Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Moore. ' " . stock food.
Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlain block.
Early Ohio potatoes. Bartct ft Miller.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam bile
Mre. A. D. Cook has recovered from a
lovcre attack of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schocntgcn have gone
< o Crcston on a short visit.
Girl wanted for general housework. Mrs.
Oscar Kccllnc , CIS South 7th.
Wanted At once , first-class preparcr for
millinery at Miss Sprlnk'e , 21 South Main
Complete sets of the Ireland views eon
bo had at The Dee office , No. 10 Pearl. Call
before April 10.
Barton Nelson , the newly appointed Janitor
of the city building , 'ban ' assumed the duties
of his position ,
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color nd finish. 620 Pearl
itreet. Phone 290.
W. A. Johnson and family returned from
Sterling , III. , Wednesday and will make their
fiitnro homo In Uila city.
Bert Montgomery of Kcokuk has taken the
position of night operator at tbe yard office
of the Omaha & St. Louis.
A marrlflco license was granted yesterday
to Edward Stevenson , aged 21 , and Catherine
Bailey , aged 18 , both of Omaha.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724
Grace Church Saturday , holy baptism at
4 p. m. ; Easter day , holy communion at 0:30 :
a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon at 11 ;
children's service at 7:30 : p. m.
There will be no meeting of the Grand
Army of the Republic post this evening on
account of the hall being occupied by the
Union Veteran union and Its yellcf corps.
Walter T. Kirk of James S. Kirk & Co. of
Chicago has boon In the city for several
days looking over tbe trade with tbe com
pany's western manager , George Rudlo. He
returned to Chicago last evening.
"The Pay Train" will bo the opening piece
of the Western Circuit Stock company of , Its
four nights' engagement at the Dohany
theater , commencing tomorrow evening.
Many realistic scenes of railway life will bo
Francis Mad lion , Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Madlaon , died at the residence
of hlo parents , 1117 South Seventh street , at
9 p. m. yesterday , aged 1 month , The fu
neral will be held from r&Mdence at 2 p. m.
today. Interment In Catholic cemetery.
The Mozart Symphony club will be the at
traction at the Dohany theater tonight.
Every member of the company Is an artlnt
In his especial line and a flue program will
bo rendered throughout. Richard Stoelzer ,
viola and viola d'amour soloist , will be one
of the Interesting features. A matlnco will
bo given Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Anna E. Cacnpbcll , wife of William H ,
Campbell ; died at their residence , 1301 Sev
enth avenue , yesterday afternoon , from
apoplexy , aged C3 years. The deceased wan
stflckn about noon and \\aa not discovered
until half-past twelve , and In an unconccious
condition , from which she never rallied. She
was a member ot the Council Bluffs Rcbekah
lodge No. 3 , a member ot ibo Women's Relief
conw No. 180 , and also a member of the
Methodist church.
Chief of the fire department Bates yester
day appointed James Cotter to the vacancy
caused liy his own promotion from No. 1 hose
company. Cotter has bad seven years' ex
perience In the Council Bluffs fire depart
ment and ho will simply fall back Into his
old place in his old company. For the
present Will Matthcson will serve as captain
of the company. This Is the only change
tbat has been made In the department by
the new'chief. .
J. J. Brown has rented his home on Sev
enth street and Fifth avenue , furnished , to
Dudley Smith of Omaha , director ot the
Transmtastsslppl Exposition and chairman of
tbo bureau of comfort. Mr. Smith and family
take possession next Thursday , and will re
main in this city until the exposition closes.
Mr. Brown and family will bpend most of
the summer out ot town , but during their
Ptay in Council Bluffs will bo located at the
Ryan cottage on the opposite corner.
Rev. J. M. Crowell. D. D. , secretary of the
American Sunday School union , with bead-
quarters In Philadelphia , wrote a letter to-
Rev. Henry DC Long , which was received
yesterday , announcing that he had sent a
package containing 300 beautiful Easter
cards to be distributed among the children
at DeLong's Industrial school this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. DoLing want It understood
that the boys as well as tbo girls are ex
pected to be present and enjoy tbo feast that
has been provided for them.
Today the great Baiter festival will be
observed by the pupils of the DeLong In
dustrial School for Girls , and about 250 pu
pils , with half a hundred prominent women
ot the city , who are acting as teachers , will
make the Elsoman building- notable place.
A general Invitation has been extended to
the public to attend the exercises. Rev. W ,
S. Barnes , pastor ot the First Presbyterian
church , -will addreia the children at 2:30 :
o'clock. The girls have had the privilege
extended ot Inviting their mothers and
brothers to the lunch tbat will be furnished.
O. B. Vluva Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C
Health book furulnhed. 326-327-3i'8 Merrlam
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnnp , Baldwin blk
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Buy your groceries at J. Zoller & Co.
Iloynl Arcnniim Grand
'All arrangements have been completed for
the meeting ot the grand council of the
Royal Arcanum of Iowa , which will be held
In this city commencing on Tuesday of next
week. The arrangement * for the entertain
ment of the delegates have been In charge
ot tbo members of the local council No. 156.
The meeting Is the soventth annual conven
tion ot the order In the state. The local
committees have provided a fine banquet for
the delegates and their friends at the Grand
hotel on Tue&day evening and x grand ball
In Arcanum hall ou Wednesday evening.
Following Is the program for sessions ot the
meeting :
Tuesday , April 12 Session grand council ,
Royal Arcnniim hall , 10 a. m. to 12 m. ; re
cess ; special meeting Fidelity council con
ferring degrees , 1 p. m. to 2:20 : p. m. ; gesalon
grand council , 2:30 : p. m. to G p. m. : enter
tainment , Hoyal Arcanum hall , Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock ; banquet to grand coun
cil and members of Fidelity council at the
Grand hotel at 9:30 : o'clock p. m.
Wednesday , April .13 Entertainment ot
Visitors by members of Fidelity council. In.
eluding circuit of the two cities on special
electric motor cars and visit to exposition
grounds ; ball , Royal Arcanum hall , 8:30 :
p. m. _
Poultry wlro and garden seeds at J. Zoller
ft Co.
\Vnter 1IIIU Now Due.
Fay this week and save five per cent.
Poultry \ \ fro and. garden aeeds at J. Zoller
ft Co.
Ot Crescent City are here in Council Bluffs
and Omaha with their flne line ot trult trees ,
grape vice * , etc. , and all klnda ot flne hade
tree * , flowering shrubs and rose * . Their
ale grounds are located at 615 East Broad
way , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam itreet ,
one block west ot Twentieth afreet , Omaha ,
where you will be waited on at 11 time *
with pleasure. We cell all gooda very cheap
nd guarantee til goods flnt-clts * .
- -
Local Exposition Committee Cnggests the
Necessity of Assistance.
Condition of the Ix > cnl Fond Set Oat
and n Vlult to the Uroanda
Blade Prior to Any
Action ,
A committee headed by President Graham of
the CouncirniufTs Exposition association held
a conference with the members of the Board
of Supervisors yesterday afternoon and made
a statement of the condition ot the building
fund designed for the erection ot the Potta-
\vattamlc wigwam on the exposition grounds.
ThU statement \vas ot such a character that
It fadlcatcl the necessity for financial as
sistance from the county. The matter had
been thoroughly canvassed several weeks ago
and the fact made prominent that there was
n strong feeling on the part ot a majority
of the citizens of the county favorable to
the board making a suitable appropriation
for the purpose of a creditable exhibit ot the
county's products and resources' at the expo
sition. The supervisors yesterday listened
kndly to the suggestions made by Chairman
Graham and no objections or criticisms were
offered. The matter was not presented to the
> 3ard In such a manner that It would call
'or any sort of commitment of the members ,
jut merely the necessity for some act'on ' waa
urged. Every member showed the liveliest
ntorest In the subject , and when the sugges
tion was made that the "board adjourn and ac
company the committee across the river for
the purpose of viewing the exposition 'build
ings the Invitation waa promptly accepted
ind a resolution was passed adjourning the
board for the afternoon.
At 2 o'clock the members nnd the com
mittee took a motor car for Onnha. Nearly
al the afternoon was spent In viewing the
nights around the exposition grounds and the
beard members returned In the evening more
favorably Impressed than ever with the Im
portance of taking prompt action to assist the
wigwam enterprise.
So far no particular amount to bo appro
priated has been suggested , but It has been
ascertained that the Individual members have
flxoj amounts In their minds varying from
$1,000 to $2,000. Either sum would be greatly
appreciated by the exposition committee , but
the latter amount would be received with de
vout thanks. The board will take up the
matter when It meets again this morning.
One or the other of these amounts will bo
appropriated unless the board Is shown that
there Is paltlvcly no warrant In law for It.
firnml KitNter ! or Kid Cloven.
i lot of ladles' black and tan kid gloves ,
4 pearl buttons , sizes 5 % and 6 , at 48c a pair.
Ladles' two-clasp walking gloves. In the
new reds , English tans , browns and modes ,
all sizes , regular $1.25 glove , at S9c a pair.
Complete line of the celebrated P. Cente-
merl and Foster , Paul & Co. kid gloves , all
new novelties In color and make , some
special values at $1.25. $1.50 , $1.63 and $1.75 ,
Ladles' plain white hemstitched handker
chiefs , warranted pure linen , at lOc , 3 for 25c ,
Ladles' fine Swiss embroidered handker
chiefs , worth 25c , at 12c } each.
An odd lot of flne embroidered linen band-
kerchiefs , fancy embroidered and embroi
dered and hemstitched , also with flne Val.
lace edge. These goods , worth from 25c to
60c each , we offer choice , 19c each , or 6 for
The correct styles a wonderful assort
Fowler , Dick & Walker.
Council Bluffs.
Dr. Kellogg , Osteopath , 303 Sapp building ,
Council Bluffs. Graduate from the original
school of osteopathy at Klrksvllle , Mo.
Save your Domestic Soap wrappers.
Hoard of .Suporvlxnr * Hn \ambei
of Vncnnclcn to Fill.
County Auditor Matthews presented to the
Board of Supervisors yesterday a list of the
vacancies that had arisen In the ofllces ol
Justices of the peace and constables through
out the county since the regular meeting ol
the beard In January. A number of the
men -wfio were elected last fall failed tc
qualify on the 1st of January as the Ian
prescribes , and the vacancies were filled
Since then a number bavo resigned and
others have moved out of the county ant
state without taking the trouble to notlfj
the county officials that they had vacated
the offices to which they were elected , Tht
board filled the following vacancies : Jus-
tlces of the peace Belknap township , J. N
Gardiner ; Crescent , N. Swanson ; Layton , J
B. Johnascn ; Lincoln , F. W. Jones and E
L. Pardee ; Norwalk , Thomas Flood and R
M. McKlnzle. Constables Carson township Herbert ; Center , H. W. Bowers ; Grove
F. E. Putnam ; Keg Creek , Fred Lammert
Norwalk , F. L. Johnson ; Pleasant , August
Volght ; Rockford , Francis E. Bailey ; Silvei
Creek , W. F. Auckland ; Waveland Ed Wil
son ; Wright. W. M. Quick.
The board took up the proposition of th <
Nebraska Telephone company to place tWt
long distance telephones In the county cour
house , which was called out by a petlttor
bearing the names of all of the officero em
ployed in the building with the exception
of the county auditor. The proposition waite
to furnish the Instruments for $70 a yeai
cod extension teta leading Into anotber roon
for $30 a year. No action was taken la thi
matter , but It will probably bo favorablj
considered before the board adjourns.
A proteat was received from the manage
ment of the Women's Christian Aesoclatlot
hospital against the refusal of the oversee
of the poor to pay for a pauper patient wh <
was'sent to the hospital. Payment was re
fused upon the grounds that the person h < u
been sent to the hospital In the regular wd ;
and according to tbe regulations of the beard
Tae board expect * to complete Us labon
today and will adjourn until June.
The Orund ltnh.
There will be a grand rush when the ex
position opens and Council Bluffa should be
looking her best. Put your house In shape
by giving It a fresh coat of paint. Selecl
your colors and then come to us and gel
your paints and oils. The material you buj
at our house IB the best to be had. Out
paints will last , so that you need not waste
money every year or so by repainting , &i
will bo the case If you use poor material ,
W have the most extensive paint house In
the city and you are sure to be suited.
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass com
pany , Maconlo block.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Dr. Reller , osteopath , Reno block" .
\Vnter IIIIU Now One.
Pay this week 'and save five per cent.
Poultry wire and garden seed * at J. Zolle :
& Co.
Dor * Who Stole Itrn i.
Jullui Chernlsi , a South Main itreet ec
end-band dealer , complained to the pollc
that sneak thlevec had teen stealing sera ]
brail from his warehouse. Ioyr tlgatloa b ;
* * " " - * *
"Jtid In discovering tht tole :
tuff In the shop of another second-band
dealer on Broadway. Ho Identified George
Lawrence and Albert Palmer as the boys who
bad sold It to him. They were placed under
arrest yesterday and gave the additional In
formation that Joe Prultt , another member
of ( ho gang , bad assisted In the stealing by
breaking Into the storehouse and handing out
the stuff. Prultt was also placed under ar
rest and held for further examination. The
two other boys were glvea ten.days each In
the county Jail ,
Methodist market , as usual today , at the
Candy Kitchen.
Jnlitre Smith Henri * Evidence In. n.
Sennntlntial Cnne.
The attention of Judge Smith In the district
court yesterday was taken up with hearing
the evidence In a rather peculiar land trans
action. T."J. Corrothers , the former elec
trician and chief engineer of the Council
Bluffs electric light plant , la the plaintiff
and J. W. 'Morse and C. R. Nicholson , real
cfltatc dealers here , are the defendants. Some
rather sensational testimony was given yes
terday tending to show that Carrothers had
been defrauded of his homestead to this city.
The plaintiff Is suing to have a deed set
aside by which he transferred his homestead
to Morse and Nicholson and received In con
sideration some worthless land In Kansas.
Carrothcrs alleges that the deal abounds In
peculiar transactions that have tended to
shake his faith In mankind.
On the witness stand yesterday ho told a
long and sensational story of the transaction ,
swearing that the defendants InduccJ him to
execute a deed to his property upon the
understanding that the Kansas land was
owned by a client of theirs who lived In
Wyoming , and that the land had already been
sold by them for cash. He testified that he
made several trips with Morse to Omaha In
quest of the man who had bought the land
and who was to pay the cash. This man W
alleges to have been a myth , and that an
Omaha man named Buck assisted In the de
ception. While hunting for the man and
valtlog for his appearance In Buck's office
he alleges that the deed to his property was
obtained possession of and placed on record.
The Kansas land ho avers to be worthless ,
while his own property was worth nearly
2.00D. The transaction occurred In 1895
and has been pending In court ever since.
The defendants deny every allegation of the
plaintiff and swear that neither of them ever
made a trip with him to Omaha. The hear-
ng will be completed today.
Witter IIIIlN Jiow Due.
Pay , this week and save five per cent.
The Heat In Town.
Speaking of paints , there Is ono brand
that leads all others that's Harrison's.
George S. Davis sells It.
Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry.
Chief Illxliy Given Out the AHHRII- |
mpittM of Illn Olllt-ern.
P. A. Blxby , the now chief of police , has
not assumed the duties of his office yet , but
lias announced his assignments of the new
men appointed by Mayor Jennings. L. A.
Bergman will be day Jailer and will begin
his dutle-j on Sunday , He takes the place
of iH. L. Ward. Dick Denny will begin his
work as- night captain on Saturday alght.
displacing Captain D. Maltby. D. L. Wler
will take the place of Officer Murphy on the
detective force. J. R. Taylor will take the
pUce of omcer Custer. Andy Swanson will
replace Officer Vandenburg. S. Albro will
replace Officer Peterson and Frank Fowler
and J. L. Smith will toke the places of Offi
cers Martin and Hans Peterson. Each of
these new mra will take up their work to
For the present Detectives Anderson and
Beswlck will lie retained and Andy Neally
will continue to drive the patrol wagon for
a few days. It Is expected that Chief Blxby
will take formal possession of the office to
The Shoe for the Foot ,
Not the foot for the shoe. The human foot
was not Intended to be a last. There Is no
need breaking In a gooi shoe. A rightly
made shoe will At from the start. We see
to It that you do not leave our store with
a shoe you ought not to wear. We make
our monev from people who buy our shoe ?
year after year. The factory backs our
shoes up and so do we. A lady who wears
a pair of our shoes once weara them always.
If you want your feet properly fitted In a
nice , stylish shoe for Easter , at $2 , $3 or
$4. come to me. SARGENT.
Look for the Bear. Good Shoes.
Hoffmayr'B fancy patent flour makea the
best and meet bread. Ask your grocer for U.
Buy your moat at J Zoller & Co.
Ellsworth Ilelil for Investigation.
Art Ellsworth , who was arrested two days
ago upon a complaint eworn to by Mrs. Chris
tina Peterson , charging him with disturbing
the peace , had a hearing In police court
yesterday morning and was discharged , for
the reason that the prosecuting witness fallej
to appear. An hour later County Physician
Stephenson appeared at the police station
to give the Information that Mre. Peterson
was confined to her bed by bis orders and
that her condition was such that It would
be several days before she would bo able to
leave It. Ho said the woman was suffering
from severe Injuries which she alleged had
been Inflicted by Ellsworth during the prog
ress of the trouble that caused his arrest.
There were numerous black and blue places
on her body and she had received abdominal
Injuries which ho feared might prove dan
gerous. The cato will be investigated.
A ndilnemt Chnnce.
I have one of the best locations In the
city of Council Bluffs for sale. Restaurant
and Ice cream parlors , fruit and confection
ery business. All new stock and fixtures.
If taken this week will eell at a bargain.
Good reason for celling. Address F. Bee
office. Council Bluffs.
Silver teaspoons still go with Domestic
Myer Start * for Annnpoll * .
George Meyers , who was recently r ap-
polntcd to the cadctehlp at Annapolis , left
last evening for that place , accompanied by
Mra J. W. Smith , his sister. Mr. Meyers
was appointed year , but after passing
a most creditable scholastic examination was
rejected on account of a slight physical de
fect. It was believed tbat this was produced
by the young man's Intense application to
his studies 'after reaching Annapolis and be
fore submitting to bis examination. His
physician has pronounced his physical con
dition'now to be perfect and his friend's have
no reason to fear that he will again be re
jected. At his scholastic examination his
average lacked only a fraction of 100 In all
of his studies.
On the Lookout for Tlilevei.
The sheriffs of Montgomery and Mills
counties have discovered that the covered
wagon outfit containing a couple of thieves
who are supposed to have robbed a Glen-
wood warehouse of a large number of hides
have been operating In both counties , and
have stolen a full wagonload of plunder from
both counties. They offer a reward of $100
for the arrest of the thieves. The outfit is
described as a light wagon with black oil
cloth cover , containing two men , one of
whom appears to be sickly. They have been
traced nearly to Council Bluffs and are sup
posed to have crossed the river and are In
Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean
St. KrnneU Academy.
The St. Francis academy manager * are
making preparations for building an extensive
addition to the already large nchool build-
Ins. The Improvements contemplate the
building of a new wing on the north aide of
the building. This addition will to 40x55
feet , three stories In height. The attic of
tbe main building fronting on Seventh street
will also be raised , giving n additional
tory to that part , and the Fifth avenue
front will alee be remodeled. Tbe academy
Is enjoying a prosperous eeaton , with forty-
elgtot boarding puplla in attendance and five
more coming In Monday ot next week.
Governor Shaw WilJ'aJ Once Send the
National GuaroVto tbe Front.
In a Short Tlmet Sefernl Thonnnnd
Men Can lie iPni lu Itendl-
ncm to. Klichi for the
DES MOINES , April 7. ( Special. ) In case
Governor Shaw of Iowa Is called upon for
troops ha will send the National Guard to
the front and then call for volunteers. The
numerical strength of tbo Iowa National
Guard la 2,700 men. It could bo doubled , by
enlistment of former guardsmen within
forty-elg'ht ' hours. After the National Guard
has been sent to the front It would be the
plan of the governor to call upon the volun
teers who have had considerable drill and
who have a good knowledge of tactics. This
would Include volunteers from the collega
battalions at the University of Iowa , the
State Agricultural college and Cornell col
lege. Each of these battalions has tendered
Ito service to the governor , and from them
500 well drilled men could be obtained. By
using the members of these battalions to
form "skeleton companies" and enlisting
green men to fill up tbe companies a force
of 2,000 men would be obtained which would
require but very little drill to put them In
condition for service.
General James Hugh Lincoln , commandant
of the State Agricultural battalion and a man
who Is considered an authority on military
tactics and strategy by tno authorities of
the War department , has sent the governor
a list of 128 well drilled men who have had
several years' drill and who are anxious to
serve. In tendering their service the olficlul
document says : "Wo respectfully ask as
signment at tbo earliest possible date. "
The Adjutant general has been quietly In
vestigating the question of supplier , nnd In
case of necessity would bo able to place his
orders Inttantly. The Western Union Tele
graph company has notified the general that
It Is prepared to put In a telegraph office
In the rooms of the adjutant general at tbo
state house within an hour after war Is de
E. J. Cooper has begun the work of ferret
ing out the illegal voters who cast ballots
at the recent school election. board
voted "In the Interests of good government
and pure elections" to turn the work of
Investigation over to Mr. Cooper. They gave
him 600 affidavits sworn to by men who were
not registered for the election , but who were
permitted to vote by swearing their ballots
In. Each affidavit will bo thoroughly In
vestigated and all guilty parties will be
given their Just deserts.
Senator Healy of Fort Dodge has been In
the city several days In conference with the
State Board of Control. Air. Healy designed
the bill which created the board and Ida
been present nt the , meo lnga of the bcurd
to assist them In organizing. Senator Hialy
will leave shortly for a trip around the
world. Ho will bo gone , nine months atul
during the tour will visit all the leadl'ig
countries of the globe.
One of the fcaturcs < of tbo Charles W. Budd
national shoot to be held In this city next
month will .bo the formation of the Iowa
Field Trial association , trfo objects of which
will bo the closer organization of the sports
men of Iowa and the 'west ' for pleasure and
business W. E. Nason and Dr. Summers of
Omaha arc among the promoters of the plan
and Iho following sportsmen of Council Bluffs
are among the prime mdv-crs In the scheme ;
G ll Hamilton , H. S. .West , E. T. Waterman ,
George H. Nleoll , M. O. Ewlng , W. H.'Hunt
ress , W. D. Hardln , Wllllatri Hardln , F. E.
Klngsbury , Oscar Kccltno and C. B. Rnnd-
lett. The shoot will be one of the big events
In the west thU season and marksmen will
be present from all over the country.
Chairman Weeks of the middle-of-the-road
populist state central committee was In the
city today making arrangements for tbe
meeting of the committee to be held In this
city next week. Mr. Weeks says the popu
lists will bold their state convention at an
early date this year and that they will com
mence an aggressive campaign before the
other parties are In the field. It Is the In
tention of the populists to do everything In
their power In this year's campaign , and
Chairman Weeks says that tiu-y will undoubt
edly sfaow an Increase In strength.
The supreme court handed down twenty-
one decisions today. An Important decision
was given In the cases brought about by
the failure of the old zoological gardens here
several years ago , the court holding the
stockholders liable for the unpaid portion of
their stock. The "zoo" left a big debt and
the stockholders will now have to pay It.
Cnnrt-niartlal Trial of nn Iniunte of a
Solillcm' Home.
iMARSHALLTOWN , la. , April 8. ( Special. )
An unusual proceeding In the matter of
disciplining a resident In the Iowa Soldier's
ihome hero was resorted to this week. For
a time the home was under military dis
cipline , as It were , and a court martial held
full sway over the case of one of the mem
bers , James C. Orr , who Is a sergeant com
manding the Home's gun squad. The charge
for which the defendant was summoned be
fore the court-martial was that he had used
defamatory language In speaking of Presi
dent William McKtnley. The remark came
to the cars of Commandant Horton , who
thought best to hold a court-martial and de
termine what punishment should be given
the defendant. The course was soon decided
upon and after due notice to Mr. Orr a
court was appointed. The method of dis
cipline was thought strange by the defend
ant , as he was unaware that the home waa
under military rule or that a court-martial
had the affairs of the Institution In charge ,
Ho obeyed the summons , however , and appeared -
peared a * , the appointed time. The case
was quite lengthy and about twenty wit
nesses were .examined , the testimony being
taken by a stenographer. The finding wae
posted onthe home's bulletin board as follows -
lows :
In the matter of the trial by court-mar'
Hal , under special order No. 18 , of Jume :
1. Orr , sergeant of gun squad1 , charced wlU
language unbecoming a soldier nnd a gen
tleman .towards President McKlnley , th <
court , after a fair trial nnd due dellbera
lion , fourd him Butlty as charged and sen *
tencexl him ns follows : That he be rcducei
to the ranks ) and. reprimanded by the com'
mandant. .
In approving this finding and sentence , '
will say fnat while it | j } the privilege ol
any and nil American citizens to criticise
the official action of any ofllcial of the re
public , either high onlow , no language cai
bo tolerated by a member of thlsl home
which Is unbecoming a soldier nnd a gen
tleman , or prejudicial , tp the good order am
disclipllnei of the Institution.
, , T
Woman Found Drl irfrom ! the Effect !
of < Ja .
DES MOINES , la. , April 8. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) 'Deputy ' SheriffPflterson , while mak
ing a levy on some .goods In a block al
Fourth and Locust streets , Just before noon
Rmollcd gas Issuing from bne of the rooms ot
the second floor , rented by Mrs. Graham , t
'boarding ' house keeper. He broke In anc
found a youag woman dying of asphyxiation
the gas being turned on full. Her collar or
the floor bore the mark "Ed Aeh. " An tin *
known young man came with her to thj
For Infant * and Children ,
Ust night and the ? were given an
apartment. Ho left early this morning
The windows were down tight ayd the affair
has the aspect of a murder. The woman U
still alive , but can hardly live. Kffnrts to
find the tnan who was with her have been
( utltc.
The case of the young woman found on
the verge of asphyxiation ] this morning Is a
puzzler to the police and they cannot deter *
mine whether It was Ignorance , attempted
murder or attempted suicide. She became
conscious at 6 this evening , but as yet has
been unable to make any statement. She
will live.
Candidate for Itnllrond CointnlimloncT
LE JlAItS , la. , April 8. ( Spcclal. ) North
west Iowa republicans will go to the state
convention In September aaklng the nomina
tion of J. U. Sammls of this city for rail
road commissioner , to succeed Senator Pal
mer of Mt. Pleasant , who has Just been ap
pointed to the vacancy caused by the death
of Captain Davidson of Hull.
Striker * Hi-mime Wcirtt.
OTTUMWA. la. , April 8. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The coal miners of the CentervlllJ
district , who have been out on a strike
since April 1 , went back to work this morn.
Ing. The operators clit the mln'mg price
on April 1 from 90 cento to 70 cents per ton ,
The men had asked SO cents. Twenty-flvo
hundred men are affected.
Itolilird nt Ml ( nix City.
SIOUX CITY , la. , April 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Miss Harriet Mclntyro of Waterloo ,
la. , who travels for a St. Louts gum house ,
was robbed of $ GO In the postofflco In Sioux
City this morning. A man snatched the money
out of her hands. She had received It In a
letter a few minutes before and was counting
It when robbed. The thief got away.
'ieliool HoiiHo nt GleiiTvnod.
GLKNWOOD , la. . April 8. ( Special. ) The
school board of Qlcnwood has contracted
with a Des Molncs firm of architects for the
plans and specifications for the new school
house. It Is now believed that a satisfactory
building can be erected and the heating and
furnishing provided for from $12,000 to | 12-
ATLANTIC , la. , April 8. ( Special. ) J. W.
Durrla of Brighton township brought to this
city seven timber wolf whelps he captured
this morning near his residence and about
fifty yards from the Buck creek bridge. The
farmers In that vicinity have been losing an
unusually large number of chickens of late.
Sentenced for Itohliery.
OTTUMWA , la. , April S. ( Special. ) nob-
crt Durkln was sentneccd In district court
to three and a half yeara In the penitentiary
on his plea of guilty for complicity In the
Eldon bank robbery. Ho was captured In
Now York. This makes three of the gang
to receive sentences.
Hey Futility Injured.
CEDAH RAPIDS , April S. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Frank Krejcl , a boy IS years old ,
while attempting to catiti onto a moving
train this evening , fell under the wheels anil
was so badly Injured that he died In a few
IiMvn I'rcHH Comment.
Belle Plalnc Union : We are glad to note
that there Is to be no attempt to have a state
fair this year. The fair at Om ha will bo
fair enough for this year for the middle wedt.
Our turn will come again In 1S99.
Kcokuk Oate City : It Is estimated that
the recent session of the legislature , which
lasted eighty-two dajs , cost the state $141-
752. The new Board of Control law alone
will soon save the entire expense of the ses
sion to the people of Iowa.
Dosne News : Governor Shaw Is evidently
In great demand as an onjtor. In the last
week he has been Invited to deliver sound
money addresses In New York , Rochester ,
Providence and Chicago. The governor feels
that at this critical time It Is Impossible for
htm to accept.
Cedar Rapids Republican : It would take
$50,000 to run a 1C to 1 paper for a year
In DCS Molnea If the piper was to bo an up-
to-dato Journal. There were about fifty
democrats In the last legislature. How
would It be If they were asked to put up
$1,000 apiece as an earnest of their good faith
In the proposition they make to the effect
that a genuine democratic sheet should be
established at the capital ?
lo vit XCWM Mote * .
The women of Cllntca arc successfully
conducting an Industrial school.
The Sons of the American Revolution will
hold their state convention at Des Molnes
April 19.
The docket of the district court of Shelby
cpraty consists of elx criminal cases , sixty
equity cases and 144 law cases.
Ttio packet business on the Mississippi
river between Davenport and towns up and
down the river has commenced.
The United Commercial Travelers of
America have organized a council at Fort
Dodge and elected olDccrs for the coming
The applications for positions In the public
school.of . Iowa Falls are coming In thick
and there will be no dearth of material from
which the board may select.
If war cannot bo averted Foster's Opera
house In DCS Molnes will have to have a
new drop curtain. The one now used Is a
picture of the Qlraldl palace , the home of the
royal family In Spain.
Read premium offers Inside Domestic Soap
Heal liatateTrnnxfer * .
The following transfers are reported from
the tltlo and loan omcc of J. W. Squire , 101
Pearl street :
Minnie M. Danforth to P. W. BroUn.
undivided two-thlrda of Ogden
w. d . $12,000
P. T. True , and wife to P. W. Brown ,
undivided one-third of Ogden house
property In Council Bluffs , w. d. . . . 12,000
Jl. H. White and wife to George F.
Hemstreet. lot 7. block 7 , Bayllss'
Third addition , w. d . 200
James D. Watson to Mary E. Watson ,
lot 6 , block 2 , Evans * First addition ,
w. d . KO
Samuel M. Craig nd wife to W. L.
Kerney , part lot 3 , block "L , " Cur
tis & Ramsey's addition , w. d . 2,500
Flvo .transfers , total . $27,050
for the laundry gives universal
ChtekMtcr' * fca U > fe IMuuad Brail.
PiChtekMtcr' PILLS
Orlat ludQilrfle tie. A
arc , tlwtji rclUbl * . LAOIKS mrt aLv
Uratclit for C lc ul r > XnalUk Via jWVj
nd grand la Red u4 Oait miullly
I , ic leJ with bl ribbon. Take vw
a other. Btflut ianttma tvltnn * V
'itaiu ' andimilaUoia. AIDr > tUlioriral4 L
In ft np for rtrtlcaUrt. trfUm nUl t > 4
"K ll.r rertidlt * , " ! " ! . . trr l rm
ill. KI.OOO T.HImool.l.
Boll bj all { /KM Orauuu.
W will und jou trial treatment
ot the French Bemedi CALTHO8
free. ( BO C. O. J ) . Hrhemei and a
legal guarantee tbat CULTHOI will
8TOIDlMhBW * Kdlaaloea ,
CUBE NMTMalerrara. Varleocel * ,
ud KEKTOHU L et Vigor.
It co ti you nothing to try It.
Von MohlCo. B81 BH.i. > ni c .fi..i. . tto.
Hello !
Hello !
Can bald-head pee
pie attend RobinBon
Bros. ' Closing Out
Auction Sale ? Why ,
certainly , they can ,
and if you have any
Ben Be at all in that old
top-knot of yours you
will fall in line and
attend one of the
greatest sacrifice Auc
tion Sales of absolutely high grade goods ever held in
Council Bluffs , beginning Saturday , April 9 , when
Robinson Bros. , the best known and oldest established
Jewelers in the city , will offer their magnificent and
well selected stock of fine Diamonds , Watches , Clocks ,
Jewelry , Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware upon
the Auction Block , to be sojd to the highest bidder
without reserve. Everything goes ; nothing will be
reserved. After 42 years in the Jewelry business we
have decided to quit the field and have taken this
method to close out our entire stock and turn it into
cash in the quickest possible length of time , and will
give the people the benefit of a first-class Auction
Sale of the very finest make of goods. It's a chance
of your life time. Don't miss it. You'll be sorry if
you do. Grand Opening Night , Saturday , April 9 ,
at 7 o'clock.
And to pivo the Indies a chance there will bo a speclul sale for
LADTKS ONLY , bofrinninp at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Chairs will bo
furnished for all and a beautiful Silver Souvenir Spoon with a gold
bowl will bo given to every lady attending the sale this afternoon ,
whether purchasers or not. Ladies , don't miss this great special
souvenir day at 2 p. m.
408 and 410 Broadway.
John H , Raven , Auctioneer , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ,
Ueacler of Dlsenwes of tuen nnd
World' * Ilerbal Dlupcnsiiry of Mcdlcliv * .
I CURE Catarrh of Head , Throat and
Lungs , Diseases of Ko nnd Car , Fits and
Apoplexy , Heart , Liver nnd Kidney Diseases ,
Diabetes , llrlghfs Disease , St. Vltus Dunce ,
Kheunmtlsni , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without
tapping , Tape Worms removed , ull chronic
Nervous and Private Discuses.
CVDUII 1C Ony | Physician who van
dTrnlLldi properly euro SYPHILIS
without destroying teeth and bones. No mer
cury or poison mineral used.
The only Physician who can tell what ulll
you without nsklntr a question.
Those nt a distance send for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. X for women.
All corrcsnondcnco strictly confidential
Medicine sent by express.
Address nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
565 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , XA
tayseud 2-ccnt alamo for rculr.
The beat In tlie world. Deliv
ered to niiy iinrt of the city.
Telephone , UUU. Mail order *
For sale , cheap , ten-acre tract of land ,
cor. Madison and Bennett nvenues. Council
Bluffs. C. 8. LcTfertB , 200 Main street.
Runs between Council Bluffa and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Win. Welch. Bluftd 'phone , 128 ; Omaha
'phone , 780. RATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagon , call at No. 8 North Main
street or above telephones.
Omnlia , Neb. , March 12. 1838. Healed pro
posals. In triplicate , will be received here
until 2 o'clock p. m. , April 12 , IMS , nnd then
opened for furnishing Wood , Coal nnd Char
coal required In Department of the 1'latte
during1 lineal year commencing July 1 , 1S33.
U. S. reserves rlsht to reject or accept nny or
all proposals , or nny part thereof. Informa
tion furnished on application here , or to post
and depot quartermasters where supplies are
needed. Envelopes containing proposals will
be endorsed "I'roposulH for Fuel for , "
and addressed SAM. R. JONES. Q , M.
MchI2-14-15-16-Apr9 U
Saturday MKlit , April USniidny Aft
ernoon , April 1O UiiNlcr Matinee.
New York Production
Miss Marie Louise Guneaer , I rlma Donna
Soprano-Mr. Marie niortek. Viol "a ( Jamba ?
Selected proRram-latest musical noveltleo.
ill or 1Iocl1' ereatest cornctlst In th
rillCCS First floor , COc ; balcony , 35c and COoi
Gallery , sic. Matinee prices , 25c and 35c.
Beats now on eale.
Fonr MK | > ( K Commencing Sunday.
April 10.
Realism Realized The Magnificent Melodrama
Masterpiece ,
The Pay Train.
Two Toni of Special Scenery and Masslv *
MeclmnUni Sparkling Ppcclaltleg
Clever Company.
Seals now on rale.
SURETY IIO\nS IoMe t Hate * .
All aurely bonds executed at my office.
JAS. \ . CASADY , JK. ,
MW Main Street Council III n fix.
Everett , 16 J'coil at. . Council niutTh , la. : ,
For rent a small farm of 30 ncrpg , 2'i mllea frcrn
the city. Very rc-axon-ilile
- rental , dooj hoim
and stable.
. .
For rent a house nnd C acres of land , % nf
'e ° "y "mluItenta' . 5.00 psr
Good land In central Ncliranha for rent for a
share of the crop.
40 acres of peed land for i cnt near Honey Crick.
Will rent on shares.
Good house of 10 rooms nnd one ncrc of land.
fruit nnd Burden , fine trceg. beautiful location ,
near the city , known as "Cherry Hill , " for
rent for the summer very roasinal le.
Good G-room houno for rent at 17.00 per month ,
near the motor line.
Good farm for Hale , V , mile of Underwood , .CO
acres , well Improved. Eplcnilld land. Omaha
or Council IllufTH properly taken In part pay *
ment ,
A splendid bottom faim for sale near Mondamln.
Tart payment taken In Omaha or Council
muffs city property ; tl , 300.00 will be taken In
trade ,
Good farms for rent for the Be.anon of 1SD at ft
low rental to revpongle | | parlies.
B acres of land near the city for nlc. Will Ink *
part payment In painting or carpenter work.
Gardens and farms for sale In the best part ol
western Iowa , ' ,
Apply to Leonard Everett , AHorney-at-I-aw , It
J'earl t. . Council Dliirr * . la. - _ _ , ,
land * for ult or reni. Day * UtM. U I'carl
! l aaMit M MgBMMaiaaatMatMapalj
- - - -
! - . - . . . . - -rn-ir T.J _ _ _ . _
. . _ _ . . . _ _
5c-Charles Sumner
- Cigar-5c
Made Who Appreciate for Trade a Good - John 0. Woodward & Co.
Dealer * Mupplleil bjr , . . ,