers wire salable nt J3.23 ® 4.73. llulli sold mostly at JS.75fl3.75 and cal\e were In good "einnnd " at IS.WijO.tt \ > tr HO Ibs. Pi lees of hngst were forceil down BtttOo by ho liberal Mipply. Sales' were at an extreme snge of J3.70jit.U for" the poorest to the best hogj , the greater pm-t itolnu fur IJ.kOff3.9 > , while piss sold largely nt I3.5olf3.s3. Prln-c llnht welitlil mss sold nt Jl.SJli. or 7He below prime heavy ots , the nprp.nl being llsht nnd heavy being nar- oner than fur some time past. Sheep were In active demand nt nearly steailj irlcoa , but lamlia usnln coinprl.'ed the nrvater art of the- offering * and sold about ICc lower or wooled lots as a rule. Shep wore wanted nt 4.nOl.(3 ( for siorn : und at II.70WI.W for good vooleil lots. Iximtn sold nt $ t.50 S.OO for shorn. irtv'i-i ruling steady , but wooled llccked ilcrUned about Id . Hales ranged between J.i.OOJi | > .5i > . 'rime wooled nheep wcro scarce , shorn lots pr-- dominating. . . Receipts : Cattle. 1S.OOO head ; Loss. 37.000 l.rn.3 ; iheep , S3.000 hc.nl , IlllllllllllllOllH I.IVC SltlOlf. INDIANAPOt.lS. April 11. CATn.K-Uecelpts , iRht : rhlpments , ncnei good to prlmo ftecri" , JI.8) rf5.23 : fair to medium steer * , ( | . 03 < .SO ; common : o good r lockers. U.J.'iff 1.00. HOOH-Recelpts. 1,300 head : shipments , l.SXI lend ; market active. hade lower : good to cliMcn ncdluin nnd heavy. J3.S5JT.1 90 ; mixed , IS.SO&S.SS ; good to choice lights. 3.S2',4fr3.S > 7 < 4. SHHEP Receipt * , llsht ; shlpmontu , none ; mar ket straily ; spring Innibi rellltiKi nt Sc ; good to choice sheep. JI.J3fl4.M : common , } i,755J3.40. VKWS FIUMI iriniDll.M ) WIlAIiKIIS. TTVO of < ho lniirlnnnMl Sltliii II e- Mlroyril In 41u > Arctic. SAN FRANCISCO , April 11. G. P. Tlltou , thlril mate of the whaler 'Bclvldcrc , ono of the fleet now Icebound near Point Barrow , us reached this city. The only Important news ho brought down was tlmt the Orca was pinched In the Ice and sank on Spptcm- ' ) er 23 , and the Jcsslo Freeman burned to the water's edge six weeks laler. There mg to be every assurance that the several ships' cr ws have sudlclpnt provlslona last thorn until July next. About October 3 : lie ship Narvnrch , when twelve mllca out 'rom Point Sargeant , was boarded by men 'rom the Fearless. At this tlmo the ship Jnanlo was four mie\a ! from the shore nnd appeared to bo safe from the crush of Ico. The Jeanlp took all clothing and provisions 'rom the old boat station at Point S-Jrgeatit .o the place where the whalers arc locatc < l. Mrst Mate Gary of the whaler Grampus died on the Jeanle , October S. HUM , TOO .MUCH FOll Till ; 1,1 O\S. Ill'lltlll K.vtilhlllmi lit Mi-xloo'H Ci oil CiiKtpr Viuiilny. CITY OF MKXICO , April 11. Flvo thou sand people witnessed a cruel and bloody fight between two African lions and o Mexi can bull on Easter Sunday. The crowd In cluded the whole American colony. The Irst lion was very large. Ho had been starved for the last week. The bull , without a moment's hesitation , sprang at the lion and caught him on his horns under the foro- eg and threw him backward fifteen feet against the barn , knocking the breath and light completely out of him. Another lion was then provided. It made a good fight , 3ut was gored unmercifully and taken from -ho Hug In a dyliii ? condition. The governor then stopped the fight. PEKIN , April 11. A slight conflict be tween Russians and Chinese haa- taken place at Kin-Chow. It Is believed this encounter javo rise to the report from Yokohama last night that a collision had taken place be- : weon the British and Russians at Tallien- Wan. Kln-Cliow Is a little way north ot and near Talllon Wan. No CliniiKC III Cia < ltiin < ' ' Coniltllon. LONDON , April 11. There Is not . much change In the condition of Mr. Gladstone today , but 1io Is not suffering e.o much pain , Ho Is unable , however , to converse cheerfully with his friends. HAS TIIK Al'l'KAUAXCIi OF MURDER. Ole Jonc Found with HlH Sknll Cmnliril In. FALLS CITY , Mq.Anrll 11. ( Special Tele- Piram. ) Late Saturday night the dead body of Ole Jones was found about two miles north of Fargo , a small town twelve mllea north of Ibis place. Hla skull was crushed , probably with some blunt Instrument. Two men known to have had trduble with Jones have been arrested. Movement * of JTiival NEW YORK , April 11. The United States dispatch boat Dolphin sailed today. HALIFAX , N. S. . April 11. The United States ships New Orleans and San Fran cisco , from London , put In there , short of coal , after a ptormy passage of fourteen days , The San Francisco exchanged salutes with the citadel. They will sail as eoon as they coal. Rlrclrlc Trolley Patent * Invalid. CLEVELAND. O. , April 11. The Walker Manufacturing company of this city has re ceived notlco of a decision from ths New- York court of appeal ? , which , It Is asserted , makes the electric street rallwny trolljy patents public property. Undr patents granted to Vundepoel , the General Electric company has for years held the exclusive right of manufacturing trolleys. Some tlma ago the Wallter company began the manu facture and f = ale of nn electric trolley on nn extensive scale , resulting In a series of suits against tlmt company by the General Electric company. In his statement of the assets of the General Electric company President Coffin included an Item of $1,000.- 300 as the value of the Vandepoel trolley patents. Klondike is Not Full Yet but It will be before long at the rate people are going there. Now Is the time to go. You will experience no hardships If you go via our nil water route. On or about June 10th the steamer "ROANOKE , " formerly of the Old Do minion Line , will leave Seattle nnd go direct to the mouth of the Yukon River , wheie river boats will promptly meet paisengers for Dawson - son , First claR4 faro J200 and up ; second class fare JI..O , Including meals and berth. Semi ! * KM > at Oiiee lo Hexc-rvf I'liNNiiKe. Ve will also deliver 1,300 pounds of assorted provisions ( estlmnled to be u ycir'a supply ) nt any of our posts for J520 extra to n limited num ber taking passage on our first steamer. WK AllU THU I'HOI'LIJ To take yon to Alaska. We have been there for six years. Write for further particulars. Ely E. Wearc , Pres. , DAWSON , N. W. T. dpi. John J. Healy , V. 1' . und U. Mgr. , DAWSON - SON , N , W. T. 103S. H. R. PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Bide. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Bnach Offlc . 5038 N St. . LJaccI ? . Nob. O. C. CHRISTIE. K. : , STREET. President. Vice President. Cliristie-U Commission Cos Capital , 950.00U.UW. Knlly mill. Ill llonrd of Trade Ilullilln r. STOCKS. CHAIN AND I'HOVIHIO.VS. JIMES E BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD OP TRADB. Direct wire * to Chicago and New York. Corrttpondentil John A. Warren & Co. The U. S. GOVERNMENT wants a Irene men In Its scrvlca With ono o- cord the Army nnd Nttvjr ondOHO 1IAK-IIKN at the greatest known strciiRtlioticr , invlnorat- or mid roMornllvo. It crcntes solid llc h , mus cle ntid strength , clear * the brnln , stronathcns the ncrvos nnd ouuina the Rcncr.tttro orsnnl to qtilcklyrepnln ihclr nor mal powers. For ncrr- ou.i prostration , overwork - , work , ItnpMnxl vitality' In cither BOX , or oxci'sUvo use of opium , liquor or lob. > cco , It p-nltlvoly cannot bo excelled. Ono box will work wonders. Six will curd H.VU'IlfON U for sitlo by nil drUBRlsts , 00 t l > - Ipto , no crnt . Ono to two months' treatment Fill out nnd malt u * the illanmnls sheet In cncU bor , and wo will elvo your caio special atten tion without extra rhargO. JIAU-IIKN H prepared - pared by HJalmer O. IJcnion. 1'ii.U. , 1 . S.dl- roct from the formula ot li. K. Jlarion. > t U. Cleveland's moit eminent specialist. Moiled In closed parUiiRO on rroolpt of prlco. . DHS. UAUTON AND IJKNbON , I 01 Liar-lion UlocU , Cleveland , O. For snlo by Kuhn. & , Co. , 15th mid Omitf- as ; J. A. Fuller .1 Co. , 1403 Douvlna St. . UK ! Graham Drug Co. , 13th nnd Faitrnm : slug Pharmacy , 27th and Lciivenworlhj 1'cyton's I'liurniiicy , 2llh and heaveiuvorth ; K. J. S.'ykora ' , South Omaha , and all other IruwslstH In Omaha , South Omaliu , Council Iilufft * ami vicinity. pOOK R MEDV 'CO , BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. * rlm rr. Secondary or Tertltry BLOOD I'OISON pcrm n nty ) Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can lw treated at hoin * for m prlie undrr sama euaranty. If you preftr to come here we will contract to pay rail- ro a fare nnd hotfl bills , and no chart * U w * falV to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury , lodld potash and > tlll have aches and pains , Mucou * Patchra In mouth. Sore Throat. Pimples , Copper Col. wed Spots , TJIcern on nnr I'art ot Ih * body , Hair or Kycbrows falling out. It Is this Becondarjr I We Guarantee fo Cure We rollclt the inrst obstinate cues and challenGo.the worlj for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the ( kill of the ino t eminent physicians , JSCO.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolut * proofs sent sealed on application. 100 page book tent frnr. Addre.s COOK RK.M13UY CO. . 1401 Maaionlo Tcmiilo. Cliiunuo , 111. W ) \vlll solid > oti a trial trfUiunnt of thu french Itomeily CALTMO8 t'rve. tno t' . O. H. * rhrim * > tltul u leunl fiiuruutee that ( liLTKOHulli C1IKK MprrmiuiirrlieiuVurleuiHlc , nnd IlKHTOIti : l.o.t \ lttor. It coat * you nothing to try It. Von JIolllCO. C81 DH , > U lnrr.Atfnl.lliitlnull.O. Patronize Home Industries Hy I'lireliiiHtiiK fiixulx 3lnile nt ( lie Fol lowing Afhrilslill AWNINOS AND TENTS. OMAHA 'PK.VP AM ) IIIIIIIIICH CO. ( Successors Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co. ) Manufacturers tent. , awnings ; jobbers ladles' and gents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. HHEWEHinS. OMAII.V IIHKWIXU ASSOCIATION. Carload shipments made In our own refrig erator cars , rilue nibbon. Ellto Export , Vienna Export and Family Export delivered to nil parts of the city. BOILKIIS. OMAHA 1IOILHU iWOUKS , JOHN It. I.OWHRY , I'rop. Hollers , Tanltn nnd Sheet "ran Work. Special facilities for doing repairs , etc. Tel. 1339 . CORNICE WORKS. G. F. KPKMHTKII , KAftLH COn.VICD WORKS. Manufacturer of Clalvanlzed Iron Cornices , Oal- vnnl/.cil Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Blat * Hoofing. Agent for Klnnenr's Steel Celling. 10S-10-12 North Eleventh street. CRACKER FACTORIES. AMEIUCAV IIISCVIT AM ) MT'Ci. CO. Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers , OMAHA , NEU. DYE WOUKS. SCIIOKDSACK'S TWIX CITV 1 > Y15 \VtHKS , Jr.UI l < ; nrnniu St. Dying nnd rlennlng of garments nnd go > ls of very description. Cleaning of line garments a specialty. FtXMJH HILLS. S. I'ILM.VV. . F'our , Meal , Feed. Ilnn , 1013-13-17 North 17lh Street , Omaha , Net ) . C. E. lllack , Maingcr. Telephone 592. IRON WORKS. DAVIS & CO\V : llL , IllOX WOHKS , Iron nniTI IlriiMN Vounilt-r.1. Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of Ma'hlrifry. Gen eral repairing a specialty. i:0i , 1503 nnd 1503 Jackson street , Omaha , Neb. L1NSKED OIL. I WOODMA.V i.ixsHun OIL AVOIIKH. Manufactuiers old process raw lln/cel oil , ket tle boiled linseed oil , old process ground llnteeil cakes , ground and screened llaxveed for drug gists. OMAHA , NE1I. MATTRESSES. OMAHA Miil > l\i CO. jranufactiirers of high grade Mattresses , 1113 Itarney Street , Omaha. OVERALL AND SHIRT FACTORIES. KAT/-\iVK.\S CO.MI'AXY. Mfra. Clolhlng. Pants , Shirts. Cvemlls. OMAHA. NEII. SHIRT FACTORIES. .1. 11. RVAXJI. XKHHASICA SHIRT COMI'AVV. Excluilve custom shirt tailors. 1515 Farnam. V1NEOAR AND PICKLES. IIA A KM A XX VIXKUAII CO , Manufacturers of Vlnoznr. Pickles , fatsupa , Mustnrils. felrv nndVrrreisteriliIre Saure. WAOONS AND CARRIAGES. WILLIAM PKKIKKKn. For n good , puhttuntlnl vehicle of any descrip tion , for repainting or rubl > er tires on new or old wheels the beet place 18 27th and Ijcavcnworth Streets. iiilMMOXI ) > CUUIIACK CO. " Cheap , medium price , ! ami tony rnrrl.i . Any thing you want , second hand or new. Head quarters f'jr rubber tires , warranted. 18th and Hainey , opposite Court House. CIC1AR MANUFACTURERS. nnxK .t co. fwirgest factory In the west , trailing jnliben of Omaha , Knn as City , Lincoln and Ht , Jutcykl handle our cooJs. 1003 Farnam Street.