THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY , APRIL 0 , 18 ! 8. It niERCIAL AND FINANCIAL alng of Continental Exchanges Makes Trading Light. is STRONGER ON ADVANCE IN CORN 8nddm niuiniiiKon of ie Connirr OITrrlnK * Olvpn Corn n llonin , liul Ontn nnil 1'rnvJnluna Arc Unclmnttntl. CHICAGO , April 8. Tlio Spanish crisis and a sharp advance In corn made a strong market for wheat today , July closing at an advance of Tic. Tlio closing of tlie con tinental marketfl and many of the principal domestic exchanges made trading Vtere small all ilny. Corn wan atrong on n mtclclcn shut ting off of country offerings and closed % c higher. OaU was dull but firm and ad- Tranced % c. The clotting prices In provlHlons ehow little chang < ; from yesterday. The opening In wheat was steady , July starting at S3fjS4c , about where it left off yraterduy. Tno closing of Liverpool and the continental markets and nearly all the principal domestic exchanges took away from the market half of the usual Bpecula- ttve motive , and the pit at the opening , and for that matter during most of the session , wan not more t'nan half filled , Knough bulllnh news wag to hand to cause a moder ate demand to cover short contracts , and as offerings were even scarcer than buying orders the market for a time moved upward , July advancing to SlftSIKo from k3@S3T c , where It had sold Immediately after the opening. Northwest receipts were again light , Minneapolis and Dulufn reporting ar rivals of KiO cam , compared wll'n 215 last week and 3GI a year ago. Crop news from California wan fully as unfavorable as yes terday , but outside of this reports were generally favorable. The figures on the Ar gentine weekly wheat shipments depressed thu market for a time. Shipments last week were reported at 1.C72.0UO bu. , a big Increase over the previous week , and t'nls fact caused a little more selling pressure , put ting the price back to Soc. After that the market ruled strong to the end. The Cuban situation , so long n depressing factor In wheat , has now apparently become a bullish Influence. Many buyers expressed the belief fnat hostilities would result In an advance of prices and acted according to their belief. Additional strength was given to the market late In the day by the ad vance which was taking place In corn , causing more or less sympathetic buying nnd sustaining prices ngalnst the occasional pressure by professional shorts and t'ne In evitable liquidation which comes on the market dining periods of dullness. The de mand Improved during the afternoon , the fe J market becoming strong under moderate tseneral buying , July .finally advanced to SI-WSITtc nnd closed firm at Slftc. There was a brisk demand for corn and the market was strong rill day. There were almost no country offerings , due. It was ( talil , to war nppre'nenslon , nnd this fact drove In a good many of the big shorts. As the market advanced the buying became Konoral nnd was kept up to the end. May ranged from SOc to SS'/ic and closed % c higher at SOc. Oats was dull but firm. The market was helped a good deal by the advance In corn ami also by t'ne excellent cash demand. Shippers were the best buyers. There was also a moderate short demand. May ranged from 25 > 4c to 25 ? > c and closed % c higher at Provisions were decidedly dull. Weak hog prices were responsible for an openlnq decline In provisions , packers being the sell ers early. The strength of corn nnd re ports of large government Inquiries for products caused a better demand later and t'ne decline was recovered. The close was steady , May pork unchanged at $9.8214 , Hay lard a nhado higher at J5.17'/4 and May rlba CHc higher at * 3.17J4. Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat. SC cars : corn , 140 cars ; oats , 1G3 cars ; hogs , 10,000 head. . Loading futures ranged as follows : Articles . . ! Ouon. I High. I Iovr. \ Cloao. VTln'M April. . 1 0V < Nay. . . 1 03 1 4UU I US 0VMi July. . . 83X-S1 B3 SW -Mi Si-lit. . . 70K ! 7 7U } < Corn- May. . . 2'M-iO : 2 ! ) - 30 Julv. . . U { Scpl. . . 32JOH Oats- May. . . i'SH 25 July. . . Pork- May. . . 0 75 I ) 85 0 75 0 82 July. . . I ) 83 0 U5 U US I ) UO ton ] May. . . c m 5 20 S 17U C 17M July. . . 5 2UV 5V7W ! 5 22J & 25 C US htltlba May. . . B 20 5 20 S 17H 6 17 5 15 July. . . 6 ' 'U B 27 H S 20 B 25 6 L"J > i No. 2. Cash quotallonaere as follows : cndy ; winter patcnlK , JI. SOR3.00 tra'chta , S4.20O4.W ; tprlng patenlH , SI. 701 ? : . 00 IraluMv , J1.40UI.0 ; bakera , } 3.40a3.75 ; enrlni IperlaU , K.49. SVHKAT No. 3 sprlnf. S0034Hc ; No. 2 ro ! COHN-No. ' , 5- . OA1V- . 2. Zi ic , f. n. b. ; Xo. 2 white. Me No. 3 while , 28fi28-ic. IIYI5 No. 2 , Mc. BEKna Nn. 1 llax < ieed , Jl.Wii Jl.l Trim tlmolliy tweil. t'l.KfiiZM. rnOVlHIONS MWH pork , per bbl. , f.SCKf ) 1.8o l rd , per 100 Ibs. , 3.lbiaJ.17'/4. Shrrt rln ! aide : ( loose ) , JJ.OiiJ.I.W ; dry Baited nhouldem ( lKixt.1) ) J4.7iSi .8W ; fhort clear sides ( boxed ) , > j. " ; JV43 WHISKY Dlstlllera' llnlihed goods , per cal. II. JO. SUGARS Cut loaf , I3.C3 ; granulated. I5.13J .58. J "On the I'roduce exchange today the butter mar ket wan Iir in ; creameries , l..Sjilc ; dallies , " llfi l c. Cheese , qul t , SKSWc. ICgs . , * SlDiC ! Ulve poullry , Hteady ; chickens , 8@3ic ! ; iluoka , c WEW YOIIK GKXHKAI , M.VHKICTS QuofiilloiiH for the DM > - OH deiiera . ComiuoilltleH. NKW YOP.K , April 8.-FIXUll-Hecelpts , , . 113 bb5. ! ; export . 41,213 l bls. ; Minnesota patenla J5.10iT5.50 ; Minnesota bakery , JI.IoOI.U ; wlnlei UralRhls , J4.60iJ4.C3 ; winter extras , tt.G3Ci.lP winter low grades , t2.DOQ3.00 , llye Hour , dull J2,75W3.'JO. Iluckwhent Hour , nominal at Jl.SOj COHNMIJAIj Firmer ; yellow western , 70c. UUCKWIIKAT Nominal at 4Je. 'IIVK Sleady ; No. S western , 6S > ii'Jo. JIAHl.lCY MALT Quiet ; \\i-Htern. S3UCOc. HAUI.KV Quiet ; feeding , 42c. " \VIIKAT llecelpta , 1H.OOO bu. ; export * , 103,81 Fpol , llrm but a Rood outporl trade reported No. 2 rvil. ll.04'.i ' f. o. b. utloal. Optlnnn wen KlronK bul ralher quiet from start lo nnlsh lo day , Sliorls were tha buyers , alarmed over th extraordinary export demand for all Kraln , tin favorable California crop newH and tlic bli jump In corn. Prices closed at the lup and 3 < tflic o\er iasl night ; No. 2 red , May , $1.014 l.OlVi : closed at J1.01H. COHN Hecclit | , 3 ,75i ) bu. ; export * . 179.45 bu. Spol , llrm ; No. 2. 3C.c. Option bullish ) ; nfTecled by n heavy export trade al all port nnd ruled ulronir all 'day , with shorts aetlvi buyers ; closed } 4c net hlKher : May , 33Tiff3lc closed at 34 iP ; July , 3ivf/j5 ni6e ; elo > ed a 33ic. OATS IlecelptR , Wi,4l bu. : exports. 63,511 bu Mpot. firm : No. ! . S0 ic ; No. 2 while , SJ jc Opllonn iiulet but tinner , closing Uc nel hlRher May closed nt 29 > ; c. HAY Dull ; shipping , J > B33c ; good to choice C5OTOC. HOI'S-Steady ; 1S95 > * op. 4ff5c ; 1S9G crop. 7f c : Ib'JJ crop , lS01"c ; 1'arlflcf coast. 1M3 crop , JSe ; 1M8 crop , 8 Sc ) ; 1S37 crop. 1718c. IllUKS Steady ; O.i'.veHton , IS jc ; Texas dry I214c ; rallfornla. 1 ie. l.EATIIHIl .Sleady ; liemlock sole , lluer.a Ayrei. laUtiSOlic. WOOL Quleij domesllo fleece. 17f22o ; Texas UO15C. 1'IIOVISIONS Ileef. steadv ; family , $ ll.X ( > i ! 11,75 ; exlrn mesa , | 9. < Mff3,75 ; Iwef hums , 123 pocket. J10.2.MJ11.0i > . Cul meats , steady ; plelilei tellies , J3.WOC.W ; rlckled houlders , H.K pickled hams , 17,6097.73. Iwird , llrmer ; weaten Kteumed " rlonnl at > 3SO ; May , JJ.IHJ ! ; retlned firmer. Pork , Btearty ; tness. $9.7.1(710.0) ; shot clear. $19. ! ; 1.W : family. $11.0OiJll.KI. Tullon leady ; city. $3.7V4 : counlry , tt.7Viif3.75. OU Coltotifee , ! oil , dull ; prime crude , 19'JC BOc ; prime yellow , S2as4c. ! Petroleum , ilull Itosln , steady ; strained , common til good , $1 t"1 O1-41. Turpentine , llrm at 31U1f3l c. IIK'B Sleady ; fair lo exlra , 45iO ? ie ; Japan MOUASSKS Oulel : Njw Orleans , \n > tn kettle | C > 1 t rbolee.OfUc. . MKTAI.- Iron , dull ; southirn , $ .75O10.tS norlhtrn , $ IO.IiOiilS.eH ) . Copper. < iulel : brokers' Ill.biVi. 1-i'ail , qulrl ; brokers' , 53. W. Tin plate ; dull- dullHUTTKn HUTTKn llfwlpu. 2,813 pkus , ; wesler weamery , 17iic ; Kleins. JJj ; faclory. KViSflfx CIIKKHK Kecelpls , S.153 plopi. ; cteadler ; llcti klms , DUC6 > ; c : part nklms , 4ifjGo ; full klm * Xf3o. Uoas Ilecelpln , 16.634 iikus. : ih-m : slale nn JVnnsylvnnla. lOQIOHc ; weilern , lOVis ; soutli rn , SttBlOc. St. I.oulH C cue nil Mnrkctii. ST. UOl'IS. April 8. KI/UIl-Slow and catlei pntrntB. $4.70174. 8) ; stralKht , $ l.30@4.43 ; cler : f4.0Mi < l.i3 : meslluin , I3.tM3.73. ( | \VIIUAT Hluher , cloalng Mrong ami UP fo Waj' , ' * c for July and Utc fjr SeplernU'r obov eslerday. h'p t. tilclier : No. ! rej cnsli , elevilto : { < u : track , ir.teOll.ooj April , t S.c : May. Jt.OO' ' uly , 73o ; S pteml > er , 73Ho ; No. : hard cash , Sl < COHN Futures llrm , closlnj ; at th < t top na fractlnnf ktmrir yculirrrtay , Ppot Krone : Mn. t ranh nnd April , TTHC ) Jlny , llfto bldt July , y iO Mill Hrpi mb r. OHc/ . OATH Futurn mronit , with R fradlonil nd Vfincc , liut with tradlns ! light. Pt > t , rt dyl No. Z mull , Wio ! n\rk , i'idiTo ! April , WUc ; May , > ; % e , July , K'iUUCj Krplemhrr , 21 > , c bid ; No. 2 wlille , 9 < V He. lYlv-nrm ! , tee Md , PLAXHRKU-nrtUri JI.KV4. TIMOTHY HKKD-Prlme , $2. P3.00. . . * . racked , cml track , tec Md. HAY-SlcaJyi pmlrlc , $6.0008.50 ; llmolhy , JO.OO OIO.DO. HUTTKn-FIrm ; creamery , 173lc : dairy , 110 ISc. inoa-Caslor. 5'/iOc. WIIIHKT $1.20. COTTONT 1 124-70C. 1IAOOINO i > i / Ue. MiTAI < 3-Lend , lower , JS.47',4. Bpcller , beltor , $1.03. PHOVISIONS-Pork , quiet ; Btnndard mess , Jnb- blnit , $5. 7i. ! iJird , hlirlier ; prlmfl uleurn , $ S ; nhxlcc , $5. 10. Itacon , boxed Rlioulders , $ . * > .97if ! C.Cfl ; eulm short clear. IS.S7H ; ribs , J6 ; shortu , tO.lZH. Dry unit mentit. t n l shoulders , $ | ,7f { 4. 7'.4 ; exlrn sliort clenr , $3.Z3 ; rlb > , $ i.3TJ ! ; vlKirl , JilKCKIPT ! * Hour , 8,000 I.Us. ; wheat , 10,000 bu , ! corn , low.ftn ) Im. ; oats , 22.0)0 ) bu. 811 Il'MHNTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ! wheat , COW bu. ; corn , 10G.UOO bu. ; oals. 7,0 ) bu. OMAHA GIIXKHAL 3IAIIKETS. Conilltlnn nf Trnilr nnil < laotUuiti on Stniilo nnil Vnncr PriNliioe. nnas aood stock , stic. IIUTTEII Common to fal" . JSJlle. ; separatT creamery , Me ; gathered creamery , ISOHc. VKAI Choice fat. SO lo la ) lb . , quoled at Eff 9c ; large find coarse , Cyic. IJVK roUIVTllY ChlcHcn * . V.lQtz ; old roost ers , 3'iS4c ' ; youni ; roosler . CJiJT ? ; ducks , 7c , OAMB Mallard * , $ : .W02.73 ; teal , $1.1:01.2 : ; brnnls , $2.oOtf3. o ; Canada eeese , $4.0030.00 , mlx l dueke , $1,0)01.53. PIOKON.S Live , $1,16J1.23 ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , $7 ; midland , 10 ; lowland , $3.M ; yn straw , $1 : ciolor makes the price en liny ; Wit bales sell the \ > .n ; unly top grades brine up prices. VEOETAUI..C3. CBLKItr Qood slock , large , COe ; email , r.ftJOc. ONIONS-Per bu. , TS Bc. 11KANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. . $1.2U.30. 8WKKT I'OTATOKS Kansas , 10-peck bMs , , ! 3.BO ; feed sweet potaloes , $2. OAHIIAOH Good slock , per Ib. , , POTA1X3IJH Home ETOtt'n , SOSiic ; lock , 70c. TOMATORS Per crale , seven ba. ki > ls. $3.30. NKW IIKRT3 Per Uoz. bunebes , 43S'Wc. ' 11ADISHKS Per doi. bunches , 23W30C. I.irrriTCB-1'er iloz. bunches , 20 33c. OUKU.V ONIONS-Per doz. . 13c. WATKItcnESS Per 18-qt. case. $1.60. CUUUMHURS Per < loz. , J1.25Q1.50. FISU1TS. STnAWUKnillES Per 24-plnt case. $ l.23SJ.M 1-qt. case , J4.Mfi3.00. APPLES Winter nlock , $3.00G3.30 ; boxes , $1.- 1. . ,0. I'llANIlEnniKS-rnncy Jersey , tjcr ' bbl , $10. aUAPKS-MalaKafl. J3.WSC.CO. TllOPICAL FKU1TS , OflANOES-Callfornla navels , J2.7303.00 ; fane ) Bedllnss. $2.:3S2.W ) ; cbolce , $2. LEMONS California fancy , $3 ; choice , $2.50 fancy Messina , J3.W3.tO. I1ANANAH choice , large Mock , per Clinch , JS.Ci 02.23 ; medium sized Lunches , J1.75j2.l)0. ) NUTS Almonds , per Hi. , IntKf size , 12J13o mnll , Ilo ; Urazlla , per Ib. , 9'tflOa ; Enicllsli wal mis , per Ib. , fancy sofl she'l ' , loirilc ; ntandnr.'s ; t 8ct tlllicTts , per ib. , iOc ; Pecans , polished , me ilium , 0 70 ; extra large , 1'ifja ; larRO nleltnrr nuts , Jl.WKfl.lO per bu. ; small , Jl.23ffl.33 per 'HI. ' cocoanuta , per luO , { 4 ; peanuts , mw , f.w"c -oaBled , CaCHc. riOS Imported , fancy , 3-cro\vn , ll-Ib. boxes Oc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. lioxea. 13c ; z-lb. boxes , 2r 23e per box : California. 10-lb. hex , $1. HONEY Choice while , 12c ; Colorado i-niber , li 01U- . KIIAUT Per bbl. , J3.50 ; half bbl. , 53 "r , MAPLB HYHUP-nve-Kal. can , each , : > .73 ; ml inna , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , Jii :3 luart cans , $3.50 , DATI'M Hallowee. CO tn 70-lb. Loses G'Sc Salr. So ; Tard , 9-lb. lioxea , 9c. CIDEIl Per holf-bbl. , $3 ; Mil. , $3. FRESH MEATS. So ; good hlndauarlew lielfcrs , Sc ; Rood . , , , , 5-c ; fair cows. G'.ie ; cow forcquarlers , 4'4ccov hindquarters. 7Jic. 3c ; brains , per doz. , 33c ; sweetbreads , ner Ib 12o ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 4)c ) ; kidneys icr.doz. , 33u ; ox talla , each , 3c ; livers , ner Ib 'V4c ; hearts , per Ib. , 2V5c : tongues , per Ib lie calf livers , each , 33e ; calves , whole carcass o sldoK , Oc : calf head and feet , scalded , ner set 73c ; tenderloins , fresh , ISo ; tenderloins , frozen ire ; boneless strips , fresh , 9V4c : boneleas strip- rrozfn , 9c ; strip loins , fresh , 7' c ; strip loins frozen , CHc ; rolls , boneless , 9J4c ; rolls , spence culs , 'Jc ; sirloin butts , boneless , Sc ; shoulde clods , boneless , 6Vic : rump bulls , boneless. 5ic No. 1 chucks , Be : No. 2 chucks , 4',4cj ' No. chucks , 4c ; boneless chucks , Be ; cow plates 3'lc sleer plales , 4c ; Hank steak , 7c ; loins No i 13 c ; loins , No. 2 , lO'.Ac ; loins. No. 3 , 8v'.c ' : siior loins , market style. 2c above loins ; short lolnt liotel style , 4c above loins ; cow loin , ends , Sc ctecr loin , ends , 80. , MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c ptr Ib. : Iambi Sc ; sheep , 7c ; market racks , long , 90iiote racks , short , lie ; loins , 9c ; saddles , 'Jc ; legs 9c lambs legs , IOc ; breasts nnd stews , 3',4c ' ; tonguet each , 3c ; forequnrlers. CMiC. PonK Dre od pigs , BVjc per lb. ; drezretl hog ! ijc ; tenderloins , I4c ; loins , short , 6 > s ; Jens , 6c jiare ribs , rc ; ham sausage butts , B)4c ) ; Ho'slo bulls , 5140 ; shoulder' , rough , Be ; shoulder ! eklnncd , SUc ; trimmings , 4VSc ; leaf lard , nc tendered , CVic : heads , cleaned. 4c ; snouts nn ears , 3c ; neckbones , Jc : cheek meat , 4c ; plgi tall , Jo ; plucks , each , 5c ; chltlerlings , 5c ; hocki 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 23c ; stomachs , each , 3 ( tongues , each , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , IOc ; bralm per doz. , 15oj pigs' feet , per iloz , , 30c ; liven each , 3c ; hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , Cc. HIDES. TALT.OW , ETC , HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No 2 erep hides , Be ; No. 1 salted hides , 8c ; No. 2 Jrrce sailed hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs s < No. 2 veal calf , 12 lo 15 Ibs. . 7c. ' SIIEK1' PKLTfl-Orecn salted , each , 13ffl73 ( green sailed shearings ( short wooled early skins each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled earl aklns ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint Kansas and N < braska butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual welch 4B3c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murral wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. s@4c ; dr flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb nctu- weight , Hint murrain 435CJ dry Colorado woe pelts , per lb. , actual wolglit , 3SJ4e. TADUW , OHKASK , KTC Tallow , No. 1 3i nlbiw , No. 2 , 2V4c : rough tallow , lUc ; whit grease , z&i82ic ; yellow nnd brown grease , 1141 ll.BOJtS.OO ; mink , ISSJCOc : beaver , jl OOSC ' oi skunk , 13c. 25c. COo ; muskrat , 3c , ST. To ; raco'or ISft'JOc ; red fox. 23o J1.23 ; gray fox , 2530c ; wol ( timber ) , 23cSIt2.BO ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , 10H30C wildcat , 10p23p : badger , BfflOc ; silver fox , (3 ( City Cirnlii nnil ProvlHlonH. KANSA HCITY , April 8. WHEAT-Artlve. 1 higher : No. 1 hard , Die : No. 2. S.1TS9UCNo ' I S3ieS9Hc ! : Np. 1 red , 93o ; o. 2. 2frJ214c ; No' ! 91c : No. 2 spring , SSiJWc ; No. 3 , SljJSCc. } % S ? c.lvfBt""ly . : Mu. 2 mixed. SrVj 2C i OATS Active , about steady ; No. 2 white , IOVJI IlYE Steaily ; No , 2 , 4Ce. HAY Higher , ncllve ; choice timothy , } 9.0 ; 9.M ; cholee prairie , J7.M07.73. IItITTEH-Bti dy ; creamery , 16Q17c ; dalir , : ft Lie. EOOS-Firm : Sc HECEIPTS-Wheat , 19.20. ) bu. : corn. 2.1,40) ) bu oals , 8,000 bu. SHIPIIIOXTS Wheat , 25.800 bu. ; corn , 31 SI bu. ; outs , none. Clnolniintl Mnrket. April 8.-FLOUH-DU11 ; fane ) WHKAT-Qulet ; No. 2 red. 9lc. COItN-Qiilft ; No. 2 mlxoJ. 3H4c. OATS-Stcady ; Nn. 2 mixed. 3302Stc. IlTK Steady ; No. J , B2c. PHOVISIOXS Uinl. qulc-t , $3.03. Hulk meali nrm. $5.o. Ilncon , firm , 1C. WHISKY Steady , Jl.Jtf. nUTTEIl-FIrm and higher ; Elgin creamer- 2So : Ohio. ISSJISc ; dolry. 10O12c. SUC1 All-Firm : hard refined. $4.25ff3.S3. IXJGS-Qulet nl 8c. Sleady : Boo < l to prime Ohio flat , 9' ' ( rnln HoiM-liH | nt Prliu-lpul Mnrki > ti < ; iUdAOO , April S. Hecflpts tnday : Wrier 77 cars ; corn. 196 cars : oatM , 13t ciral > limatr car lul UMiiorrow : Wheat , 80 ; com , 140 ; i-ati 1C5. 1C5.MINNHAPOUH MINNHAPOUH , April 8. Ilecelpts : Whta none. ST. U3UIS. April S. Ilocflpta : Wheat , 12 can DUI.UTH , April 8. Ilecelpls ; Wlieat , 163 can Ilitltlmorc I'roiliifc. DALTIMOIIE. April 8. Ill'TTEH-Flim : creamery. 2122c ) : fancy Imitation. I'UlSj ; fane Indie , lie ; good ladle , 13jUc ; store packi10 12c. icons-Firm ; fret.Ii , ICj. CHEESE Steady ; fancy New York , large. 9 { W&c : fancy New York , medium , 95tfHl ! > c : faiu New York , small , lOHClO'ic. Toledo Market. TOLRIXD , April 8. WHKAT-null. firm ; No. cssh , 9 Vo ; May , 9ac , COIlTr = Acllve. firm : NJ. 2 mixed. 3Vic. OATS Neglected ; No. 2 mixed , 2Ic , nomlnnl. IlVIC null. Heady : No. 2 nlxiM , casn , M > : < 'I/3VEUSEEI > Active , l.lghirr ; jirhrvo i-afh nl April , $2.93. riillnilfliililu I'roiluro , PinLADELPHlA. April 8.-UUTTEn-Flm fancy western creamery , 2Jc ; fancy wester print * . 23c. ICGOS-Flrmi fresh nearby , lOlic ; fresh wen ern , lU'ic ; fretii e-outhem , IOc. Detroit I DETHOIT. April S.-WHEAT-No. 1 whit 9l-c : No. S red , cash and May. 9CVic. COHN No. 2 mixed , 3lic. OATS-NO , t while , soiic. IlYE-No. 2 , 5SUC. IVurlu . P1X5IUA , April . COUN-Slrong , higher ; N 2 , 29c. OATS-FIrm : No. 2 white. 27iO27'ie. ' WHISKY High proof spirits ; $1.13k. Illdr * nnd fji'nthrr Market , CHK'AOO. April . The Shoe and Leath llevlew tomorrow will say ; The nejlect of bu era has caused the hide market to decline in terlally , but the quotations are still about I1 ! hrr thin th r wrr at thlf tlm * lait rear. 'atlvrt ' slerr hide * were sold thin w ek lit 10HC. They art Hceumtilatlnc and th packer * werd ntbl * to sustain the market , Ltght native row ildM wrt fold for Irst lh n lee , tn Ihe rnun- IT hide mntkct them 1 a better tone , lluffi ulo nt DC. BTOCK5 AMI JIOM3S. IiirUrt All 4hr of n. llollilnr. NEW YOniv , April 5. Tlic Slock cxchnnRd wn * pen today for the nrst time on Qool Frldiiy In thirty yenm. When It was ilecldeil on Tnes- lay evening , In response to n motion put nn the oanl to forego tha usual holiday , It was ex * that the tiresldenl's. mc.tiwge would b l In congress ! on Wednewlny , and y I'tlday the shock of war might hnve come. "he le'clndlng of the motion wa * discussed hen llie pontponement ot the presldcnl'B ni"3- igp was iinnounced , but no nitlon was taken. a the event ha. proved there was no dlspotri- Jon lo Iradc even yesterday , the olement' pr < " rrlnB to wall for the development of the cltun- oiv. An for today's market b lne i wa trivial n amount nnd fluctuations were totally without Ignltlcancp. A * foreign txclinnges were alt losetl , It was suppae l there Tnlght 1 some tulnpM. A large number of brokers shut up heir ofn and went homo when they ptrtt'tvoil he condition of affairs. Those who were- left n the floor devoled Ihclr principal eneirle ! " lo iportlve devices and tricks of ha ln upon th winl memlier wliose motion was ) rcsponslbln for eprlvlng them of Iho usual holiday. Prices rtfteil aimlessly below last night's close , and used above the lowest , but at fractional net wsc * . Quotation * l > nUt In Ihe money and ex ange markeln were merely nominal , but n mall additional engagement of gold fnr Import , -ns sulllclent to Indicate lhat the tide of lu ! rcclous melnl has not changed. Itonds ; wcro most etagnnnt , l it showed declines. Tolnl , \les , $100.000. tlnlled Slates 4s. coupon , lost 1 , nlteil Stolen reglalered % , Ihe old 4s , reglslered , ,4 , and the Cs ' , J In the bid price. Following are the closing quotations of the ending stocks on thfe New York market today ; Xcw York .Mouy NEW TOIIK , April 8. MONKY OX CAM.- N'omlnally , 2',413 | > er cent. 1'HI.MT : MK11CANT1LK I'Al'En 3itei > ' , POI cent. STCUI.INO K.XCIIANOK Dull nncl steady , rlth actunl ImslncES In bankers' bills at H.K'Afi .8314 { or demand , and $4.SOV4W.80',4 ' for Blxl > days ; irasted rates , Sl.SOHifI-W , and Jl.Siitlt.SI',2 ' "ommorclal bills , J1.7UH. SIIjVKK CKRT1KICATIM 568570. 11AH SIL.VKH 53c. MKXICAN DOLLARS 4Sc. OOVEllNMBNT 15ONDS Heavy ; new 4c. rots. nnd coupon , 121H ; i * . leg. , 109 ; coupun , 110lj ; , res. , ! * 7 : Os , res- and coupon , 111-1 ; 1'aclll' Cs of ' 93 , 103. Ole lng nuotallona on bonds were ns follows : Kluniirlulotcn. . OMAHA. April 8. The clearings for' the da were JSC3.407.19 ; bulanrer , JM.CCO.OI. The cleai inga for li > 7 were $721.4SI.9 > , nnd the balance $1C2B39.32. Increase In clearings , $141 , U22 21 CHICAGO. April 8. Clearings , J16,517S3S. Nei York exchange , SOc discount ; pogled rules , Jl i and $4.8414. Hlocks , dull : Alley L , 6 ! : IHnMiti 22T4 ; IllBcuit prefrrred. 77V4 ; J ke Street 1 10'4 ; North Chicago. 21C ; btrawhaard. 23 bid West ( Chicago. W. NEW YOllIC. April 8. Clearings , $106.119,91 ! balances , $5,293,4:3. IIOSTON. April S. Clearings , $13,402,336 ; bal ances ) , Jl.TCl.7SiS. ST. LOUIS. April 8. Clearings. t4.I34.M7 ; hal nnres , J315.MI. Money5fi8 per cent ; New Yor exchange , 73c dlt count bid , Ms discount afked. CINCINNATI. April 8. New York exchang < COc discount. Money , 3V40S per ceni , Clearlngi $1,80SJ30. , ' Forvlti Klnunclnl. I'AnfB. April 8 , TSio Imurse loday opei f heavy. Spanish 4s agnln fell , bul H better fee Ing supen'ened. The closing , how ever , as dul .Miirkfl . NEW YOIIK. April 8. COFFEE-Optlon opened steady , with prices 5 to 10 points hlghc and continued to advance pretty much all da on local covering , buylns by spot coffee house ; talk of war duly. Increased demand from ror sumer * . heavier warehouie deliveries , tcarcll of seller * and fears of bullish cables nexl weel Closed birely steady , with prices 10 lo 23 polnl net higher ; sales , 14.2V ) tiagj. Including May e $3 .708 5. 93 , Spot coffee , Illo , market firm ; Ni 7 , Invoice , $0.75 ; No. 7 , JMiblns. $7,23. MtK llrm : Cordova , $ S,73iH7,00. The Havre nn South American coffee markets were closei Tolal warehouse deliveries from the Unite Stale * . 87,000 bags. Including 23,292 from Nc York ; New York sleek loday , 241 , 110 bag' ' United States gtorlc. 77,933 bam : lloat for II United States , 333.CCO bagi ; total visible for It United stales. 1.1U.93.bags , against C73.211 la year and 4WStJ ) tn ISM. OMAHA LIVE SOT MARKET light Receipt * in ; All Gradet and a Lower Tendency , " ANOTHER BEAR . -MOVEMENT - FAILS Iiiirtil Ilurpr * Try to llrcnk lint Sucrnmli Aflpr n jiit t.lttlc > I > SOUTII OMAHA , 'April S.-Recclpta for the days Indicated were : The disposition of the day's receipts wan ia follows , each buyer purchasing the num- ) cr of head Indicated : / > .luyers. * - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnhn Packing Co . 8S . K7 3. II. Hnminond Co . MS 7.2 ! . Swift nnd Company . SGS 1,001 704 Judnhy Packing Co. . . . . . 52S 1,73-J . . . . . 1. Becker & Dcgun . HI . , , , . J. li. Carey . C2 . , . . , , I-obman & Ilothsc'iillds. , 73 , . . . . \V. I. Stejihens . 4 . Huston & Co . II . Krcbbs ' & Co . 27 . Livingston & Schalcr. . . . 4 . I. . . F. Hiiaz . 77 . II. Hamilton . 11 . Swift , country . . . 721 Cudnhy , Kansas City . 2S7 . Planklnton , Milwaukee . . . 490 . Chicago 1 * . & P. Co. , Ne braska City . 3D5 . . . . . Other buyers . 71 . Totals . 1,831 4.31C 3,032 Today's receipts of live stock were very Ight even for a Friday ; fnerc bolng a fall- ng off as compared with ono and two weeks a o of forty to fifty cars. The mar kets as 11 whole were In pretty fair shape , values for the most part being entirely sat isfactory to the selling Interests , nnd the movement active except In the case of corn- Ted steers. For the week to date fncre has been a heavy falling off In the arrivals of cattle , while hogs liavo pretty nearly held their own. Sheep nlono' have s'nown gains over the record established last week. CATTLK Today's reeolpts of cattle so far as numbers reported lit the yards are concerned were noti much different from yesterday or a week ago. The number of cattle actually on sale- however , was much smaller , as a packer received thirteen loads direct , which cut down the offerings very materially. According to the reports of buyers the kind of fat steers In the yards was none too desirable on an i average , that Is they did not look especially good to them. The c'nlef bear argument , however , was that cattle have been selling too high here as compared with the prices paid at other selling points. The cattle that have gone t'nroueh from here to Chicago have demon strated that there has tteen only a slight margin between the" two points. It has been remarked by 'old operators on this market that cattle hfive on some days this week sold nearer Chicago prices' than ever before. As a result , ot/thls ( condition of the market s'nlppers have dropped out , as there. was not margin 'enough for them to operate upon nnd local packers had It all to themselves today. As was to bo ex pected under the circumstances they started out bidding easier prices and the trade opened slow and draggy. Salesmen were all asking good strong prices for their hold- Iras , or more than buyers were willing to pay , and It required some , little time for them to get together .on a trading basis. There were so few cattle , however , while the demand was of fair proportions , that the buyers finally cleaned up the yards and the prices paid In t'ne end were not much different from yesterday. IJutchers' stock was In limited supply. something like a dozen loads of cows and heifers constituting about all there was here today. The demand however , was as largo as ever and the natural outcome was a strong and active market. The buyers got down to business at once and practi cally everything was sold and weighed up at a very early hour. The close , If any thing , was firmer than the opening. The prices at which , good caws and heifers are selling look very hlgYi , especially the prices paid for choice and "fat yearling heifers , which are selling to the packers as high as $4.JOJ1-I.43. Choice fat cows are also selling well , that is as high as $4.00. The yards were almost bare of feeders. Practically everything in the hands of reg ular operators , was disposed of yesterday or the day before and as there were no fresh arrivals of any Importance , the offer- inos were hardly of sulllclent Importance to attract any attention or to establish quo tations. The few hero , however , found buy ers waiting and It was no trouble to get strong prices for anything at all desirable. Representative sales : > STEEH3 - Ay. I'r. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. ; ? " * ! * * P 24. . . .1427 $4 W 18..1CU5 $4 65 21. . . .12,10 4 50 22. . . .1177 4 5 > > 10. . . .1071 4 55 22. . . .1163 450 38..105S 450 15. , . .1300 445 CO. . . .1045 4 45 el. . . . 937 4 23 S , . . . Ml 4 10 0..10H 440 13. . . .1136 470 CS . 1S07 445 1..1370 400 14. . . .1178 443 5. . . . 812 443 3. . . . S46 4 35 55..iC4 4 35 4. . . .1030 4 10 . . . . 926 4 40 29. . . .1233 4 20 1..1070 3 50 20. . . .1133 4 31 5. . . . Uli ; 4 33 . 7. . . .1240 4 53 21. . . .KM 423 20. . . .111) 4 SO 16. . . .1232 433 21. . . .1172 4 4j 1. . . . fcGO 373 C..1031 440 19. . . .1054 4 45 1. . . . 820 3 83 G..1H3 4 70 1..1190 4 40 18. . . .1110 4 50 COWS. 2. . . . 940 390 1..1130 3 M 1..1300 3 S3 7..1 ) 383 1..1200 3f. . ) 1..10M 375 1..1130 373 10. . . .1232 375 4. . . .1107 370 1. . . . 66) 2 CO 1S..11U SCO 8. . . .1118 340 5. . . .1033 340 2. . . . S30 350 1..10IO 360 1. . . . SIO 30) 1..1210 300 2. . . .1140 340 1..1160 3 13 3. . . .1146 3 40 2. . . , 840 3 SJ 1..1000 323 17. . . .984 313 1. . . . 970 313 1. . . . 960 300 1. . . . MO 223 2. . . . K3 250 1. . . . OSO 290 2. . . .1130 3 SO 1. . . . 910 2W 1..1MO 400 3..1ZSO 400 2 , . . .1150 3 SO 2. . . .1100 335 3. . . .1013 333 1..1190 373 1. . , . S30 3 73 l..HJf ! ) 3 73 2. . . .1265 3 83 1..120) ) 383 1. . . . SCO SCO 1. . . . 760 390 I. . . . 9 > 273 2. . . . 9M 360 1..1200 350 2. . . .1155 3 63 2. . . .1030 375 2. , . ,1250 340 2. . . .1010 3 " 3 1. . . . SiJO 300 1. . . . MO 200 1. . . . 830 250 7..1206 i3 SO 2. . . .1120 330 5. . . .1020 3 85'25 4 07'J 11KIVERS. S..1C03 40) 3) ) . . . .109) 410 4. . . . 773 390 2 , . . . 970 3 S3 . . . , ( " 3 M l..10S ) J iO 1. . . . 430 3 73 1. . . . S'fl ' 18 75 1. . . . SCO 3 ( JO 1. . . . 910 410 2. . . . S2U B M 4..1IJ7 ; 430 1. . . . 410 423 2. . . . 90-3 M 1. . . . 9I 1113 1. . . . 910 273 fi. . . . 67 * 443 8 , . . . 573 440 2. . . . 565 4 25 1. . . . 710 .3 53 lliill'KKS AND STKISI13. 5. . , . 712 4 20 23..10JU ,4 10 rows ANtr 111:1 PKKS. 23. . . .1010 415 8. . . . CSO3 5 2. . . .1010 3 C3 3. . . .1141 3 : o i.n 1IUM..S. 1. . . . CCO 410 1..10CO 3K . 1..13-.0 370 1..123I ) 3 CO l..l > f4 3 .71 2. . . 139) : : 30 1..1550 3 r 1. . . . CW 2 h ) 1..141U 3 15 1. . . . WO 3 S3 1. . . t ) 33) 1. . SIO 4 OU i..nw ; 3 < o i..iw3r. i..i2ji ) 3 :3 1..14SO 300 I..IKO 3 A I..IDIU .1 1..1270 3 2i l..n,0 3(0 l..irVI " X ! Q 2 , . . .1070 3 'JO 3. . . .163) .ll'lo ' . . . . ' . ' > 3 ! 0 1..1GW 3 45 - . ; ' . 2. . . . 155 6 5" l..KO-6C9 1. . . . 45-0 5M STAOSJ 3. . . .1250 37.1 1..1SW. 140 1..I570 400 KTOCKURS AXI > PEEDRUS. 4. . , . CS ) 46) 3. . . . 7U 4 5' ' ) ll..llf.l IW 2. . . . 075 423 4 ? . . , . 6.16 4 J5 7. . . . 73 ? 4ft ) 3. . . . 446 SCO 19. . . . (97 ( 4 0) > a 4 3i 1. . . . 630 3 7."i 1. . . . S70 375 1. . . . iBg 3 ; 1. . . . UX > 4 K 1. . . . 57' ) 40-1 1. . , . 2 425 13 , , . , 62) 4 25 6. . . . 445. .1 CO 1 , . . 370 K 0" L ) . . . . 734 410 2. . . . . $ ' > } 4 10 2. , . , 760 4:3 HOGS Today's rece > ! ] > t of lioss nerp ismillei than yesterday by about twenty cara ami nm.i'l. " than Friday of last week by u'jout the tame number. As compani ! vltli 'U ( < ) Ins'- run 1.1 Iwo week * HKO. limvjvithtpj was ; i Mlllng oft of almost llfty ! oirtn. Uarly advices from < > th < T , ellnB | polnlB in tuidl lion to IncllnillnK larse receipts nave a hint ft lower prlco , aid under such Influences Inn 1-it.rl.e here openeil easier In spltr of the fhct tint Hie receipt * were fttnall. A few loads changed ImmJe on Unit basts , but not ininy. inul the inailn- soon nrmwl up under ! li - iniVten ; e if gv buylne rtemaml onlie pi't if M | per * n l as local packers. "Jlvj.i : 4us ulroni in any time yesterday. * Taken as a while i > .o mr.rlitnt nit nuio ! dlllerent from ycstfrrtay , ho avcra o ofmll ti , < j BAli's lielne about tln > tain.01 | iusilbly frac tion lower for today. A few loads of Hunt Hi'l trathy Htuff sold under $3.70 , t t the MK string was at that price th" name as ycaterd y , with quite a uprlnklinit ul J1.72H and $1.75. The haga sold today 7ijc than a week in , So htirtwT th 5i two wprhi ngo , nti.1 only M sliml ! lower than n month itg < > , Kcprf on < uti\ No. Av. Bh. rr. No. Av. Rh , Pr. . . . , . . . . 340 $1 M > 4 , , , , , , , . 13 13 CJ 71 211 W S IU 79. . . . . . , ! 40 370 111 21ft . . . J 7i ) C7. . . . . . ? ? 7 * ) 170 ; ! . . , . . . . . < > tw 70 M. , . , . .us tso j70 61 tM 10) ) S TO .14. . W M J TO 31 no 80 s 7n on : i < so 3 TO 7 229 . . , 3 70 ! < . , . . . . . .J7 ! > 0 1 70 63..234 40 3 70 30. , II ? IM 370 M..214 IM 170 IMS 4) 3 70 63. 234 ICO 3 70 M , .2r > . . . S W & . . . . . . . . W ) 170 70 ,278 S4 170 , . , . , , , . > 40 370 73 233 (0 370 6 232 . . . 370 M. , 233 120 S 70 ! > . ' r.M . . . 370 Ct 229 SO 370 7S.:4' < M 3 70 63 264 . . . S 70 45 2M , . , 370 CO Z 3 200 3 70 M 2C7 . , . 370 II 270 . . . 370 M 276 tn 37l"i 70 IM . . . SHU 78 . ' .274 SC 3 72V4 72 161 80 S 7 H 73 249 . . . 1 7-.IV , 70 2V. . . . 3 724 63 Ml SO 3724 < " 223 . . . 3 7J i r.l m . . . 3 72 ! % 26 , . 2M 120 3 711 * 50 271 . . . .1 724 71 242 4' ' ) 3 724 G2 231 160 372 ! * 78 252 SO 372V ) 63 SH 40 371 9 270 40 3724 M S i . . . J73 62 : 549 . . . 373 M > 303 so 3 7 : , . RS tcs 40 3 73 f > 9 SK ! > SO 9 7S 24 290 SO 3 73 72 307 (0 3 73 67 EM ) . . . 3 73 59 2S.I 40 373 61 281 . . . 3774 M 2 ! > 3 . . . 3 77U CO 291 40 I 774 74 KM tn 3 77i-i WAGON HOOS-TimOW OUTd. 1 i:0 : . . . 2(0 1 , ( JW . . . Ti 1 , , , Id ) . . . 370 1 . . .I * ) . . . SW , . , , , , , . . . . .1 61 f 110 . . . 1 C7'j 2 440 . . . 3674 1 > I40 . . . 370 1 200 . . . 370 8 231 . . . 370 C 211 . . . 3 70 C .1 . . . 3 73 SHEEP lAfter the record breaking run ct yesterday It looked lonesome In the sheep hntn loday with only ten loads reported In nnd part of them consigned direct to packers. The demand for mutton sheep was good Mil the offerings * chanced hnmU curly In Ihe morn * In ? nt n little stronger prices. In fact , ? oed yearlings nnd western wether * Bold at thn hljt'i point of the week today nj buyers tweincd to want them even nt the vi'ry strong price * . There were no lamhs In Ihe pens lo maka leal of Ihe market on that kind of stiilt. llep- tvsentnllvc sales : No. Av. Pr. 564 western wethcni 117 SI 03 310 western wethers 121 463 CHICAGO MVi : STOCK MAHKKT. Dciiiiinil for Cnt leIn rioud and 1'rlceit Art Stonily. " CHICAOO. April S. The demand for cattle od.iy was good for so late In the week , and trices were steady. There were no strictly choice cattle for sale nml sales were mostly at a low ranse of prices , lleef steers sold chiefly it from { 4,40 to $3.10 and fed westerns sold at from $1 to $3.13. Stockers and feeders were less ictlve at from $1 to JI.SO , the demand being arsely for choice young light welslit yeaillnKs. Canning cowl sold chiefly at from J2.50 to S3. 'at cows and heifers were active nt from $ .1.25 to Jl.TiO. Dulls sold largely at from $3 to $ .1,75 nnd calves sold off to from $6 to $6.25 for choice. Prices for hogs were steady , with n falily ictlve demand and n moderate supply. C'Dinmon to prime ho s sold at from $1.70 to $4.03 , rhlclly at from J3. 7' ; , to $1 , prime Ilslit selling lie under the best heavy. Pica sold chletly ul from $3.70 to $3. S3. The market for sheep nnd lambs was active to the extent ot the limited ofterlnK" . I imb * sold ill from $4. SO lo $5 for shorn and from $5.10 o JS.EO for unnhorn , Colorados selling chlelly nl lorn } 5.70 lo $5. SO. Shorn sheep sold al trom ! l,25 to $4.65 and woolcil inoks at from SI.C. to 11.95 for fair to prime , horn yearling sheep selling at from $4.60 to $1.70 and wooled year- IHK.O at from $4.75 to $5,10. Receipts : Cattle , 2,000 head ; hogs , 20,000 head ; sheep , 5,000 head. \OTV Vnrk l.lvc Stuck. NKW YOUK. April 8. tiEVKSUii.lit. : . , 3.231 head ; active and n Bh.ide higher : stwn > . wor to Buoil , $4.50W5.M ; oxen and slagx , $ ,1.0C ? .50 ; bulls , t3.50ff4.23 ; cows. $2.0iJ(4.0li. ( Cablfa liiote live cattle dull at 9VlStlOc , < ireiod Wflglit : Ivc Hheep , 9l5liJ10'ic , dri'ssd wel ht : lerrlsoralor > cef. 7i SVJo per Ib. Kx | > rls today , 2M heail cattle ; tomnrrow , l.OCC h id cattle nnd 3,702 quarters of beef. CALVES llecelpt * , 803 head ; uctlceals ; , SHKKl' AND L.AMUS IlccclplB. 3.014 licad ; 'sheep ' , qulel ; lambs , llrm for llr.litwelghl un shorn sheep , Jl.OOg..lO ; clipped sheep. S3.50ffl.2j. unshorn lamlw , $3.5 ! > g .33 : clipped lambs , Jl.Stiff 0.30 ; spring lambs , J2.M83.CO each. HOGS Itecclpts , 2,493 head ; easier ; wcslcrn quoled ut Jl.00a4.20 ; best stole hugs , J4.SO. St. I.ouU MVP Stock. ST. IJOUIS. April 8. CATTLE Itecelpls. 'iOO head ; shlpmonls , 400 head ; innrket strong and 10 ? higher for natives ; no Tcxans on the market In day ; fair lo Tuncy native shipping and cxior ; steers , J4.3Vft-3.CS ; Lulk of sales , t4.7J5T'i.23 ; dressed beef and Imlcher Bleerf , JI.105J3.03 ; Italic of sale * , J4.SO4.90 ; Rleera under 1,00) Iba. . J3.855 < 4.Ui ) ; bulk of sale. ' , $ l.20ifrl.CO ; slockers anil feeders , JS.tOlf 4.63 ; bulk of sales , J4.00fi'4.M ( ; COWM and heifers , J2.00ff4.83 ; Texas nnd Indian sleers , range , J..2J5I 4.0(1 ( ; cows and holfcru , S2.30i7U.50. IIOOH llecelvls , 7r head : shipments , 3.0 < 1) ) head ; market , Do lower : yorkers. J3..0ff3.73 ; pack ers , J3.7003.50 ; butchers , J3.7&83 . ) . SHKKl' lli'cclpts , 600 liend ; shipments , none ; market dull , steady ; native muttons , 3l.23ff4.73 ; lambs , J3.OOSfl.73. LoulMTllIc 1-1 vf SloeU. LOUISVir.U = : . April B. CATTI.l.Market dull and fully 1013c lower ; exlra Kood export sleers , J1.5004.C3 ; choice butcher sleerjt , JI.S3Ti4.40 , fair lo good bulcher sleers , I3.73T/4.2J ; common lo me dium 7rtllcher ulecrs. * 3.M5i3.73 ; c.'i1lc helf is , J3.000l.15 ; fair lo Choice butcher cows , r CW 3.03 ; meillum to Kood feedtre , J3.C'iIl.l3. ! HCK5H Tops. J3.03 ; mediums. J3.90Q3.j ! ) ; light thlplxTS. J3.30fr3.tO ; plKB , J2.7503.50. S1IUEP AND I ASinS Market steady and un- chanKCd : ifooil to extra bhlpplnc sJieep , p.IOT 3.73 ; fair to peed sheep , J3.00Sr3.23 ; common to iri'iilum , J2.W4f2.50 ( ; extra shipping lambs , Jl.ujt 6 00 ; fair to Rood lamlw , M.SJii'l.lJ ; heat bulchcra , JI.O'J .COi fair to BQ3d butchers , J3.0084.0i ) . Eiint lliilTiilo Live Stock. EAST UUFFALO , N. Y. . April S.-CATTL.T- : I'rlme lo extra export steers , Jj.3063.53 ; pilmelo _ choice EhlpptoR , JI.90fl3.lS : fat helftrs , Jl Z-Cf 4 U ) ; fair lo need mixed bulchers' slop ! : , $3.83t 4 10 ; butcherit' . and .cows , .J3.W83.43 ; common rs , seed to choice , Il.l7jr4.0 : rouiths , common to choice , J4.63ffl4.fO ; pig ? , coni- mon to choice , J3.8083.93. L.AMI1S Choice lo xlra , S3.90S8.10 ; culli to common , f3.OOH5.50 ; clipped lambs , Sl.23f ( I.S3. RIIBKI' Clioice'lo selected wethers. J4.90JT3 CO ; 'iills ' lo common , J3.50S4.00 ; cllppcU sheep , Jl.OOiji 4.30. ' InillanniiollM Live Stock. INDIANAPOUS. April 8. CATTL-E-necelpts. 630 head : shipments. 10) head ; market active and a irood clearance of nil kinds was mndo , see l lo prime sleers. J4.90S-5.23 ; fair lo medium.MeerB . , I4.coai.ti0 ; common lo Kood slociiers , $ J.2dSll.CO. HOGS Ileeelpts , 6,500 head ; shipments , 2.rOO head ; market fairly ncilve ; average price * about steady eooj to choice medium nnd heavy , JS.fOSc 1.93 ; mixed , t3.80g3.SIO ; good to choice lights. $3 81' 4J3 CO. BHKBP He3flpts , llsht ; shlpmenls , none ; mar ket steady ; uprlnK lamba selling at fc : good tn choice Blierp , tl.Z54f4.BO ; common , J2.u83.40 , KniiHiiH City I.lvc StocU Market. KANSAS CITY , April 8 CATTLE Ilecelpls , o.CW heud ; market steady to Btront ; : Texas sleers , J3.00JJ4 93 ; Texas cows , J3.10a4.13 ; nalivo sleers , J390I85.20 ; riallve cows and heifers , S2.25 6J4 50 : slackers and feeders , J3.4')84.a ' ) ; bulls. . 15,000 head ; markel steady ; bulk of sales. $3.6003.75 ; heavies $5651738714 ; packers. $3.5 : . 3.SO ; mixed , $3.5003.7o : . lights , 13 4303.70 ; yorkers , $3.63 3.70 ; pigs. $3.2303.50. BHKKr llecelpts , 3.CCO head : markel Hteady lo ilrons ; lambs , $1.0007.00 ; mullons , $3.0004.73. Clnrliuinil tlv > Stock. OINCINNATI , April s. IIOC.S-K.IS > - , t3.i5s 3.93. 3.93.OATTLB Sleady. t2.73ft4.73. SHKBl'-Dull. $3.COffl4.73. LAM IIS Weak. ? 4.K' .Stuck lit Ilecord of recelpls of live flock at the four principal markets April 8 : Catll < > . Hoss. Sheep. Omaha Ud 4,231 1.S9 ! ChlcaEO 2.000 20.000 B.OOt Kansas Clly . * ' " - ' - St. Louis " 00 7,500 H Tolals ' . 9.5J4 49.731 10,49 ! C4)TTOSf iMAIIKIST. SnleM Arc- the SninllcHt In tlie , ! ll tor > o.f the lOxcliuiiKe , NEW YOIIK. April S. Hpeculillon In cotton futures was at a standstill loday , even the scalping element finding nothlns In news at hand from which lo base an opinion. From Blarl lo llnlah the market UcKod feature , and only at the opening did Ihe pll present any semblance of activity , A decline of 1 to ! points on the call resulted from Ikht eelllns , and brought out thR pesslmUUe characlrr ol Ihe advices from Washington , "y midday prices had varied but little , with the market , llnally quiet at unchanged prices to 1 point net lower. Total sales ut futures reaehe-1 bul 20.000 bulea , rrpresenllng perhaps the smallest market In tlif history of the exchange. Spot , irulet : middling , 8 J-lCo ; net receipts , 200 bales : groaJ. 2.TO ) bales ; cxporls lo Great llrlliln , 1W3 bales ; forwarded , 472 bales ; sales , 300 bales , all spinners ; slock , 1M.7SO bales. Weekly : Net receipts , 1,219 bales ; gross , 22,105' bales ; exports to (5real lirltaln , 6.32 bale ; to the continent. 4.429 bales ; ton warded , 3.453 bales ; sales. 4.73 ! biles ; spinners , 1.633 bales. Total today : Net receipts. 7,491 bales ; extwrls to Oreat lirltaln. 15.6J7 bales ; tc France. 4.913 bales ; to the continent , Ilk53 Iwxles stock , " 00,668 l > ale . Consolidated : Net recelpls 76.191 bales ; exporls lo Oreal llrilaln , 60 , 7 ! l > ales ; to France , 17,161 bales ; lo 111 * conlinenl , 6963 ? bale's. Tolal since fieplember 1 : Net re. celpta. 7.476.103 bales ; exports .to Oreal llrilaln , 2.C23.(93 bales ; to France , 743,073 bales ; to the continent , 2,564,339 bales. Wool MurkelH. UOSTON , Alirll 8. WOOIFollowlnff are th quolallons for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania lUece ? , X nnd above 26027c : XX and above , 30c ; ilelalne. 50O31e No. 1 combln ? . . 30c ; No. 2 , combine. SOc Michigan. Wisconsin , elc. X Michigan. 2 c No. 1 Michigan combing. 2Sc ; No. 1 Illlnol. lomblns. 2. c ; No. 2 oomhinsr , 2S < J9c ; No. S 1111 nols combine , 2Stf29c ; X New York. New Ilnmp shire and Vermont , 23024c ; No. 1 New York New Hampshire and Vermont , 'fie ; delalm Michigan , 2Jc ; unwashed medium , Kentucky am Indiana qusrler blood combing , 23e ; Kcntuck ) end Indiana three-elghllu lilooil combing , 23c Missouri quarter blood combing , 2e ; Mlruour blood comb'nj , IJjc ! : braid comb- Ing. 2)c ; l ake and UeoreU , 2 ! : . Texas wools- miNlluni ( It montM , HOlfel scotir < l , 43s Vi uprltiic fine (11 ( mnntlin ) , IStflMj tcourcj , ( Oo , Tmltory wooli < Mnntin line Una mMum | nn , l c | feourcsl. 4 * ! PtiHc , Mci Utah. Wyi oinlnit , etc. Fine mrdftim nnil nnt , 15Tlfc. lile , Mci scouted. 4tt/4 , Auiri | > ll M wool - jure.l bnfls , rnmblnj. puporflne. TOO7c | romb- * tiod. 6ilCJot ( rcmblnit , vcrnur , CCU63c : tislnnd combing. We. ST. uiriy. Arm swoottA : icr ) me. dluin , UUlOci light line , UtjlCc ; heavy line , tff 14C ! lub wnsheil , XCH- York Dry Cooiln Market. NKW YOttK. April . The Kllllude of the iry goods mnrkrt Is Hill n WHllInc une. W r nailers still tngroj * the attention of both l ij'- crs and feller * to a Urne exttnt , nn.l the form r re still slow to do buying In any line. The at- ItuJc of sellers Is al j a waiting one. Staple rottoni are the subject of a sllKlilly better" < lo- mand l lhi > clo e of ( he week lhan wns thn furs nt the opening. The trad paMlns l by no means heavy , however. Ilrown goods arc not in the brightest , ngures arc tllll dull. MnrkptH. NHW OltLKANV. April 8.-SUOAIt-luli ) : open kellle , 2 Jlf3\c ; RranuUled. t\a ; whites. 4 7-16c ; yellow , 4fflc ; seconds , 2H03 15-16c. Molasses , lull : centrifugal , 5fllc. NK\\f YOIIK. April S.-SCOAIl-ltnw , ffrm ; fair rennlng , JHc ; ccnlrlfugal , ) test. 4 : rf nne.l , Irm ; mold A. 6c ; stnndard A , SWe ; confec. loners' A , 5Wc ; cut loaf , C ll-16c ; crushed , Jl-lCc ; powdered , 6)Jc ) ; granulaled , 5Vic ; cubes , Vic. CnlUortiln Drleil KrtiltM. NKW YOntf. April R.-CAMI'-QIINIA nillKt ) Ill'ITP Steady. Kvap.irnted . aptiler. common , ( l7Ho ; prime wlro ttny , Sc ; w < xni dried , prime. \tc \ ; choice. Sijo : fancy. 9r9io. ! Prunes , 3' f 'ie. Apilcot * . Itoynl. 5'ifi7c ' ; Moor Patk , &UW fc. Pe-aclKs , unpc'lcu , 51to ( ; iweKM , If4o. 4)11 .MitrkelH . SAVANNAH , Ha. , April 8. OII.S-Splrlts tur pentine openeil at Sjjic , closed nt 26 , c bid. llosln Irm. unclnnccd. CIIA11L17STON , S. ( „ April 8. OH.1 * Turies- | Ine , llrm , Si'/Jc. Iliwln , flrm , unchanged. I.IKi : KAOCII AUDIO. A \Viiiiilpri-r TuriiN Up to Flint 111 * DrnrrdMl Wife ttciniii'rltMl , A sort of duplicate * of the famous ICnoch \rden case has been unearthed In East St. . ouls , reports the Globe-Democrat. It seems that several years ago fritz Kralisa and Miss Klmtnell were marrleil at Hello- vllle. Tlio couple lived happily together for only n few months. Krauss took to drink and before the first of their marriage year lad rolled over deserted his wife. The wife hired out anil supported herself .lie best she could until news came that her lusband had been killed In a wreck. Later advices confirmed the report , and a year later she was married to George Gasto-J , a butcher n St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Oaaton have been living In East St. 'Lotila for the last 'car. 'Mr. Gaston works nt the Swift aud Company Dressed Hcef works. On Monday ironing while passing Clance'a saloon , on Whisky chute , which Is about a block from ils home , he was hailed by the barkeeper. The couple were old frlcnJs and Guaton walked kite the saloon to see what wa.i wanted. As soon as he entered Mr. Clanco , who was behind the bar , said that Gaaton was called over for the purpose of being In- iroduccd to his wife's husband. Gaston , at llrst considered the affair a joke , but was again Informed that the stranger who leaned against the counter was thn lawful , leng-lost husband of Xcllle Kraurs. Gaston at cuco Informel those present that he placed no credenceIn the stranger's story , and hot words soon passed. Some one attempted to strike him , and as he carried nls butcher knife with whleh he had been working all day In his hand Glance drew a revolver and ordered him out. Liter he was arrested on a peace warrant , but gave ball. _ Mrs. Gaston was seen about the affair and admitted that Krausj' statement about the marriage was true. She said that she mar ried him at 'Belleville ' In 1890 , and that he deserted her soon after. She learned that he was killed while stealing a ride on a Chicago & Alton freight- train at Sn'rlngfleld , 111. , and received a letter later purporting to have been written by Krauss' brother , to the ef fect that the report of his death was true. iSho met > Mr. Gaston about two years ago , and , believing that her husband was dead , married Gaston In St. Louis , and proposes to stand by him. She says Krauss Is a worth less drunkard and that during ttie short wihllo ho lived with her he boat and kicked her almost dally. She also feels that Gaston was Inveigled Into Clance's saloon so that Krauss could have a chance to beat him nnd the. . , Invoke the aid of the law to glvo Ga.i- ton as much trouble as possible. Gaston will cling to the woman. Luckily there are no children to add further complications to the affair. Open * Court nt IlnwMoii Oliy. SATTLE , Wash. , April 8. J. G. Courtney nnd D. A. Campbell of this cll'y arrived hero from Dawson City last cvente on the .steamer Victorian. They left Dawson March 4 and made the trip in twenty-two dnya. They report that Judgn Magulre had reached Dnwson and had opened court. Ed Lord , the. . man who tftole Ji'0,000 from a saloon last fall , was sentenced to five years at hard labor. A shooting scrape Is rsported to hnvo occurred at Skagway the day the Victorian Icift. No particulars were obtainable. The Victorian brought $50,009 In gold from the Treadwell mine , ns far as Port Townseml , Whence It will be. shipped1 to San Francisco. tl Will Run for Governor. PHILADELPHIA , April S. Rev. Leo W. Swallow of Harrlsburg last night accepted the Independent nomination for governor upon the platform , "Thou Shalt Not Steal , " tendered to him at Harrlsburs on March SO by a delegation of citizens of Philadelphia. Dr. Swallow was prohibition candidate for state treasurer In Novembsr last , polling 119,000 votes. It Is probable that the prohlbl- tlon state convention which meets at HurrlsburR May 19 will choose Dr. Swallow as Its candidate for governor. Killed Iir n Polio-man. MINNEAPOLIS , April S.-Hnrry Stafford died this morning1 from the effects of a pistol shot flre < l by Policeman Xlmnurman yesterday afternoon. Stafford was attemptIng - Ing to sell a ring on tli ? fctrcet and wna suspected of being a crook by the olllcer , On the latter's nproach Stafford tied , pur sued by the policeman , who shot ( Stafford judt below the heart. There. Is no doubt ot his Innooenco of nny crime. Killed by a lllc > Clint. DAYTON , O. , April 8. This morning J. McLata Smith , city editor of the Evening PJ-CSS and son of General Samuel D. Smith , a member of the city council , died from a fracture of the skull. He was run Into last evening by the professional bicyclist , Roy Lefevre , while crossing a street. Lefcvre gave himself up to the pollco. llrynn Oft'ITN I rlr. < * ( o Student * . COLUMBUS , April 8. President J. H. Can- fleld. of the Ohio State university has re ceived the following letter from W. J. IJryan : I hereby propose to give to the Ohio State university , if agreeable to the trustees , J250 , the same to be Invested and the annual pro ceeds used for a prize for the best essay discussing the principles * which underlie our form of government. THIS UKAIrVM.VIIKBT. . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , April 8 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Emily Hinds to 8. H. Thomas , swVi 23-15-12 J12.00C M. L. Leland to S. K. Humphrey , lot " 1C , " Morion's suhdlv ] Martha Joy nnd husband lo W. C , Kimball , lots 8 and 9 , block ! , Ames Place , 1,0 * New England Loan and Trust com pany to N. O. Pratt , lot 11 , block "H. " Shlnn's 2d add 1CO ( Patrick Jordan to Anna ISarratt , lots 1 and 2. block 223 , Florence HX William Valentino and wife lo .Eliza beth Valentine , lot 1C , Patrick's Sar atoga add 2.0CK Richard Suess and 'Wife to diaries Wltte , oV6 of lot 7 , block 4 , Crawford's add to Klkhorn HK QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. C. S. Francis to A. A. Hovemeyer , lot 4 , Uang's subdlv ' E. H. Uacr nnd wife to Louis Hchroe- dcr , trustee , lota 15 and Hi , block 3 , lirown park 2 F. W. Corliss ct i\rto Frank Uoj'co , neU nwVi 4-.13-10 : Hans Thomsen and wife ( o K. A. I ange , undlv Vi of n 40 feet of o 20 feet of lot 2 , block 173--Oni < Um : Same to M. A. Nagl et al. undlv U of lots1 and 2 , block 173 ( except rv-40 feet of lot 1 and n 40 feet of o 20 1 2) , Omaha 1,17 : DEEDS. Sheriff to R. W. Rose , lots 19. SO nnd 21 , block 1 , Mayno Place ; lot 10. block 2 , Foster's add ; lots I to G , block 1 ; lota 1 to 4 , block 2 ; lots 1 to 10 , block 5 , McCague'H | add 9H : Sheriff to Hans Thomsen , undlv Vi of lots 1 and 2 , block 173 ( except n 42 feet of lot 1) ) , Omaha. . . . . * 1.00 Total amount of transfers BE A MAN. It will par you to reM thti km ) think It ot f carcfullr. cmxclnllr if * ou h o doctored wl5 ' moillcalcorapanle , " 'Wttio"beli.i. or "frS prescription" ttkri and ro no bolter oft to * n T. wo ro reputable phyMeUns , honor * * ! nnd rcipcotcd In our own citjr. For over icnrs wo hnvo tnadq n si'cclnlty ' of the ncrron * jilsoniori ot mou nnd women nnd our remedy I ? . 'A'.rSM" ' 9..our many years' rxpcrlrnr * It.vnoiKN will not rc toro you In a night , nor n week , but with patience and the correct use ot our treatment , no do assert It will po * | . lively iiiako n man of you In timr. HAIl. IIKN Is for anlo at nil dru storcs-n 00 dos box for SO cents. You need not bo ashamed to risk for It , Its use * nro tunny , nnd no mailer whnt your object la In taking It , no oun need bo the wiser. Or send in II.00 nnd wo will forward n M dose box by mnll , ccurclj scaled , nloair with a few prlTalo words of ndvlco. \\onnswer nil lelters In plain rnvclopo nnd hold nil corre spondence strictly rotitldrntlitL Urn. Hnrton nd Dfnson , Sulto HI S3 Public So. . . , . . Cleveland , O. Insist on Rotting the genuine BAR-BEN It strongmen * the nrrvos. AGOdosohoxforSOcents. - - _ For Halo by Trade Mark. . Kulm & Co. , 13th mul Douglas ; .1. A. Kill- ler & CD. , 1402 Douxtns ulreel , nn.l Uralmm Drug Co. , 15th and I'arinun ; KlnKt Pharmacy , ! 7lli nnd Ix'avtnworth ; 1'eylon'n I'lrnr. tnacy , Jlth and Ix-inrrworth ; K. .1 , Sfikolrt , South Oniulm , mnl nil oilier drimglsls In Omaha , Houlh Umulin , Council Illmfs and vicinity. Results Tell , The Bee Want Ads Produce Results , 'CO. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Terllary BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can b * lr atcd ut hem * for iam price uml'r Mm * Kuaranty. If you prefer to como hero we " 111 contract to pay rail road fara anil hotel bill * , and no chiu- * it we fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. loJIJ * potitsh and vtlll hnve achec and pain * . Mucous I'stchu In moulh. Sore Throat. Klniulpt. Conpor Col. vrcd Bpctit , Ulcere on any part of the body , Htlr or Ky browa fallhlB out. It ll lhl > Becondnry We Guarantee to Cure W * follclt the mrst obttnat * oaaM and challrnire the \vorlj for a emu \r cannot cure. This dlsrue Im always baffled the cklll of the i.iott tmlnint physicians. I5W.OOO caplinl behind our unconditional uarantr. Abiolut * proofa cnt cealed on application. ICO page book lent fre * . Addr a COOK IVEMUDY CO. , 1401 Hnionlo Temple , Chlcnso , III , COO-K - Two Weeks' Treatmen t FREE To All THKY AH'r : 411,1) SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. nd all WEAKNESSES UCU and U1SOHDUHS OF MCR Catarrh , all Dlieaces of the Noae. Throat , Chait Btomach , LJvor , UlooJ , Skin and Kidmr Dla- aaef , Ixwt Manhood , Hydrocele. Verlcocel * . Gonorrhea , Oleute , SypullU , stricture , FlUa , Vis- tula and Rectal Ulcers Ulabetei Dilfht'i Ul - aa * cured. Call on or uddreia with ( lamp tot free Book and New Methods. Treatment by Mnll , Coiinultntton free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute BMIB IUW North nth St. . OmM * . Mil. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSlTTVELY CnB2 jiLT. tierrous J > ltcaie Fallloa Mem- , Impotaner , Slotplawneu , etc. , ejini < e4 gy Abate or ether Uicoues ana lndl < crotlonfi. Tlie'j qaUklu ana iurelu - , rwtoro Lort Vlullly In older joana. ana * . fit n man f or itudr , bualniwaor marriava. . . .m 9 > Pn > vint Ixisanltr end Consumption 11' taken in f ime. Their o o liiowo Immodloto fmprove- inentacd effdcta a CURE nhera oil either fall In- . fl t npon Imvlng the Eennlne AJax TMiltta. Thor nave cured luonsandnruid wlllcurejou. Wootvflapoa- Wootvflapoala litre written annrantm to onset a ' 'nro la eaohcAsocr refund the raoner. 1'ilco _ _ _ lar puknBoi or six i q 8 ( full treatment ) fnr 12.W. r mBll. in plain wrapwr. iipnn roc lpt of price . Circalar " < * -AJAX REMEDY CO.- " ' " CO."dS 'iiu" Fur sale in Omaha , 1'cb. , by Ja. Foreytli , 202 N , IGth ; Kuhn & Co. , ICth and Douclas ; and In Council 13lutTa by O. II. llruwn , Druggists. LADIES COYOUKHO ? ) DR. FELIX LE BRUN'3" Steel i Pennyroyal Treatment | 1 istheoriKinnlnndonlyFUENCII , J c safe onil rclinbln euro im the mar. _ / Vket. 1'rlco. 81.00 ; sent by mail. f \ O ouuino eorlonljrby Mycr * nillnii UriiK Co. , N. K. Corner 141th nnil Kitriiniii HN. ( , Uninlincl > . Carpenter's South American WILL APPEAR THE SUNDAY BEE O. C. CIUUST1E. K. J. STUEBT , President , Vic * President. Ctirislie-U Commission Cos Cupltiil , f5tO4)O.OO. ) Fully I'nlil. lit Ilnuril of Triulo Iliillilliiv. STOCRJ4 , CltAI.V AMI 1'UOVISIOXS. JAMES EBOYD CO. , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OF TRADB. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondent * : John A. Warren A Co. TU5S. H. R. PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Elder. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Branch Office. 1028 N St. . L'.accle. Neb.