12 THE OMAHA * I > AILY : .SATUITOAY , APRIL o , isos. LOVE AND THE CAPELLO. BY W. A. FRASCR. ( Copyright , 1US , by 3. X. McClure Co , ) The lights from the Gymkhana club were -streaming across Ilnlpln road , anJ the drone of the band carne lazily across the open , filtering Itself throuph the octopus limbs of the big banyans , and over the lake of roses the professor had filled the com pound with. That was the professor's hobby roses. That and snakes only the snakes were real business , the roses were for pleas ure. 'But ' both thrived equally well In Rangoon , jacqulmlnot and the capello. It was paradise , this land where the roses grew oven as cabbages , and the hooded devils came up out of the jungle of their own ac cord to bo dissected. So thought ITof. Cofttl. Hut the professor was over at the gym now and the drowsy music , elbowing and Jostling the straggling light ns they crowded through this Kush-Kush tattles , mingled with the soft patter of small talk with which Mlnora Contl was beguiling the min ute's as they sat there , she and the major , waiting the return of the profc. or. "Of course , the major's pony , Nat Thue , would win the Tharawady plate , " she was saylnjf , when aha stopped suddenly , and steadied herself as one docs whrn a ton- foot ditch suddenly opens Ita yawnlog maw under the forefeet of one's mount. The light which streamed out from the drawing room , and offered battle to the Kllmmcr of the Gymkhana , showed the sud den paling of her cheek. Parian marble waa not more white than that Bet face. "Io not move major , " she said ; "Jo not "YES , A COIJIIA ; " Tlin LIPS WHIS EUKD. "DO NOT MOVE. " move your lips even , If you value yo life. " llerkomcr looked straight Into the grc , strong eyes of the girl , a-.id they told h more of the danger , more of the hon than even her words had done. "Keep perfectly still , " she contlnui "and do not Interfere with me In any way. ' "Is It a snake ? " asked the major , d regarding her Injunction to remain silent "Yes , a cobra ! " the .lips whlspereJ. " not move. " From the direction of Ullnora'a cyca Hi komcr knew that the hooded demon was the high back of his chair. Surely It was the light of Inspiration whl came Into the eyes of this atrange girl , she broke ir.to a low Italian chant , weavl her slender arms back and forth , back a forth. 'Hcrkomor ' could feel that the cobra was f lowliis her movements. Great beads perspiration stood out on his forehead i BO much at his own proximity to the hat thing , but because of 'the grand , cool cot ago Mlnora was showing , and the risk s was running In drawing the attention of t viper to herself. "She's going to hypnotize the beast , " thought. He knew she could do 4t , too ; t face told him that. It seemed cowardly tit there cad allow a woman to face t enako , but her command to keep pcrfcc still had fcecn ns much entreaty as co wand , and he felt that by moving he woi only Increase the danger to both. With the same sinuous movement Mine bad risen from her seat and gently BWJ Ing her body as the soft cadences of t chant rose aud fell , glided toward t cobra. "My God , keep back ! " Hcrkomer groani icarccly moving bis llpe , "Stand back a 'Walt ' till he goes away. " iDut the chant continued , and there wi the Interjected two English words "k ( till ! " Deforo 'Hcrkomcr could moyo or remc strato further there was the flash of white arm , a rustic of the soft folds Mlnora's muslin dress , and ho sprang to : feet to see the cobra being held at arr length , firmly graeped by those slen : tyigcrs close up to its ugly wcdge-aliai heajj , 'Hvalt please ! " she cried , stepping ba as Herkomer advanced toward her w evident Intention of taking the snaki "father's tomtom has Just driven up to i door ho will take the cobra It Is one hla patients. " She waa still holding the repulsive cr turp at arm's length as the professor i up1 the cemented steps , calling for the bea to come and take bis topee. He stopped ohort when be observed gruesome tableau In treat of him , stop ; short until startled Into activity by daughter's voice asking to bo relieved of terrible captive. In an Instant the professor had the co by the tall , and calling to Mlnora to let quickly , ho swung him clear , and hold him thus , carried him back to the box fi which ho had escaped. Overcome hy the reaction , the t > rave i ank Into the chair she had risen from , , gave way to a flood of nervous , hyster ! tears. Of course , there couU only he one row tor such gallantry , It the term may be piled to women's brave deeds. A "V. was out of the question ; besides , the gi Italian eyes had worked sad havoc v Ilerkomcr before the advent of the cobra. "Love made her brave , " mused the ma as his 'Durum ' pony rattled him over metalled road of the cantonment late t night ; "but she's a well-bred one anyv and blood will tell. God ! how slio si ithero and never flinched , with that dcvl her hand ! " And then he thought of soft maidenly blushes that had swept c the inveet face as ho talked to her of li of the love that had been In his mind days and weeks before the appearance that sinister visitor. With Jesuitical complaisance Hcrko began to feel deuced glad that the cc had precipitated matters by poking his t brad Into their tete-a-tete. U had gl him 'the opportunity to < rlsk It all on a glo throw of the dice , and bo had won with the other fellow , her father's g friend , Count Kubltlno , a bad second , ( Count Itubltlno was a dllletantl , an a tour scientist , ostensibly devoted , like 0 era's father , > tlio profei-sor , to the dtocoi of an antidote to the virus of the cobra kharltc. , "All d n rot ! " eald Herkomer to the 1 Iron gray that was carrying him so galla along. "Mlnora's his gan\o , and I 1 beaten him , my boy , beaten him clean of his boots , by Jove , " and he cbuckle < himself as he thought of the bally row 1 the count and the professor would kick when they learned now the land lay. As he jogged homo from parade next m ing Herkomer brought hie pony up along of Surgeon Thornycroft. "Come over and have breakfast with X want 'to have a talk with you. old m he eald. The preliminary of the talk wa an count of what had happened the night fore over the advent ot the thine with ppectacles , for be and Tbornycrott were i as Damon aud Pythias In the olden tin "Now for the eequcl , my boy , " ho i t * ho drew his chair closer to Thornyc "and then I want you to tell what Is matter with me. " Thornycroft ebot a uaplclou * fett'lortul ' look over the physical map hti frlend'i exterior , searching U "Uv r , " " ua , " "JJurmah be > . . s . "pcgcltla" or older unliuo complaints Indi genous to that land , "It'll this , " said Ilerkomcr , thoughtfully , 'I woke up about 3 o'clock In the morning , an near as I can judge , with a peculiar ting- Ing sensation through every nerve of my )0ily ) , as though come poison wcro cotirslnp through my veins. Sitting In a chair be- eldo my bed was the figure of a man , 41 spoke to It , thinking that the bearer lad fallen asleep there. "Tho figure did not move , I got up and struck a match , lighting a candle which Dtood on the table ; I dislodged a bottle ol soda In my fumbling about tor a match anil It rolled off , striking the cement lloor ur.U exploding with a report like a gun , "Still the figure did not move. . H must in the bearer , I thought , only a bearer could sleep through such n Jolly row. "When I turned the light of the candle on the face of the sleeper , what do you sup- lose I saw , Thornycroft ? " And Herkomer caned over until lib troubled , questioning eyes were brought close Into the surgeon's 'ace ' , and ho gripped Thornycroft'a wrist till ils fingers seemed eating Into the fles'h. ' "Ono of the fellous who had tarried Ions at the gym , and lost the number of hli ness , " answered the other carelessly , knock ing the ashes on * the end of his cheroot. "I saw myself dead ! " continued the ma- | or , taking no notice of hla Irlnml's uhaft ; "dead , and a cobra clinging to my arm ! " "Liver and eun both , " sighed Thornycrofl jnentally. "Of courtxj you'll call It o. dream , " added Herkomer , "but this mornlni ; the soda bottle was In fragments on the lloor , the candle mil been lighted , and the sole ot my fool was bleeding where I had stepped oil n ; ) looo of the broken glaaj ; bcsldea , I know [ was awake. Now , what do you make ol that ? " ho asked triumphantly. "Whpt do you make of It ? " queried the surgeon , as he hunted about for' ' his helmet , "muko nothing of It ; only don't let It oc cur again , and as prevcntatlvc ID better than euro Inl thla country , take a run up to Par- feeling , It may cave you the expanse ot u trip home. There is a little angel sits ur. nbovo , In these days of robbery by ruinous exchange , who sends us these warnings , will : \ postscript added , 'Look to your liver. ' Sc the next time jour chum conies take hhr up > to Darjcellng , and let the mountain winds carpet-beat the Jutiglo fever out of Ills tys- tern. " "No , I'm quite well , " eald Herkomar ; quite well , anl that's the deuce of It , " ho added plaintively. "I can't nuke It'out. . When Ji man la well and eeea things it's it's the devil. " Often after that Hcilvomer had companj of the Game sort ; alway.j the same , sitting there la the thaiwaiting. . "What the thunder la It waiting for ? " Herkoracc usei to ask himself. Only he did not bother bit friend any more about it It was no uue. Physically lie vaa all right. He couli put the" beet man In the" regiment cm hli back ; aye , and hold him there , too , for tei seconds , with both polats of the shoulder' touching the , . ground. Neither did he g < t& Darjeellng. He woo In a happier place had climbed Into heaven , otherwise knowr as the- haunts ot Mlnora Contl. Not bu what the hot chlnook winds which blow uj from haJes sometimes withered and ecorchci hU paradUe. H wa-i Count Hubltino who always startci thceo hot blasts. He and Mlnora , were un necessarily too much together , It peemexl ti Hcrkomer , but then ho waa Jealous , and con sequcntly no judge cti such matters. As often as Mlnora asm ml him that sh Hcrkomer had not been * o Cooley-hcadod ; honorable ho called It nt the tlmr. It lacked two weeks of Christmas time , nd they wore sitting on the veranda , as they had cat that other evening , Mlnora , putting her coot white hand on .Herkomcr'i wrist and turning her face a little Into the shitdow , o that ho did not notice how net and whlto It wan , said : " 1 have a confession to make , Ilolandol" "Don't make It then , little woman. Con fessions are silly things for which we are always sorry afterwards. "Ilut I shall be happier If you let mo tell you about this. I can't marry you without tolling you first. 1 wco't " "Look here , Mlnora , said the major , turnIng - Ing her around so that ho could look Into her face , "my objection to your confession U purely selfish. You see. 1 couldn't let you confess all on your side , without un loading some of my sins Into your ears , and If we exchanged experiences well , well , I fancy the court would appear such a saint by comparison that I should lose you al together. Ily the way , I'll compromise , " ho added , laughingly. "I'll just ask you ono question , which you may answer or not , and then we'll call the Whole thing off. " "I will answer , " she asked quietly , "only only " "Well , has It anything to do with the count what you were going to tell me ? " "No. " "Then I can't possibly listen. " A'Jd so the chance went by , the evil went on went on for two weeka longer , and It was the cvo of the wedding day. Love does many strange things , among others causes a pony to gallop so fast that n syce cannot possibly keep pace with the winged rider. That was why illcrkomer ar rived at Mlnora's homo sycelcss. As there was nobody to hold his pony , ho led him around behlod the Ibungalow to the stables , Mlnora's rocms were In the north wing ol the bungalow , and as he passed the great windows opening on to the "verandah and reaching from celling to floor , and open save for the shutters , voices that he could not help but hear fell upoa his ear. For an Instant he stood petrified. It was the count's voice , speaking to Mlnora. "You will wreck your happiness for a fancy , " sneered the voice. Herkomer quickened his pace , so that he might hear no more , and of her answer , whatever It was , ho only caught the one word "confession , " as he turned the corner of the bungalow. Dut all the llcrco Jealous passion that had slumbered In his heart for weeks arose and smothered him smothered everything all sense of shame , ot Justice , of prudence , and ho rushed Into Mlnora's boudoir a pis- slon-mad man. What right had she , who was to become his wife the next day , to hold secret Inter course with the count there In her own apartments ? With a startled cry 'Mlnora thrust some thing Into the drawer of a secretaire beside which she was standing , and stood with hei back to It as though she would guard th ( socrot. "Perhaps I am do trop , " remarked th < count , passtag beyond the purdah with a low bow , and as Herkomer thought , a sneer or his pale face. "Why why have you rushed In here Rolando , and frightened mo ? " asked Mln era confusedly. "I am sorry If I have frightened you , ' said the major shortly , anJ I will answei your question by asking another , for perhap ; your answer will suffice for both questions What have you got In that drawer ? " If Mlnora had not gone white with K llt > fear It might have been all right yet ; but H was the faltering which developed the tlgei In the man. Ho took a quick step forward and grasped her wrist cruelly harshly , as he fairly hissed out , "You have a letter or some thing from him there1' ! "My God ! " she moaned ; "back , do nol touch It. If you touch that drawer I will never marry you never. " With an ex clamation ot rage he brushed her to one side , - I- In I SNATCHING THE DUAWEIl OPEN , HE PLUNGED HIS HAND : r cared nothing for the count he believed her , 10 cad as often as ho stumbled upon them In 10d d close communication over some iveccet matter Is did he feel the hot winds blow , and vow ur that ho would break away from his bondage aad leave her to the count. But It always ra rndcd itho earue way. It wasn't what Mlnora rae ; sdld that put things right , It was the eyes IK the great , sort Italian eyes looking straight IKm anl truthfully at and through htm , bowling over his jealous rcoolvea like tenpins and rlnl bringing him back to to leash , like a whipped nlal beagle. al And still It sat there- , almost nl&htly now , bealda hla bed. Ho had grown accustomed rd to seeing It. What was It waiting for ? rdP Sometimes It annoyed him ; he felt like IIat getting out ot bed and kicking It ; but the at Idea was so Incongruous , this kicking of th hltrself. tblo spiritual self , ES It were , BO thT. he gave It up and' signed resignedly. T. "Of course It raear.a something , " he mused ; heat "something's going to happen , but I'm not at going to make an ass ot myself by talking aty. about It at the mess.1 So ho sat tight anl od walte-d for the thing to happen as ho would In have waited for a Ghazl rush. hoer It woo grcnsome , but much In India Is or grewsome , so ho had learned to take things < orc of that order much aa ho took flghtlng with o ? hla coffee. . ot A far greater puzzo ! to him was Mlnora herself. Sometimes ho found her listless , Indlffcvent. and then again for a. ilmo she would be her o'.il brilliant self. Thinking perhaps that these fits of de- can jeotlon were duo to opprenolon from her n- father , or undue Influence brought to bear nou by the count , ho made bold to questlcoi her , sat but she shrank from him with horror and seemed mere agitated than she bad been lain when holding the cobra. in- It's nerves bo thought. Life with thr inry musty old professor and his cobra associates nd is depressing enough to wreck the nerves ol a bronze Buddha. I'll have to get her out tlo ot thla. tly So ho rushed matters a little , and It was vo all settled for Christmas week. The pro mt fessor gave his consent reluctantly enough , to Herkomer thought , and the count congratu > th lated him -with an ironical eaeer that made up Herkomer long to give htm a toss In the air from.which he would alight ou the tot n- of his curly black head. > [ nJo When he and common sense sat face tc face , common sense told' him that Mlnora loved him with all the strength ot her high- 1 , " strung nature. What else Is there In U < foi her , common sense argued , for the major'i 1C- Inheritance was limited to what his swori ! 3O- might 'cut down from the pagoda tree , wltl 3Ohe ; the exception of a trifling allowance , barelj en large enough to settle his monthly gym ac count. Id. That was the way common sense put It 'It..he but the other , Intuition , or whatever othei .he alias he masqueraded under. s lJ there wa : something behind U all , and for once In i way they were Both right. offer The love was there right enough , aad alei for something eUe behind It , and thla aomethlni forV else might have all come out one evening 1 and snatching the drawer open , plunged band In. There was the lightning swish of a d body , like the cell of a whiplash In motl an electric shooting of pain through his i which brought an Involuntary cry of angi from his lips , and the twisting , writhing the hideous cobra-body as he snatched hand from the death trap. A piercing scream had rung out on the i night air as he pulled the drawer open , powerless to stop him , Mlnora had fores that ho was driving to his death. U was the scream that brought the i fcEsor to the room. "Quick father , Rolando Is bitten , " before the major knew what he was ab the professor had grasped his wrist as i vlco and pulled him Into his own roam , wl was next. * From that on It was a head and h flnlph , with the professor and death as runners. There were ligatures and lam and the Injecting of the professor's antli and the ceaseless marching up and dowi the patient between two sturdy durwans , the watching of a woman with a great i heart and eyes that were too dry and for tears. And the other , the ono that bad sat n ! after night by Herkomer's bed , came and there just In the center of the veranda. I komer would not let the durwans move chair. "Don't disturb him , " he said ; "let elt there. " "Huzoor , It Is but an empty chair , " i ono ot them. "No orro sits'there. sahlbV Hut still ho told Hiem not to mqve chair they could walk'aroutul It. "He w have long to wait now , " he muttered- "Surely the poison was making the e : a little mad , " the durwan thought. ' " * At first Htrkomor felt strangely elated , was like new wlne-i-he vvas' drunk on'it was good to be bitten , by .cobras. If .he ci only get over It ho would like to trj again It was llko opium.- And then came the poppy sleep. He be them to let him Ho down and" rest. "If you sleep you dle.\tbe. professor .ye la his car. The voice was far off , It. was llko a dre U was the murmuring of the breakers away on the coral reefs , and required much energy to listen to It. Besides hose so tired and sleepy. This ceaseless wall up and down waa like counting sheep made hU head heavy. Up and down , up and down , the bard : ot the veranda , re-echoing to the clap , ot tbo durwans' locso slippers as marched one on either side of him. It was a terrible race , and life was stake. Dut es the torturing boure chared ether through the Icog Durmcce night the gray began to steal up behind the ta Ing Elre ot the golden pagoda In the i and tbo major etlll lived , etlll walked up down between hla relays of Punjabi , protestor knew that he had won had 10 the hooded fiend of bU victim. And the on who bad come back 01 ho jawR of dcath , wb lie wai. told tli ic tnlRht Bleep , went deep down Into t' rat World and lay ferhours In a sleep th as first cousin to dettti , When ho a woke tht.'Jguro 'lilting ' b sl ita couch had changed U wai Mlnaro ; a ! who had sat there hour after hour wntchli iat the light did nM.tto quite * out that t ! : ep did not become ot closer , kin to deal Very confusedly the questioning cy ooked at her when they opened. When ho had grown a little stronger s ! old him this , told him the tale that el ad tried to tell that night when ho hi topped her. "Father Inoculated mo with the col ; Irus , partly" as an 'experiment , and part or my own safety , as his cobras wcro i ays about , "As It seemed td ba harmless and to mal , sure , he performed the operation rever mes. Ilut he , learacd as ho Is , did n orcsee . the result. It acted on me 111 norrhtno acts on those who have It Injccti ito their veins It became nccc.iury to n ( e > . The exhilaration you felt would nine for days , then depression followed aa atuvaL law. " "Ilut why go tate detail ? " oho added , wl faint , wan smile , without It I was den t last I became so that tire ? bite from t ! obra was only equal to the dose my fath stil. This was the slmplcnl plan. When you first crciie Into my life I thoug iat I should overcome It. for love Is blind. The n'ght ' you were bitten I meant to ti ou all , but to fortify myself , to sum in p the moral courage to drown the lo vhlch wa FO great and ftrong I had ask ! ount Kublttine to bring a cobra from r athcr's box. That b nil ; It Is not pleasant , " ' and's mlled again , wanly , I should not ha llowcd this love to ccnqitcr me , but now as ccniuered , it has triumphed over all. vlll not marry you because I love you. It was the best that way : "Decauso I lo ou I will not jcarry you. " AXCIK.VT OHIlICIl OK IlllinitMAA tvotlnu ; of Stutc ( ir ml l.oitno Do The biennial convention ot the ftato gra edge ot the Ancient Order of Hlbcrnla vas In session hi this city all day Thui ay. Some 150 delegates were In attendant eprcsentlng almost all the thirty-two lodp n "tho state. An adjournment w akcn after a night session. Grecly Cc cr was chosen as the place for holding t icxt convention two years from now. Tno reports of the officers thow ) that t tatp organization Is In excellent condltlc 'hero are now some 500 members and the s u balance In the treasury , whereas t yearu ago the body was In debt , A most Important piece of business tra acted was In connection with the insurai lepartmcnt. In the past every member ho order was compelled to join the Insi mco department , but now such memberal a voluntary. It was decided that the deti lenofit Khali amount to the sum raised an assessment on each member In the t partmcnt. The following resolution was unanimous ard O'Keefo of South Omaha , president ; ' . Hagerty of Lincoln , vice president ; A. O'Malley of Grceley Center , secretary. The fololwlng resolutions was unanlmou Ever ready to assist the people of eve nation In their struggle for liberty , Incercly sympathise with the Cuban ! surjents In their heroic light for freedo Ve deplore find denounce the policy murder and starvation pursued by t Spaniards upon the defenseless women n children of that now -desolate Island. ho end that this ruthless Hlauglitcr m cease we heartily favor the recognition he United States of Cuban Indcpenden and if nn nppeal to t'no force of urms 1 comes necessary , the Hibernians of > jraskn tender their services In advance 'resident McKlnlcy to alii In establlshl 2ubah Independence and to avenge t l ath of the brave sailors of the Maine. MATTI2US IX THE FKDEIIAI. COUII lvi-1 Stoolc Kiolmnivt. CaKf Ilcnrlnic Aprnli I'oxtitontMt. The hearing on the application of the gc crnmcnt for a permanent Injunction agalt the South Omaha Live Stock exchange , whl would dissolve the body on the grounds tl t exists In violation ot the Sherman an rust law , has been postponed again ua some time next week. The continuance was taken In order ; w lvo the right-of-way to a Jury case whl s the last one to need the attention of ury. As eon as U Is completed , which expected today , the petit Jury will discharged fdr the term. The suit on tr s that ot the government against Henrle emmon and Is brought to recover eoi il.GOO rental for land on the Wlnneba agency , leased to the defendant. The a was started once before this term , but v continued until some legal papers show ! ho lease , could bo secured from. Washlr ton. ton.The live stock exchange case hearing irobably not come up until Tuesday Wednesday , as Judge Munger proposes land down decisions in half a dozen cases Monday. n the morning as fast as you can , " t druggist recognized a household name : 'DeWltt's Little Early Ulsers , " and ga him a bottle of tboso famous little pills constipation , sick headache , liver and sto ach troubles. PAVIXO 0.COUXTHY HOAI CoinnilMKlnncirMtWell Sndxflcil tvlth t 'Prexcnt Condition * . The county commissioners ore well sal fled with the progress that Is being mi looking to the extension ot the pavenv of the Dodge and Center-street roads. Wl the paving has not been commenced , contractor Is ready to begin work and v have a long stretch of the brick pav laid on the Center-street road during present month. This road is graded , i socn as the bed Is surfaced laying pavemeat will begin. On the Dodge-street road paving will delayed a few days , owing to the fact t ] some grading remains to be done. ' contractor , however , has been notified start his work at once and It Is thou that by the time the paving on Center sir is completed Dodge street will be ready the contractor. The grading Is In a cut , that the contractor will not have to wait the ground to settle.- How lo Look Ciood. Good looks are really more than skin de depending entirely on a healthy condition all vital organs. If the liver Is Inactl you have a bilious look ; If your stomacr disordered , you have h dyspsptlc look ; If y kidneys are affected , you have a pinched Ic Secure good health , and you will surely h good looks , "Electric Hitters" Is a g Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on stomach , liver and kldnejs , purifies the blc cures pimples , blotches and bolls , aud gl a good complexion. Every bottle guarante Sold at Kuhn & Co.'s Drug Store. 50 ce per bottle. _ Minify In Hot Krt-e. Charles nisley , who secured money fi Omaha men on worthless bank checks , i released from the city Jail yesterday an order from Chief of Police Gnllagl His local troubles had been settled , but ws held aa a fugitive from justice for authorities of Kansas City , where fleeced a wholesale dry goods firm of wl'h n worthless .check. The cblsf ' ' nfterwnrd notified that Rlley would'nol taken back , because the firm had fin ; determined not to ifurnlsh the money to fray the expenses of extradition. tU < - Her fnhoer . At a meeting of the local hsrseshoi union last night M. P. Hlnchey was dec as a. representative to the convention of International union ot Journeymen Hoi sheers , which will occur In Detroit on J 16. Representative Hlnchey was instruc to do his utmost to bring ; the next conv tlon ot the body to th's ' city. InillniiH furl the Wild Wont. 1)111 M Cune of Buffalo Bill's Wild " \ \ t'tow fame has just sent to the show New York , where the teason has been opei a lot of Indians from Pine Kldge and ot agencies , which are mid to be the fli bunch ot redskins ever put on exhibition. The farmer , the mechanic and the blc : rider arc liable to unexpected cuts bruise * . DeWltf * Witch Hazel Salve U best thing to keep oc hand. It beali qulc oi h a well known cure lor 'pile * . WORK AT RIVERVIEW PAH Improvements Which Will Make the Fli Easier to Reach , COMMISSIONERS PROVIDE NEW ENTKAN Drlrevrny ( n Snr front throrllivrt Corner nnil Connect Mllli. ( lie Ilonlcvnril lleer llenlitt a Truimtcr , The Improvements on the newly acqulr property at tbo northwest corner of Hlvi view park were begun yesterday mornli \ largo force of men went to work under I llrectlon of the Hoard ot Park Commtsslc ers. and by the time the summer season 'airly at band the attractions of the rest wilt bo materially Increased , One of t ualn objects ot the Improvement Is to pi vide more adequate and convenient faclllt 'or reaching the park. It contemplates additional entrance at Tenth and Vail streets , from which two drives will lead : lic main boulevard In the park. Ono Ic : .o the right and directly to the present drl ou the high ground and the other curves .ho left and winds around the north stdu ; ho ravine , terminating in the drives on I OVA ground near the present lake. This re also servo another purpose , as the first ti : to the left after It leaves the entrance p vldcs a dam , which will eventually hold small lake In the extreme northwest con of the park and very near the Intersection Tenth and Valley streets. The oval which enclosed by the two new drives will cent : the * enclosure In which the deer and buff , will bo confined. ' In connection with the deer quest'lon I joard Is confronted with ono of the tough problems It has yet tackled. The fourtc deer , which were recently purchased fn Dr. Miller , are now conllned In a forty-ai Held at Seymour park , and so far they he stubbornly resisted every Inducement leave. The board Is unable to figure ( how the herd Is to be coerced , as the di Ecem to have Ideas of their own , which 1 big forty-acre tracr gives them unllml space to carry out. As President Tukcy the recognized diplomatist of the beard , will probably be designated as a special i voy with extraordinary powers to corral 1 herd and have It transferred to the incloai at nivcrvlow. SCHUUIG'.S SlUiUUSTIOX XKGLECTI UusliicMM Men I ) \ot HlHc ( o ( he lliniliintloii Idea. The suggcotlcci of City Electrician Schu In regard to the Illumination of the do town Intersections during the exposition the erection of Iron arches does not se to have aroused much interest ca the p ot local business men. The scheme cent < plated a very hamlsomo effect at a c ( parativcly Insignificant expense , but so not a single firm lies Indicated any latei In the subject. In this case Mr. Schu does not propose to push the matter , the scheme was suggested p\irely for benefit ol the establishments Interested i cannot bo successfully carried out uml they are willing to co-operate. The municipal electrical department been assured by the Street Railway C ( pany that the wooden poleon Fourtec and Howard streets will be removed bet the .exposition. The department has b endeavoring for some time to secure substitution of iron poles on these eti-c but the Street Railway company has b RO much occupied with other Improvome In anticipation of the exposition that wooden poles still remain. It is also ; nounced that the local electric light cc pany will give Ito circuits a thorough ov haulln ; and dispense with as much ot outside construction as possible In the hi ness district by pavtial consolidation of circuits. IticrpnMo Llucnno Ilnrcnn. City Clerk Hlgby has compiled a reporl the amount of license business transacted the city during the first quarter ot 1SOS , compared with corresponding period the previous year. This shows a rcmarka Increase In the number ot licensee Issued i In the amount of revenue collected. Dur the first three months ot 1897 there w G36 licenses Issued on which fees were p amounting' to $4,542.50. During the con pending nionths of tb.is year 760 llcen wcro issued , from which the city dcrlvei revenue -$0,433.05 , an Increase-of $1,890 The receipts for March were $1,650.05 , compared with $ G01.50 during March ot 1 year. These figures do not Include .the celpts for dog tags , which amounted to f last month. { MorliilltjSitllci. . The following births and deaths were ported at tho-ticalth office during the twcn four hours coding at noon yesterday : Births Cyrus E. Overholt , 2312 Elm stn boy ; Nathaniel Flynn , 3120',4 DIES , boy ; V llam Gilbert , Fourteenth and Harncy , b Stephen Moore. 3036 South Eighteenth , g William Kozol. 2018 South Twenty-olgt girl ; Harry Hurst , 2015 South Twen eighth , girl ; H. H. Griffiths , 190S So Twenty-sixth , girl. Deaths Ralph W. Breasher , G months , 1 Chicago , lung fever , Laurel Hill. for Family use Perhaps in your family you use but little whisky , out you want that little good of the best. The United States Government guarantees the Age and Purity of every bottle of through its Internal Revenue officers at the distilleries , at Frankfort , Ky. Every bottle of Old Crow nnd Hermitage - ago Is tested. Ho euro the Internal Rev enue Stamp over the Cork and Capsule 13 not broken and that it bears the name W. A. CAIHES & CO. ttf It is a Government Guarantee that gats with tliit battling , ALL DEALERS SELL IT OTITBR9 HMD * DOCTOR ! Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS to care npecailr and ra eallr KBRVOVS , CHRONIC A Pill V ATE & \ tue ot Men and w m WEAK MEN SYPHILIS BEXUALLY. cured for life. Ittrht Emlwdoni , Loit Manhood. ! rocole , Verlcocele. Gonorrhea , Gleet , B > 111 % Stricture. Piles. FUtula and Ue U.oir ยง . DIabetei. Brlsht'i Dli ac cur Consultation Free * Stricture and GlM by new method without pain or outt : CtUlon or addrew with stamp. TfMtn fcT ma" . Nt SUillS i SUM Abbott Loring's Germ-Killer Inhalant i Cures Diseases of 'the'Chest , Lungs and Head No Other Remedy Cati Pass the Epiglottis and Cure Deep-Seated Disease. . No Other Inhaler Can Send the Medicine to the Right Place A Nevet falling Cure for All forms of Throat , Chest and Lung Disease Read the Proof. ' Writing from her residence on Georgia avenue , Mrs. Mnry Kcl'iiir Hyrncs , says : OMAHA. Net > . , Mnrch 10. 1SDS. Lorlng & Co. , Chicago , Now York and Uos- ton : Gentlemen I had grip last winter and t left my lungs and throat In a precarious ondltton : Indeed , some physicians doubted f I could * scnpei consumption , and my friends were very much concerned about me. Medical treatment did mo little Rood until 1 got hold of Abbott Lorlmr's Oenn- ICIller Inhalant and Anti-Germ vnportzlim Inhaler. This treatment gave mo wonderful relief at once and In three weeks has ef fected n practical cure. The soreness and distress nio gone from my chest , I have no inoro cough or catarrh nnil my general lealth Is very KOOI ! Indeed. I give all > ralse lo Abbott Lorlns's wonderful d ! cov- tty. Truly bis Uciiii-Klllor icmpdy cures. Respectfully , MARY KKLLAR 11YRNKS. Cninplod * lloiuiTrindnoiil. . This treatment , consisting * of Lorlng's 3crm-Klller for Inhalation mid Abbott Lor- IIIK'S Antl-Gvim Vnpoilzlni ; Inhaler , $1.0 , ) . For some chronic ami spasmodic diseases which require special treatment special medicines have been prep.itcd by ourplijsl- clans and chemists. No. 1 Special Medicine I "or Tonsllltls , LarylngltlR , Catiirrhnl Drnfncsa , Hay fever and D.phthcrla. 1'rlcj , 50 cents. No. 2 Special Medicine Knr Con sumption and IJroncliltld. 1'rlce , fiO cents. Xo. 3 Spcelal Medicine For Asthma , Whooping Coush and Croup. Price , 50 cents. Antiseptic Gauze For use In the In haler , U-yurd , 40 cents ; ' ,4-yard , 75 cents ; 1 yard , $1. < . Anti-Germ llnlin An antiseptic prepnr.Ulon for external application , which takes the soreness out ot the lungs , hastens tbo euro of catarrh , assists In the cure of nil throat ttoubles and cures Cracked Lips. Chapped Hands and Eczema. Price 25 cents. Grriii-Klllor The wonderful Gcrm-Klllcr clement dis covered by Abbott Lorlng is contained In each of the Abbott Lorlng Germ-Killer Tablets. It constitutes the basis of the control of the. symptoms and conditions In cident to such ailment. It has been abun dantly proven that any one of the Gcrm- Killer remedies quickly jrnlns control ovcf the system , and experience shows tlmt cncli remedy effects a complete cure of the tils- ,1 , ensc for the trcntment of which It Is spe cially prepared , Tile .sovernlng . principle ! of the Germ-Killer remedies Is In perfect bur- t rnony with the principles of tlmt Ki-cntost - * of nil scientists. Nature , In curlnc disease. ' Semi for book Klvln history of Abbott Lor- ) IIIK'H strange discovery , Its lntcre llng nnil j , mysterious origin < tml Its wonderful curn- K ( > tlve power. It Is n product of the Roentgen or X ray , nnil you sluiulil know all about It , The book Is Rent free. When catarrh Is deep-seated In the stom- nrh or bowclH where 07.0110 does not pene trate , LorliiK's derm-Killer Dyspepsia Tab lets should bo used. They quickly control the digestive functions nnil Immediate bene fits follow. No other dyspepsia medlclno cnn cure riyppepiln. LorliiK's Germ Killer Dyspepsia Tablet ? , CO cents a box. LorliiK's lierm-Klllcr Rheumatism Tab lets , CO rents a box. Lorlns's Germ-Killer Henri Tablets , $2.00 n box. Lorlng's Germ-Killer Laxative Tablets , 50 cents a box. Gcrm,1 enterprising druggist carries nil our other" lemedles In stork. If you nee It you will not * want any other. Our book furnished with , thp Inhaler will Klve you full information. H Is the Germ- Killer Medlclno that cures. Abbott Lorlnp's 2r.-ceiit book on "Diseases of the Throat , Lungs , Chest and Head and' ' How to Cure Thorn , " sent free , with full Information about treatment , nil postpaid. Wrltu us fullv about your case and we will advise you KU1212 OK CHARGK. This treat , incut Is cheap. You can Bet It by innll post , paid. You can tnke It nt home. Order now nnil prevent dealy. Mention department number below on your * envelope when you write Use only tbo nearest ndilrcps. LQRING&CO.1138 NON. r.S-CO WtilillHh Avc. , ClilfiIKO , lib No. 42 W. 22d St. , New York City. No. 3 Hamilton Place , Doston , Mass. "iF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED , " TRY SAPOLIO HI Mii BMQUMHAdHiMHlB HVUK H ft ? MANHOOD RESTORED /.This / ' i ; "CUPIDENE- . Brent . Vosotnbls ' - , - - - - -J'Vlt.Ulzer.tlicnri'Scrln- r f4 tinn of a fo.nintii French physician , will quickly cure von ol all nt t- yous or dUi-ascs ot tbp Bcne-ratlvo < irjrn.ni , such ni tostM-jiihood. Insomnia , rains la the Jltick , Bomlnnl Emissions. Nervous Debility. Pimples , Unainess to Marry , Kxiuuuiluir Drains , Vnrlcorclo nm { Uoiistlnatlon. It stoni nil lossci by ilny or night. I'ipvpiitn quirk- ness of discharge ! , which 1 ( not CIIPPKP < I leads to Bpprmntorrha-u ami I nil the horrors uflmpotcncy. * 'trC'IIi.Mck'iuac3lUuUver ; ; ; , Uio BEFORE AND AFTER klUneysanUtheiirlnaryorcaiisoluUlinpurlUcsi. CPPIDKNE xtrcnsthcnsamlrestoresntrmllweakoigans. The reason mUTerprt nro not cured by Doctors It because ninety per cent nro troubled Tfl'.h ProDtntlttn. CUl'IDKNKIsthponly known remedy to euro without nil opc-rntlon. COUUIestlmoni- nK A written ( junrantcoRiven and money returned Ir six boxes does hot cilcci u iiumiaucutcucck J)1.00 ) a box , sir for } W , by mall. Bend tor men circular mid testimonials. Address DAVOI. MEDICINE CO. , 1' . O. Box 2770 , Ban Francisco , Cid. JVr fate la MYLMlSimLO.DRUG CO. , S. E. Col. Kith mill FnriiM.ni , OinnliN. OR , STRICTURE McGREVtf IB THE ONLY Onuses obstruction to the llo\v of urine , SPgClALIS'ft partlnl closing of the PIISS.IKC , pro < tattc WHO TREATS AMj ' HrUatlon mid enlargement , bearing down nuil scalillnir nf uitno nnd loss of power. Private Disease ? A SOLVENT FOUND SWKS Weakitu ant Uliordtr ( v permanently and does nnuy with tliu bur MEN ONLY ( icon's Knife nnd dllntlni ; liiftrutncntH. 20 YpnrsExperience , ' .Sufferers fioin Stricture , Enlargement ol 10 Yearn iu Omaha. Prostate Qlaud , Inflammation and Chronic Bonk Free , Conanlta * Mucous Discharges , by this new sclcntUlu t Ion Free. Box7Mo | method can be radically 14th and Faraun BU- AT HOME. CURED OMAHA. MKI3. Write at once to the Empire Medical Co. , 205 Smith Building. Boston , Mass. , for their free book c.iillcd"SoiVcntM/i'er ns. " U tells what the icmcdy is inndu or , and Relieves Kidney how nnd why It must euic. If nnllctcd , U will pay you to Investigate. & Bladder tioubles at once. CURE Youmnri Cures in UM * Big < B for onnttunl 48 Hours 1 lich r M. InfltmmtitloM , rtUtlcBi < 5r ulcorttliM URINARY f raaaoai oiembrtot * . FilalMf , ted not Mtrii * DISCHARGES ( tot r rotionoai. Id by Dra KM * or Mnt la Uln br Pictures of the Navy and Cuba The Bee Las arranged to supply its readers with a sot ofl Portfolios which answer many important questions they have been asking themselves and their friends for sometime past. The Bee prints the news concerning Cuba , the Hawaiian - waiian Islands and the American Navy , but where 19 the , reader that would not like to see these things as they really are. The set will comprise Ten Portfolios of Photographic Reproductions presenting 160 views , accompnniod by concise explanatory text. They furnish much valuable information about HAWAII , CUBA , Countries where America has largo interests to ho protected , and THE AMERICAN NAVY i which will figure prominently in the protecting. Nnturnlly every American wants to Know what sort of Bhlpa Uncle Sum Ubcs in iuf'ul'inautical ' ques tions , and The Bco'd olToi- affords the mcaiia of knowing the strength of hia loprio in heated disputes. THE PIR5T FIVE PARTS flRE HOW RESDY. TO GET THEM , The Omaha Boo will please bond to the Fill out the annexed coupon undersigned reader * PORTFOLIOS as leslbly atntlng how many you wish , and hrlng ( or send ) it to * The Ileo wllh 10 cents In coin issued , for which is Inclosed. for each I'OUTKOUO wanted. It will bo room convenient to Na mo send $1.00 at the outset , ax you ' can thereby avoid -wrltlnt ; a' . letter and enclosing a dlmu for Street > each nf the successive Isiucs. They -will 'bo g < . > nt out ns fast aa they come from the presses. t"'ty " , . .State 'Indicate In plain flxuros how many Portfolio ? Get One for a Dime ; lire vruntud and how uiuoh money U luclohod. Buud 10 for a Dollar , Parts I , II , III IV , 6c V Now Ready. On ealo at tlie Business Office of The Omaha Bee , > aaMiitt