Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Macro' * stock food.
Dr. Roc , dentist , Merrlam block.
Early Ohio potatoes. Bartel A Miller.
Dr. Brown , dectlst. room 301. Merrlam blk
Girl wantol for general housework. Mm
Oscar Kecllnc , CIS South 7th.
Wanted At once. flrst-clai prcparer fo
millinery at MIsa Sprlnk's , 21 South Mali
Complete acts of the Ireland views MI
bo had at The Bee office , No. 10 Pearl. Cal
before April 10.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fin
work both for color nd finish. E20 Pear
treet. Phone 290.
Hanks Stewart and George L. Thorp , mer
chnndlso biokcrs of Deadwood , 5. D. , are Ii
the city on busings.
Mrs. E. Noel left for Boulder , Cole , yea
ttrday , where she will make her home Ii
the future with her daughter.
G. H. Scott began a suit In the superlo
cowt yesterday to compel George A. Greg
ory to pay $225 attorney's fees.
John J. Crowe of West Broadway Is sul
fcrtng from a broken arm , the result of
kick from a horse ho was handling.
0. L. Thorp of Hot Springs , S. D. , and E
Stewart of Dcadwood , two well knowi
wholesale merchants , are registered at th
Don't you think It must be a pretty goo
laundry that can please RO many hundred
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 72
The members of the Loyal Temperanr
Army will meet at the home of Mrs. Q , II
Brown , G20 Mynster street , at 7 o'clock. AI
members are requested to be present.
The protcst/i against the employment c
Frank Fowler co the police force have no
been withdrawn , but Mayor Jennings Is nc
inclined to yield to the demands of tbo dU
Biro. George Damon of Wayne , Neb. , 1
visiting with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. I
Zurmuchlcn. Mrs. Damon will remain her
about ten davg , when she will remove pel
mancntly to Wayne.
C. C. Platter of Red Oak , la. , chalrma
of the republican county central commute
of Montgomery county , was In the city joi
tcrJay. Mr. Platter Is a candidate foi tb
ollleo of postmaster at Red Oak.
The Union Veteran union will meet thl
evening In Grand Army hall. The mcetln
will bo of a pleasant pochl character an
all of the membcra are Invited to be preseti
The Woman's Veteran Relief union will ecrv
Tno Western Circuit Stock company wl
make Its Inlt'iil appearance Sunday mgnt a
the Dohany theater , having a four night
engagement. The play on the opening nigh
The Pay Train , " Is a strong nno an 1 ill
performance la rcpleto with pleasing epccla
tle .
John Ii. Templeton began a cult In th
superior court yesterday to recover from (
B. Jacqucmln , George Gernir and othei
I3J3 on an Indemnity bond which they ar
alleged to have signed for Max Meyer In a
attachment case , and which was subsi
quently lost.
A cm oak thief secured four revolvers at It
hardware store of P. C. DeVol yesterda
from "a showcase In one of the front wit
down. The proprietor and all of his clerl
were In the store at the time , but none <
them saw the thief or were aware of tt
raid dc made until late In the day.
The Mozart Symphony club will bo the AI
traction at the Dohany theater tomorro
night. Among the artists who will appe ;
ore Theodore Hoch , cornet virtuoso ; Mai
Loulso Gumaer , prlma donna contralti
Richard Stoclzer , viola sclolat ; Otto Lun
violin soloist , and others of ability.
The Jewish fast of the Passover Is belr
celebrated by all of the orthodox Hebrov
In the city. The disposition Is to obscn
It moro carefully th's year than ever h
fore , and an effort will be made to mat
oil of tue ceremonies ccnnected with
conform on nearly as possible to the ucagt
prior to the Christian era.
William Cooper , the tramp who brol
Into a Northwestern freight car and" al
etractcd a new bicycle , was arraigned i
Justice Vlen's court yesterday. The Nortl
western officials were on hand with proo
that the crime was committed In Crawfoi
county , and he was turned over to them I
be taken to Dcnlaon for trial.
Mrs. Ed Schlckotanz and Mrs. Taylor le
yesterday morning for Woodbine , la. Th <
were called there by the fatal Illness of 1
D. Harris , a former proprietor of the Paclf
house In thlo city. Word was received <
the day previous that Mr. Harris had su
fered a second stroke of paralysis and th :
his death wus momentarily expected.
The police department has been notlfh
that a hide store In Glenwood was broke
Into by burglars on Tuesday night and a nun
ber of hides Ptolcn. Tbe thlevca who at
believed to have stolen them are drlvlt
through the country with an outfit of tea :
and oil cloth covered wagon , and wei
beaded toward Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Judge Smith has Issued an order In t !
case of the Farmers1 Loan and Trust Con
pany against County Treasurer Arnd , d
reeling him to Issue the plaintiff a trea. .
urer's tax sale deed on It filing an Indemn
fylog bond In the sum of $100. The piali
tiff company had lost a certificate of sale at
the treasurer had refused to Icsuo a dec
until same was produced.
John Beno ( us returned from tils Colorac
visit. He brought homo with him son
camples of ore taken from a new 1
struck In one of the mines operated by tl
Portland company , in which ho Is a Ian
stockholder. The ore Is the richest that hi
yet been struck In this group of mines , at
greatly encouraged the belief that futu
developments will realize the most sanguli
anticipations of the company , composed a
meat wholly of Council Bluffs mon.
0. B. Vlttva Co. , female remedy ; consult
tlon free. OfOce hours , 9 to 13 and 2 to
Health Look furnished. 3:6-327-3.S Morrla
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnno , Baldwin b
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Buy > our groceries at J. Zollcr & Co.
Wntrr 11111 * .Not * Une.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Poultry wire and garden teeds at J. Zoll
& Co.
llenl Kklnte TrnnHferi.
The following transfers are reported fro
the tltlo and loan office of J. W. Squire , V
Pearl street :
Sarah A. Huntlcy and husband to
Anna Ken , eVi nvvU and cV& swU
lb-74-3S. w. d $4 , !
Fred KruR Brewing Co. to Hans Dock ,
lot 8 , block S. Beers' add. , w. ( t. . . . 4 , !
B. A. Howard and wife to John M.
Qnlvln , lot 7 , block 1 , Street's add ,
Jo'nn M. Galvln to John C. Akolt , lot
7. block 1. Street's add. , s. w. d. . . .
C. 8. Lefferts and vvlfo to the Iron Na
tional bank , part sections 31 and
32-75-13 , and part sections 5 and
C-7M3. w. d 10.-
Five transfers , aggregating i
Of Crescent City are here In Council Dlu
and Otr.aha with ttielr flno line of fruit trc <
grape vine * , etc. , auJ all kinds of nno eha
trees , flowering shrubs -and roaca. Thi
ale grounda are located at 615 Kaet Droa
way , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam fitrc <
one block west of Twentieth street , Oroal
where you will bo waited on ai all tin
with pleasure. We ell 11 gooda very che
and guarantee tl ! goods firit-clasa.
Otuaka 'ykoBC , ltt | Council IlIiiJ
Eiato Head of the Police Department Gmi
His Story ,
Vnyrnner nn < l Drnnkennemi Lend ihi
Llit 1 " a LarRc Mnjorltr
I'erionnl StnUntie * of
The nrtiunl revert of Chief of Police Can
nlng le a document that lus a go > i deal o
Interm for curious people for It gives ar
Inslgut Into several phnns of human charac
It flows that the total number of arre ti
for the jear 7/as 051. The offenses chargei
numbar nearly .100 dlffe.-ent kinds. Thi
vagrants bead the list with 25S arrests , am
the drunkards come next with a total o
161. During the year only twelve pcrcon ,
wire arrested on the charge of assault am
battery , but seventy-two were arrested fo
disturbing the peace. Sixty-two people wen
arrested chargei with larceny , and elevei
runaway bojs were caught and held fo :
orders of their parents and guardians.
Of the total number arrested 3S5 wen
laborers. 100 declared they had no occupa
tlon that could be classed , forty-six wen
farmers who got Into various kinds of trou
hlo while visiting the city , the miners num
bcr fifteen , the machinists twelve , am
students to the number of thirty-six wen
arrested , while the painters an ! p'astcren
have charged against them eighteen am
fifteen nrrcrts , and the railroad men twenty
three , the cooks eleven and the "bootleggers'
number eight.
Native-born Americans head the list will
757. negroes come next with flxty-three , thi
Irish follow with forty-three , and the Qer
mans are represented with forty-two , tw <
Turks got Into trouble , three Russians , six
teen Danes , two Greeks , nine Englishmen
cno Arab , two Japs , nine Swedes , one Scotch
man , ono Cuban , two Swlfis and foilr French
men , and ono rran who solemnly averred tlu
he was a "Mexican" with Mexican ante
The largect number of arrests In any on
month was 108 In July , and the smalles
number was In January. There were twenty
three females arrested during the jear an <
92C men.
The report shows that the patrol wagoi
made 392 calls and took twenty-one sic'
and Injured people to the hospitals. Th
police during the jear reported 705 electrl
lights out.
The total expenses of the department fo
the year were $17,500 84. Of this amoun
$14,894 was paid out In salaries ; for bean
of prisoners , $86889 ; sundries , $1,19235 , an
$615 CO to the city scavenger. The receipt
of the department outside of saloon license
wcro $1,659 70. This amount only comprise
fines and forfeitures in the police court. Th
entire police force. Including the dcput
marshals , wa9 eighteen men. There wer
a number of special policemen who wer
authorized to serve without pay.
The Shoo tof the Foot ,
Not the foot for the shoe. The human foe
wa < s not Intended to bo a last. There Is c
need breaking In a goo3 shoe. A rlghtl
made shoe will fit from the start. Wo se
to it that you do not leave our store wit
a shoe you ought not to wear. Wo mak
our money from people who buy our shoe
year alter year. The factory backs ou
shoes up and eo do we , A lady who wear
a pair of our shoes once wears them alwayi
If you want your feet properly fitted In
nice , stylish shoe for Easter , at $2 , $3 e
$4 , come to me. SARGENT.
Look for theBear. . Good Shoes.
Poultry wlro and garden seeds at J , Zolle
& Co.
Pavlnir Matter Conic * Up Again ( o
The objectors to the paving were elthe
satisfied with the showing that they made c
the meeting of the council on Wcdnesda
evening or else were deterred by the -weathe
from responding to the Invitation to meet th
committee of the whole In the council chair
ber last night. When the committee of th
councllmen began their session none of th
property owners -were present. Mr. Tlnlej
who epoke for a number of the protestors o
the preceding evening , was the only repre
scntatlvo present. Considerable time wa
given to the discussion of the matter , but n
definite conclusions were reached. Alderme
Casper and Metcalf were very much In favc
of beginning ttao work of repavlng at tb
earliest practicable moment , but Johnson an
Shubert thought It advisable to watt anothe
year. Shubert's propcsltlon was that a get
eral pavement ordinance be.passed ordertu
about a dozen miles of new pavement lal
next year , and allow the contractors and th
property owners to make use of the Interli
In getting hold of material at wholeral
prices and take advantage of Job Iota an
all of the breaks that might occur In th
meantime. Ho had an Idea also that tb
brick could be burned next fall and haule
during the winter time , when teamstei
would have less to do and could afford t
work for ICES wages. The aldermen wci
advised that the property owners on Eight
Dtrcet had reached the conclusion during tt
day that nothing would satisfy them but ai
phalt , and they desired to wait a jear longc
before beginning the work. A motion to o ;
der the city engineer to prepare the props
paving ordinance was marte and defeatei
This was followed by an effort to have It n
considered , but failed and It was eventual !
decided to let the matter remain In commll
tee of the whole tor further consideration
with probability of early action.
City Attorney Wadsworth called the attei
tlon of the council to a number of sull
against the city that were set for trial In tt
district court on Monday and the early pai
of next week. Three of these suits are know
as the Street cases , and Involve the city
tltlo to the extension of Fifth avenue thi
was acquired about ten jcars ago. When tr
street wets extended It cut through son ;
property that was owned by Mrs. Mary I
Street. An ofiort was made to compromls
with her hutband , AW. . Street , but faile
and the property was condemned , and $1,5 (
damages awarded. Street appealed from th
award and In the district court secured
Judgment against the lty for $2,300. Tl
original $1,500 was paid , but no action we
taken to contest the Judgment for the largi
amount. When the Street was opened a hi
was cut through and the heavy cost of grai
Ing was charges ! to the property belongtr
to the Streets. This has never been pal
The amount paid by the city was given i
A. W. Street and his receipt taken. No
Mrs. Strr-ot comes In with a &ult against tl
city to quiet her tltlo to the land original
condemned and paid for , claiming that It b
longed to her and that she had received i
notice of the condemnation. The other su
Is a mandamus brought ( by A. W. Street
compel the city to pay the remainder of tt
district court judgment , amounting to $71
with Interest for ten jears at 3 per cent. Tl
third suit la by ( Mrs. Street to force the cli
to cancel ( ho grading taxes assessed again
her adjoining property. Several proposition
for settlement are made to the city , one <
which City Attorney Wadswurth was lnclln <
to advise- the council to accept. It was t
offer on the part of Mrs. Streetto give tl
city tltlo providing the $750 balance wi
paid and the assessments canceled. The ma
ter was transferred to a sneclal commit ! '
consisting of the mayor , city attorney at
Alderman Casper to take such atcps as mi
bo necessary to have the cases continued <
amicably settled and report to a. ipecl
meeting of the council on Saturday nlgl
which W88 called for the purpose of recel
Ing the report.
Another eult agalait the city set for trl
on Metiday to brought by the Chicago
Northwtatera Railway company to comp
the cancellation of $1,199.56 worth of ipecl
Uxe iMCMed , against torn * lota yurcbu
by the company and located near the prei
ent city depot. This was referred to tt
earno committee with a decided sentlmei
on the part of the council to resist tt
The city attorney al o notified the counc
that the Union Pacific Railway company hi
refused to pay Its city taxes on the ea :
tnd of the railroad bridge amounting I
about $3,000. The company had paid I
county and elate taxes but refused 'to pi
Its city taxes on the ground that no benel
was derived therefrom and payment coul
not bo legally enforced. The attorney wi
ordered to bring eult or take the stei
necessary to enforce collection.
Some spirited kicks were made again
the new location of the dog pound by clt
zcca living In the vicinity on the grounc
that it was a nuisance. No action was takei
South UlKhth Street Property Orvnci
Who OIUIOHC Ilrlck.
The property owners living on South eight
street who are favorably Inclined to repa1
Ing have about reached the conclusion th
one of the conditions precedent to the woi
must bo the agreement that the street she
be covered with asphalt Instead of vltrlfli
brick as specified by tbo resolution of tl
council. If there le any disposition to rcfu
this demand , these property owners will jo
Issues with the ottiers who oppose any pa
Ing. A meeting of a number of them wi
held yesterday and thU was the conclusU
reached. The Eighth street people are vei
anxious to have their street paved with a
phalt and they have succeeded In workli
up a strong sentiment In favor of It In oth
parts of the city. The Impression prcval
that a good grade of this kind of pavemc
can be secured at prices ranging but a trll
Iilgher than will be asked for brick , and the
is a strong disposition to Insist upon glvli
it a trial.
A HiiHliicNft Cliniicc.
I have ono of the best locations In tl
city of Council Bluffs for sale. Rcstaura
and ice cream parlors , fruit and confectlo
cry business. All now stock and fixture
If taken this week will sell at a bargal
Good reason for selling. Address F. Bi
office , Council Bluffs.
AVntrr Hills > ntv Due.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Buy jour meat at J Zoller & Co.
TIi < - lloitt in Timn.
Speaking of paints , there Is one brar
that leads all others that's Harrison'
Georco S. Davis sells It.
nnnril of Suporv iMiirn' .
The Board of Supervisors jesterclay r
ceived the report of Sheriff Morgan fee tl
quarter ending March 31. It shows that the
was collected In fees during that time tl
sum of $1,763 59 , including the fees from tl
Avoca court. There was retained for mllea
$37.90. The sa'arles for the quarter we
$625 ; bills rendered In state cases , $335.6
Insane caecs , $147.90 , leaving a balance
bo turned Into the treasury of $617.14.
The bond of Coroner Jennings was recelvi
and approved , as A\as likewise his repoi
showing that there had been three coroner
cases during the quarter , which cost tl
count ; ' only $9.30 for all.
The petition of J. B. Young and oth
farmers living near Crescent which was pr
scntcd to the board last winter asking
have a fund set asldo for the detection ai
prosecution of the wolf scalp importers ai
fraudulent claimants for the bounty w ,
called up and read again. The petlttonc
deplored the low state of public morals th
permitted the taxpajcrs to be robbed In tb
manner and suggested that the board off
a standing reward of $50 for the arrest ai
conviction of any of these swindlers. Tl
board concluded that It did not have tl
authority to provide such a fund and r
Jectcd the petition.
The matter of determining the quallflc
tlon of the newly appointed janitor at t
court house was taken up , but no conclusl
reached. The present Janitor , Thomas :
Rlley , presented a certificate from J.
Blxby , showing that he had passed a me
satisfactory examination and was ful
qualified to perform all of the duties co
nected with the manipulation of the exte
slve heating plant at the county bulldln
With the certificate wa a renewal of his a
plication for reappotntment.
The board refused to grant the petition
the owners of the Ogdcn hotel for reductl
of taxes from $8,000 to $5,000.
The Grnml Ilimh.
There will be a grand rush when the e
position opens and Council Bluffs should
looking her best. Put your house In sha
by giving U a fresh coat of paint. Sele
your colors and then come to us and g
your paints and oils. The material you b
at our house Is the best to be had. O
paints will last , so that you need not was
money every year or so by repainting ,
will be the case If you use poor mater ! ;
V.'o have the most extensive paint house
tbo city and vou are sure to be suited ,
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glrss cot
pany , Masonic block.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
XCTT City OlHcer * Tnke Hold.
Chief of Police Blxby Is about ready
ascmme the duties of his office and will prc
ably bo In full -charge by the end of t
week. He spent a portion of the day yi
terday making up his assignments of the n
men that Mayor Jennings has given hi
This work will not bo completed until
day , when It will be announced. It Is ci
tain that K > me of the old men will be i
talned-for at least a few weeks.
A. E. Avery , the newly appointed stn
commissioner , will assume the duties of 1
office this morning. Ho Is the only head
a city department who will not be annoy
by application for positions , for this m :
ter will be under the exclusive managemi
of the city council. Several men will be c
pointed for regular work , but the hiring
all men for special duty will be done by t
committee on streets and alleys under i
direction of Chairman Casper. The no\v t
pervUor announced last evening that the fl
work ho would do will be the finishing
the street cleaning on Broadway near I
juncture with Pearl street.
Dr. Keller , osteopath , Beno block.
Water HIllH Xo - Dnr.
Pay this vvc-ck and cave five per cent.
Work OIL the
The regular meeting of the Transmits
slppl association last night WES not largi
attended cad little beyond the usual a mo ;
of talk was accomplished. Some addltloi
dcaatlors and collections wera reported.
resolution was adopted Instructing the w
warn committee to begin work on the otn
lure forthwith , and a meeting of the co
mltteo was called for this afternoon at
o'clock In the Grand hotel. It Is expec
that the work of laying the foundation v
begin at once.
Poultry wire and garden seeds at J. Zol
& Co.
Hoffmayr'a fancy patent flour makes
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for
Will Flicht Witter Work * Lnw.
SIOUX CITY. April 7. ( Special Te
gram. ) The members of the city council
Sioux City have taken the first steps
fight the new Lothrop water works law ,
commlttco has been appointed to con
with legal authorities on the question. 1
theory Ip that the law Is unconstltution
that the situation 1s much the same as
was In Omaha , when tbo legislature of :
braska took central of the police depa
rnent out of the city administration. C
of the newly appointed trustees of the wa
work'J. ' E. B. Spauldlng , has handed In
resignation because tbo salary will not
fioen to the 1'en.
OTTUMWA. la. . April 7. ( Special. ) 1
unusual eriectnclo of a prosecuting atton
pleading for clemency for a prisoner vi
had pleaded guilty was enacted in the d
trlct court thl afternoon , Robert Durk
captured In New York City by the Pink
tons for complicity lu the Eldou bank r
ibery , pleaded guilty. He was sentenced
three and a bait ycari In the penlteatla
Supreme Court Takes1 ; Jnal ) Action in tl
Case , )
Man Who Mnrdcgcil ! , Frank Knlilc
nt lien Mulncp Mtmt
Serve Out IIU
DES MOINES , April 7. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The supreme court today dlsmUst
the proceedings brought by the relatives '
J. W. Stone to eecurc hie release from tl
state penitentiary and place him In a stai
Insane asvlum. Stone murdered Frank Ka !
ler , a prominent business iron here , on Jsa
uary G. Ho walked Into Kahler's utoro ar
firing right cad left killed Kahler at
wounded several others. Ho was Indlcti
on two counts by the grand Jury and tl
district court then ordered him confined i
the Insane ward at the state penitential
until eane. The action of the district cou
la sustained.
The supreme ourt also handed down di
clslone In twelve other cases today , bi
none are of particular public Interest.
oitnmsT ix A mfiiioEuiY CASI
Money Chnrfrcil with ( in now Llltcrnlc
liy Kxiilonltrn.
DES MOINns , la. . April 7. Prof. Floj
Day's ' , the chemist , ha returned from Ml
sourl , where he has been making an cj
amlnatlon of money found on the perse
of Charles Martin , accused of blowing op (
Ihe safe of the Farmers' bank at Sfaerlda
The Investigation Is for the local Danker
Casualty company. It was wished to aecc
tain whether the money came from the sa
which was blown open by nltrolgljccrln
Prof. Davis sajs the money bears every cv
dence of having come In contact wild gasi
liberated by explosives. No marks are vli
Ible to the naked eje. The alleged robber
clothing will bo subjected to the same tea
The examination has never been tried befor
but 1 being ucl with a view to prosccutli
all future canes of a similar nature by tl
expert testimony of ctiemlsts. After the ai
nouncement of the result of the Investlgi
tlon Martin offered to enter a plea of gulli
providing the prosecution would agree to at
that only the minimum penalty , two yea
Imprisonment , be Imposed.
Snv lie IN n Cnrpot
DBS MOINES , April 7. ( Special ) It hi
been learaed that a largo number of aflldavl
and statementa have teen forwarded to Was
Ington from this city within the last we <
to be usei In the United States senate whi
the confirmation of the appointment of I
U. Meek for United States judge for Tex ,
cornea up. It Is charged that Aleck's a ;
polntment Is one of the rankest examples
carpet-bagglam ever known. In proof of tl
latter charge , affidavits have gene on fro
Des Molnes showing that Meek last tt
registered to vote In the Second precinct
the Third ward , DES Molnes , taking an oa
that this city was his residence : the aflldavl
also show that last summer Meek was 11
ployed as a reporter on the Register ; th
ho brought his wife nn4 household goo
here , anil remained nearly a year , and dH n
leave until less than elx mouths ago , goli
from DCS Molncs to the .east. Meek Ih
here a long while , where 'he was clerk M
railroad office. He attended college at t
Iowa State university and graduated fro
the law department arfewi years ago. The
Is great objection toihls confirmation fro
the Texas pollticlanar who supported loc
candidates. >
Prnctlcnl Sehoo I.nirury Work.
PIUMGHAH. April 7 , . ( Special. ) Mu
has been said recently about the liberal g
of George W. Schee of Prlmghar to t
schools of O'Brien county. The plan he h
pursued has been to offer prizes to the rui
schools , giving so many hundred della
worth of books to the school having t
largest and most valuable libraries at
certain time. During 1897 he gave for th
purpose about $300 , and this year It has be
increased to $500. As a result every rfchc
In the country has a floe library started , a :
under the etumulus of the last offer Is st
on the Increase. The teachers and pup
give entertainments , socials , etc. , to ral
funds and much Interest has been take
Besides the benefits to be derived from t
reading of the books by the pupils they a
benefited by speaking at the entertalnmca
Besides the gifts to the rural schools. A :
Scheo has presented each town school In t
county with $150 provided the patrons lal
an equal amount. As a result every schc
has now a library of from 200 to luO
volumes. The rural schools , some 150
number , have from twenty-five to 1
volumea each and are constantly adding.
Ofllccr AreChosen. . _
SIOUX CITY , April 7. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The annual meeting of the stoc
holders of the Sioux City , Chicago & Dal
more Railway company was held In Slo
City this afternoon. The election of ofQce
and directors resulted cs follows : T.
Gere , president ; F. A. Seaman , vice | ) fe <
dent ; A. L. Stetson , treasurer ; F. C. Hll
secretary ; directors , M. Dlmmltt , Shelb
vlllc. Mo ; E. G. Barker , Des Molncs , Ii
D. C. Shull. A. VanWagenen and F.
Wakefleld. Sioux City. The survey of t
line of road from Sioux City to St. Lei
has been completed , but the war talk
considered rather a stumbling block for t
commencement of work this spring. T
general Impression among the stockholder
however , Is that the future of the ro
looks very bright.
Death from Ani > li > xlntlon.
OEDAR RAPIDS , la. , April 7. ( Spec
Telegram ) Yesterday at noon Thom
Doshan and wife , an aged couple who II
alone , we're found In their home In an u
conscious condition from breathing isoapl
coal gas. Mr. Boshan died today , but 1
wlfo will recover. 'Mr. ' Boshan was
Bohemian count who was compelled to t
from his native country many years ago 1
cause of the part he took In the Prague rlo
Ho died in poverty.
Sfiitonocil ( or Forgery.
CHEROKEE , la. , April 7. ( Speclal.- )
the district court hero N. H. Knopf , a 1
Insurance agent , was sentenced to the p <
Itentlaiy for a terra of/coo jear for forge
Knopf laving forgcdothb name of R ,
Gray , a Larrabeo banker , to a note :
JSO and negotiated the tame with a Cherol
broker. Knopf is raid tot bo well conned
la Chicago. ( I
Icmn 1'eroonnl XotcH.
Adjutant General Dycfs Is arranging
move his family from Glenwood to I
Molncs. cr
Prof. F. S. Iloblrsonlhas Just been elecl
for the eighth year ag , principal of t
schools In Brooklyn. , > c
Mayor Quick of Stoux City attended 1
funeral of his slster < :4a Marshalltonn I
day before his Inauguration.
Frank Mcdearls of Glldden was made vi
sick last week by Infilling the fumes
dynamite used In bldiain rock.
Prof. 'A. ' C. Rcss of Osage has Just tak
charge of his work as deputy state super
tendent of public Instruction.
William Kramer , formerly of the Mont
mln hotel , Sioux City , will lease and i
the A born house , Des Molncu.
Hugh Rclnlg of Grlawold and Mies Zela
Osborne of Atlantic were married a few d :
ago and will etart at once on a tour
Captain M. C. Goodrell , U. S. N. , at pr
ent flag captain of marines with the w
tihlps at Key West , was formerly a realdi
of Dee Molnce.
C. G. McCarthy , state auditor of Iowa , 1
gone to Hampton Roads to bid farewell
his son , who Is a cadet on the battle" ;
Chaplain McCabe Is to deliver an addr
in Sioux City June 2 oa the occasion of I
dedication of new bulldlns for Morning
Bldo college. He will speak In a tent pea'.ln
2,600 person * .
Lieutenant W. S. Hughes , U. S. N. , wh
has been In charge of the hydrographlc oftlc
In San Francisco , but has been ordered t
report for duty In New York , Is a son of i
prominent resident of Marshalltonn.
lown. I're Co lit in rut.
Cedar Rapids Republican : The proposal t
abandon the state fair for this jear Is
good proposition. People who wish to attcn
a show tdls year will go to Omaha.
Ida Grove Era : Everybody must admi
tfcat It would have been hard for Govcrno
Shaw to find three men wlio would hav
nlven better f-ntlafactlon than the appoint
mcnts ho made for the Board .of Contro
Ho has set a high mark anil If the boar
alwajs consists of such men It will mtk
cue of the state's rlcucnt blessings.
Atlantic Tclcgrartj ; There Is one thin
which can be truthfully said of the low
legislature which has just adjourned , an
that Is thot It lias been economical to th
uttermost In appropriations , the entire ai
proprlatlona hardly reaching $350,000 and >
pcnses have been cut In every place whet
H was possible to apply the knife , awl It I
not beyond possibility that they have pare
a little too clcecly In some places , but tin
was wCnt the people demanded and the
followed Instructions.
Des Molnea Register : Iowa's Mlsslfilpi
river cities have done more than veil 1
thin spring's city elections. The republics !
carried Keokuk and Butllngtou , the cltlzctu
ticket was elected at Dubiuiueltnd the doim
crats were only part'ally successful at Davet
port , PS In Heated by tfae fact that the n
publicans elected the alderman In the forme
strongest democintlc ward in that clt :
There has bsen some pulling apart on th
part of Davenport republicans for severe
months past , but they can and thould com
together for the greater cctitest of the year.
( Continued from First Page. )
the mere offer of one unaccepted by tb
Cubans , whatever might be the part It woiil
play In the sentiment of outside pc\\on
would not , In his opinion , change our att
tudo In any way.
Assistant Secretary Day , after a confei
cnco with the president this morning , sal
ho expected Consul General Leo would Icav
Cuba by Saturday. He said the American
on ttie Island weco being gotten off rapid !
and about Saturday , he believed , the altut
tlon would permit General Lee to vacat
bin post acd return to the United States.
Up to late in the afternoon there had no
been any Important development bearing o
the situation. President McKlnley an
nounced to Fomo of his callers that he re
carded his message to congress as a close
document , unless there Is an unexpccte
radical change on the existing situation.
Representative Grosvenor said that unles
there was a revision of the facts , which h
did not deem at all probable , there woul
be no revision of the president's mesaagt
Mr. McKlnley he said was conscious of th
criticism passed on the administration fo
the delay , but he expected It would follo\ \
despite the actual facts of the danger thrcal
enlp our people on the Island. Up to 1
o'clock four members of the cabinet and As
slstcnt Secretary Day had been with th
president. They were Secretaries Shermat
Long and Bliss and Attorney General Griggi
Representative Alexander of New York nr
Representative Livingstone of Gcorg !
brought parties of friends on a sigh
seeing trip. The White House , howeve
_ waa closed all day and colya few porsot
gained admission to It. A largo delegitlc
of Pennsylvania school tdichcrs , who a
rived last night , were on hand bright ai
early , but had to go away unsatisfied.
Representative Taylor of Ohio , one of tl
McKJnloy personal adherents In the hotis
talked over the situation with the preside !
and later stated his belief to be that the
was no present'outlook for a change In tl
situation before the message goes In Mo :
day. Representatives Havvley of Texas fli
Simpson of Kansas both saw the prestdci
on peramal matters. Senator Elklns ma <
his usual call. Representative Stcele <
Indiana , who was at the Whlto House for
little while , but did not see the preslden
expressed his opinion that Spain would yle
to the United State ; .
Secretary Gage arrived shortly before not
and joined his colleague ? . While they we :
together Commander Bradford , chief of tl
Naval Bureau of Equipment , was sun
moned and ushered Into the meeting to gli
sugestlons. Secretary Long and Oomm'indi
Bradford remained with the president for
few hours and then left.
Four 'Murderer * Kiicnpo Jnll.
MAUYSVILI.E , Kan. , April 7. This afte
noon four prisoners confined In the ci
Jail murdered the jailer , B. C. Batterso
nnd made their e ° cape. A pos e his be <
formed at Marjsvlllennd It Is pursuing tl
1all breakers , who escaped from to\n <
Strlkrrw * rreo | to IlcCnrn.
LEWISTON , Me- . , April 7. All but twcn
of the strikers at the Androscoggln cotU
mills have agreed to return to work , at
the Ptrlko which has prevailed for elev (
weeks Is at an nd. Those who refused
go ta work will find employment elsewher
Saturday Mxlit , Aurll O Smulny At
criiooii , April 1O UiiHtcr Mutliicc.
New York Production
Miss Marie Louise Cluncacr. 1'rlma Doni
Soprano Mr. Mnrlo Iltmlek , Viol ila Gamin ,
Selected program latest muflcal mneltli
Ilerr Theodor Hocli , greatest eornetlst In t
rrucnS first floor , SOcj balcony , 35c nnj M
pallery , 23c. Matinee price * , 25c nnd 3Jc.
Beats now on sale.
Pour MK ! > < * CoiiiniciicInR Sinuln
. \irll 1O.
Realism Heallied The Magnificent Melodrar
Masterpiece ,
The Pay Train.
Two Tons of Special scenery nnd Mas lv <
Mechanism hparkllnn Specialties
Cte\er Company.
VIUCKS 10c-2te-SOc.
beats now on Kile ,
SUHKTV IIO\DSloue t Hntcn.
All surety bonds executed at my office ,
JAM. N. CAS 11)Y , JII. ,
1530 Mnln Street Council ninfl
land * ( or ial * or rent. l > * jr * Hen. U Pet
i.A\nionn SHOT nv MIS TEXAXT.
Latter Wni Anitcrcil l r nn Attempt to
Eject Him.
LAXCASTnn , Pa. , April 7. Duvld D.
Landls , president ot tlio Contetoga National
bank , and ono of the leading citizens ot this
city , was shot and kilted this morning by
Ilaltfj W. Wlrback , who la extensively
known throughout the country as a maker
ot a patent medicine bearing bis name- .
The tragedy resulted from an effort of
Lniulls to dispossess Wtrback , who rented n
house from Landls last jcar with the t > rlvl-
lego of renewing the lease If the house wno
rot sold. Landls , however , sold the hoimc
before January 1 and notified Wlrbuck , who
maintained that ho had the privilege of re-
rentlnR and positively refused to vacate.
riocccdlnRs were begun to dispossess him ,
but ho had prepared himself by sending his
family away and nnlllm ; the doors and windows
dews and otherwise barricading the en
trance. Two constables attempted to eject
him , but Wlrback took refuge In the garret.
Ho asked for a conference , and rciiutstcd
that the constables < < eiid for Mr. Landl'1. '
His request was compiled with.
Mr. Landla came over to the house , nnd
accompanied the tno to ECC Wlrback. lie
had not ascended more Uian two steps of
the garret vvhcu a terrific report was heard
and Landls fell back Into Constable Or.icf's
anrs , the whole top of his head havlcig been
blown off. Nothing was necn of Wlrback.
He had removed the door to the garret and
nailed boards over the opening and Is en
trenched behind thli barricade. The houee
Is surrounded by officer * and a wildly ex
cited crowd , but no effort has jet be ci
made to capture the murderer. This , It Is
feared , cannot bo accomplished without
further loss of life.
AX TALKS TO Till : SlljVnil MHX.
\inrrloii Equally liniiortntil
vtltli TrorliiK Culm.
INDIANAPOLIS , 1ml. , April 7. An audi
ence of between 5,000 and 0,000 people
greeted W. J. Urjan at Tomllnson hall to
night , when the second convcutlon of the
League of Dlmctalllc clubs of the Ohio val-
lev ended. Samuel E. 'Morsse of this city
DresUlcd. Ex-Congressman Tow no spoke
and II. S. Tajlor of Chicago read an original
Mr. Ilrvan was tendered an ovation. Ho
spoke for an hour and a h-ilf , mainly on the
currency questloti. Ho touched upci ! the
Cuban question casually. He said that his
life has all been spent since the war and
that ho has aluajs hcaril It Insinuated that
the democrats wore not as patriotic as they
nhould be. Ho v/as sure that the patriotIsm -
Ism of democrats had been demonstrated In
the Cuban situation. Ho commended the
courao of Consul General Lee In the highest
terms. "Whllo vvo are talking about free
ing Cula. " said he , "let us not forget that
wo have a work to do In freeing America. "
At G o'clock Mr. Drjan and other prom
inent visitors were given a reception by the
Commercial club and Hoard of Trade , when
Mr. Drvan , Chalrnwn Towtie and George
Fred Williams snoko to the business men.
Mr. Williams said that the Invltaton to
soeak before a commercial club was ono
that would not be extended to him In New
England , owing to his beliefs on the money
The convention first decided upon Lexing
ton , Ky. . as the place for next year's meet-
Insr. but the vote was reconsidered and
Louisville. KY. . was chosen.
Fnrttirr AK re lon Ity PntvciOt IM
Cliliin. HntiRorotin.
VANCOUVER , D. C. . April 7. The Chucrt
Ilnon , A Japanese newspaper , given an ln
( cresting Interview with Count Itagakl , con *
Mdcred the best authority on International
affairs In the Orient , with reference to tha
course that Japan should adopt In foreign ,
affairs at the present juncture. Ho said thai
an alliance with England was "the aim tor
which the nation' * attention should bo .
directed , for , It further aggression wcra * y-
practlced at China's expense , Its resentment * .
against foreigners would bo aggravated to
such an extent 'that the peace of the fat !
east could not long be preserved.
Nens from the Orient states that by
serious fire In Toklo 1,111 houses wcr
dcetrocd , resulting In death and accident *
to natives. The fire started In the ll.miklcho
theater , and , owing to a defect h > the watcrf
system , fifteen streets were cleaned out.
The fire was lacemllary. Avttaginj ten to a
house , a reasonable average , there were 11 ,
100 people rendered homeless bj Toklo's big
fire. A flro Jestrojcd thc.Mod > khana hospital
for plague patients. Of the ninety-eight
patients only six lost their lives. On the
iOth of March another fire In Toklo destrojedl
113 moro bulldlnga , among them the medical
college of the Impeilal university.
Holme r ir at UuootiMou n.
QUEENSTOWN , April 7. A dense fog
envelops the south of Ireland today. It la
supposed the steamer Germanic , Captain
McKlnstry , ftom Now Yoik , on March .10 ,
for Liverpool , nnd the steamer Wacsland ,
Captain Ehoff. from Philadelphia on March
27 , for Liverpool , which passed Hochcs Point
jesterday , passed Queenstouci unseen.
MliliulNtoiu * IN Hotter. *
HAWAUDEN , April 7. Mr. Gladstone was
feeling suillclcntly well today to takeM
stroll In the garden.
lIlllMOM UlNOIIIIIlt Itllto. *
LONDON , April 7. The Hank ot England
has Increased Its rate of discount from 3
to 4 per cent.
TIIMP ! Aliroiul
NEW. YOHIC , April 7.-Tho fn'.lliiir oft lit
the pisscnger lists ot ths outgoing trnns-
ntlnntlc fitcnmers has been so marked In
the Inat two week-l ni to muse no little re-
maik. According to C. A. Urlitcoin , Jr. . o
the American Hup , the minutled interna
tional conditions have 'nad a most depress
ing effect on travel. ApproxImUuly .
only oaic ininiter of tin- estimated number
of pisMengers , Judging fram previous jtirp ,
ho said , s.illed on the St. Louis jciterdiy.
The future bookings showed even greater
1 railing oIT.
I'riiHt niiniiiucM rrult tiiKl llrrrloM.
CHATTANOOGA , Tonn , April 7. UcporiH jf
recelv l from all over Tennessee , north '
Alilnm.i and north Georgia , show that the
damage done to the fruit and bony i-ropsi
bj- the frosts of Tuesday and last night vvnn
very heavy. In many sections the penclv
crop was entirely killed and the berry crop
cut In half , liirly wgetnbles were killed
nearly ovcrywhero. The less will amount
to many thou ° ind of dollars ,
CoiiNiil IH Detnlnoil.
NCW YOUK. Api II 7. Solomon Ucrllner ,
who was appointed Unltc-d States consul at
Tcnerlffe , Canary Islnnd" , a Spanish pos-
bes ion , February 2S , and > vas to hav a
ealled for his post today , ins detained al-
mo t at the last moment by a dlspitch
from the State dcpirtment. Assistant
Secretary Day telegraphed him not to le ivo
New York until ho lecelvcd further In-
U.VCLK Avr.RYi "Talk about your entry book-kecpin' , Jed , what do they e1
when they lose their books ? IIcv kept my affairs on this door for fifty years. When 1
begun haulm1 Londonderry down to the bottlin' house , I used one horse. Now it
takes sixteen , and four men to drive. There it all is , and you don't hev to post it (
nuther. Wife savs I shan't hev one of them jailer-haired type girls , so if business keep *
pickin' up , will hev to build sx new door on the dcttcr side , nnd use this for the calf pet *
Folks-say those little bottles of water ore settin" in the drug store windows in Cnlifornji
My old father would say'I told ) ou so. ' llcalwn > s stuck by great for the kidncjs. "
War or Peace ?
M of the great strides of Civilization liavo boon over Ucail mon's bodlci.
Our own national existence the right of helf-Kovernment , commercial hide *
pemlcnce , n large part of our tcrritoty , aud the abolition of slavery , nil were gain
ed at the point of the sword.
Humanity's gains tin ough Peace and War cannot too determined , however ,
from the history of a blnglo nation or n single epoch. -
The history of the whole wet Id. must bo studied lu weighing the victories o
Peace against those of War. | , _ ,
For this study a single work suffices.
RIdpnth's History of the Woild covers the whole Held so thoroughly that a
single reading brings the complete stoiy of human life utiVl human achievements
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No ono who wLMioa to respect his own opinions In these stirring times ,
should fall to read this greatest of hlstoiies.
8 Massive Volumes 6,500 Pages 4,000 Illustrations.
Megenth Stationery Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Inclosed find 11 for membership In the History
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By Joining the Megeath History Club NOW you secure a set at half price
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Specimen pages , illustiatlons , maps , charts , testimonials and full informa
tion sent free. i
BSr ; 103 rnt to - 5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
lip Miule for Trnile COUNCIL
; .ho es Denlern Who AiuirfeluU- Good Smoke. John G. Woodward & Co. , BLUFFS , IOWV