Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Mocro's stock food.
Dr. Hoc , dentist , Mcrrlam block.
Early Ohio potatoes. Uartel & Miller.
Dr. Brown , dcctlst. rnom 301 , Merrlara blk.
Mre. Murk Dalrymplo of Idaho Is visiting
Mre. Wall McKaddcn.
Mtes Irene C rroUiero of Falls City Is visit
ing Mies Male Southwlck.
Girl wanted for general housework. Mrs ,
Oscar Keellne , 618 South 7th.
Wanted At once , flrst-claui preparcr for
millinery at Ml * * Sprlnk'e , 21 South Main
The new uniforms and all of the parapher
nalia ot the Woodmen degree team has been
Complete eels of the Ireland views can
bo had at The nee office , No. 10 Pearl. Call
bcforo April 10.
Our Easter offering will bo a handsome
buttonhole bouquet. Charles A. Moore , cor
ner cigar etorc.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color ind finish. B20 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
The Hcbecca loJge , No. 3 , Is requested to
meat at Mr. W. Campbell's , 1301 Seventh
avenue , today at 1 o'clock.
Dr. C. A. Rollins and Mrs. Rollins of Sid
ney , la. , arc In the city and will remain a
few days , the guests of Dr. Rollins' mother.
The funeral of Harry I * Johnson , who
< lled on Friday at 2908 Avenue D , will occur
"this " aftcrnocn at 3 o'clock from the resi
The members of Abe Lincoln Relief corps
are requested to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Anna E. Campbell Sunday afternoon at 2
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724
To bo strictly "In It" today you will need
one of our bouquets In the lapel ot your
coat and a. "Sultana" cigar between your
teeth. Charles A. Moore.
Comrades of Encampment , No. 8 , Unlcn
Veteran legion , will meet at the hall at
7 o'clock this evening and from there at
tend. cervices at the English Lutheran
Johnnie Keellne , a young man of 14 years ,
flred a bullet through his hand yesterday
tttillo handling a small 22-caIlbcr rifle. The
accident happened at bis homo on Frank
A game of base ball was played yester
day on the Field club grounds , between the
Herald Truax and the Clay Cochran teams ,
resulting In a victory for the former by u
ecoro of 7 to 2.
"The Pay Train , " a flno melodrama , will
bo presented by the Western Stock com
pany at theDohany theater tonlfbt. The
play Is the Initial performance of a four
nights' engagement In this city.
The funeral of Mrs. Annie E. Campbell ,
rwlfo of W. II , Campbell , will take place
nt the residence , 1301 Seventh avenue , to-
dav at 2 o'clock p. m. Abe Lincoln Relief
corps and Rebecca lodge , No. 3 , will ofll-
'Photographs , 2 for lOc , fi for 25c : cabinets ,
11.48 dozen ; photo buttons , 15c ; ladles' photo
ehlrt waist sets , latest fad , 2 for cuffs' , 3 for
front , 7&c ; all different subjects. This Is
the style this season. Popular Priced Gal
lery 541 Broadway.
Council Dluffe people enjoyed a fine
musical treat last evening at the Dohany
theater. The concert was given by the
Mozarti Symphony club and will be repeated
this afternoon at the matinee. Every mem
ber acquitted himself creditably. An Inter
esting feature of the entertainment was the
old Instruments used , some of them being
over 200 years old.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna E. Campbell
, -wlll bo held at 2 p. m. today from the resi
dence , 1301 Seventh avenue , under the
auspices of the Woman'e Relief 'corps , Grand
'Army of the Republic , No. 180 , and the
Daughters ot Rcbekah , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows No. 3. The services by the
Woman's Relief corps will bo held at the
residence and the ceremonies of the Daugh
ters of Rebckarr will bo conducted at FairView -
View cemetery. The pall bearers are : Messrs.
D. R. Witter , D. J. Abott , Gates , L. D. Cous
ins , J. M. Mathews , James Hoon ; Mesdames
Molly Dobson , Elizabeth Werfl and Hemeroy
ot the Woman's Relief corps ; and Mesdames
Bates , D. R. Witter and Chase of the Re-
bekahs were selected as honorary pall bear
ers. Rev. Senecny will officiate.
O. B. Vtava Co. , female remedy : consulta
tion free. Office noun , 9 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnUhed. 826-327-3:8 Merrlam
_ _ _ _
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnne , Baldwin blk
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Buy your groceries at J. Zoller & Co.
Poultry wire and garden seeds at J. Zoller
fc Co.
> Poultry m/ro and garden seeds at J. Zoller
ft Co.
Pnt Ul > Ilrynn' * Picture.
The portrait of William Jennings Bryan
waa given a most prominent place In the city
building yesterday. There has been a good
deal of rivalry among the newly elected
democratic heads of departments to honor
their patron saint , but none of the officers
vrcro content to have a common campaign
lithograph picture and there has been a good
deal of skirmishing around to secure a credit
able picture. Sara Entyro was -the first to
succeeded and yesterday hung It In the most
conspicuous place on the walls of the city
engineer's office a flno life-sized water color
drawing of the defeated candidate. The pic
ture was wreathed with gracefully draped
'American flags studded with yellow , pink and
red paper roses. The banging ot the picture
Wan conducted with becoming ceremonies.
Dr. Heller , osteopath , Beno block.
Poultry wlro and garden aeeds at J. Zoller
* Co.
The Ilet In Town.
Speaking of paints , there IB one brand
that leads all others that's Harrison's.
Ocoreo S. Davis cells It.
The 5:10 passenger train on the Kansas
City last evening was delayed several hours
by the blowing out of a cylinder head. The
accident occurred while the train waa runolns
between Pacific Junction and Folsom. and
iwas caused by a connecting pin breaking.
The piston wen was driven through the
cylinder bead and sent flying against the
fence. A switch engine from the junction
pulled the train In.
Just received , a fresh lot of novelty and
net curtains at the Council Bluffs Carpel
Co. , Odd Fellows' temple. Will bo opet
very night tbls week until further notice.
Smoke the Iron Chancellor , the leading
6-cent cigar.
I.lcrnie * .
Marriage licenses were Issued ycstcrdaj
to the following named persons ;
Name and residence. Age
Magnus Peterson , 1'ottnwatammlo Co. . . 2'
Jinnnah Jensen , Pottnwattamlo county 2'
Allen A. Tchr , Pottawattamlo county. . . . 2-
Xato Kelley , Pottawattamlo county. . , . 2 :
Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry ,
Ot Orescent City are here to Council Bluffi
nd Omaha with tbelr fine line of ( rult treea
grape vVnce , etc. , and all klnda of fine chadi
trees , flowering shrubs and roeca. Thel
ale grounds are located at 615 But Broad
way , Council. Bluffs , and on Farnam atreet
one block west ot Twentieth street , Omaha
( where you will be waited on at all time ;
with pleMure. Wo cell all good * very cheaj
nd guarantee ill goods flrit-clia .
Omaik * ' k l MM * C cil !
Local Exposition Committee Gets a Big
Financial Lift.
IIonrd of Sniicrvloom Look * Into ( he
Mutter Tltoronttlilr , Taken Catin.
el with lender * , ntid Mnke *
i the 'Appropriation ,
When the Ueard of County Supervisors re
turned from Its visit to the exposition
grounds the sentiment that was already very
strong In favor of doing something substantial
to help out the Pottawattamle county exhibit
rapidly crystilllzed Into a conviction. The
matter was discussed at length In an Informal
manner during tne evening and when the
board mot In regular eowlon the only dlffer-
encto that remained to .bo settled was the
amount of the appropriation that was to bo
made. Their decision wes further strength
ened by a conference with a largo number uf
the heaviest taxpayers lu the city and csunty.
Every one of these citizens urged the board
to strain a point and liberal aid. Tbo
joard also held a conference with Hon.
George F. Wright , the Iowa exposition vice
president ; A. C. Giaham , president of the
Jouncll Bluffs association ; John Bono , E. H.
-Valters - , J. H. Pace , Secretary Judton and
others. The only thing in the way was the
doubt of the members that there was any
authority by which the proposed grant could
be made. County Attorney Saunders was
called Into consultation on this point and at
his suggestion the following resolution waa
Irawn after the members had reached the
Ic-olslon to make the sum to bo granted
12,000 :
Whereas , The Transmlsstsslppl nnd Inter-
nntlonnl Exposition Is to bei held In Omaha ,
Neb. , from Juno 1 to November 1 , 1S9S , in
which twenty-four states and territories are
o participate ; nnd ,
Whereas , By retjson of Its magnitude ! nnd
mportnnce nnd Its close proximity to Coun
ts 1 H luffs nnd Pottawattamle 'county , said
city nnd county nnd' ' their Inhabitants are
& and vlta"y Interested therein ; nnd ,
whereas , In order to secure the rrentcat
Ksneflt to said city and county nnd their In-
lawtants , it Is Imperatively necessary to
provide locally n Comfort Home nnd head
quarters for the inhabitants and residents
or said city and county on said expo lUon
grounds ; and ,
Whereas , Said city has procured the nsccs-
ary ground nnd space to erect n wigwam
on ald exposition grounds for that purpose ,
costing In the neighborhood1 erf $3,000 , In
cluding the cost of ground therefor ; nnj ,
Whereas , Said city has not been able to
ralsa to exceed $3,000 of said amount re
quired to construct nnd equip said home ,
nnd the Inhabitants of the city , and county
are equally Interested In having sold local
vork and home constructed nnd rcldy for
use at the opening of said exposition ; there
fore , be It
Ilesolved , That thero. Is hereby appropri
ated the sum of $2,000 to bo used In the pur
chase of lumber nd material , the same to
remain itJie property ot the county , but to
> o loaned to the Council Bluffs Exposition
association to be used In aid of the. con
struction at said local work and Comfort
lome. In i which paid company is interested ;
ind that the chairman of the board' , Colonel
W. P. Baker , H hereby appointed' n commlt-
ce on behalf of the county to net .with , A.
C. Graham , president of the Council Bluffs
exposition association , and to whom Raid
money shall at once be paid In the proper
expenditure of said money for the purpose
aforesaid , and on whose request the nudl-
or is authorized to ISBUO warrant on the
county fund.
There was no opposition whatever to the
passage of the resolution and It went through
vlth the unanimous apprbval of the board.
The money will be made Immediately avail
able , and the result will be that the work on
he big wigwam .will bo gotten under way
.t once , and the building completed In ample
Ime to permit the Installation of the ex
hibits that will be made by the city and the
ounty. The appropriation by the board will
ireatly encourage contributions to the dona-
Ion list , and the members of the executive
ommltteo bellevo that another $1,000 will
ic added to the fund from , this source within
he next few days. In any event all of the
money that la necessary Is assured.
Love songs , war scogs , centlmental songs ,
lomtcal songs , eacred songs , foreign scnga , .
n fact , anything In the line of music at
Bourlclus' Music House , 325 Broadway , where
be organ stands on the building. Special
violin sales thla week.
The flno display of Easter hatn and bon
nets at the Mlcses Read & Miller's , 317
Broadway , during last week was the cause
of much favorable comment by Council Bluffs
adtes. It you have not made * your spring
mrchaeo of millinery goods be sure end eee
belr latest etylea.
Dr. Kellogg , Osteopath , 303 Sapp building.
Council Bluffs. Graduate from the original
school of osteopathy at Klrksvllle , Mo.
Save your Domestic Soap wrapper * .
Front Wall Out of Plumb unit Demo
crat * a Little 'Worried.
Considerable Interest was felt by the newly
nstalled democratic city officials yesterday
n the condition ot the city building. When
.he building was constructed the front above
the seccnd story was built out ot plumb sev
eral Inches. The strange oversight or neglect
of the builders was not noticed until after
: lie scaffolding was cleared away and the
building finished and accepted by the city.
For a year or so afterward It was a matter
of considerable concern to the city officers ,
and there waa talk of compelling the con
tractors to take down the walls and build
them up straight. Tbo matter was dropped ,
however , and was soon lost sight of. The
republican officials who have Inhabited the
building for GO long a time became accus
tomed to the condition of things and paid no
attention to It , but when the democrats took
possession tbls was one ot the new things
that attracted their attention. Yesterday
during the high wind small bits of plaster
fell from the celling In the main hallway
at the extruno east end ot the building.
This called attention to numerous cracka In
the celling , which had grown to be tnoro
than a quarter of an Inch wide , and strength
ened the fear that there might be some
danger ot a collapse.
"It would Juf > t be democratic luck to have
the whole frcnt of the city hall fall out , "
said one ot the heads of departments , "and
tben the republicans would declare that the
first thing the democrats did when they got
Into offlco was to knock down the city build
ing. Thla ctarge could be backed up In
cold malice by the. truthful declaratlcn that
the building Itself waa constructed when the
city administration was In the hands of the
democrats. "
Attention of the practical builders was
called to the condition of the building dur
ing the afternoon , and they declared that
they had been familiar with its condition
since Its construction , and that -there- bail
been no change for the last few years. The
settling that assisted in throwing the front
wall still further out of plumb occurred
shortly after It was built. There has been
no further settling and they are confident
that Ibe structure will stand In Its present
condition as long as the city has any use tot
It. The falling of bits of plaster ycsterdaj
la an Incident not explained.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makea th <
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Stiver teaspoons still go with Domestic
Hoard of Supervisor * .
The Board of County Supervisors completed
the work laid out for the first part ot th (
April session yesterday and adjourned foi
two weeks. The county surveyor reportec
that to had under the Instructions of th <
board surveyed for the ; purposes of taxatlot
large tract * of-accreted Undi In the count ]
and lying along theriver. . .He hid adde <
997.85 acret of good land to the taxable list
Heretofore ( ho owwri ot thla land bad beci
enjoying Its use , but had escaped the pay
ment of taxes for the reason that the ac
creted lands did not appear on the records.
Ttero arc other largo tracts of this land yet
to be surveyed and brought under the control
of the tax gatherer.
The bill presented by the Woman's Chris
tian Association hospital , amounting to
$42.15 , for the care of a pauper , was rejected.
The payment of the bill was refused by the
overseer ot the poor for the resaon that the
patient had not been admitted to the hospital
In accordance with the rules. The hospital
people appealed to the board.
A communication was received from W. J.
Yowell ; auditor of Fremont county , returning
a bill prescntcJ by this county of $244 for the
care ot an Insane patient , 'M. ' J , Tldd. The
bill was sent to Fremont county under the
Impression that Tldd was a resident of that
county. The authorities there say he never
was a resident of their county , and consequently
quently refused to pay the bill.
Overseer of the Poor Jackson presented
bla report for the last quarter , showing that
ho had paid out $311.20 and was allowed by
the board at the January meeting $250 , leav
ing a balance to bo paid him of $61.20 , which
was ordered liquidated.
At the meeting of the board to be held two
weeks hence the question ot who shall be the
janitor of the court house will be settled.
The Shoe for the Foot ,
Not the foot for the shoe. The human foot
was not Intended to bo a last. There Is no
need breaking In a good shoe. A rightly
made shoe will fit from the start. Wo see
to It that you do not leave our store with
a shoe you ought not to wear. Wo make
our money from people who buy our shoes
year after year. The factory backs our
shoes up and so do we , A lady who wears
a pair of our shoes once wears them always.
If you \\ant your feet properly fitted In a
nice , stylish shoe for Easter , at $2 , $3 or
$4 , come to me. SARGENT.
Look for the Bear. Qood Shoes.
Attend the grand Easter Monday ball given
by Council Bluffs Tent No. 32. K. O. T. M. . at
I. O. O. F. ball Easter Monday evening ,
April 11. Admission , 50c a couple.
State McetliiK of tin Arennum IN to
KnrnlNh a Kontiire.
Prospective toola ! events have been the
: hlngs that society has concerned Itself with
during the week , and the parties that will
[ > o given this week will receive the patronage
of the social eejs with the greatest enthusi
asm. The chief of those will bo the series
hat -will be connected with the annual ntate
meeting of the Royal Arcanum , which In
cludes a banquet at the Grand hotel on Tucs-
doy night and a ball In Arcanum hall on
Wednesday evening.
The cadets have completed preparations for
a military party on Friday evening.
The Doige Light guards , If they arc not
sent out of the country to fight , will give a
May party and an opening ball to dedicate
heir now armory ,
Mrs. A. W. Arnola ot South Eleventh
street gave a charming 5 o'clock tea on Good
Friday In honor of Miss Milliard of Genoa ,
11. , and Miss Innls of Kansas City. The
able was decorated In pink and whlto carna-
Icas.Mrs. . Arnold entertained a number
of her friends In a most charming manner.
Mrs. F. E. Glllltjand ot 304 South Ninth
; treet Is spending two weeks at her old
lomo In Seneca , Kan.
Mrs. P. O. McDermott , who has been crlt-
cally 111 for two weeks past , Is slowly Im
Mrs. W. H. Bates has gone to Elgin , 111. ,
or a three weeks' visit.
Mrs. W. S. Wright of Third avenue Is vls-
tlng her daughter , Mrs. Scott Ormeby , ot
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pullen will leave In
about two weeks for Colorado to look after
Mr. Pullen's mining Interests.
Miss Beeboc ot Modale Is visiting Council
Bluffs friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schocntgen went to
Creston Thursday evening on a short visit
o friends. i
Mrs. Guy Wllmot of 607 Washington avenue -
nuo left Thursday evening for Philadelphia ,
where she will spend tbe summer.
Mrs. William H. "Mullen of 324 Williams
street has gone to St. Louis , where she was
called by the death of her brohter.
Mrs. C. C. Campbell of Carson , who has
> een the guest of Mesdames Rlsser and
jyons during the last week , lett for her
homo last evening. i
Mre. T. J. Foley left Thursday evening
or North Platte , Neb. , where , she will spend
Easter with friends.
Mrs. H. E. Whitney , who has been vlslt-
ng her brother , H. M. Simpson of Second
avenue , and her mother , Mrs. M. E. S Imp-
on of North Platte , Neb. , has returned
6 her homo In Somerset , Ky. , where she
was called unexpectedly by Illness In her
amlly. She wag accompanied by Master
Hyde Simpson , who will upend the summed
n Kentucky. i
Mrs. M. C. Ewlng lias gone to St. Paul ,
Minn. , to vlelt relatives.
Dr. M. J. Balllnger , who has been sick for
overal weeks , has gone to .Colfax Springs to
ecuperate. i t
The Bluff Olty laundry's business has in
creased to such an extent that they have
> eea compelled to enlarge their .business by
he addition of a new wagon , one of the
Inest In the city when tbe finishing touches
are put.on. . They have also ordered a large
hydraulic brass washer. This Indicates
whlcb way the wind Is blowing so far as
he laundry business Is concerned.
The Great Auction Sale.
The opening auction sale of the large
ewelry stock of Koblnson Bros. , 408 and 410
( roadway , which was held yesterday afternoon
or ladles only and was the means of draw-
ng out an Immense crowd. Over two hun
dred women were turned away at the doors ,
> elng unable to obtain admittance. The ealo
will be continued this week every afternoon
and evening.
If you want to rent a house jvo still have
a few desirable ones. 206 Main street.
Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean
Old Mnn Get * 'Drunk ' and Then. Get *
Into Trouble.
David Richard , a carpenter , whose home Is
in Hastings , la. , was consigned to the city
| all yesterday to etay out a flno of $16.70 ,
which Judge Aylesforth Imposed upon him
after the charge ot intoxication had been
sustained. Richards came to the city on
Friday to buy a bill of lumber , and during
the evening purchased a large jag. After
midnight he Imagined ho waa In hte native
village and started for his home. He stopped
at the residence of Mrs. E. P. Johnson , wlte
ot a traveling man , and Imagined that It was
bis home. Mrs. Johnson was , alone In the
house , and was awakened by the sounds of
some one endeavoring to force an entrance
at one of the rear doors. She looked out a
window and saw Richards , whom eho sup
posed to be a burglar. She was armed with
a good revolver , but was unable to shoot ac
curately enough to hit the man , who quickly
ran away. The shots aroused a police offi
cer and ho captured Richards within a few
minutes. There -was no reason to doubt his
statement , and the old man was punished
simply for the irregular character of his
The Grand Itniih.
There will be a grand rush when the ex
position opens and Council Bluffs should be
looking her best. Put your house In shape
by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Select
your colons and then come to us and get
your paints and oils. The material you buy
at our house Is the best to be had. Our
paints will last , BO that you need not waste
money every year or 10 by repainting , as
will be the case If you use poor material.
We have tbo most extensive paint house In
tbe city and you are sure to be suited.
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass com
pany , Masonic block.
Read premium offers inside Domestic Soap
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Sprclal Council 'Meetlnir. '
The city council beld a brief special meet
ing last evening for the purpose of receiving
the report ot the epeclal committee tbat ws
appointed to assist the city attorney In reach ,
lag A conclusion aa to what was the beat
course to pursue In the matter of the cases
of Mr. and MM. A. W. Street against the
, ( Continued on Seventh Page. ) , ,
i. I
We-have made th&t term a household word during the two years wo have been in business in this city ,
"We started in on a business basis and we have the confidence of the merchants of the city. Do not bo imposed
0 > l
on by imitators , who cannot show you the goods you are to receive. Wo have a STORE OF OUR OWN , in
which we exhibit our full line of PREMIUMS , given in exchange for STAMPS.
( These are the Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are given. Buy here , collect Premium
Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE- ' , ( -
Art Studio.
Harry Schmidt , 403 Broadway. ( Stamps
given only when cash deposit Is modo. )
Art Xeedle Work.
Mesdames Stork & Crisp. 311 Broadway.
Ilaby Carriage * .
8. S. Keller , Sll , SIS , SIS tfroadway.
C. Wldmalcr , 828 Broadway.
Banjo * , Guitar * , Muudollni , Etc.
tkAirldus Music House , S2S Broadway.
J. T. Flndley , 837 Broadway.
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street.
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway. '
Htcrole Snnilrlen and llepnlr * .
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 8X7 Broadway.
DookB find Stationery.
t > . W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Give
ctamps when asked Tor at the tlmo goods
nro bought and paid for , except on school
books. )
Boot * and Shoe * .
8. A. FierceCo. . , 100 Main Street. ,
China nnd Glnntwnre.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Conl nnd Wo oil.
R. H. Williams , 160 Broadway
Dr. Jj. E. Roe , room 322 Merrlam Block.
Dr. A. O. Mudgo , 319 Broad-vrny.
Diamond * .
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
DruRi nnd Urtiar rl l ' Snndrle * .
Doll'O Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
Merrlam Block Pharmacy , cor. Main
Btrtet nnd Willow Avenue.
Brown & Wcsnor , 617 Alain Street.
( Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
I * Masscnbcrg , 630 Broadway.
tDy Work.
Bchoedsack's Twin City Dye Works , cor.
Avenue A nnd Twenty-sixth street.
Flour nnd Feed.
J./C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth
Charles Krlngol , Broadway and Oik.
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F.
R. J. Hancock , 05 North > 5th Street.
B. S. Keller , 311 , 311 , 815 BroaJwxy.
GrillqVork. .
6. 3. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Broadway.
" . ' . 'I ' Bear In mind that it costs you nothing to get our Premiums. The Premium Stamps , get them FREE. Our office Is always
1 * opeu and you are cordially invited to call and bring your friends. If you have been overlooked In the distribution of our Stump
Books , kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. They arc free to all. Yours very respectfully ,
Co-Operative Premium Association ,
. . " J r , . , f
The Big Four
Our ten cent goods , and
, . . .BOB and BOB JR.
Our five cent smokers ,
1 These cigars created a sensation when first
introduced in Council Bluffs , and they have „
gained in popularity ever since. Some smokers
insist .that they are the finest goods ever .
brought to this city but others claim I have
cigars equally as fine. Be that , as it may ,
when you want the best smoke in Council
Bluffs-come to my store and get satisfaction.
0 S. W. Cor. Pearl St. and Broadway.
Largest and finest retail cigar and tobacco storein
the Western Iowa Metropolis.
Everett , 16 Pearl it. , Council Bluffs , la. :
For rent a small farm of 30 acres , 2 > i miles from
the city. Very reasonable rental. Good hou9 ?
nnd stable.
For rent a house and If'-acres ' of land , . % of a
mile from the city limits. Rental. 13.00 per
month. r ' > ( J
Good land In central .Nebraska for rent for a
share of the crop. t ) . j
10 acres of coed land/fo / rcnt near Honey Creek ,
Will rent on shares.JI
Good house of 10 rodrafl and one aero of land ,
fruit and garden , flyjreef \ , beautiful location ,
near the city , kn'JvI .Jaa "Cherry IIIll"t for
rent for the summer very reasonable.
d .1
Good C-room house ffon rent at (7.00 per munth ,
near the motor line , r
Good farm for eali..1j'.Vnlle of Underwood , ICO
acres , well Improved , splendid land. Omaha
or Council DluMs property taken In part pay
A splendid bottom form for sale near Mondumln.
Tart payment taken , ' In Omaha or Council
Bluffs city property,200.00 ; / ! will be taken In
Good forma for rent for the season of ISO ) at a
low rental to responsible parties.
S acres of land near the city for sale. Will tnVo
part payment In painting or carpenter work.
Gardens and farms for tale In the beat part of
western Iowa.
Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-Law ,
Pearl it. , Council Elu'rrs , la.
Unds ( or uli cr r nt. Oar * Uta , W Fttri
§ tr V
flrncerle * .
Bartcl & Miller , 100 West Broadway.
Phone 3C9.
John Olsen , 733 Broadway.
C. A. Lacy , SSI Harrison Street.
J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth
Hnnscn & Myrtue , 330 Uroadway.
Kvuris & Kissel , 642 Broadway.
A. W. Barrott , 912 Av nUe P.
It. J. Hnncock , 605 NorthlSth Street.
Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Oak.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street.
Charlea Bwatno , 340 'Flroadwny. '
HnrneHU nnil Siulillery.
. Walters Bros. , 143 Broadway.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Eagle Laundry Co. , 721 Broadway.
( Bnttcnebcrp and Hontton. )
.Meadamos Stork & Crisp , 341 ( Broadway.
Mont Market * .
J. H. Pace , 738 Broadway.
C. II. Huber & Bro. , 112 East Broadway.
C. O. D Market. , C H. Orvli. Prop. , D37
Welkcr Meat Co. . 221 South Main 8U
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue. P.
Merchant Tnllurlnff.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
Milliner } ' .
Miss I * ( A. Wollman , 333 Broadway.
8. 8. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Bnitway.
Mnnlcnl Merchandise ,
Bourlclus Muslo House , 323 Broadway. '
nnd Periodical * .
D. W. Buehnell , 22 Main street. ( diva
Btampn when asked for at the time goods
are bought and paid for , except on school
books. )
Omaha Dally Boo , 10 Pearl Street.
Optical Oooili.
( M. Wollman , 403 Broadway. ( Eyes tested
free. )
Photographic "Work.
Harry Schmidt , 408 Broadway , i ( Stamps
given only when cash deposit Is made. )
Sntnnlay Mnht , April 0 Sunday Aft
ernoon , April 1O Banter SIiUliicc.
New York Production
Miss Marie Louise Guneaer , 1'rlma Donna
Soprano Mr. Marie Illodek , Viol da Oumtja.
Selected program latest musical novelties.
Ilcrr Theodor llocli , greatest cornetlit In the
PRICES First floor , COc ; balcony , 33c nnd DOc ;
gallery , 2Cc. Matinee trices , 25c and Die.
Seats now on sale.
Four NlKlit * Coiiiinenelnir Sunday ,
April 10.
Realism Realized The Mngnlllccnt Melodrama
Masterpiece ,
The Pay Train.
Two Tons of Special Scenery and Massive
Mechanism Sparkling Specialties
Clever Company.
TRICKS loc-sco-soc.
Beats now on sale.
SURETY IIO.\DSIovre t Ilntci.
All surety bonds executed at my office.
JAS. X. CASADY , Jit. ,
23O Main Street Council Illuff * .
As an
Advertising Medium
The Bee
Is Unexcelled ,
Rates on application.
Paint * ! Oil * and Glaiff.
Dell O , Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. .
Merrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Main
Street ami Willow Avenue *
Brort-n. & Wesncr , 617 MtUn BtmoU
[ Morgan. & Co. , 140 Broadway.
Piano * and Orgrnn * .
Bourlclus Muslo Houie , 323 Broadway.
llootn MnnlilliiK.
J. B. Long , ' 31 Afaln Stroet.
Serrlnur llnchlne * .
J. T. Flndley , 337 Broadway.
Sheet < Mn lo.
Bourlclua Muslo Houie , 325 Broadway.
Shoe * .
B. A. Pierce & Co. , 100 Main Street. ,
J. B. Lone , 31 Main Street.
M. Wollman , 409 Brondwny.
Mesdamea Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway.
Stove * and nannre * .
Cole & Cole 41 Main Street.
Chnrloa Swalne , 340 'Broadway. '
Silk * .
( Homlnwfty nnd Brnlnerd & Armstrong. )
Mesdames Stork & Crisp. 341 Broadway.
Tailoring- .
Simon Johnson & Co. , B43 Broadway.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street. '
Charles Swnlne , ' 340 Broadway.
John Olson , 739 Broadway.
R. 'J. Hancock , C03 North 8th Street.
Turf Rood * .
Walters Bros. , 143 Brotiwny.
tlllliolmcr- .
B. S. Keller , 311. 313 , 315 Broadway.
AVnll Paper.
J. B. Lone31 Main Street.
Wntche * nnd Ulock * .
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
WUurd Couuh Elixir.
Brown & Wcsner , 617 Main Street.
C. A. Locv. 3S1 Harrison Street.
R. H. Williams. 150 Broadway.
'A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F
R. J. Hancock , 603 North 8th Street.
Dealers Mislead !
You when they claim that they can sell you a
Just as Good as the
TRIBUNE Models 35 and 36.
for § 35.00 , or $40.00 or § 50.
THEY CANNOT DO IT. Neither can we. .
The price is the same to all '
Models 33 atid 34 - - - $50.00
Models 350 , 35 and 36 - $75.00
All 1898 goods , We can show you wheels , however- '
guaranteed wheels , 1898 wheels , ranging in price fronjj
$22.50 to $45.00-GoodWhtclsfortheMoncy-
MONEY TALKS ! I and the money makes the wheels go.
Drop in and see how 'tis.
A full line of Sundries at reduced prices. Bicycle Livery an < H
Repair shop in connection.
Premium Stamps given on all cash purchases. .
The Council Bluffs Cyelery ,
No. 337 Broadway.
Telephone 205. Exclusive Bicycle Dealers.
Are You G cirg to Plant
Trees and Shrubbery ?
If you arc , wo linvo ovcrytlihiK ' tli
tree nnd nlirub line front the mnnllcat
siiront to the full Krown Imrdy tree !
Very choice large Snow Kails nnd Lllnc ,
shade , ornainunlnl nnd fruit trues. WQ
have u complete Htock at /
18th and Douglas Sts./
whore you cnn make your own selection
nnd si-o what you're buying. r
& Telephone 170. Orders promptly de
livered. Now is the time to plant.
f m f - * - * - T -f
mmm t fmmmmmmmmm f _ irL , _ _ . _ . . , . _ _ _ _ _
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
Made DeaUrs Who Appreciate for * opylled Trade bjr Good Smoke - , John 0. Woodward & Co.