Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    FT- * ' V
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Try Mocro's itock food.
Dr. Roc , dentist , Mcrrlam block.
Early Ohio potatoes. Bartel & Miller.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Mcrrlam blk.
Girl wantel for general housework. Mrs.
Oscar Kccllne , G18 South 7th.
Complete sets of the Ireland views can
tie had at The Bee office , No. 10 Pearl. Call
before April 10.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color nd finish. 020 Pearl
Street. Phone 290.
Don't you think it must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724
Judge Smith will render his decision today
In the suit of T. J. Carrothcrn of Falls City ,
Neb. , against C. R. Nicholson and J. W.
Morse of this city.
The newly appointed police officers begun
their work yesterday , and last night the
central ofllco was In charge of L. A. Berg-
roan , the night captain. %
The water company has begun a systema
tic Inspection of the hxlrants ki use In
private families. There has been no Inspec
tion of this kind for nearly three years.
Do not fall to attend the operetta , "The
Dress Rehearsal , " tonight at Chambers'
hall. The object Is to Increase the fund from
the High school for the Girls' and 'Boys' '
building at the exposition.
The operetta , "The Dress Rehearsal , " will
.bo presented this evening at Chambers' hall.
The joung ladles have been working for
weeks and arc able to give a very clever
entertainment. They have been drilled by
ilrs. Don Macrae , jr. , and Mr. Thomas Askln.
Last evening the Western Circuit Stock
company gave its opening performance at tlio
Dolwny Uicater , presenting "Tho Pay Train.
The play was Interspersed with specialties
end In Its entirety \\as a creditable entertain
nicnt. This evening "The Captaln'o Mate , "
a nautical play will be given. It IK a piece
In four acts and the specialties and scenic
effects will be Interesting featured. Lonlta'n
spectacular dances are always well received.
David Richards , the Hastings , la. , carpcn
tcr , went to his homo yesterday , a thoroughly
iober ; man. One of hl-s friends paid his fine.
Richards Is a citizen who stands pretty well
In the estimation of tils fellow townsmen , who
declare his cnly fault Is an occasional weak
ness with bla cups. Ho realized yesterday
how nearly he came to being killed by one
of the bullets that were fired at him with
good Intentions. A long red streak across
his lelt temple showed where cno of the balls
had passed , about as close as It could with
out killing him.
C. B. Vluva Cn. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5
Health book furclshed. 32G-327-3iS Mcrrlam
Elegant cottoge for sale. Klnne , Baldwin blk
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 210.
Cliaiijt < - In \a < nrc of the
Comet * with County'x llelii.
A special meeting of the executive commit
tee ot the Council Bluff * Exposition nssocla-
tlon will be held In the Grand hotel this even
ing. It la earnestly desired that every mem
ber of the committee of fifty be present. Ono
of the matters to bo considered Is the Im
mediate preparation for beginning the work
of constructing the big wigwam. Whllo thla
work Is wider the Immediate direction of the
wigwam end building committees tticre will
be duties' connected 'with' Its coastructlon that
will call for tuo best energies and hearty co
operation of every member of tbo committee.
Another matter to be considered Is the ar
rangements for preparation of the exhibits.
The donation ot $2,000 by the county board
gives every citizen of the county a direct
Interest In the enterprise and roba It of any
distinctive Council Bluffs character that many
of the farmers and. out of town fruit rataora
have felt Inclined to attach to It. It Is an
t ' enterprise In which the people of the entire
county.are Interested , and the association dc-
slrca to take some steps tonight that will
cnlltt tiie people of the county generally In
the magnificent cxlilblt In the strikingly orlg.
taal structure that will bo ono ot 'the ' most
characteristic features ot the entire exposi
Other matters will also be up for consider
ation , and 'It Is probable that a number ol
communications will be-prescntcd to the as
sociation. The necessity will also be urged for
the prompt collection of the $3,000 on tbe .
subscription lists , so that the entire fund can
bo made Immediately available. The work
of construction , It has been decided , shall be
tinder the Immediate supervision of President
A. C. Graham , and 'the building committee
with his approval , will also have the privilege
of employing all ot the workmen engaged in
the construction ot the building.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Hoftmayr'B fancy patent flour makes the
best and moat breod. A k your grocer for It.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Officer 'Anclcmou HenlenM.
Offloer J. T. Anderson yesterday surren
dered his keys and star and severed his con
nection with tbe Council Bluffs police de
partment , despite the fact that it was the In
tention and the desire of tbe new adminis
tration to continue him on the force. He has
a splendid record as an officer and could
have held his position on the detective force
during tbo present year and undoubtedly
throughout the present administration , but
ho declined , assigning as a reason that ho
was too stanch a republican to accept such
a favor from the democratic administration
when there were so many democrats clamor
ing for places. His resignation takes effect
immediately , but ho will continue to servo
until the middle ot the week.
Attend the grand Easter Monday ball given
by Council Bluffs Tent No. 32 , K. 0. T. M. , at
I. O. O. F hall Easter Monday evening ,
April 11. Admission , 50c a couple.
Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean
Fnte. of the Kveninir Clone.
Receiver Chase has made his final report
to the district court und has been discharged
as the custodian ot the Evening Glebe plant.
The property Is now In the hands ot J. J.
Stewart , who represents W. II. M. Pusey
end John P. Weaver. The destiny of the
paper has not yet been solved. Tempting
offers have been made to various ambitious
newspaper men to take the plant and run a
democratic paper , but they huvo been firmly
decline 1 after Investigation. An effort la
Btlll. being madeto ke p alive the weekly
edition of the paper , but unless something
transpires soon It will most likely bo dis
continued. An offer of $700 was made the
other day for the large Campbell press upon
.which tbo paper has been printed.
Poultry wlro and garden aeedi at J. Zoller
& Co.
Silver teaspoons ( till go with Domestic
Ot Crescent City are here in Council Bluffs
and Omaha with their fine line ot fruit trees ,
crape vlnc , etc. , and til klnda ot fine chade
trees , flowering shrubi and roeca. Their
! o grounJo are located at 615 East Droid-
way , Council Bluffs , nd on Farntm ctreet ,
one block wtit of Twentieth street , Omaha ,
where you will be waited on at all times
with pleasure. Wo nell ll good * very cheap
and guarantee 4)1 ) toodi flnt-claM.
Cua ctl
Easter Sunday's ' Beautifnl Weather Oomen
to Good and Bad Alike ,
Slirclnl I'mKraiiiH of Finnic nnil Scr-
I'rrniireil for the Day
lit liy ( ire a I
TiirotiKH of People.
A more gloriously perfect Easter Sunday
could not have been desired. With the atmosphere -
mosphero just crisp enough to bo Invigor
ating1 , a cloudless sky from morning till
night , and just the faintest suggestion of
a breeze blowing , there WES nothing lackIng -
Ing that iihjfllcal conditions could assure
to give zest to the plcaturcs and devout
observances of the day. In all ot thct
churches elaborate Easter services were
held , and In each church the attendance was
great enough to call Into requisition Its
entire seating capacity. In several of the
churdics the children of me Sunday schools
took the leading parts. This was notably so
In the Methodist churches. ID the Broadway
church these exercises were of a very appro
priate and Interesting character. The pulpit
and rostrum were banked with magnifi
cent Easter llllce , blooming plants , ferns
and palnit ) . The exercises consisted of typi
cal recitations by the members ot the
school , responses ar l Easter carols.
The great auditorium of St. Francis Cath-
ollo church wan much too small for the ac
commodation of thi ) largo number of people
who sought to gain admlcalon. The air was
heavy with the perfume of the Easter flow
ers. The full Easter txjrvlccs of tiie church
were celebrated. The musical feature was
of great Interest , and the program that was
prepared was the meat elaborate that has
been prepared for the church In. many
years. In the organ loft was an unusually
strong choir under the direction ot Mrs.
At St. John's English Lutheran church the
Easter observance took place in the even
ing , and was given over to the charge ot
the largo number ot happy hearted boys
and girls who constitute the Sunday school.
It took the form ot an Easter cantata en
titled "The King Immortal. " It represented
a Journey to the sepulcher of the Savior and
the Incidents of tbo resurrection. "Coins to
the Sepulcher" was represented by Miss
Fulmer's class ; "Our Savior's Victory , " by
Mary Pctcraon ; "Easter Flowers , " by Sadie
Zoller ; "Sayings from Heaven , " by Mlaj
Eveta' class ; "Christian Hope , " by Edith
Orlram ; "Arise and Depart , " by Mrs. Say-
der's class ; "Easter 1'lowors , " by Nellie
Swanaon nnd Alrr.a Peterson ; "Reminder ot
Heaven , " by Sylvia Snyder ; "Easter Flow
ers , " by Miss Itudlo's clasiJ. The church
choir assisted In the muslral part of the
At the First Presbyterian church special
services were held. The church was clabor-
Utcly decorated and crowded with memberH
of the congregation and friends. The feature
was the musical program that was rendered
by the choir.
An elaborate musical program was also
the leading feature In the services at the
First Congregational church. In the evening
Ivanhoo commUndcry , Knights Tempiar , at
tended In a body.
At both the First Baptist and the Fifth
Avenue Methodist churches the evening
services were devoted to the Easter exer
cises. Beautiful floral decorations brightened
the altars and special musical programs
were provided. In both ot these churches
the children took tbe leading parts In tbo
Save your Domestic- Soap wrappers.
The firniul Knoll.
There will bo a grand rush when the ex
position opens and Council Bluffs should be
looking her best. Put your house In shape
by giving It a fresh coat of paint. Select
your colors and then come to us and get
your paints and oils. The material you buy
at our house Is the best to bo had. Our
paints will last , so that you need not waste
money every year or so by repainting , as
will be the care If you use poor material.
We have the most extensive paint bouse in
the city and you are sure to be suited.
Council Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass com
pany , Masonic block.
Dr. Kellogg , Osteopath , 303 Sapp building.
Council Bluffs. Graduate from the original
school of osteopathy at Klrksvlllc , Mo.
Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap
Poultry wlro and garden seeds at J. Zoller
& Co.
Ctlnnnwa Matt * .
Colonel F. C. Reed has removed with his
family to Lake Manawu , where they are now
living In their cottage near the lake shore.
Colonel Reed will this year have full manage
ment ot the grand plaza. Manhattan beach
has been leased by the Manawa Railway
company , which means the resorts on both
sides of tbe lake will bo run under one man
agement this season.
One additional train is promised early In
the reason. Oil buincrs to take the place
of the soft ccal furnaces In the motors are
also promised. The opening day IMS not yet
been decided upon , but It Is likely that tbo
trains will be running dally by May 1.
Domestic Soap is the best for the laundry.
Buy your groceries at J. Zoller & Co.
Poultry V.ITO and garden seeds at J. Zoller
& Co.
'Women : 'Will Continue Their
Cnniiinlen for the ItlRlit to Vote.
iDES MOINES , April 10. ( Special. ) De-
splto their defeat In the Iowa legislature the
last winter the women of Iowa who are or
ganized into the Iowa Equal Suffrage asso
ciation are mot going to abandon this stale.
Last week they , began a campaign of the
state which In Us perspective Is comprehen
sive' . The working members of the state or
ganization will cover the northern part anO
the workers from the national organization
the southern half of tbo state. Tbo north
ern campaign was begun at Nevada last
week. The workers will hold mectlogs In all
the counties of northern Iowa , an ! wherever
they can arouse enough Interest they will
organize local clubs. The Iowa women workIng -
Ing are : Mrs. Clara Ritchie and Mrs. 'M. W.
Campbell of Des iMolnes , and Mrs. Adelaide
Ballard of Hull. Miss Ella Harrington of
Carthage , Mo , Is the only outside worker
who will accompany them. The national
workers , under the maoagement of Mrs. \ \
Carrie Chapman Catt , are : Mrs. Martha
Conine of Denver , formerly a Colorado
legislator ; Rev. Henrietta O. Moore of Ohio ,
Mrs. Jennie Wilson of New York and Mrs.
Laura Gregg of Kansas. Their campaign will
bo opened the coming week at Anamosa ,
Jones county , and they will work across the
southern half of the state.
JuilKinent for lnjn ! t Proieontlon.
CARROLL , la. , April 10. ( Special. ) In tbo
district court hero a suit was tried that at
tracted a. great deal of attention In the
county. B. F. Erb of Coon Rapids obtained
a judgment of J6.00 against two fire Insur
ance companies ai the sequel of prolonged
litigation over the burning of a store.Etb
owned a. drug store In Coon Rapids which
wng Insured for 14,000. The store was
burned. The companies restated payment of
the Insurance flnt on technical grounds. De
feated In that course , they openly made the
defense that Erb let the building on fire In
order to collect the Insurance. When Erb
had secured a judgment against the com
panies for that amount of hli Insurance and
the judgment jr4 affirmed kg the supreme
court the companies hired one Heater to
collect evidence showing that Erb wrts an
incendiary. Heater was to receive $150 for
the preliminary affidavits , $300 when an In
dictment was secured , i00 when Erb wag
convicted and $300 when the policies were
returned. Erb was Indicted and had a trial ,
E which he was acquitted , Erb then sued
the Inuuranco companies for damage ! " ,
charclnz conspiracy and malicious prosecu
tion ! , resulting as Indicated above ,
Scandinavian * Are
FORT DODGE , la. , April 10. ( Special. )
The Scandinavians of northern Iowa held a
meeting In this city the last week and or
ganized for the coming political campaign
In Iowa. It was decided that the annual
convention of tbo Scandinavian Republican
League , of Iowa should be held In Fort
Dodge Juno 22 next. The work of organiza
tion to bo auxiliary to the state organization
was then taken up , the league , and for the
purpose In what manner of assisting In the
local work of the district. After adopting
the t constitution and bylaws of the state
leacuo 1 Insofar as they would apply to a
district league , the following officers were
elected : President , 0. F. Gustafson , Fort
Dodge. ; secretary , E. O. Nervlg , Fort Dodge ;
treasurer , C. J. Lund , Thor. Vice presidents
were then named for each county In the
district , after which a committee was ap
pointed to prepare bylaws for the district
To Sue n Cay Hloper.
WATERLOO , la. , April 10. { Special. ) The
county attorney has been directed by the
Board of Supervisors to commence suit
against Rev. G. E. Scott and his relatives
to recover the. expense of his maintenance
at the Hospital for the Insane at Independ
ence. Rev. Mr. Scott Is the man who made
love to a young girl , a member of his con
gregation , and eloped with her , leaving a
family here. He was caught In Indiana and
brought back , but escaped on a plea of In
sanity. He llvea at the hospital In Inde
pendence and his family took a cottage
nearby and lives there. Although a preacher ,
ho was possessed of considerable property.
More Iieprotty III Ion a.
DES MOINES , April 10. ( Special. ) Since
the secretary of the state Board of Health
was sent to Investigate the one known case
of leprosy In Iowa two other cases have
been reported to him. One of these Is at
Rldgeway , In the person of a Norwegian ,
who hau what Is known as the ncrvcus
variety and who. In consequence , Is flnger-
Icss and toeless. The other case Is also a
NorwcElan. at Roland. The young man
lives with his parents and Is so far gone
as to bo confined to bed. These arc the only
cases known to be In Iowa.
Another Show to iStnrt Out.
DBS MOINES , la. , April 10. ( Special. ) A
new Orton clrcu will soon start on the road
under the management of Miles and R. Z.
Orton , two of the famous Orton family , Ions ;
connected with American circuses. Thlo
show Is being fitted out on the original Ortnn
farm In Dallas county at Ortonvllle , fi'om
which the old Orton show started on many
Journeys thirty years ago. The farm baa
never parsed from the ownership of the
Orton family.
Mormon Conference In Sennlon.
SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , April 10. ( Spe
cial. ) The sixty-eighth annual conference
of the Church of Jcmis Christ of Latter Day
Saints convened In the Tabernacle , this week
with 7,000 saints , Including nearly all of the
general authorities of the church In attend
ance. President George Q. Cannon In his
opening address ? ald that there are 1,700
missionaries In the field.
for Ylnltorn.
DUNLAP , la. , ( April 10. ( Special. ) A new
hotel , the Central , will soon be opened here
In anticipation cf good business during the
year , largely on account of the Transmls-
elsslppl Exposition. Business In Dunlap Is
experiencing a general revival thla year and
there Is much building going on.
IOWIL I'reHNi Comment.
Sioux City Tribune : "The Gibraltar of
Iowa democracy" poems to have a broken jib.
DCS .Molnefi . Register : Bremer county elands
at the head in value of butter product. Every
acre In that county , taking out the highways ,
railroads , rivers , town sites and so on , pro
duced $2 worth of butter. And butter Is only
one of the products of Bremer county.
Dubuque Times : Senator A. B. Funk ,
chairman of the ways and means committee
of the senate , after a service of twelve years
In the legislature , has retired to hla home
at Spirit lake with tbo expressed intention
of surrendering public life. However , his
friends propose to have s'omcthlng to say
about this. They believe that men of his
character , ability and experience can lily be
spared from public life.
Red Oak Express : The roadside weed
nuisance got a black cyo in the legislature
just closed and the land owner who won't
do the work Is to have It done for him. The
law provides that "If the weeds are not cut
by August 15 the road supervisor must give
the land owner three days' notice , and If ho
does not cut the weeds then the road super
visor ) must do It at $2 a ; day , the cost to bo
taxed against tbo property. "
Logan Nucleus : The twenty-seventh gen
eral assembly will go down in history as the
best business assembly Iowa has had for
many a long year. This Is In a great meas
ure accounted for in the fact that It con
tained a larger number of democratic mem
bers than has any assembly for the same
number of year ? . It la perfectly tote to say
that the twenty-eighth general assembly will
still bo a better business body , for the very
good reason that it will contain a majority
of democrats.
IOTVII Farm Note * .
George Wells of Grundy county hag sowed
400 acres cf wheat this spring.
The number of patrons of the. Dews cream-
cry will reach 200 this season.
R II. Spencer sold a farm of 130 acres in
Cedar county to I. D. Powell for $0,400.
A farm of ICO acres In Grundy county was
sold by C. L. Vandcrsllp to D. McBaln for
J. C. Rice of Harmony sold sixty-six hogi
that weighed 22.070 pounds. Ten of the num
ber weighed 4,950 pounds.
J. R. Sago of the state weather and crop
bureau will gather statistics relative to tbo
loss of property by lightning.
A farm of 418 acres In Viola township , Sac
county , was sold recently for $25 an acre ,
lAldcn Armstrong of Lake View and S. M.
LMrnt of Sac City being thepurchasers. .
O. L. Farnum sold to W. S. Jarvls 240
acres of land near Truer for $12.000 , and In
the sama neighborhood John F. Redmond
wild to O. A. 'Elsenburg 160 acres for $9,600.
A deal involving $21,900 was recently made
In Delaware county , the farm being 320 acres
/of / land In Bremen township , transferred
from Otllda Krapfll to John Krapfll. Some
of the land was sold for $68.50 an acre.
Arnold's Brome Celery cures headaches.
10c , 25c and COc. All druggists.
Mentrniliit Miller , U. \-MeCu1la. .
OLD POINT COMFORT. Va. , April 10.
The hurry and bustle of war preparation was
Interrupted for a short time yesterday , when
In the llttlo chapel of Fort Monroe navy and
army officers In full uniform attended the
wedding of Miss Elizabeth McCalla , the
daughter of Commander McCalla of the Mar-
blehead. U. S. N. . and Lieutenant William
G. Miller , who has just returned from the
Asiatic station. The wedding took place at
high noon and the little chapel was crowded.
In the enforced absence of Commander Mc
Calla Colonel Frank , commandant of the
fort , gave the bride away. The ushers were
Lieutenant G. O. Squires and Lieutenant C.
C. Williams of the United States army ; Lieutenant -
tenant H. A. Blspham , Dr. J. C , Smith , Dr.
W. F. Arnold and Passed Assistant En
gineer L. M. Nutton , all of the United
States navy. The best man was A. S.
Ulller of New York , a brother of the groom ,
arid the maid of honor Miss Stella McCalla ,
a ilitcr of the bride.
Take Laxative Brome Qu.nlne Tablet ! . All
druggist ! refund the money if it fail * to cure.
25c. The genuine bu L. D. Q. on etch tabUt
United States Fish Brco'ding.EstabllsLment ' .
Near an lowalStre'am.
Ilulltllnirn niul Synteni of HntclilriK for
WvMtoriiVnlcro Flub Culture
lu I'rnellce ltlndu of 1'lsU
In Ucntnud.
MANCHESTER , ! . , April 10. ( Special. )
The United States fish hatchery located on
Spring branch near this city Is Just now at
Us most Interesting sMgo and It la vlalted
every week by many persons from Iowa and
elsewhere- Interested la lUd culture. Ttie
hatcliery Is located In a valley surrounded on
all sides by high hills , thickly wooded , and
hero and there are huge formations of lime
etono covered with moss and clinging vines.
The llttlo creek winds gracefully .through
the valley and makes music full of content
ment and reatfulness as It flows along. There
arc limestone drives , good walks , pretty
lawns , artificial lakes , rustic bridges and
everything one can Imagine to heighten , If
possible , nature's original beauty.
There are five or six buildings on tlio
Ground , built somewhat after the southern
style of architecture , or If so permitted to
speak , a seaside cottage style. Tbe hatchery
building Iteelf Is 40x60 feet , one and one-half
stories high , with a good deal of roof , the
shingles of which arc stained. The lower
part Is gaily colored and the exterior of the
building Is very attractive. There Is a tool
room , a mess room and assistant's homo ami
tbo superintendent's cottage. All arc pretty
In design cud are so located as to complete a
handsome effect.
The operating power of the butchery Is
two largo springs with a capacity of 2,200
gallons of water per minute. These spring ?
are under perfect control and are made to
perform several missions before being al
lowed to escape Into the creek or Spring
branch. Largo cedar logs , wooden tile , con
veys the water from the springs to the hatch
ery where are two rows of troughs on each
side of the building , thirty-two In all. They
arc about sixteen feet long and ono and one-
half feet wide. Water flows In tbem and M
allowed to escape tn a slower manner to the
cement floor below and then out to fkti ponds
In the yards.
These troughs are the birthplace of the
flah. The eggs are deposited In this water
and carefully watched until ready to hatch.
They are then placed upon a email screen ,
t'cparated and handled until they pop out of
the llttlo sack or. egg. This egg Is about
the color of u half rlpo currant and about
the tame size. Its shape will not allow It
to fall through the meshes of the screen ,
' but when the tall ar.-l head burst from Its
hiding the flsh falls .through Into the trough
of water. Here the little wlggler lays upon
Ita side for nearly thirty days. Attached to
the underside of It Is a food sack from which
It draws Its rations OP nourishment for the
thirty dayo It Is Inactive. 'The egg as near
asio can discover It opens at both ends ,
showing bead and tall of the flsh , the body
seeming to bo all food sack. A llttlo trout
resembles very much the polllwogs or tad-
polco so frequently seen In small creeks. The
pouch or sack on the trout , however , Is white
In color and 10 on the outsldo. It Is so heavy
that the llttlo fish cannot move or even stay
In the water In Us natural position , but layo ,
as wo 'say above , on "lls side on the bottom
of the trough. As the days go by > the > ilsh
Increases In strength as the food Edck di
minishes In size. When the thirty days arc
up the llttla fellows are ready to bo fed.
Their food Is' ground liver. The meat Is
chopped very fine and then run through a
sieve. When thoroughly prepared It re
sembles a stringy jelly of a brlcklsh color.
A feather. Is dipped Into the food find then
put In the water. Thfe fish dart after the
llttlo particles of liver washed off the feather
and clean up supply after supply at a lively
rate. For a few days they are fed six or
seven tlmeo each day In this manner. Aa
they grow stronger -their rations are more
abundant , but they are not fed so often.
The troughs are the birthplace , and as they
grow and are largo enough to care for them
selves they ore either shipped out to some
lake or are placed Into little ponds on the
outsldo of the building which is called their
cradle. As they get sjlll larger they have a
larger pond , a trundle , bed , and then they
liavo the full sized bed , or a very largo pond.
In these outsldo ponds vegetable matter Is
cultivated , which forms In part their food ,
but liver Is the main diet. In one pond wan
several hundred yearling trout. In another
there were an equal number of 2-year-old
flsh , whllo In a third there were 175 large
tifjut , running from one-halt to a pound and
a half In weight. In the troughs In the build
ing thcro were often 10,000 and 20,000 llttlo
trout In one trough. It was estimated that
there was on hand between 600,000 and 700-
000 flsh of this year's hatch. Almost 60,000
of this number were of home raising , hatched
from eggs of the trout caught In Spring
Branch. The government flsh car -wao at
Manchester , and one shipment of fry , 110,000
lake and 15,000 brook trout , had been made
to Clear lake. A' second shipment of a like
number -was to sent the first of this week
to Storm lake.
The black bass , croppies and rock bass
My little book , "Tfcre&'Classes of Men , "
sent to men only It ) tollf of my 30 years'
cxperlencj a a specialist In all nervous
disorders resulting ttam youthful Indiscre
tions Lame Back , etctlond tells why
cures "With my Inve'nilpn , the Dr , Sanden
Electric Belt , known ! ' atio } ' used the world
over , I restored lastt yfttt 5,000 men , young
nnd old Beware of ohdap' Imitations Above
book explains all ; sentiraaled Write today ,
Dr. A , R , Sanden ,
No. 1S3 S. CjarknSt. . Chicago. 111.
The lient In ( he world. Deliv
ered to any purt of ( he city.
Tcli-i.houe SOU. Mull orderi
fllled. .
Four MKh ( > Commencing Sunday ,
A 11 r 11 10.
The Captain's Mate.
Two Tons of Special Scenery and Massive
Meclianlim-Sparkllnir Fpeclultlei
Clever Company.
Beats now oa tale.
have ponda of their own , The Rome flsh
have not been succresfully raised or hatched
by hand , au la the method with trout , Koch
are therefore given a pond ot their own and
as far as possible they arc provide ; ! with the
homo comforts their flshihlp demand and
crave. The rock baes and perch Jiail celery
and mesa bcJa , the croppies delighted In
getting under old boards and the black bare
were given a pond deep and darp and fed
with running water.
U was the commencement of the spawn
ing reason with the river flsh and good re
sults ' are anticipated , A part ot each pond
was divided by wlro netting. In thU manner
Utter the llttlo ( lib tvo hatched they can es
cape through the meshes of the wlro cud1 be
out of the way of father and mother , who
have no respect for person when a square
meal Is at stake. There arc at least sixty
black baps In ono ot the ponds and when
wo consider that the spawn from ono little
flsh means from 00 to 2,000 little flsh , tlio
first year's crop promises to bo a pretty
good one. The spawn from the various
flsh runs from 500 to 2,000 eggs. The per
cent of the hatch varies greatly , but In
some Instances 95 per cent of the eggs have
been productive. The springs hero are said
to bo of the finest In the United States , the
water remaining at GO degrees both winter
and summer , and never freezes. The home
production o' trout this year was 60,000 flsh.
The eggs for the balance of the crop were
shipped from all parts of the United States.
The brook trout eggs from Massachusetts ,
lake trout eggs from Duluth and the rainbow - '
bow trout from Neosho , Mo.
Shoot nt' Den Molnen.
DBS M01XBS , April 10. ( Speclal.-rTtjo )
Charles W. Dudd ehoot to be held In thla city I
May 10 to 13 Inclusive will be the first of a
scries of three shoots , the second of which
will bo held at Kansas City the following
week and the third at Omaha the next week.
Tdo most noted shota In the world will bo
present at all three shoots Including the fol
lowing men of great reputation : Fred Gil
bert of Spirit Lake. la. , generally recognized
aa a champion ; Charles W. Btidd of Des
Molnee , champion wing shot ; E. D. Tulford ,
ot Utlca , N. Y.Cio was the winner of the
189S American handicap ; T. A. Marshall of
Kelthetiurg , 111. , winner of the 1897 American
handicap ; n. O. Ilelkcs of Dayton , 0. , the
world's chanmplon target shot ; Mr. and Mrs.
Shattuck of Minneapolis , the latter of whom
lii considered the champion lady shot of the
country ; Ctiarles M. Grimm , Clear Lake , la. ,
who made such a record at the World's fair ;
J. A. H. Elliott of Kansas City ; P. S. Fanning
of San Francisco ; Sam Glover of Rochester ,
N. Y. ; E. S. Ulce , Eddie Dlnghacn and John
Watson of Chicago ; Frank S. Parmalco of
Omaha ; L. 1 . Lafiln of Rock Island ; Dr. J. L.
H. Klbhey of Marahalltown and Dr. J. L. .
Williams of Milwaukee.
DES MOINES , April 10. ( Special. ) The
young woman who wao found on the vcrgo
of asphyxiation In a down town bearding
house das at last recovered consciousness In
sufficient degree to talk. She says she does
not know anything about tiie circumstances
of the affair. She said her name wan Minnie
Murray and that her homo Is near Runnellfi ,
la. , but afterwards she gave different namca
and finally Bald she didn't know what her
name waa and that she couldn't remember
nliero she lived. be claimed she knew ab
solutely nothing about the circumstances
leading up to the condition In which she was
found and the police think ehe Is playing a
deep game of Ignorance to leep : from revealIng -
Ing her Identity or any or the fact * relative
to the affair. The psllco are making every
endeavor to flnd the young man who went to
the boarding house with her and spent the
night with' ' her , but as yet have been unsuc
cessful and the case Is still a great mystery.
Detroit Journal : "I warn you not to marry
him , " persisted the frail , wan person with
the hacking cough. "I was once his wife ! "
The radiant creature listened coldly.
"His temper , " continued the other , noth-
tag daunted , "Is awful ! He beat mo ! He
was drunk every day ) Ho m/iJc / me take in
washing to support html"
"Well ? "
"Ami ami he doesn't pay my alimony *
bit regulnrl"
Now these two women arc clasped In each
other's arms ; and one Is Bobbins out her
gratitude. In that she has been saved from
ruin by tbe other's warning.
Survivor * of Ino War Itrmrntliprril
, by Crucrrtl ( JcM cruim-nt.
"WASHINGTON , April 10.-Spcclal.-Pcn. ( )
elons hnve been Issued as follows ;
Issue > of Olurch CO :
Nebraska ; Original Morris Kadus , AVy-
moro , $ OJ special , March 31 , Hllon It. Mead ,
Omnha. $ S. Increase Henry It. Knapp ,
Orchard , JS to J10. Original widows , etc.
Julia A. Ure * ton , St. 1'aul , $12.
Iowa : Original Orrln T. Fuller , DCS
Molnes , { S ; l.ovell F. Coffman , les. Mollif * .
$10. Increase Silas C. Howe ? , Mnquokotu ,
$3 to $10. Kflssuo nnd Increase Jumr.i
V.inscay , Soldiers' Home , ( Marshall , $6 to
* * . Original widows , etc. Ollcc C. Smith ,
Marlon , $ S ; Margnret M. Kyre. lllllsboro ,
$12. Mexican war survivors. Increase John
( McLean , Clarlnda , M to $12.
South Dakota : Original widows , etc.
Caroline H. Judd.Sloux , City. $ S.
Colorado : Original-Peter O. Terry. Fort
CollliiB , $0.
Movrim-nl of Oornii VOMNPM | ( Alir. 1O.
At Southampton Arrived Bremen , from
Js'ew York for Bremen.
At Qtteenstown Sailed Campanln , from
Liverpool for New York.
Knlr nnil AVnriucr , ilcrnmitniiled liy
Southerly \Vliulx.
WASHINGTON' , April 10. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska Fair ; warmer In western
portion ; southerly winds.
For South D.ikota Partly cloudy ; colder
In western portions ; southerly shifting to
northerly winds.
For Iowa Fair weather ; variable winds ,
becoming southerly.
For Missouri nnd Kansas-Fair weather ;
north to c.'ist winds.
For Wyoming Partly cloudy weathrennd
local southerly s'nowers ; northwesterly
Loral llcooril.
OMAHA , Apill 10. Oniu'iia record of turn-
licraturo nnd rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of the last three years :
1S9S. 1SH7. 1SOG. 1S95.
Maximum temperature . . 02 DO S9 CO
Minimum temperature . . 3.1 37 C. > 4S
Average. -IS 41 72 57
Rainfall 00 .00 .03 T
Record of temperature and precipitation at
Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1S37 :
Normal for the day 47
Excess for the day 1
Accumulated excess since March 1 S3
Normal rainfall for the day 10 Inch
Deficiency for the dnv 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 1.C2 Inches
Dullulcnoy Hlnce Mar CM 1 75 Inch
Deficiency for corresp'K period 1SH7. . .07 Inch
Deficiency for corresp'g period 1S90. . .02 Inch
lleiiurs from Station * at H 11. in.
Sc\cntv-ilfth McrldLm time.
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. . A. WI2U3II , Lxjcal Forecast Official.
Hunyadi Janos
1 "The prototype of all DIttcr Wntera. " Lancet.
CAUTION See that the label boars the signature of the firm
Andreas Snxlchuer.
Pictures of the Navy and Cuba
The Bee has arranged to supply its readers with a set of
Portfolios which answer many important questions they
have been asking themselves and their friends for sometime
past. The Bee prints the news concerning Cuba , the Ha
waiian Islands and the American Navy , but where is
the reader that would not like to see these things as they
really are. The set will comprise
Ten Portfolios of Photographic Reproductions
presenting 160 views , accompanied by concise explanatory text.
They furnish much valuable information about
Countries whore America has largo interests to bo protected , and
which will figure prominently in tlio protecting. Naturally every American
wants to itnow what sort of ships Uncle Sara uses in argutnjr nautical ques
tions , und The Bee's offer affords the moans of knowing the strength of his
loic in heated disputes.
TO BET THEM , The Omaha Boo will pi case send to the
Flit out the annexed coupon undersigned reader * . . .PORTFOLIOS as
leKlbly. statin ? how many you
wish , and brlnf ? ( or send ) It to
The Bee with 10 cents In coin Issued , for which * . . . is Inclosed.
for each PORTFOLIO wanted.
It will bo more convenient to
send Jl.OO at the outset , aa'you Name
can thereby avoid -writing a
. letter and enclosing' a dime for Street
each of the successive issues.
They will > bo pent out us fast
as they come from the presses. V 1 V J * * f * * f t . . .State
Indicate In plitln flxuro * how many 1'ortfollos
Get One ( or a Dime ; are wanted and how much money Is Inclosed. Bund
no stamps.
10 for a Dollar ,
Parts I , II , III IV , & V Now Ready
On Bale at tlio Business Office of'The Omaha Bee.
Sonic Tlmclr Hint * tor All Who Ar
OnhiK ThrnuRh Thin Trying Mmion.
( Scientific Magazine. )
He c.ircful of your diet. You do not need
hrnvy focxl such ns you require during th
VN Inter.
Spring may bo beautiful , but It la trench *
erous. Do not let It deceive you Into a ,
cold , jv fever , malaria or pneumonia.
Do not throw oft your winter flannels
too early. It la better to minor a llttlo
Inconvenience than to take cokl.
If you feel tired , feverish or over-heated ,
do not rush oft nnil "take "Spring medi
cines. " Cool yourself down and In this
way help your system ami purify your
If you feel hot nnil thirsty , do not drink
lareo qunntttlen of water or other "long"
drinks. It 13 much better to tnko ft llttlo
pure whiskey and water whlu'n will quench )
tlio thirst , tone the system and fortify
npnlnst disease.
Humember that only pure whiskey should
ever bo taken Into the system , and that
t'na leading chemists and pclontlsts of thn
present day unite In declaring that Duffy'd
Pttro Malt Is absolutely the purest and best.
Do not permit any driiKnlst or grocer to
persuade you to toke "somi'thltiR else. "
Hear In mind that this Is a medicinal wills-
key and far superior for this reason , whllo
It costs no more.
If you use proper care and follow the ad
vice above jjlveli , you may hop ? to KO
t'nrough the spring. In good shape.
Two Weeks'
Treatmen t
To All
TIII3Y A IH : 01,11
In th trentmtnt of all
CbroHic , Nervous and Private Diseases.
Catarrh , all Disrates ut the Ncie , Throat. ChMl
Btomach. Liver , lllood , Hkln and Kidney Dl * .
eaitf. Ixwt Manhood , llydrocolo , Verlcorel * .
Oonorrhta , Qleete. tjjphllls. Stricture. PlUi , Ft ( >
tula nnd Rectal Ulceri IJInbetn Hilfhfi Dl-
ai * cured. Call on or ndilreai with itamp tot
Frta Dook and New Metli d9.
Trentment ! > Mall , Consultation free.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
R om t UItt North llth St. . Omaha. N U
For sale , cheap , tcn-ncro trnct of land ,
cor. Madison ami Bennett avenues. Council
Uluffs. C. S. Lcfterts. Mii Main street.
Kcaclcr of DlHeaneH of tucit nnd
World's Ilrrbul UUjiensury of Mcillclltrh
I Ctmn Cntnrib of Head , Throat mid
LUUKS , Discuses of Ejo end 13ar , Fits und
Apoplexy , Ilenrt. Liver nnd Kidney Dlxensci ,
Diabetes , llrlKht's Disease , Bt. Vltus Dunce.
Ithoiimntisin , Scrofula , Uiopsy cured without
topping , Tiipo Worms removed , all cbroula
Nervous anil Private Discuses.
BVKIIIII 1C Olll > ' Pliyelclun who unn
Sf rnlLldi properly cure MYI'HIMH
without destroying teeth and boucs. No mer
cury or poison mineral used.
The only Fhyelclan who can tell what allt
you without asking a question.
Thnso at a distance icnd for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. ! i for women.
All correspondence strictly confidential ,
Medicine sent liy express.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
t27 6end 2-cent Btnmo for mulr.
Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call oa
Wm. Welch. Bluffs 'phone , 12S ; Omaha ,
'phone , 780. RATE3 LOW. For carriage or
express wagnn , call at No. 8 North Mala
street or nbovo telephones.
SimiCTY UOMJS I.ouent Itntca.
Alt surety bonds executed at my office. '
JAS. N. CA9AUY , Jit. ,
'MO Mulu Street Council Iluff * .
Everett , 10 Pearl St. , Council Illuffb , la. : l"1 {
for rent a nitmll faim of SO ncres , 2'i m\\nt \ \ fren >
the city. Very reasonable rental. Oood houjj
anil stable. J
For rent a house and 6 acres of land , K of a
mile from tiie city limits. Itcnta ) , 10.00 p : >
dux ! land In central Nebraska for rent for 4
chare of the crop. |
40 acres of BOOI ! land for rent near Honey Creek *
Will rent on shares. |
Good house of 10 rooms und one aero of land ,
fruit nnd ( 'ardcn , fine tree ? , beautiful location ,
near the city , known as. "Cherry Hill , " fo
rent for the cummer very rcasona , ,
Good C-room house for rent at J7.00 per month
near the motor line.
Good farm for sale , V4 mile of Undent oed , Id
acres , well Improved , fcplcndld land. Omaha ;
or Council Uluffs properly taken In part pay ;
ment. '
A splendid bottom farm fur sale near Mondumln <
I'art payment taken In Omaha or Council
IllurTs city property ; t,300.00 will bo taken In'
trade. I
Good farms for rent for the season of ISO ) at 4
low rental to rc i > onxlblH parties.
G acrs of hind near the city for sale , Will Ink4
part payment In painting or carpenter work.
Gardens and farms for tale In ttic brat part of
western Inn a.
Apply to I vonard nverett. , If
Pearl it. , Council muffs , la.
Und * ( or Ml * or rtnt , Oty * ! ! , W F ut