EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOHNIKG , APRIL io , 1898 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. * T h o unequalled purchases Tuesday , April 12 , our immense cash purchase oU Bros made by "The Greatest of the fire sale thousands of rolls of finest carpets goes on sale at > Hayden making , Transmississippi Stores" for about 1-10 their value These were saved from the Exposition year and the low lire at the immense ware houses of J. & J. Dobson , the prices we secured from manu celebrated manufacturers of line Carpets and were lower prices than ever facturers in consequence en elegant carpets bought for spot cash by our eastern representative at a able us to cut prices lower fraction of their worth , from the insurance underwrite than ever before while offer ers. This purchase includes a grand assortment oft ing the grandest assortments of up-to-date merchandise in America. No lots were too large no grades too Ingrains , Brussels , Wiltons , Axminster , Moquettes and all the finest grades of lloor coverings Ine no assortment too varied for "The Big Store" if only prices were right. That is why the great de and at prices we will make Tuesday every one can afford to own a line carpel. Such astonishing values partments are crowded with larger buyers every day. Newness , Style and High Quality are stamped were never offered the people ol this vicinity before. Out of town customers should make an extra efforfe on every article offered our customers. The priced in every instance will be found fully one-third lower to attend as we will dispose of this gigantic purchase at ridiculously low prices. The best carpets in Amor * lhan prevailing prices on same qualities elsewhere. ica at bargain prices Read this week's list of special sale prices. Do Remember the big carpet sale begins Tuesday , not miss the great carpet sale Tuesday. April 12 , at Hayden Bros. , "The Big Store" Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications Cut prices on the new Butterick Patterns. Grand Easter Opening and Grand Special Silk Sale All In one on ( Monday. Will surely prove to those desiring to purchase Silks the Bargain 'Event of the Reason. Every plcco or handsome Silk In the big department will bo on display , and we Invlto every lady to compare and Inspect them. You will not t > o asked to buy , but we will make SOME MIGHTY TEMPTING PRICES. Summer Silks In great variety ; special at only 25c. 200 pieces Silks In plain InJlas , plain Surahs , Changeable Bilks , Figured Slllta ; all lo one grand lot at opening price , 29c. 223 pieces Brocaded Silks , plain , heavy Silk , all kinds and colors of silk , worth up to 01.50 ; opening price only 40c. Stylish Plaids , a grand assortment of bright and prstty color combinations , worth $1.00 , $1,25 ard $1.50 ; opening price only 75c. 150 pieces Silk In plain satin. Twilled Changeable Slllc , PrKUed Silks and all shades ot plain Silks ; opening price 39c. Printed Japanese Silk , 40 pieces on sale In all shapings. In t > oth small and large figures ; opening pries only 4Dc. Fancy Silks , 100 pieces stripes and checks. In light shades , brocade effects , In medium and dark colois , worth up to $1.50 ; openlog price only 73c. KcauUfiil Hlnck Silk nt Opening Price. Clack India Silk , 27 Inches wide , special opening price only 19 cent * . < Black Brocade Satins , Just proper for the new short capes , big variety of designs In an exccllcut quality , special opening price only 09c. Black Bayaderes and Brocade Ores Grains In the most modern tylfe , a silk guaranteed to wear and give catisfactlcn , worth 11.50 , opening price only 98c. Lining Silks. Changeable Taffalane. newest lining silk , a firm , strong quality In all the new colorings ; opening price only 39c. Changeable Glace In every new and pretty shade , finished beautifully and excellent value at opening price , C9c. Plain and Changeable Taffetas , In very best quality made , in all the new , scarce shades opening price 7ic. ! Black Taffeta , good quality , opening price only 59c. Imported Black Taffeta , exclusive with Hajden Drcs. fee city of Omaha ; ask to see this silk , In three widths 21-Inch at 85c ; 21-Inch at OSc , and 27-Inch nt $1.25. We give prompt attention to mall orders and applications ( or samples. Buy your Silks by mall. The Big Bed Spread Sale For a big line of Fringed Bed Spreads to pick from , for big Values , foe big Bl/es. for Hemmed spreads , foe Colored spreads , for CioUict spreads , for Marseilles or Satin spreads , the Big Btoce will bo the place to go. Haydcn Bios. ' Bed Spread pale tarts Monday morning at 9. Note the assortment of frlngtvl preads ; all extra tlzc < i nt 9r > c. $1.00. $1.13 , $ l.2r , $1.5 , $1.30 , $1.75 , | 2.00 aivl $3.00 Among this lot you find spieads sold only at llaydcns , end no othfr house In the west shoou one half the assortment to select from. Homniiul spreads ai | 35c , 49c , 53c , 65c , 70c. 75c and S5c eaoh. Colnoare- these low prices , you can't match them. , Extra large slza spreads , OOe. $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.33 each. Notice thc e extra lacge flz'es ; no bigger spreads made tlinti the big store carries In Block. Flno spreads , $1.50 , $1.73 , $2.00 , ? 2.25 , $2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 , $1.00 , $3.00. $ H.50 , etc. On account of low and close prices on a ( lumber of these itpreada the quantity will be limited to er.th customer. Summer Comforts. 25 doren 7CxS4 fine sllkollnc covered comforln. Note the size nd examine the quality , nemo better , none as large and only' ' $1.50 each , ot the Illir Store. , Summer Blankets , 4te. ! 75c , $1.00. $ l.2C and $1.35 a pair. Bed Comforts , 4Sc. 7tic , $1.00 , $1.23 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00. $2.50 and $2.75 each. Furniture. We are making a special effort this aprlng on Baby Oarrlagoa , and the largo and cfiegant assortment now shovMi In our Furni ture department , together with the number of sales Already made proves wo bavo made a good selec tion. And 1C you are In seed of a Carriage be sure and look at our line before yoj buy. The Carriage here sho\\n Ii full size , has a roll around the edge , has the best springs , steel wheels , upholstered throughout , ruftlo cJgo parasol. Price $7.50. Look among the $10.00 Carriages for Its equal. equal.We We are showing full size Carriages with the same wheels and springs as above , and all have latent foot brake , at $3.85 , $1.50 , J5.00 , $5.50 , $ i.00 ) up to $29.00. You can buy the foKowIng first class goods nt these prices the lowest prices made on really well made Furniture * Inm Ucd , full size , $2.50. l/irgo size spring edge fringed Couch , $3.85 , Oak Chair , cane feat , brace arm , 75c , Well made Extension Table , $3.25. I arge tsliu cane neat Arm Rocker , $1.65. Itutlnii RucKer , $1.95. O.tk Chiffonier , fl\c draners , $4.85 , Wall Paper. Paints , Brushes and Room Moulding. Our MonJay'B special , Rcronaiils of 8ldo border and celling In bundles for all elie-3 rooms at 50c per room , up. Our regului Cc and ( to white blarks at 3Hc ai.T 4c. 9-lneh bordera at IHc and i'c per > ard. 18-Inch hnrdna nt3e , 4o. Our tegular Sc , 10 c and 12V&0 gilts at 6c , 7c and lOc per roll , with 9 and IS-lnch bordc-ra. Our regular 17 .e , 2 Oc and 25c Ellin lit all dark colors at 15c , 17He anil 20f , with bond blended borders. Heavy tmmiel tlnUh gills and eniiob ed , regular 23c , 20c and 40e goodrt at 0r , 25c and 30c. Ingrains at l Hc , 15s and 17He. Room MoMing : IH-lncb oak , pine and cherry , at 2o per foot. 1-Inch fancy colorwl at 3Hc and 4c per foot. Paints. Closing out Mbt year's stock of paUita , all colors , at lOo per gallon ; H Rallous at 50j ; quarts at 25c. Carriage black and rermllllon pints at 403 ; quarts , 75c. Yellow green ac > t maroon plnti. 35c ; quarts , 65c. Varnish wood xtsltni pints , 15o ; pints , 25c. Bicycle Enamel : Give your last year's wheel a new and up- to-date color ; 4 plat. 80s. Uouiebold nam U IB all colon , t , M - . The leading dress goods louse of the west Where you can find everything in dress gooda thai is manufactured for the spring of 1898 every shade thatis , new every * weave that is new bayadere , covert , poplins epingles , etc evening shades for confirmation dresses , etc. Every covert In stock will have a. special prlco on Monday. The 75c , OSc , $1.19 , $1.43 , $1.75 , $2.00 will bo sold at 60c , , 59c ; 79c , 98c , $1.25 , $1.48. Every Poplin 'which was $1.00 , $1.19 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 will go at 85c , $1.19. $1.59. Silk Warp Poplins , $1.98 the only place In Omaha you can get ; hetn. Every mixture that wao worth $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25 , will go at $1.19. Every mixture that was $1.23 , $1.00 , w1 ! ! ! go at 75c. Every mixture that was C9c , C9c , 79c , will all go In 3 lots ' 3'Jc , 4'Jc , 59c. 300 Exclusive Sulta , at from G'/fc to 7 yards each pattern , will ; o as follows : 50 new Bayaderes , brown , green , royal purple and all other Hjimles that were $2100 and , $25.00 will BO atl$13.00. J.'O Suits that were $12.CO. Jl.VOO all In ono lot at $9.50. 133 Suits that were $0.50 , $7.50 , $3.CO all iwlll go In. this sale at $3.00. 1,500 Suits at from fSo up to $4.50 per suit. Black Dress Goods Never In the history of this -western country was there such n. stoc'.ci ot hUh Rtnils blacks over 2.JOO pieces to select from nil the le.ullni * makes Priestley's , Arthur Walkers & Sons , Sir "crold. nil of Bradford , England. Kvery dresm guaranteed. 2M plfccs of Priestley's , worth $1.00 , $1.19 , J1.2. ' , tit 70c. 150 pieces of Fir Eorolds' K nulne ICtuKllsh .Mohair llgurjil black pooita. worth $ l.M. $ | .f-i. $1.75 , nt * 1.23. Arthur Walker & Sons' Knellsh Crepon Novelties , sold all over qt from J2..V ) to MOO-our pric-c only ? I.S. ! ) The c-olcbrated German iMoluIr Crepon Novelties , sold at from > 2.50 to $ . .1.00our price dnly $ l.9S. Popular pi Iced Hlu-'k Goods , l.'c'lOc , 25c , 29c , SOc , 49c , 59c , GoC , 'EVENING SHA KS Henrietta's 23c to $1.CO. Albatross and Nunt/ Veiling nt o'c ' up to 7oc. Wm. V. ntiid's hansdoAn * , all shndes nml black sold elsewhere it from $1.00 to $1.25 our price only We. Cheap all wool and half wool dress goods For children's school dresscfl , 'working dresses , housa 'ttrnp- rs > , etc. \\"ol Cashmere , worth 15c , at 9c Neat Mixtures , worlh lie , at 12c Neat Jncquard , worth 'c loc Nat Novelties , woitli 2jc 19c Checks. .Plnlds , e'c. worth 30c 21c All 'wool ' 33-Inch Rooilf. worth SJc 2vic Neat , bright Plaids , for waists , school dresses , etc. , worth We 29o Hemernbor , nearly nil our goods are from 4 , " ) to 58 Inches. SS to 40 outs to bad ad\nntngo nnd makes the 'dearest dre . iMnll orders promptly attended to. Samples furnished on np- p'.lcatlon. Every dress warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Wash Dress Goods Variety Variety Variety Variety The Big Store lias the biggest selection and acknowledges no superior in getting the proper styles at modern prices. Fast black sateen , Monday Cc yd Standard prints , light fancies. Indigo bluce , etc 3 < , & yd .Standard 36-inch percales , light and medium colors , not remnant , ] 5c yd Elegant line of Now stylish dimities 5c yd Lawns and dimities In endless variety , at lOc yd The strongest line of novelty wash dress stuffs In Amer ica at , 15c yd Washable covert cloth for skirtings , etc , especially adapted for blcyclo costumes 12c yd Plain and fancy weaves In white duck , lOc to 19c yd Ml linen , white duck , lowest pi Ice- ever earned on this quality 35c yd Exquisite line of the swellest Imported , silk stilued or gandies 39c yd 175 styles la Imported organJle. < , Including black grounds , at 25c yd 50 Etyles In light ground French orzandtea 20c yd The nobbiest checks and plaids In the genuine Scotch ging hams , for shirt waists 25c yd The greatest line of fine percales for waists 12'/2C yd Mall orders get the beno.1t of special attention. Gairs * Queen Skirt Supporters We are solo agents for this skirt supporter , which wo guarantee' the best on earth. No sagging skirts , perfect fitting , and In visible ; 6 hooks , enough for three skirts , given with each sup porter. Guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. All mall orders promptly filled ! . BO sure to send waist meas ure. Comes In black or white. Speclil price 25c. Worth Its weight In gold to every lady. The New Sash Ribbons In double faced eatlns. worth $ .100 , only 50o In double facej satins , worth $1.50 , only 7uc In elegant moire , worth $1.CO , only 75c Grand Sales Fancy Ribbons For necktie * , for sashes , for dress treats , for dress ruffles , elegant , heavy double Aiced satin ribbon , worth $1.25 per yard , spe cial Monday , only GOc Elegant $1.00 and $1. * > 0 satin ribbon , caly 75c Beautiful Morla rlbbin , yard , 9c , 15c and 25c The new ruffling rib sons and , found only at Hayden Bros , , yard , 19 to 58 ; Ruchings Rucblngi for 10z Ruchlngs for 25c IluchlnK3 for ' . 15c Ruchlnga for 60s Worth trom 25c to $1.00 per yard. Fancy neckwear fancy saeliw 50c to $3.93. Uooks and Stationery 25c Novels only EC Chicago Ileeord Cook Dook E9c Transmfcslcslppl Stationery 29c Quo VadU 13c Notions. 4-yard boltn best Velveteen Binding 9c Ladles' Satin Belt Hoio Supporters , regular price 50c , only. . 2Gc Ladles' Fancy Side Elastics lOc Hair Nets , for pompadours IGc Jewelry Dept. Special Sale on Silverware Cake Daskete , Dutttw Dishes , Syrup Pitchers , Berry Dishes , Plckel Casters , etc. , regular value $2.50 each , warranted quad ruple plate , sale price , $1.25. Gents' gold filled Watches , warranted to wear 20 years , Elgin or Waltnam works , $7.95 Ladles' and gents' gold filled Hunting Case Watches , warranted to wetir 20 year * , ' Elgin or Waltham works , $10.95. Gents' Elgin or Waltbam IWatches , stem wind and set , silver- Ine cases. $2.98. Anaonla Watches , , stem wind and set , reliable tlmekepera , 9So each. Rogers' 12 dwt. Knlvca or Forks , set ot lx pieces , $1.15. Rogers' A 1 Teaspoons , & 9c set of six. All sterling silver articles at ball jewelers' prices. Sterling top 6&lr Boxes. Ug each , i , - . . > . Siicclnl Ilni-Rnln * In I.nilli-s' ana COO dozen men's neckwear , bows and string ties , In all the newest patterns for spring , worth 25c , at only . Be EDO do/en men's fine suspendcis , all new etyles. worth 25c , at . 1 Men's black , tan and fancy , fitrlped hf.lf hose , worth IBc , at . Men's shirts In all ftyles , laundered col lars and cuffs , colored bosom , and all colored , at . 39c Men's drcssgloves , worth $1.00 , at . GOc Men's white unlauadcrcJ shlits , the reg ular 60c shirt , at . 25c Men's bnlbrlggan eblrts and drawers , each . 2 Co The largest line of men's flee colored ( shirts In the city at. . . , . EOc Men's working tlarrts In light and dark colors at . 25c 500 dozen men's extra fine neckwear , In bows , four-ln-hands , etring ties and tecke , all the new styles and patterns , worth 75c , at . 25c Ladles' 4-button and 2-clasp gloves In all the newest shaJce , worth $1.25. . . . 75c Ladles' taffeta gloves at 25c and . COc Ladles' llslo thread gloves at . 15 c Ladles' extra fine seamless , hose In black and tans at . 15c Ladles' black and tan hose at 3 pairs for 25c Children's bicycle hoee , double knee and heel and toe , at . 12' ' c Ladlee' sleeveless vests , worth 25e , at..l2V4c Ladles' umbrellas , floe assorted handler , worth OSc , at . \ . 69 c Ladies' fine gloria silk umbrjllai , worth $2.25 , at . 51.50 Ladles' summer corsets , worth BOo , at. . 39c llii < M SC.vllHli unil CholerIluix for Jlen , ll > ' and Children. A good soft Fodcra or stiff bat for $1.00 actual value $1.50. A fine fioft Fedora or stiff hat for $1.50 actual value $2.00. We luvlte your Inspection and guarantee to save you 25 per cent on the purchase of a hat. A vtalt will convince the.moit . skeptical. A full line of trunks , valises , telescopes , etc. , at lowest prices. Drill ; Ifinrtiien ( . Lydla Plnkham's Compound . 70c Cittlcura Resolvent . - . 70c Pe-ru-na at . . . - . . . 70c Pink Pills at . . . .1 . . . 23o Ayer's Ilalr Vigor . . . . . . . . . . . BSn Thompeon's Beef- Iron aod Wine . S5o Castorla . ' . . ' . 22o Stuart's Tablets at . ' . . .2c Syrup ot Flga at . . ' . 32s Cutlcura soap per cake . , . 15o Woodbiiry's Facial soap . 15c Eaotufms Dark per pound. ' . . . . . . 12'/4c ' We can save you money on anything In the drug llae. TIiCNuI'rlooK - > Mninlny nt Our Cruc'l.-cr Dciinrtiuciit. We will have a special , sale th's ' week on iDattle Creek Sanltaiium Health Foods.Vo have a full line of these goods. Monday wo will sell Soda crackers at . , . 6c Oyster crackers at . Gc GliiRerenaps at . f . 7'&c Graham cralkcro at . 30c OAtmeal crackers at . . .4 . lOc Bremen's Lunch at . ' . . lOo Newport Flakes at. . . . ! . Ho Shredded Whole Wheat at . He Cheese sandwich ( something new ) per bax . 15c Mixed cookies at . 10e Goods In this department you will find al ways ffesh. , Giiltnm , Violins Hvcry- tliliiir lui MiiKle. ( The very best makes Including the celebrated Washburn mandolins and guitars of which woihave the largest and most complete stok ever shown west of Chicago. Good mandolins as low as . , . . . . . : . . , . $3.00 .Good guitars as law as. . , , , . . . . , . 3.00 Autoharps as low as . 150 Violins from $2.85 up to . .the prlco of the famous Martin band made violins. Strings ( or all Instruments at sc h low prices you can buy them by the n lie. Everything In music at H. ydf n .Bros. ' popu- lar prices. Grvat Snlc on MentK mill I.nnln Monday No. 1 tugar cured hams. . . . . S',4c Salt pork , per pound . { . . . , . 5 : Fresh pork sausage . . . 7 lie No. 1 sugar cured bacon. . . New England cooked hani . 9c Pickled pigs feet. . , , . , . . . . ! . . . . 4c No. 1 German summer saiisage . 12' , c 5-lb. palls bct lard , any branJ . 31c Pickled pig park . 7c Pickled tripe . , . 4c Vienna sausage , per can . . ' , . lOc Corn beef , per can , 2 Iba . 20c AV'nr IH'i'liireil In Onr.tClieoNu Ueiit. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF PRICKS. Cream cheese , only. . . . , . . . < . lOc Fancy full cream clic-esc. . < . 12'XiC Hcrklmer county full cream . 12c Swlbs chee-sc . . .t . 14c Ohio S\\li3s , finest made..v . ICc Genuine Imported Swles.j. . . 30o Brick cheese . - . . ' .j . 12'Ac Fancy brick cheese . , . , ; . 14c Llmberger . , . . * . 12' < 2C Club House , fancy gMsa 34 r . i'Sc Herldmcr county sagenchef-tc . ICc Young America full cream . 12'X > c Sap sago or green cheeso.i . Cc Neufchatcl , only . . - . . . , . . . . , . , . 3c We are headquarters fo'r. cheese and the only plaeo In the west where you can get every kind of cheese mad > : fie I Your Knutcr KKK ut Ilnyileii * . 3 dozen guaranteed fresh egga . . . . . 25c Choice country loll butter , ' i-Vs and . 14c Choice tub butter at 13 an/1 . Vic Fancy tub butter at . i . IGo Just received , a lot ofJancy brick cream. cry , gees at . . . 18c Fancy creamery In tubs at , . 18c Separator creamery at . . . 20c Mince meat , full slzo package , at , . Oc Sheet Mualv ! When you have looked everywhere else for 1ho piece of music you wapt and cannot find It , you can go to Hayden Bro ? , and get It. Better save time and go there fir'et where you will find a complete stock ot all the classic authorn as well as the latest and most popular eongs ot tbe day and be t of all , at Hayden Bros. ' strictly popular prices. Over 10,000 different selections. Including compositions of the old masters ai well as the most popular music , at Gc and lOc per copy 'Everything In tea very choelest of songs , complete line ot all tbe .clawlc eong albums , opera scorei of every description , wo will be sure to find something you will want. It you dnn't know what y < ? u want come and Bee ua and wo will help you make jrour eele- Uooi. . ' . . . HAYDEN BROS. ' CLOTHING DEPT. Ample capital haj enabled us to secure the most complete stock of spring and summer Clothing for men , boys and Children ever shown In Omaha at prices you cannot fall to appreciate. Wo have placed on eal o this week the choicest assortment of sulta' for spring and summer \\ear made by the world's famous makers at the cheapest prices ever quoted. Every fashionable fabric In le suits will bo found hero anj you cannot afford to miss this chance to get a new spring suit. Take od\autage of these and save money. Don't fall to see these goods. You will bo welcome whether you buy or not. Suits , Skirts and Waists The greatest collection of up-to-tlnte garments ever shown 1 > y nny two houses In the TransmisslKslppI country. AVc have made greater preparation this year than any previous year 1 ° ur history. We are proud of our new garments. They are carefully and splendidly made after the best models and bought at the lowest notch that the power of "cash could bring them to. A fc wltems at random will give you an luea of our sjock. At $5.00 your choice of 100 all wool Jacket Suits , half ellk lined , In all shade ; , Including black $5.00 /At $7.50 'your choice 'of 150 nobby Coat Suits , io all shades , strapped or plain seams , new sleeve and collar , Jacket all silk lined , at $7.50 At $10.00 we are showing haridsome man tailored Suits , eton blouse or fly front jackets , lined with heavy warp taffeta silk $10.00 At $12.oO we are. showing the cream of the market for ser- Vlc. , style and durability $12.60 Ladies' Separate Dress Skirts Indies * Dress Skirts , made of the finest cron..lons of silk or intln , plain llguu-J and bnyadere stripes , extra wide , tailor made , positively worth $1000 , at $3.03 As n-drawlnB card wo offer you this week all our high class silk tlress skirts , Including nil thj newest creations In styles and materlil , such ns llounceil taffetas , brocaded gros grain ? , velours , and satin bas dere , satin duchesse , some all silk lined , worth up lo JIUflO , your choice at. . $998 Ladies' Gapes Ladles' Black Cloth Capes , empire back , trimmed with * braid , att > 9S ladles' plain Silk Cnin.'M. Ladles' liiociuled Slllc Cnpr.s. Ladles' Ilhadame Silk Cujie ? , < pome silk lined , trimmed with lace , ribbon and Jo' , worth $ . 1.00 , at ' . $2.98 400 Cnpcs. Including nil the ncat style.i , sll'.ci llnetl , worth $7.00 and $ S 00 , at $4.9S Now Colored Silk Underskirts. Hustle Taffela Silk Skirts , Spanish flounc ? , heavily corded , all ripolrnhle HhndeB , at. . J3.00 At $7.50 , Rus'.llng Taffeta Silk UmloraklrtH , 3 curded ruf- II s. deep facing of velvet , at > . . . $7.59 All wool Moreen Underskirts , deep Spanlah rulllei draw strings , at $1.78 Ladl-s' lieu- Silk Walflts of heavy taffeta , worth $ T .00 , at . . $2.75 Ladles' Slllc Waists , In exclusive plaids , cheeks nnd buya- deres nnd changea'Jla effects , worth J8.00 , at $4.99 Ladles' Dressing Sacques of French flannelette , at & 9a Ladles' double lexturo detachab'.o cape Mackintoshes , fancy iplnld llnlns. nt $2.98 7Jc for lust Percale Wrappers , pointed yoke , belted back , ifull front , trimmed with braid , at 75a Best Percale Wrappers , trimmed -vUth .embroidery nnd braid ? , rulllea over shoulders , extra fullness at hips , at 9So STYXISIif At lowest prices. Trimmed Hats In an endless vir'ety ' of fancy straw braids. Short Back Sailors , Spmlsh Turbans , Parlslonno Toijues , exquisite and dainty small Hats , Uirge , tlry Hat" . In fact , all the stylish citations of the best iiillllnern In tbe world are represented. Will show you sl > le after ctyle until you are sultl cod flr.il a beoomlng Hat. Trimmed Sailors and Wall < - ing Hats at 45c up. Nicely crimmed } lats as low as $1.50. Very fathl.i.viblo Trimmed Hats at $2.00 , $2.25 , $2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. At $5.00 , $7.50 and $10.00 you will find ecples ot Imported Parisian novelties worth $35.00 to $50.00. Everything In stylish millinery in this sale at one-third Ufs than prevailing prices. CHINA DEPT. Hot Time Glassware Assortment Sale 50c Crystal Water Jugs C5c Crystal Coke Stands 50c Crystal Fruit Dishes 50c Crystal Chop Tray ; 76c Footed Fruit Stand 45c Crystal Celery Stands C5c Aspaiagus Trays | EACH 75c Square Comports Slx-plore Cream Sets Z3c Slop Jars 49c Wash Bowl and Pitcher , each 21Uc Plates 2c , 3a 4c TOYS Marbles , 100 for 3c Jumping Ropes , fancy colored rope , wood handle , regular lOo 2c Jacks , twelve for lc Do'.l Carriage ? , worth 352 19c .Tea Sets , 15 pieces , complete , In box 9c Tool Sets , complete In woo-Jen box 7o Garden Sets , 3 pieces , shovel , hoe and rake 9c Velocipedes , steel wheels , adjustable seat , regular prlco $1.75 OSc Rocking Horses , nicely painted and mottle J , regular 75e 29c Express Wapons. jteel wheels nj body , regular price Jl,75..9Sc Z3c IMLLOW DUX 1 C READ THIS 591 Is our telephone number. We have added ten more wagons to our Order Department to deliver goads during the exposition. Send your order In , wo will deliver goods as souu OB your order Is received. 12 bars Standard Laundry Soaps for 25b New Yellow Evaporated Peaches , worth 15c pound , only 8c , or 3 pounds far 25a Now Sugar Cured Prunes 5c , G'/fcc , 7V c and 8V4o New Evaporated Apple ? , 3 pcuuds for 26o 2-pound cans fancy new Sugar Corn Ibis corn Is worth $1.00 per dozen wholesale only 5a , 2-pound cans June Peas. . . Cc , 7Vio and 8 < q 2-pound c-ins String Be.inn 5c , O'o and 7',4a New Callfoiuh Plums , Egg. Green Gage Golden Drop or Dam.'on , largo 3-pound csns , worth ISc per can , nil wo aek Monday la 9a 3-pound cans Apricots , Peaches or Peats only 12Ho 10 pounds White Navy Beans for 25a ( 10 pounds Granulated Corn Meal for 10o. 10 pounds Breakfast 0/itmcal only 25n Silver Gloss Starch , per package only 5a ] All kind ; of Yeast I-'oam , German , etc. , only rcr package , . . 2o Good S rito9 Coffee , per pound 10a- , Golden Rte Coffee , per pound 12H4 High Grade Java end Mocha , only 239 PURE FOOD DEPARTMENT BARGAINS. Hardware , Stoves and Housefttrnishing Department LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES AT RETAIL , A FEW SAMPLE PRICES TO LOOK AT AND READ , Cobbler Set tilth volt'H , 7Uc. ( iriinlle lllce ( irnnltc I'lo lliixlnv Grnnlte , lie. Hollerx , HUe I'llllOM , C. Grnitltc Culleiulor , l.'c. fJranHe Stow ICfltlei , IfSM TJie celebrated Mason & Davis Range , in 5 styles , like cut , with high shelf and water front , 6 holes , all complete , regular price § 45.00 , our price $29.9 $ Same style-Steel llange as cut , with high shelf , low warming closet , water front , 6 holes , all complete $23.95 Same style , with reservoir , all complete $25.95 G-hole No. 8 Oast Range , 20 inch oven , regular price $15.00 , our price $8.95 2-burner Gasoline Stove , best made , our price. , $1.98 Gasoline Double Lined Oven , our price 98o